#They're trying to make up for it. REALLY hard.
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joojconverts · 2 days ago
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4T3 Conversion of HistoricalSimsLife's CC Catalogue
So… here we are, haha! This is the grand project I’ve been working on for about three months now! I made a promise to all of you, so I’m here not only to fulfill that promise and make a bit of a comeback but also to celebrate reaching the incredible milestone of 3,000 FOLLOWERS!!!
I’m so grateful to all of you for everything that has happened since I joined this community, it’s one of the little shining points of my life, lol. So, let me give back by bringing your sims MORE THAN 150 pieces of CC, including clothes, hairstyles, accessories, and buy mode objects!
You’ve probably already guessed that I have A LOT to say about this set, so please, follow me after the cut! 💖
Hope you like it, enjoy!
In this compilation are included sets, mini-sets and standalone pieces that the original creator made! Posepacks, patterns, mods, and pieces categorized as “modern” are not included! HistoricalSimsLife has a lot of 3T4 conversions, and naturally they're also not included EXCEPT for the ones that are mesh edits (e.g. here and here)! TSM to 4 conversions are also not included, as you can find every item converted to TS3 here by votenga! I also re-converted CC that I had previously converted before, such as the printing press set and the dandy suit!
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I'll link the CC just so you know what I'm talking about!
Known Problems:
Most of the time the sleeping animation that comes with the One With Nature mod looks off when making your sim sleep under the prehistoric lean-to shelter. I'm not sure why but instead of sleeping horizontally they sleep vertically, so they clip with the branches that are on the floor. Two times while I was testing they slept horizontally tho, so I'm not sure if I can fix it. Sorry!!
The drawer (chest) of the Kativip Library set doesn't have an animation!
The telescope's eyepiece looks a bit off when a sim is using it. The way the mesh is made is very different from ts3's telescopes, and it would be quite hard to make it looks seamless and also it wouldn't look good, as ts3's telescopes all look kinda silly imo hahah. Hope you don't mind it very much!
The celtic cape might clip depending on the clothes being used and the animation being played!
The round weave rug of the Rustic Living Set generates some white lines when zooming really far out. I thought it was UV map, but I tweaked it and they're still showing up. It's only apparent if you look closely tho!
* Note that teens and elders have neck gaps. This is sadly the price for having them available! For teens, try using this and this slider by gruesim!
Please let me know if you find any problems!
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Buckle up now...
The whole catalogue is quite low-poly and gameplay friendly, so don’t worry about that!
The whole catalogue is categorized into folders once you extract the zip, so you can pick and choose if you're playing in a specific era!
The buy mode items have collection files so you can find them a lot easier (except for the crib, the map painting and the aztek sink)! Just put them inside your "collections" folder in ts3's documents folder!
I highly recommend using the One With Nature mod by @spheresims while using the prehistoric collection!
The printing press letter plate works as a functional computer, and it's categorized as so!
The printing press desk and chair both have 4 matching presets! They're all different wood presets!
The hollow food storage works as a functional fridge for your prehistoric sims!
The Pile of Rocks cave works as, you guessed it, a cave! Actually no lol, it works as a tent, and your sims can sleep inside! It also has 5 presets, all stone textures, first one is an overlay, the rest is recolorable!
The sleeping underlay works as a sleeping bag! It has 2 recolorable presets!
The Skyrim lean-to has 2 presets! First one has an overlay texture, second one is recolorable!
The prehistoric lean-to shelter has 7 presets. The last one (fur) is recolorable, the others are overlays!
The rustic living set has two bed frames (single and double bed) and two matresses! All you need to do is to put the bed frame first, and then the matress on top of it, now you have two separate objects that can be customized!
The weave rug has 6 recolorable presets!
The round weave rug has 7 presets, and they're all combinations of recolorable and overlayed parts!
Both love seats and both bed frames of the rustic living set have 3 presets, different types of wood! Not recolorable.
The matresses also have 3 presets, they're combinations of overlayed and recolorable parts!
The old map painting has 4 non-recolorable presets!
The aztek sink has 4 presets, and they're combinations of overlayed and recolorables parts except for the last one! It also works as a functional sink!
The two empty boockases of the Katvip library set work as displays, so there are many slots for you to put decor on!
All hats/caps are hat-slider compatible and unissex!
The Dandy Lady hat (renamed it from ts3's hairstyle) has 3 different versions: One with feathers (that I made), one without them, and one without feathers nor decorations (renamed as Gone to Riding Hat)! You need to have V1 installed for the textures of the other two to show up, as they're linked!
The maid dress has 4 different versions (i know the post says 3 but it's 4 lol), as you can see on the preview! They work just like the Dandy Lady hat, above!
The Pirate Dress has an overlay you can find in accessories! Using it with the outfit you can recolor the belt and the buckle! If you don't use the accessory, those parts will just be a usual overlay texture!
You need to use a no feet mesh to use the Boy's 1700s Frock Coat, you can find one here!
The Boy's 1700s Frock Coat has has an overlay accessory, same thing as the Pirate Dress! With it you can recolor the belt, the pockets and the buckle!
The Edwardian Tea In The Garden dress has 6 presets, 5 of them are floral overlays, and the last one is a solid version.
The Regency Morning Dress has 11 presets. First one is a solid version, the last four are patterned overlays, and the rest are recolorable patterns.
The Ester Wedding Dress has 4 recolorable presets, the patterns of the bodice change!
The Simply Rococo Dress has 15 totally recolorable patterned presets!
The Embroided Rococo Dress has 2 presets: the first one is the original texture as an overlay, and the second one is a recolorable version of it (though not as good, since it's a very complicated texture).
The Vintage Men's Exercise Outfit has 6 patterned presets, all recolorable!
The Edwardian Men's underwear and the Edwardian Men's nightgown both have 2 presets, one striped and one solid. Both recolorable!
The Dandy Suit has 9 presets, first one's solid and the rest are patterned, all recolorable!
The Celtic Warrior Outfit has 2 presets. In the first one the plaid is an overlay, original texture. In the second one you can change it however you want using CASt!
The Bodacious Boy Suit has 2 presets! The mask is different, so you can recolour different parts!
The Vintage Girl's Dress With Bows has 8 presets, one of them is a solid version, another one is a recolorable patterned preset, and the rest are patterned overlays!
The Colonial Living Girl's Dress has 5 presets, last one is a solid recolorable version, and the rest are patterned overlays!
The Victorian Tweed Dress Top has 6 presets. The last one is a totally recolorable preset, the other 5 are overlay presets!
The Celtic Dress Top has 2 presets. First one is a long sleeved version, and the second is a vest like top with long sleeved white shirt underneath. Both recolorable!
The Victorian Tweed Dress Skirt has 6 presets, same thing as the top!
The Celtic Dress Skirt has 2 presets. First one has an apron with it, and the second one doesn't! Both recolorable.
I think that’s all haha! Now to the download! <3
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☕  buy me a coffee or become a patron!
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Credits & Special Thanks:
@historicalsimslife, Kativip and EA/Maxis for all the meshes and textures! Check out the full catalogue here!
Thank you @deniisu-sims, @suteflower, @sideshowsnob and @twinsimming for the general support (and help, where needed lol) when creating this collection!
💖 @eternalccfinds @katsujiiccfinds @sisilou @darkccfinds @xto3conversionsfinds @wanderingsimsfinds
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turtleshelf · 2 days ago
Fun fic prompt that has been plauging me for like a month that I will either end up writing or will fizzle out:
Contrary to popular belief, Superman and Wonder Woman weren't the first JL members to learn Batman's secret identity... it wasn’t even Martin Manhunter. To the shock of everyone who learns this, and they themselves when it happened, it was Flash and Green Arrow.
It went like this: Dick wanted friends. Really he needed a support system that knew him in and out of the mask. Because Bruce and Alfred? They're great, but there are just some things a pre teen/young teen wants to talk to kids his own age about. And sure he has friends at school, but there's a disproportionately large portion of his life that he has to keep hidden that makes it hard for him to get close with people who don't know.
So it's takes some comments from Dick about how cool he thinks Kid Flash and Speedy are, and probably some needling from Alfred too, but for the sake of his sons general well-being and development Bruce calls Barry and Oliver to the Cave one day and drops the bombshell that is his secret identity on them.
This leads to some funny situations as Regular Guy Barry Allen starts being seen hanging out with two billionaires he has no reason at all to know. Bruce lightens up on the two just a little bit in the League, and is generally more friendly towards them. Flash and Green Arrow start to get much better at different fighting styles and stealth that they have never used previously.
It drives the rest of the JL crazy trying to subtly figure out what is happening.
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starry--eye-s · 2 days ago
Yaaaay thank you for taking the time to answer :) I LOVE the "you wanted me to be perfect" too, it's such a powerful moment. It is so good when character escape our control and write on their own :)
I am also praying very hard Tzila will indeed get those laugh wrinkles. Come on she's tough she's a survivor now, she will make it!
It's funny I had a similar discussion with someone else that indeed, despite the death and hardship of Midst, it leaves you full of hope for the future of character who made it, making you want to write in turn :) But alright now on to the new questions !
4) I think my characters sigh a lot XD To be fair, they're going through a lot of stuff, and it's something I do a lot in my life so it bleeds into my stories ^^
18) I have only 1 WIP, because I am restraining myself and forcing myself to finish it before starting a new one. We'll see if it works!
28) So recently my bain expanded on the theory that Phineas could be a fold-baby. Since he's from the delta but has no marking nor mutation, there's a possibility he was actually spawn from a tearror because Jonas was there, terrified adsecla teenager, inthe worst place of the cosmos, desperataly needed someone to love him uncconditionnally. A bit similar to the Fiona/jacob situation. And I was thinking that if during their Sequester/Lazaretto therapy Phineas and Jonas would discover that ¨Phin was brought to existence for Jonas by the fold, that would be quite juicy. Are his feelings for Jonas real? Or are they just tearror-born? Jonas get some extra guilt on top of your already existing one! Anyway ^^ Don't know if I would ever actually write this, but sounded like a few chapter of absolute angst :p
30) Oh boy, you made me dig up my decade-old one piece fanfic from the time I was on fanfiction.net and, uhm... Yes, yes it did, thankfully. The rythm was there, but I was describing non-important stuff too much, and some character really feel flat. I also had a tendency of always trying to make some character say "cool lines" just because I thought it would be cool XD Biggest change has probably been switching to writing in english instead of my motehr tongue though, and hopefully I'll keep at getting better at that too :)
Alright, I'm not done yet :p
@sadmushroomgoblin play with me? You have so many!
Could you do 8 (from wasted potential and from your favorite fic), 10, 19, 31, pretty please?
Fanfic/Author Ask Game
Write a scene from [insert fic] in another character’s POV
Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
What are your top three most commonly used tags on AO3?
What are some words or phrases you feel like you overuse?
What’s something you learned while researching a fic?
Would you ever accept requests or commissions?
Coffee or tea while you write?
What is your favorite line/section from [insert fic]?
How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Is there a character or ship you'd love to write for, but haven't yet?
What makes a fic 'successful' in your opinion?
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Do you have an 'official' creative writing background such as a degree or previous experience publishing?
What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
Does anyone you know in real life know you write fanfiction?
What do you struggle with most when writing?
What is something you recently felt proud of in your writing?
How many WIPs do you have and how many do you expect to finish?
How do you get over writer's block?
Share your favorite kiss scene from [insert fic]. If there's no kiss scene, share your favorite moment of intimacy (romantic or platonic)
What stops you from writing more in your free time?
Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic?
What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Which scene/theme was the inspiration for [insert fic]?
Are there any moments in [insert fic] that feel "blurry" to you? Is this a stylistic choice, or would you go back and clarify the descriptions if you were given the chance?
Do you ever "prep" your fics with outlines or warmups before you start writing, or do you just dive right in?
Are any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Have you noticed your style change over time?
What fic meant the most to you to write?
A character you enjoy making suffer.
A character you want to protect.
What is your favorite fic to get comments/messages on?
Wild Card: Ask me something else!
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simonbrain · 13 hours ago
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i'm combining these since they're similar, but i'm so glad you both enjoy deer hybrid!reader 🫶🏽 also the tweet i was talking about is here
anyway, i don't think simon fucks you for a while. he makes you work for it, taking you apart with his hands and his tongue until the breathiest whimpers are leaving your spit-slick lips and your pussy is raw and sensitive. gotta teach you a lesson, doe, is his excuse, when you both know very well that following instructions is not your greatest strength.
when he finally has you on your back, sweet cunt slicking his cock with each glide he makes between your folds, he almost busts right there. he'll never get tired of staring at the soft patch of hair that covers your pussy or the way your hips move, so clumsy and needy. always fuckin' desperate for somethin'.
"calm down," he murmurs, petting one of your twitchy ears, but it's so hard to obey when you've been going cross-eyed dreaming about this moment. you're able to suck just the tip in, so soft and warm, and that's about all it takes to have simon's hips jerking forward, the low hiss he lets out making you smile.
"oops," you mumble, shoulders shaking with the effort of trying to not laugh, and he huffs, "cheeky lil shit," before punching in a few more inches and letting out his own noise of triumph at the sharp gasp you let out.
it's easy to lose himself once you get used to the stretch. you're so soft, sweet pussy so relaxed that he can slide right in to the hilt, and you'll have no choice but to take it. he coos when you try to squirm away and hiccup that you can't, it's too much, but he silences all your wanton noises with a sweet kiss on your pouty lips. you really are a silly deer, aren't you? so many wasted chances to run away from him, and now that he finally has you, you're waving a white flag.
"take it, hun," he grunts, spreading your legs wider to watch himself split you over and over again. the white, frothy ring around his length almost has his eyes rolling back, and he lets out a breathy chuckle when your hand finds his. "fuck, so cute, ain't ya? is this all you needed, sweet'art? jus' needed someone to put you in your place?"
"y— yes," you manage to squeak out. heavy pants and choked moans leave your open mouth, and it's all you can do, each drag of his cock knocking the breath out of you. "more, gimme more, wan' it deeper—"
"fuckin' hell, the mouth on you," he groans, sliding his fingers over your engorged clit. the fat head of his cock hits so deep it feels like he's about to breach your fucking womb, and you can only drool all over yourself, every coherent thought being fucked out of your head. he's rewiring your brain, you're sure of it, getting you hooked on the smell and taste of him, getting your cunt addicted to being overwhelmingly full. you think he's snarling something about giving you a couple of babies, fawns, but that's all you can comprehend before you're arching your back and warmth is coating his cock all the way down to his balls.
(after the first time, asking him to chase you through the woods at night was a no-brainer. you really made him work for it by using your brilliant senses, smart girl, but that's what made it all the more satisfying when he finally caught you. you surrendered so easily too, letting him shove your face down and hike your hips up. getting poked by the sharp leaves and twigs was totally worth it.)
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rafes-slut · 1 day ago
Could you do a smut/angst with Reader/Rafe. They're about to get it on in bed. She's been trying to keep it emotionless (even though they are dating) because she's been hurt in the past, so while they are dating and she's kind etc, she still keeps an emotional distance somewhat. Rafe tells her that he loves her but she ignores it, trying to just keep going and tries to make it less intimate, like avoiding eye contact and not kissing, but he keeps trying (in a green flag healthy way, not like forcing her or anything obviously) but he wants to be intimate fully if that makes sense
Hope you will like it x
Break Down These Walls
Warnings: angst, emotional vulnerability, trauma mention (past relationship wounds), soft/green flag Rafe, slow and intimate moments, praise, lots of kissing, implied aftercare.
The room is dimly lit, shadows flickering against the walls as the scent of Rafe’s cologne fills the air. The bed beneath you dips as he hovers over you, lips brushing against yours in a slow, teasing way that would normally make you melt. His fingers trail along your waist, slipping beneath the hem of your shirt, but you don’t react—not fully.
You’ve been here before. Not just with him, but in general. And every time, it’s the same. You keep it surface-level, physical, something that doesn’t require you to feel too much. Because feeling means vulnerability, and you don’t do that. Not anymore.
But Rafe? He makes it hard.
His mouth moves down your jaw, pressing kisses to your neck, his hands skimming your sides. His body is warm against yours, but you keep yourself rigid, eyes locked on the ceiling instead of on him.
“Look at me,” Rafe murmurs, voice rough but gentle.
You don’t. Instead, you shift beneath him, fingers curling into his shirt as you pull it over his head, keeping your movements calculated—detached. His eyes search yours, and you feel it, the way he’s waiting for something you can’t bring yourself to give.
So you push forward, tilting your chin up so that your lips meet his again, except this time, you don’t really kiss him. It’s a press, a means to an end, not something intimate. You don’t let it be.
Rafe pulls back slightly, brows furrowing. “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean?” you ask, feigning innocence as you move your hands to his belt, trying to keep things moving. If you don’t stop, if you don’t give him a chance to say something, maybe he’ll let it go.
But Rafe doesn’t just let things go.
He catches your wrists, halting your movements. “You’re doing it again.”
Your stomach twists. “Doing what?”
“Shutting me out.” His voice is softer now, careful. “I told you I love you, and you didn’t even blink.”
You swallow hard, avoiding his gaze. “I just—I don’t—”
“You don’t what?” He leans closer, his nose nearly brushing yours, trying to get you to meet his eyes. When you don’t, his hands move, cupping your face, thumbs brushing along your cheekbones. “Baby, it’s me. You don’t have to do this with me.”
Your chest tightens. You want to pull away, to shake your head and keep going, pretend like you didn’t hear him. But he’s right there, warm and real, looking at you like he actually cares.
Like he actually means it.
“I just don’t want to get hurt,” you admit, voice barely above a whisper. It’s the first time you’ve said anything like it out loud. “I can’t—”
“You won’t.” He says it so easily, like it’s a fact. “I don’t want just this. I want you—all of you. And I know you want that too, even if you’re scared.”
His lips graze your forehead, slow and lingering. When you don’t flinch, he presses another to your cheek. Then your jaw. Then, finally, he brings his mouth back to yours, not forcefully, not rushed. He just waits.
Your heartbeat pounds in your ears. You could keep ignoring it, keep pretending like this is just another night, another moment that doesn’t mean anything.
Or you could try.
So you kiss him back. Properly, this time.
His lips mold against yours in a way that’s unfamiliar—not because you’ve never kissed him before, but because you’ve never actually let yourself feel it. His hands stay cradling your face, keeping you there, but not trapping you. He’s letting you set the pace, and for the first time, you don’t try to rush through it.
Rafe sighs into your mouth, like he’s been waiting for this—for you—to just let him in. His thumbs stroke slow, reassuring patterns against your skin, grounding you in a way that makes your head spin.
You don’t know how long you kiss him for. Time feels different when you’re not actively trying to block everything out.
Then he shifts, pressing you further into the mattress, his body flush against yours. His mouth parts from yours only to drag along your jaw, down the side of your throat, lingering in places he knows make you shiver. This time, you do shiver, and he smiles against your skin.
“There she is,” he murmurs.
You swallow hard, your fingers gripping his shoulders, nails pressing into his skin just to anchor yourself. You feel too much, and it’s overwhelming—but not in a bad way. You’ve just never let yourself have this.
His hands roam down, slow and deliberate, like he’s learning every inch of you for the first time. Even though he isn’t. You’ve been with him before, plenty of times. But this feels different. Because it is different.
His lips trail lower, ghosting over your collarbone as his fingers slip under your shirt. You let him pull it off, and this time, when he looks at you, you don’t turn away.
“You’re beautiful,” he says, almost in awe, like he’s seeing you for the first time, too.
Your stomach tightens. You want to deflect, make a joke, brush it off—but you don’t. Instead, you reach for him, guiding him back to you, letting his mouth meet yours again.
It’s slower now. Intimate. Real.
His hands explore, mapping every dip and curve of your body, but it’s not just about the physical touch—it’s about the way he makes you feel safe. The way he makes you feel like you don’t have to keep running from this, from him.
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steviewashere · 12 hours ago
Oh, oh, oh
Eddie thinking Steve is kind of a good dude, but still holding his biases after Vecna. Oh, the way he looks at Steve is with his nostrils flared and his eyes skeptical. He stomps on Steve's interests because it's just "sportsball talk" and it's "not that important"; and he holds his own interests higher on a pedestal because they're all about "giving voices to the unheard" and "making others feel at home". Having this incredible, unmissable, unavoidable hypocrisy when it comes to Steve Harrington.
He greets him with a mocking, "Harrington," but never a "Steve" or a "Stevie." It's strictly last name basis. Eddie refuses to reach out to him, unless it's truly dire. He refuses to meet-up with Steve for hangouts—even if it's a movie night with everybody or it's an arcade trip with the whole party or a late night diner call. He wants nothing to do with Steve. But he can admire the way Steve calibrates himself with others, saves them time and time again, sticks up for them.
And the real kicker?
Steve is trying to be the best for Eddie. Not for himself. Not for the party. But for Eddie. He's not sure why it matters at all that he has Eddie's seal of approval, but if he doesn't...for some reason, it brings a hard-hitting ache to his chest, a stomach dropping sort of nausea, a burn behind his eyes. It shouldn't matter to him that Eddie won't hug him, won't indulge his interests, won't call him by his name. It really shouldn't.
But he keeps pushing, keeps trying. Calls Eddie, well, Eddie. He asks Dustin for advice, how he could approach, how to appease him. Erica puts on campaigns, just so that Steve can learn how to play; maybe Eddie wouldn't mind Steve teaming along for campaigns, as long as he can play. He's offering rides. He's giving Eddie his monthly free pass at Family Video. He's trying to laugh the hardest at Eddie's jokes, keep silent when he doesn't get something. He bites back on his retorts, on his usual catty playfulness, his jokey assholery—all because Eddie got on the defense and practically snarled at him the last time he tried to joke around with Robin about her failing dates. He pulls back and he keeps himself polite and he smiles when appropriate and he tries to expand his style, his music taste, his movie likes, his nerd vernacular. And he thinks he's doing a good job, pleasing Eddie. Because Eddie doesn't roll his eyes, doesn't snap at him, doesn't sigh at him, doesn't flare his nostrils—none of that.
Steve does something, he's not sure what. Maybe made a joke at the wrong moment? Argued a little too loudly? Didn't give Eddie what he wants? It had to be something he did. Something wrong.
Because Eddie's all mad at him, beyond pissy, beyond offended. Angry in a way that scares Steve, almost. Red-faced and stomping and big. And then, as the walls begin to close in, just as the floor begins to sink at Steve's feet, just as he's ready for Eddie to just slap him or punch him or knock some screws loose—
"I hate you."
And it's not the same as a punch, but it lands like one anyway. Knocking the wind right out of Steve's sails. He's standing straight one moment, off-kilter and ready to collapse the next.
"You hate me?"
He doesn't even hear the next thing Eddie says, blood rushing to his ears, drowning out the sounds. Because with his back against a wall, in the Wheeler's empty basement (as the kids all went up for some lunch, their D&D stuff strewn about), a sick curl of dread in Steve's stomach, he makes a haunting realization:
Nothing he does will ever be enough for Eddie. No matter the battle they fought. No matter the space they shared, chuckling into each other's ears, telling each other they were better than expectations. No matter the stuff Steve learned, or the way he cleaned Eddie's vest, or the media training he's essentially done to himself. None of it will be enough for Eddie.
Because in Eddie's head?
Steve Harrington is kind of a good guy.
But one act of bravery doesn't immediately erase an image. It doesn't get rid of drilled in biases. Or a well-crafted, initially well-meaning rule set in one's head.
At the end of the day, Steve Harrington was still King Steve. He was still this jockish asshole with a bit of boyish charm.
And Eddie's not a fool, no he isn't (except yes he eventually is), flattery won't work on him this time. All it takes is one moment, one vulnerability, and Steve will be showing his true colors. Any moment now, is what Eddie is constantly telling himself, any moment, the other shoe is going to drop.
He doesn't want to admit it. That Steve is good. That he's funny and charming and smart and wonderful. That, even in his attempt to put distance, Eddie is sort of falling for this version of Steve—supposedly this real version of him.
Again, though, he isn't a fool.
Even if he has a chance.
Because Steve didn't know why it mattered, not initially. But up close, Eddie's angry flaming eyes in front of him, his soft freckles dashing across his face, the thick furrow of his eyebrows—even angry, Steve can see that Eddie is handsome. Even angry, Eddie is everything Steve's wanted. Even angry, Eddie is light. And Steve?
God, Steve's in love.
He wanted the validation because he's in love. But Eddie won't ever know that. Because he apparently hates Steve. And Steve also isn't a fool. There's no point in sticking around if he's only going to make things worse, there's no point in befriending Eddie when he's already made up his mind. There's no point trying to earn a love that's worth half a dime to even his own parents. There's no point.
Maybe the distance is good.
Maybe the distance is just what they needed.
Maybe, just maybe, the friendship was dead in the water before it had the chance to swim.
Steve dashes away from it all, from the Wheeler's, from the party, from their game, from Eddie. What's he gonna do now? He's not sure. Maybe a bouquet of flowers and a well meaning apology would mean something. Maybe some dice and an apology?
But what did he even do? What's he apologizing for?
Maybe it wouldn't mean anything, especially since Eddie seems damn set on refusing to listen.
(Do they make up? I don't know...maybe...you decide.)
(Also...parallels? Me writing parallels? More likely than you think.)
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glittering-darmallon · 3 days ago
For Valrys Ingellvar
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My favorite, "I am so done with all this" screenshots of them from their playthrough.
What type of plant would Harding gift your Rook? Jasmine- She notices Valrys likes to wear a jasmine perfume oil, and this way they can distill the fragrance easier and not run out
Do they like Harding's cooking? They try, but Harding insists on substituting yam for all meat, and they don't have the heart to tell her they hate yams. They have tried subtle suggestions about maybe more mushrooms and less yam. It hasn't worked so far.
What animal/monster would Davrin carve for your Rook? A nuggalope. Valrys has always wanted to ride one, preferrably into battle, but they're not picky. "GIANT NUGS, LACE! AND LOOK AT THAT WIDDLE FACE!"
Does your Rook like the walks in Arlathan with Davrin? Yes with a caveat. They are so over those poison spitting fade plants. "If I get hit by that green goo one more time, I'm going to destroy EVERYTHING!"
What is something Neve could call on your Rook for if she needs certain expertise for a case? Cosmetics outside Tevinter. "No, Neve, I'm pretty sure those are false eyelashes not tiny feathers. You can use a bit of sap to attach them to your lash line."
Does your Rook share Neve's love of fried fish? Absolutely not. They hate fish with a burning passion. It's a texture thing. "Ew, why is it falling apart in my mouth?"
Does your Rook join Bellara in her technical talks about the Fade and various artifacts or are they more content to listen? Yes, but more because they find the topic interesting, not that they are knowledgeable about it. They are a good student though, love to learn.
Do your Rook and Bellara read serials together? Yes, though Valrys enjoys the mystery serials a lot more than the romance ones. They have a pretty decent track record of figuring out whodunnit before the serial reveals it. Valrys: "No, I'm telling, Bellara, the monkey did it." Bellara: "What? No! No way!" Valrys: "Oh yeah. Hid in the chimney." (Did I just make Murders in the Rue Morgue appear in Thedas? Why yes I did."
What is your Rook's favorite dish that Lucanis cooks? Deep mushrooms stuffed with goat cheese, chives and spices- Made vegetarian for Valrys and Emmrich- sausage is added for the rest of the team
What would Lucanis buy for your Rook at the Grande Market? Bath oils, lip stain or other cosmetics. "I am not sure if the color is one you like, but I have it on good authority this merchant makes a really good product."
What dragon would Taash think your Rook would like the best? Fangscorcher- small but formidable but also reckless "Smart enough to set traps and hold grudges, not smart enough to control herself" Yup. That fits impulsive Valrys to a T
Do they bring your Rook 'round the Hall of Valor to drink often? Oh yeah. Valrys is a favorite of those at the Hilt. "They're so small. How are they packing away all that food? All that Ale?" Good ol' Dwarven constitution.
Would your Rook like Emmrich's mother's hazelnut torte? Not really. They don't care for apricots- But they would try it anyway
What kind of tea would Emmrich make for your Rook? Lavender black tea served with a candied lemon peel garnish. Vorgoth (The Chatterbox!) told Emmrich it had been Valrys' favorite since they were about eight. "DO NOT FORGET THE LEMON PEEL! YOU WILL MAKE THEM SAD. THEN YOU WILL HEAR FROM ME." Bonus: What is one thing a companion does to cheer up your Rook if they're feeling down? Taash or Davrin: Come on. Will smashing things with a giant hammer make you feel better? Valrys: Uh Huh Neve: I know of a storage room in Minrathous the Venatori like to frequent. Filled with pottery. Valrys begins running for the eluvian: "IT'S TIME TO SMASH!"
Small Rook & Companion Questions:
What type of plant would Harding gift your Rook?
Do they like Harding's cooking?
What animal/monster would Davrin carve for your Rook?
Does your Rook like the walks in Arlathan with Davrin?
What is something Neve could call on your Rook for if she needs certain expertise for a case?
Does your Rook share Neve's love of fried fish?
Does your Rook join Bellara in her technical talks about the Fade and various artifacts or are they more content to listen?
Do your Rook and Bellara read serials together?
What is your Rook's favorite dish that Lucanis cooks?
What would Lucanis buy for your Rook at the Grande Market?
What dragon would Taash think your Rook would like the best?
Do they bring your Rook 'round the Hall of Valor to drink often?
Would your Rook like Emmrich's mother's hazelnut torte?
What kind of tea would Emmrich make for your Rook?
Bonus: What is one thing a companion does to cheer up your Rook if they're feeling down?
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steddieas-shegoes · 3 days ago
lone stars
for @steddiemicrofic prompt 'ride'
rated m | 453 words | cw: implied sexual content | tags: cowboy/western-ish au, eddie is a sweetheart, getting together, first kiss, lowkey horsegirl steve harrington
He's sipping on the last of his broth when he hears it.
It sounds like a group of people, heading right for his spot near the river. He didn't expect to get interrupted this late in the evening, most intelligent travelers knowing better than to continue walking in the forest after sundown.
He stands and starts to mount Grit, his horse since childhood, but is interrupted by a hand on his leg.
"Stay quiet."
The shadow of a person is standing close to him, long hair tied back in a low ponytail. His eyes are glowing, but nothing else about him stands out. He must be wearing all black.
That's never a good sign.
"Let go of me. I'm not standin' around to see if they're friend or foe," Steve whispers as he tries to jerk the reins so they can ride off into the night.
"They're neither, but they'll bother ya for days if they see ya," the man whispers back.
Steve pauses. "You got a horse to get outta here?"
The man shakes his head, and he's becoming a bit clearer as Steve's eyes adjust.
"Hop on. What's your name?"
"Eddie," he says as he hops up behind Steve. Grit huffs, but seems to understand that he shouldn't make any other noises. He's always been an attentive horse. "Where ya headin'?"
"Not sure yet. You?"
"Anywhere you're goin'."
Eddie's hard to shake.
Steve doesn't really try too hard.
They ride together for a few weeks, getting to know each other. Eddie's past is dark, but so is Steve's in its own way. They're both loners trying to find a place to call home, maybe find others to help them feel a little less lonely.
Eddie's funny, and charming, and tactile. He's unlike anyone Steve's been around before. Even as a child, his friends were more of the burly boys who didn't hug type, but Eddie always finds reasons to touch him, to reach out to comfort or keep him warm or show him joy that can't be contained in a smile or laugh alone.
Steve doesn't know why he does it. The fire is warm, the stars above are stunning, and Eddie looks like the sun.
He kisses him.
Eddie hesitates. Steve thinks about being killed here, hopes Eddie will at least care for Grit.
"You too?" Eddie asks, voice shaking with what seems like fear.
"I s'pose so," Steve shrugs.
Eddie kisses him, he strips him down, covers them both up with the sheet they picked up at a general store a week ago. They push and pull, touch and kiss. They find each other and themselves.
"Want this every night," Eddie gasps.
"Take it, then," Steve bites his shoulder.
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asterkatt · 22 hours ago
okay I said I was going to give more thoughts on act 5 of ISAT and then uh. I didn't. oopsies. but we're here now!!
I loved Odile's friendquest in this act SO much. one of my favorite things about the way the game handled Siffrin's actions throughout the entirety of act 5 in general is that everyone's reactions to him were so DIFFERENT. but not only were they different, they had reasons for being different. it wasn't just "Siffrin says something messed up, hurts someone's feelings, pushes it down, rinse and repeat". each "breakdown" was specifically tailored to be character specific. to fit in with how they've behaved in the story thus far, as well as how Siffrin feels about them/tends to respond to them in particular. with Mirabelle, it really was entirely accidental. Siffrin didn't even realize how their wording might come across in the moment. It wasn't him lashing out in any way - just him genuinely trying to cut corners. Odile?? Odile's was very different. it's easy to see that there's a lot of tension between Siffrin and Odile - more tension than there is with anyone else. Odile has been a thorn in Sif's side - constantly observing and watching and theorizing about why they're behaving strangely. I did the sus quest. Sif knows that she has the ability to figure it out. Consequently, they have to be way more aware of her than anyone else. (side note that's not entirely relevant to this but I want to bring it up - the fact Siffrin believes that her constant eye on him is because "she doesn't trust you" makes me sick. because that's not it at all. they might pretend it is. hell, she might act like it is. but it's not and she knows that. she knows it's because she's worried because she cares and Siffrin can't understand that.) so I feel like they took the "mistake" of messing up with Odile harder than they took any of the other interactions. because how could they be so stupid. how could they forget. how could he forget that she always figures it out.
so of course he lashes out. not only are they being faced with the same blinding mistake they've made over and over and over again, it's also a reminder that she doesn't trust him. (and why should she?).
and then she goes and makes it all worse by calling him a "friend". because they know that's not how she sees them. he believes that she doesn't trust him. so it must seem like she's directly lying to his face - and she thinks they're too dense to see through it.
I love that Odile doesn't back down. she doesn't shy away when they start yelling at her. she doesn't let it slide just because she made them upset (Isa and Mira both probably would - though Isa would try and get them to talk about it later). she pushes, because that's the only way she's going to get any answers.
the way you can feel her anger when Siffrin hits her where it hurts the most (without even seeing her face) is just AUHGSKJDHFKJSH. the writing of this game. the details. never cease to amaze me. I love the way she snaps back. she doesn't get angry, she doesn't yell - and yet somehow it hurts just as badly.
I also love the way Siffrin reflects on it - the way they acknowledge that "she was only worried about you!!!" because deep down he knows that their friends do actually care about him. the way Odile handles the situation afterwards as well - at the clocktower?????? I love that you can tell she's trying so hard to make the "right" choice to not endanger them when it's not what she wants. she doesn't want to leave Siffrin behind. If they weren't going to take on the King the next day, I guarantee you she'd be using anything in her power to figure out what was going on with him. I don't have the exact quote rn but at the end of the sus questline she mentions that she can't let something go when she finds it odd - and this is BEYOND odd. but she has to put the safety of the whole group and their mission first, and I love seeing that side of her.
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plumbottompie · 2 days ago
Making friends with an affini as an independent was hard. You had to make sure not to give off the impression that you're a seed, and even so, it's hard not to get the impression that your new friend is thinking about making you a pet. But after a while, you find one who can treat you almost like an equal.
The real problem came when you introduced this affini to your other independent friends. Most of them didn't feel comfortable around an affini, which you understood, and they wanted most of your hangouts to be terran only.
One friend though, seemed a little too comfortable. Maybe she was just too trusting of the affini you had called your friend, but she would let the affini pet her, and never felt the need to insist on her independence the way you did.
Your breaking point came when one day, you were all hanging out, and she ended up sitting in the affini's lap. You're not really sure how it happened, but you looked over, and there she was, looking like a floret. The sight made your stomach twist in anxiety for her, and afterwards, you invited her back to your hab and sat her down.
You explained that just because this affini was your friend didn't mean her independence wasn't threatened. If she didn't start acting differently, she'd end up a floret. Instead of being horrified, like you expected, she blushed and looked away.
She was embarrassed, but not nearly as ashamed as you would have been if you were the one admitting to having already been considering walking into the domestication office. She tells you how nice your affini friend is, which you obviously knew, because you're friends, and is actually happy at the suggestion that she's being viewed as a potential pet.
You're horrified, but not as horrified as you are in the coming weeks, when you realize that your affini spends less and less time with you, and more with her. The realization that you were only ever seen as a terran to be domesticated, not a real friend, and that you've now been replaced, is humiliating.
You feel sick when she talks about how excited she is to get her implant, and describes in uncomfortable detail how good the xenodrugs make her feel during sex. You try inviting her to something, and she asks if her affini (that's how she says it too) is invited, because if not, she can't go.
She invites you to a party to celebrate her getting her implant, and you blow up at her, insulting her, and calling her names. You expect her to burst into tears, but instead, she's totally calm, and tells you that it's okay to be jealous.
Every time you think of the two of them, you're revolted, and then you remember her accusation that you're jealous, and get angry. You don't want to hang out with your other friends, who are way too accepting of her becoming a floret. They're probably talking about how they're also going to be domesticated.
The doorbell rings, and you're told it's a wellness check. You thought your next one was a few days away, but apparently you lost track of time. You open the door, but instead of the usual affini, it's the one who domesticated your friend, and she's there too. "No need to be jealous anymore!" she says, "once we fail you on this wellness check, we'll be a connivent!"
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Hi, if you're still doing poppy playtime asks, mind If I ask, how would the toys react if the player saved up a lot of money and used it to buy a remote property far from any society. When asked why the player states they're going to die one day, one day they won't be around and they need somewhere to live when for when he's no longer around to take care of them. It's remote so Noone should ever run into them, it's got plenty of food either by the river, sea, forest or simply growing in the garden. It's got plenty of rooms for each of them, they just ask that the toys take care of themselves, so when they do die they'll die knowing they'll be okay
I couldn't fit everything you said into one post because it was getting long, sorry about that. Hope you like it anyway!
If you like my work, please consider commissioning me or leaving a tip on Ko-fi (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Kind of a continuation to this post.
Player who lives in a remote location
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★ You got the property years ago; it's off a dirt trail far into the woods. Hard to find if you weren't actively looking for it. Could go weeks without seeing another person. You liked it, it was nice and quiet. And, conveniently, the perfect home for all the toys you could rescue.
★ It was a big adjustment for everyone. Doey, Kissy and Dogday were still shaken up over everything that had happened. Most of the mini critters seemed in good spirits, which you were thankful for. Even though the first few days were stressful, each passing day felt a bit better than the last.
★ Cartoons are constantly playing in your living room. Usually, older Disney movies or indie shows you find on YouTube. Doey tries to play peacemaker whenever an argument about what to watch breaks out.
★ Some of the smaller toys are scared of being carried away by a bird of prey. You made one joke about it, and it was taken seriously. "Watch out, or a big bird might swoop down and carry you away!" It was meant to be funny, but Bobby didn't leave the house for a good week after that.
★ The lack of light pollution makes it the perfect place to stargaze! Some of the toys who were turned at a very young age don't remember seeing stars. It's sad, but at least you can help them make up for lost time.
★ A mini-Catnap is the first to ask you “What’ll happen when you die?” It’s a heavy topic and you try not to think about it. But he has a point. What will become of everyone when you're gone? How can you prepare them for that?
★ You begin by teaching the toys basic life skills. Showing the more responsible one's cooking, the rowdy one's how to set fishing traps. And take the time to show Poppy how she can use your old sewing machine to make herself new clothes.
★ The thought of losing their protector would be unsettling. However, over time, they find solace in your home's safety and the skills you've taught them. When you're gone, everything will be okay. They have each other.
(Got the idea for some of the toys never having seen stars from this comic. Please check it out! It's really good!)
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hanniezsugarplum · 1 day ago
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➪ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴs ᴡʜᴇɴ, ᴀs ᴛʜᴇ ʏᴏᴜɴɢᴇsᴛ ᴍᴇᴍᴇʙᴇʀ ɪɴ sᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅs, sᴛᴀʀᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴢɪɴɢ ʜᴇʀ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs ғᴏʀ ʜᴇʀ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀs? Aɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀs sᴛᴀʀᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴀᴛ ʜᴇʀ ᴅɪғғᴇʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ?
➪ Fʟᴜғғ
➪ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: ᴍxᴍ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘs, ᴘᴏʟʏ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘs.
• alright, so let's say you just turned 20!! Yayayayay!!! Great for you!
• you're officially so old now
• I think the boys see you as more mature and it eventually made feelings, romantic feelings, develop.
• it wasn't easy tho
• the most obvious are Jisung and felix
• Jisung and Felix are just so giggly around you all of a sudden and do more things for you they didn't really do before
• now I'm not too sure about Innie simply bc he might be obvious if yk him well enough but if not or you're not too sure but you have your suspicion, then yeah Innie might be a question to you
• but channie as well, he's always been so nice and understanding; incredibly helpful so you question it sometimes 😭
• minho and Seungmin I feel are the least obvious; changbin is just adorably shy around you and more then usual.
• so let's say after a few months of turning old, you realize kind of quickly how different they act, or the sudden little changes in responses, body language and their actions.
• you question but make it believe you're delusional and y'all are really close and comfortable with each other..ofc they gonna act this way sometimes!
• but the way they glance at you when they think you're not looking or too busy to notice; they stare at you with literal tiny stars in their eyes...was it always like that?
• like you wouldve definitely noticed if they did y'all have been together for so long
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You weren't sure what to do...you can't talk about it or speak your mind to any of them, and asking for advice to one of your idols friends would be too obvious, unfortunately.
So, you honestly let it happen, hoping either you were delusional and it meant nothing or it was real and they're trying to hint something to you. But, in all honesty, you didn't want to read this situation wrong; that would be hella embarrassing for you. Instead, you let it continue. Maybe because you knew they all were attractive in their own ways, or because you didn't mind the extra special attention from them suddenly. It was definitely because you didn't want to make things awkward. Of course, why else?
It went so far as more nicknames, more pet names..and they get worse, in a way.
It went from occasional sweetheart, bbg, Hun— to constant sweet cheeks, love, my love, baby, honey bun, pretty girl, sweet girl. the way they say it seems different. More... intimate? Affectionate? It's laced with such genuine love and sincere it's hard not to overthink it.
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"hey, could you get Minho and I some snacks, please?"
"uhh, sure!" , "Thank you, pretty girl😊"
• like that's not normal, Hyunjin!! Stop blowing your cover🙄 (hopeless romantic, basically..)
• after a few months, you were mad, it was driving you crazy and you felt more mentally exhausted then usually
• so you decided to purposely get alone with channie while he was staying late night at his studio and took your shot
• you told him eventually you felt like everyone's been treating you differently, not a bad way but more affectionate? possibly intimate?
• you were at first trying to make conversation to get to the topic but chan knew what was up and asked you straight up what's wrong😭 he's very gentle with asking though!
• blah blah blah then he sweetly explains to you that they all have genuine feelings for you in a romantic way and you're not delusional or anything
• even admits, shyly, that he's pretty sure it's the same way amongst each other too and just didn't know how to go about because he didn't want to assume and it ends up being awkward.
• so y'all knew it was time for a discussion
• next day channie told everyone to meet him and you in probably the 3racha dorm at a certain time blah blah wtvr
• lil awkward, definitely some tension too
• but it definitely and thankfully got talked out finally even if there was some tension, and thick awkward tension for awhile but it but definitely worth it!
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"okay, um..I wanted to talk to you guys about..uh, the things that have been happening, recently,' chan began. "And, it was brought to my attention that y/nnie here seems to be overthinking some things. Would you like to explain, honey?" He gently asked you, looking you now in the eyes with a cute little smile on his lips.
You feel a little anxious now, it's all eyes on you. It's like you're prey and you're not too sure how you're feeling about that right now. It's an overwhelming feeling.
"uhh...I don't know..I guess..I feel like you've been acting different towards me since I turned twenty and..uh, i- umm," you sigh heavily, feeling the anxiety creep up on you as you try and explain yourself as best as possible.
"take your time, sweetheart, you can talk to us, yeah? Don't rush." Changbin filled the silence, you glanced up to see him already looking at you with a soft and endearing gaze. You felt your heart flutter a little bit.
"i know, I do. I'm sorry, I'm- what I'm trying to say is I feel like you guys have been acting differently towards me since I've turned twenty and I don't know if like, it's just my imagination but Chan said it wasn't, and it'd be better to talk about it." You fiddled with your fingers a little bit, the fidgeting easing your anxiety and self conscious feeling; a little. Soothing yourself.
You feel chan put his hand softly on your thigh with a small squeeze, for support.
"well, you're not wrong, Hun," Hyunjin speaks, "I'm sure it seemed obvious that we've been treating you a bit differently, no?" You nodded, glad it's not awkward anymore and there's no judgement.
"it's obvious we've all started to have a liking to you, romantically, after your birthday. You're not delusional.. I've talked about it briefly with the guys and it's true; we're romantically attracted to you, y/nnie." Jisung states, you're shocked it was him who said it first and not one of the hyungs...but the truth was it had been too much for him to sit and wait. He felt like he's been waiting so long, too long.
"oh...okay," you nodded, not too sure what to say bout that. You're happy, a small smile creeping up on your face. Your awkwardness is not doing any favours for you as of right now.
"..is that..okay? Are you uncomfortable? We're sorry if you are. You know that's never our intentions." Chan looked at you. A sense of hope laced in his voice with his eyebrows now furrowed; you weren't uncomfortable, you felt the same and wanted them as much as they wanted you.
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• this too long so long story short, it ended well and quickly got into the groove of things. Everyone was comfortable within the relationship and the dynamics
• you wouldn't want to change anything. They're all so sweet to you and they feel so lucky to have you.
• obviously they kept it secret but noke of you guys are mad about it. It's like your guys lil secret
• the boys love cuddle piles; some more than others but it don't matter tbh. They all getting pulled into it like it genuinely doesn't matter.
• the boys love each other as much as they love you so you're thankful it worked out.
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pneumaticshift · 2 days ago
Hiiii I wonder if you take batman justice league requests? If so:
Yk those "Batman gets de aged in front of the JLA" fics? Well let me raise you one:
A meeting with the JLAs primary benefactor, Bruce Wayne, goes wrong when a magician (of some sort) attacks, and so they find themselves with a Bruce Wayne who is 20 years (or so) younger than he should be.
Anf they're all like "who is this angry emo teen and what happened to the flirty bimbo that was just here."
It would be even funnier if Bruce hears about a Batman and just goes "yes that's obviously me only i could pull that off" because he's been daydreaming about bat-themed escapades since his teen years
bonus points if he immediately recognises Green Arrow ("i told you to cut off that fugly beard ages ago, Ollie,") and starts fangirling over Hal ;)
I love your Best Laid Plans series btw! You're such a great writer. This is genuinely the only series I've been actively obsessed with in a good WHILE.
Anon who probably will return to annoy you.
First of all, thank you!! 💚 Compliments like this really mean a lot to me, I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series. 
And yes! I do take Justice League requests! I tried to get all your ideas crammed in there. It’s not as shippy as I was gonna make it (I wrote too much lol), but I sprinkled a smidge of a hint in there. Just a whisper. A gentle nudge. A wink from across the room. Hope you like it! 
It turned out that young Bruce Wayne was feral 
Not in the way rich kids thought they were when they slummed it for a summer. That faux-rebellion that came with backpacking through Europe with their parent’s black card, or spending a weekend at some overpriced retreat to find themselves.
This was actual feral. The kind of feral where he had dirt under his fingernails and wide eyes that looked for exits before they looked at people. The kind of feral where he knew exactly where to jam a shiv between Ollie’s ribs to make it count.  
Which, as it turned out, was currently very relevant information.
“This is fine,” Ollie choked out.
Ollie was a liar.
His face was turning an alarming shade of purple, which clashed spectacularly with the green of his costume. There was an arn locked too-tightly around his neck and there was, of all things, a homemade shiv pressed against the vulnerable stretch of his throat. 
It all started in Gotham, because that’s where most bad things happened. Some charity auction that had featured a plethora of ancient artefacts from exceedingly questionable sources. And because Gothamites had the distinct inability to leave cursed objects where they belonged, it was only a matter of time before one of the objects went wild. 
No one could quite agree on what triggered it. Hal was pretty sure it was the plump statue of an old eldritch matron, Diana swore it was the ancient scroll of indistinguishable language, and Ollie was confident the auctioneer had muttered something that sounded just enough like an incantation. Whatever it was — and they had already contacted some magic users to find out — the end result had been the same. 
Brucie Wayne. Handsome, vapid, as sharp as a marshmallow, had finished in a puff of old magic. And in his place…
Well, something that very much wasn’t like the Brucie the world knew and loved. Barefoot. Wild-eyed. Unkempt hair falling into his eyes and a patchy beard that was trying itself best, but wasn’t quite past puberty enough to be full. He took three very menacing steps forward before he dropped unconscious. Hard. Because he had been standing on stage at the time and had straight up fallen off when his senses failed him. 
Clark Kent and Oliver Queen, two guests in attendance, had been the only two that had not been herded out by the League when they answered the call for aid. They helped keep the peace, assuring the good people of Gotham that yes, everything was fine, no need to panic, they’re all in good hands.
And in return, those same good people of Gotham had just sneered, ordered the League to take care of their beloved Brucie, and then spat on them for not being Batman. Because this city was the worst. 
Now, instead of waking up all confused and docile and flirtatiously grateful for the assistance — you know, like the Brucie Wayne they had all met before — they had come to realise that there had been a lot of misinformation about what Bruce Wayne got up to in his youth. 
Twenty years younger than the man they read about in the tabloids, he had immediately reverted to something neolithic. He produced a goddamn shiv from his waistband and launched himself with the kind of fight-or-flight response that suggested he had a lot of experience choosing fight.
Ollie had been the closest. Which was unfortunate for Ollie. 
He was taken by surprise, and that was fair enough. Absolutely nobody in the room could have expected this level of violence from a man who, as far as the world was concerned, spent his formative years travelling the hotspots of the world to partake in the traditional aforementioned rich kid mission to find himself. 
Hal was the first to step up. “You wanna drop Robin Hood before I drop you, kid?” he said, clearly considering that maybe this was the moment to introduce Gotham’s favorite trust fund baby to the concept of a green energy muzzle.
“Easy, easy,” Clark tried, deliberately stepping in front of Hal. “No one's gonna hurt you. We just want to help."
Young Bruce did not look convinced. And maybe that was fair. From his perspective, he’d just woken up in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by people he didn’t know. He was being threatened by a man in a glowing green onesie, and coddled by one with his underpants over the top of his outerpants. 
“Who the hell are you people?” he snapped. 
“We are the Justice League,” Diana said, smiling gently. “We mean you no harm, my young friend. You’ve been in an accident and we’re here to help you.” She raised a placating hand. Calm, but not condescending. They probably should have let her deal with it from the beginning. “You may keep your weapon, if you’d like. But I’d ask you to release our friend. On my honour, we are not your enemy.”
Bruce narrowed his eyes and he scanned Diana in the same way a soldier would, and she let him look. She stayed still, perfectly patient, while Bruce flickered over her stance, her posture, her weapons, the slight in weight that meant she was ready. Not aggressive, just prepared.
Then his eyes moved to Clark, to Hal, to Barry, and back again. Something about them, or about Diana at least,  must have registered as safe, because after a tense moment, Bruce’s grip on Ollie loosened. Which of course Oliver immediately took advantage of. 
He took a deep, careful breath and stepped away with all the forced casualness of a man who definitely did not just get overwhelmed by an eighteen-year-old, barefooted, trust fund baby. His neck absolutely wasn’t throbbing, and he definitely wasn’t resisting the urge to rub at it petulantly. Nope, everything was fine. 
So fine, in fact, that he joined the League’s line, crossed his arms and straightened his shoulders like he hadn’t just been manhandled by someone whose primary tabloid reputation was for shirtless boat parties.
“Mr. Wayne,” Clark started, stepping forward. Bruce didn’t look at him. His gaze was firmly locked onto Oliver with a stare so scrutinising that it could’ve burnt. He was really looking now, like he’d only just registered Ollie as a person rather than an obstacle. “You’ve been hit by… Well, we’re not sure what exactly. We’ve contacted a few people who can help, but from what we know already, we think you’ve—”
“I’ve been sent to the future,” Bruce said flatly. There was a crack in his voice that could have been nervousness covered up by the entirely blank way he stared at them. 
There was a long pause as the League collectively processed that particular statement. Hal looked at Barry. Barry looked at Clark. Clark looked at Diana. And Diana beamed brightly like she always suspected that Bruce Wayne had more than two brain cells to rub together and had finally been handed the means to prove it. 
“Okay, hold on now,” Hal said. “How the hell is that your first conclusion? You wake up in an unfamiliar room, surrounded by people you don’t know, and instead of assuming kidnapping or drug-induced hallucination or even just being really, really drunk, your first thought is time travel?”
Bruce’s eyes drifted over to Hal’s face, then lower to the logo on his suit and the ring on his finger. “Yeah.” He cocked his head. “Are you a Green Lantern?”
Hal blinked. “Uh, yeah?
The kid kept his eyes on Hal for a moment as he processed that while everyone else tried to make sense of his insane deductive skills. “We’re not saying you’re wrong,” Barry said, “but how did you even know? I mean, time travel isn’t exactly the default assumption.”
Bruce looked away from Hal and instead swept his gaze over the room. His eyes landed on a sleek, modern console with a WayneTech insignia embossed on the side. He jerked his chin towards it like someone who had just found undeniable proof that the world was, in fact, very stupid and he was the only one paying attention.
“That model doesn’t exist yet,” he said. “The closest working prototype was three years away from launch when I left Gotham. All the WayneTech in this room uses materials that aren’t aren’t widely available yet. It’s all too streamlined. Things like this only exist in concept journals.” 
“But that could mean anything,” Clark said, but he was eyeing the WayneTech like he was trying to remember what it looked like twenty years ago. 
“And you,” Bruce continued, snapping back to Oliver.
Ollie straightened up instinctively. “Me? What about me?”
“You have a goatee.”
“Uh. Yeah?”
The kid’s expression darkened with such absolute disappointment that it was almost tangible. Like he was cataloguing every single one of Ollie’s life choices and finding them completely lacking. Bruce shook his head slowly. “You had so much potential.”
Ollie made a noise of offense. "Listen, you little punk, I—” He exhaled sharply, dragging a hand through his perfectly respectable facial hair. “You don’t know me.”
“Of course I do, I’m not blind,” Bruce muttered. He seemed to be accepting of the situation enough to have dropped his defensive hand without letting go of the shiv. “Judging by your age, I’d say I’ve gone forward between twenty and twenty-five years. Judging by your facial hair, you’ve clearly not experience any mental development beyond—”
“You wanna go, kid?”
Bruce, with the unkempt wildman hair of someone who had been travelling rough for over a year, flicked his bangs out of his face like a little teenage bitch. “As if you could kick my ass, Queen.”
Oliver didn’t choke on air, but it was a very near thing. He kept his composure, sucked in a sharp inhale, and said, "What did you just call me?"
“Your name?”
"That is not public information!"
Bruce blinked. "Okay?"
"Okay!?" Ollie’s voice went slightly high-pitched. "How do you know that!? Does the adult version of you know?”
"You’d have to ask him when he’s back to normal,” Clark said, but he was looking at Bruce with the very specific grimace of a man who didn't want to say too much just in case the kid would somehow be able to divine his identity too. Clark dealt with Bruce Wayne a lot as a reporter, he couldn’t risk it.
"Oh my God." Ollie scrubbed a hand down his face. "He’s known all this time, hasn’t he?”
Apparently, young Bruce had decided that Ollie was no longer worth his time. His assessment had been made, his conclusion reached (disappointment) and so had moved on. He barely even looked at Clark. His inner Gotham survival instincts had automatically detected Metropolis all over him and deemed him irrelevant. Diana and Barry got a slightly longer look. A tilt of his head as he clocked Diana’s armour and the lasso, and a thoughtful hum at Barry’s full-body suit clearly designed for speed. 
But it was Hal, somehow, that got his full attention. Bruce stared at him, at the glowing logo on his chest, and made no moves to make it subtle. 
“Hey, kiddo,” Hal bit out. “You keep looking at me like that, I’m gonna start thinking you got a crush."
Because young Bruce Wayne had the mental fortitude of a brick wall, apparently (which was insane, because this man was supposed to be peak himbo), he didn’t rise to the bait. He just stayed quiet, almost like he had something to say but was uncertain on how to bring it up. 
Hal had the ego the size of one of his jets and he’d seen this kind of look before. Usually on the kids who looked up to heroes and didn’t see any of the bad things that came with being someone who wielded extraordinary power. Usually on the fans. The kind of fans who had posters and encyclopaedic knowledge and way too much enthusiasm for whatever it was they were into. 
But the difference was, little Bruce wasn’t some starstruck kid who wanted an autograph. This was the intense, calculating scrutiny of someone who had just been confronted with a living, breathing legend they weren’t prepared to meet. For the first time since he’d de-aged, Bruce actually looked like a teenager.
“The suit is different,” Bruce noted, almost awkwardly. 
Hal grinned. He might have been the greatest Green Lantern, but he wasn’t the first. It had been a while since someone actually knew about Alan Scott. “Yeah,” he said, glancing down at the glowing emblem on his chest. “Different Lantern, different look. You a fan?”
Bruce hesitated, which was honestly adorable, because for all his I’ve been in a fight and I know exactly where to stab a man energy, he was still just a teenager. And, apparently, the idea of being caught liking something was so deeply offensive to him that he had to physically restrain himself from reacting. He recovered fast. Way too fast for a kid his age. The brief flicker of something genuine was gone in an instant, replaced with careful neutrality that was vaguely familiar. 
“I respect it,” he said stiffly, like he was dictating a press release rather than responding like a normal human being. “Green Lantern was the first hero I ever read about.”
 “So, you are a fan.”
Bruce blushed. Not completely, he didn’t flush completely red and start steaming at the ears, but his ears peppered a pale pink. He briefly looked away before snapping his gaze right back to stave off weakness. 
“I’m—” He stopped, exhaled through his nose, then squared his shoulders like he was preparing for war. “He protected Gotham when no one else would. When no one could.” His fingers flexed slightly, like he was gripping at something that wasn’t there. “That matters.”
Hal, still gleefully processing the fact that this angry version of Bruce Wayne had absolutely been a Green Lantern fanboy at some point in his life, let himself enjoy it for a second longer before Clark cleared his throat.
“Speaking of Gotham,” he said carefully, glancing at the others, “we should probably contact Batman. He’ll want to know what’s going on here, since Bruce is technically his problem.”
Having controlled his expression enough to stop blushing, Bruce had deliberately turned himself away from everyone and was now examining Hal’s ring. (Like a fanboy.) “What can Spooky do?” Hal asked. “He’s just gonna be pissed that we took the kid out of the city. Let's just get it fixed and let him know later.”
“He’ll need to know if there are cursed artefacts being circulated,” Diana said. “And I imagine that time displacement is not the only thing he will need to worry about.”
Ollie nodded. “Yeah, this has gotta be more than just temporal problems,” he said, frowning in Bruce’s general direction. “He’s nothing like Bruce Wayne. I’m thinking there’s been a universe switcheroo.”
“Multiversal doppelganger,” Barry agreed.
Bruce didn’t respond to those allegations, but he did say, “This Batman person operates Gotham?”
“Yeah,” Hal replied. “After your Green Lantern left, someone had to pick up the slack. Spooky gets real pissy if anyone else steps in on his turf. You’ve probably met him. Well, you will. In about twenty years or so.”
“Mm. No. He won’t be available right now,” Bruce said decidedly. He looked up. “I have a friend who can do magic. She’ll be able to help, assuming my future self is still in contact with her.”
Diana cocked her head at Bruce. “Why would you assume he would be unavailable?” she asked. 
“I’d think that would be obvious,” he replied. He looked at the blank expressions around him and rolled his eyes. “Think about it. If this person is as territorial as you say, then he would have already been aware of whatever was happening in Gotham. And if not, then news would have already spread and he would have contacted you all to confirm it. This is assuming you’re all a part of the same team, of course. With the amount of WayneTech around, Gotham definitely has a lot of input in your work, so I imagine you’ve got to be working with her vigilante.”
“That’s very astute.”
“If Batman is not here, then he’s either ignoring the issue, or he’s indisposed. I’m inclined to believe the latter.” Bruce looked at Oliver. “Did you ever wonder why I dropped out of school to go travelling?”
“I figured you were still grieving and needed time to yourself.”
Bruce bristled a little, almost like he didn’t expect to be called out on that. “I left because Gotham needed me to,” he said. 
He didn’t elaborate. He didn’t need to. The pieces were all there. Scattered, sure, but if they were smart enough to put on their capes the right way around, then they were smart enough to figure it out. Hell, he had managed to figure it out, and he’d only been in this future for about twenty minutes. 
Diana watched him with knowing eyes like she had figured it out the moment he turned up as this angry ball of vengeance instead of the delicate heir with a silver spoon up his butt. The others took a little longer to catch up, but they’d get there eventually. Clark’s expression was already beginning to change to one of wild disbelief, while Ollie had gone completely blank like he was struggling to compute. 
Before anyone could say anything, before the trampling elephant in the room could be addressed with the appropriate amount of what the actual hell, before someone (most likely Hal) said something incredibly obnoxious, the air rippled and the deus ex machina descended. 
Magic, thick and tangible, swept through the room like the universe itself let out a sigh of relief, and Zatanna Zatara stepped into existence with the kind of exasperation of someone who had been called far too often to deal with the League’s magical problems. She scanned the room without saying anything before her gaze landed on Bruce. Barefoot, feral, still holding a shiv like it was an extension of his hand. She sighed. 
“Of course it would be you,” she said, but she was smiling as she said it. 
“Can you fix this?” Clark asked without taking his eyes off Bruce. 
“Yeah,” Zatanna nodded. 
“And it’s actually gonna be the Bruce from this universe, right?” Ollie put in, unnerved. “We’re not gonna get a whole different Wayne? Because he’s implied something really big and I don’t think I can mentally take it if it’s true.”
“Oh, he’ll be the same Bruce Wayne, alright.” She turned back to the kid, lowering her voice slightly. “Maybe you’ll just know him a little better now.
Bruce didn’t react, but the air shifted around him, like he knew exactly what she meant and didn’t particularly appreciate it. Then, with a flick of her fingers and a gentle incantation, the world twisted with a shimmer of glowing energy, reality bending in on itself— And just like that, they were gone.
An incredibly weighted, knowing silence settled over the Watchtower. For a long moment, no one spoke. Then Hal clapped his hands together and turned to the others with the slow, self-satisfied grin of someone who just found out something hilarious. 
“So.” He raised an eyebrow. “That was Batman, right?”
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menmuncher · 3 days ago
the monkey Bill/Hal Shelburn x fem!reader
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a/n: I've been obsessed with 'the monkey' and WAITINGGG for a fic to come out of it (it has been 4 days) but i've found nothing- so i'm taking it into my own hands, hehe. i couldn't choose a brother bcuz they're both hot (duh. but I fear i'm leaning towards bill because i enjoy weirdos) so why not BOTH!!!1
synopsis: head cannons? of the brothers. not at the same time because we know they wouldn't share.
warnings: NSFW, oral (both receiving), stalking, abusive relationship, creepy behaviour, bruising, slapping
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when you first started going out on dates with him, you both really enjoyed it. he would usually take you to those cheesy spots teenagers would go to as their first date: some places like the movies or a bowling alley.
as these dates passed, you grew closer.. but at the same time, you would meet less often? once a week turned into once a month, but you couldn't understand why considering every time you did see him again he'd almost be emotional with how excited he was - clinging onto you like a puppy
you tried to initiate more time together but were always met with an excuse. it had to be on his terms or nothing, which obviously upset you. you began to feel a sort of anger towards his neglect and decided next time you saw him; you had to say something.
and so it happened, you guys met at a small diner in Maine and he obsessed over you as he always does after not meeting for a while. you had about 10 minutes of strength before you began to break down mid-conversation, begging for an explanation why he hardly took the time to see you anymore
this broke him; he didn't wanna seem insane to you but he also didn't wanna risk you leaving. he weighed his options for a minute before ultimately deciding to take the easier route, not that either would be simple
he explained the monkey to you. you were silent the whole story, jaw-dropped. once he finished, the silence didn't end. he waited for you to throw water on him, call him a psychopath and walk out... but it never came
you... actually believed him? hesitantly, for sure, but you were willing to trust him for this relationship. now he was the one breaking down - he wasn't afraid to be vulnerable around you and there was no shot he would be able to keep it together at this moment.
you told him you'd be fine and you were willing to take the risk as long as it meant hanging out with him more. he didn't want to put you in this position, but he nodded. he was too far into you at this point.
from then on, the days together become more frequent though he pays the same attention to you as he always would after missing you.
he's so nerdy but so attentive. he loves to buy you flowers and your favourite meal every Sunday on his way home from work. if you try hard enough, you're able to keep 3 weeks worth of flowers alive at once.
"these reminded me of you. i think the lady said they were dahlias? they bloom so beautifully and reflect such a bright color, don't you think?"
he's clingy, too. he loves to lay on your lap when you watch TV together - though, he's usually asleep within minutes of resting his head. it's okay because he's cute which makes up for it.
he has panic attacks every now and then due to nightmares about the monkey, but just holding him and combing through his hair is enough to bring him back to peace
he'll cook for you sometimes, too. it's not the best cooking, but it's the thought that counts. his favourite to make is pasta, probably because it's easy.
after you've been together for a while, he'll take you on more casual dates. still a movie every now and then but mostly just a dinner at his house or a drive in the car with long conversations, where he obviously lets you have the aux. he knows you enjoy simple things like that
now, into the NSFW stuff.
he loves when you're being pleasured. he thoroughly enjoys eating you out and grunting into your pussy so you can feel his enjoyment.
he enjoys getting oral, too, of course - but won't make that the main focus. it's only if you're feeling up for it. he gives you words of affirmation while you do it
now, when he fucks you - it's usually in the bed. you being comfortable is the #1 thing to him
he's okay with you being a pillow princess. he enjoys being dominant.
but if you wanna take over? he's happy to take that as well. he's really up for anything.
he's pretty vanilla, honestly. will put a pillow under your back so you're in a comfortable position as he angles himself perfectly into you, hitting your g spot with nearly every thrust and talking you through it.
even though he goes deep and likes to control you, he's so gentle. treating you like glass and ensuring he doesn't squeeze your hips tighter than he would your hands. he couldn't handle seeing you with bruises.
he just needs to show you how much he really loves you and appreciates you staying despite his screwed up baggage
you weren't looking for a partner when you found him. you had seen an ad in the newspaper looking for a 'long lost toy monkey'.. it was bizarre, considering you could probably buy your kid a similar-looking one without him noticing.
but you had a toy monkey. you kept it as a collectible, and it sounded similar enough to the ad. you don't remember where you got it from but it wasn't anything special to you so 15 bucks was enough to have you handing it over. when the guy came to your door, he looked disheveled. he had a terrible haircut and kind of smelled.. his outfit was weird, some sort of suit sewed into a tight black fire shirt with a key necklace. you knew a lot of people in this town but.... never saw him before?
why he was wearing such a complex outfit to buy a toy monkey from you? no clue.
you took the 15 bucks, exchanged a few words then shut the door after making the sale. turning from the door, you went back to sit on your couch before your doorbell rung again.
what else could he need? he had the monkey. you walked towards the door and opened it up to have him smiling at you. something he hadn't previously done. he was silent for a minute, just smiling.
"....can I help you?" you asked, before he spoke
"uh yeah, I was wondering.... could I get your number? you are like, really good looking."
you paused for a moment, taken aback. that is not what you expected him to say. you bit your lip and contemplated- he was kind of handsome.... but there was no chance. he was a weirdo coming to pick up a monkey from you. not to mention he had absolutely zero sense of fashion.
"yeah, no" you said, closing the door. it was harsh but you didn't wanna conversate with him anymore. you were way too tired, so you went into your room and eventually fell asleep.
from that day on, you started seeing him everywhere. he would be shopping at the same supermarket as you, passing you when you'd be on a walk, and appearing at the bar every time you went out with friends. it wasn't until you had a bit of alcohol in you that you finally got enough courage to talk to him.
"this guy's a creep, i'm ending this." you said to your friends, pushing yourself up from the bar despite being warned and going over to the man sat by himself at a table - some sort of alcoholic substance in his hands.
"what is this? you're absurd" as you got closer to his booth, you saw that he wasn't in fact alone, but had your previously-owned monkey sat beside him. your face scrunched up in even more disgust
"I don't know what you're talking about.." he didn't even look at you as he continued to sip his drink, acting like this was normal.
"you're harassing me! I don't even know you!" you began to scream in his face now as he displayed little to no emotions and kept his vision locked on his glass.
"will you look at me?!" you exclaimed, leaning over the table and grabbing the monkey from the couch beside him- now he looked at you. reaching a hand out to grab at your wrist, tightly, his teeth gritted.
"leave him alone" he sneered as he tugged it from you, not completely pulling it from your grip
"him? it's a toy!" you tugged back at it as he almost growled. he stood from the booth and fully took it from your grasp this time, holding the toy to his chest. he was breathing heavily as you both stared into eachother's eyes with anger. you were left speechless, this guy was clearly mentally ill.
suddenly, his angered eyes softened. he breathed out whatever he was holding in and sat back down. you didn't speak ither, half expecting him to just get up and leave with the toy. instead, he spoke:
"this monkey reminds me of my late dad. I don't know why, but he just.. does. i've been so lonely ever since my dad left." thanks to that kid, Ricky, for inspiring his sob story. even if bill's dad was still around, he couldn't care less whether he was dead or alive.
his sad confession definetly wasn't a proper explanation to why he was stalking you.... but for some reason, you felt guilt.
he didn't need to say it. it was clear he took a liking to you because of his obsessive behaviour - and wanted this loneliness to come to an end. so, with a sigh, you stupidly submitted in an attempt to cheer him up,
"i'm sorry, I can understand being lonely.. I mean not in the aspect of friends, or family, just like-" he looked up at you and when your eyes met his you stopped.
"..what i'm trying to say is, would you like to go out sometime? maybe we can make each other less lonely." he smiled at you, something he hadn't done since he was last on your doorstep, and nodded.
you didn't really bother explaining that to your friends later on. just dismissing the conversation, claiming you "solved everything".
you started to go on dates with him. none of them really requiring spending money- he always suggested something like a park, which also made you feel bad for him. so much so that you began to initiate actual restaurant dates.
it actually wasn't going bad. he was definetly odd, and embarrassingly enough always wore the same outfit, but he began to be more attractive the more you hung around him. eventually, you forgot how weird he was.
when you two were close enough, he became obsessive as he originally was. he always needed to be near you. he always came over to your house - never even inviting you to his as it was "too messy"
there wasn't many romantic gestures he'd do, besides telling you how much he needs you and how he would "die without you"
he followed you around everywhere. he'd whine that he wouldn't want to go to your places, but would go anyway just to be in your presence.
throughout all this, he always kept the monkey just as close.
bill loved being inside you. unlike his brother, he wasn't gentle with you. at all.
he'd toss you around and fuck you pretty much anywhere he could. he would breathe in your hair's scent as he dug his nails into your thigh and pounded you. he didn't care about whether you were comfortable or not- therefore you two would frequently end up on the ground or the table.
he couldn't be submissive. besides that time at the bar, he was never again vulnerable around you- especially not during sex.
he loves receiving head. he'll tangle your hair into his hands and push and pull at it as he rapidly fucks your face. he doesn't really care for giving you air to breathe, this is his time. his pace is so rapid as the sounds, almost screams, echo the room. slapping your cheek each time you tried to pawed at his thigh in an attempt to stop him.
he's selfish. he doesn't really give you head. if you ask really nicely, he might finger you for a minute or so, kissing your slit until he's tired and wants the attention back on him.
there wasn't much aftercare. he'd just go to sleep, so neglecting of you which you hated. it made you question: should you have ever offered him a date? what would've happened if you just called the police?
when you go to confront him one day about mistreating you, he immediately goes into a rage. screaming and cursing something about how he has always been watching over you to make sure you're safe but has just been met with selfishness in return.
the argument got so deep that you eventually threatened to walk out. that's when you were once again, put face-to-face, with your toy monkey.
okay this isn't much of an ending but i'm out of ideas and this was turning into more of a fanfic about bill SORRYYYYYY
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howdeepthegrave · 3 days ago
Agathario modern AU. High school history teacher!Agatha, mortician!Rio
They've been dating about six months, it's great. They've just got a really natural chemistry where they balance each other out. Agatha's acerbic snark pairs well in many instances with Rio's chaos gremlin tendencies, they have a shared interest in historical witchcraft persecutions, and they're both experimenters in the outer bounds of cuisine.
Agatha met Rio's pet tarantula on the second date and after only mild trepidation was absolutely charmed, and Rio finally met Nicky after five months and instantly became his second favorite adult. They're cozy, they're happy, Agatha's totally-not-favourite-student Billy ran into them at a café once and now "ships" them. Things are moving along great. There is one minor incident when Agatha gets called in for a conference with Nicky's teacher after Nicky tells his whole class about his mom's new friend Rio who "makes dead bodies go away," but that's easily cleared up.
Then Nicky gets sick. Rio wants to be there for Agatha and Nicky because she's already decided she wants this to be forever, but Agatha starts to pull away. She's worked so hard to be the best mom, to not be anything like Evanora, and some part of her worries that trying to balance a romantic relationship with caring for her now very ill child would somehow take away from all that effort she's put in. She tells Rio they need to put things on hold, just until Nicky's better, just until things are looking up again, and Rio can't understand why this person she's come to care about so much wouldn't want her there as support in such a painful situation.
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sadlittleratboy · 1 day ago
I feel this strongly. I want to make a little meta rant about Sasuke and Itachi and why they're Like That (also about Kakashi and Sakura a bit too, the reasons why I give my boys more passes than these two) but for now I will say simply this.
Sasuke states that he doesn't understand Itachi, and so does Fugaku. He's an odd kid with a lot of trauma, and he's like 13ish or something! His dad is pushing him to start a war (his biggest fear is Sasuke going through what he did) so he turns to the adults, and the adults tell him the only thing he can do to avoid a war and be sure his brother is safe is to kill his family. What would you do? At 25 (hell, at 18 even) I would have said: 'secret third option!', but at 13? I would trust the adults and choose the solution I believed would cause the least amount of harm. Every step he took as an adult (a very young one at that, because honestly, being 18 is SEVERE) to me just seemed like when you have a nightmare situation that you don't know how to get out of so you just stumble your way through, fucking shit up and trying so, so hard to NOT RUIN YOUR WHOLE LIFE
Tldr: Itachi was a traumatized child doing his best to protect the person he loved kost, but his best was REALLY NOT GOOD.
Also? Does anyone understand why he's called Selfish so much by the fandom? Literally everything he did, he did for Sasuke. Controlling and neurotic? Yeah. Selfish? I disagree. He gained nothing from any of that (his goal was simply his brother's happiness) and even openly admitted to being a failure.
Coming out as an Itachi defender not because he was at all correct in anything but because I start thinking about him being twelve and being alone believing he's forced to make this immense impossible choice and start sobbing
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