#This BETTER not be master of one or iron widow
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there's no greater betrayal than finally starting to read a book you've had sitting for months on your shelf or your desk or your nightstand and then finding out it's bad. like. i gave you a fucking home.
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authenticity2025 · 10 months ago
there's no greater betrayal than finally starting to read a book you've had sitting for months on your shelf or your desk or your nightstand and then finding out it's bad. like. i gave you a fucking home.
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year ago
to the people who follow me for my book content, these are some authors that i no longer support:
pierce brown: one of the earliest authors to share the "i stand with israel" posts. (I guess rebellions are only cool for plot points. I loved red rising but ive always found it to be a whitewashed version of the hunger games, and b4 u go "but hunger games characters r white too!!" No theyre not. Katniss was supposed to have darker skin. The movie franchise whitewashed her.)
sarah j maas: has made it clear that her grandmother was in the IDF and is proud of her israeli heritage. I liked her when i was like 14. I grew to realise just how much queerbaiting and subtle racism there is in her books.
victoria aveyard: i loved her for a very long time, red queen was the series that pulled me back into reading and she have been one of my biggest inspiration in being a writer, but she had made a statement of standing in neutrality, and she have made a tiktok of her Starbucks order while everyone is trying to boycott starbucks for their donation to israel. I hope her words and actions are only of ignorance and that she'll learn to do better soon. but until then, I've completely lost my respect for her.
- Rebecca F. Kuang: The poppy war trilogy, yellowface, Babel.
- Olivie Blake: The atlas six trilogy, One for my enemy, Alone with you in the ether, Masters of death.
- VE Schwab: A darker shade of magic series, The invisible life of Addie Larue, This savage song (monsters of verity) duology.
- Chloe Gong: These violent delights duology.
- Faridah abike iyimide: Ace of Spades.
- Leigh Bardugo: The grishaverse, Ninth house.
- Tracy Deonn: Legendborn series.
- Xiran Jay Zhao: Iron widow series.
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loominggaia · 5 months ago
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---> See the full-size artwork on Deviantart <---
(lore under cut)
Evangeline Kingdom encompasses fertile grasslands, temperate forests, and icy mountains. Its culture is largely homogenous due to the embrace of Lindism, the largest religion in the region. Both climate and religion have a strong influence on the way people dress in this kingdom, promoting modesty and practicality.
Location: Silverspring
Slaves are the backbone of Evangeline Kingdom’s economy. The entire kingdom would crumble if not for their hard, unpaid labor. The Field Slave works exclusively outdoors, tending to his master’s crops and animals. When the sun goes down, he is locked in a barn until morning to prevent his escape. He is not even allowed to set foot in his master’s house, for he is considered too filthy from all his time outdoors.
This particular Field Slave is a goblin, a species with naturally bald heads. He wears a cloth rag wrapped around his head to protect it from the sun and keep it warm in the cold. What little clothes he owns are tattered and grungy. His master agreed to buy him just one pair of shoes per year, and since they have already worn out, the Field Slave wraps leather strips around his feet until he is given new ones. He works shirtless as often as possible so that he does not wear out his shirts and coats too fast. Like all Evangelite slaves, he wears iron cuffs around his wrists, which block him from using magic. Slave masters sometimes put iron collars on their slaves as well, as an extra security measure in case they must be restrained. The fact that this Field Slave has a collar is a sign that he likely tried to run away or attack his master at some point.
Evangelite Field Slaves are cheap and expendable in the eyes of their masters. Not much money or care is given to their well-beings, and this is very apparent from the crude scraps of clothing they wear.
Location: Queenswater
Unlike the Field Slave, the House Slave works almost exclusively indoors. They are almost always female fae, who are considered less threatening and more docile than males or gaians of any sex. Male House Slaves are usually young children or elderly. House Slaves interact with their master’s family on a much more personal level than Field Slaves, so they are usually given nicer clothing to keep them looking clean and presentable. This clothing is typically dull in color and drab in style, and its quality is rarely as nice as what their masters wear.
This House Slave is wearing her hair in a braid with a cloth rag wrapped around her head, ensuring that her hair does not fall into the food she prepares for her masters. Her striped brown dress is pleasant to look at, but drab enough that she does not stand out. Her dull green overdress keeps her warm and has pockets for utility. She wears an apron over that, which keeps her clothes from getting dirty too fast and gives her something to wipe her hands on. The style of her outfit does not show much skin, with the idea that the men of the house will not be tempted with lustful feelings towards her. Even her ankles are covered by leggings. She is not permitted to wear makeup or jewelry of any kind. The only "bracelets" she wears are her iron wristcuffs, which block any spells she may try to use.
Though her living conditions are better than the Field Slaves, the indoor candlelight means she can (and does) work longer hours than they do. Her responsibilities are many, including cleaning, cooking, looking after her master’s children and pets, and even helping her masters with personal matters like dressing and grooming. She must do all of this while looking and behaving presentably at all times.
Location: Eastwalk
Her husband died, leaving her widowed with their young children. Widowed and divorced women face much difficulty in Evangeline Kingdom, for they are considered undesirable to all but the most desperate men. Worse yet, women are viewed only as homemakers and mothers in this culture, so most employers will not hire them. When they do manage to get hired, they receive less than half of a man’s wages for the same amount of work. This Widowed Peasant is a troll, who are considered the lowliest of commoners in Evangelite society, fit only for soldiering and sanitation work. With so much working against her, she could only find employment as a street-cleaner, and her clothes are a testament to her poverty.
She wears a faded red dress and a shawl that was nicer in its heyday, but is now dull and stretched-out. Her pants are tattered, but she cannot afford to replace them. She also cannot afford shoes, which are expensive anyway, but troll shoes even more so because of their much larger size. Until she saves up the money for new ones, she walks barefoot upon the littered streets she spends all day sweeping. Her hair is unwashed and in need of a trim. She wears it loose to signal that she’s seeking a man–any man–to marry.
Location: Greenhearst
Food is Evangeline Kingdom’s most profitable export, so many of its citizens own–or work for–farms. Farmers with large plots of land can make a lot of money, but those with smaller plots and worse soil quality must make do with meager profits. They work very hard for very little money, but they don’t typically need much money anyway, as their livelihood allows them to be mostly self-sufficient. They do not live luxurious lives, but between their crops and animals, they usually have enough resources to get by.
This roshavan farmer makes use of his four arms to get work done faster than most. But these extra limbs also mean his shirts are more expensive, so he does not rush out to buy a new one every time it gets a tear. Instead, his wife mends it for him and he squeezes yet another year out of it. The same principle applies to his pants, which are old, worn, and covered in patches. His boots and satchel are both made from cowhide, which he procured from his own farm. He trades this raw leather to the town’s cobblers and leatherworkers for discounts on shoes and bags. He did not spend a coin on his hat, for it was woven from straw by his crafty wife. It helps keep him shaded while he works his fields. She also cuts his hair for him, keeping it short for practicality, and he has grown a mustache to signal to other women that he is already happily married.
Wealthier citizens look down upon his patches, muddy boots, and home-crafted garb. The Farmer may not win any fashion shows, but then again, that is why he is in the field and not on the catwalk.
Location: Kelvingyard Town
The Kelvingyard Company is a slaving service that operates in Evangeline Kingdom, and is officially endorsed by the Evangelite government. Kelvingyard slavers are not considered soldiers, but it's not uncommon for the military to hire them temporarily as militias or backup forces. Because of this, the slavers can often be seen wearing modified uniforms with blue sashes or capes, signaling their affiliation with the kingdom.
Otherwise, their uniforms are mostly black and made of cheap leather. They wear iron chestplates and gauntlets to protect them from magic spells, but they avoid full suits of iron for 2 reasons: cost and agility. The Kelvingyard Company is rather stingy and will scrimp wherever they can, using the lowest quality materials to “protect” their workers. It is not necessarily a slaver's job to kill, but to capture, so they must be light on their feet to chase and wrestle their captives.
This Kelvingyard Slaver is wearing a standard-issue uniform modified with a blue cape, signaling that he's currently assigned to help the military. Kelvingyard helmets have a distinct ridge of spikes to intimidate foes, identify slavers from a distance, and it allows them to use their heads as a weapon in a pinch, since they are often grappling with captives.
Trolls are considered the lowliest commoners in Evangelite society, so it is hard for them to find employment. But Kelvingyard has notoriously low standards and will take anyone they can get, so long as they are male and willing to leave their sense of morality at home. This troll’s mustache is a sign that he's married.
Location: Rivermere
Evangeline Soldiers are the defenders of their kingdom. Their uniforms may differ slightly based on the climate they're located in, but all make generous use of iron plates and chainmail. Pure iron is preferred over alloys like steel, as iron has magic-repellent properties that protect from spells. Blue sashes and motifs make their allegiance known from a distance.
Iron is heavy, so these soldiers are not known for their speed. They are typically mounted on horses, except for dworfen troops, which ride ponies or mules instead. This dworfen soldier displays a generic armor set, fitted for his small size. Though dworfs are small and slow, they are twice as strong as humans, which makes them desirable to the military regardless.
Evangelite Soldiers spend long periods of time away from home, sometimes months or even years, which makes forming relationships difficult. This dworf has a beard as most of his kind do, but he has shaven his mustache to tell single women that he is unmarried at a glance.
Location: Oaken
Dragoneers are Evangeline Kingdom’s most elite soldiers, a fierce air force who rides flying, fire-breathing dragons into battle. This Dragoneer is dressed for the job in his unique armor, which differs from that of the standard soldier. His iron plates are thinner and fewer to keep him as lightweight as possible. His iron helmet has been replaced by a lighter leather one, accompanied by goggles and a face mask to protect his face from wind, rain, and debris as he speeds through the air. He earned his gold-plated belt buckle when he graduated from the dragoneering academy. He keeps it polished and displays it with pride, for it took many years of hard work to earn. His blue, fur lined cape shows his allegiance from a distance and keeps him warm at high altitudes.
Most dragoneers are human like this one, as their size and weight is ideal for riding war dragons, the most common mounts for air defense. However, the Evangelite military also utilizes other dragon species, such as very small ones for delivering messages and colossal ones for besieging enemy towns. Other peoples may be more ideal for handling those.
Location: Newell
The average, middle-class Evangelite man performs skilled jobs that slaves are not permitted to do, such as forestry and hunting. This man is a fur trapper, and his shaggy hairstyle is popular with those in his profession. City-dwellers may scoff at this look, but it’s considered “rugged” by his rural peers. He must work hard, as his mustache indicates that he has a wife to support. If he does not already have children, he likely will soon.
This Married Townsman is not wearing his hunting gear, but a more casual outfit that is typical for men of his demographic. His white shirt is simple and unassuming, but the slight flare in his sleeves adds a fashionable element that shows he can afford quality clothing. His leather vest is both practical and stylish, with its large pockets and sheep’s wool lining. His thick pants and rough boots are those of a typical rural working man–perhaps not the fanciest, but ones that get the job done.
The typical Evangelite Married Townsman tries to balance style and utility in the way he dresses, so that he can fit in among his peers, get his hands dirty when needed, and not embarrass his wife in public by looking poor or slovenly.
Location: Aldfog
Evangelite women display their relationship status by the way they style their hair. Covering their hair with a headscarf indicates that they’re married, wearing an updo might mean they’re dating someone or otherwise unavailable, and wearing their hair loose means they’re single and interested in marriage.
This young Unmarried Townsman is seeking a husband, as indicated by her simple yet well-groomed hair. She does not wear makeup, which is common for young, middle-class townswomen. She wears an emerald green dress with some flair in the sleeves and hem, which gives the impression that she is not poor, but not rich either. Her corset and boots are made of quality leather. Women of her demographic don’t typically adorn themselves with a lot of jewelry, and she is no exception, preferring to let her natural beauty speak for itself. She wears only a white beaded bracelet and an iron “Crowned Man” necklace, indicating that she is a Lindist.
It is rare for Unmarried Townswomen to be employed. They are typically supported by their parents until they marry, and then they are supported by their husband. However, just because they don’t work doesn’t mean they have nothing to do. Quite the contrary, these women are responsible for all the cooking, cleaning, caregiving, shopping, and planning in their households. Their outfits balance practicality and attractiveness so they can accomplish all this work while also beguiling a husband. Since they do not work, all the money they have is what their families have chosen to give them. This allowance is what they use to buy their clothes.
Location: Queenswater
Evangelite nobles are citizens who rule a territory or are directly related to someone who does. Not all nobles are rich, but the vast majority are, and they display their wealth mainly through the clothes they wear. This man is an example of what the typical Evangelite Nobleman wears day-to-day. His outfit is not at all practical, but it doesn’t have to be, as his slaves take care of all practical matters for him.
Vivid blues are expensive pigments, but that’s obviously no concern for a man of his wealth. His blue silk shirt features puffy sleeves to make him appear big and important. The ends of his sleeves are adorned with white frills, which matches his necktie. Over his shirt he wears a poncho in rich blue and gold hues, its sides held together by silver chains. His fingers are decorated with flashy jeweled rings. White leggings extend up to his knees, giving his legs a desirable shape and drawing attention to his fine beaded leather shoes.
The Nobleman’s hair is worn in a style that locals call the “uptown sleek”, as it’s very popular with upper class Evangelites. The sides are combed back and the front is shaped into an elegant swoop. He has no facial hair, meaning he is not yet married. But as a noble, his family has likely arranged a marriage partner for him already, and then he may sport a thin, subdued mustache that is common amongst this kingdom’s wealthy.
Location: Wintermoore
 Unlike lower class women, Evangelite noblewomen are not expected to cook, clean, or serve anyone, as they have slaves to do all that for them. They are not even permitted to rule territories except under very specific conditions, so they have a lot of free time to spare. They are taught that their most important job is to bear children and look their best, as if they are simply fashion accessories for their husbands. Not all noblewomen sit around and do nothing, however. Many of them have found hobbies or have involved themselves with causes that are important to them, such as volunteering for their local temples.
Even the wealthiest Evangelite women face many of the same restrictions and similar oppression to lower class women. Oftentimes looking good is all they are allowed to do, and so it is the only skill they develop. This mature Noblewoman has developed an eye for color, texture, and composition to dress herself fashionably each day. Her style is the envy of others, and it shows off her family’s great wealth to her peers at a glance, which is exactly what is expected of her.
She lives in the freezing territory of Wintermoore, so she must maintain her style while accounting for temperature, wind, and snow. She wears all purple hues–the most expensive of pigments. Her padded silk overdress is lined with fox fur for extra warmth, and the dress beneath is striped for visual interest. Her corset is made from the finest leather and dyed black for contrast. Her shoes are made of the same leather, decorated with fox fur puffballs to match her overdress. Her double-headwrap not only keeps her warm, it indicates to others that she is married at a glance. Lower classes don’t always have access to eyeglasses, so the ones on her face are a sign of her status.
Makeup is controversial when worn by lower class women, but it is practically mandatory for the upper classes. Like many wealthy Evangelite women, this Noblewoman has caked her face in white powder to make it appear lighter, giving the impression that she never spends time slaving away in the sun. Dramatic eyeshadow and blush are added to prevent her from looking sickly. She has decorated herself in large, fancy pieces of jewelry, and she has learned exactly how to pose in order to casually show them off.
Location: Blue Valley
Evangeline Kingdom enslaved all fae and gaians when it took over western Noalen, but it also forcefully assimilated the native commoner tribes as well…All but a few of the ogrish tribes, who simply proved too strong to conquer. These ogre strongholds were so well-defended, their ogrish residents so strong, and the kingdom had poured so many resources into trying to conquer them that it eventually gave up the idea altogether. Today, these ogrish strongholds are still standing all over the Blue Valley and operating independently from Evangeline Kingdom. The two forces have agreed to leave each other alone, though occasional conflicts do happen.
For this reason, the ogrish tribes still maintain their defenses and military forces. This particular Ogrish Tribesman is a warrior, identified as such by the dragon leather pauldron on his shoulder. All adult male ogres in his tribe are expected to work daily to feed their families, but they are also enrolled as soldiers by default, so they must be prepared for battle at a moment’s notice. The Ogrish Tribesman’s armor may seem lacking, but his tough skin acts as a natural armor as well. Too much armor will cost him speed and flexibility while he works his day job, and may also cause him to overheat, since ogres do not sweat efficiently. They fare well in the cold but poorly in the heat, so he does not wear much clothing at all. He does not even bother with shoes, as the calluses on his feet are as hard as stone.
What little he does wear is made from crude hides, furs, and leathers. It is rare for male Blue Valley ogres to wear jewelry because it can become a liability in battle. They also keep short, simple hairstyles for this reason.
Location: Merrowville
So-called “Hemlock Girls” are unmarried Evangelite women who pride themselves in their wild, carefree lifestyles. They are considered rebels in a culture that expects women to be quiet, modest, and subservient to men. Hemlock Girls can be identified by their loose, teased hair, which is often dyed, and their flashy clothing that shows more skin than this culture approves of. They also tend to wear bold makeup, tattoos, and flashy jewelry. They face much prejudice, which alienates them from regular society. They make a point to never marry or involve themselves with men long-term. Because of this, they are often forced into shady work such as drug dealing or prostitution to survive.
Evangelites view these women as lowly criminals, but this is not always the case. Some Hemlock Girls simply feel stifled by their suffocating culture and wish for a taste of freedom. In many cases, they are victims of sexual assault or mental illness who were deemed “soiled” and abandoned by their families out of shame. These abandoned, single women do not have many opportunities in Evangeline Kingdom, so instead of settling for an oppressive man, some remain single and form supportive gangs with each other, known as “Hemlock Gangs”.
This particular Hemlock Girl is wearing a red dress with elegant flared sleeves, but it exposes her cleavage and knees, which is considered scandalous in her culture. Her sheer stockings add color to her legs. Her hair is worn loose with natural roots and dyed ends, giving it a bold two-toned appearance. Drawing even more attention to her head is her colorful parrot feather headband. Her nails are painted and she has makeup on her face, something usually only seen on nobles and wealthy women, though she herself is of a low class. This indicates that she is likely a prostitute. Her necklace deliberately draws attention to her cleavage. She has several tattoos, which are something usually associated with male sailors, mercenaries, and soldiers in her culture. These tattoos display her dedication to her lifestyle, cementing her place in Evangelite society.
Location: Rivermere
Evangeline Kingdom has a sizeable population of immigrants from Yerim-Mor Kingdom, who come seeking refuge from the war and death cults in their homeland. These immigrants are generally welcome, so long as they are commoners and they are willing to convert to Lindism. The path to Evangelite citizenship involves attending Lindist sermons regularly at the local temple. Each immigrant must be sponsored by a Lindist priest, who oversees their progress and is responsible for educating them about their new culture.
However, many Morite immigrants still cling to their old ways as much as they are able. This is displayed mainly in their food, music, and fashion choices. Evangelite culture encourages rather strict dress codes for different groups, such as single men and women, married men and women, lower classes, upper classes, and so on.
This female, roshavan Morite Immigrant obeys the Evangelite dress code by dressing modestly and covering her hair, as married women are expected to do. However, she adds her own Morite flair by wearing a veil over her face as well, which not only brings attention to her eyes, but protects her lungs from the sun and dust in her arid homeland. Morite women value the health of their skin very much, and so they prefer to cover as much of it as they can while outdoors. They often continue to do so even after moving to a more temperate climate, as this woman has shown. She wears a large green necklace to contrast with her red and orange garb. She does not wear a corset like most Evangelite women, as this is not considered fashionable or practical in her homeland. Instead, she has wrapped her breasts with cloth for comfort and breathability. Makeup is associated only with wealthy women and lowly prostitutes in Evangelite culture. But it is understood that Morite women have different beauty standards and like to draw attention to their eyes with kohl and eyeshadow, regardless of their wealth class. Morite immigrants are not judged as harshly for wearing makeup as native Evangelite women are.
Location: Rockreach
The rural peoples of Evangeline Kingdom have very different lifestyles than their urban counterparts. They live on larger plots of land, where they grow crops and raise animals to sustain themselves. They are much less reliant on gold and markets, and instead prefer to barter with their neighbors for goods. They don’t tend to have a lot of gold, so spending it is a last resort. Running these homesteads takes a lot of time and effort. Some families even invest in slaves to help them, as they may own more land than their family members can maintain.
Whether they own slaves or not, the Evangelite Rural Housewife still carries countless responsibilities upon her shoulders. Unlike urban women, who are usually responsible for indoor tasks, rural women are expected to manage both indoor and outdoor chores like planting, harvesting, animal care, cooking, child-rearing, cleaning, and more. Some tasks are considered taboo for women, like slaughtering animals and chopping wood. The Rural Housewife’s husband and sons are expected to take over these more hazardous tasks, but she is still expected to wake earlier and work longer hours than they do. Traditionally, these women are expected to have breakfast on the table before her family wakes up, and they may not go to bed until everyone else is tucked in for the night.
This dworfen Rural Housewife’s outfit is modest yet practical. She wears her sleeves rolled up because she knows they will get dirty otherwise. A headscarf covers her head to signal that she is married, but it does not completely cover all of her hair, which is a slightly controversial fashion choice in this culture. Older generations seem to disapprove of this more than younger ones. She does not wear any jewelry or makeup because she is not interested in impressing anyone or flaunting her wealth; her only concern is feeding her family. She is far too busy for frills, so her dresses are understated in style. But she also doesn’t want to look like a slave, so she makes sure they do not have holes and she wears multiple layers to protect the ones beneath. Female dworfs normally have beards just as the males do, but this one has shaven hers to conform with the Evangelite humans’ beauty standard. Otherwise, non-dworfen peoples in her community often mistake her for a crossdressing man, which is highly frowned upon in their culture.
Queen Indiga
Evangelite Territories
Evangelite Hairstyles
Evangelite Cuisine
Ask - Evangeline
Artwork - Galanis Family
Artwork - Mathias and Angeline
Artwork - Habrene and Sofia
Artwork - Evan Outfits
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therese-lokidottir · 2 years ago
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I'll be one to point that out that some sectors of the MCU are better at addressing this than others, usually the ones where it's strongly implied why others wouldn't be involved or a reason is outright given that seems plausible. To give examples:
Iron Man 3: Rhodey explicitly says the US government wants to prove they can handle threats without the Avengers' help (which is a big reason for the Iron Patriot rebranding of War Machine). Meanwhile, Tony is also cut off from his allies when he's stranded in Tennessee for the middle part of the movie, and by the time he links back up with Rhodey, they're in a race against the clock to rescue the President and Pepper.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier had Steve and Natasha branded as fugitives by HYDRA. Sam's the only ally they can scrounge up until they link up with Fury and Maria.
Ant-Man: Hank Pym harbors his grudge against SHIELD for their misuse of Pym Particles.
Doctor Strange had Wong explaining that the Masters of the Mystic Arts deal with all the mystical threats the Avengers don't deal with (with Endgame later retroactively showing the Ancient One defending the New York Sanctum during the Chitauri invasion).
Ant-Man and the Wasp and Endgame established Scott and Clint as being on house arrest as a result of the fallout from Civil War to explain their lack of involvement in Infinity War.
Black Widow justifies the lack of other heroes' involvement (and Natasha and Yelena instead having to team up with their adopted parents) by being set during the immediate fallout from Civil War.
The Netflix shows had the reasons strongly implied: with the Hand, they were a shadow organization. The storylines in each season of Jessica Jones involve cases very personal for Jessica. The Punisher sees Frank's stories happen largely disconnected from the rest of the shows save for the Turk Barrett and Karen Page cameos because the other heroes wouldn't tolerate his use of lethal force on criminals. Daredevil season 3 had Matt in a mentally bad place post-Midland Circle, as well as Fisk using the FBI to tarnish him, Karen, and Foggy.
Honestly I think WandaVision belongs on this list because there's good reasons for the other Avengers to not be involved (the Hex erases' outsiders knowledge of Westview existing, only about a day passed between SWORD determining Wanda was behind the Hex and Wanda taking down the Hex; and Hayward wouldn't want the Avengers poking around when he's in the process of desecrating the corpse of one of their own and framing another for his crimes), though Strange's reasons for not getting involved as mentioned in DSMOM are pushing it.
I mean fair enough there are better explanations then others. When it's stuff like CAWS it's fine to go with idea of we're dealing with the situations as it comes and we don't have the time or the means to call anyone in. With the netflix shows the characters ran in different circles so you don't expect them to be able to call on anyone.
WandaVision is an interesting example because originally Doctor Strange was going to be there. That watch commercial was originally meant to be alluded to him trying to get through to Wanda.
I think it only really becomes a problem when people in-universe ask why can't they call someone and the answer is always just "No, because reason. Shut up." like they never give a good explanation
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sleepyxzn · 6 months ago
「 ep. I 」
⌗ — Running on Empty.⭑˚.
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⟢ word count - 8.3k
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the city, Mortasis, pulsed with dying electricity, a vast sprawl of neon lights and metal. the air was thick, not just with smog but with the constant chaos of a place that never slept. its skyline was a silhouette of towering skyscrapers that reached for a sky permanently masked in a smokey haze. the rain, oily and frequent, slicked the streets, turning them into rivers of glowing reflection. the world moved too fast here, but for Zylah, time always felt frozen.
she sat on the rooftop of an old building tucked in an alleyway, the kind that had been abandoned for so long it became invisible to the rushing crowds below. the rain was starting to soak through her jacket, but Zylah didn’t care. her silver hair clung to her forehead, her stormy grey eyes fixed on the chaotic streets below. people shuffled through the wet, neon-lit mess, unaware of her presence high above them.
a cigarette dangled from her lips, almost burnt down to the butt. she didn’t smoke to calm herself; she smoked because it gave her hands something to do. Zylah wasn’t sure when the habit started, only that the act of exhaling the white wisps & flicking away the ash felt like the most purposeful thing she did most days. the scar on the left side of her lip pulled tight whenever she took a drag, a reminder of things she couldn’t quite remember, things she didn’t bother to.
the city felt distant. even though it buzzed with life below her, it never quite touched her. Mortasis might as well have been on a different planet. she wasn’t part of it. she was just an observer, moving through its artsy hustle.
the music in her ears was a constant backdrop, something soft and obscure—video games soundtracks, maybe. it was a muffled hum that blended into the background. her playlist hadn’t changed in days. the songs were all starting to melt into one another, just like everything else in her life.
her hand reached up and brushed against the small lip ring on her bottom lip, a habit she’d developed over the years. she flicked the cigarette into the abyss below and watched as the tiny orange ember disappeared into the wet darkness.
Iron Widows. the venue came to mind. Zylah had a gig there tonight, a nameless drummer for a band she didn’t know, playing for people she didn’t care about. but it paid, and that was enough. she always showed up. her hands belonged to the drums, even at times her heart didn’t.
pulling the hood of her bomber jacket over her head, she stood up and took one last glance at the city before turning away. the rain fell harder, but she didn’t rush. there was nothing waiting for her, anyway.
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Mortasis was a city that never let you forget how broken it was. every corner had a neon sign buzzing, offering something people couldn’t afford: luxuries, drugs, or some sort of escape. the buildings were stacked like concrete graves, lit up in purples, greens, and pinks, casting a sickly glow over the cracked streets. and always, there was the sound—the growl of machinery, the endless droning of lives stuck in the grind.
Zylah blended into the crowds, slipping through the faceless groups of people, her hands stuffed deep into the pockets of her oversized pale jacket. she had mastered the art of being invisible, of moving without leaving a trace. the people around her moved with a purpose, always rushing somewhere, but Zylah, she simply drifted.
eventually, she found herself standing outside Iron Widows, a rundown venue that had seen better days, if it ever had any at all. the sign flickered weakly above the entrance, half of the letters barely holding on to their glow. the sound of deep basslines and muffled guitars leaked through the walls, a dull thud that vibrated through the concrete.
inside, the air was thick with the smell of sweat, alcohol, and smoke. the place was packed, a sea of people lost in their own worlds, faces hidden under the dim lights. Zylah moved past them like a ghost, unnoticed, heading straight for the stage in the back. the drums were already set up—old, battered, and covered in stickers and grime from years of abuse. but they’d do. they always did.
Zylah dropped her bag in the corner and pulled off her jacket, tossing it over a nearby chair. she didn’t need to warm up. her hands always knew what to do, even when her mind was somewhere else. she settled behind the drum kit, her sleeved palms brushing over the worn cymbals, the heaviness of the sticks in her hands bringing a flicker of something close to life.
the band she was playing with tonight was already on stage, tuning their instruments. they barely acknowledged her as she sat down, and that was fine with her. she wasn’t here to make friends. the lead guitarist gave her a half-nod before launching into the opening chords, and the crowd cheered, a low roar that echoed through the space.
Zylah started drumming, her sticks hitting the snare with precision, but as usual, her mind wandered. she didn’t care about the music, not really. it was just noise, something to get lost in. the stage lights flickered in time with the beat, casting her in shadows, and for a moment, she felt like she wasn’t even there. and strangely enough, she found comfort in that.
but the beat—it anchored her. her hands moved faster, her body seeking the rhythm, and soon enough, the world around her faded. it was just her and the drums. the crowd, the band, the venue—they all disappeared. there was only the music, the vibrations through her body, and the way her heartbeat synced with the pounding bass.
it wasn’t happiness, but it was something close.
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after the set, Zylah wiped the sweat from her brow, her chest rising and falling steadily. the crowd gave a half-hearted cheer, but she didn’t stay to hear it. she slid off the stool and grabbed her jacket, not bothering to stick around. the band didn’t even look at her as she walked off stage, heading toward the back of the venue. the usual feeling of nothingness crept back in. the high of the performance faded as quickly as it had come.
outside, the rain had slowed to a drizzle, but the neon lights still reflected off the wet pavement, casting an otherworldly glow on the city. Zylah lit another cigarette and leaned against the alley wall. she could still hear the muffled sounds of music coming from inside, a new band taking the stage, their heavy guitar riffs blending into the night air. she closed her eyes, letting the music wash over her.
a familiar softness brushed against her calves. her hooded gaze fell on the small black feline as it purred against her, warm and full of life. the corners of her lips curved up slightly. patting a few of her pockets, she fetched out the pack of cat food, crouching on the damp pavement. she quietly observed as the cat munched down the tuna-flavoured snack, glancing at her every minute or so. or perhaps it was just her imagination.
maybe tomorrow would be different, but she didn’t count on it. for now, it was just another night in Mortasis, and Zylah was just another shadow passing by.
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Zylah’s apartment was nothing special, but it was hers. tucked in the farthest corner of District Z, the building felt like it had been forgotten, a remnant of the old world that somehow survived in a city that never stopped moving. it wasn’t much, just a single room with a small kitchen that barely worked and a floor bed that sagged by the window, but it had a certain coziness to it—a kind of warmth that Zylah never acknowledged but somehow relied on.
the walls were a pale, peeling gray, and the windows rattled slightly whenever the wind picked up, but she didn’t mind. she liked the quiet hum of the place, the way it felt like the world outside couldn’t reach her here.
she kicked off her boots as she stepped inside, the soft click of the door locking behind her. the air inside was warm, filled with the faint smell of incense and the lingering scent of cigarettes and rain from her clothes. as usual, there was a familiar weight against her legs before she even had time to settle in.
"hey, kid," she murmured softly, bending down to scratch behind the ears of the tabby cat that was waiting for her. the cat’s name was Bean, not because Zylah had ever officially named him, but because he had a weird liking for beans, which was very odd for a cat to enjoy, but it did make feeding him much easier, since she especially couldn't afford treats.
Bean had wandered into her life one night after a gig, just a stray looking for a place to sleep, and he never left. Zylah never tried to make him stay, but she never pushed him away either. he came and went as he pleased, but most nights, he found his way back to her apartment, curling up at the foot of her bed like he belonged there.
she sat down on the edge of the worn-out couch, letting Bean jump up beside her. the room was lit by a single dull yet warm lamp in the corner, casting soft shadows across the small space. there were piles of music magazines, records and old notebooks scattered across the floor, pages half-filled with song lyrics or unfinished thoughts. Zylah didn't consider herself a writer, but sometimes the words just came out, even if she didn't have anyone to show them to.
Bean purred lazily, stretching out his long body beside her, and Zylah absentmindedly stroked his fur. the other cats, the strays who lingered around the building, sometimes waited by her window, their eyes glowing in the shadows. they always seemed to know where to find her, even if she didn’t always have enough to feed them.
she’d leave scraps by the door when she could—half-empty cans or the leftover bits from her meals—but it wasn’t much. still, they came, every night. Zylah never understood why. maybe they sensed something in her that she couldn’t, a kind of loneliness that matched their own.
the night passed slowly, with only the soft sound of rain against the window and the occasional creak of the old building. Zylah lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, her thoughts drifting like the smoke billowing from her lips. the gig at The Iron Widows hadn’t been much, just another night of playing for people who didn’t care. but there had been something about the quiet way the music filled the small space, how it echoed in the back of her mind even now.
Bean had curled up on her stomach, his rhythmic purring the only real sound in the room. Zylah let her hand rest on his back, her fingers tracing small circles through his fur. she wondered what he dreamed about—
hopefully nothing, just peaceful sleep, free of the weight that came with living.
outside, the city moved on without her. neon lights flickered through the thin curtains, casting colors across the walls. she could hear the faint hum of traffic, the distant thrum of machinery, and the endless murmur of voices. Mortasis never slept, but in her apartment, it was easy to pretend the world had paused.
her playlist was still running, a soft shoegaze track she barely paid attention to anymore. the music had become something that filled the spaces between thoughts. Zylah wasn’t sure when she had stopped caring about what she listened to.
she glanced at the clock on the wall—2:16 AM. time didn’t mean much to her anymore, not in a place like this. tomorrow would be another day of the same: another gig, another crowd, another empty feeling that followed her no matter how loud the music got.
but here, in the quiet moments between, there was something almost peaceful about the monotony. she didn’t need to feel anything. she could just exist, listening to the noises of the city, just like the strays that wandered her streets, searching for something they might never find.
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the morning light, weak and gray, filtered through the window, casting a dull glow over the apartment. Zylah stirred, rolling over and letting Bean hop off the bed with a soft thud. he stretched and padded over to the window, his fluffy tail twitching as he watched the world outside.
Zylah rubbed her eyes, feeling the weight of the day settle on her chest before she even got up. her body felt heavy, like she was carrying something invisible that she couldn’t quite shake. she sat up slowly, her feet touching the cold floor. the sound of Bean scratching at the window broke the silence, and Zylah sighed, getting up to let him out.
when she opened the window, a gust of cool air rushed in, and three or four stray cats immediately gathered below. their eyes glowed in the early morning light, looking up at her expectantly. Zylah reached into the cupboard and pulled out a half-empty can of food, scraping the contents onto a dish and setting it on the windowsill.
the cats scrambled for it, as they always did, their sleek bodies moving in the shadows. Zylah leaned against the window frame, watching them for a moment. she never understood why they came to her, why they waited for her every morning, but something about their quiet persistence made her feel less alone.
maybe, she thought, they saw something in her—a stray, just like them.
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Zylah spent the rest of the morning in her apartment, moving through her usual routine without much thought. she didn’t have any gigs until later, so the day stretched out in front of her like an empty page. she spent most of it sprawled on the couch, absentmindedly strumming the guitar she had picked up from a secondhand shop months ago. it wasn’t much, just a beat-up old thing with frayed strings, but it got the job done.
the music came to her in fragments, half-formed melodies that she never bothered to finish. it wasn’t for anyone else, anyway. it was just something to do, again, something to keep her hands moving.
by the time the afternoon sun disappeared behind the thick clouds that hung over Mortasis, Zylah was already dressed and ready for the night ahead. another gig, another set of faces she wouldn’t remember. but at least the music would be loud enough to drown out the silence.
Bean watched her from the bed, his eyes half-closed, content in the warmth of the apartment. Zylah gave him one last scratch behind the ears before grabbing her jacket and heading for the door.
“be good, kid,” she muttered, pulling the door shut behind her. the city was waiting, and Zylah, like always, would drift through it, leaving nothing behind.
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demie90s · 2 years ago
The Ultimate
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Shuri x Fem!reader
Warning: None. Like 840 words
Part 1
East of Wakanda a Tribe living only out of Vibranium, however only 2 left made fully out of the source. Queen Hadi and her husband and King Malik. Together they had only one child.
This child came to be be name Princess Y/fn of the Adamma tribe. Better known as the lost tribe of Marrakech.
Born October 10th, 2004. The strongest beings in the world. Born with multiple powers that she had to train everyday , but babies don’t know how to control things.
Willingly at least.
Telekinesis, Hydrokinesis, Aerokinesis, Geokinesis, and Super Strength.
At 5 she was excepted to learn seven languages at the same time. Was this easy on a child no…of course not. But she did surprisingly well, and by 8 she knew…
- Kech ( Mother tounge ) not counted
-Japanese &
At age 9 Y/fn made such advanced technology they created a passage to the quantum realm that only they have access to making them the first of human kind to start civilization there.
At age 10 her mother wanted her to experience the best of life. She thought training her so much at a young age would create a cold blooded killer. Working around chemicals all day didn’t help either.
So they was sent on a trip to North America. Specifically the US. She grew to hate how self centered the people were.
How they consistently harmed their own kind.
How lazy and unfair their laws where.
This did take a toll on her causing her to see how the world really works. Her own people being murdered and mistreated. She does not smile often and has been taught to show no emotion but she could not help but to feel constant aching in her chest when these things happen.
At age 13 they returned home and continued to train. This did not surprise her mother. She was only there for 3 years.
But one day in the US can make you want to blow your brains out.
At the age of 14 she started to perfect her powers. This was not a must but purely for fun. Best part about made of Vibranium is you technically can’t die.
Brute force is one way to destroy the metal, but only if one possesses the strength of a god.
By 15 she was titled The Ultimate by her mother, her father, her people.
Her parents didn’t want her to waste away being that nothing was after them. So they did something.
At 16 the Avengers recruited her.
This can happen if you have an exceptional power or skillset, and happen to catch positive attention from a current member. But in her case her parents made them.
Not that she had a problem with it but come on. Going out and saving people willingly was in no way shape or form better than staying home in her comfortable bed.
Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man, Nebula, Rocket, Captain Marvel, Okoye, Black Panther, Ant-Man and more.
Her favorite being Okoye & Black Panther. She considered them ‘her home away from home.’
Okoye is an skilled martial artist and master of staff and spear fighting. She carries a specialized vibranium spear, capable of collapsing into a handle for quick concealment.
A weapon traditionally wielded by members of the Dora Milaje. An elite group of warriors who serve as the all-female special forces for Wakanda.
They also serve as the Black Panther's personal bodyguards. Also known as Prince T'Challa the King of Wakanda and the eldest child of T'Chaka and Ramonda.
She loved the thrill fighting gave her but before she returned back to her home Prince T’Challa suggested that she goes back with them because they wanted some new weapon ideas and he wanted her to be there when he was crowned king.
To which she agreed. She was going to come back even if she hadn’t to check out some of their technology.
When they landed back in Wakanda she was introduced to The Princess.
Possessing one of the most brilliant minds in the world. Princess Shuri, she also the chief science officer for Wakanda, a position she cherishes much more than her royal status.
“Hello I am y/fn Adam- ” You began quickly getting cut off making her stand with wide eyes.
“I know- I am sorry it is just that I am a huge fan. I have never met anyone made out of Vibranium this is so cool.” The Princess said quickly.
You smirked.
‘Praise kink is on 100’
“I am a big fan of you to. I heard about your Vibranium Gauntlets and theyare absolutely amazing.” You say in awe.
“What a cute little nerd moments they are having.” T’Challa said out loud earning a quick slap to the arm from his mother and a chuckle from Okoye.
You looked around the beautiful land as they spoke. “Could I show you some of my new inventions. I could use an smart persons opinion.” Shuri asked.
“Of course” You replied waving at the others while she held other hand leading you to her lab.
That is where it all started.
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grelleswife · 2 years ago
Just thouht of a Finny and Sebastian related thing, imagine Finny after learning a good enough amount of English and staying a few months at the manor makes the connection.. "Wait I'm a KID.. Sebastian is an ADULT.. taking care of ME and Young Master and.... " he tries calling Sebastian Father or Papa and stuff
The first time Finnian calls him “Father,” Sebastian is in the middle of scolding the gardener for his overzealous attempts at weeding the vegetable patch and the ensuing catastrophic loss of that season’s carrots.
“I’m sorry, Father,” the boy sniffles, gazing up at him with wide, plaintive eyes. “I promise I’ll do better next time!”
Thoroughly nonplussed, the demon is momentarily left at a loss for words.
“What did you just call me?” he sputters when the worst of the shock has worn off.
“Well, you look after young master and me, and teach us all sorts of useful things, and tuck us into bed before we go to sleep at night!” chirps Finny. “Like the papas in the storybooks I’m learning how to read! So that makes you our father!”
“It most certainly does not, Finnian!” snaps the butler (perhaps with a bit more heat than the innocent accusation warrants). “In the young master’s case, it would be the height of impertinence for me to assume such a role, and, in yours, I am merely instructing a junior servant in his duties…as befits one hell of a butler.”
He, Sebastian Michaelis, devourer of souls, to whom a century is as a droplet of water dissolving into the sea—a parent?! The notion is absurd.
It happens again over a year later, when an undercover mission requires the butler and gardener to infiltrate a treasonous organization disguised as a grieving widower (his wife tragically lost due to the corruption which festers beneath the Crown’s jewels and ermine) and his adolescent son.
“That’s a fine lad you’ve got there,” a garrulous anarchist smiles as he shakes Sebastian’s hand. “You must be so proud.”
“I am indeed,” the demon replies, his usual suaveness underscored with sincerity.
(Finnian beams, and the chill that enshrouds his wicked heart begins to thaw, like barren earth anticipating the arrival of spring).
“We killed looooots of young master’s enemies, Father! Did I do a good job?” sings the gardener while they exit the premises, now liberally splattered with blood.
Sebastian doesn’t bother correcting him, even though their targets’ demise has rendered this paternal ruse completely unnecessary.
“You did indeed, Finnian.”
Sebastian’s fingers clamp like iron manacles around the assailant’s throat, crushing his windpipe, pulverizing flesh and bone. The man’s body goes limp, and his gun—which, mere seconds before, was about to fire on the gardener at point blank range—falls uselessly to the ground with a heavy, metallic thunk.
The demon’s eyes blaze red, and shadows writhe around his menacing silhouette.
“No one hurts my boy,” he growls, the words rising from deep within his chest. “No. One.”
He contemptuously flings the corpse aside before turning to the blond youth.
“Are you all right?”
“Y-yes…” he answers shakily.
Then, the boy’s form slams into Sebastian’s with enough force to break an ordinary human’s ribcage—but the Phantomhive butler is no mere mortal. So he quietly accepts Finny’s embrace, arms tenderly enfolding him to return the hug.
“I’m sorry, Father…I shouldn’t have let him get that close, I know better…I—I got distracted for a second, and the next thing—“
Sebastian Michaelis does not scold, nor does he refute the title which this child has bestowed upon him.
“You’ve nothing to be sorry for, Finny. I’m just glad that you’re safe.”
He holds the boy close, flooded with relief and gratitude and another sentiment that, though not quite ready to name, he can no longer deny.
“Let’s go home.”
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itsthegameilike · 2 years ago
Best Books of 2022
And I’m back again with another list of books that I think everyone should read. Or, at least, books I think are halfway decent given the other books I’ve read this year. To be fair, it was a better year than I thought. Anyway, without further ado, the best ten books I read, plus some honorable mentions:
Nona the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir In full disclosure, I knew this book would be on my list before I even read it and I was not disproven in that assumption by the time I finished. Hands down, the best book I read this year and it’s not even that close. Books tend to take me a lot longer to finish as I get older, but this one took me two days. Obviously, if you haven’t read Gideon the Ninth or Harrow the Ninth, you should, but this odd little sequel was probably my favorite one yet. Nona is such a refreshing character--a bombshell of light and love and curiosity--and it is as queer as ever. Bonus, if you have a soft spot for Camilla or Palamedes, as I do, you got blessed this book.
In the Dream House - Carmen Maria Machado I actually read far more nonfiction this year than I usually do, thanks to getting burnt out on fantasy, my staple. This book is the best of the bunch and absolutely incredible. The writing is poignant and lovely and careful and the topic of domestic abuse is tackled by an author who is invested in making you understand what they went through. It’s personal, it’s internal, and it broke me more than once. Definitely worth looking up trigger warnings, but also definitely worth reading.
The Half Life of Valery K - Natasha Pulley If Natasha Pulley publishes a book, it goes on this list. I have an unending love and devotion for the romances and relationships she crafts. There is such a tenderness and solitude and loneliness to all of them that always punches me straight in the gut. I love her and I am very biased, but this book was as incredible as always. Bonus points, you learn quite a bit about nuclear reactors and nuclear poisoning, too. Not her most realistic and probably not her best, but I still love it to bits.
The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov This is a Russian novel from the 1940s that I think is best described by saying that the devil shows up in Moscow and wreaks absolute havoc. It is bizarre and mythic and surrealist, but it is also heartfelt and an utter joy to read. I was never bored, the characters were five parts humorous and five parts relatable, and I still regularly think about the magician show scene on a daily basis.
Clear Light of Day - Anita Desai This book is in many ways indescribable for me. I read it in August, when the days were hot, and the book felt exactly like those long summer afternoons. It cast a sort of spell over me and I would often sit and read twenty pages, then sit and think about them for forty-five minutes. It’s a deep dive into the decay of a country and the decay of a family and their relationships and an exploration of the choices we make in life, how they alter it, and how often we sit and imagine what would’ve happened if we chose differently.
Time is a Mother - Ocean Vuong My one book of a poetry and another that I was positive would end up on this list. Ocean has been a wordsmith rock of mine since college and he did not disappoint in this collection. I highly recommend “The Last Dinosaur” and “Almost Human”. If you read nothing else, read those.
Breaking Bread with the Dead: A Reader’s Guide to a More Tranquil Mind - Alan Jacobs If there was a required reading list for anyone who would like to approach what they read with critical thinking skills, this would be on it. This book is a manifesto to the grays of the world, a sort of rejoicing in how nothing is black and white, and I felt so refreshed reading it. There are also so many great book recommendations in here, including Clear Light of Day already on this list, so it has alternate functions, as well. This book gave me hope, to be honest, so if you need that, look no further.
Iron Widow - Xiran Jay Zhao Man, this book. It is like an electric shock to the system. There is so much good here that even the occasionally clunky dialogue means nothing to me. The characters are stunning, there is really excellent polyamory the way I wish more media would display it, there’s Chinese myth, and big metal monsters smashing the patriarchy. The end had a twist that was actually shocking and I cannot wait for the second book. I’ve mostly outgrown young adult at this point, but please read this one, even if you feel the same.
Daughter of the Moon Goddess - Sue Lynn Tan This book was breathtaking. It feels lush when you’re reading it, the descriptions so well done, and I was so swept up in the setting, in the plot, in the pleasant, warm reminders of other Chinese dramas it gave me, that I hardly minded the naivete of the main character, Xingyin. The love triangle isn’t unbearable, as there are clear, obvious breaks with the love interests when she is romantically interested in the other, and Xingyin grows into something just as bold and beautiful as the book. One caveat, I also read the sequel this year and I kind of wish I hadn’t. It’s not nearly as good and I sort of wish this had been a standalone experience for me.
Crying in H Mart - Michelle Zauner I read this at the very start of the year, so I don’t remember everything, but I do remember that this book was profoundly sad, deeply meaningful, and heartbreakingly lovely. Nothing is held back by the author as she explores her relationship with her mother and the grief that came with her death. I would recommend this to anyone at any time for any reason. It’s that good.
Honorable Mentions: The Charm Offensive by Allison Cochrun, The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison, Deathless by Catherynne M Valente, Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher, H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald, and The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novak
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iriel3000 · 2 years ago
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I posted 1,929 times in 2022
That's 589 more posts than 2021!
279 posts created (14%)
1,650 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,816 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#clintasha - 1,250 posts
#hawkeye - 1,173 posts
#clint barton - 1,120 posts
#black widow - 1,080 posts
#strike team delta - 1,051 posts
#natasha romanov - 973 posts
#clint x natasha - 885 posts
#avengers - 249 posts
#clintasha fanfiction - 216 posts
#youtube - 168 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#and yes i know that playing with the boys by kenny logins is the background music in this scene
My Top Posts in 2022:
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If you are a Tony and Nat fan, this is your book.
SPOILER: no Hawkeye. What a shock.
I swear to fucking Thanos, WHAT DOES MARVEL HAVE AGAINST CLINT AND NAT TOGETHER?!?!? He doesn't have to have a family in the books.
44 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
Friday Recs - Avengers: Age of Ultron Edition
Happy Friday! Some reading recommendations for your enjoyment. No particular order and more to come.
This is the point in time where we rejected MCU canon and were thankful for all of the fix-it fics that helped our broken hearts. Insert your own profanity laced diatribe to Whedon here.
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Still Vulnerable by @Abboz
a better farm scene than the movie
Safe at home by @SophieRomanoff97
again, such a better farm scene than what we were given
A Little Hell by @enigma731/@enigma731
one of many great AofU stories from enigma731
Age of Ultron-- The Clintasha Version by @forgetregret2132
as they tag reads, 'what should have happened'
an iron rose by @orphan_account
any one know the author of this fantastic little piece?
Five Times Nat Didn't Worry About Clint and the Whole Time He Worried About Her: Age of Ultron edition - Iriel3000
Ok, I cheated. I was supposed to write a new fic but didn't have time. Here is an old one.
If you are one of the authors or know them on tumblr and they are not properly tagged, please let me know in comments and I'll add them. Please feel free to click the Iriel3000fridayrecs link below to browse more categories.
Next week's category: Captain America: Civil War
46 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
Iriel3000 Master List of Clintasha Fics
5 times(or less) Clint resisted Natasha, and the 1 time (or more) she didn't want him to
Natasha likes to tease and tempt her partner. Clint is a very patient man.
Checking In
A lightly charged conversation between our two favorite spies while Hawkeye is on a solo mission.
Claim Me, I Belong to You
A secret Omega, Natasha goes into an unplanned heat before a mission with Clint. How will her Alpha partner handle her confession?
Clint's Blind Date
Natasha pretends to be Clint's blind date.
Come Back to Me
Clint shows up at the compound during the Blip to see Nat.
Coming Home Early
Hawkeye returns from a hard mission late one night to find Nat and Bruce sitting close and talking quietly in the common room. He is not happy.
Don’t Hide From Me
Natasha tries to avoid Clint after an upsetting mission without him. As always, Hawk finds and comforts her, helping wash away the bad memories.
Extraction - A Clintasha fanfic
Clint and Natasha are missing after a mission. Steve and Tony find them on security cameras and have to watch as Natasha is forced to make a deadly decision to help Clint.
Feathers and Bones
Clint Barton uses feathers from his own wings for his arrows. Natasha Romanoff makes knives from her bones. But people are not weapons.
Five Times Nat Didn't Worry About Clint and the Whole Time He Worried About Her: Age of Ultron edition
As much as Age of Ultron made me angry, it gave us some really good Clint and Nat moments.
His Heartbeat
Clint's heart stops during a mission but it is Natasha that has a hard time recovering. Tony POV.
How Assassins Show Love
It is a rare week at SHIELD Academy. The Advanced Hand to Hand Combat class has a guest instructor, Black Widow. The Cadets vie for a spot to face off against her. Plus, a surprise guest challenges her to a match.
I Can't Say I Love You
Hawkeye tracks Natasha down in the middle of a snowstorm and forces her to admit her feelings.
I Pick My Poison and It’s You
Agent Natasha Romanov likes to spend time at her work’s Poisonous Garden and Research Center during lunch breaks, and with a certain handsome but clueless ICDC botanist. Poison Garden AU.
I Won’t Leave Your Side
See the full post
46 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
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See the full post
54 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What I Want to See in Dr. Strange 2 but Won't
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A Timeline where...
1. The surprise family doesn't exist
2. Clint jumps and we see Natasha's devastation
3. Bruce finds a way to bring Nat back. Clint now faces a choice and Laura questions the meaning of the soul stone
4. We find out what really happened in Budapest
5. Clint takes the shot / did NOT make a different call
6. Natasha recruits Clint instead of joining SHIELD
7. One of the 14 million+ other timelines where the Avengers lost
8. Loki mind controls Natasha, Clint has to fight to get her back
9. If Tony's team went to prison in Civil War
10. Clint and Nat both jump together
59 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sturchling · 4 years ago
I've read your stories where the Justice League is banned from Paris, and I love them! What if the League and the Avengers were in the same world, but the Avengers didn't ignore them while the Justice League did? I imagine that Steve would convince Tony to help because these are KIDS, like Peter. So, the Avengers help, but since the League and Avengers are at odds, the Avengers don't tell the League. Team Miraculous is perfectly fine with that. (Big Team Miraculous and more users if possible!!)
Team Miraculous had practically begged the Justice League for help when Hawkmoth was still active. But they received no response. But the Justice League weren’t the only ones they reached out to. They also sent the same video asking for help to Tony Stark, who everyone knew was Iron Man, hoping the Avengers might help them. They sent the video with little hope for a response. After all, the Justice League had ignored all their requests for help. Why would the Avengers be any different?
Tony Stark received hundreds of emails a day. Emails from people at Stark Industries, SHIELD, and the avengers. But he didn’t often get emails from an unknown address from Paris. That is what initially caught his attention. The message was simple. The subject simply said Avengers, please help us. When Tony opened the email, there was no text to it. Just a video attachment. Tony called the team into the meeting room and played the video. 
They watched the video as two kids in animal themed costumes explained what was happening in Paris. These kids couldn’t be more than 14. When the video was over, the group sat in silence for a moment before Steve spoke up. “We need to help them.” Tony sighed, turning to face Steve. “It’s not that I don’t want to, but we can’t just go to Paris and help. Not when they are still discussing the accords. We can’t go unless France’s government asks for our help.” Steve stands up from his seat, angry. “So what? We just ignore this? You heard what they said, France wants to keep this under wraps so they don’t lose the tourists that come to Paris. They aren’t going to ask for our help, then they would have to publicly admit there is a problem!” Tony stands up too, walking towards Steve. “I know that! But our hands are tied. With the UN still discussing the accords, we can’t go making the situation worse then it already is!” Steve rolls his eyes and starts to walk away in frustration. “Oh come on Tony! Those are kids! Those are KIDS who are having to fight against a terrorist all on their own with no training! They need help! If it were Peter in Paris, would you leave him to face this alone?” That made Tony pause. In the quiet, Thor decided to make his opinion known. “I also feel that we should help them. I am familiar with these miraculous. The power they grant users is great. A terrorist powered by one is a sobering thought. I am especially familiar with the Black Cat miraculous, as is Loki. And I do not believe either of us wants to be on Plagg’s bad side again. We should help these children immediately.” Tony just sighs, shaking his head. “I feel like I am going to regret this. Fine, lets go to Paris.”  The Avengers quickly made preparations to go to Paris. Before they left they sent an email back to the kids who sent the video to let them know that help was on the way.
Marinette and Adrien could hardly believe the email in their inbox. They hadn’t expected to hear back from the Avengers so soon, or hear that they were taking this seriously. This is incredible! By now, team Miraculous had revealed their identities to each other to make it easier to communicate to each other. Marinette sent out a message in their group chat. Group project meeting. Meet in the usual place, 30 minutes. Half an hour later, team Miraculous was meeting in their secluded area of Chloe’s hotel suite, which had been sound proofed so no one would hear them. Marinette and Adrien filled them all in on what had happened involving the Avengers and everyone was excited. They would finally get some help with Hawkmoth after all these years. It wasn’t long before they received another email saying that the Avengers had landed and asking where to meet. Marinette sent them the location of a secluded warehouse to meet in and Team Miraculous transformed, leaving to meet the Avengers.
The Avengers weren’t sure what to expect when they arrived at the abandoned warehouse the kids asked them to meet at. But they certainly weren’t expecting a small army of kids in costume, in addition to the two that sent the video. In addition to the original two dressed as a ladybug and cat, there appeared to be a fox, turtle, bee, horse, snake, monkey, dragon, and bunny. And they were all children. The girl in the ladybug outfit and boy in the cat outfit stepped forward. “I am Ladybug and this is Chat Noir. We lead the miraculous team. Thank you for your help.” Steve stepped forward, being the first to recover from the shock of seeing this army of children. “We are glad to help. We have the basic idea of what is happening from your video, but could you explain in some more detail what the situation is?” Ladybug spent the next few hours going over everything with the Avengers, giving a more detailed picture of the ongoing battle with Hawkmoth and Mayura for the last few years. 
At the end of the explanation, the Avengers are horrified. The situation is worse than they thought. And the Justice League had been ignoring these kids? That just made it worse. Tony, his head still reeling from all the information, said “I am glad we got your message when we did, seems things are pretty bad here. We can help you track down this Hawkmoth and end this. But we need to keep our involvement in this quiet. With the UN still discussing the accords, we aren’t technically supposed to be here.” Ladybug looks visibly confused, asking, “Accords? What are the accords?” The Avengers fill them in on the accords and what all it means for them. 
Ladybug was shocked that they would even consider agreeing to this. “You all agreed to this? To be monitored by the UN and restricted in what you can do. And anyone that they view as a threat could be imprisoned just because of that, regardless of if they had done anything wrong. That is insane! The Avengers I know wouldn’t agree to that. I remember watching you Agent Romanoff, testify before congress and challenge them to put you in prison. The world needs the Avengers and other heroes to be able to act in a crisis without worrying about if a panel will let them.” Tony tried to argue his point, and Marinette continued to say it was wrong. The two argued for a while, which was concerning for both team Miraculous and the Avengers to watch. But by the end of it, Marinette being Marinette, had managed to convince Tony that he was wrong and that they wouldn’t agree to the accords. The Avengers were a little shocked that this young girl had changed Tony’s mind, but you wouldn’t hear them complaining. With all the discussions out of the way, they got to work.
Tony got Jarvis to start running analyses to see who in Paris was likely to be Hawkmoth. It had to be someone with a lot of time on their hands, a large amount of resources, and had to have a supply of these butterflies he was using. He also compared these results with the typical behavioral profile of a terrorist like this. Then the Avengers went over the list with Team Miraculous and started eliminating suspects. Anyone that didn’t already have an alibi was tailed by either Hawkeye or Black Widow until they were cleared. Meanwhile, the rest of the Avengers helped train the kids in combat and how to work as a team in the field so that they were better able to face akumas. It took weeks, but soon, they were down to only one subject. Gabriel Agreste. Adrien didn’t want to believe it, but as the weeks went by and neither Hawkeye or Black Widow were able to clear him, it became clear to Adrien that his father was likely Hawkmoth.
 By now, the Avengers knew of the kids identities. All the Avengers felt bad for Adrien, and also didn’t want him to stay in that house a minute longer. Besides how his father treated him, having another miraculous user in that house, especially the Black Cat that Hawkmoth craved was a recipe for disaster. So Tony had his lawyers help Adrien file for emancipation. That made Gabriel frantic. He didn’t want to lose his control over Adrien. He was so close to getting the miraculous and his wish. He could have his family back again. But that can’t happen if Adrien is emancipated and leaves. Gabriel became more desperate with his akumas and became sloppy. That was his downfall.
By the end of the week, the Avengers and team Miraculous were facing down Hawkmoth. By this point, Hawkmoth was so frantic, that they fight was easily won. When he revealed why he did all this and what happened to Emilie, Master Fu, who had come to collect the missing miraculous, was able to reverse the damage done by the peacock miraculous on both Emilie and Nathalie. Gabriel was arrested, as was Nathalie, and Adrien was ecstatic to be with his mother again. 
Once Hawkmoth was defeated, news of what had been happening in Paris spread like wildfire. It wasn’t long before the Justice League swooped in to do damage control. They landed in the middle of the city, already starting their spiel about how they were here to help with any damage and chaos from the final battle. But they were shocked to see the city in perfect condition, and the police surrounding them, telling them to leave. Over the heads of the police, they see the members of the Avengers standing with some kids in animal costumes. Two of the kids are familiar, from the videos asking for help all those years ago. Batman fumed at seeing the other group of heroes allowed to be in the city while they were being forced out. “Why are we not allowed here, but they are!? They aren’t local heroes.” The girl in a Ladybug themed costume stepped forward through the crowd, “They get to be here because they actually answered our call for help and were instrumental in the defeat of Hawkmoth. They arrived before the ban, followed my team’s lead, and respected the wishes of my team as well as the city. They proved to be good allies. You and your group on the other hand, ignored and denied our requests and now want to come in and do damage control. Now you leave, or we will make you.” While some of the members of the Justice League have the good sense to look embarrassed and back down, Batman got right in Ladybug’s face. “And how are you going to make us little girl?” Ladybug turned around and walked back to her team, not sparing Batman another glance. Batman looked smug, thinking he had made her back down. But when she got back to her team, she turned to the horse themed hero. “Pegasus.” Without another word, the horse sprang into action. All the Justice League heard was him call out “Voyage” before they were back in the watchtower, wondering what had just happened.
Finally, it was time for the UN meeting on the accords. When asked if they would sign, the Avengers officially declined to sign the accords so they could actually help in Paris. Team Miraculous watched the live coverage as all of the Avengers said they wouldn’t sign the accords. The head of the UN panel stood up, angry at their defiance. “Maybe we should just go ahead and toss you all in a cell. Clearly you are a threat to the world. While we were discussing these very accords, you went into France without permission and acted as the Avengers. You cause untold damage in each fight, do nothing to fix the damage, and won’t allow for a little over sight to make sure you don’t destroy everything.  Seems pretty dangerous to me.” There were mummers of agreement through out the room. Tony was the last one to speak. “You won’t put us in a prison cell. Here’s why. As Agent Romanoff once said, you all need us. Yes, we have made the world a more vulnerable place. But, we are the ones most qualified and able to defend it. So, if you want to arrest us, do it. You know where to find us. But then you will be even more vulnerable to even bigger threats than us.” Angry voices sounded from around the room, but the Avengers just turned and left. Most other heroes followed suit, officially stating that they would not be signing the accords. Eventually, the UN realized that if they arrested every hero that didn’t sign the accords, they would have no one left to defend the Earth and they dropped the issue. 
Things quickly returned to normal, for both team Miraculous and the Avengers. Team Miraculous was happy to have defeated Hawkmoth and not have to constantly guard their emotions. The emotional toll on the citizens of Paris was huge, but the Avengers weren’t done helping. Tony Stark brought in several therapists and took care of all the bills, so all of Paris could have access to mental help as needed, after enduring the trauma of living under Hawkmoth’s threats for years. And the Avengers kept on being heroes and helping everyone they could all over the world. And team Miraculous would often give them a hand with missions as needed. The Avengers and team Miraculous remained close allies after everything and were happy to have helped each other.
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profiterole-reads · 3 years ago
2021 Favourites
In no particular order. This is content I've read and watched in 2021, not necessarily content released in 2021.
1. The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley: m/m 19th-century fantasy. I love the intricate plot of this series. Book 2 takes place in Japan, which makes it even more interesting.
2. The Velocity of Revolution by Marshall Ryan Maresca: queer and poly urban fantasy set in a secondary world. This amazing stand-alone novel has telepathy where the characters can end up in somebody else's body. Think Sense8.
3. [Spanish] Cada Seis Meses by Clara Duarte: f/f magical realism. This is my favourite Spanish novel. The love interest only exists six months a year. The plot plays with the butterfly effect.
4. Cute Mutants by SJ Whitby: sapphic and trans/enby superhero fiction (YA). This is a novel series, despite the comics-sounding titles. I read a lot of original superhero books and this is my fave.
5. Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao: m/m/f science fiction. I also read some original giant robot novels and this is definitely my fave. I love how it's inspired by Chinese culture and mythology.
6. The Unraveling by Benjamin Rosenbaum: science fiction with two invented genders. In this far-future stand-alone novel, people have several bodies with only one mind. Perfect for fans of Ann Leckie.
7. The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer: m/m science fiction (YA). Try to go into this book knowing as little as possible. It has horror vibes of the quiet "we're two people alone in the middle of space" variety.
8. The Papercutter by Cindy Rizzo: f/f dystopia (YA). The United States have split into two nations: the United Progressive Regions and the God Fearing States. Jewish pen pals use a secret code via traditional papercuts.
9. Jinx Ballou, Bounty Hunter by Dharma Kelleher: thriller with a trans woman protagonist. This action-packed series deals with serious themes, but also has fun scenes where the protagonist cosplays and goes to conventions.
10. [French] Tant qu'il le faudra by Cordélia: LGBT contemporary fiction. This is my favourite French series. A group of diverse people write an LGBT magazine. It's a brilliant mix of activism and romance.
TV shows
1. Word of Honor: BL wuxia. This c-drama is mind-blowing, nobody knows how it went past censorship. It has an excellent plot and beautiful visuals.
2. Heaven Official's Blessing: BL xianxia. This donghua is full of sweet flirting. I love the plot and the gorgeous art. There's also going to be a c-drama.
3. The Wheel of Time: heroic fantasy with some f/f + polyamory in the background. This is very pleasant to watch thanks to its focus on women and on characters of colour.
4. Legend of Yunqian: GL time travel (part wuxia, part contemporary). This c-drama is a quick watch, with 15 episodes of 4 minutes, but it packs a lot.
5. Motherland: Fort Salem: urban fantasy with some f/f. This is another excellent series with a focus on women and on characters of colour.
6. Color Rush: BL magical realism (YA). This k-drama is based on the concept of Soulmate AUs: you only see colour when you're with your soulmate. It's movie-length, with 8 episodes of 15 minutes.
7. MCU TV shows: Loki is bisexual and genderfluid. I also like the deaf representation in Hawkeye and the Black representation in Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
8. Y: The Last Man: science fiction with a trans man major character. The plot could have been better, but the trans representation is very well done.
9. Light On Me: BL romance (YA). This k-drama's protagonist is on the autism spectrum. It has an all-male love triangle.
10. Young Royals: m/m romance (YA). This amazing Swedish show is about a gay prince finding love at his boarding school.
1. The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity: BL wuxia (not to be mixed up with The Yin Yang Master, though it's pretty good too). Both of these movies are Chinese adaptations from the Japanese novel Onmyoji.
2. MCU movies: some m/m in Eternals. I love that we're finally getting more diversity in the MCU, not only with Eternals, but also with Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.
3. The Matrix 4: science fiction by a trans woman. Objectively, there isn't much LGBT content, but subjectively, the movie has a lot of queer/trans energy.
4. Snake Eyes: action movie with BL vibes. I know it isn't exactly popular, but I thought it was as good with Japanese culture as Shang-Chi was with Chinese culture.
5. You Make Me Dance: BL romance. This Korean movie is a lovely story about a professional dancer and a debt collector.
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docgold13 · 3 years ago
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
January 5th - Hawkeye / Clint Barton
Clinton ‘Clint’ Barton was the son of Harold Barton and Edith Barton.  He grew up working in his father's Butchers shop in Waverly, Iowa with his older brother, Barney.  Their father was abusive, especially when he drank.  Harold’s drinking eventually cost him his life along with his wife when both died in a car accident. Clint and Barney were sent to numerous foster homes; while running away from one of them, they encountered and joined a traveling circus where the pair worked as roustabouts.
While a member of the circus, Clint was trained by the original Swordsman and by the renown archer known as Trickshot.  Clint possesses a sense of aim that borders on the uncanny and he excelled at archery at a truly amazing degree.
Clint later found the Swordsman embezzling money from the carnival. Before he could turn his mentor over to the authorities, Clint was beaten by The Swordsman and left for dead as the cad skipped town.  Clint's relationship with his brother and Trickshot soon deteriorated as well.  
Clint adapted his archery skills to become a star carnival attraction, a master archer called ‘Hawkeye, The World's Greatest Marksman.’ He spent time as a member of Taboldt's Circus. Later, Barton witnessed Iron Man in action, and decided to try and emulate the hero by donning a colorful costume and employing his archery skills to fight crime. However, during his first public appearance, Hawkeye was mistaken for a thief by police. The Black Widow, at the time a Soviet agent, met Barton by chance and enlisted him as her partner. Together they clashed against heroes such as Iron Man and Spider-Man on several occasions.
Life as a criminal was poorly suited for Clint.  He ended up approaching The Avengers and told them of his desire to reform.  Iron Man sponsored his membership on the team and Hawkeye, along with Captain America, The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver formed a new iteration of The Avengers .  At first regarded as less formidable than the previous roster, the new team soon proved themselves against the likes of Kang the Conqueror and Doctor Doom.
Hawyeye remained a member of the Avengers for many adventures.  At one point, he used Hank Pym’s size-altering ‘Pym Particles’ to operate as the hero ‘Goliath’ before resuming his role as Hawkeye the Archer.  He was forced out of The Avengers when the government acted to limit its roster.  Soon thereafter, Hawkeye briefly joined The Defenders before going on to found the West Coast branch of The Avengers.  During this time, Clint met, fell in love with and ultimately married Bobbie Mores, the fellow hero known as Mockingbird.  
At some point following their marriage, Mockingbird was abducted and replaced with a Skrull sleeper agent.  That agent was killed in action when the West Coast Avengers went up against Mephisto.  The West Coast Avengers broke up shortly thereafter and Hawkeye ultimately found himself leading the group of reformed superheroes known as The Thunderbolts.  
After once more joining The Avengers, Hawkeye was seemingly killed during the Disassembled event when he sacrificed himself to bring down an attacking Kree dreadnought.  While Hawkeye was believed dead for many months, he had actually been transported elsewhere by The Scarlet Witch’s hex powers and he began working in secret as the shadowy figure known as Ronin.  
Following the Secret Invasion story arc, Barton was reunited with Mockingbird, learning that the woman he had believed had been killed was actually a Skrull imposter.  The two shared a brief romance but ultimately decided that they were better off as friends than husband and wife.  
During the time in which Barton was acting as Ronin, the young archer Kate Bishop had taken up the mantle of Hawkeye.  Kate proved more than capable in the role and, when Barton ultimately resumed his role as Hawkeye he decided that he and Kate could share the mantle.    
The physical abuse Clint endured at the hands of his father left him partially deaf; a matter that has worsened over the years.  He uses hearing aides to assist him in the field and has learn American sign language and become quite apt at reading peoples’ lips when they speak.  
Actor Jeremy Renner has portrays Hawkeye in the MCU movies, initially appearing in the first Thor film.  Hawkeye first appeared in the pages of Tales of Suspense #57 (1964).  
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years ago
Do you think you could write an Au where Bruce Wayne is Marinette's bio!dad, but they don't learn that until she interns under Tony Stark, please?
Okay so disclaimer I mainly know marvel through fanfics and a couple of the MCU movies. Having said that this was a fun write hope you like it.
Oh and Marinette knows Tom isn’t her bio dad. Tony is Sabine’s cousin.
Marinette was a lot of things. She was a dancer, a gymnast, a bio chem major, an engineer, an amateur detective, a superhero, and completely over her class at idiots who followed a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Marinette was actually done with high school. In fact she was two years into her first Masters degree along with skipping two years. Making her two years younger than the sheep in her class and at least four years younger than those in her university class.
Mari was sitting in the back of the class during her last period when she received an email and several texts, thank kwamii her phone and tablet were on silent.
She decided to open her email first.
You have been selected as one of the lucky seven applicants to study and intern at Stark Industries for two weeks this summer. Below is the date, location, and mentor you will report to. We hope to meet you then. -Sincerely Co-CEO Virginia Potts
She would have answered her text had the projector not began to glitch and calling her name. "Mari bug answer your phone!"
'Ugh' she sighed running her hands down her face. "I would have Uncle T if you hadn't started yelling from the projector!"
"But Peps just told me and..."
"Wait," her head snapped up. "How many screens are you projecting on." She started to look around, her uncle, who never not used the camera unless... Then she saw the Iron Man suit.
"I dunno maybe the whole school, the city, the country I don't know."
"Ya I'm not dealing with this at least not here." She walked down the stairs her bag packed hung from her shoulders. "Oh and Uncle T, fe...male 4 o'clock." He began to sputter but she didn’t stay in the classroom and walked out without looking back.
Thank kwamii that her uncle was only projected in her class. It did have the unfortunate side effect of her class sending confused and curious looks at her. Even Lila seemed to stop her tirade for a while. But all good things must come to an end.
"Alright do I have all the permission slips for the summer graduation trip." Miss Bustier started counting the slips. “Marinette your permission slip is missing."
"I'm aware."
"If you want to go you need it in by the end of the day."
"Seriously Mari, if you want us to beg you to come save it. We don't want a bully on this trip wit us." Alya huffed before Marinette could speak.
"One only my friends call me Mari, you are not one of them so it's Marinette to you Cesaire. Two you save it I don't want to hear any of you beg me for anything. Finally three, I already had plans for this summer. So this trip I’ll be a no show so have fun."
“Y...Yes but this is a class trip,” Miss Bustier stammered.
“I understand that but it would still be a class trip even if I don’t go.” Was Marinette’s retort.
Miss Bustier would have continued had her Uncle not burst into the room. Her head was now banging against the desk. To his credit he was not in a suit, Iron Man suit included. He was in more ‘Civilian wear' with a baseball cap and shades.
"Ready to go Bug! I already signed you off."
"How mad is Auntie Pepper going to be when she finds out you came to Paris." She was now next to him at the door still in the classroom.
"Pete's here!" He shouted.
"Fine our secret." She smiled leaving the class behind without a wave or goodbye.
Interning with her Uncle Tony was great. Especially because she could get his input on her projects and learn from him directly.
It also helped that she stayed in Avenger's Tower and that ment leaving for akuma's was easy and was expected. Every summer she would spend with her uncle for the past five years. Meaning that they knew when she became Ladybug since it's kind of hard to keep a secret identity from FRIDAY, who is constantly monitoring the tower.
On the plus side that meant she had adult guidance and mentors.
"Mari bag mind going to pick up the Bats and Hood?”
she left and was swinging between the sky scrapers, until she landed at the meet up point. She didn't have to wait long.
"Who are you?" Red helmet, so Red Hood, asked.
"I'm Ladybug. My guess is he just sent that bug was going to meet you guys."
"That's night how did you know?"
"There's three bugs at the tower right now Black Widow, Spider Man, and me so it's understand able, come on."
They made their way to the tower and she dropped her transformation. "If you guys want to change FRIDAY will guide you." she faced them, smiled, and walked off.
Something had been bothering him since he first saw the girl, Ladybug. Two days had passed and that feeling was not going away.
"Don't even think about it Bruce." Tony glared at him. "You are not adopting her she already has loving parents."
"I wasn't... why would you think that."
"We told you you have a problem B!" Jason yelled from across the room. "So what is your name anyway everyone just calls you either Maribug, Buginette, or just bug."
"Those all sound more like nicknames," Bruce now added having made his way across the room with Tony.
"That's because they are," she gave them a bored and a 'duh' look. "My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
A memory flashed in his mind from 16 years ago.
"You wouldn't happen to know a Sabine Cheng?" Bruce asked.
Now both Marinette and Tony turned on him and the glare Marinette was giving him. Well he would recognize it anywhere, he trademarked it after all.
"Why would you ask that?" Tony was the first to answer, but not soon after Marinette spoke.
"Yes. She's my mother." Then she looked at him as if she were analyzing him. "Oh fuck" she groaned.
"Oh not now or kwamii help me I will beat you to a pulp later during sparing Uncle Steve."
"I'll bring the popcorn." Natasha piped.
“You’re not helping.” Steve argued.
“We both know she can take you. She added as they left the room.
"Mari Sweetie, what's up."
"Eyes, hair, build, complexion"
"Glare," he added.
"Not helping but yes. Ya know apparently being a hero is genetic," She had began to laugh.
"No don't tell me, that my sweet smart niece is related to..." Tony Just motioned at him not finding the right words.
"Ya well it looks that way uncle Tony."
"B. Demon spawn is not going to be happy." Jason scolded once he seemed to grasp the concept. "Hey at least you have a kid who already knows your a vigilante and a hero to boot.” Jason grinned.
Of all the ways Mari had thought she would meet her biological father, this was not one of them. Who would have thought interning with her uncle would lead to meeting her father. This is by far better than a class trip with those sheep she calls classmates.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @miraculouspenta
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iris-sistibly · 3 years ago
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She was warmth...
Once a beautiful little girl who couldn't count to twenty, was told about the great house she was born into, and how their family was robbed of everything. The throne, title, and power. She grew up believing they were their enemies, oblivious of what truly happened, unaware of how love and madness brought the dynasty down.
She was light…
The blood of a once great house, the mind of a ruler, the heart of a true queen and a promising future under her reign. When she stepped into the blazing fire and came back unharmed with her children��the most majestic creatures to ever exist in the realm, her people believed she was destined for greatness. She discovered that she was more than a widowed Khaleesi, and she started her journey to retake what was rightfully hers.
She was fierce…
During her stay in Qarth, her dragons were abducted. They wanted to take her babies away, any mother would do everything she can to save her children. She burned them alive and locked away Xaro Xhoan Daxos and Doreah who made a fool out of her.
It was a warning to her foes: cross her, and you'll die.
She was hope…
She was a liberator, earning her title as the "breaker of chains." She freed the slaves of Astapor from the cruel hands of their masters, and ordered the Unsullied to slay the latter. Every single one of them, it had to be done. People do not deserve to suffer, to be treated like animals, slavery has to end. They loved her, followed her and supported her cause. It gave her power, a clearer vision of a better future. It was her purpose she believed, and it fueled her desire to take the iron throne.
She was strength and power…
She did the same for Mereen, and crucified the masters. The same punishment they've given to those slaves they killed without mercy. They were evil, they deserved that kind of pain. The people praised her, called her their mother, and she became their queen. She burned the khals who insulted her and threatened to violate her. There was no room in this world for men who treat women as mere tools. She showed them power, and they respected her, the victories she won gained her allies. This was something she learned the hard way:
The odds only ever favor the strong and those who have the upperhand. Thus, she sought for power that was far greater than what she already had.
We allowed her, believing she was the future. We justified her actions, for we thought she was the bringer of good, the kind and just queen the realm deserved. We didn't know that it fed on her darkness.
As she continued her journey, she lost so many. It was a heavy price to pay, and each time, she lost a part of her in the most painful way possible, and we didn't know that we were losing her. All this time she had been dying, we failed to acknowledge that.
Viserys Targaryen, her own brother who sold her like a whore to the khal of the Dothraki; it tainted her innocence...
It killed her youth.
Mirri Maz Duur used blood magic to take the lives of Rhaego, her son and Khal Drogo her husband; it shattered her hopes of building a family she never had...
It killed her gentleness.
The day of her dragons' abduction, she found Irri lying lifeless on the floor. The woman who taught her the language and ways of the Dothraki, the person she considered as one of her friends.
She mourned for the death of Ser Barristan Selmy, the man who despite the short time they've been together, has proven to be a loyal ally. A good man who told her stories about her brother Rhaegar and the truth about her father, the Mad King.
It killed her kindness.
She witnessed her children fall to their deaths--the first was Viserion, who was struck by the Night King and then Rhaegal who was hit by the scorpion bolts of Euron Greyjoy. They were the only children she'll ever have....
It killed her sympathy and empathy.
She was by Jorah of Mormont's side when he passed. The man who loved her, protected her until the very end...
It killed her compassion.
She watched in horror as Cersei Lannister ordered the beheading of Missandei of Naath. One of the people who has always been beside her, and she was the last straw...
It killed her ability to show mercy.
She was already dead. Long before she took the iron throne, the Dany we all knew and loved was murdered in the most horrible ways possible. Her dreams fed on her ambitions which later on turned to lust, while her grief was devoured by hatred which grew into wrath.
And it brought forth a curse that no Targaryen could ever escape, an illness that has no cure. She assured that she wasn't her father, we believed her. But perhaps we chose to turn a blind eye, ignored the possibility that she was born with it. The madness, the sickness that killed her father.
She has always had it...
It was too obvious to deny. Though she tried to be different, to be better, but her tragedies brought the worst in her and I couldn't really blame her for that. Still, killing the very people she swore to protect wasn't justifiable. It still breaks my heart to say this, but it had to be done.
Sometimes I can't help but wonder, had she been raised and nurtured in a loving home, would she have done better? Would she have managed to fight her illness? Had I been adamant to convince her to stay in Meereen, would Cersei and our other enemies leave her be? Had she never found out about Jon Snow's real identity, would she not have craved more for the iron throne?
It was too late and foolish of me to think about it now, for no amount of what ifs can change the past.
I'd like to believe that she did not die completely, there was still a part of her old self that remained despite of everything.
Her ability to love...
I saw it with my own eyes--Dany. How her eyes lit up whenever she sees him, her smile when she talks to him, how she looks at him with tenderness and yearning, the passionate moments they spent behind close doors.
They loved each other. But by the time she defeated the Lannister forces, she was already too damaged to heal, too shattered to become whole again, too mad to become sane.
She was fire--bright, warm, and beautiful...but she was also destruction, wrath and fear.
And only ice can douse the fire.
He was ice, and he was the only one who could stop her so history may not repeat itself, the one who could break the cycle of anger and vengeance.
He was the only one who could save her, that remaining part of her that was good. Save their love, so it may not be consumed by hatred. So he may keep her alive for the rest of his days, and hope that when he meets her in the afterlife...if it does exist, she'll see the woman he loves, not the tyrant who succumbed to insanity.
She is his queen, now and always.
I have come to realize that it is not us who should seek power, for our eyes are easily blinded, and our minds corrupted. Power will come to those who are free of greed, bears no grudges, and does not have the ability to rule but to lead. It was a riddle in the game of thrones we all failed to decipher, and it resulted in the deaths of many--the consequence we had to suffer.
If this journal entry reaches Jon Snow one day, I'd like to answer his question from many years ago, the last time I spoke to him before he returned to Castle Black: it takes courage to fight for what's right, but it takes true love to set things right. Dany...the real Dany knows that.
Jon Snow carefully closed Tyrion's journal and held it close to his chest as he lay on his bed. Parting words he received shortly after his death. Jon was old too, his pale skin was wrinkled, his once black hair ashened over time, he spent the rest of his life living in exile with Tormund and the wildlings. He was parted from his siblings and the rest of the world.
Yet, he felt at peace.
He never stopped thinking about her though. Wondering what could have been had they met under different circumstances, he liked to imagine the two of them...in a home they built, surrounded by the people they love, watching their own children grow into men and women they would be very proud of, lay side by side on their death bed when the time comes.
So much for wishful thinking.
Jon closed his eyes and drifted. Strangely, he found himself in that waterfall. A place that held a special memory of her during their brief stay in Winterfell, the stillness before the world collapsed.
It was exactly the same, the beauty it exudes, the snow that covered the surroundings, the winter...and he felt that familiar sense of belongingness, that feeling one feels when he is home.
He felt energetic once more, his youthful body, the strength he possessed many years ago. He was back to his younger self again. A dream perhaps? Or has he been imagining things again?
A pair of hands touched his. Pale, soft skin that he missed holding so much, and when he looked up he saw her, looking exactly the same as he remembered when they first visited this place.
"Dany..." he whispered her name. He wanted to apologize, but he couldn't say more, he was afraid that she might harbor deep hatred towards him. But he was caught off guard when she caressed his cheek, her hand felt so warm, like she had never died, "Don't be afraid," she told her. She was always so beautiful, but when she smiles, she looked ethereal, and for a moment, he was out of breath. She looked so serene, with no traces of fury or insanity. She was no queen or khaleesi, she was no mother of dragons...
It was just her, the woman he loves and will always love.
When he looked into her eyes, the world stopped revolving, time stopped running, and for the first time in his entire life he thought of nothing else. She was his, and he was hers...now and always.
When they held each other, everything turned into ashes: the guilt he felt when he plunged his blade to her heart, the loneliness of losing her, and the longingness of wanting to be with her once more.
He wasn't letting her go again, not this time.
He pressed his lips onto hers and kissed her passionately, lovingly, savoring this very moment he had always wanted. This time, he never opened his eyes.
Jon Snow, born Aegon Targaryen died in his sleep. He took no wife and fathered no child, thus upon his death, the Targaryen bloodline has come to an end, once the greatest house this realm has ever had.
Samwell Tarly sighed in relief as he finished writing the last chapter of the book, he carefully closed it and ran his fingers through the letters on the cover that was painted in gold. After awhile, he placed the book on one of the shelves of the Citadel, and smiled as sense of fulfillment filled in his heart. All of them will pass one day, but their stories will live...and their story will never be forgotten.
An ode to Ice and Fire (by: Iris).
Written from Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow and Samuel Tarly's POVs.
Years after GoT ended, I decided to binge watch all eight seasons (I know guys, I'm sorry 😅). Definitely didn't like the last two seasons that much but overall, I enjoyed watching it. Looking forward to House of the Dragon in August.
This was originally just Tyrion's POV, but it ended up being a POV within a POV within a POV, and I actually love how it turned out.
There is no denying that Daenerys Targaryen was one of the characters that was worth hyping, it's just so sad that she ended up that way.
P.S. I can't come up with a good title for this, might change it later on if I do😜.
SS: Game of Thrones Season 8 (episode 6)
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finnlongman · 3 years ago
Very random question fueled by the hype about your incoming Laeg paper (also other random question but... Pacific Rim/Iron Widow style reimagining of Laeg and Cu Chulainn when??) but do you have any tips/templates on writing an academic article for publication?
I have never actually seen Pacific Rim, though the concept appeals to me greatly; I have however read Iron Widow and... yes, I am 100% here for this concept. Would love to see someone write that fic.
And... honestly, I don't have too much advice to give on that front. I guess a few generic tips:
Read recently published articles in your field to get a sense of length, style, tone etc. These may vary by journal, so look for one that seems to suit the kind of thing you'd be going for.
It might help to seek out other postgraduate articles, eg in the proceedings of student-run conferences, to get a sense of what other scholars at a similar level are doing. It's hard to always be comparing yourself to the big names in the field – give yourself a break!
An article needs to contribute knowledge to the field, whereas a student essay can just evaluate the knowledge that's already there. So if you're adapting work that you did as a student, consider whether it has something to add that nobody's said yet.
For me, in recent years this has meant working with texts and characters nobody cares about. Before, when I was working more on Cú Chulainn, it was about introducing theoretical frameworks that are under-utilised in my field. You can pick a big topic in the field and go argue with somebody famous, but that's a tough way to start; better to choose a small corner that nobody's looked at in a while and say, "Hey, actually this is interesting." You might even convince them.
In Celtic Studies, editions and translations are useful, so this can be a good place to start, if you have skills in that area: they serve a purpose to other scholars and provide a foundation for future work, which means they're worth publishing. In other fields, there are probably other things that are useful. If you don't already have an article in mind, figure out what would be useful to yourself and others in your field, as it might help you get a foot in the door.
As far as I can tell: Undergrad is when you think, "Huh, odd how nobody's done that." Masters is when you think, "Okay but somebody really needs to do that." PhD is when you go, "Ugh, FINE, I guess I'm doing that." Articles can be this, but on a smaller scale. What is it that you wish somebody else had done or pointed out or emphasised before? That sounds like a niche that needs filling.
Pick your journals carefully. I have very little experience of How To Pick The Right Journal, but you might want to think about things like "is it published online/open access?" or "how complicated are the submission guidelines?" or even "do I get a good vibe from the editor or are they kind of a creep at conferences?"
Conference proceedings are a less intimidating way to tackle a first publication, because you're invited to submit after presenting at the conference, so you already know they're interested. This does mean presenting at a conference, though, but postgrad conferences especially can be very friendly, so it doesn't have to be a huge intimidating big deal.
A well structured article is more convincing than an article that talks in circles for eight pages before getting to the point. Topic sentences are your friend. Make sure the reader knows where each paragraph is going and how one related to the next. Include translations of quotations because no one likes That Guy who randomly sticks bits of Latin in the middle.
"Witty pun or quote: a well-used article title structure" is a legitimate approach to titling.
If you're currently a student, ask your supervisor if they'll read over your article. They might have suggestions for where you could send it, and they'll probably have useful comments.
I don't know if any of that's at all useful. I would say I'm very far from an expert on this front! My articles so far have been:
Adapted from a section of my undergraduate dissertation, but substantially expanded with new theoretical approaches and extra monsters; presented first in greatly abbreviated form at a conference (trans Cú Chulainn article)
More or less directly lifted from a chapter of my MA thesis, just with added introductory material and a few tweaks to make it stand alone; presented first at a conference (Láeg article)
An expanded version of a coursework project consisting of an edition, translation and commentary on a fragmentary text (7 Maines article)
All of them, as you can see, were adapted from work I'd done before, and two were given as conference papers to start with. So I don't have a lot of experience with starting from scratch.
A couple of years back I was googling and I did find a PDF designed for postgrad students that was all about adapting coursework into publications – I think it was from the University of Glasgow. I wouldn't have it to hand and I'm on mobile at present, but perhaps if you Google, you might be able to find something similar, and it might have more helpful advice than me!
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