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quantumspacetime · 2 years ago
thoughts on making our loved ones feel loved
this is a friendly reminder that there is a big difference between loving someone and making sure that they feel loved.
learn the right way to love the people around you, and your efforts will not go to waste; learn their love languages to make sure that they feel your love.
just some Sunday musings coupled with some elevator music from your hug-dealer tito ༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ hugs to keep you warm!
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emodiversity · 22 days ago
i downloaded tumblr again because i feel like i have so much to say and nowhere to put it all but i haven’t done the whole tumblr thing in so long that i’m used to other social medias where i’m in Constant Fear of my irls and friends seeing my posts so i am Stuck
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frowney-miau · 1 year ago
some radio news ago: Artificial Intelligence (ai) is used in some immorally way so to speak
concerns raised about ai
still, ai is a tool
whatever a human does or humans (or any other lifeforms) do with the tool, consequence(s) follow(s)
eg.: with the help of an artificial intelligence this sentence was autocorrected because I misspelled.
or with the help of an ai John Lennon's lyrics were restored
or (worst case scenario as given in the radio news)
quoted from memory: "with the help of an ai a terminator-like war could be started.."
even after writing this short paragraph, I am startled with the announcer' s or writer's ignorance of facts.
{sarcastic:} so, bravo and hallejuha, or something like that, to any other or further propaganda-like news caster(s).
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mir-magazine · 1 year ago
Cara Mudah Menulis "Review"
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MIRMAGZ.com - Menulis review adalah cara yang baik untuk memberikan pandangan Anda tentang produk, layanan, atau pengalaman tertentu kepada orang lain. Dalam menulis review, pastikan Anda memberikan informasi yang berguna, jujur, dan fokus pada topik yang relevan. Dalam menulis review, fokus pada detail-detail yang relevan dan membantu pembaca membuat keputusan yang tepat. Tinjau produk atau layanan dari berbagai sudut pandang dan pertimbangkan kebutuhan dan preferensi pembaca.
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Ada beberapa alasan mengapa seseorang memotivasi untuk menulis review, antara lain: - Berbagi pengalaman: Menulis review bisa menjadi cara yang baik untuk berbagi pengalaman Anda dengan orang lain. Anda dapat memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain yang ingin membeli produk atau menggunakan layanan yang sama dengan yang Anda gunakan. - Meningkatkan kualitas produk atau layanan: Dengan menulis review, Anda dapat memberikan umpan balik kepada produsen atau penyedia layanan tentang kelebihan dan kekurangan produk atau layanan. Umpan balik ini dapat membantu produsen atau penyedia layanan meningkatkan kualitas produk atau layanan mereka dan memberikan pengalaman yang lebih baik bagi pelanggan. - Meningkatkan kepercayaan diri: Menulis review dapat membantu Anda merasa lebih percaya diri dalam membuat keputusan. Dengan membagikan pengalaman Anda, Anda dapat membantu orang lain membuat keputusan yang tepat dan memilih produk atau layanan yang tepat untuk mereka. - Meningkatkan reputasi: Menulis review dapat membantu Anda membangun reputasi sebagai ahli dalam bidang tertentu. Jika Anda sering menulis review tentang topik tertentu dan memberikan umpan balik yang berkualitas, Anda dapat membangun reputasi yang baik dan menjadi sumber informasi yang dapat diandalkan bagi orang lain. - Mendapatkan manfaat lain: Beberapa bisnis menawarkan insentif kepada pelanggan yang menulis review tentang produk atau layanan mereka. Insentif ini bisa berupa diskon, poin hadiah, atau produk gratis. Jadi, menulis review juga dapat memberikan manfaat lain bagi Anda. Berikut adalah beberapa pandangan umum tentang cara menulis review yang baik: - Jelaskan pengalaman Anda secara jujur. Jangan menipu atau memberikan pandangan yang salah. Berikan informasi yang benar dan sesuai dengan pengalaman Anda sendiri. - Fokus pada detail yang relevan. Berikan informasi yang berguna bagi orang yang membaca review Anda. Anda bisa memulai dengan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan seperti: apa yang Anda sukai atau tidak sukai, kualitas produk atau layanan, pengalaman pelayanan, atau kepuasan pelanggan. - Hindari bahasa yang kasar atau ofensif. Pastikan gaya penulisan Anda sopan dan mudah dipahami. Review yang terlalu berlebihan atau bahasa kasar tidak akan membantu membentuk opini positif tentang produk atau layanan yang Anda review. - Jangan lupa berikan rekomendasi. Apakah Anda merekomendasikan produk atau layanan tersebut kepada orang lain? Jelaskan mengapa Anda merekomendasikan atau tidak merekomendasikan. - Akhirnya, tetap fokus pada topik yang relevan. Pastikan review Anda sesuai dengan topik yang sedang dibahas dan hindari membahas topik yang tidak relevan atau tidak berkaitan. Untuk memahami detail yang relevan dalam menulis review, pertimbangkan faktor-faktor berikut: - Tujuan produk atau layanan: Pertimbangkan tujuan dari produk atau layanan yang Anda review. Apakah itu memecahkan masalah tertentu? Meningkatkan efisiensi? Memberikan pengalaman yang menyenangkan? Fokus pada detail yang menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini. - Fitur dan spesifikasi: Perhatikan fitur dan spesifikasi produk atau layanan. Jelaskan kelebihan dan kekurangan dari setiap fitur dan bagaimana mereka membantu atau mengganggu penggunaan produk atau layanan. - Kualitas: Perhatikan kualitas produk atau layanan. Apakah itu tahan lama? Apakah itu memberikan hasil yang diharapkan? Fokus pada detail kualitas untuk membantu membentuk opini pembaca tentang produk atau layanan. - Harga: Tinjau harga produk atau layanan. Apakah itu sesuai dengan nilai yang diberikan? Apakah itu terjangkau? Apakah itu sepadan dengan biaya? Pertimbangkan faktor harga dalam membentuk pandangan Anda tentang produk atau layanan yang Anda review. - Pengalaman pengguna/pembaca: Berikan pandangan tentang pengalaman pengguna Anda dengan produk atau layanan. Jelaskan bagaimana produk atau layanan tersebut digunakan, dan apakah mudah atau sulit digunakan. Berikan informasi tentang kinerja, keamanan, kemudahan penggunaan, dan kenyamanan. Dalam kesimpulannya, menulis review adalah kegiatan yang bermanfaat untuk membantu orang lain dalam membuat keputusan yang tepat dalam memilih produk atau layanan. Menulis review juga dapat membantu produsen atau penyedia layanan meningkatkan kualitas produk atau layanan mereka, dan membantu Anda membangun reputasi sebagai sumber informasi yang dapat diandalkan. Dalam menulis review, penting untuk memberikan informasi yang jujur dan berguna bagi pembaca. Tinjau produk atau layanan dari berbagai sudut pandang, dan berikan detail yang relevan dan membantu pembaca membuat keputusan yang tepat. Fokus pada kelebihan dan kekurangan produk atau layanan, kualitas, fitur dan spesifikasi, harga, serta pengalaman pengguna. Dalam menulis review, hindari menggunakan bahasa yang kasar atau merendahkan. Berikan umpan balik yang konstruktif dan membantu untuk memperbaiki produk atau layanan. Ingatlah bahwa review Anda dapat mempengaruhi keputusan orang lain, sehingga pastikan untuk memberikan informasi yang akurat dan berguna bagi pembaca. Dengan memahami cara menulis review yang baik dan memberikan informasi yang berguna, Anda dapat membantu orang lain dalam membuat keputusan yang tepat, serta membantu produsen atau penyedia layanan meningkatkan kualitas produk atau layanan mereka. Read the full article
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months ago
Nodding in realisation. Right. They cant have made the arbora at least, TOOO furry/scalie nonhuman. Cause moon has to fuck one. Lol.
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piggyintheflesh · 9 months ago
what are your thoughtson lou ugly dolls? asking for a friend.
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linkspooky · 1 year ago
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Chouijn X, Chapter 38: Opium Thoughts
One of the longest and most eventful Choujin X chapters in awhile. There is a lot of worldbuilding to go through, and everything from the title of the chapter to the facts we learn about Zora’s backstory and how Chouijn powers work tie into some pretty heavy nihilism themes once again. Finally, we learn a lot about the Choujin X and how it could connect to both Azuma and Tokio as characters. 
1. The Opium of the People
Nietzsche famously rejected the religion, because of the values he believed it instilled in the public. 
“Religion is the opium of the people. It is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of our soulless conditions.”
He wrote in his projected but never finished A contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s philosophy. Nietzsche’s critique on religion wasn’t really about whether or not god exists, but rather the effect christian values had on society as a whole.  
Christianity in Nietzsche’s account, emerged in the late roman empire in minds of timid slaves who lacked the stomach to get hold of what they really wanted and so it clung to a philosophy that made a virtue of their cowardice. He called this sklavenmoral (slave morality). 
It’s a recurring theme in nietzsche’s work, particularly in the first essay of his book On the genealogy of morality. Nietzsche believed that Christianity invented a moral system, to justify their own powerless in their society and unwillingness to go after what they wanted in life. Slave morality is based on resentiment - devaluing what the master values but the slave does not have.  Sexlessness turned into purity, weakness became goodness, submission became obedience, and not being able to take revenge forgiveness. 
In opposition to this slave morality was master morality, the morality of the strong willed. If slave morality is instilled in the masses by christianity, then master morality is created by one self. Master morality puts selfishness and pursuing one’s goals even above the so-called common good, something that Nietzsche doesn’t villify but rather encourages. 
"The noble type of man experiences itself as determining values; it does not need approval; it judges, 'what is harmful to me is harmful in itself'; it knows itself to be that which first accords honour to things; it is value-creating."
Nietzsche, Werke in Dre Banden. 
One final lesson before connecting this to Choujin X, Nietzsche describing christanity as “opium” is important, because opium is famously a drug that people get addicted to, to avoid pain like morphine. 
Nietzsche avoided all narcotics and alcohol on top of that. He hated alcohol for the same reasons he scorned christianity, both of them numb pain, both encourage us to be fine with our lives for now instead of changing it for the better. Nietzsche encouraged people to never avoid pain and instead confront it head on. 
“How little you know of human happiness - you comfortable people. The secret of a fulfilled life is live dangerously, build your cities on the slopes of mount vesuvius.”
You can make a connection to Nietzsche’s aversion of narcotics, and the exposition this chapter that both Queem and Zora became opium addicts in order to deal with the pain of constant transformation, regeneraing wounds, and healing during their war against one another. 
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Nietzsche belives the aversion to pain, and numbing yourself down will prevent you from living a fulfilled life, because pain is essential to life. In the story, Zora’s opium addiction is linked as a key cause for the slow loss of her own humanity. 
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Which is why drugs are bad, kids! 
2. Tokio vs. Azuma
There are pretty significant leaps for Tokio in terms of character development in this chapter. For the first time Tokio wants to confront Zora head on and talk to her to answer her question, rather than avoiding it or running away from it like they did in their first conversation. 
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Tokio also shows clear doubt in front of the current prophet / diviner of Yamato Mori. When she tries to tell him that Zora’s powers no longer function and there’s no point in speaking to her, Tokio’s pause indicates that he doesn’t fully trust that statement. 
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This is clearly development on Tokio’s part, because in nietzschian philosophy accepting the decisions or morality of a higher power than yourself is what leads to complacency, whereas discovering your own morals and thinking for yourself helps you become a better person. The story even advocates for Tokio questioning the people above him as a sign of his growth. 
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While Yamato Mori isn’t really shown to be an oppressive organization yet, there are some indiations that it might not be a good thing joining a collective group of Choujin all following law and order. At some point in the story we may explore the point of view of the opposite side, Batista and his allies who seem to be pursuing their own selfish goals instead of using their powers for the greater good. 
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Either way, both of the prophets so far seem extremely dubious / untrustworthy, because in Nietzschian philosophy submission to a higher religious authority = bad. Zora is a cult leader who’s massacred her followers, and Tsukiko Mado ordered Sandek to do something as heinous as kill his own brother... and we don’t fully know if she’s being honest about Zora’s powers no longer functioning. 
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This is just an aside, but for Tokyo Ghoul fans, Azuma is giving serious Arima vibes in this panel where Ely talks about how he’s currently been bringing in the law-breakers nonstop. Azama’s chouin power, is unsubtly a pair of handcuffs around his wrists connected to chains. Azuma’s current character reminds me a lot of one of my favorite discussions about Arima from Tokyo Ghoul: re. Fura pointing out that it’s not a good thing, that Arima flawlessly carries out orders like a machine without much struggle over his actions. 
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At this point Azuma has integrated into Yamato Mori like a well-oiled machine, whereas Tokio is struggling on the outside of things and bouting the people around him. He’s also, once again to reference this Fura scene, extremely bothered by the death that’s happened around him. 
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Tokio even rejects the poppy seed operation in front of everyone else, even though he’s not someone who really has the authority to do so. 
Finally, the chapter talks about three significant Choujin X who decided the fate of a great war in the early 1920s. There’s a parallel to the war Choujin in Azuma, and Sora / Zora in Tokio 
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Azuma’s had visual symbolism connecting him to warfare in general, but also Queem specifically before, especially around the awakening of his powers. The story even implies that Azuma seems to have inherited his powers as the iron choujin because of his fixation with violence and warfare. 
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 When he’s fighting against Tokio, the story even quotes the war choujin Queem.
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While Tokio is the beast choujin who specifically inherited Sora’s wings. He can also use the same scythe / sword she’s shown using when combatting queem. Tokio is also the one who Zora believes is capable of inheriting her mark, and has the most potential of all the choujin’s she’s awakened by infusing them with her blood. 
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Which puts them on opposite sides of the conflict, as the story even states that Zora existed to be the perfect counterbalance to Queem, with her allegicance with the third Choujin X being what pushed him back. 
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So, once again even more foreshadowing that the boys are going to fight each other. Tokio abandoning Azuma without a word maybe the straw that broke the panels back in regards to their slowly decaying relationship over the course of the story. Azuma’s even depicted slowly walking away from Tokio  with his back turned to him on panel, and they haven’t even looked at one another on panel in two chapters. 
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In Nietzschian philsophy avoidance = bad and Tokio’s still being avoidant in terms of his relationship with Azuma. Finally, I’m not actually sure what end of the conflict that each will end up on. Tokio is being more disobedient of Yamato Mori, and wants to see things from Zora’s point of view and he’s also the favorite to inherit her mark. On the other hand, Azuma is someone who is paralleled to Batista and who Batista has taken a certain interest in, along with all the other negative foreshadowing surrounding his character. I guess we’ll see as Azuma and Tokio’s relatoinship is one of the developments I’m most excited for. 
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linkybearcomics · 1 year ago
Still writing ' Life is a highway' but my brain is screaming with other thoughtson other stuff too.
Have some art and a bit of the fic.
Can read 'If Life is a highway, then mine leads to hell' :
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If slice of life is your thing and, or, you like humanformers, give it a read. :v I like food so there is alot if food in the start. :3c
Will get better at the art too. Orz learning how I wanna draw them. Derp derp.
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maniaparty · 11 months ago
having amore thoughts and also thoughts abt my ocs in a sort of meta sense
i think its always obvious that jade and i will usually ship together. like unless stated we r probably going to make our ocs kiss eventually and this was super clear w/ doramore...
HOWEVER: this was not canon ingame at all. doramore were not dating until a long time after postgame despite watever spark they had in game, and stating that they were in love... they were not a thing there.
idk I HOPE ITS KIND OF CLEAR THAT while i do luv shipping withmy gf i always do think a lot about it. amore while being (arguably) openly lgbt (many thoughtson this) is very much aware of how dorothy is a celebrity that wishes to continue being a celebrity and a woman who would be in a relationship w/ another woman in the 1920s. her whole thing is that she doesn't want to ruin dorothy's whole career & life w/ all of that going public.
this is also why amore got really pissy when people were like "hey thats kind of... More than friend behavior 🤨" because... Yes while everyone there was some form of lgbt she has no way to know that and also many of them were americans 💀💀💀 like she herself was not embarrassed at the idea of joking abt being with dorothy. the issue came up when people were talking about how they thoguht they were an actual thing. amore knows how dangerous information like that can be in the wrong hands, and even though at this point dorothy was "dead", amore genuinely didn't want people to be disrespecting her :(
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fartofthesunrise · 2 years ago
Have you eaten marmite before? Is it anything like vegimite?
theres differences between em. i never had marmite so i wouldnt really know. vegemites thicker and is bitter with a strong flavour. i heard marmites more syrupy in consistency and a little moremild and sweet. i think they have marmite at the one of the supermarkets in town so maybe ill pick some marmite up one day and tell the world about my thoughtson marmite and how it compares 2 vegemite. i love vegemite tho i love it a lot so idk if marmite can top vegemite for me so well see
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apileofmoss · 2 years ago
hi moss .deathly important, what are ur thoughtsOn possums ^_^
ohh i fucking love them i was talking to my mom earlier about how cute they are ,,, I ALSO. i also convinced her that they're like GREAT CREATURES a few months ago like . they kill fleas. theyre cute as fuck . they dont really do damage to your house if they're in your attic or walls... they just stupid lil creatures /pos and i vibe with that theyre lovely and wonderful and amazing and i would love to pet one one day..<3
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korshubudemycoursesblog · 2 months ago
Silence - A Meditation Course for Those with OCD, ADD/ADHD
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In today’s fast-paced world, where distractions abound and stress levels are skyrocketing, the importance of mental health and well-being cannot be overstated. Individuals dealing with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) face additional challenges when trying to maintain focus, calm, and inner peace. However, a powerful solution exists—meditation. Among the many approaches to mindfulness, "Silence - A Meditation course for those with OCD, ADD/ADHD" is gaining popularity as a transformative practice that supports those with these conditions in regaining control of their minds and enhancing their quality of life.
The Link Between Meditation, OCD, and ADD/ADHD
People with OCD struggle with intrusive thoughts, obsessions, and compulsive behaviors. In contrast, those with ADD/ADHD face issues with focus, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Both conditions create significant challenges in daily life, often resulting in anxiety and depression. Managing these symptoms requires targeted therapies, but many experts believe that meditation is an underrated yet highly effective tool.
Meditation, particularly in the form of mindfulness and silent practices, helps quiet the mind, allowing individuals to disengage from the relentless stream of thoughts. This process is particularly beneficial for individuals with OCD and ADD/ADHD, as it promotes concentration, reduces anxiety, and trains the brain to become more aware of the present moment.
"Silence - A Meditation course for those with OCD, ADD/ADHD" offers a structured approach, teaching participants how to harness the power of silence and stillness to reduce the mental noise that exacerbates symptoms.
Why Silence Matters in Meditation for OCD and ADD/ADHD
Silence can be deeply uncomfortable for those dealing with OCD and ADD/ADHD. Constant thoughts, whether they are obsessive or scattered, may seem overwhelming when met with complete quiet. Yet, within this discomfort lies the potential for healing. Silence in meditation offers a unique opportunity for individuals to confront their thoughts without judgment, rather than reacting impulsively or compulsively.
For individuals with OCD, learning to sit with their thoughts in silence helps reduce the need to act on compulsions. Similarly, for those with ADD/ADHD, practicing silence builds patience and enhances the ability to maintain focus for longer periods.
This is where the "Silence - A Meditation course for those with OCD, ADD/ADHD" becomes valuable. The course is designed to guide participants through a structured meditation practice that gradually extends their tolerance for silence while teaching techniques to manage intrusive thoughts and distractions.
Key Benefits of Silence Meditation for OCD and ADD/ADHD
Improved Focus and AttentionMeditation helps build the brain's capacity to focus. For those with ADD/ADHD, who often find it difficult to concentrate on one task for extended periods, the repeated practice of meditation strengthens attention span and reduces impulsivity.
Reduced Anxiety and Intrusive ThoughtsOne of the hallmarks of OCD is intrusive thoughts that create a loop of anxiety. Through mindfulness meditation, participants learn to observe their thoughts without attaching to them emotionally. This diminishes the intensity of these thoughts over time.
Emotional RegulationMeditation allows individuals to gain better control over their emotions, reducing impulsive behaviors and emotional outbursts. Both OCD and ADD/ADHD often contribute to emotional instability, but regular meditation helps stabilize mood and promotes emotional resilience.
Better SleepMany individuals with ADD/ADHD and OCD struggle with insomnia or restless sleep due to racing thoughts. Silent meditation before bedtime is an excellent practice to calm the mind and prepare the body for a deeper, more restful sleep.
Increased Self-AwarenessMeditation fosters a heightened sense of self-awareness. For individuals with OCD, this means recognizing compulsive behaviors as they arise, and for those with ADD/ADHD, it means being more mindful of the moments when attention is wandering.
Structure of the "Silence - A Meditation Course for those with OCD, ADD/ADHD"
"Silence - A Meditation course for those with OCD, ADD/ADHD" is designed with a clear structure to make meditation accessible to individuals with these conditions. The course begins by introducing the concept of silence in meditation, helping participants ease into stillness rather than plunging them into it abruptly.
Introduction to Mindfulness and Breath ControlBreath control is a foundational technique that aids in quieting the mind. The first part of the course focuses on guiding individuals to pay attention to their breath as a way of anchoring their thoughts in the present moment.
Gentle Exposure to SilenceSilence can be overwhelming at first, especially for those whose minds are used to constant activity. The course introduces short periods of silence, gradually increasing the duration as participants become more comfortable.
Guided Meditation SessionsFor those with OCD and ADD/ADHD, guided meditation helps prevent the mind from wandering too much. The course provides audio or video guidance that participants can follow, helping them stay on track.
Cognitive Behavioral TechniquesCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a well-known treatment for OCD and ADD/ADHD. The meditation course integrates CBT principles into meditation practices, encouraging participants to challenge irrational thoughts while in a meditative state.
Daily Silent Meditation PracticeBy the end of the course, participants will be encouraged to practice silent meditation daily, starting with 5 minutes a day and gradually increasing to 20-30 minutes. Consistent practice is key to experiencing long-term benefits.
By highlighting these keywords and ensuring they flow naturally within the content, the "Silence - A Meditation course for those with OCD, ADD/ADHD" will reach more individuals who are searching for ways to manage their conditions effectively.
Additional Techniques for Enhancing Meditation for OCD and ADD/ADHD
In addition to silent meditation, other techniques can complement the "Silence - A Meditation course for those with OCD, ADD/ADHD" and provide greater relief.
Visualization Techniques: For those struggling to maintain focus during silent meditation, visualizing a peaceful place or a calming image can help guide the mind toward stillness.
Mantra Meditation: Repeating a specific word or phrase during meditation can help quiet the constant stream of thoughts, making it easier to stay focused.
Mindful Movement: Some individuals with ADD/ADHD find it hard to stay still during meditation. Incorporating mindful movement, such as yoga or tai chi, can help them engage with meditation more effectively.
For those living with OCD or ADD/ADHD, traditional meditation may seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it can become a powerful tool for mental clarity and emotional balance. "Silence - A Meditation course for those with OCD, ADD/ADHD" offers a structured path toward managing the challenges of these conditions through mindfulness and stillness. By embracing silence and developing a regular meditation practice, individuals can regain control of their thoughts, reduce anxiety, and improve focus.
As more research highlights the connection between meditation and mental health, particularly for conditions like OCD and ADD/ADHD, it becomes evident that this practice is not just about relaxation—it's a necessary tool for building resilience and living a balanced life.
Make the leap today with "Silence - A Meditation course for those with OCD, ADD/ADHD", and embark on a journey of inner peace, focus, and emotional well-being.
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choppedcomputerarbiter · 5 months ago
After and Reflection
I have two poems in the current issue of The Coachella Review. Here they are: After When I finally left the stageto little morethan polite applause,I had no strength of willto wipe the makeup off,nor any desireto shed the costume as dear to me as skin.In years past,I’d have moved beyond todayin minutes and stepped outsideto take a long walkhome—all thoughtson tomorrow, sure to be even…
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hiphopnewsonline · 7 months ago
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thehiphopunderground · 7 months ago
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oneaneonly · 7 months ago
Gahhhhhhhhhhh gah gahshdhchfd - ah theyrehaving bad thoughtsone second
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