#This one was shared with us over on the hell site known as Twitter.com
soulmuppet · 7 months
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Continuing our Zine Quest / Zine Month shout outs!
Subterranean Fightin' Freaks by Andrew Misisco
"A freakishly fun tabletop RPG where you play mutants living it up on the streets of Chicago."
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Within the pages of this rulebook, you will find:
Quick and easy Character Creation system (randomization optional!)
Cryptid Score tracker with a Myth generator. 
Gadgeteer rules for making your own trash-powered devices.
A breakdown of Chicago and its areas and neighborhoods (map included)
Rogue Gallery full of muties, cuties, and normies.
Full-blown starter adventure with map, pregen characters & NPCs
Grab the PDF for $10 or a Physical copy & PDF for $20
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I posted 1,410 times in 2022
106 posts created (8%)
1,304 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,410 of my posts in 2022
#q tag - 647 posts
#spn for ts - 163 posts
#leverage - 137 posts
#this blue hellsite - 118 posts
#from the archives - 100 posts
#signal boost - 90 posts
#tis the season - 53 posts
#supernaturalwiki scripts and casting sides - 48 posts
#dvd commentary - 47 posts
#john rogers - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#versus nick's link rot hell (are there even 3 digits of real scripts he didn't snatch from deadline tv writing scriptslug etc)
My Top Posts in 2022:
this part seemed relevant to this blue hellsite ⤵️
It's safe to say that a bunch of people bonding over 100-year-old recipes is not what typically comes to mind when you imagine TikTok food content. But, also, Hollis's current online popularity isn't solely thanks to TikTok. He's also attracted a sizable fandom on the sometimes forgotten, but immensely powerful corner of the internet known as Tumblr. In fact, he's so popular that, in April, he entered into the site's top-20 list of web celebrities, according to Cates Holderness, head of editorial at Tumblr. Holderness told Eater the spike was likely because Hollis did a live video where he finally acknowledged his growing fandom on Tumblr.
"It was really funny to see people freaking out in an excited way, like, 'Oh my gosh, this guy that we love has acknowledged us and thanked us in this really sweet and sincere way'," she said. "He's aware that the Tumblr audience is there, but he's very nervous to interact with it."
Hollis's videos are regularly downloaded from TikTok and re-uploaded on Tumblr, where they have long, very viral second lives, which is actually common for popular TikTok, in general. But, according to Holderness, the thing that really ignited Hollis's fandom on the platform was a text post from 2021 written by a user named @thestuffedalligator. It was shared 25,000 times and reads:
The main thing I get from Dylan Hollis cooking old recipes is this:
Recipes from the 1910s and the Great Depression are great, and I suspect it's because they were made by someone with limited resources. But they found a way to make something good, maybe even something fantastic with those limited resources, and they wanted to write it down and share with their friends so that they could also make something out of saltines and potatoes. Recipes from the 1910s and the Great Depression are written down and shared in love.
The recipes you should fear come from the 1950s and 1960s, which I'm pretty sure are written down and shared as a form of McCarthyism.
"The history side of Tumblr is a very large community," Holderness said. "So it's kind of not surprising that a lot of the recipes that he makes, the older recipes, from the '20s, from the Great Depression, tend to be very popular. The recipes that are either extremely good or extremely terrible, in general, get the most traction."
For what it's worth, Hollis agreed with @thestuffedalligator's post, saying the Great Depression recipes are his favorite and the ones from the '60s are his least favorite; though he doesn't think that McCarthyism is to blame for why recipes from that era are so inedible. Instead, he thinks it was because bringing Jell-O to a potluck was a way to signify that you had enough money to own a refrigerator, and gelatin was marketed to women as a way to stay slim.
1,794 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
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2,269 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
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4,633 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
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andrewkarre (2022, Jan 27): In light of a Tennessee district banning MAUS, I'm sharing the greatest two pages ever written and drawn about the importance of children's literature and protecting children's access to books, starring Art Spiegelman and Maurie Sendak. From the New Yorker, September 27, 1997. [tweet]
9,416 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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28,353 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cllynchauthor · 5 years
On Aspie Supremacy and the Aspergian
CW: bullying, suicide, aspie supremacy
I feel the need to talk to you guys about what has been happening on autistic twitter lately surrounding the autistic website The Aspergian. I write for The Aspergian. Here are some of my articles:
While I am white, cishet, and speaking, I am in the minority at The Aspergian.
The majority of contributors are mostly either LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, or high support needs.
Here are some of their contributions:
Despite this, the name The Aspergian makes many autistic people uncomfortable. Several ASAN members have spoken out condemning the name.
In these days of #AltAutism, the autistic dark web and other aspie supremacists have turned the word Aspergers into a borderline slur.
Aspergers and “Aspergian” are becoming dog whistles for function labels, white supremacy and incels.
The founder of The Aspergian knows that. That’s why she named it The Aspergian.
With every pro-RPM, pro-Neurodiversity, feminist, intersectional article The Aspergian publishes, it gets left wing values all over Aspergers. If you google Aspergian now, all you will find are social justice articles.
And the AltAutism folks HATE IT.
But so do a lot of autistic advocates, for whom “Aspergers” conjures up a lot of trauma.
The founder has trauma from it too, though.
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Image Description: screencap of a tweet from @TheAspergianCom reading
When I first told my closest living friend about being autistic, it was the first person I'd told other than my husband. This was her response:
Below is a screencap of a text conversation. The friend is talking about her autistic son saying “at this point I’ll be fucking happy if he ever calls me mom and stops trying to attack me.” Then she says “I think your autism is fucking bullshit.”
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Image description: screencaps of more tweets reading:
Though she knew I was going to be tested, she'd continued to use the word Asperger's. I'd been helping her through the process of understanding her son and autism. I loved her deeply. I still do. But she blocked me on social media and told everyone before I was ready to come out.
So instantly all my social media was flooded with all these speculative and veiled comments I could only see portions of, and I was humiliated. I was a new mother struggling and lost my support system. She thought it was sinister I used the same label as her son. Minimizing.
Autism was my diagnosis. She didn't know that I was made to believe I was possessed by demons in my youth or all the hell I'd endured and all the struggles I had like being the last person in my school who learned to read six years late. She knew an articulate adult.
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Image description: the next person I told, things went even worse. She outed me in local Facebook groups where I was the admin and parent groups. I had postpartum anxiety and severe breastfeeding aversion but my child wouldn't eat food. So it was BF constantly or a feeding tube. And no meds for me.
So I thought maybe the problem was me saying autism instead of Asperger's. My husband was aspie and always identified that way. I'd been a teacher with largely autistic classes for years. Those with that diagnosis were often intellectually disabled.
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Image description: My best friend and one of my oldest and closest friends, both autistic, had committed suicide, and the two living best friends I had blew up my whole social circle. I was afraid to seek help, afraid to go in public, and brutally reframing my whole life and reliving traumas.
I needed help. I joined about 20-30 autistic groups and made the mistake of saying that I was aspie. I didn't want to be insulting and have another incident like what happened the first time I told someone. It didn't go well. I had no idea of the stigma at the time.
And I had no idea why I was being called a supremacist, shiny, a Nazi, ableist, etc. I argued against those claims because I'm definitely not those things. I thought I'd entered a den of extremists. I got booted. Then another group I entered started with, "Oh, there's the Nazi."
In that tweet thread, Terra goes on to say that it occurred to her that her best friend who had recently committed suicide might have sought out the autistic community before he died. And she went to look and found that he had posted and been dogpiled in the same manner. The day before he died.
Terra Vance is desperately anti supremacy. But she is also desperately anti bullying. And she felt that if people couldn’t say “I’m autistic” without losing loved ones and “I’m aspie” without being called a supremacist, then autistic people were being put in a very tight corner.
Especially since Aspergers is still an extant diagnosis pretty much everywhere but North America so people are getting shunned from the autistic community because of their DIAGNOSIS.
That’s why she named it The Aspergian.
And you know what?
The aspie supremacists HATE IT.
They hate that their dog whistle is now a popular and booming hub of Neurodiversity, anti-ABA, and intersectionality.
They hate that The Aspergian is republishing deleted Wikipedia articles of autistic nonspeakers, which the autistic dark web worked hard to get removed.
They hate that we promote FC and RPM and other AAC. They hate that we keep claiming that autism and Aspergers are the same thing.
They don’t want to share space with nonspeakers and black women. They’re a bunch of altright white incels and The Aspergian is getting autism and neurodiversity over their shiny high functioning boots.
Worst of all, we’re reaching PARENTS.
Our most popular articles are not aimed at fellow autistic people. They are aimed at NTs, parents, laymen, trying to educate them about autism.
My article on ABA went viral and made so many ABA therapists angry. It was beautiful.
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Imagine description:
“And by some strange magic, we took off suddenly, going from like 100 views per month to over 100k, then 200k, then more and more. We heard a lot of stories that were not being heard. There are parents who read our site to learn about their children posthumously after suicide.
One mother told me that if she had found our site earlier, she would have known that her son's "aspie" diagnosis meant that he was fully autistic. She is filled with regrets. We hear from lots of people who had no idea that they were supposed to have these autistic struggles.
We hear from people in lots of non-white majority countries where autism acceptance and awareness is years/decades behind what a difference our site has made because they had no idea. They weren't reading other blogs and now they are. Now they are understanding autism.”
Understanding autism from a neurodivergent, autism-acceptance, Autism-Speaks-Is-Bad, anti-ABA, pro-AAC website.
The ADW HATE that.
So what do they do?
They stir up shit about the name. The autistic dark web have a bunch of sock accounts which they use to deliberately stir up shit among the #ActuallyAutistic tag on twitter so they can screenshot stuff and repost it out of context to further discredit autistic people.
So they know the ND crowd resent Aspergers. So they deliberately stir up crap about The Aspergian’s name and everybody eats it up.
They also spread lies like that we are racist and don’t have any contributors of colour (they block the BIPOC contributors who argue against this lie).
Image Descriotion:
Tweet from Riah Person (a black autistic advocate) saying
“The .@theAspergianCom has writers
• with I/DD
• that are nonspeaking
• with research background
• that are deaf
• that are blind
• with physically limiting disabilities
• that are autistic BIPOC
• that are autistic LGBTQ+
• with no formal writing skills
The list goes on”
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They claim that we plagiarize. But in fact each contributor owns their own content and is free to publish in other places and often they do.
But mostly they bitch about the name.
And I get it. I do. Aspergers brings up a lot of bad feelings and associations, especially since the anti-ND movement started pushing the “Asperger was a Nazi” stuff in order to discredit Steve Silberman’s book Neurotribes.
But we can’t make Asperger’s a slur. It’s still an existing diagnosis all around the world. Happily it IS being removed from the ICD 11 in 2022 but it’s going to take decades to change the assumptions around that word.
Terra wants “Aspergers” to become synonymous with autism. No difference. No barriers. No judgements. Not because she loves or even identifies with Aspergers. Her diagnosis is autistic and she calls herself autistic. But she doesn’t think autistic people should be bullied over a label. It smacks of exclusionism.
The founder of The Aspergian feels that no autistic person should be bullied to the point of death or near-death because of their diagnosis, or because they have been trained to say they have Aspergers so NTs won’t pull the whole “you don’t look autistic” crap.
The autistic community, of ALL communities, should be the most understanding of misunderstanding. We should be the most able to understand that people don’t always mean what it sounds like they mean.
“Aspergers” is not a slur. It is not a supremacist term. At worst it is an outdated functioning label. At best it is a synonym for autism.
And it won’t become a dog whistle. Because The Aspergian won’t allow it.
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johnchiarello · 6 years
Emergency post
 Isaiah 41:25
I have raised up one from the north, and he shall come: from the rising of the sun shall he call upon my name: and he shall come upon princes as upon morter, and as the potter treadeth clay.
 Emergency update https://youtu.be/nTNpNSC9zho
  If one video is banned- try the others- if one web site is ‘shadow banned’ - try the others-
 NEW- [On video]
  I covered the cases of-
 1- Sandra Watts- 117th district court- the testimony I gave is absolutely true- it showed the crime of her and her court- false testimony and retaliation- why she is still on the bench is beyond me.
 2- The strange case of Eric Tunchez- he was running for a local election- and a few days before the vote- the DA announced charges on ‘promotion of prostitution’-
 The case dated back 2 years- why the the DA’s office would spend time on that- when we have murders unsolved and unreported?
 Tunchez knows the DA- Mark Gonzalez- and insists that the DA openly backed his opponent- and believes it was a personal targeting for political purposes.
 The former sheriff Jim Kaelin also posted about this case- on his facebook page- implying it was political and the the Caller Times colluded by purposefully lying about the charge as a federal felony indictment- yet the former sheriff mysteriously removed the post.
 Was the sheriff forced to remove the post?
 If so- why?
 It was copied to Eldefensor and is sill on as of this date.
It was the Eldefensor publication where I first read of the prostitution sting about judge Manuel Banales.
 Eldefensor claims they released the judge after he was busted on leopard street- a Known dive for hookers and ‘John’s- where many get busted- but if you are a connected portico- you get off to continue your criminal lifestyle.
  3- Mitch- was murdered Sunday night in Flour Bluff- not a single media report-
I believe Mitch was another homeless veteran- we had a few killed in just the past month!
 Yet the media and CCPD tell you the murder rate is going down- how can this be?
 Unless you simply do not report all the murders that are taking place.
Some of my veteran friends see what is going on- and some see what I do- and are possibly thinking of speaking out.
 Whether Mitch was one who was going to speak out- I don’t know.
 Was his murder connected to corruption in the city?
I have no idea- but this trend is troubling indeed.
 Jeremiah 46:14
Declare ye in Egypt, and publish in Migdol, and publish in Noph and in Tahpanhes: say ye, Stand fast, and prepare thee; for the sword shall devour round about thee.
  4- The media blackout on the ‘not guilty’ verdict in a murder case.
 The DA reached an agreement with 3 others in the case- 4 were being tried.
 The victim was in his 70's, it was a break in and murder- a capital offense.
The only media that reported the not guilty verdict was kiii.
 They said the family was in shock.
 The judge in the case was Manuel Banales!
 I covered the history of judge Banales before- it is unbelievable that this man is not in prison today.
The local media covered up for the crimes- the documented crimes- he committed.
 It is a CRIME to drive reckless- at twice the posted speed limit on the sign- to go off the road at about 70 MPH- to hit a truck at such a high rate of impact that the truck went flying- and then to permanently maim the Tex. Dot worker that day.
 Then- you simply get a traffic ticket?
 And it is not the first time the judge did this- he also ran over a homeless man at city hall- and settled with the family.
 No report of whether or not the judge was on his cell phone at the time-
There are people in prison today for this- I have been to wrecks like this as a firefighter who worked on the job for 25 years- it is unheard of that this criminal behavior would go unpunished!
 Yet- the Caller Times did a front page story at the time explaining why this is not a crime.
 I also spoke on the horrendous murder of Brenda King.
She was brutally killed- shot in the head on a deserted road in Corpus Christi.
The media put out an alert at the time- they needed a key witness.
 I do not know the person they mentioned- yet many of my homeless friends told me she was here- openly on the streets all the time.
Meaning if the cops wanted to find the witness- she is openly living on the streets of Corpus Christi- all the time.
 She is homeless.
 5- The murder [suicide?] of Judge Tom Greenwell- found shot- in the head- INSIDE THE COURT HOUSE MIND YOU!
 How did the weapon get into the court house?
Why did you not release the video of law enforcement who were indeed seen going into Judge Greenwell’s court room while he was in there.
 Yes- are you telling me on the day Greenwell’s body was found- there is no video of law enforcement entering the court that day?
 I challenge that assertion and stand by my statement ‘there is video of law enforcement entering the court house on the day of the murder of Tom Greenwell-’
 Release the damn video!
 Was a complete investigation done- was it truly proven that the gun used in the death was his own gun?
Was there DNA or gun shot residue on any of the law enforcement seen going into the court house that day?
The local media laughed this off- yet at the time I posted NATIONAL MEDIA reports who thought something was fishy in this case- even the Huntington post tried to expose the corruption.
 How in the ‘hell’ do you think the rest of the country- and now the world- view these things?
Do you think families want to relocate their kids here?
Do you think investors or bond holders look askance at these things?
 Do you think these types of events are normal for any city in the U.S.?
These are things that happen in Mexico all the time.
But normally not in the U.S.
 I could go on- even as I started making the video- you can here cop cars- sirens- on the video you even see the lights of emergency vehicles on the house behind me.
 I guess the cops were all around the block right as I started recording-
 I have no idea.
 I added extra links because in the past- when I expose the rampant corruption and criminality of Corpus Christi Texas-
Some one [or a group] immediately try to have those videos blocked.
 Tonight I will try and post the regular videos.
 But as you can see- in the city of Corpus Christi- you are dealing with corruption and/or incompetence at the highest levels.
In some cases I suppose the judges/leaders are just uneducated in the law- in others it is obvious that there is a local corruption connection that cover up for the crimes committed by those in authority.
 They also collude in an organized way to retaliate against those who tell the truth- they have no regard for the law- they even retaliate against the children of those involved.
 And yes- it is also possible that when others put the word out that they too will speak out- they might be found dead- with not a single media report of another brutal homicide-
 Welcome to the city that bares this name-
 Revelation 11:8
And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Psalm 149:1 Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints.
Psalm 149:2 Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.
Psalm 149:3 Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.
Psalm 149:4 For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation.
Psalm 149:5 Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.
Psalm 149:6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand;
Psalm 149:7 To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;
Psalm 149:8 To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;
Psalm 149:9 To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.
Active sites-
www.corpuschristioutreachministries.blogspot.com  [Main site]
 Link sharing sites-
 http://corpuschristioutreachministries.blogspot.com/p/one-link_18.html [Link to past teaching]
 Inactive- work in progress
 Video sites [Can download my videos free of charge]
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxWXKfaFDZrfNUzloSqg8Kg?view_as=subscriber beta
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYlLmUkKiB6VoWE9CB1UQew?view_as=subscriber ccoutreach87
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ4GsqTEVWRm0HxQTLsifvg?view_as=subscriber classic
 I no longer upload videos to this site- but there are many links to download here as well-
Cloud sites- https://ccoutreach87.com/cloud-links-12-2018/
 Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on-  Copy text- download video links- make complete copies of my books/studies and posts- everything is copyrighted by me- I give permission for all to copy and share as much as you like- I just ask that nothing be sold. We live in an online world- yet- there is only one internet- meaning if it ever goes down- the only access to the teachings are what others have copied or downloaded- so feel free to copy and download as much as you want- it’s all free-
 Note- I have many web sites- at times some question whether I’m a ‘bot’ because I do post a lot.
0 notes
elenaturnerge1 · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
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evanstheodoredqe · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
wendyjudithqe · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
mariaajamesol · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
lindasharonbn · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
elenaturnerge · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
miettawilliemk1 · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
electriclinda · 4 years
I interviewed BOOG, one of my earliest heroes in the tattoo world. Known as "The King of Script" and famous for the Chicano Tattoo Style. He shares his story and ongoing journey within our shared passion: Tattooing. Do you like this video? Please subscribe to my channel and of course, click the 🔔 to get a little notification every time I upload. Want even more from me? Check out my Membership Tiers. Click JOIN above to see what you get! SPECIAL THANKS TO: ⚡️BOOG: https://ift.tt/3dcpXXE ⚡️3rdiview for amazing video clips of Boog: https://www.youtube.com/user/3rdiview ⚡️NEW!!! THE TAT CHAT! Live tattoo Consultations and Tattoo Q&A! Catch The Tat Chat LIVE every Sunday at 21:00 (12am PT / 3pm ET): https://ift.tt/2AmiLcH ⚡️FOLLOW ME Personal site: https://ift.tt/3bnZnZI Instagram: https://ift.tt/3erf0kZ Twitter: https://twitter.com/electric_linda ⚡ WHO AM I? I am Electric Linda, founder of Attitude Tattoo Studio, one of Norway's biggest and most well-known tattoo studios. I have been tattooing since 2000. I’ve had the pleasure of tattooing a lot of celebrities like Yosef and Tshawe from Madcon, Hank Von Hell, Mac Miller, Vinni, Omer Bhatti and many more. Over the years I have won over 50 international tattoo awards around the world as a tattoo artist. Read more about me: https://ift.tt/3eF4irx ⚡️TATTOO AFTERCARE My NO.1 recommended tattoo aftercare products: TattooMed (not sponsored) Tattoo Aftercare Creme: https://amzn.to/2SGOoEb Simple Starter Kit: https://amzn.to/3cauRnk Small-Medium Tattoo Aftercare Bundle: https://amzn.to/2W7i6UV The Perfect Summer Bundle: https://amzn.to/2WaS6Z7 All products and bundles: https://amzn.to/2WALqCi ⚡️MUSIC & RESOURCES The music, and all sound effects, are carefully picked out from either epidemic sound (https://ift.tt/2GrDuM7) or Artlist (https://ift.tt/2ycnjC1 - Subscribe now and get an extra 2 months on your subscription), both amazing for any kind of royalty-free sounds for your videos or live streaming. Wondering what else I am using for whatever online? I have a list of all my favorite recourses, for designing, making online content and so much more right here: https://ift.tt/2Sx7XPd ⚡️CONTACT Tattoo Question: https://thetatchat.com/ Business/Sponsor Inquiries: [email protected] Tattoo Booking Requests: https://ift.tt/3erf1Fz 📦 SEND TO Linda Rodahl POBOX 3012 0132 Oslo Norway
1 note · View note
rodrigueztha · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
janiceclaudetteo · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
mariaajameso · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
mariathaterh · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes