#They're mostly all criminals or people with no money or right to stay
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oculusxcaro · 8 months ago
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Khare had not experienced fear like this since her time in the underground facility almost a year ago, her heart damn near stopping in terror at the sound of her door getting kicked in. She'd just gotten home from work not even an hour ago, getting ready to soak in the bath for a few hour's sleep when a pair of black-clad thugs with mean faces and even meaner eyes suddenly forced their way into her apartment, immediately grabbing and trashing every object within the vicinity. "Get out! Go on, all of you get out of here! Go!" Loud voices could be heard echoing throughout the complex amidst shouts, cries and yells as other tenants found themselves experiencing the same situation as Khare, looking on in horror as they were forcibly turfed out of the only place they could call home. Khare blinked slowly, struggling to comprehend exactly what was happening when one of the two men in her apartment growled, grabbing her by her good arm and dragging her out into the corridor. She thrashed, mind suddenly suddenly catching up to the very real awful situation she had suddenly found herself in but before she could bite the guy manhandling her, he had already gotten her to the stairs, pushing her down them without so much as a word. A 3DS soon followed after, her 3DS clattering wildly down the steps along with other objects and items of clothing, leaving Khare unable to do anything but whimper as she tried to grab what she could amidst the confusion. Other people's possessions soon joined the growing heap at the bottom of the stairs, tenants grabbing anything and everything they could even if it wasn't theirs, too afraid to stay even a minute longer as the thugs began screaming at them to get the fuck out now, or else bullets would start flying if any of them were so much as seen near the building. With shaking hands, Khare managed to grab her work uniform (still dirty from last night's shift), her broken 3DS, some odds and ends that weren't hers and a bag to put it all in. It was a miracle she'd even managed to grab that much, scrambling amidst a surge of grabbing hands fighting to grab whatever they could carry upon their impromptu eviction. "Now get the fuck out! This place is under new management and you lot ain't welcome!" One of the thugs sneered, kicking an old threadbare teddy down to the group. Khare recognized the bear - it was often carried around by the girl of the family living down from her, probably having already been kicked out. She went to pick it up, only just managing to grab it before a heavy boot stomped on where it had been just second agos. Narrowly dodging that same boot aiming a kick at her head, Khare quickly joined the throng, once again falling down the steps outside and getting tripped over a few times by other people. What the hell had just happened? Khare found she could breathe again, if somewhat raggedly from the stress of everything that had just happened and getting trod on once or twice. Shaken, battered and bruises, she scrambled to her feet, holding both bag and bear close while avoiding the glances of people at their windows watching the eviction go down. Khare couldn't see the nice family with the little girl anywhere, glancing back and forth at people, the people she'd once lived amongst until just yesterday hurrying to leave, now having to find somewhere else to live...
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"Oh God..." Khare mumbled, feeling like she was about to pass out. Her initial fear had been that they'd found her, had come back to drag her back to the facility again but in another way this was almost worse, for she had found herself out on the streets once again with nowhere to go. Where was she going to go now?
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lheautontimoroumenos · 2 years ago
gonna try to keep this quick (sorry i did my best but it's still pretty long), but i feel like people are not aware enough, even in France.
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so last week, a 17y old boy was killed in Nanterre (what we call the "banlieue", so in periphery of Paris) by a cop. they made him stop on the side of the road and threatened him violently asking him to open the door. on the video, we can see the cop duo at the driver side window. one of them has his gun drawn to the boy's head. the other one says "shoote le" (shoot him) and the cop with his gun drawn says "jvais te mettre une balle dans la tête" (im gonna put a bullet in your head). the boy whose name is Nahel is logically scared so he speeds away. the cop shoots him in the car, bullet in the thorax and the car hits a wall. Nahel is dead and the video is quickly relayed on twitter to mass outrage.
most left leaning people condemn this and ask for justice, but the media keeps asking them to ask for calm and order (which some do, looking at Roussel) but some don't, which alienates them in the political landscape (the favorite word of the right rn is islamogauchiste aka islamiclefty).
but the right, god the right. first they said Nahel deserved it because he was driving without a license. then it was saying he was a criminal that had already been convicted (the cops leaked a fake criminal record). so not a criminal, but he was an Arab so he would've become one, right? and he should've just obeyed the cops and he would have been ok, that's the behavior of a criminal. I think you get the gist, fascist and fascist adjacent justifications for a cop murdering a boy.
since then, there have been riots in Nanterre and all around France, and the State, Macron (President) and Darmanin (Interior Minister) have sent cops galore. Now, the last time something like this happened was in 2005, when we had less social media and the only pictures and videos we had were from the media (opposed to the riots). Today with Snapchat and Twitter, we can see the pov of the rioters and people are realizing that amidst the anger people feel, they find joy in community, and the vibes in the riots are good and joyful at times (a guy asking another guy to go take a yop for him in the market they're breaking and stealing from comes to mind). They can't say just as easily that they're angry and irrational animal because they see the humanity in the riots (they shouldn't need it but well).
now there is a debate amongst both the rioters and the left who stays mostly outside of it. Are they being useful? breaking and burning the right things? should they go to Paris and take the risk of fighting against cops in streets that they don't know as well as their own? factually, they are mostly burning cars, trash and big companies' shops. But people are choosing to only see the rare schools and libraries being burned downed (who were, for a lot of them already falling down because the State doesn't give money to the periphery). Now, it seems logical to say that burning down your middle school is not going to help against police violence. But it feels like the same people who praise the revolution any chance they get refuse to understand that it comes at a price, with violence and at least a bit of destruction. And the right is using this to discredit the whole movement.
back to fascists. First, the cop "unions" Alliance and UNSA Police published a press release calling the rioters (so mostly Arab and Black people, but also poor white people living in the periphery) "nuisibles" (pest, the word used for animals harming the ecosystem). They wrote that the cops will resist, that they are at war, that they will bring order back. In short they want to kill POC. And they have help. Fascists groups have taken advantage of the situation to walk around blocks during the day and beating up people with bats and at night to illegally arrest rioters before tying them down with zip ties and giving them over to cops. and these people arrested who are sometimes barely older than 18 end up with 18 months of jail for burning trashcans and 10 months for stealing a can of Monster (and those are not suspended sentences).
and while these people end up in jail (thus making it more likely that they will end up with shitty jobs and shitty pensions), Jean Messiha (far-right guy) created a gofundme for the cop and his family that has already gathered more than 1.5 million euros. A cop kills a child and wins the million.
so is it violent? yes of course it couldn't be otherwise. but violence is sometimes necessary, especially when you have to fight back against cops, their fascist friends and the State that allows them to keep existing. The rioters deserve full support, even if the criticism of some of their actions should exist. The danger is for this criticism to overcome our support. It shouldn't. Because if they are alone like they were in 2005, the right and the far-right will take advantage of the situation. Last time Sarkozy was elected and the risk is greater this time, with Les Républicains (the republicans) being basically dead and leaving their spot to Marine Le Pen's fascist party Rassemblement National (national gathering).
so if you're french, don't let the people around you talk shit about the situation. and if you're not, be careful still, fascism is rising and they're not as scared as they were 20 years ago.
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thr-333 · 1 year ago
Since Leo can portal, does he ever just decide to switch houses? Along that same thread, do the turtles ever just decide they want to stay with a different parent and just leave or do they always just wait for the next kidnapping.
Do the parents enforce strict rules of behavior for the turtles or do they have some freedoms to act how they want?
And cloaking brooches! The boys are probably famous for being Lou Jitsu's sons. And also famous in the Hidden City. They're literally just chilling while people make theories about their lives.
Also when do the boys discover Run of the Mill for the first time? I think Hueso would be a fun dynamic to add in for Leo (if you do the "Tio Hueso" thing a lot of people headcanon)
The boys are all criminals. It's lucky they're famous because they definitely don't follow the law lmao
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Leo is the one most likely to dip out(usually on Draxum). Most of the others never feel the need because the turn over rate is so high. But Leo is always willing to smuggle them out if they are missing a particular parent. Mostly they are content to wait for the next kidnapping and enjoy their time with the parent they are with.
Usually when Leo is sick of Draxum he goes to Tio Hueso. When he was younger he used to go right to his Dad but Draxum always came right after him. So he learnt if he wants a break from the goat better to go anywhere else.
Run of the mill is the boys favorited place to hang out. One their Tio is there. Two its a Yokai space in the human world so it's a good middle ground. Three if Draxum or Big Mama's goons show up they can duck into the maze. It has pizza and they have long since memorized the layout.
As for strict rules I want to say Draxum's strict but lets face it; with that design the man's feral. If the kids blow something up he's more likely to reward than punish them. Splinter is his laid back self. So the only actual strict parent is Big Mama.
It's not in a 'behave and be polite way' her kids are hellions and brats which she full encourages. It's more about not screwing her over personally. Which is why Leo tends not to escape via portal when she kidnaps them. He's likely to loose priviliages.
Because something I cannot stress enough is that these kids are RITCH. They have their famous actor dad, which yes the mysterious children and his custody over them is the source of many gossip columns. Then there's Big Mama who has a monopoly over the crime syndicate of the Hidden city(and parts of New York) along with her Nexus and hotel. Draxum is a highly decorated warrior who comes from OLD money, enough to fund his experiments and keep on top of his ever upgrading security to stop Splinter stealing the turtles back.
So not only are they famous but they're rich with poor parental supervision and a shitty home life. They absolutely get in trouble with the law. Everyone thinks Leo is the biggest trouble maker but they're wrong, it's his brothers: Raph has been arrested the most, Donnie is the one who actually deserves to be arrested, Mikey is the one who has committed the most crimes. Its a race for the parents whenever one ends up at a police station to pay bail, that's basically a free kidnapping!
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hello-nichya-here · 1 year ago
What do you think about the controversies surrounding how Michael filmed a clip in a favela? Not paying people or asking their permission to have them in the video and ignoring how many didn't want him there at all? Making a deal with freaking drug lords to let him film there?
Okay, let's get one very important thing out of the way: the folks that were unhappy with Michael filming "They Don't Care About Us" in a favela were NOT the people who actually lived there, but the goverment of Rio - aka the people who are to blame for the favelas and their terrible living conditions existing.
They were worried that this was gonna expose their complete failure to do their job, and reinforce Brazil's/Rio's image as a very dangerous place, and would ruin their attempts of hosting the Olympics here - oh, when we did host the World Cup and The Olympics, years later, plenty of people here were mad because it meant even less money was gonna be put on basic stuff the population needs to live. There protests everywhere in the country for months.
Compare that to people being absolutely excited for Michael's arrival that they follow him and his car around everywhere, standing outside his hotel for hours in the hopes to see him. To the people in the Santa Marta favela watching him dance for hours, cheering him on from their balconies, waving at him and at the cameras, dancing along to the beat, putting banners and posters of "King of Pop" everywhere, and making a life-size statue of him that is still there.
Can you REALLY tell me they didn't like having him there? That they didn't want to be in the video? That this was not one of the coolest things ever?
And he did give people money, not for the right to use their image, but to help out (hence the statue) - something the government itself doesn't do, which is the whole point of the song. And it wasn't just charity, he even randomly gave a kid ten dollars on the spot just to be nice.
And that's just the stuff in Rio. He went to the city of Salvador too, in the majority black state of Bahia - he ate the food, stayed in an actual house there instead of in a hotel, was constantly waving at the fans and even invited a fangirl over to his room, and, more importantly, did research on Olodum (the guys with the drums that you see in the video) MONTHS in advance and was having a fucking blast with them, and chose them in particular because of the influence of african rhythms in their beats.
The overwhelming sentiment of the people here in Brazil - especially those that were in the video and were interviewed many times through the years - is that Michael was extremely respectul and downright awesome. How about we don't speak over them and act like they're too stupi-I mean, naive to understand they were "exploited" just because they have no money and are mostly people of color?
As for him asking permission to the drug dealers to film in their territory: there are favelas in Rio in which people have to use specific signals/codes to the be allowed back in if they leave even for a little while, to prove they live there, otherwise they're shot on sight.
If Michael went up there without permission from the dealers, he would at best have to deal with being followed and lowkey threatened by the drug lords that are not sure what he wants there. At worst, he'd get someone killed, because while the dealers likely knew him, they don't know the crew and could immediately shoot because they think it's a rival gang or undercover cop.
That's not the same as him just casually being buddies with criminals, that's just not being too stupid to live.
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voroxpete · 11 months ago
OK, so this post is actually from 3 years ago, but it's getting shared around again, so let's talk about what's happening with crypto.
Is it actually dead? Well, yes and no.
2023 was, for crypto, the awful no good very bad absolutely terrible year. Basically, the SEC got to reeeeaaallly busting heads on all of the illegal bullshit that the crypto industry is propped up on (they claim its not illegal because they used a different kind of software to do the illegal things; this is, obviously, bullshit). So, thanks Joe Biden for that one I guess. You're a soulless neoliberal ghoul, but god damn did you get a lot of really good shit done (genuinely, if you guys don't know, he's quietly been one of the most effective presidents you guys have ever had... And the "quietly" part - combined with his utterly reprehensible support for Isreal - means you're all gonna stay home this year and let Trump get in instead).
The upshot of this is that the CEO of Binance is facing criminal charges, Sam Bankman Fried of FTX is in jail for 20-something years (and FTX is still a smoking crater) and Coinbase are trying desparately to not get kicked out of US markets.
So why did Bitcoin just post its highest price ever? Well, the long and short is that the whales are really, really desparate to cash out. Anyone who knows whats going on can see that the whole system is dying. Unless they can get a much more favourable regulatory environment very very quickly they're basically locked out of American money, and even that won't fix the fact that consumers are just generally done with crypto.
The price is higher than its ever been (well, kinda... it's basically stalled at the previous all time high), but the actual number of transactions, and especially the number involving real dollars, is lower than its ever been. In other words, the price doesn't reflect what someone will actually pay in real money for crypto. It is, more than ever, a made up number, largely created through price manipulation by Tether.
Tether, for those who don't know, is a crypto that's always supposed to trade 1:1 for a US dollar. This is backed by... well... bullshit. Tether claims to be backed by real reserves, but these claims are blatant lies. In practice, they just print fake money out of thin air, claim its just like real money, then use that fake money to buy other crypto (mostly bitcoin) which pushes the price up. And because so few people actually buy or sell bitcoin now, one big customer can move the price by a lot.
So, the all time high price right now is mostly down to Tether working overdrive to push the price up. This big push has been spurred by two things; Bitcoin ETFs, and the halvening.
Bitcoin ETFs are basically a way to trade bitcoin as an asset without actually holding bitcoin. Instead, someone else holds the bitcoin, and you just buy notional shares of what that bitcoin is worth. Crypto enthusiasts have been treating these as the coming of Jesus, though in reality they just give institutional investors even less reason to actually touch crypto directly. But they are a big marketing opportunity to tell the remaining suckers that this is it, this is when crypto finally goes to the moon (ie, a chance for the people who run the whole scam to cash out their remaining crypto on another injection of idiot cash, or so they hope).
The halvenining is this thing where every four years the crypto payouts to miners drop by half. Miners don't actually create (ie, "mine") bitcoin, that's a myth. What they do is move it; their computers validate transactions so that money can move, and they get paid new bitcoin in return. With payouts halving, the price needs to go up in order for the miners to even keep the lights on. If they start shutting down their systems, the whole system could just seize up, or become vulnerable to takeover by one determined group. Miners are also heavily intertwined with the exchanges and the stablecoins like Tether. So, the price is being manipulated up to keep miners in business.
Right now it's still floating around that all time high, and has struggled to maintain any sort of upward momentum past that point. I suspect it's going to tumble back down soon enough, but I could be wrong. Again, this "market" is so heavily manipulated that price action has no connection to reality.
Is crypto dying? Basically, yes. There's the appearance of life in the corpse, but it's just the big players puppeting the body to make it seem alive. Institutional money (big investment firms) bailed a while back, and they're just trying to trap as many retail (regular Joe) suckers as they can before the whole becomes pointless and they all pivot to shilling AI products.
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perlapulido · 2 days ago
My Darling Criminal
Kyra Cecilia Parker or KC which her best friend calls her moved to a city where crimes lurks every corner. It wasnt her idea but her mothers after a bad divorce living with her uncle. Her life is about to twist in every direction when Kira comes along.
Kyra got out the cab after paying the driver before walking around the park listening to a podcast in her ear buds. She glance at the people enjoying themselves not spotting anyone waiting for her.  Its been a few minutes until she sat down on a empty bench taking out her phone checking her messages. "Hello KC." Said a voice blankly. Kyra looked up her phone glancing to the figure wearing white sneakers that had their lace untied, black baggy pants, and white long sleeve shirt up to his pale face under his long shaggy black hair. "You have not changed at bit except for your clothes." said Kyra standing up. "You changed a bit yourself but i wasnt expecting that faint stench." Said the teen. "My Uncle Joey threw up on me on our way home. I took three showers to get that smell out." Said Kyra. "But same personality. Now im sure things didnt go well with your parents." Said The boy. "L." Said Kyra in warning tone. "KC your tone isnt going faze me that much. Your lucky i convince the force that you're not Kira." Said L walking with her. "Is Kira seriously that big of a deal? They're  just another attention seeker." Said Kyra as they approach a black van. "Youre one interested in criminals. And not in a romantic way." Said L getting inside with Kyra following. "Because im not one of stupid hopeless girls who lost her insanity." Said Kyra looking out the window. "So where are you taking me?" She asked looking at him. "I need your help on finding Kira." Said L. "So your asking a criminals offspring to take down a wanted mystery killer who targets criminals?" Said Kyra. "Thats correct. Are you going to help?" Said L. Kyra felt the car stop and got out to find that they are at the police department as L got out to stand next to her. "I'll give you time to think about your decision. Let me show what we have on the investigation. Stay close to me once we are inside." Said L. Kyra followed him inside looking around seeing no but two men behind the desk eyeing her the minute stepped foot into the building. "Uh should we get some form of ID from her?" Said one of the men behind the desk. "Have everyone in the surveillance room about an hour." Said L going to the elevator with Kyra next to him. "You sure this is a good idea?" said Kyra. "Trust me." said L. "You do realize theres no cure for dumbass syndrome, right?" said Kyra as they reached there floor.
After an hour Kyra sat on er chair next to L looking the men who were glancing at her and muttering to themselves about who and why she is here. "Alright thats everyone." said Mr. Yagami. "Good now. I would suggest a new strategy into catching KIra. What better thing to do that is a criminal undercover." said L. "Why do you hate me?" said Kyra. "What do you mean? Shes too innocent looking to make any crimes." said one of the agents. "True but you boys dont know my family mostly my dad like L does." said Kyra looking at L. "You know her." said Mr. Yagami. "He's been my best friend since we were kids before i moved." said Kyra. "What is your fathers name?" said one of the agents. "He never really gives out any personal information. Last i heard he stole all of the money from both of us after the divorce which is why we moved in with my Uncle. The FBI are searching for anything to find him." said Kyra. "Has he caused any harm to you or your mother?" said the same agent. "Did you do any crimes related with him?" said another agent. "That's enough. She doesnt like talking about her father. I want Kyra to work undercover with us. To know a criminal is trough another criminal." said L. "Some criminals do think alike and I think this could work into finding him." said Kyra. "You believe hes a male. Why?" said Mr. Yagami. "Because i know Kira isnt a female. Most crimes are committed by men then women in most parts of the world. This Kira doesnt just show up to exterminate criminals. He can target anyone that deserves to die by using some kind of tool to do it or could be more than person." said Kyra. "Looks like your mind is onto something. Are you joining us?" Said L. "We'll see." Said Kyra as the man in a suit came with some tea. 
The week past as Kyra was in class writing down her notes for an upcoming exam like everyone else. She quietly was looking ay the board and back to her notes while the teacher was talking about the chapter they need to read from their textbooks for their homework. Until a piece of paper that was folded was put on her desk in her eyesight which she took a glimpse seeing a boy's name and number causing her to shake her head crumpling the paper tossing it into the empty trash bin close by. Light who was on the other side of the class near the window watched the whole scene and looked around to find a few boys whispering to each other and looking at Kyra. He narrowed his eyes at them before the sound of the bell caught his attention signaling for their next class. Kyra closed her notebook and began putting her stuff in her bag while a boy walked over to her. "Hey Kyra." Said the dirty blonde smiling at her. Kyra pit her backpack strap on her left shoulder facing the boy. "Hey Oliver. Can i help you?" Said Kyra. "Uh no. I was wondering if you wanted to go hang out after school?" Said Oliver. "You mean as a date?" Said Kyra. "Yeah if y-" "Kyra, can i help you study for the exams for next week?" Said Light approaching the two. "I think im capable of doing that on my own. But thanks and maybe another time Oliver." Said Kyra walking away to her locker at the end of the hall. She opened up her locker seeing a girl ginger curly hair looking at her as if she was a total stranger. "What Amber?" Said Kyra feeling her stare. "Are you completely dumb?" Said Amber. "You need to be specific." Said Kyra switching out her text books.
"You rejected the two cutest boys in school most in importantly Light." Said Amber as Kyra closed her locker. "And your point being?" Said Kyra walking to their class. "What is wrong with you? Cant you see your having every guy look at you like a model. Im pretty they were drooling over you." Said Amber once they walked into class and sat down next to each other. "I do notice but never had any thoughts on dating just anyone." Said Kyra as Light sat down in front of her and Oliver took his seat in the far back. Amber scoffed at this as the teacher came in talking the new lesson for history and began writing down the events which everyone scribbled down on their notes through out the period. After school was over Kyra walked home and felt someone was watching her but sensed that something else is with them. She pulled out her phone pretending to look at the time only to use the reflection to see Light a block away from her with a very faint shadow that hovering above his own shadow before putting her away. 'This is going to be good.' She thought as Light caught up to her a bit later. "Hey Kyra. Are you still up for the studying? It can really help you." Said Light walking next to her. "You're no quiter arent you Light." Said Kyra raising a brow. "I just want to help a friend out especially since she has started school for one week." Said Light. "Alright fine. You win. When can we start." Said Kyra looking at him. "How does six o clock sound?" Said Light. "Seems fair. See you tonight." Said Kyra then sprinted her wau home once they reached Lights house.
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the-firebird69 · 29 days ago
You sort of get it you're like a criminal when I say is he's actually a criminal and people don't treating that way he's going to come out here and he'd be a criminal especially to Justin probably that sounds like fun
There's a couple of things don't say that stupid s*** to her she's already on fire. Secondly we have a war going on so pay attention
There's a few other things they are opening it up on the upper Midwest and the upper middle areas slowly it is a huge deal it's a big change it's going on today they're doing preliminary stuff Trump and bja and all his forces both have a good size Arby's BJ's the Trump is sending tons of and like we said there's like 10 up there and split between all of them but mostly the Big four Michael two Mac Stan and Justin and Ken has some real small ones. And they're going to get wiped out and this goes on for not even too long they take over they come out into the perimeter and stuff attacking them the sun is kind of like okay you kind of gets it though they won't start in on the empire and you have to and mac daddy said it too so they're fat lazy and suck more than these guys
And there was suffocating our son to death they still are. Well I have a character charity now I know what he's saying it's not really charity but it is it's not hard to give but he's doing it for me too no it's kind of a funny thing the way he says it says my name is charity cuz I'm a giving person I love it. And his name is chastity... And when I show up you'll notice me quite a loud what a dummy haha yeah well don't do it as a threat then okay Jersey girl on the way I have to grow now I'm getting angry and I'm not growing yet that's very funny Hera and yeah it doesn't work that way Trump says this is yellow Tommy F will put you in one of them and then you'll do it and think it's you good he says. Still me
Lower above this paragraph here we are above the paragraph here and we're saying it they're targeting probably four but in the midwest they've targeted two more on top of five for a total of seven no it's three more earlier but they did go up to 8:00 and there's only four more of size and small ones fall easily. This is terrible it's telling Ken to withdraw his troops if there's a safe place to go this is why it says there's no point you're going to have nobody you won't be able to do anything don't be no storm in Norman what are you going to do it with and you need a place to stay and he says you know what you're right about I started to think about it and made several contingency plans he says and he sees it so he's going to do it and he knows what you mean it's smarter they're smarter and he doesn't want them to get in trouble but so they're moving out maybe we have reports say they might be doing that it did it on the surface quite a bit. Ok Ken says good. He knows where to go and what to do it says we're going to have businesses and stuff and says yeah and it's miscellaneous and he gets that. Now he's moving it out.
They're going to attack they're moving up there now and huge numbers and the Mac proper are greening they're grinning and they see it as it is they understand it and they don't think it's going to be that great you don't either but we don't either but they're moving out and they're taking shifts how's it going a lot of them Australia goes after Trump but okay so and he's talking about Ken and bJ and Stan and Mac get it and bG and he does that's what he did in the revolutionary war he knows how to do it and he has the money and stuff and he does start businesses. More shortly
Thor Freya
This is exactly what I needed a little help and he knows what to do it really why to stay there if you just get your wiped out.
I got the idea
Ken now I have a job and I'm going to talk to him and yeah
I'm going to do that I do get this
Mac Daddy will do no good out there with stopping Trump would be nice and the money and businesses said he can run them start them inventing okay we got a deal
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transman-badass · 3 years ago
hi i have no idea if you take asks like this buT you’re big in sci fi prompts (love em btw!) and i need a tad bit of help with a story :0 can you think of any crimes fitting a sci fi setting that would be interesting for a Mostly Good main character to have committed? as in. the kind of crime an audience sympathizes with, like sad murder or crimes of existing, yknow. does that make sense lol
anyway if you don’t take asks like these then disregard all that, love your blog, have a wonderful day!!
I absolutely do take asks like this! I'm flattered you sent this, actually. I didn't realize I'm big in scifi prompts though. I don't really think about that stuff, I just kinda write what comes to mind and let it free for others to have fun with...
Anyway! Sympathetic crimes in a sci-fi setting
Generally speaking, if the hero kills a bad guy, the audience will understand. For example, an abusive person - a selfish scam artist preying on the weak for their own gain and going very far with it - anyone who's hurt a child in any way on purpose - that kind of thing.
Robin Hood style crimes - robbing the rich via hacking, for example, or stealing from banks, to help others. Crimes done for a good reason towards villainous targets are always appreciated and people can get a feeling that justice will be done in life, one way or another, which is very nice
Protecting children: kidnapping a child from an abusive home and taking them somewhere safe, for example. Though you have to make sure you really make it clear that there's no other way to help the kid either at all or in the moment
Leaking hidden information about or being a whistleblower exposing corruption, illegal activities, crimes, etc. Depending on your setting, it may be illegal or at least extremely dangerous to your career to call out corruption in governments or big businesses. By doing it anyway, you show heroism and a solid moral compass in contrast to whatever you're exposing to the public
Tbh any crime can be seen as heroic so long as it's being aimed at an appropriate target. This can be used for good or evil - once upon a time, people would applaud hate crimes happening to various minorities. But in this case, if your main character is going after banks (most people in the present, at least in America, don't like banks), massive corporations, corrupt governments, and worse criminals than them, people will think their hearts are in the right place. But you gotta make sure the punishment fits the crime, or your hero is now gonna be the villain. A random scam artist on the street, or a pickpocket, maybe deserves a black eye. They may even need help themselves. But the wealthy politician who stole money that should've gone to helping people, and does bad things to women on the side? Write that bastard right and people will cheer if the hero kills him.
Also? Crimes to try and stay alive are sympathetic. Have to steal food from a grocery store because you're too young to get a job, or you've got a family to feed? The audience sympathizes. Break into an abandoned building because it's raining and you're homeless and can't get to a shelter if they're even safe? The audience understands. Accidentally kill a guy while trying to escape mortal danger you didn't cause? The audience might've done the same thing.
Mmm, I don't know if any of this helps or answers your question but I did the best I could. I hope that even if this doesn't do what you wanted it to, you find some inspiration here. Hey, followers? If you see this, maybe you can suggest some sympathetic crimes you've seen in fiction so anon can get some ideas? I know that Leverage (tv show) has the Robin Hood angle, and Aladdin is the poster boy for the 'street rat' who steals to survive, but what examples can you think of? Reblog this post or leave a note if anything comes to mind, thank you!
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ambivalent-anarchy · 5 years ago
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x morally grey! reader
Warning: None
Saw something on Pinterest and had an idea.
This will be a new storyline. Not a fic, just the one-shots will be connected, though you'll be able to read all of them separate and it still makes sense. You can send requests for this storyline just put 'Peter Parker x grey!reader'
Morally grey- a character who does too much good to fully be bad, but too much bad to fully be good and their motives are unclear.
Hope you like it!
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Peter had been warned against people like her.
She kept him on his toes, always switching sides. She wasn't like the other villains he'd known.
Mysterio, Scorpion, Otto Octavius. They were bad. There was no doubt about it. They'd each brought some turmoil on the world in one form or another.
They needed to be stopped. So Spiderman stopped them. Simple as that.
But [Y/N]. She was different.
"Watch out for the morally grey ones," Mr. Stark had told him early in his superhero career. "They're the confusing ones. The ones ya just can't fully be mad at."
Natasha was much more clear with her approach. "Take my advice, kid," she said. "Don't make it personal. I've seen how you act with your villains.. one like that, where they're so close to being good, yet so far. One like that would kill your spirit."
And it certainly seemed Peter had finally found his match.
"Give it up, [Y/N]! I always catch you!"
He'd been tracking her for weeks now. At first it seemed she was just a common thief. But she was smart. She had skills. She had plans. And well, if you wear a costume, you can't just be some common thief.
"You forget, Spiderman!," she chirped as she ran, a large, bulging bag on her back. "We're twelve to seven! I've been coming up lately!"
Peter rolled his eyes as he hopped into action. "Is this just a game to you?"
"I'm just saying," she laughed. "Gotta give credit where credit is due!"
Peter scoffed as he swung to catch up. "You say that as you hold a bag of hundreds of people's stolen money!"
This was her fifth time this week. Going to rich people's banks and sneaking past the security systems and stealing their money.
For a few weeks, Peter hadn't eaten. He hadn't slept. He was practically going crazy searching for her. Trying to pin an M.O. to make it a bit easier for himself. But she was untraceable. The only thing he'd found out about her was her name. Which basically led to nothing being that she was practically a nobody. The only time he could see her was when she made herself visible.
Today, she'd hit the bank Norman Osborn had been storing sums of his money into. But hardly anyone knew that. She'd done her research and some heavy snooping.
"It's mostly just Osborn today, he'll find a way to bounce back! He always does!," she yelled, jumping to the last building on the block.
She looked around desperately as she felt her chaser getting closer. She was trapped. "Crap," she muttered.
"Gotcha," Peter whispered to himself as he swung to the building she stood on. Once there, he quickly webbed the bag from her back.
Quickly noticing what he was doing, [Y/N] caught it just as he began to snatch it. She kept a tight hold on it and they began to fight for dominance, stuck in their own little game of tug-of-war.
"Let...go!," Peter grunted.
"Not on your life," she shot back, feeling her feet slide on the concrete. She was about to lose.
They both realized it as her feet began to give way and her body became airborne, almost crashing into Peter before he quickly moved out of the way.
[Y/N] screamed as her entire back crashed into wall of the building. Looking up, she watched as Spiderman grabbed the bag.
"Oh, hell no," she spat.
Peter smirked as he picked up the bag. "Sorry [Y/N]. But I guess it's thirteen to seven now- AGH!"
He collapsed in an instant, feeling something hard sling across his face. It was too hard to be a fist. And God it hurt like hell.
[Y/N] scowled. "You threw me into a wall!," she screamed as hit her nemesis again and again with the butt of her gun. "You asshole!"
Peter grimaced, attempting to grab hold to her wrists and push her off of him. "Well, I didn't BREAK YOUR NOSE!," he hissed through gritted teeth. Luckily, that was the only thing that felt broken of his.
She continued her brutal attack on his upper body, almost as if she's was trying to put the gun through him before he finally got the upper hand and threw her off.
He moved to try to stand, but he fell back down, an entirely new, different pain aside from his face starting.
[Y/N] propped her head up. "Was that your stomach?," she asked.
Aunt May was out of town, so there was no one to make sure Peter had been taking care of himself, which he hadn't. The last thing he'd prepared was a pop-tart, that was still burning in the toaster in his home as he sat on that building.
[Y/N] stood, rubbing her back to relieve some of the pain she felt that was keen on staying. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was your stomach."
Peter scrunched his eyebrows together, confused. Still, he put his fist up to fight, ignoring the heavy and loud rumbling of his stomach.
Rolling her eyes, she threw the gun down. "Well, I'm not gonna fight you now." She moved toward him to pick up the bag he barely had a hold on. Unzipping it and reaching in, she pulled out a few bills and put it in the hand that wasn't pressing his cheek. "Here. Take it."
Peter backed into the wall some more, if that was even possible. "I don't want your dirty money," he protested.
"Well, it's from a rich people bank. It's actually pretty clean," [Y/N] joked before kicking his uninjured leg lightly. "C'mon man, don't be weird just take it, okay?"
"Put the money back in the bag," Peter ordered, making a second attempt to stand. He didn't make it this time either, cursing quietly as he fell back to the ground. Was he hurt or was he just really tired he asked himself.
"You need to eat something."
Peter frowned, wrapping both arms around his grumbling stomach. "You need to mind your own business."
[Y/N] stepped forward slowly, arms held out in front of her, palms up. "You fainted on me last week, remember idiot? And I can hear how hungry you are now." She walked a bit closer, picking up the bills her enemy had thrown on the ground, then looked back up to him. "If you won't take the money, at least let me buy you some food," she bargained.
Peter watched the mixed expressions flicker on her face. Annoyance. Concerned? She sighed, rolling her eyes.
"Look Spiderman, you help everyone. Let someone help you for once. Don't let your pride stop you from taking the help you need to continue saving lives, okay?" She smiled crookedly. "To continue stopping people like me."
Peter stared, mouth agape. "[Y/N], what is this?," he questioned. "You're not nice.. you're rude, a-and you only care about yourself." He winced, shuffling to lay his back on the wall of the building you'd thrown him into moments before.
"Well, I've always preferred 'rough around the edges', but okay," she snickered, rolling her eyes and then looking down at the ground right in front of his feet. This was completely out of her element, but she couldn't help but feel like she was obligated to do it.
"Alright, but.. you hate me," Peter said, looking up to see her completely unreadable face.
She finished stuffing the rest of the money in her bag. "I think you've got me messed up with Doc Oc," she said, wiping off her pants, getting ready to help Spider-man up. "I'm not like most of them, y'know. Us villains aren't all the same. Some of us actually do have some morals."
He watched as she looked around, muttering to herself. If it were anybody else, they wouldn't have heard her. But with his senses, Peter heard her loud and clear.
'God, give me strength.'
She held her hand out to him. "Come on, let me get you outta here, Spider."
Underneath his mask, Peter's frown deepened. "No, I got it... just go, okay?" He still had a hold on the bag with his webs. He was offering her a chance to escape.
"Don't be an idiot, dude," she scolded. "I just pistol-whipped you. Even if you swing, I'm sure all that wind blowing on your cuts and bruises wouldn't be comfortable..."
Peter blew out a breath. He knew she didn't really want this. So why was she so insistent? She was a criminal and he was the hero. Simple as that. Or at least, it's supposed to be.
But now she was helping him? Offering him a meal? He hated to admit it, but at this moment, he preferred criminals like Doc Oc or Green Goblin. At least they didn't confuse him like this.
But she's didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. And he did still need to take the cash she'd stolen. So swallowing his pride, he chuckled. "Um, [Y/N]... look.."
And now they were in the Olive Garden parking lot.
She'd helped clean most of his cuts in her car (his mask only going up to his nose of course).
After he'd had a bit of time to calm down, he turned his face toward her. "So, um, there's no drive-thru?"
The villain scoffed lightly. "Hell no," she responded. "I'm not throwing my whole day off on you. We're movin' on my schedule bucko. And anytime I lose against you, and not get thrown in lockup, I go drink, okay? That cool with you?," you teased. "Or are you gonna tell me how unhealthy that is Mr. Superhero Guy?"
Peter huffed. "Well, you can go eat. But I'm not taking off my mask. I'll stay here."
"And let you steal back my cash? I don't think so," she retorted.
"So what?," he asked, frankly annoyed at this point. "Spider-Man just walks into an Olive Garden with a random girl?"
"Wouldn't be that way if you'd just take off your mask," [Y/N] defended. "Then it'd just be two random people walking into an Olive Garden."
"That's not an option."
Tapping on the dashboard, she groaned. "C'mon, I take my mask off in front of you all the time! You know who I am. Why can't I know who you are?"
"You don't care about keeping your identity a secret because you have nothing to lose. I'm not the same. I want my loved ones to be safe."
"That's implying that I'd hurt someone you love, Spider-Man. I'm not sadistic," [Y/N] corrected.
Peter frowned. "You literally pistol-whipped me about an hour ago."
"And I just spent that last hour nursing your wounds," she shot back.
"Sometimes you go out of your way to beat me up though."
"That's because sometimes you aggravate me," she laughed. "Occasionally, you deserve to get punched in the face."
It was quiet again.
Until two minutes later Spiderman's stomach growled once again.
"Look dude, we could always pass you off as a overenthusiastic cosplayer?," she offered. "You wouldn't have to take off your mask that way, but you would get weird looks."
For probably the hundredth time since starting his hunt on her, Peter rolled his eyes. "Why do you want me to eat so much anyway?"
"I don't care about you if that's what you're suggesting," she said. "I just don't like people going hungry. And it's obvious you're not taking care of yourself." Her eyes shifted a bit. "And what's the fun in beating you if I'm not beating you at your highest, right?"
Peter chuckled at [Y/N]'s excuse. "Right.."
And now they were sat at a table. [Y/N] in a cute shirt she had in her car and some jeans. Peter still in his Spiderman suit.
Awkward, to say the least.
But the stares from waiters were the least of Peter's worries.
'What am I doing???'
He should've left hours ago. He should've grabbed the money and returned it and taken this girl to jail.
But the more he talked to her, and the way she nursed his wounds without question and gave him some food. It made him think of all the other things he hadn't noticed before.
How she only stole from the rich (which was very bad of course but way better than just taking from everybody). How she never went for kill shots, or even for spots that'd cause heavy injury.
She was a bad guy, yes. But maybe she wasn't a bad guy.
"I'm sorry for that time I shot you, by the way," she spoke in the middle of their meal. "It was meant to just be a warning shot. But you moved and it got your leg. It's been bugging me for a long time. That didn't take too long to heal, did it?"
Peter shook his head as he chewed his food.
"Good," she said. "Also for pistol-whipping you earlier today. I kinda got carried away."
"Yeah, I could tell. It hurts to chew right now," he said.
"Well my back still hurts from being thrown into a wa-"
"Why do you steal?," Peter cut in to ask.
Without any hesitation, [Y/N] responded. "It's just my way."
He frowned. "Just your way?," he repeated. "Haven't you-"
"Don't want a job. Tried them and didn't like them. And there's nothing more schools can teach me. Stealing has the thrill I love and it helps me to get around and, if the opportunity presents itself, to help somebody out."
Peter stared, dumbfounded. So [Y/N] was a good person...who just happened to like stealing? But then that else make her a bad person.
How could one person be so contradictory?
"You are an enigma," Peter marveled.
"Thank you," she replied, taking a sip of her wine.
When it came time to leave, [Y/N] paid and they made their way out of the building, actually laughing together and enjoying themselves.
They made their way back to her car. [Y/N] smiled. "Well, thanks for that, even though I never saw your face the whole time," she giggled. "Wait, does this count as a date? I'm sorta dressed up and you're probably in the best suit you've ever worn." She pinched at a spot of his suit on his shoulder. "Had a semi-fancy dinner-"
Peter held his head back and laughed. "I mean, I guess if you want it to, then it does. But I'm still gonna arrest you if I catch you again."
[Y/N] smirked. "And I'm still gonna steal, so.."
"Right..," Peter sighed. It wasn't like he thought he could actually change her in one night. But someone so insistent on doing a bad thing.
So close, yet so far...
Which made him remember..
"Oh yeah!," he exclaimed as he bursts off running towards the car, leaving a confused [Y/N] behind him.
She didn't get a chance to ask what he was doing before he kicked and busted the tires of her car and broke one of the windows to reach in and steal the bag of money inside.
Jumping onto her car, he pulled his mask up to right above his mouth. "Thanks for the meal! Gotta blast! Remember to stay off the streets!," Peter yelled before he jumped into the air.
Shocked, [Y/N] stood there frozen. "I-i, I-i.... I'M GONNA KILL YOU, SPIDERMAN!!!"
"You say that a lot!," he joked. "I'm beginning to doubt your commitment!"
"How'd it go, underoos?," Tony asked early the next morning.
Peter looked up from his computer with a unreadable expression on his face. "Hey Mr. Stark," he started. He furrowed his eyebrows. "I think I met one of those villains you used to talk about. The good but bad ones?"
Tony crossed his arms. "And?"
"I think we're kinda friends..."
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g-2doc · 7 years ago
- Based in Victorian era England -
(despite me knowing nothing about Victorians but hey ho.. if I did a Restoration au I would be ON that, but not Victorian idk anything about them... Weird how I make this unnecessarily harder for myself... I could base it in modern day if I wanted?? But no. Victorian aesthetic. Anyway, this was written at like 2am, so there's probably typos everywhere, but who cares?? I don't!)
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Stuart Pot (b. 1865 AD - Victorian)
- Lives an upper class lifestyle. His father, David Pot, is a very famous inventor/engineer who started off with money from his parents anyway. His mother, Rachel Pot, does work in medical sciences/human biology on behalf of the Royal Society - though isn't recognised for her work as she's female, and was only granted access through a close friend (Frederick Cracker).
- Still lives with his parents at 23 years old (relatively normal at the time until marriage, especially after his head injury as a child calling for regular medical attention from his mother).
- Engaged to Paula Cracker (who I like and will NOT villainise no matter what you say!!!), which was arranged by his mother and her father (a highly respected fellow in the Royal Society). The engagement is a little complicated, as he has a habit of putting off the arrangements, to his mother's great annoyance. He and Paula are close friends, but neither can say that they love the other (like most engagements of their class). Paula, with his permission, sees other men in secret outside of their engagement. Whilst he similarly has her permission, he doesn't see other people, mostly due to his sometimes over-bearing parents and also his shy nature.
- His mother encourages him to go into the sciences, after his father's efforts to get him into engineering failed miserably. The connection to the Cracker's only assists with this. He sometimes talks to his mother's friends about medicine, as he has a small amount of interest in it, and they're experts anyway. Regardless, he always dreamed of being a musician, but he was told he couldn't by his mother. His family have a tradition of going to the music hall on the 23rd of every month (started on his birthday) because he likes to watch the singers. He also regularly goes to saloons by himself.
- He's mostly attracted to men, but has never been with anyone - hence his reluctancy to be legally bound to Paula straight off. As this is based in 1889, homosexual acts are a criminal offence (introduced in 1885), so obviously this is difficult for him, and causes him to be quite inhibited as a person. (Completely unrelated, but whilst researching this I found that it was illegal for a man to sleep with his deceased wife's sister, but, it was noted, not illegal to sleep with her first cousin. Mad.)
- He has blue eyes, until they turn black after he falls in love with Murdoc. They turn black as falling for an Incubus is sort of seen as a curse, so has side effects. Neither of them know this though, since Murdoc has never been loved before, and 2-D knows near to nothing about the occult anyway (he doesn't even really know what Murdoc is, but can tell he's not a virtuous creature by any means).
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Murdoc (b. 666 BC - Brittonic Celt (sort of...) )
- An Incubus (which is a type of demon that feeds from sexual activity ;)) ). Like all demons, he's considered one of the many spawns of the devil. He feeds on fragments of a person's soul, and feeds once every other day - but can survive a month without feeding. Food doesn't provide sustenance and if he's fed it, his body will reject it and he'll vomit.
- Has to sleep, more than humans do (roughly 14 hours a day, usually from around 2 am to 4 pm). He usually sleeps in the morning as he's strongest from 9 pm up until 12 am after such it then starts to be considered early morning. In usual circumstances, he uses this time to find a mate and seduce them, sometimes entering their dreams to do so - sometimes this takes more than one night, but he'll never stay at it more than two nights, and will instead find a different, easier mate.
- If he plans on feeding off of a mate, he can't initiate the relation, or it doesn't qualify as the victim giving up their soul willingly. Therefore, to effectively feed, he needs to be the submissive one (Murdoc's a bottom and you can't stop me). He'll occasionally stay with a mate for a little while if it guarantees regular feeding, but can't stay indefinitely due to the side effects of his feeding often eventually resulting in a near-to-death state, and also the risks of being found/hunted. He can also get a person's soul from killing them, but because this is unwilling, it has side effects. If an Incubus/Succubus feeds this way regularly for a length of time, they'll eventually go insane, and other Incubi/Succubi will come and kill them out of instinct.
- Mates can be male or female, as Incubi (and Succubi) are bisexual. Murdoc hunts them out because he can sense lust, and Incubi/Succubi can tell the difference between certain types of lust. For example, he won't prey on someone lusting for a woman, because obviously he'd struggle a lot with that endeavour..
- (This is mostly based off stuff on Wikipedia) If someone who has done the sign of the cross within 6 hours touches him, their touch will burn him, hence this works as good Incubus and Succubus repellent. However, unlike other demons, he is unaffected by exorcisms (as it's his own body) or blessed items (as he doesn't respect the power of the church). (This isn't off Wikipedia, this is made up:) Also, he can't enter a church, and the Lord's prayer inflicts excruciating pain.
- His hands and feet are blackened up to the joints, he has glowing red eyes, pointed teeth, forked tail, and wings - which are all features of a demon. Unlike other demons, Incubi and Succubi have avian wings, not bat-like ones. Murdoc's resemble that of a raven, though there are many other variations. They also have longer tongues. His nose is broken and his front tooth on the right is chipped from being assaulted by a human man who didn't like him having relations with his wife, and was unafraid to punch a demon in the face (what a legend...)
- Doesn't really have any powers until the night window, where he can enter dreams and also perform telekinesis (though it isn't easy and takes a lot of effort, unless he's very angry, then it's a breeze). He's immortal and can't be killed by humans - can only be killed by other demons. Obviously he can fly, y'know, since he has wings... Otherwise he's just a weird looking guy who's been going about getting laid for 2.5 thousand years
- Once he falls in love (with Stuart), he gradually becomes more human. However, it isn't natural for demons to become human - so the process causes a lot of issues for him (gives him severe mood swings, makes him very irritable), and the physical changes tend to hurt a lot. First his feathers begin to fall, then his limbs fade to their normal colour and his eyes fade from red to brown (this bit isn't painful), his claws become brittle/break easily which can cause pain, his tail starts to grow shorter giving him growing pains. After this, no more changes can occur naturally, but the bones in his wings and his tail start to deteriorate severely, causing incredible amounts of pain. To relieve this, he'd have to cut them off, but as he becomes human he is able to die of blood loss/infection/go into shock so it'd be very risky, especially in a time where medicine is still underdeveloped. Furthermore, demons who become human are rejected by the devil and also looked down upon by all demons/monsters and may be killed out of spite.
And that's all I have so far - but I've started a fic, so I'll probably make up more as write it..
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the-firebird69 · 5 months ago
Now, Justin witnessed Mac Daddy from. prohibiting our son from going to that shell gas station, which is also the bus station for Greyhound. Now, before we levy some very serious charges. We went to see what their opinion was of what they were doing. And he doesn't seem to understand what we're talking about.. You're keeping our son here, but force And you are a criminal holding him hostage. or a certain plan to run. What's your plan? And we don't like you for it. You're an insulin child. You've had surgery and you're useless. Just like the rest of you. They're absent surgery. There's a lot of you. And some people say it was the demons. They're saying that Sarah and Trump have it. and they don't But they do have the other surgery. So they're wondering how the hell that happened. We are two and we wanted to know why it happened. We looked into it and it looks real stupid. It is stupid. And you're a stupid person, Mac Daddy, and you're gonna pay for what you've been doing to our son as. same as Stan is. Your forces are getting reduced and you're already being a big jerk. We can see you being a big jerk. Now we're gonna take it out on you, and you're gonna hate it You're gonna regret all this stupid **** you're saying to us right now.. And we're going to bring lawsuits. and you wanna send to be there at court because you wanted to threaten him with it. And you're beating the **** out of yourself with it And you're dying from it. And putting John Remaillard in there didn't help. you didn't help you at all. And you're you're so much less of a man because of it. He lost a lot of stuff, and you lost a lot of money. and a lot of troops. And it's gonna get worse really quick. Mostly because of what you idiots are doing. And we can't make it that much worse. It's not. true, but what do you all suck really bad in your inane? Your plan was gonna fail from the start. Our son would kill you if someone people did not.
--- We need you all to pay attention. We're going to cut you down. and take away everything you have for the little war here and you're never going to be here or anywhere again. It has begun And just being a little brat and demanding stuff hasn't done you any good. You're delusional when you belong in a mental hospital. especially Magdaddy, who had our son put there. That guy is a fool.
--- In the Western Hemisphere. Lisudo Empire to the pounding, and then. are going down. their population is now around. 3.9%. because they are being attacked by a large group. They have a system of bunkers and military bases. and they are not occupying the American bases at this time They are pushed out fully last week and mostly they were pushed out a month ago. However, they occupy certain bases. One of them is Cheyenne. and the other is in Colorado. Base nearby. and Utah. And we don't want him going there. You people are sick. Pigs and you're disgusting. And you're stupid.. Your bases are now at 35% of capacity. A few more hits, and they'll be out. The ones in Washington state, Oregon State and B. C. And northern Michigan. are. going to be out. sooner than the rest. And they are at about 23%. And yeah, he took tons of stuff. But he's been getting hammered and they doubled up on him.. They've been blaming us for what's happening to you So now we're going to take your territories because nobody opens their mouth about us at all.
--- This morning is a new day. Last night, the Macklemore Lock mostly, no, in the Pseudo Empire. Actually, everybody here. even people who are Giants. of a lower level suffered. and became sick. They're going to all have cancer by the end of the week.. And Mack Daddy. was complaining of many aches and pains. And yesterday it said I can't stand it But he stayed here and started yapping. So these guys are going to pretty much die. And we have that as something that's going to happen. But the death rate is pretty high up there. for this area. Charlotte County They did have I believe it was 4.5 million higher ups. Oh, who are original people here. And that was yesterday. The place did infill and they were about 10 million people. Last night because of the high levels of radiation yesterday. about seven million people died. or left and that left 3.5 million original Mac Morlock and Pseudo Empire. There really were two million deaths so people. left.. The mutant population is about. 2 million and the Mac Morlock are now 3.5 million. And there are others who are Giants who come in and out. and they're about 1 million. They're not class a. Most of them are mixed. but they do better with it. And they come in when it's low. However, this cuts the leadership down of the Matt Warlock. by two about 2.1%. And the pseudo empire is cut down to 3.9 percent. And the clones are at 16%. It's very low.. And they acted in their terrible and we have to supplement and provide controls. And it is a system to try and drag us in here. And yeah, you're all fools and stuff..
.--- Last night, the Morlock Mac. tried to go down in. several locations and they found a few things of interest. in the West in the Grand Canyon area They found a chasm and they went down to it and they found tunnels. They're not small either. And they tried following the tunnels. and they mapped it out. and then see where it could go to the middle area. And they are going to try and get there. It'll be a big war at the Grand Canyon and it will. move Cheyenne mountain complex. The base there will be ruined and Vegas is going to get ruined and other places nearby. But those are the hot spots. fairly soon What's going on here will come to a head. And these people are going to be. pulverized..
--- We have more news. These stashes and caches of Trump are at 50%. of security personnel. and military personnel to defend them from within an infiltration efforts are up to about 20% That means two more runs and they're gone rough. Or three. And that would be a few days each. And BJ will move in and take all the hardware. It has been noted a lot of. foreigners. that this is the case. What they are doing is prepping for it. They're getting ready. to invade the bunkers. And they let BJ a expend to all his people. prepping it for them. because that's what VJA did.
--- Additional we are watching people be as rude as possible to our son. And we're watching them die. And sometimes slowly, but last night was, that was a lot of people. And it's up and over two million now a day. So we're wondering what's gonna happen with you. And the number of yours dying is getting up there as well. It's remarkably high for the. over the years. And we do expect more of you to die today and tonight than yesterday and last night. A lot more Yes. Probably 700 million. and from cancer and other stuff Which means it might be higher. And at that point, a lot of your leaders will want to evacuate. And you'll tell them no, and they will And John Remillard, will occupy their bodies, mostly because you tracked up and doesn't have power. That's why And he's a big parasite.. So we're gonna watch his people die. at their father's hand. And we won't be satiated That does help out during the day.
more shortly
Thor Freya
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the-firebird69 · 11 months ago
Judge denies Trump's bid to adjourn hush money case due to pretrial publicity - ABC News
So he's being messed with so much it's ridiculous and Trump hasn't done and he can't figure out the problem my son is saying stop messing with me unrelentingly and it's not really cover I'm in trouble in your messing with me I figured out years ago and he says what does this mean it means that I figured out years ago and the max don't think I did and they're dead meat and they don't know it so he started to fidget me said he's saying he knows about it and you're d****** with him so much to give a s*** about you and he's going to bury you and they started mumbling and babbling he said wow so this sort of got it a little it's a bit hard so they might want to try and pull her into it and stop being so f****** harsh you're going to try and figure out who's doing it and sort of figure some stuff out but you should do is keep silent about my identity but now other people are going to compete stupid. So now they're upset about that they won't forget and the competition is going to beat him up. Like they they are now they're going to beat them up. And yeah that was ridiculous I don't want this donkey show anymore. It's hard enough trying to get them by through the day now things are happening right now and we're going to post a separately from this disaster this says that he's screwed and he is not getting an appeal and he's going to run through it and guilty or not he's going to be some idiot who went to court for a crime and they know he's a criminal and he's getting tainted over and over and over
He probably will be guilty and I'll tell you what there's going to be a huge number of people after him and you figure out what he's really been doing and how he had all those ships and he stayed where he was it's disgusting and he's a pig yeah he goes inside their brains and takes the stuff inside their head case a whole bunch of people other people are preaching by force
Thor Freya
Right now there's huge forces of ours there and the max are there and they went topside in their slaughtering the idiot and we're grabbing them both and we're slaughtering both down below mostly because of Trump's actions and him thinking he can grab some of us or at least one and he can't now I'm going after him for what he's saying it's extremely rude to a lot of people does other people that do it but he doesn't a lot and we have creatures that do it all the time and he's out class that he doesn't know it but we have to prove it
Savage opress
And yes leave kg was mine and yours looks a little different and he thanks me
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the-firebird69 · 1 year ago
There are other things I have to report but I do hear the radio and they're moving on it some things I have to report are rather awful they are about more lock and what's happening to them and what is about to happen today
-the the Max and foreigners say they hate these s**** they need them all dead so they're getting to it and they want to get rid of them here they're using the alternate means and all sorts of that type of thing today they're going to have you fire each other and bja is willing to do so and he is caught doing it and it starts fights you don't think much of it but you're getting smaller there will be an evacuation you are down to around 26% of Florida's population as a whole and today they're starting up again and about 4% are getting ready and it's going to be a lot as 2% are getting up and 1% is already moving and loaded. That would bring it down to 22%, but more will be evacuating today and they say it's to Make Way for their invasion Force which is gathering momentum and more people might evacuate before then
-when you evacuated go somewhere it's a bloody mess usually a lot of people settling but it's extravagant spending as I say but they have to leave here they're being pulled out in the middle of the night and that's true but not a huge numbers but your leaders are
-on top of the evacuation they are leaving areas of industry and we are taking over some of it and we're producing products otherwise those productions would stop and they're trying to attack and we dispose of them but that's not the massive hard part in it's coming up
-a lot of you are losing your licenses to drive vehicles and all of your alter egos your licenses are being revoked at the RMV statewide your international IDs and identification and aliases are being erased if you present them you'll come up as a criminal they're going after all of them and the first one they target is identity theft of my husband if you take his identity or arrested immediately and they go after people trying to pretend to someone else especially them and it's a pseudo empire and empire mostly and we're doing it a little and the foreigners too out of necessity. There's some other items going on too but this is starting to become bigger and they're going after more and more licenses as time goes on and you are not messing with my husband as much because he needs to drive and you want to drive around waste his gas money and try and build up here if you're invasion doesn't work
-there are a few things that are nasty much more nasty than the above but the above is a harrowing experience and you're going to see what it's like to ride your bicycle around because that's all you're going to be able to do and it's nuts it is very difficult and you're not going to do it right you're all violent people dangerous you don't care about your ride and you're horrible with it what's expensive is they're picking people up and bringing them to the incinerator and not telling people where you're going
I said the above because he doesn't know about it
Olympus print now permission granted
We have the other side of the coin and she was going to say more they are taking people to the furnace and burning them but first they question them and get where their computers are and they take the stuff out and they destroy the computers and soon you won't have control over anything and you keep saying everything and you're awful
Thor Freya and yeah the evacuation is on and you're leaving the Midwest and upper Midwest too in big numbers and the phones are going to stay there for a while and Max a little bit a bunch of clones and we're supposed to fight them according to Max it's not really going to happen that well but I think so and the evacuation numbers are pretty much right on today though we might expect more than the four or five percent and it might bring it to 20% or lower as time goes on they notice people leaving they start leaving themselves and there's a lot of businesses for taking over Tropicana and we're doing that because they are terrible people and we have to rejuvenate the fields and more and there's a lot of news to broadcast but keep in mind what she said that they're taking you away and they're not telling people and you're not coming back and they're turning you into Ash
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the-firebird69 · 1 year ago
What he's doing here is breaking the law and the max are trying to use it as an analogy and saying that we're going to harass our son and he got us in trouble the robots are headed off and they're headed off because these guys knew about it and of course just say something but really we used it as motivation because they would never be able to hold you off and the warlock and the max we're not ready in foreigners we're not ready so we devastated their forces and their robots we captured half of them and we're going to use a quarter on these idiots and the rest were going after the Max with. We're going to get a restraining order on him too here's a criminal record a mile long and he is getting kicked out of the presidential race there are two more depositions they're being handed down this week on him and people are turning on him on the first depositions and shortly he is going to be in jail or prison because of what they're saying and it's either he runs or he goes there every day until he stays there. This guy is an absurd fool okay we're going to start taking over more of his company's land and money right now and I'm going to put up a list of stuff that I want in and I want them out of fully and we don't do any business with them the only business we're going to do is taking their funds armament stashes and cashes for nothing except they're lost
-Walgreens we need to go in there and pull out all his employees from all the Walgreens in the United States and globally they're sitting there threatening people which is keeping people from taking over the pharmacy and the pharmaceutical companies that serve Walgreens and they don't have many other customers and we can leave those few customers or teeny and you can say he has a business it does satisfy him cuz it's not very bright I want people to volunteer now who don't like him for his chemical messing with everybody and for his character Jerry Chase sr who was intent on messing with our son all the time
No it also like an account setup with money in it from John remillard AKA Trump so once he passes away and he will shortly as general grievous we will award or send the money for his work and once this past wide is out he will be able to get it to him
-another company I want taken over and quickly same methodology is Walmart he owns 50% of it and he's constantly messing with people I guess some hidden stuff but I want to push them out and take it over when he shows up I want them arrested and we're going to start with the whole thing distributorships stores any manufacturing is for Walmart he's small now almost bite-sized for us and I want people to volunteer now and we got volunteers some for the above and more coming in for this duty or people who are bothered by Walmart atmosphere the product had trouble with them massive trouble even had to move because you couldn't get stuff because of him I want you to volunteer now so you can kick his people out and feel satisfaction we have to have it and we do Trace them down and they are not allowed to trapeze all over the place they are mostly all arrested
-another store that we're going to take over today of his they're still lingering in and boy they had nuisance it's one of the only decent good product department stores that he has decent clothing and it's changing it and ruining it it's got these stretchy pants suits because he gets fat and thin and it's disgusting and his people use them and we want them kicked out because the quality is going downhill and the customers are not going there because of it and he says he doesn't care because his assholes need to wear suits for some reason and to try and infiltrate our businesses we can see the suits coming down the street cuz they're so cheap and we do monitor in that level and just because you don't know that's an idiots perspective right now we're manning up to take out the first row of businesses of his and we're going to make sure that it sticks
-along with Walgreens and Walmart pharmacy is after pharmaceutical feels like 90% of Master pharmaceuticals still and I don't take over the whole thing we're in there and we pull out about 70% of them a day for illegal activities but I'm tired of doing that we got to get him out of there and exclude them from doing business there fully
More shortly
Thor Freya
We back sore in front of us and we insist that people watch this piece of s*** because he's too close and he does stuff all the time we need to stop him right now
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the-firebird69 · 2 years ago
Stan it's not listening to anyone and he's Lord Vader and his fleet is trying to get to the North again and part of it's only 100 miles away and he's excited about that and he's ordered the whole fleet up there it's about 120 million ships and Max think it would be a great addition and we like it if we would have it and rebels want some ships and everybody's going to just take them because they told them not to do it and on board of people that actually do it stan the same and he's been harassing our son very very loudly and consistently and from behind other people not many one or two tears and constantly and he needs to be shut down and she stopped about 8 months ago and her little idiots been going consistently and my son was saying you're a nutcase is why so there's no point in explaining to him to you because you won't have it unless you're making money on The Fringe and everything is going somewhere else and he says I can't stand it you're saying the same thing there so you looked at and said it's probably going to that guy who started s*** with Tommy f and Tommy F wants some gone and that's who's fighting with. His fleet is moving towards the 100 mile mark and is now taking serious fire well 20 million ships are down and 20 million more will be down momentarily leaving 80 million ships which are going to be 300 mi away which is further and they're going to be engaged shortly and it will go very quick the rest of his ships will be gone in moments from now.
The investigators are moving the body out into a refrigerated truck just kept just about freezing and they are going to slow the degradation of the body and that's what's used for. Ken is being called as a witness to see what was going on. And he says don't laugh but your farts for someone deadly but we think she avoided most of it somehow they were triggered by that clone he says okay I'll try to keep it a little bit more sane what were we doing staying around wasting time because we have nothing to do because of these insects here and they are sending a group it's mostly by this people and other people are now with him it's fighting Mac us some of Dee. And they say this it's not as fault but they want to see what happened and he says she's fat and hasn't been moving around and was exhausted by the encounter and it's true too and she was sad cuz she didn't find the sneakers and our son said I'll come back next week in space and she felt better and she went back in and said he's getting patience with it should I feel strange and went to sleep so they're looking at the tape and they see that's what happened they see her again tired and going to sleep but they're looking at her body and see if anybody did something to her and we don't think so but they're checking and their son didn't touch her but they did touch his hand on the way out of the bus and it wasn't a clone it was Garth when dressed up as a clone and the same things happening in Chicago and he's getting blamed for homicides. And his sister's death too and we know where he is and he wasn't there so a lot of people are wondering how they would blame them on someone and our son says if the sheriff watched her go to sleep and didn't check on her their criminally negligent due to the description of their job and they are resting them now and a lot of the sheriff are going to be arrested and they'll be fired and the county corner is called and they told to go home. This is a big issue and we're going to publish and it's ongoing right now
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
Why can't we get anything to ever go our way and yeah we were watching we're watching to make sure she was all right and she had encounter with him and he's electrical and other stuff we have plans to say so the feds are here and we'll probably get arrested so everybody should know
I don't want you talking right now I understand what they're doing I understand the side happened and I know that you need to leave
We did not see it happen we got to call that you guys are up to something and we are pursuing you to arrest you at this moment
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