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Digital Marketing is a marketing component that uses internet to promote or market a product or service of a business. In the nutshell, it refers to any marketing strategies used on electronic devices. In the process of performing Digital Marketing, a business would typically leverage websites, search engines, blogs, social media, videos, email and many such similar channels to reach the customers. The present blog takes you through everything you need to know about Digital Marketing.
Need for Digital Marketing in 2021
The term ‘Digital Marketing’ was first used in the early 1990s. In 1995, the worldwide internet users reached 16 million. Then, in 1996, the Americans were reported to spend an average time of 30 minutes online. Later on, in 1998, Google was officially launched. This was when the digital age took off with advancements in internet and the development of Web 1.0 platforms.
In a world administered by Technology, Marketing Strategies have evolved to better connect the customers and businesses. Say for example in early 1990s, customers used to visit a store and make a product purchase. However, with the increased use of social media platforms, the customers are now able to make a purchase online. This has further fueled the demand for marketers to ensure strong Digital Media presence and connect with the customers.
Read more about the components, careers and scope of Digital Marketing here
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Creating a Website was difficult with lengthy codes, Java Scripts and HTML tags earlier. However, today with the advancements in Technology, it merely takes hours for anyone to set up and create a website. For Example, One can create an effective website using WordPress CMS, Wix Software with mere drag and drop tasks. In this blog, I’ll discussing about setting up a live website using WordPress.
Create a Domain Name
Before setting up a website, it’s really important for a business to have a precise yet engaging Domain Name. Domain Name is basically the name of a website appears after the ‘.com’ extension on Google. In simple, it is what everyone sees in the URL bar. Websites with a professional domain name can have a better brand image than those that don’t. Now that, you understood what Domain Name is, here are a few Pro Tips to get a customer-centric domain name.
15 Pro Steps to Creating a Domain Name on GoDaddy
Create an account on GoDaddy at, login to your account
Navigate to the Search Bar and enter a Domain Name that’s relevant to your Niche
If your desired Domain Name is available, great, go ahead and add the Domain Name to your Cart
Even if your Domain Name is unavailable, GoDaddy’s smart suggestions tool helps you with relevant keyword ideas
Add your Domain Name to your cart now (Continue to Cart option available right behind the Search Bar )
This re-directs you to the next page and you can select the ‘No Thanks’ option here
Scroll domain and enable the ‘Start your website for Free’ option
Navigate down, click on the ‘Continue to Cart’ option available at the right side of the page and check out
Now, take a look at the product package plans and select the one that aligns your interests
We highly recommend you to bag the ‘Domain Registration for 1 year’ for now, as you can always renew it later
Continue reading the full article here SET UP A WEBSITE USING WORDPRESS
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7 अख्शरो का शब्द है जिंदगी मगर हजारों है तेरे नाम जिंदगी।जिंदगी एक उलझी सी पहेली है। पहली सांस से जो आखिरी मुस्कुराहट थी उसके बीच जो वक़्त था उसका नाम है जिंदगी। बिना टिकिट के किया जाने वाला सफर होता है जिन्दगी। मां के हाथ के खाने का निवाला है तू जिंदगी, टीचर के दंडो का प्यार है तू जिंदगी ,पापा के आंखों मै ख्वाहिश से जगमगाता शहर है तू जिन्दगी,दोस्त के साथ बिताए हर पल का नाम है तू जिंदगी। कितनी खूबसूरत होती है ना जिंदगी दुख सुख सब झेला है हमने। जिंदगी का सफर एक rollar coaster से कम नहीं होता उत्तार चढ़ाव तो बने ही रहता है। गिरा कर चलना सिखाया रुला कर हस्ना सिखाया वो नाम है तू जिंदगी। चलिए देखते है जिंदगी के कुछ खास पहलू।
वो पहला दिन स्कूल का मनमाना तो नही�� पर qabool था। तीन साल के थे हम जब हम पहली बार स्कूल गए थे कितना रोया था कि नहीं जाएंगे। पहला दिन हम छोटे से स्कूल ड्रेस मै दो चोटी बनाए पूरा घर घूमे थे। स्कूल जाते ही वो लडको का नीला Pokemon बैग और लड़कियों का पिंक barbie बैग। स्कूल पहुंचते ही देखा मा को गर्दन मोढ़ कर तो वो जा चुकी थी हमें स्कूल chodh कर गुस्सा थे हम सब मम्मी पर लकिन सिसकियों मै भी मम्मी का ही नाम था। अब साथ मै बेंच मै मिला हम सब को हमारे जिंदगी का पहला दोस्त नाम क्या है पूछ कर हमने की शुरुवात और वैसे ही बन गया स्कूल हमारा दूसरा घर। अब हम रोते हुए नहीं हस्ते हुए आते थे टीचर कॉपी ना चैक करले बस इस बात से घबराते थे। टीचर के मुंह से ‘this is the worst class I have ever seen’ से ‘we will miss you’ तक का सफर तय किया था हमने। कॉपी complete krne से प्रोजेक्ट बनाने तक बहुत नखरे किया करते थे। याद है वो पहला बोर्ड कितना डरे थे इस बोर्ड सब्द से। वो आखिरी दिन हमने सब बहुत रोया था क्या जाने कब मिलेंगे हम बोलकर स्कूल को अलविदा किया था।
एक दिन अचानक aaisa हुआ की एक पुरानी किताब मिली पन्नों के बीच में एक सूखी गुलाब मिली फिर से चेहरे पे वो मुस्कान खीली फिर याद आया कि कभी इसी गुलाब को देख खूब मुसकुराती थी।स्कूल के वो दिन थे मै 11th मै और वों 12th में याद आया कि बस एक भोली सी हस्सी देखने के लिए उसके क्लास के सामने दस्तक देती काफी स्पैशल रहता है पहला प्यार ,जो लड़की uuhi चली जाती वो अब आंखों मै सूरमा और मानो आईना के दर्शन यूहीं 100 बार करती थी। Aaisa लगता था मानो वो शाहरुख और मै काजोल। रोज़ assembly मै देखना और छुप छुप कर निहारना मानो रोज़ का काम hogya था। Aaisa लगता था मानो सब रोमांटिक मूवी मेरे पे ही बनी हो। Hogya सफर इसका भी ख़तम जब जब स्कूल से निकले वो अपनी राह पे मै अपने राह पे। आज भी मुस्कान आजाती है यह बात सोच कर कि क्या क्या किया करते थे इस पहले इश्क़ पर।
12th के बाद आखिकार इतने सबर और मशक्त के बाद घर से दूर आज था कॉलेज का पहला दिन मानो अंदर emotions कि लेहर दौढ़ रही हो मन बेचैन था और अलग ही घबराहट थी। अब जीवन कि नई पहलू शुरू होगी डर भी उतना ही लग रहा था कि क्या होगा कैसे होगा कैसे लोग मिलेंगे पहला इंप्रेशन कैसे होगा क्लासरूम मै जाते ही सब बच्चो के चेहरों पे अलग उत्साह क्लास शुरू हुआ faculty से इंट्रो हुए। कॉलेज के गार्ड से लेकर कैंटीन तक ,हॉस्टल की वार्डन से लेकर सारे faculty तक सबसे जुड़ गया था एक अलग रिश्ता यही डर और खुशी के पहले दिन से आखिरी दिन कॉलेज का सफर कैसे ख़तम होगया पता ही नहीं चला। जान से भी ज्यादा प्यारे दोस्त मिले और आखिरी दिन हम सब मिलते रहेंगे बोलकर अलविदा कह दिए।
ख़तम हुए सफर कॉलेज का अब शुरुवात करनी थी अपनी नई जिंदगी पहला जॉब अब यह डर था कि मिलेगी नौकरी प्राइवेट या गवर्मेंट। तो शुरू hogya competitive exams कि तैयारी में। इतने माशकत के बाद मिल तो गई नौकरी प्राइवेट जो आज है कल नहीं। जॉब मै बॉस के डाट से वो दादा के चाय तक यह सफर चलता रहा कभी इंक्रीमेंट मिला तो कभी देक्रेमेंट। जिंदगी मानो dhere सी hogyi थी कुछ शुरुवात के साल पूरा दिन कहा जाता था पता ही नहीं चलता था सुबह 9 बजे से शाम 5 बजे तक ऑफिस मै ही गुजतेटे थे। क्या खुश हुए थे ना जब पहले बार फोन मै मेसेज आया था कि आपकी पहली salary ट्रांसफर करदी गई है। खुशी से मा को कॉल करके बताया इस दिन खुशी कि बात ही अलग थी मानो राहत की और अपनी मेहनत की पहली कमाई थी उस दिन पता चला कि पापा को कैसे लगता था। जल्दी से ऑफिस से निकले दुकान गए मा के लिए कुछ तोहफा लाने अपनी पहली कमाई कि ,उस दिन एहसास हुए क्या होती है मंहगाई। साड़ी लेकर जल्दी से मा के पास वापस लौटे और मा को बुला कर यह कहकर साड़ी दी कि मा लो मेरी पहली कमाई आपके नाम क्या दिन था वो भी मा को इतना खुश कभी नहीं देखा था। मा भी साड़ी लिए हर जगह दिखा रही थी कि मेरे बचे ने पहेली कमाई से साड़ी लाकर दी। Aaise ही चलता रहा यह नौकरी का सफर कब 30 साल गुजर गए पता भी नहीं चला।
नौकरी करते करते ही घर वालो ने बोला शादी का क्या सोचा है अब उमर बढ़ रही थी हमने भी हां कर दिया। अब शादी सबके जिंदगी का important हिस्सा होता है भले ही arrange हो या love, शादी से कुछ दिन पहले मानो आपसे ज्यादा बड़ा स्टार कोई और नहीं। हर जगह खुशियां पूरा घर फूलों से सजा ढोल नाच। और डर तो पूछो मत कि सब कैसे होगा नई जिंदगी नए लोग नया घर। बस आ ही गया वो दिन और इतनी जल्दी सब हुआ कि चला भी गया। Chodh आए मा पापा को। अब नई शुरुवात थी जिंदगी कि अब वो सुबह 12 बजे तक सोने वाली लड़की को सुबह 8 बजे उठना था। सबको पहचाने मै भी थोड़ी देर लगी मगर आखिर कार कुछ समय मै सब आसान हो गया हो। अब सबको लेकर चलना था सबको खुश रखना था उस दिन फिर से जिंदगी ने सिखाया कि मां को कितना कुछ करना पड़ता था। बस aaise ही चलती रही जिन्दगी कभी खुशी तो कभी गम। Let’s end this on a filmy note:-
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Everyone of us know iron man. He is a fictional character who has emerged as a superhero in Marvel comics. The role of iron man is played by Robert Downey Jr. as Tony stark. Iron man is one amongst the avengers who creates the suit of armor and adds weapons to protect the world.
At the end of Avengers Endgame, Iron Man makes a sacrifice and saves the world from Thanos. Everyone was so sad that Tony Stark is no more, also being a marvel fan and loosing Tony Stark was like heartbreak for everyone.
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Akrasia, if that sounds like greek to you, well that’s because it is. Why don’t we follow through on what we set to do about it?Akrasia is when you do one thing even though you know you should do something else. It is what prevents you from following through on what you set. For example a student have to complete and submit his assignment in a week but apart from doing assignment, he prefers doing other things this is Akrasia Effect. It is the state of mind where we have all the details and information to make a proper decision, yet decide not to do. Akrasia is procrastination combined with a lack of self-control.
Let’s take an example, In summer of 1830 victor hugo, an author was facing an impossible deadline. Twelve months ago, hugo had promised his publisher a new book, but instead of writing he spent the year pursuing other project entertaining guests and delaying his work. Hugo came out of a strange plan to beat his procrastination (काम टालना ). He collected all his clothes and asked assistant to lock his clothes and he was left nothing to wear except shawl. Lacking of clothes to go outdoor he remained in the study room and wrote a book before the deadline.
Why not writing a book and then put it off for over a year? Why do we make plans, set deadlines, and commit to goals, but then fail to follow through on them? When the time comes to make a decision, however, you are no longer making a choice for your future self.
Mainly there are two types of akrasia effects, the first is active procrastination i.e. making use of the procrastination to work or create a pressure to complete a task and second one is passive procrastination i.e. not able to work under the pressure of procrastination. Though most of us are passive procrastinators, we yet choose to delay our work.
So, here are a list of techniques through which we can fight akrasia or procastination :-
. Make a list
. Set deadlines
. Give yourself small rewards
. Schedule your working times
. Create an environment of working
. Set your goals and focus
Human beings have been procrastinating for centuries even profolic artist have distractions of daily life. This is one reason why the ability to delay things is such a great predictor of success in life. Even though it seems like your brain is working against you, there is a way to train yourself to be patient and disciplined. Well, because starting is hard to remind yourself to reach the end goal, remember, you really need to prepare and plan before you set a goal and be honest about what you really want. There are hundred of successful studies that show how implementation make a positive impact on your attictude. The way you apply implementation increases your likelihood to perform a task by 2 times to 3 times. It’s easier to live our life with enkratiea rather than akrasia.
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What according to you can be a happy cheerful day? There is hardly any human being who has never gone through ups and downs in their life. Life is full of incidents both good and bad. Some of them can be forgotten, but few lasts in our mind for forever. Happiness is an ability one can have. Happiness is very important in everyone of our lives and it’s our responsibility to make our day happy.
A happy day includes appreciating, achieving or desiring for small things. For a 6 year child, his happiness will be getting his own bicycle and riding his bicycle for a whole day. For a housewife, her no working day at home might give happiness. One can leave a day to its fullest, but it could be also fun to sit around alone thinking about yourself shutting the intrusive world doing nothing.
For few, spending time with friends with a big smile on our face can give us great sense of satisfaction, for a few playing music there can make them happy and there are a lot and lots of things that can make people happy. At times, just the attention of our dear person can make our day. For a foodie, eating all day their favorite food can bring happiness.
So, at the end, creating happiness is the key for everything. Finding happiness in small things can make your every day a happy day. However, at times, it’s the people around you who makes your day happy. It’s just that we have to see the positive aspect of everything and live your life to the fullest. Every day is a new day and even if something was wrong yesterday, we can get it right today. So it’s very important to start our day in a really good way.
A wise man once said, ‘Concentrate on what you think and attract what you concentrate on.’ So even if someday, you don’t feel like being happy, then pretend to be happy, try to think about the things that make you happy. Make every day happy by adding small things that make you happy. The Mantra for living a peaceful life is to find happiness in small things and always wear a beautiful smile.
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North East India the most beautiful part of our country and we can experience mountains, rivers, different religions and many more North East India consists of 8 beautiful states and they are as follows-
Arunachal Pradesh
Satariya and Manipuri’s Dance is world famous and is also known for famous bands, cultural foods and etc. Arunachal Pradesh is known as the ‘Land of Dawn Lit Mountains’ and is also known as the ‘Orchid State’ because of the wide range flower collections. Arunachal Pradesh is the largest of the seven sisters state and is between Nagaland and Assam.
It is very famous for its rice beer and staple food, fish. Dried Bamboo shoots are used very often and the people in Arunachal Pradesh follow their own religion. They have naturally gifted artsmen and craftsmen. It also consist of world famous places like Kaziranga National Park, Tawang Monastary, Loktak lake and many more.
Why do we exclude North Eastern Indians from our country? Our media brings the bomb blasts or some bad things into picture but don’t care much about these things. All the news channels are flooded with the flood that came in Bengal, but no media handles brought out the news that people of Assam too are dying due to the floods. The main concern here is North Eastern Indians feel discriminated in their own country. Many successful North Eastern people raised several issues on why Indians don’t accept them as Indians.
It’s high time that we encourage the cultures of North East India, consider them as a part of our country and encourage Equality.
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Kolkata is capital of West Bengal is one of the largest cities in India. The origin of the term Kolkata is from the word Kalikata which means land of lord kali. Kolkata is the ideal place to experience the Bengali Cuisines. Kolkata is best known for the foods and it is incomplete without Kathi Kababs and Muglai food.
Festivals are the other interesting part, Durga Puja in Kolkata is celebrated and the people are most excited about the Pujas they need to perform. The preparations start a month ago and lasts for over 9 days with energy. Shopping, Housing decoration, Dance performances are considered as a must for the Maa Durga’s Puja.
Some facts about Kolkata:
The Great Banyan tree- This banian tree is 200 years old and is located in Botanical Garden, Kolkata.
Kolkata’s Indian Chinese- Kolkata has over 2000 Chinese people staying there of Hakka origin. Kolkata is often known as India’s china town.
Hand Pulled Rickshaw- Kolkata is the only city in India to have a Hand Pulled Rickshaw.
Boi Para- Boi Para is the largest book market in India, from colonial books to new, from second hand books to new books, they have a wide range of collections.
Adda-When you visit Kolkata, you’ll be seeing people gossiping and chit chatting in the evening and these sessions are served with Tea Beguni and different kind of snacks as well.
Polo Club- It has world’s most oldest Polo Club, though polo is not associated with India, it’s still an exception.
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What according to you is perfection? In my opinion, Nothing is Perfect. Everyone commits mistakes and it’s pretty normal for us to commit mistakes. Erasers were discovered after the invention of Pencils to correct something that’s written wrong, in a similar way, apologies are made for the mistakes committed. Everyone commits mistakes, be it a small or big one, no one is born perfect.
No one in this world is born perfect and if there’s room for mistakes, then there is room for opportunities and chances too. Many people consider it as an important thing to commit mistakes as we can get an opportunity to learn things from our mistakes. Remember, if you’re not committing mistakes, your life isn’t going well. It’s always important to take the opportunity of learning from our mistakes and work on them.
There’s nothing wrong in committing mistakes, however, committing the same mistake again and again is something that needs to be worked on. Don’t feel guilt for committing a mistake, instead consider it as an opportunity to learn from the mistakes and ensure it doesn’t get repeated. Fall in love with your imperfections, flaws and admit the fact that not everyone or everything is perfect.
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Making friends online nowadays is really common and fun. According to few reports in 2012, 57% people started making friends online. People started making friends on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and on many more applications. They feel more connected to online friends and share their daily lives. However, it would be difficult for any person to establish trust when connecting online.
What makes someone connect with you? They talk, listen to you, understand you and support you in every situation. It can be a long distance or short distance relationship, the ability to understand others matters. There is nothing wrong in connecting with people online, in fact, it helps you in knowledge sharing and rapport building. However, there’s a probability that you might be isolated from the outside world and restrict yourself to online in the process of connecting with people online.
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