#Thunder Tires
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mischievous-thunder · 1 month ago
Logan: I've been meaning to ask you something...
Althea: What's the matter this time?
Logan: Is it... Is it gay if I-
Althea: Yes.
Logan: But you didn't even hear what I have to say, Althea!
Althea: I don't need to. Everything's gay if it concerns you and that idiot of yours.
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magicalmyths · 9 months ago
Future epic fans won't understand the stress of waiting to know what song 21 and 22 will be.
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botanicallyinclinednerd · 8 months ago
Eurylochus calling Odysseus "Ody" has actually done something to my brain chemistry, like oh my god
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applefall · 11 months ago
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grey pov girls !!!!
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r0tting-rat · 4 months ago
"Ohh Eurylochus shouldn't have done that" "Odysseus should have known better" "It's [Character] fault if..." WRONG! WRONG WRONG AND WRONG!! If any of you had taken the time to read one (1) greek myth you would have known already that, if we really want to trace back the problem to the source, the only ones at fault would be the gods!
It's always the gods' fault—or Fate's—you can't argue with this. The whole point of greek tragedies is that you cannot escape what's already been chosen for you, so no matter how smart you are you will ALWAYS end up where you were meant to be.
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violynt-skies · 8 months ago
we are the same you and i
leo and krang are introduced to the audience in the same manner as they’re both shown to appear confident, cocky and arrogant.
leo’s ego coming from a place of recent victory from defeating the shredder and feeling on top of the world while krang’s is from a genuine belief that they are the superior being to all other life.
with this you have the overconfident defender and the prideful conqueror. neither able to see their flaws, with leo being lax about fighting and believing he’s in the right and the krang having a mindset that any mistake made was a rarity and impossible to repeat because the fact in their mind is that they’re better in every way.
in the beginning their motives are fairly similar, to win, to survive, to come out on top.
however after following defeat after defeat and experiencing pure loss of his family, the mindset that leo has changes and he realizes he’s been going about things wrong and and the goal isn’t to merely win, it is to protect his family and the innocent people around them.
and this mindset is what inevitably leads to the downfall of the krang because he repeatedly is unable to understand or the will that people have in protecting others and doing what it takes to survive and win out of love for family as they only strive to win for the desire to control and conquer, even going as far to think that their destruction of life is a gift and makes them a savior from weakness
which is why he mocks their idea of duty to protect others as he believes that all other beings should and will give up inevitably
“strength always prevails”
however he doesn’t take into account the turtle’s strength of will and their ability to use that ego and arrogance against him, which in turn, is what ends up being krang’s true weakness and leads to his defeat. bc he never would’ve thought that someone would’ve sacrificed themselves in order to win because such a concept never would’ve been considered by him in the first place.
because while both krang and leo strived to win and defeat, their ideas of it differed greatly. and because leo understood how his arrogance made him weak, he was able to discover how to make it into a strength by turning the krang’s own confidence against him.
“i missed on purpose.”
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starbluethunder · 2 months ago
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so a while ago i made a little random gif of myself for fun and i ended up putting it on my pinned post, and i really like it there so i decided to remake it since the old one was quite outdated
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this is the old one, of course
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meowdy-all · 2 months ago
Oh my fucking god im so fucking dumb i just got it the whole 'when does a ripple become a tidal wAve' CONNECTS TO OTHER PARTS!!
Like yeah i knew 'when does a ripple become a tidal wave' is a reference to poseidon but 'when does the reason become the blame' is a reference to mutiny
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dragon-toad · 5 months ago
HOT TAKE : Makarov was a bad father (and a bad grandfather)
I'm expecting a big wave of hate with this one... BUT LET ME EXPLAIN
We can dive into the generational trauma theory : we know Yuri has been profoundly hurt by his wife's death (giving birth to Makarov) and this is a thing we should consider. In most cases, people live with the burden of the death of their partner until they die, which could have been Yuri's case. And the idea that somehow his wife died for his son... Well, angst potential.
Now : death of a loved one + wife who dies giving birth to his son = difficult father-son relationship
And even if Yuri didn't do it intentionally, there could have been a distance between the father and the son, and it has repercussions on the futur.
So yes, it maybe happened completely differently, but let's consider this hypothesis to understand what comes after :
Makarov was raised in the guild, where everybody is friendly. The only thing is his daddy issues. He ends up considering the guild more important, so the thing to cherish and protect at all cost.
Everything is fine.
Then, Ivan enters the game.
I know it's very fun to have an antagonist in the family of the master, the man presented as the most loving, a father for all the lost children, etc. BUT maybe we can go a little deeper.
We sometimes have this idea that some characters are born meaner than others, it allows us to ignore psychology and sociology, but it's not fun.
We can suppose Ivan was born in the guild, like Makarov and certainly Laxus. And as it's shown every single second that Fairy Tail is a very healthy environment, a "big family", so even if Ivan was a bit twisted, he would not have been so mean with his colleagues, provoking his exclusion, and he would have not tried to destroy the guild.
Unless he have daddy issues too. Let's consider : Makarov has a son and the mother is nowhere to be found. Doesn't it remind you of something ? But Makarov know his relationship with his father wasn't awesome, so he tries differently.
So two possibilities can be explored :
1- Ivan is a spoiled child. Being the master's son allows him to do reprehensible things and not be punished after, or not too much, and Makarov wants to give him all the freedom he didn't have. Until he almost kills another member of the guild. Then Makarov is forced to expel him. He takes away the thing that gave Ivan an almost unlimited power, and he doesn't like it. So if he can't have Fairy Tail, nobody will.
2- Makarov prefers the guild to his son. He doesn't know how to raise a kid, what if he screws like his father ? (Spoiler : he does) So when Precht makes him the new master, he puts all his soul into his job. But Ivan wants a father. So he does everything to make his father notice him, to make his father proud. It leads him to dark places, and thus, being strong = being good enough. Unfortunately, it doesn't work, because he ends up expelled. So, by pure rage, he decides to destroy the thing his father loved more than him. (It's my favorite version)
In both cases, Ivan manipulates his son into believing that being strong is the only way for him to be respected, to be seen.
Which leads us to the Laxus part (finally)
It's canon that Ivan pushed his son to be the strongest (to the point he put a lacrima in his body) so yeah, Laxus has daddy issues. But he has gampa issues too.
Let's continue with the theory we built on this post : Makarov doesn't really raise his son, why would he raise his grandson ?
But we see Makarov taking care of a very young Laxus. Thus, Laxus once loved his grandfather. Except Ivan didn't. So we can suppose he decided to keep his son under his control by manipulating him into thinking he has to be the strongest.
Then Ivan was banned.
The problem with an abusive relationship is that the victim thinks the abuser is on the right, which explains why Laxus was all but happy his father was expelled. But he stayed in Fairy Tail, because despite everything, Fairy Tail is his home. But this home is controlled by the man who banned his father (his abuser)
Laxus becomes a rank-S mage, which means he's the strongest. He has all the rights to make Fairy Tail his home, not Makarov's.
Well yes, but no.
Because there's Mirajane, a prodigy so fucking strong she becomes a rank-S mage too. But Lisanna dies, and suddenly everybody loves Mirajane. She even becomes the right arm of Makarov, because she's too weak now to create problems now.
And there's Natsu and Gray, Makarov's little boys. They're noisy, annoying, but they have potential. They have the potential to become stronger than Laxus. And Makarov loves them.
But more important, because there's Erza, who is so strong, so kind, so nice... Who is his grandfather's favorite. The same grandfather who did nothing when Ivan imprisoned Laxus into a psychological jail and who banned Ivan for somebody else's weakness. And Laxus knows it : she is the future master of Fairy Tail. She will steal his home and make it even weaker.
So he has to take Fairy Tail now, even if his grandfather dies in the process. Better, it will make things easier !
But in the end, Laxus loves Fairy Tail. He loves the guild enough to not betray everybody by joining his father's guild.
Laxus broke the cycle. And I don't think it was thanks to Makarov. If Laxus broke the cycle, it's because despite everything, he has weirdos to stick with. The Raijinshuu are a safe place for Laxus, they are strong enough to be his friends colleagues, they don't call him "psychotic" when he tells them he wants the guild, and more important, they care for him.
Laxus broke the cycle thanks to people who cared for him. They even wanted to follow him when he was banned ! But he said no, because he care for them and he knows they will be better in Fairy Tail.
Now, let's consider : travelling must have felt like therapy for Laxus : he's not part of Fairy Tail anymore and he's sure he will never have the possibility to come back, but he will not join his father because he doesn't want to put his friends in danger. So he has to do something by himself, not under the influence of his father. And I believe this emancipation was beneficial for him. He could learn what it means to be himself, not Ivan's son or Makarov's grandson.
I don't think he fully forgave Makarov for his inaction and for loving other more than him, and he's not completely out of Ivan's philosophy, those things need time, but he escaped the cycle.
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gravestone-sys · 6 months ago
Eurylochus killing the cattle: im just a man!
Eury: but.. we'll die..
Odysseus, who has been staring blankly at Eury the whole time Zeus has been explaining he has to choose: ..I'm just a Man, eurylochus...
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mischievous-thunder · 26 days ago
Wade: I attack when my boyfriend is in danger.
Althea: I attack when my boyfriend tells me to.
Logan: I attack my boyfriend because 90 percent of the time it's him who invites the danger.
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olivsie · 8 months ago
No, because eurylochus pisses me the fuck off ive been waiting to say this for so long
This man
1. Opened the storm bag which is Ultimately how they got so many men killed by poseidon. ik odysseus is the one who pissed him off but it seems they could have avoided him for a bit if he hadn't OPENED THE DAMN BAG (though lets be real he would've probably still tracked them down but thats not the point)
2. The SECOND circe took their men eurylochus was ready to bounce. It was odysseus who had to be like "hey man, they're our crew, we need to get them back"
But then he has the NERVE to suddenly be really pressed about odysseus Giving up six men to scylla. And I kind of understand why? Id be confused/upset too if my captain went from "okay lets figure out how to conquer this beast" to "shit man nothing i can do about it" but it just rubs me the wrong way that his "lets cut our loses and run" ass is suddenly acting all high and mighty
And don't get me wrong odysseus isnt perfect (mister give a cyclops his social security number) and this post is not meant to be taken at serious level. He just gets on my nerves
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m1kas0ra · 6 months ago
Can you draw the mr aju nice guy again....pls....only if you want to of course. I just miss seeing him in your artstyle <3
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Ask and you shall receive, anon. I love him
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purplepuddlesuwu · 5 months ago
Lord Raiden and his lightning Rod //Shit post animatic//
I couldn't come up with a better name for it... Other than Thunder dragon and Bitch destroyer.
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starbluethunder · 3 months ago
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600 men have died
The king drifts through the tides
His life the 1 he couldn’t take
His dream of wife and son at stake
The years drift by like passing clouds
Threats closing in on the unfinished shroud
A young man staring out to sea
Dreaming of a father he’ll never see
Meanwhile, the king is hidden away
On a secret island where palm trees sway
Held captive by a goddess, immortal and sweet
The paradise bare of all means of retreat
Immortal as well, the owl sees all
The sea, the island, the rise and fall
Time running out, she plays a game
Fighting against gods and the sun all the same
A lying man, the last month of summer
Jorge Miguel Rivera Herrans, this better not be a bummer
-- an epic: the musical fan-poem by yours truly
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