#This skin might not be a legendary or for league but at the least she's here again
itisbop · 7 months
And now... the moment you've all been waiting for (or not, which is fine)! Let's talk Brawl Talk because OH BOY am I excited.
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This is gonna be a pretty long post, so bear with me! I'll go over one section at a time and go over what I liked and disliked. Spoilers ahead! If you haven't watched the latest Brawl Talk, go do so! One more reminder, these are just my thoughts! You don't have to agree with me!
Without further to do... let's talk!
New Brawlers (Angelo and Melodie)
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Now, when I first saw Angelo, I immediately went, "HE'S UGLY LMAO." After getting used to him, though, he's actually not that bad. His design is really good and is somewhat of an anti-cupid (perfect for a gal like Willow). Also, his voice actor did such a good job so much energy was put into him.
He doesn't seem like he's gonna be incredibly busted, but he is gonna be good in the right hands (while I'm at it pay your respects to Mortis Mains ya'll, they just took a major l with this guy). Sorry Larry and Lawrie, but you two are gonna have to step aside, I NEED this man as much as I need the next brawler.
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I. LOVE. MELODIE!!! I did think she was a League of Legends character at first, lol.
Apparently, I've heard people say she is the first female assassin, which is very interesting! Out of the two, I feel she poses more of a threat. She might be broken, though her main attack is WEAK.
I've been through the Reddit and have seen so many people talk about how she looks like Janet, and I'd like to take the time to bring up a little theory... what if she was Janet and Bonnie's mom? I would go into this further, but we have to keep going!
Overall, I really like these two! Their designs are really good, and the character designers did a great job! Their pins and profile pictures show SO much personality! Expect some art of these two soon! However, if I may say something, I wish their skins were cooler. Why couldn't Angelo have a Sands of Time skin too? 😭
Speaking of Sands of Time...
Sands of Time and Ragnorok + Skins
Out of both seasons, I'm very hyped for Sands of Time. The "Sands of Time" is a very interesting concept that can be used very creatively. Can't wait to see what the animation brings! Though I think we all know why I'm hyped...
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My best guest was that this skin was gonna be a Epic/Mythic skin, but a LEGENDARY?????? WHAT?????? Chuck fans we just fucking WON. I've seen the sneak peaks and heard his voice lines, Nicolai did an INCREDIBLE job as always. I'm am SO READY to go broke for this skin, but first, I must purchase some seasonal skins since they've been on my agenda for a while.
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Loki Chester has to be the one I'm looking forward to getting the most for the Ragnorok seasons/skins. Plus, it's free! (If you have good luck).
Side note and honorable mention, Thor Bibi was just the icing on the cake for Bibi Mains this update. While I feel like a few more details could be added for this skin to make in truly "legendary," everything else about it great, including the voice acting! Poor Bull, he's the only one in his yet to get a Legendary Skin.
Ranked and The Report System
Okay, not related, but I love how they disses on the community a bit in this section, LOL. They know what, at least Reddit and Twitter are doing (and let's keep it that way, they don't need to know what's going on over here lol).
Anyways, while I'm excited (and scared) for Ranked with modifiers I wanna take this time to talk about a concern... the report system...
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Now, I know there's a reason why we have 10 reports; but what's gonna stop so angry guy from reporting me if I didn't do anything? I feel like there's a chance this could backfire, that's all.
Hypercharges and Balance Changes
No Mortis or Poco hypercharge :(
Cordelius was definitely unexpected and very scary. Getting slowed in the shadow realm is a death sentence.
I wish Belle got a little more this update, but I'll take the hypercharge.
Move over Charlie, there's a new spider person in town, and he's a DINOSAUR.
Onto to balance changes. 84???? GOD DAMN. Adrien wasn't fucking around this update. Edgar is dead (and rightfully so FUCK HIM) and Doug might actually stand a chance in this Meta. I'll miss the days when Hypercharges were game breaking just for the community's rage, but it's probably for the greater good.
Whatever the Fuck the Random Skins Were
Now Primo Shark, I can take (though I'm definitely not gonna be able to take Baby Shark as a in game theme, I'm muting music for that entire time period). Pitcher Fang is a good skin too. Squeaky note is very... meh, but it's a rare skin so you can't expect much.
It was tolerable until I saw the losing animation, and to that, I say EWWWWWWWWWW 🤮🤮🤮. WHYYYYY!?!?!? THAT'S SO NASTY!!!
I get that this is an April Fool's skin, but WHYYY THAT??? Thank GOD this skin is expensive. If I catch any of you with this skin, I'm gonna need to ask if you're okay. I don't wanna show a picture of this skin to you all, or else I'm pretty sure Tumblr would kick me to the curve. This is easily what I was least excited for for this update.
Overall Rating and Final Thoughts
Now, it's time to throw the final ratings on screen and say anything else that's on my mind.
New Brawlers - 9.5/10, definitely getting both! Let's hope they get some cool skins soon!
Sands of Time - 7/10, the concept and Chuck carry this season don't fight me on this. /j
Ragnorok - 6.5/10, I'm not as hyped, but I will grind for that Chester skin!
Ranked - 8/10, now I have a reason to actually play this mode. Hopefully, the report system is fair enough...
Hypercharges - 6.5/10, again not as hype, but I will be snatching that Belle Hypercharge since she's the only one out of the 6 I maxed out. She deserved more, though. :(
Balance Changes - 10/10, bye Edgar begone. F for the twins, however; I liked them.
Random Stuff - 3/10, not even Pitched Fang can save us from whatever the devs were on.
Overall Season 24/25 is...
8/10! (Poop Spike ruined it >:( )
And that's it. For those who have read to the end, thank you so much for heating me ramble it means so much. Expect some headcanons and more little theories soon (as in some time this week). Until then, ciao!
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gangbae · 2 years
White Rose Vi - Wild Rift
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nbmahoushoujo · 2 years
A Guide to Star Guardians for Non-League Players
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So... if you like magical girls and you’ve seen Star Guardians around, you might have wanted to see what it’s all about! The problem is, Star Guardians is a skin line in league of legends so the actual content for it is split up in different places and it’s not clear where to start if you don’t already know a lot about it. So I’ve compiled all the official Star Guardian content that I know of in mostly chronological release order, and I’ll offer explanations and context about each part where I can! Some stuff is links to videos and stories, and some is screenshots from the games for small in-game things. I might over-explain some things so I apologise for how wordy this is!
First of all, I’ll be talking about 3 separate games here:
League of Legends - The main game, has been around for ages, I’m sure you’ve heard of it, very toxic gamers, etc.
Wild Rift - The mobile version of League of Legends, has only been around for a few years so it doesn’t have all the same characters/skins yet, sometime has unique skins that aren’t in league of legends
Legends of Runeterra -  A card game with the same characters and world but entirely different gameplay, in this game a “skin” is just different card art and sometimes a single different level-up animation, there’s no character model you play with to put a skin on
As this story universe is based on in-game skins as a starting point, new lore and content comes every time new skins are released, which is usually a new team of guardians. 
Since these characters are just skins, no knowledge of the regular characters in Runeterra (the name of the world in the regular universe) is needed! For example: many people will know Jinx from Arcane, but Star Guardian Jinx is an entirely different version of the character made for a different universe. Same goes for K/DA and True Damage members in the music skin universe who a lot of people know only in that context.
When I list new characters, I’ll link to their official character profiles which you can read to get to know them before watching/reading any videos/stories they’re in. Trust me, they’ll make more sense that way!
New Stars - a short story
Now, this is only a few paragraphs long with some images but I can’t for the life of me find where it was officially published. Great start, you’ll have to make do with some screenshots of the same content on the wiki:
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Skins released:
Lux (Was actually released before all of this, the whole skin line came from the success of her one-off magical girl skin)
Burning Bright - Animated music video
Star Guardian Jinx Interactions
Jinx has something called a legendary skin, which is a more expensive type of skin that has more unique features than a regular one. The main differences are unique animations (normal skins have to conform to the animations of the regular character) and more importantly for the lore, unique voice lines. Star guardian Lux, for example, has the same voice lines as regular Lux which has nothing to do with Star Guardians. So this means that legendary Star Guardian skins have voice lines that can give insight into their character. Some will be generic things to say when performing actions in the game, but the lines they say towards other characters are at least worth hearing I think. They’re mostly not technically canon, but basically “what if this character met this one”.
For all legendary skins, I’ll link to videos by SkinSpotlights who kindly compiles them!
Skins released:
Miss ‘Sarah’ Fortune (In the main Runeterra universe her name is Sarah Fortune but she’s referred to as Miss Fortune)
A New Horizon - Animated video
Starfall - Short story
Star Guardian Ahri Interactions
Invasion - PVE game mode
This was only for a limited time which I wasn’t there for, but I found a video of the gameplay.
This year’s Star Guardian skins were a little different in that they were just versions of previous Star Guardians in onesies themed around their familiars! They don’t have separate profiles since they’re the same characters so you can see them all below: 
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Miss fortune, Ezreal, Lux, Lulu and Soraka
The Slumber Party Summoning - Short story
The Twilight Star - Short story
Skins released:
Xayah & Rakan* 
*The character profiles don’t represent Xayah and Rakan at this point in the story, so I’ll link them later. For now what you need to know is Xayah and rakan were members of Ahri’s original team who were killed, revived and corrupted by Zoe. They now fight against the Star Guardians because they believe that their friends left them to die on purpose. Also they’re very in love, which is why they’re always paired together. Xayah’s Familiar is Saki (left) and Rakan’s is Riku (right)
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Light and Shadow - Animated music video
Star Guardian Xayah and Rakan Interactions
Yes that’s right, there was nothing new for two years, only for the biggest Star Guardian Event yet which is only just coming to an end! There’s a lot of content across games which means different stories lines were released simultaneously, so I’ll just be putting it in the order I think makes most sense!
Return to Valoran City - Short animated event teaser (worth watching for the pretty art and to get a feel for the setting)
Before looking at the new skins I recommend reading this first:
Twin Stars - Short story
It introduces a few of the new characters a year before they become guardians and their story starts, and sets up what’s going on with the previous characters currently!
Skins released in League of Legends:
(Star Nemesis) Morgana
(Star Nemesis) Fiddlesticks
Everything Goes On - Animated music video
This sets up the simultanious stories, with Kai’sa as the main character in League of Legends and Xayah in Wild Rift. Next I’ll list the League of Legends content, and we’ll come back to Wild Rift.
Another Sky - In-game visual novel
This is the meat of the content, it has 5 chapters including the epilogue for the main narrative, and shorter side stories for each individual member of the team. The visual novel is only available in the game client, and after the event it won’t be playable anymore, so I’ve linked a playlist of uploads to youtube. 
This does mean you can’t see all the different dialogue options, but I couldn’t find an upload that shows all of them so I’ll update this if any pop up. There’s only a few different lines after each different choice before it goes back to the same content. It’s not a “your choices have consequences” kind of thing.
The main story and character stories are mixed together weirdly in this playlist, but the video titles are clear enough. The side stories can be read in any order, before, during, or after the main story.
Shadow of a Doubt - Animated Video about Akali
Set around the middle of the visual novel, but it doesn’t really matter when you watch it.
Star Guardian Kai’sa Interactions
Star Guardian Akali Interactions
Taliyah Sessions -  A playlist of copyright-free music by a mix of artists with Taliyah as the face of them. This is something riot’s done with other champions, Vi and Diana, and it’s good music for studying and stuff like that! If you don’t listen to it I hope you at least watch the section with the song ‘SIDE 2 SIDE’ so you can see Taliyah’s cute little dance moves. She’s the best. I love her.
Skins released in Wild Rift:
(Redeemed) Xayah
(Redeemed) Rakan
Wild Rift Visual Novel - In-game visual novel
This is the other main story, following Xayah’s newly-formed team and taking place at the same time as the other visual novel.
New Dreams - Vlogs by Xayah’s new team:
Star Crossed - Comics adapted from the same story as the visual novel. It covers mostly the same events, plus Xayah recruiting the members of her team at the start which was not in the vn. In my opinion it’s the better version of the story!
Skins released in Legends of Runeterra: 
(Gwen is the only Legends of Runeterra exclusive, the others all overlap with the other games so I won’t bother linking to the same profiles again!)
Legends of Runeterra has less content overall. Each character has 2 pieces of art with flavour text, as their art changes when they level up. A few of them have unique level up animations too. Here I’ll share my own screenshots from the game to make sure the flavour text is included!
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Star Guardian Gwen Level-up Animation
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Star Guardian Jinx Level-up Animation
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Star Guardian Kai’sa Level-up Animation
Additionally, Star Guardian Kai’sa is the only lor skin so far to have unique voice lines, but they’re really not much. Here anyway:
Star Guardian Kai’sa Voice Lines (Starts at 14:21)
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Thank you for reading this! I hope it helped, I just had fun talking about the characters I love!
I’ll finish off with other related info/trivia and thoughts that I want to share:
Star Guardian ages are confusing. Some of them are teenagers who have just become guardians, while others are hundreds of years old and just pretend to be a regular human age. It’s not always clear which is which to be honest! Lux’s team is mostly teenagers but Janna is implied to be much older. Ahri’s original team seem to be a lot older, but I’m not entirely clear on her new team. Syndra, Zoe and Gwen are from the original first Star Guardian team so they’re the oldest. What confused me was that Xayah’s new team is made up of old guardians according to the comics, yet they all pretend to be high schoolers and then complain about high school as if they didn’t choose to disguise themselves that way??
A lot of people were really getting their hopes up for the return of Star Guardians PVE because apparently it was really fun in 2017, but alas we just got some other regular game mode that no one cares about. Apparently PVE doesn’t drive engagement enough for riot to do that anymore even though everyone wants it. Video titles that aged like milk:
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Similarly, from the teasers a lot of people thought Kai’sa and Akali were going to be a couple in this universe. With all the hand holding and gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes, it was a little disappointing that they went with the ‘very close gal pals’ route. It would have been wild to make Akali canonically queer only to ship her with anyone but Evelynn, considering Akalynn was the biggest ship before Arcane came out.
Regular Taliyah was originally intended to be trans by the writers/artists that worked on her, but as is typically the case in this game, they weren’t allowed to do that. In more recent content there’s been a clear effort to code her that way. When Neeko was released she got a voice line towards Taliyah that says “Neeko not the only one who changes”. Neeko changes because she’s a shapeshifting chameleon, so in what way does Taliyah change? 🤔 I think Star Guardian Taliyah has the most clear trans coding so far with her whole thing about wanting to figure out who she is, and feeling more herself when she transforms, etc. 
On the topic of Neeko voice lines, Neeko was the first out lesbian champion in the game, I love her very much, please listen to her! I wish she had more Star Guardian content.
If you know Akali, Kai’sa, Ahri and Seraphine from K/DA, you may notice Evelynn’s the only K/DA member who’s not also a star guardian. It doesn’t mean anything, but there’s been a lot of memes about her feeling left out and a good few Star Guardian Evelynn fan designs!
If you only know Jinx from arcane and wonder who that random blonde girl is that people keep shipping her with, that’s regular Lux. They’ve never met in Runeterra, but their dynamic in Star Guardians translates well to the base characters too. To sum it up, Lux thinking “I can fix her” and Jinx thinking “I can make her worse” is why they make a fun pairing in any universe! 
Ezreal is boring and he's the worst Star Guardian. This is just opinion but I’m right. /j
Gwen was a doll who became human, but her joke animation in league lets her transform back into the cute little dolly version of her. In Legends of Runeterra, you can have this doll as a guardian (little buddy who sits next to your cards and does cute stuff if you click on them) and there’s a Star Guardian variation:
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If you’re interested in learning more about League of Legends lore and it’s alternate universes, check out Necrit! He’s known as the lore guy at this point.
If you’re interested in the character designs and animation you’ve seen, check out TB Skyen! He’s done some animation breakdown videos of Star Guardian Stuff and recently done a stream ranking and talking about the skin designs.
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birdy-bat-writes · 4 years
New Year’s Bet
Pairing: Tim Drake x Fem! Reader
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: Word vomit and weird writing? But mostly fluff.
Summary: You and Tim have liked each other for a while. It’s Your chance to confess at the New Years Eve party.
Sometimes, life overcomplicates things, and when you’re a teenage superhero that fights crime in between your homework, you don’t want any more complication. That’s why you really resented today. You had just come back from a mission with the team. When you got back with the rest of your Alpha teammates, you noticed that Beta had already been here for a while. Typical. Still, it was sweet that you found Tim waiting for you. His hair looked a little more ruffled than when you saw it last, and he looked as tired as you felt but it didn’t stop him from flashing you the smile that could light up your whole world.
“Hi, Boy Wonder.”
“Hey, how’d your end of the mission go?”
“Not bad. No injuries, so that’s good, but I, for one, am exhausted.”
“Same here.”
“How’d your end go?”
“Well, I guess you’ll find out in about 30 seconds because Batman is calling us for a briefing.” You laughed and headed over for the briefing along with your teammates. Seriously, Batsy could not have picked a worse day to send you on a mission that ran for 14 hours. It was peak winter and New Year’s Eve. When you were deployed, you could tell by the looks on your teammates faces that they weren’t too thrilled either and just wanted to be in their beds. You all practically exuded lethargy. Although, as much of a toll as the covert op took on you, the emotional ache of trying to confess to your crush for a week and failing was far more crushing. That’s why you were so exhausted. For the last two weeks, either you or Tim were called away for something before you had the chance to tell him, and now you were back to debating if you should even try. See? Complicated. You were pulled from your thoughts when you saw the crowd around you disperse, indicating that Batman was done talking.
“Briefing over, Nap time!” you exclaimed.
“Nap time? Its 2:30 pm.” Tim huffed a laugh.
“Yes, and that means I have not slept in 27 hours. You and I both know that’s never a good thing.” He smiled and looked like he was about to say something. Presumably sarcastic, before,
“No one’s napping. Y/S/N, Robin, you both said you would help me decorate the party hall today.”, M’gann said. She was right. A few weeks ago, the Justice League members had decided to throw a New Year’s Eve party and invite all the members of the junior team. M’gann was tasked with decorating. You had promised to help, and you weren’t one to break a promise.
“You’re right, I’ll be right there.”
“Great! Robin, you too, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there.” Of course, Tim was going. You were going to be there and there’s no way he’s missing any opportunity to talk to you. Especially since he had been trying to tell you something rather important for over a week now. He was hopelessly in love with you and now he really wanted to tell you. What better place than a party, right? Gosh, he hoped you felt the same way. I mean, Conner and Gar insisted that you did.
The two of you Zeta tubed over to the hall of justice and saw that Bart, Conner, Jaime and Dick were already there. By the looks of it (the looks of Dick covered in confetti and holding a glitter banner with his foot), they were also roped into helping M’gann. Understandable since the room you were standing in was enormous. This was just one of the spare rooms on the top floor of the Hall of Justice. The back of it was a wide balcony overlooking statues of esteemed heroes, and beyond that, the city skyline. The air was icy but still refreshing. You were admiring the sight when the first order was barked, surprisingly, not by M’gann.
“Okay! Tim, Y/N, you guys hang the banner. Seven feet up on the left wall.” Dick ordered. “Bart, Jaime, you two set up the tables. Conner, make sure they don’t eat all the food. Anyone that can fly is left responsible for the disco ball. I don’t trust any of you with the sound system so I will be picking the music.” He looked a little too happy about that last part. He’d better not play 80’s music all night.
“It’s going to happen…” Bart whispered under his breath.
“No, you will not eat the-”
“Not that! Look at Robin and Y/S/N. Today’s the legendary day.” He cut Jaime off.
“Oh yeah, you said they get married in the future. Today’s the day they get together?”
“Yeah, and we’re going to see it live. Now I’ll know who actually wins the bet!”
You dragged the step ladder over to the wall while Tim came over with the banner and measuring tape. Honestly, you had no clue that Dick was such a stickler for organization. Still, it wasn’t as boring or tiring as you thought it was. Joking around with Tim brought some life into you.
You had climbed up to the four-foot mark and taped the banner edge to the wall. Nice and even, but you didn’t step quite right while getting down and tripped. A fully trained hero of the night like you would have had no trouble landing on their feet, and you didn’t, but you didn’t get to land on your feet because you landed in someone’s arms. Tim Drake’s arms.
“Are you alright?” He asked, concerned.
“Yeah, I am. Thank you.” Your arms clung onto his shoulders and his hands tucked under your knees and waist.
“Are you sure? You didn’t hurt your ankle, did you?”
 “I don’t think so. How’d you catch me that fast?”
“Um… my protective override gives me superpowers?” You both laughed at this. His eyes were so genuine and pure. It was only when you felt his chest heave from laughter against your body that you realized he was still holding you, and suddenly, you could feel your heartbeat get faster.
“Hey, guys, is the banner up?” You heard Dick’s voice approaching and scrambled to your feet. Tim rushed to straighten himself.
“Yeah, everything’s great here. All done!” Tim spoke a just fast enough to sound suspicious, but Dick ignored that. He just might win that bet tonight.
 “Perfect. You guys can go home and get changed for the party. Everything is pretty much done around here.” With one last smile to Tim, you zeta’d back home with M’gann so she could help you choose your dress, and you skipped the entire time.
“He caught you?!” M’gann was your biggest cheerleader and she was like an older sister to you. Tim was your best friend, but she was the one you went to when you needed to talk about feelings and the girl stuff. You know, like how to keep your hair up during a fight.
“Yeah! Does that mean something?”
“Obviously! I’ve seen both of you jump off 20 story building and land on your feet. There was no reason for him to catch you unless he really wanted to be your hero.” You were positively giddy.
“Maybe I should tell him.”
“Maybe? DEFINITELY! And you can do it in this.” She pulled out a simple black tulle dress that hemmed just above the knee. You really liked it. Paired with a pair of silver shoes and some light jewelry, you were ready to go.
By the time you made it to the hall of Justice, the room was already filled with people. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman sat in the corner of the room. You were sure Supes and Wonder Woman were trying to convince Batman to actually leave the corner but were not succeeding. The decorations you had put up were gleaming in the lights that contrasted the fading daylight outside. Then you saw him. Tim was dressed in a black suit with a dark red tie. He stood next to Bart, smiling that smile again and you felt the butterflies come back. You weren’t alone though. When he saw you, the whole world melted away. You looked absolutely beautiful. With the way your hair fell so gracefully over your glowing skin and how your dress fit you so perfectly… It probably wasn’t possible to be more in love with you than he already was but if it were, he would have fallen hard. ‘Butterflies’ was an understatement.
“So, are you going to go talk to her or would you rather just keep staring at her?” Tim’s thoughts were interrupted by a very amused Garfield Logan. “She’s waving at you. Go talk to her.” He urged. Tim started walking and looked back only once to see gar with the biggest smirk on his face.
“Y/N, you look really nice.” He said. You tried to hide your blush, but he saw it.
“Thanks, so do you.” The smile was audible in your voice and the thought of you smiling at him made the corners of his mouth pull up even more. He wanted more than anything to hear your voice, see your smile, to gaze into your gorgeous eyes forever. “They effort we put into decorating this place paid off. I never thought I’d see Batman under a disco ball.”
“Funny, it’s my sixth time seeing that. One time, there was a shark involved.”
“Someday, you have got to tell me that story.”
Minutes turned into Hours and you spent most of them in the back of the room with Tim.
“Capes are functional!”
“How?! Edna Mode said-!”
“Yeah, but mine is bullet proof!”
“Tim, your whole suit is bulletproof! There’s no point of a cape!”
“Fine, it gives me flair.” He joked. In the distance, Bart was watching the two of you giggle in each other’s company.
“It’s 11:30, Jaime, we just have to wait half an hour”
“Dude, this is creepy.”
“But necessary.”
M’gann passed the two of with Conner by her side. She waved at the two of you and joined Artemis and Wally. Both couples looked so happily in love. “You know, I think Conner’s planning on proposing.”
“Really? M’gann will be so happy! I can’t wait for the day he does.”
“Do married couples kiss at midnight on New Year’s?”
“I guess so. I mean, the point of it is to kiss the person you want to spend the new year with, right?”
“Right. So, do you think Dick will kiss Barbara or Wally?” You chuckled. “I say Wally.”
“Never tell Dick, but I agree with you.”
“Are you going to kiss anyone at midnight?” The question had you flustered to say the least. You weren’t expecting him of all people to ask you that.
“Well, I-”
“Guys, have you seen the cake they’re bringing out? Its massive! Come see.” He tried to pull the two of you toward the kitchen, but Bart was having none of that. It was too close to time and things weren’t about to get off schedule now. So, he sped over.
“Hey, Gar! What was that about cake? In the kitchen you say? Cool, let’s go now! Y/N, Tim, have a lovely evening.”
“Wai-” And they were gone. You and Tim looked at each other with eyebrows raised. There was a non-verbal exchange of “That was weird, right?” and “Eh, not for them.” Tim went to get two drinks and you made your way to the balcony. The bright lights of the city skyline looked so alluring for no explainable reason. They looked like stars scattered among the buildings and you couldn’t help but think of all the nights you’d spent staring at the stars until the sun came up next to Tim. You really wanted to tell him tonight. It was 11:55 by now, imagine if you had your first kiss on New Year’s. But that won’t happen. Pssht.
“Two glasses of punch, lots of ice.” He handed you a glass.
“Thank you very much.”  Tim’s mind was racing silently. He kept thinking if he should or shouldn't confess. With your own mind racing, you broke the silence "I never answered your question...I- No, I don't have anyone I plan to kiss tonight." His face relaxed for a second before a fiery blush crept up "Do you...plan to kiss anyone?"
He responds "I wouldn't say I plan to. Just…" Should I…? Ah, screw it he thought. He's in love with you with you and he wants you to know. "Y/N?"
“I really like you. A lot, and-" he's interrupted by a shout, It's 11:58 only two minutes ‘till New Years! You were smiling uncontrollably. "Two minutes till midnight, wow. I know you probably don't feel the same, but I just wanted you to know that since the day I met you, I've been so unbelievably happy. You make that way." Someone started a countdown from 60.
You began, "Timmy, I like you too." You placed your hands on his and the countdown reached 35. Maybe it was the adrenaline from the heat of the moment, but you felt particularly bold and said, "Tim, we kiss people on New Year’s because we want to be with them for the new year. You make so happy all the time and I love being around you and-and- " you stammered while the countdown reached 10. "Will you spend the new year with me?"
5, 4,
"I'd love to."
3. You both looked into each other’s eyes, glanced at each other's lips. He placed a hand on your cheek and gently drew you in.
1! His lips were on yours. Happy New Years! The crowd cheered while you moved your arms up to pull Tim closer into the kiss. It was soft and warm and perfect. You both pulled away grinning like idiots. Bart looked over at you two, Crash.
Later on, the Justice League is watching from afar how cute you two are. Wonder Woman and Canary were awing while Arrow and Green Lantern were giving you the "Way to go kiddo" head nod.
"I’d better ask Tim who confessed first." Batman said. Superman looked at him questioningly. "I had a bet with Nightwing. My money was on Y/S/N"
Superman just smiled and said, "You're going lose your money, Bruce."
"Were you actually listening in on their conversation?"
"Um..." Batman looked at him with faint surprise and gave a nod of disapproval. "Oh, what can I say I was rooting for them!"
"I'm disappointed in you Clark. Now quick, tell me what they said."
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Taglist: @anothertimdrakestan @offendedfishnoises @comicsandhoney @river-bottom-nightmare @catxsnow @cries-in-fangirl-23 @batarella @idkmanicantenglish @sonofrobin16 @l-horizon11
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morgana-ren · 5 years
A Little Respect (Shigaraki x Reader)
Summary:  Life is hard for a outlaw down on their luck. Especially hard when you're cold, starving, and desperate. As fate would have it, the League of Villains just might take you in. If you can survive their temperamental leader, that is.
Rating: This particular chapter is E for everyone but Shig is rated R for Real Fuckin’ Rude. Mild cursing and sexual innuendo from Dabi. Will advance in rating as the chapters come out.
A03 mirror if you prefer to read it there
Sorry guys, it’s not the Filthy Smut™ I promised earlier but I got an idea at like 3am and wanted to get it out. 
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Tomura Shigaraki does not like you.
Wait, that’s an understatement.
Tomura Shigaraki does not like you at all. It might even be fair to say he hates you.
From the moment he first saw you, he was decidedly unimpressed. Beady, vermillion eyes narrowing in irritation, lip twitching almost indiscernibly behind the shadow of his hand-mask. He’d only looked you over for a brief moment before casting down his judgement, deeming you unworthy of his attention.
It didn’t matter to him that you had taken time out of your day to be here. Seems a bit ungrateful, if you were honest. After all, he was the one looking for new recruits, not you. That was why you were standing awkwardly in the middle of this dingy bar that smelled like cheap liquor and ashes, prostrating yourself before this man-child in hopes of a job. Yeah, you’d seen him on TV and heard of his exploits, but nothing could quite capture the sheer arrogance of the real thing.
He had turned his nose up at you so easily, ripping his focus from you without a second thought. When he spoke, he didn’t even bother addressing you. You were a waste of his time. He instead turned to Giran who stood nearby, sucking down his cigarette as if the acrid smoke filling the bar didn’t add unnecessary drama to the already tense atmosphere.
“Where do you find this trash?” Shigaraki waved you off, mind already made up that you were nothing but a nuisance. “This NPC is really bottom of the barrel.”
His uneven, scratchy voice only served to spike your agitation. Admittedly, you were a proud one on occasion, but this was outright ridiculous. This low budget comic-book-villain-reject looking fuck was calling you trash? Now that was funny.
Giran had moved to speak up on your behalf, but you just couldn’t help yourself. You’d always had a hot temper and an even bigger mouth. It had gotten you into trouble quite a bit, and it was probably responsible for the current financial predicament and various bruises you found yourself saddled with now. Despite that, you had a really hard time controlling the venomous thoughts that came out of you. Sometimes, it just tumbled out before you could consider stopping it.
“What’s with all the hands? Compensating for something? Or is it just a fetish?”
Giran flinched as the words left your lips, mouth closed in a grimace as he exhaled the smoke from the most recent inhale through his nose. You knew you were making his job difficult, but this second-rate walking lotion commercial had already made up his mind, right? You didn’t feel you had much to lose.
Shigaraki visibly stiffened, fist clenching into itself as he held his thumb out to the side. You’d made him mad. What a bitch.
“Rude and bratty with no manners. I’m starting to think you just dumpster dive and bring whatever you find at the bottom to me.”
Even though his tone was sharp and held an edge that hadn’t been there previously, he still refused to look at you, even as he flared at your disrespect. Your antics hadn’t been entirely unappreciated, however. There had been a slight chuckle from the figure standing beside him. A man with charred skin and striking blue eyes with wild black hair was looking you over, eyes glimmering with amusement.
“I like her.”
“You would. You’re just as annoying as she is. But at least you can be useful on occasion.” Tomura scoffed, visibly irritated now as he tapped a long, pale finger on the wooden surface of the bar.
“I really think you ought to give her a chance, Shigaraki. I honestly believe she could be beneficial to your organization.” Giran gestured to you, maintaining a nonchalant smile. You knew he got paid either way, but he did consider himself a professional. He’d work his magic until this breathing temperamental tantrum decided he’d had enough, and then it would be back out on the streets for you.
“We don’t need another loser in our party.” Shigaraki crossed his arms over each other, pointer fingers carefully hovering above the fabric of his black shirt. You knew what he could do, what those fingers were capable of. One grip on your bare flesh and calling you fish food would be generous.
You found it unfair that kind of power had been given to such an impudent dick.
Giran motioned for you to step forward. “Go on, show him.”
You rolled your eyes but obliged, moving into the forefront of the room. You felt like a dancing monkey, but if it would put money in your pocket and food in your mouth, you’d play along. Even if it meant kneeling for one of the biggest jerkoffs the underworld had to offer.
You closed your eyes, focusing for a moment before releasing a breath and bringing your hands together. Light began to shimmer in front of you, swirls of color blending, stitching and intertwining. Bright flashes of blues, reds, and yellows formed a pattern and came together, slowly taking form. Seconds later, a perfect recreation of All Might was standing directly in front of the bar, mimicking his stereotypical pose. The mirage turned its head to the toward the villainous duo seated nearby, legendary smile gleaming in the dim bar lights. It raised an arm, giving a thumbs up.
“I am here!”
The voice was so loud and lifelike that Shigaraki recoiled, looking absolutely feral. His eyes shot open, widened in a mixture of confusion and rage. He had lurched himself half-way out of his chair, posed to lunge at the imposter before him, hands at the ready and poised to attack. “What is this shit?”
A small smile cracked on your face. You focused again, summoning another illusion from the air, this one comprised of mainly blacks, whites, and reds. It wasn’t long before a flawless imitation of Shigaraki himself appeared behind the illusory hero, creeping up behind it, hand outstretched and reaching. It made eye contact with the authentic Shigaraki, grin spreading past the boundaries of the decomposing hand placed over his face.
“Not anymore you’re not.”
The duplicate’s hand made contact with the All Might mimicry, all five fingers pressed against the blade of its shoulder. As the spindly fingers dug in, All Might’s uniform and skin began to decay, spreading and unweaving the flesh and muscle until bare bone was visible beneath as the body began to decompose rapidly. Tendons snapped and plasma leaked to the floor, sending the usually impervious hero to the floor in a whimpering, grimy mess.  Soon enough, All Might’s likeness was nothing but a whimpering pile of dying, ashy viscera beneath fabricated Shigaraki’s red sneakers.
Eventually the illusion faded, and not one person spoke. It took effort for you to hold back a triumphant sneer. Your little production had been no Hamlet, but it garnered the desired result no less. The real Shigaraki was paralyzed in place, eyes still glued to the spot on the floor where the fake All Might had perished, as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.
And he was right, he couldn’t.
Real All Might was still out there, traipsing around and being a massive pain in someone’s ass, but Giran had hinted to you that something like this might get Shigaraki’s dick hard. His hatred of All Might was all encompassing and exploiting it might give you a fighting chance. Apparently, he had been right. You had a feeling that if you let him, Shigaraki would just keep staring in disbelief until someone actively shook him from his stupor.
“I couldn’t get your voice quite right but it’s the best I could do on short notice. I’ve never met you before today.”
You were the first to break the silence, since everyone else with the exception of Giran was dumbfounded. Might as well get the ball rolling. Either you were in or you weren’t, and if you weren’t, you had a corner store to rob before it got too late.
Achingly slow, Shigaraki turned his head back to you. You couldn’t quite get a read on him, not with that giant hand on his face, but judging by the fact that his hands were shaking, and he looked murderous, the prognosis didn’t look too good.
“What is it?” He hissed, copper eyes narrowing on you. “Your quirk. What the hell is it?”
“Illusion. Tricks of light and sound. Basically, I can mess with light and sound waves temporarily to create whatever vision I desire.” It sounded way cooler than you explained it like that. “I can’t do it on a large scale, and I have to understand the exact representation and mannerisms of whatever it is I’m creating if I want it to be accurate, hence your voice. Also, they’re incorporeal. I can’t create a physical form.”
Shigaraki was staring at you blankly. You’re losing them. Play it up.
“Other than that, I can create whatever I want. As long as it’s not too exhausting, I can hold it for a while too. As you can see, there’s not a whole lot else I can really do with it since the visions can’t actually touch or be touched, but it’s great as a distraction.” You shrugged, letting your shoulders slump as you realized just how ridiculous this entire situation really was. “I figured maybe you could use it for subterfuge or something.”
“Doll, you have got no imagination at all.” The blistered one spoke up again, simpering mischievously. “I can think of plenty- “
“Shut up!” Shigaraki growled, flexing his hands by his sides and clearly not in the mood for either one of you. His invasive stare was studying you again, eyes resting a little too long on your face to make you comfortable. You wanted to make another smart-ass remark, but Giran smelled that a mile away like a dumb-shit detecting bloodhound and opted to speak first to keep you from ruining your chances.
“So? What do you say?” He leaned over, smashing the butt of his cigarette into a nearby ash tray, waving away the excess smoke that rose. “You think that’ll be helpful?”
You could see deep frown lines and the shadow of a scowl on Shigaraki’s face. He didn’t answer immediately, choosing to glare you down instead. You weren’t sure you wanted to be a part of the League anymore, anyway. Not if it meant working under this broody, angsty little-
“She can stay.” He turned, storming out the doors without sparing you a second glance. “But if she gets on my nerves, I’ll dust her.”
Well, a job is a job, even if your new boss is the world’s biggest blowhole. If it meant a warm place to sleep and clothes on your back, you’d take it.
“Guess we’ll be working together. See you around, doll face.” The scarred guy gave a slight indifferent wave in your direction before heading out through the exit. You weren’t quite sure how to feel at the moment. It wasn’t exactly the definition of a warm welcome, but then again, you were working with a criminal organization that was currently at the top of Japan’s most wanted list. You couldn’t really expect a hug and a welcome tour.
Giran, on the other hand, seemed ecstatic. He slapped you on the back, grinning wide and no doubt pleased at the bonus commission he’d be ringing in. “See? I think that went great!”
“That was great to you?” Your brows furrowed in confusion. That had to have been one of the single most awkward experiences of your life. The infamous Shigaraki had the charismatic presence of a flaming pile of dog shit.
“Definitely. He didn’t even try to kill you.”
Your mouth dropped. “That’s a thing that happened? That’s a fuckin’ thing that happened and you didn’t tell me?”
“Oh yeah. The last two I brought his way didn’t sit well with him either. About 2 minutes into the meeting and he tried to kill them both. Would have been a real mess if it hadn’t been for Kurogiri stepping in.”
You rolled your eyes, huffing out an exaggerated breath. “Thanks, man. A warning would have been nice. I know he’s temperamental and all, but it would have been good to get a little bit of notice if I had to get my affairs in order.”
“Oh, come on, it’s not so bad. He’s an alright guy. A little rough around the edges but he’ll grow on you. Just try to keep that mouth of yours in check?” He smiled nervously, reaching in his pocket for another cigarette.
“Yeah, ‘cause that’s worked out so well for me in the past.”
“You’re a smart girl. You’ve can do it. Just do your job and stay out of his way if you can.” He flicked his lighter, inhaling the smoke deeply before turning to you again. “The last people I introduced to the League worked out well for him, and while he talks a lot, they seem to get on just fine. I know Shigaraki can be difficult, but maybe you’ll find some comfort in the others.”
“They’re villains, Giran. How amicable can they really be?”
He laughed, giving a small shrug. “I don’t know. You’re technically a villain, and you seem fine to me.”
You opened your mouth to speak but stopped short when you realized you didn’t exactly have a retaliation to that. “Fair.”
“Come on, let’s get your stuff and get you settled in here. No sense in keeping anyone waiting.”
“Your paycheck, you mean.” You side-eyed him, following him out through the bar doors.
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ashes-and-ashes · 5 years
Quidditch Matches
eg a Professional Quidditch au
Sirius never gets sick of the roar of the crowd.
He feels it; the screaming, the yelling, feels the energy coursing deep in his bones. It’s infectious, the thousands of people filling the stands, the air so cold it hurt his lungs. He breathes in deeply until his lungs hurt, flexing his fingers at his side.
When he hears his name - Black, Sirius! he steps onto the court, broomstick slung carelessly over his shoulders. The crowd goes wild - he’s always known how to do this, the cocky smile and the raised eyebrows, head tilted just so. A lifetime lived in the harsh gleam of the cameras and Sirius knows he can’t let the mask drop just for a second. He gives the crowd a two-fingered salute - they scream their approval and Sirius laughs as he goes to join the rest of his teammates.
“Done posing?” James asks. His hair is even more ruffled then usual - Sirius smirks to himself as he remembers James’ locker room rant, pacing up and down the rows of benches as he tugged at his hair. Lily stands next to him, her helmet tucked underneath her arm, hair a fiery red against the dark blue of their robes; she shoots Sirius a fierce grin.
“Who knows? Maybe he’ll retire from Qudditch one day. Become a porn star.”
“Tried that,” Sirius counters, ducking under Benny’s outstretched arm and slinging his hand around Dorcas to join in the huddle. “Didn’t work. See, the lenses weren’t big enough to capture my - “
James clears his throat. “Look guys. It’s the deciding match. Whoever wins this makes it to finals.”
“Semis,” Lily corrects.
James rolls his eyes. “I have good news and bad news. Which one?”
“Good,” Sirius says, and the others murmur their assent. James nods.
“Good news is that Mulciber is out. Turns out Peter hit him a little bit harder then he intended to.”
Peter shrugs, his beaters bat slung casually over one shoulder. “Bruised?”
“Broken,” James replies, and Peter’s eyes widen. “He’s done. He won’t be in for another season at least.”
Benjy snorts. “That’s probably good. I was this close to killing him after what he did to Caddy in playoffs. That body check was illegal.”
Caradoc rolls his eyes. “Shut up, Fenwick.”
“Oh, make me Dearborn - “
“Bad news,” James says, speaking over them, “Is that they have a new player. Looks pretty good from what I can see. He’s a seeker.”
Sirius feels all eyes turn towards him. He shrugs - Sirius was the best in the league for a reason, with a perfect history of catches. “Is he any good?”
“Guess you’ll find out.”
Sirius smirks. “Don’t think so.”
“Careful,” Lily says. “Don’t want to get cocky.”
Sirius gives her a mock bow. The sound of horns startle them all out of their bickering - their heads all snap up, watching the doors at the opposite end of the court. Schooling his face into a neutral expression, Sirius watches the familiar parade of their rivals.
The names drone in his head - they had practically memorized the order by now. It had started ages ago, when they had managed to beat them 280 - 300 at their first ever finals and the rivalry still was going strong five years later.
Longbottom, Frank! Bones, Edgar! Fortescue, Alice!
Sirius smiles to himself - Alice and Lily had a known rivalry as the two best Keepers in the league. He stifles a laugh as Lily clenches her jaw, eyes burning.
McKinnon, Marlene!
Beside him, Dorcas lets out a long sigh. “If she wasn’t on the other team I might have thought about banging her.”
Sirius shrugs. McKinnon was a Chaser, notorious for her perfect aim. “I can see it,” he says, and Dorcas shoves him.
He nods as the announcer calls out Prewett, Fabian and Prewett, Gideon - the twins were legendary, arguably the best beaters in the league. Sirius watches Peter and Dorcas size them up, bats at their side.
He glances up at the magical whiteboard, the names magically erasing from the surface, and Sirius finds himself holding his breath -
Lupin, Remus!
He can’t stop himself. Sirius leans forward, interested to see who his new opponent is when Lupin steps through the door and Sirius’ heart stopped dead.
He’s not some inexperienced schoolboy - Sirius has seen plenty of beautiful people, cold elegance and haughty arrogance. He’s grown up with them all his life, black lace and pearls, the glint of gold in earlobes and at throats, rings and bracelets and pins.
So he doesn’t know why his heart stutters, why his breath hitches when his eyes fall on Remus Lupin. He was different - all long limbs and curly hair, his hands tucked over his broom. There was something different about him, a keen sort of awareness that filled his body - Sirius suddenly knew with sinking certainty that this Remus Lupin would be a nightmare on the court.
There’s no time to ponder this though - Sirius realizes with a jolt that everyone had already gotten into their starting positions. He swallows hard, casually slings his broom around his arm and saunters over to check Remus.
Remus’ eyes narrow slightly as Sirius comes closer. He’s leaning against his broom; Sirius can see the silver letters imprinted on the wood, R. Lupin. He grins, all teeth, savage ferocity in his eyes.
“So you’re the new Seeker.”
Remus raises an eyebrow. His eyes are gold, true gold, sunlight on amber and streaks of bronze and Sirius wonders if he could ever paint them. “No,” Remus says, his voice smooth and even. “I actually just polish everyone’s brooms.”
“Oh really?” Sirius smirks. “How do they like their brooms polished?”
Remus shoots him a flashing smile, one that let Sirius see past the calm exterior and into the raging fire at his core. “Extremely well,” he replies, then turns to watch James and Fabian Prewett shake hands. Sirius follows his gaze, shaking his head - Remus Lupin was obviously a Class-A Asshole.
He tunes out the post-game speech - his head is pounding, adrenaline filling his body. He barely even waits for the starting whistle - at the first tweet he’s off, the lights in his eyes and the air around him.
He’s always loved flying, ever since he was a kid, used to weave his toy brooms around trees and through rocks, ducking down so low he could brush the ground. He remembers falling off his broom once, snapping his wrist - he tried out for the team in a cast.
His broom turns smoothly in his hand; Sirius grins as he yanks it up, executing a perfect hairpin turn above Remus’ head. Remus levels an unimpressed look at him.
“You going to play the game like that?” he calls - Sirus’ hair is a wind-tangled mess, all curls and knots.
“Mind your own business, Princess!” Sirius yells back. He does take a minute though to scrape his hair up into a bun - the crowd behind him goes wild. Remus just rolls his eyes, settling into position, golden eyes scanning the pitch.
When the second whistle blows he’s off - the Snitch is a blur of gold against the clashes already happening below him, near-invisible against the frenzy of balls and bodies. Sirius laughs, dripping down to weave in between the broomsticks, eyes roaming the field for any hint of gold.
He glances up just in time to seen Lily casually intercept a ball, tossing it to James as he swooped by. Alice bats his shot away without blinking an eye - Frank Longbottom pulls into a long swoop to reach it before James did -
“Crap!” Frank hisses; Peter had aimed a Bludger at his head. He had to spin to avoid it, giving James plenty of time to reach the Quaffle; he passes it to Benjy who managed to slip it into the hoop behind Alice.
The crowd roars - Sirius’ heart swells with triumph as he spits the magical whiteboard blur, a huge 10 appearing. He can hear Benjy’s whoop from across the pitch - Sirius smiles. “Let’s Go!” he screams.
“Losing focus, Black?” Sirus whips around - Remus is hovering a few feet away from him, tone mocking. Sirius replies back easily, the humor in his voice not quite masking the venom.
“Just trying to give your team the chance to win,” he replies. “You know. Cause they need it.”
Remus gives him a small shrug and God, if he wasn’t such an asshole, if his eyes weren’t so bright and his body so lean -
“Heads!” Dorcas shrieks - Sirius barely manages to swerve to the right before she’s bashing it, sending it careening towards McKinnon. She’s aimed it perfectly - the ball smacks right into the Quaffle, narrowly missing McKinnon’s fingers.
“You fucker!” McKinnon shouts, already diving for the ball. Dorcas blows her a kiss.
“Stop flirting with the Seeker,” she tells him, and then she’s plunging back into the fray below. Sirius looses a long sigh, pulling his broom down into a steep dive - the Snitch was right by James’ ankle -
There’s a blur of purple in front of him - Sirius just barely manages to hold on as Remus crashes into him, sending him careening away from the center. He swears, fingers digging into the wood so hard that he feels his nails bend, pressing back into the skin.
“Asshole,” he mutters. Remus ignores him, swooping into an inpossibly sharp dive. Sirius shakesthe dizziness, follows him -
The only warning he gets is the soft whoosh of the ball; Sirius flattens himself to his broomstick as the Bludger flies inches away from his head. He spins, dragging his gaze up to see Gideon Prewett’s grinning face, his bat dangling in one hand.
“Sorry Black!” he calls and then Sirius is accelerating forward, towards Remus who was swooping for something and the crowd was going wild -
Sirius grit his teeth, out on an extra burst of speed and body-checked Lupin away from the Snitch. He lunges for it but it’s too far away - he sees it disappear into the mass of bodies. There’s another scream from the crowd - he looks up at the board.
70 - 80. They were losing - only by 10 points but losing all the same. Remus shoves him, hard enough to send him spinning and crashing against the walls of the stadium.
“Fuck off.”
“Make me.”
“I’ll punch your teeth out. Will that help?”
“I was going to say you could gag me but - “
Remus rolls his eyes. They’re circling each other, high above the scuffle for the Quaffle down below. He studies Sirius for a moment then gives him a fleeting grin - full of light and electricity and that forever-stubborn determination that Sirius had. “You could stay out of my way.”
“You need a telescope? Maybe you’ll actually see he Snitch then.”
“You need some safety charms? Maybe you’ll actually learn how to fly.”
Sirius shoves him again; Remus just laughs as he lets himself be pushed backwards. “Better step up the trash talk. You sure aren’t good at it.”
Sirius rolls his eyes, diving down into a deep dive. He can hear his teammates down below - James’ frantic orders, Lily’s calm responses, Benjy’s insults and Caradoc’s booming laugh. He can hear Peter and Dorcas too, the voices of his family and teammates and best friends in the world and he knows he can’t let them down.
McKinnon swoops over him, blonde hair shining under the harsh lights. She intercepts the Quaffle with a grin, winking at him before tossing it up. Sirius can tell from the roar that she must have scored. He grits his teeth - he can’t see Remus through all the bodies, and he has no idea where the Snitch is -
He spots it just as Remus does - right in the middle of the court. Sirius leans forwards, urging his broom to go faster, to out face Remus -
His hands are almost around it when Remus knocks him away. Sirius grits his teeth and shoots forwards, pinning Remus against the wall, his broom blocking Remus’ broom and his face too close to Remus’. “Let - go - “
“Give me then damn Snitch,” Remus hisses - Sirius again can’t stop noticing his eyes. “Bastard.”
“You - “ Sirius breaks off - he spots the Snitch at the exact same time that Remus does. They both reach for it, so fast he doesn’t know -
An ear-splitting siren fills the room, making Sirius jump with shock. His pounds as he scans the room, the scoreboard - both sides were at 130, which meant that...
“Hey,” he says. His voice sounds hoarse, rough and raw from yelling. “Who - “
He looks down. A wave of disappointment runs through him - “Shit!”
“How did this - “ Remus begins, then falls silent.
The two of them stare at their interclasped hands, palms pressed together. In the center lay the Snitch, caught in the middle by the both of them, wings still fluttering slightly.
“Fuck,” Remus says. “It’s a tie.”
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prodigall · 5 years
In defense of the Battle Academy skin choices:
So, in wake of the wake of the new Battle Academy skins dropping I’ve seen a LOT of people getting mad about things like Lux and Ezreal getting more skins, their favorite champs not being in the skin-line, stuff like that. For the most part those complaints are all valid, I understand them, but I do think it’s not fair to get mad at riot for this specifically because a lot of their choices make a lot sense and the ones that don’t are really small, so, I’m just gonna...go over the list and state my two cents.
All the complaints basically stem from “these champions shouldn’t have more skins, it should have been somebody like Taliyah”  this is probably the most widespread complaint, and whilst its true, neither need new skins, it’s totally understandable why they got them.  First: Since Ezreal got reworked, he was always going to be getting a new epic or better skin soon-ish, without question. Every champion thats been reworked in the past 2 years got a skin some time after their rework, this isn’t a new practice, the day the rework got announced I stated that Ezreal would be getting a new skin soon because of it, then when Riot said they were making a skin-line inspired by Shonen anime I said “without question, Ezreal will probably get a legendary skin in this skinline and be the focal point of it.” To a multitude of people, Riot are on record as saying Ezreal was DESIGNED around Shonen anime tropes from the beginning, there are lots of ‘anime’ characters in League, like Yasuo and, yeah, Lux (we’ll get to that) but for what riot were actually trying to DO with this skin line? It was always going to be Ezreal, there was never any doubt in my mind. I know a lot of people think Pajama guardian counts as his skin but...no, it really doesn’t, its basically just a chroma, thats why it’s half price if you already OWN Star Guardian, so it doesn’t count. Second: Keeping in mind Ezreal was going to be the focal point of this skinline inspired by ANIME, all the characters around him needed to fit into anime tropes, because recently for their big ‘alternate universe’ skins Riot have been focusing more on a whole narrative to go with them rather than ‘oh this would be cool’, so they had more of a plan for the champs they picked keeping in mind Ezreal is the ‘protagonist’ (because he totally is). The ones Riot went for were:  Rugged teacher who cares about his students but isn’t super affectionate (Graves) Popular kid who is a best friend/elder sibling figure to the protagonist (Jayce) Principle who is a parental figure to the protagonist after some event in their past (Yuumi) Small scale antagonist who will later go on to be an anti-hero then full hero designed to be a prominent threat in early arcs to help establish characters (Katarina) And of course, the love interest (Lux) Keeping that in mind, Lux wasn’t just on the table for this skinline, she was GUARANTEED to be in it. Say what you want about EzLux, I personally am not that into it, but the fact is that riot like it, so much so that they outright made it canon in this universe, you can have your ships, you can like LuxJinx, you can Like EzSona, or whatever, but as far as riot are concerned , Lux and Ezreal are Riots golden couple (with Xayah and Rakan), they’ve been one of two pairings they EVER acknowledge in canon for basically their entire life span, and they do it BLATANTLY. It’s not surprising at all this happened. Third: The Narrative is actually pretty relevant to the choices they made here, and the big one that I think totally invalidates Taliyah as even a possibility is that this is a school of WEAPON users. All of the champions they picked have weapons of some kind and Ezreal states in his voicelines that they all use ‘god-weapons’ AKA the narrative of this skin-line is entirely centered around those weapons as of the moment, so that means EVERY champion who isn’t a weapon user were never eligible from the start. Would champions like Taliyah suit this skinline conceptually? 200%, I’d love to see it for the next batch if they make more and change up a few things lore wise, but given the fact they clearly have an overarching plot and concept behind this school at foundation level? she just doesn’t really work right now. Sorry.
Fourth: Okay real talk Riot dropping champs that don’t need skins into new skinlines isn’t new and never has been thats just smart business. Lets say they put all these resources towards making SIX new skins, with a whole new universe to accompany them, with no guarantee it’ll be popular, and decide to put champions that need new skins in there EXCLUSIVELY.  Then, the new skinline drops on the main server and nobody likes them and they’ve wasted their time. The fact is for as long as I can remember, when Riot launch a new skinline they ALWAYS make sure at least 50% of the champions in it are the POPULAR ones they know will bring in profit regardless of if people like the skinline as a whole, This time it was Ez Lux and Kat, K/DA had Ahri and Kai’sa, Oddyssey had Jinx Yas Sona and kind of Kayn, Star guardians did it TWICE with Lux and Jinx (releasing at different times admittedly) then they did it a SECOND TIME with Ezreal and Ahri, its not until the second batch where they go for more out there less popular champions and thats been their business practice with stuff like this for as long as I can remember. I get why people are complaining but the fact is if it wasnt these champs? it still would have been 50% champs who don’t need it like Yi Fifth: The fact is that a lot the champions picked , as usual with large skinline drops like this, all fill a different role, thats pretty normal Ez: ADC Lux: Mage Mid/Supp Kat: Assasin Mid Graves: Jungler Jayce: Top Yumi: Support If we push Yumi to the side for a second, each champ fulfills one role in a game each. Riot for a while now have been making it so if a new Champ releases with a new skin line beside them, or an update to said skin line, they make that new champs on release skin part of said skin line for convenience sake, so we can probably assume that the inital skin choices were made not counting Yumi who might not even have been RELEASED by that point if she wasn’t done yet, and if she was done she’d be added. So it was probably a an intentional choice to make sure they didn’t overlap in roles until Yumi came out in which case Lux and Kat could probably overlap. With that said, and keeping in mind the aforementioned NARRATIVE role they were meant to fulfill, the pool becomes a lot smaller. The big one here being Graves, because he’s the one I haven’t fully accepted myself, I normally say Riot don’t like releasing multiple skins within a year for the same champion unless they were already making one when the worlds winners said they wanted another, thats the only acception, but along comes Graves like “second skin in 6 months baybee” which is kinda weird, so keeping that in mind, I did some research to find every jungler (cos this needed to be a jungler) who was also going to be able to fit into the rugged not nice but still cares teacher role they still had open, who ALSO had a weapon. (For reference here I mean actual jungle picks not your random off meta pick, I’m looking at you jungle Lucian, you don’t count). Not even COUNTING the fact they also had to fit into the character _archetype_ they still had open, do you know how many choices there actually were? 7 Max, and thats if you count Pantheon and Diana which not everybody does. The full list of choices with the role they still had open was  Graves, Jarvan, Jax, Pantheon (?) Diana (?) , Vi or Xin, when you take into account that they also had to come off as a bit more rugged, old enough to be a teacher, and serious and not in a nice way, its down to Graves and MAYBE Jax. This is one I’M still on the fence about, but with context I think that it being Graves isn’t...overwhelmingly shocking.  Kat is much more open and close, the roster for midlane assassins is pretty big so they just went with Kat cos out of all the assassin mids who was a WOMAN she’d waited the longest for a new skin (that yeah, she doesn’t need) and they just went with her so there was an even amount of representation between men and women in the skin line...that’s kind of it really. So, anyway that’s my two cents, I get that people will always be mad when champions like Ez and Lux and Kat get new skins, if it weren’t for the fact Ezreal is my favorite champion and shonen anime is like my favorite thing I’d probably be a little bit mad to but, as ALWAYS happens with new skinlines, the people who got skins for their mains will always have bias but I hope this didn’t come off as to apologetic? I really do hope that if these skins continue champions like Kayn Ekko and Taliyah and hell maybe Zoe get a chance to shine in it, but as it is now I find it really hard to really get mad about who they picked.
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mala-sadas · 6 years
if you're ok with this can you do yellow x crystal and the “hold me just a little longer" thing?
Well, I’m not quite comfortable doing romantic Yellow x Crystal, but I don’t mind doing it in a platonic way! I’ve never written either of these characters before, so this was a fun challenge for me. Story under the cut!
A soft breeze blew through Pallet Town, bringing with it a mild chill thatwhispered of the beginning of autumn. This breeze also brought with it aButterfree that was carrying a young woman with blonde hair. The Pokémon flutteredits silvery-white wings to correct its course, steering itself and itspassenger towards one of the houses that dotted the natural landscape of thetown.
This seemingly ordinary house was in fact the home of Red, a legendaryPokémon League Champion and Pokédex holder of the Kanto region. The visitor,Yellow, was also a Kanto Pokédex holder and a good friend of Red. She had topass over Pallet Town on her way back from a trip to Cinnabar Island anddecided to drop by Red’s house for a surprise visit.
Kitty placed Yellow gently on the ground a few paces away from Red’s door.Yellow eagerly bounced forward and knocked on the door. “How surprised do youthink he’ll be?” she asked Kitty, grinning widely. “I feel like I haven’t seenhim in forever!” In reality, it had only been a couple of weeks.
Yellow waited at the door for a few more moments before it…continued tostay closed. She shifted on her feet, anticipation starting to wear on hernerves. Should I give him more time? Maybe he’s in the middle of something,she thought. Or maybe he didn’t hear me, and I should knock again? Shetried knocking on the door with more force, but it hurt her knuckles and shestopped after a couple of knocks. She didn’t want to bang on the door, but thatwas a good way to knock with more force. On the other hand, Red’s house wasn’tthat big; her knocking should have been loud enough for him to hear it nomatter what room he was in.
“I guess he’s not home,” Yellow concluded, frowning. “Let’s check at ProfessorOak’s lab before we leave. The professor might know where Red is.”
Professor Oak’s laboratory was on the far edge of Pallet Town. It was thekind of place that you wouldn’t find unless you had a reason to look for it – though,in a place as sparsely populated as Pallet Town, that could be said about mostof the buildings there. The professor was a relatively trusting fellow and didn’tlock the door of his laboratory as long as he was inside, so when Yellowarrived, she returned Kitty and walked right in.
“Professor Oak?” she called.
“Back here!” came the response from the opposite corner of the lab.
As she made her way in that direction, she looked in awe at the shelvesupon shelves filled with Poké Balls containing the Pokémon that the professorwas studying. Some of them had been caught by the professor himself; others hadbeen caught by Red or the professor’s grandson, Blue. However, most of thePokémon had been caught by Crystal, a Pokédex holder from the Johto region whohad been hired by the professor to help him collect data on all the Pokémonspecies in the world. Yellow had always admired Crystal’s courage andreliability, and it was amazing to see the results of her work firsthand.
The professor was sitting at his desk in the back of the lab, checkingsomething on his computer. He swiveled to face Yellow when she approached. “I didn’texpect to see you today, Yellow! How are you?”
“I’m doing well, thank you,” she replied. “And yourself?”
“Good, good,” he said, leaving Yellow unsure as to whether he was answeringher question or reacting to her response. “So, how can I help you?”
“I was looking for Red, actually,” Yellow admitted. “Do you know where heis?”
“As it happens, I do,” Professor Oak replied. “I just sent him to Route 1with Crystal to investigate a report I received that a swarm of Poochyena haveappeared there.”
“Route 1, got it,” Yellow said. “Thank you, Professor!”
“Not a problem,” the professor said, returning to his work.
Yellow landed at the south end of Route 1, just north of Pallet Town, tobegin looking for Red and Crystal. It didn’t take long before she heard voicescoming from further up the route, and she cut through a field of tall grass toget to them.
When she emerged, the first thing she saw was a tall man battling a pack ofwild Pokémon with his Poliwrath. She didn’t recognize the Pokémon he wasfighting, but she did recognize the man himself with his red hat and black hairthat was spiked so sharply it was nearly vertical. It was Red, which meant thatthe Pokémon he was fighting were probably the Poochyena that Professor Oak hadmentioned.
In front of Yellow, a girl with blue hair styled into two gravity-defyingpigtails knelt on the ground. This was Crystal, and Yellow wondered if she waspreparing for a capture. She ducked back into the grass so that she wouldn’tdistract her friend, excited by the prospect of getting to watch the Catcher inaction.
However, Crystal didn’t pull out any Poké Balls, and she kept shifting herright leg to the side like she was trying to keep weight off it. Concerned,Yellow slipped back out of the grass. “Crystal?” she said.
Crystal started and looked over her shoulder at Yellow. “Yellow! How longhave you been there?” she exclaimed.
“I just got here,” she said, kneeling by her friend’s side. “What happened?”
Crystal gestured to her ankle, which was swollen slightly and covered inred marks. “One of the Poochyena bit it,” she explained. “Now I can’t walk, andI can’t even kick a Poké Ball to capture them.”
“I’m sorry,” Yellow said empathetically. Then she smiled. “Luckily, I canhelp you with that! Let me see your ankle.”
Crystal shifted and extended her right leg, grunting in pain as she movedit. Yellow held her hands just above Crystal’s ankle and closed her eyes,concentrating on the injury. Crystal stared in amazement as the marks began tofade and the throbbing pain in her ankle went away. Finally, Yellow sat back,panting from the effort.
“Wow,” Crystal breathed, running her fingers over her healed skin. “I mean,I know you got powers from the forest and all, but…I never knew you could heal people.”
“Neither did I, until recently,” Yellow admitted. “It’s still not perfect –your ankle may still be a little weak – but I’m working on it. Here, let mehelp you up.”
Yellow hooked her arms under Crystal’s, and Crystal wrapped her arms aroundYellow as Yellow pulled her to her feet. She dropped her arms, but Crystal didn’tlet go of her.
“Yellow,” Crystal said slowly, “this may sound weird, but…can you…hold mejust a little longer? Please?”
Yellow blinked in surprise but hesitated only a moment before hugging herfriend tightly. She didn’t know why Crystal needed it, but if she needed a hug,Yellow wasn’t going to deny her one.
A few moments later, Crystal released Yellow and Yellow let go of Crystalin return. “Thank you,” Crystal said softly.
Yellow smiled, and Crystal returned the gesture. However, there wassomething sorrowful in Crystal’s smile. “I really miss working with them.”
Yellow’s brow furrowed. “Working with who?”
“The kids at Mr. Dervish’s Pokémon Academy,” Crystal murmured. “Wheneverthey got injured, I would pick them up and give them a hug until they feltbetter, or at least calmed down enough to show me what was hurting.”
“I understand,” Yellow said reassuringly. “Do you wish you were stillworking there, instead of with Professor Oak?”
Crystal pondered the question for a moment before replying, “I…no, I don’tthink so. I miss the kids, but…I’m happy with this job. I really am.” Shesmiled again. “How could I not be, when it’s allowed me to meet so many greatpeople like you?”
Yellow ducked her head at the compliment, but she couldn’t keep the smileoff her face. “I’m glad you enjoy it,” she said.
Crystal glanced over Yellow’s shoulder and grinned. “Let’s go, Yellow.Looks like Red needs a little help,” she said.
“Hey! Give me back my ha-a-at!”
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misssophiachase · 7 years
Drabble prompt for you! How about Caroline as one third of Charlie's Angels and Klaus as the bad guy?
Independent Women
Thanks nonnie! And sincere apologies for taking so long! I love this and as much as I enjoy Klaus as the bad guy I have changed it to suit my story. Hope you still like it! I then realised this had way more potential as longer than a mini prompt so tell me if you like it so far and I might just reciprocate if there’s interest.
Los Angeles…
“Good morning, angels,” his rich voice floated through the intercom.
“Good morning, Enzo,” they replied in unison, bursting into fits of laughter as they uttered it.
“For god’s sake, why can’t you just call me Charlie like I asked?” He growled.
“Because we’re not here to fulfil your pathetic, male fantasies,” Kat offered, inspecting her recent manicure with sudden interest.
“And I’m not Farah Fawcett or even Cameron Diaz for that matter,” Caroline added before he could bemoan the fact she wasn’t again.  
“You’re just a few layers and bangs away from it, Forbes,” he assured her. They all rolled their eyes at their handler’s predictable response.
“Just because I can’t see you doesn’t mean I don’t know what your eyes are doing, angels.”
“You realise that technology has advanced since the 1970s right, Enzo?” Katherine explained slowly for his benefit. “It’s this little thing called Skype, maybe you’ve heard of it?”
“But then I’d have to see your rolling eyes, while Forbes twirls her hair around her index finger, Bennett taps her feet impatiently and you inspect your latest manicure for the tiniest of faults.”  
“Have we been summonsed just to talk about hairstyles, manicures and eye rolling? I mean really, Lorenzo?” Bonnie asked. The silence from the other end of the line told them he was attempting to regain his composure. Enzo hated it when his agents questioned his authority, unfortunately for him he had no choice with these three firecrackers.
They were all at the top of their respective training programs in the CIA two years ago upon graduation, each girl offering a different skill set and as a trio had become the best undercover agents in North America over that short time.
“As much as I enjoy our chats, Bennett,” he shot back gruffly. “I have your new assignment.”
“Finally,” Kat mumbled under her breath while looking between her friends curiously. “Please tell me it involves a beach in Hawaii or California at least, my tan is faltering given that extended period at the peak of Alaskan Winter.”
“I’m so glad your tan trumps work, I’ll be sure to put that on my next evaluation report, Pierce.” He informed them curtly before continuing. “You’ll need to be on the first plane to France tomorrow, your flights and accommodation have already been arranged. Further instructions will be forthcoming when you arrive but I’m happy to report that the Monte Carlo Beach Club will be happy to accommodate your tanning needs, Pierce.”
Caroline looked between her friends curiously. Not only were they going to beautiful beaches in France but it was official, they’d made it to the international leagues and couldn’t be happier with their progress so soon up the ranks. They stifled their excitement, knowing it would be extremely uncool to Enzo if they squealed right now given they were hardened CIA operatives.      
“What? No high pitched girly screams? Given the look on your respective faces I’d conclude that you’re pretending to be cool.”
“Pervert,” Kat murmured.
“As always this conversation has been a pleasure, angels,” he chuckled, his throaty laugh coming alive through the intercom before disconnecting.  
“What was that, Kat?” Bonnie insisted. “We already know he can see us.”
“I like to throw him a little bone now and then,” she said confidently. “Then his defenses are down and we can get those extra tidbits of information.”
“Like?” Caroline asked curiously.
“Now I know exactly which bikinis to pack given the destination,” she smiled mischievously before making her way towards the exit her hips swinging exaggeratedly as she did it.
Hotel de Paris, Monte-Carlo, Ambassador’s Suite
“I did not sign up for this bullshit,” Katherine huffed, her pacing back and forth against the impressive harbor backdrop from the large window quickening so much she was almost a blur.
The excitement about their current and surprisingly international mission had dampened quickly upon learning what exactly was required. Learning they were working in tandem with MI6 wasn’t wholly unexpected but their undercover roles had been tough to swallow. Not to mention the agents they had to work with. Their reputation was legendary but it didn’t mean they were happy.
The Mikaelson Men. And yes, that was their nickname world wide. Three brothers all extremely accomplished and gorgeous but also arrogant and lethal at the same time.
“Neither did I, but I’m not exactly sure what we can do about it now,” Caroline interjected. “Enzo might be a pussycat but we’re at the whim of the US Government don’t forget.”
“Way to ruin the mood, Care,” she muttered, her pacing finally coming to a complete stop, albeit reluctantly given her exasperated expression.
“Look, the last thing I want to pretend is to be one of their pathetic girlfriends but I happen to like being in employment and paid accordingly.” Given Bonnie’s meagre upbringings, they weren’t surprised at those comments. “In fact there’s nothing more I love than a challenge, Kol Mikaelson won’t know what hit him after the week’s out.”
Kat and Caroline were fairly certain she was right. “After all, it’s only acting and given our impeccable skills, it will be a walk in the park along with that tan you’re after.”
“You might have a point. I kind of like the concept of messing with the smug Mikaelsons, especially that one in the suit, consider it our greatest triumph yet, ladies.”
They parted ways at that point to prepare for their debut at the beach club, Caroline closing the bathroom door to inspect her appearance critically. Her golden waves cascaded halfway down her back, her blue eyes even more pronounced from the brief but intense exposure to the sunlight since their earlier arrival. The gold bikini which barely contained her creamy curves was perfect for the mission, especially paired with the transparent, white kaftan over it.
She’d chosen to conceal her connection with the Mikaelsons for operational reasons. The last thing she needed was any untoward emotional entanglements to rear their ugly head mid assignment. She steeled her nerves, knowing she needed to act better than she ever had in order to keep their past exactly where it needed to be. In the past.    
Monte Carlo Beach Club
Caroline didn’t flinch, just approached him on the beach purposefully beneath her floppy hat. They were mere inches apart before his crimson lips found hers greedily and his tongue tested the barrier before slipping in slowly and dipping into her warmth. A multitude of memories flooded back, so too the tingling between her legs as his mouth ravaged hers. Bastard. She resisted the urge to knee him roughly as deserved, deciding to shelve that particular reflex until they were alone.
They parted, but only a few inches, his blue eyes filled with the lust she knew all too well. Caroline had no intention of showing her true feelings, instead running her hand slowly down his bare chest. She could feel his breath hitch and was suddenly enjoying the power she exuded over him in the situation.
“What have I told you about not applying sunscreen every few hours, baby?” Caroline purred, her hands continuing their assault on his skin.
“I was waiting for you, love,” he murmured, pulling her onto his lap and grasping her hand possessively, allowing it to move further southward, grazing the tip of his cock. Caroline noted just how aroused he was before continuing their charade. “No one knows how to rub in the sunscreen just like you.”
“Unless you’re planning on sunning yourself naked, I think your ‘little boy’ is well taken care of,” she teased, noting the way his face fell briefly when she used that term.  
“Do I need to punish you with my ‘little boy’ in front of everyone, sweetheart?” His words came out in short, sharp bursts as he threatened to penetrate her in public view. Caroline knew from experience he’d actually do it if provoked.
A deep laugh interrupted, breaking their heated concentration. Their eyes briefly, and reluctantly, averted as he approached. Clothed in head to toe black, even given the extreme heat. Of course they both knew who he was and exactly what he was capable of doing.
“Young people these days,” he smirked knowingly. “Can I suggest we reconvene at the Casino tonight at my private table? Much less people frowning over public fornication, believe it or not. And I have to admit the way she puts you in your place is extremely arousing, Hayes.”
Caroline felt his finger nails penetrate her lower back, something he was known for during jealous fits. She couldn’t help but relish in that fact before agreeing to the night ahead. It was all part of their plan after all.
As childish as it sounded, she was equally as excited by catching the bad guy as she was playing mercilessly with the good one. Good being a relatively loose term when it came to Klaus Mikaelson.
What was going to happen next she wasn’t quite sure about but it certainly wasn’t going to be dull. That much she knew given their history.
Part Two HERE
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spookyfloof · 7 years
Be My Escape (Ch. 3)
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Pairing: Shiro/Pidge (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
     Blood/gore, Reference to sexual activity (sort of?) (Warnings might change for later chapters)
Summary: Amidst her growing fears for her family and the pressures of being a Paladin, Pidge’s feelings for Shiro only intensify. But is it really love, or the need to escape that’s drawing her to him?
Read on AO3
The light above him was blinding. Every time he started to sink down into oblivion, it seemed to drag him back up to whatever bright hell this was.
Shiro blinked once, twice. His eyelids felt so heavy. Around him were formless blobs. Why were they so close? What did they want?
He tried to sit up only to be stopped by... He looked down...He was strapped to a table?
He blinked harder, trying to clear the fog in his vision.
“He's waking up. He might need another dose.”
That voice...that accent...was familiar...
Shiro tried his bindings again. His right arm felt so tight and his fingers tingled like something was cutting off his circulation.
He forced his eyes to focus.
A tourniquet... Was he injured? But he wasn't bleeding.
“You can give him a little more, but not enough to knock him out. I want him just conscious enough.”
Another voice. Whoever they were, they weren't human. Galra?
There was a soft tink near his ear, then a pinch in his neck. He winced.
His eyes shifted to his right again. One of the blobs...doctors?...was holding something big and sharp. It gleamed in the light. Its edges seemed to leer at him.
Someone came around and tightened the binding at his wrist.
The sharp object came closer and he could see his reflection in its face. When did his hair get so long?
There was a whirring noise suddenly. Loud. The object shook in the hands of its wielder and glowed an eerie purple, its teeth becoming a blur of movement. It was so loud. It sounded very much like a chainsaw...
Why was it coming towards him? Towards his arm...
He tried to wriggle away from it, but the shackles didn't budge. It came even closer, a trembling, blood-thirsty creature.
Shiro started to struggle. His legs fought to find some kind of leverage, but they too were bound.
His voice came out hoarse but desperate.
“No!” he yelled out again.
Another voice rang out from the distance.
“Let me go!” it cried, “Shiro!”
She came into view from the far side of the room, suited in her Paladin armor, her hands tied together behind her back. She was being pulled past the open door, struggling against two Galra sentries.
Their eyes met.
“Shiro!” she called out to him, jerking herself toward him only to be yanked back and forced away.
His stomach curled with fear.
“How did she get here? Where were they taking her? What were they going to do to her?!”
“Pidge!” he screamed, “Let her go! Let her go!”
He strained against his bindings.
The room flickered. The once spotless room was now splattered with red. Something on his chest caught his eye. He looked down. It was open. He could see his ribs, his organs, his lungs, his heart pulsing.
To his left...his left arm was missing... Blood... wet, sticky, crimson blood pooled around him from the gaping stump left behind.
That sound got even louder then. He'd forgotten about the gleaming creature.
He turned his head just in time to see it rip into his skin.
Shiro's eyes snapped open. He was in a different room now, this one silent and dark, but he could still feel the blood around him... He bolted upright and desperately scanned his surroundings. He flicked on a lamp he found nearby and breathed out a sigh of relief once the soft light washed over the room... his bedroom. He was in the Castle-ship.
“You're safe, Takashi. You're okay,” he assured himself. He took deep, slow breaths as he made a visual inventory of what he could see.
“It was just a dream.”
But his body still felt wet, he realized...and now cold. His flesh hand flew to his torso and he looked down, immediately realizing it was just sweat. He sighed again.
He hated that dream the most. It was never exactly the same – sometimes the room was different, sometimes it was Zarkon himself wielding the tool that cut off his arm, sometimes his arm was simply ripped out of its socket, but he was always strapped down, helpless, and it always ended the same.
But Pidge had never been in this one before. None of the other Paladins, no one in Team Voltron, was ever in it. Sometimes a faceless alien prisoner or two, but no one he knew.
She'd been appearing in most of his dreams since the night she'd confessed to him. Most of them unpleasant. At first, he figured it was just a fluke, but as the days and nights went by, he started to suspect it was much more than that.
It had been several days since Pidge's confession. Several days of numb heartache, several nights of wishing she had anymore tears to cry. Several nights of...what she thought would be regret, but there was none. Shiro knew how she felt about him and it was better this way, surely. Better than holding it in till she burst. It was almost a relief to get it out.
She didn't bother to avoid him anymore –  there was nothing left to hide. But whenever they found themselves alone, she had little to say.
“Any projects you've been working on?” Shiro asked one day when he happened upon her in the lounge, skimming through some kind of instruction manual.
She flipped a page, then another.
“Any you wanna talk about?”
“Not really.”
He couldn't blame her for treating him like a stranger. She had every right to feel hurt, every right to want to keep her distance. So he tried to give her her space.
Pidge didn't mean to be dismissive, but the more interaction she had with him, the more she had to look at him and his stupid face, the harder she had to fight to keep from lashing out.
It was tempting to push him into giving her a clear answer. The thought even crossed her mind to try to seduce him, appeal to whatever base instincts he might have, not that she really knew how and would just embarrass herself more. But it didn't matter anyway. She already knew how he felt about her.
He'd never choose her. For one, in-group relationships almost always spelled disaster, and someone like Shiro would never risk the team like that. But even if they weren't both members of the universe's last hope, she wasn't his type. With his looks – his eyes that seemed to see and understand the deepest parts of you, his picturesque face somehow both boyish and mature, his chiseled jawline, his body sculpted like an underwear model – and his infallible personality, he could have anyone he wanted. Why would he want her?
Pidge wrinkled her nose at the bathroom mirror in front of her.
He was so insanely out of her league, it was almost laughable. So why did she still want him? What was the point?
She started scrubbing her teeth a little harder, the minty foam gathering around the corners of her lips. She stopped for a moment and admired how it almost made her look rabid. She gnashed her teeth and tested a growl.
“Whoa, down Fido!”
Lance appeared behind her in the mirror, then moved toward the sink.
“Actually I was going for Old Yeller,” she said around the toothbrush, though it sounded more like, “Ackshilly I wuh goig for Oh Yelluh”
She stopped brushing and spat in the drain.
“Actually, I was going for Old Yeller,” she said again.
“Aw, that story still makes me sad.”
“What are you doing in here anyway?” she asked as she turned on the faucet to wash her hands.
He grabbed her toothpaste and squeezed a dollop onto a toothbrush he'd apparently brought with him.
“Stealing some of your toothpaste. I think somebody used all mine. I can't find it.”
She wiped her hands on a nearby towel.
“We have more, you know.”
“Yeah, but I don't wanna open a new one,” he shrugged.
Pidge just shook her head and pat him on the shoulder. “Never change, Lance,” she said, then started out the bathroom.
“Of course! Why change perfection? Anyway, what's wrong?” he asked casually, and she balked.
“What do you mean?”
“I know something's wrong. You've been a little...” He teetered his hand. “...off these past few days. What's going on? Is it about your crush?”
She sighed. He still hadn't let up on that. While she knew he was most likely just ribbing her, she also knew he could be a little too perceptive for his own good.
“Would you believe me if I said 'no'?” she tried.
He seemed to think about it. “Hmmm...not really.” A faint smile crossed her lips.
“Yeah. Somehow I didn't really think so.”
“In all seriousness, I know we joke around a lot, but you know you can talk to me, right?”
“Yeah,” she replied automatically and hoped he didn't hear the lie.  “Anyway, brush your teeth already. Your breath stinks.”
She made a show of pinching her nose closed and Lance blew out a lungful of morning breath in her direction.
It wasn't that Pidge didn't trust Lance to keep a secret. Sure, he sometimes put his foot in his mouth, but he wouldn't blab about something like this. Probably. Even so, there was no way she could tell him she had a crush on Shiro. She couldn't tell any of them. It was bad enough that Shiro himself knew, but if anyone else did, it would just make things more awkward.
It was best kept between the two of them, at least until she could get over him... somehow.
Despite herself, she couldn't stop him from permeating her thoughts. She still couldn't help fantasizing about him during quiet moments alone. She still daydreamed about the two of them together, from innocuous, flirty exchanges to envisioning their bodies tangled together in heady moments of passion. She both loved and hated the things her imagination came up with.
But that's all it would ever be... just her imagination. It was bittersweet, though lately much more bitter than sweet.
Shiro couldn't really say how he came to his decision. He just knew he had to do something. He had to fix this.
And somehow it was the only thing that made sense.
He tried to distract himself, keep himself busy with training, but his thoughts kept circling back to Pidge. He knew what he'd done. He knew he'd broken her heart, and he knew she didn't deserve that. But what else could he have done? There'd been no good option, no outcome that would make it all okay or keep everything the same.
The events of that night played over and over in his head. He dissected every moment for an opportunity he might've missed, something else he could've said or done.
He recalled every syllable that had come out of her mouth.
“And then ever since I met you, I've liked you and...sort of...sort of wanted you to ...kiss me...”
Suddenly a slender, dark-skinned hand waved in front of his face.
He blinked away his daze and turned to see the princess in her usual gown leaning her elbows on the kitchen counter beside him.
“Everything alright? You seem very distracted.”
“Oh, yeah, just a little tired I guess,” he said.
“You know, if you're really having that much trouble sleeping, you can spend a night in one of the healing pods,” Allura suggested.
He imagined lying in one of those pods, the thick glass door closing on him, trapping him there...
“No!” he exclaimed abruptly, then caught himself, “I mean, thanks, but no thanks. I've just been keeping myself up.” He rotated the cup he'd been holding between his hands. His tea had gotten cold. He took a sip anyway.
She watched him with a tilt of her head.
“It tastes better warm,” she explained, and he shrugged.
“It's fine.” One of the space mice that had been relaxing between the two scurried over to the cup and sniffed at it, curious, then found its way to Allura's hand. She scooped the tiny Altean creature up and placed it on her shoulder before giving it an affectionate scratch behind its ears.
“Well... the option is there, should you need it. You're not pushing yourself too hard, are you? Coran says you've been spending more time in the training room lately.”
That much was true. He'd told the older Altean it was because he needed to brush up on his fighting techniques.
Shiro denied her allegation despite the soreness in his limbs reminding him of the reality, and she gave him a once-over before seeming to come to some kind of conclusion.  
She plopped her chin in her hand and stared off into the distance.
“I'm antsy too,” she admitted wistfully. “It feels like Zarkon and his army are everywhere, just waiting for us. And right now there's not much we can do about it.”
“As long as we have Voltron, we have a fighting chance. I know it doesn't feel like much, but we are making progress. Wars aren't won in a day.”
“I suppose you're right,” she admitted with a twinge of reluctance.
“But I get what you mean,” he added, then took another swig of his tea. He was perfectly fine with her thinking he was just worried about the war. The last thing he needed was anyone suspecting the truth. Although he did wish he could ask Allura, or anyone really, for advice. He'd never been in this kind of situation before.
But with or without advice, Shiro wasn't the type to let a problem just sit unresolved, especially one that could affect the entire team's synergy. He was a man of action. So he'd made his decision.
All five Paladins emerged from their Lions' hangars, each of them carrying a small chunk of some dense mineral Coran had asked them to collect. Unfortunately, the planet they'd had to retrieve It from was home to hostile alien giants that were sitting on a practical gold mine of it.
“Remind us what this is for, again?” Pidge asked Allura who'd come down to greet them.
Something about it being necessary to reinforce the particle barrier.
“Well, I hope whatever it does is worth the trouble,” Keith complained while cracking his back.
She assured him it would be.
“I promise this material will make all the difference.”
The team handed her their collected pieces, which she cradled easily in her arms.
“I'm sorry this mission turned out so much messier than we'd expected. I'll get these to Coran. You all deserve some rest.”
“Thanks, Allura,” said Shiro on the rest's behalf, and she disappeared into an elevator ahead of them.
Lance took off his helmet and started fanning himself with his hand.
“Man, I think Blue's A/C might be broken.”
“No, I'm pretty sure you just sweat too much,” Keith chimed in as he popped off his own helmet and shook out his dark hair.
“Yeah, right! You're way sweatier than I am.”
“To be fair,” Hunk interrupted, “you're both pretty sweaty. I'd say about equal levels of...sweatiness.”
Lance turned his glare to the yellow paladin.
“You're not helping.”
“But it's true!”
Ignoring this, Shiro jogged up to Pidge who'd started to walk ahead of the others.
“Hey, Pidge, can I talk to you for a minute?”
She seemed almost startled, as if he'd just snapped her out of a daydream.
He led her aside and she immediately started talking, much to his surprise.
“I know my reflexes were a little slow when you asked for the shield during that last battle. I promise I'll work on it. I don't want to the rest of the team in danger 'cause of me. Actually, I think I've come up with a way t-”
He cut her off before she could continue.
“What? No. Your reflexes were fine.”
“Listen, I wanted to talk to you about the other night.”
“Oh,” she said again, averting her eyes, “That. You don't have to worry, Shiro. I'm over it.”
“You say that, but...I'm not sure that's true.”
“I'm fine,” she insisted, waving a gloved hand dismissively, “I was just emotional. You know, hormones and whatnot.”
Shiro scrutinized her face, clearly unconvinced.
“I see... Either way, could you meet me in the bridge after lights-out tonight?”
She looked back over her shoulder at the other paladins, antsy to rejoin them so as to not draw suspicion. Luckily they seemed unconcerned.
“I guess so.”
“Thanks,” he said with a appreciative smile. “You're free to go. I'd just like to talk a bit more about it, if that's okay. I promise not to keep you long.”
Great. Now she had a lecture to look forward to. Sometimes he took his leadership duties a bit seriously. He wasn't their dad.
“Yeah, that's fine.” Her voice came out sharper than she meant it to, though he didn't react.
“What am I nervous about? Ah, whatever!”
“I'm gonna go get cleaned up,” she told him, then hurried off to catch up with Hunk.
When he noticed her appear, he asked, “Hey, you're not in trouble, are you?”
“Oh, nah. He just wanted to ask me something about the Green Lion.”
Shiro finally took off his own helmet and swiped at the sweat that had gathered on his forehead. Quietly, he trailed behind the others into the main hallways of the castle.
“Maybe this isn't a good idea,” he thought. “Maybe I should leave well enough alone.”
But he couldn't. He'd spent too many hours, lost too much sleep over it, over her. In his mind, he had no choice but to follow through.
Once he was sure everyone else had retired to their quarters, or would at least be occupied elsewhere for the next couple of hours, Shiro made his way to the bridge.
Seated on the steps to the center dais, he waited for her, illuminated by the light of the overhead crystal and the distant stars. Half of him hoped Pidge wouldn't come. It might've been better if she hadn't. But she did.
He stood abruptly to acknowledge her and was met with an uncomfortable wave. She stuffed both hands into her shorts' pockets and stepped over to the platform where she planted herself a few feet away from him.
“Let's get this over with.”
“I'll try to make this quick,” Shiro said, not bothering with small talk, “First, I just want to acknowledge that it took a lot of guts for you to tell me what you did the other day. I thought I was doing the right thing by not answering you directly, but you deserve a clear answer and you deserve my honesty.”
He paused and rubbed his palms together before continuing.
“Truthfully, I don't know how to categorize how I feel about you. What I do know is that you're someone important to me.”
He went silent and she wasn't sure if she was supposed to say something. He wasn't looking at her. Instead his eyes were closed, with one hand held up to them as if to shield them while his other arm held his waist.
Pidge twiddled with her thumbs in her lap. “Okay...” she began, but didn't have anything to say.
Where was this going?
He piped up again, and his voice had taken on an uncertainty she wasn't used to hearing from him. It made her a little uneasy.
“Did you mean what you said before...about wanting me to kiss you all this time?” he asked, and she shifted slightly in her seat.
“Well...yeah,” she shrugged, “Why would I lie about that?”
He got quiet again, but she waited it out.
“Do you...still want me to kiss you?”
Her back stiffened. “Come on,” she half-laughed, “Are you really gonna put me on the spot like that?”
“I need to know. I need your honest answer.” he said resolutely, still covering his eyes.
“Okay. Fine,” she conceded, lifting her hands in confused surrender, “Then yeah...I guess...yes. Why does it matter?”
He moved to rest his hands on his hips and settled his gaze on the crystal above them.
“Okay then,” he said matter-of-factly, as if they'd come to some sort of agreement. Pidge scrunched her eyebrows together. Was she missing something?
“Okay then what?”
His Adam's apple bobbed and he took a deep breath, bracing himself.
“While I stand by what I said before – that nothing can happen between us because of, well, the age difference, not to mention the fact that I'm your commanding officer – I also remembered what you said about how we're constantly putting our lives at risk. So, I figure if it's just a kiss, I don't see how it would hurt,” he said, his voice tapering almost to a mumble. Then he added more firmly, “But only so long as we both know that nothing more can come of it.”
Pidge's confusion morphed into annoyance.
“I told you I don't want your pity, Shiro.”
He shook his head. “I'm not,” he asserted, “That's not why. Just...I want to. If you do. So long as we agree that's all it is.”
She leaned her head back and squinted as if to get a better look at him. “Aren't you afraid I'll get attached or something?”
“I realize that is a possibility. But... I also trust you not to agree if you think that'll happen.”
There was something strange about him. Something almost frantic despite his relative composure. Pidge couldn't quite place it.
Why was he doing this? Asking if he could kiss her? What happened to the responsible adult who'd all but rejected her? Was this even Shiro? Or some kind of imposter?
So many questions flowed through her head, but she revealed none of them. She wasn't about to argue.
“You're serious,” she said under her breath. She stated the realization mostly to herself but still loud enough for him to hear.
“I'm serious.”
He didn't understand why. He only knew that he needed to fix this, needed to stop her from haunting him. And for some reason, this seemed the only way. The only way that made some kind of twisted sense...
The little logic he could wring out of it was that if he kissed her, she'd realize she didn't want him after all. That it was just a silly crush. That she only wanted him because he'd been out of reach for so long.
And more importantly, he'd know for sure he didn't want her either.
“I don't really understand,” Pidge admitted, “but this better not be a prank or I swear...”
“It's not,” he said calmly.
“Okay. Then...” There was a second of doubt, of fear... Was this really what she wanted? But she shoved the question away before she could process it. “I agree.”
“Alright then. How do you want to do this?” he asked her, then immediately backpedaled, “Wait, have you ever done this before?”
She put on a sheepish grin. “Do kisses from my dog count?”
Shiro grimaced. “Pidge, are you really sure? Your first kiss...”
“We don't have to if you don't want to! This was your idea!”
“I know, I know,” he placated, “I just...want to make sure.”
He took a seat beside her on the platform and turned towards her. She mirrored him and watched him carefully. Even seated, Shiro realized there was a height difference, so he scooted down a step lower on the stairs.
“You should probably close your eyes,” he said, and she did without protest. “I don't want you to see how awkward I am at this.” She snorted at the idea he could possibly be awkward, but said nothing.
Seeing her face so close to his, Shiro could feel his pulse quicken. He took in the sight of her long bangs almost touching her closed eyelids, the way her wavy, untamed hair framed her face, her button nose, her smooth, fair skin. He noticed the soft pink that had started to color her cheekbones. She was trusting him so easily, the way she was leaning just slightly towards him. Why did she look so... cute?
He hesitated, then reached out to hold her chin with the thumb and forefinger of his human hand. He used the other to support himself as he leaned in towards her, closing the distance between them until his lips were barely a whisper against hers.
Sensing him, it was Pidge that tipped herself forward to cross that final millimeter. It wasn't until then that Shiro realized her lips had been trembling slightly, tense, but they quickly melted into his.
Hers were warm, soft and tasted faintly of something citrus. It had been a long time, he realized, since he'd kissed anyone. A long time since he'd experienced something so intimate, yet oddly innocent. He realized he missed it.
Pidge felt herself ease into the touch. This was a kiss, a real kiss. And it felt so...effortless. She embraced the scent of him, his aftershave, and the feel of his mouth, softer than she'd expected. Men weren't supposed to feel this way, were they?
But Shiro, he felt perfect. She wanted more of him. She resisted the urge to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him even closer, afraid to risk him pulling away before she was ready, but he did anyway.
As he withdrew and his eyes met hers, he came face to face with the mistake he'd made. He hadn't fixed anything –  he'd only made it worse.
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So I got my last commision from @silentcartoon a few days ago (doesn’t he look cool?) and I wanted to gush about him like I did my other two.
So this is Safayr El-Hashem my bisexual Rogue in our current Pathfinder game. 
So like with Soren gotta give y’all a bit of backstory about the world. Safayr’s dad, Asad, is from the country south of Olfinn, Ethad, which is lots of sand and desert. Asad was working as a carpenter’s apprentice, was betrothed to a woman who was a friend of his family, and he really didn’t have much want or need to leave his home until he met Alma. Alma was a Katta Bard (Katta people are descended from Drow Elves. They are humanoid but all of them dark skin and red eyes. They don’t get a lot of good press and a lot of people hate them and blame them everything). Alma wandered into town one day and Asad heard her sing, dance, and tell stories about all the places she had seen and he feel head over heels in love. His family wasn’t too happy about this since he broke of a previously planned engagement, he was marrying a strange foreigner that he barely knew, and he wanted to leave and travel to Olfinn.   Several years later they would reconcile but Asad’s leaving wasn’t pretty.
He and Alma moved to Morgantown, a port city, and he opened up his own shop as a carpenter and she continued to sing and tell stories at a few inns and taverns. A lot of people were apprehensive of the couple but Asad and Alma made quick friends of the city and it became their home. When Alma was pregnant with Safayr, her first child, Nyssa, was already four, something strange and wonderful happened. Asad had taken Nyssa to the market and Alma went for a walk, as she often did, in the forest to get some fresh air. While on her walk she went into labor and cried out for help. But help arrived in the form of a tiny yellow bird. It chirped soothingly and when Alma prayed out loud for her husband to find her the bird took off. Several minutes later Asad came into view with the yellow bird guiding him to his wife and he was able to carry to healer’s hut so her baby could be delivered. Safayr’s name is derived from the word “tiny yellow bird” in Ethadian. Alma would have another daughter named Tala three years after Safayr. 
Safayr and his mother got along famously. She would tell him stories of childhood in Kattamor and her travels as a Bard. Originally this is what Safayr wanted to be do with his life. He practiced singing and dancing and things were great. However, shortly after he had turned ten years old, Alma disappeared. The three children woke up to a rainy morning to find their father sitting at the table, a drink in hand, and the front door wide open. No matter how much they pleaded and begged him, Asad wouldn’t say what had happened. All that he ever mentioned was that she had left them and nothing more. Safayr and his father began to fight more and more after this. He became a bit of a wild child after his mother’s disappearance and would get into all sorts of trouble. Until one day when he was about nineteen he decided to join the city guard. Asad had forbidden Safayr from becoming a Bard so Safayr decided to that if he couldn’t see the world he should probably help make it a safer place. The city guard had a corrupt captain who would extort the citizens of Morgantown and this led to Safayr leaving the guard. Now, depending on who’s telling the story, one of two things happened. Safayr got into a heated argument with the captain and punched him right in the face before walking out of the barracks, like a badass. Or Safayr tried to punch the captain and instead got beat up and thrown from the barracks, falling face first in the mud. No one knows which story is true (not even me). 
So Safayr decided he’d help in another way by becoming a vigilante. He would patrol the city and try to help those in need…problem was he wasn’t very good. Most times he would get his ass kicked but over the course of two and half years he became a pretty capable fighter. One night Safayr tried to save a young man from being mugged but the stranger quickly dealt with them before Safayr knocked out one guy. His name was Drake and Safayr would run into him a few more times before the two would start their whirlwind romance. Safayr would later find out Drake was an assassin from the legendary league, The Silver Scorpion and that Drake had come to set up a branch of the league in Morgantown. Safayr felt conflicted to say the least and things only got more complicated when Drake’s father, the head of the Silver Scorpion, tried to recruit Safayr into the league. Wern, Drake’s father, told Safayr how the league would only kill people who abused their power and took advantage of innocent people and that their main mission was to create a world where everyone was equal. Drake was against Safayr joining but he did anyway. To join the league you have to kill someone from their list and on the list was the corrupt captain of the city guard. Safayr had no qualms in ending this man’s life but what he didn’t know was that the captain was guarding an important noble who was trying to establish a new trade route through Morgantown. The noble was murdered the next morning by another assassin and a new representative took their place. Safayr confronted Wern about the senseless murder of nobleman to which Wern replied it was just business. Someone had wanted the noble dead because the new trade route would have wasted his family’s fortune so the league was contracted to take him out. Safayr realized that the league wasn’t all that they said they were (no, duh, right?) and wanted out. However the only ways out are being pardoned by the guildmaster or death and Wern wasn’t about to pardon anyone with Safayr’s potential. 
This led our hero to book it out of town and join a school for adventurers. He hoped to learn some better ways at fighting, evading, and detecting danger but also hoped that the school would help him find distance far away from the league. 
Some cool stuff about Safayr is that he has a pretty cool mace called Bloodthief which has the ability to siphon life energy from every creature he kills with it and store that energy up. If Safayr’s HP ever hits zero Bloodthief will give him that energy back and restore some of his health. He recently found out the mace belonged to Drow royalty and not everyone is able to wield the mace but for some reason he can. In an upcoming adventure we might find out why. He is partnered with Anya who is a forest/mountain Ranger. The two get along…mostly but they’re becoming better friends. He also has a tattoo on his left shoulder of The Wiggler (it’s a nearly uncatchable fish that he was able to grab during a fishing contest) that is partially enchanted. It gives a bit of Animal Handling. This is because Anya didn’t use her Wild Empathy to calm down a wolf and it proceeded to bite Safayr on the butt and the wound got infected. Thankfully they were able to find a healer to help out but now he doesn’t trust her when it comes to animals. He does however love her adopted dog, Bjarf, (named after a bandit they killed. Anya said the name was better suited for a dog). 
And that’s all I can think off at the moment for Safayr. If you ever get curious and want to know more about him, my other characters, or the game just send an ask my way. I love talking about this kind of stuff so please give me an excuse!
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judefan842-blog · 4 years
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entergamingxp · 5 years
Legends of Runeterra is Some Kind of Magic
February 11, 2020 10:00 AM EST
The League of Legends flavoured card game Legends of Runeterra has entered open beta. Let’s see how it’s shaping up so far.
I’m genuinely surprised by how much I’ve enjoyed Legends of Runeterra so far.
The League of Legends flavoured Collectible Card Game went into open beta recently, and I downloaded it entirely on a whim. It’s been years since I actively played League of Legends, and I’ve not been huge into CCGs aside from dabbling in the first year or two of Hearthstone. It’s not the kind of game I’d normally leap into, and yet that’s exactly what I’ve done.
Our coverage of the game so far has been a bit sparse, to say the least, so I’ve taken it upon myself to introduce the game to people. How has Riot Games fared in their first foray into a game that isn’t League of Legends? Does it stack up compared to other card games out there? Let’s explore that.
Under the Hood
Comparisons to Hearthstone are inevitable, and the presentation evokes that from the outset. It’s clear that Legends of Runeterra is its own experience long before the tutorials are finished, however. The systems are closer to Magic: The Gathering, and my familiarity with that game made the transition to this ruleset easier (though I haven’t played Magic Arena to contrast). So let’s take a glance at what’s going on, shall we?
Rather than giving players a full turn to play everything before passing, players instead take a single action before control passes to the opponent. This continues back and forth until both players have nothing playable, or both pass. This ends a round; each player then gets an additional mana, mana is replenished, and the process repeats.
Like Hearthstone, mana is given at a rate of one additional maximum per round, and every card has an associated mana cost. An added benefit, however, is spell mana. Excess mana at the end of a round is converted to spell mana, and you can store up to three. As the name suggests, this mana is used on spells only, and will always be used first. This means you can keep a buffer to use buffs, interrupts and so on.
And there will be interrupts. Spells are divided into three types in Legends of Runeterra. Slow spells can only be used on your turn, fast spells can be used in response to other actions, and burst spells are fast spells that immediately resolve. The multi-spell stack of Magic is present in a limited form here, and it makes potential interactions much deeper.
Beyond spells, you otherwise have a slew of unit cards. Each has a damage and health stat, as well as numerous potential effects. Many of the archetypes present in other CCGs are here: effects when they enter, effects when they die, effects on hit, keywords that grant additional permanent traits and so on. Damage that is dealt to them sticks between rounds, like Hearthstone. All fairly familiar.
“The multi-spell stack of Magic is present in a limited form here, and it makes potential interactions much deeper.”
What stands out the most, then, are Champion cards. Based on the champions from League of Legends, these units serve as the legendary cards of Hearthstone and have much more impactful effects. Chief among these is the ability to Level Up; each has a condition that, when achieved, sees them gain better stats and new abilities.
For example, Garen is a 5 mana card with 5 power and health each. He’s got Regeneration, which means he heals all damage on a new round. He levels up when he strikes twice total (whether attacking or blocking), making him a 6/6 with the added ability to cause Rally at the start of a round. What’s Rally? Pin that, we’ll come back in a moment.
Every level up condition is unique to the playstyle of that champion, and these will usually be what you build decks around. Elise, for example, levels up when you have three other spider allies at the start of a round. In this upgraded form, she gives spider allies buffs. Shen grants an attacking ally Barrier; when four of your allies have received a Barrier, his ability will grant anyone with said barriers extra damage. There are about two dozen champions currently in the game, so there’s a lot of possibilities.
If all of this is sounding familiar, what really separates Legends of Runeterra is the attack token. Every round, the attack token goes to the other player. Even though you take turns within a round playing a card, you can’t launch an attack unless you have the token. When you choose to attack, you commit which of your units are going to strike, and that takes your turn.
Hearthstone players will likely be used to having minions attack one another, but not so here: Magic is once again the inspiration. Once the attack is committed, the opponent can then choose which of their creatures they want to block them with. Fast and burst spells can be played, damage is calculated, and anything not blocked will strike at the enemy’s Nexus (their health total, capped at 20). If the enemy’s Nexus reaches 0 or less, you win.
The alternating attack turns means you’ll often be juggling setting up for your own assaults, preparing defenses, and so on. Sometimes you have a good board state and want to attack as your first turn in a round, other times you might get a few more units out and risk better defenses being set up before committing.
Plus… remember that pin in Garen’s Rally ability? Rally gives you an attack token. So a leveled up Garen lets you attack every turn, effectively. By now, you can probably see the potential strategies starting to form.what do 
This is the crux of the mechanics in Legends of Runeterra. There’s a lot more, naturally, but this isn’t meant to be an exhaustive list. So let’s talk about building a deck.
Getting Decked Out
Every card is assigned to a region of Runeterra’s world. There are six: Demacia, Noxus, Piltover & Zaun, Shadow Isles, Ionia, and Freljord. Each region tends towards certain playstyles with their cards, and a deck can only contain cards from up to two of these regions. 
Want to rush an opponent down quickly? Shadow Isles/Noxus is your combo. Play defensive and build towards big units? Demacia/Freljord. Lots of spells and spell tricks? Piltover & Zaun/Ionia. Each pair can offer quite a few synergies and strategies.
Once you’ve got your regions selected, you then pick and choose to finish off the deck. Decks can have exactly 40 cards and up to 3 copies of any card within. No more than six of these can be champions; whether you just run multiple copies of two champions, or else run individuals of six, that rule holds. It’s also possible to build decks with no champions if you really want to (I’ve seen it done), but they’re so potentially powerful that it seems counterintuitive.
And that’s the gist of Legends of Runeterra. You can play against AI or other players. Normal and Ranked modes are both included, with ranks following the style of League of Legends (Diamond > Platinum > Gold etc.) and containing 4 tiers within each.
There’s also a draft mode called Expedition. Similar to Hearthstone’s Arena, you’ll be presented with a selection of cards in stages and build out your deck with your choices, then play against others to get as many wins as you can. 
Rather than drafting individual cards though, you’ll be given multiple at a time. You’re guaranteed to get two champions to begin with, and this determines your region selection for the rest of the run. Each pick afterward will feature two to three cards of a similar theme, from three options. At the last pick (and after every single Expedition game), you’ll get to trade a card you have for another alternative and are once again given three options to pick from.
Expeditions tend to be quite forgiving, however. You’ll get two matches to start with that serve as trials before picking a couple more cards/trades to round out your deck. Then you’ll get into the matches proper, where the objective is to reach seven wins. However, the Expedition only ends when you lose two games consecutively. Win a game and that grace period returns. 
Not only that, but each Expedition gives you two drafts, and you get rewards for the best you did. Play the first, get a deck you hate, and bomb out instantly? No problem, your second draft might go much better and you’ll get rewarded. Plus, rewards always include a champion card, so it’s well worth doing… assuming you have the entry fee.
Which segues nicely into the burning question present for all such CCGs and F2P games… monetization.
No Whales Allowed (No Big Ones, Anyway)
So, Legends of Runeterra is free to start and play from the outset. You’ll be given three intro decks that include a smattering of cards and champions, such as the aforementioned Elise and Garen. From there, you’re probably expecting to have to grind up a currency to pay for booster packs, or else open up your wallet to buy them en masse?
That’s exactly what I was expecting, and I was stunned to learn that that’s not the case at all.
Perhaps in anticipation of the ongoing lootbox backlash and potential legislation, Riot has implemented a system that’s remarkably fair. There are no booster packs or card sets to speak of. Instead, you buy individual wildcards of a specific rarity, and you use those wildcards to unlock a card of your choice. So you have the freedom to pick and choose exactly what cards you want.
Fine, so it’s not random, but you can still just throw money at the screen and receive everything right? Nope! Legends of Runeterra instead caps how many wildcards you may purchase each week. You can get 3 champions, 3 epics, 6 rares and 6 commons per week. That’s it. There’s also a starter bundle that gets you a selection of cards from each region, all of which are specified and the price reduced if you already own some.
If you do want to drop money on it, there’s a selection of purchase-only cosmetics. Board skins graphically change your side of the field and come with specific music. Guardians are cute critters that perch next to your deck that you can poke (everyone gets a Poro by default, so I see no need to change).
“Legends of Runeterra caps how many wildcards you may purchase each week.”
Most transactions, if any, will likely see Expeditions as the source. Expeditions are started by forking over either the premium currency, shards from duplicate cards or rewards, or an expedition token from player rewards. Even then, you can only run three expeditions per week, so once again, there’s a limit on how much money can be thrown at it.
Still, there are two sides to every F2P game’s monetization model. That’s what a paying player can get, but what can a free player get? Well, Legends of Runeterra isn’t too skimpy on that front either.
In short, every match you play will reward experience. Initial daily wins and games will give more, and there’s a new daily quest that provides additional experience (stacking up three of them much like Hearthstone). If you’re out of quests and you’ve played a lot of matches, eventually the experience gain will trickle down, but it’ll only run out after 30 wins each day; you aren’t likely to attain that unless you seriously grind hard.
Experience goes into two things: a weekly vault and your region rewards. The weekly vault contains three chests that unlock every Tuesday. Reach a new tier of experience and the quality of the chests, with a higher threshold guaranteeing an expedition token. It’s fairly passive, but it means you’re rewarded over the week for your playtime.
If the weekly vault is the big thing you work towards, then the region rewards are the steady drip-feed. You start out with a tutorial track, with each tier unlocking when you gain enough experience to provide a reward. This’ll usually be a selection of cards/wildcards at a set rarity. Once you’ve completed the tutorial track, you move into the region tracks.
In short, you designate which region your experience goes towards and then it’ll gradually unlock rewards for you. The card rewards will all be cards from that region, so players can choose what kind of cards or playstyle they’re after and dedicate their rewards to it. Each region has 20 levels to work towards, with the rewards naturally getting better as you climb.
You can change your designated region at any time, should you want to bounce around for the cheap rewards or change up your playstyle. I’m trying to level up every region to rank 8 to get a guaranteed champion capsule from each, for example. The choice is yours.
To summarise: players will always have something to work towards and can fine-tune their rewards to maximize getting what they need. The power granted to paying players is not so massive as to incentivize whales, and so a skilled free player will have plenty of opportunities to climb and succeed. As far as card game models go, it’s remarkably fair, so kudos to Riot Games on front.
Deal Me In
I quite enjoy Legends of Runeterra, if it wasn’t quite obvious by now. For a game well outside my wheelhouse, I’ve latched on to it quite thoroughly. I’m playing it almost daily, slotting it into my breaks or wind-down moments as something quick and fun to engage with. At no point have I felt like I’m behind other players, or that I’m being coerced into buying additional power. 
Legends of Runeterra is fun, well made, moderately complex, and ha plenty of options. It’s fair to free players, the presentation is excellent, and overall it feels like a game that I will continue to play in the coming weeks.
“I quite enjoy Legends of Runeterra, if it wasn’t quite obvious by now.”
Of course, a soft launch is only step one for a CCG. Balance updates will roll out, changes to rewards or progression might occur, and new mechanics or sets might end up breaking things beyond repair. Individual strategies and decks inevitably emerge as the ones to beat, potentially stagnating things for a time. But for now, at least, Legends of Runeterra feels like it’s in a solid place. 
The first attempt by Riot Games to expand their roster beyond their behemoth of a MOBA has passed the first test with flying colours. If nothing else, I’m now genuinely excited to see what else they have on offer with their coming projects. Comparisons have been made in the past of Riot Games attempting to replace Blizzard, and… well… it’s not a high bar nowadays, is it?
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a Fiora deck I want to try out…
February 11, 2020 10:00 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/02/legends-of-runeterra-is-some-kind-of-magic/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=legends-of-runeterra-is-some-kind-of-magic
0 notes
Reading List 7/28- 8/3
And I’m still late, but like way worse than last time. I apologize, one of my semesters ended on the 2nd and the other one ends on the 15th. So I did this as a mental break from my school work. Also, I have a TON on my list so it’s a little daunting.
Here’s the Google Link or Keep Reading. Whichever suits your fancy.
7Promise Me Series
Fandom: BNHA
Author: Femmie
Book 1: Promise Me!
Summary: The League of Villains attacks UA High, leaving great consequences. More specifically, they turn certain individuals back to children… // How will the young heroes in training react to this sudden change? // And what will happen when a misterious secret of Izuku Midoriya is uncovered?
Rating: T
Warnings: no archive warnings apply
Words: 41684
Book 2: Forgive Me
Summary: It's been five years since graduation. Five years since the incident took place... It left scars on all of them, but mostly on Deku's reputation. // Will he keep his head up as society beats him down? // And what happens when an old enemy surfaces once again?
Last updated: 31/7/2019
Has been updated since. Now Complete.
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose not to use Archive Warnings 
Book 2 gives you a pretty good idea of what happened and it’s not exactly… pleasant, but not graphic just intense
Words: 14595
A Little Issue
Fandom: BNHA
Author: thebakuhoe
Summary: Everyone awoke to an ear piercing screech. // “MAMA? WHERE ARE YOU? W-WHERE AM I?”// A child? What’s a kid doing in the dorms…? Aizawa thought, as he lugged his tired body through the hall, trying to find the source of the screams. // One by one, students started bursting out of their rooms, “What’s that screaming? “Did a kid get in here?” everyone was panicking at the sudden chaos. // “Calm down, everyone. Jirou, use your quirk to find where that shrieking is coming from, everyone else, quiet down!” // After regaining her composure, Kyoka plugged her earphone into the wall, closing her eyes. “It’s coming from… Midoriya’s room?” // Aizawa threw open Izuku’s room door, only to find a small Izuku, huddled in the corner, crying his heart out. // 'Jesus fucking Christ…' Aizawa whispered under his breath, walking towards the child. // “W-who are you? W-where’s my mom? Did she send me away?” Little Izuku could barely get the words before everyone saw him, and the chaos started all over again.
Last updated 2019/7/3
Has since been updated. Now: 14/? - updated 8/9
Ratings: G
Warnings: no archive warnings apply
Words: 15919
Costume Party
Fandom: BNHA
Author: Saysi
Summary: One Halloween Bakugou Katsuki put together a passable wolf costume, and ever since, he has worn the same outfit for every costume party he was dragged along to. This time, though, he finds himself face to face with a very drunk Midoriya Izuku, who has ingested more than enough liquid courage to have some fun with Bakugou's costume. // Who would have guessed Bakugou was into it the whole time?
Rating: E
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 10523
The Demon Alchemist Series
Fandom: FMA
Author: metisket
Reader: Opalsong
In Defiance of Reason Summary: “Yeah, yeah, I know. You’re doin’ your best. It’s just your best isn’t quite good enough, Colonel. So while you’re doing whatever the hell it is you do, I’ll be here cleaning up after you.”
Time: 33:08
Rating: T
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Justifying the Means Summary: In which Ed becomes Central's local vigilante, thereby becoming Maes's problem. Roy finds something poetic in this. // He looked nervous, and nerves were never something you wanted to see in a person who might fly off the handle and kill everyone in sight, Maes reflected.
Time:  2:30:53
Rating: M
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Theory and Practice Summary: Ed took a trip out East for automail maintenance, and came back with a Xingian prince and a suicidal plan involving lots of explosions. Maes was coming to expect this sort of behavior from Ed.
Time: 3:00:23
Rating: M
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Spin Summary: Ed knows a hundred ways to kill a person organized into ten distinct degrees of painful, but only the most basic first aid. And if that doesn’t say it all.
Time: 4:47:57
Rating: M
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Podfic- 0 words read
Full PodBook Time: 10:52:21
How can you smile with so many scars
Fandom: BNHA
Author: Quirkyasfok
Summary: After taking on a villain who's quirk involves making the words that have hurt someone the most appear on the their skin Katsuki begins to learn the true power of how much effect words can have on someone.
Rating: T
Warnings: Creator chose not to use Archive Warnings
The spiral that Kacchan goes on is fast but steep and his thoughts of Izuku’s back is descriptive.
Words: 3921
What The Fuck Did You Just Call Me?!
Fandom: BNHA
Author: reading_raindrop
Summary: “A-ah B-Bakugou! You dropped some pencils!” // Katsuki stiffened. Kirishima and Kaminari froze. Basically, everyone within earshot stopped what they were doing to look at Izuku like he sprouted a second head. What did he just call him? “What the fuck did you just say to me?” // Katsuki whipped his head towards Izuku with his signature death glare as he stood up from where he picked up the fallen supplies. // “U-um I said you dropped some pencils! I think this eraser might be yours to-” // “No. What the fuck did you just call me?” // Izuku starts calling him Bakugou and it pisses the explosive teen off a lot more than he thought it would
Rating: T
Warnings: no archive warnings apply
Words: 8303
Weird Duo
Fandom: BNHA
Author: Hoothootowls
Summary: Growing up together they were always together, even if bakugou was vulgar and rude while midoryia was a sweet soft hearted child. // It was rough after they found out izuku was quirkless. Bakugou thinking izuku was now useless and weak. Izuku crying and trying to prove him wrong. // It worked out when Katsuki realized all he had to do was stay with Izuku to keep him from being totally worthless, because there was no way deku could ever be anything by himself. He needed Katsuki. // It helped that Izuku was almost kidnapped as a kid, leaving Katsuki to never let deku go anywhere alone.
Last updated: 2019/7/31
Rating: T
Warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Katsuki is overprotective to the point of where it could very easily be considered controlling (it’s in the tags)
Words: 5275
A Dusty Journal
Fandom: FMA
Author: First_Duchess
Summary: "I don't really understand it, is all." Winry mumbled into the phone, then her tone got serious. "Seriously, and be honest with me, Mustang, what perverse bullshit did you subject Ed to? Because that's the only logical explanation I can come up with for this." // Roy sat there, dumbfounded and speechless (which was a rarity), and didn't have much sense in himself to cut the tension over the line. // "I'm sorry, Ms. Rockbell, could you repeat all that?"
Last updated: 8/1/2019
Has Since been updated. Now: 7/? - 8/9
Rating: E
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 14798
Game On! Series
Author: lightgetsin
Reader: Hananobira
Play to Win Summary: Ed loses his virginity, and then his inhibitions. Roy loses his mind.
Time: 1:24:22
Rating: E
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
A Game for Two Players Summary: "The Bastard is not in love with me, and I can prove it. With science!"
Time: 2:02:30
Rating: M
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Podfic- 0 words read
No PodBook so no total time
Fandom: BNHA
Author: SharkbaitSekki
Summary: Izuku gets himself kidnapped, and Katsuki is dragged into it with him as they face villains with particularly terrifying illusion Quirks. // It ends up being a living nightmare, but Katsuki can't bring himself to regret following Izuku into it all. Because between the pain and the terror, between the lies and the illusions, between life and death, at least they can always hang onto one another. Even if everything else is fake, they know that they will always be real.
Rating: T
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Yeah this is Dark, heed the torture tag
Words: 5376
Origins Series
Fandom: BNHA
Author: SoraMoto
Origin Summary: In a world of magic and myth Prince Shouto is tasked with finding a legendary sword that makes kings, Beast King Bakugou only wants someone to keep his castle clean and make spicy curry for him, and Izuku just can't believe his poor luck.
Rating: T
Warnings: Major Character Death
Words: 25883
Rebirth Summary: No one's sure what lead to some people getting soulmate marks, but what Izuku does know is that with or without a quirk he is going to do all he can to be the protector of his two soulmates. Too bad one of them is angry that his symbol is girly and the other thinks the only way to protect the others is to keep his distance. Why can this never be easy?
Rating: T
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 72579
Later Summary: Years later, after all three have become heroes, we get a small glimpse into their lives.
Rating: T
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 1258
Rebirth Deleted Scenes Summary: You guys asked for and here it is, the sexy times scene I left out of Rebirth after Shiguraki and Izuku meet at the mall. // Shouto and Katsuki were both worried for their boyfriend following the attack and now they punish him and make him promise to never do it again. // Please read after chapter 50 of Rebirth.
Rating: E
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 1497
An Interesting Trip
Fandom: FMA
Author: ShanaStoryteller
Reader: Rhea314 (Rhea)
Summary: Everyone's born with their soulmate's first words to them written on their skin, and that should make things easy, but it really doesn't. // "Roy has alternatively despised his mark and clung to it like a lifeline. Colonel. Just one word, right at the back of his foot. His literal Achilles’ heel.
Rating: Not Rated
Like Low T
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Podfic- 0 words read
Time: 45:31
Your Son
Fandom: FMA
Author: Bookwrm on FFnet, but there is no current link that I could fins=d
Reader: Glass_Lady
Summary: "I'm not your father. It's not fair that you can affect me this much." A military function becomes a nightmare when Ed accidentally takes a poisoned drink meant for Roy.
Rating: T
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Podfic- 0 words read
Time: 50:16
Know the Difference
Fandom: FMA
Author: ShanaStoryteller
Reader: Rhea314 (Rhea)
Summary: “You’ve heard the rumors,” Mustang says, looking at Ed over the top of his latest report, “about the angels.” // Ed scoffs and rolls his eyes, “Angels don’t exist, don’t be ridiculous.” // “Of course, of course,” he murmurs, gaze sliding back down, “There have been multiple eye witness accounts, however.” // Ed slouches into the chair and doesn’t bother to keep the contempt to from his voice when he says, “Don’t depend on anything with wings to save you. Things that were made to leave always end up doing so, in the end.” // “Yes, well,” he says, “sometimes they come back.”
Rating: T
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Podfic- 0 words read
Time: 1:01:23
Halfway Decent
Fandom: FMA
Author: Tierfal
Reader: Opalsong
Summary: Roy gets significantly more than he bargained for with a pair of gold-eyed prostitutes.
Rating: E
Warnings: Underage
Heed the NonCon Drug Use PLEASE (plus it’s darker if you interpret things a certain way.)
Podfic- 0 Words Read
Time: 33:46
Cause for Concern
Fandom: FMA
Author: metisket
Reader: Opalsong
Summary: Havoc's first encounter with the little Elrics. // Havoc had been looking forward to meeting the Elric brothers, but he’d been looking forward to it while thinking he’d have the whole office as a buffer. He hadn’t thought he’d have them all to himself in a car for half an hour in traffic. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Overjoyed was not the word.
Rating: G
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Podfic- 0 Words Read
Time: 20:14
0 notes
rhnuzlocke · 7 years
Episode 19
Scene 4:
[Ren Wally and Steven are all napping on the couches in the Pokemon Center, exhausted. Kai and Josh sit in armchairs, keeping an eye on them awkwardly not talking. Steven’s nav buzzes and he wakes up and answers it. He gets Ren up and Kai gets Wally up and they all head outside. The sunlight is still incredibly intense, but the sky has settled to a harsh, clear blue. Compounding the brightness is the fact that most of Sootopolis’s buildings are white, reflecting the sun back at them from every direction. Everyone puts on goggles or sunglasses to see and the Eon Guardians fly over them to to provide some shade. They hike through city as briskly as possible in the grueling heat and wait beneath the huge tree in front of the entrance to the Cave of Origin. The League starts arriving shortly after and soon most of them are there beneath the tree looking embattled and exhausted. Zinnia is there too with her whismur and there are two others, a woman and a man, who Ren does not recognize. Based on their tattoos and garb, it seems safe to assume they are Lorekeepers as well. Ren runs up to her father and they hug again. Kai and Wally stay close to Ren, a little awed by being in the presence of the entire league, while Josh sinks back against the trunk of the tree, trying his best to be invisible. Even beneath the tree it is still terribly hot and dry. Wally begins to cough and Kai sends out his castform. She shifts into sunny form immediately and Kai orders her to use rain dance. It takes more than the usual effort, but she is able to create a raincloud over the tree and cool everyone off a little as the last few arrive.]
Glacia: [withdrawing her lapras] Oh thank Arceus! Who has the castform?
[Lugia and Dizzy emerge from the water of Sootopolis’s bay and Dizzy dismounts before Lugia sinks back down out of sight. Kaspa flies in on Ho-Oh and hops down off the enormous bird pokemon. One always expects a person of such legendary stature to be tall somehow, but it soon becomes clear that Kaspa is one of the shortest people in the gathered crowd. Everyone steps aside as she strides up to Ren and Steven.]
Kaspa: [in Kantonese] We managed to weaken Groudon, but not defeat them. They are under the island seeking some source of power according to this city’s gym leader. The longer we leave them be, the more time they will have to recover and the greater the chance they will undergo primal reversion. We have to get down there and finish it. Are you ready to face them?
Ren: Yes.
Kaspa: [smiling] That’s my girl. Look how tall you’ve grown.
[Ren smiles back, biting her lower lip.]
Kaspa: So how do we get down into the cavern? Does anyone here know?
Senri: [in Kantonese] That would be Wallace. [in Anglic] Wallace, how do we get into the Cave of Origin?
Wallace: [stepping forward] I can undo the seal, but we can’t all go down there. It will fill with lava just like Groudon’s tomb did. And even without that, in a contained space the heat of them would burn us all to a crisp. We wouldn’t be able to get near them.
Steven: There has to be something—
Wallace: There is, but you aren’t going to like it.
Steven: Alright, what is it?
Wallace: We can’t face Groudon now, but Ren can. She has the Blue Orb. Kyogre protected her. She’s the only one that may be able to survive down there.
[Steven and Senri bristle at Ren’s sides and a murmur runs through the assembled.]
Zinnia: So you are proposing we send the least experienced trainer here to face Groudon alone?
Latios: I will go with her.
Latias: As will I. We may be able to resist Groudon’s power for a time.
Latios: Certainly longer than a human.
Latias: And if we die so be it. It is our duty.
Zinnia: Would she be able to use her pokemon, or only you two?
[Ren reaches into her bag and holds the orb as everyone talks.]
Steven: Ren was able to shield all four of us from Groudon. Why can’t we both go in?
Wallace: Just after they woke up, sure, but what if they undergo primal reversion? There’s no way to know if she’ll be able to protect you again or if you being there will even help her chances. You may be a liability if she has to protect you and fight at the same time.
Senri: I’m not sending my daughter in there alone!
Flannery: She’s too young!
Wallace: You are twenty, Flannery! Sod off!
Wattson: I have to agree though. Can’t someone else take the orb?
Wallace: No!
Steven: It’s bound to her. No one else can use it.
Asuna: Age doesn’t matter. Most of you have said I’m too old for this fight, but I’m still here.
Drake: You are too old.
Asuna: Don’t start with me, Drake!
[Drake opens his mouth to object, but Glacia puts a hand on his shoulder.]
Glacia: Not now.
[Drake grumbles but stays quiet and Asuna glares daggers at him.]
Asuna: My point is, is she strong? Most of you have faced her right?
Tate & Lisa: She fought us this morning.
Tate: She is very strong.
Lisa: And she has a deep connection with her pokemon.
Winona: I have one of her former pokemon on my team. I can say with certainty that she is exceptional.
Sydney: That’s great and all, but she doesn’t even have her final badge yet. And her powerhouse is a grass-type. That thing is part fire, isn’t it? Not for or against here, just saying.
Phoebe: Strategy is more important anyway. I beat you with a type disadvantage.
Sydney: True. And I guess we are kinda beat for options at this point.
Zinnia: There are always options!
Wallace: Enlighten us then!
Brawly: Like what are we still even arguing this for? It’s her call. I totally get that no one is digging this situation, but it’s really that simple. Ren, what are you gonna do?
Ren: I’m going to fight Groudon.
Senri: And I’m coming! I don’t care what—
Ren: No way am I watching you be burned up for no—!
Kaspa: ENOUGH! [Everyone falls silent.] I did not understand all of what was said, but arguing helps nothing. Every moment we delay, Groudon grows stronger. Whatever can be done to stop it, we must do. All depend on it.
[Everyone looks around at each other, still not quite ready to accept what is happening, except for Ren, who nods.]
Steven: But, how do we even know this will work?
Ren: [pulling her hand out of her bag and stepping forward] It will work. Kyogre wouldn’t have protected us if they weren’t ready to fight. As long as I’m touching the orb, they can channel some of their power through me. I can share that with my pokemon and Latios because we’re bonded. And Latios should be able to share with Latias, but I don’t know if she can share with you.
Steven: We’re bonded, just like you and Latios. If he can share with you then—
Ren: Even if Latias can share with you, will it be enough? Will you be able to share with your pokemon? That’s a lot of degrees of separation. Wallace is right: you might wind up being more of a hindrance down there than help. An what if I don’t make it? Everyone will need you. You’re the champion.
Steven: Kaspa can—
Ren: Please just stay here. You can watch me with the sight sharing and help that way. And then everyone can know what’s happening down there.
Zinnia: There has to be something we can do.
Ren: You all did a lot already. You weakened Groudon. I just have to finish them off. Should be easy.
[Ren can feel everyone’s eyes on her and she looks down. The silence buzzes with static tension and the patter of raindrops falling through the leaves. Steven takes a deep breath and puts his hand on Ren’s shoulder.]
Steven: You can do it. I know you can.
[Ren smiles up at him but before she can say anything, Tabitha tromps up to the crowd carrying some kind of red suit and helmet.]
Tabitha: [to Ren] Are you going after Groudon? You have the Blue Orb, right?
Ren: Yes.
Tabitha: Maxie wanted me to give this to you. It’s a magma suit. We designed it so that Maxie could travel with Groudon without being burned. An we modified the breastplate when he got the Red Orb, so the Blue Orb should fit inside as well. That way it can be in contact with you but still have your hands free. There’s a setting in the glove for a keystone as well. It will be a little big for you, but it should still work.
Ren: Thank you Tabitha.
Tabitha: It’s the least we could do. Let me help you put it on.
[There are murmurs in the crowd as she puts the magma suit on. Senri looks desperately unhappy and Kaspa is speaking quietly to him in Kantonese. Tabitha explains how to use the communicator and other features of the suit as she helps Ren get it on. It has it’s own internal environment and compact tanks on the back in case the air gets bad. The Blue Orb shines through its holder on her chest. It feels cool as it rests against the skin of her collarbone. Once the whole suit is on and fitted, Ren moves her pokeballs to her belt and Steven hands her Latias’s ball just in case.]
Steven: [in Ren’s head] I’ll be with you too, okay?
[Ren nods and smiles a little.]
Zinnia: Good luck in there, spitfire.
Ren: Thanks.
Senri: [hugging Ren] Be careful down there. Your mother and I will be rooting for you.
Ren: I’ll kick their ass. Don’t worry.
[Senri tears up but lets go of her. Behind them, Wallace is standing in front of the entrance to the Cave of Origin and murmuring to himself. Kaspa steps towards Ren and bows.]
Kaspa: [in Kantonese] Thank you for agreeing to do this. All of our hearts go with you. [putting her hands on Ren’s shoulders] And the blessing of Ho-Oh is upon you.
[Kaspa’s hands burst into multicolored flames. They spread across Rens shoulders and down her arms and blaze out brightly from her hands for a moment. The next they are gone and leave no mark behind. There is a rumble and the great stone double doors sealing the entrance to the Cave of Origin swing open. Kaspa steps aside and so do the others, leaving the path to the doors clear. Ren takes a deep breath and strides towards it.]
Kai: Wait!
[Ren stops and turns and Kai practically tackles her with a hug. She hugs him back, fingers digging in and face pressed into his neck. He holds her tightly, even with the suit in the way.]
Kai: I’m not gonna stop you, just promise me you’ll come back, okay? You’re my best friend. I don’t know what I’d do without you.
Ren: I’ll come back, I promise. And we’re level seven friends now, so I have to keep it.
[Kai squeezes her harder before letting go and she laughs a little. Wally is hovering by Kai’s shoulder and Ren pulls him in for a quick hug too.]
Ren: Take care of him for me.
Wally: Yes, ma’am.
[Ren waves to everyone and meets Josh’s eyes across the crowd. He looks scared and horribly worried and she gives him the thumbs up. She meets Steven’s eyes one last time before she turns back to the entrance. Tabitha hands her the helmet and and she puts it on. It snaps into place with a whoosh and a click. Ren walks into the cave with the Eon Guardians following at her shoulders and disappears from view.]
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