#They won't but can we cry and sob and dream? Yes
star--nymph · 27 days
puts microphone right in Bioware’s face
Now that Varric is old and grey and in THREE GAMES, will you finally let us kiss the man
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Injured (Alexia's Version) III
Alexia Putellas x Child!Reader
Summary: You have a nightmare
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Alexia peaks her eyes open and frowns.
At first, she isn't quite sure what's woken her up.
It's still dark out so there's no sun to wake up. There's no fire alarm going off and there are no weird smells.
But there is the pitter-patter of little feet and a soft touch on her arm.
"Bambi?" Alexia squints in the darkness and can just make out your shadowed form.
"Mami," You whisper, your voice barely audible even over the silence of the house.
"Bambi," Alexia says," Why are we whispering?"
"Don't want to wake Jaume and Olga."
"They won't wake up," Alexia assures you," What's going on, huh? It's bedtime. Why are you up?"
"Had a bad dream." You shuffle closer.
"A bad dream?" Alexia reaches for you, softly stroking your cheek as you lean into the affection.
"Uh-huh about the hospital. It was scary."
"I'm sorry, Bambi." Alexia's hands move up to softly run her fingers through your hair. "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"
You nod. "Yes, please."
Alexia pulls back the covers, shivering a little in the morning air. It's not too cold but just cold enough for goosebumps to rise on her arms.
You shuffle a bit closer and as Alexia squints, she can just make out the blanket you've dragged in with you. Her heart sinks.
Blankie lives in your wardrobe. You've made the bottom of your wardrobe a little bed for you. Truly, it's only a pillow and blankie but Alexia's found you sleeping in there when you're scared.
To have blankie with you now means you've gone into your wardrobe, probably having tried to sleep there before coming into Alexia's room.
Alexia lifts you up into the bed, sitting you up on her stomach. She's unsure where to fully put you. If it would be better to set you on the edge where you're only next to her or if it would be better to put you in the middle of the bed between her and Olga.
Alexia isn't quite sure where you would be most comfortable so she just sets you on her stomach.
You're gripping blankie tightly in your fist and, now that Alexia's eyes have adjusted to the light, she can make out your features properly.
"Have you been crying, Bambi?" She asks.
You sniffle. "Tried to sleep in the closet," You tell her," But it was scary."
"I'm sorry, Bambi," Alexia says," But it's okay. I've got you now. Nothing scary's going to happen. Nothing bad is happening to you while I'm here."
You flop forward suddenly, tears spilling down your cheeks as you rest your head on Alexia's shoulder, tucking your nose into the crook of her neck.
"Shh, shh," She coos at you," I've got you, Bambi. It's okay. Let it out. Let it out."
You sob, unrestrained, against Alexia as she holds you close, curling her arms around your tiny body.
"Ale?" Olga awakens at the noise, rolling over and blindly reaching out for Alexia. "Are you crying?"
"No," Alexia says," But we've got Bambi joining us tonight. She's had a nightmare so she's going to sleep with us."
"Oh, Bambi," Olga says, reaching out to brush the tears from your cheek," I'm sorry, sweetheart. You did a good thing coming into us."
"Didn't wake Jaume," You promise Olga," Still sleeping."
"I'm not worried about Jaume," Olga tells you," I'm worried about you. Your Mami says you're sleeping with us."
You nod. "Please."
She pats the space between her and Alexia. "Come right here. We'll keep you safe."
You wiggle you way between them and Alexia quickly tucks blankie around your body.
Olga slips out of bed while Alexia gets you comfortable, propping you up against the pillows so she can properly wipe the remaining wetness off your cheeks.
"If you have another nightmare," She tells you," You wake me straight up, okay?"
You nod. "Yes, Mami."
She presses a kiss to the side of your head. "Good girl."
Olga comes back into the room with a sippy cup. "Have some of this, Bambi. My Mama swore it was the best way to get good girls back to sleep."
It's milk. Warm milk with the tiniest hint of honey and, as you guzzle it down, you find Olga is right.
You are going back to sleep.
You're out like a light before you've even finished your drink and Olga gently takes your sippy cup from your limp hands as Alexia drags you closer, curling her body around you.
You'll wake up in the same position in the morning.
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milaisreading · 4 months
Hi! I really like your bllk masterlist. After i found your account i imediately follow it and now you're one of my favourite. But can i ask you to make CD y/n turn into toddler?. Like manager y/n one. I'm sorry if you already make one because i cannot find them. Also sorry for my english too....
🌱🩷: Hiii, Anon! I just wrote tiny scenarios of it, but here is a full version! Hope u like it and thanks for the support
Warnings: Reader is crossdressing here, so I use a mix of he/him and she/her. If you want to see more toddler cd!Yn, let me know. Requests in general are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
When Ness woke up he expected a few things to see. One of them would be seeing Kaiser and (Y/n) still fast asleep. Or Kaiser asleep and the Blue Lock player off to the shower room. Or even to see Kaiser himself awake, but this was no something he expected! The magenta eyed boy stared in shock at the (h/c)-haired toddler, who in return blinked up at Ness in curiosity as he sat on his lap.
"Who? What the hell?" Ness muttered as he slowly put his hand on (Y/n)'s head.
"So... this isn't a dream?" Ness raised an eyebrow as the toddler smiled and leaned into Ness' touch.
"Did you eat something off last night? Kaiser. Hey, Kaiser, wake up." Ness called out to the blonde, who groaned and glared at the midfielder.
"What is it? It's not even 7 yet." The other German said.
"This is serious. Why is (Y/n) a toddler?"
"What?" Kaiser asked as he looked at Ness in confusion. The other rolled his eyes and removed his hand from (Y/n)'s head. The girl looked at him in confusion as Ness pointed at her.
"This." The magenta-eyed boy said as Kaiser rubbed the sleep off of his eyes and looked at the toddler, who looked over at the blonde with the same confused stare.
"Da?" She said as Kaiser's eyes widened in shock and he quickly got up from his bed and ran to Ness' side.
"What happened here?!" Kaiser yelled as be looked at Ness, expecting an answer from him.
"How should I know? He was in my bed like this when I woke up." The toddler said nothing as she looked between the two. If they looked at the toddler a little bit better, they would have noticed the slight trembling from the toddler as Kaiser continued yelling.
"And what are we supposed to do now?! How will I explain this to Noa?!"
"How should I know?!"
As the two continued arguing, the toddler started trembling more and more as tears started rolling down her face. What interrupted their yelling at the end were (Y/n)'s loud sobs, as the player started growing more and more scared of the loud noises.
"Shit..." Kaiser muttered as Ness picked the player off of the bed and ran out of their room towards Noa's room.
"We need to find Noa!"
"You think he knows how to take care of a toddler?!" Kaiser asked as he ran after them.
"Well... let's hope..." Ness said as (Y/n) started crying more and more.
"Here comes the train~" Anri cooed as she gave (Y/n) a spoon full of baby food. Ego and Noa observed the girl for a moment and then looked back at Ness and Kaiser.
"And you say you found him like this?" The French striker asked, earning a nod from Ness.
"Yes. I woke up and found him in my bed like this." The midfielder answered.
"And why was he crying when you brought him in?"
"He hates loud noises, apparently." Kaiser simply answered, avoiding the suspicious glares from Anri and Ego. Noticing that the woman stopped giving her food, (Y/n) frowned and tugged on the woman's sleeve.
"Hmm?" Anri muttered and looked downbas the toddler kept on looking at the empty spoon.
"My! (Y/n) had quite a healthy appetite when he was younger. Some things don't change." Anri laughed as she continued feeding the toddler.
"What are we going to do now?" Kaiser asked, earning Noa's attention again.
"Yeah, won't Re Al wonder where he is? They did bid a lot of money on him, after all." Ness argued as Ego went to pick the toddler up after she ate all the food.
"True... We will just say he came down with a fever. I am sure this won't last for too long."
"What makes you say that?" Noa raised an eyebrow.
"I am hoping."
"Wonderful." Kaiser rolled his eyes.
"Gagamaru, I want to hold him now." Kunigami pouted as the goalkeeper held (Y/n) on his lap. Hiori and Isagi giggled as they handed her some of their food, surprised she was able to eat it.
"Can you wait just a little bit more? He is comfortable right now." Gagamaru pleaded as Kurona caressed her hair.
"I am surprised his stomach isn't upset from all the food we gave him." Yukimiya commented as he slid some of his food towards Hiori, who was the main one giving the girl food.
"I guess he has stronger stomach than we thought." Kurona answered as Kunigami lifted her up.
"Huh?" (Y/n) blinked as she looked at everyone, surprised bybthe sudden movement.
"How long did Noa-san say this will last?" Isagi raised an eyebrow.
"He said he doesn't know, but he is sure it will be over in a few days." Hiori answered.
"For now, all we have to do is keep him away from cameras." Yukimiya chimed in as Gagamaru looked back at the toddler.
"Don't you guys think Re Al will question where he is?" Kurona wondered.
"Let's hope they don't." Kunigami answered as the door harshly opened, revealing Chigiri  and Reo, who quickly ran up to Kunigami.
"What are you guys doing here?" Gagamaru asked.
"We were sent here to pick (Y/n) up! The news crew is coming to your stratum so (Y/n) should stay with us for a few hours." Chigiri answered, squealing a little at how cute the toddler looked.
"Give him to us now, muscle head. We need to hurry back to our stratum." Reo demanded. Kunigami glared a little at the heir, but reluctantly gave him the toddler.
"Huh?" (Y/n) blinked at the newcomers as Reo took her out of Kunigami's arms.
"Great! Thanks!!" Chigiri cheered as they ran out of the room, leaving the team confused and irritated.
"It was my turn to hold him..." Yukimiya pouted.
At the MC dorms...
"Nagi, stop showing him all those cartoons. It's bad for the eyes." Chris scolded the albino as Chigiri took the phone away from him.
"Well, what am I supposed to do? Look how restless he is." Nagi argued as the rest looked at (Y/n), and sure enough, the toddler looked like he is about to start crying.
"Maybe he is hungry?" Reo suggested, offering some of the baby food Anri had left them.
"Maybe, (Y/n) loves food almost more than football." Chigiri added in as the team watched the girl. To their surprise tho, the girl turned away from the food.
"Huh? Now that wasn't what I expected to happen." Chris raised an eyebrow as Reo and Nagi looked at their friend in worry.
"Since when does he reject food?" Nagi wondered, staring at (Y/n) like she was an alien.
"This is odd..." Reo muttered, surprising the girl as she got picked up by him.
"Are you not hungry? Not even a little bit?" The purple-haired boy asked in worry, but all he got was a huff from her and she pouted.
"Now, now. What's with the attitude?" Chris raised an eyebrow as (Y/n) looked back at him.
'I want to go back to my friends!' (Y/n) thought, sadly still unfamiliar with these 4. It was silent for a while, the group waiting in anticipation what she might do next, and safe to say, they didn't expect her to start crying.
"What now?!" Chigiri yelled in panic as Chris took her out of Reo's arms.
"Did we say something wrong?" Nagi wondered in worry as Chris rocked her back and forth.
"I don't know. I don't think so, also, we weren't even loud. Why is he crying?" Reo asked, all three looking at their coach, who was trying and failing to calm the girl down.
"Leave the room for a bit. Maybe he is overwhelmed by everything. Don't worry, I will calm him down."
The trio nodded their heads and walked out, hoping their coach will be able to fix whatever had happened now.
'Isagi! Kurona! Hiori! Yukimiya! Where are they?! Did they abandon me?! Kunigami and Gagamaru said we would eat together!' The girl started crying louder as the blonde looked down at her in worry.
"Maybe his stomach is upset? Don't worry, Chris is here to make the pain go away- AUCH! DON'T PULL ON MY HAIR LIKE THAT!" The blonde cried out, trying to remove her hands from his hair.
It's pretty much safe to say that the crying continued for 2 hours. The trio, worried that (Y/n) might get sick called Anri and explained everything that had happened up until that point. The woman was at first clueless what could be the issue, since she did eat, sleep, and play normally while she was with her team. And that's when it hit her!
"Teieri-san, what's in that bag?" Nagi asked as he covered his ears, annoyed with the crying. Reo and Chigiri were too occupied with trying to calm the girl down to notice anything until Anri spoke to them.
"Let me take over now. I know what may be causing him distress." The woman said as the two nodded at her while (Y/n) was quietly sobbing now. Chris stayed quiet as he stood next to Nagi, watching in curiosity as she showed the toddler her bag.
"You miss your friends, don't you?" Anri asked quietly as (Y/n) looked at her in confusion. The woman smiled and wiped the tears off of her face.
"Isagi, Kurona, Hiori, Yukimiya, Kunigami, and Gagamaru. You miss them, right?"
At the mention of their names, (Y/n) looked around the room, only to sigh sadly when she didn't see them.
"They are busy now, but you will see them soon. In the meantime, I brought you these. I asked the merchandise team to send them to me." Anri smiled as she revealed the plushie forms of the players. (Y/n) stopped sobbing as she looked at the soft items that were placed in front of her, the other 3 players and their coach staring in surprise as Anri smiled and slowly backed away.
"That won't work-" Reo started, but got interrupted as the girl let out a few giggles before taking Isagi and Gagamaru's plushies and pulling them into a hug, the sane thing being repeated for the others.
"This is so adorable!!" Anri squealed as she watched the girl play with the plushies, completely ignoring the sour mood of the trio.
"This isn't fair! Why are they his favorites?" Chigiri asked in frustration as Nagi huffed.
"We literally did everything for him to calm down." Nagi added in.
"Yeah, why are they getting special treatment?" Reo asked, glaring at the soft toys as Chris laughed a little.
"I am guessing since he spent most of his time with them, he created a better bond with them. After all, you guys did barge in and take him away." Chris explained as the trio grumbled that it still wasn't fair. (Y/n) remained blissfully ignorant to everything and continued playing with the toys, enjoying to finally see their familiar faces.
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rxmqnova · 11 months
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Y/N: 4 years old Lizzie: mama Scarlett: mommy Story: Y/N calls Scarlett 'mommy' for the first time… ——————————————————
LIZZIE'S POV "Where could my Y/N/N be?" I playfully ask, looking around the kitchen.
My 4 year old daughter and I are playing hide and seek. It's nearly her bedtime and we're home alone since my fiancé Scarlett is filming until late hours today.
"Could she be here?" I look in the fridge. She's under the table and her giggles are just so adorable. "Oh, she's not here… So how about here?" I open a cabinet, making my little daughter giggle again. "Nope, not here either… Or maybe she is here!" I bend down to look under the table where she is. "Got ya!" Y/N giggles, wrapping her little arms around my neck. I lift her up and kiss her cheek, causing more giggles from my little girl. Unfortunately, I have to end the fun, cause it's her bedtime. "And bedtime"
"No, mama. No bedtime for Y/N" She says, sleepily rubbing her eyes.
"Yes, baby. It's bedtime for Y/N" I smile and kiss her forehead, making my daughter whine and bury her head into the crock of my neck.
"I want to wait for Scarly to come home" She mumbles.
"I know you do, bubs. But Scarly's still working and you'd be tired tomorrow" I kiss her cheek again and rub her back.
"But mama, I don't want to sleep. I'm not tired" She whines. "Honey, I can see that tired little eyes of yours"
"But I want to play with you" She whines, her eyes filling with tears.
"We can play tomorrow, bubs" I say, kissing her forehead and trying to calm her down by rocking her back and forth.
I carry her to her bed, placing her down and laying down next to her. She already had a bath and her teeth are brushed, so she's ready for sleeping. Y/N cuddles up to me, still sobbing.
"It's okay, baby" I rub her back, giving her kisses on her forehead.
"Mama, will we play tomorrow?" Y/N mumbles into my neck.
"Yeah" I smile, pressing another kiss to her forehead.
"And will Scarly play too?" She lifts her head to look at me.
"I'm sure she'll be happy to, honey" I give her a smile and another kiss on forehead. "Now close your eyes and sleep, my little monkey. Mama's here"
"Ni-night, mama" She mumbles, cuddling up to me again. "Sweet dreams, baby. I love you"
"I love you too, mama" Y/N mumbles and seconds later she's out like a light.
SCARLETT'S POV I just arrived home after a long day of filming. I can't wait to finally lay in bed and get some sleep while cuddling to my fiancé. It's nearly midnight, so Lizzie and Y/N are definitely sleeping by now.
When I'm walking up the stairs, I can hear a pretty loud thunder. I'm glad I made it home already, cause by the sound from outside, it doesn't really seem good…
I walk to our bedroom, but while passing by Y/N's room I can hear crying and her little voice calling for 'mama'. That poor baby is scared of thunders.
"Shhhh. Baby, it's okay" I open the door and walk to her.
"Mommy" She cries, doing grabby hands towards me.
I lift her up, rocking her back and forth to calm her down.
"It's okay, sweetheart" I kiss her forehead.
"Mommy, I'm scared" She says, still crying. This is the cutest thing ever, she called me 'mommy' for the first time ever. I hate seeing her cry, but this warmed my heart.
"It can't get you here, baby. You're safe" I rub her back, giving her kisses on her forehead.
"Promise?" She asks, looking at me with her puffy eyes.
"I promise" I smile and she cuddles up to me again, still sobbing though. "Do you want to sleep with me and mama tonight?" I ask the little girl who nods. "Okay, but we need to calm down first, so we won't wake mama up, okay?"
"Okay, mommy" She says quietly. I'll never get tired of her calling me that.
Few minutes pass and Y/N is calm again. She looks like she's about to fall asleep again in any minute.
"Mommy?" She mumbles into my neck.
"Yes, honey?" I smile, kissing her forehead.
"Will you play with me and mama tomorrow?" She asks, playing with my hair. She always does it when she's tired.
"Sure thing, sweetheart" I smile and kiss her forehead again. "But now you should sleep, honey. It's really late. We're gonna go to bed, okay?" She nods, so I go to mine and Lizzie's bedroom.
I put Y/N in the middle of our bed, so I can quickly change. Lizzie's sleeping, so I carefully lay down next to Y/N who immediately cuddles up to me.
"Goodnight, baby" I whisper.
"Ni-night, mommy" She whispers back. "I love you"
"I love you too, baby"
ScarLizzie masterlist
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dotster001 · 2 years
Are you ok with writing alcohol related stuff? I think it would be funny to have a drunk headmaster complain to reader about all the work and mischievous students while reader tries to calm him down and just get him to drink water because fae apparently do not have a superior tolerance. OR on the opposite: reader gets drunk and Crowley has to deal with us now maybe we get him flustered too >:)
(hey nonnie I finally finished it. I seriously debated waiting until my birthday so I could be like, "the US government says I can drink now!" But luckily for both of us, I got hit with the inspiration bug. I hope it's everything you dreamed edit; I just realized I combined your two ideas into one...oops I went flustered crowman route)
Drugged Up Reader Addition from 300 Followers event
A/N: It's in my pinned post, and I've mentioned this in a couple posts, but if this is the first of my stuff you've read, I view NRC as an actual college, so reader here is 18+. If it makes you more comfy, imagine it as grad school age.
CW: excessive drinking, black out from drinking
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Fae were known to hold their liquor extraordinarily well. A bottle? Three? Bah! That didn't matter at all to the fae! Besides, he deserved to treat himself after putting up with shenanigans all day.
Four bottles……
Yeah, so Crowley was on his sixth bottle of a 300 year old wine of excellent vintage, when fate decided it was time for you to come to his office. Naturally, as the cool, collected, fabulous headmage he was, all he had to do was play it cool, and you'd never know.
"Greetings Prefect! What can I do ya for?" Yep. You'd never know.
Had he been more sober, he would have noticed that you were soaking wet and covered in dust and plaster bits. But since he didn't notice, he was able to not notice this fact, as you sat across from him with a frustrated huff.
"The shower in Ramshackle exploded," you scowled. "Any chance, in all your generosity, that there is some budget for a new one?" 
"But of course!" He stood up, gesturing wildly. You couldn't hide your shock, which made him laugh, as he leaned over his desk to squish your face between his palms.
"My dearest, squishiest, prefect. Whatever you want, I shall give you!" 
Suddenly, you gasped. "Are you drunk?"
He let go of your face and scoffed, illustrating the six empty bottles on his desk.
"Nonsense, my dear, the fae don't get drunk. As you can see, I have only consumed ten bottles…"
"There's only six here, though," you interrupted, becoming nervous for his health.
"Ah! You're right! I still have four more bottles to consume! You must join me Y/N!"
"I don't think I should…."
He kept over his desk with surprising dexterity, and gently slotted himself in your lap, nuzzling his cheek against yours like a cat.
"C'mon Y/N, I'd hate to drink alone. I'd be sooooo lonely without you…like before…" his eyes were suddenly elsewhere, and he froze in your lap.
Then he started tearing up, crying into your collar.
"Please don't leave me, Y/N!" He sobbed.
You began running your hands through his hair worriedly, trying to calm him down.
"Do you mean, like right this moment, or in general?" You asked, mildly amused with yourself.
"Yes," he whimpered. You had no idea how the giant crow man was able to make himself look so small in your lap, but it was making your heart melt.
"Okay, I won't leave then," you said, hoping that it would calm him a little.
He looked up at you, suddenly no longer crying, eyes full of total adoration. 
"I love you Y/N. It's time you know that," he breathed, moving closer to your lips.
Then he blacked out.
Crowley opened his eyes, and immediately shut them again with a groan. The lights in his room were too bright, and his head hurt, and….wait. He didn't remember going to his room last night.
"Ah, sleeping beauty has finally awoken," that was your voice, but what were you doing in his room?
He opened his eyes, and slowly sat up. You were sitting in a chair next to his bed, holding a book and, great sevens, wearing his clothes.
"Why are you here?" He asked cautiously.
"You blacked out on me, and I had to drag you to your room. You're surprisingly heavy, you know. Are you hiding muscles under all those layers?"
He scoffed, ready to tell you about how someone of his station had to stay in good shape, until he fully processed what you had said.
"How generous of you to bring me to my room," he croaked. "But why," he swallowed thickly, "why are you wearing a set of my clothes?" Not that he'd complain. They looked good on you.
You raised a single eyebrow. "My shower exploded, remember? My clothes were all wet and dirty, and I didn't want to ruin your furniture, so I kind of just grabbed something from your closet." Your grin turned downright evil. "Wait, do you not remember anything from last night?" 
You giggled. He loved that giggle, but right now he was filled with pure terror.
"I have an excellent memory, prefect," he scowled, trying to play it off. But it was clearly too late. You knew.
You stood up, and approached him. You squished his cheeks with your palms.
"So you remember this then?"
He loved your smile, but right now he wanted to wipe it off your face. You'd left him in his clothes, thank goodness, so you couldn't see his reddening cheeks under his mask. He'd never been more grateful for anything.
"Of course I remember," he said, composure disappearing fast.
"Then you remember this?" You crawled into his lap, and buried you face in his collar. He stiffened, afraid if he breathed you would disappear.
"Okay," you grinned wickedly, "so you'll remember this then." You leaned into his ear and whispered, "I love you, Y/N." 
He was going to have what humans called a heart attack. Had he really said that last night? He'd kept it buried for so long….
"If you remember that, you'll definitely remember this," you leaned in as though to kiss him, but pulled away and left his lap at the last second. He involuntarily let out a whine, making you giggle. 
"And that's when you passed out."
He was on his feet in seconds pulling you tightly to him, directing your chin so you face him.
"Kiss me," he whispered breathlessly.
"That's not what happened," now that he was fighting back, you were starting to look flustered. Good. You deserved it.
"I'll give you whatever you want if you kiss me," he said, confidence steadily growing now that the ball was back in his court.
"Whatever I want? Hmmm…" you said thoughtfully, then leaned in to kiss him. He nibbled along your bottom lip, causing you to gasp, and allowing him to deepen the kiss. After several breathless moments, you pulled away from him entirely.
"Whatever I want," you muttered to yourself, and made to leave the room. As you pulled open the door, you called over your shoulder, "Fix my damned shower."
Tag list: @stygianoir
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hanluex · 2 years
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bob floyd x gn!reader | wc : 0.9k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, chairman being an ass, strangers to friends, angst with fluff ending, bob being such a sweetheart, university au | loki’s lines : based on true events! i actually had to go through a crappy interview when entering by university and some dude did see me cry but he just pretended he didn’t see (which was nice of him)
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"why should i let a student who doesn't even know about law enter this university? there are so many students who are better than you. why should i let you in?"
the chairman shook his head, a disgusted look on his face. "this is a prestigious university, y/n. we don't enroll just anyone here. you have to show you are worthy of this opportunity," he stated. "do you know what i see when i look at you, y/n?"
you've said enough. please keep those three words to yourself. i already know what it is. please don't say–
"i see failure."
you looked up, ignoring the wide-eyed look you got from the chairman's secretary who stood beside his desk.
holding back the tears, you made eye-contact with the older male, not wanting to give up even though all you wanted to do was run away from that interview and never come back.
no. you can't give up. you've been dreaming about entering this university for so long. don't give up just because the chairman is a jerk.
"i will work hard to change that, sir. give me one chance and i'll prove that i'm worth enrolling in this university," you calmly spoke, taking a deep breath as he pondered over your words.
i can do this. i won't give up until i've tried.
after the horrid interview with the chairman, you arrived at the university's library, listening to the librarian's instructions on taking the aptitude test before choosing a secluded corner to be by yourself.
you kept a timer for two minutes, placing your phone down before covering your face with your hands.
and you cried. you quietly sobbed, letting out all the frustrations you felt while you were taking the interview with the university's chairman.
as soon as you heard the little ding from your timer, you wiped away your tears, concluding your brief breakdown before grabbing the pen and writing your test.
crying can wait. for now, i am going to ace this test.
one year later, and you were studying in the very university with the rude chairman, successfully doing your law degree.
you ended up getting the highest marks out of everyone in the aptitude test — as well as the semester exams — which landed you with a scholarship for the second year.
"yes, mom. i'm going to eat right now, don't worry," you convinced your mother, ending the call as soon as you answered it. "i gotta go now." you struggled with the books in your hand, forgetting to place them inside your bag in the hurry you left the class.
not looking where you are going, you accidentally bump against someone, apologizing profusely as you grabbed your phone off the floor before checking if the other person was okay.
"i'm so sorry. are you hurt? really, i am–"
"no, it's alright. i'm fine." a deep but soft voice called out, instinctively reaching out to touch your shoulders as he steadied the two of you. "is your phone alright? i apologize for–" his words fizzled out upon seeing your face, brows raising in amusement before breaking into a laugh.
you questioningly looked around you, touching your face before looking at the male in front of you. "is everything alright? why are you lau—is there something on my face?" you quickly checked your reflection from your phone, frowning when you saw nothing laughable.
"i'm sorry, i don't know if it's appropriate, but i just remembered you from a year ago." he cleared his throat, sobering from his laughter. "you were crying in the library, and just as i tried approaching you, your phone's timer went off and you stopped crying. it was an oddly amusing memory for me."
he chuckled, touching his hair awkwardly as he remembered the moment. "i always wondered if the timer-crying person passed the test and got accepted." his smile was genuine and — oddly enough — he looked proud. "and here they are in front of me."
you were simply flabbergasted, not knowing what to say or do. "well, for starters, i'm y/n. it's nice to meet you." you bowed politely, reaching out for a handshake. "i was, uh, having a tough day. tears have to wait a little when you have an aptitude test in front of you." you found the humor to joke with it, your smile causing the male to mimic the same.
"i am robert floyd, but you can call me bob. it's nice to finally meet you." he bit his lip, looking at you with a soft gaze before his smile widened. "want to grab something from the cafe? my treat!" he offered, nodding his head towards the aforementioned establishment.
over a cup of your favorite drink and a plate of your favorite pastry, you didn't expect to be laughing as much as you did when you were with bob. he was a naturally charming person, and it certainly didn't help that he was twice as handsome.
throughout your conversations, however, you never failed to notice how his gaze would linger on you — just a second little longer — before he turned away, blindly searching for something else to distract himself with.
"is there anything you want to tell me, bob?" you inquired, not being able to keep it to yourself. "you keep looking at me a little weirdly, no offense."
bob bit his lip, looking embarrassed. "is it that obvious?" he gave his signature smile, nodding slightly before sitting straighter in his seat. "i know we just met, so this might sound a little too much coming for me."
"what is it?"
"you look really pretty when you smile, y/n. i hope i don't have to see you cry like you did that day ever again. a smile suits you better than those tears."
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luvtsumu · 1 year
it's gonna be alright
atsumu x gn!uni-student!reader!!!! atsumu comforts reader about their assignment deadline :-(, lots of pet names, physical comfort, super lowkey implied that atsumu pays for bills and whatnot (i just cant not include this LOL)))), hhhmmmmm i dont have anything else to add, except maybe that this is super self-indulgent and that i love atsumu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
atsumu's hands are warm, large enough that they cover enough of your thighs as he rubs them gently. he's on the floor, seated on his calves as you sit on the couch with your head in your hands. it's his body that separates you from the coffee table where you were only growing frustrated with your school work.
"it's gonna be alright, pretty," atsumu sighs, giving you a gentle squeeze. he begins to almost knead the muscle of your thigh, applying pressure with his thumbs. "ya need to take a break... it'll do ya some good," he continues, tilting his head to try and peak at your face.
you, however, had it buried in your hands so as not to let atsumu see your tears. he already knows you're crying, though.
"it's not, atsumu," you whimper, voice cracking, "i can't take a break because the assignment is due tonight. and i have barely two hours left, and i still have nothing. i've had nothing for 2 whole days..." you try to hold back a sob. "i'm trying so hard to write this-- this stupid paper!"
atsumu winces a bit. he's completely lost with his words and he knows he should say something. instead, his body comforts you first, giving you a tighter squeeze and pushing his hands against your thighs up to your waist. he squeezes himself between your legs and pulls you into his embrace, letting you curl down to sob against his shoulder.
he doesn't understand. he went straight to pursuing his dreams of going pro and securing his career. it was tough at times, yes, even tough still today; but he doesn't think it will ever compare to your frustration that only continues to boil inside of you with every single assignment you bring home. you're up all night, up so early, sometimes you don't even have time to do anything fun.
the least he's able to do is give you space in his home, take care of your other worries that he can confidently take over, and be here with you in the moment. who cares if he has an early morning practice and he's usually in bed at 9pm? he'll stay up until 4 if you need him to.
"m'sorry, atsumu," you sniffle, pulling away.
atsumu sees your face and he gives you a small smile. his first reaction is to move his hands to cup your cheeks, wiping your tear stained cheeks. he then tugs at the collar of your shirt to wipe the snot off your upper lip which makes you laugh.
"h-hey--" you giggle, pulling away.
he chuckles, admiring the way your eyes squint up. even when you're crying, you're the cutest.
"hey, it's tough, i know that much," he speaks softly, leaning towards you. he rests his hands on your hips as you take his face into yours. "and i'm 'ere with ya. i'll be 'ere until ya finish--as long as you need, sweet thing. and i'll even volunteer ta be the one typin' if yer fingers get tired."
"atsumuuuu," you whine lightly. still, you have a smile on your lips.
this makes him grin and you two share a light laugh. seeing even a small lift in your mood reassures him that he's doing alright and he knows that you aren't bothered with his closeness or eagerness to help you out. he knows that sometimes all you need is alone time, and he's so glad that now is not one of those times and you could at least some of your worries for this assignment fall onto him.
"it's okay to take a break, pretty," he continues, "sometimes, we just... can't meet deadlines. it sucks, yes, but... maybe a break will make ya feel much better. even if it's just 30 minutes."
he can see your hesitance and he knows how important this is to you. of course he won't take that away from you, always wanting you to take the lead in your own life, but he at least wants you to take a step back to breathe with him. it hurts him to see you all worked up to the point where you feel so useless and dumb because you're not. he's here to let you know that you're not—let you fall into him so he can help you back up.
"i'll keep ya in my arms," he tells you softly, giving your body a gentle squeeze before pulling away to get up. his disconnection from you is only brief as his hands immediately motion for your grasp.
you give it to him, allowing him to hoist you up so that he could hug you.
and it's warm—atsumu's hugs are always warm.
"i'll take care of ya, 'kay?" he whispers, giving your cheek a kiss before he dips his head into your neck. he breathes you in, squeezing you as he inhales and then lets his embrace loosen as he exhales. "just 30 minutes, and then we'll get ya back on yer paper. and if yer prof gets upset, tell 'em that msby's miya atsumu's gonna flame 'em on national television the next chance he gets."
once again the both of you share a laugh. you feel the squeeze he gives you when you do and it gives your body reason to relax. you lean into him, close your eyes and bask in the moment. he knows a couple tears still roll down your cheeks, but it's reassuring to the both of you that you know he's there.
"okay," you tell him, being the first to pull away. you smile, laughing a bit as you wipe your tears. "just... just 30 minutes. and then i'll get back to work."
atsumu hums, nodding along as you speak. he remains silent, listening as you continue to affirm yourself.
"and... and if i don't make the deadline, that's okay. i was trying and i don't know. i just... hit a bump on the road. or like—a pothole. plus, it's just a 10% deduction! better than 50 or getting a 0."
atsumu laughs lightly and so do you.
"we'll be okay," you say with a small smile, gaze a bit shy as you look at atsumu. his warm gaze reminds your shoulders to ease and your smile becomes wider.
"we'll be okay," he repeats for you. he gives you a kiss on the forehead and yet another warm hug. "let's take that nap, yeah? i'll wake ya up so there's not a thing my pretty lover has to worry about."
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shintin · 11 months
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↳ Vash the Stampede x Female Reader
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One-shot (A cut from Gunpowder Dreams fic)
Summary: Trapped in a mafia's clutches, you embark on a daring escape from the relentless grip of Vash, the enigmatic boss. However, freedom comes at a price as you face the unforgiving consequences of your defiance. In this thrilling tale of survival, navigate a treacherous world where alliances shift, and shadows hold secrets. Can you outwit the formidable Vash and break free, or will you succumb to the merciless retribution that awaits?
(For more details, read the original story linked above.)
Word count: +6 k.
Genre: explicit smut (Mafia au).
Warnings/Tags: +18, NSFW, Alternative Universe/Modern Setting, no spoilers from manga and anime, dominate Vash the Stampede, dub-con, toxicity, gunplay, manhandling, unprotected sex, biting, etc.
Notes: I just wanted to write gunplay smut.
Disclaimer: The gunplay scene is inspired by the books I've read.
Song Recommendation: Nancy Sinatra - Bang Bang
You can read my fics on AO3 and Wattpad. If you have any questions, don’t be shy and ASK. This is my DISCORD account, in case you want to contact me.
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As you sat motionless, a realization gripped you: escape from this house was an unattainable feat. He was smart, but the scariest part was your inability to anticipate a single one of his thoughts. You felt like a dumb rabbit while he, as cunning as a fox, remained one step ahead.
"You're not touching me," you hissed, your voice wobbly and rife with unshed tears.
"What you gonna do if I do?" He directed his gaze toward the ceiling and the pipes. "I'm glad it's the dead of night, and this room is almost soundproof. So, you won't disturb anyone's peaceful slumber."
Driven by instinct, fear propelled you to your feet as you hurriedly made your way to the door, frantically grasping the handle and repeatedly tugging it up and down.
Please, open!
As you wrestled with the doorknob, attempting to force it open, a sturdy steel arm suddenly encircled your waist and lifted you off the ground.
"NO!" A piercing scream erupted from your lips as you kicked futilely at the space, fiercely resisting his grip.
"Oh, yes, love," he growled, swinging your body towards the wall.
You grunted from the impact, leaning your back against the wall; this time, you used it as leverage to kick against the bastard of a man. "Let me go, you fucking creepy-ass fuck—"
"Keep talking, and you'll just make it worse."
You screeched, out of breath and growing weaker, as he pinned your flailing body against the wall, rendering you powerless.
"We had a deal, didn't we?" Vash asked in a panting tone.
A tear spilt over your lid. And then another and another until you were on the verge of sobbing again. "We had, but—"
"Don't cry, love," he cooed. "It's going to get so much worse."
His breath skated over your cheek as he pressed himself further into your body, just like in the previous encounter. Towering over you, his larger frame enveloped you completely until all you could see, feel, and smell was him—his warmth, the distinctive scent that was uniquely his, and the way his black-clad body surrounded you.
"I like you scared," he whispered, sending shivers down your core. "I like you begging and pleading. Crying out for imaginary Gods to save you."
You felt the touch of leather on your face, and you flinched away. His fingers delicately traced a path from your cheekbone to your hair, gently tucking stray strands behind your ear. "I like you trembling beneath my touch, uncontrollably."
"You're sick," you snapped, doing just that. You were shaking from head to toe, and you couldn't seem to stop it.
“You think your pleas will only arise when your life is at stake, but you are mistaken," he grunted, letting out a deep, mocking laugh. "In due time, you will beg for my touch, craving it desperately."
"That'll never happen," you hissed, glaring at him with all your might. Or at least you thought you were. The dim light emanating from the ceiling lights shadowed his eyes. It felt almost like being far-sighted. Your face was so close to something, but clarity evaded you. The shadows were a part of him. He carried them around.
"It's time to punish you, and I've thought of the many ways I could do this," he said, ignoring your jab. It only infuriated you more that he found your lack of consent so inconsequential. So… worthless. "I'll be nice this time." You opened your mouth, but he cut you off with a deep growl of warning, "But only if you reciprocate, love."
Your teeth audibly snapped together, the sound punctuating the air and drawing yet another amused grunt from him. Your pride took a hit, and you wanted to knee him in the balls for it, but you couldn't lift your leg an inch as you tried.
"You freak! What are you going to do?" you spat out, the stutter of your words in sync with the beat of your heart. His searing breath brushed against your cheek as you felt the gentle glide of his lips tracing along your jawline. You swallowed but nearly choked from how dry your throat had become. Those lips descend to the column of your neck, skittering along until he paused on the spot right below your ear.
"I'm gonna play with my toy," he declared right before his teeth clamped down. Your back arched involuntarily, repulsion and pleasure marrying in your nerves, sending misfires to your brain. All coherent thoughts escaped from your mind, leaving behind only primal instincts to guide your actions.
But, somehow, as if he was electrocuted, he distanced himself. His gaze shifted downwards towards the collar of his shirt. The cross was there, concealed on his chest. His eyes changed momentarily, remorseful, maybe disgusted by what he had become. As if he was lost, struggling to find himself, but instead, his eyes found you—the one with the answers.
You wished you could show him hatred, but seeing your pleasure, he groaned, his teeth piercing as his tongue lapped at your flesh. Your mouth opened, and a silent scream suctioned away just as his mouth did the same, drawing in deep like he was drinking the essence from your body. And then, with a lingering sensation of pain, he withdrew, his teeth grazing your skin as he released his hold, leaving behind a stinging reminder.
Your hands pressed into his chest for stability or to push him away. You were not sure. Though your question was quickly answered when instinct coerced your hands to curl, gripping his shirt tight and anchoring yourself to him as if he was your lifeline. When in reality, he was the one killing you.
Severe shivers wracked your body when he licked a wet path with his tongue, descending from your neck towards the juncture where your nipples resided. He paused, and it felt as if your body teetered precariously over a sharpened blade. You held your breath, the anticipation rattling your bones. And then he was biting down again, pulling an animalistic sound from your chest. He did this, over and over, leaving behind a trail of bruises that marked his territory along your neck and across your shoulder.
You were breathless by the time he pulled away. "Good girl," he finally exhaled, his own voice airy. Somehow, that made you feel worse. You wanted him to hate it as much as you should've. "You like this, don't you?"
"I…ah," you panted, trying hard to conceal the depths of your desires because you were revealing more and more as he went further. You were fucking seconds away from reaching out and grabbing his cock through his pants and begging him to fuck you since you hadn't been touched by a human for a long time, let alone a man, and this thing in front of you had the power to make you momentarily forget everything, despite being the very reason for your need to escape reality. Then something occurred to your mind.
You couldn't explain why you did what you did next. You would ask Gods later. But at that moment, you were so overcome with a tsunami of emotions that you reached up and bit his tattooed neck. Hard, and you didn't care, just bit harder. Maybe you wanted to hurt him back, give him a taste of his own medicine, make him feel whatever you felt.
Regardless of the reason, he didn't take kindly to it. His hand wrapped around your throat, exerting pressure as he forcefully pushed you back, simultaneously tearing himself away from your body. He was squeezing tightly, but you couldn't care less. You felt justified. If he killed you here and now, at least you could say you left one last mark on him.
He growled low, a sound of frustration and an unnamed emotion that eluded definition. "I'm beginning to think you like to be punished, which means I'm just going to have to do better."
Before you could react, he hoisted you up, effortlessly tossing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"Fucker!" you snapped, your fists pounding against his back as you thrashed your exposed legs. You were not a potato.
A sharp smack to your ass was his only response. "Love, the wind can do more harm than what you're doing."
"Want to see my teeth again, asshole? I'll sure to grab your ugly face this time."
"Keep telling yourself that, but deep down, we both know this face is making you wet," he retorted, amusement coloring his words. Snarling, you resented his fucking unruffled calm. And because he was not entirely wrong. No, dumbass, he was wrong. He must be wrong.
More curses flooded out of your mouth, but they were cut short when he dragged your body down his front until your legs were wrapped around his waist, and he was cradling you to his chest. Oh, fuck this. You lifted your hands to scratch his face, maybe do a little eye-gouging, but instead, you just squealed. He swooped you backward, your stomach bottoming out as he set you on the bed, flat on your back. Your robe came undone, leaving you inadequately covered when he hovered over you, his arms positioned on either side of your head as he braced himself over you. You swallowed, tears pricking your eyes. "What a gentleman! Letting me look at your obnoxious face as you murder me," you mouthed off, forcing the words through your tightened throat.
You really needed to shut the fuck up. But you couldn't seem to stop yourself. Apparently, when you were in a life-threatening situation, all you could manage to do was make it worse. While some might perceive it as fearlessness, you could only assume it as an act of sheer stupidity.
Balancing himself with one hand, he reached behind him with the other. As you prepared to unleash more insults from your mouth, his arm emerged, revealing a tightly gripped gun.
Another audible tick of your teeth later, you were back to being choked silent with fear.
"I told you not to run away. I told you to follow the orders," he stated, his tone bled dry of emotion. "Typically, I would choose to crack open your skull and forcibly implant the words in your brain, but it seems you require a different method to learn your lesson."
"Okay, I'm sorry," you rushed out, your eyes widening as he pointed the gun at your chest. "I-I'm really, rea—"
"Shh," he hushed. "You're not sorry yet, love. But you will be."
A myriad of thoughts ran through your head on what you could possibly say to get out of this. You were sorry clearly, wasn't good enough. "You're going to shoot me?"
Your bladder threatened to explode, and knowing that you might die in a puddle of pee brought tears to your eyes. A bewildering cocktail of emotions engulfed you. Fear had gripped you tightly, its icy tendrils coiling around your heart, as you found yourself trapped in this fucked up situation. Yet, amidst the suffocating grip of fear, there was a grotesque sense of fascination. You couldn't deny the perverse allure that came with the feeling of being trapped, as if a part of you savored being confined, even as it elicited a thrilling sensation. WHAT? What the fuck was wrong with you?
"You gonna taste this gun one way or another," he responded, his tone dripping with impatience. He punctuated his response by dragging the gun down through the valley of your breasts. The weapon continued its way down your stomach, stopping at the edge of your robe's tie. "Will you take the bullet or the gun?" As he inclined his head, his neck tattoos stretched, emphasizing the presence of the pulsating veins that wound their way towards his enigmatic mind. Meanwhile, the small golden loop on his left ear playfully winked at you while he patiently awaited her response.
"Are you fucking serious?" you panicked, your hands gripping the ends of the tie tightly, the fabric moist with sweat. He must be kidding, right?
"I was going to take it easy on you, but when you act like a rabid puppy, you leave me with no choice but to tame you," he said, tracing the tip of his gun along the edges of the robe. "This is your last chance, or I'll do as I see fit."
Your lip trembled, and a single tear slid down your temple. "Please, don't do this."
He cocked a brow, and the act was damning. He appeared so damn unimpressed with your pleas, causing another tear to trace the path of the first. You had to survive, didn't you? You had to endure long enough to witness this man's demise with your own eyes, didn't you? It couldn't hurt that much, could it? Just focus on counting, fixating your gaze upon the cracks in the wall, and listening to the faint chirping of crickets emanating from the pipes.
You gulped and answered, "I-I'll…"
"You'll what? I need you to be loud and clear."
"Y-your…your gun…" you stuttered, words all dropping dead on your dry tongue.
"What about my gun?" he inquired, sliding the weapon beneath the tobe and directing it towards your bellbottoms. " Say it, love. Utilize that sharp tongue of yours that knows how to hurl curses."
With your eyes tightly shut, you released your grip on the tie, your hands trembling. "I... I'll... I'll take the gun."
"Take off your robe," he ordered, moving back a little. "Now!"
Sniffing, you finally listened. Hooking your thumbs into the robe's belt, you undid the tie. You fought the urge to cover yourself. Because you knew that the act of hiding would bring him greater delight than being almost entirely naked before him. He dug the thrill of conquering through struggle, and you were determined to deny him that win. You were only able to slide it a little before the muzzle of the gun got in the way.
He took the hint, grabbed the robe, and harshly moved it aside. More tears followed suit as you stuck your thighs together.
"Open your eyes and look at me."
You did as he said; your gaze got tied with his. Yet, as you stared into his eyes, you noticed something unexpected. No hatred, resentment, or even lust reflected in them. Instead, it was a vacant look devoid of any deeper meaning. It dawned on you that violence was his only language, his sole response to the world around him. He had not learned any other way to navigate life. Perhaps the only bright spot in his existence had been his beloved, cruelly taken away.
Maybe, but maybe in a parallel world, you thought, he could have been a different person—a better person, surrounded by love and family. In that alternate reality, you might have looked at him with a second glance, for his eyes, the deep azure pools, his lips, and his face were reminiscent of something celestial, qualities that angels themselves would possess, not those cast out from heaven.
Vash's touch shocked you back to reality, causing you to startle, as if you were about to leap out of your own skin. You had to beg your bones to stop shaking.
"Next, your hands," he commanded, jerking his gun to emphasize his directive. Reluctantly, you moved your arms away from your body and let them drop onto the sheets with a huff.
"Stunning," he murmured, his eyes tracing over the curves of your body. He leaned over you again, his mouth kissing the last bruise he left on your shoulder. "Do you know what these mean?" he whispered, pressing another gentle kiss to a different spot on your skin.
You shuddered beneath his touch, electricity sprouting from the point of contact and dancing across your skin. You didn't answer, but he didn't seem to mind. "Those marks," he stated with a sense of ownership, "signify that you belong to me."
The tip of his tongue darted out, trailing your flesh as he moved down towards your breasts.
His teeth pierced the nipple of your left breast before you could finish your futile plea. You gasped, squeezing your eyes shut as he left another mark on your skin. "Now, whenever you see these, you'll remember me," he said, claiming your body for his own.
Once satisfied, he moved to the other nipple, leaving his own hickeys on your it. And all you could do was just take it.
When your body was well and abused by his teeth and tongue, he lifted and forced your thighs apart. You strained against him, but it only hurt you in the end. He was too strong. With a firm grip on your waist, his clothed forefinger traced the delicate crease of your groin, starting from the juncture of your thigh and trailing downward towards the very center of your being.
Before his finger reached your clit, he tantalizingly ran it up and down your engorged vulva, coming perilously close to your pussy. The sensations were overwhelming, and you felt deeply ashamed as you realized your body was responding to his touch. You wanted to cover your face because you knew he was feeling your body's betrayal.
"You're drenched," he rasped out, his lips still wet from his saliva. The sweet Vash with kind eyes had vanished entirely.
"That's called discharge! Your stupid ass wouldn't know that!" you snapped, hoping your lie would shoo him away.
He responded with a smile. "As much as I hate to say this to you, I'm no stranger to a woman's pussy and what it feels like when it weeps for me."
Your eyes widened. So this fucker had slept with women too? It seemed he had explored every possible avenue. Disgust curled your lip as you retorted, "Last time I checked, most girls weep because they're upset. Maybe you should take a hint."
He let out a chuckle. "Love, that's exactly what I'm doing."
With a firm grip, he spread your legs apart, baring your pussy to him, where the arousal glistened from within. He muttered a curse under his breath as his eyes hungrily devoured every detail of your being. Another tremble of your lips had you biting down on the traitorous flesh.
With one finger still positioned on your pussy, he raised the gun to your face with his other hand. You flinched back, squeezing your eyes shut and letting loose a startled yelp. "Calm down," he reassured you, his tone strained. "I just want you to suck it."
It took several seconds for his words to register. To process that he didn't pull the trigger and you were not dead. As the comprehension dawned, your eyes flew open, and you shot him a fierce glare. "Why the hell—"
He tapped the gun's tip against your mouth, effectively cutting you off. The remainder of your words dissipated into thin air as he glided the gun across your lips, almost as if he was painting them with lipstick.
"Suck," he ordered, his tone deepening with finality. Closing your eyes against more tears, you opened your mouth and obediently opened your mouth, allowing him to guide the gun between your teeth. You squeezed your lids tighter as you twirled your tongue over the cold metal, cringing from the nasty taste.
"My good girl," he said, pulling the dripping gun out, a trail of saliva following until it snapped.
Your entire body locked when the cool metal slid against your clit. You flinched against the foreign touch of an incredibly dangerous weapon. A wave of pure terror washed over you, and it took all your strength to keep from full-on sobbing.
Holding a gun to your head was far less intimidating than it being held between your legs. A gunshot to the head would bring instant death, but this? This would be slow and painful. Torturous.
He leaned in, close enough for his warm breath to caress your core. You raised yourself, yearning for a clearer view. At that moment, he met your gaze, peering up at you through his long, thick lashes, his perfect blue eyes sparkling with delight.
As you parted your lips to question what he was doing, he stuck out his tongue, saliva pooling to the tip and dripping off onto your pussy.
"Seems like you can never be too wet, can you, love?" Sitting up, he traced circles around your entrance with the gun, the metal slipping against your skin.
What if he shoots you mistakenly?
"Oh, my God, please do—" This time, your words were cut off as he pressed the gun past your folds. Just the tip, but enough to close your throat, only allowing a startled squeak to escape.  
He laughed cruelly. "Don't hold back. Moan if you want."
You'd snap at him if you weren't frozen solid. You couldn't look away. Helplessly, you just watched him push the gun inside you, your rounded eyes barely processing what you saw and felt. Everything so fucking surreal.
Slowly, he worked the gun inside you, eliciting both pleasure and pain. You clenched your jaw, shuddering from his ministrations but refusing to make a sound. You were determined not to grant him the satisfaction.
He gradually worked the weapon halfway in before retracting it to the very tip, granting you a brief moment to catch your breath. However, that respite was short-lived as he buried the entire barrel deep within you. Your hands clenched the sheets as you sucked in a sharp gasp and let your head fall back, unable to bear witness any longer, drained of the strength to endure the sight.
This was so, so fucked up. Beyond fucked up.
As the gun pulled back and penetrated you once more, a noise did slip through as a wave of pleasure rocked through you. FUCK!
"Good girl," he breathed. "Now open wider, love." His free hand nudged against your thigh. Without a thought, your thighs instinctively parted further. Another praise, but you barely heard it over the beating of your heart.
"I can feel how tight your pussy is. The way it clings to my gun when I slide it out—exquisite."
You bit your lip, but it wasn't enough to hold in the forthcoming moan. Or the one after that. You could hear the suctioning and slurping noises as he fucked you with his gun, and shame filled you in response. The embarrassment nearly overrode the fear. But neither was more potent than the pleasure your body was compelled to submit to.
When he angled the gun in a particular way, he hit the spot inside you that sent your eyes to the back of your head and an unchecked moan to slip free. He growled in response, further fueling your arousal. Your back arched as he skillfully continued to target and stimulate that pleasurable area.
Your hole grew impossibly tight, biting into the gun barrel when his gloved hand gripped your thigh in a bruising hold. Your heart jumped when he leaned closer but only clamped his teeth onto your inner thigh. You cried out from the sharp bite, but it quickly morphed into a moan, sending waves of ecstasy coursing through your body as he hit that spot again.
His mouth sucked your thigh, and his movements quickened until you felt the familiar stirrings of an impending orgasm settled low in the pit of your stomach.
"Please," you begged but didn't know what for. He relented, briefly tearing his mouth away, only to clamp down again, this time lower but still frustratingly distant from your center. Too far away. Sadly far away.
"Tell me what you learned, love," he demanded, looking up at you, his mouth wet from his biting. The sight made your heart drop deep into your belly, right to where the gun was driving into you.
"Not to bite you?" you guessed, your voice trembling as if you were high. He answered by biting your thigh in a punishing grip. You cried out, the pain blinding. He loosened his jaw, allowing the pain to blend with pleasure.
A primal, guttural sound slipped out as he thrust the gun deep. "Are you going to make me ask again?"
You opened your mouth, but no answer came out. Your silence allowed you to hear his warning loud and clear. He cocked the gun.
"Okay, okay, fuck," you relented with a terrified hush. "I-I learned not to run away from my cage." Those words brought tears to your eyes because uttering them aloud made you feel truly trapped by this man.
"Who owns your life, love?"
You closed your eyes, resenting the lie on the tip of your tongue, ready to spill forth just like the tears streaming down your face. "You," you whispered, the bitter taste of the words clogging your throat.
A battlefield raged in your body.
One part of you craved his touch, longing for him to make you come. Meanwhile, another part of you harbored a dark desire, wishing for him to turn the gun upon himself and fire it.
You glanced downwards at him and noted how he was staring at you. And you had the terrifying realization that he saw through your deceit and didn't believe your lies.
"You have ten more seconds to come, love. No more chances after that," he warned before nipping at your thigh again. "Rub your clit."
You hesitated. The last thing you wanted to do was allow this man the satisfaction of making you come and, even worse, helping him do it. In your mind, he didn't fucking deserve it. And though your body was strung tight with desperation for release, your mind rebelled against the idea.
"Now," he shouted, his eyes blazing with something carnal and dangerous.
Muttering a curse, you reached down and twirled your fingers over your clit, too scared of the potential consequences. If it was between orgasming and getting shot, you were going to have to choose the option that would cause the least damage.
"Good girl," he whispered. It took two more thrusts of the gun before you were propelled over the edge, your ass shooting clear off the ground as the orgasm ripped through you. You were screaming. You could feel the sound vibrating the muscles in your throat and turning it increasingly hoarse. But you couldn't hear it. Not when your entire being was consumed in fire and ice, and you could only see a blissful heaven.
The gun worked inside of you faster and deeper, drawing out the orgasm until you were literally begging for it to come to an end. He ripped the weapon out of you, and your thighs snapped shut instantly, sealing off the remnants of your shameful orgasm.
You were left a shuddering mess from the aftershocks as the waves of pleasure subsided. Meanwhile, his body towered over you. Through your half-lidded eyes, still jerking from the little shocks, you glanced up and met his gaze. His face broke into the broadest smile you had ever seen on his face, and you noticed he had dimples.
He had fucking dimples.
He was easily the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen. And you wished you'd never seen it. Because something inside your heart was being torn apart, and it felt like fear, it tasted like panic, and you didn't know how to understand the image in front of you.
You didn't want to see Vash like this. You vehemently refused to perceive him as anything other than a monster. This wasn't right. Your body was full of rage, humiliation, and shame—you knew this. But it was like your brain couldn't process those emotions, so it was just choosing to feel nothing at all. Was this what trauma did? Knowing that you had been violated, yet your body opting for a state of numbness instead?
The silver cross sprung from his shirt, diverting your gaze to the scar it adorned. "Lick this clean," he said, placing his gun onto your bared breast. "I can't use this when it's dripping your cum."
Like a magic trick, he pulled his body back, and every heat you had in your veins disappeared. With one last lingering look, he stood up and turned his back to you, his hands probably adjusting his pants. Then he began to walk leisurely toward the wall, floorboards creaking beneath his weight. Not even a passing glance was spared in your direction. Probably you didn't exist for him anymore. He had taken what he wanted, reducing you to nothingness.
As he neared the worn-out brick wall, his hand delved into his pocket, retrieving a cigarette. With practiced precision, he placed it in the corner of his mouth. His fingers trembled as he reached for his lighter, or perhaps it was merely a figment of your imagination. Anyhow, he poised himself to ignite the flame, preparing to immerse himself in the disgusting cloud of smoke that would soon envelop him.
You moved without thinking, your hand wrapping around the sticky gun. You would never lick this shit. You stood on your feet, not caring about covering yourself. The second he realized what you'd done, he backed away, raising his hands in surrender—the stupid cigarette dangling between his lips.
You pointed the gun right at his fucking head, and all you wanted to do was blow it off. All you wanted to see was his brain exploding beneath the bullet. Because you were not looking into the face of the man who could easily steal your heart under different circumstances. You didn't see him at all. You only saw a faceless man who took what he wanted from you, and you let him. But now you wanted him to fucking burn for it.
Tears built in your eyes, your vision blurring. The gun was vibrating from how hard your hand trembled, but he stood close enough that you'd strike accurately. Whether the bullet hit his head, his throat, or his chest, you didn't care.
"Love," he whispered.
You squeezed your eyes shut, forcing the sweet but stupid, stupid and stupid whisper out of your head. You didn't want to hear it.
"I haven't done anything to you." You voice cracked. "How can you hurt me like this?" Your eyes burned from the tears welling up. And within seconds, they spilt, running down your cheeks. It seemed like orgasm had pushed your feelings out with itself.
And he seemed to realize it too because a subtle change reflected in his eyes. "I asked you to stay away from trouble," he murmured, his voice so soft. "Why don't you listen to me?" He bared his teeth, his own ire flashing in his eyes. "Do you think I enjoy hurting you?"
"I do!" you shouted, thrusting the gun at him. You sucked in a sharp breath as a sob climbed up your throat. He nodded slowly, a glimmer of understanding replacing the anger that had once flamed in his eyes.
Deep down, you knew better. You knew he wasn't angry with you. He was angry because he was helpless. Hopeless. A goddamn lost cause. Because he would never be the same, and he knew that. But what he didn't know was what to do with it.
A sob escaped your throat, but the rage persisted. He slowly stepped towards you, like approaching a frightened animal with vicious teeth. His eyes didn't stray from yours as he advanced, and you were so close to slipping back into that paralyzing hold he had on you. Then he was right before you again, pressing his lips into the gun barrel.
"Does this make you feel powerful?" he murmured.
Another sob broke free, but you didn't lower the weapon.
"Does this make you feel free?"
You scowled but couldn't muster the courage to respond. You couldn't articulate what it made you feel—you just knew it made you feel something. You stared at the gun in your hand, at the smooth, heavy metal, and you were surprised to find that you enjoyed the way it nestled within your grip, like an extension of your body. It didn't frighten you anymore.
You could stand still in this moment forever.
"What you seem to have forgotten," he snarled, "is that I am already a dead man. I died months ago. So go ahead, pull that trigger, love. End the remaining fragments of my existence. I am nothing but a hollow vessel."
You broke and screwed your eyes shut against the flood of tears, but it was like putting a flimsy piece of paper over a bursting pipe. Agony etched across your face, consuming you completely. "I don't want to be here," you choked out, barely getting the words out before a gut-wrenching sob tore through your trembling lips.
"Let me help you—fuck love, just fucking kill me," he bit, his voice breaking. He opened his mouth, and the barrel slid in. His lips tightly closed around the gun, his eyes staring at you, begging you.
Pull the trigger.
It wasn't fair, but it was becoming harder and harder to look at Vash and blame him, too. You were beginning to revert to that weak, thoughtful part of yourself that was convinced your life wouldn't be such a goddamn shitshow if your father didn't come barreling into it.
But no! You would no longer let your emotions get in the way. You were supposed to play this game by its own rules. So if it were your turn to shoot, you would do it.
No hesitating. No understanding. Just pulling this little trigger.
To your dismay, there was only a vacant stillness, a blackhole that swallowed your hopes and replaced them with a rising tide of unease. Your chest resonated with the thunderous cadence of your own heart, the loud thud filling your ears as you refused to accept the defeat. Ignoring the gnawing doubts gnarling at your mind, you pulled the trigger again and again and again.
Click. Click. Click.
The sound of the emptiness mocked your growing desperation.
A cold sweat bead on your brow as you stumbled backward, your body shaking with disbelief. Your eyes widened in horror as you stared at the gun, and when your gaze met his face, your world unraveled further into a maelstrom of darkness. His lips contorted into a wicked grin, now devoid of the innocence and sadness he pretended to have. The sight sent a tremor scurrying up your soul, your skin prickling with a nauseating blend of aversion and revulsion.
"You taste fantastic, love" Vash's voice slithered with a perverse delight as he savored the moment, his tongue caressing his lips in a vile display. His hands, tainted with malice, raked through his disheveled hair. Then with an ear-splitting crack, he twisted his neck, relishing in the discomfort he inflicted upon himself. "You hate me enough to try pulling the trigger four times?"
Your blood ran icy as his words seeped into your consciousness, a sting as bitter as poison. Suffocating the room, his laughter took on a haunting quality, a symphony of evilness. Each note of his amusement revealed the true nature of his depravity, shattering the fragile illusion of triumph you once held.
"Did you really think I'll leave you with a loaded gun?" Then as if to prove how simple-minded you were, he reached into his pocket, extracting the sixth bullet with a perverse flourish. He presented it before you, a diabolical offering that sealed your fate. The weight of that one extra little bullet pressed down upon you, an oppressive force that smothered any remnants of hope.
"Game over," he declared, his voice dripping with finality, each syllable a nail in the coffin of your aspirations. The room contracted around you, a claustrophobic arena that confined you to this sleepless nightmare. "You've got balls."
Your eyes snapped up, your mind working quickly to fit all the pieces together, and he was gaping at you, staring at you in a way that was entirely foreign to you, in a way that said he was utterly, absolutely amazed. You were not sure if he was proud.
But the fact that the gun was empty the whole time was a kick in the gut. No. It was a gun in the cunt.
"It… empty…bullet…" Stuttering, you turned to look at the bed, sheets still wet from your heinous climax, and then yourself, every inch of your body bare to his disgusting gaze.
Fingers coiling like vipers ready to strike, Vash extended his arm, reaching closer to your slumped figure. As his hand reached you, he guided it downward with deliberate precision, his touch a phantom of sweetness. You remained motionless, your body as still as a fragile porcelain doll, your spirit hollowed out by his relentless torment. You offered no resistance, Your limbs heavy with acceptance. It didn't have a meaning anyway. This was his playground, and you were nothing but a worthless pawn.
The room held its breath, like you when you thought his fingers were headed for your hole again, only to find them closing around the gun with an ironclad grip.
He leaned closer to your ear, whispering, "You're far too naïve. I would never take even the slightest risk of losing my favorite toy."
Your eyes got shot closed, your lips pressing on each other as he planted a kiss on your temple and walked out without any more words.
You opened your mouth, and you screamed. You screamed and screamed until your voice cracked beneath the pressure. Until you feared your throat would shred from the force. You wanted to crawl outside of your body so desperately. Just so you could escape this feeling. No. You wanted that gun loaded with bullets to turn it on yourself.
One last shout ripped out of your throat, this one so full of pain that brought you to your knees. You crumbled. The raw sound tapered off, fading into a hoarse, staccato cry. You sucked in a deep breath, filling your lungs with oxygen you didn't want, but you were too lost in your grief to scream like you wanted to.
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I know this one-shot kinda doesn't make sense, but I'd be damned if I hadn't done it.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 1 year
Oh I like the jealous reader fic you wrote! Can we get another one, please? Maybe this time it's Marilyn x fem student reader where the rumor mill of Nevermore speculates that Marilyn and Larissa are dating and reader is devastated by it, because she's secretly in love with Marilyn. One day she walks into Jericho's café and sees Larissa and Marilyn sitting together, maybe Marilyn is laughing at something Larissa said but reader mistakes it that they're on a date and runs crying back to Nevermore. Marilyn notices that the reader seemed upset and didn't even order anything just took off so Marilyn goes to reader's room to check on her and is horrified to find a sobbing reader packing her bags.
Reader at first won't tell her why she's leaving but possessive Marilyn in her desperation tries to stop reader from leaving and ends up on top of reader on reader's bed and confessions and rough smut happens with jealous reader biting Marilyn's neck and shoulders. Thank you thank you thank you!
Yesss!!!! Here it is!!!! I hope you like it, and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :))))))
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill x  Fem, Student! Reader
Warnings: Smut, jealous reader, possessive Marilyn, manipulation
Word count: 4,575
Summary: Your friends are the rumor’s factory at Nevermore, One day one of them made you to feel terribly bad, one about the woman you loved…
 N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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“Hey, (Y/N), are you with us?” Enid, your classmate, asked. You shook your head, snapping out of the little fantasies you were projecting in your mind. You smiled and nodded, pretending you hadn't come back from a far away place.
“What's wrong with you lately?” Yoko, another of your best friends asked. You frowned, pretending you had no idea what they were talking about.
“I don't know, what's wrong with me?” You asked, sitting down on that wooden bench. The two girls looked at each other with raised eyebrows.
“Yoko and I have the impression that you are hiding something from us,” Enid said, crossing her arms. Your other friend nodded, reaffirming that sentence.
“I'm not hiding anything, I'm like an open book,” you lied on purpose.
It's not that you were doing something wrong, or something that had to be kept secret. Nothing of that. You were hiding some feelings that had begun to form little by little inside you, and that you did not want to tell. Feelings of appreciation, admiration and yes, love.
“Hello girls,” Your botany teacher, Marilyn Thornhill, said, shyly approaching the place where you were.
“Hello Ms. Thornhill…” Your companions sighed. You just smiled, seeing what she had in her hand.
“Here, (Y/N), I found the book of rare desert plants you asked about the other day,” she told you kindly, handing you that little book.
“Tha, thanks,” you stammered, trying not to get nervous when your hand lightly brushed against hers.
Yes, she was your secret love. You loved that woman, your teacher. She seemed the kindest and kindest person in the world to you. You spent many hours studying botany to stand out in her class, to make her notice you. You got it. All of her questions were directed at you and you managed to answer correctly. You even stayed with her one afternoon, helping her to water the plants. You wanted to spend as much time with Marilyn as possible. You needed to be close to her.
Naturally you understood that your love was impossible, that she shouldn't feel anything for you. You didn't care, it was enough for you to dream what a relationship with her would be like, clandestine or not. You thought how it would be to caress her skin, to kiss her lips.
You thought about it in the dark, in the solitude of your dreams and thoughts. You weren't going to let anyone find out, especially not your friends, the undisputed queens of Nevermore gossip.
“Don't forget the oasis section, there are some species that you can't see anywhere else,” the redhead told you, pointing to the book that she had just handed you.
You obviously didn't care much for the desert plants, you did care that she had bothered to look for that book, and that she was giving it to you.
“Oh, how interesting,” you said, falsely leafing through the book, desperately trying to get her to stay a few more seconds by your side. “Where is it?”
Marilyn walked over and turned the pages. She was very close to you, you could smell her perfume. You had to fight against yourself not to close your eyes and enjoy that feeling.
“Let's see… Here it is,” she murmured, pointing to one of the pages. You looked up and smiled again, grateful, and captivated with love.
Marilyn returned your smile. Your imagination went too far, it even made you believe that you could see the same brightness in her eyes that yours had.
“There is no rush to return it to me, take your time,” she told you, moving away a bit. You nodded again, under the watchful eye of your gossipy friends.
“Thank you, Miss Thornhill,” you whispered in a small voice, watching how the redhead walked away, but not before turning her head towards you and smiling again, tenderly, even somehow shy. You were so obsessed that you almost had a heart attack when Yoko snapped her fingers in front of you.
“Hey, desert plant, wake up,” she told you, pushing you gently. You glared at her and snorted.
 Enid moved a little, when she saw that the redhead had disappeared from her field of vision.
“Girls, come, I have rumors,” she said, gesturing for you to approach her. You both obeyed, even if it seemed a bit absurd. The three of you were at one of the tables in the quad, there was enough distance for no one to hear you. Enid liked the show too much.
“We already know Enid, Bianca and Xavier have broken up,” you said, rolling your eyes. She shook her head, smiling mischievously.
“No, no, it's something else…” She said, whispering. Yoko nudged you.
“Let it go once and for all,” the vampire said.
“Well, it's not official at all, okay?” She started. Yoko and you looked at each other.
“Like all your rumors, Enid,” you said, joking.
“The fact is that they say that Miss Thornhill and Principal Weems… Well, that they are together.”
Your heart stopped. That couldn't be, it just couldn't be. Of all the absurd rumors that Enid spread, this was one of the ones that sounded the most credible to you, to your utter disgrace.
“But what are you saying? That's not true,” Yoko said, laughing. You didn't say anything. You kept your gaze fixed on the ground, thinking about that horrible statement.
“Yes, I'm telling you,” Enid reaffirmed. “They are always together and smile a lot.”
“Are those your proofs?” The vampire questioned.
You kept quiet, fighting for the tears that were forming in your eyes not to come out. You didn't want to believe it, but as much as you searched for images in your head, only the apparent confirmation of that rumor appeared. Enid was right. Marilyn and Larissa spend a lot of time together. You saw it as a simple friendship, a normal working relationship, and you were also aware of the distrust that the other teachers had in the redhead due to her normie status.
From that moment on, nothing you had seen seemed to you a coincidence. An overwhelming anguish began to weigh too heavily on your chest. But you couldn't scream, deny everything. You had to shut up and act as discreetly as possible.
“I think it's true,” the blonde said, looking at you. “(Y/N), what do you think?” She asked you directly.
“I…” You stammered, trying in vain to erase the horrible images that had begun to form in your head. “I, I don’t know.”
“Are you alright?” The vampire asked. You shook your head, getting up from that bench in a hurry and walking to your room.
You cried uncontrollably into the pillow. You had assumed that a relationship would never be possible. But that she might have a lover never crossed your mind, someone who had her heart. Just thinking about it made you feel weak, sad, and powerless. You had no right to get angry, to hit the furniture and tear the curtains. She didn't belong to you, she never did and she never would. You had no choice but to accept the facts, to assume that this rumor might be true, and learn to live with it. Maybe to try to forget about her, to turn the page.
You were only fooling yourself. Forgetting about her was something you were simply incapable of.
You began to wander aimlessly through the halls, like a ghost, a lost soul. That ridiculous rumor made you depressed. You no longer stayed with Marilyn after class, you no longer asked her for books, to help you with your study. You had moved away from her. Not because you didn't love her, in fact, you felt more love than ever, more because of a feeling of irrational resentment that you had when you saw Larissa, when you saw them together.
Your friends also noticed that change. They insisted on asking you what was wrong with you, but after many questions and no answers, they decided to just support you in whatever it was that passed for your feelings.
“I confirm, Natalie is with Bob,” Enid said, while she tirelessly typed on her phone.
“Great, another fact that I didn't need to know,” Yoko said, joking.
Like every Saturday, you were in Jericho, enjoying a delicious smoothie at Weathervane. You continued with a downcast look and with little desire to discover the couples that were forming around you. Many nights you thought about leaving. Leave Nevermore so you can forget about her once and for all. Everything around you was starting to go wrong. Your grades... Your hours of sleep... It was a malevolent spiral that each time dragged you more and more to the dark grounds of depression and hate, yes hate.
The little bell rang, drawing your gaze. You wish there had never been a bell.
Marilyn entered the cafeteria, but she didn't do it alone. She did it with Larissa. Your fists clenched as did your lips. At any moment your teeth would hurt you. You were furious
The two women came up and greeted you politely.
“Hey girls, enjoying a nice fall afternoon?” Larissa said, placing a hand on your shoulder, which you immediately pushed away.
“We're fine, thanks,” you said in a brusque and not very polite way. The woman said nothing, she just raised her eyebrows and went to sit at a table. The redhead stared at you for a moment.
“Are you alright?” She asked with a soft tone, which seemed to you the most false in the world. You looked at her with anger.
“Yes, I'm fine, thanks,” you said, measuring your words a little. Her eyes prevented you from hating her as much as your heart asked.
She looked at you strangely and also left, dedicating another serious, unfriendly look.
“Uh, (Y/N),” Enid said. “What had just happened?”
You crossed your arms, without answering.
The minutes passed in silence. It seemed to you that fate itself was playing some tasteless jokes on you. Marilyn and Larissa were in your line of vision.
You were getting more and more nervous. Enid didn't help you at all.
“What do you say now?” She whispered, pointing to the two women with her head. “Do you still think it's just a rumor?”
“I'm going to order something,” you said, getting up, not wanting to hear that conversation again.
You went to the counter, glancing sideways at the redhead and her companion. You leaned back, feeling the vein in your neck bulge with anger.
A too familiar laugh reached your ears. You turned your head. Marilyn laughed affectionately at a comment the principal said to her.
That was too much for you, too much to bear. You could survive on the possibility that the rumor wasn't true, that it was just a fabrication. But you had just confirmed it, that shy laugh did it. You couldn't take it anymore. Tears ran uncontrollably down your cheeks.
At that moment it was very clear to you. You had to run away Run away and don't look back.
You ran out of the cafeteria, not caring who saw you, what your friends thought. You ran to Nevermore in an inconsolable cry. It was crazy, but you couldn't see any other solution. You had to get out of there, as far away as possible. To another city, another country, another world.
You didn't stop when you got to school. You collided with your colleagues, who told you and asked things that you could not decipher. You had only one objective, to get to your room, pack your bags and run away, regardless of the consequences.
You abruptly opened the door and grabbed the suitcase you had under your bed, without stopping crying, sobbing. You could hardly think straight, throwing whatever you caught into the luggage.
You didn't even hear your door open.
“(Y/N), what are you doing?” Marilyn asked, looking at you with wide eyes. You turned your head but looked away immediately. She was definitely the last person you wanted to see.
“Go away,” you said dryly. You were acting like she was to blame. It wasn't like that, it was your fault for falling in love with who you shouldn't.
“I've seen you run out of the cafeteria, it seemed to me that you were... Are you crying?” She asked, approaching you and stopping when she realized that you were packing your suitcase. “Are you going somewhere?”
“I told you to go…” You sobbed, while you closed the suitcase. “You don’t care.”
“Of course I care, I'm your teacher,” She told you, smiling ironically. “I can't let you leave school.”
“I'm of legal age, I can do whatever I want,” you said defiantly, looking over the top in case you had left something important. She looked at you horrified. Marilyn surely didn't recognize the adorable girl that she would blush when she smiled at her.
“But what's wrong with you, (Y/N)? You've been avoiding me for days, ignoring me as if I didn't exist and now, suddenly you say you're leaving school. Forgive me, but I would like you to give me an explanation, what's more, I demand you an explanation,” she told you in a dark, authoritative tone.
“Since when do you care about what happens to me?” You asked furiously.
“You don't care about anything, you only care because it's your job. I'm leaving because I don't want to see you again, do you understand? I'm leaving because of you!” You cried.
“Because of me? What have I done to you?” She asked offended, in a tone as loud as yours.
You were going to answer, but you regretted it at the last moment. You were already humiliated enough, you didn't need to confess your feelings, it would be ridiculous.
“Nothing, forget it,” you said walking past her, hitting her shoulder on purpose.
A strong grip on your wrist prevented you from continuing to walk.
“Do you think I'm going to let you go just like that?” She told you, pulling you, maybe a little abrupt.
“Let me go!” You yelled. You couldn't do anything. She was holding you very tight. It was going to leave a mark on your skin, sure.
“Not until you tell me why you're leaving,” she growled, forcing you not to escape.
“I'm not going to do it!” You screamed enraged, crying and feeling how you stopped trying to get away.
“You're earning a visit to Principal Weems, young lady,” the redhead said, loosening her grip a bit.
That comment was what you needed to completely lose your mind. In an act too brazen and infamous, you violently pushed the redhead, knowing that you would not be expelled if you escaped from there. Marilyn backed away, shaking her head, clearly surprised.
“Go visit her, you're looking forward to it,” you hissed, picking up your suitcase.
“My dear, you're not well…” She whispered, with a surprised look but with a slightly dark touch.
“You're right, I'm not well, and that's why I'm leaving, so I'll stop bothering you,” you said, heading towards the door.
“Wait!” She snapped. “Don't go, please, let's talk about things, okay?” She asked a little calmer.
Tears fell on the wooden floor as you took the doorknob with your hand. Your attitude, that discussion, didn't make any sense. You had pushed a teacher for having a personal life, for something she was not to blame for.
The redhead changed her expression again and ran towards you, slamming the half-open door shut loudly.
You were going to protest, to scream in rage, to let out all the anger that you still had. You couldn't say a word. Unexpectedly, Marilyn lunged at you, grabbing your jaw between her fingers, squeezing it so hard that you closed your eyes.
“Listen to me, you brat...” She hissed, leaving aside her peaceful and kind appearance. You tried to free yourself from that grip, but it was impossible. “You're not going anywhere. I don't care if you are of legal age...”
As she spoke she took small steps towards where your bed was located, pushing you, without releasing that strong grip. She didn't seem like the same person.
When your legs collided with the bed, she kept pushing, dropping you onto the mattress.
“No one plays with me, (Y/N). Don't think I'm going to let you go,” she said with contempt, climbing on top of you.
You were paralyzed, blocked, you didn't know what was happening. Would you have gone crazy? Surely you had been there for a long time, too long.
“What are you doing?” You asked, leaving the cockiness and anger aside. You were a little scared by that sudden change in attitude, but also strangely pleased.
“I'm the one who asks the questions, (Y/N)…” She whispered to you, putting your hands above your head, immobilizing you. “Why do you want to leave? Why do you want to leave me alone?”
That question surprised you, she left you speechless.
“W…what?” You stammered, earning her grip to tighten even more.
“Answer, (Y/N). I thought we were friends, that we had complicity. I'm so alone here... and you want to leave, leave me and you don't even want to tell me why.”
“I don't understand you…” You whispered, shaking your head, trying not to make her hurt you anymore. “You have… You have Larissa.”
“Larissa? What are you talking about?”
“You are… You are together…. Everyone says so…”
“What a nonsense...” She said, finally letting you go and standing upright on top of you. The heat you felt on your hips caught your attention. You would never have imagined being like this with her, much less in those circumstances. The absurdity of that moment made you even dizzy.
“I thought that…”
“Well, you thought wrong, (Y/N). Don't tell me that's why you wanted to leave…” She said with a tone that even seemed a bit mocking to you.
You had no choice… You had to tell the truth. Well, you nodded with tears in your eyes. She smiled, as if she somehow knew that this was going to be your answer.
“Oh really? How sweet…” She sighed, caressing your cheek. You were embarrassed and humiliated, but you were under her, she was caressing you. You didn't know how to feel. “Don't think that I didn't know you had feelings for me, (Y/N), you don't know how to hide them very well.”
You shifted under her, uncomfortable. You would know you weren't the most discreet girl in the world, but you wouldn't think she would suspect. You didn't say anything, you just looked away from her. Marilyn gently moved your head so that you would look into her eyes again.
She seemed calmer.
“Enough, please,” you sighed, sobbing again. She smiled again, before leaning down and placing her lips on yours.
It was such an unexpected gesture that you even made an attempt to move away from her. You didn't think that was happening. Surely you were dreaming. You would wake up in the sad and dark reality that your life had become. That did not happen. You opened her eyes and her lips were still on yours.
After a while she moved away looking at you with satisfaction.
“Do you still want to leave?” She asked. You, with wide eyes, shook your head. You hadn't stopped to think about that strange tone earlier. It seemed as if the idea of you leaving made her get really mad. She even scared you a little. “Very well, honey, I like it that way, I like you obey me…”
After whispering those words in your ear, the redhead began to move her hips against yours. Your breathing was disordered and nervous, but the sensation that you were beginning to feel began to calm you down, or almost.
“I don't understand anything…” You whispered softly, while the redhead attacked your neck and grabbed your hair.
“Shut up, you'll start to understand it soon,” she told you, putting your hand on her mouth.
Her movements were getting faster and her kisses were getting more and more intense. You decided not to think anymore, you decided to let yourself go, while your shirt climbed up your shoulders before you knew it. A wave of passion invaded you and it was you who launched yourself into her, kissing her intensely, surprising her. You noticed how she smiled against your lips, she seemed pleased, it seemed that it was what she was looking for, but you didn't know for how long.
Desperate gasps began to fill the room. Your roommate could enter at any time, but even that didn't matter to you, you only cared about running your hands over her body, marking every inch of her skin with your kisses. In a second you became rabid, wild. Like unfortunate visions, the images of those false rumors would attack your mind, making you become aggressive. Luckily Marilyn seemed to enjoy your anger, your hatred.
“You really want to make me yours, don't you, (Y/N)?” She hissed, while your mouth had no mercy on her neck, kissing it, biting it as if your life depended on it. That amused her. You wanted to dominate her. Stand your ground and make her see that neither Larissa nor anyone else could touch her, could breathe the same air as her. You were cheating yourself. You were right where she wanted, the way she wanted.
“I… I love you…” You said without thinking, panting, biting and kissing, while a relief in your chest left evidence of the sudden disappearance of your bra.
“My girl... How cute you are... What a good girl... You were so angry because you thought that mommy didn't pay attention to you...” Marilyn whispered in your ear, while her hand played with your breasts, which caused her to moan.
You opened your eyes and analyzed those words. You would never have thought that a woman so cheerful, so kind, and so innocent would be able to talk like that. You didn't care. It was you who was under her, no one else. Not Larissa, you.
“I love you…” You sighed again, while her kisses slowly went down your bare chest. Every word you said, every desperate confession amused her, made her laugh. If you had known before...
“You say you love me, but you wanted to abandon me, to leave me alone,” she said with a tone of false sadness.
It might seem to you that there was some emotional blackmail in her words.
“I didn't know you had feelings for me…” You excused yourself. The tears came back to your eyes. You felt guilty, she made you feel guilty.
“You didn't know…” She repeated, sighing, stopping her movements and looking at your half-naked body.
“I… I'm sorry… I really didn't want to leave. I couldn't stand seeing you with Larissa and…”
You could not continue speaking. A slap crossed your cheek. You screamed from the blow and rubbed the injured area. She looked at you compassionately.
“Don't repeat it again, (Y/N). You're so blind... You can't see beyond your jealousy...” She told you, grabbing your hair and raising your head.
“I'm sorry…” You said again, while your pants slipped off your ankles, under her watchful eye.
“Calm down, (Y/N),” she told you, with a soft, somewhat disturbing tone. “I will teach you to behave properly.”
After those words, her abrupt and violent attitude returned. She grabbed you, flipping you over onto your stomach and pulling down the only piece of clothing you had left. You widened your eyes in surprise, suddenly finding yourself too exposed. That was not your plan. Your plan was to make her yours. You turned your head to see what was happening behind you, but with a sharp slap, Marilyn moved your head back down, pulling your hips up.
You were nervous, noticing how her hands passed through your buttocks, purposely ignoring your crotch.
A loud slap echoed through the room. You screamed and spun around again, earning yourself another even stronger slap.
“Stay still or I won't touch you,” she threatened you.
You nodded, grabbing the sheets from your bed. Finally, as if someone had heard your pleas, her fingers slipped through your wet folds, traversing them with painful slowness.
“Please…” You sighed, wishing the torture would end. You no longer cared about making her yours, you preferred to be hers, you preferred that she dominate you, that she be the one demanding fidelity from you, you realized that you didn't have to worry anymore.
“What an impatient girl…” Marilyn whispered, as she slowly inserted one of her fingers into you. “So wet… My little jealous girl…”
You moaned, closing your eyes at that sensation. You were suffering from the slight contact, but enjoying because it was hers, because she was the woman you were in love with, the one you loved. You were soft, weak, but you didn't care anymore.
“Do you want more, my love?” She asked ironically, scratching your back. You agreed. Obviously that wasn't enough for her. “Say it, (Y/N), beg me, beg mommy.”
“Please… Mommy… I want, I want more…”
After a little chuckle, Marilyn complied, thrusting another finger inside you abruptly, unexpectedly. Your moans increased her intensity, while you felt the hard thrusts of the redhead.
She was not delicate, nor affectionate, she was abrupt, nervous. She didn't want to make love to you, she wanted to make you hers, she wanted you to want to stay by her side and never leave. She was panting as you pressed your face against the pillow. She was very intense, perhaps too much, it was hard for you to suppress the sensations you felt and not scream, not go crazy.
You couldn't take much more. As your body began to move uncontrollably and the spanking on your bottom became faster and more frequent, you squealed with pleasure, tensing all your muscles, releasing all the anger, all the tension and all the absurd jealousy that tormented you.
"Are you calmer?" She asked, gently running her hands over your back.
You were shaking, it was hard for you to breathe, to catch your breath. You turned and nodded, throwing yourself into her arms, holding her lovingly, with all the love your heart had for her.
The redhead pushed you away roughly.
“What are you doing? Do you think we're done?”
You shook your head. Of course you weren't done.
In a quick manner she grabbed your hair, bringing your head under her skirt, between her legs. She didn't even bother to remove her panties. She just brushed them aside so your tongue could taste her bare skin.
It was the same as with you. Rough, full of little emotional blackmail and mean questions. You wanted to be superior, but you couldn't, you had to surrender to the power and control that her body had, that her kisses, that her hands had on you.
When she broke free, she let go of you, letting you fall back.
“Do you still want to leave, my love?” She asked with a dark look. You shook your head, looking for your clothes. You were in your room, a room that you shared with your friend. She would arrive any minute, you had to get dressed.
“(Y/N),” Marilyn told you, getting your attention. “Don't ever try to leave again.”
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brandwhorestarscream · 3 months
ah yes i meant who confesses!! O.O
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Yeah, the whole situation is just s big recipe for a sadness cake
Picking up where we left off with Thundercracker, he makes it maybe a week before he can't stand it anymore. He tries to be polite but reserved with Skywarp, but it hurts. He misses their conversations, misses their games. Having him so close but an impossibility he can't grasp is the worst thing he's ever had to shoulder. Knowing that no matter what, no matter how hard he wishes it, Skywarp will never care about him that way breaks his spark
At the end of the decacycle, instead of Thundercracker coming to visit, Starscream and Skywarp recieve word that he won't be in attendance today. He's gotten himself sick, and is in no condition to be travelling.
Of course, he's not actually coming down with anything. He's perfectly healthy, but it was the most surefire way to get his aerie's matriarch to let him stay home. He's locked himself in his suite, glumly re-reading one of his favorite books in the hope it will distract him or perhaps help clear his mind. No dice.
Imagine his surprise when, out of nowhere, who should appear on his balcony other than his fiance? Starscream's come bearing some healthy white crystal flowers that sparkle in a rainbow of light, and in the extinct flower language, they were often used to wish for good health. It's a terribly sweet gesture and it pushes Thundercracker over the edge.
Star's not at all expecting him to start crying--desperate, wheezing sobbing like his spark has shattered. He's never heard Thundercracker cry like this: in fact, he's never seen Thundercracker cry at all. It startles him, and immediately makes him worry: something is so very wrong with his fiance. He hesitantly comes to sit beside him on the berth, winding one arm around him snd letting the blue seeker sob into his shoulder. It all comes spilling out like he can't quite control his mouth: how desperately he wishes things could go back to the way they were, it's all his fault, he didn't mean to, he's so sorry but he just can't go to the palace and face them both, not when he's so in love with both of them but knowing neither of them will ever really love him in return!
Starscream freezes while he's carrying on: it's the first time he's ever heard Thundercracker say that he loves him. Loves either of them. This is an arranged bonding and love was nothing but a fantastical whim. A childish dream. But, if his fiance actually harbors warm feelings for him, then...
It means he has a chance!
That evening, during a secret rendezvous in Thundercracker's private chambers, the prince and his fiance share their very first kiss. It leaves them both breathless and starstruck, caught in each other's optics and unable to break a spellbound stare.
"...I love you, too," a quietly whispered promise. "Please, return to the palace tomorrow. We'll figure this out."
Thundercracker shakily agrees, still mystified and floating on the high of his first kiss. Maybe... no, definitely, he can do it now. Even if Skywarp wants nothing to do with it, if he can bask in his fiance's affections, surely that will be enough. This arrangement is no longer a loveless dredge, but an actual relationship. Or, well, it can be! Will be! If Skywarp can't love him back, then at least he knows he'll have Starscream.
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mj-iza-writer · 9 months
Whumpee whimpered as Whumper ripped the collar from their neck.
"I don't want you anymore", Whumper yelled.
Whumpee began to cry, "please don't leave me, I'll do better."
Whumpee jumped awake, they had tears streaming down their face.
"Just a nightmare", they whispered and glanced at the clock. They saw Whumper, their master, sleeping peacefully. "Just a nightmare."
They sat up in the bed and pulled their knees to their chest. They quietly sobbed, making sure to hold their hand over their mouth to not wake up Whumper. They feared getting in trouble again.
Whumpee had gotten in trouble earlier that day. It was their first incident for quite a few months now. Whumper wasn't terribly mad, but they still had to correct the behavior... painfully.
They sat up the rest of the night. They couldn't sleep feeling like this.
Whumper glanced up at them early in the morning, "Whumpee what's a matter?"
"I-I had a nightmare, I couldn't sleep", Whumpee began to cry again, "I'm sorry."
Whumper sat up quickly, "why didn't you wake me up, you didn't have to deal with that on your own. Those are too big of emotions for a pet", they pulled Whumpee into their arms.
Whumpee sobbed, "I didn't want to disturb you master", they mumbled.
"You wouldn't have, what was the nightmare about?", Whumper stroked Whumpee's head lovingly.
"I dreamt that you had yanked my collar off and yelled that you didn't want me anymore. You left while I was begging for forgiveness", Whumpee leaned into Whumper's chest, "please don't leave me."
"Aww Whumpee, I would never do that", Whumper hugged them tighter, "you're mine forever."
"Can you, can you...", Whumpee stuttered.
"Yes Whumpee, what do you need", Whumper rested their chin on Whumpee's head.
"Can you tell me you love me, you never did last night", Whumpee whimpered again.
"I'm sorry, I must have forgotten. I must have been the cause of a lot of experiences for that nightmare to happen", Whumper sighed, "I feel bad now, between your punishment, not saying I love you. I caused you to have a bad night."
Whumpee breathed a shaky sigh, and nodded.
Whumper kissed Whumpee's head, "I love you Whumpee, even when I have to punish you. I love you."
Whumpee was able to relax a little, "may I have my collar on again please? You took it off for my bath last night."
Whumper released the hug to reach for the collar, "yes you may." Whumper clicked the collar into place, and jiggled the dog tags, "there you go."
Whumpee reached up and felt the collar. The familiarity brought a lot of comfort back to them. They breathed a sigh of relief.
"Here, how about we get breakfast started? You can have a rest day since you had a hard night. I'll be working from home today as well, so you won't be alone", Whumper wrapped Whumpee in another hug.
"Okay", Whumpee relaxed into Whumper's arms.
Whumpee curled up on the couch after breakfast. It wasn't long before they fell asleep.
"Whumpee I...", Whumper started to talk before going into the living room, "oh, figures you'd go right to sleep with a full belly."
Whumpee stretched through a snore.
"Aww my poor baby", Whumper sighed, "get some rest. You deserve it."
They pulled a blanket from the back of the couch and covered Whumpee.
"Enjoy your nap my little pet", Whumper grinned.
Whumpee stretched again, this time grabbing their collar, and holding onto it.
"Yes Whumpee that's your collar", Whumper whispered, and lightly patted Whump head, "I'm not taking it away from you."
Whumper grinned before leaving the living room.
Whumpee grinned in their sleep, happy dreams now.
Taglist, as always please let me know if you want to be added or removed. It's not a problem. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
Sorry I've been really wanting to do more pet whumps again. These are my comfort stories so I love writing them. -MJ
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chipadequeso · 1 year
something something into the woods and family and familial figures... i wish we had a child. into the woods to grandmother's house. mother said straight ahead, not to delay or be misled. just the two of us, just a few of us. children must listen. was i not company enough? i am home. who out there can love you more than i? you cant love somebody else's child the way you love your own. son, all is repaired. you are the only family i know. come with me please. i'm going to be a perfect wife/son/mother/father. we will not move, this was my father's house. why does he always cry when i hold him? i will care for him when he is older. i was just trying to be a good mother. i'll hide my son and you'll never never find him. children don't listen. children can only go from something you love to something you lose. ask a wolf's mother. good girl. back to child back to husband you can't live in the woods. he was sobbing over her like she was his own mother. it's his father's fault, so it's his fault, no, yes it is it's his, i guess. but i got it for my mother. i think my child will be happier in the arms of a princess. they disappoint, they disappear, in turn i fear, forget though, they won't. curses left by fathers you never knew. like father like son. cant we just pursue our lives with our children and our wives? my father's house was a nightmare, yours was a dream, now i want something in between. i think my mother and my granny would be angry with me. mother cannot guide you. no one is alone. truly, no one is alone. people make mistakes, fathers, mothers. someone is on your side. i have no one to take care of me. yes, ill be your mother now. i dont want a new mother, i want a friend (...and a pet). how will i go about being a father without no one to mother my child? be father and mother, you'll know what to do. wishes are children. children will listen.
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ncityavenue · 1 year
11:23 am !☆
(Haechan x black Female Reader ☆
Disclaimer: haechan mentioning offing himself but it's satire)
Haechan eased his way into your room with a poker face in slight mischief, he closed the door slowly behind his back.
"Wait so you just want me to wait here with it?" You heard a voice whisper to haechan.
"Shhh! Yes I won't be long just let me talk to her first." Haechan whispered back.
"Haechannnn what're you-" You got cut off, " what if I told you I jazz this house up a bit?" Haechan questioned.
"Uhm?it depends on what it is.." You say, haechan's smirk grew more.
"Well I think you'll like this one," haechan starts off "yo dream!" Haechan shouts, you were very confused on what was happened but it all clicked once you heard a bark and renjun brings in a small little brown yorkipoo (a type of poodle btw).
You were shocked and swooned as soon as you saw it, renjun placed the puppy on the floor and it immediately ran up to you jumping on your bed. It sniffed you plenty and lightly licked you.
"Oh my god haechan! I've always wanted a yorkipoo!" You exclaimed as you took the dog into your hands.
"I know that's why I've been saving up for, plus every since we've gotten together you have been whining about that." Haechan says, he walked over to you giving you three smooches on the lips–the last one being a bit more intimate.
You started seeing the dream members walk in, "sooo, what are we gonna name her?" Jeno asked.
"I say name her chenji, name her after the best duo ever." Chenle responds.
"Uh, no. This isn't even your dog." Jisung gestures towards us.
" name her something pretty like...Sylvia?" Jaemin suggested, haechan extended his arms to the sides as a way of stopping the convo.
"How about we just let her decide the name." Haechan says.
Mark scratched the back of his head, "Uh the dog name herself?"
"No dumbass, my girlfriend." Haechan pointed at you, a shiver ran down jaemins back "ooo, I still gotta get use to him saying that. "
"I know right, he's been bitchless for so long I sometimes forget he's taken and this not a random girl in our house." Jeno mumbled to Jaemin.
"At least I have a girl, you're still sweating over telling the person from our Chem class that you think they're attractive." Haechan states, you hushed all of them as you pet your new pet.
"I'll name her Blossom." You looked up at them for confirmation.
"Nahh that shi—" Chenle gets a hand put over his mouth.
"Chenle shut up, you can't come up with anything better. Daegal was the only good name you came up with everything else sucked." Jaemin defended.
"That's cute as hell, she can be nicknamed bloss,blossy,somi, yeah it's adorable." Jeno smiled going into his infamous eye smile.
"What about you haech- are you crying?"
"She's just- they're just– ITS TOO MUCH CUTENESS IM GONNA KILL MYSELF!" Haechan exclaimed as he sobbed in his hands.
"I mean they are pretty darn cute as a duo." Mark agreed as he took a couple steps forward scratching the top of blossoms head.
"Uhm someone inform haechan that he's sobbing over this, before he embarrasses himself more." Renjun chimes in.
"Just leave him."
"AIIGOOOOOO!!!" Haechan sobbed louder sliding down the wall now over exaggerating his cries.
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blindrapture · 26 days
FRIDAY JUNE 10TH, 2011 (Clearly Exaggerated)
2:37 AM Blackpool.
2:51 AM We’ve arrived at the marketplace.
2:52 AM Mistress is sitting atop her makeshift throne. She’s watching me. I don’t see Donnie anywhere. "You're very observant. You can see her after I've seen your journals." ……crap. The Rapture Duck ate my earlier journals. Mistress is coming down from her throne. She's laughing. She snaps her fingers, and puppets arrive holding a rather wet and wrinkly looking book. My journals from Spain. "Is that what you were talking about?" Yes, ma’am. I forgot Mistress can make her puppets do dirty work. And they’re always watching me, watching my every move. Mistress grabbed the journal and is now flicking through it. The light here is rather scarce. There’s a couple barrels nearby with fires in them, but other than that and the moon, there’s not really much light. Mistress looks disturbingly real under this light. Even though she’s just a marionette. She looks like she’s almost human. Almost. "Oh, just look at all this... I'm so pleased! You're such a good pet. 'The White Jester,' I'm impressed, you inspired an epithet! The name suits you." Th.. thank you. "God, all these descriptions of violence are making me horny. You sure know how to win a girl's heart."
3:00 AM She just made out with me. She made sure to do it for longer than last time, and with all the puppets watching. And one more person. She's pointed out Donnie in the crowd. Donnie’s oh my god Donnie’s thin. What the hell have these guys been dYES MA’AM Mistress wants to make sure I know who’s watching for this next bit. …oh god, Mistress, I can’t, no. "You. Me. Right here, right now. I promise I won't give you splinters." I really can't. I just got back, I'm gonna want to unwind... I really appreciate the sentiment, I promise, but I mean I've never even done it bef
6:54 AM Mistress says I’m amazing at that. Mistress says I can get more tomorrow night. Mistress corrected herself. Mistress says I will get more tomorrow night. Mistress wants me to go to bed now. Mistress will let Donnie go with me. Mistress says one last thing. Mistress kissed me on the cheek and said “Welcome home, White Jester.” Mistress is gone now.
8:41 AM It was a slow walk home to what used to be the tropers' house. Donnie looked at me for most of the walk. She looked to be in a lot of pain. And she looked sympathetic. I tried my best to return the look. Donnie’s in the bathroom now. She went straight in upon returning. My body is in a lot of pain. In retrospect, I’m glad I wasn’t allowed to keep writing in my journal for that. It’ll be easier to forget. Donnie’s crying. Donnie’s sobbing. I’m going to go see what I can do. I just.. have to. I owe it to her.
9:11 AM Donnie’s asleep now, next to me. I talked to her. I let her cry on my shoulder. I really feel like I owe her. I have no idea what they’ve done to her while I was gone. She won’t tell me. I respect that; I won’t pry. She just told me that she wished, when she came out of the bathroom, it would all go away. When we got into bed, Donnie started hugging me and still hasn’t stopped. I’ve got my arms free. But I.. god. I need to think of some way out of here. I need to get us both out of here.
5:40 PM Woke up at noon. Can’t remember the nightmare. It had something to do with last night.. and some event with my family. My arms were busy hugging Donnie, so I didn’t write it down. I think that’s for the best. Then I drifted off to sleep again. Donnie’s up now, which is why I am. I didn’t dream a real dream this time. I just heard Mistress’ clearly exaggerated sexual moans over and over again. Does she really enjoy the sex? Can you even call that sex? How would I even know? Can you even call me a good guy anymore? Can you even call me a human anymore?
5:49 PM Donnie and I are going out to look for a meal. Together. .w.
5:54 PM We agreed not to go towards the marketplace. We’re just looking nearby.
6:02 PM Restaurant. Raiding the kitchen.
7:40 PM There was food. Lots. We cooked some meals and sat down at a table for two. We talked. About happy things. I told Donnie about some of the fun I had, the new CDs I got, the SLCEMs, Jordan Versus the Minotaur, and how much I missed her. Donnie told me about a new dress the Mistress got her. It’s pretty. And.. blue. I like blue. We mostly spoke about our old lives, really. I talked about what life was like back when I used to live in America, all my old friends, my old schools, the video games I once played. Donnie talked about her life in Surrey, the evenings she’d spend with her mother, the volunteer work she'd do at Halliford, the days she’d spend out wandering through town for the sake of it… At one point, Donnie grabbed my hands and told me how she really didn’t know if I was gonna make it back or not. She didn’t know if I had it in me to.. kill people just out of no choice. She didn’t even know if she could trust me to come save her. As much as we get along, I haven’t even known her for a month. I told her she was completely right; I’m practically a stranger to her. I told her I completely understood why she’d be so afraid and hopeless. These are tough times. But the important thing is that I’m back. I mean, that is the important thing. ..right?
8:01 PM ..I killed those people. I killed a lot of people in that church. I did. I’ve done horrible things. I can’t imagine how much disgust Donnie must feel. I’m terrible.
11:01 PM ..Donnie gave me a hug. Randomly. Maybe she doesn’t hate me. But I’m still terrible, I am.
11:11 PM I wish I could redeem myself.
11:58 PM Knocking on the door. Checking.
(Attached: "The Harlequin once had a pet cat. She named him Cheese Puff, and he was orange and little. Cheese Puff loved cuddles. The Harlequin would take Cheese Puff to see the seaside, and she'd dream of getting a house on a cliff, waking up every morning to Cheese Puff licking her nose. But this was before he came into her life and made her promise her love. After that, she found Cheese Puff's feet in her backyard, curled up like little.. well, cheese puffs. She never found the rest.")
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
I have a couple of incorrect quotes to send for Jake, and y/n isn't a specific main girl. I hope you enjoy them 😂🩷
Y/n: Why are you burning our marriage certificate?
Jake: Good luck returning me without a receipt.
Aisha: y/n, we are getting sloshed tonight.
Y/n: [turns to Jake] That's all you, baby.
Marshall: I'll be four shots in with no food.
Y/n: In nine months, I'll be pushing a pumpkin-headed Jensen baby out of my hoo-ha. I think Papa can manage a few extra cocktails.
Jake: Well played. [downs two shots]
Y/n: [pretends to down a shot] Hakuna Matata!
Mrs. Buckminster: Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, I promise to create a safe, nurturing environment, full of learning, laughter and love so that even when we have to eat lima beans or we get a boo-boo on our knee, we know everything will be just fine. And do you know why?
Y/n: Because you're an angel sent from heaven?
Jake: I wanna bury my head in the safety of your bosom.
Mrs. Buckminster: Because Mrs. Buckminster is here.
Y/n: Ah, the search is over. Mrs. Buckminster, we just need to know your salary.
Mrs. Buckminster: Oh, delightful. Well, my weekly fee is...
[later, Mrs. Buckminster comforts a sobbing y/n and Jake]: There, there. I'm sure you'll find someone you like just as much.
Y/n: No, we won't.
Jake: Not like you!
Jake: y-y/n, y/n, y/n, no, no, no, no, come on.
Y/n: What?
Jake: Is it harder than we thought to be away from Marvin? Yes. But are we gonna have fun or are we gonna wallow in the corner like idiots?
[cut to y/n and Jake crying in the corner]
Both: [singing to a picture of baby Marvin on Jake's phone] Night, night, little Marvin Stars twinkle for you The Dreamland train's a-chuggin' All your dreams Will come true.
These are amazing! Thank you!
Jake & Reader are chaotic no matter what and I love them!
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larabiatasstuff · 1 year
Hey bestie I have a story request please 🤗 it poped into my mind earlier, please could you write a scenario about KK3 Terry? It's yours and Terry's wedding day, and just before getting your makeup done, your dad calls you to tell you he wont be coming or taking you down the isle! Your really upset, but John (who your friends with) makes you feel better and offers to take you down the isle instead? Giving you away to Terry, your wonderful new husband 😁 take your time bestie, love you 💚💚💚
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You're so creative Bestie 🙏 I absolutely love writing that for you 🤗 Love you too🖤
It should be the happiest day of my life. I was about to marry the man of my life, my best friend and soulmate. I was already dressed, my hair was done and the only thing that was left was my make up. I took a seat in front of the big mirror when the phone rang. Margaret who was with me all the time picked it up. "Hello? Oh yes of course." she looked at me "Y/N it's your father." she handed me the phone. "Hey dad, how is everything going?" I asked. I heard him sigh. "Well, sweetie listen I'm... I'm not gonna make it to your wedding." I felt tears built up in my eyes "But daddy you said you would make it on time, you promised..." "I know sweetie, but my flight got canceled and there's no way I can be there on time. I'm so sorry. It was always my dream to walk you down the isle and give you to your husband. I'll try to be there tomorrow okay? And please have a wonderful day sweetie. It's your wedding day. I'm so proud of you and I know Terry will be an amazing husband. I have to go now . I love you sweetie bye. "" Bye... " I said and the tears were running down my face." Oh my dear, what happened? "Margaret asked" My my dad will not be here today. His flight got canceled and... " I started sobbing uncontrollably. Then there was a knock on the door." Come in " I said. The door opened and John entered the room." Hey Y/N I... Hey why are you crying? What happened? " he asked crouching down beside me, putting a hand on my back." Well her father won't make it to the wedding and now there's no one who walks her down the isle." Margaret answered. John cleared his throat" Well, I know it won't be the same but... I can do that for you. If you want of course. " Iooked at him" What do you mean? "" Y/N, you, Terry and me are best friends for years. It's the least I can do for you. You were always there for me and it would be an honor to walk you down the isle and give you to Terry. " I couldn't say anything, I was so overwhelmed by emotions that I just pulled him in a hug." Thank you John, you have no idea how much that means to me. " " It's okay Y/N. How about this, you're getting ready and you call me when it's time okay? Terry will be surprised." I smiled at him. "Okay let's do this." I dried my tears did my make up and got ready for the ceremony. When I left the room John already waited outside and offered me his arm. I took it and we went to the entrance of the church, where the guests and Terry were waiting for us." Are you ready? " John asked. I nodded "Yes, I'm more than ready." then the music started, the door was opened and we slowly made our way to Terry,who was a little confused at first but wore the widest smile when he watched me walking towards him. He looked amazing in his suit and I had problems holding my tears back. When we arrived the priest asked "Who gives the bride to the groom today?" John took a deep breath "That would be me father, John Kreese. The brides father isn't able to be here today so it's me who gives her to her husband." Terry couldn't hold back and hugged his best friend real tight. "Thank you man. I don't know what to say just thank you ." then John took his place on Terry's side and the ceremony started. I was sad that my dad didn't make it but after all it was still the happiest day of my life.
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