stormstarks · 6 months
I can't express to you how happy I am that this aged so poorly.
The joy of Donna Noble being back vs the absolute horror of seeing her suffer (again)
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stormstarks · 9 months
Prompt: Martha Jones spots The Fourteenth Doctor around London doing a mundane thing like food shopping. Thank you :)
At first, Martha wasn’t sure. It wasn’t that she didn’t recognise him; she’d know that hair and that side profile anywhere, even if he was now clad in jeans and a short-sleeved shirt instead of the long coat she’d been so used to. He was holding a jar of jam, reading the ingredients with bright interest, as though it were the most normal thing in the world to be in Tesco Express at ten o’clock on a Thursday night shopping for preserves; the basket beside him contained further mundanities like bread and milk, and she was so baffled by all of this that she tried to tell herself that it wasn’t him. It couldn’t possibly be him. He was a Time Lord, for god’s sake; he didn’t do dull things like buy pints of semi-skimmed milk or reduced Kingsmill white loaves.
But then he turned away from the shelf, sticking the jar in his basket, and the look on his face took her breath away. For several seconds she surveyed him as he continued to be unaware of her presence, and she tried to put her finger on what had changed. It was the eyes, she thought; there had been so many ghosts behind them when she’d first known him, and now he looked almost… well, serene. Calm. There were no spectres weighing heavily on his shoulders; there was no lingering pain in the easy, contented expression on his face as he scooped up his basket from his feet – still clad in Converse, because some things could never change – and then finally caught sight of her.
“Oh,” he said, the syllable hanging in the air between them for a moment, and she couldn’t read it; was he pleased to see her? Angry? Sad? Guilty? Was he about to cut and run? Then he beamed from ear to ear, really sincerely beamed, and held out his arms to her for – no, that couldn’t be right. He wanted a hug? Since when had he been a hugger? “Martha Jones!”
“Doctor,” she said reservedly, looking him up and down; he was older than he’d been since she last saw him, but all of the tension and impatient anxiety that he’d held within him seemed to have dissipated in the interceding years. Questions crowded her mind; questions about time and space and clothes and the air of contentment and – “Why are you in Tesco in Richmond?”
“Oh,” he said again, with dawning comprehension. “We’re out of bread.”
“Who’s ‘we’?” she asked, unable to stop herself.
“Oh,” he repeated for a third time, then ran a hand through his hair before chancing a glance at the checkouts, and for one awful moment she thought he might be about to bolt. “It’s sort of a long story, actually. Why don’t we pay and find a pub, or something? Unless you’ve got somewhere to be… is Mickey expecting you?”
“He can wait,” she said with amusement, irrationally touched that he’d remembered. “Yeah, alright. Let’s pay.”
“Why are you in Tesco in Richmond?” he enquired, flipping the question back on her with some of the old cheekiness that she was used to. “That’s the real question.”
“Staying with mum for a few weeks while we have the kitchen redone,” she told him as they headed towards the self-checkouts; she started scanning her items while he did the same at an adjacent terminal, and she half expected him to sonic it, or in some way cheat it – space cubes, or god knows what else – but instead he took out an honest-to-god wallet and tapped a perfectly normal credit card on the reader. Her surprise must have shown, because he shot her a sidelong grin as he bundled up his groceries in a canvas tote bag and hefted it onto his shoulder as she swiped her Clubcard and did the same.
“Bit different to the old days, isn’t it?” he said ruefully, and she laughed.
“Yeah, never had you down as a wallet sort of man.”
“It was a present. I lost my last four credit cards.”
“That sounds more like you.”
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stormstarks · 10 months
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Don't you worry. I'll remember it.
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stormstarks · 10 months
🕯 Manifesting that i see martha jones tomorrow 🕯
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stormstarks · 10 months
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stormstarks · 10 months
Yelena Belova brings a sort of "well listen, sometimes someone might need to die on a random Thursday." Energy to the party that Kate Bishop hates, that's why they should be the next team up in the mcu.
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stormstarks · 10 months
guys remember when ten saw rose again and couldn't believe his eyes because she's all he wants in the universe so he starts running to her like nothing else exists even though the entire universe is ending bc he doesn't even care in that moment and then gets shot by a dalek and starts dying in her arms and he still smiles and says her name like this is the best moment of his life while literally dying... remember when he starts to regenerate and she cries ane begs him not to and he was born loving her so how could he deny her so he accidentally creates a seperate version of himself to avoid regeneration and this separate yet still true version of him is human and was born out of love for her TWICE and immediately offers to spend his one human life with her because the last thing he remembers is rose begging him not to change and now he never has to and of course this is painful for ten but all he has ever wanted is rose to be safe and happy and he wanted that so badly that he split in half for her; that he gives her up despite the actual physical proof that all he wants is to be able to grow old with her and yet he CANT. he's got stuck in the same immortal body; the same body that wants to be human while in another life he IS HUMAN. do you think abt how ten says tentoo needs rose because tentoo is too dangerous alone and then losing rose again causes ten to literally become insane? because he is meant to be in that parallel world with her and he knows it and he loves her too much to ever take the gift of HIMSELF from because "oh she knows" goes both ways... do u remember....
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stormstarks · 11 months
jackie: oh hey u guys are back early
rose: queen's a werewolf
jackie: wot?
rose: *loading a pistol and getting back in the tardis* queen's a werewolf
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stormstarks · 11 months
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The trouble is, it's all back to front. My past is his future. We're travelling in opposite directions.
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stormstarks · 11 months
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stormstarks · 11 months
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942 notes · View notes
stormstarks · 11 months
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she is that girl
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stormstarks · 1 year
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the perfect response
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stormstarks · 1 year
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1K notes · View notes
stormstarks · 1 year
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stormstarks · 1 year
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42, written by Chris Chibnall.
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stormstarks · 1 year
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If I believe in one thing, just one thing... I believe in her.
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