#This isn't a silly lil lizard???
bed-buggier · 8 months
What is this and why isn't it the immediate design for Kobold OCs
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funkinmadnesss · 5 months
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Throws these here finally KDMDHSSK
I was. Hoping to have posted more original art of literally anyone else but Mysterio before these saw the light of day but uuuhuuhghhg that didn't happen got bless <3
But huzzah! Earth-4918's Sinister six (Vaguely) TSSM styled (and by Vaguely I mean I put way too much detail in them, there just TSSM shaped)! (+Tinkerer, he's not a member but I'm posting him so it's even. The last member is Sandman but he belongs to my best friend and we haven't got around to making him a TSSM ref like these yet </3)
All references/orginal images I used came from here (x) (x) !
Little facts below cut for those itchrested :]
General info: They were all Human at some point and bonded over the fact they became this way by Norman's hand. Every inhuman feature about them is purely genetic now (Excluding Myst+Tink+Sandman). The whole group bonded over their shared hatred for Osborn in general though.
Adrian: He's an Egyptian Vulture. Tall as HELL, he's the second tallest. He's technically the leader and carries the burden of having a team made up of traumatized mutants while also being a traumatized mutant-
Lizard: Trans woman, Her name is Camila :] She has exactly 5 different lizard species in her DNA (5 points for anyone who can guess them all just from her design)
Rhino: It no longer identifies with anything from its life before getting mutated in an attempt to have some control over its life. Rhino strictly uses It/Its. Aside from Rhino DNA, It also has wooly mammoth DNA.
Lizard and Rhino fuckin HATE eachother. It stepped on her tail ONCE and she never forgave it. Mysterio often has to split the two up with his Alien form.
Electro: Graffiti artist. Has somewhat control over his bio electricity, Gloves and chestplate (which is what that tube attached to the back of his head is connected to.) help maintain that control.
Tinkerer (bc he's there): (My silly, my skrungly, my funny lil old man blorbo hehheghem-) Trans man :] Has a cat he rescued off the streets (bc i kept seeing people give him a cat and its like. Its a good headcanon) He and Beck met during his stuntman days (He was technical support on a movie Beck worked on), He isn't very fond of alot of the sinister six (Him and sandman are chill tho) but he tolerates them for Beck.
Okie thats all mwah/p
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laugtherhyena · 1 month
What are some of you're favourite Sprite edits you've made Whether that be this year, or any over years you've been in the sprite editing business
Ok so I've made A LOT of edits over the years so it took a lil while for me to sort out the favorites and why exactly, but here it is so get ready for some rambling!
First things first i gotta say this isn't really organized from the one i like the most and least, i like all of these edits a whole lot and i really don't think i can pick one or two to be the favorite.
So let's start from the start (sorta) i have to give a spot to my Fantasy Au twins edits, it would be illegal to not put them in this list
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The Sdra2 Fantasy Au was one of the first things i made in the fandom and i was attached to it for a long while. These are actually the 4th version of their sprites, out of all them only the 3rd had a full gallery of sprites and trust me they were complex since on top of posting i even made different tails and ears to move around depending on the emotion of the sprite.
Even tho i never finished this 4th take on them I'm pretty happy with the redesign (since as i grew older i realized some of my choices were questionable and i really should have thought more before just going with it, just keep in mind i was a dumb 14-15 year old then) and the improvement on graphical quality because not only does it show how much i improved in editing but also because editing the fantasy twins were my first really hard edits and i was always happy with how well i was able to translate their weird little designs to sprite form.
The Fantasy Au as a whole had a lot of edits with a bunch of complicated details that i never finshed and although I don't like them as much as the twins i do feel like they deserve to be shown somehere so have this pile of lizards, undead firemen and two human girls.
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(fun fact; i didn't know how to add textures back then so see those scales on the dragons? I made them all by hand-)
Next one on the list has gotta be the Nijiue siblings! Crazy to think these guys are only 2-3 years old like it feels like they've been with me for ao much longer!
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These guys where my first try at making Oc sprites since before all i did were Au stuff and they're very very dear to me, as you can probably guess by the amount of spites an different iterations i made of them over the years. While there are a few things i could improve upon them if i were to remake their edits nowadays, i never felt a strong need to do so because as it is their sprites hold up well imo so remaking them feels unnecessary to me.
And you know I can't really talk about them without mentioning the Voidswap Au and a couple tumblr blogs owned by friends of mine. After Voidswap's cancelation i didn't thought I'd ever use these guys for anything so to think that nowadays there's so many people who not only know these characters but care for them a lot out of seeing them in Asoot and Dfta more recently really fills me with joy! I'm glad y'all enjoy my silly siblings so much and obviously huge thanks to the mods for wanting to include them in their stories, I really couldn't be more thankful for that!
And since we're talking about the fam, let me add Mako to the list as an honorable mention of sorts, a i'm still very happy with how i made her adult designs especially the whole closed trenchcoat and open trenchcoat thing she has going on and how i was able to cary out the heart motif on both of them :]
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This next one is one of my newer edits + a pretty simple one which is this Irl Sora design i made for mod Bubbles around early this year.
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Honestly, I don't even know how to explain why i like it this much? Maybe it's because Sora is one of the characters from Sdra2 i still decently enjoy or because i had a fun time coming up with her design. I had in mind that i wanted something plain and simple just like her in-game one, just adapted to a more adult look. Rolled up sleeves to resemble her uniform's ones and a scarf to bring back the spark of red her old design had, i also gave her the short hair that post game Yuki has because it's still her body at the end of the day + i think butch-ish Sora looks pretty good :]
From simplicity we jump back into weirdness with these last ones because obviously i wouldn't leave my girls out of this list, what did you guys even expect?
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Favoritism? Absolutely, by now I'm sure all of you know how much i like these two but focusing on the graphical side for once, I'm super proud of their designs, i think they fit with the weirdness of some of Linuj's design choices pretty well which in turn makes them look kinda legit? In my head at least. I also had a lot of fun working on their sprites, especially Beni's since it had been a long while since i last tried to really exaggerate expressions on sprites of my characters so that was really fun! + I'm super proud of the baby sprites i made of them too, almost as much as i like their standard/adult designs really.
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spookyforestcryptid · 7 months
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Day 2: Karmaflower!
AEEEE silly lil guys! Sillies.
AU notes:
They meet when arti is at the end of her genocide and saint is starting his. Artificer saves him from a red lizard and saint develops a crush on her. Arti tells saint that genocide isn't worth it, and leaves you empty and alone. They bond over tragic backstories. Artificer rushes into danger without caring about her wellbeing. Saint takes care of artificer because she doesn't take care of herself
Saint- It/its, Intersex, Lesbian
Artificer- She/her, woman, lesbian
Shipuary calander and more random notes under the cut!
More notes on THEM:
Artificer will do anything to protect saint. Saint will do anything to protect Artifcer.
Saint is cold but caring. He can talk for hours about the cycle and Artificer will just listen lovingly.
Artificer is chaotic and impulsive but has grown older and a little more calm. She still hates scavengers.
Art stuff:
I put a pink screen layer so the colors looked good
Yes I did draw karmaflowers because the ship name is honestly too cute aujbfwjgjsnfjfnsjngj
this ship was hard for me because I don't have a concrete characterization for either scug
My artificer design is missing a leg because i feel like it suits her, and three legged cats can still do parkour.
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shitpostingkats · 11 months
Okay okay okay, since you are at the start of season 2. I need to ask something rq.
What do you think about Soulburner and Flame so far? Soulburner is my favorite personally from the entirety from Vrains, but I also love Flame. So I am very curious to hear what you think about them so far!! SORRY I AM JUST EXCITED GO HEAR PEOPLE'S OPINIONS OF STUFF I LIKE-
Excitement is always welcome in this house, bestie.
I'm having a BLAST with Soulburner, in exactly the way you sometimes look at characters that seems almost suspiciously tailor made to your character tastes. What do you MEAN he's a happy love filled shonen boy with fire and explosions???? AND he's an awkward socially blunt weirdo by day???? Who leaked the file of Spk's Favorite Character Types and decided to throw that into a blender????
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How much in-game currency do you think he paid for an animated accessory with a custom particle trail? I'm obsessed.
He's got such a good dynamic with Yusaku, both capable of laser focusing on the task at hand, but Theo does it in such a different font. The only bad thing I can say about him is that I am not capable of following the rapid fire flow of information that is Salamangreats, and my word association brain finds it very weird that the archetype has yet to show me a single salamander monster. What do you MEAN this isn't an archetype based on lizards???
(Literally my only complaint. I understand that it's silly but I really like lizards okay. Kagetokage was peak and I miss him every day. But I am coming around to salads.)
Flame is such a delight as well. Instead of the passionate idiot that you'd normally associate with Fire (Soulburner has that base covered), we've got this cool and collected british dude who you think has it put together until he opens his mouth and you realize he's a little bit insane actually. I just met a certain little green fella and am slowly coming to realize that all the ignis are just Like This. And it's GREAT. And totally makes sense for the weird road to personhood these lil guys had, but mostly I just love that they're all unhinged and slightly wrong in the head. Icons, the lot of them.
But most importantly, the thing that absolutely endears Flame and Soulburner to me is their dynamic together. Friend shaped cheerful shonen boy who just wants friends but also lights himself on fire on the reg, and his six inch tall little weirdguy whose snippy and sarcastic but gives friendship speeches to his human buddy because he openly shows that he would burn down the whole world for this guy. Just like Ai and Yusaku, they've got this ever-so-slightly-unhealthy trauma bond going on. (Which is great. Again, praise be to the writing that this show makes such a complicated dynamic come across even while not directly addressing it, just in little day-to-day conversations and incidental remarks.) But unlike the other two, they're also so openly affectionate and casually ride-or-die. They laugh at each others jokes! They gas up each others bits and have honest conversations! They're freaking besties and it's so funny when they're standing next to Mx. Yusaku "I have never learned what a normal healthy social interaction is in my life" Fujiki and Mr. A "I grew up on the internet and have a weird understanding of social norms so I just make jokes and think that constitutes a friendship" i.
I knew I'd love them when Theo sat down and tried to explain human social rituals to Flame through their shared special interest, I knew I ADORED them when Soulburner asked "Why are you acting like we're going to lose?" and Flame replied "For dramaaa~"
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jrwi-autistic-swag · 1 year
Round 2 Poll:
Pictures and propaganda are under the cut!
Peter Sqloint (Apotheosis)
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His special interest is rocks, he named his pet lizard lizard, he pulled quite possibly THE BADDEST bitch…like?!
I mean just look at him, he’s just a little goober and like yippee as hell
listen. listen. listen. there is no other character more autistic than peter sqloint. his special interest is rocks and lizards. he used unfathomable otherworldly power to duplicate his lizard. half the campaign was spent talking about rocks and trying to find a good log for his lizard. he is the most autistic autist and i’ve ever seen in my life. he canonically has trouble maintaining eye contact and making eye contact in general. listen to me. he is autism incarnate. i would die for him
have you seen his rock collection? or his missing of social cues and norms? and also the fact he is a charlie slimecicle character? literally nobody more autism than him
Have you seen him? He is the definition of the meme “me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic”
Thanatos (Apotheosis)
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Look IM autistic enough about him, and that makes HIM autistic as well. No but seriously his ENTIRE arc is becoming himself in the face of both expectations from the Holy Family AND literally the purpose he was built for, and if being himself isn't an autistic character arc, then idk what to tell you
He's just a lil funky robo who is growing emotionally and hes so swag y
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scary-monsters · 2 years
Why do u like Diego so much. Like, what's the personal obsessive zeal for the feral rock-eating dinosaur man over any other fabulously bizzare jjba character
it's quite simple, really: he's hot
no, that's a joke, i genuinely have a lot of really Strong feelings about diego brando as a character, he rides that thin line between villain and "hey maybe this guy isn't so bad" (which is something i'm always a sucker for), his motivations are interesting, also i think his character design is SICK. i really will just sit here, ramble, and make zero sense, so i'm going to attempt to break him down in chunks AHEM (general warning for sbr spoilers!!!!)
so diego at face value is this pompous jerk who wants money and staus, and he's willing to do anything he has to in order to get what he wants. in his mind he's number one, he values himself over literally everybody else. all of this is great, i love characters that are unapologetic assholes, but what really gets me is what we can see if we dig a little deeper!!! he's constantly on the hunt for more, more, more; there's this ache inside him that he can't quite relieve. he wants revenge for the way his mother and him were treated when he was young, and he will stop at nothing to get that. (i have to wonder if he understands that there's probably nothing he can actually do to fix that deep-seated anger. i'm not sure that even killing his father would be enough, but that's purely me trying to burrow myself into diego's psyche LOL) he's just so HUNGRY and ugghhh i Love that, i love his determination and the way he will throw himself into really dangerous situations if it means he has the potential to benefit himself and move even a fraction closer to his goals. so that instantly earns him major points in my book.
the moment that i personally said "yep, he's The One" was of course the rattlesnake joke... i think i literally swooned irl.. not only is he very nice to look at, he's also FUNNY???? sold. instantly. i think at his core diego is a goofy lil guy (also childish and desperate for validation, but we'll touch on that later) who could potentially be such a good ally for so many characters if he'd simply get his head out of his ass and trust other people a reasonable amount. but he won't because he's diego and he's horribly misanthropic. (this kind of explains part of my fascination with dinopants: we finally see him alongside someone, strategizing, exhibiting some trust (even if just a little), and he actually treats hot pants with respect, like an equal!!! tune in next time for a dinopants analysis /hj) It's just so funny to watch him in the scary monsters arc, he feels very.. candid, i guess? in his interactions with johnny, the refined aura isn't really there and he looks a mess LMAO, i instantly took even more of a liking to him during this part!!! he just felt more human to me (which is ironic bc.. he very much wasn't for the majority of the arc fhdkjlghs) It's just like.. OH.. this seemingly perfect man is now acting absolutely feral and being so weird ?? i'm in love with the duality of him!!!! (and oddly enough, vaguely lizard-like person is a very specific trope that i Adore, my username isn't tendou-satori for nothin')
so far we've got: mean little motherfucker with a massive chip on his shoulder, at his most palatable he's silly and funny and appears to actually have some humanity even though it's stuffed beneath thick layers of self-importance and resentment. also: hot dinosaur eat rock. but i like to think my specialty is psychoanalyzing characters (to the point where it may or may not feel canon) so let's dig deeper :))))
there's this profound sadness in his character, i think? touched on it earlier, but his motivations are built on a desire for revenge, and i'm not sure if that hunger for revenge could ever be satisfied. it's a childish motive (imo) and i think it really showcases just how much growing up he needs to do. i think it's easy to forget he's just 20, because he acts so high and mighty and it seems he has a lot of enablers; he's probably had his ego blown to ridiculous amounts for almost the entirety of his life. i'm sure he had to work hard for his place in the world of horse racing but his celebrity status absolutely gets to his head, he eats it up. but with all that being said, without the influence of either of his parents he had to rely on himself, and with that i'm sure he had to grow up very fast. but there's still childish tendencies there, things he never unlearned, like his need for being the center of attention, being generally mean to people, putting himself first no matter what & to the point where it endangers others, etc etc etc. he's resentful and doesn't understand he has to let that go or else it will eat him alive. but i also think there's something so beautiful about how determined he is to get what he wants.
but the sadness doesn't end there; the part that absolutely rips me apart is the fact that he could have gotten so far if he hadn't been burdened by so many things during the race. scary monsters is fucking cool, yeah, but maybe if he hadn't gotten pulled into the whole corpse parts thing he could have gone all the way. his determination bit him in the ass, his need to be at the center of everything fucked him over. he couldn't let it go, he had to let his greed for higher status get in the middle of it. up until the end he was so hungry for what he wanted that he literally threw himself out a window for it. his last words were "the one who was victorious was me" because that's all he wanted, he just wanted to win and climb the social ladder and he threw everything else away just for that shot. and his need for validation was probably a part of that too. validation that he lacked as a young child after his mother's passing, i imagine. (this part of my love for him may very well be completely fabricated in my mind but i have a tendency to make characters sadder than they actually are, it's my bread and butter, so take all this with a grain of salt)
the need for validation thing kinda kills me too, i have to wonder if there's some deeply rooted insecurities in there (also probably a longshot, but please give me this) and he might not even be aware of them because he's not good at self-reflection. every time he's like "well?" in terms of asking others for praise or validation or confirmation or whatever it sort of feels like a faint "please tell me i'm good because i have to hear it".. he's grown up hearing this stuff about how gifted and amazing he is, so he hasn't had to supply that validation for himself, if that makes sense?? his self-worth has been built off other people's words and, yes, while he fully believes those things about himself and will flaunt his everything, i think there's still something Sad about that. idk man i'm verging on 100% headcanon at this point but these are still things that make me appreciate his character even more. either way, he has Depth. a lot of jjba characters do, but he specifically fascinates me. dio started out being my favorite character in the whole series (and i still love him) but diego is like... dio but with some Good in him, he's redeemable. he's only hostile towards others if they get too close to him or pose him a threat. but at his core he's just like "leave me alone and i will leave you alone" and he isolates from people. god idk i just think he's so interesting and sad and troubled and the way it's all hidden underneath this air of self-importance is So Fucking Good!!!! i think if anyone could get underneath that thick layer of safeguarding they'd find a man who needs genuine human connection so badly and could really flourish and emotionally mature if he had it (again, we are in headcanon territory)
SO, i don't claim any of this as canon, when i love a character like this it's typically because i like to psychoanalyze them (and maybe sometimes project on them), it's like they become my little puppets and i make them dance around in ways that really intrigue me. diego is my favorite favorite favorite subject right now. i cannot get enough of this dude... :'))) also he fucking eats rocks... you Cannot hate a guy who eats rocks, fumbles around trying to drink coffee, and can turn into a literal dinosaur.
also, he is sooooo fucking hot.. like Holy Shit.. araki really said "im gonna make diego brando the prettiest character in all of jojo" and then He Did That. personal opinion, ofc, but oof the things i would do .. ANYWAY....
if you read through this monster of a post then i hope i answered your question LOL... i love talking about him and i'd love to hear other people's thoughts and headcanons about him :')) he's such a great character, i love drawing him, i love writing him, i love having him as a muse, he fills my heart with so much joy!!!!!
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sugar-petals · 3 years
Ooooh, now I’m curious and need to ask you to elaborate on your top ten himbo players, that you actually like, but also your top ten for players that are boyfriend material, cause I find your choices really interesting and actually different from what I was expecting! 💗 (i really hope I’m not bothering you by sending these asks 🥺🌟)
i like writing about it at length don’t worry 👀⚽️ here it goes. 
caro’s top 10 footie giants
(note: includes veteran nominations for long-term service)
1) robert lewandowski — who is it!!!!
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if lewy doesn’t win this it’s heresy, the man has it all: he’s ripped, he’s cutesy, statuesque, silly, sexy, divine, hilarious, confused, polite, unique, unsurpassed, i can go on, enjoy this handy illustration as proof:
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he is the moment, he’s the protagonist, the founding father of all himbos worldwide 👴🏻✨he just has to look at you clueless once and you know he got what it takes!
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in summary: 
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2) fernando torres — nobody expects the spanish ab definition! ah... the good ole days, i miss fernando. el niño became extremely buff with time and remains as kind and shy as ever so the spot is even more deserved 🇪🇸
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3) manuel neuer — not in 1st place bc he's too unhinged, other than that ofc he has to be way up high on the list for being the nation’s big booty stripper providing us with endless content, give his arms a custom insurance ffs
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4) leon goretzka — here goes the twink magnet, the whole fandom will send me assassins if leon's not included in the top 5 so ‘ere ya go
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5) frenkie de jong — himbo in the making, BDE body, puppy personality, he’s just very huggable, what more can i say, he really walks around like this
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6) julian brandt — soft snuggly himbo bee, a lil slutty too 👌 lately his hair is so dang long i love it, smh i envy kai for being engaged to this man
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7) mats hummels — also included to appease the masses, at least i don’t think his green plaid coat was that bad, his facial bones & hair are great i guess
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8) ter stegen — not 100% a himbo since his brain isn't entirely vacant (more of a gentlemanly type) but but he is kind tall chiseled and a tank, i would pick him to save us in a zombie apocalypse
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9) lukas podolski (ft. bastian schweinsteiger) — and now the ultimate grandfather besties of himboism, you can’t possibly separate them, poldi invented being stupid and sexy, basti invented being stupid and built, together they are the ideal himbo fusion, everyone deserves having a friendship like this
gotta love them munching crisps on tv 😂
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10) romelu lukaku — to wrap it up i confess my love for the belgian team, they’re incredible & romelu is peak coolness (last on the list bc he’s actually smart, but his tiddies are enormous so ofc that has to be honored)
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and for the sake of completion, an abbreviated top 10:
top 5 bf material players
1) raheem sterling — we talked about tall guys but here the short king hour strikes! so goodlooking and smiley ⭐️ he’s perfection. i have zero business with his club or the english nt and yet? he made it here. says a lot. raheem sterling. thank you for existing. terrific player.
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2) mario götze — hehe... i know very well you didn’t expect him either but here goes it’s me mario, certified cutest ever, so sparkly as well, baby baby bumblebee, oh the nostalgia i know
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3) kai havertz — soft lizard bf w/ terrible humor, i stan, can’t divorce him from julian so it’s gonna be a polyamorous relationship, but anyway i adore my suffering victorian heir to bits
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4) leroy sané — prettiest, most elegant, most attractive, most stylish, the ideal man exists, love his voice & little habits, never seen a guy as ethereal and handsome, leroy is so boyfriend it hurts, my heart skips a beat for this gaze
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5) kepa arrizabalaga — as the outrageous cherry on top: another goalkeeper lunatic and to amp up the hot spanish quota even more; kepa truly is a phenomenon, i don’t know how he does it but i enjoy it
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thank you for bearing with this whole friggin ranking, have a nice day 🐯 (now i’ll hide and wait until the rest of the footie fandom finds this post)
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Saw A.C.E in Chicago and Atlanta this week and had meet and greet packages for both stops (no I couldn't afford it, yes my bank account overdrafted whoops).
It was ammazingggg. LONG STORY AHEAD.
The question I asked was answered by Chan. Bless his heart he struggled so much to say my name and I was in the second row on the furthest side from him. I stood up and waved so he could see me. They asked how to pronounce my name and BK actually said it perfectly, I was so impressed!
The question that was chosen was "What hobby do you want to try that you haven't tried before". He said Cooking, cause he isn't good at it and Donghun won't eat his food.
When the item signing started, BK would interact with us a lot and the girls in front of us took the liberty of teaching him the phrase "Let's get this bread." His face when they explained that bread = money was priceless. Experiencing that magical moment will live with me forever since he has been saying it nonstop since then.
So since PLT I've decided my "thing" for each autograph I can get is making my dumb pun fans. Eventually I'll just have a wall of these dang things and I'm excited about it. I made one for each my friend and me. Here's mine.
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The other thing I prepared for them I kept super secret because I very much wanted to see their reaction to it. I didn't post it publicly anywhere. In line with Choice teasingly referring to Junhee as a lizard much to the delight of the fandom and the rest of A.C.E while hysterically bugging Jun, I couldn't resist... I'd always wanted to give away cute things at concerts but since I'm also an asshole I used my exceptionally mediocre photoshop skills to make
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These beauties.
I originally only had 150 to hand out and I was actually worried I wouldn't be able to get rid of them all. I thought people might think they're dumb and not want any. Then due to a print shop mistake I ended up with 650. Whoops.
Before the meet and greet they tell us explicitly we are not allowed to give them anything and if they catch us trying to sneak them something they'll escort us out. My plan to see their reaction was almost destroyed! But I was very graciously given permission to -show- them the card, not give it to them (don't worry. They each got two in their gift boxes).
A.C.E tends to always stand/sit in the same order, so just as I expected, Chan was up first. He understood the pun of my fan! He thought it was really cute and gave such a big reaction I was pleased. Then I showed him the card and it was even bigger. I told him it was Junhee and he full on kicked out a leg and hit the table as he laughed which made me happy. He shook my hand.
Up next was Donghun who was the most quiet. I showed him the card after he signed my fan and he asked who it was. I told him it was Jun and he laughed and probably judged me a lot but then he gave me a high five and interlaced our fingers for a moment so I didn't feel completely embarrassed. The person behind me was so excited they moved onto Donghun before Jun was ready for me so I was waiting in limbo for a few seconds.
Leader Jun in the middle, the reaction I wanted most. He signed my fan and then I put the card down for him to see. He asked who it was, he seemed surprised. I told him it was him and he laughed and tried to deny it. He asked what kind of lizard it was, I told him it was a giant day gecko because I think they're the cutest. I told him I made sure to give them some in their gift box, and that we would see him again in Atlanta. He shook my hand and then the person behind me got excited again lol.
Byeongkwan was next! This boy is an absolute doll okay? The first thing he said to me is that he liked my lipstick (it was green). He signed my fan, then I showed him the card and he was beyond stoked. He laughed so loud and even held it up to Jun pointing it out to everyone. I promised him he got two in his gift box. He asked if I made one of each member and I told him no, but promised him I would next year (me and my big mouth). He held my hand and interlaced fingers and was just so sweet until the person behind me encouraged me on again.
WOW. OKAY. So Sehyoon is my bias af I was VISIBLY SHAKING at this point and as I set my fan down it so obnoxiously tapped the table several times. He tapped his lips and pointed at mine and said "pretty". I thanked him and said it was green for "cactus". I'm not sure if he understood cause he just repeated "cactus" and cocked his head slightly before signing my fan. Then I showed him the card. He asked who it was and I said Jun. He laughed a little and then I told him he was my favorite. He had the quietest lil thank you, then took my hand in both his soft tiny bby hands and I think my brain melted cause I couldnt make eye contact anymore it was too much. Just thinking about it is making my heart hurt. (To be clear, I am in no way special, he held everyone's hand the same way).
After that, we did the pictures! I very shyly wanted to stand between BK and Wow. I didn't do anything special this time around cause the pose I wanted was done by two other people so I just asked for cute cheek pokies. They were having so much fun with people so that inspired my next photo request. As I was walking away from the photo BK told me again that he really liked my lipstick and I was over the moon.
I brought about half the cards with me to hand out hoping I wouldn't have extras and people LOVED THEM? I ran out and felt bad that I didn't bring more!
The concert was AWESOME!! They're so interactive with fans I had several moments with EACH of them, but my favorite is when Wow kicked up a heart and he saw me catch it all goofy instead of letting him hit the woah and he laughed and mimicked me. He also handed me two lollipops (I gave one to my friend) but I'm never gonna eat it.
For the hi touch Chan handed us our photo cards, and hi fived us. They were oddly out of order (chan, Donghun, BK, Wow, Jun). I managed to tell him and Donghun they did amazing, then BK told me AGAIN he still loved my lips. I was so excited I told him "it'll be BLUE next time" and he said "oh!" BUT BY DOING THAT MY DUMBASS MISSED THE CHANCE TO LOOK INTO WOW'S AND JUN'S EYES UGH I WAS SO UPSET AT MYSELF also I got yelled at by security (rightly so).
Next is Atlanta!
I started handing out cards earlier and got worried again cause there were quite a few people that weren't interested at all. Fortunately by the end of the show there were so many people wanting them I offered to do a reprint if necessary. Some people even said they were going through the hi touch holding it up which I LOVED.
Anyway, this time during the Meet and Greet I was in the front row directly in front Byeongkwan and Wow. I WAS NOT OKAY. I kept making eye contact and getting so shy ugh. Byeongkwan recognized me and tapped his lips and winked when he saw me (I was wearing blue lipstick this time). BK got my question (the interpreter said my name perfectly without me needing to tell her, I was so impressed!) I asked what concept they wanted to try that they hadn't tried yet. He said they had already done everything and I cocked my head giving him a disbelieving look. He then admitted that they hadn't done the cutesy boy concept and I lost it- I cant imagine them trying to pull that off.
For future Choice in my position- these boys have ears like BATS okay. There was one time Jun said something like "it's his choice." And I quietly said to the person next to me "no we're choice." And he looked at me and said "You're right! You're all choice!" I was shook.
Wow got asked what his favorite dessert to eat is and he said chocolate anything, then listed things "Chocolate cake. Chocolate ice cream. Chocolate rice." At this point everyone exclaims and he gets his silly lil smile and says "Chocolate fish." And everyone loses it. It was so funny and cute.
Later Jun was asked if he preferred pancakes or waffles and it was a really hard question for him. He said he had been eating more pancakes since coming to the US but he liked both a lot. He just didn't like Chocolate pancakes and I said "cause Wow eats them all?" And wow just very dreamily says "Choco pancakes...." I about died.
BK was asked if he wanted to go to the aquarium and he said he really hoped to. He asked if there were beluga and everyone said yes but I said "But they have WHALE SHARKS!" which imo is the coolest thing about the Georgia aquarium. None of them seemed to know exactly what I meant but they were excited by the concept of the words "whale" and "shark" together. (Spoiler alert: The next day they totally went and got pics with the whale shark).
Finally BK asked where people recommended they eat. Someone suggested sushi at first. I thought it was funny to recommend sushi when visiting the US. BK seemed of the same mindset so chicken and waffles came up and Jun loudly said WAFFLES! To which, Wow said in his same dreamy tone "chocolate waffles" and I looked at him and said "chocolate chicken?" embarrassing the HELL out of myself cause everyone was super grossed out by it and making a scene. I hid but my friend said Wow thought it was funny. I think she was trying to make me feel better.
So the item signing time comes up. My DUMB ASS forgot my album at home so the day before I had gone on a panicked shopping spree and decided on a pot for my cactus.
Chan was up first as usual. He recognized me and asked if I was in Chicago and I said yes! He asked what the pot was and I told him it was for my cactus plant. He was so adorable, while he was signing it he said quietly "grow well." So now it has to. This time he did not do a high five with me.
Next was Donghun. He looked so confused at my pot. I told him it was for my cactus and he just kinda nodded. It was very quiet because I had tried to learn a short phrase for him in korean but I got too nervous and I couldn't say it. I just thanked him. I'll have to keep practicing.
Jun was next and also asked me if I had been in Chicago and thanked me for coming again. I told him it was my last stop but I knew they would keep doing amazing. He asked about the pot and said it was so cute and signed super big. He shook my hand.
BK was next and he complimented my lips again. I asked him if he liked the green or blue better and he said both were good. He asked about the pot and signed it for me, he said it was cute and he liked it. He high fived me when it was time to move on.
WOW. AGAIN. okay so he asked about the pot and I said it was for my cactus and he mimed planting a cactus while looking up at me and I nodded while melting cause he is SO GODDAMN CUTE OKAY. Then while he was signing it I worked up my courage cause I had tried to learn a phrase for him as well BUT I MESSED UP I MESSED UP SO BAD IT WAS BAD OKAY. He was so confused and thank GOD the interpreter was right there and she asked "what are you trying to say" and she helped me say it. I was SO EMBARRASSED I had practiced so much and was saying it SO WELL up until that moment. Once I managed he smiled and said I did good then took my hand and said something which the interpreter translated for me and I just grabbed my heart with my free hand and then had to just cover my face I couldnt handle it. Walking away was hard but staying was harder.
Of course that just put me back in my seat directly in front of him.
Dont judge me, but I was trying to say, "You're so awesome it makes my heart hurt." And his response was "Then I'll prescribe you some medicine" and I KNOW its cheesy and overdone but I wanted that moment once for me so I took my chance. Anyway I looked like a damn fool but it was over.
The last dumb thing I did as the signing went on cause we kept making random eye contact and I got self conscious of always looking away. One of the times Wow and I met eyes I winked and shot finger guns and his eyebrows raised ever so slightly and I wanted to sink into the floor and die so I hid my face again. He looked so surprised like what WAS I THINKING WHY DID I DO THAT AAAAAAAA.
Here's my cute cheap pot!
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Next was pictures. This time I had a plan. I asked them to pose ugly with me. They were surprised and asked for clarification twice, BK even asked me in english and I said "yes, ugly faces. If you can! If it's even possible." I wonder if it's the first time theyve ever been requested to do that. Anyway that's gonna be my thing too with the punny fan from now on. They did their best and it's absolutely adorable. Afterward BK walked up to me and wanted to see the pictures I took so I showed him. After he walked away it occured to me how fun and casual that was, that he just came over to look at pics together. I love this boy so much damb.
The atlanta show was amazing but the stage was so high up and far away there was no direct interaction possible. They made up for it with even more interaction! BK and Donghun each danced with me. I made a heart with my friend and Chan winked and laughed cause it looked like she begrudgingly made the heart with me when in reality she just couldnt hear me and couldnt tell what I was asking. Wow played a heart escalating game with me and he won so I made a dumb cute face and he laughed.
At hi touch I was determined not to miss Wow again. The order was the same except Donghun and Chan switched. I told them they did really amazing, a great show! Then BK said "Best lips!" To me and I got so excited but still didnt want to miss Wow, I loudly repeated "Best Lips!" While making eye contact and high fiving this poor man so hard, then for Jun I said "Don't forget!" And he was just so unprepared for me because I was unprepared for me but I WAS SO HYPED UP I LOST MY LAST BRAINCELL ITS STILL IN ATLANTA GUYS ITS GONE FOREVER.
So anyway that was a lot of unnecessary details about my specific adventures with A.C.E and I loved them so much and maybe one person will read this and smile but mostly I just want to try and remember as much detail as possible. I'll add things as I remember if I forgot something. Anyway dont be like me hahahaHAHAHA.
Also highkey if BK or one of the boys ends up with a bold lipstick color for a comeback or promotions in the next year or so I'm taking full credit.
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