#This is how antikins sound.
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starscatteredsky · 1 year ago
tips for dragons
pt: tips for dragons
start a hoard! it can be anything! shiny things, china tea cups, cozy scarves, scented candles, cool feathers, or anything that your dragontype feels connected to hoarding!
Make/buy horns, a tail, wings, etc!
paint your nails or get them done like claws!
make scale-mail out of pop can tabs! you can make gloves and such, colour them the colour of your scales, and wear them to feel protected!
vampire fang moulds can make great dragon fangs!
make yourself a lair! this could be some kind of blanket and pillowfort, or some cool creation of large sticks and little rock openings if you live somewhere allowing!!
draw your dragon form, and put the pictures up around your lair!
watch or read comforting films/books! our go-tos are HTTYD, WoF, and Eragon!
use tattoo pens or body paint to make shimmery scales!
do makeup that makes you feel connected to your dragonself!! things like faint scale patterns, bright colours, or sharp contouring can help!!
practice some vocals!! be very careful with them, as many draconic style vocals can be painful on a human throat. look up "safe screaming tutorials" to learn how to false chord or fry chord scream, and that can sound a lot like low dragon roars/growls! take your time though, and be safe!
wear colours and style your dragonself would have liked, or that are the colour/pattern of your scales!
good luck and have fun dragon friends!!
Requests open!!!
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[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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therianconfessionsblog · 1 month ago
not wanting terms and definitions to change doesnt mean youre catering to antikin. some of us just want labels to actually mean something because the average wolf therian and the average dragonkin have less in common than the average wolf therian and wolfhearted person, despite the latter being from different communities and the former both being under the therian label according to some.
some of us have been using the same labels and definitions for years, many since we awakened. theyve affected the course of our personal journeys and how we see our nonhumanity, and now we have to change that or were ableist and exclusionist? im not trying to sound like some old dog that cant get with the times and is stuck in their ways, im not saying anyone with these views should be allowed to be an asshole and hide behind the old definitions, but some of you genuinely have no empathy for those whose entire understanding of their community and identity is being uprooted to save the feelings of and cater to those who, to us, seem to just want to use labels that havent applied to them in years, if ever.
if you automatically think someone being in opposition to terms being changed means theyre a community traitor and refuse to even consider that they might have their own reasons for that stance, then you dont actually care about inclusion and acceptance and community cohesion. a lot of you genuinely read like your opinions on a lot of community issues and drama whittles down to if youre the most progressive in the room. some of you have been outright hypocrites, saying tiktok therians cant change labels and definitions to include those who identify with instead of as, and then telling tumblr therians they have to change definitions to include identities that have had their own labels for years now.
but its ok because youre the ones changing the definitions, right? because everyone whos changing the definitions in ways you dont like, as well as everyone whos wanting the definitions to stay the same, are all just catering to haters/nonkin/antikin, right?
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mechanical-sunchild · 2 years ago
Actually, I'd like to express my experiences as an alterhuman who was previously antikin. I'd also like to hear from others like this, as I'm sure I'm not alone.
Now, I've known I was a werewolf since I was <8 and an android since I was <13 (or thereabouts). I was not online at these times. So they were just things I felt to be true and kept within myself, except amongst others who were acceptably 'weird' enough to allow me to be 'weird' too.
Even so, I felt they thought I was messing around and not being serious, but to me, expressing that I was a werewolf (this was stronger than the android feelings for a long while) was just telling the truth and it felt good to get it out. It was a similar feeling to what would later happen when I came out as trans. It was about truth of the self.
At this time I also latched deeply onto a lot of fictional characters (none of these would turn out to be kintypes, btw) in a way that may be described as constellic or fictionflickers or otherhearted or some combination of all of these.
Then I did get online. But still I had no idea what 'otherkin' was. Then I got onto Tumblr and I learnt about otherkin, but as it turned out, in the worst way. I learnt because of a blog dedicated to posting 'otherkin cringe'. It showcased only the wildest stuff, the horror stories of the most inappropriate behaviours and logical dissections of why otherkin was bad and why it wasn't what they said it was.
You know the arguments. The point was, as my first exposure, they all sounded really logical and so I believed them. There seemed no shortage of 'bad and cringe' things being done and said by otherkin. At one point I was even convinced that 'otherkin = bad but therians are okay' because of the more spiritual aspect I thought therianthropy had. It made sense at the time. The point is, I became very vehemently antikin.
Not 'go out of my way to harrass otherkin' antikin, but 'long posts and rants on why nobody can be/should be kin' antikin for sure. Very cringe.
All the while I convinced myself that my feelings of being a werewolf and android were different to what otherkin were going through. I didn't bother to try and learn more, because I disagreed with the spiritual and metaphysical aspects I'd already heard and was too bogged down by the ideology against otherkin I'd already absorbed.
And because I had so many flickers and took on briefly so many fictional identities I imposed those feelings on everyone's kintypes. I believed obvious trolls. I believed otherkin were transphobic in their own dysphoria claims. I believed that mentally well people couldn't possibly have such beliefs. etc etc. They had me hook, line and sinker.
Then I met someone who I thought was cool, and they were otherkin, and I got talking to them and I realised how sincere their identity was and how much joy it brought to them to be able to be truly themselves. It reminded me of myself. I opened up about my own feelings and they were taken seriously, fully seriously, for once.
This was the start of a wonderful journey of piecing myself together. Some of them were old pieces that needed to be fully explored and some were newly awakened as time went on. I let myself explore my beliefs and feelings.
Now I realise that yeah, I'm likely what/who I am because of being ND but also I'm happy to state that I do believe that the essence of myself is eternally revolving, the me here is connected to many versions of myself in a non-linear fashion from many universes. So I am, will be, and have been all the things I am. I don't need these things to have evidence of being true because it's harmless for me to believe them.
Antikin still exist and we also have KFFers and it's in the same ballpark. Many will be people who just haven't had a good introduction to alterhumanism. Maybe they're alterhuman themselves, maybe not. I'm not saying give them any time and energy off your own back and waste your time on those who just don't want to hear. I'm just saying that if it feels like somebody is asking a question, even an obvious one, in good faith - your answer could be the start of some serious questioning on their part. I know it was for me.
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raptorrealm · 14 days ago
Of course! I wanted to comment but answers are kinda long so this was easier. I appreciate the questions and have to thank you for being so open! :)
I get that Choicekin can be misunderstood a lot as "disrespectful" by trying to "Steal labels" but as for me, I don't see the point in arguing about labels if we all have the same goal of being accepted by our community.
BTW, my main Kintypes are a Velociraptor, Indoraptor, and Night Fury! :)
What made you choose to become your kintype? Did you feel any differently after becoming as such?
For me, it was a sort of childhood thing. As cliche as it sounds, I grew up with the Jurassic Park/World franchise so it then became a “monkey see, monkey do”. Then, I started getting hyperfixations. Finally, I started getting shifts and phantom feelings with tails, teeth, feathers, ears, etc. Now, I’m a beginner Quadrobist and I’m starting to make masks for my Kin Types.
Do you still feel according to your "original" identity outside of your kintype, or is there no dissonance between the two at all?
Sort of. It depends. Usually, I find the more time I spend working on masks or doing Quads outside, the more I feel connected with my main Kintype (Raptor)
Do you experience things such as species/identity dissonance or phantom limbs?
Y e s. All the time. I don’t get as many phantom shifts with my Raptor Kintype. Most of my shifts are my Night Fury Kintype. Usually ear or teeth shifts but I also get phantom shifts with my paws.
Do you experience memories from your kintype? If so, when did they appear? How do they feel to you?
Not really. My otherkinity/Choicekinity is always psychological, not spiritual. I’m a Christian so I firmly believe in one God and that after death, we either go to Heaven or Hell. So I don’t believe that I lived a past life or will be reincarnated.
Do you experience any negative effects such as 'kin trauma and dysphoria?
Trauma, no. Dysphoria, absolutely. Again, the dysphoria is more common with my Night Fury kintype (Probably because Night Furies have never existed, whereas Raptors did but went extinct)
How do you consider yourself different from groups such as otherhearted, 'linkers, and KFFs?
I’m still doing research but I’ve heard a lot of KFFs are very Antikin. This doesn’t speak for everyone though. I’ve also heard that the term KFF is “harmful misappropriation” for the community. Personally, I see no reason as to why it’s harmful if you’re just trying to connect to your kintype, but that’s just me. Otherkin, otherhearted, linkers, KFFs, Choicekin, it all falls under the Alterhuman term so it just seems like a waste of time to fight about it and it doesn’t really benefit anyone 🤷
If there are any choicekin/chosen otherkin out there, would love to ask some questions about your experiences! I'm past life otherkin/fictionkin and trying to be more open about learning other perspectives. Please respond if you consider your kintype (aka: "I am"/identity) to be intentionally chosen!
1. What made you choose to become your kintype? Did you feel any differently after becoming as such?
2. Do you still feel according to your "original" identity outside of your kintype, or is there no dissonance between the two at all?
3. Do you experience things such as species/identity dissonance or phantom limbs?
4. Do you experience memories from your kintype? If so, when did they appear? How do they feel to you?
5. Do you experience any negative effects such as 'kin trauma and dysphoria?
6. How do you consider yourself different from groups such as otherhearted, 'linkers, and KFFs?
Please respond if able! I'm very curious as to the answers.
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a-dragons-journal · 3 years ago
any suggestions/advice for someone who has always been anti-fictionkin, but who is now questioning being fictionkind? it's confusing and stressful and i keep getting angry at myself for even considering being fictionkin.
Alright, this one's a doozy, sorry for the delay on it - I wanted to make sure I had the time and energy to sit down and give this the depth of response it deserves.
First off: You are most definitely not alone. You'd be shocked how many fictionkin - and otherkin, for that matter! - I know who went from being antikin or anti-fictionkin to realizing they were 'kin/fictionkin. I can almost guarantee some of them will reply to this post sooner or later (and I encourage them to).
Second: The best thing you can do for yourself overall, I think, is to take it slow and be gentle with yourself. You are allowed to set it aside when you start wrapping yourself up into too tight of an emotional ball. It's going to be stressful no matter how this goes, but you're allowed to take it in as small of chunks as you need to to minimize that stress while figuring this out. Questioning a strong belief you've held for a long time is hard and it is stressful - the brain doesn't like rewiring pathways like that, and it will likely get panicky and may try to confirmation-bias you out of it. Questioning your identity itself is also extremely hard and stressful for a lot of people. It is only natural to be freaked out by all this. Pause, take three deep breaths (count 'em), and take it one step at a time.
Third: Regarding specifically questioning whether your stance on something is actually correct or not, the best tool in your toolbox is the word "why". Apply it liberally. You've been anti-fictionkin for a long time: why is that? What are your reasons for thinking fictionkin is [fake/stupid/misguided/etc.]? Write them down, it'll probably make it easier to keep track of your thoughts. Then take each of those bullet points, those arguments, and ask again: Why do I think this? What's my logic? What's my evidence?
Eventually you will hit a point where the "why do I think this" question no longer makes sense - that's called a base assumption, and it's what your current logic is based on, and thus is what really needs to be evaluated to see if that logic is sound or flawed.
For example: Let's say one of your reasons for being anti-fictionkin is "It's not possible to be something that's a creation from someone else's brain."
Well, why do you think that?
Your answer might be, "It's not real, and didn't exist even in imagination until that person wrote about it, so you can't have been that thing until that person wrote about it."
Now, you could ask "why do I think that?" again, but at that point it seems kind of to not make much sense and I would call this a base assumption, so I would re-direct the questioning in a different way. There are two ways to challenge this base assumption that I see: First, is it true that you can't have been that thing until the person wrote about it?, and second, if we prove that that is true, does that make the identity less real once it's there?
Now you go reading and researching. As someone who runs an antikin response blog, chances are that whatever arguments you have against fictionkin, they have been stated and refuted a hundred times before - which is great for you, because it means if you can find those old archived conversations, they might answer your concerns adequately and you might not have to start a new one!
In this case, for the sake of our example exercise, I'll tell you the answers I would give to these two questions that, in my opinion, pretty solidly demonstrate that the base assumption is flawed:
The short answer to the first question is that no, it's not true, my evidence being that you can find essays and other evidence of people who had the experiences linked to their fictionkinity long before they came across their source media - and in some cases, long before their source media even existed. (Example evidence here, here, and here.) (The longer answer includes some philosophizing about how really, species and character labels are often just a way of getting across "this is similar enough to what I experience that it's a convenient label to convey it to others with," especially in the case of fictionkin, and thus it makes complete sense that in the vastness of several billion people who've lived on this earth one person's experiences and another person's imagination have an awful lot of coincidental similarities even if they probably don't line up perfectly, purely through Monkeys With Typewriters theory.)
The answer to the second question is a bit more philosophical, but my argument would be this: in my opinion, even if someone didn't have a fictotype before exposure to their source media, that doesn't change that their experiences are happening and having a significant impact on them. Kintypes coming about later in life, for various reasons both spiritual and psychological, have been accepted for a long time in the otherkin community. Whether someone is otherkin has little if anything to do with how their identity came about*, and the same should logically apply to fictionkin - someone's identity is based on their experiences, and the source of those experiences is (or at least should be) secondary.
*Arguable exception for identities that were consciously, intentionally formed, ie 'links; I'm not gonna get into that here, that's a whole other discussion.
Now, once you have those arguments presented to you, either via your own internal logic or by someone else through conversation, you get to evaluate them and decide whether they make sense and are internally consistent (ie, if their arguments contradict themselves, either you've misunderstood something, or their argument is badly flawed). And, if you decide the argument is flawed, to ask yourself why that is. What logic enables you to break down their argument and refute it? What parts of their argument make sense and are solid, if any?
If this seems a bit cyclical, it's because it is. The idea is to break every argument, for and against, down to its basic building blocks, and then look at those building blocks to make sure they're actually sound. If one of your base assumptions is false or flawed, the argument/opinion based on it is inherently flawed as well.
This whole process is hard and intimidating work, especially if you haven't practiced it before. But it's necessary, and to me at least it's rewarding when you get the hang of it. There's a reason I run an antikin response blog - I genuinely enjoy this process; I enjoy ripping debates apart to examine them piece by piece and see what makes sense and what doesn't. It's mental enrichment for me, and it can be for you too. It feels good to look at your stances on things and know that you have put effort into making sure they're as logically sound, factually correct, and morally correct as possible with the information you currently have. It's also a never-ending process - you should always be ready to re-examine your opinions on things in light of new information, should new information arise. (People also don't always like it when you tell them you're not gonna open your fat mouth until you've examined all the information thoroughly and have sorted out your opinion, because the internet wants your opinion now, but oh well. They usually (usually) appreciate it after the fact, when you've come back with a well-informed opinion instead of a half-baked and reactionary one.)
That's how things are supposed to work, anyway, but confirmation bias is a powerful force. I'm proud of you for standing up to it and trying to re-examine stuff in your own brain - that takes grit. We are allergic to admitting we're wrong in today's society, and it's genuinely a massive problem - we're getting more and more reactionary and polarized because of it, because we're so used to being shamed for admitting we were wrong that instead it's often easier to double down. Props to you for not going the easy way and just doubling down.
As one last thing, a list of resources for you regarding fictionkin and some of the common anti-fictionkin arguments I've seen and had a hand in refuting (not including the ones I linked up there):
A more in-depth explanation of fictionkinity from @/shadowfae
A more general guide on questioning a kintype, also from@/shadowfae
A thread of someone asking questions and fictionkin answering
“Isn’t being fictionkin disrespecting the creator?”, from @/anti-kin-cringe
On fictionkin and how there’s no real “line” between fantasy/mythological creatures like dragons (hi) and fictional characters/creatures, also from @/anti-kin-cringe
On the history of fictionkin, from@/liongoatsnake
houseofchimeras dot weebly dot com, which I can't link directly because Tumblr is stupid about external links, but I recommend their entire website and the websites linked in their Bookmarks page, though you'll have to do a bit of sifting to find stuff that's specifically relevant to you of course
Finally, my "fictionkin" tag on a-dragons-explanations (the aforementioned antikin response blog I run) for your perusal, which contains every discussion about fictionkin I've had on that blog.
...Phew. Hopefully that wasn't too much alphabet soup for ya ^^;
As a PS - if you want to chat with someone about all this, I'm more than happy to either simply provide answers to any questions you have, or to actively grill you and challenge your arguments for you (to your comfort level, of course) as someone who has a good deal of practice doing that. I'm available in DMs or on Discord (Discord would be preferable, since it's a bit more functional than Tumblr DMs) if you want either of those things - no judgement here.
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dangan-whump-a · 4 years ago
🔹🐾intro post🐾🔹
hey everyone. my name is maze. i use its/itself pronouns. i’m a whump writer.
i made this blog because, if you can’t find that specific thing, make it yourself. that’s what i’m doing.
this may be a hot take but there is like- virtually no danganronpa whump that doesn’t involve nagito or kokichi, which doesn’t bother me, but i do need some more dr content. i decided that i’ll just do it myself. it’s a pain checking the ao3 tags every single day to look for something new.
anywho, my favorite tropes are:
emotional whump. it’s one of the only ways i feel comfortable dealing with my emotions. once, after a particularly bad mental breakdown, i made shuichi go through the same thing and it was one of my best works yet. it’s very effective, and nice to read.
pet whump. gotta love it. so many possibilities. how are the pets treated? are they marveled at, like a collectors item? put on a pedestal to be praised at parties? are they treated like household pets? the family dog for a boy who’s allergic to fur? or do they exist solely for stress relief, a punching bag that writhes and sobs? a cowering mess to watch scamper into the corner as soon as you walk in? i fuckin love pet whump, okay?
deconditioning. often the seasoning for pet whump. caregivers holding whumpee down as they cry and plead not to be hurt again. whumpees hiding under beds and the like. flinching at every sound because they’re used to a dark, quiet basement. whumpee offering themselves up to caregiver. seeing caregivers take off their belt and kneeling automatically, even though caregiver was just changing into comfy clothes. under appreciated.
nightmares. so, so possible in a killing game. jolting awake in the middle of the night. thrashing off all of your covers, shivering from both cold and fear. caregivers holding whumpee, little reassurances of it’s not real, baby. i’m right here. gently padding down the hall, knocking on caregivers door. i-i had a- *sob*
sickfics. everything about them. though, i do favor the comforting elements. cleaning whumpee up, comforting them through delirium, running fingers through their hair as they cry and spill their stomachs’ contents. classic. an absolute classic.
want me to write you something? send me an ask!
however, i will not write...
kokichi. seeing him whumped is a big discomfort for me, due to personal reasons. i apologize if i had your hopes up.
the warriors of hope: whumping young children makes me very uncomfortable. especially with their backstories, it doesn’t feel right to me.
haji: just...no. i will only have him slightly mentioned, if that.
unsafe for work containing minors: including the warriors of hope, komaru, and others. i will write it with canon adults if asked, though.
any unsafe for work containing animals: i...quite honestly don’t know why someone would ask for this, but this does include monokuma, and every monobear-like-species. (including the monokubs, shirokuma, etc.)
certain k/inks: the aforementioned two, anything scat related, vore. none else that come up right off the bat, but if i’m uncomfortable with something not mentioned i’ll let you know and we can accommodate.
anything else? fair game!
however, i only write danganronpa. i am currently hyperfixated to the series, and currently trying to write anything else is virtually impossible. apologies!
anything /\/\ 0 /\/\ 0 related on your blog. it is a huge trigger for me. (/\/\ is an m, btw. i feel uncomfortable even typing the word.)
and by dni i mean DO NOT INTERACT. don’t reblog my stuff, don’t complain about me, just block me and pretend i don’t exist.
everyone else is welcome! just remember, sometimes i will post sensitive content. everything will be tagged with potentially triggering material, warnings will be at the beginning of my works, and if you’re a follower of mine with a very specific trigger, please, please let me know! i will make sure to put warnings for it in the future.
thank you! get ready for the dangan-whump!
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sanguinarius-archive · 6 years ago
kiwi stimmy hcs bc i self project
if ur antikin idc but im kiwi kin and i need to self project onto him with stims i do
kiwi hums a lot esp when hes happy or giddy
but he groans when stressed/nervous/bored
its usually hard to tell if u dont know him well
he cant control it! so sometimes when cookies are planning things out or talking he interrupts by humming really loud
kiwi also kicks his legs and bounces them lots
if he tries to stop himself he just resides back to groaning but its LOUD bc he needs to Kick Kick Kick, Bounce Bounce Bounce like his legs are burning
he flicks his wrists and flaps his hands sooo much
its prolly the quietest and least noticeable of his stims
he bites his fingers n sucks on them sometimes
which is why he wears gloves even when hes not on his bike
he also babbles a lot! like unintelligible noises that arent really hums/groans but arent words either
ie., "wawawawaaa" or "hehehehrrrrrhmm Wub wub wub" (i also do this A Lot)
he constantly does dinosaur hands/arms when hes standing around and doing nothing
HE LOVES SEQUIN THINGS... give him a sequin plush and he will love u forever
kiwi just... He Loves flicky things like lightswitches and clickers/buttons that make a click sound
instead of communicating through words in certain situations, he'll groan/babble
rollcake gets this
rollcake: "you ok there?" kiwi, trying to tell him he's frustrated from a minor inconvenience: "hhhRRRRRMMMMMMNN" rollcake: "got it" [helps him out]
when kiwi goes through like,, an overload or something he digs his hands into his hair or screws his eyes shut and clenches his teeth
he loves headgear bc it gives him a sense of Protection, and not just bc his helmet protects him while riding but it also makes him feel less vulnerable in some way (like me with wearing hoods/beanies)
going back to the very beginning of this bc i need happier fluffier stims to project onto him with
he!!! Does not know how to use words when hes happy/excited!!! so he hums and babbles and kicks his legs and hhrhrjfjr
getting self indulgent but rollcake honestly loves it to pieces bc Wow, My Boyfriend Is Happy, Oh My God
idk what else to add bc this is way longer than i expected and i dont want it to become a shippy thing so!!!!
kiwi!!! fucking!!! stims!!! ok!!!
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evyrmori · 19 days ago
hey hey.
just wanted to say a single thing, because i dont give two shits about you but like having commentary. thought it would be a great time to enlighten you.
humans accept us for how we are.
other nonhumans accept each other as how we are.
i told my closest friend recently that i was nonhuman. Her reaction? "I love you and i support you."
She then ended up also being nonhuman too, me telling her about it helped her discover more about herself.
Embracing who i am has brought me so much more joy then trying to shove it all down, away into the dark recesses of myself, like i did for years. Forcing yourself to just assimilate to humanity can be literal torture. Asking for us to conform is like begging the rain to stop falling, the winds to stop blowing, the sun to stop burning and the world to stop turning.
Her and i are so much happier being able to just BE nonhuman.
We are what we say we are. We live with ourselves, our bodies, and our choices, and just because you believe that its impossible to "be an animal" doesnt mean we have to bend to your beliefs love *wink*
thats it; they are just YOUR beliefs. What we "delude" ourselves into thinking is none of your fucking business or authority to dictate.
honestly at this point it sounds like you may have had a really bad experience with the community itself, perhaps in denial? Sorry that its so bad for you that you are a dedicated antikin account.
youll find that its so much easier to just live life instead of believing that your single, tiny scream against a cacophany of voices will make a difference. Seriously, you wont sway anyone with your hate. (not to mention you sound like you are spewing out rhetoric someone told you.)
yes. being nonhuman, being a therian, being all of this... is personal and does not involve you. You're just getting your ass blocked everywhere you little troll :3
i’ve seen a lot of drama over your stuff, and i just want to say that people are greatly overreacting and that it’s stupid how people need to blow things like this so far out of proportion. GENUINELY don’t listen to them and i doubt they could ever get it. some people are far too overly sensitive to anything considered “taboo”
BUT on the other hand, you still really shouldn’t be making the weird fucking “animal packer” things because you’re NOT an animal. you will NEVER, at any point, be an animal. “species dysphoria” ok?? i hope you learn to live with those feelings and tolerate them like other people. it isn’t all that hard to accept that you’re human and move on with it. it’s not healthy to spend your life playing pretend because you “feel like it”. your peers lie, they do not see you as an animal (they never will, at least not genuinely and wholly) and people don’t get it. it’s possible to grow up. you’re a human. you don’t need this shit
I'm just a dog though pookums, inside I'm just a dog :3
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masked-disciple · 4 years ago
I heard that kinnie was a mix of kin and the t slur to make fun of trans people who are fictionkind. Could be wrong tho?
Sort of? Not really?
It was coined sometime vaguely between 2015-2017 by an anon on only-on-tomblr. It was honestly, as far as anyone can tell, just a derogatory way to refer to any and all otherkind, but mostly fictionkind because fuck us we’re “cringey” I guess. (To which of course I say “fuck you I’ve driven a skyship and I’m gonna go to flight school sometime in the next decade just to see how different it is”.)
As far as I know, the t-slur never came into play, but then again it was an anon ask, so nobody actually knows what the intent was. Kinnie caught on fire around antikin circles, those of us who were trans and otherkind said “Hey we know we can’t change your minds and you’re going to mock us no matter what we do, but maybe can you use a term that doesn’t sound just like the t-slur?”, some otherkind thought we were overreacting, antis gave us the finger and used kinnie more, and then it caught on in wishkin spaces.
‘Kinny’ and ‘kinning’ came later, straight from wishkin who figured out it could be trendy among their friends by both dealing with their crippling lack of personalities by taking faceclaims like trading cards in a strange form of copinglinking and also aided by the rise of purity cults and anti-shipping rhetoric, thus also figuring out that if they screamed “my faceclaim / kin is literally me so hurting this character is literally hurting me and you’re my abuser!!!!!” then they could control people, and limit the content that got created.
Man, I remember when we’d say “Yeah I’m kin w/ this” as shorthand and got bitched at by some nitpickers, and I proposed “Can we say we’re kin of this, like f(x), function of X, which is pretty much the math equivalent to what we are?” and that didn’t catch on very well but man. Man I wish for the with/of argument days. It was better than this shitshow.
Tbh I don’t really see people make fun of trans people who are fictionkind in particular, usually it’s “wah we can’t have trans people they’ll identify as attack helicopters next!!!” (which is such an old and decrepit joke ugh let it die) or “oh my GOD how dare you point out that being fictionkind is like being trans they get OPPRESSED” which is like... just as annoying a take as “you HAVE to say you don’t condone that when you write it” like no shit, Sherlock, that’s a given can we move on now?
So like... It wasn’t a term aimed to be transphobic as far as anyone can tell. But that concern was raised virtually immediately, disregarded, and now everyone yells at each other over it. I admit I didn’t like the very idea of it at first because of its similarity to the t-slur, but now? It’s its own shitshow, and while I still hate it for that, I hate it for so much more now.
0 notes
kin-assistance · 7 years ago
I was suggested to ask Mod Lu what fictionkin is, and to say that their brother sent me
Yes, he told me about an hour ago. I’ll give you a basic rundown then you cam do some more research on your own.
Being fictionkin, or fictionkind as some of the older folks are moving towards, is when you identify partially or entirely as an entity from a fictional source on a nonphysical and involuntary level. Every word in there is important, so here’s what that means but longer, in case we lost a couple of details in there:
-It is not physical identification. I am not physically an Absol, regardless of what my brain tries to tell me sometimes.
-It is not a choice. You can just not be aware of it, but you do not choose to be fictionkin, and repressing it really isn’t going to help you. It’s like denying your eye colour. You can wear coloured contacts all you want, but your eye colour isn’t going to change. Neither will your fictotypes.
-You aren’t just identifying with them. If on a deep level that normal ‘#same’ feelings don’t apply any more, the words fictionhearted and synpath might be of use. You identify as these entities. They are you and you are them.
-Partially or entirely. Most people don’t always feel 100%, 24/7 like their fictotypes. There are shifts, as we call them, that can amplify those fictionkin-related emotions (kinfeels!) in certain ways, but you aren’t always going to be completely in a shift in the same way you aren’t eternally stuck to one emotion. Sometimes it’s more prevalent than other times.
-Your fictotypes are fictional. Identifying as a unicorn is not really fictionkin, unless you are a unicorn from a depicted fictional source. A general unicorn falls under theriomythic. A unicorn specifically from the film The Last Unicorn is both fictionkin and theriomythic.
--A side note on that- human fictotypes are possible, but are considered fictionkin but not otherkin. The otherkin and fictionkin communities share roots and some similarities, but they are distinctly not the same thing. Here
So that’s the definition of things. There are other subsets of being alterhuman, which is the main umbrella term for both the entire species / person identification side (therians, otherkin, fictionkin, otherhearted, copinglinkers, etc) and the multiplicity side (DID/OSDD-1 systems, endogenic systems, soulbonders, tulpamancers, etc).
Now that you know that, I’m going to bet your next question is “cool, how do I know whether that’s me and how does that even work?”
The first part can be answered in our FAQ- I have a guide up there from my personal kin blog, and one of the older mods has a different one up. Both can be found in the FAQ, probably near the end if I remember correctly. Don’t quote me on that.
The second part is a broad question, so I’ll try to cover the basics. You’ll learn more by scrolling through this blog and learn of all the other questions we answer.
The most prevalent ‘signs’ that you’re fictionkin are almost always categorized under the very vague term kinfeels. This includes homesickness, certain peculiar-seeming habits, vague and sometimes clear memories, exotrauma, phantom limbs (both normal and supernumerary), missing abilities, etc etc.
Being naturally good at something that you should not know about (i.e., knowing how to do basic ballet without ever being taught, or certain cooking tricks) is at least something to consider, though memory is a strange thing and you could just not remember learning it.
The most telltale sign is the homesickness: sitting in your room in a chair, rocking back and forth, feeling sick to your stomach because you want to go home and this is not your home, and you have a very distinct idea of what home is and this is not it. The homesickness alone is one of the more difficult to deal with- it is at least partly why most of the kin self-care blogs exist.
Missing abilities is another big one, you’ll hear about it a lot. Those of us from magical worlds will attempt active magic and get confused for a few seconds when it doesn’t do the thing. It’s as much of a habit as reaching for your keys in your pocket after you’re started using a lanyard around your neck is. I cannot count how many times I’ve tried to make my pen write things down while I have both hands on my phone just by attempting to will it to work. This is not a sign you’ll be able to miss too easily, though it’s often dismissed as simply an overactive imagination.
Phantom limbs, both normal and supernumerary, is one you’ll hear about likely the most next to the homesickness. Some may tell you that it’s ableist to amputees to call these things this, but phantom limbs is the medical term and that’s what we’re using. Do not confuse them with astral limbs, astral limbs involve the astral realm and I would talk to a practitioner about that in the same way I’d ask a spirit worker about spirits. Astral limbs are something else. Phantom limbs are well documented. You know that trick where they hide your arm and show you a fake one, ‘attaching’ it to your shoulder, and then they rub both your hand and the fake hand, then drop a hammer on the fake hand and watch you recoil?That pain is because the fake arm has become a phantom limb. Of course, that trick is done by lying to your brain. Sometimes it’s the other way around, and your brain maps out limbs that aren’t there, for... some reason, we don’t actually know why, just that it happens. A phantom weight on your back is very common, for some reason.I will remind you, however, that do not blame medical problems on your phantom limbs. If you are in pain, you can check the phantom problem after you see a doctor to make sure it isn’t something detrimental to your health. Don’t ignore your body focusing on the one your brain keeps trying to tell you that you have that you clearly don’t.
Memories and exotrauma end up going hand in hand. They only apply to some fictionkin, usually the spiritual-based ones whose experiences come from things like past lives. Exotrauma is exactly what it sounds like- trauma originating from somewhere other than your current body and life. For me, that feels like trauma having happened about thirty years ago, in a different continent. Which would be fine if I wasn’t seventeen and always lived where I am. It’s a little disputed, but I think we need to bring the term back from the void.Memories are just that. As someone who I don’t remember once put it, being fictionkin is a lot like having been five. Your vague memories from having been five are going to look a lot like fictionkin related memories. If, you get any at all. Most don’t, so don’t stress it.
Lastly, let’s talk about the community. (Then you can have some links to other resources.)
Tumblr is about the worst place to learn about this, especially considering fictionkin. If someone says they’re ‘kinning’ a new character, run. Fictionkin is not a verb, you do not choose your fictotypes. That person has no idea what they’re talking about. If you’ve been in the community for a while, feel free to correct them, but that’ll be at least a year away for you.
If they say they have kins, also run, they similarly don’t know what they’re talking about. The word is kintypes- fictotypes for fictionkin, theriotypes for therians.
If the older fictionkin and otherkin seem grumpy, it’s because they have to put up with everyone wrecking their community. Be nice to them, they deserve it.
When antikin get you an argument you don’t know how to beat, hit up who-is-page’s AOK tag and take a run through it. You will find that argument somewhere and Page will have utterly destroyed it. No, really. Page is really good to learn from solely because they make more sense than most people. Plus their blog has plenty of snakes, so if you like snakes you should follow them.
Use your block button very liberally. There are a lot of antikin thanks to trolls and the above kinning/kins people (usually known as tumblrkin or wishkin); and we’re constantly beating them out of our tags. They don’t really listen. Block them and move on if you don’t have the time or patience for arguing with them.
Above all, try to be respectful and nice to those around you. Treat others as you want to be treated, so they say.
And, some links. Pings slashed because I’m sure they don’t really want the pings.
@/fromfiction is a good blog to start. Felix knows most things about fictionkin, and I consult them for what I don’t know.
@/who-is-page, who I’ve already recommended to you. 
@/jarandhel. Check their recurring links, they have plenty of things to learn about generally being otherkin.
@/elevengrackles. An older member of the community, can help you if you’re lost.
@/shadowfae. That’s my personal kin blog, if you want to contact me more directly.
@/katt-but-spookier. A copinglinker and fictionkin person. Generally very nice, also knows about who to avoid like the plague. I’d trust Jes with my life.
I’m probably forgetting a few people. My apologies to those, it’s a little late for me.
~Mod Lu
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starscatteredsky · 1 year ago
Can I get tips on punk things to do for a voidpunk who isn't otherkin/therian? (Love your blog, love alterhumans in general, you guys are the coolest! It just gets a little bit discouraging seeing mostly kin-specific content filling the voidpunk tag, if that makes sense.)
punk ideas for voidpunks!
pt: punk ideas for voidpunks!
go to a protest about something you care about!
learn about other punk subcultures!
listen to the music!! punk music is amazing, and there are so so many cool and different sounds to it. all punk music is good punk music! no gatekeeping :D
Make a battle vest or crustpunk jeans! they don’t have to be expensive to make! all we used for our battle vest was an old thifted leather jacket (we cut the sleeves off), an old T-shirt to cut into pieces for patches, white and red paint, safety pins, and a needle and thread! (we also studded ours with piping bag tips, and want to make pop bottle pins!)
learn more about anticapitalist movements
be a nonconformist, and reject societies labels!
fight loudly for what you believe in
follow other punks! punks love sharing fun and cool tips/music/general things, and the punk community is such an amazing and welcoming one!
don’t worry about how you choose to express your punk-ness!! theres no rules in punk self expression, that’s the whole point!
hope these help, fellow voidpunk! we totally get what you mean /gen lots of us are all sorts of punk, nice to see others!! -mono
Requests open!!!
Tumblr media
[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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dirkbrained · 3 days ago
just because you personally don't feel you're a therian doesn't mean we shouldn't welcome others at the risk of "watering stuff down". being invested is absolutely not the same thing as calling yourself antikin and spouting repackaged transmedicalism.
genuinely it does NOT matter like. do what you want forever but stop trying to drag others out of communities with beings that can relate to their experiences because you personally (as a non-therian) think it's watering down therian identity. i am BAFFLED at how you don't hear how this sounds exactly like transmedicalism!! you are a hypocrite! this is exactly how transmeds talk about nonbinary people, neopronoun users, trans people without dysphoria or those who don't intend to transition .... you are LITERALLY using their arguments. you are spouting transmedicalist bullshit repackaged to be about therianthropy, something you don't experience!!! butt out i BEG you are only making yourself look hateful and uneducated. "fake therians" aren't real. people who "hate being human" and "wish they were an animal" are welcome in the 'kin community. if therianthropy is the label they feel describes their experience best, even if it isn't exactly my definition of the term, WHO ARE YOU AS A NON-THERIAN TO SAY THEY'RE WRONG??
i understand your personal experience isn't therianthropy but you cannot define that for other people. nobody is watering down therian identity because it is SO broad. it's so insanely large and covers so many different and unique experiences. i am a therian because i am a dog / horse / werewolf on all levels. some beings are therian because they're a cat mentally, or see themselves as a fish, or are FINE being seen and acting as human but are really a beetle or a spider. all of those fall under therianthropy. some beings are therian because they have species dysphoria that causes them to desire on a deep level go be viewed and treated as an animal. that's ok! they're a therian.
NOT ALL THERIANTHROPY IS THE SAME AND YOU SOUND ACTUALLY BONKERS TRYING TO FORCE US INTO BOXES. therianthropy is the denial of boxes set by humans. YOU! a HUMAN! are trying to convince us to abide by YOUR BOXES for our community. IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. your argument makes no sense.
"actually i'm (x) because i feel like (insert the same feelings that ive described myself)” i don't know how to tell you this but ur not valid either in that case. in your fucking dreams haha
i hear them (confused and misguided furries) claiming to be “therian” and it’s just “i wish i was an animal” “i hate being human” et cetera et cetera. i want to laugh in your fucking face. yeah you wish. you’re not one of them
nine times out of ten it seems bluesky/twitter "therians" aren't valid Imfao. i can't believe i'm just realising this
and i'm tired of this. you like being an animal huh? is it nice? fucking tough. so do i. we get what we get, put up with being a human and forget about it. you'll never be one of them and you know it. stop coping.
(SURE, IT IS SELF DEFINED, BUT NOT TO THAT DEGREE. YOU’RE JUST A FURRY. and if you (targeted at other platforms) blocked me because i said you don’t count as a therian? you know it already and you’re insecure.)
and if that truth too much for you to take, then you can always.. you know. →x_x
i'm done being "nice" at all about this Imfao. if you claim to be a "therian" and your description of that is just being a furry, then you're just like the rest of us. it's not hard to grasp
/this isn’t an attack at the therian community. this is an attack at the mounds of confused furries who think they belong with you
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kincringeemporium · 8 years ago
I have many comfort characters and i have a very active and maybe even childish imagination, and it kind of disgusts me to admit this but sometimes i like to think i am my comfort characters even though i know i'm not them and i feel so gross
dude. first, you yourself are not gross. it takes guts to go onto an antikin blog and admit that lol. do you have ocd, by any chance? or something similar? because those sound a lot like intrusive thoughts (jsyk, i don't have that). you should ask a therapist or a doctor about that. 
it's not wrong to have an active imagination and to act childish sometimes. nor is it wrong to have comfort characters. but it's terrible that tumblr has connected ccs and kintypes; they say it's harmless but this ask is an example of how it hurt people. 
you are absolutely not your ccs. please, please remember that. you're struggling with either an intrusive thought or a delusion -- and those things don't define you. 
it might help to stay away from rp, and to write or draw about this stuff. 
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energyswordsunday · 8 years ago
who in the fuck is (and even can be )"jewish" and kin w/ hitler i am sick. i mean im not kin myself but what in the fuck even someone whos not kin (if thats how u say it) knows kin isnt like that???!?!?!? like what in the actual heck!!!!!
im goy so i cant say anything nor am i allowed to judge whether or not they are actually jewish, i just believe that they are telling the truth and leave it at that. thus i don’t really like the scare quotes here but if you are able to question the validity you may do so.
and i know, it really is gross - i don’t know what would possess someone to say that. it really honestly sounds like a troll to me, i can’t sincerely believe that someone would do that... it really more sounds like an awful “joke” that an antikin person threw together to mock us and stir up trouble. but in the event that this person is not a troll and is sincere, it’s still just as disgusting, and either way i really do not like this person and don’t appreciate them trying to budge their way into the kin community.
you don’t get to be kin with bigots, genociders, people who have killed millions of innocent people for their awful views... even if you’re a part of the marginalized group. hitler was a real person, and did real, awful things. for anyone to even relate to him, even if you are jewish and you don’t “condone his past beliefs” makes you a disgusting person for even willingly associating yourself with him, and i’d rather you quit the internet and seek a lot of therapy instead. 
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a-dragons-explanations · 4 years ago
1. why is it bad to use kin as a verb? its a shorter variant of “i feel related to this character but not in a copinglink way because …” or is “my kintype is” a better variant?
In brief, because using it as a verb implies action and choice - “kinning” sounds like something you do, not something you are. Which wouldn’t really be a big deal, except that it confuses people new to the community and makes them misunderstand what otherkinity is. Which then perpetuates the problem, since that leads to people thinking “kinning” is basically just roleplay. (And lest this sound like a strawman, it’s something I’ve seen happen over and over and over again firsthand.)
2. how did copinglinkers,, ruin the community? as i understand copinglinkers fall under the kin umbrella so how?
Copinglinkers don’t fall under the ‘kin umbrella, no, but they also didn’t “ruin the community” and anyone claiming they did is... I don’t know, probably conflating them with “kin for fun” people because people see “voluntary identity” and think it’s automatically “less real” than the involuntary one of otherkinity? It’s an extremely hypocritical claim, in my opinion; copinglinkers did exactly what we’re asking “kin for fun” people to do - made their own terminology to avoid misusing ours.
3. and another one how did teenagers that just kin for fun ruin a 60 year old community?
Again, this goes back to the fact that it makes people misunderstand what otherkinity is. What we’ve ended up with, in a lot of spaces, is that the majority of people who’ve heard of “kin” in the first place think it’s a) a meme/joke, b) roleplay, c) comfort characters/characters you relate to and project onto, or d) some combination of the above.
And then when you have more and more people using “kinning” language to mean those things, they start drowning out actual otherkin. It becomes harder and harder to find each other and communicate clearly about our experiences - when someone says they “kin” a character, I no longer know immediately if they mean they are that character or they just like that character.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say they’ve “ruined the community,” but it is harmful and, frankly, disrespectful to walk into a small community, look at their identity terms, and then use them in a blatantly incorrect way and cry “gatekeeping” when someone tries to correct you.
There exist other words for what “kin for fun” people are experiencing and doing - roleplay, comfort characters, relating to, projecting to, etc. There aren’t other words for otherkinity. We made these words because words didn’t exist to describe our identities and experiences, and to have them taken away from us is harmful because it’s making it almost impossible to talk about our experiences clearly. While there are some people who find the otherkin community through “kin for fun” spaces, I have no doubt there are a lot of others who are struggling or not being able to find us through the misinformation.
(And then you inevitably get the steadily growing proportion of “kin for fun” people who look at actual otherkin and say “you ACTUALLY think you’re an animal? you’re crazy/delusional/etc, get away from me, you’re the ones making the community look bad” ...despite the fact that we’re the ones who originated the words they’re misusing. Which, no, I’m absolutely not claiming that “kin for fun” people are the reason antikin exist; antikin predate them by a long shot - but it makes a difference when antikin rhetoric is suddenly coming from people and spaces that look at first glance like they’re inside the community, and thus that otherkin are going into expecting to be safe from that. It’s a lot harder to avoid or brush off the hate and bullying when it’s coming from what looks to be “inside”.)
And again - I’m absolutely not claiming that “kin for fun” people are the reason antikin exist, and I haven’t actually seen anyone making that claim - if anything, “kin for fun” people are far more palatable to antikin than actual otherkin are. Even if that weren’t true, that’s a flawed argument for the same reason that “otherkin are making transgender people look bad” is a flawed argument - transphobes will find a reason to be transphobic, antikin will find a reason to be antikin. (...Because this is Tumblr: please don’t take this as me equating the two in severity or anything, for the record, I’m just making a comparison in the rhetoric.)
This has gotten long; I’m sure there are other points to be made, but they should mostly be present in my “kin as a verb” tag if you want to scroll through that at some point. Hopefully this explains some of the logic on this side of the fence, as it were?
also if someone is actually willing to explain this to me without using language shown in my last post please explain
1. why is it bad to use kin as a verb? its a shorter variant of "i feel related to this character but not in a copinglink way because ..." or is "my kintype is" a better variant?
2. how did copinglinkers,, ruin the community? as i understand copinglinkers fall under the kin umbrella so how?
3. and an another one how did teenagers that just kin for fun ruin a 60 year old community?
because i feel since this community probably went through a lot, some people using words wrongly/etc wouldnt ruin it entirely. sure therell be misinformation but like...a teenager that uses kin as a verb isnt the reason people bully otherkin, serious or not. they dont care if people do it seriously or for fun. they will make fun of it anyway. so... uh yeah please explain /gen
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starscatteredsky · 1 year ago
tips for a tiger therian?
tips for a tiger!
pt: tips for a tiger!
practice quadrobics
make/commission a therian mask
make/get gear (ears, tail, fangs, paws, etc)
get some toys to practice pouncing and hunting with!
go swimming! tigers are one of few cats who love to!
dress in either green or orange (to animals these colours look the same!! that’s how orange tigers blend into green grass!)
amber coloured eye contacts!
try some vocals! tigers have incredibly varied vocals, there are lots of different sounds to try!
try some tiger themed stripy makeup!
wear lots of stripes!! especially if they're orange!!
decorate your living space to reflect the biome or territory you remember! (tigers call many places home, so its cool to do some research and find some place that really fits you!)
make your hands into a paw shape, and stim by "unsheathing your claws"!
enjoy!! -🩸
Requests open!!!
Tumblr media
[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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