#Tian Hui Di
bwops · 8 months
夜晚靠得住 我们不怕天黑
the night is dependable we're not afraid of nightfall
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reinaka42 · 9 months
Wang Chuan Feng Hua Lu (忘川风华录) Masterpost
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Wang Chuan Feng Hua Lu (忘川风华录) is a Vocal synth (Vocaloid and SynthV) music project. It consists of songs themed around different figures throughout Chinese history. The project is a collaboration between different artists and creatives, with music and videos featuring prominent traditional Chinese elements. The project's title translates to "The Records of Magnificence of the Wangchuan" - In Chinese mythology, "Wangchuan" (or River of Forgetting) is a river in the Underworld that can rid one of their past life's memories, similar to the river Lethe.
A mobile game adaptation has also been developed by NetEast. Unfortunately, I haven't played it so I can't give much insight on it. However, I assume that its premise is similar to that of the idea behind the project as a whole: all these historical figures meeting each other in the Underworld after they died. Maybe.
You can find all the songs on Bilibili. The official Weibo can be found here. The game's website, which includes all characters appearing so far in the game, can be found here, and its Weibo can be found here.
(If you prefer YouTube, I've also put together a handy playlist. Please know that most of these videos are reposts though, so please watch the original Bilibili MVs if you can!)
This blog is where I will be posting everything I feel like I need to say about the songs in this project. A lot of it is lifted from my Twitter account but will be in much more detail. Note that I probably won't touch collab songs, or songs that don't focus solely on the project's own characters.
Disclaimer: I do not speak Chinese, nor am I an expert on Chinese history. Therefore, I cannot reliably translate the lyrics to these songs, nor my words should be taken as gospel. I am merely a nerd gushing about my hyperfixation.
多情岸 【Duo Qing An】 ➼ B link
洛阳怀 【Luo Yang Huai】 ➼ B link
易水诀 【Yi Shui Jue】 ➼ B link
山河令 【Shan He Ling】 ➼ B link
簪花人间 【Zhan Hua Ren Jian】 ➼ B link
栖凰 【Qi Huang】 ➼ B link
心上秋 【Xin Shang Qiu】 ➼ B link
祖龙吟 【Zu Long Yin】 ➼ B link
如见青山 【Ru Jian Qing Shan】 ➼ B link
竹林间 【Zhu Lin Jian】 ➼ B link
天下局 【Tian Xia Ju】 ➼ B link
青鸟衔风 【Qing Niao Xian Feng】 ➼ B link
木兰行 【Mu Lan Xing】 ➼ B link
好字唯之 【Hao Zi Wei Zhi】 ➼ B link
不可道 【Bu Ke Dao】 ➼ B link
水叙湖风 【Shui Xu Hu Feng】 (collab) ➼ B link
是非 【Shi Fei】 ➼ B link
风起甘露 【Feng Qi Gan Lu】 (collab) ➼ B link
谓剑 【Wei Jian】 ➼ B link
万象霜天 【Wan Xiang Shuang Tian】 (New Year event song) ➼ B link
千秋梦 【Qian Qiu Meng】 ➼ B link
易安难安 【Yi An Nan An】 ➼ B link
惊鹊 【Jing Que】 ➼ B link
高歌破阵 【Gao Ge Po Zhen】 (collab) ➼ B link
不赴 【Bu Fu】 ➼ B link
西行 【Xi Xing】 ➼ B link
大航海家 【Da Hang Hai Jia】 ➼ B link
牡丹乱 【Mu Dan Luan】 (collab) ➼ B link
倾国 【Qing Guo】 (collab) ➼ B link
相虎 【Xiang Hu】 ➼ B link
补天裂 【Bu Tian Lie】 ➼ B link
此期盈期 【Ci Qi Ying Qi】 (1st anniversary song) ➼ B link
破云来 【Po Yun Lai】 ➼ B link
归钓吟 【Gui Diao Yin】 ➼ B link
始见千秋 【Shi Jian Qian Qiu】 ➼ B link
临川浮梦 【Lin Chuan Fu Meng】 ➼ B link
将军行 【Jiang Jun Xing】 ➼ B link
妄语人间 【Wang Yu Ren Jian】 ➼ B link
数风流 【Shu Feng Liu】 (2nd anniversary song) ➼ B link
问剑春秋 【Wen Jian Chun Qiu】 ➼ B link
起战令 【Qi Zhan Ling】 ➼ B link
人间应又雪 【Ren Jian Ying You Xue】 ➼ B link
旷古回响 【Kuang Gu Hui Xiang】 ➼ B link
墨隐侠声 【Mo Yin Xia Sheng】 ➼ B link
桃源故人 【Tao Yuan Gu Ren】 (3rd anniversary song) ➼ B link
*Note: The anniversary songs are probably for the game's anniversaries, as the project itself is more than 5 years old.
Vol 1: 溯洄 【Su Hui】 Includes character songs from Duo Qing An to Zhu Lin Jian. Features human vocals.
Vol 2: 踏浪 【Ta Lang】 Includes character songs from Tian Xia Ju to Jing Que.
Vol 3: 数风流 【Shu Feng Liu】 Includes character songs from Bu Fu to Wang Yu Ren Jian, an unreleased song titled 燕双归 【Yan Shuang Gui】, and the two anniversary songs.
Visual character guide:
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shookethdev · 2 years
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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dilebe06 · 10 months
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Altro giro, altra corsa, altro drama.
Devo dire che avevo messo in lista questa serie solo perché avevo beccato qualche immagine divertente che mi avevano fatto pensare che la serie fosse non troppo pesante. Che potesse essere leggero e divertente.
E così - almeno per la prima parte della serie - è stato.
Prima di tutto la trama:
Dopo il tradimento della sua amante, l'antico drago Tian Yao si ritrovò gravemente ferito e con il cuore spezzato. La donna che amava lo tradì smembrandolo, spogliandolo delle sue scaglie di drago e poi sigillando le sue parti del corpo in cinque punti. Solo la sua anima è scappata. Ora rinato, Tian Yao incontra Yan Hui, che giura di proteggerlo mentre recuperano assieme le sue parti mancanti. Lungo il viaggio, Tian Yao trova una parte del suo corpo e scopre anche che Yan Hui possiede la sua scaglia di drago e che quindi può rompere il sigillo che blocca le sue parti del corpo nascoste per il mondo. Tian Yao allora, usa Yan Hui per recuperare le parti del suo corpo rubate. La ragazza terrorizzata, pianifica la sua fuga solo per fallire e scoprire che la loro relazione si approfondisce durante il tempo passato assieme. Tian Yao ammira i ripetuti sforzi di Yan Hui per salvarlo, mentre Yan Hui apprezza il forte legame che hanno creato. I misteri abbonderanno man mano che Yan Hui scoprirà la sua vera origine.
(L'ultima frase la metto in grassetto perché sta roba dell'origine è una cazzata. Non solo non si scopre NULLA della sua origine ma ai fini della trama manco importa. Per dire.)
Dunque: la trama è interessante. C'è un drago innamorato che è stato tradito e ammazzato malissimo. C'è una donzella che trova il drago dopo anni ed formano una coppia che evolve tra alti e bassi. C'è un corpo da recuperare e tante altre cose...
Ammetto che ho iniziato questa serie perché ero curiosa di vedere come avrebbero gestito la parte di Tian Yao che usa Yan Hui: i personaggi grigi e ambigui saranno sempre la mia passione a quanto pare!
Ma prima di parlare dei personaggi, tornando alla trama, essa di evolve lungo la strada e verso la fine parlerà di tutt'altro. E' una storia epica, piena di personaggi e di tecniche magiche. E' una storia che riprende da un libro che, a quanto ho capito, mai e poi mai leggerò poiché col caiser che verrà mai tradotto in italiano!
Ma nonostante questo, la trama mi è piaciuto ed ho veramente annusato l'odore dell'epicità.
Ci stanno tutte le cose care ai drama wuxia: i temi del bianco e nero, cultori, tecniche proibite, oggetti con funzioni strane, roba con nomi lunghissimi... il solito insomma. Ma soprattutto ci stanno cose magiche che non spiegano mai, tecniche che certe volte funzionano e certe no, artefatti che vengono trovati ad minchiam... la cosa che mi fa sempre tagliare in queste serie, quando si parla della magia, è come i personaggi enuncino cose magiche, strumenti ecc ecc con una nonchalance e sicurezza come se anche lo spettatore sapesse di cosa stiano parlando. Cosa che non è vera!
" adesso useremo La Tecnica della Tigre Bianca per bloccare l'Energia Oscura dell'Elogio Spettrale, grazie al Sigillo Delle Nove Spade ecc ecc..."
Io comunque gli do ragione e accetto qualsiasi cosa per partito preso ma ammetto che metà cose di come funzioni la magia, me le sono perse.
Detto questo comunque, il problema più grave per me è stata la scenografia, fotografia e CGI che ho trovato barbinissime, davvero di bassa qualità. Ad esempio, la foresta dove i nostri sovente si recavano: gli alberi, i sassi e tutta l'ambientazione sembravano dei cartonati da recita di paese. Anche nel finale quando il male ormai corre lungo tutto il mondo, il "mondo" era costituito da 10 persone, forse 20 a stare larghe.
E' difficile farmi sentire la tensione, l'epicità del mondo in pericolo quando su schermo ci sono 4 tizi scarsi.
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Di buono però c'è anche la storia è si epica, ma anche molto divertente. Soprattutto inizialmente: Yan Hui è spettacolare, divertente e tosta ed insieme a Tian Yao creano dei siparietti molto spassosi.
Veniamo ora ai personaggi. Ho adorato la protagonista Yan Hui sia come recitazione sia come caratterizzazione. Solare, entusiasta, avida, leale ma anche umana quando scappa da Tian Yao dopo quello che le ha fatto o quando quasi cede al lato oscuro. Zhou Ye tratteggia una protagonista forte e comica ma che sa anche commuoversi e far commuovere, rendendo Yan Hui realistica e credibile.
Al pari della lead, anche Bai Xiao Sheng - il second per intenderci - è meraviglioso. All'inizio grigio e sospetto piano piano s'affezionerà ai protagonisti, soprattutto a Yan Hui e mi regalerà una terribile sindrome da second lead che difficilmente andrà via. Ho infatti trovato l'innamoramento di Bai per la protagonista molto semplice ma funzionale e logico: quando tutti lo avevano abbandonato, Yan Hui è stata l'unica che è andata a cercarlo, mostrando di tenere a lui.
Inoltre Bai è interpretato da Riley Wang , attore bravissimo che regge lo schermo come pochi. Fluido, naturale, con una recitazione credile e vera che rende Bai quasi un personaggio in carne ed ossa.
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Chi invece non ha questa grazia è Tian Yao. Se è vero che inizialmente il nostro protagonista usa Yan Hui per riprendersi il corpo, successivamente ritorna ad essere un esempio di santità e bontà. Chiesto scusa per il brutto comportamento verso la sua amata, Tian mostra tutta la sua virtù facendo sempre la cosa giusta, combattendo il male e colando miele di romanticismo pure dagli occhi.
Oltre a ciò, Neo Hou non mi ha convinto per niente. Ha reso Tian Yan troppo rigido e statico. Un pezzo di marmo. Bello sì. Ma ancora immobile come la pietra. E ho capito che impersonava un essere sovrannaturale e al di sopra di tutti i mortali e immortali ma la grazia e eleganza che doveva mostrare era davvero troppo asettica.
Veniamo poi alla storia d'amore. Come sempre, avendo il cuore in pietra lavica soprattutto per le storie che diventano facilmente melense, ad una certa ho skippato tutte le loro scene d'amore: alla quinquesima immagina di loro due che si professavano eterno amore, il mio cuore non ce l'ha fatta ed ho premuto "avanti 10 secondi" più volte.
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Chiariamoci... la storia d'amore non ha nulla che non va. E' che tra la recitazione poco convincente del lead, il ti lascio e ti ripiglio ,ma ti amo e sposiamoci ,ma no, ma sì dai! la storia che andava avanti ed io che invece volevo sapere cosa era successo a Bai, ho davvero messo poco impegno nel seguire la vicenda amorosa.
Mi sono invece piaciute le altre coppie, come quella di Xian Ge e Feng Qian Shuo: ad esempio: una coppia semplice e normale che si faceva forza uno con l'altro. Lui poi innamoratissimo! Mi portava in scena sempre feels amorosi. <3
Altra cosa per me negativa è stata la resa delle relazioni, soprattutto quelle del lead. Alla notizia che il suo vecchio amico è in realtà il braccio destro del nemico, Tian Yan non dice bau. Niente. Nada. Manco in confronto, un conflitto, un espressione di dolore per il tradimento. Niente.
Oppure: Tian Yao è stato tradito, ammazzato e fatto a pezzi dalla sua presunta futura moglie. Presumo che lui l'abbia amata prima di questo, visto che l'ha chiesta in moglie. E per tutto il drama questa relazione d'amore non verrò mai affrontata. Mai. Anche quando i due si incontrano e scontrano non c'è un richiamo romantico alla loro vita assieme.
I personaggi parlano con Tian ma non c'è davvero una relazione amichevole e intima tra loro, rendendo tutto molto asettico tipo lista della spesa.
Detto questo, Back From the Brink non è stato male. Si vede l'impegno messo dagli autori nel creare la storia e tratteggiare i personaggi con il consueto " bianco e nero style alla the Untamed" con alcuni di loro che svettano come recitazione e caratterizzazione. Altri... svettano meno. Ma che sia il lead ha farlo è più grave secondo me.
Peccato per l'ambientazione e gli effetti speciali così come certe cose che sembrano state tirate via e raffazzonate, cosa che un drama "epico" serio non dovrebbe mai fare.
VOTO: 7.6
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mytalemyworld · 8 months
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Second chance romance with a secret child trope. Such a delight for me but whether I like it or not mostly depends on why the couple broke up in the first place and how much they learnt from their mistakes and grew up. So this drama fulfilles its promise.
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So the male lead -Xin Qi- used to live in an orphanage and became friends with another orphan whose name was Su Tian. He was adopted by a rich family later, before leaving the orphanage he promised that he would meet her on her 22nd birthday under that tree.
Years later, he really did come back to meet her, however Su Tian had an accident, before she died, she had told everything her friend Min Hui -our female lead- and asked her to give her diary to him and to not tell him she was dying so he could live peacefully.
They met, he mistook her for Su Tian, she tried to tell her name was Min Hui, but he had a heart attack and she found out he had a serious heart disease. He thought her adopted family gave her a new name and didn't think she was faking. Since he was gravely ill, she didn't have the heart to tell him that his friend had died. So she continued pretending and they fell for each other. But the truth eventually was found out by him. He cut the ties with her and said they were done. He thought she must have ulterior motives for approaching him- like being after his money.
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5 years later they meet again and the story begins. He is an entrepreneur and she is an engineer now. She needs his investment so her project can be developed but he makes everything hard for her and makes it clear that she has to pay for what she had done to him years ago.
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The chemistry is great, the characters are intriguing, he is a little bit annoying though, but the show is so fun.
And the kid the kid the kid! He has the same heart disease as his father. To find a capable doctor for him, the female lead has to make some choices that show how desperate she is.
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When he goes for a check-up, he meets his son without knowing who he is and look at how adorable they are.
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Favourite Dramas of 2023!
Happy New Year everyone! I thought that I would do a Favourite Dramas of 2023 list just for fun! (I actually tried to do one last year but I got sick and by the time I was well enough to write it up it felt a bit too late to post it). I know that this list is very short and some of these dramas are less well known but I really enjoyed them so I hope other people might enjoy them too! **WARNING: SPOILERS**
Provoke - Such an amazing Republican revenge drama that was so beautifully filmed (the director was Zeng Qing Jie so of course it looked beautiful).
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Good story, no filler, great acting, just a really enjoyable drama!
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Back From The Brink - The only long drama that I watched this year. I really miss watching long dramas but I just don’t seem to be able to get into them for one reason or another. I think that’s why I enjoyed Back From The Brink so much because I liked all the actors and the characters and the whole plot.
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I liked the lead’s chemistry too even though this drama wasn’t really romance heavy and was actually more of a “family drama”.
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It was just a fun adventure drama that was also really funny XD
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The tragic saga of Yan Hui's bald spot:
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Baby Dragon Tian Yao:
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Love For Two Lives - This drama actually aired in 2022 but I wasn’t really aware of it until recently.
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This was just a really funny and silly short drama that I really enjoyed. The romance didn’t play a big role but the whole drama was so enjoyable and funny that I didn’t mind!
Nine Times Time Travel - I haven’t seen the original Korean drama that this drama is based off so I can’t compare the two but I definitely loved this Chinese version. It was so twisty-turny and there was no filler, plus I don’t think that I’ve watched a time travel show like this before.
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I’m glad that I didn’t binge watch this and instead watched it in small episode batches because there was so much going on in each episode!
Love Strikes Back - I really loved this drama, it was equal parts romance and revenge and had the funniest villains!
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The villains busy plotting and getting on each other's nerves:
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I think I also liked this drama so much because the plot actually reminded me of my favourite drama The Legends: FL “dies”/falls into a coma for a few years and then reawakens and is hell bent on revenge and eventually realises that the ML has been in love with her the whole time and has been secretly guarding her!
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Please Don't Be Moved - This drama was basically a condensed one hour drama that included so many of my favourite things: badass FL, villain ML, ROMANTICAL ROMANCE, lots of angst, beautiful cinemaography and the “FL falls into a novel” storyline!
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This drama really flew under the radar, they didn't even release a proper poster for this drama and out of all the 2 min ep dramas I watched this year this one was by far my favourite!
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And that's all of them! I'm looking forward to what's going to be released in 2024, hopefully a lot of the MANY dramas that are currently on my unaired-plan-to-watch list because that list is getting very long now XD
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eyenaku · 2 years
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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petrichorblue94 · 1 year
How am I supposed to survive until Monday 😭😭😭
I can’t wait to see Yanhui become this all-powerful goddess of darkness and chaos just to save her pure-hearted and innocent (and also all powerful) husband. Even if that means she’ll never be able to touch him again because his light would burn her. 😭
Also can someone who has read the entire book, please tell me both the evil sisters that tortured her AND her spineless adoptive father who was ready to whip her to death have super tragic sad endings. They don’t deserve anything other than that.
Also contrary to everyone else, I didn’t cry at ep 31 — I kept telling myself I’ve read the last three chapters and I know it has a happy end. I honest-to-God hope they’re gonna adapt the epilogue and they won’t end the entire series with just Tian Yao and Yan hui meeting each other again.
The only times I’ve cried so far was during the QQ queen’s last dance for her husband before she killed herself before she got corrupted, and when the gran who saved Tian Yao died.
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movienized-com · 7 months
Wo han wo de sai che lao ba
Wo han wo de sai che lao ba (2023) #ShuWeiChang #ShenghaoWen #ShaoHuiChen #JackTan #ChangChien #YuJenLiu Mehr auf:
我和我的赛车老爸 / See You At The Rally Jahr: 2023 Genre: Drama / Sport Regie: Shu-Wei Chang Hauptrollen: Sheng-hao Wen, Shao-Hui Chen, Jack Tan, Chang Chien, Yu-Jen Liu, Yu-Wei Shao, Sean Sun, Kuang Tian, Sara Yu … Filmbeschreibung: Dies ist die Geschichte über die Beziehung zwischen Chou Ta Long und seinem Sohn Dong, über die Transformation und das Wachstum von des dekadenten Lebensstils des…
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louisbernadisblog · 2 years
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zhen qing xiang cao yuan guang kuo
The truth is like the grassland
ceng ceng feng yu bu neng zu ge
The wind and rain can not stop
總有雲開 日出時候
zong you yun kai  ri chu shi hou
There’s always a cloud at sunrise.
wan zhang yang guang zhao yao ni wo
The sun shines on you and me
zhen qing xiang mei hua kai guo
True love is like a plum blossom
leng leng bing xue bu neng yan mei
Cold and ice can not cover it
就在最冷 枝頭綻放
jiu zai zui leng  zhi tou zhan fang
The branches always bloom during the coldest weather 
kan jian chun tian zou xiang ni wo
See the spring towards you and me
xue hua piao piao bei feng xiao xiao
The snow is fluttering and the north wind is whistling
天地 一片 蒼茫
tian di  yi pian  cang mang
The world is vast
一剪寒梅 傲立雪中
yi jian han mei  ao li xue zhong
A cold plum standing proudly in the snow
只為 伊人 飄香
zhi wei  yi ren  piao xiang
Only fragrance for the beautiful girl
ai wo suo ai wu yuan wu hui
Love what I love without regret
此情 長留 心間
ci qing  zhang liu  xin jian
This love long stays in my heart
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nguyenthiennhuong · 2 years
Lời bài hát Thien Ha
Lời bài hát Thien Ha
Thiên hạ Feng yan qi xun ai si tao sha Yu jian ta ra chun shui ying li hua Hui jain duan tian ya xiang si qing fang xia Meng zhong wo chi chi qian gua Gu bu gu jiang xiang wang won Guan bu guan wan shi qian qui Qiu zhi qiu ai hua jie Zhe wan zhang hong chen fen luan yong wu xui Ai geng ai tian chang di jin Yao geng yao si shui wen rou Shei zai hu shei zhu chun qui Yi sheng you ai he ju feng fei…
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wuxia-indonesia · 2 years
Top Drama China Historical yang akan Datang
serial drama historical andalan 4 jaringan china yang akan datang. 腾讯 (tencent) 1.梦华录 Meng Hua Lu - A Dream of Splendor - Crystal Liu Yi Fei , Chen Xiao, Jelly Lin 2.玉骨遥 The Longest Promise - Xiao Zhan, Ren MIn, Wang Chu Ran, Han Dong, Alen Fang 3.星汉灿烂 Love Like The Galaxy - Zhao Lusi, Leo Wu, Zeng Li 4.春闺梦里人 Romance of a Twin Flower - Ding Yuxi, Peng XiaoRan 5.重紫 Chong Zhi - Yang Chao Yue, Jeremy Tsui, Zhang Zhi Xi 6.说英雄谁是英雄 Heroes - Joseph Zeng, Yang Chal Yue, Liu Yu Ning, Baron Chen, Meng Zi Yi, Sun Zu Jun 7.雪鹰领主 Lord Eagle - Sheng Ying Hao, Sun Rui, Fei Qin Yuan 8.乐游原 Wonderland of Love - Xu Kai, Jing Tian, Zhao JIa Min, Gao Han, Zheng He Hui Zi, He Feng Tian 9.长相思 Lost You Forever - Yang Zi, Deng Wei, Zhang Wan Yi 10.天行健 Heroes (judul rencana akan diubah biar ga tabrakan) - Qin Jun Jie, Maggie Huang, Liu Yu Ning 11.飞狐外传 - The Young Flying Fox - Qin Jun Jie, Liang Jie, Xing Fei, Peter Ho, Sarah Zhao, Lin Yu Shen, Hei Zi, Yvonne Yung 12.只此江湖梦 - Love and Sword - Gao Wei Guang, Xuan Lu, Jia Nai, Martin Zhang, Yuan Yu Xuan, Ren Hao 爱奇艺 (iqiyi) 1.月歌行 - Song of the Moon - Vin Zhang, Xu Lu 2.云襄传 - The Ingenious One - Chen Xiao, Rachel Momo, Tang Xiao Tian 3.显微镜下的大明 - Great Ming Under Microscope - Zhang Ruoyun, Qi Wei, Wang Yang 4.明月入卿怀 - A Forbidden Marriage - Mao Zi Jun , Zhou Jie Qiong , Zhang Xin ,Li Jiu Lin, Eddy Ko 5.请君 - Welcome - Ren Jia Lun, Li Qin 6.七时吉祥 - Love You Seven Times - Ding Yu Xi, Yang Chao Yue ,Yang Hao Yu, Dong Xuan, Hai Lu 8.倾城亦清欢 - The Emperor's Love - Wallace Chung, Yuan Bing Yan, Jason Gu, Zhang Yue 9.九霄寒夜暖 - Warm Cold Night in the Nine Heavens - Li Yi Tong, Bi Wen Jun, Chen He Yi, He Rui Xian, Ma Yue 10.苍兰诀。 - Eternal Love - Yu Shu Xin, Dylan Wang, Cristy Guo, Xu Hai Qiao 11.花溪记(分销) - Love Is An Accident - Xing Fei, Xu kai Cheng, Wang Yi Nuo 12.花戎。 - Hua Rong - Ju Jing Yi, Guo Jun Chen, Liu Dong Qin, Lu Ting Yu, Ma Yue 优酷 (youku) 1.长月烬明 - Till The End of The Moon - Luo Yunxi, Bai Lu, Chen Du Ling, Deng Wei, Sun Zhen Ni, Wang Yifei 2.星河长明 - Novoland: The Princess From Plateau - Feng Shao Feng, Peng Xiao Ran, Cheng Xiao Meng, Zhu Zheng Ting, Liu Meng Rui, Kim Jin 3.沉香如屑。- Immortal Samsara - Yang Zi, Cheng Yi, Ray Chang, Meng Zi yi, Yang Xizi, Hou Meng yao 4.星落凝成糖 - Love When the Stars Fall - Chen Xing Xu, Landy Li, Luke CHen, He Xuan Lin 5.郎君不如意。- Go Princess Go 2 - Wu Xuan yi, Chen Zhe Yuan, LQ Wang 6.隐娘 - The Assassin - Qin Lan, Zheng Ye Cheng, Hu Lian Xin, Du Chun 7.安乐传 - Legend of Anle - Dilraba Dilmurat, Gong Jun, Liu Yu Ning, Xia Nan, Tim Pei, Chen Tao 芒果TV (mango tv) 1.落花时节又逢君 - Love Never Fails - Yuan Bing Yan,Liu Xue Yi, Xu Xiao Nuo, Ao Rui Peng 2.覆流年 - Lost Track of Time - Xing Fei, Zhai Zi Lu, Jin JIa Yu, Cheng Yu Feng, Zhan Jie, Han Ye catatan: nanti saya update judul resmi inggris dan siapa aktor aktrisnya. sumber: artikel topik upcoming chinese drama di cerita-silat.net dan Weibo
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iklanbali · 2 years
Jiaxing Media (Hanzi: 嘉行传媒 ), juga dikenal sebagai Jay Walk Studio, adalah perusahaan hiburan dan media Tiongkok yang didirikan pada tahun 2013 yang terutama berinvestasi dan memproduksi acara televisi yang melayani pasar yang lebih muda. Berkantor pusat di Beijing dan dimiliki sebagian oleh aktris Yang Mi. Sejarah 2012: Jaywalk Studio didirikan oleh Yang Mi bekerja sama dengan H&R Century Pictures. 2013: Perusahaan menjadi resmi. Maret 2014: Yang Mi dan dua manajernya, Zeng Jia dan Zhao Ruoxiao, menginvestasikan US$450.000 ke Jay Walk World Studio. Masing-masing memiliki 19% saham perusahaan. Juni 2017: Perusahaan mengumumkan telah memperoleh US$36,8 juta saham baru. Akibatnya, kapitalisasi pasar perusahaan bernilai US$700 juta. 2017: Jaywalk Studio mencapai kesepakatan dengan Walt Disney Studios untuk mengembangkan film aksi langsung di Tiongkok. 2018: Jaywalk Studio mengumumkan anak perusahaan baru bernama Jaywalk Newjoy, yang akan berfungsi sebagai agensi manajemen untuk generasi baru idola. Artists Independent Studio Mimi Yang Mi (杨幂) Dilraba Dilmurat (迪丽热巴) Pria Vin Zhang Binbin (张彬彬) Leon Zhang Yunlong (张云龙) Vengo Gao Weiguang (高伟光) Wayne Liu Ruilin (刘芮麟) Leon Lai Yi (赖艺) Lawrence Wang Xiao (王骁) Yi Daqian (易大千) Zhu Zijie (祝子杰) Wang Yiming (王一鸣) Fan Zhixin (樊治欣) Daniel Zhou Keyu (周柯宇) Wanita Bambi Zhu Xudan (祝绪丹) Maggie Huang Mengying (黄梦莹) Daisy Dai Si (代斯) Faye Wang Yifei (王一菲) Li Tingting (李婷婷) Ge Shimin (葛施敏) Yuan Yuxuan (袁雨萱) Qiu Tian (邱天) Sabrina Zhuang Dafei (庄达菲) Tian Xuan’ning (田轩宁) Bubble Zhu Linyu (朱林雨) Rita Wang Yijin (王艺瑾) Former Bian Yu (边宇) Xiao Yuyu (肖雨雨) Yang Chengcheng (杨诚诚) Wang Lidan (王俐丹) Li Xirui (李溪芮) Hawick Lau (劉愷威) Film You Are My Sunshine (何以笙箫默) 2015 The Witness (我是证人) 2015 Fall in Love Like a Star (怦然星动) 2015 Mr. Pride vs Miss Prejudice (傲娇与偏见) Reset (逆时营救) Brotherhood of Blades 2 (绣春刀·修罗战场) Baby (宝贝儿) TV Series A Clear Midsummer Night 盛夏晚晴天 V Love 微时代 Swords Of Legends 古剑奇谭 First Love 柠檬初上 The Interpreter 亲爱的翻译官 Pretty Li Hui Zhen 漂亮的李慧珍 Eternal Love 三生三世十里桃花 Full Love 周末父母 Ugly Girl Hai Ru Hua 囧女翻身之嗨如花 Negotiator 谈判官 The Flame’s Daughter 烈火如歌 Sweet Dreams 一千零一夜 Legend of Fuyao 扶摇 In Youth 趁我们还年轻 The Great Craftsman 筑梦情缘 Eternal Love of Dream 三生三世枕上书 Storm Eye 暴风眼 Remember My Boy 我曾记得那男孩 The Other Half of Me and You 另一半的我和你 Simmer Down 好好说话 Thank You Doctor 谢谢你医生 She and Her Perfect Husband 爱的二八定律 Novoland: Pearl Eclipse 斛珠夫人 Miss Chun is a Litigator 春家小姐是讼师 Mirror Flower Romance 镜花奇缘 Artikel pertama muncul di: Tionghoa Indonesia - Budaya dan Tradisi Tionghoa Indonesia Pada: JiaXing Media / Jay Walk Studio , Perusahaan Hiburan dan Media Tiongkok
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titteringturtles · 3 years
告五人 Accusefive - 愛人錯過 Ai Ren Cuo Guo (Somewhere in Time) lyrics eng/zh/pin
Track 1 of Accusefive's 2019 album, 我肯定在幾百年前就說過愛你(Somewhere in time, I Love You)
lit. title - lovers missed each other
I must have said I love you hundreds of years ago 我肯定在幾百年前就說過愛你 Wo ken ding zai ji bai nian qian jiu shuo guo ai ni
It's just that you forgot and I didn't remember either 只是你忘了 我也沒記起 Zhi shi ni wang le wo ye mei ji qi
I must have said I love you hundreds of years ago 我肯定在幾百年前就說過愛你 Wo ken ding zai ji bai nian qian jiu shuo guo ai ni
It's just that you forgot and I didn't remember either 只是你��了 我也沒記起 Zhi shi ni wang le wo ye mei ji qi
Walking by, passing by, but never meeting 走過 路過 沒遇過 Zou guo lu guo mei yu guo
Going back, turning around, but still it's wrong 回頭 轉頭 還是錯 Hui tou zhuan tou hai shi cuo
You and I must have never felt it 你我不曾感受過 Ni wo bu ceng gan shou guo
Colliding at crossroads, colliding at crossroads 相撞在街口 相撞在街口 Xiang zhuang zai jie kou xiang zhuang zai jie kou
Did your mother never teach you 你媽沒有告訴你 Ni ma mei you gao su ni
To say sorry when you crash into someone 撞到人要說對不起 Zhuang dao ren yao shuo dui bu qi
Today should have been a good day 本來今天好好的 Ben lai jin tian hao hao di
But lovers missed each other, lovers missed each other 愛人就錯過 愛人就錯過 Ai ren jiu cuo guo ai ren jiu cuo guo
Verse x1
Chorus x4
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bookofjin · 3 years
Rise of Sixteen States: 307
Jin's Yongjia era begins.
Ji Sang rises on behalf of Sima Ying who is dead.
19 February 307 – 7 February 308
(Jin's 1st Year of Yongjia)
(Han's 4th Year of Yuanxi)
(Cheng's 2nd Year of Yanping)
On gengchen [18 May], the King of Donghai, Yue, set out to garrison at Xuchang. He used the General who Conquers the East, the King of Gaomi, Jian, as Great General who Conquers the South, Commander-in-chief of the Various Army Affairs of Jing Province, to garrison Xiangyang. He changed the fief of the General who Calms the North, the King of Dongyan, Teng, to be King of Xincai, Commander-in-chief of the Various Army Affairs of Si and Ji Provinces, to garrison Ye. He used the General who Conquers the South, the King of Nanyang, Mo, to be Great General who Conquers the West, Commander-in-chief of All Army Affairs of Liang# and Yong Provinces, garrison Chang'an.
(Liu Yuan)
4th Year of Yuanxi [307 AD], at the time Ji Sang raised up troops in Zhao and Wei; and Luzhuyan of Shang commandery's Four Section Xianbei, the Di chieftain Shan Zhen both surrendered to him. Yuan thoroughly appointed them to offices and feudal ranks. Wang Mi dispatched envoys to come and surrender. He was designated Great General who Garrisons the East, Inspector of Qing province, and Duke of Donglai commandery.
4th Month [19 May – 16 June], Ji Sang rebelled and declared himself King of Zhao. He selected and set up provinces and commanderies.
11th Month [11 December – 9 January 308], Shi Le and the Hu sections and others led the multitudes to come and surrender.
(Wang Mi)
Wang Mi was a native of Donglai. His family had for generations been Two-Thousand shi officals. His grandfather Qi was Wei's Grand Warden of Xuantu. In the time of Emperor Wu he reached Grand Warden of Runan. Mi had talent and ability, and broadly read in books and records. As young he was a knight-errant at the imperial capital. The hermit Dong Zhong saw him on the road, and spoke to him, saying:
You, Lord, have the sound of a dhole and the looks of a leopard, fond of chaos and delighted with misfortune. If Under Heaven is agitated and disturbed, [you] will not become a scholar or great official.
At the end of Emperor Hui's reign, the bewitching thief Liu Baigen rose up in Donglai's Jian county. Mi led his family servants to accompany him. Baigen used him as Senior Clerk.
When Baigen died, he assembled his followers on an islet in the sea. They were defeated by Gou Zhun, and absconded to enter Changguang Mountain as a crowd of thieves. Mi had many opportune schemes, every time he was to plunder a place, he certainly had prepared and planned for [both] success and defeat, and took it over without neglecting a stratagem. With bow and horse he was quick and nimble and his bodily strength was beyond other people. The soldiers of Qing titled him as the Flying Leopard.
1st Year of Yongjia, 2ndMonth [20 March – 18 April, 307], he guided the troops to enter and rob Qing and Xu provinces, declared himself Great General who Conquers the East, and attacked and killed the Two-Thousand shi officials.
(JS004: 2nd Month, xinsi [20 March], Wang Mi, a native of Donglai, rose up with soldiers in rebellion and robbed Qing and Xu provinces. The Grand Warden of Changguang, Song Pi and the Grand Warden of Dongmou, Pang Kang, were both murdered.)
The Grand Tutor, the King of Donghai, Yue, used the Prefect of the Public Communication Chariots, Qu Xian of Donglai as Grand Warden of his home commandery to chastise Mi. Mi struck and killed him. The Inspector of Yan province, Gou Xi, struck Mi and greatly defeated him.
Earlier, Liu Ling of Pingyuan as young was impoverished and lowly. Aged more than twenty, often at the appointed time for labour service in the county his strength would subdue a runaway ox, and running he would catch up with a swift horse. Though people at the time were amazed with him, they were not able to raise him up. Ling touched his chest, sighed and said:
Heaven! Why will there be chaos!
When Gongshi Fan rose up, Ling declared himself a General, and robbed and plundered Zhao and Wei. It happened that when Wang Mi was defeated by Gou Zhun, Ling was defeated by Wang Zan. Mi spoke to Ling, saying:
The Jin troops are still strong, going home there is no placefor burial. Liu Yuanhai formerly was a hostage son, I and him went around in the Imperial City. [We] deeply had affection and bond. Now [he has] declared [himself] King of Han. [I] want to return to him, can it be done?
Ling affirmed it. Thereupon they together dispatched envoys to surrender to Han. Han designated Mi Great General who Conquers the East, Shepherd of Qing and Xu provinces, and Commander-in-Chief of the Various Army Affairs Hemming the Sea, ennobled Duke of Donglai; and used Ling as General who Pacifies the North.
(Shi Le)
1st Year of Yongjia, Spring, 3rd Month[19 April – 18 May], Ji Sang titled himself Great General, and declared he was seeking revenge on the King of Chengdu, Ying's enemies, with executing the King of Donghai, Yue, and the King of Xincai, Teng as his name. He therefore set out with the King of Chengdu's coffin, transporting it within the army. Every affair he disclosed to his spirit, to carry out army orders.
(When Sima Yue gained controlled of the government, he had elevated his brother Teng from Duke of Dongying to King of Dongyan, and then King of Xincai.)
Sang used Le to spur on in front, and he again and again had merit in battle. He was appointed to be General who Sweeps away the Miscreants, and Marquis of Zhongming Precinct. Thereupon Sang together with Zhang Hong's old general Li Feng and others advanced to attack Ye. He appointed Le as Chief Controller of the Vanguard (WS: Chief Commandant of the Vanguard, ZZTJ: General who Chastises the Miscreants.).
Summer, 5th Month [17 June – 16 July], Sang attacked and routed the Grand Warden of Wei commandery, Feng Song, and with a long chase arrived at Ye. At the time within Ye the offices and storehouses were empty and exhausted, yet the King of Xincai, Teng's use of supplies was considerably abundant. He was by nature frugal and stingy, there was nothing which bestirred his kindness. With danger approaching, he then bestowed on the generals and soldiers rice, possibly several thousand sheng, and silks on each a zhang and chi, this was due to people not being employed. Sang thereupon advanced to attack Ye. Teng said:
Your Orphan was in Bing province for seven years, the Hu besieged the city but were not able to overcome it. Ji Sang is a lowly thief, how is he enough to worry about.
When Feng and others arrived, Teng was unable to defend, he led light cavalry and ran, and was murdered by Feng. Teng had four sons, Yu, Jiao, Shao, and Que. Yu was brave and strong. At Teng's murder,Yu chased Feng. Feng threw himself into the water and died. That day, Yu, Jiao, and Shao, and also the Grand Warden of Julu, Cui Main, the Senior Clerk of Chariots and Cavalry, Yang Huan, the Assistant Officer Palace Gentleman, Cai Ke, and others were also murdered by Feng's remaining partisans. And among those various famous families who had drifted and relocated to rely on Ye, the death and destruction was equally complete. Thereupon they burnt the Ye palace, the fires did not extinguish for ten days. They killed more than ten thousand people, carried off the wives, daughters, and precious treasure, and left.
They crossed from Yanjin, and went south to strike Yan province. The King of Donghai,Yue, was greatly afraid. He sent the General who Consoles the Army and Inspector of Yan province, Gou Xi, the Interior Clerk of Chenliu, Wang Zan, and others to chastise them. Sang and Le attacked the Inspector of You province, Shi Xian, at Leling. Xian died there. The beg-for-life Tian Yin led a multitude of 50 000 to save Xian. Le confronted him in battle and defeated Yin. He and Xi and others opposed each other in Pingyuan and Yangping over several months, and in the course of more than thirty battles great and small exchanged wins and losses. The Duke of Shanyang, Liu Qiu was murdered. He was the great great grandson of Emperor Xian of Han.
Autumn, 7th Month, jiyou, New Moon [15 August], the King of Donghai, Yue, advanced to Guandu to chastise Ji Sang, and instructed Gou Xi to be the vanguard. Sang had a long-standing dread for him, and made palisades outside the city to defend himself. When Xi was about to arrive, he halted the army and rested the soldiers, and first dispatched a single rider to demonstrate thereby calamity or happiness. Sang's multitudes were greatly shaken, they abandoned the palisades and escaped at night to man the walls and strengthen the defences.
8th Month, jimao, New Moon [13 September], the General who Consoles the Army, Gou Xi, defeated Ji Sang at Ye.
9th Month, wuchen [2 November], Gou Xi again routed Ji Sang, and captured his Nine Ramparts. Thereupon he settled Ye and turned back.
When Sang and Le were defeated by Xi, they turned back to Pingyang. The dead were more than 10 000 people. They therefore gathered their remaining multitudes and wanted to run to Liu Yuan. The Inspector of Ji province, Ding Shao, intercepted them at Chiqiao [“Red Bridge”], and again greatly defeated them. Sang fled to the horse shepherds, Le fled to Leping.
At the time among the Hu the section heads Zhang Beidu, Feng Motu, and others held close a multitude of several thousand, and were fortifying in Shangdang. Le went to follow them, and became very close to them. Following that, he explained to Beidu, saying:
Chanyu Liu is raising up troops to execute Jin. [If] the section heads resist and do not follow, how will you be able stand alone?
He said:
[I am] unable to.
Le said:
If you should be unable to, your troops and horses must belong somewhere. Now the section groups all are already being awarded and enlisted by the Chanyu, and from time to time gather to discuss their wish to rebel again the section heads and revert to the Chanyu. You ought soon to make a plan for it.
Beidu and others were plain and without wisdom or schemes, and feared the duplicity of the section multitudes. They therefore covertly accompanied Le on single mounts to revert to Yuan. Yuan appointed Beidu King who is Kin to Han and Modu as Chief Controller of the Section Heads. He used Le as General who Assists Han and King who Pacifies Jin to control them. Le hence instructed Beidu to be his older brother, and bestowed on him the family name of the Shi clan, and named him Hui [“Meet”], telling he [Beidu] had come across himself [Le].
Zhang Fulidu of the Wuhuan likewise had a multitude of 2 000, and was fortifying in Leping. Yuan again and again summoned him, but he was unable to come. Le pretended he had offended Yuan, and because of that fled to Fulidu. Fulidu was greatly pleased, and connected with him as if they were brothers. He sent Le to lead the various Hu to rob and plunder. Wherever he turned, he had none in front, and the various Hu submitted in awe. Le perceived the multitudes in their hearts adhered to himself, and therefore accordingly met with and seized Fulidu. He announced to the various Hu, saying:
Now when raising up a great affair, I or Fuldiu, who is capable of being the master?
The various Hu all together pushed forward Le. Le hence released Fulidu and led his section multitudes to return to Yuan. Yuan added to Le Commander-in-Chief of the Various Army Affairs of Conquering and Chastising East of the Mountains, and used Fulidu's multitudes to pair with him.
12th Month, wuyin [11 January 308], men of Bing province, Tian Lan, Bo Sheng, and others beheaded Ji Sang in Leling (JS104: The kingly host beheaded Ji Sang in Pingyuan).
(JS059: When Sang was defeated, they threw [the King of Chengdu, Ying's] coffin inside a former well. Ying's old subjects gathered and buried it.)
(JS059: Earlier, when the Duke of Dongying, Teng, was garrisoning Ye, he pulled along the Bing province generals Tian Zhen, Zhen's younger brother Lan, Ren Zhi, Qi Ji, Li Yun, Bo Sheng, and others with a section multitude of more than 10 000 people to arrive at Ye. He dispatched them to go look for grain in Ji province, they were titled as beg-for-life. When Teng was defeated, Zhen and others intercepted and routed Ji Sang at Chiqiao.)
(Should we assume Tian Yin田禋 and Tian Zhen田甄 are the same person?)
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(Li Xiong)
2nd Year of Yanping, Spring,Luo Shang arranged and set up barriers and defence posts reaching Han'an and Bodao. At the time the people of Yi province drifted and relocated be in Jing and Xiang provinces, and in Yuesui and Zangke. Shang arranged and set up for the commanderies and counties to go where people were. He also arranged Army Advisors for the various villages.
3rd Month [19 April – 18 May], drifting people from Guanzhong (JS057: natives of Qin province), Deng Ding, Hong Di, and others, entered Hanzhong, and guarded Chenggu, gradually they began seizing and stealing. They plundered Hanzhong's Dongchenshi in rebellion. The Inspector of Liang# province, Zhang Yin dispatched the Grand Warden of Baxi, Zhang Yan. Yan, the leader [?] of the Serrated Gates Wu Zhao, and the Assistant of Hanguo commandery, Xuan Ding, dispatched troops to besiege them. Di sought aid from Li Xiong.
Summer, 5th Month [17 June – 16 July], Xiong dispatched Li Li, Li Yun, Li Huang, and Li Feng (JS121: Li Guo, Li Yun and others leading more than 20 000) to enter Hanzhong and aid Ding. The Grand Warden, Du Mengzhi (JS057: Du Zhengchong) heard Li had arrived, and instructed Yan to release the siege and protect the provincial city.
Earlier, when Yan attacked Ding, Ding's multitudes were starving and hungry, and he pretended to surrender. He sent one golden receptacle to give to Yan. Yan was delighted, and was delaying his host. Seven days later, Di arrived. Ding turned back to Dongchenshi. Yan advanced to besiege him, and did not heed Mengzhi's words. Li arrived and first attacked Zhao's camp. The camp was routed. Next he attacked Ding, and also routed him. Yan was afraid of fighting, and brought along a hundred cavalry to flee. Li and others greatly routed the provincial army. The Serrated Gates Cai Song withdrew and reported to Mengzhi, saying:
The provincial army has already been routed. The thieves' multitudes cannot be prepared for.
Mengzhi was terrified. The Army-Protector wished for the city to be defended, and spoke to Mengzhi, saying:
The thieves who come, though a multitude, have the conventionality of a guest's manners. Li the Trivial is pressured in the south-east. He will surely not divide off and lodge troops in the outside, and will not go beyond welcoming and pulling out Ding and DI, that is all.
Mengzhi said:
Not so. Xiong dares declare himself emperor and king, and indulges in spreading across Under Heaven. As he has dispatched a significant multitude, he will surely take Hanzhong. Although we have a secure city, the gentlemen and commoners have smashed their courage, it's not possible to prepare with them for the robbers.
He therefore opened the gates to withdraw and flee. The Army-Protector returned back north. Mengzhi entered the Dasang [“Great Mulberry”] Valley with several thousand families of commoners and several thousand chariots. In one night they travelled barely several tens of li. However, Jing Zi of Zitong, since his father had had a grudge with Mengzhi, gathered his sons and younger brothers to pursue him, catching up at the valley mouth. Mengzhi abandoned his children and ran. Jing Zi captured them, and more than a thousand families of functionaries and commoners.
Only the Board of Merit official of Hanguo, Wu Jian, shouldered a raised cane and said:
I, though incompetent, is a great official of a single state. When the state perishes, [I am] not able to survive, and in the end will not belong to the thieves.
He starved to death within the valley.
Mengzhi fled to Weixing. Zhang Yin likewise abandoned his office and escaped to Chang'an. After piling up more than ten days, Li and others pulled out and turned back. They thoroughly moved the people of Hanzhong to Shu. Commoners of Hanzhong, Gou Fang, and Bai Luo led the functionaries and commoners to turn back and defend Nanzheng.
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(Zhang Gui)
1stYear of Yongjia, Spring, 1st Month [19 February – 19 March], the Colonel of the Eastern Qiang, Han Zhi, killed the Inspector of Qin province, Zhang Fu. Gui's Junior Office Marshal, Yang Yin talked to Gui, saying:
Now Zhi has gone against instructions, and on his own killed Zhang Fu. Your Enlightened Excellency is the cudgel and axe of a single region, and ought to reprimand the irreverent. This is also the righteousness of the Spring and Autumn era. When the various marquises were wiping out and destroying each other, and Duke Huan was unable to save them, Duke Huan was ashamed of it.
Gui followed him, and dispatched the Controller-Protector of the Centre, Fan Yuan, led a multitude of 20 000 to chastise him. He first conveyed Zhi a letter which said:
Now that the kingly ropes are tangled and twisted, the shepherds and wardens should join forces to toil for the King. Just now [I] have obtained a call to arms from Yong province, stating that you Vassal, has claimed troops for an interior affront. I direct and is entrusted with a single region, the right-principled would be to cut down the rebellious, with a military battalion of thirty thousand, and steeds and couriers continuously sent out. The feeling of cutting wood, in my heart, how could be expressed! When the ancients marched with the host, keeping whole the state was the highest. Vassal, suppose you [came] on a single horse to the army's gates, [I] would combine with the Vassal to pacify the generation's difficulties.
Zhi obtained the letter and surrendered.
[Gui] dispatched the Master of Accounts Linghu Ya on a mission to the King of Nanyang, Mo. Mo was very pleased, he delivered to Gui a sword bestowed by the Emperor, and speaking to Gui said:
From Long [Mountain] and westwards, campaigning and smiting, severing and cutting off, are thoroughly being delegated, like this sword.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
Hello Cheri! How are you? It's really interesting to know about Victor's name in Chinese :D Could you write about the other guys as well? Sorry if this bothering you! Please take care of yourself! ;D
Hello~ I’m not sure about the canon nicknames for Kiro, Shaw and Lucien though (I haven’t touched the CN main storyline in a long while HAHA) so I might have missed out some names! 😅
💙 Gavin 💙
Canon names:
> 白起 (“Bai Qi”)
> 学长 (“Xue Zhang” - Senior)
> 白队 (“Bai Dui” - Captain Bai)
> 白警官(“Bai Jing Guan” - Officer Bai)
> 白指挥官 (“Bai Zhi Hui Guan” - Commander Bai)
> 白哥 (“Bai Ge” - Bro Bai)
> 老大 (“Lao Da” - Big Boss)
> 小白 (“Xiao Bai” - Little Bai)
Fanon names: 
> 起起 (“Qi Qi”)
> 起子 (“Qi Zi”)
> 起子哥 (“Qi Zi Ge” - a more coquettish version of ‘Bro Bai’)
> 白飞飞 (“Bai Fei Fei” - White Fly Fly)
> 白先生 (”Bai Xian Sheng” - Mr Bai)
> 红起 (“Hong Qi”) -> I’ve seen a few writers use this name when Gavin is blushing! It’s an adorable play on words. Gavin’s Chinese name 白起 literally translates to “white up”. And 红起 translates to “red up” :’D
💛 Kiro 💛
Canon names:
> 周琪洛 (“Zhou Qi Luo”)
Fanon names:
> 洛洛 (“Luo Luo” - Ro Ro)
> 小周 (“Xiao Zhou” - Little Zhou)
> 大明星 (“Da Ming Xin” - Big Celebrity)
> 周甜甜 (“Zhou Tian Tian” - Sweet Zhou)
> 傻子洛 (“Sha Zi Luo” - Silly Ro)
🦈 Shaw 🦈
Canon names:
> 凌肖 - (“Ling Xiao”)
Fanon names:
> 皮卡肖 (“Pi Ka Xiao” - Pikashaw)
> 底迪 (“Di Di” - Little Brother)
> 臭弟弟 (“Chou Di Di” - Smelly Brother)
> 凌春雷 (“Ling Chun Lei” - Spring Thunder Ling)
💜 Lucien 💜
Canon names:
> 许墨 - (“Xu Mo”)
> 许教授 (“Xu Jiao Shou” - Professor Xu)
> 最强大脑 (“Zui Qiang Da Nao” - The Greatest Mind)
This is the name MC set for Lucien in her phone :’D
Fanon names:
> 墨墨 (“Mo Mo”)
> 许撩撩 (“Xu Liao Liao” - Flirty Xu)
For completion, I’ll include Victor’s names here too:
❤️ Victor ❤️
Canon names:
> 李泽言 (“Li Ze Yan”)
> 李总 (“Li Zong” - CEO Li)
> 李老师 (“Li Lao Shi” - Teacher Li)
Fanon names:
> 老李 (“Lao Li” - Old Li)
> 李爸爸 (“Li Ba Ba” - Daddy Li)
> 金主爸爸 (“Jin Zhu Ba Ba” - Daddy Investor)
> 李怼怼 (“Li Dui Dui” - Li Retort)
> 普通市民 (“Pu Tong Shi Min” - Ordinary Citizen)
> 李泽甜 (“Li Ze Tian”) -> This is a play on words because it rhymes with his name, and 甜 means “sweet”
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