#Thrush laughs
laughing-thrush · 8 months
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A good girl keeping her eye on the reptile enclosures
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harkthorn · 11 months
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More ballpoint bird sketches. I don't know how the big crease right across the middle happened
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mj-thrush-gxn · 1 year
Attention nark nation…
i did it.
i’ve done it.
(the name is a play on narcotics) (i thought it was funny) … (it’s not really)
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foibles-fables · 1 year
In that fic you mentioned as the pose reference, "won't you wander back to me", I like how in the author's notes you went "So, I never write fluff" how the times change
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they broke me. this ship broke me. i used to revel in pain and now i am BROKEN by all things soft and intimate. i am a shell of the person i once was. i look in the mirror and do not recognize what i see
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gazellesapphire · 10 months
Look at this... 👀
Look at this video... 👀 https://pin.it/3jeSKuJ
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shobanarayan · 2 years
Taj Wayanad and Environs
Taj Wayanad and Environs
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charliemwrites · 8 months
Part 6 of Nikto's Commandments!
A little angst because... yeah. Comfort next, though! Whenever I get around to it...
Content: Injury, Violence, Shock
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Being shot feels exactly how you expected it would.
You’ve cared for enough bullet wounds, listened to enough agonized soldiers, to imagine it in vivid detail. Asked Nikto once. He didn’t have the words to explain it, just shook his head and ushered you off to the next thing. Mumbled something about not wondering after what wouldn’t come to pass.
Getting dragged bleeding and delirious with pain now, you have the hysterical thought I told you so.
Speaking of Nikto, you don’t know where he is now. You separated on O’Conor’s orders – Nikto needed for stealth, and you needed as support for another squad member. He hadn’t been happy about it, eyes searing into yours. But you had nodded for him to follow orders and ducked away to get the mission over with.
If you live through this, he’s never going to listen to you again.
You’ve got two men dragging your half-dead weight down the hall, another leading the way in front. A smear of crimson follows after your legs like a demented snail. You kick and try to thrash, but it just sends white-hot pain throughout your abdomen and leaves your vision spotty. One of the enemies says something – hard to hear over the beating of your heart, the rush of blood, the thrush of your blood-soaked clothes along the floor. But you hear something about torture and feel your already-ruined stomach sink.
KorTac doesn’t save compromised assets.
You can hear Nikto’s voice in your ear but can’t reach your headset to answer; the men have both your arms. Fuck, fuck.
His face flashes through your panicky mind. Handsome and ruined and still so sensitive to cold air and humid weather. Eyes so startlingly bright but fathomless. It’s like trying to find the bottom of the sky. You love waking up to them.
He’s getting more frantic now, voice hard but brittle. Others chiming in as well, but you hear his above all.
You murmur his name, the one you’ve only hushed in the quiet of a dark car. Wish you could tell him one more time.
There’s a shift in your captors’ gaits. A stairwell. Your body jolts down the first stair and sends spikes of fire straight from your throat. It’s an awful scream, loud and cracking and only serves to make it hurt worse.
But there’s a sudden, deafening silence in the echo of your voice.
Then Nikto.
The men stop, realizing that your screams are going to be an issue. The one in the lead wrenches your head back, trying to shove some sort of fabric in your mouth. But the knowledge the Nikto is coming, that you just have to hold out, sends the pain to the back of your mind. You twist and struggle, teeth sinking into flesh.
Your boot catches on the corner of the step and you push.
The soldiers lose their grip, and you tumble halfway down the stairs, head bouncing off cement. But your arms are free, and you manage to grab the pistol at your thigh. Fire wildly and hit one in the leg with a ricochet off the wall. All the while trying to scramble out of sight before they can reach for their own weapons.
You hit the landing with a bitten-off yelp. But you’re low on bullets and you’re not confident in your abilities with a knife right now.
And then a blur of black armor slams into one of the men, a knee in his throat, crushing his windpipe. Someone follows just behind – you recognize Konig by height alone. He throws another down the stairs, and the soldier doesn’t hesitate to take the head start he’s been given. Doesn’t even pause to try to use you for leverage, just begins limping away. The third man is quick to turn tail while his comrades are being assaulted.
“Run, bastard,” Nikto laughs, ragged and manic.
He turns as if to follow and your heart turns to ice. “Stop!”
It’s like you’ve physically yanked on his leash. He goes rigid, head whipping around to take in the state of you. You can almost measure the fury that floods him when he realizes how badly you are.
“Nikto, I need you here,” you say, as calm and even as you can. Same voice you use as in medical emergencies – well, technically, you suppose this is a medical emergency. “Leave it to Konig.”
He jerks as if you’ve offended him somehow. Like you’re unjustly punishing him. You struggle up onto one arm, gun forgotten in favor of applying what little pressure you can to your abdomen. Your throat feels tight with repressed fear, struggling to breathe through radiating pain.
“I know you’re angry, I do,” you strain, “but I need your help right now. Revenge can come later. I’m sure Konig can save one for you.”
Understanding seems to dawn through bloodlust. Nikto darts to your side between one ragged breath and the next. He kneels beside you, pupils shrunken to pinpricks.
“Go on, Konig,” you call, “I’ll be alright.”
He nods and disappears. You turn to Nikto and softly call his name; instantly have his attention.
“I need you to apply pressure,” you explain, “I can’t do it myself.”
He does, but you know he’s trying to spare you. Doesn’t want to hurt you. You wrap your fingers around his wrist and tug.
“Harder, love,” you whisper, “or it’ll kill me.”
His mask shifts as he grits his teeth and puts his weight into it. You choke on a cry, swallow it down and try to blink through spots.
“G-good. Keep it like that.”
“You’re shaking.”
You hiss out through your teeth. “I might be going into shock.”
“That can kill you too.”
“I said ‘might’.”
“How do I fix?” he demands.
You swallow and lower your arms to your side. “Loosen my vest as much as you can. Radio someone else for help, they can get a blanket. Don’t let up on my side.”
You focus on regulating your breathing while he obeys, murmuring to himself in Russian. You occupy yourself with trying to translate – though it mostly sounds like curses. Still, it’s something for your brain to latch onto other than the severity of your injury. You wish you could risk speaking, but the adrenaline crash is already hitting, and you need to focus on staying conscious for as long as possible.
Soon O’Conor is there, the foil blanket flashing in the shitty stairwell lights. He also comes with a stim that stabilizes you enough for Nikto to scoop you up and get you to exfil. You lose the plot after that, swimming in and out of awareness through triage.
But through it all, you keep your hand around Nikto’s.
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Cult of Vagabonds MasterList
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PAIRING: Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick x F!Reader
OVERALL WARNINGS: Familial trauma, PTSD, anxiety, trauma responses, angst, character deaths, gore & violence, kidnappings, interrogations, self-deprecating thoughts and actions, addictions, eventual smut, etc. (More specific warnings will be listed in every chapter)(18+).
DISCLAIMER: While not an OC, the Reader will be given a backstory that will be seen throughout the fic and intertwine with the plot. Taglist is full. All images found on Pinterest.
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CHAPTER I: Landless Gull
CHAPTER II: Snail & Thrush 
CHAPTER III: Banshee Bluethroat
CHAPTER IV: Finch's Frenzy
CHAPTER V: Copper Talons
CHAPTER VI: Storm-Flying Petrels 
CHAPTER VII: Devil Birds
CHAPTER VIII: Polluted Marrow & Hollow Bones
CHAPTER IX: Talk To The Doves
CHAPTER X: A Crow's Carrion Comfort
CHAPTER XI: The Call of A Foreign Swan
CHAPTER XIII: Flight of the Warbler
CHAPTER XIV: Gray Grouse
CHAPTER XV: Sins of a Laughing Skylark
CHAPTER XVII: Red-Wing Blackbirds And Dark Dahlias
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fancifulplaguerat · 1 year
I’m so not normal about this
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The way that Artemy tries to make Daniil feel better despite not caring solely because Daniil is upset, the “you are also better-crafted than me” like Artemy is telling him not to think of himself as some worthless unloved doll because look at yourself, you’re so much more than that; just that last line the compassion the kindness in it I cannot stand this. I’m not even that into Burakhovsky in canon but this is the most romantic thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life (←light hyperbole) 
I’ve gotten too desensitized to the doll ending that I forget what a gut punch it is. That line “Strangely, there is still not a word to be heard from the Powers That Be. Perhaps they became bored of it all... or were called back home for supper” plain devastates me. Just the futility of it all, how pointless all the characters’ suffering was, in particular the healers’. Though I enjoy the theatre-framing in Patho 2, the ‘children’s game’ meta in Patho Classic gets under my skin far more, as there’s some ‘purpose’ in Artemy/Daniil/Clara suffering onstage, playing their roles for an audience. While Patho 2 implies futility with the ‘you aren’t important, you can be recast,’ that idea of ‘you are not important, and everything you did meant nothing’ hits me harder in the game framing because the healers aren’t even worth being replaced. Everything is just some kids’ make-believe that can be tossed aside when they get bored or are called away. 
But I fucking love “The Powers That Be” concept because it’s so perfectly ominous and vague. Could be anything, likely the government, but sike actually it’s two children who orchestrated your entire living nightmare. I love the subtle references to them throughout the game, too, such as a plague victim telling Daniil “I keep hearing children’s voices... the girls are crying, and the boy is laughing... We mustn’t scare them...” or Aspity asking, “Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat... Can you hear the kids running around?” And granted this might not truly be about The Powers That Be, but it certainly feels like it could be. Or the foreshadowing on Day 1 of the Bachelor Route when Daniil asks the kids, “How did it even cross your mind... to play epidemic!” And Clara directly references them when she goes underground with Artemy, warning him to talk as little as possible so “they who are beyond the wall won’t hear you.” 
She elaborates: 
“I can only feel them. They are obscure. They are the ones in charge of everything here. They’re big but narrow-souled, trying to hide their wretchedness from us. It was all their doing. They haven’t revealed themselves yet. [...] Their time hasn't come yet. They are waiting in the wings. They will probably break into the world when it ends. Tomorrow they will show themselves...” 
I highly enjoy Measly and Thrush’s presence being all over the game unbeknownst to the player and characters (excluding Clara). 
And it creates even more futility to me because there’s no catharsis of just anger against some cruel puppet-master, like I can’t be angry with these children who are just playing. Especially how they ask, “Heal the town, please! Just look, it’s so wonderful... It’s alive and it’s our favorite one... We won’t be able to make another one like this. If it can’t be helped, then it will disappear forever. You know how much we love it?” They’re just kids who want you to save something that they love; even if they can be devious they don’t really have malicious intentions. But even their fears about losing their town aren’t real and I’m just going to go outside and start eating handfuls of dirt 
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slippinninque · 6 months
✨📱Kiss me Through the Phone 📱✨
Fontaine x black!fem!reader
Warnings/content: fluff, cursing, mentions of smoking/weed, long fic. Black!Fem!Reader, ramblings
He treated his phone like the tool it was. There were few apps for entertainment, and the necessary apps to stay updated on what was going on in his streets.
Fontaine was never one for taking pictures until he met you. Now he has a nice collections of you on his phone.
Particularly, there is a folder of photos in his phone dedicated to your stuffed face. You turned full hamster when you were hungry and he thought it was adorable. This is top secret.
You have a folder of photos in your phone dedicated to catching him sleeping during movies. From cozy shots of him latched on to you like a giant octopus to the bent neck, open mouthed snooze. What started off as a cache of evidence became an absolute delight. This was also top secret.
Fontaine didn't save many numbers. Due to his business, the less information he made available the better. You swore his memory was his super power.
The first picture you ever sent Fontaine he'd swore he would get framed. It was purposely unflattering with an expression he didn't think your pretty face could make. It was sent to him by mistake but made him nearly choke on his '40 and he knew then he needed more of you.
A little bit of sun was all the Glen needed for it's parks to come alive with get-togethers and hang-outs. That was the whole reason you and your girls were out in the first place, looking to get some warmth before the heat vanished again,
You were sitting close to each other sharing whispers and smoke. It was a lovely day though the breeze was relentless. Fontaine was already unzipping his jacket when you shivered for the umpteenth time.
The sight of him was poetic. Leaning up a bit just to whip his jacket over your shoulder, the sun taking it's place immediately with delicacy. Fontaine's face was soft at least enough for his golds to glimmer between full lips.
He was gilded in the setting sun as he stepped a bit closer to zip you properly into the jacket. You felt like you were staring, but you couldn't look away.
"There we go," he grinned at you as he passed the blunt to you and resetting your brain, "Wear it better than me."
"Better stop before this hoodie come up missing." You took a puff and laughed a bit,
"Y'know how clothes just be adventuring off on their own..."
"Is that so? You wanna takin' down my number so you can let a nigga know if his thermals come knocking at your door?"
"Your-your weed is good, so I suppose I'll be neighborly."
He laughed and you couldn't even feel the full thrush of embarrassment at your fumbling. You could only shake your head at yourself as you handed over your phone.
Fontaine typed in his number and you traded the blunt for your phone. He didn't save it at first and you added him to your contacts with the quickness.
Just as you always did, first thing that came to mind--
Quickly after that you keep you eyes to your keyboard as you sent Fontaine a wave with a smiley face.
You jerked awake, hearing hard knocking and loud voices seeping in through your cracked window.
Heart pounding as you stared up at the ceiling, you scrambled for your phone to see it was well past midnight. The TV was still going from when you fell asleep on the couch, but it wasn't enough to drown out the slurring call of your name.
Clutching your throw blanket, you swallowed as much of your panic as possible. It was your neighbor, drunk again and "confused" despite it being the third time this month.
As much as you tried to be understanding, it made you more than uncomfortable. The man was all grins and half-apologetic in the daytime, insisting that their front doors were nearly twins despite there being 3 houses between them. His roommates thought it was funny and made a few comments about how you even resembled his ex.
He even asked what the issue was with letting him linger until he sobers up enough to go home.
The next knocks were thunderous and got you out of bed. You weren't keen on opening the door or even speaking to him, it would only make it worse...
Tearing up as you heard the stumbling and nonsense filter through your door, you chewed your lip as you slowly typed out a text.
[Are you up?]
You winced. It sounded so dirty to you at the moment but you were scared and tired--
The sound of your ringer startled you enough to answer.
"Um, hi, sorry." You crept to your room in the dark, afraid to turn on the lights, "Did-Did I wake you?"
Fontaine made a soft noise, "Ain't doin' shit but runnin' to the store. What's got you up so late?"
You struggled for words for a moment but hissed when the banging came again. This time it sounded like he was hitting the front room's window.
"What the fuck is that?"
Fontaine's tone broke you, a sob stuttering out as you told him everything. You curled up and tried to make sense but a headache was beginning to grow.
"I'm comin', sweet heart, I'm on my way." Fontaine's voice was soothing in his promise, "Stay on the phone with me."
"Okay, 'm so sorry."
"Don't be. Just keep listening to me, you hear me? 'M on my way."
Fontaine's voice flowing through that little speaker was your life raft. You did as you were told, listening to the sound of him getting into his car and driving.
Your neighbor went quiet and it knowing where he was was worse. Imagining him stalking around the perimeter of your home, looking for things to "accidentally" break, ways into your home, would he do something to your car? In the dark feeling small, you quietly hoped that there were no red lights to keep Fontaine long.
The call ended and before your panic to dwell to hysteria, there was commotion from outside your house.
There was hollering and another terrible clattering noise. Running back into the living room, you peeked through the blinds with shaky hands.
Fontaine had your neighbor on the ground, bent up and yelping next to your overturned trash can. You could only see the back of him as he wrangled your neighbor.
You felt rooted to the spot, watching from somewhere else as you watched the terror that's been stealing your peace get the ragdoll treatment. Fontaine tossed him here and there, his voice furious and low.
Fontaine hauled your neighbor up enough to walk him down the street and out of sight. Still shaking, you took a seat on the couch and tried to pull yourself together.
You aren't sure how long you say there with anxiety eating away at your stomach. When your phone rang again, you hurried to answer.
"Hello, hi..."
"C'mon to the door, it's okay now."
You peeled yourself off the couch and went to the door, flinging it open but still unable to look him in the face. He was wearing only sweats and a grey long sleeved shirt. Quietly letting him in, you couldn't stop the tears when they returned.
Fontaine told you that he made absolutely sure that your neighbor knew what his porch looked like. You could only imagine what he meant by that.
"Don't cry anymore, you're okay now," Fontaine came near you, hand hovering your shoulders in a mimic of touch. You leaned forward until you could feel the softness of his shirt.
"You did good, I'm glad you let me know. Promise he ain't gonna bother you anymore, trust thayt."
Wrapping your arms around his waist, you asked if he would mind staying until morning. Fontaine cupped your face and ran his thumbs along your stinging cheeks.
"Of course."
He went toward the couch but you pulled lightly, leading him to your bedroom. Fontaine was quiet and you still sniffled as you crawled into bed. You only had to look at him and Fontaine hurried to follow.
Cuddled close and worn out, your nerves cooled enough for exhaustion to wander in.
"You can always call me. Just know that, yeah? If you're scared....call me. Don't matter what it is, I'm gonna be there."
Grateful, you could only nod again. Fontaine's hand splayed along your back and to the sound of his steady heartbeat, sleep finally came back for you.
"It's probably somewhere in the car," you said to Fontaine as you searched your bag, "I think I left my lip chap anyway."
Fontaine paused in searching himself and pockets to give you a grateful nod.
" 'Preciate you."
You tossed a wink over your shoulder, turning to jog the short distance between the porch and Fontaine's car. He stayed behind, sorting the grocery bags more comfortably to key into the house.
The car was still unlocked and you whipped out your cell, dialing Fontaine's phone to hone in on its hiding spot.
I'll be your groupie, baby (oh whoa)
'Cause you are my superstar (ha, superstar, yeah)
No way. You nearly knocked your head trying to look beneath the driver's seat. Legs nearly hanging out the car as you laid as flat as you could. You were cheek to seat as you scrabbled beneath the seat, the song playing on.
I'm your number one fan, give me your autograph
Sign it right here on my heart (I'll be)
Pushing aside some loose change and grabbing Fontaine's phone, you went to decline your call when your eyes caught on the screen.
My Baby
The big softie, giving you butterflies and he isn't even near you. Wriggling and utterly smitten, you couldn't believe how much you liked this man.
Fontaine gave you such shit for having a crush, but then he goes and lets his homies hear your favorite song every time you call.
Grabbing carmex from the cupholder you could finally wriggle out of the car. Closing the door, you turned and saw Fontaine had been holding the door waiting for you the entire time.
Fontaine texted and you sighed, wishing that you could see him in person. Sometimes the phone just wasn't enough.
Your phone vibrated again, the notification sound pinging through the earbud in your ear. Music definitely made the time spent pouring over technical details a bit more managable.
Fontaine's texts were little nuggets of gold you hoarded through the shift. An aimless sort of conversation that didn't make you feel pressured to answer so soon.
He sent you a picture of a stay cat you looked out for, hunched over what looked to be a half of sub sandwich. You sent him a picture of a goose sitting in one of the managerial parking spots at with all the attitude of a Cadillac.
Only you and a few other ladies jumped at the chance for a short shift the following day, but of course it mean sudden overtime. You glowered at the dwindling piles straight tab files and binders.
There were still records to edit and submit. Then a well deserved long-weekend after to look forward to.
Your phone vibrated in your lap, the only safe place for it since your desk turned into a disaster of binders, white-out, and sticky notes.
Sunglow: [come out side]
[I'm not at home remember?]
Sunglow: [never said you were]
You frowned at your phone. What the hell was he talking about?
You jumped when you heard the blare of a horn. It echoed in the empied parking lot and you were sure you aren't the only one who was leaving their desk to check.
Your cubicle had one of the best views of the parking lot and a few streets over, you put your face to the glass at the same time another horn sounded.
In all his glory, Fontaine leaned up against this car with his phone visibly in hand and the other tucked inside to rest on the steering wheel.
Surprised and fumbling back to your cubicle, you managed to dial Fontaine before he tried summoning you again.
"Romeo, Romeo, stop bein' so disruptive!" You hissed into your phone,"Stop honkin' that horn, you're going to wake up the guard!"
"I know you better bring yo' tail down that tower and give me what I came here fo', Juliet."
With only a sheepish grin to offer "mhmmm" and "okay, then, girl" looks you got, you hurried down the stairs while Fontaine grumbled about the integrity of your building's security through your ear.
Smoothing out your cardigan as you exited the building, you were wishing that you wore something a bit more flattering when Fontaine was already meeting you at the double doors.
You went when your hand was pulled and you were hugged by Fontaine as he rested up against the brick wall of your office. It was a little hiding spot that was mainly used by the night shift.
It was the perfect spot to hide away from supervisors and sudden rains.
"You got somethin' for making yo' man wait for so long?" Fontaine asked, keeping a hand at your waist while the other one steadied you by the chin. You chuckled before looking up at him and pursing your lips.
"Mhmm, don't mind if I do..." Fontaine purred and pressed his silky lips against yours.
Sweet and slow. Fontaine took hold of your hands, left them to massage your shoulders, used on hand to settle at the dip of your waist.
"I can't stay down here for too long," you breathed after parting, "Very tempting to hop into that passenger seat, though."
"Give the word, I'll peel out this bitch."
"Oh, I know you will," you laughed and kissed his cheek before pressing yours to his, " 'M happy you came to surprise me. I think I can make it to the end now."
"I aim to please."
The wind blew a bit tougher and you burrowed into him as best you could. He rested his chin on the top of your head, hands locking at the small of your back.
It felt like being set out in the sun to dry. A nice, long stretch after an afternoon nap. Just...good.
"How much longer do you have?" He asked voice quiet. You probably had another five or so minutes.
Shifting around so your phone could be brought up between you, "About this long."
Hitting play, you both listened to Ms. Hill remind you how nothing mattered more than where you wanted to be most.
ending notes: this felt kinda long lol! thank you soo much for reading! I appreciate every pair of eyes that lands on my writing, it means so much to me! 🥹
taglist✨: @megamindsecretlair @thadelightfulone @mag1calenchantr3ss @cocoeffects @wide-nose-and-wonderful @8ttached @thadelightfulone @hobiesmain @thickeeparker @longpause-awkwardsmile @ms-angiealsina @educatorsareslutstoo @mysterychick93@mcondance@sageispunk@kindofaintrovert@hunnishive@notapradagurl7@blowmymbackout@educatorsareslutstoo@blackerthings@miyuhpapayuh@westside-rot
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laughing-thrush · 3 months
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VERY proud of my little windowsill nepenthes! (Didn’t come labeled, but I think it’s a ventricosa. Maybe a high red clone?) I’ve only had it for a little more than a year and its pitchers have changed so much- all the little fringes are gone from the front of the pitchers, and the rims are increasingly flared. Also my small forest of cape sundew, of course.
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Episode Ratings Guide: The Man from U.N.C.L.E. 
(by yours truly)
Interested in watching a show about suave and silly secret agent spies foiling the plots of evil villainy at great hazard to themselves and looking great and wisecracking all the while? Not sure which of the 100+ episodes are the most worth watching? Got you covered!
This post contains the complete list of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. episodes, each of which are accompanied by a "summary/review" of one-or-two brief sentences and a rating number of 1-5 stars, 5 of course being the best rating and 1 the worst. These are not intended to be a full overview of any episode, but merely a personal opinion on those I think represent the characters and show the best, and display more pros than cons of being created in the 60s. These opinions are entirely my own. 👌
Note: I am posting this in more-or-less its original rough notes form, and some of the ratings come from episodes I only watched once which might be better rated with a second viewing. If I make any updates to these ratings, I will reblog so you can check the notes for that.
Also included here for science: notations indicating whether or not Napoleon (^) or Illya (*) were captured in the episode. (!) indicates both evaded capture that episode. There is some nuance to this, which I mostly left to my own determination: but mainly this is used for direct capture and imprisonment by Thrush, not being otherwise incapacitated. Note: I have not yet finished adding these notations and will be editing for that.
Currently, the entire show is available HERE on the Internet Archives for your watching pleasure. 😊
Episodes and their ratings are below the cut, listed by show order, not rating category.
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S1 Uncle episodes:
(S1 was arguably the best season overall, with a few exceptions, and the only one filmed in black and white.)
The Vulcan Affair: pilot and a good deal of fun, with a decent storyline and the first "innocent" female character that becomes a staple in each episode is actually very charming here as she has a lot of fun being a spy instead of a housewife. Precious little Illya though. Still 5 stars ^
The Iowa Scuba Affair: Fun plot and Napoleon being a good spy. Zero Illya. Good climax at the end though. 3 or 4 stars. ^
The Quadripartite Affair: intriguing plot with the fear gas, some good lines, and Napoleon's first time rescuing Illya. 4 stars. *
The Shark Affair: this one had a very interesting plot, not the best execution of it imho. Some good interaction between the boys though. The "innocent" is more comic relief than femme fatale which I actually enjoy. 3 Stars. ^* (but the capture was kind of intentional)
The Deadly Games Affair: Fun plot where Napoleon has a flirtatious on again off again relationship with a known Thrush agent - the will they/won't they in this case more often being will she try to kill him again. Hitler zombie makes an appearance. “Another tunnel. You've got a lot of gopher in you.” 4 Stars. ^
The Green Opal Affair: mind control island with cheetahs. weird all around, not enough Illya. 2 Stars. ^
The Giuoco Piano Affair: Sequel to Quadripartite, which is fun because Marian is back. Napoleon is wonderfully suave. Fun plot! Some good ole cultural insensitivities. 4 stars. ^
The Double Affair: pretty fun, not enough Illya, and "somewhere in the Austrian alps" over the Griffith Observatory made me laugh so hard. 3 Stars. ^
The Project Strigas Affair: I honestly don't remember much of the plot but it is a fun caper, but the shining points are the guest stars and it's worth it for that alone. Good amount of Illya too. 4 Stars. !
The Finny-Foot Affair: intriguing if swiss-cheesey plot, but the real draw is the interactions between Napoleon and little Chris. 4 Stars. ^
The Neptune Affair: they made Illya leave in the beginning but it was still enjoyable. We stan Harvey Muller. John Banner (Schultz) appearance! 3 Stars. ^
The Dove Affair: ridiculous episode, you have to not at all take it seriously and then you can have a great time. No illya, sad. 3 Stars. !
The King of Knaves Affair: one hilarious bit where I fights off an intruder for N. Otherwise 2 stars. ^
The Terbuf Affair: kind of a mess of an episode but the sincerity of the plot with Napoleon is nice. Illya is fun, even if the whole gypsy thing is a little eesh. Otherwise meh episode. 3 stars.^
The Deadly Decoy Affair: utterly charming and a romp. Our boys protecting an asset…or are they. Neat and silly. 4 or even 5 Stars. ^
The Fiddlesticks Affair: I don’t care for the Innocent girl in this one but the caper plot is solid and there are some very good bits with Illya and Napoleon. 5 stars. !
The Yellow Scarf Affair: not a good episode, ridiculous plot and culturally insensitive. Also no Illya. 1 Star. ^
The Mad, Mad Tea Party Affair: annoying episode, especially with the girl’s acting/character choices. Some fun with a character who infiltrates Uncle HQ who makes up for it a bit. 3 stars. !
The Secret Sceptre Affair: a little cringe in some moments but great story mixed in between Napoleon and his old mentor, plus his loyalty to Illya. 4 Stars. *
The Bow-Wow Affair: a weird one, but lots of Illya content, plus a fox named Napoleon. Easily 3 Stars. !
The Four Steps Affair: Weird and cringe in many ways and otherwise not amazing. The kid annoyed me. 2 Stars maybe. *
The See Paris and Die Affair: Napoleon highkey kidnaps a woman. Has the comedy of I and N fighting each other in character and Napoleon calling himself Javert. They hurt my boy *again*. 3 stars, would be 4 if the plot were better. ^
The Brain Killer Affair: the boys have to save Waverly. Not a bad episode, not a brilliant one. 3 Stars. ! (but Illya was briefly incapacitated)
The Hong Kong Shilling Affair: idk what even to do with this one,, it was wild and nope. 1 Star.
The Never Never Affair: a fun premise and solid execution. Also everyone wants to kill Illya whoops. Make the “Cesar Romero was tall” jokes here. 4 Stars.^
The Love Affair: Token religious cult episode. They hurt my boy and I wish they had played it up a little more with Napoleon but he had a job to do so. 3 Stars maybe. ^
The Gazebo in the Maze Affair: Love this one, it has everything to recommend it. 5 Stars. ^*
The Girls of Nazarone Affair: there's no real reason to watch this one but it is a Trip, it is Insane, and I did laugh incredulously. 2 Stars. ^*
The Odd Man Affair: a good plot with a guest spy, the innocent woman is very likeable, some angst with Napoleon and Illya being concerned about him. 4 Stars. ! (But Napoleon is down for the count)
S2 Uncle episodes:
(Things get a little or a lot sillier and the show takes a minute to fully realize it is now in color, but overall quite enjoyable.)
The Alexander the Greater Affair 1+2: not a bad romp, though not stellar for a season opener despite its two acts. (However, Tracy/Dorothy Provine is great as always.) Possibly the most complex torture/execution setup of the series, and the “possibly” says a lot about the show at large, but also they get caught Multiple Times (feat. mummy illya). 3 Stars.^*x??
The Ultimate Computer Affair: Brilliant and fun, Illya really shines in this one (even as a grubby cowboy). 4 to 5 Stars. *^ (but Illya's capture is intentional)
The Foxes and Hounds Affair: A caper, a farce, a delight. Innocent of the week and plot around her leaves something to be desired. Silliness abounds. 5 stars. *^
The Discotheque Affair: not my favorite plot, but Illya looks sharp in his red jacket and there are exploding vinyl records. 3 stars.*^
The Re-Collector's Affair: Lovely clever plot with a good bit of silliness regarding stolen art and nazis. N is his s1 suave spy self and I gets a rare chance with the girl and is fabulous as usual. 5 stars. ^
The Arabian Affair: once you look past several unfortunate casting and makeup choices and the whole white savior bit, this episode is a lot of fun actually lol. 3 stars. *
The Tigers are Coming Affair: nothing special to me about this plot, some good quips as usual. 2 stars. *
The Deadly Toy Affair: Angela Lansbury guests and is charmingly ridiculous. Fun plot, lots of antics, some great lines. 4 stars.
The Cherry Blossom Affair: not amazing, but the female character has a different nuance and the banter is great. But anyone not white is shown as an idiot le sigh. 3 stars. ^ (though Illya was arrested by good guys and then gave himself up so I don't think it really counts)
The Virtue Affair: everything to love in plot, characters, quips, and really stupid villains with really complicated schemes. 5 stars. *^
The Children's Day Affair: mixed reviews, it's a fun plot, but the villains (and writers?) are gross and weird, but also there's some really solid Illya and Napoleon moments. I'll probably give it 4 stars for those. ^*
The Adriatic Express Affair: second train episode. Amusing representation of one of Illya/David's fangirls and some fun banter in the cell. The female villain is fascinating but otherwise really poor showing. 2 stars. *^
The Yukon Affair: cultural/racial insensitivity aside, a very fun episode, and we love Murphy. 4 stars.*
The Very Important Zombie Affair: not very important, a few good scenes, some heavy cringe territory, 2 stars.
The Dippy Blonde Affair: ridiculous plot but that's the show. Some unique Thrush exposition and characters. 3 stars. *
The Deadly Goddess Affair: Napoleon gets knocked out and tied up twice in this one. Villains are cringe. Great moments of Illya happily seeing Napoleon into a forced marriage. 2 stars.
The Birds and the Bees Affair: 1 star episode. High points are Illya being a soft gentleman and the director made some great camera angle choices. The rest is dumb.
The Waverly Ring Affair: features Napoleon shouting gibberish happily, and a fun plot, and an Illya to save the day plus Napoleon being genuinely clever. 4-5 stars. ^
The Bridge of Lions Affair 1&2: So much to love. The capers! The silliness! Illya chasing cats! Waverly besting the baddies! "Really? Really. Really??" 5 stars.
The Foreign Legion Affair: SKIP. 1 star episode. Bad episode. So cringe. Find the scene at the end where Napoleon rides in on the halftrack and do not watch anything else.
The Moonglow Affair: if the plot were a book and not a 60s TV show it would be so clever but as it is it was fun. IK and NS spend most of the episode out of their minds and April Dancer comes to their rescue. Love her. 4 stars.
The Nowhere Affair: A decent enough idea of a plot but I disliked the resolution. Some fun moments thrown in, and I did like how N snapped back to himself. 2 stars. ^
The King of Diamonds Affair: A Delight! Please enjoy the insanity of the bad guys pretending to be British…or Italian…no one is sure. (And then please forgive the other British representation, especially the opening scene.) 5 stars.
The Project Deephole Affair: a hapless criminal gets caught in the middle of a major sting, ft another of N's gibberish moments and a delightfully antagonistic exchange between I and the baddie. Cringey fight between Napoleon and female villain. 3 stars. *
The Round Table Affair: Fun episode where a villain turns into a protagonist sort of. Not amazing but enjoyable. Silly knight stuff abounds. 3 stars.
The Bat Cave Affair: a ridiculous riot. Not a bad time. 3-4 stars, mostly bc lots of Illya. *
The Minus-X Affair: "Corridors suck!" We know, Illya. Featuring the super drug and anti-super drug trope, and jokes at N's suits' expense. Nuanced side characters. Random plot holes abound. 3 stars.^*
The Indian Affairs Affair: -1 stars, pulls all the Native American stereotypes in absolutely absurd ways, the villain is gross, really not enjoyable.
S3 Uncle episodes:
(The most ridiculous season and not my favorite. It's....a lot. But a few episodes make the exception to be highly enjoyable.)
The Her Master's Voice Affair: the girls controlled by the lullaby episode. Adult character makes as though to spank a teen girl character at one point, like what were the writers on. 2 stars tops.
The Sort of Do-It-Yourself Dreadful Affair: girl androids. 2 stars. Except for the sparkling banter while Illya is locked up.
The Galatea Affair: My fair lady meets parent trap. Illya is great as always. Would improve without the naked bar horse thing which I hate hate hate. Napoleon replaced by Mark. 4 stars, tbh would be 5 if not for that scene.
The Super-Colossal Affair: movie/mob episode, quite fun, ending was a little disappointing but not bad. 4 stars. ^*
The Monks of St Thomas Affair: "very inferior mustard" I and N both very good at their jobs to begin, monk bald caps, cringe with n and girl and inferior plot overall. 2 stars *^
The Pop Art Affair: golf opening. Illya is great as a groovy artist lol. Otherwise 2 or 3 stars at best.
The Thor Affair: DC/Tao/Syn shows up! Culturally insensitive stuff but not the worst? Maybe? Heh. The girl is fun, radio in her tooth lol. 2-3 stars overall.
The Candidate's Wife Affair: uh meh overall. But car scene with "don't you ever turn it off?" "Well it's not my fault, when you've got it you've got it." - truly iconic. 2 stars bc the politics are boring lol.
The Come with Me to the Casbah Affair: inferior episode. Best part is when Illya hides in the hotel and is a perfect gentleman to the girl of the episode. 1-2 stars.
The Off Broadway Affair: 1-2 stars. Funny, otherwise unremarkable, and a bit cringe. Illya on Broadway lol.
The Concrete Overcoat Affair 1 and 2: Clever storyline but with So Much going on. Napoleon's storyline is more insane and comic than usual. Thrush woman hurts Illya and I loathe her so deeply, more angst than usual. 4-5 stars for cleverness with some serious plot. *^
The Abominable Snowman Affair: best features: Illya in flannel and Napoleon's failure to get either girl at the end. No one ever explained the abominable snowman part. 2 stars. ^*
The My Friend the Gorilla Affair: almost unwatchable episode. Illya has great lines. 1 star. *^
The Jingle Bells Affair: for a Christmas episode, kinda meh. Some heart and some laughs but nothing outstanding? 3 stars.
The Take Me to Your Leader Affair: Illya gets the girl this time (though somewhat against his wishes). N gets death by wind tunnel?? Fun fake aliens and Illya sings. 4 stars ^*
The Suburbia Affair: The plot is mostly meh but the set up and gags are golden. 4 stars. *
The Deadly Smorgasbord Affair: no illya. Worse! Fake stand in non-Illya. Decent plot except for the death by sun tan part. 2-3 stars ^
The Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum Affair. Amazing Illya content. Mutiny on ship controlled by Thrush and a drunk captain. 5 stars. *
The Napoleon's Tomb Affair: Napoleon jokes are perfect, otherwise very meh. 2+ stars.
The It's All Greek to Me Affair: Absolute farce, slapstick. Waverly to the rescue is the best part. 2+ stars.
The Hula Doll Affair: Absolutely charming episode! N is forced to pretend he's a Thrush operative, as their captive, and protects their new secretary. I spies on the mother Thrush and is adorable. 5 stars. ^*
The Pieces of Fate Affair: less slapstick, solid plot. The author with amnesia and Thrush Diaries one. Less than stellar execution. 3-4 stars.
The Matterhorn Affair: I don't even know where to begin. I don't have words. What even. They brought the slapstick back. But Hal Smith appears so? And the story is actually pretty heartwarming? Cute ending. 3 stars.
The Hot Number Affair: a worthless plot but an amazing time. Stupid and silly and great. The operator conversation. The kazoos! Sonny and Cher. Illya's glaring at Napoleon. 5 stars.
The When in Roma Affair: had a lot of potential. Cute scene with Illya and precocious little boy. Stolen bus. The ending downgraded this episode from solid to disappointing. 3 stars.
The Apple a Day Affair: Quite terrible honestly. I's part of the plot is ok but N's is a train wreck of the slapstick disaster. 2 stars.*
The Five Daughters Affair (1and2): 2 stars probably. Lots of little stories in one. Some really nice moment but far too few.
The Cap and Gown Affair: worthless episode, but really cute scruffy hippie Illya flirting. 2 stars.
S4 Uncle episodes:
(Here the show returns to a much more serious bent, but loses a certain amount of charm it had in the beginning.)
The Summit Five Affair: really stupid villain, ok plot, questionable directing, but the best part is Napoleon being suspected of double agenting and Illya not believing it for a second. 3 stars. ^*
The Test Tube Killer Affair: solid plot with mediocre execution. Not much in the way of Illya content even though he and N share screen time the whole episode. 3 stars.
The J for Justice Affair: again an intriguing plot but not much real content for Illya and Napoleon. 3 stars.
The Prince of Darkness Affair 1and2: thermal prism episodes. 3 stars.
The Master's Touch Affair: Nice plot. Napoleon rescuing Illya from being tortured and used as a pawn. N is great. 4-5 stars. *
The Thrush Roulette Affair: Interesting episode. Plot not super well executed, prolly due to bad pacing. Illya hypnotized into attacking Napoleon. Bad guy gross. 3 stars. *
The Deadly Quest Affair: Great melodramatic episode, terrible directing choices. Illya is held in a gas chamber and Napoleon must rescue him while being hunted. Suspend your belief a little when N and the Girl are dodging bullets and hiding behind literally nothing and this is a 5 star episode. *
The Fiery Angel Affair: a more culturally sensitive episode than usual but not by much lol. Wonderful Illya content, solid plot tbh, and no girl for Napoleon to woo. 4 stars.
The Survival School Affair: sadly no Napoleon. An okay enough and engaging plot. Illya had an entire episode to himself and they barely let him snark anyone. 3 stars.
The Gurnius Affair: Evil Illya! (Faking it.) Genuinely enjoyable and almost silly again. The photographer girl is fairly likeable actually. 3 stars ^
The Man from THRUSH Affair: zero illya equals sad. But an interesting plot and side characters. 3 stars.
The Maze Affair: charming! A return to some silliness but maintaining the drama. Illya is amazing. Thrush displays the worst target practice ever (say they were honing the gun, that works better). Random girl found halfway through who had no real purpose but hey. 5 stars. ^*
The Deep Six Affair: enjoyable, I and N get taken in by British fellow Uncle agent and his fiance, and also get dragged by Waverly multiple times. 3 stars.
The Seven Wonders of the World Affair (1and2): sad for a series end tbh, and the director did not know what they were doing it all. Docility drugs? Secret cult in a secret desert in the Himalayas?? The Shark Affair did this much better. 2 stars. ^*
Bonus! TMFU Movie: The Fifteen Years Later Affair: probably 3-4 stars, it's mostly fun for the affectionate nods to the original series and seeing our two best silly spies together. Nothing super special about the plot.
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greenbeeeen · 2 years
Sitting Still pt 1 (Konig x reader)
Thursday Thots...
Ok, but if Konig can’t sit still......😏🥵
Konig x reader (Did my best to keep the P.O.V. as gender neutral as possible so everyone can enjoy)
also, I’ve never posted this kind of thing before, so Idk how to do warnings very well. I’m blushing so bad typing these. and laughing my head off. but here we go...
Warnings: 18+, established relationship, implied unprotected sex, cockwarming, (kind words and fluffy, loving relationship goals, strong but gentle, because that’s all I want in life, dammit!)
Sitting Still pt 2 here
“Come on, Konig.” I pleaded, between halted breaths. “We both know neither of us can keep this up for long.”
“No, I said I wanted to try.” He grunted, but his hips thrusted, betraying him. My patience was already thin, but whether he’d give out first, or I would, was in question.
This was new for both of us. Less than ten minutes prior, he’d been working at his desk, and I’d decided to join just to snuggle into him. He’d had other plans, and now he was buried inside me to the hilt, both of us struggling to remain still. He still had reports to file, he’d insisted; but even though I couldn’t see the screen to my back, I knew nothing had changed and that he was simply staring blankly at it. All focus gone.
My arms, wrapped around his torso, loosened and made their way to snake around his neck, pulling his head down to mine. He slumped closer, and his own arms finally wrapped around my body, all work forgotten as I began kissing down his neck and shoulder.
The adjustment of his posture made me tense, jolting my body against his, and causing his breath to hitch. He let out a grunt and mumbled, “I can’t take much more.” A warning. We’d have to take this elsewhere. The bedroom was all the way down the hall. I nodded into his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist as he stood.
Barely two strides from the desk, however, Konig’s hips hitched. After having sat still, the sensation of sudden movement was too much, and his knees gave in, sending us both towards the floor.
“Verdamnt!” He gasped, bracing the fall with one hand, but soon collapsing to his elbows and doing his best to still his movements again.
He might have still tried making it to the bed, but I knew we’d never make it. Air hissed through his gritted teeth when I squeezed my legs tighter around him and shoved myself farther onto him, my own will power crumbling.
His reaction, a single instinctive thrust, was overwhelmingly sudden and caught even him off guard. Just that one movement, and he came completely undone, calling out, but not fully forming words. His fists balled up on either side of my head, and forehead drooping to touch mine.
And he didn’t stop. As soon as the first wave passed, he immediately began chasing the second. Spurred on by the adrenaline and desire to grant me my own release.
It didn’t take long for us to find. As my hands pulled his face closer to kiss, he pulled nearly all the way out, before crashing back, both of us coming undone, and hugging each other close as we rode out the waves of pleasure.
“Oh Gott.” he grunted with one final thrush, before his hips finally came to a halt. “I’m so sorry, Leibling.” He huffed, as he dropped nearly his entire weight onto my own body.
“Don’t be.” I panted, trying to process everything that had just happened. My brain was still fuzzy, but I figured he was referring to us not making it to our destination. “No carpet, it’s fine.”
There was a pause, as we caught our breaths, then he chuckled. “Yeah, no carpet is good.” He agreed.
As we lay there wrapped in each other and trying to regain control, I realized, that although we’d both just had the breath knocked out of us, I’d failed to notice that he had remained inside me and did not seem like he was done. In fact, he felt quite like he might last the rest of the evening.
I rolled my hips, and he lifted his head to meet my mischievous gaze. “Maybe sitting still for a bit was a good idea,” I said.
He grinned back, slyly and scooped me up as he began making his way to the bedroom, this time, intent on finding a more comfortable location. “Ready for another round?” He chuckled. 
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yumicreatesworld · 3 months
Betrayal: Gift Rejected - Jake Sim
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Summary: You confront Jake after discovering he sought advice from Yuna, your manipulative ex-best friend, for your painful condition. Her advice worsened your symptoms, and Jake’s betrayal stings deeply. Despite his attempt to reconcile with an expensive gift, you tell him you need time to consider if you can ever trust him again.
Pairing: boyfriend!Jake x girlfriend!reader (featuring ex bestfriend!Yuna)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 600
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Warnings: emotional betrayal, medical issues, emotional distress, manipulation.
I got the idea for this Drabble from this prompt. Go check out their page!
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“Thank you, I really hate it,” you say, pushing the velvet box back toward Jake. Your voice is calm, almost too calm, the kind that comes before a storm. You watch him flinch, his attempt at a placating smile faltering.
“Y/N, please, I thought—”
"No," you interrupt, shaking your head. "You didn't think. You went to her. Of all people, Jake, you went to Yuna."
His face crumples, and for a moment, you almost feel sorry for him. Almost. But the pain from your condition, the searing embarrassment, is too fresh. You can't forget the moment you discovered what he had done, the betrayal cutting deeper than the physical agony.
You had been dealing with thrush for weeks, the constant discomfort making even the simplest tasks unbearable. You trusted Jake to understand, to support you. Instead, he had sought help from the one person you despised more than anyone.
Yuna. The name alone makes your skin crawl. Once your best friend, she had charmed her way into your life, only to rip it apart. Her flirtation with your former boyfriend had been the final straw, leading to a painful breakup and the end of your friendship. Now, she was a well-loved doctor, her reputation untarnished by the manipulative games she played.
When you found out Jake had gone to her for advice, it felt like the ground had been pulled from beneath you. Worse, the 'advice' she gave him had aggravated your condition, leaving you in more pain than before. Yuna’s delighted laughter when you confronted her still echoes in your mind, a haunting reminder of her betrayal.
"I didn't know who else to ask," Jake says, his voice breaking. "I just wanted to help."
"You wanted to help?" you echo, incredulous. "By going to her? You know what she did to me, what she’s capable of. And you thought she would help?"
He opens his mouth to respond, but you hold up a hand, stopping him. "You didn't even tell me, Jake. You didn't think to ask me how I felt about it. You just went behind my back."
He looks down, the guilt plain on his face. "I thought... I thought if I could fix it, you wouldn't have to suffer anymore."
You laugh, a harsh, bitter sound. "Suffer? You think I'm just suffering because of the pain? Jake, I'm suffering because the one person I should be able to trust went to the one person who delights in my misery."
Silence falls between you, heavy and suffocating. You stare at the velvet box, the expensive gift inside a testament to Jake’s misguided attempt to make things right. It’s too little, too late.
"I love you, Y/N," he whispers. "I just wanted to make you happy again."
Tears sting your eyes, but you blink them back. "I don't want your gifts, Jake. I wanted your honesty. I wanted your support. And you gave me betrayal instead."
He reaches out, his hand trembling, but you step back, shaking your head. "I need time," you say quietly. "Time to figure out if I can ever trust you again."
Jake's face falls, but he nods, understanding dawning in his eyes. "I'll wait," he says. "However long it takes, I'll wait."
You turn away, unable to bear the sight of his broken expression any longer. As you walk away, the pain of your condition flares, but it's nothing compared to the ache in your heart. You wonder if some wounds can ever truly heal, or if the scars left behind will always remind you of the hurt.
Only time will tell.
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Part 2(a)
Part 2(b)
Hope y’all enjoyed!
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i-like-media · 3 months
"Doctor Who isn't a scientist. He's a wizard" is really funny, but I think this later section from that same interview is rather sweet:
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His favourite "digs" are at a little pub near Ealing Broadway where he can share a round, a laugh and a game of darts.
"I'm a countryman at heart," Bill said. "I love fishing, especially sea fishing for bass. I have a couple of rods down at Newhaven and go there whenever I get the chance.
"My favourite exercise is chopping wood.
"My wife and I are both keen bird-watchers. During the big freeze a few winters back, you'd be amazed at all the different birds which came to visit us. We kept them alive during that cold weather.
"We found out what food each bird liked, and got it for them somehow."
He paused for a moment to give a very fine impression of a thrush scoffing a tinned gooseberry.
"Everyone has to escape somehow," Bill said. "Some people do it through TV. My escape is in the English countryside, which I love.
"Nothing would ever make me leave it to explore life on some other planet."
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IN THE BLUE CORNER, prepare yourselves for a mesmerizing encounter with nature's symphony. let's give a harmonious ovation to the enchanting songstress, the WOOD THRUSH!
wth feathers adorned in earthy hues and a voice that rivals the sweetest symphonies, this avian virtuoso is a mesmerizing sight to behold. the wood thrush is capable of singing two notes at the same time, harmonizing with itself with every song. but don't underestimate the wood thrush's gentle demeanor, for beneath its delicate exterior lies a spirit of resilience and determination.
prepare to be serenaded as we witness the harmonious fusion of athleticism and beauty in the wood thrush. tonight, this avian maestro will take flight, captivating us all with its breathtaking grace and melodic prowess.
IN THE RED CORNER, get ready for a wild ride of laughter and excitement! coming in from the land down under, brace yourselves for the uproarious and electrifying presence of the KOOKABURRA!
with a beak that carries the promise of echoing laughter and feathers that shimmer with a bronze palette, this avian jester is a true master of entertainment. known for its infectious chuckles and mischievous charisma, the kookaburra embodies pure joy and exhilaration. this comical daredevil thrives in the spotlight, reminding everyone that laughter is indeed the best medicine. that famous laugh is recognizable from the foley work in almost any scene that takes place in the jungle, whether it's the kookaburra's native australia or not.
so, get ready to giggle and cheer as we witness the uproarious antics and high-flying stunts of the kookaburra. tonight, this feathered comedian will take center stage, bringing laughter and excitement to new heights. prepare for a whirlwind of hilarity and unparalleled entertainment, as the kookaburra spreads its wings and delivers a show that will leave you in stitches!
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