#Thresh Replies
hook-and-chains · 2 years
.... The longer it takes for Thresh to attack Seraph, the more paranoid he gets. :p
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"Don't worry your head, mutt. You will be put down when I feel you and your family are deemed tormented enough by this fact. It's as if you are wanting to speed it up... patience... all in due time."
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The Hunger Games
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demacianhcart · 9 months
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2 more replies and I'll be caught up! WHOOORAY!
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brookesophelias · 5 months
peeta and the rebellion, with even more nuance (:
post continued from @posthungergamessyndrome; their post here
In The Games training , Peeta preferred to hang around the Camouflage, & it ultimately became his saving grace in Book I. Creativity, to most tributes, doesn't compare higher than physical prowess in significance. In Catching Fire, we see the D6 Morplings go to Camo first.
Peeta Mellark allows himself to be known as Loverboy to almost everyone in the 74th arena, which is him defining himself by emotion. Mostly because that’s what Careers, who D12 tributes hardly ever team up with, called him
Peeta decided to kill himself, even before the Nightlock idea, because he refuses to die at the hands of the Capitol. He seriously felt remorse after killing Foxface & had Katniss explain it to him. Killing others wasn't supposed to be something these tributes felt accountability & care about. "...wanted to hold them accountable, if only for a moment... For killing that little girl. (CF; 238)
Yes, Katniss says to eat the berries on 3, though it's Peeta Mellark who tells her to out-stretch her hands so "...everyone can see." (THG; pg. 338).
Peeta refuses to hold a knife when he could hold a paintbrush. (Katniss replies to Haymitch that 'if he wanted babying, then should've asked Peeta.' His fellow Games Victor called him soft & he just offers her bread [again]). Even in the actual war, he felt so hurt when he killed others.
He has a vivid memory for the horrors of The 74th Hunger Games, to the point where Katniss says she "hates" his paintings. He’s not even offended he just lets her hate on them because they are gruesome.
He always looks out of windows at other people [Katniss on the bakery lawn], places {districts while on tour] as well as the Capitol. He also takes people's baked goods home to evaluate. And doesn't stop.
He also sees the elder from D11 get shot in the head & doesn’t let himself be touched by Peacekeepers after he said he & Katniss would feed Rue & Thresh's families.
Peeta refuses—so vehemently—to drink the beverage to purge his meals. He tells Katniss that maybe they shouldn't squash the Rebellion.
He is the second person to volunteer in years in D12, & at all & he, too earns the highest rating in the Quarter Quell. Before the Mockingjay ever existed, the mockingbird & Jabberjay had to meet. If Katniss is the Mockingjay, Peeta embodies both qualities of both birds individually. Peeta is wholly himself, at his best. When the Panem screams conformity, Peeta doubles on individualism.
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marvelsmylife · 6 months
Best friends brother
Pairing: Liam Mairi x reader
Plot: you have a crush on your best friend's hot older brother.
A/n I'm still in denial about what happened to our precious boy
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You’ve had a crush on your best friend's brother for as long as you can remember. He was so cute, and unlike other guys around that age, he wasn’t an asshole.
At first, you thought it was just a tiny crush you thought you would get over, but as years passed, your crush grew stronger. Always blushing when he said your name or even looked in your direction.
You were devastated with Sloane when Liam left for Basgiath. You wrote him letters every day. Telling him how much you loved and missed him. Of course, you never sent them. One, because they can’t receive mail their first year, and two, because you didn’t want him to know you had feelings for him.
So you had the letters hidden for months until it was time for you to enroll at Basgiath as well. You burned those letters before you and Sloane left your foster home and made your way to your new home for the next three years.
“We made it ! ! !” you told Sloane once you passed the parapet.
Both of you were shaking once you made it to the other side. Sloane grinned at you before looking over your shoulder. “What are you looking a-” you began to ask while looking over your shoulder and froze.
Liam was running towards you guys. It took you a few seconds to process what was going on before Liam pulled both you and Sloane into a hug. “Gods, I’m glad you two made it !” Liam pulled away and began to examine you and his sister, “I’m assuming you guys met vi.”.
You were going to ask him how he knew until he pointed to your hair. “Yes, we did,” Sloane replied before looping her arm with mine, “Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have somewhere else to be,” and dragged you away before you had the chance to utter a word to Liam.
After being assigned to your squad and being startled by Varrish’s dragon, you and Sloane made your way to your rooms, which happened to be across from each other. You were thankful that your rooms were across from each other’s because you wouldn’t have to travel far to get to her room.
Once settled in, you ventured into the dining hall to get something to eat. Not knowing where to sit, you and Sloane sat at an empty table. You were so engrossed in your conversation that you didn't notice Imogene sitting beside you. " Can we help you?" Sloane asked.
"Your brother sent me," Imogene replied as she looked at you and Sloane and said, “He wants me to train you two. He's worried one, if not both of you will die during challenges, and just by looking at you two, I agree with him.” You wanted to be offended by her words, but she was right. You and Sloane didn't know how to fight because you weren't grouped with people who knew how to fight. Nodding along, Imogene continued, “I’ll train you two and anyone else who is having trouble.”
You were terrified at the thought of training with Imogene, but glancing over at Liam’s table, you noticed a reassuring smile on the blonde’s face. “Ok,” you sent Imogene a nervous smile before turning back to Sloane and began talking about something random to change the subject.
You immediately took up Imogene's offer to train after assessment day and began training with her any chance you got. To your surprise, you were becoming one of the best fighters from your year and caught the attention of Liam. He was impressed with how much you improved in such a small time frame.
His gaze was always on you as you skillfully took down opponents twice your size. What he appreciated the most was that you encouraged his sister to train on your days off. She wasn’t improving like Liam had hoped, and he wanted to force his sister to train but knew she wouldn’t listen to him. That’s why he pulled you aside and begged you to get Sloane to practice on her days off.
“Of course I’ll help,” you bit back a smile at Liam’s request, “I want her to succeed as well.”
By the time threshing came around, you were at the top of your year and helped Sloane improve with the extra training sessions on your time off. You also ended up bonding with a green daggertail named Artemis. You were relieved when you bonded with Artemis because you heard only ninety dragons decided to bond this year. Even though you were top of your year, you were still afraid a dragon wouldn’t select you.
After the roll-keeper recorded Artemis’ full name to confirm that you bonded, you spotted Liam walking over to you with a smirk plastered on his face. “How does it feel to be bonded to a dragon?” Liam asked.
“Surreal,” you answered honestly, “I’m just surprised she picked me.”
You shouldn’t be surprised, you are the best of your year. It is my honor to be bonded to you, Artemis spoke to you.
A soft smile appeared on your face at your dragon's words. You were the best of your year, and you intended to keep it that way.
“I’m not,” Liam brought you back to reality, “You’re a fucking beast on the mat and even managed to get Sloane to improve her fighting skills. You should be proud of yourself.” Liam paused for a second before adding, “I am.”
You couldn’t help but grow shy at Liam’s words. Liam noticed and laughed, “It’s good to know I still have an effect on you.”
Your eyes widened at Liam’s words, realizing he knew about your crush on him, “You know?”
“Of course I know,” Liam laughed harder, “You aren’t really subtle.” Your face grew hot. “Sloane also knows. That’s why she forbade me from being around you when we were younger. You’re her best friend, and she didn’t want to risk us getting together.”
Of course, Sloane would threaten him to stay away from you. You remember her telling you that she stopped talking to the majority of your now ex-friends because they were trying to get with Liam. Liam approached you and caressed your cheek, “I know you and Sloane are best friends, but being around you these past few weeks and getting to know you as you, not my sister's friend. I found myself developing feelings towards you.”
Your heart started pounding as you watched Liam leaning in to kiss your lips. You allowed yourself to enjoy the kiss until a familiar voice broke you two apart. “I knew this was going to happen one day, but I’m still disgusted watching it unfold,” Sloane had a sour face while staring at us.
You hid your face against Liam’s chest out of embarrassment. Liam noticed your embarrassment, held you protectively, and responded to his sister, “If you don’t like it, don’t watch.”
Sloane flipped him off before walking up to you and pulling you away from her brother, “Come, let’s celebrate us being bonded riders now.”
Looking over your shoulder, you spotted Liam shaking his head at his sister’s action and sending you a wave. You gave him a small wave before turning your attention to your best friend, who was now setting up rules about your potential relationship with her brother.
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callsign-rogueone · 4 months
not alone - r.g.
Ridoc Gamlyn x reader part three of Ridoc and Sweetheart’s story. words: 1.8k 🏷: Iron Flame spoilers in a vague sense, reader experiencing the joys of RSC, implications of torture but it’s not shown, mild panic attack / anxiety spiral / self-deprecating thoughts, bring tissues maybe, “happy” ending, Ridoc (and Sawyer) to the rescue! I am so stuck on the first-date scene that I just skipped it for now but it will happen eventually, I promise!!
This has to be a dream. It feels like something out of an adventure novel — waking up in a literal dungeon, chained to the wall. 
You wait a few seconds, but she doesn’t respond. Oh, gods, what if she… no, she’s okay. She has to be okay, because you’re okay. Maybe she’s asleep or off hunting or something.
But she’s never not responded to you before. She’s always replied, always been there to assuage your worries and remind you that it’ll be okay, just breathe. 
Breathe. Deep breaths, think about the butterflies… You look up, seeing no trace of them, no flutter of blue wings in the dim mage light of the room that you can’t seem to brighten, either.
You try it again, picturing them more clearly, thinking about the patterns on their wings and the colors… Nothing.
Something is definitely wrong. 
Why can’t you make a simple illusion? Is your signet broken? Is that why you’re down here? Is this some kind of reconditioning? A punishment? Or are you here to be executed for being defective?
“Rhith?” you try again, still working to steady your breathing, but every second that passes without a response only tightens the knot around your heart.
There’s no use. She’s not going to respond, because she’s given up on you, finally realized she’d chosen poorly, that you aren’t fit to be a rider after all, and decided to do away with you before the next Threshing, where she could choose a better rider, one who doesn’t need constant reassurance and hand-holding like a child.
The door swings open, a uniformed infantry officer stepping inside, here to decide your fate. He’s fully armed, a short blade in his hand, ready to carve into your skin or to pierce your heart, put you out of your misery — to thin the herd, to separate the wheat from the chaff. 
“I’m sorry,” you plead, as if that will change her mind. “I’m so sorry, I promise I’ll try harder, I’ll prove to you that I can handle it, just please don’t give up on me, don’t leave me here to die, please…”
He scoffs at you. “Crying already? This is going to be easier than I thought.”
You can’t dry your tears with your hands tied behind your back, so you settle for blinking them away and willing them to stop — you need to be strong if you want to get out of this room alive and see your brother and sister and the rest of your family again.
Family. That’s it — to convince them you’re worth it, you need to be someone else, someone who is worth it, like your brothers. 
You’re going to get through this. You’re going to endure whatever they put you through like Garrick would, and do it all with a straight face like Xaden, and be brave like Liam and smart like Brennan, and then Rhith will take you back, and everything will be okay again; you just need to stay strong.
Ridoc can’t find you at breakfast— you aren’t sitting with Bodhi and Imogen and the other marked ones like you always do. Maybe you’re sleeping in, he decides. The thought is a small comfort to him, but he can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong.
He hadn’t seen you all weekend, but that much is normal — he’d spent Saturday afternoon with his friends at the tavern in town, and you aren’t the going-out type; you’d rather curl up with a book to distract yourself from the rest of the world and it’s cruelty.
You hadn’t answered your door when he’d come to extend you the invitation, but he’d just assumed you were elsewhere. And your relationship is new, anyway, new enough that the word relationship probably isn’t the best to describe what the two of you have — you’ve been on two dates. You aren’t going to be spending every hour of your spare time together. 
But you aren’t at morning formation either, and as he settles into his usual seat at Battle Brief, you’re still nowhere to be found. There’s no denying it now; this isn’t a series of coincidences, this is a pattern, and something is definitely wrong.
Second squad seems to all realize what’s happening at once.
“I’m sure she’s okay,” Sawyer tries, but Ridoc seems unconvinced, bouncing his leg under the table nervously. His eyes snap toward the door as it creaks open, one person walking through.
You make it up to the back of the lecture hall, settling into the open chair beside Ridoc, your usual spot these days.
Everyone’s eyes widen at the cuts and bruises across your arms and face, knowing there’s likely even more covered by your clothes.
“Are you okay?” Violet asks in a whisper, knowing it’s a stupid question, but wanting to say something anyway.
You nod, chewing your lip. “I’m fine, but I can’t feel Rhith. I don’t know what happened.”
You’ve been trying all morning, had tried all night when they’d finally left you to sleep… you haven’t heard anything from her in two full days, but the infantry officer had let you go free, so you must have passed whatever test they’d given you, decided you were worthy of being a rider after all.
Guilt flickers in Ridoc’s chest - he should have told you, given you some kind of warning. “They did the same thing to us last week. It was something in the water. It’ll wear off soon, I promise.” He holds a hand out, a small icicle forming in his palm that he wraps in a piece of soft fabric. “Here.”
You take it from him, holding it to the killer bruise forming on your jaw from where the officer’s fist had nearly broken it. “Thank you.”
You’re exhausted. You’d barely had enough time to shower before class started, and you’re pretty sure you’re concussed; it’s hard to think, and everything is too bright in here, too loud…
You turn your gaze back to the professor, but don’t take any notes, don’t make any move to take a pen and paper from your bag, letting your eyes fall shut as Devera continues her analysis. It goes in one ear, out the other, but you know none of it is true anyway, or if it is, it’s only half the story.
The ice is starting to melt against the warmth of your skin, dripping down your wrist. He takes it back, letting it disappear into thin air and pocketing the wet handkerchief silently, resting an arm on the back of your chair and pressing a soft kiss to your bruised temple.
You blink awake at the sound of everyone getting up to leave — you must have gotten almost an hour of sleep. It’s taken some of the edge off, but your entire body still aches as you rise from your seat.
“Aotrom says she’s on the flight field,” Ridoc says, shouldering your bag before you can protest. “Do you wanna go see her?”
You just nod in response, your jaw still aching too much to speak. You make the walk up in silence, your heart clenching when you see Rhith standing there, waiting for you.
The comforting voice is finally back in your head. “Hello, sweet one.”
“Hi,” you say aloud, voice wavering. 
She lowers her head to you, letting you stroke a hand over the dark green scales of her nose. “I would never want to replace you, sweet one. You are just as strong and just as valuable as your brothers, and I chose you for a reason.”
You realize that she’d heard it all, your desperate pleas for her to spare your life, the promises that you’d be better, thinking she’d abandoned you…
“I’m sorry for thinking that, I just… my signet stopped working, and I couldn’t hear you…” you’re going to cry just thinking about it. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she soothes. “Try it again.” 
You take a breath and close your eyes, picturing a butterfly. When you open them, you can see one floating through the gentle afternoon breeze. You add another, just to be sure that it wasn’t a fluke, and another… three of them now, content to flutter around in front of you.
Ridoc is still watching you, silent. The look of relief on your face breaks his heart.
He realizes that by separating you from Rhith, they’d taken away your only friend in that room. He’d had Rhiannon and Violet and Sawyer by his side the whole time, but you’d been entirely alone; no marked ones, nobody from your squad — you’re the only second-year left. They’d taken your best coping mechanism as well, your ability to self-soothe with your gentle projections. 
Rhith looks up at Ridoc, who stands a respectful distance away, your bookbag slung over his shoulder. “She says thank you,” you relay for her, “for taking care of me.”
Ridoc smiles. “Always, sweetheart. Now let's get you to the healers, hm?”
He holds out a hand, and you hesitate a moment before you take it, intertwining your fingers loosely. His skin is warm against yours, soft, gentle, safe. When you make it down the hill and across the bridge to the infirmary, you almost don’t want to let go.
You stay as close to Ridoc as you can for the rest of the day. He treats you incredibly carefully, even after you’ve been mended back to normal, the cuts healed and bruises faded completely.
You’re grateful to wake up in your own bed the next morning, silently getting ready for the day and falling into your place at morning formation.
“Atken,” Dain calls, gesturing for you to come see him. “You’re being transferred.”
What? Why? Your heart races, but you follow him silently, stopping in front of a different squad, in Fourth Wing.
“I think you already know most of your squadmates,” he prompts.
You take a good look at them — nearly all of your friends; Imogen and Sloane and Violet, and now Ridoc and his friends too. You might cry. “Thank you,” you say quietly.
“Don’t thank me, thank those two. They made quite the argument for transferring you.” He nods toward Ridoc and Sawyer — they both smile at you, Ridoc grinning from ear to ear, Sawyer looking rather bashful.
“So you won’t have to be alone anymore,” Ridoc answers before you can ask. 
You fall into the formation beside him, reaching over to hook your pinky around his in a tiny show of appreciation. “Thank you.”
He smiles at you, warm and bright, keeping your fingers interlocked through the morning roll and announcements.
Maybe your second year won’t be so bad anymore.
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crisalidaseason · 2 months
From Parapet to Threshing - Tairn's POV
Summary: In which we see Tairn's thoughts as he chaperones Andarna and ends up gaining a rider in the process (from Parapet to Threshing) CW: Tairn being a girl dad, Andarna being an iconic feathertail, Spoilers for Fourth wing, Set in book 1, Sgaeyl is mother, one suggestive line (mdni), also this is a bit more than 4k words
A grumble was his only response to the hatchling beside him.
“I sense your impatience” Sgaeyl’s low voice echoed in Tairn’s head, managing to inflame his growing irritation.
“How am I supposed to be patient when the Golden one will not cease her pestering!”
“She is young, you were her age once” his mate countered.
“I do not recall being this insolent”
The sound of Sgaeyl’s amusement rumbled in his head, still low considering the distance between the two mates.
“Then your memory is finally catching up to your age” Sgaeyl teased “what is it that she wants?”
Train chuffed at her response.
“I want to fly outside the vale” the younger voice intruded in the conversation.
Train huffed once more, leaving his mate to deal with the antics of the hatchling. He had heard enough of her incessant demands to leave safety.
“You will not do such thing!” his mate commanded “you are not to leave the Vale”
“I could go with you” Andarna’s voice was small “Your rider needs your presence today, let me join”
“I will not repeat myself, you will not fly above the Vale!” Sgaeyl's impatience was evident.
There was a reason for Tairn being the one to deal with the hatchling’s tantrums more often, Sgaeyl had a temper unmatched.
“I have said so for the past hour” Tairn complained “She does not listen, as per usual”
Andarna’s upset growl was the last thing she spoke before closing herself for communication.
“Watch over her” Sgaeyl muttered “knowing this little one, she will attempt to fly on her own”
“Of course, I shall happily chaperone the hatchling as if that was my greatest duty” Tairn’s voice dripped in sarcasm.
Sgaeyl did nothing but huff at him, but mind at rest knowing Tairn would watch over Andarna either way since - as a bonded dragon - his mate often did not have time to teach and care for the young dragon. Tairn watched as the golden scales disappeared inside the cave guarding the other hatchlings and decided to rest near the entrance, waiting for the chance Andarna decided to test him yet again. He watched with familiarity as the morning shine disappeared and storm clouds formed in the sky, the droplets of water hitting his scales, not a good omen for the humans crossing the death bridge.
“Was it raining that day?” Andarna’s voice was quiet.
“I’ve lived many days” he replied, already sure of her meaning.
“The day your last rider crossed the bridge”
Tairn let a puff of steam out of his lungs.
“I do not wish to speak of him” he warned.
“Just this question, please” she pleaded “I will not bother you after”
He highly doubted it, but decided to indulge just this once.
“If I answer, you shall not ask more about it”
“I will not” the hatchling promised.
“It was raining, but not as much as this morning. Question answered, now rest!”
She remained silent, but Tairn could sense worry before her communication severed. Her behavior was new - it had been strange lately. She was insistent to explore outside the Vale, restless, asking about Sgaeyl’s bond with her rider with insistence.
“I am returning” Sgaeyl’s voice echoed a few hours later “the humans are done with their ritualistic death bridge”
Her navy scales soon emerged from the still storm filled sky, landing soundly beside Tairn and encouraging other dragons to keep their distance.
“Torched any frail human out of amusement today?” he asked.
“I have not” she replied, taking offense “I have restraint”
Tairn let out a huff of laughter. She had as much restraint as Andarna.
“Yes, do insult me” she hissed “I’ll have you take Andarna hunting for the entire waning moon”
The black dragon quickly let go of his courageous teasing, Sgaeyl was a dragon of honor and words. His mate soon joined their resting place, the black dragon lifting one of his massive wings to fit her frame under. He laid his head over her neck, chest rumbling with her proximity.
“There are many strong humans this year” she said after a moment of silence.
The black dragon let a puff of steam into the air, the heat mixing with the cold droplets of water.
“I will not bond Sgaeyl” his tone was firm “he was my last”
“The war is near, you are a war dragon” Sgaeyl snarls.
Tairn saw no point to that discussion - a conversation both of them repeatedly had over the last years. He knew how it would end and decided that sharing bitter words was not something he wanted that day, the rain brought too many unpleasant memories. His massive frame carefully moved around Sgaeyl’s, untangling himself from her and preparing to fly.
“You will fly away again”
“You know my decision better than any other” he said “It was my choice then and it remains my choice now. I will not take another rider”
With that, Tairn stood to his full height and spread his wings, flying away to the mountains. A common behavior whenever the subject was brought up yet again by elders and his mate. He had taken a last chance, a choice that left him scarred and almost took his last breath. He would fight when the time came, but he would never relive the pain of losing another rider ever again.
“Speak some sense into her mind!” Sgaeyl’s voice was loud, commanding.
“You think I have not tried?” he replied “not only has she forsaken my words, but successfully managed to have the elders allow her to see the humans”
Andarna’s latest victory still rattled in Tairn’s mind. He did not know what possessed the young dragon to wish to be near the unbonded humans, curiosity certainly not being the sole reason. All he could do was accept once the elders allowed her to participate in the presentation. He had asked the golden dragon about her reasoning for such recklessness countless times before, but none of her answers were satisfactory.
“The little one is naive if she thinks she can bond at that age” Sgaeyl worry flew through their bond “she cannot possibly plan to do so”
Tairn would not put past Andarna to disobey the rules, the dread settled in his gut thinking about it. A hatchling with her abilities bonding with a greedy human would be destructive to her and all feathertails.
“I will watch over her, to be certain she won’t approach the humans” Sgaeyl’s verdict seemed certain enough “my rider will not need me”
“I will be minutes away” he guaranteed.
Later that afternoon, he saw through his mate’s eyes as the small feathertail kept her distance while the humans walked. The golden dragon seemed disinterested, resting on the ground. Tairn wondered if she was only curious after all, if seeing the humans proved to be below her expectations and soon her desire to explore would subside…until she perked up and stood in complete attention. Her tail moved from side to side, her head lowered near the ground - following the humans intently with her eyes.
“What is it?” Tairn demanded “Andarna!”
But the feathertail did not reply, nor did she pay Sgaeyl any attention either.
“She is watching the smaller female” his mate replied instead “the one who smells of blood”
He could not smell the blood from the distance, but Sgaeyl provided him with the perfect view of the woman. She was smaller than her other peers, hands covered in dark cloth, an unusual silver color in her hair. The small human took notice of Andarna with as much intensity as the feathertail. Andarna’s interest was evident as she followed the human with her golden gaze, taking a small step towards the human.
“Golden one!” Train’s voice was louder and authoritative “do not approach!”
“Who the hell would bond that thing?” a human male said, pointing at Andarna.
Tairn’s chest grumbled a threat. Insolent human.
“They can hear you” the silver woman warned.
The humans kept speaking about the feathertail, trying to understand her presence. Two of the humans were more than deserving of scorching.
“I shall have the pleasure” Sgaeyl growls.
“You should totally bond it, Sorrengail. You’re both freakishly weak. It’s a match made in heaven” the man taunted the silver one.
“Burn him first” Andarna’s voice was full of fury “She is not weak”
Her words rattled in his head, proving the suspicion that her interest was not on the humans, but one human only. He would have to discuss it with Sgaeyl later.
“It looks powerful enough to burn you to death” the silver woman answered the man’s words.
Another man rushed to the insolent one, wisely and aggressively warning him of the dragons nearby. They all began discussing, attentive of the danger surrounding them. Tairn was not one to bother listening to humans, but the insolent one had his full attention with the next words.
“Someone should kill it before it bonds. It’s just going to get its rider killed, and it’s not like we get a choice if it wants to bond us”
Sgaeyl and Tairn growled at the same time. This human would not bond and neither live, the black dragon would see that it happened. He wondered for a few seconds if he should fly to the canyon and scorch the human himself.
“You know what it means if you come here” Sgaeyl said, her attention mostly on her mate at that moment.
Train grumbled, knowing well what his presence in front of the humans would mean for the elders. He would not bond, nor give them reasons to believe so.
“I can have others burn him” he simply grumbled.
“Sgaeyl could” Andarna replied.
“I might, though my rider would suffer the consequences” the navy dragon murmured.
Sgaeyl hid her disappointment fast enough not to subdue their attention to the humans. They returned to their stroll after the tense moment. Train watched attentively as the silver human spoke with her comrades, mostly chattering until her next words.
“I mean, it could be worse. We could be walking past a line of wyvern, right?”
Tairn went rigid and he felt Sgaeyl’s mutual feelings settling in their bond.
“Could she know?” Andarna whispered, but none of the adult dragons replied.
“Oh please, Violet, do give us one of your nervous-babble story times” another woman scorns “Let me guess. Wyvern are some elite squad of gryphon riders created because of something we did at a battle only you can manage to remember with your scribe brain”
“You don’t know what a wyvern is?” another asked “Didn’t your parents tell you bedtime stories, Luca?”
“Do enlighten me”
“They’re folklore” the silver one answered “Kind of like dragons but bigger, with two feet instead of four, a mane of razor-sharp feathers streaking down their necks, and a taste for humans. Unlike dragons, who think we’re a little gamey”
“She does not” Tairn confirmed.
Her description was accurate for someone who believed it to be bedtime stories. Suddenly, he shared a small part of Andarna’s interest in the small human.
“I can feel your interest” his mate commented, but he remained silent.
The silver human reminisced in a childhood tale, one full of the said folklore. Andarna was unusually quiet, only observing the her as much as Tairn was.
“Yegdra” Sgaeyl quickly warned.
Tairn could see as the red swordtail stepped out of the dragon line and approached the humans.
“No!” Andarna screamed “Do not hurt her”
“Andarna, do not interfere!” Tairn warned.
Yegdra was quick to breathe fire into a weakling man within the group. The black dragon tried his best to conceal his relief that the silver one still stood - alive. Andarna would have been devastated otherwise, he convinced himself.
Though the feeling was short lived.
Two green dragons walked towards the small woman, who was recklessly distracted by another human. As soon as she turned, the fear in her eyes was evident - though she masked it well. They breathed steam onto her, and Tairn could feel the apprehension in Andarna’s non-coherent words. The dragons quickly assessed the silver one’s hands.
“I cut my hands climbing the obstacle course” her tone was nervous, but clear.
They continued their assessment, smelling her midsection attentively. Tairn silently urged the woman to continue her speech, indulge the dragons.
“You smell Teine, don’t you?” her voice was firmer than before “I’m Mira’s sister, Violet. She collected Teine’s scales after he shed them last year and had them shrunk down so she could sew them into the vest to help keep me safe”
She spoke to them, whispering a few more sentences before they let her return to her stroll. He listened as she laughed a few times while assuring her companions, but her laughter held no arrogance.
“Have you quenched your curiosity, little one?” Sgaeyl asked.
Andarna’s excitement was all the answer she gave and he now was certain of her attachment to the silver woman.
“Andarnaurram” his voice was gentle, yet firm “you shall not bond, you know it”
Her shimmering golden frame sunk. He felt no pleasure in her sorrow, but he could not allow the hatchling to bond, even if the woman was seemingly honorable enough, the dangers were too much of a risk to take. The turbulent irritation coming from the other side of his bond assured him Sgaeyl shared his despair.
“What do you know of the woman?” Train asked.
Sgaeyl’s left eye opened, staring into his, the dark moonless night doing nothing to dull their shimmer. Her tail slowly stroked his left hind leg, careful not to harm his scales.
“I know enough. Against my will, of course ” she replied “my rider has an invested interest in her despite their family matters”
Tairn huffed at her answer.
“Spare me of your rider’s lust-tainted opinions, what do you see?”
“A fragile body, she is easily breakable. Though I must admit she is intelligent, observant, courageous albeit naive and reckless as you have noticed today” she replied “also trustworthy in keeping my rider’s secrets”
He felt as his mate sent him images of her, blurry considering it was her rider’s inferior sight that composed most of the memories. One of them caught his attention, pale eyes locking briefly with Sgaeyl’s as his mate assessed her from the roof of a courtyard. Sgaeyl shared with him the smell of fear and determination, the steadiness despite the intimidating actions of the navy blue dragon. Not many stood still under his mate’s gaze.
“Many share the woman’s qualities and flaws” Tairn spoke “there must be another reason for Andarna’s interest”
“Indeed, but we will not know because the little one will not bond” Sgaeyl’s gave her ultimatum “I might not sense greed or cruelty on the woman, but I will not trust her with Andarna’s bond”
“I will watch over her” Sgaeyl said to him as she prepared to fly to her rider.
Andarna exhaled happiness that morning. Tairn noticed as she ate carelessly, too ecstatic to focus on her sustenance in a proper way. The black dragon remained silent, still livid at the elders who allowed her to watch the humans in their hunt for a dragon. Despite his and Sgaeyl’s attempts at warning the elders, the result was far from satisfactory.
“She shall not bond now, she will be of no use for her rider until fully grown” their words were nothing but mere advice.
“I still wish you rethink your decisions, Golden one” the black dragon said as they flew from the vale.
“I just want to see her” she replied with her softest voice “I will behave”
Tairn grumbled. Andarna and behavior were only similar if there was mischief involved.
“You must listen to Sgaeyl, if she orders you to leave, do so” he warned “I will be near should you not obey her”
She huffed at Tairn as a reply.
“I will be minutes away” he sent to his mate “do not hesitate to call me”
He accompanied Andarna half of the way as she flew to the forest below, he landed behind the cover of the mountains, expectant to any danger or disobeyment from the young dragon.
“Remember what I said, Golden one” he grumbled one last time “observe only, do not draw attention”
“I know” she replied, unfocused on his words as the humans began their race.
The sun moved slowly in the sky, with every passing hour feeding into Tairn’s impatience. He called Sgaeyl through his bond, feeling her growing irritation.
“She exposes herself!” her words were menacing.
Through her eyes, Tairn saw as Andarna caught the sunshine with her golden scales, becoming a beacon of light to whomever noticed.
“As if she would listen to a word I say” Tairn growled.
“Tairn! My rider says three humans wish to harm herl” His mate’s panic swim through the bond, fueling the black dragon’s fury.
“Andarna, enough!��� He growled “return with me to the vale this instant!”
The golden dragon refused to comply, laying on the grass with her head attentive to the treeline.
“I will end this” Sgaeyl snarls “we should have forbidden her, the elders could rot in their verdict”
He sensed as Sgaeyl flew closer to him, sharing her sight as she landed behind a treeline encasing the clearing in which the hatchling sunbathed.
“Andarna, I will not repeat myself. Fly to Tairn!” his mate’s voice was stern, but Andarna did not move.
Movement from the opposite side of the treeline captured the blue dragon’s attention. The silver one hid within the trees.
“You have to get out of here!” her voice is low, but enough for Sgaeyl and Andarna to hear “They’re going to kill you if you don’t leave!”
Tairn watched attentively through Sgaeyl. Maybe the stubborn hatchling would actually listen-
Of course not. Andarna remained seated, her head tilting as she watched the woman curiously.
“Yes! You! Goldie!” the woman insisted.
“Golden one, return! Other humans wish to hurt you” Tairn warned again, preparing to fly.
“They are already here” Sgaeyl growled, but desperation painted her words “I cannot interfere, Tairn, my rider is bound by the human laws”
Three men broke through the treeline, armed with blades. Andarna had at least the sane mind to growl at them, assuming a defensive position.
“We’ll make it painless” one of the men spoke.
He began his ascent through the mountains, rocks crumbling under his talons as he gradually gained momentum to fly as fast as possible. Another growl from Sgaeyl caught his attention.
“Reckless woman!” his mate snarled.
Tairn focused on his mate’s sight for a brief moment, seeing as the silver haired woman stood in front of Andarna with small blades in hand. Her steps carefully measured, but clearly strained in his advanced sight.
“You’re going to have to get through me, then” the woman’s voice echoed through their bond.
“The silver one is injured” Tairn warned “put your rider to use within his limits until I arrive!”
He finally flew over the mountain, his wings wildly beating as he seeked the gold color amongst the sea of green. With the clearing in sight, he watched from above as the three men ran to attack, which impulsed the dragon to fly even faster. The small silver woman returned the aggression viciously, quick and calculated movements despite the injury.
“One of them fled, but she cannot hold much longer” Sgaeyl said “fly faster!”
He would deal with the insult at his speed on a later occasion. Tairn dived to the clearing, in time to see one of the attackers unconscious and the other wounded. The silver woman’s scarlet blood painted her side but he noticed that Andarna seemed unharmed. His rage boiled inside his guts, seeing as the coward man intended to strike the unarmed woman for protecting one of his kin. He recognized the man as the one who threatened Andarna’s life before. He growled in pleasure. He would burn the insolent low life himself.
“I knew you would come” the hatchling’s voice was ringing with joy “she intends to die for me, do not let it happen!”
Tairn was right above them as the man cowardly prepared to strike. The black dragon landed, the ground trembling under his weight and the wind disorienting everyone in the clearing. Tairn did not hesitate as he reached for the woman’s mind, the silver strands of her mind quickly entangling with his as if expecting it since the beginning of times.
“Tairn!” Sgaeyl’s tone was unmistakably surprised.
“Not now” he replied.
“Step aside, Silver One” he spoke sternly in the woman’s mind, eyes on the despicable man in front of his massive form.
Did he just speak to me? Her voice echoed in his head in return. He almost sighed in frustration, who else would he speak with?
“Yes. You. Move” he ordered.
The silver woman stumbled away and he did not hesitate to open his maw and breathe the most searing fire he could muster upon the running man. When the threat was burnt out of existence, he turned his golden eyes to the small woman below him - now his rider. She was bleeding profusely from her arms, her weight focused on her uninjured foot. In her face, disbelief was evident. Tairn noticed the unconscious man on the ground, still breathing.
“You should end the enemy at your feet” he advised.
“I can’t kill an unconscious man” she shouted, shaking her head.
“He would kill you if given the same chance”
She studied the man, hesitant.
“Well, that’s a statement on his character. Not mine”
Tairn blinked at her. Courageous and fierce enough to defend a dragon - who was safe from harm considering Sgaeyl and Tairn were near - but naive to let an enemy live to see another sunrise. He would have to deal with her naivety later, for now her intelligence and bravery would be more than enough.
“You bonded the woman” Sgaeyl spoke again.
“I am aware” he replied “I made my choice”
His mate flew past them, leaving him and his rider to complete the human ritual. The amount of blood pooling around her feet was alarming, he would not have an unconscious rider.
“You’re bleeding. Stop it” he warned.
“It’s not that simple when you’ve been run through with a—” she began arguing “You know what? That’s a great idea”
She wrapped her arm with torn cloth, a practiced motion. He noticed her hands were still bound.
“There. Better?” she said, looking at him almost defiantly. He understood the recklessness.
“It will do” he replied “Your hands are bound, too. Do you bleed often?”
The woman looked at her wrapped hands, bittersweet features on her exhausted face.
“I try not to” she answered.
Tairn let out a dissatisfied sound. Reckless woman, indeed. He would have to build her self-preservation.
“Let’s go, Violet Sorrengail” He simply said, ready to be done with the theatrics of human events. Andarna - who was safely shielding under his wing finally left her hiding spot, her joy barely contained as she watched the scene unfold.
“How do you know my name?” she asked in surprise.
Tairn sighed in annoyance and frustration, disturbing the trees in the process.
“And to think, I’d almost forgotten just how loquacious humans are. Get on my back”
“Get on your back? Have you seen you? Do you have any idea how huge you are?”
“Be patient!” Andarna’s voice was pleading “she is new to this!”
Tairn grumbled and narrowed his eyes in annoyance to the human girl.
“One does not live a century without being well aware of the space one takes up. Now get on” he wanted this to be over, and soon!
Unfortunately, his new rider seemed to test him just as much as the hatchling he took under his care.
“I can’t just leave it. What if Oren wakes up or Jack comes back?” she argued once more, pointing at Andarna.
“Will you fly so the silver one and I can be done with this?” he warned the smaller dragon.
Andarna quickly took flight, to the surprise of his rider.
“Get. On” he growled, patience already running thin.
“You don’t want me” she spoke once more “I’m—”
“I’m not going to tell you again” his voice is a command.
At least that time she did listen. Though he knew that would be a rare occasion.
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fourthwingfan · 5 months
Madness - Chapter 17
Hi, guys. Enjoy the new chapter :)
It is therefore only natural that the more powerful the dragon, the more powerful the signet its rider manifests. One should beware of a strong rider who bonds a smaller dragon, but even warier of the unbonded cadet, who will stop at nothing to seize a chance to bond.
—Major Afendra’s Guide to the Riders Quadrant
(Unauthorized Edition)
After sleeping in the crowded barracks for the last two months, it’s weird, and oddly decadent, to have my own room. I’ll never take the luxury of privacy for granted again.
I close my door behind me as I step into the hallway.
Violet’s door is to the right of mine and I see her limping towards me.
“Hi, there rider.” I greet her with a smile. “How is your leg?”
“Hi, Aelin.” She smiles back. “It’s not that bad. I’ll be fine in a couple of days.”
“Good morning, neighbours.” I feel an arm around my shoulder.
“Hi, Liam.” I look up at him. His room is the one left of mine, and Ethan’s next to him. We are the only first-years who survived Threshing in our squad.
“Hi.” I hear Vi whispers and I can see a small blush? on her face.
Oh, my god. I love it!
“Are you okay, Vi? You’re face is a little red.” I say with a sly smile.
“Yes.” She glares at me and turns around when Rhiannon’s door, across the small hall from us, opens and we see Sawyer’s tall, lean frame come out. He runs his fingers through his hair, and when he sees us, his eyebrows rise and he freezes—his cheeks almost as red as his freckles.
“Good morning.” I grin.
“Guys.” He forces an awkward smile and walks off, headed toward the main hallway of the first-year dormitory.
Rhiannon walks out of her room and smiles as soon as she sees us. “No more breakfast duty?” She turns to Violet.
“I was told last night that all the less desirable duties were being handed off to the unbonded so our energy can be redirected for flight lessons.”
„One more reason for the unbonded to hate us,” Rhiannon mutters.
“It doesn’t matter. I think our dragons existence are already pisses them off.” I shrug.
„So, Sawyer, huh, Rhi?” Vi asks as we start down our hallway, passing a few other rooms before meeting up with the main corridor that leads to the rotunda. Have to say, the first-year rooms aren’t as spacious as the second-years’, but at least we all got ones with windows.
A grin curves her lips. “I felt like celebrating.” She darts a quick side-eye at her. “And why have I not heard of you celebrating?”
We melt into the crowd moving toward the gathering hall. “Haven’t found anyone I want to celebrate with.”
“Really? Because I heard that you and a certain squad leader had a moment last night.”
She nearly stumbles over her feet.
“Come on, Vi. The entire quadrant was out there, and you don’t think someone saw you?” I roll my eyes.
„Who gives a shit if it’s frowned upon to be in a relationship with a superior officer? There’s no regulation, and it’s not like any of us is guaranteed to live through the day.” Rhiannon says.
“Solid points,” she admit. “But it’s…” she shakes her head, searching for the right words. “It’s not like that with us. I’d always hoped it would be, but when he kissed me—there was nothing there. Like. Nothing.”
“Well, that’s shitty to hear.” She hooks her arm through hers. “I’m sorry.”
“Me too.” She sighs.
“I’m not.” I glance at them. “I never liked him. And he doesn’t support you, Vi. You deserve someone who sees you. Because you’re awesome.” I squeeze Vi’s hand.
“Thanks, I think.” She smiles at me with gratitude.
„Good morning, ladies. And Liam.” Ridoc forces his way through the crowd and slings an arm around Rhiannon and Vi’s shoulders as we enter the rotunda. “Or should I say, riders?”
“I like the sound of riders,” Rhiannon replies, shooting a smile in his direction.
“It has a certain ring to it,” Ridoc agrees.
“It’s definitely better than dead. Where’s your relic?” Vi asks Ridoc as we pass through the columns of carved dragons and take the steps into commons.
“Right here.” His arm falls off her shoulders, and he shoves the sleeve of his tunic up to reveal the brown mark of a dragon silhouette on his upper arm. “You?”
“Can’t see it. It’s on my back.”
“That will keep you safer if you’re ever separated from that massive dragon of yours.” His eyes dance. “I swear, I thought I was going to shit myself when I saw him on the field. What about yours, Rhi?”
“Somewhere you’ll never see,” she responds.
“You wound me.” He slaps his hand over his heart.
“I highly doubt that,” she retorts, but there’s a smile on her face.
“And you Aelin? If it’s somewhere private than I’d like to volunteer to check it out. Just you, and me.” He winks at me.
“Nice try.” I laugh at him. “But I’ll pass.”
“Are you waiting for someone else?” Liam whispers in my ear.
“Shut up.” I elbow him in the ribs while I feel myself flush.
Before anyone can ask another question we move through commons and into the gathering hall, then make our way through the line for breakfast.
“Asshole,” Ridoc mutters in front of  me. “I still can’t believe they tried to kill you.” He says to Violet.
“Who?” I ask and look toward the counter. There’s a man behind it and he glares at Violet with hatred in his eyes. “Oh wow. What did you do to him?”
“I beat him during the challanges.” Vi turns to me. „And before Threshing he said that I better watch my back.”
“Hm. He really holds a grudge.” I say while we collect our breakfast. „But don’t worry, now you’re a rider with a badass dragon. Still… I can’t believe he’s this petty.”
„I’m the weakest link, right? Unfortunately for me, that means people are bound to try and take me out for the good of the wing.” Vi says.
“You’re not!” I say firmly.
We head toward the Fourth Wing section and find a table with extra seats.
“Mind if we—” Ridoc starts.
“Absolutely! It’s yours!” A couple of guys from Tail Section scurry off the bench.
“Sorry, Sorrengail!” the other says over his shoulder as they find another table, leaving this one empty.
What the hell?
“Well, that was really fucking weird.” I say as Rhiannon rounds the other side of the table, and I follow, putting our backs to the wall as we step over the bench and sit, setting our trays in front of us.
“Even weirder?” Liam remarks, gesturing across the hall toward First Wing.
Following his line of sight, my eyebrows lift. Jack Barlowe is being squeezed out of his table. He’s forced to stand as others take his seat.
“What the hell is going on?” Rhiannon bites into a pear and chews.
Jack moves to another table—whose occupants won’t make room for him—and then finds a place two tables down.
“How the mighty have fallen, Ridoc notes, watching the same show I am, but there’s no satisfaction in watching Jack struggle. Feral dogs bite harder when they’re cornered.
“Hey, Sorrengail,” the stocky girl from First Wing says with a tight smile as she walks past our table.
“Hi.” She wave awkwardly as she walks away, then turn to whisper to us. “She hasn’t spoken to me since I took one of her daggers in that challenge.”
“It’s because you bonded Tairn.” Imogen blows her pink hair out of her face and throws her leg over the bench across from us to sit, pushing up the sleeves of her tunic and revealing her rebellion relic. “The morning after Threshing is always a clusterfuck. Power balance shifts, and you, little Sorrengail, are now about to be the most powerful rider in the quadrant. Anyone with common sense is going to be scared of you.”
I blink, is that what’s going on? I look around the hall and take note. Social groups have split up, and some of the cadets I would have considered threats are no longer sitting where they usually do.
“Which is why you’re now sitting with us?” Rhiannon arches a brow at the second-year. “Because I can count on one hand the number of nice words you’ve said to any of us.” She holds up a fist with zero fingers raised.
Quinn—the tall second-year—takes a seat next to Imogen, and Sawyer arrives, sitting on Rhiannon’s other side. Quinn tucks her blond curls behind her ears and brushes her bangs out of her eyes, her round cheeks rising as she smiles at something Imogen says. Have to admit, the hooped piercings that line the shells of both her ears are pretty awesome, and among her half dozen patches, it’s the dark-green one—the same color as her eyes—with two silhouettes that’s most intriguing. I should have studied up on what all the patches mean, but according to what I’ve heard, they change every year.
I’m personally a fan of the first ones we’ve been given. I had to sew the tail-shaped patch with the emblem for Fourth Wing and the centered number two with great care, being sure to only stitch the fabric of my corseted armor, since it’s not like any needle is going to penetrate the scales.
„You weren’t interesting enough to sit with before,” Imogen responds, then bites into a muffin.
“I usually sit with my girlfriend in Claw Section. Besides, no use getting to know you when most of you die,” Quinn adds, tucking her curls away again, just to have them spring forward. “No offense.”
“None taken?” Vi says.
Then Heaton and Emery, the only third-years in their squad, flank Imogen and Quinn on the bench across from us.
“Wow. Is it a squad meeting?” I ask while munching on an apple. “Liam, I think we stand out too much.”
“You’re right. Why don’t you sit with your own squad?” Imogen asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Because they like us more than you. Even though you are their squadmate.” I smile at her coldly. “We have every right to be here. If you have a problem with it then the challanges we’ll start over soon.”
She swallows and looks at her plate.
“Is it just me or is anyone else surprised that Barlowe bonded?” Ridoc questions. “Though from what I’ve heard, his Orange Scorpiontail is on the smaller side.”
“She is,” Quinn confirms. “Which is why he’s struggling this morning.”
“Don’t worry—I’m sure he’ll make up for his lack of social standing in other ways,” Rhiannon mutters, her gaze narrowing. “You have to have some protein, Vi. You can’t just survive on fruit.”
“It’s the only food I can be sure isn’t tampered with, especially with that guy behind the counter.” she peels an orange.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Imogen scrapes three pieces of sausage onto her plate. “She’s right. You’re going to need all your strength to ride, especially with a dragon as big as Tairn.”
I stare at the sausage. Imogen hates her just as much as me. Hell, she’s the one who broke her arm and ripped out her shoulder on assessment day.
“You can trust her,” Aon says, and I startle, almost dropping the apple.
“She hates us.”
“But she has changed.” He says and I can feel him pulling back.
No other explanation? Fine.
Vi starts to eat, and I focus on the conversation at the table again.
“What’s your signet?” Rhiannon asks Emery.
Air rushes down the table, rattling the glasses. Air manipulation. Got it.
“That’s epic.” Ridoc’s eyes widen. “How much air can you move?”
“None of your business.” He barely spares him a glance.
“Sorrengail, after class is out today, you’re mine,” Imogen says.
“I’m sorry?” She asks in surprise.
Her pale green eyes lock on her. “Meet me in the sparring gym.”
“I’m already working with her on sparring—” Rhiannon starts.
“Good. We can’t afford her to lose any challenges,” Imogen retorts. “But I’m going to help you with weights. We need to strengthen the muscles around your joints before challenges resume. That’s the only way you’ll survive.”
The hairs rise on the back of my neck. “And since when do you care about her survival?” This isn’t a squad thing. It can’t be. Not when she didn’t give a shit before.
“Since now,” she says, gripping her fork in her fist, but it’s the lightning-fast glance toward the dais at the end of the hall that gives her away. Her concern isn’t coming from the goodness of her heart. Something tells me it’s an order. “Squads are about to be condensed at morning formation. We’ll be down to two in every section,” she continues. “Aetos kept the highest number of his first-years alive—hence the patch—so he’ll be allowed to retain his squad, but we’ll probably gain a few when they strip the squads from those who weren’t as successful.” She glances at Liam and I.
As discreetly as I can, I look to my right, past the other Fourth Wing tables and to the dais where Xaden sits with his executive officer and the section leaders, including Garrick, whose shoulders look like they should take up at least two seats. It’s Garrick who looks my way first, his forehead lining with… What is that? Worry? Then he looks away. The only reason he’d be remotely worried—he knows something.
Imogen helping Violet. Violet bonded to Tairn. Ohh shit.
“Aon? Is Tairn and Sgaeyl are mates?”
“Yes. They have a bond.” He answers.
“Then Violet and Xaden are somehow connected too?” I have my suspicions.
“Yes. They have a bond through their dragons.” He answers. “But it’s not an emotional one, little one.” He adds silently.
Then it means Garrick knows Violet’s fate is tethered to Xaden’s.
My gaze snaps to Xaden, and my chest tightens. So. Freaking. Beautiful. Apparently my body doesn’t care that he’s as dangerous as they come in the quadrant, because heat rushes through my veins, flushing my skin.
He’s using a dagger to peel an apple, removing the rind in one long curl, and the blade continues its path as his eyes lift, locking with mine.
My whole head tingles.
Gods, is there any part of my body that doesn’t physically react to the sight of him?
He glances toward Imogen and back to me, and that’s all it takes for me to know for certain. He’s ordered her to help train Violet. Xaden Riorson is now in the business of keeping his mortal enemy alive.
A few hours later, after the squads are rearranged and the death roll is read, all the first-year riders in Fourth Wing stand in our newly issued flight leathers, waiting in front of our dragons on the flight field.
We were the smallest squad, it was logical to disband us. I don’t know why, but fortunately Liam, Ethan and I was assigned to Fourth Wing, Flame Section, Second squad. It’s Violet’s squad. Our squad’s second- and third-years went into the same squad too. I don’t complain. I’m glad that we’re still together. So now it’s our first flight lesson as a member of a new squad.
The uniform is thicker than our usual one, with a full jacket I’ve buttoned over my dragon-scale armor. And unlike our regular uniforms, whatever we choose them to be, flight leathers bear no insignia besides our rank at our shoulder and any leadership designation. No names. No patches. Nothing that could give us away if we’re separated from our dragons behind enemy lines. Just a lot of sheaths for weapons.
I try not to think about possibly fighting in the war effort one day and focus on the organized chaos evolving on the flight field this morning. I can’t miss the way the other cadets look at Tairn or the wide berth the other dragons give him. Honestly, if I had those teeth bared at me, I’d back away, too.
„No you wouldn’t, because you didn’t. You stayed and defended your friend.” Aon’s voice fills my head as he stands next to Tairn, and I can tell from his tone there are places he’d rather be.
“Only because there was a lot going on at the moment,” I respond.
“I don’t think so. Now pay attention!” He ends the discussion.
I roll my eyes but focus on what Kaori is saying from the center of the field. His hand is up, using common lesser magic to project his voice so we can all hear.
God help us when Ridoc figures out how to do that. I bite back a smile, knowing he’ll find some way to annoy the shit out of every rider in the quadrant, not just his squad.
“…and at only ninety-two riders, you are our smallest class to date.”
My shoulders dip. “I thought a hundred and one were willing to bond, plus you and Tairn?”
“Willing doesn’t mean they found worthy riders,” Aon answers. “You’re worthy. At least I think you are, but you apparently don’t pay attention in class.” He chuffs and a warm puff of steam blasts the back of my neck.
“There are forty-one unbonded riders who would kill to be standing where you are,” Kaori continues. “And your dragons know that your bond is at its weakest point right now, so if you fall, if you fail, there’s a good chance your dragon might let you if it thinks the unbonded will be a better choice.”
“Comforting,” I mutter.
Aon makes a noise that reminds me of a scoff.
“Now, we’re going to mount, then follow a series of specific maneuvers your dragons already know. Your orders are simple today. Stay in your seat,” Kaori finishes. Then he turns and breaks into a sprint, racing the dozen feet toward his dragon’s foreleg and making the vertical climb to mount.
Just like the last obstacle on the Gauntlet.
I sprint up the same way and I navigate Aon’s spikes to find the seat. My tighs ache a little from yesterday, but it’s bearable. I grip the pommel. Okay, I’m ready.
Kaori’s dragon launches into the sky.
“Hold tight.”
I feel as Aon crouches a millisecond before he hurls us skyward. The wind tears at my eyes as my stomach falls away, and I risk holding on with one hand to lower my flight goggles. Immediate relief.
“We had to go third?” I ask Aon as we fly out of the canyon and higher into the mountain range. I get it now, why I didn’t see the dragons training often even though I’ve basically grown up at Basgiath. The only people around us are other riders.
“I only agreed to follow Smachd because his rider is your instructor. Tairn should be the first.”
“So you’re an in-front kind of guy. Good to know. Remind me to spend some time at temple so I can make multiple appeals to Dunne.” I keep my focus on Kaori, watching for when the maneuvers will start.
“The goddess of strength and war?” Aon clearly scoffs this time.
“What, dragons don’t think we need the gods on our side?” Shit, it’s cold up here. My gloved hands tighten on the pommel.
“Dragons pay no heed to your puny gods.”
Kaori banks right, and Aon follows suit, leading us into a steep dive down the face of one of the peaks. I clench with my legs to remain in the seat.
We go into another climb and even a near-spiral of a turn, and I can’t help but notice that he’s taking everything Kaori is doing and making it harder. The same as Tairn.
“Why did you make it harder?” I ask. “It’s our first flight lesson, I don’t want to fall off.”
“You won’t. I chose you, now trust me. Unless you’d rather be scraped off the glacier below like Gleann’s rider back there?”
I whip my head around to look, but all I see is Aon’s tail swinging, his massive spikes blocking the view.
“Don’t look.”
“We already lost a rider?” My throat knots.
“Gleann chose poorly. He never bonds strongly anyway.”
At least I can hold my seat. It’s not that bad.
As soon as I think this, I see Violet as he falls off from Tairn.
“Violet!” I shout without thinking.
“Don’t worry. Tairn will catch her.” Aon says.
“What? But I thought the dragons never catch the newly bonded riders.”
Then I see Tairn’s claws catch her. He climbs high, then tosses her again, his back rises to meet her falling bottom. I sigh with relief as she takes her seat. She’s safe.
“Worry about yourself, little one. You have a lot to learn. Leave your friend to Tairn.”
I try to concentrate, but I can’t help and notice as Violet falls again.
And again.
And again.
Shit. We have to figure something out.
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writergirl35 · 10 months
Whatever You Want Part 1
Liam Mairi X Female Reader
I found the lack of Liam Mairi content on this platform disturbing so I made one myself.
Summary: You and Liam have a friends with benefits thing going. But will your fear or falling for him split you up?
Warning(s): Illusions to smut, minor angst, female reader, use of y/n, y/l/n
You awoke to the rhythmic thumping of his heart, the warm skin beneath your cheek. Soft. Steady. Comforting. You inhale, allowing his scent to wash over you, and wrap you in complete serenity. The fresh, sharp, slightly minty smell of pine engulfs you. You smirk as you shift your gaze over to the carving Liam made of your green scorpiontail, Sorcha. He smells like the wood he uses to carve his figures. He smells like safety, like home. Liam shifts slightly, pulling you closer to him. You chuckle as he presses his lips to the exposed skin of your neck. “Morning gorgeous.” He mumbles against you, causing you to shiver with delight and anticipation. “Morning,” you reply as you angle your lips to meet his in a sweet and gentle kiss. Liam pulls away with a grin. “I guess our first sleepover was a success.” He teases, as he begins to trail kisses down your neck. You smile before you reply, lacing your fingers through his blond hair. Like silk. “I’d say so.” Liam’s kisses begin to travel lower, across your collarbone, between your breasts. “Round…” Liam quirks a suggestive eyebrow. ‘What would it be? 5? Or 6?” He grins as his blue eyes meet yours with an intensity that simultaneously heats you while goosebumps erupt across your body. You and Liam have been sleeping together for a few weeks now. It started simple enough. You were attracted to each other, and in the rider’s quadrant, you never know which day will be your last. After surviving Threshing and bonding with your dragons you and Liam chose to celebrate…with each other. You began to celebrate more and more. Your nights together began to blur into the day. Eating together, sparring together, studying together. Spending time with Liam was slowly becoming one of the best parts of your day. And your friends have noticed. Between the dirty jokes from Ridoc and the endless questions from Violet and Rhiannon, you and Liam constantly have to explain your relationship. “No, it’s not like that. We’re just sleeping together.” has been a sentence that you’ve repeated so many times. And now he’s here. In your bedroom. You’ve never spent the night in each other’s rooms. You both agreed that it was too intimate. But after last night’s… activities, he was too tired and too comfortable to even think about leaving your bed. Leaving you. “I wish.” you groan, caressing his cheek, enjoying the way his skin colored beneath your touch. “We have to get to breakfast before anyone notices we’re missing.” Liam huffs as he rolls away from you. Oh Gods. The blanket that kept you both warm last night is draped across his hips, exposing every delicious inch of his toned, muscular chest. Liam leans against the pillows, stretching his arms up and over his head before interlocking his fingers and resting his head back against them. The muscles in his abdomen tighten and flex. “That is not fair.” You groan as you pull a shirt over your head. “What?” He asks, a mischievous grin pulling at his lips. “I really hate you Liam Mairi,” you reply as you toss his shirt to him. You tug your pants up. Acutely aware of Liam’s eyes on you. Tracking your movements. “No, you don’t.” Liam’s grin turns into a genuine smile. Everything in you is telling you to give in. Allow yourself to be lost in him. Consumed in him. Like you were last night. No. You shake the thought away. You will not allow yourself to fall for him. To fall for him, and lose him… you couldn’t bear it. “Liam,” you turn to him as he gets dressed. “You have to go.” Liam’s brow furrows in confusion. “Before our friends see us together.” You clarify as you finish weaving the strands of your hair into a French braid.
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hook-and-chains · 2 years
"Dad, daddy, pappa... by any chance... did someone, I don't know, someone STUPID gave you a small coupon with my name in it??"
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"Hello, dear... yes, I dealt with a most unsavory trespasser within my domain. Was an insistent one... he ran off after giving me one of my keystones he stole from me and this piece of paper. He tried to think this was enough to gain access to the Relics. I assume it is something you created? Here I thought it was something he tried to fool me with..."
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justallihere · 4 months
I wanted to reply this to your stop comparing Dain and Tamlin post BUT we got a little long there.
This! People also forget that he was very well taught that Xaden and the rest were bad. Even Vi didn't trust him at first. He was being tortured on the reg, he also has a signet, that lets be real if he was anyone elses kid, would no doubt have been a straight death setence. But lets be real the second he turned his back on his fam/beliefs, he'd be killed for it. We also only get two povs. Vi's and Xadens. Dain knows what this school is like. He has seen it kill people, and given we learn signets are based on what people needs and vi is all about learning/knowing/knowledge, its safe to say he was worried about what she'd manifest signet wise.
Then we get to the other bit people are always stuck on, saying he wouldn't have helped her during threshing. He's just accussed his wing leader of breaking the rules, someone as far as he knows can't be trusted, of course he isn't then going to turn around and admit to someone who can kill him, that oh yea i'd totes do it for her. As for Amber, she was perhaps his closest friend in that whole entire war college, he was hurt that she could have hurt vi, didnt believe she could do something like that, and yea he was a dick when he tried to see for himself, but come on the guy is grieving, let him make mistakes.
And i love Liam and i hate that he's dead, reading it gutted me, hearing the graphic audio, was worse, don't do it. But Dain did what he thought was right. He's been raised on so much hate around the reblion kids that he accidentally sees shit and tells his dad because who wouldn't its not like he told his dad, oh btw go do this and kill them lol.
Dain betrayed his country for Vi. He refused to read her mind the first time, in IF, and who knows what they did to him for that, and helped when he activily realized A. he's been lied to his whole life, and B. his actions directly caused the death of a pretty cool dude. He activily worked to change. What the heck did Tamlin do? Oh right, locked her away, refused to listen to her, treat her as an equal, train her, and then belitted her in front of high lords. Dain would never.
All very good points! Dain is basically still a child. He’s been indoctrinated his whole life to act, think, and behave a certain way. It doesn’t in any way make him right, or excuse his behavior, or absolve him of responsibility for the mistakes he made and the consequences of his actions, but he admitted he was wrong and made a concerted effort to make things right. Tamlin was just an abuser, even if you ignore the fact that he’s way too old and should have known and been better.
Also I really like your point that Dain may have been worried about what type of signet Violet would manifest! Given he toes the line of having a power that would probably get someone else killed, of course he would be terrified that his best friend might end up with something similar or worse.
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wingedshadowfan · 11 months
what if violet's power, when amplified by her emotions, is so strong that xaden can't shield from her sometimes and that's why there were these instances (after threshing) where he would reply to something she hadn't said out loud, or at least she didn't think she had - because it reached him past his shields - and he's not an inntinnsic reading her thoughts (i hate that theory with a burning passion!), it's all attacking him the same way tairn and sgaeyl's little escapade affected both him and violet
and even if not, i think she was in such a state of shock after being attacked in her sleep specifically, that she actually said i am alive out loud without realizing
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nariko-senpai · 8 months
There are multiple reasons why I love The Hunger Games movies, but I can't be bothered to name them all here, so one of the reasons is the relationship between Rue and Thresh.
In the book, Thresh and Rue don't have any interactions that we know of, but we do know that Thresh must've cared about her on some level because of his reaction when he heard Clove said she was dead. It's really well done in the book, where Thresh asks Katniss if she's dead and Katniss replies saying yes, I killed the guy that killed her and sang her to death plus district 11 gave me bread. Thresh then spares her life and essentially takes on Cato to spare Katniss and Peeta since he probably knew Cato was gonna hunt them down.
That's all very nice and all, BUT THE MOVIE ADDS ONE SCENE THAT I LOVE.
In the movie, there's a scene that isn't in the book where Cato starts a fight with some boy from another district (idk which one), saying that random boy stole his knife. They argue over disappearing knife, other guy saying he didn't take it. QUE RUE HIDING ABOVE THE MONKEY BARS TWIRLING CATO'S KNIFE IN HER HAND AS SHE WATCHES THE FIGHT. That shows how crafty, smart and quick Rue is, but below her, THRESH IS QUIETLY LAUGHING AND SHAKING HIS HEAD AT RUE LIKE A BIG BROTHER. 😭
It's such a small scene, but I think it adds so much depth to Rue and Thresh's relationship and is a reason why I like the movie.
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pynkhues · 2 months
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To your beacon in the gloom. Interview with the Vampire. Lestat x Louis. NC-17. 13k words.
A year after Louis and Lestat reunite, they're still figuring it out. Daniel calls it out, Louis tries to move them forwards, and maybe they just fuck instead.
If Louis were to muse on it, which he does, despite himself, often, he’d say there was something carnal to the act of it. Something to harvesting your life, reaping your memories, threshing those moments of significance, of truth, of honesty from the thick crop of day-to-day mundanity, to pass on to a man who intends to make something of it. Off it. To take these things that have spent more than a lifetime growing in the fecund soil of you to cut, to cook, to plate up and serve for a ravenous public to devour.
Fruitage, preparation, consumption where Louis found himself both deft handed with Daniel, and deftly handled by him, a part of the art for once, instead of the purveyor of it, something neither Armand nor even Lestat had been able to give him. The businessman in him shed for the first time in what felt a millennia to leave only the man – brother, father, lover, vampire, and for a short while, simply human.
Which is all to say he perhaps should’ve expected it – Daniel’s newly assumed authority on the subject of his life. The space those two weeks in Dubai, those 15 sessions of remembrance and revelation created between the two (three? Four?) of them. An intimacy Louis finds to be both shallowly presumed and deeply, startlingly real.
“No,” Louis replies as the question Daniel has just floated into his head cuts across the music playing in the other room, closing the book in his lap. “There’s nothing left to bury but the memories of her, and I ain’t interested in doing that.”
“Don’t think of it as a funeral then, think of it as a memorial, hell, a vigil - - these things are ceremonial, they’re symbolic, and most importantly, they’re for the living.”
“I have my time with her,” Louis says, rising to slip the book – Robert Stalnaker’s seminal Mere Possibilities: Metaphysical Foundations of Modal Semantics – back to its place on the shelf in his newly renovated reading room, his interest already having waned.
Instead, he briefly wonders where Daniel is – still on tour for the book, that much he knows, a string of literary festivals across the South Pacific. He vaguely recalls mentions of Ubud and Auckland – but that thought passes too. Distance seems fleeting when they can close it now so simply after Armand’s petulant punishment.
“You know that. You’ve seen the room I’ve made for her and Paul here.”
“The difference, Louis, is a service is a place to share grief, not internalize it, and if you and Lestat are living together again - - ”
“We’re not,” Louis says quickly, too quickly, maybe, because Daniel somehow manages to scoff through the mind connection.
“You know I can hear both of your thoughts, right?”
Louis rolls his eyes, running a taloned finger along the spines that populate his bookshelf. No more philosophy tonight, he thinks. It’s trying his patience. 
“So he comes over sometimes,” he says, plucking out a copy of Paul Beatty’s The Sellout, and turning it over to read the blurb.
“He’s playing a piano at your penthouse right now, and correct me if I’m wrong, Louis, but you never had the musical acumen, which means not only is he playing it, but one of you moved an 800 pound upright past a swarm of pissed off vampires, building security, and up 83 floors to put it there.”
Read it on ao3 here.
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bigjuice34 · 7 months
Private Affair (Year One)
Chapter Six
A/N: We are so back. Please let me know your thoughts!
Word Count: 8.1k
“All dragon breeds have different temperaments,” Professor Kaori stated while glancing around the room full of cadets. “It’s important to keep such differences in mind when approaching specific breeds during Threshing.”
“What happens if we approach a certain breed incorrectly?” A female cadet sitting at a table to Freya’s left asked, earning some scoffs from others in their class. Freya exhaled.
“No one has lived to tell the tale,” Kaori replied simply, then nodded toward the centre of the circled table closest to him. Soon enough, an illusion of an Orange Daggertail, much smaller than the actual dragon would be, appeared in the middle of each table. “Orange Dragons are the most unpredictable of the breeds. They are extremely risky. This one here is an Orange willing to bond during Threshing.”
Some cadets shared what they knew about Orange dragons before the image changed to a Brown dragon. Freya wrote down what Kaori said about each breed of dragon despite being well-versed on the topic, having come from a family of riders herself. There was always an opportunity to learn more, Freya thought.
Kaori went on to show a Red dragon and started a discussion on them. Then, eventually, the image changed to a Green Morningstartail, making Freya do a double-take before feeling herself go stiff.
“That’s the Green that was at the citadel on Conscription Day,” someone in the room spoke up, but Freya didn’t bother looking at them. Her focus remained on the illusion of Caden’s dragon displayed before her.
“Correct,” Kaori said. “This particular Green is one of the largest and most cunning of that colour I’ve seen in years. He is of Uaineloidsig lineage, making him remarkably intelligent, and he’s the only known Green Morningstartail that has been in service during the last few decades. That tail of his alone is an incredibly deadly weapon. Factor in the other traits I’ve listed, and it’s easy to assume this is one dragon you don’t want to be on the wrong side of.”
“Is he one of the dragons bonding this year?” A male cadet asked from the other side of the room.
“When was the last time he was in service?” Another cadet questioned from the table next to Freya’s. Still, she didn’t take her eyes off the dragon.
“Dìo hasn’t been in service for three years,” Kaori answered. “It’s unclear if he will be bonding this year. He wasn’t before Conscription Day, but from what I’ve heard, that may change. His last rider was a rebellion leader.”
Several gasps sounded around the room, followed by murmuring as people discussed what they’d just learned.
Freya took a deep breath, trying her best not to let her feelings get to her as she tugged on a loose thread of the material she used to wrap her left wrist. It’d been two weeks since Nolon mended it for her, she had begun sparring again, but her wrist still ached and the wrap helped. Freya made sure no one saw her with the wrap though, and always took it off before Gym. Only people she trusted knew her wrist was still bothering her a bit.
Eventually, Freya moved her gaze from the illusion and glanced at the table to her right. Xaden and Garrick were already looking at her, concern prominent on their faces.
“Do you want to leave?” Xaden mouthed to her.
“We’ll go with you,” Garrick did the same. Freya appreciated their offer but shook her head no.
“I’ll be fine,” she whispered, unintentionally gaining the attention of those sitting at her table. Nova and Bennett looked at her questionably and waited for her to elaborate. Freya sighed. However, another cadet spoke up before she could say anything to them.
“Was he the Green bonded to Caden Tarlor?”
Freya immediately snapped her gaze to the female cadet who asked the question and couldn’t help but glare when she saw it was Amber Mavis. People began muttering and whispering again.
Even before the rebellion, the Tarlor’s were known and respected around Navarre for having so many powerful riders. It didn’t surprise Freya that people knew of her family. However, the rebellion ripped the Tarlor family name to shreds, and Freya carried that burden. Nonetheless, she knew her family best and would always protect them.
“That would make sense with how the only person it seemingly didn’t want to burn at the citadel was Tarlor’s little sister,” Alic, a cadet from Second Wing said. It wasn’t long before all eyes were on Freya.
She glanced around the room at those looking at her, a hard and unreadable expression on her face as her gaze trailed from one end to the other, but Freya stayed silent.
“Everyone, that’s not what this class is about,” Kaori cleared his throat, bringing some attention back to him. “We’re not here to point fingers, we’re here to be educated. Freya, you do not have to comment on the topic.”
“No, I will,” Freya stated, then took a deep breath.
Kaori nodded.
“The Tarlor family has a long lineage of impressive riders. I’m sure many in this class could learn a lot about dragons from you, Freya. The floor is yours.”
Freya remained silent momentarily, considering her words, but straightened her posture once she felt many eyes on her again.
“Thank you, Professor Kaori. I grew up surrounded by dragons. At least one grandparent from each side, three uncles, an aunt, my parents and my older brother were all riders. That being said, I learned how these creatures worked from a distance, as none were mine to associate with. Dìo was my brother’s dragon. If there’s anything I learned from Caden about the greens is that you must never back down from them. A Green will challenge you. If one approaches you, be patient. Show submission as you wait for their approval or else you’ll never be deemed worthy to them.”
“Precisely,” Kaori spoke before anyone else could. “A few greens are willing to bond this year, this is crucial information to know for those approached by one, including Dìo if he does decide to bond.”
“It’s forbidden for a dragon to bond a relative of a past rider, right?” Amber asked, not even looking at Freya or showing that she listened to anything said.
“Typically, yes,” Kaori answered. “However, the dragons have their own system of law. We do not interfere with it.”
“That’s why none of the rebellion dragons were destroyed,” Bennett stated from their spot next to Freya. “Not that they should’ve been. But, it was up to the dragons how the ones who lost rebellion riders and lived through it were punished. The people of Navarre had no part in that.”
“That’s correct,” Kaori replied before the image in the middle of the tables changed to a massive Blue Daggertail. “This is the only Blue that has agreed to bond this year. Her Daggertail makes her one of the rarest types of blues. Would you like to share what you know about the blues, Freya?”
Freya exhaled, then nodded.
“They’re ruthless and intimidating,” she declared. “There is no proper way to approach a Blue. It’s probably best that you don’t. If one chooses you, let them have control over the situation.”
“What makes you such an expert, Tarlor?” Alic sneered. “Why are we listening to a separatist’s kid, anyway?”
Freya took a breath to remain calm. She didn’t know Alic well or much about him other than that he was King Tauri’s middle son. That fact, however, Freya kept to herself. Xaden told her who he was, but she didn’t lead on like he was of any notoriety. To her, he was just a pompous asshole and a bully.
“The Vale lost two blue dragons following the rebellion. They were a mated pair. The male was a Daggertail, the female a Scorpiontail. Their bonded riders were my parents. However, the dragons didn’t die during the rebellion. It was after. My father’s dragon, the Scorpiontail, died within 24 hours of my family’s execution. The Daggertail fell soon after.”
After her spiel, Freya glanced at Xaden. Had he not shared everything he knew about what happened to her parents’ dragons with her, she probably wouldn’t have a better understanding of just how strong the bond between dragon and human could be.
“This is a significant example of the strength of a rider’s and mated pair bonds,” Kaori took over. “We all know if a dragon dies, so will its rider. However, occasionally, a rider’s death causes a dragon’s demise. This doesn’t always happen, though. A mated pair of dragons bonded to a married couple is a perfect situation on paper. However, as unfortunate as it is, if one falls it’s likely they all will.”
Murmurs erupted from around the room, but otherwise, class carried on. Freya noticed the way some cadets continued looking at her as if they were studying her. Others would speak quietly to someone beside them, and then both would glance in Freya’s direction.
Despite her calm and reserved exterior for the remainder of the lecture, Freya felt the opposite internally. She didn’t mind sharing what she knew about dragons and was aware that confidently doing so showed the other cadets she was educated on the topic. However, everyone knowing about Caden’s dragon had her on edge. Freya knew she’d have to be on high alert going forward.
Once the bell tolled and the class was dismissed, Freya already had her things gathered and was one of the first up from her desk. However, she didn’t even reach the door before she was stopped.
“Freya, do you mind staying back for a moment?” Kaori asked just as she was about to put her hand on the doorknob.
“Uhm, yeah I can do that,” Freya replied awkwardly as she adjusted the strap of her satchel on her shoulder. She received some looks from other cadets as they passed by her to leave, and then her eyes landed on her two guys as they approached. “You two go. I’ll see you at Lunch. I know you both want to wait, but you should go.”
“Freya,” Xaden immediately started protesting. “Don’t do this.”
“Do what?”
“Push us away.”
Freya blinked at him surprised. Was that what she was doing?
“That class wasn’t easy, Fern,” Xaden justified. “Are you okay?”
“I will be,” Freya responded, then exhaled. “I appreciate you checking in and worrying, Xaden. But, Kaori just wants to talk to me. I’ll be fine.”
“She’s right,” Garrick spoke up. “Nothing bad will happen, Xaden. We’ll see you soon, Fray.”
With that, Garrick started pulling Xaden toward the door. Freya mouthed a quick thank you to him, he understood that there were some things she wanted to do on her own without them. Then she looked at Xaden and nodded, sending him a reassuring smile before Garrick got him out the door.
Once the door closed, Freya moved her gaze to the right and saw Nova and Bennett waiting nearby.
“We’ll wait for you,” Nova said. “If that’s ok.”
“Sounds good,” Freya replied, smiling. She felt she could spend some time with them before spending lunch with Xaden and Garrick.
Once the room was clear, Freya took a deep breath and approached Kaori’s desk.
“You wanted to speak with me, Professor?”
“Yes,” he said and leaned against his desk. “I wanted to thank you for your contribution to today's lecture.”
“Oh, it was nothing,” Freya replied. “I’ve learned a lot about dragons over the years, I was just sharing what I knew.”
“There are cadets here that could learn a lot from you. Given who your family is, it’s no surprise you’re as knowledgable as you are.”
“Yeah, unfortunately, who my family is makes my time here a lot more difficult than it originally could’ve been, though.”
“Not necessarily,” Kaori stated. “The members of your family were some of the greatest riders Navarre has ever seen. Your parents were well-respected and powerful. Your brother, Caden, was of the same calibre.”
“And we all know how that ended up for them,” Freya said, then dropped her gaze as she fiddled with the wrap on her wrist again.
“Your parents and Caden were good people, Freya. I know the rebellion makes that hard for a lot of people to believe, but it doesn’t change all the good they did before. Your parents were incredible leaders, they helped a lot of people. Your brother was just like them and saved so many people being the mender he was. I see a lot of all three of them in you. I’m not the only one who does either”
Freya was speechless and shook her head as she processed what was said to her.
“It’s not too often I hear compliments about my family nowadays.”
“I can see why that may be,” Kaori explained. “The rebellion is a touchy subject to many, but it doesn’t change everything that came before it.”
“I guess you’re right,” Freya nodded in agreement. “Thank you, Professor.”
“The pleasure has been all mine, Freya. Now go enjoy your lunch.”
With that, Freya nodded and went on her way. She joined Nova and Bennett again, and then the three of them exited into the hallway.
“So, that was interesting,” Bennett was the first to break the silence between the three of them.
“I didn’t realize that Green from Conscription Day was your brother’s dragon,” Nova said as she glanced to where Freya walked between her and Bennett.
“Yeah, it was,” Freya responded softly.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t think it was a detail everyone needed to know. Kind of like how you decided not to tell us about your brother.”
There was an unintentionally hostile tone to Freya’s voice and her eyes widened as soon as the words left her mouth. She didn’t mean to snap at Nova. Following what happened after Freya had her wrist mended and she learned that Nova and Nathan were siblings, the two girls were fine. The next day they talked it through and Freya understood where Nova was coming from with not wanting people to know her brother was a wingleader as it brought unwanted attention. Nova took a few days after that to feel she trusted Bennett enough to share, which was also a feeling Freya knew all too well.
Freya had no harsh feelings toward her friend, but the weight of what happened during class had finally caught up to her.
“Nova, I’m sorry,” Freya apologized. “That was uncalled for.”
“I appreciate the apology,” Nova responded. “It’s alright, though. That class put a lot of strain on you.”
“It’s not alright. Yes, that lecture sucked, but it’s not your fault and I shouldn’t take it out on you just because I’m frustrated.”
Nova nodded, showing appreciation for Freya’s words as they rounded a corner.
“Speaking of Nathan, have you talked to him?”
“Not a chance,” Freya stated. “I have nothing to say to him.”
“Right, you just stare at him longingly whenever he’s near,” Bennett remarked, making Freya scoff.
“I do not!”
“If it’s not my brother, she’s busy looking at Xaden,” Nova teased then nudged Freya with her shoulder. “You should talk to him, though.”
“Are you saying that as Nathan’s sister or as my friend?” Freya asked skeptically.
Nova shrugged.
“Maybe it’s both.”
Freya shook her head in response and remained silent as they entered the gathering hall. It didn’t take long for her gaze to fall on Xaden and Garrick sitting at their usual table.
“We’ll see you in Gym?’ Bennett asked, regaining Freya’s attention.
“Oh, yeah,” Freya replied. “See you two later.”
The other two went to grab a table together while Freya went up to get her lunch. She always sat with her guys during meals, which Nova and Bennett never tried to interfere with.
There wasn’t much of a line to get food seeing as most cadets had already been served their lunch, which Freya didn’t mind since she was getting rather hungry. After she had her food, Freya went to turn around and make her way to sit with Xaden and Garrick but accidentally ran into someone in the process.
“Sorry,” Freya gasped as she quickly tried to prevent anything from falling off her tray without looking up at the person standing in front of her. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“It’s alright, Freya,” the man spoke, making Freya’s breath hitch as her gaze shot upward and met a familiar pair of golden brown eyes. Nathan looked back at her with an unreadable expression until his eyes flickered down to where her left hand was holding the apple that almost fell off her tray. “Your wrist is still wrapped.”
“Yeah, it is,” she grumbled and swiftly tugged down the sleeve of her shirt so the wrap wouldn’t be seen by anyone else.
“Does it still hurt?”
“Why do you care? I thought I asked you to leave me alone.”
“It was just a question,” Nathan replied simply.
“Whatever,” Freya told him then went to walk around him and continue towards the table, but Nathan stopped her by gently grabbing her arm. Freya immediately tightened her jaw and turned to face him again. “You’re not going to make a scene here in front of everyone, are you?”
“No, I’m not.”
“Then what do you want?”
Nathan inhaled deeply.
“Meet me tonight after curfew,” he started. “Just after curfew. By the bottom of the steps under the citadel.”
“What makes you-,” Freya went to reply but stopped herself when Nathan turned away from her and walked away. She stood there watching him go, glaring at his back for a moment before continuing on her way. As she walked, Freya glanced over at where Nova and Bennett sat and didn’t miss how Nova bit down on her bottom lip to keep herself from grinning too wide, obviously entertained by the interaction she just watched. Freya just shook her head then set her tray on the table and stepped over the bench to sit across from Xaden, next to Garrick. “Hey.”
“Hey, how was talking to Kaori?” Garrick asked.
“It was fine,” Freya replied then took a bite out of her sandwich. “He thanked me for my part in the lecture. What are you two talking about?”
Neither of them noticed her run-in with Nathan, and Freya wanted to keep their topic of conversation off of that if she could.
“A few things,” Xaden said and lowered his voice. “Today is our first real day of challenges. While I was out last night, I was wandering the halls where the professors meet; I saw a list posted. It was all of today’s matchups for sparring.”
“Wait, it’s not random?” Freya asked, confused. “I mean, I guess I shouldn’t say I’m surprised.”
“It’s probably a way for them to weed people out and show the weak ones,” Garrick explained.
“Did you see who we were against?” She questioned.
“Yeah,” Xaden answered. “Garrick is against a guy from First Wing.”
“What about us?”
“Each other.”
Freya’s eyes widened.
“Oh,” she said, then let her gaze fall to her tray.
“Fern, I’m not going to hurt you,” Xaden stated. “I would never.”
“I know that, Xaden. It’s just- it feels like a setup. Everyone knows who we are and who our parents were. It’s like they’re trying to send a message by putting us against each other on the first day. If a list was posted, it’s been decided that we’d be opponents for some time now.”
“I feel like it’s impossible to get any type of leverage in this place,” Garrick groaned. “We feel like we’re one step ahead only to be pushed two steps back all because of these relics. Two other marked ones are against each other too.”
Freya glanced at her friend and nodded, completely understanding how he felt. Then she started thinking about something the three of them discussed a few days prior.
“I think we need to do what I suggested the other night,” she started. “A meeting or something similar with all of us. Marked ones. We lost Warner the other day because of pure negligence. It could’ve been avoided. Some of those here with us don’t know what we know about dragons or combat and could use our help. You’re responsible for all of us, Xaden. I know it’s risky, but we have to do something. We need to look out for our own.”
Xaden observed Freya as she spoke and when her green eyes met his dark ones after she finished talking, he nodded.
“You’re right,” he responded. “I like your idea of a meeting. It’d have to be after curfew because if we get caught, it won’t be good. I don’t know where, though.”
“What about under the citadel?” Garrick suggested. “Down in the valley by the river. It’s not too far and if we give proper directions, I don’t think anyone would get lost. When we were down there yesterday I noticed a massive boulder and some oak trees around a bend. Those trees would be good for coverage if we thought someone was coming. What about there?”
Freya and Xaden immediately looked at each other again. They both knew what trees and boulder Garrick was referring to, it was where the two of them had met during their first night at Basgiath. Freya couldn’t help but think of what happened the last time she and Xaden were there but shook her head so she could stay focused on the topic.
“I think that could work,” Freya agreed. “But when? It should probably be sooner than later with today being our first day of challenges. Gauntlet Training is going to come up quickly too.”
“I think tonight,” Xaden replied.
“You ready?” Garrick asked as Freya handed him the last of the four daggers she had crossed the parapet with. Xaden had done the same. They weren’t going to use any weapons against each other during their sparring match.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Freya responded, then glanced at the crowd gathering around the mat. She and Xaden gained a bit of an audience of other cadets and riders wanting to watch the showdown between two marked ones.
“You’ll be fine, Fray.”
“Tarlor and Riorson, go ahead,” Professor Emetterio spoke up, then nodded at the two to get into position.
“Here we go,” Xaden muttered then turned so he could lead the way onto the mat.
With a deep breath, Freya followed Xaden then stopped and got into a fighting stance when he turned to face her again. This wasn’t the first time the two of them sparred against one other. Growing up, they play-fought and trained together all the time. Where Xaden was larger and stronger, Freya made up for it with her speed and agility. She was an extremely skilled fighter, but so was Xaden and they knew each other's moves.
Murmurs and whispers sounded from those closely watching them, but Freya kept her gaze on her best friend, easily blocking them out. She was about to attack first but then noticed Xaden glancing down at her left wrist, which was unwrapped so it wouldn’t seem like it was still bothering her to those watching. It was a quick and subtle glance, but Freya didn’t miss it and she knew he was already planning on being mindful of her injury.
“Don’t go easy on me now, Riorson,” she said, then smirked when Xaden shook his head.
“Have I ever gone easy on you?” He asked, quirking an eyebrow at her.
Freya chuckled.
“No, but I won our last matchup. I’m expecting you to want this one back.”
“That’s true. Let’s see if there’s anything new you’ve learned over the last three years.”
With that, Xaden took the first swing. Freya dodged it by crouching out of the way but didn’t miss how close he’d gotten to almost making contact when a whoosh sounded above her head. She felt her French braid hit her back, falling with her sudden movement and immediately regretted not braiding her hair into a crown. Although she knew her long hair didn’t matter while in combat against her best friend, Freya got very annoyed when it got in her way.
Although it felt longer, only a few seconds had gone by since Xaden struck first and Freya used her crouching position to her advantage by kicking her left leg out and trying to sweep his feet out from under him. Xaden lept over the attack with ease.
“Going to have to be quicker than that,” Xaden taunted, a smug smile tugging at his mouth.
“Oh, I’m just getting started,” Freya replied as she stood straight, then took a quick breath before charging at him. She started with a series of punches, which Xaden mostly dodged or blocked, but she still managed to get a few good hits in.
Xaden began retaliating and Freya was finding it gradually more difficult to keep up with his fast and calculated moves. She knew she had to do something to knock him down a peg and quickly. After she dodged another one of his kicks, Xaden swung at her with his right fist. Freya reacted by reaching across in front of her body and grabbing his wrist with her right hand to prevent him from making any contact. She then spun to her left and brought her knee up as she completed an almost 360-degree spin, quickly because she was taking no chances having her back to Xaden for long, before extending her leg and kicking him firmly in the chest.
Freya let go of Xaden’s wrist and watched as he stumbled backward, the wind knocked out of him, before he stopped and looked at her with wide eyes then shook his head.
“Nice move,” he said then charged at her again.
“Thanks,” Freya replied then blocked another one of his hits.
The two of them continued battling for a few moments making it evident to everyone watching that they weren’t only great fighters, but also evenly matched against one another. Freya could feel herself growing tired, but she knew she had to keep going. She got another good kick on Xaden’s exposed side as he blocked her incoming fist, then responded by faking a right hook toward her. Freya ducked out of the way again without realizing he had no intention of hitting her, which was what Xaden wanted. Instead of completing a punch, he ducked too and swiftly landed the same move she had tried on him earlier, sweeping her feet out from beneath her with his leg and watching as she fell back onto the mat.
Freya groaned at the impact but had to quickly recollect herself because Xaden was already coming at her again. She rolled out of the way of his attack, but he didn’t let her get very far. He grabbed her leg and pulled her back toward him then climbed over her into a straddling position so he could reach for her left arm and twist it behind her back. Freya inhaled sharply at the searing pain that came from where Xaden gripped her previously broken wrist, making him freeze slightly. He immediately let go of her wrist and debated his next move while Freya took the opportunity to roll onto her back and bring her knee to his groin area.
Xaden’s face scrunched in pain as he fell forward but prevented himself from landing on Freya by placing his hands next to her shoulders on the mat, holding himself mere inches above her.
“Finish this, Freya,” he whispered to her, only loud enough that she could hear. Freya looked at him like he was crazy for saying such a thing, but the hard gaze coming from those onyx eyes told her that he meant business. “Now.”
Without another thought, she wrapped her hands around the elbow of Xaden’s right arm and pulled to bring his shoulder crashing down to the mat. Freya then raised her left knee again, lifting his right thigh and continued pulling at his elbow. The move allowed her to roll the two of them over so that she could be the one straddling him instead.
Once on top of her best friend, Freya elbowed his gut, not too hard, mainly for show and Xaden played along. He groaned in fake pain rather convincingly, but Freya knew better. Still, she wasted no time pinning his arms down to the mat, his arms bent so that his hands were next to his shoulders, then stopped and Xaden didn’t fight back.
The two of them stared at each other, both panting as they tried to catch their breath. Their fight was over.
“What a show,” Emetterio stated and loudly clapped his hands together. “Now that, right there, are two of the best fighters I’ve seen so far in this group of cadets. The rest of you could learn a lot from what you just watched. Next up we have-.”
Emetterio continued talking, but Freya and Xaden’s eyes were still on each other. Freya let go of Xaden’s wrists and let her arms fall to her sides as she took another deep breath. Xaden did the same, and Freya felt tingles when his hands brushed her thighs in the process. Her heart started to race when his right hand didn’t move from where he placed it just above her left knee, then squeezed it, making Freya blush slightly.
“Why did you let me win?” Freya whispered before climbing off of Xaden, then held out her hand to help him up too. She needed to no longer be in the position of straddling his waist.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Xaden replied with a smirk as he took her hand and they both stood.
“I can’t stand you sometimes.”
“We both know that’s a lie.”
Freya rolled her eyes as Xaden nudged her with his shoulder then let him lead the way as they headed off the mat back to where Garrick was waiting for them. After taking a few steps, Freya looked up at everyone who was still watching them for the first time since her match with Xaden began. The way people were looking at her ranged from awe to glares of envy, but she was unphased until her gaze met a familiar pair of eyes observing her intently from within the crowd. It was Nathan.
The two of them held each other’s gaze as Freya continued making her way off the mat until she brushed shoulders with Nova, who was next up sparring against a male cadet.
“The tension between you two,” Nova muttered so that only Freya could hear, making her freeze.
“Me and Xaden?” Freya asked and stood with Nova as the male cadet stretched, then glanced toward Nathan again, who was talking to Finn. “Or…”
“Both of them.”
Nova chuckled.
“I think if I had to pick a team out of the two, you know who I’d have to be loyal to,” she teased, making Freya roll her eyes again. “But Xaden seems alright too and is your best friend so I can respect it.”
“Good thing it doesn’t matter because there’s nothing like that with either of them,” Freya grumbled.
“Sure, Freya. Real convincing.”
Freya’s mouth fell open in shock at that response, which made Nova laugh again. However, before Freya could say anything, Nova’s opponent spoke up.
“Are you two done talking?” He asked. “This matchup is already going to be a waste of my time with how easy it’ll be. Let's get it over with.”
Freya raised her eyebrows, surprised at his words, then looked at Nova again.
“Embarrass him.”
“Oh, I will,” Nova replied simply, then stepped further onto the mat while Freya walked off.
Once off the mat, she was met with Garrick looking at her with an amused expression as he handed her daggers back.
“Say nothing,” she hissed, knowing his amusement was because of what happened between her and Xaden on the mat.
“I’m not saying anything,” he chuckled, then winked at her. “But that was something.”
“I hope you lose your matchup.”
“I won’t.”
Freya huffed in annoyance, which made Garrick laugh even more. A moment later, Xaden joined them, coming back from wherever he’d gone off, and then they all turned to watch Nova make a complete fool out of her opponent.
Later that night, Freya was lying awake in bed, trying to get her timing right. It was maybe half an hour after curfew, and she’d told Amira, whom she’d gotten to know better since meeting on Assessment Day and the other female marked ones about meeting in the valley below the citadel an hour after curfew. Xaden and Garrick were taking care of telling the boys. Freya didn’t get the chance to tell the girls what the meeting was for, but when she explained it was just marked ones, they seemed less hesitant to take part, seemingly comforted by the thought that it was all people like them. It made Freya happy because that’s what the meeting was for, so they could all help one another.
However, Nathan was waiting for her to talk, and she somehow needed to ensure that didn’t crossover with the illegal meeting of all the marked ones she helped plan.
With a deep breath, Freya sat up and quietly put her boots on. She slipped Caden’s dagger into her left boot once it was tied, always having it on hand in case she needed it, then grabbed her cloak to throw on. Her movements were quick and stealthy, and she thought she was in the clear to start sneaking out until a whisper sounded from nearby.
“Tell Nathan I said hi,” Nova said from where she lay in her bunk. Freya immediately whipped around to look in her direction, and even though she couldn’t see through the dark, she was sure Nova was smiling.
“He told you we were meeting?” Freya asked, keeping her voice low.
“No, but I saw the two of you talk at lunch and figured that might be why you’re sneaking out after curfew again. Seems like your thing when it comes to him and Xaden.”
“I’m not going to entertain what you’re implying because we’re just going to talk.”
“I’m not implying anything. You’re assuming I am,” Nova countered. “Either way, please go easy on him, Freya. I may sound biased in saying this, but he means well. He doesn’t let people in easily, but with you, he’s different. I don’t know what that means yet or why that’s the case, but regardless, he’s a good guy, and you bring something out of him I haven’t seen in a long time.”
Freya couldn’t help but smile at Nova’s words but quickly shook her head so she didn’t read too much into anything.
“If I thought he had any ill intent, I wouldn’t be sneaking out to meet up with him,” she stated. “But I should get going. I’ve already made him wait longer than I intended to.”
“I expect to hear all about it tomorrow.”
Freya shook her head again, smiling as she finished putting her cloak on, then quickly and quietly snuck out of the dorms.
She snuck through the courtyard and down the steps with ease. She’d gotten quite good at making her way around after curfew without getting caught but remained on high alert because she never knew who also might be out.
The moon was bright, which helped illuminate Freya’s path, but it was incredibly hot. She regretted wearing something as heavy as her cloak, but the cloak was needed when it came to blending in with her dark surroundings and concealing her identity.
Once she reached the bottom of the steps into the valley, Freya looked around for a sign of Nathan being nearby but didn’t see anyone. She took a few more steps, still not seeing anything that indicated he might be there and thought that maybe he got tired of waiting for her and left. However, Freya was soon met by a strong breeze that blew the hood of her cloak down and whipped her hair around which she knew had to be caused by Nathan and his signet.
“I wasn’t sure you were going to show,” he said, then stepped out from the shadows, also wearing a cloak.
“I debated not coming,” Freya replied. “But you didn’t leave me much of a choice.”
Nathan’s eyebrows furrowed at that.
“You always have a choice with me, Freya. After the last time we talked, I wouldn’t have blamed you for still not wanting anything to do with me.”
Freya inhaled deeply, then exhaled.
“Everyone has their reasons to keep secrets and just because that happens doesn’t mean it’s despite anyone else. Sometimes it’s out of care and respect for someone or something and there’s no intended maliciousness. In your case, you were protecting your little sister and not wanting to put a target on her back. I can respect that. You and I don’t really know each other, Nathan, and I wasn’t entitled to know such a thing. However, now that I do know, I have no intention to betray Nova’s trust or friendship. I haven’t told anyone.”
“Not even Riorson or Tavis?” Nathan asked.
“No, not even them,” Freya explained. “It’s not for me to tell and although I trust those two with my life, it’s not something they need to hear from me.”
“You’ve got a pretty interesting perspective on secrets, I must say.”
Freya shrugged.
“Secrets are nothing new to me. As much as they can hurt sometimes, there’s often a bigger picture to look at when they come to the surface. The truth can be more painful. There’s a difference between flat-out lying and withholding information that could shake someone's world. The only downfall is that secrets rarely stay hidden forever. They usually come out and a lot of the time, it would’ve been easier if there was no secret-keeping in the first place.”
Nathan nodded in understanding, then stepped toward her. “You sound like you’re speaking from experience. Not that I’m prying, just an observation.”
“Yeah,” Freya started. “When you have a family that took part in a rebellion, that tends to happen.”
“Now, why is it you wanted me to meet you out here?”
Nathan’s gaze fell to the ground briefly, but he quickly recomposed himself and looked back at Freya, his eyes seemingly sparkling in the moonlight.
“I was hoping we could talk,” he told her.
“About anything in particular?” Freya questioned.
“Not really. I just missed talking with you. You’re good company, Freya.”
Freya couldn’t help but smile at his words because although they’d only just met the day before their fight, she enjoyed his company too and had also missed talking to him. There was just something gravitating about Nathan that continued pulling her no matter how hard she tried to ignore it.
“Lead the way and let’s talk.”
With that, Nathan nodded again, then turned and started walking toward the nearby river. Freya followed and soon fell in step with him as the bell tower tolled in the distance, indicating the start of a new hour.
“You were incredible on the mat today,” Nathan said after a few moments of walking in silence. “I wasn’t expecting to see such a good matchup between two first years.”
“Thanks,” Freya responded. “Xaden and I have been sparring with each other our entire lives so that also wasn’t anything new.”
“The two of you grew up together?”
“Yeah, we’re both from Aretia. My parents and his father were very close friends before we were born, which led to us becoming inseparable. He’s my best friend. I don’t know life without him.”
In the moonlight, Freya was able to see how Nathan’s jaw stiffened as she talked about how fond she was of Xaden.
“I see,” he uttered bitterly without making eye contact with her, which made her smirk. He was jealous, that much was evident and Freya wanted to teasingly call him out on it. However, she noticed they were approaching the bend that led to the trees the marled ones would be meeting under soon. Her eyes widened in realization and she knew she quickly had to wrap their conversation up and prevent him from seeing the others. “Riorson’s lucky to have you in his corner.”
Freya racked her brain for things she could say that would potentially make him want to stop talking to her but hated the idea of pushing him away. She enjoyed being with him, but she couldn’t risk him finding out about her and all of the marked ones meeting when it was her idea to do it in the first place. She had to protect her own.
“Is that jealousy I hear?” Freya asked, not knowing what else she could end their conversation without changing the topic entirely. Maybe if she called him out, he’d get angry and leave. “Because it sounds like you might be jealous, Nathan.”
At that, Nathan stopped and turned to face her.
“Maybe I am. Like I’ve said before, there’s something about you. I can’t say I’m too thrilled about another guy having so much of your attention when I want it. I want to get to know you, Freya. I wasn’t lying when I said you fascinate me.”
Freya blinked in surprise. That was not what she was expecting him to say, but his words made her feel endeared. She liked him too.
“Nathan, I-,” Freya started but cut herself off when the wind picked up again and Nathan’s posture went stiff. “What is it?”
“Someone’s coming,” he stated, then grabbed Freya’s hand and started leading her toward a nearby tree to hide behind. “Come on.”
Freya didn’t ask questions and followed his lead, not speaking again until they were behind the tree.
“Do you know who it is?”
“No, but they're coming from various directions. There’s more than one.”
It wasn’t until then Freya noticed she was still holding Nathan’s hand and she gulped as she let go of it, then turned to face him. Nervousness took over her because either he’d soon see the marked one's meeting, or they’d be met by others who may not be so forgiving seeing the two of them out after curfew together.
“Nathan, we should go,” she said in a shaky whisper. She didn’t want to lie to him, but she had to do something.
“Hey, I’m not going to let them see you,” he assured, then reached up to delicately tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, just like Xaden always did. The gesture made Freya feel like her stomach did a flip and suddenly she felt even more guilty for not being honest with him. “I promise.”
“I believe you but-.”
Before she could finish her sentence, two voices became clearer in the distance and her heart dropped at whose voices they were. A moment later, Xaden and Garrick came into view. Nathan watched them looking puzzled.
“Is that your friends?”
“Y-yes,” Freya stammered, then watched her two best friends walk by. After they were a bit further away, she looked up at Nathan and saw that his expression hardened.
“Did you tell them we were meeting?” He asked, his voice much colder than it had been moments prior. “Is this some sort of setup?”
“No, I didn’t! I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“Then why are they talking about where you are?”
Freya took a shaky breath. Although she couldn’t make out Xaden and Garrick’s conversation, she knew Nathan could because of the wind. She worried about what would happen if he saw the others.
“They’re waiting for me,” she admitted.
“Did you agree to meet with me hoping you’d get information just to take back to them?” Nathan questioned.
“It isn’t like that! You have to believe me.”
“Then what is it like, Freya?”
“Watch and you’ll see,” she whispered, hoping she’d be able to do damage control when he saw what was about to happen.
Gradually, pairs of more cloaked figures made their way past where Nathan and Freya were hiding. They all made their way toward where Xaden and Garrick had gone and in the distance, Freya could see them gathering under that one tree. There were eight of them, she was the ninth. After a few moments, she spoke up again.
“They’re all marked ones,” Nathan replied, his tone still cold and firm. Gone was the guy she wanted to get to know better, suddenly replaced with a harsh wingleader again. “This needs to be reported, what they’re doing is illegal.”
He went to step around Freya, but she quickly stepped in front of him and shook her head.
“I can’t let you do that.”
“What do you mean you can’t, are you defending those people?”
“You’re seeming to forget that I am one of ‘those people,’” Freya replied firmly. Something about the way she referred to the marked ones as ‘those people’ rubbed her the wrong way and it showed.
“Freya, I didn’t mean it like that,” Nathan explained, picking up on how her demeanour changed.
“Then what did you mean? Because to me, it seems you’re just like everyone else here thinking we should be treated differently because of the relics we have. That our families getting executed in front of our eyes wasn’t enough. We still pose a major threat for what they did.”
“No, I don’t think that at all. You and the other marked ones have been painted so poorly to the rest of Navarre since the rebellion ended. I’m not saying that makes it ok or that I agree with how you get treated because of your family’s part in it all, but it’s been ingrained in our minds. I’m sorry. I was just caught off guard.”
“I believe you,” Freya replied because she did believe him. She didn’t think he meant her any harm because of her relic. “I promise we’re not doing anything bad. I know we’re not supposed to meet because Melgren can’t see the outcome when we do, but the reason we’re meeting is so we can help one another. Whether that be with studying or in combat, these people are my own and I want them to make it through this college. I owe it to them to watch out for and help them where I can. The odds are already so stacked against us, it’s the least I can do.”
Nathan watched her intently, then shook his head, making her heart drop once again.
“Nathan, please keep this secret to yourself. I know that’s asking for a lot from a wingleader and at the end of the day, it’d make sense for you to report this, but I really hope you don’t. You’re not like the others here. I feel like I can trust you. But if it comes down to it, I will take the fall to protect everyone standing over there when it comes to this. It was my idea that we meet up in secret, no one else’s. Xaden, Garrick and I worked together to make it happen, but I was the one who suggested it. Please, Nathan.”
“I won’t say anything,” Nathan responded after a moment of silence, making Freya let out a sigh of relief. “What you’re doing is admirable, Freya. I believe what you’re saying.”
“Thank you, thank you. I just- I need to look out for them.”
“I understand, and there’s no need to thank me. I can hear them talking right now and it’s lining up with everything you’ve said. You should go, though. They’re waiting for you.”
Freya smiled and nodded, not being able to help the tears welling in her eyes at how sweet and understanding Nathan was being. He didn’t have to be, but she greatly appreciated it and had a gut feeling she wouldn’t regret trusting him. Without giving her next actions a second thought, she stepped closer to him, linked their hands together again then stood on her tip-toes to place a peck on his cheek.
“Thank you,” she said again, then moved back and put her hood up again. “Goodnight, Nathan.”
“Goodnight, Freya,” he replied, then watched her run off toward the others.
Nathan observed the group for a few minutes, listening in the wind to Freya apologizing for being late then immediately helping explain the purpose of all of them meeting in secret. She hadn’t lied and Nathan didn’t feel a need to eavesdrop. Freya trusted him with this secret and he wasn’t going to betray that trust. So, he turned on his heel and headed back toward the steps leading up to the citadel, letting his mind wander to the tingly feeling on his cheek from where she kissed him.
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callsign-rogueone · 7 months
our girl - d.a + x.r.
Dain Aetos x reader x Xaden Riorson You and Xaden have been hooking up for a while now, but Threshing throws a wrench (and another person) into your relationship. [request] words: 2.5k (went a little overboard lol, this dynamic was so fun to think about) 🏷: FOURTH WING AND IRON FLAME SPOILERS. NSFW at the end. she/her reader. I did this one a little differently; a full scene with dialogue, and then headcanons about what the relationship would be like (sfw, nsfw + angst; I apologize in advance…) banner made by user cafekitsune!
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You dismount, managing to land on your feet. Maybe the gauntlet had been good practice after all, and not just a form of torture. The flight field is slowly filling in with dragons and their chosen riders. Dain is standing next to you with a massive red daggertail. Nice.
Your two dragons look at each other, and for a moment you’re worried they’re going to start a fight, but they just bump heads softly. They’re… friends?
Then Dain’s dragon turns toward you, looking you in the eye, and you freeze, holding completely still as it sniffs you. You must pass inspection, because he pulls back after a few seconds, satisfied, but you don’t dare move, your heart still pounding.
“Relax, girl. I will not hurt you.”
You startle at the second voice speaking to you, stumbling back in shock. A shimmering red string has appeared beside the soft blue one you share with Lann. You tug on it gently, and Dain’s eyes snap toward you, having felt the pull.
“They’re mated.”
“Smart boy,” Cath purrs.
You’re still trying to get used to having another being speaking in your head, hearing your every thought, but now you have two?
You don’t have time to complain about it before Xaden comes running toward you.
Both Lann and Cath stand taller, flaring their nostrils. Cath looks like he’s contemplating how Xaden would taste.
Xaden comes to a stop a few yards away, not wanting to provoke them. It’s easy enough for him to put it together, seeing Dain standing behind you with the mated pair. “Is this some kind of joke?”
Cath blows a puff of foul-smelling steam at Xaden in warning. “Tell him to watch his tone.” 
You don’t.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” Xaden says, a look in his eye you’ve never seen before; pure anger.
You take a step back, bumping into Lann’s foreleg. She curls her neck down, placing her head between your body and Xaden’s. You’ve only been bonded all of ten minutes, but she’s already willing to protect you with her life.
“It wasn’t her fault,” Dain challenges, crossing his arms. “Nor is it mine.” 
Your stomach flips. You’d never expected that Dain would be the one defending you here.
“I should gut you before the bond gets any stronger,” Xaden threatens. What is he so mad for?
“You of all people should know that the consequences can be dire. You won’t risk her life in that way.”
“What the hell are the two of you talking about?” You ask, but they don’t answer, too busy threatening each other.
“Human males and their arguing,” Lann sighs. “Were they dragons, they’d fight to the death and the victor would keep you.”
“That remains a possibility,” you reply quietly, still watching the two of them. Xaden certainly looks like he’s contemplating murder right now. 
“I could just incinerate him, but Sgaeyl would have my head if I did,” Cath muses, sounding bored. “And you seem attached.”
You turn to glare at him. “Not funny.”
“Threats from someone your size are only humorous,” Cath replies, still watching the two men argue.
“Like it or not, Riorson, she’s my responsibility now,” Dain says firmly. What is that supposed to mean? Why does Dain care all of a sudden if you live or die?
“Do not forget that you have a voice in this matter, too,” Lann adds.
She’s right.
“Quit it, both of you!” You interrupt before they can come to blows, and both boys turn toward you, quieting. “Stop talking about me like I’m not even here!”
Their eyes soften.
“Darling, I didn’t mean-“ Xaden begins.
You cross your arms over your chest, glaring up at the boy. “I’m not done,” you say, and he falls silent. “Dain’s right; neither of us asked for this, but it happened, and there’s no changing it now. I know you two hate each other, but I will not have you two fighting over me like I’m some kind of object. Neither of you have any claim to me. I’m not your girlfriend, and even if I was, you still don’t own me. I’m an adult, I can make my own decisions and keep myself safe.”
Neither of them respond, silent and guilty as your words settle in.
“And that is why I chose you,” Lann says proudly.
You ignore the compliment, stepping away from her and turning to leave, swiping the tears from your cheeks.
“I apologize, shrewd one.”
“It’s okay,” you say quietly. “You didn’t know.”
“Professor Kaori?” You ask quietly. “Can I ask you a few questions?”
He already knows why you’re here. “I heard about you and Aetos. Cath and Lann have been mated for nearly two centuries. Their bond is strong.”
“Have you known many other pairs like them?”
“A few,” he answers. “Dragons can live for millennia. Unlike us, they do not fall in love at age twenty, and they are quite selective with their partner. It is a lifelong commitment for them, and not one they take lightly.”
“And their riders?” You ask, holding your breath.
“A pair at Montserrat, who are now married, and another pair who regard each other like blood sisters.” 
He doesn’t mention anyone like you and Dain, who hardly know each other and don’t really care to.
“I‘ll make this clear with you, cadet, as you need to know this and accept it; you and Aetos will be stuck together until the end of your days. The four of you must exist as a functional unit. The grief of one of your deaths may be enough to end you all.”
Your eyes widen. So that’s why Xaden had been so pissed.
“You are both excellent students who will undoubtedly become skilled riders,” Kaori says. “Get to know each other in the coming weeks, and settle your differences sooner than later. The health of your relationship, even if it remains strictly professional, is vital.”
You thank him quietly, heading back to your room. You don’t have time to stew over the news; you have assignments due tomorrow.
Two hours pass. You’ve just finished proofreading your essay when there’s a knock on the door.
Dain and Xaden. You motion for them to come in, knowing that the two of them together outside your door will look deeply suspicious to any passerby. 
“What the fuck do you two want?”
Xaden nods at Dain, motioning for him to talk.
“We discussed it, and we realized you’re right. We’re just going to have to deal with this, and there’s no use in us fighting about it.”
Xaden speaks next. “You’ve proven that you can handle yourself, but we both still want to protect you. We care for you deeply, and that’s not going to change. We’re declaring a truce.”
“Whose idea was that?” You ask, wary.
“His,” Dain answers. Interesting. 
You look to Xaden. “And you’re fine with this,” you say, motioning between you and Dain, “that we’ll be able to speak directly to each other, that we can’t be apart for more than a few days, that we’re going to be stationed together for life?”
“Yes. I trust him not to hurt you, if only because his life is now tied to yours.”
That’s high praise coming from Riorson, who doesn’t fully trust anyone. You don’t dare ask why he feels this way.
“As you said,” Xaden continues, the tone of his voice making your heart flutter, “I hold no claim to you. You remain your own person, no matter how strongly I feel for you or how many nights we have spent together. The decision lies with you.”
“Dain?” You ask. 
He’s been silent, watching you with a softness in his eyes. He’d never taken a good look at you before, never appreciated how beautiful you are. “If he’s okay with it, and you are, then I am too.”
You’d never felt compassion for Dain, never cared if he lived or died, but now you’re overwhelmed with a sense that you need to protect him — to guard that little red string until your last breath. “I care for both of you as well. You’re both good men, who are important to me, and I’d like to have you remain in my life, if you promise to play nicely.”
You extend a pinky to each of them.
Dain looks confused.
“She doesn’t fuck around with pinky promises. This might as well be a blood oath for her,” Xaden explains, interlocking your fingers — this isn’t new to him.
Dain reaches forward, the warmth of his skin against yours sending a wave of soothing energy through you.
“Are you going to make us pinky promise each other too?” He asks playfully, the first joke you’ve ever heard him crack.
Xaden is unamused. “Don’t push it, Aetos.”
You giggle at his barely-restrained contempt. This is gonna be fun.
Most of the quadrant know that yours and Dain’s dragons are mated, and that messing with one of the four of you means invoking the wrath of the other three. For the first time since conscription day, you can walk the halls alone without fearing for your life.
Nobody is aware of Xaden’s role in the relationship, and he prefers to keep it that way — it keeps the target off your back, and this way nobody can say that he’s giving you special treatment or shame you for having two partners. Garrick is the only person who knows about all of this, and he’s sworn to secrecy (that had certainly been an interesting conversation to have).
Xaden may not declare his feelings for you publicly, but he and Sgaeyl are always watching your back, ready to jump in should Dain not be there or should things get out of his control.
The two act generally indifferent to each other, but their love of you is enough for them to behave when you’re around.
They find a good balance between treating you like a princess and pushing you to be the best you can be, letting you do your own work and prepare yourself for what’s to come after graduation. 
The first time you felt Lann and Cath going at it was... interesting.
Xaden knew that this would happen eventually, having felt the same feeling before from Tairn and Sgaeyl. He had warned you days prior that the overwhelming need could lead you astray easily, but that he wouldn’t be mad if you and Dain acted on it.
And act you did. You became addicted to Dain’s touch as soon as you felt it, not wanting it to be a one-time thing, and that’s when the three of you decided that the boys would share you.
We all know Xaden is possessive. He used to call you “my girl” when it was just the two of you hooking up, but now you’re their girl.
“Aww, is our pretty girl needy?”
“I think our girl deserves a reward for being so good.”
Dain is shy at first, but he works up the confidence to start teasing you through the bond. He loves to watch you squirm from across the room as his voice speaks directly into your mind, telling you how hot you looked sparring, what he’s going to do to you tonight…
Xaden does something similar, his shadows brushing your arms and neck, sometimes even slipping under your clothes to touch your body when he can’t, giving soft caresses to your back and waist, but he’ll never take it too far — just enough to make you want his hands on you instead. 
They’re competitive as hell. They’ll tag team you, taking turns to see who can make you cum harder/faster. Your personal record is six times in one night, three apiece before you nearly passed out. They declared a tie, putting aside their egos to care for their sweet girl who had taken it all so well for them.
Sometimes you get both of them at once, and it’s a little overwhelming but so so good. Making out with one while the other is on his knees for you, or one holding your hand and telling you how pretty you look while the other pounds you into the mattress…
The two of them together are the ultimate brat taming combo, with Dain’s strictness and Xaden’s strength. If you give them attitude, get too cozy with another rider, purposely put yourself in danger, or neglect to take care of yourself (overworking, skipping meals, not getting enough sleep…), you’ll have some consequences to face when you’re back behind closed doors that night.
Xaden will tie your hands behind your back with his shadows, Dain edging you until you cry and apologize, promising that you’ll never break their rules again (but you inevitably do, and then they have to teach you your lesson all over again, hehe)
Despite how rough they can be with you, they always take incredibly good care of you afterward, staying to clean you up and hold you close, reminding you how much they love you.
You’re always in the middle when cuddling afterward, as they refuse to touch each other more than absolutely necessary, but you don’t complain, just happy to be held and fall asleep safe between your two strong men 🥰
and now some angst, because that’s what I do:
When you and Dain came back from RSC, bloody and limp, Xaden took care of both of you, finally showing some love to Dain and taking pity on him, helping bandage his wounds and wash the dried blood from his skin.
Eventually Xaden starts distancing himself from the two of you, worried that Dain will read his memories either on purpose or by accident, and find out about his dealings with the gryphon fliers, which you have no idea about.
He plays it off as being busy with third year / wingleader stuff, and you and Dain don’t think anything of it; Xaden has always been withdrawn, never the type to share his thoughts unprompted, and he likes to spend time alone.
When Violet bonds with Tairn at threshing, you realize how Xaden had felt when he realized you and Dain were tied together, only you were less angry and more sad. 
You knew this would happen, that Tairn would have to choose a rider eventually, but it still hurt you deeply. Dain held you all night, whispering sweet things to you while you cried and promising that he would never ever leave you.
You decide to rip the bandage off first, finding Xaden alone a few days later and telling him that for the sake of all four of you and your dragons, this should end here.
He agreed quietly, giving you one last kiss and holding you for a few minutes before finally letting go. 
When Basgiath found out about the revolution, about everything going on beyond the wards, the two of you didn’t hesitate to follow Xaden to Aretia — he may no longer be yours, but you still love him and would gladly fight by his side until the end of your days. 💔
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