foreveranimegirl · 3 months
Chtholly, it's almost time to leave.
Oh, okay.
Who am I?
We're off.
Slowly, but surely, my memories are fading away. The person I am is crumbling away.
You girls be good, you hear?
We'll prepare a "welcome back" party for you as we wait.
Don't push yourself. It's a promise, okay?
Of course.
I'm sorry.
The truth is...
I've forgotten more than half of what I knew about you all.
I can relearn names I've forgotten, but the memories I've lost won't ever return.
As everything I am falls apart, can I even be called Chtholly at this point?
I'm heartbroken, hurt, and just so sad.
But right now, I want to hold all these feelings close to my heart.
Because the moment they disappear, too, there will be nothing left of me.
This scene always got me teary-eyed, especially with the background music playing. 🥺 If anyone is curious to know the name of the song playing in the background its called, "Call You" by Tamaru Yamada who also sang the cover song 'Scarborough Fair'.
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half-lightl · 9 months
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jacobanderson: Mad. I can’t believe it’s really real. This was the vision.
The store is live NOW. These are only available at RaleighRitchie .com!
The most large thank yous to everyone who made this album possible nearly 8 (EIGHT!) years ago
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stormstarks · 1 year
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Raleigh Ritchie Album & EP Covers + Colour Palettes
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mindhowyougo · 1 year
only thing worse than watching thursday yessir a miserable brute like box is watching him try to step in for morse when he speaks out -- you didn't mean that did you, he didn't mean that, you spoke out of turn...
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smbhax · 2 months
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Darius II in Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade (PC/Steam)
Session: https://youtu.be/rrX1K2i6qG8
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fakefolklore · 6 months
ehehehe. juggling my little guys in my head. and also mc physically can't lie :-) ohhhhh the implications
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rosewiltd · 11 months
gentle psa: please give me time to look over rules and pages. sometimes it takes me a few days because i run a handful of other blogs and also have work and other obligations outside of tumblr. i've had several instances now across a few of my blogs where someone has followed me and then unfollowed me 24 hours later. i can't always be here to check follows, so please be patient with me. that's all i ask.
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tattleneedsbraces · 5 months
one time while i was reading worm for the first time i wanted to find a taylor ref so i looked it up online and found peri art of taylor next to contessa where taylors like "could she be my mom" or something and i was 10000% convinced fthat it was spoilers for taylor's mom still being alive and that taylor also got a second trigger where she grew a lot and i didnt realize tiat wasnt true until i finished the epilogue andn was confused
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putschki1969 · 3 months
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『FictionJunction Station Fan Club Talk&Live vol.#3』 Tokyo
This weekend started off great with one more performance of 『FictionJunction Station Fan Club Talk&Live vol.#3』 in Tokyo. Next up, the gang will be in Osaka for live concert and fan club events.
■ June 15th (Sat) Tokyo・TIAT SKY HALL 1st Stage: Open 12:45 / Start 13:30 *Guest Eri Ito 2nd Stage: Open 16:15 / Start 17:00 *Guest Eri Ito ■ June 16th (Sun) Tokyo・TIAT SKY HALL 1st Stage: Open 12:45 / Start 13:30 *Additional member rito 2nd Stage: Open 16:15 / Start 17:00 *Additional member rito ■ June 22nd (Sat) Tokyo・TIAT SKY HALL 1st Stage: Open 12:45 / Start 13:30 *Additional member LINO LEIA 2nd Stage: Open 16:15 / Start 17:00 *Additional member LINO LEIA https://www.tiatskyhall.jp
■ June 28th (Fri) Osaka・umedaTRAD 1st Stage: Open 13:45 / Start 14:30 *Additional member LINO LEIA 2nd Stage: Open 17:15 / Start 18:00 *Additional member rito https://umeda-trad.com
■ July 5th (Fri) Aichi・THE BOTTOM LINE 1st Stage: Open 13:45 / Start 14:30 *Additional member rito 2nd Stage: Open 17:15 / Start 18:00 *Additional member LINO LEIA https://www.bottomline.co.jp
Tweet by YK | Tweet by LINO | Tweet by Yuriko | Tweet by Kaori
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Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#20~Japanese Seal 20th Special~ Final Tokyo Performance
Today was the final Tokyo performance of YKL Vol.#20. Tweet by Keiko
Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#20~日本語封印20th Special~ 2024.06.02 Tokyo・SWU Hitomi Memorial Hall 16:45/17:30 2024.06.09 Kanagawa・Kenmin Hall 16:45/17:30 2024.06.23 Tokyo・LINE CUBE SHIBUYA 16:15/17:00 2024.06.29 Osaka・NHK Osaka Hall 17:15/18:00 2024.06.30 Osaka・NHK Osaka Hall 15:15/16:00 2024.07.06 Aichi・Niterra Shimin Hall 17:15/18:00  2024.08.03 Saitama・Sonic City Civic Hall 17:15/18:00
Setlist (@tonyo2syan)
overture〜アンチヒーロー〜Main Theme〜
〜the four rings
〜absolute configuration
キッチン革命〜Main Theme〜
Historia: opening theme
vanity (previously forest)
My long forgotten cloistered sleep
I swear
I reach for the sun
Credens justitiam
〜Bloody rabbit
zodiacal sign
Sweet Song (previously paradise regained | open your heart)
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moonysfavoritetoast · 8 months
PuRGE In!Tiated
@catinasink @shrimpysstuff @anonnzone @bassguitarinablackt-shirt @aj-exists @iwouldkickahorse
who else
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foreveranimegirl · 3 months
Thank you. For looking out for me. Like taking me to the surface.
Nah, I'm just doing it for my own peace of mind. Don't worry about it.
Let me thank you anyway.
Hey, Almita!
Please make it!
Chtholly! Chtholly? Chtholly!
Oh... Don't cry out like that. Some grown-up you are.
I'm fine, see?
Sh-She's all right, too.
Y-You're too close! I really don't mind... But not like this! Once more, from the top!
You're not a leprechaun anymore! You can't generate venenum like that! What if things go wrong?
I... I thought I was gonna lose you again, even though I was right here!
You're one to talk, with your wreck of a body.
I'm perfectly fine. I'm a bit numb, but this will go back to normal in no time.
You aren't pretending, right?
No faith in me at all, huh?
You're all banned from the roof! Get all the kids there downstairs!
G-Got it!
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madelineusherspearls · 6 months
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Greetings. I am the -lesser scribe- of -The 23 Voids-. My -home- and -ability to return- have recently been stolen from me by a -dreamless wanderer-. I have devised a- desperate- plan to recover these, however I require at least -the third acknowledgement- to put it into action, and the -hopes and dreams- of at least -16 deceivers and thieves-. Once I recover my -home- and -pathway-, I will of course repay your organization for your assistance. I plan to give -a note of removal-, but of course that can be -help plea-tiated-se- if you feel it is not enough. I look -at no more chances.- to our future co-operation. -I cannot- be with you-r reality-
23 Voids....are you familiar with the Yellow Circle? This sounds like something they'd know about.
It seems like the words and concepts you're expressing aren't coming through properly, which is understandable - the human brain influences the noosphere which influences local space, so alien concepts have a hard time sometimes. I think we should be able to help. I'm going to get the Circle on the line. Maybe they'd be able to figure out exactly what you need. We won't need repayment of course.
....wait. Wait wait. Is...
...can we get the Circle on the line? Are they aware of any Eldritch Prince scams? Unbelievable.
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mana-piyo · 1 year
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5月21日(日)二子玉川・東京音実劇場 www.onjitsu.com ​happy music fruits~幸福な音の実~ Open 17:30 / Start 18:00 チケット前売 ¥3,500 当日¥4,000(+1Drink¥500) 配信 ¥2,500 出演:伊藤さくら / 上野まな / SENA / moca *17:20ご入場整理券(シャッフル)配布。 サポート:ピアノ吉野ユウヤ
▶︎配信チケットはこちら ※アーカイブは2週間。​
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8月5日(土)二子玉川・東京音実劇場 林ももこ企画 - Ready for Landing vol.1 - Open 17:30 / Start 18:00 チケット前売 ¥3,500(+1Drink¥500) 配信 ¥2,500 出演:伊藤さくら / 上野まな / SENA / 林ももこ 
▶︎ご予約はこちら ご予約受付中!
▶︎配信チケットこちら ※アーカイブは2週間。
林ももこちゃんの11/18(土)東京羽田 TIAT SKYHALLでのワンマンライブに向けて、応援企画にお誘いいただきました!
前回の羽田 TIAT SKYHALLもお邪魔させていただきましたが、コロナで大変な状況になってしまった中、それでもすっごく素敵なステージを見せてくれて勇気や希望をもらいました✨またさらに、あれから成長したももちゃんの姿を観られるのが今から楽しみです!!!!
✲゚*:*゚✲゚*:。✲。: *゚✲゚*✲゚*:*゚✲゚*:。✲
6月4日(日)川崎銀座街商店街 ※雨天開催 観覧無料
✲゚*:*゚✲゚*:。✲。: *゚✲゚*✲゚*:*゚✲゚*:。✲
6月18日(日)埼玉・フリーライブ 近日発表 雨天中止
✲゚*:*゚✲゚*:。✲。: *゚✲゚*✲゚*:*゚✲゚*:。✲
6月24日(土)狛江オルテンシア Candy Tree 〜Midsummer LIVE〜 ワンマンライブ OPEN 16:30 / START 17:00 TICKET:¥4,000(チャージ¥3,500+1ドリンク¥500込み) 未成年の方はドリンク込み ¥2000 ※少人数限定♬ 出演:Candy Tree[上野まなvo、瀬田創太pf] ※未成年の方は受付にて人数をお申し出ください。
▶︎ご予約はこちら  ※配信は検討中。
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✲゚*:*゚✲゚*:。✲。: *゚✲゚*✲゚*:*゚✲゚*:。✲
7月2日(日)川崎銀座街商店街 ※雨天開催 観覧無料
✲゚*:*゚✲゚*:。✲。: *゚✲゚*✲゚*:*゚✲゚*:。✲
7月15日(土)銀座ミーヤカフェ 上野まなPresents「The Green〜Aroma × Songs〜Vol.2」 Open 18:30 / Start 19:00 チケット前売・予約¥3,500 当日¥4,000(+1Drink) 配信¥2,800 出演:小野亜里沙 / 高田由香 / 上野まな グリーンをテーマにした精油の香りで空間を演出。 演奏:渡辺淳(Guitar) ※入場順は18:15より会場入り口前にてシャッフル整理券を配布。 ※配信アーカイブは2週間。
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smbhax · 2 months
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Arcade Archives Darius II (PS4)
Session: https://youtu.be/cUAhCMH5PNE
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fakefolklore · 7 months
oh how i want to dive into Seighvior. i should make a zine about her in between part 1 and part 2. i don't have a lot of lore around her, but i think she's a big catalyst for the kents' softening? that's not the word i'm specifically looking for. i mean, she's born in 2162, exactly 50 years post-rise. she grows up in a world that is scarred and brutal but is putting itself back together by this point, creating systems and small survivalist towns that are able to sustain themselves a little better.
her father dies when she's 25, and her son is 5. she dies a year after her grandson is born at 51, leaving her 20 year old son to figure it out as best he can, in an even less prepared state than she was, but still leaving her family better than how she found it. idk if she's part of their direct bloodline or maybe taken in, and i need to create a map of holley and the area surrounding it. (bear w me. i am imagining a sinkhole. several sinkholes.)
but Braedyn 1 goes alone the first time. it's 2 years before Seighvior even exists. in his first deactivation he was only 11. in his second, he's 28 and alone. in his third, he's 50, and Seighvior is 20 and extremely pregnant. Seighvior dies a few months after she deactivates her second with her own son. maybe of her own sadness as she puts down another life. maybe she looks at number 5 and sees what could be there, but it doesn't pass TS' test, so down it goes. she thinks about saving them, about her son and his son and what's to come after she's gone. and she knows there are other towns out there. maybe they'd be better off there. but she doesn't have time. she's an old woman now, 51 and moving like she's 90 with the way the new world wears down your life and your body, and this is the way it's been for the last 101 years. it's what they have to do to make progress. at least that's what they've been told.
this is a mess and i may not keep any of this. just Thoughts
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