#Tiffany Ap
biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Egg freezing and storage remains shockingly analog—and ripe for disruption Technology for in vitro fertilization has existed since the 1970s, but it wasn’t until 2014 that the American Society of Reproductive Medicine said it no longer viewed egg freezing as an experimental technology. Read more... https://qz.com/egg-freezing-and-storage-remains-shockingly-analog-and-1850051031
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nuzzle · 1 year
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breakfast at tiffany's, along with afternoon tea. had the pleasure of indulging in the most delicious finger sandwiches ever! the pastries were so soft and buttery smooth, they made for a perfect snack. i would have much preferred to wear a tiffany blue coord for the occasion, but all of my sax items were quite a few shades too light in comparison.. maybe next time!
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vixlenxe · 2 years
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“... Wait what? I am not pretty. Can we not talk about this while I’m trying to get used to this new scythe?”
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fearepixeuhv · 1 year
Let's gooooo
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hannahmanderr · 1 year
I see your increasingly eldritch ghost form for Danny, and I raise you:
Phantom who, instead of looking more ghostly, is just a little too much like a human.
Like yeah, everyone knows Danny Fenton can send literal chills up people's spines and they swear they've seen his eyes start to glow in the right light, but have you seen Phantom? Like why isn't his skin green or blue or even deathly white? It's a lot healthier looking than Fenton's, that's for sure.
And just about every ghost that comes through has crazy sharp fangs, but if anything, Phantom's canines are just a little sharper than normal, but really they don't look too different than Wes' when he's on one of his rage induced rants.
Not to mention the physical presence he has in Amity Park. The way he inhabits space just feels different than most other ghosts, as if Phantom is somehow more connected to the physical world. Like why is he opening doors when he can just phase through them?
Kat, who works the after school shifts at the Nasty Burger with Valerie, swears up and down that she's seen him sitting on the roof, eating two or three burgers at a time (and sharing his fries with the little blob ghost family that lives in the dumpsters).
Dale knows for a fact he's seen Phantom talking on a cell phone of all things with someone. Even claims he heard Phantom mention something about playing DOOMED.
Mrs. Greigerit, the tiny old lady who's cashiered at the grocery store since forever, loves to talk about the time Phantom grabbed a few first aid supplies off the shelves after a ghost attack to help a woman and her toddler patch up until EMS arrived. According to her, he knew exactly how to work with these things meant to heal humans, and he even left a crumpled handful of human cash on her counter to pay for the supplies before he disappeared.
Amity Park notices, just like they notice the strangeness that surrounds Danny Fenton. But really, maybe it's just AP weirdness finally rubbing off on Phantom.
Everyone brushes it off until Jack and Maddie Fenton do the unthinkable and offer their help to Phantom after a particularly nasty fight.
"We saw him there, and... we saw just another person who needed help," Jack tells Tiffany Snow later that day. "A kid who could've been going to school with mine. What else were we supposed to do?"
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cmesinic · 43 minutes
Tiffany is Wisconsin’s very own MTG, sh*t stirrer.
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year
This is the AU I was talking about where Chucky is Death and Tiffany falls in love with him. It’s darker than my usual fanfictions, it involves child death and (for the first time) descriptions of death; suicide and murder, but I felt compelled to write it. Trigger warnings if any of those topics affect you, I totally understand if this fic isn’t for you. But if you do read it, I hope you enjoy it, because despite the dark subject matter, I really loved writing it.
Tiffany was twenty years old when her mother died. She was in the room when it happened, standing by her frail, sick mother’s bedside, clutching her paper-white, shaking hand in her’s, listening to the rasping, slowed breathing emanating from the older woman’s struggling chest and lungs. She was the only other person in the room, but then, she saw him. 
He was slender, and immensely pale, with the most striking thing about him being his bright blue eyes. Inky black tendrils of curly hair reached down to his shoulders, framing his thin face. He was dressed all in black, with a black silk shirt and a black trench coat that billowed around his waist as he crept with catlike movements across the room. He didn’t acknowledge Tiffany, who was gazing at him in shock and awe. Instead, he went to Tiffany’s mother, Victoria, and gently took her other hand, shaking her awake just as Tiffany felt the life leave her with her last breath. The man softly called out:
“Victoria, you have to come with me now, it’s time.”
At that moment, Victoria Valentine’s spirit lifted from her body, pure and shining with indescribable joy and relief. She took the man’s hands as he politely nodded at her, then the two drifted into the distance, leaving Tiffany in stunned contemplation.
It had been such a short interaction, barely an interaction at all, but the very moment she set eyes on him, Tiffany Valentine fell in love, and was desperate to see him again. But she didn’t want to die, and it would be inconvenient to wait a long time at a hospital or a retirement home for somebody to naturally die, so that left only one solution to this problem…
Tiffany’s first murder was desperate and mildly sloppy. The victim was her boyfriend at the time, who she had decided to dump in the most brutal way possible in favour of the man she didn’t even know the name of. All she knew was that he had to be Death himself, so murder was the only plausible way to see him again.
The smell of a rotting corpse was an acquired taste, and Tiffany loathed the sensation of hot, sticky blood under her nails, but it was all worth it when he slowly and gracefully entered the room, examine the corpse with morbid fascination. He didn’t look at Tiffany though - something she would have to fix for next time - but it was all worth it just to see him again, to briefly breathe the same air (if he even breathed at all).  She should have felt horrified about taking an innocent human life, but strangely, Tiffany couldn’t bring herself to care.
The next four murders were all about trial and error, trying to discover the best and most efficient methods to kill, and any ways that might make Death notice her as well as the murdered victims. Whilst committing her sixth murder, the brilliant idea struck her to hug the corpse against her own body, arms wrapped around it, forcing Death to touch and acknowledge her as he claimed yet another soul.
When he came, he examined the corpse with the same morbid fascination as he had the other five murders, and then, to Tiffany’s immense delight, he locked eyes with her for the very first time. Death cocked his head to the side, incredibly amused as he teasingly asked:
“Trying to get my attention, are you?”
Tiffany had no words, she simply nodded, breathless, as she felt blood rushing to her cheeks and her heart beating faster. Death’s teasing attitude faded as he softly said:
“Well, you’ve certainly gained my attention, not to mention my approval. Just to clarify, you did this all by yourself?”
Again, Tiffany nodded, causing Death to grin and step closer to her.
“Well done, I can’t say that anybody has killed so many people in order to gain my attention in quite some time - I’m impressed by your dedication, but I still have to wonder… why did you wish for me to notice you in the first place, Tiffany?”
Tiffany gulped nervously and decided to just come out with it immediately:
“I-I think I might love you.”
Death’s face went slack as he stumbled backwards into a wall, shaking his head  as he insisted:
“No- nobody has ever loved me. From the moment of my creation I have been feared, hated even. Children cry if they see me come near, children, young ones who have not yet developed prejudice. If the innocent, untainted minds of young children can find me horrifying to behold, how is it that anybody can truly love me?”
Tiffany’s eyes became steely with resolve as she repeated with much more confidence:
“I love you.”
Death shook his head again, sadly mouthed the word ‘no’ then turned his attention to the dead victim. He didn’t acknowledge her again that day, but Tiffany knew that something was beginning - something strange yet wonderful.
Tiffany killed again and again, and each time she grew more bold, daring to lay out a romantic candlelit dinner for two to share with Death every once in a while. Every time he saw her, Death would politely nod his head, occasionally making awkward small talk, unused to interacting with humans. But this wasn’t enough for Tiffany, she would beg him to stay, beg him to tell her about himself, with her efforts ultimately being in vain nine times out of ten.
But occasionally, if he was in an exceptionally good mood, like today, Tiffany could gently coax some information out of him. As Death politely sipped at a glass of wine, Tiffany asked:
“What is your name?”
The man blinked in genuine surprise, swallowing his mouthful before quietly admitting:
“I was never given one. All I am is Death, so that is what I have become.”
Tiffany suddenly felt extremely indignant on his behalf as she stubbornly insisted:
“Well, everybody needs a name! It’s not right for you to just- just not have one! I can fix this, I can-‘
Death cut her off by raising a hand and staring at her intently, asking:
“How do you intend to ‘fix it’, Tiffany?”
Tiffany frowned for a moment in concentration, before meeting Death’s gaze.
“I’m sure I can think of a name for you, would you like a proper name?”
The man nodded, so Tiffany wracked her brain in order to come up with the right name. Then it hit her. She had been reading David Copperfield earlier that day, a book written by…
“How about ‘Charles’?”
Death smiled at this and nodded.
“Charles? Alright, I like it.”
Emboldened by her success with naming Death, Tiffany slowly leant towards Death - no, Charles now, she had to remember that - and tried to kiss him, only for him to back away and shake his head.
“No, as I’ve already said, nobody loves me. I’m not… entirely indifferent to you, but I can never stay for long, it wouldn’t work. So I beg you, for your own sake, please forget me and live your life, start a family, just stop trying to summon me.”
Tiffany tried a few more times to summon Charles, to talk to him, but he wouldn’t even look at her, focusing solely on gently guiding the recently deceased souls to the afterlife. So, entirely heartbroken, Tiffany decided to take his advice to heart. She stopped killing, giving up on gaining his attention again, and she found a husband - Henry - a kind man who was… sweet… but nothing like Charles. She ached to see him again, and to her surprise, her prayers were answered on her wedding day.
At Tiffany’s wedding reception, an elderly guest had an unexpected heart attack - they didn’t survive. When Charles arrived, he was mildly disheartened to find that he was at Tiffany’s wedding, as he had secretly hoped that she would not take his advice to this extent. But still, he went to find her, in the beautiful, lantern-lit gazebo just outside the reception hall, and he remained civil. He told her:
“You look beautiful.”
Tiffany blushed and said:
“Thank you, Mister Death.”
The man grinned and shook his head, saying:
“No, it’s Charles, remember?”
Tiffany grinned as well, giggling softly. The two stood in silence for a moment, then, in the distance, the wedding band began to play, probably in a desperate attempt to distract from the heart attack. It was a slow dance, and, given that there was nobody else around, Charles shrugged, offered his hand to Tiffany and politely enquired:
“May I have this dance?”
And so, that is what they did - Charles and Tiffany shared their first dance in a small gazebo whilst a crowd of people panicked over an elderly man’s heart attack a few miles away. The dance solidified in Tiffany’s mind the fact that she did not truly love Henry, not as much as she loved Charles, and if she disregarded her ‘husband’, this day could have been her wedding to Charles instead.
For years afterwards, she remembered this day, this one moment of happiness, in her heart, and she dwelled upon it whenever she felt upset. She stuck to his advice and killed nobody else, so she couldn’t see him, but these memories were the next best thing.
A few years after her wedding, Tiffany had two five year old twins. They were the light of her life, and she loved them more than anything. She was a single mother, because poor, unlucky Henry suffered a fatal accident at work (an incident that, surprisingly, did not involve Tiffany). 
Glen and Glenda were wonderful children, and Tiffany was very happy, but with Henry gone, there was nobody to even pretend to fill the hole left in her heart that Charles had left behind. She had resigned herself to never seeing him again, but one day, Glen let out a rattling cough, and Glenda began complaining of dizziness. That night, as she tucked her children into bed, she saw Charles poke his head through the door. Despite her joy at seeing him, a chill ran down her spine.
The next day, the twins were even sicker, and Charles wasn’t even trying to hide his presence, hovering over the twins’ beds, a concerned expression on his face (he always mourned when he had to escort little ones to the afterlife). Tiffany had to go to work, but she didn’t feel comfortable going when Charles - Death himself - was watching over her children and touching them, stroking their hair and giving Tiffany sad, meaningful glances.
But she couldn’t afford to not go, so she told her children:
“I love you both, always remember that.”
The twins were too weak to respond, but Charles whispered:
“They love you too, and they always will.”
Seeing her fear, Charles continued sympathetically:
“They won’t suffer, I always try to numb any pain that children and the very sick experience when it comes time for them to cross over. And I’ll watch over them, I always watch over the little ones who cross over into my realm. They’ll surely miss you, but they will be alright.”
Somehow, this cheered Tiffany up a little, and she went to work in slightly higher spirits. A few hours after she left, Glen and Glenda were able to see Charles, and he crouched down in front of them, taking one of each twin’s hands in his and giving them a reassuring squeeze as he asked them gently:
“Would you like to meet your grandmother? She’s sad that you’re coming so soon, but she’s been looking forward to seeing you.”
Then he stepped back and reached his arms out for a hug. Glen and Glenda looked at each other and nodded, suddenly feeling a lot better, with their coughs and fevers no longer troubling them. They also felt quite weightless, and without a moment’s hesitation, they willingly entered Death’s chilling embrace, feeling content in the knowledge that they would be in no more pain.
Tiffany, despite being reassured by Charles that they would not suffer, took the death of her children quite hard. She had no friends and no real interests outside of caring for her children or… well, death. She didn’t want to keep going, and she wanted to see him again, even it was only one more time for a few brief moments. So she came up with a plan.
She chose one of her favourite movies to watch as she stepped into her bathtub, taking one last swig of wine to give her courage. Then, he appeared, in his black shirt and trench coat, looking at her with a great deal of regret.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
Tiffany nodded, which seemed to solidify the decision in both of their minds. Charles stepped forwards and kneeled down next to the tub, taking her hands in his.
“Then… I’ll stay with you until it happens.”
Tiffany took a deep breath and began to raise her arms towards the television perched on the edge of her tub, hands still clasped in Charles’ icy grip. With his hands on top of her’s, gently guiding her, Tiffany pushed the television into her tub. There was a light shock, and then… weightlessness. Tiffany sort of floated out of the tub, and stood there, in her bathrobe, staring at Charles in disbelief, not quite understanding how she had done it.
Then, there was a tugging on the hem of her robe. Tiffany looked down to see the faces of her children - entirely healthy - beaming up at her. Charles had kept his promise, her babies were happy and healthy. She took a moment to hug the twins and run her hands through their curls, then she kissed them both on the tops of their heads and turned to Charles, who smiled warmly at her.
Tiffany practically ran into his embrace, not caring in the slightest about the chill, and then, for the very first time, he kissed her. It was strange - Tiffany had always heard that the kiss of Death was a horrific thing, but at that moment, it was the most wonderful thing she had ever experienced.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — The way prosecutors tell it, Joseph Bongiovanni went to work for years with a “little dark secret.”
Behind the veneer of a veteran U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent, they alleged, was a turncoat on the take from the Buffalo Mafia, offering an “umbrella of protection” that derailed investigations of his childhood friends, covered for a sex-trafficking strip club and even helped a connected high school English teacher keep his marijuana-growing side hustle.
In a federal trial that began this month, prosecutors portrayed Bongiovanni as a greedy racist who pocketed more than $250,000 in cash-stuffed envelopes over a decade and threw his colleagues off by opening bogus case files and encouraging them to spend less time investigating Italians and more time on Blacks and Hispanics, “n----- and s----” he was alleged to have called them. When authorities finally unmasked him in 2019, he hastily retired and wiped his cellphone clean.
“Sometimes the DEA doesn’t get it right,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Tripi told jurors. “He was able to manipulate everyone because, in law enforcement, there’s a certain amount of trust that’s inherent. He did it under the watch of supervisors who under-supervised him.”
The 59-year-old Bongiovanni has denied the counts of bribery, conspiracy and obstruction of justice that could land him behind bars for life, charges his attorney says are built on lies “so fanciful they don’t just strain credibility, they rip it apart.”
The trial is the latest gut punch to the 4,100-agent DEA, which has seen at least 16 agents brought up on federal charges since 2015, a parade of misconduct that has revealed gaping holes in the agency’s supervision.
The crimes have included child pornography, drug trafficking, leaking intelligence to defense attorneys and selling firearms to cartel associates, an Associated Press analysis found. One carried a “Liberty or Death” flag and flashed his badge outside the Capitol on Jan. 6. Another infiltrated the DEA in Chicago and helped traffickers smuggle thousands of kilos of cocaine from Puerto Rico to New York.
At least three veteran agents are serving prison sentences of a decade or longer, including one who laundered money for cartels in Colombia and spent lavishly on expensive sports cars and Tiffany jewels, and an Arkansas-based agent recorded taking a bribe inside a Las Vegas casino.
The cases, coming amid an epidemic of more than 100,000 fatal drug overdoses a year, often present yearslong headaches for the U.S. Justice Department to determine whether any investigations were tainted when rogue agents betrayed the badge.
“We should not expect to see this much crime in one law enforcement agency,” said Rachel Moran, an associate professor at the University of St. Thomas School of Law in Minneapolis. “The common thread I see here is a lack of oversight and accountability.”
The DEA declined to comment. DEA Administrator Anne Milgram is herself the subject of an ongoing Inspector General inquiry examining whether the agency improperly hired some of her past associates.
Like other DEA scandals, the Bongiovanni case underscores recurring questions about the agency’s hiring standards and ability to root out corruption. Background checks didn’t turn up Bongiovanni’s prior drug use and ties to Italian organized crime in his native Buffalo, prosecutors said, and not a single member of law enforcement was on to him until a trafficker paying for Bongiovanni’s protection was arrested by another agency. “He’s got that little dark secret,” Tripi said.
The trial, expected to last two months, is part of a broader sex-trafficking prosecution that has taken sensational turns, including an implicated judge who killed himself after the FBI raided his home, law enforcement dragging a pond in search of an overdose victim and dead rats planted outside the home of a government witness who prosecutors allege was later killed by a fatal dose of fentanyl.
Bongiovanni was raised in a tight-knit Italian American community in North Buffalo and known as a “door kicker” in the DEA, defense attorney Parker MacKay said, “not the type to sit in front of a computer.”
In his high school yearbook, Bongiovanni said he wanted to be a billionaire. But prosecutors said he went through financial struggles during his two-decade career that made him vulnerable to taking bribes.
His protection ranged from providing an “all clear” assuring trafficker friends they were not on law enforcement’s radar to leaking intelligence and opening fictitious cases that made it appear he was investigating them or relying on them as informants, prosecutors said, a sort of catch-and-kill tactic that prevented other law enforcement agencies from pursuing their own cases. This also positioned Bongiovanni to receive notice any time another agency became interested in one of the targets, a process known as deconfliction.
Bongiovanni also is accused of vouching for criminals, filing bogus reports and swiping a sensitive DEA case file on organized crime that he stored in his basement after his abrupt retirement.
Among the rackets Bongiovanni is accused of protecting is Pharoah’s Gentlemen’s Club, a strip club outside Buffalo described by prosecutors as a haven for drug use and sex trafficking. Bongiovanni was childhood friends with the owner, Peter Gerace Jr., who authorities allege has close ties to both the Buffalo Mafia and the notoriously violent Outlaws Motorcycle Club.
Prosecutors said Gerace had the agent on speed dial for advice when he needed to cover up the overdose of a stripper. The evidence includes a voicemail in which Gerace asks Bongiovanni about tracing a drug dealer’s cellphone. “Is there a way to ping it like police do?” he said, according to court records. “I just want to know if you could do that or not.”
Gerace attorney Mark Foti said his client “denies all charges and looks forward to confronting the government’s evidence at his trial.”
The long list of witnesses in the case includes dozens of federal law enforcement officers and a public school teacher of 30 years who admitted running a marijuana-growing operation while receiving confidential information from Bongiovanni.
Prosecutor Tripi said Bongiovanni had two sets of rules, one for cronies lining his pockets and another for everyone else.
“He did just enough legitimate work to avoid detection,” he said. “He almost got away with it.”
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heatwa-ves · 5 months
DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE AGHHGHH I'll do top 5 from every album because a) I love talking and b) I couldn't possibly choose top 5 overall
take this to your grave - tell this mick, dead on arrival, grand theft autumn/where is your boy, homesick at space camp, postcards from a plane crash
from under the cork tree- dance, dance (specifically the lindbergh remix) sugar we're going down, sixteen candles, I've got a dark alley, nobody puts baby in the corner
infinity on high- this ain't a scene, hum hallelujah, thnks fr th mmrs, bang the doldrums, ginasfs
folie à deux - disloyal order, coffee's for closers, what a catch donnie, 27, tiffany blews
save rock and roll- my songs know, rat a tat, where did the party go, just one yesterday, death valley
american beauty/american psycho - irresistible, novocaine, ab/ap, fourth of july, kids aren't alright
mania- stay frosty, last of the real ones, bishops knife trick, sunshine riptide, wilson
so much for stardust- kintsugi kid, what a time to be alive, heartbreak feels so good, hold me like a grudge, love from the other side
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Walmart's new minimum wage hike points to enduring retail labor crunch Walmart store workers are getting a 17% pay bump thanks to the company’s new minimum wage floor of $14 an hour, the retailer announced on Jan. 24, an indication that service workers are still in short supply.Read more... https://qz.com/walmarts-new-minimum-wage-hike-points-to-enduring-retai-1850025625
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woodsteingirl · 6 months
i think i would honestly like truman capote, if i didn’t have moral qualms with him after in cold blood. like, if the book of his on the ap lang curriculum had been breakfast at tiffany’s instead of in cold blood, i think i would think he was so incredibly funny.
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fearepixeuhv · 2 years
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wentzsmatchacup · 1 year
whats the best and worst song off of each fob album/ep :)
and whats the best and worst song off of each patd album :)
(bonus tracks can be picked but i also want regular tracks picked for each best/worst option too <3)
DISCLAIMER: when I say “best” or “worst,” I mean “favorite” and “least favorite”
EOWYG: best: The World’s Not Waiting or Honorable Mention worst: Short Fast and Loud
TTTYG: best: Chicago Is So Two Years Ago worst: maybe Reinventing The Wheel?
FUTCT: best: Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying worst: 7 Minutes In Heaven
IOH: best: The Carpal Tunnel Of Love worst: It’s Hard To Say I Do When I Don’t
Folie: best: Tiffany Blews worst: agh- I guess 20 Dollar Nosebleed
SRAR: best: The Mighty Fall or Where Did The Party Go worst: aaaa I can’t choose- maybe My Songs Know…
PAX AM Days: best: Caffeine Cold worst: The Art Of Keeping Up Disappearances
Lake Effect Kid: best: Super Fade (I’m forever A Super Fade lover idec what u say) worst: City In a Garden
AB/AP: best: Novocaine or The Kids Aren’t Alright Worst: Centuries (it’s not the worst, I’ve just heard it so much it’s my least favorite to hear)
MANIA: best: Bishops Knife Trick worst: Champion
SMFS: best: Fake Out or So Much For Stardust worst: I wanna go with easy and say the Pink Seashell, but if it’s SONG song, then Heartbreak Feels So Good
AFYCSO: best: Camisado worst: Nails For Breakfast Tacks For Snacks
Pretty Odd: best: Behind The Sea or Pas De Cheval worst: Do You Know What I’m Seeing
Vices & Virtues: best: Hurricane or Nearly Witches worst: Ready To Go (this was a tough pick cos this album is so good)
TWTLTRTD: best: I LOVE THE LAST 4 SOSO much but Collar Full or Far Too Young To Die worst: Girls/ Girls/ Boys (I’m sorry, song that made me cry live)
DOAB: best: Impossible Year or LA Devotee worst: House Of Memories
PFTW: best: Old Fashioned or The Overpass worst: Fuck a Silver Lining
VLV: best: Don’t Let The Light Go Out worst: Star Spangled Banger
This actually made me think a lot lol- thx for the interesting ask, Malaya :3
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demonstars · 9 months
this is literally so serious to me Please all criticisms to my inbox ok FALL OUT BOY ALBUMS RANKING
infinity on high cause she's THAT GIRL. i didnt even know ENGLISH when i listened to this album for the first time and still i got hooked and every bit of lore i learn makes me want to kill myslef in the best way. this is the album my sister calls the gay one because of how many times i've talked about the symbolism and the gay sex. Wishing to be the friction in your jeans, man..
folie I actually only knew i dont care until 2017 and then my life fuckign changed LIKE WHAT DO YOU MEAN. wams and tiffany blews are part of my top five fob songs ever it that serious. BUT ALSO GOLDEN?? HEADFIRST?? WHAT A CATCH. COFFEE'S FOR CLOSERS. THREE TIMES FOR THE HOLY GHOST! it would be the first if infinity hadn't actually properly changed my brain chemistry
from under the cork tree: something about how the themes of this album talk to infinity makes me seriously want to wed it, it's so delicious?? like do you guys ever read something that's so well done that you just want to kiss it. they call it competency kink i just call it being in love with their work. anyway. beautiful album. nobody pits baby in the corner
mania Like i spent these few minutes talking about it. UNDERRATED!!!!! UNDERRATED!!!!!!!!!!! NOBODY GETS HOW FUN AND AWESOME SHE IS BUT I DO!!! HOLD ME TIGHT anthem for high school me. also one of the first ones i could understand without fully googling the lyrics
so much for stardust. I think she single-handedly made me go thru 2023 Sorry for relying on albums to stay up and about. The way they refer to their own previous musical identity has me on a chokehold. also it's so clearly a pandemic album and i find that really interesting, the commitment to refer to their context. WHEN I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE THIS ISNT QUITE WHAT I MEANT I GOT THE QUARANTINE BLUES WHAT'S LEFT? ??? <- written on my wall
take this to your grave is so awesome to me sorry i literally have to put it here its not top 5 but IT IS LOVELY TO MEEEEE i like it so much but its clearly a very experimental one idk
save rock and roll I like the songs individually Idk why it annoys me so much the order they are placed that i cannot in my good conscience put it up. also i havent watched the mv movie entire SORRY I HAVE TROUBLE FOCUSING ON MOVIES ON MY OWN AND I HAVDNT CONVINCED MY SISTER TO WATCH IT WITH ME
ab/ap: i have Heard there's controversy with this album I just have a lot of fun with a lot of songs but there's a lot of skips so last my bad. uma thurman irresistible fourth of july and immortals songs of all time tho. ARGUE WITH THE WALL
evening out with your girlfriend is their first one for a reason
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sbrown82 · 1 year
What’s your favorite film of the 60s and 70s? And what’s your favorite Marsha Hunt film?
Oh wow, I have so many!
From the 60s:
“Planet of the Apes”
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
From the 70s:
“Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory”
“The Way We Were”
“The Godfather” (of course)
“A Clockwork Orange”
“Carrie” (I love Horror films from this era)
And it's funny because Marsha's been in a lot of Thrillers and Horror films, like she's literally a Scream Queen, but my favorite movies that she's been in is one called "Never Say Never Again" and "Blow-Up".
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