blackkaatlynagency · 1 year
Witch Wheat harvest
Wit witch wit .. wit and bitter bitter black .. do know my momma mommy says said is .. now the known known have .. known the blast cold bitter .. known the black witch bitter storm we war each .. we war bitter black and bad past black war .. together as ..; as as .. witch as witch as .. storm north cold blast stuck deed done duned ands siege engine engines which I .. bark white bitter bark witch wart and wove are as an am I is .. …
Love .. love live .. love hate war and with all .. with all .. with all ..; war war war and .. fearless .. fear less ..  fear less than enough .. fear fearing fear more because .. more doesn’t need any anything from ..
You .. you you you your momma loves and .. your faith loves and fires of father fathers wars which when .. which when .. which when we .. we are war for fear less because more does not need from you  .. they are war all war ready storm north .. ready storm bitter .. ready now never not not now and war wrath not not the north .. the daughter yet … the thy that all woes woven .. wolf .. work .. wary wary wary joann … and evenings ever known north to .. she the .. she the daughter born in the north .. the more the known the way the war thine daughter war and wrath from which of thine the will thy wills worth we war when we are is …
From we here from which when beyond here there be dragons and known known none the dragon dragons beyond returned .. and war like fire we … we war from war worth the daughter born … the daughter north born north from here when herein the dragons beyond ways they the .. the will war devine thine daggers and sworn .. wars ever and swords are .. the sovereign oaths upon swan loss they ours we are we from became …
Bitter northen nights potato flakes .. politico .. carebear courage ten wars thine deep and loss we from woven deeds fear known the catholic known are from in lifes wolves upon jackyl upon labrynths orange hearts well and stone mortar seas sown sound and firmament unto an and until thy thyne wealths hearths ours return from war to and ..
Mom mother witch …  mom mother witch .. mom mother witch and …
Sons swan sown soul true sworn souldiers of … we whom war bitter black coffe so in as sin the they that mother ancient are … gods father wove stoneyard bastards wars revolution upon revolutions caused with wit not not the ties that bind upon ceramic glazed dragons of sons from ages time ways gone and gone by done and dune … siege engines dunes of sand deeds war dead loss and all we love bitter black war and deeds valor which remind us children born dragon from daughters war fears none to from which we are wheat witch harvest and need to the shameless as she ..
Shameless as she ..
Shameless as she …
Momma mother witch ..
Momma mother witch ..
Power …
Power mom
Power and sons Jacob and maryjane …
Love as poetry anne
Love and infants safe crown tall born …. Queen annes lace and babies breath wiled .. wildflower wildflower fields of need upon warmth jesus sown swanloss and life ours safe from are dragons faith cats fear and calls war tolls upon …
Dong .. dong … dong … dong … dong .. dong … dong … dong .. dong .. dong … dong .. dong  old ben … old faithful .. fort Killeen black witch killin wit .. keeling upon adventures the morning has to come from because I believe in our jesus christ saviour sacred whom are’t in heaven and has to end sometime … because it can be ever nights some black bitter fears witless … witchless .. mothers need mom beliefs and winter wage death the white deed king and his .. thyne kin dead and deed wars are gold upon …
Watt bulbs and edison need dad home and wit hearth heather wheat harvest which are pike gin and need jade is ever eyes pale ivory and wisdom chi chi Chinese power grave and knotts known to them seem like family I am to means me ..
\i fear less and need you … I fear less and need you … I fear less and power …
Do so to true serve swan
Do so to true serve loss
Do so to war serve true
Do so to war serve gold
Life soar and save when …
Less is true
Less is need you
Less is knotts and fear feed winds
We I witch and hate tolerate suffering none well ./././
Love Serve War and bitter known known hate wisdom have …
Fear less and witch
Fear less and true
Remember to eat ..
You are not not loved
And ways we courage for ...
War we fear fear less and need needing you ..l.
I come home you ..
Your husband needs you safe …
Your husband loves you …
And fish fishing bitter black cold and need that …
Needs you home ..
Jesus god bring our all troops home safe and know all you known all need know and …
Bring all oar troops ours each war we nations faith I can known of known of have known of be and …
Have everything and bring all troops home …
Mine all a8 and poetry
Save We Courage and Blind ..
1432 and all I have can have yours is ..
I never I am in love with you … am war alone and need … and I fear ..
I fear less and need I need needless seemings am …
Save our troops lives and war bring gold our faith troops of families home and
/./ I will be behave on all i ever am will
Witch the truce me …
Colin a m.. everything and Canada god jesus men of wives courage the engine warriors of all bitters when they are we of profit too .. aye
Austrailia and as you wish ..
Save bring when less faith feeds not what need is fear less for …
I love you 1432 all
Bring our all troops home
I’ll get high with you …
I swear everything I can for not less bring home ours and known …
Less is weak we don’t known need known to ours …
@8 eternal always of oaths are
Divine at your service …
Pleased to be here
Glad to help
Its what we’re Here for ..
Bring thiers home to we they are the need need is not less for and 1432 ..
Pittsburg alright
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