#This is so much FUNNNNNN
lucraven · 1 month
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Mha fantasy au but make it DUNGEON MESHI WOOOOOO!!!
Individual pics and races under the cut!
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Ochaco - Human, Jirou - Halffoot, Aizawa - Gnome, Todoroki - Halfelf, Kaminari - Gnome, Tsuyu - Beastman, Mina - Orc, Mineta - Halffoot
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bottomsonlybar · 7 days
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me and the bestie and the bestieeees
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pigeon-princess · 1 year
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Appreciation post for my Baldur's Gate PC Rook while I attempt to draw him a thousand times over. He's a trickery domain cleric and he loves to lie.
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jusst-you-race · 4 days
12. “Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.” Sebmark
even more sebmark!!!! have some soft coffeeshop au sebmark lovely anon <3 prompt list
“Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.”
Mark yet again lets his gaze slide over to Seb while he makes the next coffee. It’s a terrible habit he has, and he’s been telling himself he’ll stop for months now, but he’s never actually put much effort into not watching Seb. It’s not like he’s even doing anything worth watching, he's just… studying. Like he always is. 
The coffee machine makes a screaming sound and Mark startles, quickly turning back to his task and trying to recuse the milk he’s in the middle of frothing. Fernando swears at him. Mark ignores him. 
Mark still isn’t entirely sure why Seb decided to choose their cafe as his study spot, considering he doesn’t even really drink coffee. But the only response he ever gets when he asks is a half shrug and a cheeky little smile that makes Mark feel all sorts of things.
He sighs as he pours milk into the espresso shot, creating a nice little pattern across the top solely through muscle memory. It comes out a little wonky, but it’s far from his worst. Grabbing a muffin out of the cabinet, Mark strides across the shop to deliver the order to one of the tables. He gets a mumbled ‘thanks’ for his troubles, and then has an internal debate with himself about the route he should take back to the counter.
It’s halfhearted, because he knows what the outcome will be before he starts it. 
He makes his way to Seb’s table. Seb doesn’t look up from where he’s staring intently at his laptop. 
“How’s it going?”
Seb looks up, frown disappearing and instead replaced with an amused little smile. 
“Well, these readings are slowly driving me up the wall, but I’m managing.” He runs a hand through his curls and Mark tries very hard not to watch. His own fingers itch anyway. He clears his throat.
“Do you want a refill?” He asks, stiltedly. 
Seb’s smile turns fond, and Mark feels something warm and pleased curling in his gut. It doesn’t last long though as Seb’s eyes flick down to the watch on his wrist. He grimaces apologetically. 
“Actually, Mark, I need to get going.” Seb immediately starts packing up his things and Mark refuses to feel disappointed. He’s about to leave him to it when he notices goosebumps on Seb’s arm. There’s no jacket he can see either as Seb collects his things, and Mark makes a split second decision.
“Wait one second,” he says before turning around and half jogging behind the counter. He quickly grabs his jacket, glaring at Fernando who aggressively rolls his eyes, and makes his way back across the cafe. Seb has finished packing up now, and is watching him with that same amused smile as Mark approaches him again. He thrusts the jacket out in front of him.
“Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.”
Seb giggles.
“Don’t be silly, I’m not taking your jacket.” 
Mark frowns, then shakes the jacket at him.
“Just bring it back next time. Don’t make me hold you down and force it on you.” Mark realises what he’s just said when Seb’s cheeks go bright red, but before he can take it back, Seb snatches the jacket out of his hands. 
“Fine,” he says, pulling it on. “I’ll take your stupid jacket.” The blush on his cheeks grows once the jacket is on and they both realise the sleeves almost cover Seb’s fingers. 
Mark is helplessly, hopelessly endeared. He reaches out on instinct to fix the collar that’s half tucked in and Seb startles, looking up at him with wide eyes. Slowly, deliberately, Mark moves his hands towards Seb, giving him a chance to pull away. He doesn’t. Gently, Mark flips the collar out. He can’t help but linger, smoothing his hand down the front of Seb’s chest for just a second. 
He goes to pull his hand back, but Seb snatches his wrist before he can. Mark freezes, waiting, and for a moment they just stare at each other. 
Eventually, quick as a flash, Seb springs up onto his toes and kisses Mark on the cheek. Mark is left standing there, blinking, stunned, as Seb sweeps out the door without looking back. 
From behind the counter Fernando bursts into laughter.
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emry-stars-art · 9 months
Mistletoe kiss 2023 masterpost!
There were so many good requests and maybe I’ll pick at them for a while - I’ve written down all of them so I’ll have them even after I clear that part of my inbox :) but here’s the ones I got during December!
1) back of the neck kiss
Aaron & Kevin Dan & Matt
2) forehead kiss
Matt > Neil Jean & Neil Bee & Andrew Kevin & Aaron Neil > Matt Neil & Sir Kevin & Jean Andrew & Arlo Abby & Kevin
3) hand kiss
Jean & Renee Neil & Katelyn Aaron & Katelyn (royal) Abram & Andrew (royal) Allison & Renee Wymack & Abby
4) cheek kiss
Jeremy & Kevin Allison & Ichirou Andrew & Neil
5) kiss-kiss
Kevin & Jean Neil & Andrew (mer) Allison & Seth Sir & King Kevin & Exy stick Andrew & Neil
6) chest kiss
Andrew & Abram (royal) Andrew & Kevin
7) shoulder kiss
Andrew & Renee Neil & Matt Neil & Kevin Twinyards & Nicky Twinyards
8) air kiss
Jeremy & Jean Allison & Neil Dan & Wymack
(bonus) mistlefoe
Aaron & Neil
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ashmp3 · 6 months
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gods favorite - gods gift 🖤📸
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mcl38 · 10 months
and in light of fun stuff i'd love to hear your thoughts on, saw a post a while back that got me thinking and basically reached the conclusion that carlos and lando's personalities complimented each other perfectly, which in a way brought out the best in both of them, while lando and daniel have very clashing personalities (not that they didn't get along eventually, just very different). meanwhile lando and oscar's personalities just like. match.
seen people say lando is to oscar what carlos was to him and in a way, yes (oscar clearly does look up to lando a bit and lando took the brunt of the media stuff in the beginning to make him more comfortable), but i also think there is a pretty big difference there. landoscar just feel very aligned to me idk. would like to hear what your opinions are :) think you always have good takes
so i left this for a couple days bc its literally been slow cooking in my brain like a stew... thinking abt this so much. u bring such a good point abt the difference between complementing and aligning / matching...
i often find it rly fun to look at friendships and relationships thru the lens of sibling dynamics - its my own personal brand of astrology or ig personality typology that im addicted to. and w carlos and lando i think the reason they 'complemented' each other so well was bc they very easily fell into an older-younger sibling dynamic - both r middle children, and idk the exact numbers but carlos should probably be around oli's age (landos older brother, who lando's rly close to, arguably the closest of all his siblings - not only did they used to travel for karting competitions back in the day, but nowadays they share a core friend group and go on holiday together, which is cute). so like, lando as a 19 year old rookie, shy but full of energy, is in the perfect position to be lightly bullied, shown the ropes, taught random shit, be shoved into walls, etc by someone who likes to play within that older brother role
so you have that first of all, which already creates some familiarity for lando (who otherwise is quite slow to thaw out of keeping ppl at arms length), and also the fact that they got along w each other quite easily. i dont think theyre that similar (again, complement, not match, its so brilliant), but theyre both entertained by quite simple things, which is y their humour tended to be so lowest-common-denominator: words that sound funny, hitting each other in the balls, dirty jokes, etc. i think where they DO find similarities is when theyre serious - they both have a very head-down team-first sort of attitude (which i think rly solidified in lando BC of carlos), so their trust in each other in terms of that helped make their more personal friendship rly straightforward and natural
daniel meanwhile... where do i start. i spent two years losing my mind in dms over the glorious trainwreck awkwardness that is dando and their interactions. i still cant QUITE parse it but its so good. u have lando whos used to having quite a reactive/passive friendship with carlos, suddenly putting his feet on the ground and his shackles up bc he stopped liking the directions he was being pushed in w daniel. i think daniel deffo is a big, domineering personality, naturally kind of selfish (youngest sibling AND im pretty sure the only boy) (im not judging him im also the youngest i can reclaim), and to keep it concise i think it kind of gave lando the ick.
lando is a very judgemental person, and his humour is quite specific - he'll laugh at the dumbest things ever, like the word 'blowy' or 'pubes' or jokes abt girls running away from him, AND also rly subtle sarcasm that takes a lot of context clues. but he just cannot operate within the middle ground: the typical snl-style (american type) classic humour. he just doesnt get it. when ppl try to do it with him u get things like 'lando i hope you're sitting down... you're p2' 'i don't know why will said that, i'm literally strapped to my seat' and 'throwback thursday' 'it's funny cos it's friday'. he sucks at metaphors and doesnt have patience to wait for punchlines, so the fact that daniel is kind of like universally 'classically' funny actually worked against him - especially bc daniel was fuelled w the confidence that lando liked him and found him hilarious
so thats actually the other thing - is daniels incapability of actually listening to lando. again, we kind of start from the standard of the carlos relationship, with lando as the reactor, but carlos was always rly attentive towards lando. and then daniel comes in - u have lando like a dog who figured out ur trying to exit the park and has suddenly refused to keep walking along, and daniel holding an endlessly extendable leash, whistling a little tune, completely oblivious that his dog is still like three streets down. lando was throwing him jab after jab after joke after joke for like the entirety of 2021 ('they just dig up jam' forever my favourite), but they would just fly over daniels head, making lando become more and more detached and disinterested in interactions w daniel. waaaay into their partnership as teammates, theres this video of lando telling daniel that theyre serving cookies (?) somewhere, and daniel says 'so you got a brownie?' and i think lando says smth like 'nah a cookie, not a brownie, otherwise i wouldve said brownies', to which daniel is like 'i respect that, you're finally dishing it back'. and i rmbr my reaction was like FINALLY ? WYM FINALLY?? hes BEEN doing this for SO LONG like ALL THE TIME now.
idk, its weird bc opinions r rly split on dando, some ppl in yt comments or reddit or whatever still say they were the funniest duo in f1, but other ppl will always pipe up saying the energy was awkward and it was clear they didnt like each other. neither of those things r true for me - i think they did like each other, especially later on (professionally, i think lando definitely had a lot of anxieties abt having to outperform the big new top dog in the team, which made him a bit colder, but i think he gained a lot of respect for daniel when he saw how much daniel was struggling but how much he was still willing to show up and do the whole job until the end w a smile on his face). i have a suspicion they probably get along way better 1 on 1, bc a lot of daniel's off-putting intensity happens when he tries to play up for the cameras. but i am also partly thankful for that too, bc we had a couple art challenges in 2021-2022 where daniel did all the talking, so lando could focus on having fun with his Little Tasks, and thats literally my fav type of mclaren video, so cheers danny.
so then we get to oscar. i think the main difference with oscar is that, for the first time, lando doesnt have a bigger personality imposing itself on him. if he used to b reactive with carlos and daniel, oscar is way more laid back and passive than him, which means lando is finally for the first time the one setting the pace. especially in the early days, this was obvious - lando would throw out the beginning of a bad joke, expecting to be interrupted or one-upped, but oscar would just sit there quietly creature-staring, waiting for lando to finish his train of thought. it was so awkwardly delightful. so what u get now is that lando isnt playing catch up anymore - which doesnt mean hes making oscar do it now. on the contrary, what ive found is that lando brings his personality to oscar-volume, which sounds like it would be dull but it so isnt. again, he thrives in quiet subtlety, and so does oscar, so u get videos like the finish the lyrics where u have to turn the volume all the way up to even hear what theyre saying, but its so worth it bc its SO fun once u do.
in terms of matching, theyre definitely quite similar in terms of humour. both of them love the awkward pauses and jim halpert looking into the camera and eye rolls and deadpan. it took a while to find their rhythm w two of them playing the same joke-role and not having a straight man (comedy term!!) to bounce off of, but i think they figured it out. theyre different enough in terms of family dynamics (oscar is an eldest brother w many sisters, but also younger than lando) that neither of them would fit a pre-made space, so they can just kinda be on equal level to each other. this is especially true since theyve grown up in the same circles - never raced each other directly, but lando moved up categories rly fast, which means oscar spent his late teens mostly racing ppl lando was racing in karting and early single seaters. (most significantly, max fewtrell, who oscar used to b in the junior renault academy with, and who i think is kind of a good representation of what lando and oscar have in common - lowkey, sarcastic, deadpan, but also not taking himself too seriously)
to come back to what u said abt oscar-lando being inverse lando-carlos: i also see it to some extent, like u said (theres those tiktok edit parallels like lando telling oscar to cut his hair the way carlos said it to him in 2019). i think its mostly something lando himself is conscious of and sort of imposes on himself - he often compares oscar's personal trajectory to his, like when he says oscar will open up and be less quiet once he gets comfortable (which was true), so i think hes deffo aware of the comparison. but i dont think it runs any deeper than that, bc i havent seen lando position himself as the same kind of mentor-guru in-the-know older figure. i just dont think his personality can mould to that
idk sorry for this novel size answer. i have even more thoughts abt oscar and lando that im currently trying to shove into a fic so like. all of this has been floating in my brain for ages now
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smoothoperador · 6 days
i have watched the much talked about colapinto interviews and let me tell you. i would LOVE to get drunk with this guy
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rabbit-rays · 3 months
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another rockbug while im finishing up a different painting
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mimi-saurio · 5 months
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I got curious about this painting on Nancy’s wall because at first view it reminds me of Jancy and their situation with the long distance relationship. Soooo here is a superficial info about the painting in a moment of hyper-fixation 🤡 enjoy:
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The paint is call “The singer” made by Wassily Kandinsky in 1903
Now this artist has a strong belief on color and figures as a way to “perform” a paiting, He also has refer the relationship between art (paint) and music, where you compone by harmony, instruments and the sensation the music makes you feel as a painter can in their works. (Which to me is so relatable)
Its interesting Nancy has this painting, and dare to say more of them because I have not investigated the others, because as I say, it’s from an artist that believes in such a strong way the line that take Jonathan to photography “you capture the right moment and IT SAYS MORE” and that’s what Kandinsky works deeply in his paintings, the abstraction not only as a way to express but to understand some emotions that can only be show trough color and shapes and art!
Going back to Jancy, as a first view “The singer” might be showing their relationship status, but is also how the season concentrates in music, emotions and memories trough abstract melody, just as Kandinsky works in his paintings.
As always, my native language is Spanish so I’m sorry for my lack in grammar ✨
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xpennytrickx · 5 months
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a commission for @lakemichiganlolita of braceface tricky 😚
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
if i watch any more IW gameplay footage i just might do something diabolical RAAAAHGG IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS FUCKASS GAME 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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heshemejoshi · 1 year
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Oh if queerness is so unnatural where is MY evidence that my transgression has moved the earth itself? where are MY thunderstorms and uncannily docile lion encounters announcing MY presence? where are MY strangely vicious horses and predatory sparrows hunting birds of prey present at MY arrival?
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g4rchomp · 1 year
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ch0cocrave · 2 months
Hehe >:3c
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You just got attacked >:]
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