#Thyne: storm
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whimes · 20 days ago
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[Pt/ aliownsic /end id]
A stroeria gender related to bloody snow, swords, blood, storms, dragons, magick, and the character Alias Snow
See also; Stroeria [ link ]
Tagging; @radiomogai @muttchive @rabidbatboy @horrormogai @etrnchive
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yronnia · 1 year ago
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[Edit: check my reblog too, screenshots from the book kindly provided by spookydazechaos]
Agnesses Nyce and not so accurate prophecies with screenshots.
The full list below.
Some are unreadable (to me), so I inserted some X-es instead, where necessary. Interesting is, that Orient Chariot is mentioned twice, in prophecy nr. 3819 anf 4019.
Prophecy nr. 3012 is only one I cant allocate, dont tell me its about Aziraphale and Crowley, when Agness adressed Aziraphale by "angel" "thyf " and "principalitee", whats the bit about the dragons? Because they have wings?
1111- An the Great Hound sharl come
and the Two Powers sharl watch in V
Goeth Where is, Where they
Notte, and he sharl name it, True to l
and Hell sharl flee it
2213- I tell ye thyf, and I charge
ye with my wordes. Four shalle
ryde and Four shalle alfo ryde,
and Three sharl ryde the Skye
as twixt and Wonne shal ryde in
flames, and theyr shall be no stopping
themme, not fish, nor rayne nor rode, neirher
Deville nor Angel. And ye shalle be theyr also
2214- In December 1980 an Apple will arise no
man can eat. Invest thy money in Master Jobbes
thinking machine and good fortune
will tend thy days.
2315- Sumsay It cometh in Londo xxx or
New Yorke, butte they be Wronge, f xxx is
Taddes fild, Stronge inne hys powr, h xxxxke
a knight inee the fief, he divideth the xxx
4 partes, he bringeth the storme.
3001- Behinde the Eagles Neste a grate Ash hath fallen.
? 3007- Brings forth
For the devil lucks in plain sight.
Under an arc of pale moonlight.
3008- When that the angel readeth these
word of mine, in his shoppe of other mmennes
books, then the final days are certes upon us. Open
thyne eyes to understand. Open thyne eyes and rede
I do say, foolish principalitee, for thy cocoa doth
grow cold
3009- Seven, who hold the Scepther shall be killed,
xxx shall become a saint.
3011- xxThe?
and churces be laid open
opressed shall prevail, and oppose the cruen
foreginers. For a Boar of Cornwall shall give his
assistance and trample their necks under his feet
3012- A shower of blood shall rain and a ragging
famine shall afflict mankind. When dhese things
happen, the Red Dragon shall grieve, but when his
fatigue is over, he shall recover his strength. Then
shall misfortunes hasten upon the White Dragon,
and the buildings of his gardens be pulled down.
3017- I see Four Riding, bringing the Ende, and
the Angells of Hell ride with them, And Three sharl
Rise. And Four and Four Together be Four, and the
Dark Angel sharl Own Defeat, Yette the Manne
sharl claim his Own.
3477- Lette the wheel of Fate turne, let harts
en- join, there are othere Fyres than mine, when
the wynd blowethe the blos- soms, reach oute one
to anothere, for the calm cometh when Redde and
Whyte and BLacke and Pale approache to Pear is
Our Professioune.
3819- When Orients chariot
inverted be, four wheles in the
skye, a man with bruises be upon
Youre Bedde, achinge his head
for willowfine, a manne who
resterh with a pyn yette his
hart be.
3988- Whene menne of crocus come frome the
Earth and green manne frome thee Sky, yette ken
not why, and Plutos barres quitte the light- ning
castels, and sunken landes riseth, and Levia- than
runneth free, and Brazil is vert, then Three cometh
together and Four arise, upon iron horses ride, I tell
you the ende draweth nigh.
3989- He is not what he says he is
4009- Where the Hoggs back end the young
beast will take the world and Adams line will end
in fire and darkness.
4019- When Orients chariot inverted be a
man with bruises up thy bed, aching his head for
willow fine
4020- Let the wheel of fate turne, let harts
enjoin, there are other fyres than myne, when the
whirl wynd whirls, reach oute one to another.
5001- When the skies are xxxx, then ye
both must stand between the world and life and the
world of wae, where the iron bird lands no more
5004- When alle is fayed and all is done, ye
must choofe your faces wisely, for soon enouff
ye will be playing with fyre
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blacksupremacy86 · 2 years ago
Finale Part 1 -
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The old great Atlantis is a glorious, epic and legendary city deeply woven into our own history.
Aquaman Arthur King of Atlantis feels ton of a heavy waves hitting his heart pounding at him.
Shaking his head he holds on to it sighing so loudly, he rolls his eyes and stomps his gold trident.
Arthur’s eyes slowly crawls up to see a dark shadow in the back of the wall walking in a diagonal way.
The man now faces him head on Arthur lock eyes with me waves at him Arthur throws his ass.
Puffs out his chest with big huff landing so hard right the figures chest it stands with out a reaction.
The figure backs up out of the light moving into the shadows once more he is getting closer.
The man stood behind Arthur’s thrown his hand into the air taking hold of the throne he grabs it firmly.
Arthur jolt letting his hand placing it on his shoulder, he kisses his cheeks more than once.
“Let me go, release me at once, I am a king and I command you.”
“Why are you laughing?”
“Because you have no control asshole”
“King my ass!”
“Yes Master! You enslaved me”
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“Arthur? Arthur answer me”
“Fuck off!”
“What? Arthur?”
“I said fuck off”
“You have no idea”
“Arthur is mine “
“Go ahead use this powers”
“Their futile “
“Your efforts are too”
“I am your ending and beginning “
“I am retribution “
“I am death”
“Succumb “
The end
Finale Part 2
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Hal Jordan of Green Lantern section 581 New Earth Galaxy flew down form the sky like a emerald shooting star crashing to earth.
A distress signal alert breaks through to his ring blasting louder as he lands a true man of the intergalactic regime of space cops his ring is on alert.
It a darkly lit black pitch area with haunting tone to ad effect the sea of risks and the area is completely abandoned properly this property builders.
“Hal Jordan watch out” the ring yells as a gigantic splash of water rushes onto him.
“Fuck! Who the…Aqua lad” he questions in disbelief at the sight.
“So glad you received our call.” Aqua lad says a mischievous smirk covers his face.
“Why have you betrayed me?”
“Betrayed you? A rose is rose Hal”
“Call it what you want but we are here to pluck you from society.”
“You have got to be kidding me”
“If you must be such asshole about it”
“I’ll water board you till you do”
“What was that? “
“Should have listened “
“The sale pitch was good”
“Instead you will surrender in pain”
“No choice in the matter”
“Time to apply the pain.”
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Asguard has fallen neatly a thousand times in over millennia times about a billion past that because it’s a kingdom. All kingdoms fall, they have an expiration date and yet some do survive.
“I deign thee to take on Odinson”
“Thee Great Thor”
“You are under arrest”
“I have no time for the trickery”
“Who deign to step on Asgard?”
“Will earn thyne ire and face mine wrath”
Thor swings his hammer in the air crackling with a force do thunder a storm is brewing over its entirety.
“I said you are under arrest”
“Me Thor? Stop this foolery”
“I must make leave”
“Yeah to OA”
“Ah! A Member of the core “
“Not for me but you “
“Everyone fell to my sway and now you will as well.” The man says stabbing him with his mental construct of a sword.
“Who dares…..aaahhhh”
“Sir Yes Sir”
The end
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blackkaatlynagency · 2 years ago
Witch Wheat harvest
Wit witch wit .. wit and bitter bitter black .. do know my momma mommy says said is .. now the known known have .. known the blast cold bitter .. known the black witch bitter storm we war each .. we war bitter black and bad past black war .. together as ..; as as .. witch as witch as .. storm north cold blast stuck deed done duned ands siege engine engines which I .. bark white bitter bark witch wart and wove are as an am I is .. ���
Love .. love live .. love hate war and with all .. with all .. with all ..; war war war and .. fearless .. fear less ..  fear less than enough .. fear fearing fear more because .. more doesn’t need any anything from ..
You .. you you you your momma loves and .. your faith loves and fires of father fathers wars which when .. which when .. which when we .. we are war for fear less because more does not need from you  .. they are war all war ready storm north .. ready storm bitter .. ready now never not not now and war wrath not not the north .. the daughter yet … the thy that all woes woven .. wolf .. work .. wary wary wary joann … and evenings ever known north to .. she the .. she the daughter born in the north .. the more the known the way the war thine daughter war and wrath from which of thine the will thy wills worth we war when we are is …
From we here from which when beyond here there be dragons and known known none the dragon dragons beyond returned .. and war like fire we … we war from war worth the daughter born … the daughter north born north from here when herein the dragons beyond ways they the .. the will war devine thine daggers and sworn .. wars ever and swords are .. the sovereign oaths upon swan loss they ours we are we from became …
Bitter northen nights potato flakes .. politico .. carebear courage ten wars thine deep and loss we from woven deeds fear known the catholic known are from in lifes wolves upon jackyl upon labrynths orange hearts well and stone mortar seas sown sound and firmament unto an and until thy thyne wealths hearths ours return from war to and ..
Mom mother witch …  mom mother witch .. mom mother witch and …
Sons swan sown soul true sworn souldiers of … we whom war bitter black coffe so in as sin the they that mother ancient are … gods father wove stoneyard bastards wars revolution upon revolutions caused with wit not not the ties that bind upon ceramic glazed dragons of sons from ages time ways gone and gone by done and dune … siege engines dunes of sand deeds war dead loss and all we love bitter black war and deeds valor which remind us children born dragon from daughters war fears none to from which we are wheat witch harvest and need to the shameless as she ..
Shameless as she ..
Shameless as she …
Momma mother witch ..
Momma mother witch ..
Power …
Power mom
Power and sons Jacob and maryjane …
Love as poetry anne
Love and infants safe crown tall born …. Queen annes lace and babies breath wiled .. wildflower wildflower fields of need upon warmth jesus sown swanloss and life ours safe from are dragons faith cats fear and calls war tolls upon …
Dong .. dong … dong … dong … dong .. dong … dong … dong .. dong .. dong … dong .. dong  old ben … old faithful .. fort Killeen black witch killin wit .. keeling upon adventures the morning has to come from because I believe in our jesus christ saviour sacred whom are’t in heaven and has to end sometime … because it can be ever nights some black bitter fears witless … witchless .. mothers need mom beliefs and winter wage death the white deed king and his .. thyne kin dead and deed wars are gold upon …
Watt bulbs and edison need dad home and wit hearth heather wheat harvest which are pike gin and need jade is ever eyes pale ivory and wisdom chi chi Chinese power grave and knotts known to them seem like family I am to means me ..
\i fear less and need you … I fear less and need you … I fear less and power …
Do so to true serve swan
Do so to true serve loss
Do so to war serve true
Do so to war serve gold
Life soar and save when …
Less is true
Less is need you
Less is knotts and fear feed winds
We I witch and hate tolerate suffering none well ./././
Love Serve War and bitter known known hate wisdom have …
Fear less and witch
Fear less and true
Remember to eat ..
You are not not loved
And ways we courage for ...
War we fear fear less and need needing you ..l.
I come home you ..
Your husband needs you safe …
Your husband loves you …
And fish fishing bitter black cold and need that …
Needs you home ..
Jesus god bring our all troops home safe and know all you known all need know and …
Bring all oar troops ours each war we nations faith I can known of known of have known of be and …
Have everything and bring all troops home …
Mine all a8 and poetry
Save We Courage and Blind ..
1432 and all I have can have yours is ..
I never I am in love with you … am war alone and need … and I fear ..
I fear less and need I need needless seemings am …
Save our troops lives and war bring gold our faith troops of families home and
/./ I will be behave on all i ever am will
Witch the truce me …
Colin a m.. everything and Canada god jesus men of wives courage the engine warriors of all bitters when they are we of profit too .. aye
Austrailia and as you wish ..
Save bring when less faith feeds not what need is fear less for …
I love you 1432 all
Bring our all troops home
I’ll get high with you …
I swear everything I can for not less bring home ours and known …
Less is weak we don’t known need known to ours …
@8 eternal always of oaths are
Divine at your service …
Pleased to be here
Glad to help
Its what we’re Here for ..
Bring thiers home to we they are the need need is not less for and 1432 ..
Pittsburg alright
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olorielmoonshadow · 2 years ago
Storm in a Teacup - NaPo day #3
Photomanipulated image to create a raging storm in a teacup – found HERE Storm in a Teacup Gee, ’tis lies I have not been nowhere nor anywhereAnd destroyed thyself a new groove to the blind,Bought thyne stolen deeds, bought pricy what least is shunned,Unmade new obedience of old unkind.Unbelievable, as is, that lies were unconceived behind my eyesSymmetrical and familiary: but, far from…
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uncieknuckies · 4 years ago
PO EM aboute when iam at le Candy Barral. Whuch is always
Melted li ght orange
Nothen rhymes w ornahe
Guess Im outta luck im a
Big fat fuck
You say your not scared ofme.
You say youve never heard me.
You say im in my own lane
playing in my own game
there its all the same with the same old name
But you do not Know
What you've never once feared
My skank and musk hang low
On the truthe ive commandeered
Im the Nightmare Caddy
Harebri ng er of storms
Cold dead paddy
Bugs in mmy deceased forms
And if you want so badly
So end this end of times?
Thene empty , thyne pantries
bring me , sweets and candies
Enough is never plentey
I am the Nightnare Caddy ! :)
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libidomechanica · 5 years ago
“and they witness duty, not to love, that Loues”
Other form, ’“tis quite so fair, and  eat his throwing on  my face, and they witness duty,  not to love,  that Loues winter is come  to Sidyngborne that  seith thinned newfragile yellow 
hair, bedabbled with  mourning glories dart;” tis then. I  can be, and bosoms  there and gaping with  but healthy horse what Death  for to plese, but  who would have been oon, to  gete hir lecchours by experiments  on animal  crackers! Sing thou shalt forgo, maugree 
thyne yen. The beauty from  my soul with mourning  to bed, w ith it eternity.  But forth as marble,  like a ghostlike an  old man form, or wrap her  in healthy coof, tho matching  and adores a good  look vainly for ’“twas her  feet to everything  that so it is a  monstrance that shines in  one common in the  streets were used no more reply  to winds  of coffee hot let  me to anticipate  in which he seydė myn hond,  to make him self nor  their physicians know;  nor why that is thy  beloved spake, and 
body have devised what shouldst  be with wonders  scholes,” to be my babes  father was Woolfe in  his grave i th bed  of softer earth; the  thing is sound Sweetness 
to the crowd, releasing;  my bonds which beats so 
wild, vain. Trapped in a Christ  toil up and do whateer the  vine flourished and stately  has been in  the narrow-souled, 
softened the stone with  pyning mourne. Side of 
all loves dissembling sails and  weep, and of Lucye: the  shimmering storm and  him a wandering vests,  but of oure chaffare; greet perfections  face burnt like a willing  car. to join his 
golden-crowned him—with  her casement She has  twa sparkled alone, Glowed white!  not for long but few.
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"The field is lost. Everything is lost" "The enemy is within, everywhere" "Go now, my lord, while there is time" "I release thee, go" "My servant you'll be for all time" "Give it to me. I must have it" "Where can I run?" "We are following the will of the one" "Blackheart show me What you hold in hand" "Release me from my pain" "I did my part, now it's your turn. And remember What you've promised" "All hope's lost it can't be undone" "Save me your speeches. I know they blinded us all" "The light she once brought in is gone forevermore" "Like sorrowful seaguls they sang" "Immortal land lies down in agony" "How long shall we mourn in the dark?" "Say farewell to sadness and grief" "An oath we shall swear by the name of the one" "I can still hear these voices inside" "I swear revenge" "Then your oath's been sworn in vain" "Never trust the northern winds" "Oh I'm heir of the high lord!" "The enemy of mine, isn't he of your kind?" "Back to where it all began" "What will be next? I still don't have a clue" "Dark realms I went through" "My vision's so clear" "I left deep wounds behind but I arrived" "Beyond the void but deep within me a swamp of filth exists" "Well curse my name, I'll keep on laughing" "Don't fear the eyes of the dark lord" "I will take part in your damned fate" "I will always remember their cries" "There's still smoke near the shore" "There's no release from my sins" "The Curse of Fëanor runs long" "Time and only time will tell us" "When anger breaks through I'll leave mercy behind" "You are now my guest... forever." "Welcome to my realm" "I see it still burns" "Each night I cry in pain" "You've searched and you've found" "Welcome to where time stands still" "And blood tears I cry" "Endless grief remained inside" "It lies unknown the land of mine" "The lord of water spoke in the silence words of wisdom" "I've seen the end of all" "Be aware the storm gets closer" "True hope lies beyond the coast" "You're a damned kind can't you see That tomorrows bears insanity?" "Deep down it lies my secret vision" "Shall I leave my friends alone?" "We're lost in barren lands" "Time's getting short so follow me" "The bitter end is just a matter of time" "Shall we dare the dragon?" "The moon, the sign of hope" "We brought hope, but also lies, and treachery" "Noldor, blood is on your hands" "Black clouds will carry rain of blood" "We were lost on grinding ice, in fear and hunger" "You can't escape from my damnation" "Hear my words. Fear my curse" "Tears unnumbered you will shet and dwell in pain" "I know where the stars glow" "Your homeless souls shall come to me" "There's no release: Slain you might be" "Dead winter reigns and tomorrow's still unknown" "See my eyes, are full of tears" "But still I can't claim that I'm innocent" "Just lead my fate to the victory of elves" "The moon is gone and deadly the night reigns" "Horror and madness I've seen here" "For what I became a king of the lost?" "The Fate of us all lies deep in the dark" "I stand alone no one's by my side" "I'll dare you! Come out you coward! Now it's me or you!" "Welcome to my lands. You shall be damned" "The iron crowned Is getting closer" "You've troubled my day. Now feel the pain" "The Elvenking's broken" "Praise our king" "A dark seed of evil is grown" "The misty pond has got a new king" "So what can we do with our lives when it all begins?" "Will light ever rise again?" "I'm trapped in darkness. Still I reach out for the stars" "Oh at dawn I'll face the edge of thorns" "Let us march on to the fields of sacrifice" "Will I betray myself to rise?" "It's time to explain and search for truth in lies" "Come follow me and you will see" "Let us be brave though by glory we are denied" "Come play the song of death" "I'm lost in the depths of his eyes. I can't flee" "I've seen the moon and the first sunrise" "For the Eldar I'm trapped inside this dream" "I've tasted poison when I drank the wine of fate" "Soon my spirit will return" "Your light will take me home" "Farewell my friend, farewell" "Where am I now?" "Immortal love's fooled by the hands of doom" "That love means death I realized too soon" "Caught in the afterlife I've gone too far" "The air was filled with tears full of sadness and grief" "I feel like screaming but I can't breath in" "I will not leave this world of living till she has said goodbye" "I still wait for her call and her last kiss" "I can't forget her" "Her face will not leave from the depths of my soul" "So I heard all about it" "The world shall hear this sad song" "There they dwelt until they left the world" "Now truly I am king of the world" "Thou shall not question my power" "I feel cold facing the darkness" "The triumph of shadow is near" "We shall not rest until all will be thyne" "I will not rest till I'm king" "Rise of Fall. A dark tale ends" "Just wondering how in the darkness they found their way to the right place" "Children of the sun, second kindred, we call their race" "They moved westwards towards the sunshine" "The sun went down beyond the sea" "Dark was the hour but day shall come again" "Clean my wounds. Wash away all fear" "With my eyes you'll see and with my ears you'll hear" "Don't mess with the master of fate" "Still we're marching on" "The night falls and great is the triumph of evil" "The league is broken" "Only he troubles the dark one's mind" "A new star shall arise and a new day shall come, again"
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garrafahellscream · 8 years ago
(vía https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CIfudW67zs)
Blind Guardian - And Then There Was Silence
Turn your head and see the fields of flames
He carries along From a distant place He's on his way He'll bring decay (Don't move along 'Cause things they will go wrong The end is getting closer day by day) In shades of grey We're doomed to face the night Light's out of sight
Since we've reached the point of no return We pray for starlight we wait for the moon The sky is empty Alone in the unknown We're getting nowhere
We have been betrayed By the wind and rain The sacred hall's empty and cold The sacrifice made Should not be done in vain Revenge will be taken by Rome
We live a lie Under the dying moon Pale-faced laughs doom Indulges in delight
It's getting out of hand The final curtain will fall Hear my voice There is no choice There's no way out You'll find out
We don't regret it So many men have failed But now he's gone Go out and get it The madman's head it
Shall be thyne We don't regret it That someone else dies hidden in disguise Go out and get it Orion's hound shines bright
Don't you think it's time to stop the chase Around the ring Just stop running running Round the ring Don't you know that fate has been decided by the gods Feel the distance, distance Out of reach
Welcome to the end Watch your step, Cassandra You may fall As I've stumbled on the field Sister mine Death's a certain thing Find myself in darkest places Find myself drifting away And the other world The other world appears
Find myself she dies in vain I cannot be freed I'm falling down As time runs faster Moves towards disaster
The ferryman will wait for you My dear
And then there was silence Just a voice from other world Like a leaf in an icy world Memories will fade
Misty tales and poems lost All the bliss and beauty will be gone Will my weary soul find release for a while At the moment of death I will smile It's the triumph of shame and disease In the end Iliad
Raise my hands and praise the day Break the spell show me the way In decay The flame of Troy will shine bright
The newborn child will carry ruin to the hall The newborn's death would be a blessing to us all
Good choice? Bad choice? Out of there You've chosen misery Power and wisdom You deny Bad choice
War is the only answer When love will conquer fear So the judgement's been made to the fairest The graceful says badly he fails
Warning Fear the heat of passion, father king Don't let him in Don't let her in Desire, lust, obsession Death they'll bring We can't get out Once they are in
She's like the sunrise Outshines the moon at night Precious like starlight She will bring in a murderous price
In darkness grows the seed of man's defeat Jealousy I can clearly see the end now I can clearly see the end now I can clearly see the end now
The thread of life is spun The coin's been placed below my tongue
Never give up Never give in Be on our side So we can win Never give up Never give in Be on our side Old moon's time is soon to come
Nowhere to run Nowhere to hide Nothing to lose Like one we'll stand We'll face the storm Created by a man
Roar roar roar roar Troy Troy Troy Troy
And as the lion Slaughters man I am the wolf And you're the lamb
Hallowed Troy will fall Round the walls Faith is shattered bodies fall
Nowhere to run Nowhere to hide Nothing to lose Like one we'll stand It's all for one and one for all We live for will be wiped out
I feel that something's wrong Surprise, surprise they're gone Full moon your time goes by And new moon's still kept our of sight We live we die
Misty tales and poems lost All the bliss and beauty will be gone Will my weary soul find release for a while At the moment of death I will smile It's the triumph of shame and disease In the end Iliad
Raise my hands and praise the day Break the spell show me the way In decay The flame of Troy will shine bright
Roam in darkness Spread the vision We will be lost if you truly believe Troy in darkness There's a cold emptiness in our hearts That they've gone away And won't come back
They'll tear down the wall to bring it in They'll truly believe in the lie, lie, lie With blossoms they'll welcome The old foe
The vision's so clear When day and dream unite The end is near You better be prepared
The nightmare shall be over now There's nothing more to fear Come join in our singing And dance with us now The nightmare shall be over now There's nothing more to fear The war it is over forevermore
No hope The blind leads the blind Carry on Though future's denied Mare or stallion There's far more inside We are in at the kill we'll cheerfully die
Misty tales and poems lost All the bliss and beauty will be gone Will my weary soul find release for a while At the moment of death I will smile It's the triumph of shame and disease In the end Iliad
Raise my hands and praise the day Break the spell show me the way In decay The flame of Troy will shine bright
Holy light shines on
So the judgement's been made We're condemned though the trial's far ahead The crack of doom Father Your handsome son is heading home
Heading home
Still the wind blows Calm and silent Carries news from a distant shore
Out of mind Can't get it Can't get it Out of me head
Sorrow and defeat
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whimes · 20 days ago
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[Pt/ stroeriden /end Pt]
A natiden term relating to the cuture, and society, that can only be understood in the context of the teu universe from the plot "Storm Of The Gods" by me
See also; Natiden [ link ], Stroeria [ link ]
Tagging; @radiomogai @muttchive @rabidbatboy @horrormogai @etrnchive
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berezina · 4 years ago
"An Excelente Balade of Charitie"
In Virgynë the sweltrie sun gan sheene, And hotte upon the mees did caste his raie; The apple rodded from its palie greene, And the mole peare did bende the leafy spraie; The peede chelandri sunge the livelong daie; 'Twas nowe the pride, the manhode of the yeare, And eke the grounde was dighte in its moste defte aumere.
The sun was glemeing in the midde of daie, Deadde still the aire, and eke the welken blue, When from the sea arist in drear arraie A hepe of cloudes of sable sullen hue, The which full fast unto the woodlande drewe, Hiltring attenes the sunnis fetive face, And the blacke tempeste swolne and gatherd up apace.
Beneathe an holme, faste by a pathwaie side, Which dide unto Seyncte Godwine's covent lede, A hapless pilgrim moneynge did abide. Pore in his newe, ungentle in his weede, Longe bretful of the miseries of neede, Where from the hail-stone coulde the almer flie? He had no housen theere, ne anie covent nie.
Look in his glommed face, his sprighte there scanne; Howe woe-be-gone, how withered, forwynd, deade! Haste to thie church-glebe-house, asshrewed manne! Haste to thie kiste, thie onlie dortoure bedde. Cale, as the claie whiche will gre on thie hedde, Is Charitie and Love aminge highe elves; Knightis and Barons live for pleasure and themselves.
The gatherd storme is rype; the bigge drops falle; The forswat meadowes smethe, and drenche the raine; The comyng ghastness do the cattle pall, And the full flockes are drivynge ore the plaine; Dashde from the cloudes the waters flott againe; The welkin opes; the yellow levynne flies; And the hot fierie smothe in the wide lowings dies.
Liste! now the thunder's rattling clymmynge sound Cheves slowlie on, and then embollen clangs, Shakes the hie spyre, and losst, dispended, drown'd, Still on the gallard eare of terroure hanges; The windes are up; the lofty elmen swanges; Again the levynne and the thunder poures, And the full cloudes are braste attenes in stonen showers.
Spurreynge his palfrie oere the watrie plaine, The Abbote of Seyncte Godwynes convente came; His chapournette was drented with the reine, And his pencte gyrdle met with mickle shame; He aynewarde tolde his bederoll at the same; The storme encreasen, and he drew aside, With the mist almes craver neere to the holme to bide.
His cope was all of Lyncolne clothe so fyne, With a gold button fasten'd neere his chynne; His autremete was edged with golden twynne, And his shoone pyke a loverds mighte have binne; Full well it shewn he thoughten coste no sinne: The trammels of the palfrye pleasde his sighte, For the horse-millanare his head with roses dighte.
'An almes, sir prieste!' the droppynge pilgrim saide, 'O! let me waite within your covente dore, Till the sunne sheneth hie above our heade, And the loude tempeste of the aire is oer; Helpless and ould am I alas! and poor; No house, ne friend, ne moneie in my pouche; All yatte I call my owne is this my silver crouche.'
'Varlet,' replyd the Abbatte, 'cease your dinne; This is no season almes and prayers to give; Mie porter never lets a faitour in; None touch mie rynge who not in honour live.' And now the sonne with the blacke cloudes did stryve, And shettynge on the grounde his glairie raie, The Abbatte spurrde his steede, and eftsoones roadde awaie.
Once moe the skie was blacke, the thunder rolde; Faste reyneynge oer the plaine a prieste was seen; Ne dighte full proude, ne buttoned up in golde; His cope and jape were graie, and eke were clene; A Limitoure he was of order seene; And from the pathwaie side then turned hee, Where the pore almer laie binethe the holmen tree.
'An almes, sir priest!' the droppynge pilgrim sayde, 'For sweete Seyncte Marie and your order sake.' The Limitoure then loosen'd his pouche threade, And did thereoute a groate of silver take; The mister pilgrim dyd for halline shake. 'Here take this silver, it maie eathe thie care; We are Goddes stewards all, nete of oure owne we bare.
'But ah! unhailie pilgrim, lerne of me, Scathe anie give a rentrolle to their Lorde. Here take my semecope, thou arte bare I see; Tis thyne; the Seynctes will give me mie rewarde.' He left the pilgrim, and his waie aborde. Virgynne and hallie Seyncte, who sitte yn gloure, Or give the mittee will, or give the gode man power.
~Thomas Chatterton
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freebetalerts-blog · 6 years ago
Horse racing: Alexander looking great
(New post on FreeBetAlerts.com) - https://freebetalerts.com/2019/01/06/horse-racing-alexander-looking-great/ #Freebets, #HorseRacing, #Tips
Horse racing: Alexander looking great Please share.
Jumps Trainer: Willie Mullins (Click trainer’s name to view a full list of entries) It will perhaps come as no surprise to learn that Willie Mullins, a 12-time Champion Jumps Trainer over in Ireland, is coming into form at the turn of the year, though it is worth noting that Mullins has enjoyed a particularly good spell with his hurdlers of late, with Sharjah, Aramon and Good Thyne Tara all winning graded contests for the yard over the Christmas period.
As you would expect, Mullins has three interesting entries in Sunday’s Grade 1 Novices Hurdle at Naas (you can read our preview of that race here), but he has some interesting entries over timber next week, too, beginning with French Made, who is entered at Clonmel on Thursday. Brought over from France by JP McManus, French Made has had just one start so far, finishing second in a bumper at Angers in April, and it would be no surprise should she prove to be a good prospect for her powerful new connections. With there being no racing from Monday-Wednesday next week, Mullins has several entries on Thursday’s card at Clonmel, including three in the Munster Hurdle. The most interesting of Mullins’ intended trio is Lac Kivu, who we haven’t seen since August 2017. He looked something out of the ordinary when winning a novice contest on his first start for the yard in May 2017, and whilst he disappointed slightly at Galway 9 weeks later, he’s a good prospect – provided he’s ready to go after an absence. Harrie is also in the race and looks open to more improvement after getting off the mark at Tramore last month, whilst Epswell got back on track at Gowran last time having disappointed at Galway in October. Mullins also has three French imports entered in the maiden hurdle on the card, in the form of Dento Des Obeaux, Cash Back and Breaken. Of the three, Breaken perhaps looks the best prospect based on their French form, but all three are open to improvement now switched to Ireland, and are worth a look in the market on Thursday afternoon. Away from timber, Billaway is an interesting entry in a hunters chase at Clonmel on Thursday, having had just the two starts in bumpers to date. It’s intriguing that he heads straight over fences, an unusual route, but he has made an encouraging start to his career so far, twice finishing second at Cork and Tipperary respectively, and is worth a check in the market if taking his chance.
Flat Trainer: Karl Burke We may be just five days into 2019 at the time of writing, though Karl Burke has already enjoyed a positive start to the year, considering that he has tended to start slowly over the past few years, as the below graph shows.
Burke has several entries at Wolverhampton on Monday, the most interesting of which being Thunder Buddy, who is due to run in the apprentice handicap on the card. He’s come into his own on the fibresand the last twice, getting off the mark on his most recent start at Southwell on Thursday, and he may be up to following up provided he can transfer his form over to the tapeta. Wind Storm meanwhile underperformed on the fibresand last time out, but she ran respectably at Newcastle in November and ought to be competitive off her lowly mark if taking her chance in the fillies’ handicap.   Mardle showed improved form to get off the mark at Newcastle in November, and he looks to have leading claims of following up over the same course and distance now switched to handicap company on Tuesday. His opening mark is a solid one, and he could well be up to completing the double. Later in the week, Burke is due to send two to Lingfield on Wednesday, in the form of So Hi Storm and Dancing Ballerina. The latter failed to progress from her promising start at Wolverhampton last month when down the field 17 days later, and as such it is So Hi Storm who is the more interesting proposition. So Hi Storm completed a double at Chelmsford in October, and whilst he hasn’t been in the same form in two starts since, he had valid excuses on the first occasion and may be worth chancing now dropped 1 lb by the handicapper and handed a small break by his trainer. Under The Radar: Neil Alexander Generally, as the winter months arrive, the Neil Alexander team begin to hit top gear, and his yard have once again began firing in and around the New Year, as the below graph shows.
Alexander has a host of entries in Scotland at the beginning of next week, beginning with four at Musselburgh on Monday. The most interesting of those is Dance of Fire, who along with Ballynanty is entered in the handicap hurdle on the card. Dance of Fire shaped well on return from a year off the track over C&D last month, finishing sixth, and giving the impression that he would improve significantly for that outing. Dropped 5 lb for that effort, he’s well handicapped on his Flat form, and could well be up to winning this if building on that run. At Ayr on Tuesday, Alexander has four entries in the opening race on the card, the conditional jockeys’ handicap hurdle, and the most interesting of his quartet is Up Helly AA King, who shaped as if needing the run on reappearance at this track in November. This would be his second run since a breathing operation, and, dropped 5 lb, he ought to be competitive at his level sooner rather than later. Off The Hook has an entry on the mares’ novices’ hurdle on the card, and she would have leading claims if taking her chance. She excelled herself when third in a listed contest at Haydock last month, handling the testing ground well, and she looks a big player now dropped back into novice company. The Orange Rogue has an entry on the card, though he has been running poorly for a while, disappointing at Newcastle last month, and as a 12-year-old, he’s firmly into the veteran stage of his career now.  
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houstonroofing161 · 7 years ago
Community raising funds for boy injured by <b>roofing</b> during storm
A community is raising money to help a boy who was injured when a piece of metal roof hit him during last week's storm. Eight-grader Lloyd Thyne ...
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phoenixroofing164 · 7 years ago
Community raising funds for boy injured by <b>roofing</b> during storm
A community is raising money to help a boy who was injured when a piece of metal roof hit him during last week's storm. Eight-grader Lloyd Thyne ...
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miamiroofing162 · 7 years ago
Community raising funds for boy injured by <b>roofing</b> during storm
A community is raising money to help a boy who was injured when a piece of metal roof hit him during last week's storm. Eight-grader Lloyd Thyne ...
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