#They're all panicking in different directions but they are all panicking together and that was actually super sweet
indigayghost · 1 year
Nadja is so angry they're not getting ready to flee but also how cute it is that she prepared run away bags with blood and clothes and new identities for EVERYONE and how she won't fucking run away without her family
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lyssaluvs · 8 months
Hi can you do a Percy Jackson x female reader.she is the daughter of Aphrodite
A little background Percy has this puppy love towards her.she has a fondness towards him but oddly enough even though she is the daughter of Aphrodite she comes off as cold.Ok so this takes place episode five of the series and they are arguing about who will sit in the golden chair.when he sits down and is turned into gold she tries her hardest to get him out.She has the talk with Hephaestus like how Annebeth did in the show.When Percy comes out of chair is was able to hear everything she ways saying.Figuring out she actually does really like him.
Trying Not to Love You - Percy Jackson
Summary: As above.
Warnings: Like one naughty word and a lil peck. Use of Y/n (Idk if that counts)
A/N: This is my first piece of writing so pls be nice, and pls leave feedback. Also, I know logically that they're like 12 and have probably known each other for like two weeks and therefore don’t actually love each other, but for the sake of the story, we're ignoring that. Also x2, I know Nickelback gets hate but they go hard and I'm DONE acting like they don't. (Listen to Trying Not to Love you, which is what this made me think of)
WC: 1.4k
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For a daughter of Aphrodite, I sure don’t seem like one. My siblings and I get along just fine, but no one can deny the differences between us. We differ in that where my siblings are outgoing, smiley, and warm, I happen to be more reserved, more introverted. Many suggest I’m colder than my siblings, but that’s not the case. I’m just wary, and if that presents as being cold, so be it. We share traits, of course. We’re kind, socially aware, and well… beautiful. And with that, often comes an onslaught of suitors. Sure, I had a few, but none that I ever felt drawn to. And none that stuck out quite like Percy Jackson did.
“He’s staring again.” My sister said as she nudged my side. I look up from my plate and meet his gaze. He sends a panicked smile before a blush spread across his cheeks and he quickly looks back down at his food.
“Poor thing looks like a kicked puppy, you should talk to him, put him out of his misery.” My sister continues. I hum and tilt my head before getting up to make my way toward the fire. I scrape the last of my brisket off my plate as I hear him approach.
“Uh, hi.”
“Hi Percy.”
“It’s, uh, pretty warm out, huh. Not all that pleasant standing by the fire. Maybe we should, I dunno, go for a walk? By the lake maybe?” He presses his lips together and looks at me with those puppy dog eyes. Were his eyes always that pretty? No. Stop it.
“Sorry Percy, we’re having girls night in our cabin tonight, I can’t” I quickly explain. Sure, it’s not nice to lie, but it has to be done. What are my options? Keep saying no until he loses interest, or give in to the temptation, and eventually have to break his heart? He doesn’t deserve that. The former it is.
I quickly make my way back to my cabin, and into bed.  Not turning around to see that he does, in fact, look like a kicked puppy.
My head snaps up and I quickly glance around. What? Me?
“Customarily, one waits to at least hear a name or two before choosing. Are you sure you don’t want to hear more?” Chiron states apprehensively
Apparently not… I think to myself as Percy goes on a spiel about how he must choose those he trusts most. Why me?
Cold, wet, and coughing. That pretty much sums up my state right about now. Somehow, I had made it out of the water when I surely thought I was going to drown. Had that been Percy?
I fumble my way off the ground, taking Percy’s outstretched hand.
“Are you ok? You’re not hurt?” He rushes out as he looks me up and down franticly.
“I’m fine, Percy. Thank you.”
“Yeah, no, of course. Sorry if I was too rough, I’m kinda making it up as I go along.”
I just smile as we direct our gaze to the grand, golden statue in front of us. There it was, the shield we’d almost drowned to get to our hands on.
“How are we supposed to get that thing down?”
I look between the statue and the chair that say at its feet. “These things are connected somehow. It’s a machine, but how do you start the machine?” I say as I scan the mechanism for any clues.
Percy seems to retreat into his mind for a moment before coming to a realisation. “It was a gift with a hidden purpose. Hephaestus offered it to Hera, but as soon as she sat in it, she couldn’t get up.”
Percy continued to explain, and it finally clicked. One of us has to sit in it. One of isn’t getting out of it.
“I’ll do it.” I say without thinking. I didn’t need to think about it, it was a no-brainer. Between the two of us, Percy needs to continue, and for some reason I don’t let myself delve into, I have no objections giving my life for his.
“What? Wait a minute!” He grabs my wrist to stop me from proceeding towards the chair.
“No, Percy. It’s me or you, and I’m not going to let it be you.”
“Y/n, no! I brought you on this quest because I couldn’t bear the thought of you not being by my side. I didn’t want to go anywhere you wouldn’t be.” He let go of my hand and I immediately missed his touch.
“Percy- “
“Y/n. Listen to me. It’s ok. Even if you sit in the chair, the outcome would be the same. A piece of me would go with you, and I’d be no use to the quest. You’re strong. You don’t need me.”
He took a lunge and planted himself firmly in the chair. Molten gold crawled its way up his legs and I could hear cogs and wheels spinning within the machine. Oh gods, this is really happening.
“Percy, stand up! This isn’t funny, Percy, please!”
“It’s ok. It’s ok, Y/n. I’m ok.”
And just like that the gold had made its way across his face and it was done. He’d been turned into a statue, and it was my fault.
The shield dropped to floor with an echo, but I barely heard it. I need to fix this.
I made my way around to the back of the chair and dropped to my knees. I brushed my hands across the machine, praying to whoever would listen. Mum, please. Help me out here.
And just like that, a man had appeared at the platform above the statue.
“Hephaestus” I heard a small voice whisper, from nowhere, yet everywhere.
Thanks, Mum. I won’t let you down.
“Can I help you? Do you need some help finding your way out?” He played a melodic tune on his harmonica and a ladder appeared, leading up to the platform.
“I’m not leaving without him, Hephaestus. And if you’re not going to help me, can you please leave me alone so I can focus?”
“In spite of what you may have been told, I am not someone who can be pushed around.”
I let out a sigh and deflated my shoulders. Tears blurred my vision, but I pulled them back. Now isn’t the time, I need to focus.
“Hephaestus, please. I can’t do this without him, despite what he may think. I know you know how this feels. To love someone you know you can’t have. But you got another chance when the gods gave you my mother, I won’t be afforded such a luxury. My mother has been more than generous giving me someone like him, someone I don’t deserve. I won’t get that again. I’ll never find someone like him, never love someone like I love him. Please, Hephaestus, I’m begging. Let him go. Let me have him, let me love him.”
The man hung his head. I couldn’t tell if he was moved by what I had said, or if it just pissed him off. I just hope to the gods I wasn’t the latter. He turned his back and I mirrored him in hanging my head. I had failed.
Another note played from his harmonica and my ear perked up, along with my hope. I shot to my feet as I heard the gears in the chair start to move. Making my way around to the front of the chair, I saw him again. Those sea green, puppy dog eyes I had tried so hard not to love. He took a gasping breath as the last of the gold melted off of him.
He stood from the chair and immediately pulled me into an embrace. Without thinking, I let myself hug him back, indulging in his hold for once.
“I heard you.”
“I heard what you said when I was in the chair, Y/n.”
What??? Oh fuck…
He moved his hands from my shoulders to my cheeks and rested his forehead against mine. “I feel the same, you know I do. And I know you don’t want to let yourself feel that way, because you think you’ll break my heart, but I don’t care. Please, Y/n, let yourself love me. Gods know I let myself a long time ago.”
I stared into his eyes at a loss for words. I placed my hands on either side of his face and pressed my lips to his.
“I’ll take that as-”
I just kissed him again.
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credit to @cafekitsune for the divider!!!
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castlebyersafterdark · 2 months
thinking about will staying at the wheelers and sharing a bed with mike and in the middle of the night mike starts jerking off beside will thinking he's asleep and wills just panicking internally and trying his best to pretend he's sleeping while hearing mikes hand under the blanket and soft panting
Immediately I am shamelessly adding this to my wip list to actually write it long form because it's soooooo goooood, love this scenario. I feel I've read several fics where Mike and Will are sharing the room/bed and it's usually Mike who does something unintentionally in his sleep whilst having a dream. But I like the idea that Mike can't just not indulge, I mean, you'd be used to having your own room. You're young and your thoughts and urges race, and this close proximity is a blessing and a massive curse. Will seemed to be asleep, Mike just can't ignore the state he's in. It's not as satisfying running off to the bathroom, or waiting for the shower, especially with the familiarity of his comfortable bed, now so warm with shared body heat. So he indulges. Quietly, not frantic. Just enough to get off and satiate the need for the moment, because there's no way he can fall back asleep until he takes care of himself.
And Will. So not asleep. Lying back to back. Will tries to lie as still as possible but how still is too still, how can he pretend to be sleeping when he can barely breathe. He feels so guilty listening but what's he supposed to do? Roll over and whisper in Mike's ear "here, let me help you with that?" Join in and get himself off, too? He hears the sound of Mike's strained breath, the tiniest escape of a whimper, the soft of skin moving over skin and it makes his face so hot and flushed. The movements shifting the shared blankets. And he's hard now too, and it's killing him to ignore this. Ooh, what if Mike breathes out Will's name?
There's so many directions something like this could take, it's the world's horniest choose your own adventure story:
Will ignores everything and he's turned on and miserable and confused, forces himself to fall asleep or just lies there and stares at the wall until Mike's finished (and oh god, hearing that is both the highlight and biggest nightmare of Will's complicated young life).
He gets off, too. Also trying to be as quiet as possible. Does Mike now notice? Does he ignore it, too, also horrified but secretly delighted and turned on even more? They're both there indulging and thinking this is just what guys do, it's not that weird, they've just silently given each other permission that it's ok to take care of themselves int he night, both not knowing they are guiltily fantasizing about the other. Oh boy. You could solve so many problems if you both just turned around!!
Will, fully insane, snaps and does turn over, pressed to Mike's back. Mike, initially so startled and terrified, relaxes once Will shushes him and soothes his panic, wraps an arms around his chest to draw him close, tells him it's ok. And he kisses his neck while running a hand lower, until Mike take his offered hand and guides him to wrap around himself, getting him off together now. And then Mike returns the favor of course.
Or I could write all three, each a different what if scenario chapter. Starting with sad angst and then ending with pure spice hahaha
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scmoobly · 2 years
Why I don't think Alexis is a villain.
not in the prime universe anyway. (Morally grey? Sure)
Warnings: (Mild language)
This post contains an analysis of "Getting Closer to your vampire Mate."
"The kind of friends that don't do much talkin' when they're together. If you catch my drift. I didn't want anything more than that out of her, and she kept saying she felt the same way."
▪︎OKAY, SO- right off the bat we understand that they were fuck-buddies. Consenting on both sides and a mutual agreement for it to stay that way. This is also while he was still human so it's safe to assume that he trusted her enough to spend time with her in that way.
"Anyway, I started getting the hint that she was expecting more out of all that than we'd agreed on. Certainly, more than I felt. So I told her as much. That it had been fun and all that happy crap, but that I wasn't wanting anything more with her. And if we were wanting different things out of it, it'd be best if we just closed up shop."
▪︎Noticed that his partner (in whatever sense of the word) wishes to be more than what they are and reiterates how he didn't feel the same way and told her that if expectations were being held then he thought it better to part ways. (Which is a good thing in my opinion. You'd wanna air these things out early so it doesn't get messy)
"The writing was on the wall. She was catching feelings. I wasn't. And I said we just needed to call it. Needless to say, she wasn't too happy about that but she agreed. I was driving us back from the dinner where we had it out."
▪︎Sam is extremely direct in the way he dealt with the situation and while Alexis probably felt hurt over it (Which she had a right to feel) she agreed to it. I'm stressing this to show that there was no initial aggression but an understanding of what was best for both of them. There was a reluctant compliance by Alexis and if that was out of respect for Sam or to protect her pride, we don't know. (Also Sam, sweetie. Who invites someone to dinner to reject them? I get you'd probably not wanna do that on the phone or by text but if someone asked me to go out to have dinner with them I wouldn't be expecting them to tell me to get gone. :")
"I was in a bad way. There was blood everywhere. Alexis was screaming, I could- I could barely hear her. Piece of the door was in me. Right here. It was real bad."
▪︎This was something I failed to notice the first few times I listened to the audio. Alexis was clearly panicking and worried for Sam. Sam brushes this off by saying he couldn't hear her but in my opinion, this is where the fact that Alexis was genuinely upset got lost on us as the listeners because we are being shown Sam's point of view. I'm not saying Sam is the bad guy here for overlooking Alexis's concern because as he said a piece of the door was in him so I'd imagine it'd be pretty hard to focus on somebody else's distress when you're bleeding out.
"We were out on some backroad. No one was gonna be able to get there on time. Alexis didn't know any magic that could've helped. But I was a healer. Damn good one. One of the best. I knew I could heal myself."
▪︎Here we can gather that there was no way to receive outside help and another important detail is that Alexis didn't know healing magic. So that begs the question that if she did know, would that have affected the situation differently? Also establishing that Sam was a good healer.
"I knew I could do it. And I told Alexis I could do it. Then she starts talking about turning me. And I told her no. And even if I can't. I don't want that. I don't wanna live like that."
▪︎As a vampire herself she knows that Sam's only guaranteed safety net for survival is to turn him. She was probably not thinking with the clearest headspace at that moment. She can smell and see the spilt blood and the damage done so she suggests the surefire way which Sam promptly rejects. He then says that he'd rather die a human than live as a vampire and that was when Alexis seems to have lost her edge. We know well that Alexis has feelings for Sam at this point. Whether they were feelings of love or just liking him isn't clear but if you've been sleeping with someone for a while and you want to take the relationship further then it probably wasn't some simple, impulsive decision she made overnight.
"I hated her for that. I still do. And I don't plan to stop anytime soon. She never even apologized."
▪︎obviously at first glance people are going to look at this as an extremely sadistic act. But what if her thought process was different? What if she didn't apologize because she didn't feel sorry? Not in a villainous way. She's not sorry because in her head she didn't let him die. She did what she could to save his life (while he was clearly telling her not to do it yes- but can you honestly tell me that if it was you in this situation you wouldn't have done everything you could to try to save someone you love? That it wouldn't hurt to know that you were so insignificant to them that you weren't worth living for in their eyes.)
"I don't know for sure what made her do it. If it really was her sick idea of mercy or if she saw it as some fucked up opportunity to keep me at her side forever."
▪︎I think this statement here is to make a point that this is all from Sam's perspective and Alexis's motive when it came to his turning weren't necessarily evil which most people consider it to be.
She hasn't even shown up in the canon universe yet, so it's a little surprising the amount of hate she gets. I even saw someone outright call her an abuser and while she betrayed Sam and turned him against his will, it's not made clear yet that she did it because she wanted to hurt him. Alexis does her part to actively avoid Sam and doesn't gloat in his face about how the situation played out. Maybe she doesn't feel sorry or guilty about it but again reaches an understanding that she shouldn't hope for a relationship with Sam in the future and respects that. In light of that statement, let's back track to something Sam has said.
8:49 Cuddles and confessions with your vampire mate; "I also know that the way we throw ourselves at the world doesn't have to reflect the way we tackle everything in life. People aren't simple. We all exist in shades.."
This post wasn't meant to justify her actions but rather to go for a deep dive into how Alexis is as a character.
I still cry listening to Sam explain his turning. Yes it was cruel and Alexis was in the wrong for doing things the way she did but is there space to assume that her intentions weren't evil? Yes, absolutely.
Feel free to correct me if I get anything wrong, I'm very much open to conversation.
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since I've seen people do this I'm also going to. if I made the minecraft movie, it would be:
completely animated except for one guy in a cosplay greenscreened in (he is not important to the plot and appears for like three seconds)
steve. is. B R O W N . like he damn well SHOULD BE.
universe kind of thing where the different planets are different servers (implied there's another universe with all the singleplayer worlds) (implied that herobrine is a curious astronaut in the singleplayer universe)
people dream of modded worlds
every couple decades an update happens and the world shifts
uhh okay story. main plot is that continents are shifting. rivers are being closed. something happening EVERYWHERE and cracks in the ground are slowly appearing and spreading all over the planet.
endermen are scarce, and they seem to be targeting specific blocks when they do show up. beacons, netherite, end rods, redstone and copper
they'll even stay out in the rain for a bit to get these blocks sometimes. it does hurt them but they power through when they can
getting a close look at one a character notices its hands end in gnarled, sharp claws that endermen didn't use to have. their spines are lined with small gray spikes and their eyes glow more intensely than before
there's something in the distance
the endermen all seem to leave in the same direction, they're going towards something. "should we go there?" asks someone. "it seems...dangerous" the people answer
interplanetary communication is invented. they immediately get a message from someone dealing with a demonic red hivemind plant
"I dunno, have you tried fire?" "YES IT DOESN'T WORK!!" "..soul fire?" "oh shit thanks"
are those eyes in the fog? there's something in the distance. there's something in the distance. th
eventually someone goes to the end. the dragon is gone. the egg is gone. the endermen are gone. the portal home is unlit. the island itself feels changed
new rumors and stories of something called The Eyes of The World appear, where seeing twisted towers full of eye-shaped holes heralds attacks none who witnessed would survive
someone mines into a cave and sees intricate but almost natural-looking tendrils of deepslate and tuff snaking through a cross-section of where it opens up. dozens of bright purple eyes are the only light in this place and suddenly-
a large city comes under attack from none other than the Ender Dragon. those that aren't panicking are wondering how it got to the overworld. they fend it off and someone follows it back to its new lair
it roars and something spreads. the cracking of ground is deafening and drowns out even the dragon's cry. something's wrong with the dragon
"hey, one of our satellites is detecting a change in the planet. what the fuck is that"
ice at the pole, gone. structures, gone. heightmaps, going crazy.
they fly planes out into the unknown, with powerful cameras in the noses
one gets attacked by the dragon. then another. then another. only one ends up being able to record what it's guarding before it too gets destroyed
satellite report. it's expanding.
they see what's out there and think the camera might have malfunctioned. they hope the camera malfunctioned. it didn't.
the endless expanse of confusion, that which the dragon and the endermen are bringing upon this overworld
it looks like something out of a nightmare. a massive fault in the land that encircles the entire planet, the far lands are slowly closing in on what's left standing.
is the dragon's tail supposed to be that long?
strange machines line the top of the far lands, made with redstone, copper, netherite, end rods and beacons
someone gets a flashback of killing the dragon. there was something watching them in one of the towers. they left without the egg
eventually the world's armies gather together to take down the dragon. what they find may look like a dragon but it does not move like one
they realize no one has ever seen the end of the dragon's tail, it goes all the way into the far lands
the dragon is eviscerating the armies, this is the world's last stand and it's falling quickly
that is not a dragon
a group of adventurers (detectives? soldiers?) find their way into the far lands, but now the dragon always knows where they are
they can never rest or slow down here. they sleep on flying machines in small tunnels as the monster tries to follow them
eventually they make it to the place it started spreading from. there is a massive alien palace with a design that makes it look like its blueprints were generated with one of the first ever AI art models (before everyone started hating them, think this[blank]doesnotexist websites)
the dragon's tail leads inside
one of the adventurers severs the dragon's tail from the palace. back at a city where the dragon is it starts disintegrating from the tail. sure it's dying but that could take a while so the battle's not over yet
back to the palace. there's a gargantuan creature that really can't be accurately described
it lost its planet and needed a new one with landscape fit for it so it decided to replace the world with far lands (its native home)
classic story where an eldritch monstrosity gets defeated by a group of like 4 people /hj
oh yeah and
Don't Put Piglins In The Fucking Overworld
maybe a few in some nether hazmat suits but any that aren't or didn't put them on properly WILL ZOMBIFY !!!!
end poem is like. religious texts or something idk I never read it
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yellowsugarwords · 1 year
I would die for some Luke, Pete, and Nick x reader (separate, romantic) of them getting separated in a dire situation, and readers "last words" being some variation of "find me in the next life in case I don't make it" or "please allow me to become your wife in the next life" but the MAKE IT n meet again later on and they're like "Soo..." :3 idk!!! Lol
omg omg omg omg you’re killing me here I LOVE THIS.
these are gonna be longer so check them out under the cut :) these took me so long to craft omg
Luke: “Damnit,” Luke drilled his fist into the dirt. The burning in his lungs didn’t seem to matter anymore. “Luke, you couldn't have--” “I know.” Luke snapped, refusing to lift his head. It had all happened too fast for any of them to see it. A wall crumbled, splitting their group in two. The groups scrambled, attempting to move mounds of cement, sharp wood, and dangerous debris. The moment they spotted each other through the wall, Luke and Y/N sighed. “Thank God,” they said in sync. But, like a curse, the wall groaned on Luke’s side. The growls of approaching walkers loomed. Their eyes snapped back together. “We can work fast.” “Y/N,” Luke said, trying to stop them. “It took us this long to get this far. We don’t have enough time.” “No.” Y/N attempted to claw at the rubble, wanting to break down the wall, but Luke’s desperate pleading made them stop. “Y/N, please.” He said, eyes wide. He was terrified. Y/N was too. They both knew. “Just,” he groaned, feeling as though his heart was falling apart inside him. “Just, please,” he took a deep breath. “Just be my wife. In our next lives. Alright?” Y/N eyes widened, tears swelling. Before they could speak, the wall crumbled, entrapping Luke and his group within the infested area. Y/N collapsed and creamed, hearing the muffled ground and wails from the other side. The world was so silent and loud at the same time. Y/N was broken.
It has been months, but it feels like years. Every day dragged on, and the unknown was eating Y/N alive. Knowing that they left Luke back there? That they left those monsters to eat him alive while they just stood there? On the other side of a wall listening? They hated themselves for letting it happen. But then, out of nowhere one day, wandering in the woods for firewood, their group heard something. Just as quickly as Y/N’s group aimed, a voice called out through the brush. “Y/N?” They turned, and locked eyes with Luke, only a few feet away, standing in the rocky forest path. “Luke?” They took a step forward - or tried to - but collapsed to their knees, eyes welling up. Luke darted for them, abandoning every weapon he was holding. He crashed to his knees, enveloping his arms around Y/N, eyes teary and chest tight. Y/N clamored at his back, clutching his shirt. “Am I dreaming?” Y/N asked, throat tightening. “No,” Luke hushed, stroking at their back and hair. “It’s real.” After a beat of weepy sobs and tight clutches, Luke spoke. “Do you remember what I asked?” He whispered into the side of their hair, fingers brushing through it. Y/N laughed and nodded, tears already rolling. “Of course I do.” Was all they could whisper back, pulling away to hold his face in their hands. They had barely finished what they were saying before Luke crashed his lips onto theirs.
Nick: Nick knew they were in a pinch, but this time? This time it was really bad. The shack they were staying in was starting to crumble from the weight of walkers outside, and the two were backed into a - literal - corner. They had members of their group reaching from the other side of the cabin, both branching off in entirely different directions. Neither of them had any idea where each of them were going, but they knew it wasn’t going to be together. “Y/N,” he said, calling them the nickname he had always called them - a way he tried to build rapport when they were new to the group - when he felt Y/N’s panicked and knowing gaze settle on him. Nick gulped. “Wait for me in the next life, okay?” Y/N felt a wail swell in their throat. Before they knew it, Nick felt a tug on his arm, ripping him out of the shack, just as a desperate “Please!” ripped from his lips. They didn’t offer him a chance to slow down or stop. Suddenly, Y/N was gone, and Nick, once again, felt like his heart had been abandoned in the snow.
Nick had turned into a ghost of himself in the years that passed. He wandered meaninglessly - like a ghost - wherever what remained of their group wanted to go. It wasn’t until they caught wind of a survivors camp based a few miles off that Nick would eventually feel some sense of joy again. The moment they were allowed in, they were scoured for bites or infections. The moment they passed through, they were to be given rooming assignments. That process was run by Y/N. The two turned around, as if fate had placed them there, and locked eyes. The two stared in silence as the shocked murmurs fluttered around them. “It’s you?” Nick asked, dumbfounded. Y/N slowly smiled, shaking their head in disbelief. “Only if that’s you,” Y/N said softly. It felt as though they didn’t hesitate any time before wrapping each other up in their arms. Nick even swung them off the ground, burying his face into their neck. His wish had come true. It was a new life - for the both of them - and they had waited for each other. ‘Do you remember--” “Yes,” was all Nick said, before leaning in for a kiss.
Pete: Their last moments were brief, fleeting, but devastating. Y/N reached out, attempting to grab his hand and pull him up onto the landing. A swarm of walkers lurched on below, but the rest of the group was pleading for Y/N to hurry. More were on their floor, closing in, and they didn’t have much time. “Hun,” Pete said, voice low. Despite the noise, it felt like it was just the two of them. “Just let me be with you, still, in your next life. Okay? Wait for me.” Y/N’s eyes slowly widened, putting the pieces together. “Pete--” Suddenly, the balcony gave way, and Y/N’s was yanked back before they could crumble with it. Pete, luckily, managed to snag onto a loose pole, clinging to a nearby loft, and managed to avoid the warm below. Somehow, he had managed to get away, to escape death one time. Possibly, one last time. But now, fleeing from the crumbling building, he glanced around and saw no one. Once again, he was alone.
It had been almost a year since the incident, and Pete became a changed man. A hardened man. Prior to losing Y/N, he was good at rolling with the punches. After losing them, it was as though Pete couldn’t bear to fight anymore. The light had long left his eyes, until one rainy day in the fall. They were taking cover in an abandoned gas station and hears rustling in the back. Weapons armed, their small group started forward. “We don’t want any trouble,” “Please,” a weak voice wavered from the back. Pete’s head snapped up. “Neither do I.” Wait. The gears were turning for Pete. Wait. Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, Pete abandoned his gun and stormed into the back. “Pete!” The group called, astounded as to his reckless behavior. He threw the door to the back room open and there, on the floor, was Y/N. They were drenched in water, shaking from head to toe, and meekly glanced up at - what they thought - was to be a stranger. Their eyes widened the instant they met Pete’s. “Y/N?” He asked, voice breathy. Reality was coming to him slowly, bit by bit, then crashing into him one by one. He threw himself to his knees, wrapping the freezing human in his arms. “Oh my God,” he breathed, clutching their back and hair. “I can’t believe I found you.” “I thought you were dead,” Y/N managed out between shaky breaths. Pete pulled away, holding their arms, studying them. “You’re freezing,” he said under his breath, ripping his coat off and wrapping it tightly around them. “Pete,” Y/N said softly, calling to him as loudly as they could. “I waited. Pete smiled, misty eyed. The rest of his group were bustling around them, but Pete didn’t care. Right then, it was just the two of them, as he pulled them in closer.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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Knights + wg + disposal? The wg is the most important part for me tbh
I can absolutely do that! Knights are always great.
Kneeling down before the prince, the knight keeps his head down out of respect. The king had just assigned him to watch after the young man; naturally, he'd give his very life to protect him. That was the oath he'd taken as part of his knighthood, to always protect the royal family above all else.
The prince wasn't very happy to have a 'walking hunk of metal' always trailing after him. He was small, even for his age, and the burly knight in his thick, silver armor practically towered over the young adult. He hardly spoke as the prince never spoke directly to him. He followed the prince's orders so long as they didn't conflict with the one given to him by the king, of course. Their relationship stayed strained, distant, and professional...until one night when the knight peeked into the prince's room (which he was forbidden from entering) and saw that it was empty and the window was open.
The knight panicked, of course, but he wouldn't let anyone see or notice as he began to search around for his liege. It took a bit of work, but he managed to find the prince at the local tavern, three pints into a drinking spell and so wasted he was barely standing. That was bad enough, but even worse, the prince was seated with a group of strangers. And the way they're staring at him, grinning like wolves, talking quietly to each other...the knight's vision goes red and for a time, he loses total control of himself.
When the knight comes to, he has a stomachache and he's in the prince's room. He can feel cool air exposed on his gut, which is currently sticking up in the air above him. Its gurgling and churning wetly, processing some thick meat, which the knight notices as he belches thickly. But there's another taste on his mouth--alcohol. He isn't drunk, though, and he's sure he didn't have a drop. A weight shifts on top of him and that's when he notices the prince, deep in sleep on top of his still softening stomach. The knight licks his lips, tasting booze and...something else. The pieces are coming together...and he has no idea how to feel about any of it.
The knight slipped away before the prince could wake up, and come the next morning, the young man is hungover and just as crabby as ever. The knight hopes that that will be the end of it. The prince got wasted in an act of rebellion, the knight saved him (and ended a few lives in the process, if the bone-riddled shit he left in the royal stables are any indication), and none of it will be remembered or spoken about and they can continue on as normal. Only the slight squeeze of the knight's armor on his heftier stomach will remind him and he'll be sure to work it off in time.
But the knight can't help but notice the prince acting differently. He's still defiant and closed off, but the knight notices the young man staring at his stomach every so often and his instance to be left alone comes off as forced rather than earnest and only seemed to happen when there were watching eyes. The prince never tried to shoo him away while in private. The knight can't tell if the strange feeling he gets from it is discomfort or...something else.
A week after the incident, the prince loudly proclaimed he was going to the tavern. It wasn't directed at the knight, but no one else was around to hear, and so he follows along after the prince to his destination. The knight feels a bit better about this, now that he's actually aware of where the prince has gone and is there to watch him. Though having someone like him at the dingy town bar is going to bring in attention from its patrons.
The prince tried to ignore some of the tipsy men that were pestering him, but when one grabbed the royal roughly by the arm and pulled on him, the knight saw red again. He was very aware of what he was doing this time, though, as he pulls the bastard right off the ground and into his drooling maw. Thick gulps suck the man down, and his equally tipsy companions try to help and fight back, but their clumsy movements stood no match against the raging knight. Each one would be grappled and shoveled down the hatch, steadily filling the knight's stomach. The second down makes the plate armor pop off his gut, letting it surge forward with a wet slosh, but he barely pays mind to it as he grabs onto the third and keeps eating. After the fifth pair of kicking legs are slurped down, it seems everyone else in the bar is content to keep their eyes focused elsewhere. Some flinch when the knight belts out a thick belch but no one even dares to speak.
Things are hazy after that for the full knight. He's pulled along to one of the tavern's rooms, hands all over his groaning guts as the men inside scream and struggle. Thick gurgles steadily overtake their voices and powerful acids soften their strong bodies with time. It makes a few heavy belches rumble out of him. One of them sends a skull flying, and it's met with a kiss soon after, one that the knight melts right into with a soft moan. The pampering to his full stomach would eventually lull the knight to sleep, his loud snoring accompanying the heavy churning of his gut.
When the knight comes to the next morning, his belly is burbling softly, pumping away the last bits of slop from last night's meal. It takes him a moment to realize where he is, and when he tries to sit up, he notices a heavy weight draped across his stomach. The prince, sleeping peacefully, an arm wrapped around the round pot gut that hung off the knight's frame. Or he had been, until the knight moved and woke him up.
The prince's morning starts with some very profuse and startled apologies from the knight, promising to never do something so gluttonous and hedonistic again, especially not with the prince. He was in the middle of ensuring he'd lose the weight in a week's time when he feels hands on his gut. The prince lifts it up from the bottom and lets it drop, making the mass bounce and slosh. The knight can feel his face heating up under his mask and the words jam up in his throat.
"You won't be losing the weight," the prince says, roaming his hands over the soft expanse of the knight's middle. "In fact, I expect you to stick with your new diet for the foreseeable future. Furthermore, you'll be allowing me full access t your stomach at all times, especially for sleeping. You can do that, can't you..." the prince leans up, planting a soft kiss on the knight's lips, "...my loyal knight?"
The knight can't do anything but nod, his belly warbling out a wet groan against the prince's hands.
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the-elusive-soleil · 2 months
Silm x Doctor Who: Caranthir
I've decided I'm just going to full-send this and inflict my ramblings on the world, so:
It starts sometime during the Long Peace, when Caranthir discovers a mysterious blue box that's appeared on his lands for no apparent reason.
At first, he thinks it might be some new device of Morgoth's but the people who stumble out, bickering - a blond man in weird, pale clothes, a youth, and two of the tiniest women he's ever seen - don't look like anyone Morgoth would use, except for their thrall-short hair. They head in the direction of the nearby human settlement instead of towards Caranthir, and he decides to get some of his people together and follow them.
Which is how he ends up arriving just in time to save the local Haladin settlement from an orc attack. The chieftain and his son have apparently already been killed, but one of the women from the blue box, the darker-haired one, has found some inner reserve and rallied the survivors to make a stand. Caranthir finds himself impressed.
The Haladin are also impressed, and want to name her their chieftain. The woman, Tegan as Caranthir discovers, very much does not want to be the chieftain. Apparently, if he's understanding her panicked rambling right, she's trying to get home, to somewhere...beyond Arda?
Caranthir has questions. It's his job to keep things under control out east, and this is not in line with that. As this "Doctor" and Tegan and their friends Nyssa and Adric are making their getaway, Caranthir ends up carried along with them as he tries to get answers from them. He and Tegan get in a spat right outside the TARDIS doors, and then Nyssa reaches out to grab Tegan before the Doctor can take off, and Caranthir (thinking it's just a box, albeit possibly magic) grabs Tegan's arm and gets pulled inside, too, and just then the Doctor takes off, unaware of the kerfuffle or the extra passenger. Caranthir is not best pleased with this.
The Doctor apologizes and promises to put him right back (to the tune of a loud snort from Tegan), but naturally, before they can try to navigate back to Arda, let alone the proper time, they get whisked away to another adventure, and so it goes on ever since.
Caranthir does not have a lot of patience for the nonsensical, haphazard way the Doctor lives his life. It's even worse the Feanor dragging them all over to Middle-earth for a war, because the Doctor doesn't even seem to have a reason, besides not liking it with his own people. He finds Adric irritating at first; they eventually find some common ground with mathematics, but Caranthir still doesn't get why the Doctor would keep putting a child in so much danger. (He does end up saving the kid's life by hauling him into an escape pod instead of letting him keep trying to be clever.) Nyssa he gets along with okay, but he doesn't really understand why she still wants to be there. He fights with Tegan a lot at first, but eventually they figure out that the person they both actually want to bicker with is the Doctor, who just won't engage. So after that, they mostly become allies.
Mostly. Sometimes they'll still bicker, and it's not until Turlough joins them that they have someone point out that they might be doing it because they fancy each other. Well. Now they're thinking about it. Which leads to their next spat devolving into a snog.
It's not exactly straightforward from there, though. Tegan's mortal. Caranthir's not. They both are still aiming to go home, if nothing else out of stubbornness at this point, and "home" means different places to the two of them. Caranthir's willing to cope with the mortality thing, but he can't give up on returning to his proper time and place. Maedhros gave him a job to do, and he needs to do it.
As luck would have it, Tegan is at least willing to consider the possibility of staying in Arda with him. Caranthir jumps on this possibility. He doesn't sugarcoat things; that's not his way - he tells her all about Morgoth and the war and the bad things that could happen, as well as the beauty of his home and all the wonderful things she would see in Endore. He gives her all the information she needs to make an informed decision.
And eventually, she does tell him privately that she'll go with him when he goes home.
Caranthir wants to marry her right away, to make sure, but in addition to not knowing if a marriage bond would take with a human, they don't know if it would take outside of Arda. And he wants to be able to give her a ring properly. So they wait.
Eventually, the Doctor manages to get them back to Arda a mere week in local time after they left it. Caranthir decides he's taking it and not asking for any time hops. He announces he's going home, and Tegan tells everyone for the first time that she's going with him and they're engaged. Turlough saw this coming miles off, but the Doctor and Adric are a little shocked and dismayed. (Nyssa did leave as per canon.) Tegan remains resolved, however, and leaves with Caranthir.
They get married. She's open to taking charge of the Haladin now if it's necessary, but they've elected the old chief's daughter-in-law and she's going to take the people west. Tegan therefore settles at Mount Rerir and lives there the rest of her life. She and Caranthir have a son, Erestor, by accident, but after that they're careful to not have any more, because there is a war, after all. Tegan meets the rest of the brothers once or twice, but she's grown her hair out and learned Sindarin and Taliska by then, so she just claims to be one of the Haladin. The two of them never tell anyone about the Doctor or all the stuff beyond Arda, thinking no one would believe them - and not wanting Morgoth to find out and become the next Davros or Master or Omega.
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
I sincerely hope we get to see a new form of Canary after all this carnage. Like she went through hell, scraped out of there barely alive, barely together, and on the other side of this she finds this special kind of confidence. A confidence that lets her stand on her own without feeling the need to run from Graves. It'd be the kind of confidence that burns cities down, make her horrible father grin from the grave, have Price and co. looking at her in pure disbelief.
But I also hope she doesn't. As much as I love that kind of post trauma transformation, I feel Canary's path takes her to rescued animal mentality. She's grateful but she is oh so skittish. She'll run if you get too close too quick. Price won't be able to comfort her through touch (that's gone, buddy.) It's going to be sitting in silence, slowly reacclimating to not living in fight or flight, learning to rewire and trust her mind and her body again. Ptsd is a complex and tricky bitch. It's gonna rock everyone's world.
I loved the coat scene. It was so tragically beautiful in the depiction of that pure panic that comes from the fear of an abuser. It felt real and authentic. I always find panic attacks the hardest to write/read because they're so easy to get slightly wrong, and this was perfectly done. I love that Ghost is the one who got her in that moment. He's the perfect one to see it for what it is and rescue her from that spiraling pit.
This fic is a hard read only because of how heavy it gets. Yet, it's that very heaviness that pulls you in and makes you stay. It isn't self-indulgent in these dark themes. Each is used carefully and purposefully to create a world in which your readers feel their chests aching with each disaster that strikes Canary. You've gotta be ready to walk into this one, and I appreciate how thoughtful your warnings are before each chapter. I felt adequately prepared without anything being spoiled.
I didn't intend to write so much, but your fic has plagued me since I read it all in one sitting the other night. There are so many layers to it that I enjoy watching reveal themselves with each new event. I'm genuinely excited to see what happens next. Canary has been severely injured. I have a feeling there is going to be some temporary mobility issues/needing help frequently that is going to bring a lot of this trauma to the forefront right away.
there's only so much i can say without going into spoiler territory, but we'll def get a different canary after this. i feel like it's a combination of the two, she's confident and ready to burn everything to the ground when it comes to graves and makarov, but in private, when she's alone or with the 141, a lot more of that skittishness and paranoia comes out.
we've seen that touch is like the go-to form of comfort for a lot of the 141 so there's going to be difficulty navigating how to comfort her when she doesn't want to be touched. it's gonna be a long and complex journey for everyone involved, esp canary because there's things that she probably didn't even realize have affected her but now will come to the forefront because she's in a much more relaxed environment.
the coat scene was one of the first scenes i had fully planned out for the series! i wasn't fully sure who was going to be the one to find her (originally it was valeria and farah) but i knew it'd be a moment where canary was so panicked that it wouldn't matter how scared she was of the 141 member that found her, she just needed to get the coat fixed because graves and makarov being mad at her was worse than anything the 141 could do to her. in the end, it just felt right that ghost would be the one to find her, since he was the one who accused her in the first place. it's a very "here's the direct consequences of your actions" moment for him.
i get what you mean about panic attacks in fics, but i know they're hard to nail down since everyone can have different experiences with them. most of the panic attack scenes in designer dress i pull from my own experiences and things i've felt with my own anxiety.
i knew when i started doing a mob!au that there were going to be some dark themes since that's very common in this genre, but i tried/am trying to make sure it's not a dark fic if that makes sense? i, myself, am very sensitive to certain triggers so i always try to make sure i give the proper warnings for every chapter and am always open if anyone needs something tagged that i may have missed (within reason ofc)
i appreciate you going into so much detail here omg, this is very thoughtful and so sweet. things are def going to be difficult for canary going forward, but there's a more hopeful vibe to it—she's healing and getting therapy and relearning how to trust again which won't be easy but will be better for her in the end.
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they-of-fixation · 3 months
Die Alone Together [Placeholder Name; DRAFT]
A Cult of The Lamb fic (my AU)
There I lay, crouched in the grass, clinging to myself desperately; falling, falling, falling... my mind miles below the soil in which I cowered. The moment I fell to my knees, there became of time this... dissonance, a rift between it and space, and though the ground caught me, I never quite stopped falling- falling away from myself, from this place, and into a memory; miles away from here, years, suspended in an unreachable past and yet frozen in the present. For my dissociation, I could hardly think but one thing:
I was too late.
They're all-
I could scarcely hear myself screaming, nor could I feel the tears stinging my cheeks, nor the burn in my lungs or the ache in my legs from the fighting; my body did not and does not feel like my own. I am not in it. Everything felt distant as I held myself, and as I drew the corpse of one of my own to my chest, I realized how far this place had become from my home.
'They're all dead.'
And I will never get them back.
I don't know how long I laid there for, but I do remember thinking myself damned to the same fate, trapped in the same place; that I'd die there, alongside my brethren, eventually- in some way. I couldn't bring myself to leave them, not even to stand, and had little reason to think anyone would find nor save me. I was alone in the depths of Darkwood, miles away from any living thing- who could possibly hear my crying? I could hardly hear myself, and any person who might would surely, in devotion to the Bishops of the Old Faith, to the Worm, Leshy, end my life.
That is, or so I thought.
There was movement, rustling, in the brush surrounding me, and I was suddenly aware of just how loud I had been mourning, and, consequently, of the fearful silence that followed- but I did not move. I was not frozen in fear, at least not completely, more I was complacent; maybe someone had heard me, and I was going to die here. In a way, I deserved to. Perhaps dying the same way my friends, my found family, had would honor them, perhaps it would free me.
So I stayed. I stayed right where I was, amongst the remains of my community and embracing the body, only turning my head up to look in the direction of the sound, to see my assailant and face them head-on, if only for a moment. I dared not stand nor speak, I just patiently awaited in trepidation whatever fate it'd be to befall me.
It was quiet again for a moment as I stared into the shadowed flora, but then, not only could I hear the crackling of leaves on the forest floor, I could see someone, something, moving towards me. I drew in a sharp, panicked breath despite myself and held it as I watched the cloaked figure step into the clearing and catch sight of me.
I could feel my breath hitch yet again as I made eye contact with what seemed to be a child, at least no older than me, donning the crown of my god, and... not just a child- at that, a lamb?
I knew my face betrayed me; I was never known for my poker face, and despite my position, now was no different. I could not hide my confusion, for it had been years since anyone had seen a lamb. I thought- as we all did- that the Bishops had caused their extinction. The lamb's eyes were dark, stoic- nearly expressionless, if not for the silent and subtle shock at the sight before them; had it been any darker, I would not have noticed. I stared back with exceptional surprise but equal intensity. I did not ask.
Neither did they.
"What is your name?" They spoke softly, their hooves visibly unarmed and reaching towards me in, be it genuine or not, seeming good manner, the bell clasped to their cloak jingling quietly with every step.
"What are you going to do with me?" I diverted; they were a lamb, a living lamb, likely the last of their kind- and better yet, their crown… not to mention that they held no weapon that I could see- but even so, after everything I had gone through, and they as well, I could not be certain of their intentions. It was not in my favor to let down my guard, not with such ease.
They blinked slowly, taking another step my way. "Be not afraid, I mean well. Did he," Their smile faltered, no gesture necessary. "do this?"
"...If you mean Leshy, then I suppose. At least, his following. I," I felt my brow furrow as I forced myself to speak through gritted teeth. "was not here to see."
"You didn't answer my question." My voice cracked; for my tears earlier, I could hardly speak. It was only then I realized that I had never let go of the body- and with this realization, instinctively, I pulled it closer to me.
"Nor did you answer mine."
A beat.
"Your name?"
"Oh. My name is..." My hesitance was not to save face, nor to deceive- I could give a false name to “protect” myself and hide my identity, but if this lamb were to kill me, pretending would do nothing to lengthen my life, it couldn't truly protect me- rather, I was weighing my options, deciding my fate in the only way I knew I could. To continue as I had, or-
I looked down at the doe clasped to my breast: her eyes, lifeless, and lips slightly parted by her final breath. “Fern. My name is Fern," I decided, to honor her, not a lie now that it'd been spoken, but not the truth. If they meant what they said, that they were not here to hurt me, maybe, just maybe, this would be my chance to start anew. I did not turn my head to the lamb again; I let my eyes flutter shut and my head hang low, loosening my grip on the carcass to hold her face in my claws.
“...And yours?"
I could barely choke the last two words out.
"Fern… a pretty name!" Their smile, so mellow, in stark contrast to the death around us, struck me- I could not decide whether it was comforting or off putting in the moment. Again, they reached out their hand. "You may call me Lamb.”
This time I did look up; I watched them cautiously, my eyes shifting from their outstretched hoof, which I still refused to take, to their face.
‘Just… “Lamb”?’ I thought to myself, but said nothing. The question, I decided, was one likely better left unspoken.
“Okay, Lamb- your turn.” I interjected, changing the subject, or at least trying to, for what time now I had lost count. “What do you plan to do with me? Why spare me and not just kill me already?”
“No one deserves to meet a violent end. You deserve to have a choice in the matter; I can't, however, deny having an ulterior motive,” their smile never faltered as my eyes burned a hole through their own. “Would you rather me kill you, or to run away and hide before I have the chance? Or rather, the most forgiving of your options, would you like-” they adjourned, their eyes glinting wildly, still holding contact with my own. “to join me?”
“...Join… you?”
“It isn't safe in Darkwood- though I needn't tell you that- and it isn't much safer in any other of the Bishops’ domains. I can offer you shelter; for a price, of course, but a small one. All I ask for is your loyalty, and your devotion- to me, and to my god.”
“You're asking me… to join your religion?”
“Offering, yes. I won't force you. It is your decision, after all- granted, it is the safest, and in my… qualified opinion, smartest choice of the three.”
“And if I decline?” A face on my behalf, more out of curiosity than defiance.
“Again, I won't force you. But would you truly rather die, or spend your life running, only to lose it to one of them in the end, than to stand by my side? A side you should, in theory, have no hard time taking?”
Any argument I could have made, not that I had one nor any intention of refusing (because what choice did I really have?), was instantly, with ease, brought to a screeching halt. Their honesty, their sharp words and rightful, righteous confidence shook me thoroughly, to my very core; that last statement, a confirmation of my only suspicion. They didn't ask, but they knew. I said nothing, but they knew, and when the realization of their admittance donned on my features, they were more than aware that I knew, too. It was like telepathy, a secret passed silently between us, fate drawing me in.
“I am tired of running.”
“Then? I’m giving you an opportunity you can't possibly refuse.” Their expression darkened, their smile, different now- more serious, more grave; the weight of my situation coming back to me once more, and hitting me like a freight train. “Take my hand and join me, join my cult. You will be safe in the commune, and you can take your life back into your own hands.”
And with this- I looked again from their hoof to their twisted smile and somehow, despite the ominous air about them, emanating from the red crown atop their head, I knew that I’d be safe, or safest, with them- I, reluctant to let go and with a final embrace, laid the doe down in a patch of softer looking grass, and took the Lamb's hand.
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
GitS Asks!
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Ohhh yeah you KNOW that man is panicking and his boys are trying their best to calm him down and force him to relax.
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I cannot answer this because spoilers, but my god I want to. I want to gush about the movie stuff so badly. I can say that Ghost would definitely prefer to be taken instead of Raph. He thinks the boys should stick together.
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Oh boy, yeah it do! (:
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Oof you're torturing my boy here, I see. I think after very emotional words and feelings turmoil he would stay. He feels like the boys need protecting at this moment. He wants to keep them safe, and... Well. He just doesn't know what's happening with his brothers.
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Ghost likes that when Splinter spends time with the kids, the kids are super happy about it. He likes watching them watch Lou Jitsu movies. He likes that Splinter uses nicknames instead of their full names all the time. He likes that Splinter makes them soup when they feel bad. He likes that when the kids talk about their childhood, Splinter is a constant. He likes that the boys love him, and he loves the boys.
Ghost doesn't hate Splinter. He just hates that he's not his dad.
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I won't give spoilers if it's something that hasn't already been covered. Sometimes I'll go off about what's going on in Ghost's head, but that's because that's already going on. ;)
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Ough Ghost would hate that. He doesn't want them to see that.
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Yes to both! Meditating is something that's been ingrained into him since he was little, so he hasn't stopped now. From best to worst, Raph is the best. Mikey is second best, if he's moving while he meditates. Donnie's... Decent. Leo's horrible at it. He can't stay focused.
Ghost did find that directing them through certain katas and letting them do those motions on repeat is a good way to let them meditate. They do a much better job when they're moving.
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Ghost does seem to be getting hurt a lot....... Wonder what that's about. (:
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It's a little of both! Ghost wasn't mutated on purpose, and the mutagen itself wasn't meant to make soldiers of any kind, so his mutation doesn't make him as sturdy as genetically engineered weapons of war. On the other hand, Ghost also is still working off the physics of his universe, at least somewhat. It means getting hit hurts. there's no "comedic effect" going on with Ghost. He gets hit, he gets hit.
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Yup! Ghost can cook! He especially likes baking. Ell and Mike can as well. Spirit... Eugh... Let's just say he survived with a rice cooker, takeout, and a healthy fear of anything that produces heat.
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Ghost has already fought these particular Foot, when they first showed up in the Rise series! He asked Splinter about them, and he confirmed they were in fact THE Foot. Ghost has them burned into his mind now.
He also has no idea they run a shoe shop. He will eventually find out, yes, and the story is about Ghost, so also yes!
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Yes. It worked very well.
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There was a stray cat he fed when he went to the surface to get food. He looked like Klunk. Donnie thought about taking him back to the hideaway, but started thinking about having to clean out the litter box, worrying about the cat knocking things over or chewing on wires, feeding him every day, giving him attention, and he just... Couldn't handle all of that at the time.
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Nothing that I can think of off the top of my head? Ghost was building trucks with dozens of missiles in it by the time he was 15. He likes to encourage Donnie's creativity.
Uranium is just a no-go because they don't have a way to safely contain it and use it. And Donnie's 14.
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Donnie has theories. This is actually a spoiler, because Donnie's whole theory is a spoiler! Don't worry, we'll see Donnie's theory soon (;
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Honestly, Ghost is a little worried about that. He's hoping that the kid won't turn out like the fucked up man that's in his universe. Like, he's still a kid! If Splinter can be how he is, and Leo can be so different from his Leonardo, what's to say that this kid isn't also different?
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First round, babey!! It's my headcanon that 03 Donnie was subconsciously more interested in watching than he was in participating. It wasn't a life-threatening event or anything, it was a fun warrior vs warrior, honorable battle. He was in another dimension, of course he was excited and wanted to see things!!
In Big Mama's Battle Nexus, things were to the death. Nothing to poof you away if it would hurt you too much. He had to take every hit and feel it. He won out of necessity. He didn't enjoy a second of it.
Ghost probably would get further than he did in the last one, but I don't think he'd win. For him, fun fighting is sparring with the kids. His heart wouldn't be in it.
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kaurwreck · 6 months
Hello! I adore all your thoughts about Chuuya as the successor to the PM and I agree that the narrative is most likely setting him up for that at some point in the future. I was wondering if you could elaborate more on his role in Cannablism in relation to this because, to me (and it’s very possible i’ve been misinterpreting things or missing something), it reads as an example of why he shouldn’t be the next Boss or why if he was, he wouldn’t be particularly good at it? Despite being the pillar of and completely embodying the PM’s values (which I think makes him a great *Executive*) I’ve never been able to see him in that Boss position for real and it actually going well..? Especially because it feels like, in their specific struggles throughout, Cannibalism ultimately seems to frame Kunikida’s future succession in a more positive light and Chuuya’s in a more negative light (based on how things end up with Kunikida reassured by Ranpo in his role and recovering enough to be present for the final battle, and Chuuya in Poe’s book after being mostly ineffective in his role from the start)?
Thank you for your kind words! But yeah, I think that conclusion is missing some key details and doesn't really reflect on Chuuya's capacity for leadership.
Ranpo targeted and trapped Chuuya because Chuuya was too dangerous otherwise. Not only that, Ranpo trapped himself with Chuuya.
The Agency relies on Ranpo for strategy because it's a small operation that is forced to be clever to survive against greater, better resourced forces— and their cleverest member removed himself from the board, while their next cleverest member was hospitalized. That was a last resort, and one they were only able to execute because Ranpo happens to possess (i) information regarding the one (1) trigger Chuuya has that's capable of rendering him irrational and (ii) access to someone with a skill that's capable of tearing into their primary reality to snatch others into parallel dimensions that, in effect, lobotomize enough of their neurology to render their skills inert.
I have no idea how that suggests Chuuya's inefficacy as a leader. You don't neutralize ineffective leaders, especially not when doing so is that costly.
Both Kunikida and Chuuya expressed immense vulnerability. Neither seemed equipped to succeed their mentors. Kunikida panicked, but threaded himself together well enough until he spiraled to the chords of Fyodor's cello and became paralyzed. He stirred himself only after Ranpo seized leadership to affirmatively direct the others, and even then, Kunikida only acted to drag himself to his friend of over ten years; he wasn't leading anyone. Chuuya panicked, and his nerves were clearly shot, but he nevertheless was coordinating multiple squads of Port Mafia personnel when he was lured into an irrational outburst and then vacuumed out of space-time. He wasn't ineffective from the start; he was rendered ineffective by a clever saboteur, as was Kunikida.
They're also both only 22, and their mentors, two of the most untouchable men in Yokohama, were abruptly incapacitated and had only hours to live. Neglecting their youth, their sudden loss, and the weight of the responsibilities that fell on them neglects, I think, substantial amounts of story. I think they, in parallel, displayed their unreadiness. But if you must compare the two, then it's worth recognizing the difference between coordinating roughly six people compared to the hundreds of Port Mafia, tens of whom Chuuya was shown on-screen to be directing in person and by headset, between multiple locations. But that digresses from the human drama and heart of that arc, which is that Mori and Fukuzawa nearly threw themselves away on each other's desperation despite how badly they and their cooperation were still needed— not just by the city, but by their ragtag families.
Anyway, in other words, no, I don't think anyone's capacity for leadership can or should be measured by how incapacitated they become by an interdimensional trap discretely tailored to contain them for an extended period of time, least of all in comparison to a psychological trap discretely tailored to break the spirit of someone else.
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k9effect · 10 months
ok you’ve got me thinking about hangclone now, never thought of it before but now i have to know LMAO. how do you think they handle being in very different ranks and in the context of the dagger squad becoming a permanent fixture in nevada (or wherever they are idek haha) (or however they are stationed in your fic) and cyclone being a senior officer with hangman under his command more or less?
i always think about this with icemav but obviously there’s next to no age gap, only rank and not always in direct links with each outer with mav being off at dark star.
regardless of if the ship is my fave or not i LOVE character dynamics and this one is a doozy for interesting dynamics haha so i love hearing your thoughts about it!
yesssss ive got youuu lol
in my fic its kind of like, immediately post mission, so they're on leave for a couple months and relatively safe from prying eyes. beau has done this sort of arrangement a few times in the past, one with another guy in the navy so he knows how to keep it all on the downlow and separate the whole idea of them being superior and subordinate and the rank gap etc etc but jake is PANICKING after a few days loll like that's his admiral??? hows he supposed to handle this??? and he cant even talk to JAVY about it all like oh god he's fucked. but beau is super nice and helping him work through it all, offering him outs and no strings attached, reassuring him that their dynamic outside of work wont influence them at work, that jake's achievements will be his own and not a result of favouritism etc y'know?
I've also got this whole scene in my head off jake showing up at beau's house cause he's kind of a wreck and needs beau to help calm him down but beau's got his kids over for dinner (a boy and a girl, both in their mid 20s) and jake just, feels like he's intruding, he honestly didn't realise beau had been married or had kids. but beau offers him a seat at the table, offers him a plate of dinner, offers his attention and comfort and jake latches onto it all. he feels awkward at dinner, making small conversation with the kids. he helps wash up after dinner and the kids head home that night, they have work in the morning, but jake can't quite manage to leave, so beau offers him a place in his bed as well, holding him close and jake has never slept so well.
i just,,, raaaaa theres so much to them, they're so complex. two people at two very different points in their lives just sorta,, coming together and realising they work. they REALLY work. and its nice, and they're happy, and their jobs be damned, they'll make this happen
i also have like, so many thoughts on like??? omegaverse aus ahahh its all snowballed in my head I'm so insane for them dude
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starstaiined · 1 year
it hits her one night without warning, as she's kneeling on broken bottles nursing her mother's latest bender.
sam isn't coming back.
tara meets her mother's dark eyes, clouded from alcohol and god knows what else, and suddenly she's eleven and panicking as sam stumbles and slurs messy apologies. her chests constricts sharply. her ribs bite into the fragile edges of her bleeding heart. it's okay, hey, it's okay, i'm okay, it's okay. she murmurs the same lie now that she did then. it blurs the line between past and present a little more. tars never noticed how much sam looked like their mother before now. christina had always been sharp edges and sharper words, leaving tara in pieces like shrapnel littering the battlefield of her childhood home. cruel indifference or pointed malice: tara never knew which was worse.
but if christina had been the open wound, sam had been the balm. gentle eyes and gentler hands, always reaching out to patch up her wounds and guide her in the right direction. when christina tore her to pieces, sam sat and stirched her together again. when christina picked up a sword, sam picked up a shield. they were two opposing forces. they couldn't be more different.
but as tara drapes a blanket over her mother, as she brushes back messy hair, it's like someone superimposed an image of sam months before she left. the haze of drugs, the festering loneliness, the haunting heartbreak. it makes her dizzy. she wonders, briefly, if tragedy had been bred into their blood.
sam, the victim. sam, the villain. sam, the martyr. sam, the monster. sam, the light. sam, the liar.
sam, who's gone.
sam, who left.
tara's throat tightens. her fingers curl into fists as the fire starts licking at the bottom of her spine and blazes into a roaring inferno: she's choking on ashes and smoke as her ears ring.
sam is gone.
sam left.
sam is never coming back.
her eyes meet the foyer mirror, and tara jerks back violently. those eyes ... dark, miserable, lonely, haunted, manic ... they aren't hers. they're sam's. the slope of her nose, the curve of her cheekbones, the bow of her lips ... it's all sam. sam and their stupid fucked up family legacy. glass shatters as tara's wilted fingers fly into it. again, and again, and again, and again, and again—
she isn't sure when the screaming devolved into crying or when that desolved into bone deep weariness: all she's sure of is one thing.
sam isn't coming back.
tara stumbles up the stairs and to an empty room, untouched in almost two years.
sam isn't coming back.
she curls up on the bed, bloody knuckles staining it with more than memories as she sniffles.
sam isn't coming back.
and for all intents and purposes, neither is tara.
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andorerso · 2 years
Fic title: Night changes
(From this old one direction song xD)
okay, I know this song a little so this may influence it, but I'm thinking modern au friends to lovers slowburn. it starts when they're very young kids and follows them into adulthood, seeing how they changed and grew and evolved together. I think it'd portray several stages of their lives, each told in one chapter
first is kindergarten: they meet and become best friends
then high school: they first start to have feelings for each other but because it's high school and they're silly kids who don't know how to deal with emotions yet, neither ever says anything and they date other people instead and both pretend it's okay until they eventually suppress their feelings enough to move on
college: they actually have to separate because they go to different colleges and it's really difficult for a while and they start talking to each other less and less until they finally see each other again face to face during a Christmas break, roughly a year after the last time they talked. they finally hash it out and admit that they both really missed each other and they promise to do better in the future to keep their friendship alive because they're still really important to each other
post-college: they finish college and decide to find an apartment for themselves together and become roommates because hey, they're best friends and it's easier to pay rent, except oh no, the feelings are returning again! what to do
getting together: like two years after they moved in together, Jyn gets a job offer in a different state that she's considering taking but she does have a few hangs up because yeah okay, she and Cassian can't live together forever, she knows that, he'll eventually find someone and move in with them (a day she's dreading), but she also doesn't want to be so far away from him or any of her other friends that she considers family. so it's a tough choice. meanwhile Cassian's panicking because he wants to be happy for her but he can't lose her again, this is gonna end up just like when they were in college and they'll talk less and less until they lose contact again for good this time. he's not prepared for that, he still hasn't told her he loves her but telling her now feels manipulative like he's just trying to make her stay.
so he tries to be selfless and he doesn't ask her to stay, meanwhile Jyn's hoping so bad that he'll ask her but it looks like he's just really cool with the whole thing, and wow, he won't even miss her? okay then. so there's ton of miscommunication going on.
Jyn accepts the job and begins to pack her things, and now Cassian will definitely not say anything, it's too late. on her last night, the gang goes out to celebrate and get drunk until eventually it's just the two of them left. with her imminent goodbye and the alcohol they consumed, emotions are running high, and they end kissing for the first time but nothing else happens. it's awkward in the morning, neither know what to say or if this even means anything, maybe it was just the alcohol and the nostalgia, right? Cassian offers to take her to the airport, except oh no, a giant snow storm reached the city, all flights were cancelled! how terrible. now they actually have a few more days together, just enough time for them to actually sort this out.... anyway, they try to avoid each other a bit at first but eventually break down and talk. both confesses their feelings, and they kiss. Jyn decides not to go. Cassian feels bad, but she reassures him that she was already apprehensive, and part of her only took the job because she was hurt she felt like he didn't even care. so it all works out in the end, happy ending <3
I think that'd be the real ending, but maybe we can do a bonus epilogue chapter where they get married or have kids or something. something super cute and fluffy! and in their home, they have two pictures on the shelf side by side: one taken of them on the first day of kindergarten when they met at just 4 years old, and one decades later on their wedding day.
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millenniumdueled · 1 year
The Final Round
So this is what it all comes down to. Despite his Duel with Kaiba predicted in ancient stones, somehow Yugi knew this would be the final match.
Except, he isn't really Yugi, is he?
Of all the stakes on the line, that seems less important now. His memories, his past, his name seem insignificant. It's something else that drives him now as he steps onto the Dueling platform.
Mai Valentine's life on the line. The unstoppable Darkness Marik could unleash with all three God Cards. Joey's pride as a Duelist, and the fight they've promised each other.
Yugi's heart pounds as the platform ascends.
He adds the cards he's received from Kaiba to his deck, Obelisk the Tormentor and another, a gift given to him without explanation. Devil's Sanctuary? Without time to read over the card's descriptive text, he simply chooses to trust his fated rival with the addition.
"And now, the Battle City Finals!! Finalists Yugi Mutou and Marik Ishtar! Please approach your opponent to cut and shuffle each other's deck!"
The air swirls with tension, with hatred and resentment, with the scorching winds of battle as the two do as told. Marik towers over the shorter man, but Yugi's eyes burn with determination, a firey passion fueled by the support of his friends, of everyone counting on him.
I see that Kaiba gave you a little help. Doesn't that make 41? Oh well, no advantage will protect you from the might of Ra,
Marik sneers.
Yugi's brows crease as he hands his deck to the enemy. "I will defeat you, Marik. I'll take all of the pain and suffering you've caused and send it back to you tenfold," he spits.
Hahaha!! Unfortunately for you, Pharaoh, I enjoy pain!
Marik's laugh is wicked, deranged, his tongue hanging ludely from his mouth as he shuffles Yugi's cards.
Decks returned to proper ownership, the two finalists walk back to their ends of the platform.
Did you shuffle thoroughly? Hoping Ra would sink to the bottom?
"Heh. Don't ask me, ask your deck." Yugi turns on his heel, gripping the collar of his jacket draped over his shoulders to cast it off into the wind with dramatic flair. "It already knows you're going to lose!!"
Once again, the announcer's voice rings out. "Going first is Marik Ishtar. Duel, start!!"
The moment the game begins, black clouds swirl overhead, darkening the sky until noon turns to night. The air grows heavy, choking not only the Duelists, but the friends cheering from below. Another Shadow Game. Of course. Why would this final, dire match be different than any other of Marik's unsavory fights?
Look around you Pharaoh, the hungry shadows are calling. They're saying this will be the greatest Shadow Game of all! Darkness will reign, and the gates of hell will open... I'll snuff out every pathetic life on this planet!!
Yugi grits his teeth.
Starting with... This one!
The shadows come together, swirling inky blackness that parts to reveal another figure, a human form suspended in mod-air, visible only to the Duelists on stage and none of the spectators below.
Yugi's eyes go wide in horror.
Yugi, little Yugi, his Partner, his other soul. Bound and suspended by rings of inky darkness, held aloft and spread eagle as his big, violet eyes flutter open.
"wh. what's going on?!" he gasps, struggling to comprehend the situation he's been forced into. his panicked gaze meets a similar pair of eyes from below. "other me?!"
Marik doesn't give the pair another second, using their mutual, horrified confusion, as a chance to summon his first monster.
Vampiric Leech!! Direct attack!!
Though the monster has only 500 attack points, the pain as it bites into the Pharaoh is excruciatingly real. But the scream that cuts the air doesn't come from him.
The Other Yugi looks again at his helpless Partner, only to see Yugi's face twisted in agony and horror as a section of his leg seems to melt away, skin sizzling and burning as it does.
Marik laughs at his cries.
Not only does your sacrifice feel the pain my attacks inflict on you.... His body will be devoured based on the life points you lose!
Again, the Pharaoh calls out to his Partner.
As for me, my Sacrifice is this guy.
Marik hooks a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of another suspended body. His own other half floats helplessly, bound in a similar fashion as Yugi.
The moment the Player's life points hit zero and the Sacrifice's body consumed, they'll both suffer the ultimate pain. You'll both feel every fiber of your existence shredded, ripped apart as you die, separated and alone!!
Marik's eyes narrow, an almost perverse expression on his face as he licks his lips.
Pleasure and pain, life and death... Even if you win, can you live with yourself, Pharaoh?
The Other Yugi's stomach twists. He's made so many promises this tournament, including one to his precious Partner. No more killing. For a second, his focus shifts below, to Marik's sister Ishizu.
"other me!!!"
Yugi's voice draws his attention once more.
"don't let him get to your head!!! please!!"
"But Partner, you--"
"just fight him!!!"
The Other Yugi's eyes narrow, directing his anger and his focus to the game at hand again.
"Hang in there, Partner. I will get you out of this alive."
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