#This landing in my PM’s made my day
risewriter · 10 months
Amazing art!
Made by the brilliant @-inlovehecame- !
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Seriously, the colors, the style, the EXPRESSIONS! It’s amazing and I love it! Shower them with lots of love, you guys! They deserve every sparkle ✨ 🐢
Link to the quote below!
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bmpmp3 · 2 years
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SOME ocs
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trashmouth-richie · 13 days
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𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞 — eddie x fem reader (7.1k)
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summary: 2011– your roommate drags you to a frat party and ditches the second she sees the guy she’s been fucking. left by yourself, you meet someone by accident, someone who isn’t in the fraternity 
warnings: smut, underage drinking, p in v, unprotected sex, grinding, dancing, eddie is trying to be cocky but he’s just awkward and silly
notes: i had a blast deep diving back into my hs and college days to reminisce with this. i hope if you were growing up during this time you can giggle along with me. love youuu oooh! also i hid some easter eggs in here (they’re not hidden at all)
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The basement was steamy, and not in a ‘oh it’s a little warm in here but more like, every single person is drunk off their ass and the walls are sweating’kind of way.
College was everything you’d hoped it to be and more.
Your roommate, Kenzie was the type of girl who had an ‘open closet’ policy letting you wear her clothes almost more than your own. You weren’t too keen on sharing a dorm room with a girl you’ve never met before, but thankfully—you had gotten lucky. 
You had heard the horror stories from your older sister about her terrible roommate freshman year and you worried for most of the summer that you’d strike the same type of fortune. It wasn’t until you got a friend request on Facebook and a cheery little message : 
[Kenzie Walmen 2:07 PM: heyyyy roomie (;] 
that you knew you had nothing to worry about. 
She was from the west coast in sunny California, that bright western sky seeped deep into her personality. Kenz was sun kissed and bright haired, pretty ocean dipped eyes to give her the All-American type of aesthetic that most girls wished for. And maybe it was her laid back disposition, or her thrill for living it up and every hour of the day— that landed you here tonight at Delta Kappa Sigma. 
It wasn’t your scene.
You weren’t shy or new to getting drunk, you had even been so brave to take the occasional hit from a homemade bong in your neighbors dorm a few times, but the frat parties were known for their out of control Project X style of getting shitfaced. 
And something about guys with too much testosterone and too much Adidas cologne made your skin crawl and not in a good way. 
“Prints always look weird on me,” you grumble into the mirror eyeing your curves in a leopard lace tank top and black skirt, “is it too much?” 
Kenzie adjusts her off-the-shoulder top, adding a bit of shimmer powder to her exposed shoulder, “absolutely not, if anything it’s not enough.” Neon feathers decorate her bouncy curled hair as she eyes you in the mirror, “add that silver chunky necklace, and you’ll look bomb.” 
She was right, the necklace really pulled the entire look together, and if it were Halloween weekend you could even pass as a Spice Girl or maybe Snookie. 
“Sooo, is Steve gonna be there tonight?” You ask elongating the vowels in the aforementioned name, followed by some kissy faces and porn worthy moans. 
Kenzie rolls her eyes, a dusting of pink warming her cheeks, “yeah… about that. He said he has a “surprise” for me when I get there, so if I disappear, I’m just with him, okay?” 
“Wait wait wait—” you protest, holding a death grip clutch on a bottle of UV blue. “We aren’t even at the party yet and you’re already planning on ditching me?” 
And that’s what got you here, a little more than drunk, holding a piss warm Green apple flavored Four Loko to your mouth, leaning against the corner basement wall in hopes to maybe disappear, wishing you were anywhere but in this cesspool of basement. 
The “DJ” (a frat guy wearing neon glasses with bars across them, scrolling through an ipod and a playlist more than likely named ‘Get Crunk’) was playing Kid Cudi, again. Everyone was screaming along to the chorus like he personally wrote it for them and their experience at college. A headache was brewing behind your eyes as the beat thumped loudly into your chest and radiated to your temples. 
Kenzie left almost immediately upon arriving. Swooped up and tossed over the broad shoulder of Steve the minute he answered the door. You laughed and shook your head, imagining how she was probably face down in navy cum stained sheets by now. 
The hours she spent on her hair and makeup went to waste, only being seen by the dead catalog eyes of Playboy’s finest from their pinned positions on the walls of Steve’s shared bedroom. 
Another sip from the overly carbonated beverage has you shuddering, the fiery ripple of fruit flavored [vomit] alcohol scouring through you like lava, causing your face to screw into a disgusted look.
How can people drink this shit? 
Your bladder screams at you to break the seal, demanding to find relief, immediately. The black lights were zero help in disguising if there were any doors that might lead into a bathroom. Pushing from the wall and taking the last hot sip from your drink, you navigate your way to the stairs. 
A table holding lone solo cups in formation from a forgotten beer pong game is now the proud owner of your empty can.
Weaving through the jungle of fist pumping douchelords and tipsy sorority girls making out for risqué facebook pics labeled [*~Freshman Y3ar!~*] you finally emerge from the sweaty pits of fraternity hell and climb the beer stained steps to the main floor. 
The monotonous beat from the music thumped a little less loudly up here, as if the noise was absorbed by the maroon colored carpeting and the oak cabinets in the foyer. 
The house was dated, decorated with a clash of orangey dark wood mixed with emeralds, dark reds and gold. As if this house was based out of Tuscany instead of midwest nowhere— complete with the rubbery fake fruit and vines that stood solely to collect dust. 
You had never been here before and didn’t know where in the hell to start looking to find the bathroom, and like Alice, you figured you might as well try every door knob in this type of Wonderland. 
The first door you peeked into looked like it was a formal dining room, but instead sat a television on the great oval table blasting obnoxiously loud as a pornstar moaned ripples of “pleasure” through her pink pout. Above her was an extremely tanned guy rocking a set of hard abs, thrusting in a slow rhythm that didn’t match her orgasm. 
A snicker slips from your lips and you gently pull the door closed with a small click, loud whoops and whistling from what you could only assume were a couple of frat guys erupt behind the door.
Watching porn together. 
You’ll have to add that to your growing list of things you didn’t know about the brotherhood behind a fraternity. 
The second door looked more hopeful as it was adjacent to the kitchen area. Upon nearly peeing down your leg, you were shocked stupid when you yanked the door open to find a closet housed with cleaning supplies. 
What the fuck? 
How could a frat house not have a bathroom? 
Your bladder squeezed in on itself and you were certain you couldn’t hold it any longer. Just short of giving up on this quest of relief and going back to your dorm, a gaggle of girls run down the steps leading to the top floor, where you could only assume the bedrooms were. 
“…why are frat bathrooms always so fucking dirty?!” 
Hustling up the never ending carpeted stairs, your bladder was on the brink of exploding as you shoved past a wooden door with a paper sign that read, “no jerking off in the shower!! pipes are clogged!” 
Your sandals clapped along the sea foam tiles floors as you slipped into one of the many metal stall doors. With a swift hike of your skirt up to your middle and pull of your panties, you were finally able to pee. 
A choir of angels sang the HallelujahHallelejuah chorus as you went and you sighed in relief that you had made it. 
“..yeah yeah, okay asshole,” a loud voice sounded from just outside the bathroom door frame, “you still owe me from last time,” the voice now echoed as it hit against the tiles and cement block walls, “no, payment is cold hard cash buddy, I don’t care if you have to dip into your trust fund.”  
A pair of black docs stomp into the tiled bathroom, nearing the stall you were in. There's no way he’ll come to this stall. 
“Tell daddy that you need more money for polos or Jordan’s— I really don’t give a fuck, but you need to pay the fuck up.” 
But as fate would have it…and in your hurry to get to the toilet before pissing all over yourself… and forgetting to lock the door in your haste… the stall door swings wide open— revealing a very bottomless you, to a pair of very wide dark, deer-in-the-headlight eyes. 
A beat that feels like an eternity passes, his hand is choked against his belt in a yank to unthread it, his phone wedged between his shoulder and ear. Your hands fly to cover yourself the best you can, panties still at your ankles, skirt still around your midsection. 
It’s all yells and screams with this random guy stumbling over himself dropping his phone on the ground and spewing, “Shit! Sorry! Sorry!” and you yelling for him to shut the fucking door already. 
His apologies don’t stop as he pulls the door closed, and from the other side of it as you pull up your underwear and adjust your skirt. 
“I swear! I didn’t think anyone was in there! I promise!” 
Your face burns in embarrassment as you contemplate melting into the floor and becoming one with the poorly aimed piss stains and the dirty grout. As good as that sounds you still have to leave, you still have to pass the guy who just saw your bare vag and you still have to navigate your way out of here. 
His phone lays face down on the floor, and you pray it isn’t broken for his sake. You pick it up, flipping it over to see that it scathed by with just a fine crack from one corner to another. His screen saver is a picture of a group of guys in a skatepark in the dark, smoke billowing thickly to cover their faces as they stand on the boards, the one with dark longer hair is shirtless, and painted with tattoos. 
“Shit,” you breathe quietly, “your phone is cracked.” 
You can see the shadows of his feet pacing back and forth but when you speak they stop, “oh..,” he mumbles, clearing his throat a bit, “umm, yeah, no biggie it was broke like that already.” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah— hey, if you wanna slide that under the door I can um, let you ..ahem.. finish up in there.” 
Shit. Duh he needed his phone, and you were just holding it hostage in here as your shame hung thickly in the air. God this might really couldn’t get any fucking worse.
A deep breath in through your nose, you fake a mask of confidence and open the stall door. 
You hadn’t gotten a good look at him when he barged in on you, but now in the fluorescent dust covered light you dared to look a little longer at him. 
Long locks of honeyed brown locks fell onto the tops of his shoulders, covered with a green plaid flannel that hung open showing his neck and a flick of dark lines from a tattoo hidden under a black band tank top. His eyes were just as brown, round and flocked with a grove of thick lashes. Clearly he was the shirtless one in his background picture. 
He smiled sheepishly, pulling his jaw taunt as he averted his gaze to the toe of his boots, noticing your hand stretched out before him to give him back his phone, he glanced at your face, skimming his hand over your palm.
“Thanks— uh…” he started, shifting his weight to lean back against the many rows of sinks, “sorry again, I promise I don’t normally walk in on ladies using the facilities.” 
His eyes met yours and you instantly felt a heat run to your throat, his lips were impossibly plump as he drew them into a tight smirk. 
Fuck are those dimples? Of course they were. God he’s so pretty. 
You smile, “normal people lock the stall, but I was in a hurry… well I was lost!” you exclaim in a huff, fully hands on hips annoyed, “why the fuck would the bathroom be on the top floor?” 
You asked him incredulously like he should know. But on second thought…
“uhh… I dunno,” he shrugs, sliding his phone into the front pocket of his light wash colored jeans, not even looking at the broken screen as he leaned back again, “I’m not exactly an architect.”  
“But you live here?” you question, turning on the sink to wet your hands, “haven’t they ever thought of putting even a half bath on the main floor?” 
He rumbles out a laugh that makes your cheeks tingle, your buzz still in full force, “nah, you got it all wrong, I’m not a member of the ‘fraternity brotherhood of Alpha Mega Steroid’”, he jokes with air quotes, smiling wide when your lips tick up at the ends. “But I am a frequent guest, of sorts…”
This guy seemed to be one of those people who can make a nun blush, witty and dripping with a sexual charm that radiated from him like a ray of fucking sunshine. And fuck that grin of his. You’re in trouble. 
“Ahh, okay,” you banter back easily, shaking your hands to dry them since there were no paper towels in sight, “which one is your boyfriend? Let’s see I know.. Kyle? I think is his name, reddish hair, kinda feminine hands, or are you fucking Steve because I gotta say, I think my roommate might be giving you a run for your money right now.” 
Eddie’s eyes light up, a quirk in his brow as he asks, “Blonde girl? Kinda naive, head over heels for that mop of perfectly styled hair? Shit, what’s her name…Kelly? Kitten? She’s your roommate?” 
Of course he would know her, Kenzie knows everyone, and seems to leave a kind of impression on people that you envied. As bright as she shined, you were the shadow behind her. 
“Yeah,” you say, not hiding your annoyance, remembering how you got into this predicament in the first place. 
Eddie looks just as pissed as you’re feeling, “Oh, Stevie boy and I will be having words later on his lack of tact. They’re the reason why I was out wondering the halls like a fuckin’ ghost in a haunted mansion.” 
He takes note that you’re in the same boat he’s in but in your case, it’s a little worse, being a girl alone in a frat house never ends well. 
“I’m Eddie, uhh…designated dealer,” he says in almost a whisper, “for the deep pocketed asshoels full of daddy’s money.”
You connect a few dots, realization hitting hard in your frontal lobe from conversations you’ve kind of listened to from Kenzie about Steve. 
“Ahh, okay… now that you mention it, Kenz has talked about you before. You’re Steve’s old friend, Munson? I thought she meant like a forty year old or something.”
He laughs, loud and belly rolling like, “nah, minus a twenty from that. Steve and I are just close friends ‘s all… and no, not boyfriends.” 
You laugh then, all bubbly and light hearted that has his own skipping beats. Saying your name, he repeats it, a little grin on his face that he tries to hide, “mm that’s cute.” 
“Cute?” you question, an eyebrow raised as you fold your arms in on themselves, poking a hip out. 
“Yeah… cute,” he says standing fully and peering down at you, “your name is very fitting for you.” 
You roll your eyes playfully at his flirty words. Even though your stomach is somersaulting at the way his eyes seem to drip from heaven when he looks at you, your cheeks heating beneath his gaze.
“Is this the part where we exchange our hometowns and majors, because I’d rather get run over than do that right now.” 
Eddie chuckles, “oh yeah, well I’m actually here on an athletic scholarship.” 
“Really?” you question, eyebrows cocked in disbelief. 
“Yes!” Eddie jokes back, trying to bite back a smile, “if you must know it’s for Tennis, but please don't bother me for an autograph. I'm just trying to be a normal guy tonight.” 
“Noted.” You giggle, admiring the way this banter is coming so easily, maybe it was the liquid courage taking over or the fact that he was actually fun to talk to— either way, this night is starting to take a turn for the better.
“So, what does a Tennis star/designated rich boy drug dealer usually do at these kinds of things besides bursting in on girls using the bathroom?” 
He smiles, dipping his chin and looking at you through those impossibly thick lashes. Pushing off the sink he asks, “Sell a little here and there, sometimes dip into my own stash…what do you usually do at these things?” 
“Well,” you tease, twisting on the ball of your foot and heading towards the door out to the hallway, “I’m not usually at these things.”
“Ohh my god,” Eddie preens in his best valley girl/ Kourtney Kardashian impression, “you’ve never been to frat party!?” 
You smile, at his stupid joke, “Noo, I haven’t actually. Kenzie drug me out for a little pick me up after we bombed our History midterm, to…y’know— live it up— YOLO, all that.”
“Okay okay, letting off some steam after the stress of class, I get it...school was never a cake walk for me either.” 
“Yeah! But then your friend snatched her up, and since I don’t know anyone here… I was doing a very impressive wall flower guise, until my bladder interrupted that… and then a guy barged in on me in the bathroom.” 
Eddie stalks towards you, his eyes roving over your body, “Well… now you know me, soo Miss Lady Wallflower,” he cracks, “shall we descend to the basement and keep this party going?” 
His infectious smile stretches wide, practically ear to ear and you find yourself grinning just as wide, trying to twist your lips to at least hide your enthusiasm a little bit but goddamn— something about the way those dimples compliment the fucking christmas twinkle in his eyes.. ugh. 
He was trouble. The kind you had always craved but never dabbled in. But when in Rome…
“Lead the way.”
Eddie had made a pit stop in the large kitchen before returning to the basement. 
“Now sweetheart,” he purred, fishing around the shelves, of a pantry, moving cans of food and bags of chips, “I didn’t plan on drinking more tonight, but I’m not gonna let you drink by your— aha!” 
Eddie stands upright, brandishing a large box of saltine crackers. Your eyebrows furrow in response and he bows low, puts his hand inside the box, “I present to you, Stevie’s not so secret hiding spot,” pulling out his hand, his fingers are wrapped around a bottle of Burnett’s Vodka.  
Your eyes widen with devilish glee as you smirk, “how did you know it’d be there?” 
Eddie unscrews the cap and puts it to his lips for a long six second pull. 
You weren’t watching the way his throat bobbed and gulped when he swallowed each burning swig. Nope, not at all. You definitely weren’t memorizing each valley of cords and muscles as a single drop fell to his sharp chin and jaw. Never, not you!
And you weren’t holding your breath right along with him only breathing when those fucking glorious thick lips popped clean from the mouth of that bottle… his lips shiny from the bitter alcohol like a gloss you desperately need to lick clean. Yeah… no. that was not you…
So it’s only fitting when he speaks hoarsely and clears his throat that you are snapped back to the moment, your core keeping its own pulse. 
“He’s been keeping vodka in the same box in a food pantry since we were in high school, guy is the most unoriginal bastard I know,” he shrugs, wiping his lips with the back of his hand, and you can’t help but almost pout in the wasted opportunity. 
His eyes meet yours and they look just as hungry as you were feeling. He smirks crookedly and you practically flatline from the depth those molasses colored eyes hold. He moved first, inching towards you like a wolf stalking its prey, your pretty chapstick smile daring him to come closer. 
But the fuse between you is snuffed out cold as a crying girl erupts from the basement steps, her gaggle of friends helping calm her down as they leave the house. 
Eddie shakes his head and clears his throat as if he was just as bothered by you as you were of him. Turning towards the fridge he asks, “I’m sure they’ve got some Sunny D you can chase this with if that’s cool?” 
The basement proved to be in the same situation you had left it in: hot, sweaty, sticky. 
“Fuck,” Eddie breathes hotly behind you, loud enough to hear him above the music, “it’s like a furnace down here, no wonder that girl was crying.”
You lead him to the corner you were tucked in before, your drink still sitting on the beer pong table. By the way he is standing you can tell that this really isn’t his scene either, but after a while of passing the vodka and orange juice back and forth between you, he seems to loosen up a bit. His shoulders relax as his back leans against the wall next to you. 
Eddie’s words slurring together as his stories became more and more animated, and you giggle along, never taking your eyes off of him. Completely enamored. 
Your stomach burned with a flurry of butterflies when a few of his clients came up to him to buy, each more nervous than the next. Eyeing you suspiciously, questioning if you were some sort of a narc. 
Eddie stepped ahead of you, his shoulders squared and chest out to casually announce that you were cool and were with him. 
You didn’t know that he was waiting for you to object to it, to shove away from him and call him a pig for even assuming that you’d ever be seen with the likes of him besides in the dark, but you never did. 
Hours pass and the music just gets worse. Wiz Khalifa starts singing about colors and Eddie looks at the crowd of people grinding and rolls his eyes. 
The alcohol has you feeling tingly, a buzzing of flirtation sparks your blood and you are closer to Eddie than ever, the smell of his musky cologne and laundry detergent invade you.
Like any drunk girl, you start getting antsy, a little more touchy, and a lot more feely. Standing around isn’t cutting it anymore and you want to move, toss your hair back to some cheesy song, want to feel those hands you’ve been staring at all night run along your body as your hips move against him. 
Running your forefinger along the inside seam of Eddie’s flannel shirt, you look up at him through your lashes. 
“I’m assuming you’re not one to dance to a club remix?” 
Eddie watches your finger stroke up and down, your knuckles barely grazing his abdomen, but the small touch sending electricity to his spine. 
He leans into you, following your lead and pinching the hem of your skirt between his large fingers “you’d assume correct, the music I listen to is a little more head bangy than this.” 
“So,” you say coyly, pulling him towards you just a fraction more, “what you’re really saying is that you can’t dance.” 
Eddie scoffs, throwing his head back, his throat sticky with sweat and the hair by his ears wet and curling into ringlets, “oh I can dance my ass off honey, taught Channing Tatum everything he knows.” 
His hands find your hips, and you almost lose the little bit of confidence you have gained when the warmth of them seeps through your shirt, his blunt nails skimming your skin in small strokes.
“Do these little white lies masked as dorky ass pickup lines work for you?” Your hands are on his chest now, the black light illuminating each letter of his Deftones shirt to sparkle like snow beneath your fingers. 
“I don’t know,” he whispers into your ear, pulling you tight against him so your chest is pressed into his, “you tell me.” 
The music changes and a throwback song  
comes on, one you haven’t heard in years. 
“Guess you’ll have to show me those moves, because in typical drunk girl fashion… this is my song!” 
You grab Eddie’s hand and stomp to the middle of the floor, pulling him along with you until you’re shoulder to shoulder with other drunk and sweaty college kids. 
“Get low?” Eddie asks from behind you, his mouth dangerously close to the shell of your ear as his hands land heavy on your hips, “seriously?” 
Leaning your head back so your lips could reach him you talk loud enough just so he can hear you, “stop talking and fucking dance with me already.” 
“Goddamn…” he groans when you finally push your body fully back into him. 
It’s sloppy and horribly uncoordinated the way your drunken hips move beneath his hands. You’re both swaying along with the music, trying like hell to match the rhythm of everyone else around you. But in the tiny square footage you have in this cluster fuck of a space, Eddie has all the right moves. 
His palms are pressing you tighter into him, making sure you can feel just how hard he is, how hard you are making him. 
Courage and a few prom night dances under your belt have you dropping low and coming up slow, your skirt fanning out the tiniest bit as your knees are bent to the ground.
And Eddie is practically thanking God himself when you run the fattest part of your ass up his body, on the bunched denim by his shins, skimming the barely there fabric of your skirt against the hole in his knee, and finally up where he desperately needs your body the most. 
When you come back up he moves your hair from the side of your neck, his lips puckering around your earlobe as he nibbles lightly, “spin around so I can see you.” 
He groans again when you shake your head and laugh at his dismay, as much as he is turned on and bothered you are too, but the power of keeping him like this, teasing him with your body— turned you on even more. 
You snake your hands upwards seductively, landing daintily at the nape of his neck, twirling the wet tendrils of curls round and round pulling gently. Eddie hisses through his teeth, his hands roaming freely from your hips to your ribcage running them along the length of your sides, bruisingly hard. 
One minute you’re facing away from him, eyes closed in pleasure as he roves over your body, his lips pressed to your neck, and in the next he’s spinning you around so that you’re face to face— eyes locked on eachother, the heat and the alcohol and the endorphins are too much to handle. 
Your once labored breathing snuffs out to nothing when he leans in with licked lips his eyes fixated on your mouth. Standing. Staring. Staring and standing. You’ve had enough of this cat and mouse game. 
“Fucking kiss me alrea—”
His mouth with its plush pillow lips slam into you. He tastes like tart orange juice and a bite of alcohol. Like the way a summer day would taste if it were bottled up. He licks into your mouth and you whine for more of him, clutching onto his neck and pulling him further into you. 
When you break for air it’s loud, smacking lips and lapping tongues, tilting your heads to line up perfectly. When you twist yours again, Eddie holds onto your neck angling it just so with a glint of trouble in those whiskey eyes as he dives into the supple skin at the column of your throat. 
Sucking, swirling— his tongue is hot against you and you’re clutching onto his shoulders, your nails digging into the pilling fabric like he was the only thing keeping you Earthbound. 
You wiggle in his arms, squealing and whining out but he’s holding you tightly against him, moaning words into your neck that you can’t hear above the music. Then he’s on your mouth again, working you into a fit. His big veiny hands move along your back, grabbing your ass softly, then work up to wrap in your hair or lightly scratch at the inch of skin between your skirt and your tank top. 
Doing your own little damage to him, his shirt is shoved up over his chest, your fingernails trailing down his tattooed skin. A rise of goosebumps following in their tracks, and he stops kissing you to suck in a breath, your smile on his lips as you laugh and he whispers a breathy ‘fuuuuck’. 
Your fingers trail down to his waist band, tickling his skin as you suggest an idea with your eyes, one that you’re certain he would understand.
“C’mon,” he mouths, gesturing his chin to the exit as he slowly begins to pull you from the dance floor, up the stairs and into the kitchen area.
Eddie knew what he wanted. Knew it the second you walked out of that stall with that sweet fucking smile on your lips, shy and coy when he called your name cute, like you weren’t at all used to the type of attention he was giving.
And maybe you didn’t want this with him. Maybe you were a: ‘fuck-me-in-the-dark-so-I-won’t-be-embarrassed-by-being-seen-with-you’ type of girl, but you did dance with him, you laughed at his stupid jokes, stuck by him almost all night, but still he needed to be sure. 
He thought maybe in the brighter light you’d change your mind about what you wanted, what you needed from him, but you surprise him when you cling to his side, going up the steps, and backing into a wall pulling him with you by his shirt needily when you reach the top.
“D’ you uh..wanna get outta here?” he slurs, almost sleepily, his bangs fucked up beyond belief, his hair drenched and sticky with sweat and humidity, lips swollen red.
“My dorm isn’t far,” you say, looking up at him through your lashes running your finger along the waist of his jeans, “across campus.” 
Eddie chuckles, “fuck…” he sweeps a thumb over your pouted lips, groaning as he bites his own. “I’d crawl to fuckin’ Alaska for these, honey.” 
Your cheeks burn sweetly from his inebriated compliments. And even though you’re tipsy and so is he, you feel an odd sort of comfort with him—one you haven’t experienced before. 
“Let’s go then,” you whisper into his ear, “I want you inside me.” 
That did it for him. 
Eddie was all but running with you across the campus green, but not before taking off his long sleeved shirt and placing it over your shoulders murmuring how it was freezing and you’d probably get sick. 
Your combined laughter ricocheted off concrete forums and neatly trimmed grass. Passing by the fancy Chemistry Lab building, the Art Museum, the Med School and finally to your painted black brick dorm building: “Wheeler Hall” 
“Here’s home,” you sing out, placing your key into the door and pulling on the steel handle. 
The Wheeler Dorms were the newest addition to the college town. Named after a family that was killed in an accident back in the 80’s or something… you didn’t really remember what happened. 
The side door you had come in through was closest to your room, 011, on the first floor, again, the universe being kind to you. 
“Never been here before,” Eddie said looking around with wide eyes, “any of the dorms actually.” 
You smiled upon unlocking your room and entering, hanging up your keys on the command strip hooks by the door. Whatever confidence he had back at the party is now deflated a bit once he realizes just how different the two of you are. What the hell was he doing here? You’re in college, he’s only here because he deals. 
“Uhh..?” he questions, eyeing the lofted bed, “you know I was joking about being an athlete, right?” 
You giggle and toss your purse onto the futon, “relax, that’s Kenzie’s bed, mine is the shorter one.” 
“Oh thank fuck,” he practically sings letting out an over exaggerated sigh as he plops down on your futon, eyeing the leopard throw blanket, “I may look like a suave Casanova but I’m about as agile as Mr. Bean.” 
Laughter fills the room and you click on a lamp throwing the room into a cozy ambience as you slip off your sandals and sit on your bed, leaning forward, “you’re way hotter than him.” 
Eddie blushes a bubble gum pink sheen, using his still damp and unruly hair to cover his face, “keep being sweet on me see where it gets you.” 
“Is that supposed to be a threat, or a promise?”
“Oh baby, I don’t make threats, not to a girl that’s like you.” 
“Like me?” 
“Yeah you,” he deadpans, standing up and waltzing towards your bed, crowding you in, “funny, sexy, and by some greater power— digs me… at least I hope.” 
“I’m not the type of girl to bring a guy back to my place, Eddie,” you nearly whisper, putting a finger into his dangling necklace and pulling him forward, “you’d be the first.” 
Eddie places his hands next you on the bed, “like your first? Or just here in college first, I’m cool with either I just— are you sure you want this? I can leave if y—”
Cutting him off you kiss him, but not like the heavy kisses earlier when you two were making out like you were each other's oxygen masks, this one is sweet, like melted  sugar on Eddie’s tongue. 
“You talk too much,” you say with a warm smile, wrapping a finger around his curled ends of hair, “no more of that, just kiss me.” 
“Yes ma’am.” 
Eddie wraps his arm around your waist and shifts you up further into the bed, laying your head on a pillow his body pressed into yours. He takes his time with you, kissing your lips then your jaw, working his way down your neck to where the bruises he’s already sucked into your skin were painted. 
Your moans and little breathy sighs have him hard against his zipper, his hips bucking into the tiny fabric of your panties that’s covering up that sweet pussy he got a glimpse of earlier. 
His shirt is somewhere on the floor, you had pried it off of him between locked lips and groans of having to move your lips from his that earned you a throaty laugh from him and the sexiest eyes that drove into you with an intense ferocity. 
He lowers further down your body, kissing every inch, moving your tank top out of the way to eye your orange bra, his mouth between your cleavage, moaning about how orange is now his favorite color. 
Eddie’s everywhere all at once, a hand traveling up and down your thigh, from the crux of your knee to the waistband of your skirt, the other hand is popping your tits out from that new found favorite colored bra of his —smiling wickedly at your peaked nipples. 
You moan lustful bliss as his tongue circles each one, giving equal attention to both, “you like that?” he asks.
“Feels so good,” you whine, “more, please.” 
Eddie smirks with your nipple between his teeth, “don’t have to ask me twice.” 
You weren’t a virgin, but holy shit you felt as if you had never had sex before, well never sex like this. Eddie teased you with his fingers, his thumb rubbing your clit while his fingers pumped inside of you, each curling inward towards a place nobody has reached before. 
He groaned with his bottom lip tucked between his sharp bite rubbing his achy cock through his jeans when you pushed your skirt down laying there in a matching orange lacey thong, bedazzled on the hips. 
“Would it be corny if I say you look like a Goddess?” he asks sheepishly, pinching the stretching fabric around your hips, “because… wow.” 
You bite your finger as if you were really thinking hard on this, hiding a smile, “you’re too much, Munson.”
“Too much?” he scoffs, pulling down your panties and settling himself between your legs, “you haven’t even seen my dick yet.”
You sit up, tits out and naked from the waist down, “well by all means, show me.”
“Greedy girl,” Eddie smirks, “did you bring me here just to get me naked? I’m appalled!” 
You move to your knees, sitting upright a bit so your face is level with his. You kiss him softly, moving to his neck and sucking just right to pull those deep moans from him that make your knees shake. 
Feather light touches skate along the expanse of his chest, working down down down until you’re undoing his belt, thumbing open the button on his jeans and yanking down his zipper.  
When your hand slides between him and his boxer briefs,  Eddie hisses, watching you pump him slow and tight. The feel of your smooth palm against his velvety shaft makes him almost cum right there and then, it’s been awhile since the last time. 
But you’re not hesitating or questioning yourself and he isn’t either. It’s almost fluid like a rocking wave the way Eddie lays you down, a team effort to swiftly shove down his jeans so you can finally feel eachother where the desperation is needed most. 
Legs hiked over his hips, he lines himself up with your gummy slicked entrance. It’s a deep and achy stretch for you, a vice grip for him. The lazy gasping moans you both emit are drawn out, yours practically breathless. 
“Holy fuck,” you breath into his mouth as he peppers you with kisses. He drags his hips out at a measured pace, pushing in just as unhurriedly, enjoying the way your body adjusts, cuffing him like a glove. 
Eddie breaks away from your lips to watch your bodies join together, moaning your name as he presses his forehead on yours collecting your mouth with his. 
“Shit…This okay?” he asks earnestly, nipping at your ear. 
You nod in gasping silence, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as he speeds up. Your hands are skimming down his bareback, pressing him further into you with every thrust, begging him for more. 
He snakes a hand between you, rubbing circles in your puffy clit as he thrusts harder, trying to get you there before he loses all control. “Want you to feel good sweetheart, fuck— keep making those pretty little noises, you’re squeezin’ the hell outta me.” 
And he does. You cum hard around him, your walls fluttering and pulsing so fast you practically black out from the mixed pleasure of his fingers rubbing your clit and his cock stuffed in deep. 
His name falls from your lips in tiny little whines and he bucks into you a hard and final time before he groans, holding onto your headboard for support as he’s bottoming out, stringing rope after rope of hot spend inside of you. 
“Baby,” he whispers, “God—” he stops cold, realizing what he just did and what he didn’t do. “Oh shit, fuck fuck fuck! I didn’t pull out, I'm sorry! I’m so fucking sorry!
You laugh wickedly, your body shaking beneath him at his worried panicked face. 
He’s a babbling, out-of-breath mess, “’s not funny! I just got caught up in the moment and you felt so fucking good and I’m still a little dru—”
“Eddie, it’s fine,” you say, holding his cheeks with both hands squishing them together so his lips pucker like a fish, “I’m on the pill.” 
His face is still squished together when he speaks, “oh, well… okay.” 
“You’re fine,” you coo, coaxing him down from the ledge of regret and self hatred, “I—” you lean up and kiss him square on the mouth, licking into it and sliding your tongue against his, “I liked it.” 
His eyebrows disappear into his bangs and before he can open his mouth to speak you’re pulling him onto you kissing him deep and needy. 
The two of you end the night that way, him holding you, your hands in his hair, kissing so much your lips are chapped— never getting enough. Legs entangled together like a weaved basket. You fall asleep before he does, your little huffed breathing making his skin damp as you curl further into his chest. 
Wonder if Verizon is open tomorrow? He thinks when he remembers that his phone is definitely broke from it landing on the bathroom floor—but he’d never tell you that. 
He also wouldn’t tell you how he was supposed to go back to Steve’s tonight because they were leaving to see another old friend in California for the weekend— or how they needed to be at the airport by 2 AM for a 4 AM flight.  — or that Eddie was Steve’s ride because he lost his license in July. 
He wouldn’t tell you any of it. None of that seemed to matter when you were sleeping so cute on his chest like that. 
When late morning comes you’re at it again, this time you’re riding him on the futon, slow like a twangy country song his hands rocking your hips. When you both finish you drag him to the showers, pumping some expensive shampoo into his hair and giggling when you tell him to be quiet so you won’t get caught. 
Steve called Eddie’s phone all night, and all morning, sending duplicate texts of rage, wondering where the fuck he had gone. 
Eddie silences the last call from Steve as you’re getting dressed, wearing a black pair of yoga pants and a zip up hoodie. He smiles when you offer to comb his hair, grabbing your wrist to pull you onto his lap kissing behind your ear. 
His voice is low, soothingly sweet and minty from your toothpaste as he asks, “can I take you to breakfast?” 
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rosesareredrosa · 2 months
You Don't Know Me Anymore but that Can Change
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Theo x fem reader
Summary: Where Theo neglects his relationship with Y/N due to spending too much time with his friends. Realizing his mistake, Theodore promises to change and starts making efforts to reconnect.
Authors note: I have no clue what to write please send in requests
Word Count: 988
The dim light of the Leaky Cauldron flickered as Y/N sat at the corner table, swirling their drink absentmindedly. The place was bustling, but it felt like they were in a world of their own. They glanced at their watch, sighing as the minute hand inched closer to 8:00 PM. Theodore was late. Again.
Just as Y/N was about to give up, the door creaked open and Theodore Nott slipped inside, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on Y/N. A guilty smile tugged at his lips as he hurried over, planting a quick kiss on their cheek before sitting down.
"Hey, sorry I'm late. Blaise needed help with something," he said, running a hand through his dark hair.
Y/N forced a smile. "It's fine, Theo."
Theodore studied the menu briefly, then closed it with a satisfied nod. "I already know what I want. How about you? You like this place, right?"
Y/N bit their lip, looking away. "I used to."
Theodore's brow furrowed. "What do you mean 'used to'?"
Y/N took a deep breath, finally meeting his gaze. "You don't even know me anymore, Theo. You're always with Blaise or your other friends. We barely spend any time together."
His eyes widened in surprise. "That's not true, Y/N. We're here now, aren't we?"
Y/N shook their head. "One dinner doesn't make up for all the times you've been absent. Do you even know what my favorite drink is? Or how my day went?"
Theodore opened his mouth to respond but closed it again, a look of realization dawning on his face. "I... I guess I haven't been around much, have I?"
"No, you haven't," Y/N replied, their voice tinged with sadness. "You used to be my best friend, Theo. Now I feel like I'm just an afterthought."
He reached across the table, taking Y/N's hand in his. "I'm sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way. I've been so caught up with everything else that I didn't realize how distant I've become."
Y/N's eyes softened, but they didn't pull their hand away. "I miss you, Theo. The real you. Not the one who's always busy with everyone else."
Theodore squeezed their hand gently. "I'll make it up to you. I promise. Let's start over, right here, right now. No more distractions. Just you and me."
Y/N felt a glimmer of hope at his words. "You can change if you mean your word no empty promises."
He nodded earnestly. "I do and I will change, Y/N. Every little detail."
A small smile tugged at Y/N's lips as they finally felt the walls around their heart begin to crumble. "Okay, Theo. Let's start over."
The evening carried on, but this time, it was different. Theodore listened intently as Y/N talked, and for the first time in a long time, they felt truly seen. It wasn't a perfect fix, but it was a start. And that was enough for now.
Days turned into weeks, and Theodore kept his promise. He showed up on time for their dates, texted more often, and made an effort to be present. He started paying attention to the little things, like Y/N’s favorite flowers or the way they liked their coffee.
One Saturday afternoon, Theodore surprised Y/N with a picnic in a secluded part of the Hogwarts grounds. The summer sun bathed the landscape in a warm glow as they settled on a checkered blanket. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves overhead, and the sound of the Black Lake's gentle waves created a soothing backdrop.
Y/N looked around, taking in the thoughtful details. "You remembered I love picnics."
Theodore grinned, a bit of pride shining in his eyes. "Of course. I’ve been paying attention."
They unpacked the basket, laying out sandwiches, fruit, and Y/N’s favorite chocolate-covered strawberries. As they ate, the conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared memories. It felt like old times, and Y/N’s heart swelled with a mixture of relief and happiness.
After they finished eating, Theodore leaned back on his elbows, gazing up at the sky. "I've missed this," he admitted. "Just being with you, no distractions."
Y/N looked at him, their heart aching with a mix of emotions. "I’ve missed it too. But I need to know this isn’t just temporary. I need to know you’re really here for me."
Theodore sat up, taking Y/N’s hand in his. His expression was serious, sincere. "I know I’ve messed up, Y/N. I let my friendships and other things get in the way of what’s really important. You. Us. I’m not perfect, and I’ll probably mess up again, but I promise to always try to make it right."
Y/N studied his face, searching for any hint of doubt or insincerity. All they saw was the boy they fell in love with, the one who made them feel special and cherished. "Okay, Theo. I believe you."
His smile was radiant, filled with relief and joy. "Thank you. I won’t let you down."
The rest of the afternoon was spent in a blissful haze, talking about everything and nothing, simply enjoying each other’s company. As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Theodore wrapped an arm around Y/N’s shoulders, pulling them close.
"This is just the beginning," he murmured. "I want to make new memories with you, ones we can look back on and smile."
Y/N nestled into his side, feeling a warmth spread through them that had been absent for too long. "I’d like that."
And as the stars began to twinkle overhead, they knew that this time, things would be different. They were both ready to put in the effort, to make their relationship stronger than ever. Together, they would navigate the challenges and celebrate the joys, side by side.
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star-suh · 3 months
It’s the Opposite Day 
Kim Mingyu x Male Reader 
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cw: top reader, bottom mingyu, established relationship, morning wood, chest play, mating press, full nelson, degradation, feminization, rimjob, fingering, impregnation kink, bareback, breeding, morning sex, rough sex, mingyu is fucked dumb, size kink.
an: it's the opposite day so here's a top male reader fic 😀
the alarm is ringing, yn woke up to turn it off rubbing his eyes seconds later and then staring at his morning wood making a tent with the sheets above it. “why am i so horny” he scoffed and started stroking it.
“good morning baby” mingyu just came out of the bathroom with the towel covering only his front part leaving his ass in plain sight, something that made yn more hornier.
oblivious of what was happening in between yn's legs mingyu walked around the room, his big plump ass bouncing every time he walks,’it's begging to be bred’ yn thought. mingyu feels two hands wrapping around his waist and then he is thrown against the bed, falling face down. “what the he~...” he slurred, feeling something wet entering his hole. yn didn't waste time and started to prep him using his tongue and fingers.
“it's to early in the morn…ning~ yn” waves of pleasure clouding his mind. “i can't help it gyu, you're so pretty” he pants catching his breath, “you're always looking so fuckable and breedable”.
now the couple was facing each other, yn giving hard thrusts while mingyu just whimpered and grabbed the sheets with so much strength that his knuckles were turning white. something caught yn's eyes, mingyu's tits bouncing with every thrust, “you're so slutty gyu, with these pretty perky big tits” he grope them with force, pinched the nipples and slapped them enjoying the pretty sounds coming out of the taller's mouth “too.. much~ yn”; “yes.. that's right.. let everyone knows who owns this pussy, who owns this perfect manwhore”.
yn keeps plowing his meat into the other's hole, even though mingyu was clearly bigger and stronger than yn, during sex he was easy to manhandle, yn’s capable of bending him over and fuck him in a full nelson, “tell me gyu. who own this pussy, huh?” he starts to rub the space in between mingyu’s balls and hole. “hngh..” is the only thing coming out of his mouth.
“tell me slut” yn puts mingyu’s right arm behind his head so he can have an easy access to his nipple and bites it, he once again asks with. clenched teeth and even harsher thrusts “who owns this pussy?”.
“youuuu~” he yells, cumming right at the spot, ropes of white cum landing on his toned abs.
yn stops and makes mingyu lean on bed on his back, then he bends him and begins to drill the tall guy again. the mating press position was their favorite, was easy for yn to go deeper inside him and hit his prostate and for mingyu it gave him a lot of pleasure for that same reason. “i'm getting you pregnant gyu, you're mine” he moans feeling mingyu’s hole clenching hard on his dick, “your pussy is so tight .. fuck!!”.
mingyu just nodded, the dicking was so good that he just didn't know what to say. “look at you.. such a big tough guy but the moment someone rails your tight manpussy you become all dumb just wanting more and more cock”; “yessh..siiirrr” he manages to say.
“get pregnant! get pregnant! get pregnant!” yn says with every thrust until he cums inside of him, every throb of his cock meaning that the precious thick liquid mingyu wanted, was filling him up.
“i can get used to this, having morning sex with my pretty boyfriend” yn laughs, kissing mingyu.
“i want more” mingyu demanded, fingering his creamed hole and then licking his fingers. 
“as you wish” yn replies putting his dick inside the other, resuming his thrusts. the sperm being churned inside and turned into foam “let's make more babies gyu, i'm gonna obliterate your pussy today”. the couple kept fucking all morning, at 12:00 PM mingyu was already full of cum with a gaping hole. “let's put this here so you don't waste any drop of my seed”, yn puts a plug in his ass.
mingyu gets ready and kisses yn “goodbye love, it's getting late, let's see how this goes at night” the taller says signaling at his ass. yn smirks “okay gyu, see you at night” he blows a kiss at him “good luck with your show today” he slaps gently the other’s ass.
and that's how mingyu went to rehearsals and then perform with his group on an award show with his ass full of cum.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 3 days
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[8:53 pm]
The cold air on your face paired with the bright flashing lights outside your building are making you feel annoyed- more annoyed than you already were. It had been a long day to say the very least without having to relive every annoying detail. All day you’d been looking forward to getting home, changing into your comfiest pajamas, and going to bed early. And you had done just that. It was 8:30 when you had turned everything off and the darkness of the night paired with your fresh sheets were just seconds away from taking you to dream land when the alarms started.
Loud, obnoxious alarms paired with bright flashing lights which indicated that either someone had done something stupid, or your building was actually on fire. Each possibility was bad, one just scarier than the other.
You moved quickly, grabbing your phone from the charger despite the 12% charge and made your way down three flights of stairs along with other tenants to the front of your building. Minutes later a fire engine pulled up, yet another loud siren blasting down the road. A group of heavily dressed individuals jumped from the truck and made their way to meet the building manager before ascending the stairs to where you assumed the trouble had started.
You all waited outside, some of you tiredly rubbing your eyes, some finishing their meals, others calming their kids. You hugged yourself to fight off the chill, the night breeze biting through the thin cotton of your sleep t-shirt and cotton pajama pants. Not the attire you should be outside with. Your eyes dusted over the numbers on the fire engine, too annoyed and tired to recognize that it was the from the station you passed everyday to get to and from work. The fire station with the very cute fireman you made it a point to try and catch a glimpse of everyday.
“Everything is alright! Someone forgot about a pot on the stove, just some excess smoke. It’s alright to return to your apartments! Have a good night,” one of the firefighters called out.
Everyone collectively sighed in relief and began making their way back inside while your building manager subtly pulled one of the tenants aside. While you were busy being nosey, you missed a step and felt your body begin to fall forward. You were fully expecting to fall and feel the sting of the fall on your knees when instead, someone’s strong arms caught you.
Your heart raced and you opened your eyes to catch sight of someone’s very cute concerned face looking right at you. Fireman!Jeno’s lips were moving but you were so enamored that your brain wasn’t even comprehending.
His face scrunched up in concern, “are you alright? You didn’t hit your head while we were on your way down, right?”
You blinked at him, finally tuning into what he had been saying, “oh, yeah, sorry. I’m fine, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking.”
“Glad, I could be there to keep you from getting hurt,” he smiles softly. He helps you stand upright and pulls his helmet off to tuck it under his arm to reveal more of his handsome face and soft looking hair. With his free hand he reaches out with one of the cutest smiles you’ve ever seen, “I’m Jeno.”
You shake his hand, feeling the worn leather in your hand while you introduce yourself. Even through the thick material Jeno’s hand is strong and warm, “I actually walk by your station on my way to and from work. It’s nice to finally see you guys, even if one of my neighbors was being stupid.”
Jeno perks up a little, his eyes dawning an interested twinkle, “oh? I guess I’ll have to start hanging around the trucks near the front of the station some more. Gotta keep an eye out for cute, clumsy civilians and all that.”
There’s no way this extremely handsome fireman is flirting with you right now, right? Someone straight out of thousands of people’s fantasies is coming onto you? It has to be some kind of dream you’re having right now.
And it’s certainly your exhaustion making you flirt back! Some kind of hail mary confidence before your body collapsed from sleep deprivation is what it must be!
You let out a soft, flirty laugh, “it would definitely give me something to look forward to during the day.”
“Then I think I can find something to keep me busy around the times of 8 and 5 o’clock,” he smiles back at you.
His crew has finished packing everything away and one calls him to hurry up. His eyes leave his coworker and fall on you with a somewhat apologetic look, “I’ll look for you tomorrow morning. Nice meeting you, have a good night.”
“You too, stay safe, Jeno,” you smile, waving at him until he climbs into the fire truck and waves back as they drive down the street.
You’re the last one standing outside your building, still in shock at what had happened. The cutest firefighter just hit on you and told you he’d keep an eye out for you on your way to work! You’d never moved as fast as you did to get back to your room and will sleep to knock you out to start your day even faster. You were going to make sure you saw him tomorrow.
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dovesdreaming · 12 days
Deadpools guide to keeping you alive
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Summary: You have a habit of reminding everyone to take care of themselves, even though you often forget to do it for yourself. Wade, being Wade, notices, and in his own ridiculous yet sweet way, steps in to help you remember the little things.
You sat on the couch, curled up with your phone, scrolling aimlessly through social media while Wade, in full Deadpool attire, was standing on the coffee table, striking ridiculous superhero poses for no apparent reason. He’d started doing it about ten minutes ago, just because he could. One hand on his hip, the other flexed, he looked like a cross between a professional wrestler and an action figure from the 90s. "Looking good, Wade” you said absently, not even glancing up from your screen. "Have you had any water today?". “Hydration is for the weak!" he declared, though he immediately reached for the water bottle you’d left on the coffee table and took a big gulp, mask and all. You weren’t entirely sure how it worked, but you’d stopped asking those kinds of questions a long time ago. You smiled at his antics and shifted, feeling a little light-headed, but brushed it off. It happened sometimes. Not a big deal. Wade, however, noticed the slight wobble in your movement. He paused mid-pose, tilting his head toward you. "Hey, babe, you okay? You look like you’re about to pass out faster than I can regenerate a new spleen”.
You waved him off, though your stomach growled quietly. "Yeah, I’m fine. Just haven’t eaten yet, I guess. No big deal”. Wade’s eyes widened beneath his mask, and he jumped off the coffee table with a surprisingly graceful landing. "Uh, what? You guess? You haven’t eaten yet?" He checked the clock on the wall. "It’s 4 PM. That's not 'yet,' that’s 'barely survived on air alone!”. You frowned, genuinely surprised by the time. You’d gotten up early that morning, thrown yourself into work, and totally lost track of everything else. Again. “Oh…” You blinked. “Right. Oops?”.
Wade crossed his arms and gave you a look you knew well, the ‘I’m about to be ridiculous but also right’ look. “Let me get this straight: you’ve reminded me, multiple times, to drink water today-thank you for that, by the way-but you forgot to eat?” You shrugged, trying to play it off, though the light-headedness was starting to catch up to you. “I get distracted, okay? I’ve got a lot going on in my head sometimes”. Wade didn’t argue with that. Instead, he sighed and sat down next to you, pulling you into his side. “Alright, here's the deal. You’re gonna sit right here, not move a muscle- except to blink, breathe, and keep that heart pumping I guess, and I’m gonna make you some food”.
You started to protest. “Wade, you don’t have to-“ But he was already up, bounding toward the kitchen with surprising energy for a guy who’d been play posing on a coffee table moments before. “I do have to! Because apparently, you’d forget your head if it wasn’t attached, and I can’t have that, babe. You’d look weird without it”. You chuckled as you watched him dig through the fridge, though there was a part of you that felt a little guilty. This wasn’t the first time you’d forgotten something important. Wade had found you passed out on the couch before because you’d stayed up working for nearly two days straight. And then there was the time you forgot to drink for an entire day while binge watching a new show. Wade had quickly gotten you a glass of whatever was closest whilst gently scolding you.
Still, despite your forgetfulness, you always made sure to look out for your friends. You’d tell Wade, and anyone else, to “drink more water!” or “take breaks!” but when it came to yourself, you… just forgot. It wasn’t on purpose. It was like your brain got too full, and the little things just slipped through the cracks. You were pulled out of your thoughts by the clatter of pots and pans in the kitchen. Wade was muttering to himself, something about "smoking chimichangas" and “how do normal people make sandwiches without a sword?” But a few minutes later, he returned with a plate in hand, two sandwiches that looked like they’d survived a battle, but were clearly made with love. “Behold!” Wade declared, placing the plate on your lap with a flourish. “A culinary masterpiece. You won’t find this in any Michelin-star restaurant, because they can’t handle the truth”.
You couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks, Wade. You didn’t have to, really”. “Of course I did” he said, sitting back down beside you, much more gently this time. “Somebody’s gotta make sure you remember to do basic human things, like eating and sleeping and not turning into a raisin from dehydration”. You took a bite of the sandwich, feeling instantly better. “It’s good” you said through a mouthful of food. “Of course it is. I’m Deadpool. I don’t make bad sandwiches” he replied, leaning in to nudge you with his elbow. “But seriously, you gotta start taking care of yourself. I mean, I can regenerate my liver if it gives out, but you? You get one shot at this whole ‘being alive’ thing”.
You swallowed and nodded, feeling a little sheepish. “I know, I just… I get so caught up in things, I forget”. Wade looked at you, and even through the mask, you could feel the softness in his gaze. He reached over, pulling you into a side hug. “You know what, babe? That’s what I’m here for. To remind you to do all that boring, vital stuff. You remind me to drink water, I remind you to, you know, live. We balance each other out”.
You rested your head on his shoulder, sandwich still in hand. “Yeah, I guess we do”. “And from now on” Wade said, his voice full of determination, “I’m going to make sure you never forget again. I’ll be your personal reminder system. Forget to eat? I’ll hand-feed you if I have to. Forget to sleep? I’ll tuck you in with my very own beddy-bye song. And forget to shower? Well, I’ll.. okay, I’ll just throw you in the shower with a loofah grenade”.
You laughed, the sound muffled by another bite of your sandwich. “I don’t know if I should be scared or touched by that”. “Touched” Wade said, pulling you closer. “Definitely touched. In the heart, not the weird way. Unless you want it to be the weird way. I’m flexible”. You smiled, warmth filling your chest. “Thanks, Wade”. “Don’t mention it, babe” he said softly. Then he looked down at you, his voice dropping to a playful whisper. “Now, finish that sandwich and then we’re going to bed. Not for the fun stuff, mind you, unless you’re into that, but because you need to sleep. Doctor Deadpool’s orders”. You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t deny the yawn that followed. “Fine, but only because Doctor Deadpool said so”. “That’s the spirit!” Wade cheered, and with a surprisingly gentle tug, he pulled you up off the couch and toward the bedroom, all while mumbling something about setting hydration alarms and taping snack bars to the walls as reminders.
And as you curled up in bed that night, Wade snuggled up next to you, you couldn’t help but feel grateful. Because even when you forgot to take care of yourself, Wade was always there to remind you, whether it was about drinking water, getting enough sleep, or just eating a simple sandwich.
And really, that was all you needed.
Thank you for reading!!
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chaosisalwayscrying · 9 months
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⇥ synopsis : you and matt go on a nice date, but after your feet start to hurt
⇥ warnings : none! pure fluff
⇥ extra : lim not the biggest fan of this, i think i did too much plot building but i hope you guys like it !! please send in requests also, theyll be worked on after my scheduled fics come out! 🫶🏻
⇥ masterlist !
⇥ taglist !
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   it was just past three pm when matt sauntered into the living room and told you to get ready for a date. at first you were skeptical, normally matt was spontaneous and just took you out in every day clothes, so telling you to get ready was new.
   "get ready?" you questioned, raising an eyebrow at him from your spot on the couch.
   "yeah, we're going to a fancy dinner, i wanted to surprise you with it." he said, starting to mess with the rings on his fingers, an obvious anxiety tell.
   "how fancy? like slightly more put together fancy or nice dress and heels fancy?" you ask, already beginning to mull over what outfit you'll wear.
   "nice dress and heels fancy, the reservation is at seven so you have plenty of time to get ready” he said, a bright smile now on his face.
you stood from the couch, immediately going to matt and pressing a kiss on his lips. “thanks for this matty, im gonna go shower. i love you” you said, pressing another kiss to his cheek as you practically ran to the bathroom.
matt stood there, a deep blush on face. he never really got embarrassed, but your excitement and words towards him made him want to giggle like a little girl.
matt was banned from his and your shared room while you got ready, since you wanted to surprise him. you even went as far as to make chris come get matts clothes you picked out and lock him in chris’ room.
after you buckled the straps on your heels, you stood and went out of matts room to the floor length mirror in the living room, scanning over your outfit and hair to make sure everything was perfect before letting chris know to bring matt up.
you turned once you heard a door open and quick footsteps coming up the stairs. as matt turned the corner, his eyes immediately locked on you. you made your way over to him, his awestruck expression making you smile.
“hi” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck and his hands immediately landing on your waist. “hi” he said back, eyes trailing over your face and outfit, a slight blush creeping up his neck.
you placed a kiss on his lips before stepping back and doing a small spin, letting matt take in your whole outfit. a silk dress that hugged your waist and hips just right but the skirt flowed just a little, and nice stiletto heels.
“you look beautiful, baby” matt mumbled, still staring at you wide-eyed. “are you sure those heels will be comfortable?” he asked, eyebrows furrowing. he knew you hated wearing high heels because they hurt your feet, and he didnt want you to be in pain just because of his date idea.
“thank you, and yes im sure, i’ll be fine for just dinner” you reassured, stepping forward again to place another kiss on his lips. “now come on, we have a date to go on” you smiled, grabbing his hand to lead back down the stairs to chris’ room to go to the garage.
in your opinion, the date was beyond amazing, but you hadn’t expected to be walking around a little park after. now that you’d been walking for so long, your feet were beginning to ache, making it hard to keep pace with matt.
“ow.. fuck” you mumbled, wincing as you stepped forward, trying to catch up to matt. matt, ever the attentive boyfriend, heard you and immediately stopped and turned around to you. he caught the wince on your face before you could hide it, causing his concern to grow.
“whats wrong? are you hurt?” he asked, taking a step to where you were standing and ushering you towards a bench a couple feet away. you immediately sat down and took off your heels, sighing in relief as the ache faded slightly. matt also began taking off his shoes, refusing to let you walk around in heels that hurt you or barefoot.
you werent paying matt any attention until he slipped his shoes on your feet, tightening the laces so they didn’t slide too much.
“matt-” you began, getting cut off before you could even finish saying his name.
“no, it’s ok. i dont want you to walk around in heels that hurt you, or barefoot, you could step on something sharp.” he said, finishing tying the laces and pressing a kiss to your parted lips.
“now c’mon, we can go back to the car” he said, taking your heels from your hands and helping you stand.
your smile stayed on the rest of the night, even as matt helped you into the car, even as he carried you upstairs after you (dramatically) claimed you were too tired to walk, even as he helped you out of your dress and into comfy clothes, even as he took off your makeup and jewelry, and especially as he held you as you drifted off to sleep.
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mavrintarou · 8 months
[3:45PM] Suna Rintarou (prequel of DD) [2]
Happy birthday to Suna Rintarou! I know I've made him a clingy fox but I honestly think this man is a clingy fox when he's in love.
Warning: clingy man and smut (18+)
Prequel (part 1) Prequel (part 3)
“So, what’s going on with you and this woman?” Osamu inquired, his brow furrowed in curiosity.
The glass cup froze at Rin’s lips, and the whiff of yeast in the beer hit his senses. Gulping his beer, he set the cup down. “It’s going…”
When he woke up alone in his bed two days ago, he was slapped in the face with disappointment and anger.
“Haah…” a bitter laugh escapes his dry lips, lips that he could still taste her from hours ago.
Rin slams his fist into the pillow she was sleeping on out of anger and frustration.
He frowned when his fist came into contact with what seemed to be a piece of paper.
Hey sleepy head,
I tried to wake you up but you wouldn’t budge. I was called in for an overnight flight, there was no one else near that could do it so I had to go.
I’ll text you when I land in Istanbul.
Rin waited for her text like an obedient puppy that entire day.
Looking back, he can’t remember the last time he was excited to receive a text message.
[**note: The green color text is dialogue text message exchanged in the past]
After leaving him hanging for over 15 hours, he can’t say he was elastic to receive a Hey from her.
Hey you. He texted back.
She quickly responded As I promised, I’d text you when I landed. Were you upset when I wasn’t there when you woke up?
Yes. He texted back. Very upset.
A little taste of your own medicine? :P
Rin let out a scoff.
Don’t be mad, I left you a note though, right?
She did, unlike him.
You did, not mad at all, sad but not mad. When can I see you again? He sounded desperate and was desperate, but he didn’t care.
I thought you said one date.
He chewed his lip, and quickly typed I didn’t specify…
You mean you haven’t had your full fill of me yet?
“No,” Rin answered out loud, his fingers quickly typing his response. Fuck no. If I didn’t make it very clear, Y/l/n Y/f/n, I’m very interested in you and want to get to know you more. He doesn’t know where this confidence is coming from, but he is going to piggyback off of it before he loses it. I don’t mean it as in your body, that’s a bonus. I know we are very compatible in bed, you can’t deny that. But I want to get to know you on a mental and emotional level too. And other physical levels too.
When he didn’t see her respond quickly, he groaned. She had the power to put him on his toes, he was willing to admit he was wrapped around her fingers.
His phone finally dinged a notification.
I’ll be home on the 25th.
It’s the 25th and he hasn’t heard from her, the last time they spoke was more than 48 hours ago.
Boundaries, his conscience is always reminding him. As if the universe is watching him and shaking their heads, they have been sending all sorts of videos and posts about dating. He’s been seeing them all over his social media platforms. He began watching dating tips and it opened his eyes.
But today was his birthday, and she said she would be home on his birthday. She didn’t specifically say on his birthday but on the 25th, his birthday, so he was going to convince himself she was returning for his birthday.
His phone vibrated in his pocket.
Hey, are you free for a call?
Instead of replying, he called her.
“Hey,” he breathed. He hurried out of the bar and shuffled away from the loud noise coming from the entrance of the bar.
“Am I… catching you at a bad time?”
God, I missed her voice, Rin thought.  
“No,” his breath is visible against the cold January night air. “Are you home?”
“Yeah,” she sounded like she was shuffling around, “just ended my shift. Are you… still down to meet?”
Rin looked at his watch, it was already 10 PM, was she… implying…
“I’m out at the bar at the moment, do you want to come out?”
It was a moment of silence before she replied, “sure, text me the address.”
Twenty minutes later, Rin kept looking at the door, his eyes instantly at the door every time it opened but would look away disappointed when it wasn’t the person he was waiting for.
Atsumu followed his gaze, “are you waiting on your girl? Is she coming here?”
The corner of Rin’s mouth curved into a smirk, his girl. “Yeah, she’s coming.”
At last, the person he’d been waiting for walked through the door and glanced around the place. Standing up, Rin marches over towards her.
Y/n smiles the moment their eyes meet, “hey – “
The rest of her words are cut off as Rin pulls her into a hug. It was a full-on bear hug, his face nuzzling into the crook of her neck and shoulder. “Missed you…”
Y/n pulls back and frowns, “had a lot to drink already?”
He nodded his head, his bangs flapping.
Y/n reached to brush his bangs away, “where’s your table at?”
He shook his head, grabbing her hands and bringing them to his chest. “Let’s go…”
“Go where? Shouldn’t we at least say hang out for a little bit – “
“No, we can go, go anywhere… I’ve had enough drinks for the night.” It was true, he didn’t want to drink anymore now that Y/n was here right beside him. He just wants alone time with her.
He groaned when he heard his name being called by Miya twins. Looking over his shoulder, he cast a glare at them to shut up but that only taunts them to shout his name even more.
Before he could do something, Y/n dragged him towards the table.
“Oho! You’re Suna’s girl?” Atsumu’s loud voice rang throughout the bar. “I’m Atsumu, this is Osamu, we’re high school buddies of Suna’s.”
Y/n smiled at them returning the greeting and all Rin could think about was how he was not happy to share her smile with his friends. Her smile was his and his only.
“Okay, Suna, stop glaring at us, go.” Osamu waved his hand in a shooing manner. “Happy birthday by the way.”
Rin watched Y/n’s eyes widen before she looked at him, “that’s right, it’s your birthday!” She leaned over and waved at a waitress, “a round of beer and shots at table 3 please!”
“Rin…” Y/n shakes him by his chin, “put in your passcode…”He opened his tired eyes and stared at his door lock, his mouth opened but Y/n covered his mouth before he could speak. “Just press it, don’t say it.”
He moved her hand, mumbling, “how do you not know…”
Y/n frowned, “I don’t know and I shouldn’t know your passcode, we’re not that close yet.”
Rin stood on his own and held a finger, “watch,” he used that finger to press his passcode in. “Now, you know.”
Y/n looks away with a smile tugging at her lips, “get inside.” She pulls at the door and drags him inside.
His head was pounding. He stares at the ceiling contemplating his life choices from last night.
A sigh of relief comes from his left and his head turns immediately.
He was 99% sure it was Y/n with her back facing him but there was that 1% that left him feeling uneasy. He couldn’t remember how he made it home but he was sure that he remembered seeing Y/n come to the bar… it was everything after that that he had no recollection of.
It was most definitely Y/n, she fit perfectly beside him just as he remembered. Carefully, he leaned over to get a glimpse and silently sighed in relief when it was her.
His brows frowned when he noticed the fresh blue-purple bruise on her right cheekbone. Without thinking, he flipped her on her back, waking her up. “What happened to your face?” He carefully cupped her face, his breath hitching when she flinched. “Who hurt you? Who gave you this bruise?”
“You, you did,” Y/n murmured, closing her eyes. “I’m very tired, I haven’t slept in over 24 hours. So let me sleep please.” She shifts and wiggles until she can pull the covers over her.
That’s when Rin realized they had been sleeping on top of his comforters instead of under.
He rolled her on her back again, “I’ll let you sleep in a bit but tell me, how did I give you this bruise? Did – did I hit you?”
She opened her left eye and stared at him. Genuine concern was written on his face making her think twice before she teased him. She didn’t doubt at all that he would ever lay his hand on a woman in violent ways, she can only imagine all the things running in his head. “No, Rin, you did not hit me. You head-butt me instead, on accident of course.”
She explained how she brought him inside and was trying to get him in bed when he tripped and knocked the both of them on his bed. His head collided with her cheek painfully hard making her see stars for a few seconds. He knocked out, locking her beneath him. She had no choice but to just throw his comforters over them instead of getting under.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, eyes on her bruise. “Can I… sleep beside you?”
“Sure,” she smiled tiredly and closed her eyes, instantly falling asleep once again.
She must have been so tired and she still came out to the bar. He thought to himself. As gently as possible without waking her up, he pulled the comforters up to her chin. She was so deeply asleep she didn’t stir when he pressed a kiss to her temple and a faint one to the bruise.
Y/n was not used to having someone cuddle against her, let alone a 6’3 grown man.
But she didn’t have the heart to wake him up.
Looking at her watch, it was the late afternoon already. They had slept their entire day away.
That was something she was used to, whenever she would return from flying halfway around the world. She would need half a day to a whole day to readjust to the time zone.
Except this last flight. She left in a hurry as soon as she could and dropped off her luggage at home. She should have showered and would have but he had called her.
She quickly sprayed some perfume and left her place to meet him.
Y/n couldn’t count how many times she had reread his text message.
I don’t mean it as in your body, that’s a bonus. I know we are very compatible in bed, you can’t deny that. But I want to get to know you on a mental and emotional level too.
If she was honest with herself, she would say Rin was head over heels for her. It wasn’t that she wasn’t used to it, but she had never had someone younger than her show this much interest in her. She would admit that she did not realize how much younger he was to her. She thought he was her age if not older.
With her lifestyle revolving around her career, having a committed relationship was not a priority for her. If it wasn’t for his persistence and foolishness in kneeling in front of her in public, she would not have given him a second chance.
It’s an unspoken rule that you don’t have second times with the same person that was meant to be a one-night stand.
But Y/n herself… couldn’t help but give in to him.
Enjoy it while you can, she told herself.
A low groan rumbled from the body that was squishing her, “are you hungry?”
Y/n thought for a second before responding, “yes, now that you mentioned it.”
Rin lifts his head off her shoulder, his hair flopped upward messily. His eyes zeroed in on her bruise. “God, I’m so sorry.”
“Did it get uglier?” Her tone is teasing, she reaches to touch it but Rin catches her wrist.
“No, take this as a compliment but you can make a bruise look beautiful.” He kissed her knuckles. “Come, let’s go get something to eat.”
Rin didn’t want to part from her. He had a feeling they would go their way after this meal.
He had ordered food and had it delivered to his place to avoid having Y/n go out in public with the bruise on her cheek.
So he took his merry time eating his hangover Miso soup.
He turned a blind eye each time she would tilt her watch to check the time.
“Are you regretting your life choices with alcohol and beer?” Y/n teased watching him sigh and stare at his soup. Y/n frowned when he looked up at her like a child afraid to ask a question. “What?”
“Are you going to leave after this?” He finally asked the question that had been eating him up inside.
“Do you not have work tomorrow?”
He shook his head, “no, I have the rest of the week off.” He waited a heartbeat before asking, “what about you?”
It was Y/n’s longer time off. Once a month, she’ll get four to five days off before resuming her hectic schedule again. Usually with her time off, she spent the time relaxing and running any errands she needed to while home.
Without any set plans, she caught on to his clear obvious hint. Y/n, in a playful yet earnest manner, narrowed her eyes at him and inquired, “why do you ask?”
“Because I want to hang out with you.” He answered right away. “We could do anything you want…” He looked at her with waiting eyes, “I just want to be with you.”
Y/n couldn’t resist the delight of being desired by someone, particularly someone as captivating as Rintarou. His charm and voice had her completely enchanted, and the more time she spent with him, the more spellbound she became. Is he completely unaware that his words to her evoked sensations in her heart that she had only fantasized about?
Being the one to break the intense staring going on between them, she could feel her face warming up. “I have tomorrow off as well,” she stated, locking eyes with him once more, this time with more confidence. “So, what should we do?”
Rintarou did not peg Y/n as one to enjoy horror films. His intentions after she allowed him to choose a film, a horror film, was to have her cuddle against him so he could wrap his arms protectively around her.
Instead, he sat beside her, pouting as Y/n’s full undivided attention was set on the film.
It was like she forgot he was there. Like she forgot she was supposed to cuddle beside him and let him make her feel safe.
After they finished their meals, Y/n was going to go back to her place to change and shower and return but Rin held on to the end of her shirt like a lost puppy
“Just use my bathroom…” he begged, staring at her with puppy begging eyes.
“What about clothes?”
You don’t need clothes, he wanted to say. “Just use my clothes…” After those words left his lips, he realized he may not survive if he saw her wearing his clothes.
Y/n sighed, she did not like clingy behaviors but she couldn’t bring herself to say no or deny him.
His invisible puppy ears perked up and his tails wagged excitedly. “Want to shower together?”
“Don’t push your luck,” she laughed.
After her quick shower, she came out wearing a baggy shirt of his with his sweatpants.
Rin looked away and tried to distract his mind with other thoughts to prevent a boner from happening.  
His fists had been clutching tightly to his sweatpants for almost the last hour, did she not realize what she was doing to him sitting next to him wearing his clothes?
He cleared his throat for the fourth time and slowly, her chin turned towards him but her eyes couldn’t leave the screen.
The plot of the film had finally reached the truth behind all the paranormal activities.
“Y/n,” Rin whispered.
Her chin was still tilted in his direction except her eyes. “Hmm?”
“Is this film that good?” He’d heard good reviews on this film, but all he could watch was her.
She hummed after a few seconds.
“Can we cuddle?”
At last, her eyes finally left the screen and looked at him. She scooted closer and curled against his side after fully comprehending his question. “Is that why you huffin’ and puffin’ over there?”
He hummed after a few seconds, a smile on his face, finally satisfied. He hooked an arm beneath her knees and threw her legs over his lap. “This is much better.”
Ten minutes into the film, she felt his head rest against the crook of her neck and shoulder. His warm breath was steadily fanning her neck and collarbone.
He had fallen asleep.
As soon as the film was over, Y/n reached for the remote without moving too much to wake him up.
“Is it finally over?”
“Yep,” she answered, “that was one hell of a plot twist that you missed out on.”
Rin’s arms tightened around her and he hummed against her neck, rubbing his nose against her pulse. “Tell me about it, please?”
Turning off the TV, Y/n saw their reflection on the TV screen. With their height difference, his neck was awkwardly angled so his head could rest on her shoulder.
“If you’re tired, go to bed.”
He shook his head, squeezing her waist. “I’m tired but I don’t want to go to bed.” When she lifted her hand and threaded her fingers through his hair, he nearly let out a moan when her nails began massaging his scalp.
His lips pressed against her pulse in a kiss before he nipped the skin there but was immediately stopped by Y/n who shifted away and gripped his chin, “don’t mark me.”
Rin didn’t mask his disappointment and muttered, “fine.”
Her lips curved as she squeezed his cheeks, making his lips pucker, “tell me,” her voice dropped an octave lower, “why are you hard?”
With his lips still puckered he responded, “blame it on your thighs.” He pulls away from her grip and squeezes her thigh which is pressed against his cock. Ever since he pulled her legs over his lap, he couldn’t get the thought of her riding him out of his head, which was why he had to force himself to sleep the rest of the film.
His little nap only worsened as he had enough time to dream about Y/n riding him.
“It’s so… squishy…” he squeezed harder, making her squirm in his lap. “And soft…” He leaned forward until their lips were closed, “and I want to bury my face between them…” He didn’t miss the hitch in her breath. “So what do you say, Y/n?”
“Less talking and more doing, Rin…”
In an instant, she’s flipped onto her back on the couch with Rin kneeling in between her legs. His fingers grip the waistband of his sweatpants on her and frowned, “no panties?” The smirk on her face answered his question. Tugging off his sweatpants, he confirmed his suspicion. “Can’t believe you sat on my lap practically with no panties.” Hooking both her legs over his shoulders, he grins happily at her before his face disappears in between her legs.
Y/n buckled against his lips, thighs crushing against his head. “Rin,” she choked out his name and moaned loudly when two fingers thrust knuckles deep. “Oh God…”
She looked down at the man, his eyes were already on her, staring straight at her as he feasted on her.  
With his other free hand, he slipped it inside his shirt she was wearing and groaned when his palm touched her tit. She was wearing no bra beneath his shirt. His cock twitched, nearly cumming from being excited.
“Rin… Rin please…”
He suckled her clit before letting it go with a pop. “Please?”
Widening her legs, and freeing his head, she begged, “you… I want you.”
Rin lets out a shaky laugh and straightens himself. Hearing her say she wanted him nearly undoes him in ways he has never realized. He pushed his waistband down and frees his cock.
He tugs Y/n until she is flat on her back and her ass is hanging off the couch before hiking her legs over his shoulders. Rin pulls the end of his shirt to his lips and bites down on the material before guiding his cock to the wet and glossy pussy.
“Argh,” he lets out a low growl and pushes until he is fully inside her.
He starts with slow and steady thrusts, savoring how her pussy is tightly hugging his cock.
Y/n’s lewd soft moans hypnotize him making him want to slow down or else he may just cum embarrassingly fast.
“Rin – Rin,” she reaches to rub her clit but he slapped her hand away.
His shirt drops as he growled, “I’ll do it…” he spread her legs apart and became thrilled at the sight of his cock moving in and out of her pussy. His thumb found the swollen clit and he began circling it. He felt her clench tighter around his cock. “Are you going to cum?”
Y/n’s hands clutched her chest, she nodded, teeth biting down on her lower lip.
“I can’t hear you?”
“Yes!” She shouted.
He flashed her a satisfied lopsided grin before quickening his pace. Leaning forward he wrapped his other hand behind her head, bringing her lips to his.
They were both near their orgasm and with a few more thrusts they both whimpered in sync.
“Ah,” he groaned against her lips. A sheer thin of sweat is visible across his face. He opened his eyes, staring at her closed one. At some point her hands have gripped the collar of his shirt in a tight fist, keeping close to her.
Where he only wants to be.
Pressing his lips to hers, he kissed her deeply and passionately.
Y/n moaned, pulling a way to gasp for a breath. His face flushed making him adorable in her eyes…
“You…” he breathed, “you make me feel things… do things… I’ve never done it before.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her nose, “now, can we shower together?”
Rin hated waking up early on his days off.
But it all changed now with this woman still in his arms, in his bed, sleeping soundlessly.
After their shower, they both got ready for bed.
The moment she settled into his bed, Rin initiated his attack.
“What the - !” She exclaimed when he threw half his body on her, locking her with his limbs.
“I can’t trust you not disappearing in the morning,” he murmured, burying his face into her chest. “Don’t leave me like last time… wake me up because I want to see you go if you have to go…”
At some point through the night, they shifted, she was now laying over him.
His hand pressed against the back of her head protectively as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Morning…”  
E/n: This man. I would never be able to say no to this man, ever.
>>> @queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy @krooes
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ickyblickyy · 9 months
pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
sypnosis: upon losing feelings for your boyfriend monoma, you start developing a new attraction towards the football team's quarterback. the only problem is, you two have never met. but that's where your bestest friends come in.
two | series m.list | four
THREE. undying love
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1:47 PM
you hear the ring of the bell as soon as you and your friends enter the cozy cafe that recently opened up. it was cute; baby blue colored walls decorated with fairy lights and soft music playing in the background. the space gave you peace of mind, taking away all the stress that was bubbling up deep inside you.
you all made your way to a booth that was big enough to accommodate all six of you. after getting yourselves situated, you found yourself sitting in between shinsou and todoroki with midoriya sitting in front of you, uraraka and iida on either side of him.
you noticed a menu on the table and picked it up. you looked through the menu and decided on what you wanted, spicy ramen and strawberry boba. everyone took their turn looking through the menu and after several minutes, everyone knew what they wanted to order. midoriya and uraraka offered to go make the orders in line while the rest of you stayed back, to which you all agreed.
“so,” shinsou started, breaking the silence and turning to look at you. you look at him with a raise of your eyebrows, indicating that you were listening.
“when are you going to confess your undying love to bakugou?” shinsou asked, smirking at the way your nose scrunched up and the very obvious blush creeping onto your face.
“hitoshi, be serious. we don’t even know each other,” you replied, rolling your eyes as your best friend attempted to wriggle his eyebrows, making him look dumb.
“if you wanted to, you could get to know him, l/n,” iida said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
“yeah, one of these days you two are bound to talk since we’re friends with his friends,” shinsou added.
“yeah, but—” you started before todoroki cut you off.
“speak of the devil,” the boy said and you all looked over to where his gaze was pointed at. a pink-haired girl with four guys following behind her was approaching your table, all of whom you were familiar with due to having at least one class with them.
however, one guy in particular caught your eye; his spiky ash-blond hair and his piercing red gaze were pleasing to the eye. you thought his eyes were the prettiest thing ever (that’s a lie—even though you liked bakugou’s eyes, no one could compete with the beauty of todoroki’s eyes).
shinsou smirked when he saw exactly who your eyes landed on first and started obnoxiously nudging your side with his elbow. you looked at him with creased eyebrows before lightly slapping his arm, muttering something along the lines of how he needed to behave for once.
“hey, guys!” mina exclaimed, stopping by your table.
“hey, mina!” you smiled at her, always pleased to see your happy-go-lucky friend. you liked that about mina, she always brought positivity into your life.
“these are my friends. i’m sure you know them,” mina said, pointing to the boys behind her. the boys you recognized as kirishima, kaminari, and sero all greeted you while bakugou stayed silent.
“hey, boys,” you said back, not noticing the way bakugou’s eyes landed on you.
“d’ya mind if we sit with you guys?” kirishima asked, scratching the back of his neck. “the place is real packed and there’s no tables left.”
“of course, kirishima! the more the merrier!” iida exclaimed, scooting over to make space for the group.
“this’ll be a great opportunity to catch up, won’t it?” shinsou asked with a smirk on his face, subtly winking at you.
and this is how you found yourself sitting between shinsou and todoroki once again. however, now there was kaminari on shinsou’s left and sero next to kaminari. across from sero was uraraka with midoriya on her right and bakugou on his right. next to bakugou was kirishima, mina, and iida. it was a pretty packed table, but you didn’t mind at all.
what you did mind was that somehow, bakugou ended up across from you. shinsou was having the time of his life watching your reactions every time you and bakugou made eye contact by accident.
when your food came, you were delighted, having been ready to eat since you left the dorms. as you were sipping on your boba, you heard bakugou kiss his teeth which made you look up at him.
“what’s wrong?” kirishima asked, a concerned expression on his face.
“they got my fuckin’ order wrong. i asked for spicy ramen and they gave me katsudon,” bakugou replied with an obviously annoyed tone. “how the fuck do you even mix that up?”
you don’t know what came over you, nor do you care to even understand, but a surge of confidence suddenly bursts through you. you pushed your untouched bowl of spicy ramen towards bakugou before speaking.
“you can have mine.”
everyone paused to look at you, only your friends staring at you in utter shock. you would never willingly give someone your food, even if it was just a trade. shinsou and todorki shared a knowing look before shinsou started smirking, causing todoroki to roll his eyes.
“nah, it’s fine, l/n. we don’t want to trouble you, especially after invading your hangout,” kirishima said, furrowing his eyebrows. “we can just fix his order.”
“no, really, it’s fine. the line is long anyway,” you said, pointing to the line behind your table for emphasis. “we can just switch and finally enjoy our food in peace.”
kirishima looked at bakugou who just sat in silence, staring at y/n. kirishima didn’t miss the blush spreading across bakugou’s cheeks either. he just nodded at you with a smile on his face and started digging in.
you finally looked at bakugou again and he quickly looked away, trying to hide the blush he knew was on his face. he pushed his bowl towards you and said, “thanks or whatever.”
you smiled softly at him before you took the bowl and immediately started eating. soon after, everyone was immersed in their own conversations while enjoying their food. bakugou couldn’t keep his eyes off of you which didn’t go unnoticed by everyone besides you.
as you were talking to shinsou and scrolling through instagram, you suddenly got a text from one of your cheer sisters that read, ‘bro wtf’, followed by a picture. you stopped talking and furrowed your eyebrows which caught shinsou’s attention. he looked down at your phone to see what made you stop, but as soon as you clicked the message, the smirk that was always etched onto his face dropped to a frown.
the picture that she sent made your heart drop to your stomach. it was a picture of monoma making out with a girl that was sitting on his lap. midoriya had noticed your mood switch even though he was a little far from you. he had caught shinsou’s eye and had silently asked what was wrong. shinsou mouthed, ‘monoma’, and midoriya frowned.
with a tilt of his head towards the door, midoriya silently asked shinsou to console you elsewhere, knowing full well how you felt about showing your vulnerability around people. shinsou nodded before tugging on your sleeve.
“guys, ‘m gonna take y/n back to her dorm. she’s not feeling well,” shinsou said. he turned to look at kaminari and sero and they silently got up to let you and shinsou go.
“aww, feel better, babe,” mina pouted as she watched you pick your boba up. “i’ll see you back at the dorms later.”
you mumbled a ‘thanks’ before you got up to leave with shinsou. however, bakugou suddenly stopped you with a call of your name. everyone, besides you, raised their eyebrows in confusion at bakugou. he never called anyone by their name upon first meeting them, usually making up some nickname for them based off of their appearance.
bakugou held his hand out towards you with money in it. you tilted your head to the side before asking, “what’s this for?”
“for the food,” bakugou huffed.
you chuckled before putting your hands up in a defensive manner. “it’s fine! our food was the same amount of money anyways. you don’t owe m—”
bakugou cut you off with a glare, “just take it before i change my mind.”
you nodded sheepishly and took the money before thanking him. after that encounter, you and shinsou bid your friends goodbye before walking out of the cafe.
todoroki noticed something that no one else did. he saw the way bakugou’s growing annoyance faded away into a little frown as he watched you and shinsou leave. it wasn’t his usual frown that he kept on his face everywhere he went, no, it was much deeper than that.
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tag list: @kotoprincesa @chrofeisnightmaregf @spiderlily-w1tch-blog @blamemef0rit @iridescentrays @archer-fb @bakugouswh0r3 @singingcherri6 @parker-webs @polarbvnny @lupinandout @thebestrouge
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© ickyblickyy 2024 please do not steal, copy, or repost my work onto other platforms.
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syoddeye · 4 months
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nikolai x f! reader | ~1.1k words cw: implied abduction. please tell me if you need something tagged. a/n: wrote this on my phone. lightly edited.
you need to disappear.
you have one packed bag, cash in a couple different currencies, and a fake passport that took a year to acquire. after selling all your worldly belongings and pawning your family heirlooms, you have enough to find transport. you think.
the passport guy hooks you up with a number. tells you to call it between one and two pm, says there’s a time difference. no sweat. if this works, if you can secure a path out, you’d call at two in the morning.
the phone rings long enough to make you sweat. burner clutched in a clammy palm. but finally a man answers. voice deep and thick, something you’d like to sink into if the circumstances were different. russian.
you don’t understand him, but you know it’s a greeting.
in a few short words you introduce yourself. explain you need a ride out of the country.
he switches to english after a delay. tinged with amusement, like he thinks you’re a runaway kid on the line.
— where to?
anywhere. maybe somewhere with a beach. where people don’t ask a lot of questions.
— i know just the place.
he gives you directions—instructions on what to do when you arrive at the rendezvous. he speaks as if he's arranging something normal, like you're nothing discussing him smuggling you out. adamant about one detail.
— come alone. fewer people, fewer witnesses. agreed?
you do. he tells you the amount he expects upfront. it’s steep, it’ll take what cash you reserved for this, but no matter. you can find work. you’ve always landed on your feet.
the old hangar looks abandoned, cloaked in a thin veil of mist burning off in the morning sun. ivy chokes one of its walls, poking through patches of sheet metal bolted haphazardly over a hole.
sweat clings to your hairline and neck. apart from walking the last two miles, you’re nervous. today’s the day.
music emanates from a chipped wooden door propped ajar. heavy metal. fitting, you guess. poking through, you see the back of a man. faded reddish brown leather stretches over a set of broad shoulders. a sweep of combed dark hair rests on the collar. a cranking sound accompanies the slight swivel of his upper body.
in front of him, a helicopter. your eyes widen, your pathetic vending machine breakfast pulses in your stomach. those things are death traps, and it sounds like he’s working on it.
you could turn back, but your contact had made a comment. one that propels you one stiff footstep at a time through the door.
nikolai is the best in the business, and no one else will accept such a small job.
he turns when you turn down the stereo’s dial with a shaking hand. his face is dusted with a bit of facial hair as if shaved recently, with lines near his eyes and mouth that indicate some years on you. thick eyebrows that raise in surprise, then settle as he grins. crooked teeth, a glint of metal near the back. your name rolls off his tongue and he sets a wrench down, offering you a gloved hand.
— my passenger of the day. little troublemaker.
you heat at that. it makes you curious about how much he knows. it’s not like you told your contact your reasons for leaving. money is a better conversationalist. universal language.
and you have just enough to bridge whatever gap needs crossing between you and nikolai.
he briefs you on the flight plan. he’ll take you to taiwan. they don’t extradite. assures you the heli is solid. he’s just a tinkerer. tells you to use the toilet. he’ll push as far as he can before stopping for fuel and rest. it’ll take three days.
you’re okay with that. you don’t know a thing about flying in something as small as a helicopter and know no better. he seems friendly enough. the glock you bought off a forum months ago in your bag will hopefully keep him that way.
he takes your cash. barely counts it. tuts. it’s enough, it’s the amount he asked for. he gives you a grin and stuffs the bills into a pocket.
— how much more do you have?
the question sets you on edge. great. another chump trying to take advantage of you. he reads your face.
— nothing like what you’re thinking. you have enough to take care of yourself when i deliver you?
you’re not sure, and you say as much. casually. maintaining feigned aloofness. you brag. i always land on my feet.
— like a cat?
he laughs. a big, boisterous sound. it makes your lip twitch. he says something in russian to himself and claps a hand on your shoulder before he turns back to make final adjustments.
— let’s find you a home, little cat.
the heli rolls out and lifts off less than twenty minutes after you arrive. your stomach is in your throat the entire time. nikolai’s muttered swearing does not alleviate the nausea. god, you don’t want to die before your third chance at life.
but it levels out, the sky is clear, and you’re off.
conversation is awkward. doesn't help that the headset nikolai gave you is meant for a much larger head. he lofts easy questions, dances around what he probably wants to know. sussing out your limits. you split focus between unclenching every muscle in your body and providing vague answers.
— you look tired. you can sleep if i am wearing you out with my questions.
he's not wrong. you are exhausted after waking up before dawn to ensure you arrived on time, but you really don’t want to sleep. nikolai is a stranger albeit a polite one. he's a criminal. it's hypocritical, but you know what you've done. you don't know a thing about him beyond: russian, helicopter pilot, and expensive.
he reads your mind again, though, it doesn't take a genius to understand why a young woman might be afraid to fall asleep next to a man she doesn't know.
— i won't hurt you. i have a reputation to uphold. hurting women is not part of that reputation.
his eyebrows lift behind his sunglasses, and the smile he gives you is warm. maybe. maybe a few hours shut eye wouldn't be so bad. you acquiesce, slumping into the cracked leather of the seat.
— enjoy your cat nap. i will wake you if necessary.
you nod sleepily and curl as much as you can onto the seat, hugging yourself tight. the thrum of the engine and propellers makes for decent white noise. you're out within minutes.
nikolai hums when it becomes clear you're asleep. he tilts his head, taking you in as best he can while you're all balled up. curious about the stray cat he's agreed to ferry to safety. pretty thing. shy. well-behaved.
and he thinks.
the black sea has beaches.
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mikobeautifulheart · 7 months
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How JJK men react when they (or you) "accidently" fall on you (or them).
Including: Yuta, Yuji and Megumi
Tw: none unless you don't like falling over.
All the second year students were at the traning field when you noticed that you forgot your phone.
Normally that wouldn't bother you, but today Yuta was supposed to come back from his training trip in Africa. There was nothing official with you guys but everyone around you could feel how much you both fell for each other. Just like the day he first arrived, you introduced yourself (probably the only person who did) to him. It was just like two wires fused and after that you guys became close. But it ened when Yuta left and you felt loke it was back to old times again with Maki, Panda and Toge.
"MAKIII" you yelled across the field as Maki was in the middle of her warm up lap.
"I NEED TO GO GET MY PHONE, ILL BE BACK SOON" You yelled getting a thumb up approval from her.
So you ran off the field and onto the path past the shed of cursed tools and straight to the main building in Jujustu high. You swung open the door and sprinted down the hallways.
Yuta was supposed to text you when he got back and nearly at the dormatrys because they changed the locks while he was gone and getting him his own key would take a while with his seemingly 'sudden' return. Luckily you had 2 keys made because you wanted a spare just in case it came handy.
You swung open the classroom door when you realised you forgot where you left your bag, which held your phone and pair of keys. You searched up the whole room panicking but to no avail. You looked at the clock on the wall. 4:00 pm. Yuta was supposed to be back at 4:10 and you figured the only other place your bag would be was on the bench bu the traning field...
Letting out a loud sigh of frustration you didn't want to waste any more time so you took a short cut to the oval. Right through the buildings window. You stood at the edge and pushed off landing harshly on the ground making you stumble a bit before sprinting again.
You made it to the field at 4:03, a new record, but still with your frantic searching you couldn't find your bag.
"I have to be quick before Yuta gets here or he'll be locked out the dorms!" You said franticly knowing your 3 classmates were watching you and wondering what you were doing.
You felt a tap on your sholder
"Tuna mayo Shakke."
(*We moved class rooms today remember?)
Your eyes went white realising you looked in the wrong room.
"I KNEW IT WAS IN OUR CLASS ROOM" You yelled before running again.
This time you went to the right room and saw your bag on your desk. You snatched it and looked at the time on your phone 4:11.
You said you would met Yuta at the schools enterance but there was no way you would make it there in time...unless you ran. Again.
You spun on you heals and with the last and most of your energy you ran head first into some body making them lose thier balance because the last thing they expected was getting rammed head first in a deserted hallway.
You fell onto your back in shock not realising the person hand was holding the back of your head making sure it never hit the ground.
"Are you alright!?" He asked looking down at you
It was Yuta.
"Yeah sorry about-YUTA?!" Your face flushed as his body caged your on the floor
"Sorry I didn't see you running then and just got in your way."
"NO, NO IT WAS MY FAULT" you were losing your sanity, he was so close and so...diffrent. His hair hung over his eyes and his body frame was way bigger from the last time you saw him.
He suddenly turned his head away from your gaze but you could see the red tint in his ears.
"Nice catch" you heard some one say
Both you and yuta looked down the hallway to see Maki standing there with a cursed weapon.
Immediately Yuta got up embarassed and offered you a hand up.
"Uh welcome back." You tried to act normally but that moment would live in your mind forever.
You were in the library studying for Gojos "surprise quiz" that was taking place tomorrow. How were you going to get through all the subject set in the quiz with only one day's notice? Well you concluded that Gojo was not a very qualified teacher.
On the list of study books you'd need to read to take notes from there was one that was up impossibly high up on a shelf. But it was okay because there was a ladder at the end of the shelf you would just have to bring over.
You pulled the ladder over and made sure it was stable by shaking it a few times slightly, knowing there wouldn't be anyone to hold the ladder for you because Megumi, Nobora and Yuji were all currently out on a mission that you were no put on. It was a but disappointing but it was the perfect opportunity to study.
You got up on the ladder, when it came to the last step you got a bit nervous because the ladder began to shake a bit. But you took a deep breath and managed to make it up there without falling. You grabbed the book quickly got down the ladder. You put it on top of the other books you were using. You walked back to your table with all your study notes and materials.
It was a successful hour because you felt like you were finally ready. So you packed up your things and began to put the books back. Until it came to the high shelf. You tested the ladders durability again and finally took the first step. When tou were half way up, book tucked beneath your arm, you heard the library doors open and two people arguing. You already knew it was Nobora and Yuji. And if Nobora and Yuji were there then Megumi must be tagging along to. You kept climbing but a little faster so you could greet your friends back from their mission, however when you got to the top step you heard Nobora.
You looked down the ladder and saw the three (as predicted) walking toward the ladder when Nobora kicked Yujis back sending him forward right into the ladder you were on. With his instincts he grabbed a side of the ladder which only made him land on his back.
You let out a panicked gasp as you felt yourself lose your footing and fall off the ladder.
Nobora and Megumi watched in shock as the suddenly saw you fall off the ladder and crash...right into Yuji. Thank goodness for Yujis reflex skills because he managed to catch you. Catch being you landing the back of your head into his chest.
"YOU IDIOT" Nobora yelled
"ME KILL HER? YOUR THE WITCH THAT PUSHED ME!" He yelled in retaliation you slowly sat up in-between his legs.
"Are you okay?" Yuji sat up to crossing his legs almost trapping you between him.
"Yeah I'll be alright" you mumbled but before you could rub the back of your pounding head you felt yujis hand on it.
"I'm sorry, I'll be more careful next time, really I didn't mean to hurt you"
"I know, it's okay Yuji I know you wouldn't purposely hurt me."
A blush spreads across his face and your body warms against his.
You look around trying to avert his gaze before realising that you didn't have the book any more.
"Huh? where did my book go..." your eyes wander to Megumi who's rubbing the top of his head with one hand and holding your book with the other.
"Here" He mumbled in pain.
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AUTHOURS NOTE: yeah I'm not entirely happy with the Yuta part but maybe I'll re write it if you guys want. Also if you want a part 2 with other characters let me know because I was going to add Megumi but didn't.
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paradiseprincesss · 3 months
"Can't you forgive me? At least just temporarily."
this just screams perfection
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one last time | jonathan crane
before anyone says anything i know this isn’t my best work bare with me i didn’t really know what the hell i was writing but i knew i wanted to write something sad
summary: jonathan runs into his ex who he still can’t move on from — if only things could have been different this time.
warnings: smut, p in v, angst, breakups mentioned, unrequited love, MDNI 18+ only!
word count: 2.5k
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pain is just a consequence of love — the question is if it’s worth all the trouble.
the warm, summer breeze blew through jonathan's slightly tousled hair as he stepped off the train into gotham city, holding his wrist out to check the time on his watch.
11:58 pm.
it was rather late, but jonathan was returning from the neighboring city where he’d spent the last few days testifying in a court trial as an expert witness. he was exhausted and all he wanted to do was go home, succumb to his sleepiness on his bed, and shut his eyes as he turned off his thoughts for the night. 
alone, again.
night after night, he slept without you beside him — he hadn’t had a good night's rest since the day you’d left him.
he didn’t blame you, though. he knew as soon as he saw you, scarecrow mask in your trembling hands, that it was over. jonathan could still remember the look on your face — you were so terrified.
he’d never hurt you; he couldn’t do it if he tried — but you couldn’t see that. he didn’t expect you to, but that didn’t make it any less painful when you told him it was over. that you were leaving him and you “couldn’t do this anymore.”
your laugh, your smile, everything about you echoed in his mind. a constant reminder that he’d been left lonely once again. 
in another world, he’d get to keep you.
he would get to come home to you again. watch your face light up with a smile as he walked through the front door, running into his arms as you peppered his face with kisses. he could still remember the smell of your perfume and the way you’d always leave a sheer layer of lip gloss on his cheeks when you kissed him. 
if only he’d done things differently.
he couldn’t bring himself to be with anyone else except you — he couldn’t even picture himself with another woman. if jonathan couldn’t have you, perhaps love was off the table entirely. maybe he’d just have to sit this one out and wait for the next life.
even if he was nonexistent in your world, you’d always be the centre of his.
the memories of you — every moment with you — would always be freshly tattooed in his mind. 
his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of someone’s baggage being dragged across the train platform, accompanied with a familiar little huff. 
could it be?
jonathan turned around immediately with his briefcase still in his hand, as he saw a sight that made his heart flutter. 
there you were, standing with a bag of luggage that looked awfully heavy. nobody else was around — it was just the two of you again. alone. almost as if the universe was sending a subtle sign to jonathan. 
where were you headed?
you glanced around momentarily before your eyes landed on the taller man standing adjacent to you. doing a double take, your jaw almost hit the floor as the memories of the past started to flood through your mind.
he called your name out softly, trying to decipher whether you were really standing there or if this was just a mirage — a hallucination his mind was curating to torture him, but when you called his name back out to him, he knew.
“jonathan?” you asked softly as he stepped a little closer to you, and finally, under the dim lights of the station platform, you could see him clearly. 
the two of you stared at each other in silence, neither sure of what to say at this very moment but jonathan was the first to speak again. 
“where are you headed?” 
the question echoed in the night, his voice familiar and comforting. it took everything in you not to run into his arms and break down — you regretted leaving him since the day that you did. 
“...i’m leaving gotham.” you finally replied, unable to look at his bright, blue eyes for a second longer.
“i need to start over,” you whispered, still not looking at him, “i'm catching a flight to my hometown in the morning.” 
jonathan’s mouth went dry as looked at you, and instinctively, his hand reached over to your face as he tilted your chin up. you couldn’t go — you’d break his heart all over again if you did. 
“i haven’t stopped thinking about you.” jonathan suddenly confessed. it didn’t matter if you felt the same or not, it was like something supernatural took over him, forcing him to get the words out. 
“don’t,” you warned, and he saw the tears that started to well up in your eyes, “don’t say things like that. not after—”
“i don’t care,” he said, “you deserve to know the truth after all the lies i told you.”
“i was selfish, i shouldn’t have just left without warning—”
“you are not selfish.” he interrupted once more. “this is my fault — i should have been more careful.” 
“we both made mistakes.” you assured him, but both of you knew that wasn’t true. it fell on him, not you. his mistakes caught up with him, not yours. 
even now, you were still the most selfless person jonathan knew.
“i never deserved you.” he breathed, his chest feeling tight all of a sudden. “i don’t deserve it, but can we just…talk? i promise you can catch your train in the morning, just…one last time, please—”
“jonathan.” you warned.
“i know i sound crazy,” he sighed, “but one last time, i need to be the one who takes you home.” 
“it’s midnight and i have a flight to catch in less than six hours.” 
“then catch your flight in the morning, please — i promise after that, i'll let you go.” he said, voice trembling as you tried to fight back tears from the way he was pleading with you. “you’re my everything.” 
you tried to rationalize with your head, but your heart was taking the reins right now — how could you say no? 
you couldn’t if you tried — and that’s how you ended up tangled in his arms as he held you closely. his lips were pressed against yours like they used to be, as if nothing changed. 
of course, you told yourself you were only letting him take you home so that you two could “talk” things out and hopefully find some closure. however, it seemed that the only thing you were finding right now was how much you two missed each other. 
“this is a bad idea,” you murmured against his lips, “but i missed you.”
jonathan pulled back from the kiss as he looked down at you, your head resting on the pillows of his bed. his hand came up to cup your cheek, a faint smile appearing on his lips as he admired you. it was like things had never changed. 
“i missed you more than you could imagine.” jonathan admitted, feeling his chest tighten with emotion once more. “i’m sorry.”
you sighed, getting propped up on your elbows as you looked into his eyes. you couldn’t find the right words at first, but after a moment of silence you spoke softly to him. “that doesn’t change things, you know. you lied to me.” 
“can’t you forgive me?” he asked, his cerulean blue eyes pleading with you, “at least just temporarily?” 
“i don’t wanna talk,” you whispered, “...i just want to forget.” 
he wanted your temporary forgiveness, and you wanted to forget — it was bound to end in disaster, wasn’t it? it seemed neither of you cared though, because seconds later, you were locking lips once more. 
jonathan bit your bottom lip gently, making you moan softly into his mouth as your hands found their way around his neck. it was almost like time hadn’t gone by since the last time you saw him, as if you were happy together like before. 
key word — almost.
he unclasped your bra, tossing it to the side as the heat of the moment swept both of you up. you gasped, feeling his warm hands kneading your breasts, his fingers pinching your pebbled nipples gently. he took his time with you, placing soft kisses down your jaw and neck as he focused solely on your body. 
as much as you wanted a bit more foreplay, it had been a long time since you’d last saw him — and all that pent up sexual frustration had to be let out somehow. you wasted absolutely zero time helping him undress as he returned the favour for you. 
you were soaking from the moment he’d first kissed you — the damp spot on your pink panties made that pretty clear. jonathan freed his throbbing length, stroking himself gently as he looked at you with blown out pupils.
so blown out that you could barely see those brilliantly blue irises of his. 
he lined his cock up with your drooling hole, pushing in with no resistance due to how wet you were. you let out a filthy moan, and jonathan groaned as the slick walls of your cunt sucked him in. the pace he set was gentle, but he was deep inside of you as his hands gripped onto your hips. 
“missed you,” he almost whined, “missed this, fuck—”
“h-harder, please jon…” you whimpered, feeling him thrust his thick cock into you harder, faster.
“shit, how’d you get even tighter?” jonathan groaned, pounding into your pussy as your mind went blank.
so much for closure. 
but you weren’t too focused on that right now. in fact, you weren’t focused on that at all. the feeling of jonathan's cock brutally ramming into your cunt had you thoughtless for the time being. the only thing that your mind was able to conjure up was the thought of how badly you needed to feel him fill your cunt up again. 
this is just sex, you reminded yourself, no strings attached — just one last time.
the way he looked at you told a different story, though. jonathan looked at you as if you were the only thing that mattered — because you were the only thing that mattered to him. you could both lie to yourselves and say that this was just a poorly thought out hookup, but one of you wasn’t ready to face the truth — that this was so much more than just two exes hooking up.
i’ll give you a hint — it was the one who was fleeing the city as a last resort in hopes of moving on. 
“i love you.” jonathan whispered, so quiet that at first, you thought you’d misheard him.
“m-mhm–!” you moaned, deliberately ignoring his words. if you said those words, there would be no going back — it would make things all too real. “fuck, i’m g-gonna– mm, c-come!”
“drench my cock, darling. i love seeing you come undone for me — fuck, you’re just so beautiful.” jonathan said, and this time — he was definitely whining. the desperation in his tone was evident, and he tried to ignore the way his heart was pleading with you to say those three little words back. 
as your cunt clenched around his cock, you saw stars. your release washed over you like a tidal wave, hitting you all at once and jonathan's eyes widened at the sight — you were breathtaking. he let out a choked moan, unable to get the words out as he suddenly felt his own release catch up to him. 
he gripped your hips painfully tight, slamming his cock into your tight hole deeply as his tip brushed up against your cervix, and his warm cum spilled into you. his cock pulsed as he filled your cunt up with his seed, and you were still a pathetic, moaning mess as he did so. 
after both of you had calmed down for a moment, the post-sex silence was painfully bittersweet. it was almost like for a second, both of you had forgotten that this was a mistake. but alas, reality catches up with us all much too quickly for our liking, doesn’t it?
“join me in the shower?” jonathan asked after a moment of stillness, pulling out of you as his cum leaked from your spent hole. 
“actually, i think i’ll just wait in bed for you — i need to sleep before my flight.” you said, your voice breaking as tears threatened to spill from your eyes. 
you felt incredibly guilty for what you were about to do — history always repeats itself, as they say. 
thankfully, jonathan was too busy looking down in order to notice your watery eyes, and you’d turned away to really make sure he wouldn’t see a thing. “okay,” he said softly, “i'll be in the shower if you need me. i’ll drive you to the airport in the morning.” 
“i'll be waiting in bed.” you replied sweetly, watching him disappear into the bathroom as he shut the door. you heard the water in the shower start to run, and with a sigh, you grab one of the many papers littered on his bedside table along with a pen. 
quickly scribbling down a messy note, you placed it on the bed for jonathan to see. 
maybe in another life, you wouldn’t leave him to clean up his own mess — and maybe in another life, he wouldn’t have lied to you about who he was. 
if you could have it your way, there would be no such thing as goodbye; but you didn’t make the rules. 
grabbing your packed luggage, you exit through the door of his apartment quietly, taking the elevator downstairs before hailing a cab. you almost regretted it as soon as you’d left him again, but it wasn’t enough to make you turn around and go running back into his arms. 
you knew better than to keep him in your orbit — you were two worlds away. 
as jonathan finally stepped out of his shower and back into his bedroom, his heart dropped as the realization kicked in. he saw it coming, yes — but he just thought that if he pretended not to, then maybe you wouldn’t go.
he looked at the burlap scarecrow mask that was laid out on his dresser — he couldn’t change who he was, and he couldn’t force you to accept that even if he wanted to. noticing the letter on his bed, he picked it up, warm tears falling down his cheeks as he read it. 
dearest jonathan, 
i’m saying sorry for the sake of us. i couldn’t stay, but i think we both knew that. 
if i cross your mind, just know i'm yours. i hope we can have our happily ever after in the next life, but for now, i will love you from a distance. 
you are and always will be my everything, j.
yours truly, 
your darling.
ps. i love you too. 
jonathan held the letter in his trembling hands as he looked out the window of his apartment — he almost had you this time. so close to being in love, but the past came back to haunt him. what could have been if you hadn’t slipped through the cracks of his hands once again?
if only you two got the chance you deserved — you almost loved him enough to stay.
but almost is never enough.
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@girlinterrupted505 @ciriceimpera @jordyn-yeager @thevelvetvampyre @galactict3a
@xanaxiii @nocturnest @psylrd @bloodandglitter207 @humbuginmybones 
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@aprilsfrog05 @minedofmoria @strangeobsessed @5tud10-54r4h @franzine-xii 
@stsrfujid @psylrd @eyraaaaaae @nyxxie-pooh @momoewn
@fauxcongenialite @ceruleanrainblues
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atarathegreat · 7 months
I'm Naked Here. Ken Ryuguji
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Draken had been busy for a while. Day after day after day it was like he always had something that he had to do. Visiting his friends, helping Mitsuya, and then there was that whole month that he was gone while Mikey was racing. Now that he was home he was still busy catching up on things that needed fixed around the house, helping Shinichiro at S.S Motors, looking over literally everything else but you.
You were pissed.
Even now he was out in the garage, looking over his own bike with the intent of going for a ride to make sure it was fully fixed. Kenny had been out there all day, covered in grease and sweat while only coming in for water and a small snack.
"Kenny?" You wandered in with a glass of water for him, "How's it coming along?"
"Not great," He grabbed the glass and took a quick sip, "a few things are still broken and I need to replace the seat. The damn leather has been ruined 'cause I can't get out here to take care of her."
There wasn't much you could do but stand next to him as he tinkered. You didn't know much about the motorcycle, much less on how to fix it. What you did know, however, was that Kenny was dense. Here you were, next to him and talking to him, naked as the day you were born.
"Do you think I could show you how to take care of the leather for when I'm gone?" He asked, reaching for a tool before going back to the bike, "Replacing the seat is going to be expensive and I can't keep doing it every time I get home."
"I'll try." You nodded.
"No problem."
You continued to sit and talk to him, handing him tools and waiting for him to notice you. Usually he was very attentive, so this was a little funny to you. You couldn't help but laugh at the way he wasn't even looking at you.
"What's so- Holy shit..." Ken looked up after gods know how long. His dark eyes trailed all over your body, landing on your chest and hips and-
Kenny stood quickly and nearly slammed you into the work bench behind you, "Fuck...I really have been gone too long if I hadn't noticed this." He rubbed his developing hard on up against your leg, groaning at the feeling of it. "I hope your plan was to get fucked." Draken slipped from the pants he wore and rubbed his tip through your folds, "I'm not-I don't think I can be gentle."
The way you giggled shot straight to his cock, making his tip swell a little more. You knew he wouldn't be gentle, not with his physique and strength, but that didn't bother you. Something about the way he sounded when he had complete control over the situation drove not only him crazy, but you. He was an animalistic man, driven by pure need and primal instinct.
"The hell are you thinkin' anyway? Comin' out here in nothing but your skin?" Draken tapped your clit harshly to make you hiss, "We have neighbors. What if I had the door wide open?"
You shook your head at him, "You close the door at nine pm sharp."
"Smart girl thought ahead, hm? Thinks that makes it better?" Kenny whispered in your ear, fixing the way you were sat on the workbench. Comfortability was his main concern when he made you cream. Location was of little consequence when he could feel your muscles tightening around him in pure, pathetic need. Making you cry was his main goal half of the time, the other three percent was seeing how loud he could make you. "Just wanted my attention, didn't you, ya' little minx." Draken pulled your hair to expose your throat to him, "Reminds me of the ladies that raised me, y'know."
Calloused fingers squeezed your jaw, dark eyes bore into yours, "Think you could survive if I left you in the Red Light District, hm? Would this little cunt make it out without bruising?" His deep laugh made you wet, wetter than you had been, at least. "No, not my baby. You'd be destroyed."
Not that he minded. Hell, he'd never even actually leave you in the store, let alone a dangerous part of town. But those big pupils of yours excited him to no end.
"Tongue out." Kenny released your jaw to spit on your tongue and press his finger to it, "Good girl. Swallow." Having you obey him after coming out to the garage bare ass naked was throwing him through a million plans. Gods, the ways he could bend you fucking backwards for his pleasure and you'd take it... It made his cock throb painfully.
"Deep breath." He whispered in your ear. You'd no sooner breathed in when he stretched you, bottoming out with a light growl in your ear. "Fuck... Definitely too long if you're this tight. Fucking choking me, baby."
The workbench creaked its protest as Draken fucked into you. There would be faint bruising from his thighs hitting the tabletop, but that wasn't his concern. You're cries of pleasure and the way you were breaking through the skin on his arms had all his focus. "That's right. Fucking cling to me." His cock was hitting as deep as your body allowed, "Needy girl... All for me, yeah?"
"There ya' go. Scream for me." Draken grabbed your throat, "Let the neighbors hear us. Let 'em know you've got a needy little cunt."
"I said, let 'em know." His fingers tightened around your neck.
You held his wrist as he slammed into you, his tip feeling like it was moving your insides around, "Please, Kenny! Need you!"
Awful, squelching, wet noises drew his attention to where he was bullying you, "Fuck yeah, you do. I can hear her talkin' to me. Pretty little cock sleeve, ain't ya?" Draken moved you from the workbench, bending you over his bike seat. "Goddamn... So fuckin' good for me. Hold tight, baby, I ain't gonna be done with you anytime soon."
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sunflowerwinds · 5 months
a confession & question [h.c]
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summary: your girlfriend finally tells you what she’s been keeping from you and it is nothing like what you were expecting. hazel asks you to come to an event that tony is throwing and you go on a fancy shopping trip (funded by stark industries).
pairing: hazel callahan x fem!reader
contains: spider!hazel, secrets revealed, mature content: suggestive making out, & pure fluff!
word count: 3.8K
a/n: things are brewing and they’ve made up. i hope absolutely nothing bad happens :)
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It had been merely a day without contact with Hazel. You were battling between writing assignments for your online classes and stuffing bears at Build-A-Bear that day wondering how to approach this situation the correct way. There was no way in hell you were going to break up with her but you wanted to truthfully and honestly sit down and have a long talk about how she was feeling.
To hear her out, to be there for her in whatever way she needed.
Hazel was a mess. She didn’t attend classes that day — which had May up the wall — as she stayed in bed sulking over being an absolute idiot. She was sleeping curled in her soft brown sheets and when she wasn’t sleeping, she was thinking of ways to apologize to you and reveal what has been itching at her for months now; that she was in fact Spider-Woman.
Should she just send a text saying: ‘I’m Spider-Woman. Please, believe me?’
No, that’s weird and pathetic.
She needs to do it in person so she can prove it to her with her suit. But when? Hazel checked her phone every two minutes in hopes your little icon would be there with a message.
It was around 4 pm when she had received a call from Josie. Hazel was pacing her ceiling in her suit, practicing on ways to show you that she was Spider-Woman. She ripped her mask off and aimed her web to her cell-phone on her desk, pressing the green button to accept the call.
“Hey, Jose. What’s up?” Hazel answered, a soft sigh leaving her lips from the tension and pressure building in her head from being upside down for a good while.
“Well, good afternoon to you. Why the hell do you sound like you’ve run three miles in ten minutes?” Josie questioned as her fingers typed rapidly on her keyboard from the other end.
Hazel grunts as she un-sticks herself from her popcorn ceiling to land on her wood floors. She runs a free hand through her unwashed frizzy hair, shrugging her shoulders.
“Just… hanging around,” she makes herself smile.
“Okay?” Josie responded. “Is that a spider joke?”
Hazel was still grinning as she replied: “Yup.”
Even though Josie knew it was a corny joke, she couldn’t help the snort leaving her lips.
“Anyways, uh, Happy told me to call you to remind you about this Sunday.” Josie hummed as she clicked her mouse buttons.
Hazel’s brows furrowed at Josie’s words. Her mind went completely blank.
“Jesus, you forgot didn’t you?” Josie sighed at how silent the spider-girl had gotten after her statement.
Hazel winces as she rushes over to her calendar for the month that was hung up above her working desk. Her eyes darted to the coming-up Sunday and there was just a tuxedo that she drew. What the fuck does that mean?
When does she ever wear a tuxedo?
Josie released another disappointed sigh.
“The charity event Tony is having for Heart Matters. Happy is supposed to take you shopping for an outfit on Friday.” Josie hummed which made Hazel mouth ‘fuck’ as she rubbed at her temple.
Okay, so two things she really needed to do.
“Right, yeah. No, I have a tuxedo on my calendar.” Hazel lied through her teeth.
Josie merely hummed at Hazel, still rapidly typing on her keyboard.
“Is that all you called me for?” Hazel questioned as the line had gone silent.
“Uhh, yeah, pretty much. I’ll call you with… something later,” she ended the call without saying ‘bye’.
The line beeps before clicking off to Hazel’s home screen. She smiled weakly at the photo of you two, admiring the joy on your face and her own. As she continued to look through her album of photos of you, a notification popped up at the top of the screen.
Her heart rate sped up as you had sent her a text after the most agonizing 24 hours of Hazel’s entire life saying that you wanted to have a ‘serious’ talk. Hazel wiped her sweaty palms on her thigh to send you a response that she could come to your place. You told her that worked for you.
Hazel grabbed her mask from where she had tossed it on her bed and slipped it on over her head. This was it.
It was finally time.
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You were waiting patiently in your bedroom to hear a knock at your door. In all honesty, you were willing to just let it pass. Tell Hazel that you were being dramatic and apologize until your lips fell off.
That is until your PJ texted you to stand your ground and not Hazel manipulate you which was a bit dramatic but you knew she was coming from a place of love.
Your knee bounced anxiously as you tried to distract yourself as the seconds ticked by. PJ kept sending you messages that you were okay and that Hazel was nothing to worry about. It was way easier said than done. You put on a movie on your laptop to pass the time to refrain from checking the time.
About halfway through the movie, you hear a soft tapping noise. At first, you excused it as rain hitting your window. But the tapping noise only increased in volume. You take off your wired headphones and turn your neck towards the sound. Your eyes widen at Spider-Woman… sitting on your fire escape?
You froze for a moment, not really knowing what to do. The webbed hero knocked one more time and it took you out of the shock. You walked over to the window and hesitantly unlocked it to lift it up. It somehow wasn’t even registering that this could’ve been an imposter that someone had a costume on.
“Hey,” the masked woman spoke, her voice sounding like it was deepened.
“Hello? I don’t mean to sound weird but… what are you doing on my fire escape?” You let out a weak laugh, raising your brows as you stared into the white of the eyes on the mask.
The woman pointed into your room and cleared her throat.
“I said I’d come over, didn’t I?”
This time the voice wasn’t deepened. Your eyes nearly shot out of your head when you realized it was Hazel behind the mask.
“Haze?” You questioned with an incredulous tone.
You step back away from the window as your girlfriend steps into your bedroom in a Spider-Woman suit. Was this her way of trying to cheer you up for lying to you?
“What are you doing in a Spider-Woman costume?” You question as you shut the window and lock it, staring at Hazel taking off her mask.
You weren’t going to lie to yourself when you think that she actually fits the suit perfectly; like it was made for her. Hazel usually wore extremely baggy clothing which she also looked amazing in but this was a nice thing to see every once in a while.
It was kind of hot.
“Well, it’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about,” Hazel cleared her throat, rubbing her thumbs over the material of the mask.
“Okay…” You stare at her with crossed arms over your comfy pj tee. “What? Are you Spider-Woman?”
Your tone was joking, a little snort leaving your lips as you chuckled to yourself. Hazel awkwardly laughed after you but just stared at you with a patient expression. Your laughter died as soon as you saw Hazel with a tight-lip grin plastered on her slightly flushed face.
You blink.
“I am Spider-Woman,” Hazel said slowly, hoping it would click in your head that this was nothing to laugh about.
“Spider-Woman?” You repeat to her in disbelief. “That person on the streets stopping burglaries, buses spinning out of control and a sort of Avenger?”
“Yeah,” Hazel confirmed.
You again blink. You take a seat on your bed as you examine the outfit your girlfriend is wearing. Hazel was scratching at her arm as she waited for a legitimate reaction.
Was this a joke? Why would she joke about something like this after the argument you guys had just had?
Your girlfriend is a superhero. A mutant. Your eyes widen as it settles in your stomach that she in no way is lying about this.
“You’re not joking, are you?” You cover your mouth with your palm.
“I can… prove it if you want,” Hazel rushes out, glancing up at your ceiling.
You, too, glance up at your ceiling with confusion as to why she did. That is until in the blink of an eye Hazel was hanging from your ceiling by her fingertips. You scrunch up your face at the sight, feeling like your brain is short-circuiting as you’re watching your girlfriend just dangling by her hand from the ceiling.
“What the fuck?” You whisper as you haven't moved a single muscle since you sat down.
Hazel released her body and landed back on her feet with a soft grunt. Her big blue eyes were waiting for a response.
“I— I didn’t know how to tell you before because Mr.Stark was extremely persistent on not letting anyone find out. Especially you and May but now you both know so I’m probably screwed but I don’t care anymore. I hate lying to you. I needed you to know so that you don’t think I’m doing it because I don’t want you to know. Do you know how hard it is to not tell you everything that I’ve done as Spider-Woman? I want to share everything with you and—“
“Hazel!” You interrupt with a light-hearted chuckle.
Hazel sucked in a deep breath due to her panicked rambling. You stood up from the bed and walked over to cup her face. You tilt your head to kiss her gently, inhaling as Hazel’s hands settle on your hips.
“Are you mad at me?” Hazel whispered against your lips, eyes fluttering when you pulled away slightly.
You hum and shake your head, running your hands over her shoulders. What was this suit made of? That material was surprisingly thick.
“Haze, I’m just… in shock, I guess. I mean, it’s pretty badass that my girlfriend is Spider-Woman.” You shrug your shoulders, tracing her jaw with your thumbs.
Hazel blushed at your words, feeling all the more at ease that you were not pissed with her anymore.
“I’m sorry again that I kept it from you,” Hazel sighed , her eyes flickering across all your features. I love you, she thought and almost vomited at the overwhelming feeling.
The two of them still haven’t said the three words yet. Hazel has known how for sure she was of her love for you within the first month. You, on the other hand, have been scared and hesitant to accept feelings so intensely because of your past relationship. Hazel never wanted to press and pry about something that was so personal.
It hurt to not shower you with the love that was pent up inside of her.
“Baby,” you shake your head, the pet name putting Hazel at ease. “I’m not mad. I wasn’t really mad, just afraid, I think.”
Hazel frowned at your timid voice.
Her sweet and comforting tone almost made everything come spilling out.
“It’s a me thing,” you scoff and wave your hand in hopes she wouldn’t focus on that.
Hazel’s big blue eyes were pulling you in though like she was hypnotizing you into spilling about your past. You needed to say something else to distract.
“So the webs come out of you?” You suck in a deep breath and you take one of her gloved hands into yours.
“Uhh, yeah. It feels really weird but I’ve gotten used to it,” Hazel explains but is still looking at you with worry.
“That’s insane. Were you born this way?” You trace over.
Hazel shook her head, watching your fingers trace the stitching of her custom suit.
“No, it was a spider from that field trip we took to that lab months ago. It died, like, as soon as it bit me. I didn’t think it was anything until I woke up the next day in a cold sweat, my senses heightened by ten and weirdly toned?” Hazel chuckled as she briefly explained her backstory.
You let out a breath that you didn’t realize you were holding in. There was something both reassuring yet terrifying about this. Hazel would be getting into danger pretty frequently and the thought of her risking her life daily made your stomach turn.
“When did you decide you were going to use your… power for something good?” You questioned.
“Well, you, actually,” Hazel admitted with a rose blush.
Your eyes soften as you mutter: “Me?”
“Yeah, I thought if I could protect the people of the city, I could protect you.” Hazel turned a shade of red you had only seen a few times.
It was sickenly adorable.
“Hazel,” you lean in to kiss her flushed cheeks.
Hazel shakes her head as she allows you to kiss her cheeks. You let out a few giggles as she tries to act like she isn’t enjoying every moment of your lips on you.
“You know,” you pull away to rank your eyes up and down her body, “this suit is kind of…”
“Kind of what?”
“I don’t know,” you begin to shy away, intertwining your hand in her back into your bed. Hazel follows you with narrowed eyes as she watches you.
“Is this,” Hazel motioned down to her skin-tight suit, “turning you on?”
You shrug your shoulders. “Maybe?”
Hazel nodded to herself, a flush on her cheeks.
“Baby, you always turn me on.” You tease as you grab her hand and shove her down on your comforter.
Hazel bounces slightly on the springy mattress as she stares up at you hovering over her face. Your knee was in between her lower thighs and your hands were on either side of her shoulders. Her blush deepened as a sly smirk was plastered on your face as you leaned down to kiss her slowly.
Her gloved hands settled on the soft of your waist, her thumbs skimming the waistband of your cotton pajama shorts. You hum as you pull away to kiss her jaw once. You adjusted yourself so that your knees were now on either side of her hips, straddling her red and blue cladded thighs.
Hazel’s eyes beamed up at you as you lifted your shirt up and off your body so that your lounging bra was the only piece of clothing on your body.
“Wait, wait, wait before we… get to it, um, I got to ask you something,” Hazel massaged your hips as she sucked in a deep breath.
You were trying to pay attention but her palms on you really weren't helping. You tilt your head as she speaks, watching her fumble over her words and her blush deepen.
“Would you want to go with me to this charity event that Mr. Stark is hosting for Heart Matters? I—I have a suit fitting this Friday and I’m sure that Mr.Stark can get you a dress too,” Hazel grinned up at you as your fingers played with the hair at the nape of her neck.
You pretend to think about it before giving her a few loving pecks on her lips.
“Are you kidding me? Of course, I’ll go with you. I haven’t seen you in a suit since prom.”
“Okay, this will be a designer brand. Not whatever me and May could grab at the thrift store,” Hazel grinned cheekily, rubbing at your sides.
“Hey, I liked that suit.” You frown.
There was even a photo from the photo booth at your prom on the wall right above your bed frame. Hazel's slightly baggy suit fit her so adorably, her tie matching with the color of your dress. It was one of your favorite photos of the two of you.
“Yeah, me too,” Hazel muttered before straining her neck to kiss you again.
Mid-makeout, you randomly remember that your girlfriend is Spider-Woman.
You’re sucking face with Spider-Woman.
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You and Hazel approach the large glass doors lined with deep black . You squint one eye and raise your hand to shield your eyes from the glaring rays of the sun. Hazel’s hand interlocked with yours, giving it a small squeeze.
“Dolce & Gabbana?” You read the lettering, glancing into the empty store.
“Yeah, Mr.Stark insisted,” Hazel nodded slowly. “Happy should be inside somewhere.”
You give her a curt nod as you anxiously stare through the glass. You and Hazel hesitantly walk through the doors, instantly feeling out of place under the bright lights and sleek white floors.
You felt like everyone could see the poor on you.
Well, it was sort of obvious as you were wearing your beaten-down sneakers, a pair of baggy 90’s jeans and a ribbed graphic tee. Hazel sported a similar outfit except everything was a lot baggier.
“Can I help you?” A woman with a slicked-back bun and slim square glasses approaches you two.
“Uh, we’re here with Stark Industries,” Hazel grinned at her.
“Oh right. Mr. Hogan should be just down that hall for your customs,” the woman motioned her perfectly manicured hand down a long hallway.
“Thank you,” you tell her with a kind smile.
You try not to roll your eyes at her obviously fake grin. You walk down the hallway, hand in hand with Hazel as you round a corner. In a big bright room, there stood a man with a peppered goatee and a black and white suit and a woman in the same form of business casual.
Before you knew it, you were standing in the middle of a designer brand store with your girlfriend and her billionaire boss’s assistant watching you get sized for a custom-made dress. You never thought this would be something you’ve never thought you’d be doing.
Hazel was sitting next to Happy, both of them sipping on sparkling water. You felt slightly awkward as you had to squeeze into shapewear to make it much easier to get your dimensions. Hazel reassured you every once in a while that this was going to be perfect.
“So let me ask you something,” Happy cleared his throat as he set his tall glass to the side, pointing at you.
“Sure,” you grin, eyes wide and anticipating.
“How did… you two happen?”
Happy is pretty nice from what you can tell. He gives a teddy bear vibe, trying to be snarky and mean when he’s pretty sweet. Like now wanting to know the gossip of how you and Hazel’s relationship blossomed.
“Hazel was my stalker,” you tease your girlfriend as she turns beet red.
“What?” Happy’s face dropped for a moment, leaning away from her.
“No, no, we were in the same class senior year and we got partnered for a project. Then we just started seeing each other everywhere: her uncle’s bodega, the same coffee shops, thrift stores. Everywhere. One day she came up to me and asked if I was following her. I freaked out because it did seem that way but I like to think it was just meant to be,” Hazel spilled, twirling her few rings around her fingers.
“That’s our little story. I asked her if she wanted to come with me to try a new coffee shop that neither of us had been to. She kissed me on the first date,” you share with a chuckle.
Your eyes soften as the workers around you begin to ‘awe’ at Hazel’s rundown. Happy’s eyes flickered between you and Hazel’s blushing faces, a small smirk on his face.
“I did not think you would be the one to make the first move,” he replied, raising his eyebrows at Hazel.
You bit back your amused grin as Hazel scoffs. The sweet worker measuring your waist made eye contact with you, holding back her own grin as well.
“What does that mean?” Hazel frowned at Happy.
“No offense to you, kid, but you don’t seem like the type to make the first move.” Happy tried to defend Hazel.
She looked over at you with a frown. You scrunched up your face a little to show that you agreed. Obviously, you knew Hazel little moves here and there but she did give a nervous-unable-to-flirt vibe. But in a charming way.
To you, of course.
“Baby, if it makes you feel any better, I think it's adorable,” you beam at her.
Hazel nods to herself as you reassure her that you love how cute she is.
“There,” the worker measuring you finalized.
You stepped off the lit up platform, giving her a kind smile and a ‘thank you’. She pointed a finger at Hazel and curled it for her to stand on the platform that you were previously on. Hazel stood up from her seat to give you a gentle kiss on your cheek before taking your place. You take hers right next to Happy, glancing at him nervously.
“So, what’s it like working for superheroes?” You question, smiling kindly.
Happy took a sip of his drink before letting out a long sigh: “Amazing.”
His tone told you otherwise. You nod slowly, messing with the fabric on your legs as you wait for Hazel to be measured for her suit. Hazel stood eerily still which kind of freaked you out.
“Baby, breathe,” you state with a teasing smile.
Hazel released a breath as she sent you a weird grin. “Sorry.”
You knew Hazel tended to forget to breathe when she was put in unfamiliar situations.
“You know, you two are a lot cuter than I had thought. This one over here could not stop talking about you every single time we were alone,” Happy chipped in after another round of silence.
You beam at the man, turning towards him as you press for answers.
“H-Happy, you’re sworn to secrecy!” Hazel interrupted with a stutter.
Happy held his hands up in defense as Hazel’s eyes kept darting to you and Happy as the woman measured down the length of her arms.
Happy, even though being sworn to secrecy, leans in to whisper to you: “She’s a real sap for you, you know?”
Your heart flutters as you nod. You think about the many, many photos Hazel would send you of random updates throughout her day, the little gifts she got you, and how often she reminds you how much she cares about you. But you always make sure she receives the amount of gentle gestures she gives you.
You’ve never felt like this with anyone before. Well, you thought you’ve felt like this before. This time it felt true.
“Yeah, I know. But I’m one for her too.”
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TAG-LIST: @atyourmerci @mih11 @camilleee222 @mxlti-fand0m-imaginess @alesbianperson @slaughtercarrie @cllhan @ahdbodhr @ih8chickentenders @bluerazberrystarz @sc0ttstre3ted @ilovevampires99 @sam-cooperrr @guzzlingplastic111 @rubycruzin4abruzin @cyberchomp @lucicorn72 @angelsknifeprty @lamolaine @cinnamonmilf @elliesprettygirl
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shidouryusm · 1 year
Soooooo sami 👉👈 since we are both Hawks girlies we are in agreement that he has the most sensitive wings right? The kind that would quiver and tremble when he cums and if you touch them at any point he's just instantly hard... and if you grip them whilst jerking him off his hips will buck off the bed and he whines. Right???? 🫣
im so sorry it took me this long to finish it. i promise i intended to make them fuck but I got carried away into the plot iiufbiufhwjf. but you ask and i serve baby.
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Hawks may be the one with wings but it was you who made him fly
Hawks x f!reader
synopsis: keigo arrives from a hellish day at work. as his sweet little girlfriend you find a way to relieve him
minors DNI. 18+ content.
word count: 2.4k (it was supposed to be a drabble...sigh)
content: hero au, established relationship, female anatomy!reader, switch!hawks,a little subby hawks but he switches at the end, handjobs, blowjobs, implied penetrative sex at the end, teasing, a bit of edging, titplay, playing with balls, cumeating, idk lmk what i missed.
a.n- well this was nasty and fun to write. this is my first time writing about him so do let me know how do you like it. not proofread well im v tired its 3 am :((
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6:07 pm. The tokyo skyline has painted itself in the inkish blue, the little canvas of twilight already dwindling away while you stand in the middle of the balcony taking it all. you look up into the horizon, eyes hoping to catch a speck of red and yellow to appear that will sweep you out of your waiting game. 
Keigo was supposed to arrive atleast 40 mins prior, considering he gets off of duty today relatively earlier than other days. Promising an evening reserved to enjoy the pacificity of being with you – away from the worldly issues. 
He usually glides through the air, slowly landing on this very balcony, pressing a fleeting kiss on your lips even before his feet touches the ground and stumbles you both inside the house. According to him – it keeps things interesting. whatever he meant. you chuckle lightly thinking about that. 
Your trance of thoughts almost missed out the door knob turning and instead of the grandeur entrance of your boyfriend like some flying peter parker he is, you watch him sluggishly drag his body in. 
“to what do I owe such anticlimatic entrance, darling?”, you ask amusedly, walking inside the house to greet him which soon diffuses as you realise the dark shadows under his eyes and his face worn out by a hundred years. he looks beat up. 
“baby?…”, you voice in worry.
Keigo looks at you, watching him with a hint of concern playing in your eyes. you look so cute like that, he thinks. eyebrows squinted together, head slightly tilted and lips jutted together in confusion on why he’s staring at you like that. your skin looking soft and as tempting to get a feel of, decorated with a purple satin loungewear. 
Keigo takes a step forward, closing the distance. your hands reach his face, stroking from the little stubble in his chin to the swell of his cheek. he melts in your touch, his hands finding your waist and pulling you against his body. Keigo hides his face in your neck, his breath comes out in short huffs, tickling you in the crevice between your shoulder and head. 
“It’s been heck of a day”, he mumbles. pity courses through you when you hear his strained voice. You comb through his slightly unruly locks, scratching the base of his scalp while he holds you flush against his body , letting a hum right against your skin.
“awe..made you work a little too hard, baby?” you coo. One hand still raking through his hair while the other snakes around his waist, going upwards till it brushes against the base of his red, bright feathers.
The feel of your hands against his feathers jolts keigo up, a small grunt leaving his lips, still pressed against your neck. your fingers trail over his back, ghosting over his feathers before you carress them again. 
This time,a small, breathy moan escapes from keigo. his hands on your lower back pulls you in— as if you’re not already just a layer away from being inside his skin. 
You smirk, his reactions turning the cogs in your mind to play with him a bit.
“are you sensitive there, keigo?” you asked amusedly, your finger circling the base, right where his feathers sprout out. his face is hidden against your neck but you could still make out the hint of redness that spreads over the nape. 
Keigo pushes himself against you, the movement causing you to feel his clothed bulge rub against your naked thigh, you let out a soft sigh. you could make out the hardness of his cock even with the clothing.
His dick strains against you and what a good girlfriend like you would do in this situation—of course help him out in his little issue.
You pull him off of you, his eyes are drooping. you press a quick kiss on his lips before looping your arms around his neck. 
You feel his eyes glide downwards, taking in your figure. A flimsy tank top hugs your upper body in the most alluring way possible, your nipples hardened and poking out of the fabric like two peaks, making Keigo’s cock jump in his pants. The matching shorts rides up your thighs, exposing the full expanse of the plush skin under his golden eyes. you look so comfortable…and delectable. 
“should I help you out a little? you look like you could use some” you say, a little giggle passing through your lips. his eyes are still glued on your body and you take this opportunity to slightly tug the base of his feathers, bringing his attention back to you. Keigo hisses at the sensation, his face morphing into a temporary state of pleasure whenever your fingers come in contact with his supple feathers.
“Mhmmmm”, you hear him hum before his lips clash against yours. You stand there, in the middle of your hallway as keigo makes out with you, his lips languidly playing the push or pull with your lips. 
His hand reach down the back of your thigh and he hooks your whole leg around his waist, the position allowing him to rub his cock directly against your core. You moan into the kiss. Wanting more. But most importantly, making him feel wanted even more.
You push him towards the bedroom, both of your linked bodies stumbling under the low lights of the hallway till you reach there.
His body is manhandled onto the mattress, your figure hovering over his, as you keep on planting kisses all over his face, reaching his jaw. your mouth tilts against his while your tongue presses flat on his skin, savouring his taste. Keigo grabs your hips, needing something to ground himself from the sudden dominance you’re showing – not that he’s complaining at all.
“fuck baby…you’re so hot like that”, his voice raspy and laced with yearn. You hum against his jawline, your hands tugging on the tight compression shirt he has, wanting them off his body. 
He obliges. Your eyes drink the way his muscles taut while he pulls the fabric off himself and tosses it somewhere you could care any less about. Your hands lay against his pecks, as your mouth finds his once again. Keigo deepens the kiss, pushing his tongue inside the cavern of your mouth, a dribble of spit escaping from your shared mouth down your chin.
Your hands reaches towards his feathers and your hands softly massages the ends of it, making keigo moan in your mouth. 
“fuck…this will make me-” keigo squirms a little,  his mouth dancing more fiercely with yours. his hands squeezes your ass, making your clothed core grind in circular motions over his crotch, multiplying the sensation by tenfolds in Keigo's and your body.
“Cum? just by playing with your feathers? didn’t know you were that sensitive keigo.” you tug the ruffled plumage and Keigo almost bust a nut. his head falls backwards from the treatment and his hips inadvertently buck against your core. Your pussy lips are planted right over his dick and the way he thrusts himself upwards makes you pulsate. 
You look at him majestically submitting to you, so bare and vulnerable. It stirs a different feeling inside you. 
Top.2 hero for the world yet so weak in the knees for you. Wings so fierce yet so tamed under your touch.
“d-don’t get too ahead, you’ll regret it, darling” you hear keigo warn in between the kisses, his voice still broken and hoarse. 
“oh really? sure.” you use both your hands in work. one tugs the feathers, a little rougher than previous times, while the other hand palms his cock, rubbing the palm of your hand against the head of his cock. Keigo moans unashamedly, having his sensitive feathers played like that.
 “doesn’t look like it though” his little moans vibrates against your skin
That’s what you love about keigo. He may act tough and smug but will not be slightest bit of ashamed to vocalise his feelings during sex. Starting from little grunts to lewd moans – he drawls all of them. The little shake in his voice makes your pussy throb painfully, wanting nothing more than to sink yourself in him and drown yourself in pleasure while holding him tightly within. 
Your hands trail upwards towards the belt of his pants, peeling them out of his skin. His cock is swollen, the veins roped around the shaft popping angrily, hard as it sprung up, slamming against his stomach. The sight already enough for you to gush your arousal on his lap. 
you wrap your hands around his base, feeling his cock twitch upon the feel of your skin. Keigo tenses with the touch, exhaling audible breaths. His hands reach your shoulders, dropping the strap of the thin tank top. 
He could see your tits slightly jiggle from the movements and his mouth wanted nothing more than to wrap itself around your pert buds. 
You move your hands in rhythm – twisting and squeezing your hand in a way that he absolutely loves. A move that always gets him off. Your hands reaches the top of his shaft, his tip is angled beautifully, pre-cum falling of the slit endlessly. You run your thumb against the skin, pressing into the little slit. 
Keigo hisses again, his hands reflexively grabs your hair and tugs it. 
“F-fuck, don’t…”
you smirk at his reaction, smearing the pre-cum around the cockhead, reaching down the frenulum. while your hands work its wonders, his deft ones tugs your tank top down, releasing your tits from the confines. He kneads the soft mounds…pinching and rolling the nipples with his thick fingers.
The whole scene is lewd and pornographic – both of your hands working against each other to pleasure. Yours on his cock, stroking up and down in a steady rythm, occasionally squeezing the tip while his finds your tits to massage and jiggle it under his palm. Straight out of a sex tape.
You fondle his balls. It feels hot and heavy on your hands while you massage them. his muscle tenses, fighting every nerve to not spill his release yet. Stretching the seconds to imprint the feel of your hands. He reaches your shorts, his hands glides under them and reaching your cunt. 
“You’re so wet, baby. Seeing me like this gets you off?” he uses two of his fingers to separate the lips, his middle finger stroking the slit of your pussy all the way to the bundled nerve. he flicks it with one hand, earning a whimper from you. Keigo might get tamed under you momentarily but he still has the power to keep you on your toes as well.
His hands on you feels like heaven but you had a mission to accomplish. You get off his lap, kneeling right in front of him. Resting your hands on his thighs, you sink your mouth in his cock — sending keigo on the brink of orgasm right then and there.
“Oh shit…baby wait…” you move your mouth, your tongue kitten licks the head and moves down. His hands rest on the sides of your head while you bob un and down on his cock. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby. Look at your feathers all ruffled and disheveled. So so pretty.” 
Keigo could feel his heart hammering at your words. He always thought his love for you had reached the threshold way above the earth but you just had to prove it wrong. Looking at you gazing him with the doe eyes, your hands working deft magic to play with him on the edge of release, you were indeed the one with wings. Wings from the above. A descendent of heaven tailored specifically for him. 
“What a perfect little baby I got” he muses. You lay your tongue flat against his shaft, engulfing the whole length in your mouth, the ends of it reaching your throat. Your nose tickling with the untrimmed golden pubic hair decorating his pelvis. You tilt your mouth sideways, sucking more of him while your hands under plays with his balls. They twitch under your hands, begging for the release. You remove your mouth after licking the entirety of his length, his pre-cum smeared sheen on your lips. His wings flap and wraps around you. The sharp ends of the feather trailing the naked body of yours. 
You smirk devilishly before grabbing a handful of his feathers, tugging it from the ends, sending a trail of shock right to his spine which gushed down between his legs. 
Keigo watches you wink at him before licking your bottom lips to get a taste of his pre-cum. The sight breaking the straw that was holding him. With a final twitch, keigo cums. Strings of white rope decorates your palm while you work him through the release, occasionally licking his heavy cum from his opening. 
Keigo feels lightheaded. His body still tingling from the sensation of your hands and mouth. He looks at you giggling, your eyes crinkled with amusement and satisfaction while you lick a handful of his cum off your hand. Fucking hell. 
“do you feel better, babe?” you massage his thighs in hopes of taking care of him. He pulls you back into the bed. A quick kiss pressed against your lips — “well you did take a great care of me, I can’t deny. Certainly the best part about my day” his nose brushed against your cheek and you felt like your heart bloomed a batch of roses, specifically for him. 
“Im glad I could be of help, darling” your hand rakes his hair and you kiss his cheek. You feel his hands wrap around your waist, gilding down to the dips of your hips. 
“thank you so much baby. but…” Keigo turns you around in a split second, grabbing your hips to arch your back. Your ass hiked up in the air for him. His quick fingers tug the elastic of your shorts, peeling it off your skin, displaying your ass in full glory. 
He grabs a handful in his hands, spreading them apart to peek at your pussy lips, slick with your arousal, the gaping hole contracting. waiting for its turn to fucking bust.  
“wouldn’t it be a shame if I didn’t return the favour to you?” Keigo drags his length over the stripe of your pussy. pushing the tip inside slightly, drawing a moan from you.
It’s gonna be a long, fucking night.
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a.n.2-> i just saw that he lives in a public security supply room LMAOAOAOAO more reasons for me to put him in a high rise penthouse where he fucks and lives to his heart’s content.
tagging @pastelle-rabbit because i promised her (here you go sweets), @stsgluver (my baby), if you want to be in my taglist hmu!!!
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