#This is silly but I can't get it out of my head
whisperofwonder · 2 days
Uncomfortable domestic moments when you realize just how comfortable you are together, and how much he really cares about you
I just really love domesticity, okay? Even when it isn't pretty.
Featuring: Kuroo Tetsurou, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Miya Atsumu x reader
(a few potential triggers here, sorry!) TW: vomit / vomiting in Kuroo's ; blood/period in Ushijima's, then you'll have Atsumu's which is really just light and kind of goofy oops
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"Ugh," You moan as you reach to flush the toilet. You get to your feet and turn to find Tetsurou still hovering behind you. You grimace thinking about how he'd held your hair back just moments ago, as you released the entire contents of your stomach into the toilet bowl.
He hands you a cup of water. "How are you feeling?" He asks as you rinse out your mouth - it's a silly question, all things considered, but you don't exactly have a snarky answer at hand.
"I'm sorry," You blurt instead, not quite sure how he can be looking at you with that almost tender expression on his face after witnessing that.
"Why are you apologizing?" He asks softly, reaching to unstick a sweaty strand of hair from your face.
"Because, it's so gross. You didn't have to come in here," You insist. "I'm an adult, and - you really shouldn't have to see that." You purposefully avoid glancing in the mirror. You don't even want to know what you must look like right now.
"But I don't want you to feel gross alone," He says as if it's simple. You open your mouth, searching for some kind of retort, but nothing comes. "I know you can take care of yourself, but you shouldn't have to," He continues. "Not when I'm right here."
It's so surprisingly sweet that you feel your face start to crumple. "Tetsu," You squeak out.
"Shh," He shushes you, "Just tell me what I can do. Do you need anything?"
"I just want to go back to bed," You admit, reaching out to grab the edge of the sink as you feel yourself begin to waver.
"Okay then," He says, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before he scoops you up in his arms, slowly carrying you back to the bedroom and setting you gently on top of your pillows. "Try to get some rest," He murmurs, pulling the blankets up over you. "I love you," He adds, brushing the hair away from your face.
"I love you too," You murmur back, leaning into his touch and the comfort of the knowledge that he'll always be right here.
Your alarm feels even earlier than usual, and after confirming that it is indeed time to get up, you turn it off with a groan. You're feeling particularly at odds with the world already today, and part of you just wants to pull the covers over your head and go back to sleep. Instead, you slither out of bed, standing next to it as you check the e-mail notification that had popped up overnight.
"Oh," At the sound of his voice, you turn to look at Wakatoshi. He's sitting on the edge of the bed, and he's looking at you with a slight frown on his face. "My love..." He gestures down at your side of the bed, and to your horror, you see a streak of red on the otherwise pristine sheets.
Suddenly, the way you're feeling is making a lot more sense. "Oh no," You drop your face in your hands, muffling your words. "That's absolutely disgusting. I'm so sorry." You don't even want to look at him, but at the sound of rustling sheets, you finally drop your hands. Your boyfriend is methodically stripping the bed.
"Why don't you get in the shower? I'll start washing these." He says matter-of-factly. There must be something in your expression, because you see his face soften. "It's alright. It's natural," He assures you.
"But-" You can't put into words how mortified you are. Natural or not, he shouldn't have to see it, much less clean it up. "At least let me do that," You insist finally, reaching for the pile of bedding.
"No," He twists away so that it's out of your reach, "I've got it. Just get in the shower, okay?"
"You shouldn't have to, though," You say more softly.
"I don't have to," He agrees. "I want to help you. Can I do that?"
You bite your lower lip, trying not to let your hormonally-charged emotions win this battle. "Okay," You say finally.
"Okay," He echoes you, dropping the sheets into the laundry basket before crossing the room back to you, gently taking your face in his hands and pressing a kiss to your lips. "I'll make you some tea to have with breakfast," He adds after he pulls away. "Will that help?"
"Yes," You whisper, the I-love-you hidden in his words practically echoing in your head. You can't resist pulling him back in for one more kiss, hoping he feels the I-love-you-too that you press into it.
"Atsumu!" You knock on the bathroom door, "Are you soon done?" It's moments like these when you really regret that this apartment has only one bathroom.
"Just got in!" He shouts back above the sound of the running shower. You bite back a sigh. He's famous for his long, hot showers.
"I really have to go!" You call back. "Can't you make it quick?" You're on the verge of pacing back down the hallway, just to help you hold it in.
"The door isn't locked! Can't ya just come in and go?" You freeze. It might be silly, but it's an unspoken milestone that you haven't crossed yet - peeing in front of each other.
"But!" You groan.
"But what? Ya've seen me naked before," You can practically hear his smirk.
"Tsumu," You whine, but in a matter of moments, you open the door anyway. It's gotten to the point where you don't have much choice. With only a moment's hesitation, you put up the toilet lid.
"How was yer day?" Atsumu begins conversationally.
"We're not doing this," You say quickly. "I'm going, and then I'm leaving the bathroom."
You hear him sigh. "Want me to get out and pee too, so we're even?" He asks, completely serious.
"No!" You say quickly. "I'm leaving now." Before he can say anything else, you're closing the door behind you.
About 10 minutes later, Atsumu finds you in the kitchen, towel wrapped around his waist as drips of water slip from his hair. "Guess we're a real couple now," He grins, leaning in and pressing a damp kiss to your lips.
"We weren't before?" You ask, quirking an eyebrow.
"'Parently not. Didn't know it was such a big deal," He says with a smug grin. "How will I ever look at you the same again?"
"Hey!" You swat his bare shoulder indignantly. "It was your idea." You remind him.
"Guess so," He hums. "Know what? I think I still love ya just as much." His smile is softer somehow, despite the teasing glint in his eyes.
"Oh?" You ask, struggling to maintain your haughty expression.
"Yeah," He nods. "Looks like you're stuck with me." He leans in for a longer kiss, almost making you forget about the small puddle that's begun to form on the floor.
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navybrat817 · 12 hours
Congrats, Miss Navy!
If Smartie had student loans, how would that celebration go after paying them?
I appreciate it, nonnie! It doesn't feel real yet. I don't think it'll feel real for me until next month. And I think Smartie would feel the same way if there were student loans and, like me, maybe a bit emotional.
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"Smartie, is there a reason why you're giving your laptop the finger?" "Because I just made my last loan payment!"
You were smart, you didn't earn the nickname for no reason. But you still had to take out a bit in loans that your scholarships and grants didn't cover. Debt like that could be stressful and he knew it wore on you, even when you didn't vocalize it. You didn't have to carry that burden alone. That's was one of the reasons you had him.
"That's amazing," he says, wishing he had something better to say for such a huge milestone. Though he could help you celebrate tonight. Nice dinner. Massage. Whatever you want.
You're so excited that the laptop almost falls over when you jump up. Bucky anticipated that would happen and easily catches it before any damage can be done. And he can't help but chuckle when you pump your fists in the air. "Suck it! Eat it! Fuck it!" You yell.
It's adorable and silly and he wishes he could record the moment. To see you dancing around the room makes his smile widen. He wants you to feel like this all the time.
This woman will be the mother of my children, ladies and gentlemen.
"You know, I have something you can suck and I'm happy to eat or fuck whatever you have to offer," he smirks before you stop your cheer to face him. There are tears in your eyes and he's immediately on his feet. "I was-"
"No, I'm not upset. I'm happy," you smile as tears slide down your cheeks. "Think of what we can do with it now. We can use that money for savings. Or a trip. OOH. I should get you a gift! A new leather jacket!"
"You don't have to get me anything," he says, his heart swelling. You always considered him and his his feelings.
"Maybe I want to," you say, wiping at your face.
Like your laptop, he catches you as you launch yourself into his arms. He can hear you sniffling before you bury your face in his neck. "I'm proud of you, Smartie," he whispers, holding you tight. Not just for the loans and general hard work, but everything you do.
"Thank you, Stud," you whisper before you lift your head, your eyes still brimming with happy tears. You wait a beat before you press your lips to his and he can feel how much you love him. He loves you just the same, if not more. "Now, which first? Eat or fuck?"
He laughs before pulling you to the couch. Celebratory sex was always a good thing. "Depends on what your pussy is aching for more. My tongue or my cock."
You moan, a happy smile on your face once again. "Surprise me."
And that's exactly what he did.
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Love and thanks! ❤️
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wickjump · 2 days
I don't have the energy for drawing today but this scene popped into my head and I wanted to share
Nightmare: Well what toys did you have as a child, you must have had a favourite? Cross: Oh we didn't really have any, my dad said only good children get toys and we didn't earn them Nightmare, silently experiencing an anger he has rarely felt since consuming the apples: I see
Anyway I want them to take Cross to an amusement park or an arcade and encourage him to relax and be silly and have a good time
clutching my head in my hands as i rock back in forth I LOVE.SELF INDULGENT STUFF LIKE THIS RGHRHHJRHTHGRJH i need seventeen arts and fourty fanficitosn of this RIGHTNOW!!!!!!!!!! (joke)
xgaster just didnt want to pick up any toys. they probably had like a few but had to throw them out when they turned like 8 or 9. never really got to indulge. a teddy bear or two and a few building blocks (pretty sure there's art out there, dunno if technically official or not, where cross or xpaps (forgot) has a teddy bear/stuffed toy of some sort, but they seem to be around six years old, maybe seven in it, so) but nothing flashy. i think asriel/frisk wouldve lended them some of their toys but xgaster forced them to give it back. partially because he's mean to his kids but also because he wants to drive it in that frisk can't stop him from doing anything, that he has power and his efforts to help the people he cares about would be in vain.
anyway cross deserves to have a good time and be silly i think. he would hate it at first because "i'm not- i'm not a child, nightmare" but killer enjoys it and forces cross to enjoy it too. i think cross would like aquariums. not zoos though because theyre often very depressing. he'd also be terrified of rollercoasters but claim he isn't. killer has no regard for his life and likes them. dust likes them specifically because he's able to keep a deadpan expression the entire time which looks kinda funny in the photos they take especially compared to everyone else screaming.
cross would like. to have a stuffed animal i think. just one though because he likes a very clean room. but he would like a stuffed animal i think.
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wraithdance · 1 day
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The TF 141 Compatibility Love Report
For: @mikichko
This is based on my personal opinion and interpretation of you and the character.  the user makes no claims to be a real doctor or any medical professional. I will knock all this shit over and plead insanity in a court of law, so please don’t sue, jump me or take my kidneys, fingers or toes. 
The Doc says your TF 141 Perfect Match is…
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John 'Soap' MacTavish!
Romance: Structure! Responsibility! Hard work! You're the constant that keeps all the plates spinning in your universe. That's why Soap as a partner would be a match made in heaven. He'll meet you passion for passion and help you realize things about yourself you may not even recognize (doesn't matter how self aware you are babes, he'll teach you a trick or two!) If you play things close to the chest and prefer to keep emotions at a safe distance, he's the partner who will take the time to chip at your walls brick by brick. (that's a promise and a threat)
This lover boy is actually super emotionally attuned to those he loves. He will ease your mind with the obvious devotion he has for you and maybe you'll only be a little bit embarrassed if he insists on painting a few boudoir portraits... or five. Soap would encourage you to stop and smell the roses sometimes and not get so stuck on the fine details. Not to say he wouldn't absolutely live to challenge you when he sees fit! It would be worth it to be in the dog house as long as he knows he did what he could to make you see that he's there and he's not leaving (even if you want him to). Whether it's as the man at your back supporting you or the bruiser at your side ready for you to say sic, he's ready and willingly. Silly mornings teasing him for his awful Spanish, relaxing days on the couch cuddled up and...
Sex: I'm gonna hold your hand when I say this... your coochie is in danger girl :(
For at least the first month Soap will make it a mission to keep you under him in as many positions as he can get you. Slow and intimate or so nasty you can't look your neighbors in the eyes, Soap is going to do it all. If you have even an ounce of submissiveness or praise kink in you, Soap is exploiting that asap. He wants you on your knees and every worry out of your head so he can fuck all thirteen letters of his name into you until it's the only thing that's left. Lovingly of course. If you're a bit on the secretly kinky side he's so down and will encourage you to take what you need from him, no matter how crazy it seems. True love lmao.
Possible points of Contention:
Doesn't know when to quit
Second hand Embarrassment
Bringing the filter-less white boy home to the family
Your Poly Pairing (haha) is….
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GHOAP- Now before you run away!! This traditional fan fave pairing is the perfect blend of danger and comfort. Soap would be the outwardly loving partner who'd cry with you over tiktoks, while Ghost snorts under his breath but makes sure nothing disturbs your peace. Despite his intensity and a possible learning curve at the beginning, Ghost and you would act as a mirror reflection of each other (Layered, looking for the deeper meaning and efficient at what you do.) He’d take you seriously and be an excellent counsel for you to lean on. Johnny will act as a natural buffer and bring a 4 speed magic wand, the spirit of fun and spontaneity to this threesome. Good luck if they tag team you or identify a threat though...
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tennessoui · 18 hours
44. and 54. for the ship asks?
I hope you're having a good time ✨
ah thank you i am having a very good time (but also very busy) (but also very fun) (but also very stressful) (but also very - )
thank you for sending these in <3
[from this ask game]
44. Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway?
i think neither of them are predisposed to dancing in the kitchen making dinner (because i just can't see either of them expressing joy through dance) but the image is cute and if i had to pick, i'd say anakin would be more likely to dance in a very silly fashion as he cooks dinner (most probably because he thinks he's alone in their quarters)
only for obi-wan to spy him and lean up against the doorway to watch and anakin is a bit embarrassed but covers it with a "what, old man, don't want to join in?"/"haven't you ever danced before?" to which obi-wan obviously replies that of course he's danced before but that sort of dancing is certainly not the kind of dancing he's done in the past. does anakin want a demonstration?
and anakin thinks he's about to get pulled into a formal dance like the sort that obi-wan does at fancy balls on fancy missions so of course he says a very eager yes - only for obi-wan to pull him in for more like dirty club dancing from his padawan days
54. Who’s more likely to carry the other to bed?
once a master, always a master:
Obi-Wan lets out a full-bodied sigh the moment the doors to his quarters close behind him. It'd been a long day, stacked on top of another, longer day, which in turn was stacked upon a longer week. A longer month. A long war.
He leans against the wall to slip off his boots, though he finds that he's too tired to line them up at the door where he likes to keep them. Instead, he leaves them as they've fallen.
The Council meeting had ended with the decision to send Obi-Wan and the 212th out to the Mid-Rim to rendezvous with Mace Windu's troops. It was an understandable command, and one Obi-Wan himself had volunteered for. But now, in the privacy of his own quarters, he allows the weight of the new orders to rest heavily on his shoulders as guilty dread pools up in his stomach. He'd told Anakin that they'd be able to share a week of leave together, once the other returned to the Temple tomorrow. Now, it turns out that they'd have only a few hours at most.
On his way from the door to his room, the Force gives him a kind, gentle nudge, just stubborn enough that it makes Obi-Wan turn his head to see--oh.
He hadn't even realized he wasn't alone in his quarters. Perhaps because the boy sleeping on his sofa with one shoe still loosely clinging to his foot feels as if he belongs there.
Obi-Wan's feet move him forward automatically to look over the couch's back at Anakin's sleeping form. His Force signature wraps around Anakin's gently, an instinctual hello. For a moment, he's regretful at it--thinking that perhaps it would be enough to wake Anakin from his sleep.
But Anakin's Force signature only nuzzles back at his in return, leaving the boy asleep, as if it is the most natural thing in the galaxy for them to be twined together.
"Alright," Obi-Wan mutters, letting his fingers trail over Anakin's curls before stepping around the couch to kneel at its edge. "Foolish boy," he chides though Anakin cannot hear him. Though he doesn't even mean the words, not truly. Not in the face of Anakin's presence. He must have pushed his ship to the edges of its capabilities to arrive earlier than planned. He must have wanted as much time with Obi-Wan as he could get. "My foolish boy," Obi-Wan says.
Anakin sleeps on, undisturbed.
Obi-Wan's hands find their way to his hair once more, stroking down a piece of it before lightly touching his cheek, the edges of the scar over his eye. The war has aged him. The war has taken so much from him. Of course he is tired. Hopefully, despite Obi-Wan's own absence, he will be able to get the rest he so desperately needs in the coming week. It would be good for him, for Ahsoka as well.
Against his will, his eyelids droop even as his knees protest the position on the ground. He could fall asleep as he is, he thinks. A worshipper at Anakin's altar.
But his padawan would be upset to find him like this in the morning. As much as he thinks that Anakin needs rest, Anakin returns the opinion tenfold. He will not be pleased at the upcoming mission. He would not be pleased to find Obi-Wan asleep on the ground beside him.
But their week together has been shortened only to a night, and Obi-Wan will be damned if he leaves him alone on the couch.
So, carefully, he stands and slides his arms beneath Anakin's back and legs, lifting him up with some hidden well of strength only exhausted masters who must care for their padawans possess.
"This was easier when you were younger," he mutters to Anakin's sleeping form, adjusting his arms around the other man so that his head doesn't loll uncomfortably to the side. "And about a hundred and fifty pounds lighter."
Anakin snores in response, Force signature radiating such a sense of safe contentment that even Obi-Wan's grumblings die down into nothing. They can, of course, wait for an appreciative, awake audience.
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possessive solomon but with an mc who's 1000% in love with him would be hilarious ngl. half of his behavior is caused by how he thinks mc doesn't love him, so when mc asks why they would ever want to leave him when he's so amazing he just has like. a lovesick little breakdown at the realization that his crush likes him back. yay <3
but then his possessive behavior doubles because now anytime someone flirts with you, he has to stop himself from walking over and kissing you before teleporting them to the deepest pits of the devildom. but he can't do that. his life is so hard </3
Omg, hi, Amb!! 💜 Hope you are well! You have served me yet again, hehe...
But yes! Solomon who's possessive because he's went so long without love he believed he didn't need it. He got by without it just fine, no need to get hurt unnecessarily. But then the moment he has it, he questions how he ever lived without it.
Solomon flip flops between discreetly inquiring about MC's feelings towards him with his signature smirk to keep his aloofness about him - "ah, a beautiful candle, as well as my favorite scent. But of course you knew that, didn't you, my clever apprentice?" And directly asking with his tail tucked between his legs and a softness reserved only for them - "please, MC, tell me how I make you feel..."
Each time though, he finds himself fearing for the worst and hoping for the best. Yet, he's never been let down by their kind responses.
"Of course I knew. How could I not know the favorites of the one I care most about?" "Honestly, Solomon? You make me feel like I am your whole world. I hope I make you feel half as what you make me feel."
If only they knew...
However, the world is not enough to Solomon. He'd make them the center of his universe, and do it gladly. It's all he can give as thanks for loving him, flaws and all. He's thankful he's found someone that seems to love him perfectly.
There are days when Solomon doesn't get the reassurance he needs, so he copes on his own. The coping, however, turns into spiraling as he watches them from afar, who happens to be laughing over something dumb Mammon just said.
"I could make them laugh...and I'd appreciate their smile more than that greedy oaf."
He has to shake his head to clear his thoughts from being too harsh. He knows he has nothing to worry about, and he knows they wouldn't want him thinking such things. But it's hard to get out of his head when he's alone, without them for comfort. He just has to trust that their love is true. Though there's no doubt in MC, just doubt in himself.
For now, he holds back from storming over there, kissing them silly to make his feelings known, and sending Mammon straight to the study of Lucifer to deal with as he sees fit. Solomon stays pining from afar, re-memorizing the features he already knows by heart until he can take his rightful place next to them.
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wings-of-ink · 15 hours
I was thinking about an ask I wrote some time ago where MC asked Duri to teach them, if possible, to also be able to turn into a wolf. And Duri, in your answer, used the opportunity to make fun of MC.
But here is a funny scenario: What if against everyone's expectations, MC did end up turning into a wolf after following Duri's instructions. After all, we don't know MC's true origins. By all we know, MC may have some God blood in them, and may possibly be able to turn into an animal and just didn't know.
If you want it would be lovely if, like the original ask, both Oswin and Duri were present. But I understand if you want to limit the scenario to just Duri.
Hilarity and chaos would ensue. This is a fun one, lol. ^_^
Link to the first post:
Picking up where we left off:
You feel the burn of embarrassment as you turn your back on the laughing god and start to follow Oswin. You can't help but pout too...you wanted it so badly. Duri may have made a fool of you, but it doesn't stop you from admiring their wolf-form. You want that for yourself, it calls to your spirit. There's a pull, an unspoken link with your soul.
As you make it through the trees, Oswin sighs heavily. "I should have interrupted sooner...I shouldn't have left you alone with that idiot..."
"It's fine. Maybe I was silly to ask such a thing." You shrink in on yourself.
Oswin stops. "I don't think it's silly. This world is more fantastic than either of us thought...it's not wrong to want to play a bigger part in that."
You can't help but smile a bit. "You really think so?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I do. You're already fantastic in other ways - you don't need to be a magic wolf or anything to be great." He turns to you with a wide and sweet smile, his eyes shining with something unspoken.
The humiliation you feel slowly drifts away as you match his gaze...until his brow begins to furrow. "What's wrong?" you ask.
"Your...well, your eyes..."
"What about them?" You touch the side of your face, perhaps you have dirt near your eyes.
"They're...um, they're glowing." Oswin looks a mix of fright and wonder as he stares at you.
You can barely register what he says before the light bursts from your eyes and surrounds you. You see Oswin flinch from the brightness as you feel a sudden warm sensation in all your limbs. And then, it's over. You look around, and nothing seems unusual...except...now you feel shorter. Why am I shorter? And your clothes...are on the ground. Why am I naked!?
Oswin looks down at you, mouth agape.
You make to speak, but it comes out as a yip. Oh...oooooh.
Duri rushes through the brush behind you. "What was that? I felt..." They spot you.
As you meet Duri's eyes you feel a flood or warmth - a connection - and your heart pulls in excitement. Whatever feelings you had for Duri before are amplified and a whine leaves your throat without your realization.
Duri cups a hand over their mouth and looks from you to Oswin and then back. "They're so cute..."
You growl.
Oswin kneels. "I don't know what to say..."
You watch him closely and notice he's smiling. He's giving you the same look he gets when he sees puppies and seems to be resisting reaching out to pat you. I think he likes this...
Gently, Duri turns your attention back to them. "I had a feeling you had secrets, lambchop, but nothing like this...I hope we're not related..."
You show your teeth - are you smiling or snarling - that's a gamble Duri will need to take.
"What a pretty coat too." Duri guffaws.
I wonder what I look like...
The demigod grins. "Difficult to describe, but your face is black and so are your ears, but the rest of you is a lovely mottled silver. Your eyes are the same color but much lighter than normal - they sort of glow."
You tilt your head.
"And, yes, I can hear you...in a way."
Oswin scoots into your line of sight. "Would you...would you permit me to pat your head? Please?"
Your tail wags.
Oswin gently rubs your head and ears - it feels spectacular. Duri joins in and scritches your chin. No wonder wolves and dogs scramble for this.
Humming in thought, Duri looks you over. "I wonder why you are normal wolf size...maybe you'll grow into it - I was really small when I started. You should get as big as me and we can terrorize the forest together...scare the shit out of the locals." A wicked grin plasters across their face.
Oswin is cupping your furry cheeks, smiling as he gazes at you. "This is wonderful, but I do hope you know how to change back..."
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Can you please do Jack’s listener with a pet snake ( my buddy OC has one named Pringle)🙏🏼🥰
His name is Pringle.
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Loves the lil guy, if Pringle wants too Jack has the snake on him most of the time when he visits ur dorm.
Silly shenanigans when those two are together bc Jack is watching a yt vid w Pringle on his head.
Want a snack at a convenient store? We're bringing Pringle and taking pictures.
Lots of picters of you and Pringle in his phone. Its so silly bc he'll post one and it's Pringle wearing a cape that's the American flag.
When he can he tries to learn Pringle's diet. Incase you run out of mice you feed him or any other things you added to his diet.
I can see him also looking up things about Pringle's species of snake. So if you do need him to snakesit he can!
100% buys silly things he thinks Pringle would like in his terrain. Yes he needs a little beach ball! It'll make him feel like he's at the beach!
Ngl does get creeped out when seeing Pringle eat. But you both watch over him while he's eating just incase he doesn't latch onto the snake.
Starts watching snake documentaries bc of how fascinating they are.
Even tho he gets creeped out by the way snakes eat he still tries to help pay for some food Pringle needs.
Calls him a noodle as a nickname bc Pringle flops like one and it's silly.
Would love to know why you named him Pringle. If there'd a story or not he loves the name.
Ngl makes him want to have a snake but he knows better bc he literally can't jeep a plant alone to save himself.
Loves holding Pringle if he's a loved by you and Pringle.
Of his shirt has a pocket he puts Pringle in there while you two walk around chatting.
If Pringle ever hisses at him he says "ooo how ferocious!" Cooing at the snake that's trying g to be threatening to him.
In all I think Jack would be really chill with his partner having a snake.
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ninnosaurus · 3 days
Three’s a Crowd: Two vs. One
I've had this silly thing from my topside AU in my head for literal AGES now and I just had to write it out.
Contains: Brotherly shenanigans. Mikey and Raph decides to tap dance on Leo's every nerve during a car ride by blasting music Leo can't stand. (It's CupcaKke, they're blasting 'Duck Duck Goose' with the sole purpose of pissing Leo off in public). Bayverse.
Warnings: Vulgar language, but it's literally just song lyrics
Leo laid half on his couch, half off it, his iPad resting on its stand on his plastron. He'd been watching the same livestream for about two hours. Not moving from his place. He was bored. Out. Of. His. Mind.
He'd already done the chores. Laundry was folded and put away. He'd scrolled his forums. Checked the auction sites. Nothing.
Groaning he picked his iPad up, got off the couch and trudged to the kitchen where he heard the familiar tune of a FaceTime call coming in. Touching accept he put the pad on the counter next to the fridge.
"Hey, Raph."
Leo smiled to himself when he heard the familiar sound of a large family in the background.
"Who are you calling?!"
"Guys, guys. Tone it down a notch, yea?"
Raph grunted as he was attacked and his arms pulled down.
Leo chuckled to himself, leaning back and watching Raphael get tugged at. Two faces came into view before his brother managed to yank himself loose. "HI UNCLE LEE!"
"Offsprings. Go harrass your mom instead." He shook his head as his face came back into view. "Tanner and Harls says hey."
The oldest popped a grape into his mouth. "I noticed. What's up?"
"Me and Mike are going grocery shopping, ya in?"
He chewed slowly, contemplating the offer. It's better than sitting at home, but he's also probably going to get shit he don't need.
" 'kay, I'm in. Pick me up in 20?"
"Hey, boys!"
Their oldest brothers slapped them both on their shoulders as he climbed into the backseat. They chat about anything and everything for a while, until Mikey pipes up as he notice how they get closer to the city.
"Oh, yeah? Ya hear that, Fearless? Mikey has a new sound system."
"Sooo... I got a hold of Don the other week and we put a new sound system in my car."
The turtle next to him picked up on the tone of his brother's voice, catching on right away.
Dread. Fear.
"No!" Grabbing ahold of Raph's back rest he pulls himself forward. "Don't."
At a red light, Mikey pulls his phone up. "Let's try it out!"
All it takes for Leo to want to die is to hear the first sound of the song, before long he's trapped in a car with two brothers singing along to the song.
"Mikey, please turn it off!"
I thought I came but I peed on the dick
Pubic hair got inches, that's weave on the dick
Pussy like a tree, it got leaves on the shit
"Turn it UP? Yeah I can turn it up!" He cackles as he cranks the volume up even more. The bass making the sides of the car vibrate.
"WHAT? NO! Ughh..." Leo rubs his face with his hands before putting them over his ears. He fuckin' hates this music...
"My cakes got fatter by usin' cum as the batter!"
My nudes in your phone, takin' up your data
My cakes got fatter by usin' cum as the batter
Raph nudged Mikey on the arm. "Man, it's WARM out today!"
The voice of Raphael brings Leo back to the now. "No! Absolutely not! Don't you fucking dare do what I think you're about to, Raph!" He looks on in fear as another red light is coming closer and closer, fearing what is about to go down.
"You're right, bro. It IS warm out today. I'll lower the windows for us!"
I only call you Captain, 'cause your dick is off the hook
I can make your dick stand up (are you ready?)
Like Statue of Liberty once we fuck (so hard)
"MICHELANGELO! I am BEGGING YOU! Turn. It. Off or I'm disowning your ugly ass!"
His brother just laughed as he continued to sing along, albeit being way too into it.
"Cut the dick off, took it home with me, 'cause any dick that long, it belong with me"
Just in time for them to stop at a red light. All of the car's windows are down. It was enough for them all to already be famous for being the savior of human kind, and for allowing other mutants to walk the streets.
"This pussy iconic, yeah it moan with me, put your finger in the hole, come bowl with me."
Turn double-dutch with yo' balls while I'm jumpin' on your dick
Tell your grandma sew my pussy, since you split open my clit
Coochie guaranteed to put you to sleep so damn soon
Ridin' on that dick, I'm readin' Goodnight Moon
Ugh... I'm not looking forward to seeing this on Twitter later.
Some girls next to him laughed as he saw them pull up a phone, obviously filming how the youngest was grinding his hips in tune with the song. With Raphael laughing so hard he was having a hard time breathing. Meanwhile, Leo was trying, but failing, to hide from everything.
The brief thought of faking his own death and moving back into the sewers crossed his mind.
Taglist: @redsrooftopprincess, @the-cauldron-witch, I have to tag @thelaundrybitch too because Leo is s u f f e r i n g and needs a hug.
Lemme know if you want on iiiit!
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cannibalovers · 6 months
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"Hannibal, stop stabbing ppl for buying me drinks."
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thekittyokat · 27 days
Hi! Please please please, could you tell me more about your coffin chain ideas?/nf
I am obsessed but barely anybody has jumped onto the ship yet and I am VERY new to the fandom so I wanna wait with making it myself until I know more lol. You are lowkey fueling this entire operations and I wanna thank you for that either way.
(rubs my paws together) you have no idea what you've unleashed anon i've been holding onto this ask specifically bc i've been sapping dopamine from it like a little leech waiting until i had time to hastily doodle up a little dynamics timeline for different stages of the ot4
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i REALLY hope this makes sense . i feel the need to say this every time i post abt coffinchain but my ideas are rly specific and i've had time for them to infect my brain like mold so i'm defo ready to accept this all being rly niche and really just for me and like 3 other people
buuut if this little peek into my mind speaks to ANY of y'all i absolutely encourage implore and beg you to send me asks and ideas and whatnot about these 4 bastards literally whenever you want!!
TL;DR one half of the trauma bonded couple reaches out and forms an immediate kinship with the big scary guy that no one likes & convinces his petty boyfriend to let him fw them. then he starts bringing his deranged fbi otter around they start double-dating only for it to become a situationship and then the worst polycule ever
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static-radio-ao3 · 3 months
@jegulus-microfic // june 23 // prompt: brain // words: 823 // part 1 + part 2
"You have to get up," Regulus says. He tugs at James’ arm, trying to get him into an upright position. Standing isn’t quite possible, the low roof of the cave forcing them to keep close to the ground. It smells damp and musty, the way the earth tends to after rain.
James’ response is a petulant, "No."
"That was not a question." Regulus can’t help but roll his eyes. He tugs at James again and either Regulus is stronger than he thought or James is weaker, but this time, he goes.
With his back resting against the interior wall of the cave, he can look at Regulus properly.
"Well, can you phrase it as one?" He asks, head tilted to the side in consideration.
“James, as your prince, I command you to—”
“No, I will slow you down any more than I already have.”
“You cannot defy a direct order, your knightly duties—”
“Fuck my knightly duties. My knightly duties bind me to the crown. I don’t see a crown here.” James gestures vaguely at the cave, eyes wandering around the small space before settling on Regulus again. “I only see you.”
Regulus crosses his arms in front of his chest, unconvinced. “For all intents and purposes, I am the crown.”
The words settle heavily in James’ stomach, he almost feels sick with it. He can tell that Regulus means it. Believes it.
“Regulus... You are so much more than that...” And James wants to elaborate, but the words catch in his throat. He isn’t sure he has the words to describe it. The way Regulus can command a room as soon as he enters it. The way he outshines all the stars in the night sky. The way he cares.
The queen had called his a bleeding heart and James thinks he would throw himself on top of his sword to protect it.
James wants to say all this and more, but he says nothing. He thinks Regulus might be able to see it in his eyes because he doesn't respond.
He merely shifts so he can settle himself on James’ things and grabs a fistful of James' tunic, tattered and torn as it is. He is careful to avoid the wound on James’ side.
Regulus' eyes have already fluttered shut but James doesn’t dare to breathe, doesn’t dare to disrupt this moment. He wants to memorize it, just in case. Memorize the feel of Regulus on his lap, the warmth of his body and the smattering of moles on his face. Track the constellations they make up.
His dark lashes cast shadows on his cheekbones. James always found them so regal. He reaches out to touch, a finger tracing the faint scar there, right under his eye. The skin is grimy.
Regulus huff, impatient, before towing James in even further. James has not choice but to close his eyes, too.
He presses his lips against Regulus', soft and plush. After a heartbeat, maybe two, Regulus' lips part under his own and really, James can't quite string together a coherent thought.
There is only Regulus Regulus Regulus where his brain should be, static between his ears. His hands find their way into Regulus' hair. It is indeed as soft and silky has had imagined. He tugs on it, just because, just to make sure this is real. The sound Regulus makes in response has the corners of his mouth tug up into a smile.
“Shut up,” Regulus grounds out, but the words lose some of their impact because they are essentially spoken into James’ mouth.
“Didn’t say anything,” James murmurs in response. He pulls back, just the slightest bit. A blush sits high on Regulus’ cheeks, the tips of his ears that lovely shade of red that James always misses as soon as it’s gone.
“Either kiss me again or get up. We need to leave soon if we want to get to the clearing before sundown.”
“I’m not leaving.”
“And I am not leaving you.”
“I’ll only slow you down.”
“If you think I would leave you in this cave to die—” But Regulus can’t seem to finish his sentence. He screws his eyes shut, expression pained, and James wishes he could go back to a few moments ago, when Regulus’ eyes had fluttered shut so sweetly. When he opens them again, they are determined, the grey as unyielding as iron. “If you die, I will kill you myself.”
And perhaps James is selfish, but he thinks that would be his preferred way to go.
He sighs, defeated, because he knows there is no convincing Regulus once he’s made up his mind. “I suppose I should fulfill my knightly duties…” James says.
Regulus hums, a soft thing, low in his throat. “I suppose so. And I think your knightly duties now also involve kissing me, so you really want to be thorough.”
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chemical-tlas · 3 months
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I don't think I'll ever finish it, so I might as well just post it :pp
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forget-me-maybe · 4 months
Rolan HC (Dad-Rolan)
He spoils his baby.
Here's a drabble:
“Help Daddy” baby Marika said and pulled at the leg of his trousers. “Up!” 
Rolan was sitting by his desk in his office, trying to figure out the last details of a spell he had been working on for a while. Well, technically it was an improvement of an already existing spell and he just needed to get one more equation out of the way.
But that didn’t matter. If Marika wanted up, she would get up. Faye had made plenty of remarks about him spoiling Marika. So be it. He grabbed her and placed her on his lap. 
“Help Daddy work” she said and grabbed onto the quill he was holding. 
He distracted her for a moment with a tickle while he replaced his own notes with blank pieces of paper. She squirmed on his lap and giggled. 
“Alright then, what kind of spell are we making?” Rolan said when the giggles died down. 
“Green!” Marika said, which was her current favourite colour. 
“Green” he mused and tapped the paper in front of them. “Are you writing this down?” 
Since three year olds can't write, Marika made a scribbly line and a circle. 
“Very good” Rolan continued. Marika's face lit up. His heart fluttered. “What more should the spell do?” 
Marika's brows furrowed and looked like she was thinking very, very hard. Rolan didn’t have to think very hard about what would follow. 
“Sparkles” Marika said when she had thought for a while. 
“Ah, sparkles, a fine choice” he said and tapped the paper again. Marika made another scribbly line and a triangle. 
When Marika was satisfied with her ‘notes’ she looked up at him expectantly. He did a simple prestidigitation and conjured a shower of green sparks. The child let out a squeal of delight and clapped her hands. It was probably the tenth time he had conjured the same thing for her in less than three days, it didn’t matter. When Marika's eyes lit up, mesmerised by the sparkles, it was the only thing that mattered in the whole world. He pulled her close to his chest. 
“Daddy best” Marika said. 
“I love you” he said and placed a kiss on top of her head. 
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localravenclaw · 1 year
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screenshots by @dingdongdick ♡
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