#Thought Forms
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vikramsharma007 · 2 months ago
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theparrotwizard · 4 months ago
Have any witches on here tried enchanting a toy, like a plushie, for calming and inner safety? I found this toy from my childhood on Ebay, which I've considered buying. I have SO MANY plushies, and I think it would be a great idea to imbue them with calming and safety energy, inner child healing, etc.
I also wonder if it is possible to form a thoughtform with the purpose of companionship and calming, who can live in a toy? I would love that so much.
Please comment your thoughts or tips! I am very much still learning about magic.
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neonspectrumdreams · 4 months ago
I am a traumagenic system. Severe dissociation can be hard; timeloss, emotional numbness, depersonalization and derealization, PTSD, amnesia, these are all difficult.
But one thing that isn't difficult is being a system. We get along wonderfully. We find a lot of magic in the experience of being plural. It is absolutely a life saving adaptation for us.
We experience our plurality positively. It is possible to be traumagenic and have this level of healthy multiplicity.
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cryptidsmagick · 3 months ago
An Introduction to Dæmonism
Dæmons, derived from Greek mythology, are creatures that make an appearance in His Dark Materials and related content. Since the release of the books, movie, and show, a practice has come to light because of it.
Dæmonism is a form of manifestation where you personify your "inner voice" (conscience) as a metaphysical creature. This practice isn't necessarily paganism or witchcraft, but can be used as part of your craft.
When incorporating a dæmon as part of your craft, this would be a form of pop magic if you choose to use His Dark Materials as a reference.
It's important to keep in mind that although similar, dæmons are not spirit guides and should not be treated as such. They may give you advice on things, and they can stand in for a familiar depending on the witch, but they're not there to guide you, per say, as they're an embodiment of yourself.
Depending on how much you let your subconscious to shine, a dæmon might choose their own form and name, but in many cases, you would have to guide them to settle into a form and help them with this. If you choose a form for your demon, there are many methods. Analytic Form is choosing a form based on your personality traits, Pullman Form aligns more closely with the series, and so forth. Not all dæmons have to settle into a singular form, and can have more than one form besides their true one (or not have a true form at all). You can also have more than one dæmon.
As this is a manifestation, you can stop at any point or time if this doesn't feel right for you. You don't need to have read or watch the series to try this, and if you're a pop witch who works with the series' pantheons, you do not need a dæmon to be valid.
Further Reading:
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victusinveritas · 4 months ago
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The Black Dog of Newgate is a form of Hellhound that was often sighted haunting Newgate Prison in London before it was demolished in 1902. Sighting this Black Dog is said to be accompanied by a horrible smell and the sound of slow footsteps. Those that witness this haunting creature claim it has “eyes of red and jowls that dripped with blood”. While the prison is now gone, Old Bailey now stands in its place. It is said that the Black Dog of Newgate appears around midnight where it slides from wall to wall as a shapeless mass of shadow.
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Definitely not not a thought form of centuries of prisoners' suffering concentrated into one beastie.
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infwctednyacifier · 3 months ago
Mr. Omega hasn’t really done anything other than give 1–2 moments of feeling hyper and euphoric and he also feels blurry so here’s a pack to help him.
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Names – Mr. Omega
Nicknames – Omega
Age – ageless / immortal
Pronouns – he / him „ hy / hym „ it / it’s „ zi / zir „ xe/xer „ woof / woof’s „ sparkle / sparkle’s „ confetti / confetti’s „ weird / weird’s „ void / void’s
Gender – genderflux „ boything „ analogender „ liminalgender „ backroomic „ nostagliagender „ kidcoric
Terms – masculine „ thing „ puppy
Orientation – achillean „ gay „ polyamorous
Personality – friendly „ silly „ hypersexual ( loves to make NSFW jokes / says a lot of sexual innuendoes )
Role – partial BAH pack helper „ partial ADHD holder „ ( possible ) partial autism holder
Species – humanoid
Source – Omega Mart
Emojis – 🧮 „ 🍔 „ 🍟 „ 🖍️ „ 🐾 „ ♎
Extra – identifies as a puppy .
Likes – kidcore liminal spaces „ his partners „ helping with BAH „ running Omega Mart „ Minecraft
Dislikes – cats „ rain „ jealousy „ spicy food „ disrespect
Appearance – Omega sign as head „ wears his suit often „ slender „ muscular „ slightly pudgy
Faceclaims –
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The Path of Magick: A Personal Reflection
Magick manifests in countless forms—mage, witch, sorcerer, and more. Each practitioner may align with light, dark, or gray; navigate the liminal spaces between order and chaos; or walk the right-hand, left-hand, or even the middle path. These are not mere labels but facets of the soul's journey through the vast game of existence. At its core, magick is about unlocking your latent potential, embracing your sovereign spirit, and stepping into personal power.
I don’t claim to hold the ultimate truth. I strive to remain open, willing to admit mistakes, and ready to push beyond my comfort zone. The year 2024 challenged me profoundly—it was a time of spiritual upheaval, evolution, and moments of being utterly lost. Without a guide, I was forced to look inward and confront my beliefs. This period of solitude helped me find my path as a Dark Mage.
Dark is not evil. Dark is the holder of the void of mystery.
Through introspection and effort, I discovered the warrior spirit within me. Though I walk the path of a Dark Mage, this does not mean I am dark at heart. I am driven by love, kindness, and a deep curiosity for the mysterious and the void. These aspects of my soul reveal who I am. For me, the title of “mage” serves as a roadmap for how I approach life and spirituality.
At my core, I hold animistic beliefs. Animism—the view that all things, from animals and plants to rocks, rivers, and even human creations, possess a spiritual essence—resonates deeply with me. It reminds me that the world is alive, interconnected, and imbued with agency and will.
While I still practice witchy crafts—like kitchen witchery and home protection spells—my evolution has guided me toward the deeper mysteries of the Earth and the Northern traditions. Those who explore these mysteries and find their tribe within them will understand what I mean.
This journey also led me to explore the concept of de-baptism—a symbolic act of shedding old religious ties to transcend into a magical consciousness as a practitioner. My studies drew from a variety of occult sources, though some clarity came from insights shared on YouTube.
Ultimately, magick is a deeply personal path. It’s a journey of self-discovery, growth, and finding alignment with the mysteries that resonate with your soul. For me, this is the essence of embracing magical consciousness.
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The only resource I found on YT was: Menshikova School.
Her web site is: https://mages.school/
About Debaptism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4aXBItjkQM
Debaptism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls4bHPP21hM
About The Ritual Of Baptism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qLXPAeS_qQ
Debaptism Rituals: Where Can I Find Them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqFnyhnMsnY
Exiting The Christian Egregore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PshjmsgTsxk
Egregores And Their Influence On People's Goals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klmHvPzPwMw&list=PLMX3TYzKgpKv7yZDHKvhkwTjFb2OtE6P-
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If you are interested in learning more about Egregores please visit my YT channel as I have some videos about this subject there: Sacred Stories: Old Norse Tradition (self-taught) LINK: https://www.youtube.com/@SacredStoriesOldNorseTradition
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Now, I'd like to share the ritual I performed at a crossroads within my local cemetery. This ritual draws inspiration from various occult traditions and is a blend of practices, not confined to any single magical system.
To begin, I offered gifts to the Guardian of the Cemetery, seeking the spirits' permission to perform a ritual on sacred grounds. Coins were essential as a traditional form of payment, alongside offerings of fruits, seeds, nuts, and red wine, which I respectfully poured into the soil at the base of a tree.
The ritual took place at a crossroads—where two or three roads intersect. Crossroads are powerful liminal spaces, existing in a state of transition, neither here nor there. They are places of change, steeped in myth and legend.
In ancient traditions, crossroads have long been associated with magic and mystery. Hecate, the Greek goddess of witches and crossroads, was a guardian of gates and thresholds, standing as a sentinel between the civilized world and the wild unknown. Such spaces are ideal for transformative work and connecting with the unseen realms.
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The Guardian of the Crossroads was also honored with offerings of coins, fruit, and flowers as a gesture of respect and payment. Standing at the heart of the crossroads, I began an evocation to call upon the Guardians to bear witness to the ritual.
Next, I performed an evocation to summon the Christian and Catholic egregores tied to my birth and upbringing. I called them forth to formally declare my departure from their realm. With firm intent, I severed all ties—cutting cords, ending contracts, and repaying oaths and debts made to them. This act was a declaration of my free will, marking my choice to step away from their influence and move forward on my own spiritual path.
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As a Mage, I carried my wooden staff—a symbol of power, protection, and an extension of my magical consciousness—ready to embark on the transformative journey ahead. In this ritual, there was no casting of protective circles or performing shielding spells. Instead, it required courage, vulnerability, and a willingness to stand fully open, face-to-face with these egregores, and confront them directly.
Here is a sample of my ritual (pls craft it to your beliefs and use your own words for it to represent you). ☺️
"I, born on date of your birth, given the name name given to you at birth, of sound mind and body, hereby commence this ritual of de-baptism. Through this act, I sever and remove all energetic seals from my mind, body, and soul. I release the seals from my baptism, first communion, and any other bonds or energies placed upon me through my interactions and prayers within the Catholic, Christian, and Jewish egregores. I perform this act willingly, with full intention and the power of my Free Will. As I will it, so it is done."
(Offering to the Gatekeeper of the Cemetery & Gaudian of the crossroads – Flowers, Apple, Beer etc.) "To the Gatekeeper of this cemetery, I humbly ask for your permission to enter and perform my ritual at the crossroads within these sacred grounds." (Offer the gifts) Please accept these offerings as a token of my respect and gratitude. I ask that you grant me safe passage and entry into this space. With deep reverence, I give thanks."
"I call forth in evocation the gods of the Abrahamic religions, along with the Catholic, Christian, and Judaic egregores, to bear witness to my solemn declaration. I hereby renounce and sever my ties to the Catholic spiritual system that was imposed upon me at birth. I do this willingly and with full awareness, declaring my departure from this path now and for all eternity. As I speak these words, so it is done."
"I do evocate and conjure thee, O, YHWH (Yahweh), The Tetragrammaton, otherwise known as Adonai. I do strongly command thee, by my sovereign spirit, to hear me now."
"I do evocate and conjure thee, O, ELOHIM, (God of Religion), El Shaddai, otherwise known as El Elyon, El Roi, or Abba. I do strongly command thee, by my sovereign spirit, to hear me now."
"I do evocate and conjure thee, O, JEHOVAH (Jehovian/Tetragrammaton Iehovah), Zabaoth, otherwise known as Elion, Iah, or Shaddai. I do strongly command thee, by my sovereign spirit, to hear me now."
"I terminate access to my genetic record through all Abrahamic Egregors and Religious organization alliances, totally and completely now, from my soul and etheric body, dissolving all contracts and cutting cords to this Thought-Form-God-Head, now, it has ended. All SEALS are now removed. As I say it, so be it."
[State to each religious egregore that you are leaving, ending your alliance with it, that you will pay off your oaths and depts., and return all that was given to you from this thought-form back to it. Claim your intentions and state your departure. You may want to repeat this with each God-Name of your Religion.]
"Clear all memory and influences, permanently and completely. Eliminate. Release. Protect. Set free. Sovereign Zero Point."
[At this point as your spirit guides, your deities, or just Gaia (Mother Nature) to bare witness to this act of sovereignty.]
"So Mote It Be!"
"O, Thou Abrahamic Egregores because thou hast diligently answered unto my demands, and hast been very ready and willing to come at my call, I do here license thee to depart unto thy proper place, without causing harm or danger unto anyone or thing. Depart, then I say, withdraw peaceably and quietly, and our communication is over, and done, in peace. BE GONE NOW. As I will it, So Be It, and so it is Done."
[Close by ending communication as well with spirit Witnesses and the Guardians of the crossroad and Cemetery, thank them for their time and attention in your magical ritual workings today].
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I hope this little blog post provides you with ideas, please feel free to craft your own de-baptism ritual, there is no right or wrong way, just your bravery to pave your own WAY.
𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 💘 𝓢𝓽𝓮𝓹𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓮
Crowley, Aleister. (1995). The GOETIA: The Lesser Key of Solomon The King. Boston, MA. Red Wheel Weiser, LLC.
Stavish, Mark. (2018). EGREGORES: The Occult Entities That Watch Over Human Destiny. Inner Tradition/Bear.
Buckland, Raymond. (2004). Buckland's Book of Spirit Communications. St. Paul, Minnesota. U.S.A. Llewellyn Publications.
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thefeawl · 8 months ago
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''Be selective in what thought-forms you give your portion of the life force to. Take responsibility for the thought-forms you project to others, for they are also reflected back into your being through the mirror of the auric field.'' – John J. Falone
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 1 year ago
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“Music tells us to move, to dance… But when we are still ‘within’ music, we absorb all of its power. We are its container. Not every movement needs to go out into the world. We can keep some for ourselves. Contained. Powerful.”
— Meg Howrey, They’re Going to Love You: A Novel (Doubleday, November 15, 2022)
[alive on all channels]
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starsofdarknebula · 1 year ago
Fictional Characters in the Astral Realm and Different Dimensions
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blueheartbookclub · 1 year ago
"Beyond the Veil: Illuminating 'The Human Aura' by Swami Panchadasi (William Walker Atkinson)"
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Swami Panchadasi, the pseudonym for the prolific William Walker Atkinson, beckons readers into the ethereal realm of metaphysics and mysticism with his profound work, "The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms." This timeless exploration of the invisible energies that surround and emanate from the human body offers a captivating journey into the esoteric dimensions of our existence. The title alone hints at the unveiling of the unseen, promising a rich tapestry of insights into the intricacies of the human aura.
Atkinson's expertise in the realms of mysticism and the occult is evident as he guides readers through the subtle yet profound aspects of the human aura. The aura, believed to be an electromagnetic field that encapsulates the physical body, is described in vivid detail by Panchadasi. The astral colors and thought forms, according to his teachings, provide a visual representation of an individual's emotional, mental, and spiritual state.
The language employed by Panchadasi is both accessible and poetic, allowing readers to grasp the complexities of metaphysical concepts without feeling overwhelmed. The intricacies of astral colors, thought vibrations, and the interplay between the physical and spiritual realms are presented in a manner that invites contemplation and introspection.
One of the notable strengths of "The Human Aura" is its practical approach. Panchadasi not only describes the theory behind the human aura but also provides exercises and techniques for readers to develop their own sensitivity to these subtle energies. The inclusion of practical applications enhances the book's value, allowing readers to engage with the material on a personal level.
The title characterizes the human aura as a dynamic canvas that reflects the inner workings of the mind and spirit. Panchadasi introduces readers to the idea that thoughts and emotions are not mere intangible concepts but possess a tangible existence in the form of vibrant colors within the aura. This perspective encourages individuals to become more attuned to their inner states and, subsequently, take charge of their spiritual and mental well-being.
However, it is essential to approach Panchadasi's work with an open mind, recognizing that the exploration of the aura and thought forms is rooted in esoteric traditions. The book delves into areas that might challenge conventional beliefs, urging readers to broaden their perspectives on the nature of reality and the interconnectedness of the physical and metaphysical realms.
In conclusion, "The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms" by Swami Panchadasi, alias William Walker Atkinson, is a captivating odyssey into the unseen dimensions of human existence. The title, with its promise of exploring astral colors and thought forms, encapsulates the essence of the work. Panchadasi's eloquent prose, coupled with practical exercises, invites readers to embark on a personal journey of self-discovery and heightened awareness. As one delves into the pages of this mystical masterpiece, the invisible threads of the human aura are unraveled, revealing a world that transcends the limits of the physical and invites us to contemplate the boundless potential of the human spirit.
"The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms." , is available in Amazon in paperback 12.99$ and hardcover 18.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 91
Language: English
Rating: 8/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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vikramsharma007 · 6 months ago
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conscious-pisces · 1 year ago
Be mindful of your inner dialogue
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neonspectrumdreams · 5 months ago
Current system project:
All of our non-human (dragon) alters are arranging themselves into a subsystem. At least, they are attempting to, haha.
They are trying to use an elemental theme as symbols to try to make switching and sharing information easier. They have their own internal world shaped after some dragon and magic type ideas, like the elements and Spyro the Dragon.
It is helping hugely with system communication although several of the alters are trauma alters and we are considering attempting to process their trauma.
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cryptidsmagick · 3 months ago
Arising from the works of the controversial JK Rowling is the magical book series we all learned to love (or hate) along with its films. As someone who didn't enjoy the series as much as I thought I would, I did find many ways to incorporate it into my practice, starting with the patronus: the embodiment of all things that ward of the dementors (the very fabric of depression).
"A kind of positive force, a projection of the very things that the Dementor feeds upon – hope, happiness, the desire to survive – but it cannot feel despair, as real humans can, so the Dementors can’t hurt it."
Like dæmons, in pop magick, they're not to be confused for spirit guides. Rather, they're manifestations that help protect you from negative energy and bring you happiness in hard times.
In my searching, I found two ways to manifest your patronus: thought forms and vessels.
In the case of a vessel, find an item to hold your patronus. A plushie matching its appearance is recommended. A wand is recommended for the next step, but is not necessary. Focusing positive intentions, happy memories, and other good feelings into energy (at the tip of your wand or at your hand), channel it into your vessel. This vessel will now contain this energy and serve as your patronus. Eating chocolate afterwards will help restore your mana.
With the vessel method, your patronus will not be able to speak or interact with you. It's simply a reserve of energy to help spread positive feelings when you're in need of them. In this sense, it's equivalent to a non-corporal patronus, “‘a thin wisp of silver’ that hovers ‘like mist’.”
The thought form method is more similar to the practice of dæmonism, where you visualize your patronus as standing beside you. At first, it may be non-corporal, but with time, you might start to visualize it as a creature. To help you start visualizing it as a creature, you can test out animal forms that stand out to you or even take the Wizarding World quiz to get started. Attached to this articles is the extended version of the pottermore quiz.
Both methods use Expecto Patronum as the vocal incantation of the spell—except with the thought form method, you say it every time you want to speak or interact with your patronus. If you use the thought form method, don't be surprised if the form you got in a quiz doesn't stick…quizzes aren't accurate. They're just for fun after all.
For thought form patronus, dæmonism techniques may come of use to you.
Finally, if your patronus corporalizes as a shape you're not a fan of…it's not a matter of if you like it, it's a matter of—what is your concept of happiness?
Your patronus might reveal more about you than you think.
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