#so gas can lore hehe
brainman1987 · 4 months
could I get Taishen in Tiana's blue dress? Pretty please 🥺
I hope I’ve done him justice….
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Pairing- Older! Logan x Mutant! Fem! Reader (Enemies to Lovers)
Word Count: 2.6k (an introduction to the series)
Summary: After being put on the goverments watchlist for being an "unsafe" mutant, Logan 'jumps' (tackles) to the rescue, taking you to the X-Mansion. However, you and Logan do not get along... at all.
Warnings: mentions of violence and guns, swearing, logan and y/n not getting along, crying, reader kinda thristing over logan (as one does)
**authors note/ things to note: this may not be lore accurate/ canon because i haven't watched the x-men movies since i was younger, so its roughly based off what i can kinda remember hehe. y/n has jean greys powers, and jean does not exist in this universe, this is nemies to lovers- but a slowww burn :)
"all this sympathy is just a knife, why I can't even grit my teeth and lie? ifeel all these feelings i can't control..."- sympathy is a knife, charli xcx
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“I don’t like you.” you stated plainly, crossing your arms with a huff. This was the most blunt you had been with anyone, ever. But you couldn’t help it.
You had known Logan Howlett now for an hour, and it was an hour you would never get back.
“You’re not s’possed to like me kid. You’re supposed to listen to me, which you’re failing miserably at.” the older man growled, barely looking over at you from the driver's seat. His hands tightened on the steering wheel, knuckles turning white as he slammed down on the gas.
You were thankful in that moment seatbelts were invented.
You bet ten dollars Logan was around when they came up with the idea.
He was an asshole.
He was tasked with the mission to get you to safety- as you were a “rogue” quote on quote mutant as the public called your kind. It made your head spin, not only from Logan’s driving but the sheer weight of it all.
One morning you were pouring your orange juice, the next the national guard was surrounding your house, and a man who happened to have claws shoot out of his knuckles had dived and tackled you as the gunfire started.
Now you were here, in an old rusty truck- speeding down a back road through the woods with an old man who seemed to hate everything. On the run, on your way to the mutant academy- to start over, and to learn how to control your powers.
Or so you hoped.
Logan wasn’t making the trip there very pleasant though.
“I’m listening to you. And even if I wasn’t- do you blame me?! After what just happened I don’t know- maybe an hour ago?!” you rolled your eyes, glaring at him hard enough to leave laser beams through his skin.
“You’re a mutant. Get used to it.”
“Get used to it?!”
He shrugged. “That’s what I said, ain’t it bub? I was tasked to take care of you and get you to safety, so I’m doing that. Doesn’t mean you have to like me.”
You huffed, staring out the window at the trees that blurred together, dark leaves falling on the ground as you whipped by. “I don’t like you.”
“Yeah, I picked up on that kid.”
“I’m not a kid, you know.”
He snorted, running a hand through his tousled hair. “Sure.” It was silent in the car for a few minutes, minus the crackly radio, the station starting to cut out as you ventured deeper into the woods.
You leaned forward, turning it off. Silence.
“So… are you actually two hundred?” you asked meekly, darting your eyes over to stare at him. Even if he was a dick, he was handsome as hell. You couldn’t even deny that.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to ask someone their age?” he mocked.
“Sorry, I forgot elders were sensitive to that kind of thing. Let me know if you need help getting your walker from the back.” you snapped back, as he showed teeth at you- growling.
Good. Piss him off as much as you could, so when you got to the academy he would leave you alone.
He muttered something under his breath, something about how kids these days have no respect (despite you very much not being a child), and you tuned out.
With a sigh, you leaned your head against the window, the events of today taking a toll on your body. You looked up at the clouds rolling by, until they faded away to black.
Strong arms carried you, and you curled into the warmth they provided, hands clinging to a rock hard chest. You yawned, savouring the rocking motion, until it stopped.
Your eyes fluttered open, blinking quickly as you adjusted to the dimming light. It was dark out, stars replacing the clouds from earlier- and two dark orbs stared at you intensely.
You squeaked, stumbling down to your feet, backing away from Logan quickly.
“Good morning.” he smirked at your sudden reaction, your frown lines deeply etched in your forehead compared to how they were a few seconds previous.
“What are you doing?!”
“Walking you to our room.”
Your eyes nearly popped out of your head.
“Our room?! And I can walk by myself, thank you very much.” He snorted, jangling the keys in his pocket. “Really? I didn’t know you could sleep walk.”
“Don’t be a dick.”
“Can’t. Already tried.” he said, unlocking the door with a click. 106 was scrawled across the wooden door, and the strong smell of lemon cleaning supplies nearly suffocated you as he stepped inside.
He must have stopped at a motel somewhere along the route- in the middle of nowhere. It was older, not as old as him- but aged. It must have been quiet, you assumed- because Logan didn’t seem like the type of guy to willingly choose to be around people, especially not when on the run.
As shitty as the situation was, you were thankful for a place to sleep, and for a proper bed. The car seatbelt and window was not very comfortable, your neck aching from it rolling down during your nap.
You stepped inside, noting the very obvious couples room, a large bed in the middle of the room, with no pull out couch. You gulped.
“I’ll take the floor.” you stated, as he closed and locked the door behind you. Unease lingered in your stomach.
Please god, do not make me sleep with the Wolverine. I do not have the strength, nor patience today.
“Don’t be stupid girl.” And that was that. He shrugged off his jacket, tossing it on a little table, flickering on a little side lamp.
You were stunned into silence. You tried so hard not to look.
So. Damn. Hard.
But his muscles were on display, so much so they might as well be their own art exhibit.
His white tank top clinged to his tan skin tightly, and you watched his muscles flex, dog tags jangling on his chest as he snagged a pillow from the bed and tossed it on the floor.
You quickly looked away before he caught you staring, and taunted you for it.
“I’m going to shower.”
No reply. You bit your lip, turning around quietly and tugged your skirt down as you walked in the bathroom and shut the door.
No amount of scrubbing of the shit hotel loofa could get the grime of the day off your skin- soap foaming as quickly as it sputtered down the drain. You tried to stay in the shower as long as you could- dreading the awkwardness that the night would entail- but soon the water turned ice cold.
Shivering, you rinsed off your hair, cranking the taps until water dripped faintly. Wiping the mirror, you stared at yourself in the reflection.
A long scratch darted up your neck, little ones dotting across your arm. You wished you had Logan’s healing abilities. They were ugly, harsh and jagged- standing out like a sore thumb.
You hoped your pjs covered it, you thought, as you wrapped a thin towel across your body, acting as a corset the way it caused your breasts to pop.
Then it hit you. You didn’t have pjs. You didn’t have anything but the clothes on your back (bathroom floor).
Fuck. Could this get any worse?
Not only did you have to sleep in the same room as Logan, you had to ask him for clothes?! Taking a deep breath, you opened the door a sliver, its loud creak echoing throughout the entire room.
“Uh… Logan?”
You poked your head out, eyes darting to survey the space- seeing your bed untouched, long legs poking out from the other end on the floor.
“I- uh.. kinda forgot pjs.”
Nothing, and then a loud laugh emerged from him, his body shaking from the sheer sound of it. “Course you did kid. Here.” he tossed a black t-shirt your way, and it landed on the carpet with a plop.
It would be massive on you, you could already tell- but it was something. Usually you had to go on a few dates and sleep with a guy a few times before you got to this stage. Not an option this time.
You quickly stepped out and grabbed it before he could look up at your (barely) covered body, shrugging it on in the bathroom.
It smelt like him, like whisky and smoke, cider and fresh cut grass. It was comforting, in this moment of chaos. You breathed in the fabric, resting your head against the wall.
Your lip wobbled, hot, salty tears slipping down your cheeks as you gasped for air.
It hurt. Everything hurts.
You were exhausted, hungry and more anxious and overwhelmed than anything. The shock had started to fade, your hands had started to shake and you couldn’t help but break down.
You didn’t care if Logan heard you. The tears continued to fall, body heaving as sobs tore through your body. How was life so unfair? So cruel? Things had changed so fast- and you hadn’t asked for your abilities. You didn’t even know how to control them yet.
But that was what made you dangerous to the government. You thought, growing even more angry with yourself. But how was it your fault?
It made you sick. You just wanted to go home, lay in your own bed and eat your own food, to see your friends and go to work. You never thought those words would leave your lips- but it was true. It was routine, and it was normal.
You felt normal, when you were filing paperwork, talking on the phone to clients. As boring as it could be at times, it was steady.
And now?
You were bouncing around like a ping-pong ball. A coin had been flipped, your fate plastered on either side- and you had lost the draw. Taking a shaky breath, you attempted to regain your composure before facing the judgemental beast outside.
Your eyes were puffy, cheeks sticky and warm with drying tears. Wiping your face, you found the courage to slink back into the main room, flicking off the side lamp Logan had left on. If he had to shower, he could find his way in the dark.
You were sure he could see in the dark- all wolves could- couldn’t they?
Slouching into bed, you gripped the thin sheets tightly- cocooning yourself to try and stay warm. The air was on full blast, despite it being chill outside- and you assumed you had Logan to thank for that.
Great. I’m going to get hypothermia before I even get to the fucking school.
“Do you have to have the air on full blast?” you asked, looking over the side of the bed, watching as Logan crankly peered an eye open.
“Well could you I don’t know, survey the scene and see it’s cold outside already?”
He huffed.
“I’m warm. I’m always warm.”
“Well that’s not my problem. Be considerate wolf.” you rolled your eyes, hugging the sheets tighter to your body.
“Deal with it kid. It’s staying on- if you don’t like it, sleep outside.”
Well that made you sit up.
“You’re such a dick.”
“Yeah getting a motel room and letting you have the bed- real dick move eh?”
You huffed, gritting your teeth together. This man was pushing your buttons more than they had ever been pushed before. You hated how much he got under your skin. It was like you had your own set of claws, that only he could set off.
“Well I shouldn’t even be in this situation.”
“Yeah we all think that. Shut up and sleep.” he growled, rolling over to face away from the bed.
“You could at least have some respect.”
That was all you asked for, anyways. You had shown him it even when you were in deaths way, thankful for him for saving you. He didn’t show an ounce of it back.
“I’m not giving you any sympathy, if that’s what your asking.”
It felt like a knife had stabbed you in the back, twisting your insides. You whipped up again, throwing a pillow at his face.
“I’m not asking for your fucking sympathy you old piece of shit!” you yelled, earning nothing but silence in return.
He was over you.
Fine. You could do the exact same thing- but better.
Turning your back to him (a dangerous thing to do, you thought), you squeezed your eyes shut and listened to the hum of the air conditioning unit.
Not long after, the weight of the day pulled you back under the waves of sleep again.
“Wake up kid.” a gruff voice called out to you, a firm hand shaking you. You awoke with a start, blinking until the room came into focus.
Two beaded eyes stared at you narrowly from above you, rolling as you mumbled. It was still dark out, as no light showed through the thin curtains.
The clock read 5:00 and you sighed.
“Breakfast on the table. Get dressed and we’re leaving.”
“Good morning to you too.” you grumbled, rubbing sleep out of your eye. A very stale looking muffin sat on the table, next to Logan’s black coffee.
“Why are you feeding me?” you asked, walking over to take a dry bite. You were famished. Eating anything completely slipped your mind.
“Because Charles would kill me if I didn’t. I said I’d look after you. You can’t starve.”
“Jeez I thought that was the plan all along.”
It tasted like sand in your mouth as you took a bite. You were grateful for it, nonetheless. “I never said I wanted you to starve.” he grumbled to himself, taking a long sip from his mug.
“It was heavily implied.” you spat, turning over the mini coffee bar, finding a kettle and a bag of earl grey. You waited for the water to come to a boil, the kettle screaming at you while you poured it.
You were ready for this day to be over and it hadn’t even begun yet. You had a feeling you would have to get used to it- or else it would eat you alive.
Just like how Logan looked right now- like he’d tear your limbs from you and chew them. You wouldn’t put it past him.
“When you finish that we’re leaving. You got five minutes.” he said, grabbing the truck keys from the table. “Five minutes? I haven’t even had a chance to wake up yet!”
“Too bad. We gotta go kid.” He slammed the door hard behind him, rattling the frame as he unlocked the vehicle.
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, asshole.” you mumbled under your breath, chugging down the rest of your tea as fast as you could. If you were back home you would have the morning to lounge around in a bathrobe, sipping your tea slowly with a book and some fresh fruit.
The odd time you would use your powers to move the toast to the toaster, or to move your slippers to your feet. But that was no longer the case.
The tea tasted bitter as you chugged it, burning your throat. You shrugged on yesterday's clothes, running into the bathroom to splash cold water on your face.
The front door swung open and before Logan could protest- you bolted out the room. “I’m out, I’m out. Jesus.” Scrambling to the front seat, you watched as Logan glared over his shoulder, slamming the door.
It was going to be an extremely long drive.
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welcometoteyvat · 8 months
real livestream reactions this time
his VA is trying to do the canto phrases!!! and like a slight tinge of accent?????? hopefully she's getting there? i perked up when he said 我埋单 ("my treat") hehe wwwww he's so cute
family issues?? a dream job side hustle that his family doesn't really agree with but he still does anyways while doing a "more legitimate" main job? sounding more like xingqiu by the minute im intrigued
his little chibi at the end,,, and the sort of stop-motion paper animation with man chai was so cute. suanni man chai and (kind of) ex-god guoba meetup when??
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww my sonnnnnnnnnn oh my god
also. menogias. can we talk about this giant ass minu stage
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LIKE WHAT. LORE???????? CHENYU VALE MINU LORE????? PLEASE? he's prolly my fave dead yakshas; circle forehead fashion designer monkey general one of zhongli's biggest fans (jk).... please give some crumbs
there's one guy in the xianyun developer interview who was like "please don't go too hard on us" it's a bit stronger wording/more pleading wording in chinese but he's so real for this lol. god bless thanks for you work just never look at my critiques or comment sections in general <3
im sorry but some of the buildings in chenyu vale kinda look like they got copy pasted from star rail xianzhou alchemy division map
i guess it's fine because they both look like suzhou waterway architecture w the white walls black tiles
oh never mind it looks too much like star rail xianzhou .... the rest of it looks super cool though. jade <3
xingqiu. sad face i'm sorry his skin looks dull i don't like the furina knockoff suit. i won't talk about the girls lol
GUOBA YUEGUI LMAOOO the minigames look cute honestly
traveler is cooking. aether's delighted face when the dish is finished was so funny i'm sorry
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 10 months
I’ve just been sitting in the back this entire time! I have no idea what’s happening, but I am definitely tempted to start reading Tales from the Gas Station, based purely on how excited you’ve been over it. Any recommendations on what format to read it in?
Also, related to the potential askblog, your character roleplaying is very, very good and I would love to see it again! (So good, in fact, that 💎 has lore now. Thank you for that!) — 💎
And for TfTGS... personally the books are the most fleshed out. They keep the comedy while putting more attention to the story and characters, and are extremely enjoyable. They also have audiobooks that are very well done, but you can also read the original blog posts or listen to the blog post narrations on youtube though they leave out a lot
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m0e-ru · 2 years
why did you give izanami nullity? is that even an actual arcana?
oh shit I never explained this at all here ever have i 🤯
short answer: no it’s not a real tarot, however it's somewhat derivative of The Fool and the reverse of The World (you get where this is going).
long answer sponsored by moel oil gas corp
It was all the way back when I started thinking of this au making it the first few things I ever thought about in the lens of gameplay and lore wise. I figured I’d follow how they implemented Adachi’s SL and mimic that-ish.
In the way that Social Links and Arcana are affected by the Velvet Room’s guest’s perception of their bond, the nature of the relationship itself etc etc. It’s what gives them strength and in P4’s context, helps bancho find the truth.
By definition “nullity” could mean “nothingness” “insignificance” “nonentity” “a thing of no importance or worth” where I just hoped it would be the opposite to “anybody” or “everything”
that being said if this social link was ever implemented into the game players would fucking hate it for how stupid volatile it is <- thought about gameplay
while it’s incredibly easy to garner points since whatever the fuck you say to their face wouldn’t really matter, the schedule is so intertwined with the story itself if you missed the dates to rank up one rank the whole social link would just be gone from your SL menu and it would’ve been like there was never an attendant to begin with
you keep the attendant part time job just . without the attendant. they even stop showing up when it rains they’re just fucking out of there they’re done with you
not only is there a strict schedule but also dumb prerequisites to each rank like initiating Justice or getting Jester to rank 3 not only do you have to worry about the day but if you’ve gotten those ready or not <- dumbass hypothetical game mechanics <- is the one that thought of the game mechanics
BUT if you do it all right and get it to rank 9 you’re technically fine and Yomotsu-Hirasaka becomes Yomotsu-Hirafuckedup and is worse than the Hollow Forest itself gamefaqs worst jrpg dungeon of the decade. If you choose the right dialogue options maybe you’ll a good bad ending where someone theoretically dies but it continues like the game’s True ending or maybe you get Nullity to rank 10 and it becomes the Universe and you get a special key to unlock episode izanami on persona four arena ultimax for free and the whole story completely diverges from there
moving the hypothetical gameplay aside, i make mim go through their own’s fool’s journey if you know a thing or two about the actual tarot. that makes three clowns and a judge at the gas station it’s a circus at that point (gave Namatame Adjustment tarot, Thoth equivalent of Justice)
while i also understand the weight of the World and Universe arcana in the Persona-verse itself i like to mess around and give mim the universe hehe (i am pulled off stage probably) i think it’d be cool to see another fool complete their journey and receive the world
i probably mentioned this 10000 times or never times on this gas station i don’t know but my plans for mim at least is that. well. they’re quite literally nothing
sure they’re a god sure they have a duty they have a face they have a name they have the power to manipulate the manifested world of a collective unconscious—but it’s anyone else’s bond with the attendant, it's the gas station attendant social link. nothing more than a role they play to put their plan into action. like acting as a manager for a bunch of amateur teenage show hosts or puppeteering Teddie’s poor Shadow or governing an entire reality
something meant to be disposable and forgettable—something empty. like a weirdly crocheted pouch you think you wouldn’t use and probably end up unraveling to reuse the yarn but you used it so much, put things in it, decorated it even, that there’s sentimental value to it now and you can just toss it out or unravel it anymore <- has been crocheting
that’s no longer nothingness that’s no longer nullity there’s essence and something and ego that yes maybe this bond will change dramatically from both parties’ view
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buggaberry · 5 years
my miraculous fic recs
These are a bunch of fics that I personally really love and highly recommend giving a read! Most of these are probably gonna end up being angsty, I’ll try my best to put some fluffy ones too, but I will put potential trigger warnings and the sort as needed. Some of them are gonna be old, others new, but I think this’ll be fun in case you’re looking for something to read!!
                ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
whose woods these are (I think I know.) by Reiaji
(Rated T)
Pairings: Ladrien
Cinderella AU, Adrien winds up as a servant in his own home after his mother passes away, he meets a masked huntress in the woods and finds happiness for the first time in a long while. This is such a beautifully written piece, the writing is phenomenal, and the lore is everything. If you haven’t read this already I highly suggest reading this! (Incomplete) //Implied/Referenced Child Abuse//
Chasing the C/h/atwalk. by Inkkerfuffle ( @runningoutofink )
(Rated T)
Pairings: Adrienette
Project Runway AU anyone? Marinette competes in the show and she happens to come across a certain familiar model’s face~ I absolutely adore this fic, it’s the cutest thing ever. (Complete)
Breathe by artisticFlutter
(Rated T)
Pairings: Lovesquare
“While assisting the public during an akuma attack as Chat Noir, Adrien is unknowingly exposed to a deadly disease making one final stand in Paris. He struggles to stay above it, to keep fighting, but he finds it harder to breathe every day.”
This fic is supposed to be a crossover fic with the Trauma Series, which I’m not familiar with, but I love this so much. It absolutely hurts, but it’s written so well and I go back for this one a lot. (Complete) // Graphic Depictions of Illness // Blood // Surgery //
Lucky Us by PrincessKitty1 ( @geek-fashionista )
(Rated T)
Pairings: Lovesquare
They’re aged up in this AU! Marinette finds her life not going quite as planned, she’s stuck working at her parent’s bakery. Ladybug and Chat Noir are aliases for their emails and they’re pen-pals. Adrien starts coming to the bakery after hours. Slow burning ensues. This fic is  s o f t , it owns my heart and it’s asdfhk everything. (Complete)
Ruffled by imthepunchlord ( @imthepunchlord )
(Rated G)
Pairings: Adrienette
This is a Harry Potter AU! Although it doesn’t have any relation to the plot of Harry Potter, it takes place in the same universe. They attend the French wizarding school Beauxbatons, Adrien struggles to fit into the pureblood society because he’s secretly half human and half Veela, a witch catches his eye and hehe slow burn. (Complete)
Pray For the Children You Lost Along the Way by LunarDaydreams
(Rated M)
Pairings: Lovesquare
Silent Hill AU, I’ve never played the game before, nor do I know any of its context, but this fic?? Is so good?? Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Hawkmoth end up stranded in a strange town, Agreste family drama, creepy monsters in the fog, and the town seemingly transfixed on hurting Chat Noir. Ladybug and Chat Noir try their best to stay together and escape. Lots of hurt/comfort. If you’re into horror, this one’s for you. (Incomplete) // Graphic Depictions of Violence // Trauma // Psychological Horror // Horror // Minor Character Death // Temporary Character Death // Silent Hill-Typical Warnings // References to Suicide and Depression //
Phantasmagoria and Late to the Jabberwocky by Mikauzoran                       ( @mikauzoran )
(Rated T)
Pairings: Lukadrien / Lukadrienette
These are both a part of her Springtime in Wonderland series and it’s so wonderful. The writing is absolutely amazing, Phantasmagoria takes place on the anniversary of Adrien’s mother’s disappearance, he rebels and goes to the bar where he runs into Luka playing with his band. They grow closer together, and lots of flirting ensues. Late to the Jabberwocky takes place after the events of Phantasmagoria so I can’t say much about it without spoiling the other so ur just gonna have to go read it :P (Incomplete) // Mentions of Alcohol // References to Depression // Family Issues //
Out of the Rain by ominousunflower ( @ominousunflower​ )
(Rated T)
Pairings: Lukadrien
This one gives me big owies, it hurts like no tomorrow, but I’m hooked on this. This made me tear up because it just hurts that much. Ladybug is killed in battle against Hawkmoth, this deals with the aftermath, Adrien struggles to cope with it. He has to give up being Chat Noir, and his friends try to help him keep it together. Things get worse when he finds himself with a new responsibility he’s not sure he can handle. The author puts warnings at the beginning of each chapter, because it’s pretty heavy. But this really is one of my favorite fics right now. (Incomplete) // Major Character Death // Grieving // Loss // Isolation // Depression // Eating Disorder // Panic Attacks // Thoughts about Dying // Emotional Self-Harm // Mentions of Vomiting //
A Werecat in London by ThornQueen ( @i-am-thornqueen ​ )
(Rated M)
Pairings: Lovesquare
I am a sucker for werewolf -or in this case, werecat- AUs. They’re aged up, Chat Noir has to deal with the consequences of an akuma while on a business trip in London. This is an older fic and it hasn’t been updated in a while, but what’s there is absolutely worth reading. The writing is amazing. (Incomplete) // Mentions of Nudity // Discussions of Sex (not explicitly) //
Back to Us by DarkReyna16 ( @insanitysscribblings ​ )
(Rated M)
Pairings: Lovesquare
Hawkmoth is defeated, but it costs Ladybug and Chat Noir’s friendship. They go their separate ways only to meet up again seven years later, the citizens of Paris are lashing out, and tensions are as high as ever. What could go wrong? This is like enemies to lovers, except they were friends before they were enemies, and it is the ultimate slow burn. (Complete) // Minor Character Death //
Truth and Consequences by siderealSandman( @siderealscribblings ​)
(Rated M)
Pairings: Lovesquare, Lukagami, Nino/Alya/Chloé, Mentions of Lukanette and Adrigami
Marinette discovers Hawkmoth’s identity and she makes a deal with him. Chaos ensues. This really dives into the shows dynamics and almost dissects the lovesquare. It makes u wanna cry and go whYY my poor heart, but you have to keep reading because you wanna know what happens next. (Incomplete) // Major Character Death //
You Don’t Know Me by Ferisae ( @ferisae ​ )
(Rated T)
Pairings: Lovesquare
This was like my first favorite fanfic, it’s written so amazingly, and it’s an older one as well that hasn’t been updated but it owns my heARt. Ladybug suffers from a near-fatal accident and Adrien struggles to keep it together. He has to try and protect Paris while falling apart emotionally and physically. (Incomplete) // Hospitals // Blood // Illness //
Cry of the Siren by SKayLanphear ( @skaylanphear )
(Rated M)
Pairings: Lovesquare, DJWifi
This is so pretty agh, I daydream about this fic. Marinette is a pirate captain, Adrien is a mermaid and finds himself caught with arranged marriage, he leaves his home and gets stranded on human shores after being injured. I love this so much, I love pirates and mermaids, and the society that was built is so amazing and ga h. (Incomplete) // Nudity // Mental Health Issues //
Love Has No Barriers by Scribbling Mama ( @scribblingmama )
(Rated T)
Pairings: Adrienette
Adrien suffers from a rare immunodeficiency disorder which leaves him stuck behind plastic and isolated from the outside world. He’s childhood friends with Marinette, and he wants nothing more than to leave his bubble and confess his feelings for her. This fic was so sad, but so soft, I adore this to bits. (Complete) // Illness // Hospitals // Surgery //
The Two of Us by AnabielVriskaMars
(Rated T)
Pairings: Adrienette
Because this list needs more fluff! They’re in college and Marinette is struggling financially, Adrien offers to marry her until she’s stable again. Totally not romantic or anything… unless??? (Complete)
There’s definitely more, but for now these are all the ones I can name that I really really love. Happy reading!! ♡
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simplysnexual · 5 years
Got inspired by @doctor492 ‘s SCP!au with Erasermic! I don’t often post my stories so have mercy! I took some creative liberties with their abilities and such. I’m also not terribly educated when it comes to all the SCP lore. 
Excerpts from a guard’s journal.
Day 1
My first day in this sector of the facility. There are 4 keter class anomalies in this sector. Two of which I am in charge of dealing with. These two are kinda...humanoid in appearance but I have yet to see more than quick glances. Training is extensive in this sector as one wrong move either means death or worse: the escape of a dangerous creature. Training has mostly been computerized and kinda boring. Can't wait to get to the hands on stuff. 
Day 5
Finally onto some interesting stuff. I’ve had my first encounter with the SCP nicknamed Eraserhead. He...well I suppose it, though it does have a masculine body type. Plus its kinda weird calling such a humanoid creature an it so I’ll just say him. Anyway, he is a shadowy figure that appears to be made of an ever shifting inky mass. He has bright, misty yellow “eyes.” These eye-like features could be something else entirely their own but appear to act like eyes, blinking and fixating on whatever his attention is on. White cloth-like ribbons float around him constantly like thin snakes writhing in the air. Wispy outlines that look like hair also frame his head and face. I don't know much else about Eraserhead but I’m excited to learn more.
Day 7
First encounter with the “Voice Demon.” Yet another humanoid anomaly, this one more so than Eraserhead. The Voice Demon appears to be a 6’1” white male with long blonde hair. The most jaring and notably inhuman feature is its mouth. A wide maw stretches past the normal stretch of a human mouth, wrapping around all the way to its ears. Its, well I’d called this one a he too. He has lacerations around his throat that appear to have been stitched up and plucked at only to be stitched again. I don’t know for sure but I believe those injuries were inflicted by the Foundation…
Day 10
Something rather interesting happened today. On my usual rounds to check on the anomalies, I discovered Eraserhead standing at the plexi glass window of his containment unit. Mirroring him on the other side of the hall was the “Voice Demon.” The demon’s spirling green eyes seemed softer than his usual jaring glare. As could be said for Eraserhead. But shortly after they noticed my presence, they went back to the darker corners of their units. 
Day 12
I’ve finally found out more about my two favorite SCPs. Turns out Eraserhead has the ability to not only control the writhing ribbons around him, but can also erase one function of the human body, such as the respiratory system or cardiac system. Pretty scary stuff right? A few guards have fallen to this creature’s abilities. I guess I have to be wary not to piss him off huh? As for the Voice Demon, his name is very fitting. His voice can reach beyond 177 decibels, a range passing which is dangerous to humans. This level of sound can burst cells in your lungs, shake your bones and even cause long term damage to your joints. I believe the facility tried to sever his vocal chords but found that not to be the source of his ability. I’ve yet to hear (hehe) of his ability being used or how they keep him from using it. 
Day 16
First incident on my shift, A fellow guard wasn’t being so careful around Eraserhead’s unit. There's an existing rule that you don’t stick around the plexi glass viewing window of his unit. Apparently this guy forgot or didn’t listen to the warning. Dude’s respiratory system shut down and I found him after hearing his gasping wheezes. The SCP medical team took him away. I’m not sure where to but I have a feeling it wasn’t to a hospital…
Day 18
Caught my favorite two charges interacting across the hall again. I hid around the corner to see what they did away from prying eyes. They seemed to be making gestures to each other and after a bit I noticed the Voice Demon fogging up the glass with his breath and drawing things, cats and flowers and the like. Eraserhead’s yellow slits of eyes squinted like how mine do when I smile. Strange...but endearing. Humanizing almost... 
Day 21
Found out what the Voice Demon’s smile looks like...Seems I made him laugh, not sure I can call it that but I’m guessing it was a laugh. I tripped on my idiot coworkers spilled coffee and kissed the floor. Once the Voice Demon made his laugh like noise, I turned to him and saw his lips had curved up and his eyes squinted. Eraserhead matched his squinting. I couldn’t help but smile myself...heh I guess I’m just as strange huh? Smiling at the strange and deadly creatures I guard from the world everyday. But hey it’s the little things that remind you of your humanity when you’re stuck in sterile white hallways all the time.
Day 25
A few guards went into Voice Demon’s unit to try to draw blood or something. Most came out with bleeding ears. Two came out in body bags after a gas filled the room to incapacitate the creature. I’m beginning to doubt the Foundation’s care for its employees…
Day 26
After reviewing the security footage of yesterday’s incident, I noticed the shifting form and writhing ribbons of Eraserhead had increased in their violent motion. His inky, ever-moving form had gone rough around the edges and his ribbons whipped as if in a tornado. Almost like...he was upset?  Angered that his neighbor, maybe even his friend was hurt?
Day 31 
Eraserhead and the Voice Demon are definitely friends of some sort. Yes I know I’m not supposed to humanize the anomalies but I can’t help myself. Their interactions continue and grow in complexity and frequency. It's kinda endearing to be honest. I don’t see much friendly interaction in this place. I feel just as trapped as they do sometimes…
Day 40
My first interaction with the Voice Demon. Guess I pissed off the facility or something cuz they sent me in ALONE to try to draw blood. I’d pretty much accepted my death sentence the second the doors closed behind me. But to my surprise the creature looked at me...curiously? I knelt down to try to seem less threatening and spoke to him like I would a scared child, like my siblings when they hid from a storm. Across the hall I caught a glimpse of Eraserhead’s form shifting violently again. I sat cross legged for a while, slowly trying to coax him over. I couldn’t believe it when the creature approached me and extended his arm for me. I held his wrist like I had when my little sister scraped her elbow. I spoke softly like I had to her as I took the Voice Demons blood, totally unaware of why but fixated on the sentience in his eyes. 
Day 45
The facility sent me into Eraserhead’s unit after my success with the Voice Demon. They didn’t send me for blood, I don’t even know if he has blood?? I think they sent me in for the hell of it, to watch a keter class at work or see what this one did with a human actually in his unit not just outside his window. Turns out, not much. The creature merely stared me down before shifting away and turning his back on me. Without anything really interesting happening for a good while, the high ups let me back out. I’m just as much contained as they are these days. I haven’t been allowed to leave since the interaction with the Voice Demon. But I can’t find it in myself to regret it.
Day 50
I don’t trust this place anymore. The staggering number of guards lost in a month is beyond what could be just “accidents.” The measures they go to “contain” these creatures they label monsters are beyond what’s right. Nearly worse than what the creatures do themselves. A place which considers beating what I could nearly call a person into submission just doesn’t seem right.
Day 51
I treated the Voice demon’s wounds today. He seemed sedated as I worked with him as gently as I could. I talked softly to him, about nothing in general but just to give him some comfort, something to focus on. My heart nearly stopped when I heard his voice. It was only a soft. “Thank you.”. His voice was soft but raspy from lack of use. I met his gaze and that’s when I made my decision. I’m getting them out of here. Him and Eraserhead. After all, what use is it freeing a lone creature to face the world outside without a friend?
Day 55
This Foundation is run by idiots. All this secretive crap covers up their incompetence. But this plan isn’t going to go through without sacrifice. It’s worth it. Without my family around to need me anymore I’m happy to die for a good reason. I’ve faced death before just for this stupid Foundation’s fun. Tomorrow during shift change I’m cutting the power on the sector where Eraserhead and the Voice Demon reside. It’ll be just long enough for the locks to fail and let them escape. I hope they get far away from this hell hole and pathe their way in the outside world. And maybe….just maybe, remember me fondly.
This was the last entry written in the young man’s journal. SCP guard Scarleton lay dying in the glistening blood pooling around him. The red flashing of alarms briefly illuminating the hall in intervals. His dying sight was the Voice Demon’s toxic green eyes spilling over with tears as he grasped the only guard, hell the only human to treat him like anything other than a monster. One more little smile found the man’s lips as he showed his blood stained teeth, eyes sliding closed. “Go on….be free.” He let out a wet laugh and went still. A shifting black form took the arm of the green eyed creature and drug him away to follow through on the guard’s dying words.
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angstytieflingbard · 5 years
Oh I’m so touched u would say that... Dw abt the story being a different version, that happens all the time with me hehe. Tho I think with that second thread of guardians and such in musutafu would probably make it so that there are no villains at all! who’d want to commit quirk crimes when a 10000+ year old machines of war could kill u in one shot. I imagined that magic would be more alien in the world of bnha, but still apart of it somehow? Like only those with hylian blood ala lttp lore
 “just. everyone having some of their ideas bended a bit with the idea that magic exists, and it predates quirks and has none of the same limits.. I also like to imagine ua (for some reason) trying to hide these Literal Dragons flying around after the seal on hyrule is broken, but they probably can keep themselves secret, they’re divine! Back to the more ua aspects tho, if link finds a fairy fountain in the ua au hed definitely shove several fairies in his pockets and rush to midoriya” (pt2)
Well, I’m glad that you’re chill with me and my bad writing habits. Anyway, stuff below the cut! 
So, first off, the entities in Musutafu thing. It would mainly be an epilogue state, if that makes sense! There wouldn’t be guardians or divine beasts running around Musutafu until the end. Plus, there’s no guarantee that the guardians would have their combat capabilities intact, partially because of Link’s likely poor reaction to seeing them, even without memories of his past incarnations to guide his perceptions of the constructs. With a bit of work, it wouldn’t be too hard to remove and replace the eyes of the guardians, thus making them relatively harmless, and it would make both Link and some of the citizens more concerned about the prospect of death robots settle down, at least a bit. Also you’re absolutely right, Nezu in particular wouldn’t take well to the presence of real, actual dragons hanging around Musutafu, seeing far too many ways for that to go horribly wrong. Though, like you said, the dragons are perfectly capable of hiding themselves. I mean, even in BOTW where they fly over main roads on a daily basis they were still considered more of a legend than anything. Thinking about it, it’s likely they only appear to people they choose to- those who deserve to see them. 
Now as for magic, I don’t know that there would be any lineage component. Yes, in LTTP Hylian’s were the only ones who could perform magic, but in later games in the series that’s been amended. For example, each of the champion’s had a spell specific to them, which they of course passed on to Link at the end of the divine beast quests, and the Sheikah are repeatedly shown to have magic. However, magic seems by all rights a trained skill, rather than an intuitive one,  so while it doesn’t have the physical drawbacks many quirks do it’s something you’d have to learn over the course of your entire life. That being said, many quirkless would take to magic, I think, the opportunity to have those kinds of abilities even though they hadn’t won the genetic lottery would be really appealing, in a world so pitted against the powerless. 
Finally, the fairy fountains. I think there’s probably one somewhere near the training camp they go to in season three, one hidden somewhere in Musutafu itself, and as for the other two I’d have to think on it. They couldn’t be too close to each other, but they’d need to be somewhere that Link and co. could find and have enough time to interact with. I think Link would actually find the one near the training camp first, and more on instinct than anything else he’d carefully sneak around and collect the fairies into little jars (something else he keeps on his person for seemingly no reason, but he can’t bring himself to leave them at home) and holding onto them. He’s probably also been stockpiling rupees for a good while, since they don’t have really any monetary value anymore, so waking the Great Fairies isn’t too big of an ordeal, though there’s also not much they can help him with in comparison to BOTW. 
By the time the training camp attack has come and gone, Link’s pushing himself past the point of exhaustion to make sure everyone’s gotten back safe (besides Bakugo, he laments, taking all the blame of the situation onto himself as he always does) and he almost doesn’t notice the way the jars in his pockets rattle against each other, the fairies sensing the wounded and desperate to help. He lets them free almost as soon as he notices, somehow just knowing it’ll help, and the little pink fae nearly swarm the injured students, Midoriya in particular, healing wherever they’re able. It doesn’t completely fix the damage done by Mustard’s gas, but it helps keep those who got hit stable until paramedics arrive. By that point I think even class 1-B are used to the admittedly crazy things that happen around Link, or are at least aware of them, and are more than willing to keep quiet on the matter of the fairies for the blonde boy’s sake. After that, though, Link makes it a habit to keep a fairy or two on hand, most of which end up getting used on Midoriya, though the green-haired boy does grumble somewhat at Link’s almost mother-hen attitude towards him. 
Alright! A bit long-winded, admittedly. Anyway, I finally settled on how I want to get the first chapter of the fic done, and I’m about half-way through writing it. I’ll hopefully have it out soon, thank you so much for your patience!
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industriangel · 6 years
Alton Towers Secret Weapons
Okay so I said I’d do it- here is most of my knowledge on Alton Towers Resorts secret weapons lore and histories!
I put in some videos of the ride experiences themselves and soundtracks and some pictures too so like, spoilers I suppose? At least, spoilers if you’re going to ride the rides!
Oh and I know I ramble a bit about the Smiler here I am, so sorry.
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Ride POV
Nemesis was the 3rd secret weapon despite being the first one built. The two previous secret weapons 1 and 2 didn’t make it past planning and brief construction stages in Forbidden Valley (one of the many themed areas in Alton Towers) before they were abandoned. Nemesis found its place in many top 50 awards across the UK, particularly for being one of Europe’s first inverted coasters. It was also one of Alton’s first prominently themed rides: having its own lore revolving around an alien trapped and buried beneath the ground.
The ride had a lot of effort put into its theming from a voice-over within the ride narrated by Tom Baker (the 4th Doctor from Dr Who), a comic, themed ‘bloody water’ around the ride (water features dyed red/pink) and a range of themed drinks.
Nemesis also spawned (hehe) a sister ride, Nemesis Sub-Terra a dark drop ride which was later closed after the Smiler 2015 incident. Sub-Terra was an interactive ride in which it involved a look at the Nemesis’ alien’s eggs which was ‘safe for viewing’. However, through-out the experience, the ride would drop you 20ft and the alien would supposedly escape from the egg after a power-shortage. Due to its intense mood (involving live actors covered in blood, wearing gas-masks and supposedly ‘attacking’ the riders) it was known as one of the scariest Alton Towers rides- but unfortunately didn’t last too long, only lasting 3 years.
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TV Advert
Ride POV
Queue Line Video
Secret Weapon 4, became Oblivion. The area which previously was ‘Fantasy Land’, went under construction as Alton Towers decided to re-theme the area- now X-Sector. The theme they went for Oblivion was more of a military-esque experimental theme- decorating the ride area with professional looking logos and chain-link fences. It was also the worlds first vertical drop coaster (with the tagline ‘Don’t Look Down’), which also made it another secret weapon that was a first of its kind.
Around the ride queue line was the inclusion of not only another unique soundtrack but also a set of videos detailing the experience that riders would have on the ride- enhancing the X-Sector atmosphere. Despite it’s totally new serious theming, the Oblivion shop included some strange products, such as Oblivion condoms and deodorant.
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TV Advert 1/TV Advert 2
Ride POV (w/o Virtual Reality)
Air (now Galactica) was Secret Weapon 5 was one of the worlds first flying rides (however it was the world’s first B&M flying coaster). Although they were previously secretive and mysterious with their other Secret Weapon projects (to a point of having a guard patrol Oblivions construction site), they weren’t as secret about Air- going so far as to place a model of the ride in the entrance area of the park. The theme saw a significant change from the other Secret Weapons which were more grunge-y and dark to a more light, free feeling family-ride. They labelled the ride an ‘Aerial Inversion Ride’- thus the name, Air.
While the original theme was intended to be very light and capitalised on the flying aspect of the ride, later on the ride became Galactica, the worlds first ride that was dedicated to virtual reality. This redesign lead to a space ride which took riders through ‘wormholes’ to different galaxies. The instalment of the virtual reality caused a few complaints from Air fans, however the ride itself can be ridden with or without virtual reality, so there was still an opportunity to ride Galactica as ‘Air’.
During a short period, when the park dropped the Secret Weapon ‘project’ a few more rides came out- including Spinball Whizzer and Rita ‘Queen of Speed’. Although both had some theming and brief lore (such as Rita being based on a possessed race-car) the rides didn’t have the amount of dedication and focus put on its lore as it did the Secret Weapon series.
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Ride POV
It wasn’t until later that Th13teen arrived. The worlds first freefall drop coaster which would drop the carriage onto a separate track below during a brief pause in a crypt area. The ride was heavily themed on horror and haunted woods with a ride through the woods, a stop in a crypt (involving flashing lights and spooky scenery effects), a freefall drop onto another track and then a backwards ride to end the experience.
Initially, there was a lot of backlash against the rides marketing. The ride had been advertised as a high thrill ride with an alternate ‘adult’ trailer shown after watershed, however the ride itself was one that could be ridden by families and was definitely not as intense as Oblivion or Nemesis.
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TV Advert
Ride POV
Smiler ‘Shopping Channel’
‘The Marmaliser’ Screen
Smile. Always. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
App Gameplay
The Smiler or Secret Weapon 7, is by far my favourite and one of the Secret Weapons with the most lore.
Before the name of the ride was revealed, there was a heavy marketing campaign which involved many different techniques. The rides logo was projected on buildings, including Big Ben and even painted on the side of flocks of sheep around the UK.
During one of Alton Towers Scarefests (an annual Halloween event which included various themed horror Scaremazes), ‘The Sanctuary’ was the maze that was (unknowingly at the time) linked directly to the Smiler. The Sanctuary followed the concept of an organisation called the ‘Ministry of Joy’, headed by a ‘Dr Kelman’ (and later Miles Cedars), which experimented with the process of ‘marmalisation’ with intent to encourage and force smiles, happiness and joyfulness upon people. The maze itself was headed by a scientist and involved the ‘failed’ experiments of the so called failed ‘Smile Advocates’- live actors who scared visitors by jumping out, laughing and grinning wildly.
Alongside the Sanctuary, were a collection of videos labelled ‘Smile. Always’ Which followed two students studying social-science who interviewed Miles Cedar, an avid ‘Smile Advocate’.
When the ride opened, Alton Towers also revealed a Smiler App game which had players ‘balance’ the car as it went through the ride to marmalise as many riders as possible.
The ride (another record-breaking ride with the most amount of inversions, 14), when revealed, was set up to be the Ministry of Joys latest experiment and the ride was supposedly to marmalise riders with the inclusion of a big 5-legged spider structure aptly named ‘the Marmaliser’. Each leg served a function to induce smiles and happiness: The Inoculator, the Tickler, the Flasher, the Giggler and the Hypnotiser. Also included were structures named ‘Head Choppers’ however these were removed from the final design, presumably when they shifted away from the original grunge-y designs to a cleaner, hospital-esque facility. This final design also removed a ‘surveillance’ van which was to be stationed outside Oblivion, implying the Ministry of Joy is heavily involved with the entirety of the X-Sector area and not just the Smiler.
The ride became popular, with the Sanctuary ScareMaze returning the next year to both celebrate its popularity but to also make up for the delay caused when the Smiler went through ‘teething problems’ on its opening date.
Unfortunately, in 2015, an accident occurred where a car full of riders collided head on with a stationary car which had failed to make one of the lifts- injuring many passengers and leaving one amputated. This accident made the ride incredibly controversial and the park suffered a big drop in reputation. However, despite the accident, the ride closed for the season and re-opened the following year. 
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Ride POV
The most recent Secret Weapon, The Wickerman, SW8 is the first rollercoaster to combine both wood and fire. The ride, while of course based its premise on the film The Wickerman, follows the mysterious story of ‘The Beornen’, a cult who live in the forest and worship the entity known as the Wickerman.
The ride has a lot of effort put into the experience. Its opening night involved live actors dressed as the Beornen with over 12,500 individual articles of clothing produced specifically for the ride uniforms and live actors (as Alton Towers has a unique uniform for each major ride in the park). With an atmosphere of mystery, the Wickerman structure itself was to be symbolic of the underlying dark lore behind it- the human face looking upwards to invite riders and the rams head looking down to symbolise the real intention of the Beornen for inviting riders onto the Wickerman.
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m0e-ru · 2 years
HAPPY HOLIDAY S !!!! here are the answers to my moel activity book 2022 aka my birthday quiz but theres also a bunch of lore questions in there. part 1 !!!!!!! with the more personal stuff because i hit the image limit so theres part 2 hehe. here <-
YOU CAN ANSWER IT HERE FIRST !!! or read this and see how bullshit my logic is from the get go SORRY
tourist - this was meant to be the lowest scoring result like you dont know much about me or lore like what it says !! you pass by my blog just occasionally like from a tag or a reblog. like a tourist at a gas station. yknow? but the way I scored was like you get bigger penalties when you pick a wrong answer whoopsie (●>ω<)ノ゙
beloved okyakusan - okyakusan means customer I just think you might follow this blog or know enough of it to get some answers right but the way I scored it I dont think. anyone would get this. yikes
loyalty discount - you know more than enough of my shit on any branch I might have been in . YEAH !! you know a lot. I hope. or I scored it bad. BUT ANYWAY !!! loyalty discount realness
oh youre in this hole with me? - this was supposed to be hard to get especially with the more bullshit personal questions sorry. but I think you could get this easily while I’m looking at it whole. welcome to my hole. my friends call it a mineshaft or another said it was a lake from digging up a puddle.
mega blorboism go - mim, adachi, marie, teddie, souji seta, (bonus) akc [akechi]
OKAY !! first 4 self explanatory. Souji vs Narukami I like Souji more from his depiction in the official manga by Sogabe than the more official Narukami from the animes, spinoffs, etc.
well yeah okay I admit I was a goroboy back in sweet 2017 too bad I only made noise in the fandom in 2020 when Royal came out and GOLDEN had the audacity to show its ass in Steam. my highest note post is this dumb aksh comic btw. I thought nothing of it.
I didn’t include maruki he’s a nice guy but he never hit blorbo category I mean he’s there. hi sensei
What’s their ultra mega favorite p4 adaptation - VISUALIVE STAGEPLAY !!!
the audio drama and manga bags some points too. I’m OBSESSED with visual voiceless media and visualess voiceful media but if you try to wrap my brain with the shitty anime I might throw up
yeah yeah the animes were fine im just more partial to those three yknow. they’re a bit liberal as broadcast media so uhm… the way they handled a few details weren’t for me. BUT WE HAVE AIKA CHAN it’s fine. I dont like anthologies though now that’s just a ball out of the park.
thoughts on tohru adachi - []
these all bag points but the discord screenshot gives the biggest penalty. it’s funnier that way. thank you tekuya. context on the messenger one was that I was partially live-blogging to another friend while I played. IM SORRY !!! I was really interested if he had a social link or not. I did not know of the Horrors. <- only knew he was a bit of an edgy bad guy from the floating fanart and lack of blacklisted spoiler tags but it’s 2022 im built different. I want to put him under a magnifying glass and if he makes me mad I concentrate the light on him till he combusts.
kai moeru is a silly - []
three of these have points except you get bonus points if you choose either of the kpop fan names because it’s fun.
when did they take over the gas station - they dont remember either
september 2022 also gets points because that’s when I think I started roleplaying as a manager.
OKAY strap in here’s some kai moeru lore. I used to subtly role play as just some guy who’s at the gas station too often for their own good. they dont even have a car they just talk to whoever also passes by with their silly conspiracy boards, red string etc etc. then at some point I became the manager of the tumblr branch and that was that! I have discounts and vouchers and promos and etc I think it’s fun that way. im the ceo of moel gas corp on discord btw
when did it all end - “Ohh Mimi”
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I mean this is when I started playing the game on my own and had a little too much thoughts about this dumb fucking npc. me and my dad started calling them mimi when we finished the game <- we were playing at the same time he finished first but I blocked out all the spoilers and had my own peaceful endgame. I give you a nickname and it’s ALL OVER !!!!!
or are you really so spineless that youd fold over some bullshit trivial threat on my life sorry for the royal question - small potatoes
like I said. bought royal on launch and finished it in two weeks where “small potatoes” was still there before it got patched out HAHA. i just thought it was silly. people were making essays about the expression then BAM. no more small potatoes.
whos the adachi of p5s (ROYAL + STRIKERS SPOILERS) - ichinose
okay I really liked her when I was playing OKAY? actually I dont think I’ve ever posted my doodle dumps ever but I always thought she had something to do with Sophia and EMMA and the formula making it look like she’d betray you or work with god at some point. SHE FUCKING DID it was so so fucking funny <- cried after the boss fight
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i mean i did this. because it's ridiculous
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what’s the first nickname they used - mimi
I did mention it before. I just think it’s really cute how it ended up being a household name for me. ive printed them out so many times, framed them and talk about them with that nickname at home that that’s how my siblings know them. it’s a very special name to me honestly. Time went by and I ended up calling them mim. hehe. not that I dont like Nami as a name it’s just that /gestures hands/ yeah
The whole Izumi Izanami thing is just that! Most of my devices’ autocorrects kept turning one word into the other I also ended up calling him zoomy instead and used one (1) “z” for Izy.
rie kugimiya - why are you pitting two bad bitches against each other
she’s the voice actor for both Rise and Haruka and I like them both !!!! You should listen to konnan janai
which emote is not part of the gas station discord server - nodding naoto
Now that one was from the Persona modding discord I think. I do have mim and Nagi rotating and the Adachi True was from a friend who also added Adachi False
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