#Thomas Herbert Maguire
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Könyv Kemping 2025
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Időpont: 2025. január 11. 00:01 - 19. 23:59 Közös könyv: Diana Wynne Jones - A vándorló palota (Ciceró)
Az olvasási kihívás egyes pontjaihoz mi is ajánlunk könyveket alább, de előbb egy beszélgetésre hívjuk fel a figyelmeteket.
Sok könyv jutott eszünk, de igyekeztünk szűkíteni a kört és viszonylag rövid terjedelmű köteteket beírni a listába, hogy legyen idő elolvasni a Könyv Kemping ideje alatt. Illetve igyekeztünk nem csak fantasy és sci-fi zsánerben válogatni, így sikerült 😊
Egy történet vagy könyv, amelyben nagy szerepet kapnak a városok
Alexandrov Anna: Lakás a kilencediken
Sam J. Miller: Orkaváros
Ben Aaronovitch: London folyói, Föld alatti suttogás, Soho felett a Hold
Moskát Anita: Mesterhazugság (A hazugság tézisei)
Egy történet vagy könyv, amelyben nagy szerepet kapnak a házak
Diana Wynne Jones: A vándorló palota
Farkas Balázs: Bróda Szálló (Légszomj)
Jónás Zsolt: Folyondár (Légszomj)
Sereg Gitta: A dolgok rendje (Légszomj)
Daphne du Maurier: A Manderley–ház asszonya
E. Lockhart: A hazudósok
Kleinheincz Csilla: Alvilági szövedék
Lőrinczy Judit: Az utolsó tanú
Füzesi Dóra: Amőbász (Az év magyar scienece fiction és fantasynovellái 2021)
László Zoltán Hullámsodrok (Az év magyar scienece fiction és fantasynovellái 2021)
Ismeretterjesztő vagy ismeretközlő
Laura Ertimo – Mari Ahokoivu: Micsoda idő!
Philippe Brenot: A szex hihetetlen története
Selene Silverwind: Boszorkány kézikönyv
Dr. Ali Fenwick: Red Flags, Green Flags
John Gribbin: A tudomány hét oszlopa
Egy történet vagy könyv, amely 2024-ben jelent meg
Az év magyar science fiction és fantasynovellái 2024
China Miéville, Keanu Reeves: A Máshol Könyve
Robert Harris: Konklávé
Bármelyik DC képregény
Matt Haig: Az élet lehetetlen
Egy történet vagy könyv, amely nem a Földön játszódik
László Zoltán: Mindig egyre több
Frank Herbert: Dűne
Brian Herbert és Kevin J. Anderson: A Dűne nővérei
N. K. Jemisin: Távolűr
Jonathan Strahan: Az űroperák határtalan világa
Chris Hadfield: Az Apollo–gyilkosságok
Arkady Martine: Birodalomnak nevezett emlék
Egy történet vagy könyv női szerzővel
Diana Wynne Jones
Kleinheincz Csilla
Moskát Anita
Rusvai Mónika
Bökös Borbála
Puska Veronika
Papp Dóra
Moniquill Blackgoose
Tahereh Mafi
Kadono Eiko
Mary E. Pearson
Naomi Novik
Bethan Roberts
Hannah Kaner
Catherynne M. Valente
Arkady Martine
Victoria Aveyard
Az év magyar scienece fiction és fantasynovellái szerzői között is sok nő akad
Egy történet vagy könyv, amely a kora újkorban (15. század második fele-18. század közötti időszak) játszódik
Hubert – Zanzim: Férfibőrben
David Grann: Lázadás a világ végén
Carolyn McHugh: Taylor Korunk ikonja
Sung-Yoon Lee: Észak-Korea hercegnője
Kang Myeongseok – BTS: BEYOND THE STORY – A BTS tízéves története
Képregény (bármelyik képregényünk)
KaeRel: Csonthalma
Émile Bravo: A 7 törpemedve bolondos meséi
Jennifer Muro-Thomas Krajewski: Paletta
Jen Wang: A herceg és a varrólány
Egy történet vagy könyv, amelynek szerzője ázsiai
Kadono Eiko: Kiki könyvek
Sung-Yoon Lee: Észak-Korea hercegnője
Kang Myeongseok – BTS: BEYOND THE STORY – A BTS tízéves története
Egy történet vagy könyv, amelyben nagy szerepet kap az oktatás vagy az iskola
Bökös Borbála: Garabonciások
Naomi Novik: Solomancia
Moniquill Blackgoose: Sárkánylehelet
Moskát Anita: Bevezetés a sokváltozós viszonyrendszerekbe (A hazugság tézisei vagy a Légszomj)
Ellis Kaut: Pumukli az iskolában
Egy történet vagy könyv, amely adaptációt kapott
Diana Wynne Jones: A vándorló palota
Gregory Maguire: Boszorkány
Robert Harris: Konklávé
Renée Knight: Cáfolat
Bethan Roberts: Az én rendőröm
Isaac Asimov: Alapítvány
Frank Herbert: Dűne
Joe Hill: Szarvak
Egy történet vagy könyv, amely kortárs
Alan Moore: Megvilágosodások
China Miéville, Keanu Reeves: AMáshol Könyve
Rusvai Mónika: Kígyók országa
N. Nagy Zoltán: Keselyű
Kleinheincz Csilla – Uzseka Norbert: Szavak és árnyak
Papp Dóra: Rúnatánc, Bolyongó
Sung-Yoon Lee: Észak-Korea hercegnője
Egy történet vagy könyv, amelyben helyet kap a talált család
Jennifer Muro-Thomas Krajewski: Paletta
Hannah Kaner: Istenölő
Bökös Borbála: Garabonciások
Kadono Eiko: Kiki, a boszorkányfutár
Matt Haig: Az élet lehetetlen
Laurie Frankel: Család család
Egy történet vagy könyv, amely romantikus
Jen Wang: A herceg és a varrólány
Baráth Katalin: Aki gróf úr akar lenni
Nicola Yoon: Útmutató tánchoz
Mary E. Pearson: Az árulás csókja sorozat
Bethan Roberts: Az én rendőröm
Egy történet vagy könyv, amely főszereplője valamely kisebbséghez tartozik (tehát például LMBTQ vagy őslakos)
Gregory Maguire: Boszorkány
Moniquill Blackgoose: Sárkánylehelet
Hubert – Zanzim: Férfibőrben
N. K. Jemisin: Távolűr
Arkady Martine: Birodalomnak nevezett emlék
John Boyne: A csíkos pizsamás fiú
Bethan Roberts: Az én rendőröm
Egy történet vagy könyv, amelyben nagy szerepet kap az orvoslás vagy kórház
Liz O’Riordan: Életleckék a műtőből
Hadley Vlahos: Két világ között
Hugh Lofting: Doktor Dolittle állatkertje
Egy történet vagy könyv, amelyben szerepelnek állatok (pl. a főszereplőnek van cicája vagy kutyája)
Moniquill Blackgoose: Sárkánylehelet
Brian Jaques: Rőtfal, Martin, a harcos
Kadono Eiko: Kiki könyvek
Émile Bravo: A 7 törpemedve bolondos meséi
Susuk Melinda: Eső után köpönyeg (Az év magyar science fiction és fantasynovellái 2023)
Tallódi Julianna: A macskák mindig boldogok (Az év magyar science fiction és fantasynovellái 2019)
Hugh Lofting: Doktor Dolittle állatkertje
Naomi Novik: Solomancia
Egy humoros, vicces történet
Émile Bravo: A 7 törpemedve bolondos meséi
Radics Roland: A másik (Az év magyar science fiction és fantasynovellái 2020)
Susuk Melinda: Eső után köpönyeg (Az év magyar science fiction és fantasynovellái 2023)
Catherynne M. Valente: Űropera
Alan Moore: Megvilágosodások: Valószínűtlenül bonyolult
Egy könyv boszorkányokról vagy boszorkányságról
Gregory Maguire: Boszorkány
Kadono Eiko: Kiki könyvek
Selene Silverwind: Boszorkány kézikönyv
Katherine Howe: A boszorkányoskönyv
Fantasy (legújabbak, illetve díjnyertes könyvek közül válogattunk)
JP Ahonen és KP Alare: Perkeros
Gregory Maguire: Boszorkány
Moniquill Blackgoose: Sárkánylehelet
Hannah Kaner: Istenölő, Naphozó
Bökös Borbála: Garabonciások
Brian Jaques: Rőtfal, Martin, a harcos
Rusvai Mónika: Kígyók országa
Moskát Anita: A hazugság tézisei
Victoria Aveyard: Vörös királynő vagy A kettétört birodalom
Papp Dóra: Helena trilógia – első kötet
Sci-fi, női főszereplővel
N. K. Jemisin: Távolűr
Brian Herbert és Kevin J. Anderson: A Dűne nővérei
Arkady Martine: Birodalomnak nevezett emlék
A Könyv Kemping szervezői kupont is biztosítanak a követőik számára a www.gabo.hu kiadói webshopra, amit a felületeiken megtaláltok.
Mindenkinek jó olvasást kívánunk!
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@eemcintyre's top 118 favorite movies in alphabetical order
An admittedly random number that includes objectively "well-made" films with artistic merit, objectively considered-to-be-entertaining movies, and possibly questionable ones that I'm sentimental for or just like for whatever mysterious reason (usually a hot guy but not always). This is just what I like and the premier way to get to know me.
(Updated 09/07/24)
A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965), dir. Bill Melendez
A Few Good Men (1992), dir. Rob Reiner
A New Hope (1977), dir. George Lucas
Amelie (2001), dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet
American Made (2017), dir. Doug Liman
AMY (2015), dir. Asif Kapadia
Annie (1982), dir. John Huston
Argylle (2024), dir. Matthew Vaughn
Arthur Christmas (2011), dir. Sarah Smith
Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper (2004), dir. William Lau
Barbie of Swan Lake (2003), dir. Owen Hurley
Black Swan (2010), dir. Darren Aronofsky
The Blair Witch Project (1999), dir. Eduardo Sanchez & Daniel Myrick
The Bodyguard (1992), dir. Mick Jackson
Borat (2006), dir. Larry Charles
The Breakfast Club (1985), dir. John Hughes
Camille (1936), dir. George Cukor
Casablanca (1943), dir. Michael Curtiz
Chinatown (1974), dir. Roman Polanski
Cocktail (1988), dir. Roger Donaldson
Con Air (1997), dir. Simon West
The Conjuring (2013), dir. James Wan
The Conjuring 2 (2016), dir. James Wan
The Crow (1994), dir. Alex Proyas
Cruel Intentions (1999), dir. Roger Kumble
Dallas Buyers Club (2013), dir. Jean-Marc Vallée
Die Hard (1988), dir. John McTiernan
Eddie and the Cruisers (1983), dir. Martin Davidson
Elf (2003), dir. Jon Favreau
Eloise at Christmastime (2003), dir. Kevin Lima
The Empire Strikes Back (1980), dir. Irvin Kershner
Enchanted (2007), dir. Kevin Lima
Face/Off (1997), dir. John Woo
Far and Away (1992), dir. Ron Howard
Footloose (1984), dir. Herbert Ross
Galaxy Quest (1999), dir. Dean Parisot
The Great Muppet Caper (1981), dir. Jim Henson
Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009), dir. Peter Chelsom
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002), dir. Chris Columbus
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), dir. Mike Newell
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), dir. Alfonso Cuaron
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001), dir. Chris Columbus
Heathers (1988), dir. Michael Lehmann
Hereditary (2018), dir. Ari Aster
High School Musical (2006), dir. Kenny Ortega
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005), dir. Garth Jennings
Holes (2003), dir. Andrew Davis
The Holiday (2006), dir. Nancy Meyers
Hollow Point (1996), dir. Sidney J. Furie
Hotel Rwanda (2004), dir. Terry George
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003), dir. Donald Petrie
I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997), dir. Jim Gillespie
I, Tonya (2017), dir. Craig Gillespie
Ice Princess (2005), dir. Tim Fywell
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), dir. Steven Spielberg
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), dir. Steven Spielberg
In a Lonely Place (1950), dir. Nicholas Ray
Insidious (2010), dir. James Wan
Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013), dir. James Wan
Insidious: The Red Door (2023), dir. Patrick Wilson
Jackie (2016), dir. Pablo Larrain
Jerry Maguire (1996), dir. Cameron Crowe
JFK (1991), dir. Oliver Stone
The Karate Kid (1984), dir. John G. Avildsen
The Karate Kid Part II (1986), dir. John G. Avildsen
Knight and Day (2010), dir. James Mangold
Laggies (2014), dir. Lynn Shelton
The Last Samurai (2003), dir. Edward Zwick
Lawn Dogs (1997), dir. John Duigan
Lean on Me (1989), dir. John G. Avildsen
Leaving Las Vegas (1995), dir. Mike Figgis
Magnolia (1999), dir. Paul Thomas Anderson
Matchstick Men (2003), dir. Ridley Scott
Megamind (2010), dir. Tom McGrath
Minority Report (2002), dir. Steven Spielberg
Mission: Impossible (1996), dir. Brian De Palma
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (2023), dir. Christopher McQuarrie
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015), dir. Christopher McQuarrie
Mission: Impossible III (2006), dir. J.J. Abrams
Mr. Right (2015), dir. Paco Cabezas
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989), dir. Jeremiah S. Chechik
National Treasure (2004), dir. Jon Turteltaub
Natural Born Killers (1994), dir. Oliver Stone
Oklahoma! (1955), dir. Fred Zinnemann
The Outsiders (1983), dir. Francis Ford Coppola
The Pacifier (2005), dir. Adam Shankman
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987), dir. John Hughes
The Preacher's Wife (1996), dir. Penny Marshall
Pretty in Pink (1986), dir. John Hughes
Pride and Prejudice (2005), dir. Joe Wright
The Princess Diaries (2001), dir. Garry Marshall
Raising Arizona (1987), dir. Joel & Ethan Coen
Return of the Jedi (1983), dir. Richard Marquand
Roman Holiday (1953), dir. William Wyler
Sabrina (1954), dir. Billy Wilder
Scream (1996), dir. Wes Craven
Se7en (1995), dir. David Fincher
Sense and Sensibility (1995), dir. Ang Lee
The Shining (1980), dir. Stanley Kubrick
The Silence of the Lambs (1991), dir. Jonathan Demme
The Sound of Music (1965), dir. Robert Wise
Stretch (2014), dir. Joe Carnahan
The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999), dir. Anthony Minghella
A Time to Kill (1996), dir. Joel Schumacher
Titanic (1997), dir. James Cameron
Tropic Thunder (2008), dir. Ben Stiller
The Trouble with Angels (1966), dir. Ida Lupino
Truly, Madly, Deeply (1990), dir. Anthony Minghella
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992), dir. David Lynch
Ulterior Motives (1992), dir. James Becket
Valkyrie (2008), dir. Bryan Singer
Vanilla Sky (2001), dir. Cameron Crowe
Vertigo (1958), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
The Way, Way Back (2013), dir. Jim Rash & Nat Faxon
West Side Story (1961), dir. Robert Wise & Jerome Robbins
Where the Heart Is (2000), dir. Matt Williams
White Christmas (1954), dir. Michael Curtiz
Wild at Heart (1990), dir. David Lynch
Zodiac (2007), dir. David Fincher
(500) Days of Summer (2009), dir. Marc Webb
#favorite movies#favorite films#cinema#action movies#thriller movies#nowhere else will you see se7en on the same list as Barbie movies#and i think that's beautiful
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Books I Read in 2024
I was going to do an entire list ranking best to worse, but I had trouble with a lot of books that I thought were equally as good (or equally as bad). So within each star category, I just tried to organize the covers nicely. This is hella long so sorry for any typos. If you have any questions or thoughts on these books, please let me know. I love to yap about books.
5 Stars
Defenestrate - Renee Branum, Slippery Creatures/The Sugared Game/Subtle Blood - KJ Charles, The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen/A Nobleman's Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel - KJ Charles, The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue - Mackenzi Lee, The Queer Principles of Kit Webb - Cat Sebastian, Pride and Premeditation - Tirzah Price, Unnatural Magic - CM Waggoner, Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries - Heather Fawcett, Spellcrafting - Arin Murphy-Hiscock, Picture Book of Saints - Lawrence G Lovasik, Lies We Sing to the Sea - Sarah Underwood, Nettle & Bone - T Kingfisher, A House with Good Bones - T Kingfisher, Bright Young Women - Jessica Knoll, Iron Widow - Xiran Jay Zhao, Joyland - Stephen King, Salem's Lot - Stephen King, She is a Haunting - Trang Thanh Tran, What Lies in the Woods - Kate Alice Marshall, Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn, Dracula - Bram Stoker, Fat Talk - Virginia Sole-Smith, Paris The Memoir - Paris Hilton, Axiom's End - Lindsay Ellis, After the Revolution - Robert Evans, How to Sell a Haunted House - Grady Hendrix, Horrorstor - Grady Hendrix, The Montessori Child - Simone Davies & Junnifa Uzodike, Counting the Cost - Jill Duggar
4 Stars
The Lady's Guide to Petticoats & Piracy/The Gentleman's Guide to Getting Lucky/The Nobleman's Guide to Scandal & Shipwrecks - Mackenzi Lee, Flux - Jinwoo Chong, Yellowface - RF Kuang, The Yellow Wallpaper & Selected Writings - Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros, Wicked/Son of a Witch - Gregory Maguire, Thief in the Night/The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting - KJ Charles, The Magpie Lord/A Case of Possession - KJ Charles, Proper English - KJ Charles, I Kissed Shara Wheeler - Casey McQuiston, Exciting Times - Naoise Dolan, Lavender House - Lev AC Rosen, Child of the Northern Spring - Persia Woolley, We Deserve Monuments - Jas Hammonds, Dune Messiah - Frank Herbert, The League of Gentlewomen Witches/The Wisteria Society of Lady Soundrels - India Holton, Perks of Loving a Wallflower - Erica Ridley, The Color of Magic - Terry Pratchett, A Dash of Salt & Pepper - Kosoko Jackson, Pet - Akwaeke Emezi, One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, She Drives Me Crazy - Kelly Quindlen, Love & Other Disasters - Anita Kelly, The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry - CM Waggoner, The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka, What's the Matter with Mary Jane - Candas Jane Dorsey, Home is Where the Bodies Are - Jeneva Rose, Emma - Jane Austen, Midnight Sun - Stephanie Meyer, Our Hideous Progeny - CE McGill, Most Ardently - Gabe Cole Novoa, Cemetary Boys - Aiden Thomas, Rosemary's Baby - Ira Levin, Misery - Stephen King, Hard Ride - AM Arthur, Cultish - Amanda Montell, Becoming Free Indeed - Jinger Duggar Vuolo, Our Wives Under the Sea - Julia Armfield, The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires - Grady Hendrix, Grimoire for the Green Witch - Ann Moura, We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jackson, The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K Le Guin
3 Stars
Night World No 1 - LJ Smith, Firestarter - Stephen King, A Spindle Splintered - Alix E Harrow, The Dead Zone - Stephen King, The Devil in the White City - Erik Larson, Babel - RF Kuang, The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx, Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen, Sekhmet & Bastet - Lesley Jackson, The Wicked Deep - Shea Ernshaw, Light from Uncommon Stars - Ryka Aoki, The Bone Spindle - Leslie Vedder, You Again - Kate Goldbeck, The Adventures of Isabel - Candas Jane Dorsey, Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk, 18 Tiny Deaths - Bruce Goldfarb, The Peppermint Peril/Sweet Tea & Secrets - Joy Avon, What Big Teeth - Rose Szabo, Yerba Buena - Nina Lacour, Detransition Baby - Torrey Peters, Children of Dune - Frank Herbert, The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School - Sonora Reyes, Hide - Kiersten White, The Chosen - Chaim Potok, Sense & Second Degree Murder - Tirzah Price, The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes - Cat Sebastian, The Upside of Unrequited - Becky Albertalli, A Study in Scarlet - Arthur Conan Doyle, Annihilation - Jeff VanderMeer, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - L Frank Baum, On Her Knees - Brenda Marie Davies
2 Stars
Brainwyrms - Alison Rumfitt, Frankissstein - Jeanette Winterson, In Cold Chamomile - Joy Avon, A Lion Among Men - Gregory Maguire, Real Life - Brandon Taylor, Little - Edward Carey, Into the Drowning Deep - Mira Grant, Son of Rosemary - Ira Levin, Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte, Vanishing Monuments - John Elizabeth Stintzi, You Exist Too Much - Zaina Arafat, The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie - Alan Bradley, Authority - Jeff VanderMeer, Class Struggle Unionism - Joe Burns, A Wrinkle in Time - Madeleine L'Engle, The Sign of Four - Arthur Conan Doyle, Summer Sons - Lee Mandelo, Sharp Objects - Gillian Flynn, Patricia Wants to Cuddle - Samantha Allen, Ruby Fruit Jungle - Rita Mae Brown, Never Been Kissed - Timothy Janovsky, Sorry Not Sorry - Naya Rivera, This Delicious Death - Kayla Cottingham
1 Star
1984 - George Orwell, Tender is the Flesh - Augusitna Bazterrica, The Pope's Rhinoceros - Lawrence Norfolk, The Guest - Emma Cline
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Helena Jane Maguire (1860-1909) pintora e ilustradora británica.
Nacida en Londres. Era hija del pintor Thomas Herbert Maguire (1821-1895) y hermana de la artista Adelaide Maguire (1852-1875).
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Helena trabajó tanto en óleos como en acuarelas, siendo su fuerte los animales y las figuras.
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Probablemente enseñada por su padre, expuso en RBSA, Dudley Gallery, Dowdeswells, ISSPG, Walker Art Gallery, MAFA, RA, RBA, RHA, RI y SWA.
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Murió en Burnham, Buckinghamshire.
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Gravure de Pas de Quatre (1845), avec les danseuses Marie Taglioni, Carlotta Grisi, Lucile Grahn et Fanny Cerrito, peint par Edward Alfred Chalon et gravé par Thomas Herbert Maguire.
Engraving of Pas de Quatre (1845), with the dancers Marie Taglioni, Carlotta Grisi, Lucile Grahn and Fanny Cerrito, painted by Edward Alfred Chalon and engraved by Thomas Herbert Maguire.
#art#lithography#19th century#ballet#Swiss art#Edward Alfred Chalon#Thomas Herbert Maguire#1800s#1800s art#classical art
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The Champion of England, a print after a painting by Thomas Herbert Maguire, 1860
John Crawford, a sailor, nailing the Union Jack to the masthead of HMS Venerable during the Battle of Camperdown 11. October 1797
#naval art#sailor#mid 19th century#sailors uniform#battle of camperdown#1797#i already wrote about these event#age of sail
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Teams: Manly's axing after show-stopping game
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The NRL's form player of the year, Tom Trbojevic, is set to make his return for the Sea Eagles after missing round 23 with a facial injury.Last week, Trbojevic was ruled out as a precaution amid conflicting reports the superstar fullback had damaged a pre-existing facial fracture.
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Tom Trbojevic (Getty)While serious injury concerns were put to bed, the Sea Eagles took no chance, resting their talisman who is set to make an emphatic return against the Bulldogs this week.Meanwhile, star teammate Moses Suli has been dropped from Des Hasler's squad despite putting up a stellar man of the match performance last week. Suli has been dropped to reserves, replaced by Brad Parker who slots straight into the centres.
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Moses Suli. (Getty)Elsewhere, it's tough luck for the Tigers who have the unfortunate task of taking on the Panthers without standout star Adam Doueihi who has been sidelined with a knee injury.To make matters harder for Michael Maguire's men, star winger Brian To'o has made an early return from injury and will line up on Sunday evening.Meanwhile, the Raiders have dumped halfback Sam Williams after back-to-back critical losses to the Storm and Manly.
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Adam Doueihi inspires the Tigers to a big win over the Knights. (Getty) (Getty)
NRL Teams
THURSDAYNewcastle Knights vs Gold Coast Titans, 7.50pm at Sunshine Coast StadiumKnights: 1. Kalyn Ponga 2. Enari Tuala 3. Kurt Mann 4. Bradman Best 5. Hymel Hunt 6. Jake Clifford 7. Mitchell Pearce 8. Sauaso Sue 9. Jayden Brailey 10. Jacob Saifiti 11. Tyson Frizell 12. Mitchell Barnett 13. Connor Watson 14. Brodie Jones 15. Chris Randall 16. Josh King 17. Jirah Momoisea 18. Jack Johns 19. Pasami Saulo 20. Simi Sasagi 21. Phoenix CrosslandTitans: 1. Jayden Campbell 2. Phillip Sami 3. Brian Kelly 4. Patrick Herbert 5. Corey Thompson 6. Tyrone Peachey 7. Jamal Fogarty 8. Jarrod Wallace 9. Mitch Rein 10. Tino Fa'asuamaleaui 11. Kevin Proctor 12. Beau Fermor 13. Sam McIntyre 14. Erin Clark 15. David Fifita 16. Moeaki Fotuaika 17. Jaimin Jolliffe 18. Toby Sexton 19. Sam Lisone 20. Esan Marsters 21. Greg MarzhewFRIDAYWarriors vs Canberra Raiders, 6pm at BB Print StadiumWarriors: 1. Reece Walsh 2. Dallin Watene-Zelezniak 3. Peta Hiku 4. Adam Pompey 5. Marcelo Montoya 6. Sean O'Sullivan 7. Chad Townsend 8. Addin Fonua-Blake 9. Wayde Egan 10. Matt Lodge 11. Josh Curran 12. Euan Aitken 13. Bayley Sironen 14. Kodi Nikorima 15. Bunty Afoa 16. Eliesa Katoa 17. Jazz Tevaga 18. Jamayne Taunoa-Brown 20. Rocco Berry 21. Kane Evans 22. Jack MurchieRaiders: 1. Jordan Rapana 2. Bailey Simonsson 3. Sebastian Kris 4. Matthew Timoko 5. Harley Smith-Shields 6. Jack Wighton 7. Matt Frawley 8. Josh Papali'i 9. Josh Hodgson 10. Joseph Tapine 11. Hudson Young 12. Elliott Whitehead 13. Ryan Sutton 14. Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad 15. Emre Guler 16. Corey Horsburgh 17. Siliva Havili 18. Sam Williams 19. Dunamis Lui 20. Semi Valemei 21. Trey MooneySydney Roosters vs South Sydney Rabbitohs, 7.55pm at Suncorp StadiumRoosters: 1. James Tedesco 2. Daniel Tupou 3. Lachlan Lam 4. Joseph Manu 5. Brad Abbey 6. Drew Hutchison 7. Sam Walker 8. Jared Waerea-Hargreaves 9. Sam Verrills 10. Siosiua Taukeiaho 11. Egan Butcher 12. Sitili Tupouniua 13. Isaac Liu 14. Ben Marschke 15. Naufahu Whyte 16. Fletcher Baker 17. Ben Thomas 18. Moala Graham-Taufa 19. Tukupa Hau Tapuha 20. Daniel Suluka-FifitaRabbitohs: 1. Latrell Mitchell 2. Alex Johnston 3. Dane Gagai 4. Campbell Graham 5. Jaxson Paulo 6. Cody Walker 7. Adam Reynolds 8. Mark Nicholls 9. Damien Cook 10. Thomas Burgess 11. Jaydn Su'A 12. Jai Arrow 13. Cameron Murray 14. Benji Marshall 15. Jacob Host 16. Tevita Tatola 17. Hame Sele 18. Liam Knight 19. Blake Taaffe 20. Peter Mamouzelos 21. Taane Milne
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Latrell Mitchell (Getty)SATURDAYSt George Illawarra Dragons vs North Queensland Cowboys, 3pm at Browne ParkDragons: 1. Tyrell Sloan 2. Mathew Feagai 3. Jack Bird 4. Zac Lomax 5. Mikaele Ravalawa 6. Talatau Amone 7. Corey Norman 8. Blake Lawrie 9. Jayden Sullivan 10. Josh Mcguire 11. Billy Burns 12. Tariq Sims 13. Jack de Belin 14. Freddy Lussick 15. Tyrell Fuimaono 16. Daniel Alvaro 17. Jackson Ford 18. Kaide Ellis 19. Poasa Faamausili 20. Gerard Beale 21. Josh KerrCowboys: 1. Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow 2. Kyle Feldt 3. Valentine Holmes 4. Ben Hampton 5. Murray Taulagi 6. Scott Drinkwater 7. Tom Dearden 8. Jason Taumalolo 9. Reece Robson 10. Jordan McLean 11. Ben Condon 12. Heilum Luki 13. Reuben Cotter 14. Jake Granville 15. Jeremiah Nanai 16. Mitchell Dunn 17. Griffin Neame 18. Tom Gilbert 19. Daejarn Asi 20. Francis Molo 21. Laitia MoceidrekeCronulla Sharks vs Brisbane Broncos, 5.30pm at Suncorp StadiumSharks: 1. Will Kennedy 2. Sione Katoa 3. Connor Tracey 4. Jesse Ramien 5. Mawene Hiroti 6. Luke Metcalf 7. Braydon Trindall 8. Toby Rudolf 9. Blayke Brailey 10. Aaron Woods 11. Briton Nikora 12. Siosifa Talakai 13. Jack Williams 14. Matt Moylan 15. Braden Hamlin-Uele 16. Aiden Tolman 17. Teig Wilton 18. Kai O'Donnell 19. Billy Magoulias 20. Jenson Taumoepeau 21. Joniah LualuaBroncos: 1. Tesi Niu 2. Corey Oates 3. Selwyn Cobbo 4. Herbie Farnworth 5. Xavier Coates 6. Anthony Milford 7. Albert Kelly 8. Thomas Flegler 9. Jake Turpin 10. Payne Haas 11. Alex Glenn 12. Jordan Riki 13. Kobe Hetherington 14. Danny Levi 15. Rhys Kennedy 16. Ethan Bullemor 17. TC Robati 18. David Mead 19. Brendan Piakura 20. Cory Paix 21. Brodie CroftMelbourne Storm vs Parramatta Eels, 7.35pm at Suncorp StadiumStorm: 1. Ryan Papenhuyzen 2. Dean Ieremia 3. Reimis Smith 4. Justin Olam 5. Josh Addo-Carr 6. Cameron Munster 7. Jahrome Hughes 8. Jesse Bromwich 9. Brandon Smith 10. Christian Welch 11. Felise Kaufusi 12. Kenneath Bromwich 13. Chris Lewis 14. Harry Grant 15. Aaron Pene 16. Tom Eisenhuth 17. Nicholas Hynes 18. Tui Kamikamica 19. Isaac Lumelume 20. Tepai Moeroa 21. Marion SeveEels: 1. Clinton Gutherson 2. Haze Dunster 3. Viliami Penisini 4. Waqa Blake 5. Blake Ferguson 6. Dylan Brown 7. Mitchell Moses 8. Isaiah Papali'i 9. Joey Lussick 10. Junior Paulo 11. Shaun Lane 12. Marata Niukore 13. Nathan Brown 14. Ray Stone 15. Bryce Cartwright 16. Makahesi Makatoa 17. Keegan Hipgrave 18. Will Smith 19. Oregon Kaufusi 20. Sean Russell 21. Jakob Arthur
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Ryan Papenhuyzen (Getty)SUNDAYManly Sea Eagles vs Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs, 1.50pm at Moreton Daily StadiumSea Eagles: 1. Tom Trbojevic 2. Jason Saab 3. Brad Parker 4. Morgan Harper 5. Reuben Garrick 6. Kieran Foran 7. Daly Cherry-Evans 8. Toafofoa Sipley 9. Lachlan Croker 10. Martin Taupau 11. Haumole Olakau'atu 12. Josh Schuster 13. Jake Trbojevic 14. Dylan Walker 15. Karl Lawton 16. Curtis Sironen 17. Josh Aloiai 18. Moses Suli 19. Cade Cust 20. Jack Gosiewski 21. Kurt De LuisBulldogs: 1. Nick Meaney 2. Corey Allan 3. Will Hopoate 4. Aaron Schoupp 5. Jayden Okunbor 6. Lachlan Lewis 7. Kyle Flanagan 8. Ava Seumanufagai 9. Bailey Biondi-Odo 10. Jack Hetherington 11. Matt Doorey 12. Joe Stimson 13. Josh Jackson 14. Brandon Wakeham 15. Ofahiki Ogden 16. Chris Patolo 17. Sione Katoa 19. Falakiko Manu 20. Jackson Topine 21. Jake Averillo 22. Watson HeletaPenrith Panthers vs Wests Tigers, 4.05pm at Moreton Daily StadiumPanthers: 1. Dylan Edwards 2. Stephen Crichton 3. Paul Momirovski 4. Matt Burton 5. Brian To'o 6. Jarome Luai 7. Nathan Cleary 8. Moses Leota 9. Apisai Koroisau 10. James Fisher-Harris 11. Viliame Kikau 12. Kurt Capewell 13. Isaah Yeo 14. Mitch Kenny 15. Scott Sorensen 16. Tevita Pangai Junior 17. Liam Martin 18. Izack Tago 19. Taylan May 20. Tyrone May 21. Charlie StainesTigers: 1. Moses Mbye 2. David Nofoaluma 3. Tommy Talau 4. Michael Chee-Kam 5. Ken Maumalo 6. Jock Madden 7. Luke Brooks 8. Thomas Mikaele 9. Jacob Liddle 10. Stefano Utoikamanu 11. Shawn Blore 12. Luciano Leilua 13. Alex Twal 14. Joe Ofahengaue 15. Jake Simpkin 16. Tom Amone 17. Alex Seyfarth 18. James Roberts 19. Billy Walters 20. Tukimihia Simpkins 21. Zac Cini
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Jarome Luai of the Panthers jumps on the pack as Viliame Kikau of the Panthers celebrates a try. (Getty)For a daily dose of the best of the breaking news and exclusive content from Wide World of Sports, subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here! Read the full article
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Happy birthday, Michael Faraday!
On 22 September 1791, Michael Faraday was born. Faraday is a pivotal and influential figure in the history of science, focusing his studies in chemistry and physics.
Born in London, England, Faraday began an apprenticeship with Sir Humphry Davy and accompanied him on a tour of the European continent. Later, he developed his skills as an analytical and practical chemist, becoming a fellow of the Royal Society. Faraday discovered that electricity flowing in a wire can act like a magnet (electromagnetism) and how electricity can be used with chemicals to make them change (electrochemistry).
His invention, the electromagnetic rotary device, formed the basis of electric motor technology, and it’s largely due to his inventions and efforts that electricity became viable for use in technology. Faraday is considered one of the most famous scientists of the 19th century.
Photo credit: Maguire, Thomas Herbert. “M. [Michael] Faraday.” Wove paper. M. & N. Hanhart, 1851. Science History Institute. Philadelphia.
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What other fandoms are you familiar enough with to use as an AU prompt? Pokemon Trainer AU? Homestuck AU (they'd still probably die but at least there are lots of ways to come back to life)?
I’m not that familiar with Homestuck, definitely not enough to do an AU. I read the novelizations of the Pokemon show as a kid but never saw the show or played any of the video games. I did play the super-obscure Pokemon board game, but most of my trading cards were printed in Japanese (I had a strange childhood), so my experience there is, uh, probably not quite overlapping with everyone else’s.
Anyway, if you want list of all my fandoms… Boy howdy. I don’t think I can come up with them all. However, I can list everything that comes to mind between now and ~20 minutes from now when I have to end my procrastination break and go back to dissertating. So here it is, below the cut:
Okay, there is no way in hell I’ll be able to make an exhaustive list. But off the top of my head, the fandoms I’m most familiar/comfortable with are as follows:
Authors (as in, I’ve read all or most of their books)
Patricia Briggs
Megan Whalen Turner
Michael Crichton
Marge Piercy
Stephenie Meyer
Dean Koontz
Stephen King
Neil Gaiman
K.A. Applegate
Ernest Hemingway
Tamora Pierce
Roald Dahl
Short Stories/Anthologies
A Good Man is Hard to Find, Flannery O’Connor
The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka
I Am Legend, Richard Matheson
Dubliners, James Joyce
Flowers for Algernon, Daniel Keyes
Who Goes There? John W. Campbell
The Man Who Bridged the Mist, Kij Johnson
Flatland, Edwin Abbott
I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream, Harlan Ellison
To Build a Fire, Jack London
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, Ambrose Bier
At the Mountains of Madness/Cthulu mythos, H.P. Lovecraft
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle
The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Washington Irving
The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury
Close Range: Wyoming Stories, E. Annie Proulx
The Curious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson
Bartleby the Scrivener (and a bunch of others), Herman Melville
Books (Classics)
Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neal Hurston
The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The Secret Garden, Francis Hodgson Burnett
Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson
Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
The Secret Annex, Anne Frank
Nine Stories, J.D. Salinger
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley
Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
East of Eden, John Steinbeck
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison
Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut
The Stranger, Albert Camus
The Call of the Wild, Jack London
Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
Lord of the Flies, William Golding
Atonement, Ian McEwan
1984, George Orwell
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
The Iliad/The Odyssey, Homer
Metamorphoses, Ovid
Journey to the Center of the Earth, Jules Verne
The Time-Machine, H.G. Wells
The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, Henry V, Hamlet, MacBeth, Othello, and The Taming of the Shrew, William Shakespeare
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, Thomas Stoppard
Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett
Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood
Books (YA SF)
Young Wizards series, Diane Duane
Redwall, Brian Jaques
The Dark is Rising sequence, Susan Cooper
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Diana Wynne Jones
The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis
Abhorsen trilogy, Garth Nix
The Giver series, Lois Lowry
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
Uglies series, Scott Westerfeld
Tuck Everlasting, Natalie Babbitt
A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula K. Le Guin
Song of the Lioness, Tamora Pierce
A Wrinkle in Time, Madeline L’Engle
Unwind, Neal Shusterman
The Maze Runner series, James Dashner
The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Patricia C. Wrede
Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Louis Sachar
Ella Enchanted, Gail Carson Levine
Ender’s Game, Orson Scott Card
The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster
Coraline, Neil Gaiman
Among the Hidden, Margaret Peterson Haddix
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, Avi
Interview with the Vampire, Anne Rice
Poppy series, Avi
The Secret Life of Bees, Sue Monk Kidd
Tithe, Holly Black
Life as We Knew It, Susan Beth Pfeffer
Blood and Chocolate, Annette Curtis Klause
Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie
The Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum
Haunted, Gregory Maguire
Weetzie Bat, Francesca Lia Block
Charlotte’s Web, E.B. White
East, Edith Pattou
Z for Zachariah, Robert C. O’Brien
The Looking-Glass Wars, Frank Beddor
The Egypt Game, Zilpha Keatley Snyder
The Book Thief, Markus Zusak
Homecoming, Cynthia Voigt
Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass, Lewis Carroll
The Landry News, Andrew Clements
Fever 1793, Laurie Halse Anderson
Bloody Jack, L.A. Meyer
The Boxcar Children, Gertrude Chandler Warner
A Certain Slant of Light, Laura Whitcomb
Generation Dead, Daniel Waters
Pendragon series, D.J. MacHale
Silverwing, Kenneth Oppel
Good Omens, Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Define Normal, Julie Anne Peters
Hawksong, Ameila Atwater Rhodes
Heir Apparent, Vivian Vande Velde
Running Out of Time, Margaret Peterson Haddix
The Keys to the Kingdom series, Garth Nix
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, Joan Aiken
The Seer and the Sword, Victoria Hanley
My Side of the Mountain, Jean Craighead George
Daughters of the Moon series, Lynne Ewing
The Midwife’s Apprentice, Karen Cushman
Island of the Aunts, Eva Ibbotson
The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern
The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm, Nancy Farmer
A Great and Terrible Beauty, Libba Bray
A School for Sorcery, E. Rose Sabin
The House with a Clock in Its Walls, John Bellairs
The Edge Chronicles, Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell
Hope was Here, Joan Bauer
Bunnicula, James Howe
Wise Child, Monica Furlong
Silent to the Bone, E.L. Konigsburg
The Twenty-One Balloons, William Pene du Bois
Dead Girls Don’t Write Letters, Gail Giles
The Supernaturalist, Eoin Colfer
Blue is for Nightmares, Laurie Faria Stolarz
Mystery of the Blue Gowned Ghost, Linda Wirkner
Wait Till Helen Comes, Mary Downing Hahn
I was a Teenage Fairy, Francesca Lia Block
City of the Beasts series, Isabelle Allende
Summerland, Michael Chabon
The Geography Club, Brent Hartinger
The Last Safe Place on Earth, Richard Peck
Liar, Justine Larbalestier
The Doll People, Ann M. Martin
The Lost Years of Merlin, T.A. Barron
Matilda Bone, Karen Cushman
Nine Stories, J.D. Salinger
The Tiger Rising, Kate DiCamillo
The Spiderwick Chronicles, Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
In the Forests of the Night, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
My Teacher is an Alien, Bruce Coville
The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, Julie Andrews Edwards
Storytime, Edward Bloor
Magic Shop series, Bruce Coville
A Series of Unfortunate Events, Lemony Snicket
Veritas Project series, Frank Peretti
The Once and Future King, T.H. White
Raven’s Strike, Patricia Briggs
What-the-Dickens: The Story of a Rogue Tooth Fairy, Gregory Maguire
The Wind Singer, William Nicholson
Sweetblood, Pete Hautman
The Trumpet of the Swan, E.B. White
Half Magic, Edward Eager
A Ring of Endless Light, Madeline L'Engle
The Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan
Maximum Ride series, James Patterson
The Edge on the Sword, Rebecca Tingle
World War Z, Max Brooks
Adaline Falling Star, Mary Pope Osborne
Six of Crows, Leigh Bardugo
Children of Blood and Bone, Tomi Adeyemi
Parable of the Sower series, Octavia Butler
I, Robot, Isaac Asimov
Neuomancer, William Gibson
Dune, Frank Herbert
The Miseducation of Cameron Post, Emily M. Danforth
The Martian, Andy Weir
Skeleton Man, Joseph Bruchac
Marvel 616 (most of the major titles)
Marvel 1610/Ultimates
This One Summer
Death Note
Ouran High School Host Club
Vampire Knight
Emily Carroll comics
Fun Home
From Hell
American Born Chinese
The Eternal Smile
The Sandman
Calvin and Hobbes
The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For
TV Shows
Fullmetal Alchemist
Avatar the Last Airbender
Teen Titans (2003)
Luke Cage/Jessica Jones/Iron Fist/Defenders/Daredevil/The Punisher
Agents of SHIELD/Agent Carter
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
American Horror Story
Ouran High School Host Club
Orange is the New Black
Black Sails
Stranger Things
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Jurassic Park/Lost World/Jurassic World/Lost Park?
The Breakfast Club
Cloverfield/10 Cloverfield Lane/The Cloverfield Paradox
Attack the Block
The Prestige
Ferris Bueler’s Day Off
Django Unchained/Kill Bill/Inglourious Basterds/Hateful 8/Pulp Fiction/etcetera
THX 1138/Akira/How I Live Now/Lost World/[anything I’ve named a fic after]
Star Wars
The Meg
A Quiet Place
Baby Driver
X-Men (et al.)
10 Things I Hate About You
The Lost Boys
Teen Wolf
Pirates of the Caribbean (et al.)
Die Hard
Most Disney classics: Toy Story, Mulan, Treasure Planet, Emperor’s New Groove, etc.
Most Pixar classics: Up, Wall-E, The Incredibles
The Matrix
Dark Knight trilogy
Friday the 13th
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Descent
Ocean’s Eight/11/12/13
King Kong
The Conjuring
Fantastic Four
Minority Report/Blade Runner/Adjustment Bureau/Total Recall
Fight Club
Spirited Away
Disturbing Behavior
The Faculty
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Marge Piercy
Thomas Hardy
Sigfried Sassoon
W. B. Yeats
Edgar Allan Poe
Ogden Nash
Margaret Atwood
Maya Angelou
Emily Dickinson
Matthew Dickman
Karen Skolfield
Kwame Alexander
Ellen Hopkins
Shel Silverstein
Musicals/Stage Plays
Les Miserables
Repo: The Genetic Opera
The Lion King
The Phantom of the Opera
The Prince of Egypt
Into the Woods
A Chorus Line
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
Fiddler on the Roof
Fun Home
Spring Awakening
The Miser
The Importance of Being Earnest
South Pacific
The Wiz
The Wizard of Oz
Man of La Mancha
The Sound of Music
West Side Story
Sweeney Todd
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown/Snoopy
Something Rotten
A Very Potter Musical
Babes in Toyland
Carrie: The Musical
Annie Get Your Gun
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
The Final Battle
Rock of Ages
Moulin Rouge
The Secret Garden
Reefer Madness
Bang Bang You’re Dead
War Horse
Peter Pan
Sister Act
The Secret Annex
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Disclaimer 1: Like a lot of people who went to high school in the American South, my education in literature is pretty shamefully lacking in a lot of areas. (As in, during our African American History unit in ninth grade we read To Kill a Mockingbird, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn… and that was it. As in, our twelfth-grade US History class, I shit you not, covered Gone With the Wind.) There were a lot of good teachers in with the *ahem* Less Woke ones (how I read Their Eyes Were Watching God and The Bluest Eye) and college definitely set me on the path to trying to find books written/published outside the WASP-ier parts of the U.S., but the overall list is still embarrassingly hegemonic.
Disclaimer 2: There are a crapton of errors — typos, misspelled names, misattributions, questionable genre classifications, etc. — in here. If you genuinely have no idea what a title is supposed to be, ask me. Otherwise, please don’t bother letting me know about my mistakes.
Disclaimer 3: I am not looking for recommendations. My Goodreads “To Read” list is already a good 700 items long, and people telling me “if you like X, then you’ll love Y!” genuinely stresses me the fuck out.
Disclaimer 4: There are no unproblematic faves on this list. I love Supernatural, and I know that Supernatural is hella misogynistic. On the flip side: I don’t love The Lord of the Rings at all, partially because LOTR is hella misogynistic, but I also don’t think that should stop anyone else from loving LOTR if they’re willing to love it and also acknowledge its flaws.
#literature#fandom#booklist#about the blogger#long post#long ass post#books#nothing to do with animorphs#Anonymous#asks
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A rather dashing portrait of Charles Darwin in 1849. I dug up this image after reading a fine rant by Darren Naish:
Here’s a little known fact. Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), the most important biologist of all time, did not spend his entire life as an old man. I despise stereotypes, especially those that are totally erroneous, and whenever I see a picture of ‘old man Darwin’ I wonder: why is it that so many of our most important scientists are consistently portrayed as old men? Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing in particular against old men (or beards), it’s just that this tradition is annoying and misleading, and perpetuated by a society that seems to want scientists to be oddballs that operate on the fringes of society.
Lithograph by Thomas Herbert Maguire from the Wellcome Library collections [CC BY 4.0]
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NPR Top 100 Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Strikethrough = Already read Italics = Located on another list Bold = Unread and unlisted
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
The Dune Chronicles by Frank Herbert
A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin
1984 by George Orwell
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Neuromancer by William Gibson
Watchmen by Alan Moore
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein
The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss
Slaugherhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Phillip K. Dick
The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Dark Tower series by Stephen King
2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke
The Stand by Stephen King
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury
Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
The Sandman by Neil Gaiman
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein
Watership Down by Richard Adams
Dragon Flight by Anne McCaffrey
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein
A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
The Amber Chronicles by Roger Zelazny
The Belgariad by David Eddings
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
Ringworld by Larry Niven
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Once and Future King by T.H. White
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke
Contact by Carl Sagan
Hyperion by Dan Simmons
Stardust by Neil Gaiman
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson
World War Z by Max Brooks
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
The Forever War by Joe Haldeman
Small Gods by Terry Pratchett
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson
The Vorkosigan Saga by Louis McMaster Bujold
Going Postal by Terry Pratchett
The Mote in God’s Eye by Larry Niven
The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke
I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist
The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks
The Conan Chronicles by Robert E. Howard
Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb
The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne
The Legend of Drizzt by R.A. Salvatore
Old Man’s War by John Scalzi
The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson
Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke
Kushiel’s Legacy by Jacqueline Carey
The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
Wicked by Gregory Maguire
The Malazan Book of the Fallen Series by Stephen Erikson
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
The Culture Series by Lane M. Banks
The Crystal Cave by Mary Stewart
Anathem by Neal Stephenson
The Codex Alera Series by Jim Butcher
The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
The Elric Saga by Michael Moorcock
The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury
Sunshine by Robin McKinley
A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge
The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov
The Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson
Lucifer’s Hammer by Larry Niven
Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
Perdido Street Station by China Mieville
The Xanth Series by Piers Anthony
The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis
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Cage Warriors 102 results: Webb stuns in hometown title win
Cage Warriors 102 results: Webb stuns in hometown title win - http://mmauk.net/2019/03/02/cage-warriors-102-results-webb-stuns-in-hometown-title-win/
Cage Warriors 102 results: Webb stuns in hometown title win
A monumental return to the U.K capital saw Cage Warriors crown hometown hero James Webb their new middleweight champion, to top a massive card stacked with memorable moments.
In the main event, London’s own James Webb capitalised on the defining moment of his career, submitting Thomas Robertsen to the roar of the home crowd. After hearing the noise in the Indigo tonight, anyone in attendance knows one thing for certain – Cage Warriors have a new UK star with a formidable following on their hands.
Lower down the main card, Rhys McKee and Perry Goodwin gave the fans one of the most exciting lightweight fights in recent memory, eventually ending with a shock submission finish for McKee. Also in the lightweight division, Jai Herbert was able to overcome Steve O’Keeffe’s grappling-heavy offense to pull off a stunning TKO, taking his record to 8-1.
To open up the main card, rising Brazilian welterweight Joilton Santos caused the upset in his Cage Warriors debut by besting former UFC contender Craig White across 3 rounds.
A superbly matched 8-fight prelim card gave the London crowd plenty to shout about, with hometown fighters Nathan Jones and Brad Wheeler both picking up first round finishes. Other highlights included an incredible display of determination from Modestas Bukauskas to finish Marcin Wojcik after being down on the scorecards, and yet another decisive win for top flyweight contender Sam Creasey.
And that’s not all – before the pros took to the cage, Liverpool up-and-comer Marcus Lewis put on a calculated 3-round clinic to become the new Cage Warriors Academy North West Amateur Champion, dethroning former champ Adam Shelley.
Tonight’s action has laid the groundwork for Cage Warriors’ return to London for a historic ‘Live at the Apollo’ event on June 29th, when the promotion’s President Graham Boylan promises to stack one of the biggest cards in Cage Warriors history. Early Bird tickets are currently on sale HERE at 20% off.
Cage Warriors are back in action in one weeks time, when they hit Copenhagen, Denmark for for CW103 on March 9th, headlined by an Interim Welterweight Title Fight between Alex Lohoré and former champion Nicolas Dalby.
Full CW102 results
Main Card
James Webb def. Thomas Robertsen via submission (arm-triangle choke) to become Middleweight Champion
Jai Herbert def. Steve O’Keeffe via TKO
Rhys McKee def. Perry Goodwin via submission (guillotine choke)
Joilton Santos def. Craig White via unanimous decision
Pro Prelims
Sam Creasey def. Andy Young via unanimous decision
Brian Bouland def. Cory Tait via majority decision
Brad Wheeler def. John Maguire via TKO
Nathan Jones def. Martyn Harris via Submission (armbar)
Modestas Bukauskas def. Marcin Wójcik via TKO
Steve Aimable def. Decky McAleenan via majority decision
James Hendin def. Joshua Onwordi via TKO
Aidan Stephen def. Kingsley Crawford via unanimous decision
CW Academy North West Lightweight Title Fight
Marcus Lewis def. Adam Shelley via unanimous decision
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Beat Your Genes Podcast
The Beat Your Genes podcast is free on iTunes, as well as the Blog Talk Radio site here).
On the show, Doug Lisle, PhD occasionally references certain books that offer a science-based approach to psychology and understanding human nature. Below is a list of all of those books, as well as other books and movies discussed by Dr. Lisle:
- The Pleasure Trap: Mastering the Hidden Force that Undermines Health and Happiness / Douglas J. Lisle, PhD and Alan Goldhamer, DC
- Esteem Dynamics (future publication) / Douglas J. Lisle, PhD
- Wooden: A Lifetime of Reflections On and Off the Court / John Wooden and Steve Jamison
- How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World / Harry Browne
- Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies / Jared Diamond, PhD
- The Selfish Gene / Richard Dawkins, PhD
- The Extended Phenotype / Richard Dawkins, PhD
- The Blind Watchmaker / Richard Dawkins, PhD
- On Human Nature / Edward O. Wilson, PhD
- Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge / Edward O. Wilson, PhD
- How the Mind Works / Steven Pinker, PhD
- The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature / Steven Pinker, PhD
- The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature / Geoffrey Miller, PhD
- Spent: Sex, Evolution, and Human Behavior / Geoffrey Miller, PhD
- The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture / Jerome H. Barkow, PhD, Leda Cosmides, PhD, John Tooby, PhD
- Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind / David Buss, PhD
- The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating / David Buss, PhD
- The Folly of Fools: The Logic of Deceit and Self-Deception in Human Life / Robert Trivers, PhD
- Social Anxiety / Mark Leary, PhD
- The Curse of the Self / Mark Leary, PhD
- Self-Presentation / Mark Leary, PhD
- Interpersonal Rejection / Mark Leary, PhD
- The Promise of Sleep / William C. Dement
- The Talent Code: Greatness Isn’t Born. It’s Made. Here’s How / Daniel Coyle
- Mindset: The New Psychology of Success / Carol Dweck, PhD
- Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America / Robert Whitaker
- Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty / Nancy Etcoff, PhD
- The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature / Matt Ridley
- The Rational Optimist / Matt Ridley
- The Moral Molecule: How Trust Works / Paul J. Zak, PhD
- The Moral Animal / Robert Wright
- Chimpanzee Politics / Frans de Waal, PhD
- Obedience to Authority / Stanley Milgram, PhD
- Social Identity and Intergroup Relations / Henri Tajfel
- Human Groups and Social Categories / Henri Tajfel
- Willpower / Roy Baumeister, PhD
- Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide / Peter Breggin, MD
- Reading People / Jo-Ellan Dimitrius
- The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem / Nathaniel Branden
- Your Perfect Right: Assertiveness and Equality in Your Life and Relationships / Robert Alberti, PhD and Michael Emmons, PhD
- When I Say No, I Feel Guilty / Manuel J. Smith, PhD
- I’m OK-- You’re OK / Thomas Harris, MD
- Mating in Captivity / Esther Perel
- Diet For a New America / John Robbins
- The China Study / T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell II, MD
- The Starch Solution / John McDougall, MD
- Helter Skelter / Vincent Bugliosi
- And the Sea Will Tell / Vincent Bugliosi
- Outrage: The Five Reasons Why O. J. Simpson Got Away with Murder / Vincent Bugliosi
- Zodiac: The Skocking True Story of the Hunt for America’s Most Elusive Killer / Robert Graysmith
- Natural Hygiene: The Pristine Way of Life / Herbert M. Shelton, ND
- The Science and Fine Art of Fasting / Herbert M. Shelton, ND
- On the Origin of Species / Charles Darwin
- The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals / Charles Darwin
- The Descent of Man / Charles Darwin
- The Republic / Plato
- The Metaphysics / Aristotle
- Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human / Richard Wrangham
(referenced in certain youtube interviews- Did Humans Evolve Eating Meat? was one, and The Evolutionary Human Diet was the other- on a playlist I compiled with favorites from Dr. Lisle here.)
Bonus- the movies referenced:
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- Jaws
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers (presumably the 1978 version directed by Kaufman, who also directed The Right Stuff)
- The Right Stuff
- Diet For a New America
- Schindler’s List
- When Harry Met Sally
- Forrest Gump
- Jerry Maguire
- Analyze This
- Conspiracy (2001 dramatization of “Final Solution” conference)
- As Good As It Gets
- Bridge of Spies
- Chris Rock: Never Scared
- Bill Burr: Let it Go
- 8 Mile
Update 18 Jan.
- The Fateful Hoaxing of Margaret Mead: A Historical Analysis of Her Samoan Research / Derek Freeman, PhD
- Dangerous Passion: Why Jealousy is as Necessary as Love and Sex / David M. Buss, PhD
- Leonardo da Vinci: Notebooks
- Leonardo da Vinci / Walter Isaacson
- Why We Feel: The Science of Human Emotion / Victor S. Johnston, PhD
- Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Casablanca
- Star Trek: The Original Motion Picture Collection
- Steven Spielberg: Jurassic Park, etc.
- Titanic
- Star Wars (Presumably A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, The Return of the Jedi)
- Clint Eastwood (Presumably Leone’s Dollars Trilogy, Universal Pictures 7-Movie Collection, Dirty Harry)
- The Big Chill
- Hard Times
- Carole King and James Taylor
- Maroon5′s “Sunday Morning”
- Chicago
- The Beatles: The Early Beatles
- Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass
- Frank Sinatra
#evolutionary psychology#beat your genes#podcast#doug lisle#forksoverknives#wfpb#books#movies#personality#psychology
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Cage Warriors 102 weigh in results
Cage Warriors 102 weigh in results - http://mmauk.net/2019/03/01/cage-warriors-102-weigh-in-results/
Cage Warriors 102 weigh in results
Many of Cage Warriors’ biggest names met in the U.K capital today to weigh in for CW102, one of the promotion’s most impressive London cards ever.
Topping the bill is a middleweight title fight between London’s own James Webb, who tipped the scales at 184.2lbs, and Thomas Robertsen (184.1lbs) from Norway.
Their stare down had the intensity to match any title fight in the Cage Warriors books, but respect shone through. Both men rose through the ranks together in the Cage Warriors Academy South East, and now a defining point in their fighting journeys can be marked as they meet under main event lights with the title on the line.
Also stacking the main card are two hugely exciting lightweight bouts in Jai Herbert (155.6 lbs) vs Steve O’Keeffe (154lbs) and Perry Goodwin (154.7lbs) vs Rhys McKee (155.8lbs). With the lightweight division the strongest its ever been and many contenders eyeing the title, it’s all to fight for on Saturday night.
Opening up the main card is Brazil’s Joilton Santos (170.5lbs) vs Craig ‘The Thundercat’ White (170.5lbs), who is back in the yellow gloves after a 2-fight run with the UFC.
Fans can tune in to all of the above action on CW102’s Main Card live on UFC FightPass from 9PM Saturday night.
A major talking point in the run up to CW102 has rightly been the strength of Cage Warriors 8-fight pro prelims, which will be aired free for all on UFC Fight Pass from 5.40PM. Highlights include the return of top flyweight contenders Sam Creasey (125.6 lbs) and Andy Young (125.1 lbs), and an electric bantamweight bout between Brian Bouland (135.1 lbs) and London fan favourite Cory Tait (135.9 lbs).
Unfortunately, late medical issues have forced both Adam Amarasinghe and Carlos Graca off the card, meaning their bouts with Darren O’Gorman and Michael Younis have been cancelled.
The London Indigo at the O2 Arena is over 90% sold out for CW102, with the very last remaining standing tickets available HERE.
Full CW102 weigh in results
Main Card James Webb (184.2lbs) vs Thomas Robertsen (184.1lbs) – Middleweight Title Fight
Jai Herbert (155.6 lbs) vs Steve O’Keeffe (154lbs)
Perry Goodwin (154.7lbs) vs Rhys McKee (155.8lbs)
Craig White (170.5lbs) vs Joilton Peregrino (170.5lbs)
Pro Prelims Sam Creasey (125.6 lbs) vs Andy Young (125.1 lbs)
Cory Tait (135.9 lbs) vs Brian Bouland (135.1 lbs)
John Maguire (174.7 lbs) vs Brad Wheeler (174.4 lbs)
Nathan Jones (169.5 lbs) vs Martyn Harris (169.6 lbs)
Modestas Buskauskas (203.7 lbs) vs Marcin Wojcik (206 lbs)
Steve Aimable (145.7 lbs) vs Decky McAleenan (145.1 lbs)
James Hendin (143.8 lbs) vs Joshua Onwordi (148.7 lbs)
Kingsley Crawford (144.6 lbs) vs Aidan Stephen (145.3 lbs)
CWA NW Amateur Lightweight Title Fight Adam Shelley (154.8 lbs) vs Marcus Lewis (154.6 lbs)
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CW102 full fight card and broadcast details
CW102 full fight card and broadcast details - http://mmauk.net/2019/02/25/cw102-full-fight-card-and-broadcast-details/
CW102 full fight card and broadcast details
This Saturday, March 2nd, Cage Warriors return to the Indigo at the O2 Arena with one of their strongest London cards ever.
Topping the bill is a middleweight title fight between London fan favourite James Webb and Norway’s Thomas Robertsen.
With 4 finish wins in his last 4 outings, James Webb has proven more than capable of handling top European names, with his last KO victory over former title challenger Jason Radcliffe securing his shot at the coveted middleweight belt.
Robertsen, with a near-perfect record of 7-1 and 6 first-round finishes, is convinced he can steal the belt away from the UK and bring another Cage Warriors world title back to Scandinavia where he’d join the region’s list of former champions including Søren Bak, Nicolas Dalby and now-UFC middleweight Jack Hermansson.
CW102’s main card will also feature two hugely exciting lightweight bouts in Jai Herbert vs Steve O’Keeffe and Perry Goodwin vs Rhys McKee, and the return of Craig ‘The Thundercat’ White who is back under Cage Warriors lights after a 2-fight run with the UFC.
In the pro prelims, fans can expect fireworks when dynamic flyweights Sam Creasey and Andy Young meet in the featured bout, and former bantamweight title challenger Brian Bouland takes on London’s own Cory Tait.
The UK capital’s fight scene has never been stronger, with major London names like Darren Stewart and former champion Nathaniel Wood coming through the Cage Warriors ranks into the UFC spotlight. Could we see the future world superstars of the sport throw down this Saturday night?
The London Indigo at the O2 Arena is 90% sold out for CW102, with the very last remaining standing tickets available HERE.
How to watch
Main Card (from 9PM) will be broadcast live on UFC FightPass and a host of premium global partners including:
Eleven Sports Network: Belgium, Luxembourg, Poland, Taiwan
Viaplay: Scandinavia (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden)
K+: Vietnam
C+: Myanmar
Cignal: Phillipines
D Sports: India
CYTA: Cyprus
Gol TV: Spain
Setanta Eurasia: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Pro Prelims (from 5.40PM) will be live and FREE on UFC Fight Pass.
Main Card (9PM) James Webb vs Thomas Robertsen (Middleweight Title Fight)
Jai Herbert vs Steve O’Keeffe (Lightweight)
Perry Goodwin vs Rhys McKee (Lightweight)
Craig White vs Joilton Peregrino (Welterweight) Pro Prelims (5.40PM) Sam Creasey vs Andy Young (Flyweight)
Cory Tait vs Brian Bouland (Bantamweight)
John Maguire vs Brad Wheeler (175lbs catchweight)
Nathan Jones vs Martyn Harris (Welterweight)
Darren O’Gorman vs Adam Aramasinghe (Flyweight)
Michael Younis vs Carlos Graca (Middleweight)
Modestas Buskauskas vs Marcin Wojcik (Light Heavyweight)
Steve Aimable vs Decky McAleenan (Featherweight)
James Hendin vs Joshua Onwordi (Featherweight)
Kingsley Crawford vs Aidan Stephen (Featherweight)
Amateur Card (5.25PM) Adam Shelley vs Marcus Lewis (CWA NW Amateur Lightweight Title Fight)
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