#Tiana’s dress is so pretty :)
brainman1987 · 4 months
could I get Taishen in Tiana's blue dress? Pretty please 🥺
I hope I’ve done him justice….
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luimnigh · 1 year
I love the idea of the "Disney Princess", simply because the public's idea of a Disney Princess and Disney's idea of a Disney Princess don't actually match up.
Because to the public, a Disney Princess is a type of character in Disney movies. And to Disney, "Disney Princess" is a specific brand with specific characters.
The Disney Princess brand was set up in 2001 after the head of Disney Consumer Products went to a Disney on Ice show, saw hundreds of little girls in generic princess halloween costumes, and went "Wait, why the hell don't we sell Princess dresses?"
Rather than trying to give a dozen movies, many over a decade old, their own individual marketing pushes, they come up with the overarching Disney Princess brand, and launched it featuring ten initial characters:
Snow White, Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Cinderella, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Esmerelda, and Tinkerbell.
Esmerelda was soon dropped, probably because Hunchback is a pretty dark Disney movie; and later so was Tinkerbell because they'd started production on her own line of straight-to-DVD movies, leaving the line with eight Princesses.
And now here's the clever part of the branding: when they release a new movie with a new Princess, they don't immediately fold her into the Disney Princess brand. That would cannibalise sales from the movie-specific merchandise. So they wait a year or two for merchandise sales to slow down, before having an official coronation ceremony to add the new Princess to the group.
(And presumably they cab recycle unsold merch under the Disney Princess brand.)
So Tiana got added in 2010, Rapunzel in 2012, Merida became the first Pixar entry in 2013, Moana took three years to be inducted in 2019, and the most recent is Raya in 2022.
So that's the official Disney Princess lineup: Snow White, Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Cinderella, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida, Moana and Raya.
Now I know what you're thinking: there's a pair of very famous names missing there.
And like I said before: they wait for the merchandise sales to slow down before bringing new characters under the umbrella. Moana seems to have been quite popular, taking three years for Disney marketing to feel comfortable folding her into the brand.
But Frozen still sells like fuckin' hotcakes, even a decade later.
So we have a funny scenario where the two most popular Disney Princesses aren't actually Official Disney Princesses because they're too popular.
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artist-issues · 10 months
Disney doesn't need to change "the formula." That's the last thing that Wish proves.
What Wish proves is that "the formula" only works when you know why the ingredients are in it, and you use them the correct way.
The Princess Character is meant to wish for only half of the movie's message, and go through an adventure that teaches her what the other half is; what her dream was missing. Ariel dreamed of understanding but she was missing love. Tiana dreamed of achieving her goals but she was missing faith. Jasmine dreamed of freedom but she was missing trust. Belle dreamed of adventure but she was missing being understood.
The Villain is meant to highlight the opposite of the movie's message. Jafar gets what he wants through trickery and manipulation; that's the opposite of Aladdin's "truth will set you free" message, and he gets imprisoned in a lamp. Scar thinks being a King is having his way all the time and can't learn from his past of living in Mufasa's shadow; that's the opposite of The Lion King's "Let the past remind you of your responsibility to selflessness." Gaston loves only himself and is always obsessed with appearances; that's the opposite of Beauty & the Beast's "true love is found within a heart of self-sacrifice." That's what makes them such good villains. (and that clear direction is what drives good villain songs, since Magnifico's is what everyone is talking about)
The sidekick is supposed to compare/contrast with the main character's qualities. Abu is a greedy thief, which is what everyone in Agrabah thinks Aladdin is; when he scolds Abu and teaches him selflessness, it shows us who Aladdin actually is. Flounder is easily frightened and looks at the glass half-full; when Ariel coaxes him and leads by example, we see her bravery and positivity reflected in Flounder's tiny character arc. Timon & Pumbaa do whatever they want all day just like young Simba always dreamed of; when Simba goes to live with them, he finds that "getting his way all the time" makes him forget who he really is and feel empty.
The setting is supposed to show off the characters and highlight the movie's message. Rapunzel's tower is designed to be pretty on the inside because of her influence; if it were too dark and prison-shaped, we'd wonder why she didn't work up the courage to leave sooner. Just like how Quasimodo has made his corner of the bell-tower beautiful, too; they're taught the world is cruel and they're not strong enough for it, but they make their own worlds beautiful enough to hint that that's wrong right from the start. Ariel's grotto is shaped like a tower with no roof so that she only has one window to the forbidden Surface, and it's the light that comes from that forbidden world into her dark grotto which literally makes her able to see human things differently. Tiana's apartment has no interesting features except her father's picture, a perfectly made bed, a drawer with no extra outfits but stuffed with tip money, and only two dresses; both of which are for work.
None of that is happening in Wish, because they didn't know why the formula ingredients are there. Disney needs to understand and return to the formula the right way; forgetting it was what got them here.
Asha learns nothing to add to her dream, unless you count "the power to grant wishes is in me." Which you shouldn't, because we didn't even know she was confused about that until the animals sang a song that was completely off-topic and she had the chance to jump in and sing "I'm a Star!"
Magnifico does not demonstrate the opposite of Wish's message effectively because his character has nothing to do with a philosophy against making wishes, and everything to do with power. (He is the strongest character in the film. But because the message and core concept of what wishes are are so bad, that's not saying much.)
Valentino, and Asha's friends, do not highlight anything about her character through compare/contrast. Valentino is brave and all over the place. Her friends are seven-dwarfs parodies. Happy, Doc, Sneezy, Dopey, Bashful, Sleepy, Grumpy. None of that contrasts with Asha's vague characterization of "cares too much." None of it compares to that characterization, either.
The setting is empty. There are no interesting details that teach you something about any of the characters. None in Asha's home, none in the neat-and-tidy one-dimensional forest, none in the Rosas square, and none in the bland, empty castle. Magnifico's study is the closest anything gets; there's a loose concept that all of Asha's friends have to work together to open the roof, and take a leap of faith to weigh the pulley system down. Unfortunately, none of these characters is shown struggling to work together, OR to take leaps of faith, at all, before this point.
The ingredients of the formula are in Wish. They're just not being used correctly. This is how not to use the formula; it's not the formulas fault. If it ain't broke. They should never have let people convince them to try and fix it.
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lackadaisycats · 2 years
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I tried to answer this succinctly, but it turned into an essay. (Sorry.)
The Princess and the Frog was not accurate, strictly speaking, but dinging it for that would be like criticizing the Lion King for not being a realistic wildlife documentary. Accuracy wasn't really the point. Given the fantastical elements and fictional nations like “Maldonia”, I suppose we're meant to understand this as a bit removed from the real New Orleans. It's more a a jazz-flavored fairy tale than a historical fiction.
But for discussion's sake....
Is it fashion-accurate to its 1926 timeframe? Ehhh, sort of. It pays homage to 20s fashion trends with cloche hats, furs and feathery headpieces, but without fully committing to it. The waistline on almost all of Tiana's clothing is too high for the 20s, and the the shapes of her fancier costumes take a lot of liberties, or deviate wildly from the style of the period.
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In the 20s, dresses (including workaday stuff) tended to have a straight up-and-down shape to it - kind of a low-waisted rectangle that de-emphasized curves instead of highlighting them. There are valid reasons to play fast and loose with that, though (something I’m definitely guilty of as well). One of those reasons is communication. 
For instance, speculatively, the filmmakers wrote Tiana as a hard-working waitress and wanted her to look the part, so they made the choice to clothe her in something familiar - that gingham dress of mid-century shape that we broadly associate with diner waitresses. Actual waitress uniforms of the 20s had a fair bit of overlap with maid uniforms at the time too, and I can see why they wouldn't want to risk the confusion. It's more important to communicate clearly with the larger audience than to appease a small faction of fashion nerds who'd notice or care about the precision.
I don't think it's a case of the designers failing to do their research - I'm sure they had piles of references, and maybe even consultants - but they also had to have priorities.
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With her hat and coat on, she looks a lot more 1920s-shaped.
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Pretty consistently, the indication of the characteristic 1920s drop waist is there, but the approach otherwise ignores the 20s silhouette. The clothes hug the body too much. This may be about appealing to a 2000s audience, visually speaking, but also could be an animation thing. Maybe both. For practical reasons, clothes in 2d animation are usually more a sort of second skin than something that wears or behaves like realistic fabric.
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These are not in the 1920s ballpark at all. Tiana's blue gown looks like your basic Disney brand invention. Strapless things would have been extremely unusual and the overall shape is far out of step. Excusable, I guess, because it's a costume in context. Charlotte looks like she’s heading for a mimosa brunch in a modern maxi dress.
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Charlotte's princess dress did seem to be calling back to the ultra-wide pannier side hoops of the 18th century - something that made a reappearance for part of the 20s, albeit in much milder form called robe de style. I'm not sure if the filmmakers were alluding to that at all, really, but either way, her dress is hilarious.
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They only went about halfway with the cloche hats. The 1920s cloche really encapsulated the cranium, almost entirely covered bobbed hair, and obscured much of the face from certain angles, so it's easy to see why they've been somewhat reined in for the film. Still, it ends up looking more 1930s, where the hats started to recede away from the face, evolving in the direction of the pillbox.
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Similarly, Tiana's hair is not very reminiscent of the bobbed, close-to-the-cranium style of the period, but I think that could legitimately be written off as characterization. She's not at all the type of person who'd fuss about going à la mode. Not everyone bobbed and finger-waved their hair.
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The clothes Prince Naveen is introduced in are very 1920s collegiate in spirit - the wide-leg oxford bags, the sleeveless pullover sweater, the flat cap, and high, stiff collar. The ukulele and banjolele were pretty trendy instruments at the time too.
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Definitely some Josephine Baker vibes here. Also, the look of this whole fantasy sequence was reportedly inspired by the works of Aaron Douglas, a luminary painter of the Harlem Renaissance known for his depictions of the lives of African-Americans. (The mural is in Topeka, Kansas.)
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They pretty much nailed the Art Deco. It's gorgeous. Looks somewhat inspired by the interiors of some of the Ralph Walker-designed NYC architecture, plus some French Quarter balcony flair for the final manifestation of Tiana's Place. Her dress here does resemble some gauzy mid-1920s looks, too.
Culturally speaking...
New Orleans is an unusual place. Because some of the colonial Spanish and French laws and conventions that New Orleans evolved under persisted even after its inception into the United States; because it was such a heterogeneous hub of indigenous and immigrant peoples; and because it had a considerable population of free people of color (mostly Creole), it did not function quite like the rest of the South leading up to the Civil War, nor for a while after. Its particular coalescence of cultures made it its own unique sort of culture within the country, within the region, within the state of Louisiana even. By the early 20th century, though, regardless of the not-very-binary nature of New Orleans, Jim Crow laws were enforcing a literal black-and-white distinction, and not an evenhanded one, by far. In that aspect, the city had begun to resemble the rest of the South.
The film nods at the wealth disparity, but goes on to paint a pretty rosy picture of race and class relations at the time. Still it's not unbelievable that some people were exceptions to the rules. You could probably find a few compartments of old New Orleans society that resisted segregation or certain prejudicial norms, preferring to do things their own way. That aside, the film wasn't trying to confront these topics. Not every piece of media should have to. Sometimes breaking away from miserable period piece stereotypes is refreshing. I'm not sure it could have handled that meaningfully given the running time, narrow story focus, and intended audience, anyhow. (But you could perhaps also make a case that family films habitually underestimate younger audiences in this way.)
Raymond the firefly I guess is the film's Cajun representation. There's not much to say about it, except perhaps to note that Evangeline is a reference to the heroine of a Longfellow poem of the same name. The poem is an epic romance set during the expulsion of the Acadians from the eastern provinces of Canada and the northernmost reaches of the American colonies (now Maine) by the British in the mid-1700s. Many exiled Acadians gradually migrated south to francophone-friendly Louisiana, settling into the prairies and bayous, where 'Acadian' truncated into the pronunciation 'Cajun'. Evangeline - who is only finally reunited with her love when he’s on his deathbed - has become an emblem of the heartbreak, separation and faithful hope of that cultural history, and there are parishes, statues and other landmarks named after the her throughout Louisiana.
Voodoo does have a very historical presence in New Orleans, having arrived both directly from West Africa and by way of the Haitian diaspora (where it would more properly be called Vodou). While I don't think Disney's treatment of it was especially sensitive or serious, it also wasn't the grotesquely off-base sort of thing that media of the past has been known to do. It was largely whittled down to a magical plot component, but it wasn't so fully repurposed that it didn't resemble Voodoo at all either - and that's mostly owing to the characters, because it does appear the writers pulled from history there.
It’s apparently widely held that Dr. Facilier is a Baron Samedi caricature - and likely that's true, in part - but I have the impression he's also influenced by Doctor John. Not the 20th century funk musician, but the antebellum “Voodoo King” of New Orleans. Doctor John (also called Bayou John, Jean La Ficelle, and other aliases) claimed to be a Senegalese prince. He became well known as a potion man and romance-focused prognosticator to people from all corners of society. Though highly celebrated and financially successful at his peak, he seems ultimately remembered as an exploitative villain.
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To my recollection, the film sort of gingerly avoids referring to Facilier as a Voodoo practitioner directly (I think he's more generically called a witch doctor in the script?) but it does seem to imply his 'friends on the other side' are a consortium of loa. It's mostly abbreviated into nebulously evil-seeming special FX, glazing over any specificity or dimensionality, but it does also loop back around as a vehicle of moral justice. Loa are all very individualistic and multi-faceted, but they do have reciprocal rules for asking favors of them.
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There's also the benevolent counterpart in Mama Odie's character. Her wearing ritual whites has a definite basis in Voodoo/Vodou practice, and her depiction as a fairy godmother-like figure isn't entirely out of step with how a mambo may have been perceived...in a very general sense. They were/are ceremonial leaders and community bastions who people would seek out for help, advice and spiritual guidance. More than just emanating matronly good vibes, though, some have wielded considerable political and economic power.
(Just my opinions here. I've done a lot of reading on the subject for research but I'm no authority with any special insider understanding of Voodoo, and I really shouldn't be relied upon as an arbiter of who has or hasn't done it justice in fiction.)
In summary--
Culturally, I think the film is respectably informed but paints a superficially genteel picture. The set pieces are gorgeous, but the story mostly delivers a sort of veneer of New Orleanishness. And as for fashion, well, it’s the 1920s run through a Disney filter. It’s very pretty, but it’s only as proximally accurate as seemed practical.
I don’t know that any of that really matters so much as whether or not it achieved what it intended, though. As a charming yarn and as a tribute to New Orleans and the Jazz age, I think it’s mostly successful. It’s also really beautifully animated!
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lovecla · 18 days
IF YOU LOVE ME, LET ME KNOW | jack hughes.
chapter four:
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➴ warnings: angst, jealousy, insecurities
➴ word count: 3.9k
➴ author’s note: this is a mess, soph and jack are a mess, quinn’s a sweetheart, grace’s funny af and i’ve reached 100 followers today. can’t even describe how happy i am with the attention IYLM,LMK is getting. i adore u all so much and i hope u stick with me for a while. prepare your seatbelts because shit is about to hit the fan. :,)
SOMETHING changed between you and Jack that day at the Skims set, a week ago.
You finally realized that you are, very much, in love with Jack Hughes. Which was something that you never, in a million years, would’ve guessed. Because, what; you told yourself you’d never get your heart shattered again, yet here you were, walking straight (and worse: willingly) into a trap, falling in love with the man whore of the Devils team.
Despite all of the mean things your mind wanted to tell you, you just forced yourself to remember that not every man is like your cheater ex boyfriend and that not every man would completely crush your heart and tear it apart.
And even though you wouldn't put your hand on the fire and say that he felt the same way as you, if he didn’t, that man was good at pretending. Because no way in hell he’d take all of his fuck buddies to their family lake cabin to throw a Halloween party.
“This is crazy, Jack, you are in the middle of the season, and I’m in the middle of releasing something…” you started, watching as the car took a turn. “Also, how the fuck did you manage to organise a party in, like, thirty minutes?”
“Uh. I’m literally a NHL player. What did you expect?” He scoffed, so full of himself it was almost impossible to stand. You rolled your eyes. “And it’s just a night. I’m not screwing everything up for having fun for one night only, baby, and neither is you.”
“I guess you’re right.” You mumbled, answering some texts messages on your phone.
“I’m always right.” You rolled your eyes again, watching as he drove with ease. “What are you wearing tonight?”
“My fans have been dying for me to dress up as Rapunzel, so I might as well please them.” You shrugged, locking your phone and putting it on your pocket.
“I don’t know about them but I am definitely pleased with the idea.” He smirked.
“You’re just horny, Hughes. Happens to the best of us.”
“Or you’re just pretty. Happens to some of us.”
You laughed, cheeks warm and heart beating fast. “You’re a flirt, Jack Hughes. I missed that. Is it always this crazy during the season?”
“Like you can’t even imagine. My life is just games, working out, eating plain shit and practice for seven months straight.”
“And you love every second of it, don’t you?”
He smiled, white teeth making the view seem a whole lot brighter. “I do, yes. It’s like… the only thing that makes me feel truly alive.”
“Yeah, I know what it feels like,” you whispered. “I feel like that when I’m on the stage too. It’s just… I don’t know. Makes me feel good.”
“I like seeing you on stage,” he nodded and you raised your brow. “What? I do, really. That concert I went to with Nico was fun. Besides, watching you dance with those little dresses of yours is something else.”
“Boo, you’re just an idiot!” You laughed. “But thank you, Jackie bear.”
“Sophia, Jesus, do not call me that,” he whined, but the smile was still on his lips. “Gross.”
“Okay, Jackie bear, whatever you want, honeypot.”
— ♡
THE cabin was packed with people, and you were amazed with how fast people arrived, even with the short notice.
You were waiting for Grace to finish getting ready— she would be wearing a Tiana costume, matching your Rapunzel one— so you both could go downstairs and enjoy the party.
“Jack’s going to have a heart attack when he sees you with that little skirt,” Grace said, while applying lip gloss on her plump lips.
“Yeah, about that… I might need to talk to you about something.” You started, crossing your legs.
She stared at you through the mirror, raising her eyebrows. “Go on, Pinky Pie.”
“I thought we’d established that I’m Twilight and you’re my Mordecai?” You giggled, making Grace laugh too.
“I guess we can pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars…” she sighed. “Go on, then, baby. We don’t have all night.”
“So. I may or may have a thing for Jack. Actually, maybe more than just a thing. Think I’m in love, to be honest,” you waited to see her reaction, not expecting her to jump out of the vanity and start twirling around the room, making you laugh. “What are you doing?”
“Are you joking?” She looked at you like you’d grown a second head. “I just won two hundred bucks!”
Confusion took over your face. “What do you mean?”
“I told Nico that you’d be in love with Jack by the end of October and he said you’d be in love with him by the end of November, and since you confessed it now— perfect timing, by the way— I get my two hundred bucks!” She started dancing and jumping, like she wasn’t a nepo baby.
“Grace! What the hell, this is serious!” You raised your arms.
She sat back on the bed.
“Girl, no it isn’t. Just go to him and say: hey, buddy, here’s a secret not so secret: I’m in love with you.” She shrugged. “Just don’t sing the Airplanes song, please. That’s, like, our thing.”
“Grace, I— I can’t even— what the hell,” you wanted to run your hands through your hair, but you remembered that you were wearing extensions and a tiara. So you stick with biting your nails instead. “First of all, why the fuck would you and Nico bet on something like this? That doesn’t even make sense. Second, I can’t just go over there, call him and tell him I like him. That’s not how it works.”
“Well, Nico was the one who proposed the idea of betting so that’s on him!” She raised a finger. “And yes, that is literally how it works.”
“You’re forgetting that this is Jack Hughes. A guy who, apparently, can’t stay a week without a pussy and fucked every Jerseywoman who walked on God’s green earth.”
“Ew, don’t say that! You know my mom’s New Jersian…” she sighed, making a disgusted face. You smiled, apologetically. “Okay. I know that Jack’s past may not be the ideal background you want for your baby daddy but hear me out!”
“Baby daddy? What—”
“Jack hasn’t touched anyone else since you guys started… well. Fucking.” She blushes, like she wasn’t calling him your baby daddy not even a minute ago. “And he’s a great, great person. I’ve seen how he looks at you and if that man isn’t in love, then I’m white as a sheet of paper.”
“I don’t know,” you mumbled, feeling frustrated. “Harris also seemed like a great guy, and when we got together, everything changed. I don’t want to go through that ever again.”
“I know it hurt, and God knows I’d rather mop the entire ocean than to see you like that again,” she scooched closer, grabbed your hands and pressed her lips together, the REM Beauty lip gloss making her lips look magical. “But you have to give yourself that chance again. It’s been more than a year, and I’ve seen you and Jack together.”
“I know that, but—”
Grace clicked her tongue, a tsc reverberating on the bedroom walls.
“I’m telling you this as someone who isn’t inside that little head of yours,” she whispered, holding your hands tighter. “You and Jack together? Girl, that’s meant to be. That’s like Achilles and Patroclus, Romeo and Juliet, Hazel and Gus—”
“Girl, what the hell, can’t you find a couple who at least one of them is still alive?” You scoffed.
“Sorry, I just love depressing stories…” she apologized before starting talking again. “That’s not the point, anyway, Miss Girl and you know it! Fuck whatever your head is telling you, Soph: you deserve to be loved and you deserve to love.”
“I didn’t say I love h—” she put a hand over your mouth, interrupting you.
“You don’t have to. I know you, Soph, and the look you get on your face whenever you talk to him, or even better, talk about him, is enough for me,” she kissed your cheek, quickly wiping the lip gloss stain on your face. “And let me tell you a secret, honeybun, he has the same look on his face.”
You smiled, cheeks carmesim and heart full. Thanking Grace for saying all of this wasn’t enough, you needed to buy her a house on the beach with a very naked Nico Hischier inside of it. Maybe that’s what you were going to do.
If only you knew how to convince Nico to be naked at a beach house, you’d certainly—
Someone knocked on the door, and you both got up, surprisingly fast, remembering that you were not alone and that there was a whole party happening downstairs.
Opening the door, you faced Jack who looked way too hot with his own jersey. Of course he’d be wearing a Jack Hughes, NHL Player costume. Of fucking course.
“You were taking too long up here so I came to check on you but maybe we’ll be here for a bit longer.” He smirked, hands finding your corset-covered waist instantly.
“Excuse me, Mr. I-can’t-keep-myself-in-my-pants, I’m still here.” Grace yelled behind you, and you watched as his entire face showed his annoyance.
“Yeah, I can see. Feel free to leave, though,” he rolled his eyes, holding your right hand and twirling you around. “You look so pretty, baby.”
Your entire face felt like a fireplace but you still smiled nonetheless. “Thank you.”
“You both are disgusting, excuse me,” Grace walked past the both of you, mumbling something about checking in with her husband.
“Let’s go.” He offered you his hands, which you promptly held.
Going downstairs, you were surprised with how full the house was. Like, there were at least fifty people there, which seemed insane for a cabin, no matter how large it was.
Jack dragged you around, saying “hi” to every person you walked by, true to his NHL playboy persona. To your amusement, some people also acknowledged you. Mostly some girls and a few guys. It was nice.
“Sophia!” You heard a shout and immediately knew who it was. Trevor Zegras, wearing a pirate costume, which was just an excuse for him to be shirtless, really. One of the most annoying people you’ve ever met. Truthfully. “Damn, I’d climb that tower for you.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’d push you down that shit, Zegras, fuck off.”
Jack laughed softly beside you, moving until you were both sitting on the couch. Quinn, Luke, Nico, Grace and Zegras were all there, talking with a few people you didn't know the name of.
“You can't say you don’t like me without trying me first.” Trevor suggested, looking directly at your face. You showed him your middle finger.
“No one wants to try you, Zegras, now fuck off,” Jack stated before sipping on the beer he stole from Luke, who was dressed as a cooking chef. Or at least that’s what it looked like.
“See, this is why Quinn’s my favorite Hughes,” he mumbled, smiling at Quinn. “Anyway, Soph knows where the heat’s at.” Pointing at himself, Zegras moved on to the girl on his right, who seemed awfully pleased to be his second option.
“Asshole.” You heard Jack mutter under his breath and you giggled, amused.
“Be nice. He’s just… in heat, I guess,” you shrugged, already used to Zegras’ comments. Every time you saw him, he had something new to add to the list. Usually, you’d tell him to fuck off, and he would.
“He’s a pain in my ass, that’s what he is.” Jack bickered, pouting like a ten-year-old child. You found it cute.
“Poor Jackie, huh?”
“Shut up, Soph.” He smiled, blue eyes bright and kind.
Now that you knew what those backflips your heart did every time you saw him smile meant, it was much harder to control them.
Confessing to Jack would break the no-strings-attached arrangement that you both had silently made. It would meant either dating him and having your happily ever after (even if you hardly believed in those) or having your heart broken (again) by a really nice guy who just wanted to fuck you.
Besides that, you were both well-known people, especially you. You remember all too well when you were at home, chilling after a concert, and you got several texts from your friends and family, regarding a bunch of pictures of Harris kissing another girl at a bus stop station. A fucking bus stop station.
The situation dragged on for months, every time you’d post something, people would mention the fact that your ex was a cheater, you had been cheated on and that somehow you deserved to get cheated on; because of the things you sang, because of the clothes you were. Just a shit show with an even shittier audience.
“Hey,” you heard Jack’s voice beside you, and you turned your head around, looking at him. “Where'd you go?”
“Nowhere,” you smiled; it didn’t reach your eyes. Jack seemed to be ready to talk back when a girl— brunette with the greenest eyes you’ve ever seen— threw herself at his lap.
“Jackieeee.” She whined, kissing his cheek. “I missed you.”
You could tell she was a little tipsy, but even so, it made your stomach ache anyway. That ugly, shattering feeling of feeling like less than less came back, and it was as if you could feel the narrator of your story preparing himself to repeat the same shit again. Here’s Sophia again, the girl who likes to mistake butterflies for cardiac arrests.
“Hi…” Jack sounded unsure, something he rarely did. You looked at Grace, and she looked right back at you. Only then you realized that basically everyone was staring at you.
“You don’t remember me?” The girl sounded like she was pouting and you cringed. She was so close to you, sitting on his lap, that her left thigh was brushing against your arm. “That’s fine. I’ll make sure to be unforgettable this time, baby.”
“Wow, I think that’s it for me,” you muttered, getting up from the couch, moving to the kitchen without looking back. You knew that you’d throw up if you did; not because of Jack and Mrs. Unforgettable, but because of the pity stares you knew people were giving you. It sucked.
You also knew that if you stayed inside the house for too long, you’d end up drunk and pissed off. And you didn’t want that. So you did the only thing that you knew would put your mind in the right place again: going to the lake.
You walked outside, feeling the cold breeze hit your face and legs and arms and— everywhere, really. You should have worn a sweatshirt, but now it was too late to go back. You’d rather turn into a popsicle than to go back there and watch that again.
Sitting on the dock, you watched the lake in front of you, listening to the sounds of insects and trees moving. It was a nice view, but probably nicer in the summer. Right now it just looked like a Criminal Minds crime scene.
Lost in thoughts, you didn’t hear the steps coming from behind you. “You’re gonna get sick.”
Letting out a scream, you turned around, facing Quinn, who was wearing a pilot costume, with a scowl on your face.
“Sweet Jesus, Quinn, what the hell,” you put your hand on your barely covered chest, taking a deep breath. “Don’t you know how to, I don’t know, make noise while you walk?”
“I did that, actually, you just didn’t hear it,” he sat down beside you, handing you a Canucks sweatshirt. “Thought you’d get cold.”
You smiled, thanking him and putting it on, trying not to ruin your hair and makeup.
“Thank you, Quinn. That’s nice. Go Canucks!” You raised your hand, making a fist bump, hearing his soft chuckle beside you. You sighed. “I don’t know if you’re here to try to make me feel better or anything like that, but you don’t have to. I’m fine, really.”
“I’m just here because you needed a sweater and because it’s kinda creepy to be here alone. Nothing else, I promise.”
You looked at him, once again surprised with the Hughes men. But then, they were raised by Ellen, so you shouldn’t really be surprised.
You nodded, choosing not to say anything, just feeling the breeze on your face, a million thoughts in your head.
Now what? What would you even say to Jack? Hey, yeah, I know that when we started this we said that we didn’t want to fall in love but guess what! I’m in love with you.
And what would he even say to you? It wasn’t his fault he didn’t like you back. He’d probably say something like yeah, you fucked up our arrangement now I’ll have to find someone else to fuck every week. You were fun, though! and move on with his life.
And you’d move on with yours, just like you did before. The thing is, you didn’t want to move on again. You spent five years into your twenties trying to move on from things and it was tiring as hell. Moving on from broken friendships? Tiring. Moving on from toxic people? Tiring. Moving on from your cheater boyfriend? Tiring and humiliating.
You were pulled from your thoughts by Quinn throwing rocks at the lake, laughing when he couldn’t make them float like he intended to. He looked at you with that tired expression of his, and smiled back.
“Great album, by the way,” he blurted out of nowhere.
You frowned. “Thank you, I guess. Did someone leak it?”
“No,” he laughed, shortly. “Jack talked about it in our family group chat a while ago. Ma asked about you and he went on rambling about it, which was really funny. He was like, putting on his uniform before practice and recording a voice note at the same time, which he never does. And then he went full rambling about all of the songs and how shitty your ex was. Sorry about that,”
You looked at Quinn like he had grown two more heads, four more arms and five more legs. You had no idea Jack talked about your songs with his family. At all.
You wanted to ask more about it to Quinn so bad but you were kinda scared about what you were going to hear in response. Does Jack talk about me?
About you? Yeah, and a lot of other girls too.
“Sure,” you mumbled. “Yeah, Harris was a dick,”
“I liked some of his movies but now he’s banned from my watchlist forever.” Quinn announced like the statement didn’t make your heart break and mend at the same time, his tone calm and distant. “It’s good that you found something to channel your pain though. I do that a lot during my games.”
“Singing for me is like breathing. I’ve done it since I was, like, eight or even younger,” you nodded to yourself, looking at the stars above you. “This album means a lot to me, in a lot of ways. So thank you for telling me this.” You smiled, not sure if he could see it. He was also looking at the stars.
“Don’t need to say ‘thank you’. You have a gift, Sophia. I hope you know that,” he stretched himself, yawning and wrapping his arms around his middle. “I wish I could write songs but I suck at that.”
“Why do you sound like you’ve tried that already?” You smirked, fucking with him.
Or at least you thought you were, because Quinn went quiet, which confirmed your suspicions.
“What!” You looked at him, throwing your arms up. “Have you written songs before?”
“I was thirteen, okay? I just thought that maybe if I didn’t make it to the NHL, I could at least be a rapper or something.” He shrugged, again, which only made you start laughing. “I know, it’s funny. Thankfully, I made it to the NHL.”
“I don’t know, it’d be great to make a song with you,” you said, playfully, before realising something. “Oh my God, Quinn. That’s what I need!”
“What?” He smirked. “Make a song with me? I don’t think that’s a great idea—”
“No, not a song with you. Just a song. I need to write,” You nodded to yourself, getting up and fixing your skirt with your hands. “Do you think I could get a cab here? I came with Jack and I think he’s…” you bit your lip. Focus. Write the song; it will all be better. “Busy. And Grace needs to have her fun, too. She’s been working nonstop.”
“A cab? Soph, it’s like midnight,” he got up, too, standing in front of you. “I can take you home. It’s no biggie.”
“What? No! Enjoy the party! I’ll just try to catch an Uber or something.” You went to grab your phone, just to remember that you left it at the cabin. “Ugh, fuck, I need to go inside again.”
“I will take you home, no need for Ubers or anything like that. Just tell me where your things are and I’ll pick them up for you. I’ll talk to Grace on my way there.” He affirmed, walking with you towards the cabin, the loud music slowly filling up your ears again.
“That’s… so nice,” you breathed, more grateful than you’d like to admit. “Thank you, Quinn, seriously. I owe you.”
“It’s fine,” he replied, hands in his pockets. “Wait a second here, please.”
You did, and it wasn’t long until he showed up with your backpack, your phone and a very worried Grace beside him.
“Girl, what the hell?” She yelled, probably not even realizing how loud she sounded. “I’ve been looking for you like crazy and out of nowhere Quinn shows up with your stuff, saying he will get you home.”
“I have to write a song.” You reasoned, raising your shoulders.
Grace stared at you for what felt like forever, until she pressed her lips on your forehead and sighed. “Alright. I’m not even going to ask. Be safe, please, and remember that I’m only a phone call away.”
“Thank you, I love you.” You kissed her back, following Quinn on the way to his car, not bothering to look back.
Jack was probably busy anyway.
— ♡
HANDS around the guitar, you replayed the same melody you’ve been playing for five hours straight now.
You arrived home at one thirty in the morning, and even though you were awfully tired, you had to get the lyrics, the feelings, the emotions out of you. Fuck sleeping.
You offered your guest room for Quinn but he just shook his head, saying that he’d crash at his parents’. You made him call you when he arrived there so you knew he was safe, which he promptly did.
After that, you made yourself tea and sat in your home studio, writing obsessively. It had been a long time since the last time you had a song practically written in your head, and honestly, you couldn’t tell if that was good or not.
What you knew, though, is that now, five hours later, seven a.m. in the morning, you had a song. Bad for Business. You sent it to your producer and Grace before laying on your bed and drifting away immediately, the exhaustion taking over you.
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crushedsweets · 4 months
I'm the sweetest girl in town; so why are you so mean? Nina 'the Killer' Hopkins in Creeped PT 1: K-12
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General disclaimer: This AU is an amalgamation of headcanons, fanon, canon, and the occasional rewrite. There is an overarching story that HEAVILY strays from their canon stories. TW for toxic relationships, grooming, eating disorders, and self-harm. ED content is restricted to the 'middle school' section. Nina is a very personal character to me, but with a LOT of changes. Please take care of yourself and only engage in content you can handle.
❥Nina Hopkins was born on February 13, 1998, in California. She was the older sister of 1 brother, Christopher Hopkins.
❥Nina grew up with workaholics. Her father was a carpenter and her mother was a hairdresser, running her very own salon. They'd work 12 hour shifts, coming home to little Nina fast asleep on the couch, waiting for her parents. Especially her dad.
❥Nina was a daddy's girl through and through, and his guilt for never being there was evident. So he chose to shower her in gifts when he could, tutus and little pink mary-janes. Something girly and flashy.
❥Nina's favorite gift was a cheap, princess-themed makeup palette. Little Rapunzel's and Tiana's littered about her glittery pink and purple eyeshadows, set alongside cherry-flavored lip balms. She'd use the tiny sponge brush to delicately put on bright eyeshadow before school every goddamn morning.
❥It became obsessive. She'd come home and reapply. Cry when her mom makes her wipe it off before bed. Kick and scream when they threatened to take it away from her. When her mother asked why, Nina cried that it made her pretty. She didn’t want to look in the mirror without it. 
❥Now, Nina wanted attention. From a young age, you could see it in her. The way she dressed, the messily applied makeup, the loud voice, fake cries. She didn't get it much from her parents, and it only worsened when she became a big sister.
❥She was about 7 when Christopher was born. Her mom may have taken maternity leave, but that still left no time for Nina. She learned how to make bottles, change diapers, and bathe newborns. No attention aside from Christopher’s tiny hands holding onto her pajamas.
❥This opened a new routine for Nina and her mom, though. Each night, her mom dozed off on the couch, rocking Christopher’s little crib. Nina curled up beside her, purple eyelids half shut, watching whatever show her mom had on. 
❥Nina’s mom’s favorite show was Forensics Files. A little odd to her husband, but it immediately hooked Nina’s attention. It wasn’t age-appropriate, sure, but her mom was far too exhausted to change it. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? If Nina could wear eyeshadow, she could watch her mama’s favorite show. 
❥Just like Nina’s cheap makeup set, her interest in true crime grew obsessive. She’d get in trouble at school, spending her time in the school’s library, typing away at the school’s computer. She didn’t get far with many of her searches considering the Wi-Fi restrictions, but teachers and students quickly caught on. Eventually, she got banned from the library.
❥But Nina couldn’t get those stories out of her head. Every little bit she had memorized, she scribbled away in her diary. Obsessively. She kept track of every single detail. Memorized the victims’ names, the dates, and even the times they were declared dead. Whatever information was available to the public, Nina wrote down.
❥When Nina was about 9, she got her very own laptop. A gift from her dad, and an apology for so many late nights at work. He had no idea what it would unlock for Nina. All of the forums and chat rooms and videos she’d have access to. He didn’t even know there was a fucking ‘true crime community’ online, how could he expect his little girl to get sucked into that?
❥When Nina was 10, she became a bit of a recluse. Girls at school avoided her for a few years now. She spent day after day curled up by the playground all on her own, flipping through her diary and brushing everyone off in favor of it. At home, she’d retreat to her bedroom and scroll online forums. 
❥She began making friends online, choosing to lie about her age. She’d befriend adults interested in the same morbidity as her. They introduced her to new content. It began with anime, usually psychological horror. Eventually, it evolved into dark manga, then gorey horror movies. Nina didn’t think much when they introduced her to liveleak. 
❥Nina left her diary behind one day, a fatal mistake that she was always so careful about. A girl from her class, Claudia, picked it up. Nina didn’t see that diary for a week. She spent days sobbing over it, crying to the people she met online and refusing to leave her room in fear of it being found.
❥She was called into her elementary school’s office the following Monday. Little Nina, dressed in hot pink twinkle-toe converse and glittery lip-balm, sat uncomfortably in the stiff office chair. Her father sat besides her, a look of disappointment on his overworked face. Her diary was on the desk.
❥Nina screamed. She screamed and kicked the chair as she snatched the diary. Without a second thought, she snapped the tension in that room, resulting in her father having to hold her down. She panicked violently, and when she eventually settled down into a whimpering sobbing mess, they scolded her. 
❥They began putting Nina into therapy. Weekly sessions at first, trying to dissect what was wrong with her. It made her feel worse. She didn’t think there was anything wrong with her. She wore ‘weird’ like a badge, something that all her online communities praised her for. Why was everyone acting so awful? It didn’t matter that much, though. Her parents still couldn’t carve time out of their work days for her. Weekly appointments turned monthly, turned every three months, turned never.
❥The girl who found her diary didn’t help. She read through it long before she turned it in to the teachers, snapping photos on her older sister's phone. Claudia began to keep track of Nina, similar to Nina’s habits. When the two turned 11 and entered 6th grade, Nina began experiencing relentless bullying and harassment. 
❥It started with name-calling. Deeming Nina a freak show, calling her a future serial killer, or pretending to squeal and run off when Nina walked by. It snowballed into jabs at her appearance, laughing at her messily applied blush and colorful clothes. Saying she was the ugliest girl in their grade, making comments on her body and how all the boys found her gross. She very frequently fell for boys saying they had a crush on her, only to laugh at her the second she believed it. Her self-esteem was already in shambles, but the relentless harassment only worsened it.
❥Nina found solace online. Her friends were older, more mature. They understood her. Sure, some of them made her a bit uncomfortable, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. When she turned 12, she confessed her age to them. It broke her heart when a few blocked her, but not everyone did. She clung to those who stayed. Curiously, the adults interested in staying friends with little Nina were the same ones introducing her to new disgusting content. They’d ask to video call her and stream their favorite movies. Nina didn’t realize they were snuff films at first.
❥The harassment at school didn’t stop, of course. Nina was too young to start dieting, too young to be buying expensive makeup, too young to be worrying about her appearance. Regardless, she was convinced it would solve her problems. Alongside the fixation on horror, Nina stressed about her looks. She’d sob in front of mirrors, calling her adult friends and begging them for advice. They’d ask for photos. You know, to help her. She shattered every mirror in her room, weeping over her bloody hands and sending shards along her body. Nina's new diary obsessively kept track of new numbers.
❥Nina spent every night grabbing at her face and body, desperately morphing it to look the way she wanted. She didn’t even stop to think about Christopher in the other room, listening to her wretch into the toilet after every meal. Nina was so unbelievably lost in her own world, that nobody good ever came to mind.
❥She thought about Claudia a lot. So thin, tall, and confident. Claudia had a lot of friends, too. Nina was well aware, considering how often Claudia geared their attacks at Nina. She watched Claudia daily. In 8th grade, she noticed Claudia began wearing crop tops. Nina did too. She’d tie up her shirts and untie them around her parents. Claudia wore her hair in a high ponytail every damn day, so Nina started doing it too. Nina began applying mascara and highlight the same way Claudia did. Both girls were arguably too young for makeup, but there they were, egging each other on to apply more and more. Claudia’s wardrobe was pretty simple, nothing too flashy. So Nina opted out of her rhinestones and bright pink sneakers, instead reaching for simple Converse and plain jeans. 
❥By this point, a good number of them had phones. Claudia had long blocked Nina on Instagram, but Nina just made another account. A few, actually. One was an empty account with a fake profile picture and name, only used to follow Claudia without being blocked. A few more were made, used to follow Claudia and bombard her comments and messages with hateful content. Jabs at her appearance, her body, her clothes. Anything Nina could use as ammunition, she shot down Claudia’s self-esteem as harshly as her own. Nina would tell her adult friends online about it, bringing them to Claudia’s pages to attack her. It was cruel, and Nina knew that.
❥But it just felt so good when Claudia began to change. Before the end of 8th grade, she swapped to hoodies and pajama pants. No longer wore her hair up, instead used it to hide her face the best she could. She spoke quieter and didn't laugh so loud anymore. Nina felt like she won, and the freaks online cheered her on. Finally, Nina was able to drop her fixation on Claudia. 
❥There was an odd shift in high school. Nina had completely turned her appearance around. She obsessively posted selfies and was quite careful about her online interests. Nobody could know. She wouldn’t even share the fact that she watched anime, far too fearful of the backlash. 
❥She had caught the eye of a senior at her school. His friend group had practically circled Nina, quickly offering her rides home and inviting her out. She bathed in the attention.
❥Christopher watched his big sister sneak out every other night. He’d ask softly where she was going. Gently, she’d smooth down his hair, press a kiss to his forehead, and ask him not to tell. He listened. Nina didn’t realize how much Christopher knew, and how much he kept to himself. How much of her grief he carried with him, worrying for his big sister.
❥14 year old Nina found herself at quite a few parties. Sometimes they’d be cities away, and she’d be seated on a couch at a random college party, shakily sipping away at a drink that made her nose scrunch. Eventually, the boy that brought her to these parties asked her to be his girlfriend. Nina couldn’t believe it.
❥He was the first boy of many to break her heart. It was a short month with him, till she went to the next guy. Then the next, and the next. Nina started drinking quite a bit, occasionally smoking weed and embarrassing herself on several occasions. She said it made it easier to socialize, but she really just thought it made her look cooler.
❥It grew difficult to balance both social lives. Her adult friends online continued to demand her attention at all times. Not much changed from when she was in middle school, including the way her anxiety would skyrocket when they got upset with her. She always folded to everyone in her life. She just wanted them to stay, to praise her, to tell her how kind and beautiful and sweet and funny she was. But it just felt so much better when someone in real life gave her that.
❥Yet another boy broke Nina’s heart. She thought he was the one, she really did. She spent months with him, from the end of her sophomore year to the start of her junior year. He bathed her in everything she asked for at first. She even got comfortable sharing some of her interests with him. He thought a girl liking anime was badass, but when she began to ramble about cold cases, he started to withdraw. Shortly after he broke up with her, old rumors began to resurface. Photos of an old diary slipped back into her school, shedding light on Nina’s elementary school habits. Nothing seemed to change, huh? Still talking about the same shit she was tormented for years back, but this time, they were attached to screenshots and voice memos that Nina sent to her boyfriend that year.
❥Nina knew who leaked them. Claudia, that stupid fucking bitch. Nina was never confrontational. Nobody ever taught her how to be. But this was a new low for her, dragging her right back to her middle school horrors. It’s like all of her misery, all of her insecurities, all of her rage and frustration and low self esteem accumulated into a string of stupid decisions. 
❥Nina followed Claudia home that following Monday. It was long after school, with Nina patiently waiting for Claudia to finish her group project. Neither of them exactly expected this, but when Nina snatched Claudia’s hair and began bashing her head into the ground, there was a deep sense of relief.
❥Regret followed. It didn’t feel so good watching Claudia sob as she curled up on the floor, clutching her face and begging Nina to stop. A pathetically small puddle of blood pooled beneath Claudia, and the sight made Nina’s stomach churn. She threw up. 
❥But Claudia was fine. Only her nose was broken and her face was bruised. Nina was expelled, now being shoved into an alternate school to complete high school. It was tearing Nina up inside to be so alone again.
❥What else was she supposed to do?
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
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Imagine Yandere!Dr Faciler offering you your dream just like with Tiana. Everything you ever wanted. He's gotta hand it to you, he says. When you dream, you dream biig.
All you have to do is open up this little jar. Everything you want is inside- trust him.
He wasn't lying, you spend the rest of your life living your dream. You don't understand what happened or how he did it, but you get everything that you ever wanted. Beauty, riches, fame, power. And he comes to visit you sometimes! ^^ He just... appears. He's in your room when you slip away from your friends, or he's in your car when you hop in and you hear his voice come from the back, or you emerge from a dressing room where you were trying on expensive new clothes and he's leaning on the wall shuffling those curious purple cards. You just... get used to it. You're happy to see him; hug him, treat him to lunch, etc- after all, he's the reason you're living your dream! ^^
Except... not really. Nothing in that jar was real, it was just a wonderful delusion.
And you don't realise, that when you opened that jar everything didn't come out-- you went in.
You're living life inside a bubble (or a pretty jar), and he keeps you on his mantel there, any time he wants to see you. Hear you. Touch you. Be with you. Sometimes he just pops the lid and listens to you; so perfect and so sweet. He can never let you go, now.
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blkkasa · 1 year
sugar mommy! mikasa x disney princess gf! black reader
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Summary - you and mikasa spend time watching disney movies, having sleepovers, mikasa spending money on you, and etc.
Content - fluff, wlw, rich mikasa, princess tiana lover black reader, lovey dovey girlfriends, childhood disney movies.
Notes - i wrote this on my phone cause i didnt feel like writing on my laptop | words: 468
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✩ As you and mikasa watching disney movies together, mikasa plans on taking you on a drive around the town and listen to disney music (and other songs besides disney hits) with her.
"wait mika can we listen to encanto music in the car please" - Y
"alright... just for you, pretty." - M
✩ You online shop for a princess tiana funko pop and also finds a princess rapunzel funko pop for mikasa (i think she'd like rapunzel and mulan).
✩ After mikasa's workout at the gym, she goes to a store to buy a suprise for you after ya'll 6th year anniversary of being in a relationship.
✩ Moments of communicating your favorite childhood disney movies and characters, mikasa decided to plan a lovely disney princess party for your (upcoming age) birthday.
✩ Your lovely girlfriend invites her friends and your friends to y'all house so everyone can have a disney sleepover with disney princess pjs.
✩ Everyone having a funtime sleeping over, making cookies, doing each other's makeup, tweeting random things on twitter, and playing games on tv.
✩ Mikasa carries you to bed and gives you a forehead kisses while putting a disney blanket on top of you.
✩ On halloween, you and mikasa dress up as daisy duck and minnie mouse as you facetime the girls all dressed up in costumes to head to a halloween party.
✩ Mikasa takes care of you after being sick, she makes some soup, and gives your minnie plushie to you, snuggled in bed with you, and you layed your head on her chest falling asleep.
✩ You and your friends get into an argument about who's a better character in disney while Mikasa looks at your phone and types something that would make everyone even more upset while you and mikasa are laughing.
"bae this shit is so funny what the fuck" - Y
"yall got issues, good lord..." - M
✩ Both of yall take a trip to california to go to disneyland and see fun things there while getting on the rides, eating food, and taking cute selfies of each other.
✩ You show mikasa pictures of how you want your nails to be done and she decides to let you take her car and drive to the nail salon while mikasa cleans up the house.
✩ Mikasa's friend invites you and her to go to the mall with her and on the way there you both find cute little disney hats and bags.
"ou mikasa do you see those pretty hats and bags?" - Y
"yeah, do you want one?" - M
"nah not today" - Y
✩ You decide on making princess tiana's gumbo and ask mikasa to cook with you.
✩ Mikasa wanted to surprise you with flowers, chocolate, disney plushies, and another promise ring for valentines day.
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and that's it for the headcanons :)
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tvgals · 1 year
stay at home dad! eren x black! wife! reader 🫶🏾
- i love powerful women 🤩
cw- eren has a daughter and a son, eren trying to manage his kids’ hair, modern au + carla never died, glasses! wearing eren, black! reader, enjoy !
what was eren doing? well, currently, he was trying to add beads to the bottom of his daughters twists, his large calloused fingers constantly slipping from the beader, beads falling onto the floor. “just call mama!” nevaeh — you two’s daughter — called from her spot in front the couch. her blush pink fold out chair in between eren’s legs while he sat on the couch.
“i can do this. your mom said i need to learn how to do it myself.” and with that, eren pushes his glasses up with his wrist and gets back to work, his tongue poking out his plump lips in concentration. “daddy look!” his daughter calls out, pointing at the tv in awe. when eren looks up he sees the clear imagine of tiana and naveen having their bayou wedding. “it’s pretty, right? your mom said she wanted a wedding just like that.” eren says, a dopey smile on his face - reminiscing on his beautiful wedding day. the day he became practically conjoined forever with the love of his life.
“what’d it look like daddy? was it pretty? did you do pink?” nevaeh beamed, turning around in her chair. “of course it was! i only had to have the best for your mom,” eren replied, “i have a bunch of pictures. i’ll be back.” eren stands up and rummages through the storage closet, finding a white photo book, labeled ‘wedding day <3’ eren grins and walks to his son’s room, knocking on the door before walking in. “jay, wanna look at pictures with me and ‘veah?” eren asks, showing him the photo book. “yay!” his stubby three year old legs waddling his way to eren. eren picks him up and walks back to the living room, plopping onto the couch. “cmere ‘veah.” eren says, patting the spot next to him. she sits down and peers over eren’s arm, the photo book in his lap.
eren opens up the photo book and is presented with a picture of you and him at your bride and groom table, whispering and laughing about something. “see, your moms wearing blue flowers around her wrist. you can see her big dress from under the table.” eren chuckles, he can only remember when you insisted carla didn’t have to go all out for your dress, but she shook her head and made one anyways, she wanted only the best for her daughter in law. nevaeh giggles. “where was i at?” looking up at eren with wide eyes. “well just after this we made…you! then your brother two years later!” eren smiles. just before his sentence started once more, all three of them heard the door unlock. nevaeh and jay jumped up and ran to the door. you open it and are greeted with a pleasant surprise. “momma!” nevaeh said, hugging your legs, jay following her.
“hi ‘veah, hi jay! did y’all have fun with your dad?” you smile, picking them up in each arm. “had alotta fun! daddy showed us pretty pictures of you at your wedding!” nevaeh said, pointing at eren and the photo book. “did he?” you giggle, walking over to eren.
“hey baby. how was work?” eren coos, kissing your pretty lips. “tiring as usual. i can see you’re watching princess and the frog again today.” you snicker. “princess frog!” jay blabbers, playing with eren’s fingers. eren smiles. the princess and the frog credits started playing, so he went to turn on another movie. “again, daddy!! again! pleaseeee!” nevaeh pleads, trying to do her best puppy dog eyes. “pleaaseeee!” jay echos, giggling. “fine. but just this last time, then we have to eat dinner.” eren gives in, pulling jay into his lap and nevaeh to his right side, giving you two space to cuddle on the side. the movie started once again and you look to eren.
“sooooo,,,what’s up with ‘veah’s hair?” you whisper.
eren sighs,“i tried.”
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lynnuvo · 1 month
Hi I hope I’m not bothering you but I just finished reading the reenactment fanfics and I was wondering if you’d be open to make one about “Princess and the Frog” or “Mulan” those are the only films that I remember the character having a more “got get it/work for it” attitude and relate a lot to that plus the yans would be interesting to read (to me at least I mean it’s ur writing not mine) anyway thx for the attention hope u have a great day and keep writing awsome fics :>
From 👻 anon
Hello 👻anon! Thank you so much for the touching compliment! I was wondering which fairytale to do next, so I'm glad you suggested either of those. Although it's been a long while since I've watched Princess & The Frog, I'm going to try my hand at that one since I love the story. For those who prefer a male yandere, don't worry! I'm planning on writing another version of this fairytale for you ღ
.·:*¨ ✘- It Takes Two to Tango - ✘ ¨*:·.
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Characters: Yan!Charlotte x Female (Y/N) in Tiana's role In which Charlotte intends to take the only desire she can't buy: her best friend
A Tale in the Baking
When you reincarnated into your new world, you were sleeping soundly in bed with a young, blonde girl who wore a frilly dress that scratched your skin. You were pretty confused and somewhat panicked about your predicament: your childlike appearance drastically contrasted from the mature adult life you've been leading. It wasn't until the end of the week that it finally dawned that you were in the middle of the fairytale "The Princess and the Frog."
Your father, James, had passed recently. Your mother, Eudora, shared his dream of owning a restaurant to you several times already as she reminisced her late husband. Of course, you provided as much comfort as you could. Charlotte visited your home every two days, more clingy than you remembered her being in the movie (likely due to the event).
Now, while you weren't aiming to follow exactly in the true protagonist's footsteps, the prospect of owning your own restaurant sparked a fire in your heart. It was ridiculously difficult to try to own even a car in your previous world. However, there was a key difference in that world and the current one: your family was close with the La Bouffs, the wealthy family Charlotte is from.
As you grew older, you became a confident young woman who didn't dare let a soul deceive her in any way. Because your relationship with Charlotte also grew, you vowed to never let anyone deceive her as well. She was veracious and at times ill-mannered, but you knew deep down that she was also naive. You weren't sure of what the true protagonist did outside of what was told in her tale, but it was your story now. So, you defended Charlotte at every corner & convinced her to tell you of any hardships she had--or of anything, really.
Who knew that such actions intended to protect her would ultimately backfire?
Ever since she was little, Charlotte dreamed of a prince coming to rescue her from trouble. She'd ramble on and on about this dream to you, who listened to her oh so intently. As time passed, this dream took a different turn. She pondered about it often, twisting the idea in her palm left and right while guys fawned over her.
One night, her father came into her room and introduced an opportunity of a lifetime: to marry Prince Naveen of Maldonia. She was ecstatic and agreed right then and there. In that same week, however, she began having second thoughts.
She visited the restaurant you worked at alone soon after. Picking up her sour mood, you took your break early and sat with her at a table, inquiring whatever was the matter. For someone like her to display such an downcast face in public was a rarity. She told you about her worries. Was marrying Naveen the right choice? What if he wasn't as great of a prince as she hoped he would be? What if she wouldn't be happy after all?
After comforting her softly, you chuckled and cheerily reassured her that everything would be well. Marrying him would mean she'd have both her best friend and the prince in her life!
(You were really hoping they'd get married. On top of Charlotte's happiness, the prince would be a great advantage in your career.)
Charlotte left the restaurant with a laugh, but your support left her heart heavier than before.
At the masquerade ball hosted by her father in honor of Naveen's arrival, Charlotte escaped to your side at every chance. As much as you loved her, her constant presence was disrupting the anxiousness you were trying to keep down. The story had already started off on the wrong foot. Where Charlotte was meant to introduce her potential relationship with her father Big Daddy was instead Big Daddy stopping by to eat with one of his clients at your restaurant, sharing the exciting news.
Once Charlotte darted into the kitchen for the eighth time that night with another excuse to talk to you, you gripped her by the shoulders, instructed her to be a good host and tend to her guests, and to not search for you until the night concluded.
Charlotte hated how you pushed away--hated hated HATED it. But still, she'd do it for you. She'd do it because you trusted she'd listen.
In the meantime, you waited in Charlotte's room until a frog jumped onto your balcony. You already knew you were going to be outbid for the mill (just like how it was in the fairytale), so you weren't wasting any time crying over a destined lost investment. When Naveen in his frog form entered the home, you rolled his eyes at his request to help him find a princess and agreed as long as he married Charlotte regardless of whatever was to happen that night. He had no problem with that.
Lucky for you, knowledge from your past life would serve your career well. You told Naveen that because Big Daddy was crowned Mardi Gras king recently, Charlotte would be a princess. All you two needed to do was to wait for the party to end.
Barely Lovely Triangle
As you suspected, Charlotte came running up to you after the ball had concluded. She chided you with tears in her eyes for leaving her alone for so long. You apologized, saying you only wanted the best for her and the Prince and that you being there likely would've prevented any action from her towards him. She begrudgedly agreed before going on to share how wonderful the dance was. She'd never danced like a royal until that day.
You nodded and "uh huh"-ed and dropped compliments as she talked. Once she concluded, you asked her to please listen to what you were about to say. She guessed the matter had to be serious enough for you to possess such a tone, but she hadn't expect an explanation about the frog beside you.
She pointed at him, a corner of her lip lifted in uncertainty. "So he's a prince, the one I was just dancing with was a fake, so I have to kiss that him to bring the prince back?"
You nodded. "Yup. Do you believe me?"
"I....I do. But what's going to happen to the fake one?"
"He'll be exposed in no time. Please, Charlotte? For me?"
Oh, you know she can't resist any request if it's for you.
Naveen, truth be told, transformed right then and there, into a dashing human of royal blood. After talking about you three's lives for a little while, he bid farewell and wished to meet you and Charlotte again soon. Knowing better now, Naveen kept his distance from danger, and low and behold, Lawrence--the man who had disguised as Naveen with the help of an evil talisman--was arrested for fraud.
Surprisingly, that was the start of a friendship trio. You, Charlotte, and Naveen hung out together every now and then in different locations. Of course, you and Charlotte remained closer than ever, but you were relieved to at least have a breath of fresh air. You didn't really have that many friends in city because you were so engrossed in either work or plotting against a destined marriage you didn't want. You were especially glad that Charlotte and even her father weren't keen on getting Charlotte married as soon as possible. Maybe with how things turned out, you no longer needed to worry about the fairytale's plot.
Too bad Naveen eventually falls in love with you anyway.
His proposal came during one of those days where only two of the three in the group were hanging out together. He happened to stop by your restaurant as you finished your shift and offered to walk you home after stopping by another location. You accepted, but you later wished you didn't once the proposal at a beautiful park happened. You rejected him kindly and reminded him that he had a duty to fulfill, and that was marrying your friend. He apologized. You felt bad, but you weren't in love with the guy! Plus, you wanted that restaurant of yours more than anything in that world. No man was going to stop your dream.
You shared what happened the next day to Charlotte at her house. In contrast to the rant you expected from her, she was...eerily calm. She inquired about the person who has your heart, and to that you told her you didn't have anyone. She nodded and recommended you stay away from Naveen for a bit. Men can take rejection quite rough was the summary of her small spiel about men this and men that. And according to her recommendation (even though you were planning to anyway), you didn't pay Naveen's business any mind. He didn't come around as often.
Over the next couple weeks, Charlotte would visit your home more often to hangout. She'd bring up the topic of romance a couple of times, but your answer remained the same: your love was for her and the restaurant you wished to own.
You'd ask about her and the prince every now and then. Her answer was the same: she wasn't as sure about marrying him anymore.
Love is the Secret Ingredient
At last, Naveen's proposal came in the privacy of a beautiful park with a pavilion and crispy lake. He had set up a picnic for Charlotte and him. They chatted as they ate, and once they concluded their afternoon meal, he popped the question.
Although Charlotte had convinced herself for days that she must accept for her dear friend, she just couldn't.
"I'm sorry, but...I don't think I can do this."
To say Naveen was disappointed was an understatement. Not only did the real thief of his heart reject him, but his business partner and friend also did. Charlotte felt guilty, but imaging herself being stolen away from you was a nightmare! And imagining you being stolen from her.....
Without a proposal to the wealthiest family in the city, Naveen was lost. He had arranged the marriage with Big Daddy to combine their influential powers (Big Daddy's wealth & Naveen's royal title despite being casted out by his family). Luckily, you arranged for him to work with you--to start him on the path of someone in your class.
Charlotte, of course, hated it.
She got an earful from Big Daddy for her rejection, but she didn't care. He would soon lose interest in the proposal as well anyway. After all, she was a Daddy's girl, and he wanted her happy.
Charlotte walked you home almost every work day. Her constant attention made you worry for her own health, but she was a ray of sunshine around you. How hurt could she be?
Soon, Naveen stopped showing up to work. The manager told you that Naveen told him he had lost motivation to work and quit. You were stooped, but when you went to visit the hotel he's been staying at since coming to the city, the receptionist shared that he left two night ago.
Charlotte told you that he happened to overhear her talking about a wealthy friend she had in another city. She arranged for him to go meet and live with the friend at his request.
You scowled with a heavy heart. "Wow. He didn't even bother saying anything to me. How shallow."
Charlotte pouted. "Yeah! He dare he! Guess it's just back to us again, huh?"
You smiled. "Yeah. You get me, Charles."
Adoration flowed through her veins. She was worried you might catch some strange aura off of her, but she wasn't lying. The situation was just premeditated. Within a week, Naveen should arrive at the hotel Charlotte had pointed him to just to find out her friend (she gave her a fake name, of course) had already left that hotel present day's tomorrow. There was no way he could afford the trip back to New Orleans. His entire trip to get there was funded by Charlotte herself.
Two months passed before a letter arrived in your mailbox. The mill that you had lost during Charlotte's ball was bought from the previous owner, and the lawyer inquired if you still wanted the property. You didn't waste any time meeting with them. You intended to sign it over to yourself, but the lawyer suggested another property--one that was more spacious and had much more potential. He offered it at the same price, just as long as you took one or the other. You accepted the second option.
Charlotte was elated to see how thrilled you were. Because you used up most of your savings on signing over the new space, she offered to help renovate the place using her money with refusal for objects. She even asked if she could work for you whenever she had time! You couldn't help but be grateful for your dear friend. You were typically too busy for other friendships, but never too busy for Charlotte.
From then on, life was like a fairytale. You worked your butt off at your new restaurant and taught Charlotte the ins and outs of active involvement. She loved it. She loved working with you. She loved watching you negotiate with hagglers and host events to promote the place. Because you were often exhausted by the end of the day, she suggested (quite strongly) that you and your mom move into her home. It was safer that you come home with someone, and her house was so big, you'd have all the privacy you want!
(Don't expect much privacy from her, though).
Suitors weren't a rare occurrence. You became quite a sought after individual as your business grew. But Charlotte knew how you felt and ensured anything causing your stress was taken care of. You tell her everything, after all!
And of course, she tells you (almost) everything. No boy ever became a problem after Naveen. And like always, despite her new insecurities towards being involved in the "working" part of business, no one was to bring her down. For instance, Charlotte overheard an employee of yours discussing her lack of tack to a chef. She mumbled about it to you over dinner, asking if she was a burden to you. The next work day, the employee praised her progress more than twice in one shift.
One night, you both decided to have a sleepover in Charlotte's room. Trying on different dresses and watching movies had tired such pretty girls out. Laying in her bed, you brushed some blonde locks away from her gorgeous face. "You know Charles, these days, I feel like you're my only true friend."
Charlotte giggled and cuddled closer into your arms. "I'll always be silly. Even if the world crashed, we'll have each other to rely on. No one else!"
"You're absolutely right. No one else."
As she drifted off to sleep in your arms, you continued to brush her hair with a smile on your face. Running a restaurant was hard work, but gambling your luck on Charlotte was even harder. It was a relief she didn't reject Naveen due to affections for another guy. As long as you continued to open your arms out to her, you'll be fine, life would be bliss.
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applesaucesims · 1 year
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A whole new world...
Testing @zeussim's upcoming Princess Bridal collection update and I'm obsessssed!! I already loved the original, and the new one is even more amazing! Coincidentally, I've just recently updated my Disney Princess sims, so of course I used the opportunity to dress them up! The child is actually Jasmine aged down. My Odette is actually the Barbie version because I haven't seen the other movie and this swatch works perfectly for her too. Not pictured are the glass slippers (though they are worn by Cinderella and Ariel here) and the pretty little teacup that comes with the set. But take my word for it that they are just as amazing.
Non-rotated picture:
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From left to right: Odette, Ariel, Tiana, Aurora, Rapunzel, Mulan, Cinderella, Jasmine, Belle, Snow White
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signed-sapphire · 3 months
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This is essentially everyone in The Fallen Star that’s important and that I’ll be drawing pretty frequently, so I needed something to look back on to verify outfits. I also did colours because I could and I think it looks neat
I’m not too sure about Magnus and Amaya’s colours, but I can edit them if needed
Closeups and notes under the cut!
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Most of the seven teens’ outfits I had no problem with. I just edited some of their concepts to better match their jobs, for example Simon is a knight-in-training so he’s dressed in casual armour
I also used more colours from the original seven dwarves for the seven teens (the shades were slightly off for the movie looks imo)
I took a lot of inspiration from BotW fashion, especially for Dario, Simon, and Hal
I also designed Magma (Magnus and Amaya)’s outfits based off concept art for them
Sabino is Hal’s grandfather in TFS, so their designs parallel each other
Idk if you can tell, but Hal and Sabino I tried to give a cooler skin tone and Asha a warmer one. Tiana has cool undertones in her design and I really loved that aspect, and it also matched well with Hal’s colours
Evangeline is not here yet because I couldn’t decide colours for her
Dahlia has gloves and pockets
Asha, Bazeema, Hal, and Gabo’s outfits all have hidden pockets
There are a bunch of Easter eggs I hid in their designs, though! Please please send me asks or comments about what you spot! For every correct observation I’ll do a doodle of said character because I’ll be so happy you spotted it haha
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changingplumbob · 4 months
Pancakes Household: Chapter 9, Part 12
Time for Eliza's birthday!
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For reasons you'll soon read about her style change happens sporadically over this part
Tiana's thoughts will be in brackets for communication
Bob: She’s asleep, it took a while but she’s snoring now
Eliza: You do a good job with her Bob
Bob: I guess. I just feel like she deserves the world and I fall short
Eliza: Hey, you never fall short to me or our older kids. Tiana will be no different. That's just your gloomy side trying to throw you off. Now, care for some birthday celebration
Bob: But your birthday isn’t until tomorrow
Eliza: Is it? I guess I’ll go to bed by myself then
Bob: *laughs* No you don’t! Come back here, let me treat you
As normal Eliza doesn’t need much convincing to join her husband in bed.
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3:30am and Tiana wakes with a start. What is she doing here? This isn’t the crib it’s… the playmat? How did she get here? Sounds like a pile of poop to her. To emphasize this she poops her diaper in angry infant mode.
Eliza: Good morning Tiana. Mother's just come to check on you
Tiana: *coos in grumpy* (wakeup time is the worst, what's so great about being awake)
Eliza: Now I’m afraid daddy seems to have come down with Starey Eyes so it’ll be you and me against the world today
Tiana: *coos in still grumpy* (daddy was going to show me cooking)
Eliza: Hey there miss grump, you really don’t like wakeup time do you? I guess we’ll have to find something fun to do
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Eliza scoops up Tiana and blows a big raspberry on her tummy before carrying the grumpy infant to her ensuite. Tiana angrily fusses all the way but doesn't have enough coordination to flail out of Eliza's grip.
Eliza: Now Tiana this big thing is called a bath and here we have a seat, just for you. How about that
Tiana: *coos curiously* (is it comfy)
Eliza: Let’s take off your- oh you used your diaper, lovely
Tiana: *smiles* (it's warm in here, I think I'll pee)
Eliza nestles Tiana in the special infant seat and fills the tub with warm water and bubbles, constantly checking the temperature. Tiana smiles as Eliza tickles her nose and she tries to pat at the bubbles. When she is all clean Eliza gets her dressed and feeds her a bottle.
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Bob may be feeling awful but feels like he would be a failure as a chef if he can’t make his own wife a birthday cake. Despite his head screaming at him and generally feeling dizzy he goes through the motions of cake making, luckily all the past bakes help him do the process pretty quickly given the circumstances. Then he rings in to let his boss know he’s ill before adding candles and heading back to bed.
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Onyx: Happy Birthday mother! I thought you were going to have a party
Eliza: Your dad isn’t well so I decided to cancel
Onyx: Make a wish mother
Eliza: *laughs* okay, here goes
Adulthood has reached Eliza! In celebration Tiana grabs her feet for the first time and Onyx gives Strawberry a loving pat.
Eliza: Good luck for the exams
Onyx: Thank mother but I don’t need luck, I studied
Eliza: That’s my kid!
Onyx: See you after school Tiana
Tiana: *coos questioningly* (where is sibling going, sibling not leave me) *cries*
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Eliza: Oh Tiana, it's alright. Onyx will be back later, yes they will
Tiana: *sniffles* (mother promise?)
Eliza works on some tummy time with Tiana who learns how to roll onto her back! Strawberry is impressed. Eliza settles the infant on the mat for a nap and goes to grab a late breakfast. She eats it on the couch while talking to the dogs. Not the birthday she imagined, but one that she doesn’t mind. Hopefully all this time at home will help her be full of energy when she returns back to work.
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Eliza is happy to spend the main part of the day cleaning while Bob rests up. Once Tiana has finished her nap Eliza begins a dance workout. Soon enough she has to stop however as Tiana has begun to sparkle while she plays with her toys.
Eliza: Are you going to have a milestone honey
Tiana: *giggles and coos* (I am mother so you don't need to trade me)
Eliza: You’re laughing! Oh that’s adorable! Daddy will be impressed, yes he will
Excited at her daughter’s progress Eliza decides to give a game of peek-a-boo a go. Unfortunately Tiana worries her mother has disappeared and bursts into tears.
Tiana: *cries* (Mother is gone! Why did she leave me! Did I do something wrong? I was trying hard for her and daddy)
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Eliza: Oh I’m sorry! Mother is here, mother is here
Tiana: *sniffles and coos* (promise to never leave me again mother)
Eliza scoops Tiana in her arms and cuddles the infant close until she stops sniffling. The pair are practicing sitting when Onyx and Fergus arrive home.
Eliza: How was the aquarium
Fergus: Fine, I've got homework. See you and Tiana later
Tiana: *coos and wobbles* (so this is sit)
Onyx: Mother, great news, I aced my exams! Again! Can we maybe talk about getting a horse now
Eliza: That’s it Tiana, keep your head up. Oh I don’t know Onyx, the household is pretty full
Onyx: But mother-
Eliza: Darling if you look outside does it even look like we have room for a horse
Onyx: *points* Yes it- OMG MOTHER
Eliza: Oh dear Tiana, your sibling is pretty loud when they want to be
Tiana: *giggles* (Onyx is funny)
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With a chorus of thank you’s over their shoulder Onyx races outside where they spotted the foal Eliza had purchased for them.
Onyx: Oh you are pretty. What shall I call you? Hmm, I know, Maelstrom! Yeah, that’s a good name
Maelstrom: *neighs* Hi
Onyx: Oh how rude of me, are you hungry? Do you want some milk
Maelstrom eagerly grips on to the bottle Onyx holds for her and guzzles away.
Onyx: You know, I wanted a horse but a foal is even better. Now we get to spend more time together! I know I have cheer and school and stuff but I’ll be your best friend, I promise
Maelstrom: *neighs* sounds good to me
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The foal spent the evening running around the property having a good time. Unfortunately the exploring took its toll and Maelstrom began to feel scared. Hearing the change in general noises from their bedroom Onyx went to comfort their new foal. Maelstrom was skittish from the new big world but with love and affection returned to being happy. Looks like Onyx is a natural.
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And at midnight Bob felt well enough to put in some dad time. After giving Tiana a cuddle he knelt down and practiced sitting with her.
Bob: And up we go, how is that huh
Tiana: *giggles* (I up for daddy)
Bob: Who’s the cutest infant in the world? Is it you? Is it you sitting
Tiana: *giggles* (I am cute)
Bob: Alright and back down we go. Wait, what are you doing honey? Eliza!
Eliza comes rushing into the nursery in time to see Tiana roll from her back to her tummy all by herself. Bob is overjoyed and Eliza gives Tiana a snuggle, telling her how proud they are.
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That’s it for this chapter of the Pancakes. With 3 new additions (4 if you count the dust bunny) the household is now running at maximum size. I didn't get as much done with the teens as I had planned but hey, can't make real life not happen. Thanks for your patience and support readers!
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Previous ... Next (New Goth)
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xmsmarvel18 · 29 days
Common Things That Both Gwen Stacy And Tiana Toomes Had
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1. They both are girlfriends of Miles Morales
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2. They see one of their family members as a role model. Ofc, Raymond and Adrian support Gwen and Tiana's dream.
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3. The family member they see as a role model turns out to be a villain!
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4. Both of them lose their family. Gwen lost her mother while Tiana lost both her parents (Father abandoned her and her mother died from health condition). Gwen still had her father and Tiana had her grandfather.
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5. Both of them even lost their best friend.
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6. Both of them are so pretty even if they wear dress.
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7. In both Tiana and Gwen's introduction, they mentioned about Miles being their amazing friend. Ofc, they both miss him as they had feelings for him.
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Both Gwen And Miles Were Seens As Strong, Brave, Pretty, Adventurous, Kind, Helpful and Supportive people. Even if they lose their loved ones, they will still stand feet on the ground. Idc, if Gwen or Tiana gonna end up with Miles. Coz both of them derseve recognition equally. Tiana is introvert while Gwen is extrovert. I'm waiting for Btsv to see Gwen saving Miles and waiting for latest Miles Morales: Spider-man issue 24 to see how Tiana gonna deal with her grandfather(Vulture) with Miles. I'm looking forward to their character development.
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jqmalikhsgib · 3 months
sea view
harry really misses his family when he’s away on tour. he misses them so much, when he’s home he takes the time to give them all his undivided attention. with his eldest son, he’d go outside and they’d play whatever sport corbin was into. he was very grateful he was into football now. cory was amazing at it too! harry knew he’d make the team this upcoming school year.
with his daughter he’d have tea parties and dress up like a princess. she was currently obsessed with princess aurora. harry had bought her a cute princess dress to add to her collection. she’d currently had cinderella, elsa, anna, ariel, belle, tiana, snow white, rapunzel, merida, princess jasmine, and now aurora. her collection was pretty big.
with his youngest baby, he’d teach him words, help his walk, and sing a few educational songs. hayden was a happy baby. he’d always been smiling or laughing while clapping his hands. out of all their kids, hayden favored you more than anything. harry told you he was definitely a carbon copy of you.
and finally, with you it was during bed time. when all the kids were asleep he’d take his time admiring your body. worshipping you as if you were an angel. he’d make sure you knew you were loved from every angle. harry loved taking care of you. in his eyes, you were a fucking goddess. no one could compare to you. harry shakes his head at his past self. he couldn’t believe he’d ever cheat on a you. he loved every inch of your body.
“god, harry!” hearing you moan his name as he devours your cunt made his dick twitch each time. he loved the taste of you. he could cum just from eating your pussy.
harry hums against your clit and you run your finger through his hair. he smirks knowing that you’re close to cumming.
“please baby, im almost there. don’t stop.”
harry rolled his eyes at the statement. as if he’d stop making you feel good. it’s his favorite thing to do after all. harry gently plunges a finger inside of you. he fucks you gently with it while he continues to lick on your clit.
soon enough you were cumming. harry hums once more against you before lifting up and kissing you passionately.
you moan at the taste of yourself. you needed harry to make love to you immediately before you pass out.
“please baby, need your cock.”
“yeah?” harry starts. “how bad baby?”
you whine. “don’t tease me—holy shit!”
harry pushes into you without warning. he kisses your moans away before slowly pulling out of you.
you grunt into his mouth as he slowly fucks you. you run your hands along his back. harry pulls away from your mouth and buries his head into your neck. he groans in your ear.
“god, you feel so good baby. always so perfect.”
“please, harry. harder.”
harry gives you exactly what you need. “i love you, babe. you’re the most beautiful woman to ever exist, i swear.”
harry knew sometimes you need to be reminded from time to time. he knew why. he couldn’t blame you. but he loved reminding you here and there. letting you know he’s a new man and he’ll never let you down like that ever again.
“swear on my life, babe. every last inch of you is perfect. your beautiful lips, your perfect breast, your cute tummy, every last part of you i love.”
“love you too, harry. more than you know.”
harry knew you were close. your cunt began to tighten around his cock.
“gonna cum?”
“yes, so close harry. please?”
harry picks up the paste. the two of you reaching your peak at the same time. harry collapse on top of you.
he kisses right below your ear before slowly pulling out of you. you whine at the loss before harry pulls you closer to him.
you sit in silence for a while before turning around. you kiss harry gently.
“gonna miss you when you leave next week.” you pout.
“i know, baby. im gonna miss you too, babe. you and the kids! after this tour im taking time off, i promise. gonna take my time on my fourth album. that way i get to spend my time with my family.”
“mhm! i don’t wanna miss anymore time with you and the kids. i feel like i miss too much, baby. i hate it when you call me and the kids accomplished something. it breaks my heart i wasn’t there to witness it.” harry frowns.
“i make sure i record anything i can to send you. but i know it’s not the same.”
harry hums in agreement. “we should get some sleep. the kids might wake us up really early.”
“goodnight, babe.”
“goodnight, baby. love you forever.”
you both fall asleep in each others arms.
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minimomoe · 5 months
Love Bites pt. 4
Cute little babies in cute little Halloween costumes
Baker Fem Reader x Toji Fushiguro (mafia au)
word ct: 15.1k, 11 Chapters
Chapters: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI.
Preview: When everyone’s attention is focused on the glittering light show Megumi looks back at his dad, and sees that you are standing much closer to him than before. He squints, noticing that you have your pinkies entwined together before fully enclosing each other’s hands...
Chapter Four: Apple Cider
“Rina, you lied to me. You make it sound like you teach the spawns of satan but all these kids look absolutely adorable.”
“They are spawns of satan,” Rina hisses quietly, making sure no other teachers can hear her. You shake your head in disbelief. “Of course they are on their best behavior now. Nobody wants ISS.”
“Well I think that they are adorable. I mean, there’s mini Princess Tiana and tiny Jack Sparrow. That’s a crossover I never thought I would see,” You point at the kids who came dressed up for the fall festival. There were different booths open, from games, to food, to arts and crafts, and apparently the school had a special surprise as the finale. 
“I guess they’re not all bad,” Rina grumbles. 
Three kids walked up to Reyna’s booth, their costumes bringing a bright smile to her face. The child in the middle looked familiar to you but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. 
“And what can I get the vampire queen, Frankenstein, and the werewolf today? I have caramel brownie bites, mini cinnamon rolls, and peppermint bark. Oh, and I also have apple cider,” you display. 
“I’m Frankenstein’s monster. Mary Shelley never gave the monster a name,” says the kid in the middle. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“You’ve read Frankenstein already? I didn’t have to read that until high school,” you blink. The little kid just shrugs his shoulders.
“How much do we have to pay you? I would like some brownie bites,” says the vampire queen. She has a hand held mirror and checks her fangs in it. 
“It’s all free. Just let me know what you want.”
“Then I want one of everything and some cider!” Says the werewolf.
“Yuji, leave some for other people.”
“What? She said it’s free,” Yuji looks back at you and you nod your head. “See Nobara!”
“Fine. I’d like to have a brownie bite and peppermint bark then. What about you, Megumi?”
Megumi was about to order until he read your apron. It was the same flourish of cursive letters that he had seen on the boxes his dad brought home. His eyes narrow suspiciously, pointing his finger at your clothes. 
“Are you the owner of Love Bites?”
You chuckle nervously. “Yes…why?”
“And you’re dressed like a witch?”
“The Wicked Witch of the West, yes.”
“Megumi, you might be right. She really did curse your dad,” Yuji says with a mouth full of brownies. Megumi scowls at him, but his face looks so much like his father that you had to hold back a laugh. 
“So you’re Toji’s son? It’s lovely to meet you. I promise, I did not curse your dad to be a slave to my baked goods.”
“Yeah. You haven’t given him your cookie yet,” Rina whispers in your ear, making you smack her arm. 
“My dad was eating a jelly donut once, your jelly donut. He has never eaten those before. The jelly fell on his pants, and he just stared at it for a really long time. I think the sugar is rotting his brain since he keeps on going back to buy more.” 
You snort but you couldn’t get mad at the child. He says everything so matter-of-factly you almost felt compelled to agree with him. “How about you taste one of my treats and you can come to your own conclusion?”
Megumi narrows his eyes again, but the pretty lady didn’t set off any alarms in his head. He takes a caramel brownie bite and takes his time to really chew it. You, Rina, Yuji, and Nobara stand in anticipation as you await Megumi’s verdict. After what seemed to be ages Megumi swallows and looks back to you. You lean in close when he opens his mouth to sigh.
“I don’t hate it.”
You turn and high five Rina while Nobara hands Yuji a one dollar bill. “I told you he would like her eventually,” he smirks. Nobara shakes her head in despair and clings to Megumi’s shoulder. “What happened to your cold heart? I just lost money because you want to be nice.”
“I may be a hater but I won’t be a liar,” Megumi grumbles, taking a cup of apple cider to wash down the snack. 
“I’m glad that you liked it,” you swell, and Megumi really couldn’t get himself to dislike the mystery baker lady like he had planned to. 
“Megumi, there you are!” Huffed Toji. He was in his customary black suit, except his hair was pushed back and you couldn’t help but to stare. Toji’s eyes bounced between Megumi and Reyna, and then to you and Rina, then back to Megumi. He nods to you before turning his attention back to his kid.
“The fireworks are about to start,” Toji said carefully. “Let’s go get a good spot.”
Megumi could tell the nervous look in his father’s eyes as he looked at you like he wanted to say something but couldn’t. Frankenstein’s monster turned to look at you. “Do you want to come with us?”
You start to decline but Rina jumps in. “I’ll take it from here. I’m not a fan of fireworks and I see them every year. Go, have some fun,” she winks. 
You look at Toji and he looks hopeful. He sees her wearing the earmuffs and beanie that he had bought you a week before and he smiles . Not a wide, opened mouth smile, but you have studied his facial expressions long enough to know that he was beyond happy and you blush, following them to an open spot on the field. The kids trail in front of the two adults and whisper among themselves.
“Megumi, your dad should be holding her hand. Why isn’t he doing that?” Nobara hisses.
“He’s a slowpoke that’s why. Why do you even care?”
“She’s pretty and she can bake. We’d be dumb not to like her,” Yuji answers. Megumi scowls at them but before he can answer the fireworks start.
When everyone’s attention is focused on the glittering light show Megumi looks back at his dad, and sees that you are standing much closer to him than before. He squints, noticing that you have your pinkies entwined together before fully enclosing each other’s hands, and when Toji’s eyes fall on his son’s, he gives a father a sharp nod before turning back to listen to his friends try to shout louder than the fireworks. 
Chapters: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI.
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