#They could have polar bear cuddle piles!
kickingtheladder · 5 months
I think Niko should come back from her trip to the snowy spirit realm or wherever she is with the ability to turn into a polar bear because of the bear luck charm (And then she helps Tragic Mick turn into a walrus again because you never know when the good you do comes around)
But mostly I just think it would be very good for everyone to get into trouble and Niko to be dressed in her amazing adorable outfits and underestimated by everybody and then suddenly there's a fuck off big giant bear there instead
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
hc for a typical day off for hotch, prentiss, and little baby!jj? (feel free to make it as long as you want, I need jj content 😅)
Caregiver Hotchniss x Little Jennifer Jareau Headcanons
a/n: all of your requests are being filled do not fear but I just had to answer this one a lil quicker bc omg themmmmm. this also got so sidetracked but shhh I’m having fun
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Hotch totally has a plan for everything, they try to stick to it but do they really,,,,,,I think not
If it’s a day off and nice out they’ll probably go out somewhere fun for Jj, the zoo, aquarium, park, beach
Though the trios favorites are the zoo and aquarium
Jj likes to look at the penguins,polar bears and seals
Emily is a Tiger,lions,panda type of person
And Hotch is far too busy taking pictures to pay attention to anything other than the birds (guilty pleasure that he reads bird books bc of Gideon)
Emily teaches Jj how to scrapbook once they’re home but she usually gets pulled away from it to cook lunch or dinner
Hotch can’t cook, he can bake
Him and Jj bake fun animal shaped cookies for Emily if she makes dinner
They probably share a house at this point, Emily and Hotch taking up the master bedroom while Jj’s is the closest to them
Though a lot of nights she crawls into their beds and piles stuffed animals around Hotch while giggling with Emily
If a case is tough and they all have the next day off then they’ll stay in
Movies and board games that Emily somehow always loses
But she wins every card game unless she’s helping Jj cheat against Aaron
No matter if they’re inside or outside, Jj wants to be carried
Emily usually fits her to her hip, an arm under he and the other preoccupied doing tasks
Hotch gives piggyback rides like no other, he honestly doesn’t need to hold Jj’s legs because they’ve done it so many times
But Jj is just happy to be as close as possible to either of her caregivers
They cuddle at all times, physical contact is a must for all three
Emily is the most apprehensive about saying she wants a hug or to have Hotch just cutely kiss her forehead
Jj and Aaron can read her pretty well though, not saying a word and just shuffling closer to her
Surprisingly Aaron is the most vocal about wanting cuddles from either of his girls
Jj doesn’t mind saying she wants some too but in public she’s a bit shy
Her nature is shy and quiet in general but public always spikes her anxiety so her caregivers make sure to keep a hand held in hers at all times
Hotch drives in the car while Emily and Jj sit in the back
Prentiss use to sit up front with Hotch but didn’t like Jj being alone
They spend a ton of time in the car between driving to and from work or driving home from the airport
So it’s stocked filled with anything little Jj could need
Toys, blankets, snacks, hair clips (it’s always getting in the way), pillows, pacifiers, books— anything and everything
Hotch restocks the snacks every week or so since him and Emily always end up eating some too
Prentiss makes sure to wash the blankets and switch out the book so they aren’t re-reading things too often
Jj likes to help emily with the laundry, mostly just to get wrapped up in a dryer warm blanket
Late night car rides most likely end in Aaron carrying Jj to his and Emily’s bed (not even pretending that she’ll stay in her own)
While Emily checks the house to make sure the locks are secure and lights off, she does this every night anyway
The only time they wake Jj up after falling asleep in the car is if she’s in jeans or something uncomfortable to sleep in
Or to brush her teeth, most times Emily will do it while Jj struggles to keep her eyes open and Hotch chuckles behind them “totally not helping Aaron!”
None of them sleep in late, Emily use to but learned quickly that Jj and Hotch are up by 7am even if they don’t have a case
This prompts the family to go on early morning hikes that Jj adores and Emily drinks three cups of coffee to function through
But if Jjs staying at Garcias or Reid’s (rare but occasional) Hotch will stay in bed longer with Prentiss
Emily always reminds Hotch that this why she married him, he retorts that they aren’t married, she then half asleep proposes only to forget it in the morning (it’s Hotchs favorite thing)
Jj’s always extra clingy after a sleepover so maximum snuggles are in order as soon as she gets home
Not that any of them are complaining
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thatonebirdwrites · 1 year
Chapter 11 of my Book 2 (Excerpt of the Book)
Notes: This is an excerpt of my TLOK: Shared Moments Book 2. I thought this would be a fun one to share because Asami fretting about having a crush on Korra is cute, and Korra being adorable and not realizing she's flustering Asami is hilarious to me. This scene also exemplifies some of the changes I did to Book 2: Korra breaks up with Mako earlier, they investigate the Southerners that went into hiding, and it's the start of their Spirit Investigations. You can read the whole series here: Shared Moments.
Day after Winter Solstice, Northern edge of Wolf Cove
Asami had to admit that sleeping at Korra’s parent’s home made it easier to prepare for the journey with Katara, mostly because they had the sorts of supplies needed for polar expeditions. Items she would have never considered packing. After Korra had left, Senna had chatted with her about if she felt well enough for this - Asami would never admit she wasn't, far too stubborn for that -- and then they went through supplies. The woman was thorough and highly efficient. Each item Senna put in the packs she explained why, and Asami wished she'd taken notes.
The biggest downside to staying at Korra’s parents’ home was the awkwardness, especially when Korra returned grumpy, only to crash by the fire. Which meant Asami woke up next to Korra. As in, Korra had rolled in her sleep to cuddle by Asami’s side, one arm lazily thrown over her, while Naga curled around them both. The arrangement didn’t bother Asami. She found she rather liked it. It was how much she liked it that had her troubled. It brought back painful memories that she’d tried to put out of her mind for the past few years.
The second issue was her being between Korra and Naga. It didn’t exactly leave room for her to slide out easily, so although she woke quite early, far before the appointed hour, she found herself stuck between a very warm and fluffy polar bear dog and a very warm and cuddly Avatar. At least Korra had remembered to pick up her red bag and drop it within reach. 
Her clothes on the other hand were not within reach, so she hid under the pile of blankets, feeling increasingly self-conscious about Korra’s proximity to her and how she couldn’t even have the dignity of proper clothes for this arrangement. 
So she was left with little choice. 
She pulled her idea journal out of her bag and sketched the ludicrous situation. 
Her brain refused to focus on anything else, so it wasn’t as if she could work on her airship designs or anything productive. Asami was quite certain she’d laugh over this later, but for the moment, she was a trifle mortified that Korra’s parents had witnessed this arrangement and left it as is. Like nothing out of the ordinary. Totally fine for two women to cuddle each other and a polar bear dog. Which then left Asami wondering if there was something wrong with her for simultaneously enjoying this immensely and feeling mortified at the witnesses. 
Sighing, she stretched her legs a bit, glad to feel the pain mostly gone, and attempted to see if she could wiggle free. 
Korra grumbled and only rolled closer. 
So that wouldn’t work. Back to the sketch she supposed. Except now, with Korra nudged up so close that her breath was on Asami’s neck, her focus on drawing had scattered entirely. She set her pen in the journal and turned her head to look at the Avatar. Korra must have pulled out her wolf tails, as her brown hair lay in a halo around her head, and mingled with Asami’s own black hair. The firelight played across Korra’s brown skin, giving it a warm glow, and her thick muscles twitched a bit in her sleep, her arm still splayed across Asami. 
Did Korra realize how breathtakingly beautiful she was? Likely not as her hair needed a proper brushing, Asami counted at least half a dozen snarls. She was tempted to run her fingers through them to try to gently untangle, but would that wake Korra? They still had some time before they had to be up to prepare for the journey, and the past few days had been pretty intense for the Avatar. Asami didn’t want to wake the girl before it was absolutely necessary. 
Gently, she brushed some of Korra’s hair from her face. The touch seemed too intimate. She pulled her hand away and looked up at the ceiling. Painful memories she’d tried so hard to suppress trickled back into her mind. She recalled the one of the big fights she’d had with her father a year prior, when her father had found her lesbian romance book.
Her father entered the library, where she’d been reading by the windows. “Asami, we need to talk.” He held out a book.
Confused, she put down her current book, then paled at the sight of the other one. She snatched it out of his hand. “Why were you in my room?” The book was a romance between two women, a gift from Sana at the dojo where she practiced. Two weeks ago, she’d confessed to Sana how she often felt stronger attractions to women than to men, and it had resulted in the most wholesome conversation she’d ever had with a girl her age. Sana had gifted her the book a few days later. Asami had hoped it was a sign she had finally made a friend.
He pulled up a chair and sighed. “I wished to discuss an upcoming event with you. Why are you reading such books? It’s unbecoming of someone of your status.” 
“Because…” Asami realized she had no defense. She’d never considered her father finding the book. Her fingers trailed over the cover. “It was a gift,” she said finally.
“From who?” His voice was angry.
“Why do you need to know?” Asami shot back, defensive. He’d never cared before what she read. This reaction made no logical sense to her.
“Such a person will sully our reputation. I cannot allow you-” he started to say, but she interrupted him. 
“Father, this is ridiculous.” Asami stood, her tone switching to the socialite that the school had drilled into her. “The book was a gift, and the person who gifted it is inconsequential to your company. I am capable of reading whatever book I wish.” 
Her father’s face darkened. He grabbed her arm. “You are my daughter, Asami. And you must not let these idle fantasies distract you. Eventually, you will need to find a man…”
“No, I don’t.” The words were out of her mouth before she even realized she’d said them. Oh spirits, she hadn't meant to say that, and it wasn't like she didn't have some attraction to men. She just preferred women. Looking at her father, she was about to clarify but then stopped. The look on her father’s face, his shock and confusion, hit her like a block of earth to the chest. She immediately regretted her words.
He sighed heavily, his hand dropping to his side. “Perhaps I’ve been too lenient with you. This cannot continue. What you do reflects on me and my company. If you are to inherit my work, then you must not let this…. this… nonsense taint your mind.” 
“This nonsense taint my mind?” she repeated, flabbergasted. Anger overruled her regret. People like Sana weren't nonsense. “Same sex couples exist. Many get married and are recognized just like any other couple. It’s you who needs to adjust to our changing times.”
His shoulders drooped, and he looked suddenly much older. “I need you to focus, Asami. Future Industries' reputation requires both of us to do our part. We need to work together to continue to hold the spotlight, to continue to build a better world.”
Not that argument again. Last time he’d threatened to fire half the benders at the company claiming it was to build a better world, and that had turned into a yelling match. She was not doing that again. Pivoting, she marched out of the library. Her father called after her, but she ignored him. The walls of the mansion felt suddenly stifling. Tears stung her eyes, and she held the book tightly. Could Sana be wrong? Maybe queer couples weren’t as accepted by society as she had claimed. 
Asami slammed the door to her room, locked it, and dropped down beside her bed. She dug under it for a battered box and pulled it out. This was where the book should have been, but she’d been reading it last night under the covers. She placed it over all her drawings of women at the dojo. Grabbing her toolkit, she worked a floor board under her bed until it pulled up enough for her to shove the box inside. She carefully readjusted the board back to its original position, then climbed into bed and cried.
The memory incited a wave of anger, and now that she’d seen his journals, she knew he had been far along his path of hatred by the time that conversation happened. And to think it held such influence still! She’d dated Yanchen not long after that conversation, hated it, then tried again with Song, that also barely lasted a few weeks. Mako was the only one she actually felt some attraction, but that hadn’t gone well either. Trying to pretend that side of her didn’t exist certainly hadn’t worked as Korra kept distracting her by being so damn beautiful. Thinking about her father just added a layer of fury and grief as well as shame to the situation, and she hated how he haunted her still.
No, whatever she felt toward Korra, she shouldn’t let it distract. First, they needed to be better friends, then she had to figure out this mess with her company. Besides, it was unlikely Korra would ever like her like that anyway. She sighed and opened her idea journal. The rough sketch of the scene needed some polish, but she shut it instead, and laid her arm over her eyes.
This mode of thinking was not productive. She needed to be useful, which meant she needed to get into proper clothes and check their packs again, verify supplies. Asami shimmied closer to Naga, so that her back was to the polar bear dog’s side. Korra’s arm still lay across her, though she no longer was pressed up as close. Gently, she picked up Korra’s arm but paused at the thickness of her muscles. Asami would never get over them. She swallowed hard and carefully laid Korra’s arm between them. Korra grumbled, but she thankfully didn’t wake. 
Part one completed. Asami pushed herself to her knees, blankets slid off. Her body still felt sore, shaky, and now cold. Likely needed more food and water. She reached and grabbed her clothes then looked around. She had no idea where to go for a bathroom, though she vaguely remembered Senna helping her to a room where she could squat and wash with warm water. A lot of yesterday was a blur, most of it in and out of consciousness and sleep. 
Korra was still asleep at least. Asami pulled on her shirt and jacket. Leveraging herself against Naga, surprised the bear dog tolerated it, she pulled on her inner liner and pants, socks, and boots. It tired her, and she leaned against Naga, breathing heavier than she liked. The dog nuzzled her sleepily. She stroked her fur and wished life wasn’t so frustratingly complicated. Too bad she wasn't a polar bear dog, then she'd just hang out with Korra, and wouldn't have a failing company, a group of Southerners angry with her possible deal with Varrick, and that confusing and worrisome claim that her technology could make problems worse with the dark spirits and Northern troops. Problems that Asami had no idea how to tackle, and that irritated her even more.
Footsteps came from the side rooms. Senna entered wearing her furs. “Awake?” She spoke softly. 
Asami nodded. “May I wash up?” She was still sort of between Korra and Naga, her legs at least, and the blankets were a tangled mess at her feet.
Senna walked over and held out her arm. Asami grasped it and leveraged herself to her feet. She still felt a bit dizzy, her legs still weak, so she leaned against the older woman.
“How do you feel?” Senna led her into the side rooms past a room with a thick curtain and into the bath area. It wasn’t technically a bath per se, but more of a wash area and a place to relieve oneself. Senna pulled out some wash clothes and soap. 
“I feel better.” Asami ducked her head to try to hide her blush and burst of shame. “Was extra warm last night.” 
Senna smiled with a shake with her head. “You were shivering, even with almost all our blankets. Korra ordered Naga to keep you warm, then just went to sleep.”
“Is… she like that with others?” Asami asked, hesitantly. 
Senna shook her head. “No, but then, she’s never had such good friends as all of you. Thank you for being here with her.” Senna squeezed Asami’s shoulder. “Go get washed up. I’ll make breakfast.” Senna left the room and the curtain fell into place.
Asami looked down at the soap and water basin. Korra wasn’t like that with others? She had no idea how to process that information, so she put that out of her head. Turning on the spigot to warm up the water, she cleaned herself up the best she could.
When she left the bathroom, she kept her hand along the wall to steady herself. Being this weak was infuriating. To her surprise, Naga met her at the entrance to the side rooms. The dog waged her tail and nuzzled Asami again. Looking past her, she saw Korra sitting up and stoking the firepit. The girl yawned and blinked sleepily at Asami. 
“You sleep okay?” 
Asami nodded and wondered if Korra had purposely cuddled her or if it had been all done in her sleep. Okay, there goes her trying to put it out of her mind. She felt irritated with herself. Leaning against Naga’s shoulder, she pushed away from the wall. Her legs still felt weak and that prickly-numbness still burned faintly off and on. Naga seemed to understand and walked slowly back to Korra, while Asami kept hold of her to stay upright. 
“Huh.” Korra watched, surprised. “Naga, you’re such a good girl.” She reached out and ruffled the dog’s fur behind Naga’s ears. “Caring for Asami.”
Asami leveraged herself back onto the pillows using Naga’s bulk. “Does she do this a lot?”
Korra shook her head. “Only with me. Well, apparently you now. How you managed to charm my Naga is a mystery.” Korra laughed lightly. “Definitely a polar bear dog whisperer.” 
Asami looked off to the side to hide the blush again. “Did… you sleep okay? I… saw you slept out here?” That was the closest she would come to mentioning anything about this morning.
“Yeah.” Korra shrugged. “You were cold, and Naga's warm. I figured I’d sleep nearby. In case you needed stuff.” 
More than near, Asami thought, but she didn’t say it out loud. “Thanks for grabbing my things. Senna already packed our bags.” Asami gestured to the ones by the door. 
“I saw.” Korra poked the fire again then blurted, “I… I think I might have broken up with Mako.”
“You did?” That was not as surprising as Asami would have thought. 
“Yeah. I mean, I didn’t specifically say it’s over? But I guess I strongly implied.” She sighed. “We had a big fight. And he got all weirdly possessive and protective?” Korra flicked a one of the stones on the side of the firepit. “It’s just...” 
Asami pulled her legs up against her chest and balanced her chin on her knees. She wasn’t sure what to say. So she waited and looked at the Avatar. 
Korra looked up at her. “He got really insistent on coming with us. Demanded it. Said he needed to protect me. I don’t need that. And just… I said he couldn’t come. Why couldn’t he accept that? And, like, I didn’t want Dad with us on that South Pole trip, and Mako goes and tells him? He knew how I felt about Dad trying to dictate my training. Ugh.” Korra waved her hand at the fire in frustration. “I still care about him, you know? But I can’t figure out how to make it work.”
“Sometimes relationships don’t work out,” Asami said, softly. She felt like she ought to say something else, something more supportive, but her mind kept going back to this morning, even despite all attempts to shut that out of her mind. It left her feeling ashamed and off-centered.
“I guess. Makes me sad still.” Korra sighed and stood. “I’ll go wash up. Thanks for listening to me.”
“Always.” Asami watched her go to the side rooms. Korra really had no idea of how she’d woken up, did she? Frustrated with herself, Asami leaned her face into Naga’s soft fur. “Naga,” she whispered. “I can’t have a crush on her. It’s not right.” The dog didn't reply, but then she hadn't expected a reaction. She sighed and did what she’d done for years now. Shoved that side of her tighter into her heart and shut the door.
By the time they finished breakfast with Senna, Master Katara had entered leaning against a walking stick. “Good morning.” She smiled. “And I see Asami convinced you to come, Korra?” 
Korra looked up with a smile. “Good morning. And yeah, Asami’s pretty convincing.” 
Senna gestured to a pillow. “Would you like tea and breakfast, Katara? We have some left.” During the meal, Senna had chatted with them mostly about mundane topics like what Asami’s work was like and about life on the tundra. Asami had learned a lot about dog sleds, how to train the dogs, caring for them, and how they made the sleds. Then she'd learned there was eight clans within the Southern Water tribe, all focused on different styles of hunting and gathering depending on their location. Far more complex than her research had indicated.
“No, I ate already. Thank you, Senna.” Katara looked at Asami. “How do you feel, dear?”
“Better.” Asami put her down her tea cup. She stretched out one of her legs and winced a bit at the prickly feeling in the lower calf. “Still a bit shaky in the legs. Sporadic numbness, but it’s been fading.”
Katara studied her, thoughtfully. “I see. Korra, did Asami explain this journey?”
Korra nodded. “That there’s Southerners that can calm spirits, that the place is secret, and you are taking us?”
“Good. Senna, prepare Asami? I believe she needs better snowpants.” Katara looked pointedly at Asami’s black work pants. Even with its fur lining, the pants hadn't kept her all that warm, so she wasn't too surprised the older woman viewed them inadequate.
Senna nodded. “You’re a little tall.” She tapped her chin. “I have an idea.” She headed into the side rooms. 
Korra grinned and nudged Asami. “Your clothes got vetoed again.” Asami smiled back, sheepishly. She wished she’d gone out and bought better clothes the day before Solstice, but she’d been too frustrated and feeling anti-social to do much more than muck around her lodgings and work on plane and airship designs.
“Korra, load up your bear.” Katara nudged her with her walking stick. “And stop playing around.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” Korra jumped to her feet. She nearly tripped over herself to grab the bags Senna had packed and to tie them onto Naga’s saddle. Her dog shook herself but then sat on her haunches to allow Korra to attach the packs and saddle. The scene was almost comical to Asami.
Senna returned with thick blue snow pants. “Here.” She helped Asami to her feet, though Asami found herself leaning against Senna again to stay upright. Katara walked over to help hold her steady as she slipped into the snowpants. The length fit, but the waist did not, and Asami realized this was likely Tonraq’s. Senna quickly got to work adjusting the fit with her sewing kit, until the waist was snug against Asami’s own. “There.” Senna stood back, hands on her hips, to survey her work. “Not my best, but it’ll do.” 
“Wonderfully warm,” Asami admitted. Much better than her own. 
“Good. No more hypothermia for you.” Katara handed her the coats, and Asami donned them with Senna’s help. By the time she was ready, bundled up like an otter-penguin complete with a face mask, Korra had finished packing up Naga. “Thank you again, Senna," Katara said. "If all goes well, we’ll be back tomorrow at the latest.”
Which meant Asami would miss her appointment with Varrick. Part of her suspected that’d be so. She needed information, and Korra needed to learn more about her people. “Can you let Bolin know that I won’t make my appointment?” She asked Senna. 
The woman nodded. “Safe travels, all of you.” She took Asami’s arm and helped her outside. A dog sled waited, the sled part small with a seat and packs tied to the back of the chair. The artic dogs barked and yipped in excitement. Naga barked back and sniffed a few, who turned skittish. Korra pulled Naga away. Twelve arctic dogs in total, all roped together to the front of the sled. Asami had never seen one up close. 
Both Korra and Senna helped her onto the back of Naga, and Korra took the front. Asami realized she was going to have to hold on tightly to Korra’s waist to stay on. Great, that was not going to help her resolve to keep that part of herself shut off. Behind them, Senna stepped back into the doorway and held up her hand in farewell.
Katara settled into her sled, lashed down down her stick, and signaled her dogs with a few clicks. The sled hurtled forward, surprisingly fast. 
“See you soon, Mom! And please stay safe!” Korra waved at her mother. Asami did the same, then grabbed hold of the girl when Korra urged Naga into a jog to stay abreast Katara’s sled. So they were off into the unknown. Asami hoped desperately that this would help. Yesterday things had seemed so clear, but today she felt scattered, unfocused, and troubled.
Read the full story here!
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that-one-maple · 22 days
I keep having visions in my dreams of being pregnant while having a school age daughter and raising her with my polycule throughout and after the pregnancy (poly is biologically m-f-f preferred presenting f-f-f)
And i keep having vivid daydreams about things we'd do together, where we'd go, how we'd spend our time, both together in a cuddle pile, or each separate doing our own quirky things.
Its been weeks at this point and it hasn't stopped. Its left me aching and yearning for something i don't even have and can't have yet due to persistent health problems i have. I want her. I want my little polar bear and her rainbow light up shoes. I want my little baby marshmallow an to get halfway to making their baby blanket. I want to feel the kicks i want to feel the hugs wrapped around my legs, i want the little hands wrapped around my fingers, i want the little giggles as i bounce and sway them on my shoulders, i want to hear the happy squeaks and squeals, i want to hear the angry growling and see the drool everywhere on everything from a teething baby, i want to hear the excited shoe and feet tapping and the excited shuffle of knees and hands hurriedly crawling across the floor, i want to be up at odd hours tending to the baby, or comforting the toddler from bad dreams, or dealing with pregnancy sickness or cravings, i want to feel all of the labour's with no medications or interventions unless necessary for survival of me and the babies. I want all of it so badly i feel like I'm going insane.
I know I'm on a path to better myself mentally emotionally physically monetarily and spiritually and thats why i keep having these visions but it feels like torture because i know its still a long and far ways off before it could be a possibly considered thought by all three of us but i yearn for all of it so badly. I'm a foolish person for letting myself get lost in these visions and thoughts and wants and imaginings when i know there's a 90% chance of all of it never even happening in this lifetime of mine. But i give myself grace to allow myself to at least live in these visions with out a single care in the world and be completely contented and happy on all levels.
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
understanding that time : j.w
during your period, jeff decides to provide some comfort eventhough he’s partially clueless as to what is happening (900 words)
requested: yes by the sweetest anon, just some lovely fluff for a sunday  warnings: none that i’m aware of
all my links
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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Curling up in another blanket, you could barely move as another wave of cramps hits you with full force.
“Y/n?” You hum in response as Jeff shifts beside you, sitting upright as he notices your body tense up. “What’s wrong?” He asks quietly as you swallow the lump in your throat, tugging on the blanket covering you tightly.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry,” You attempt to brush it off, but as the words leave your lips your ovaries go into overdrive and a groan escapes you.
Now kneeling, Jeff sighs. “Well, it’s clearly something.” He states, catching you rolling your eyes as you shuffle to lie down. “Who do I need to hurt?”
Laughing lightly, you stretch your arm out and cup his cheek with your hand. “No one, I promise.” You mumble and reach for another cushion, hugging it against your stomach.
“Wait,” Jeff pauses for a moment before reaching over and grabs his phone. “oh baby, is it that time already?”
“Yeah,” You respond as you roll up into yourself, hugging the blanket closer. “it’s day one so mother nature is giving me hell.” A dry laugh follows, but Jeff furrows his brows, hating to see you in pain like this.
“Is there anything I can do for you?” He asks, his voice filled with concern as you bury your face into the pillow. “Erm, chocolates? A massage? Me to go away?” He suggests anything that comes to mind, yet you remain silent. “Are you alive in there?”
“I am,” Your voice is muffled by the cushion as your hair covers the cotton cover. “but it feels like I’m dying inside.” You add, and Jeff just nods along, still having no real idea what it is that happens to you every month.
“I know I don’t have a mensical cycle every month, Y/n, but if you need anything at all, just ask.” Jeff explains, and slowly you lift your head up, weakly smiling.
“It’s called a menstrual cycle, babe.” You chuckle, causing Jeff to scoff.
“I knew that.” He remarks. “Do you want me to go grab that hot water bottle that’s shaped like a polar bear?”
Nodding in response, Jeff peels himself from your side and rushes into the kitchen as Nerf follows behind him.
Whilst Jeff remains occupied, you lie back down on your back, but within seconds you rise to your feet and rush to the bathroom.
“-there’s only milk chocolate is that okay?” Jeff walks back into the bedroom, seeing you absent from the pile of sheets you were previously cocooned in.
As he steps closer, he can see a few spots of blood, and the sound of the toilet flushing.
Shyly, you emerge from the bathroom with your leggings in hand. “I’m sorry,” You sniff, dropping the leggings as you bury your face into your hands. “I’m a mess, I, I’ll just change and go home.” You explain, moving to bypass Jeff, but he holds his arm out, bringing you into his embrace instead.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Jeff mutters as he runs his hand over your hair whilst you cry into his chest. “we can clean it up, it’s no big deal.” He ensures as your cries ease ever so slightly. “And I’ve got some pants you can wear, they’ll be a bit big on you though.” He adds, feeling you snigger lightly.
“Are you sure?” You quietly ask, lifting your head up to see him smiling down at you.
“Of course, come on.” Jeff lowers his arm and takes his hand in yours, guiding you to perch on the edge of the bed whilst he rummages for some suitably sized pants. “Aha!” Revealing the pair, Jeff hands them to you and kisses your forehead. “You go get changed, I’ll sort this out.”
Disappearing into the bathroom once more, Jeff quickly removes the bloodied sheets and changes them with ease. By the time you’ve finished freshening up, the new bedding awaits you as Jeff hovers in front of it.
“I’ll go grab some snacks and tablets for you, yeah?” Jeff squeezes your shoulder before running into the kitchen, leaving you with a fresh face and easing cramps.
Unable to keep still, you follow behind Jeff to witness him frantically grabbing all sorts from his mostly bare cupboards. “Jeff?” You call out, crossing your arms over your chest as he pauses. “Can I just have a hot water bottle please?”
“I, sure,” Jeff stumbles over his words as he lowers his chocolate protein powder. Within a matter of minutes, Jeff secures the screw on the water bottle, now filled with hot water and passes it across to you. “come on, babe.”
Walking back into his room, Jeff keeps his arm around you until you both sit back down on his bed with you instantly humming in content. "This is nice." You mumble whilst Jeff grabs a glass of water for you.
“Now, wanna watch something, or just cuddle?” Jeff asks, but as he glances back at you, a smile crosses his lips at the sight.
You're now lying down, eyes growing heavy with ease as you snuggle closer into Jeff, barely able to form a response.
Chuckling to himself, Jeff lifts his arm up to tug you against his chest, feeling the warmth radiating from the polar bear in your arms as your breathing slows down.
“Cuddle it is.” He whispers, closing his eyes knowing you're okay - for now at least.
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
im a sucker for the chill moments so I went back and skimmed and blooms in spring chapter 11 dream and niki decide to cook together ^_^ and phil and techno are rattling around in the bg! that or another moment when techno and dream are cuddlepiling in bed with the animals could be cute. hope that helps at all! <3
ahhhh yeah! i loved them cooking together <3 <3 dream was really trying his best and niki was very helpful as well.
also, i love the animal cuddle pile. techno was really like 'you need help, have some foxes, a few dogs, and a polar bear and maybe you'll chill out' and he was RIGHT.
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megan-is-mia · 3 years
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(Yandere! Kalim Al-Asim x Selkie! S/o)
(Y/n) hated it here in Scarabia, she really did. She was a creature of the wide open sea and as far as the eye could see there was only sand. The selkie longed for the familiar embrace of the cold ocean water on her skin and the inviting darkness of the underwater caves she called home. Yet she would never again be able to see them as long as she remained a prisoner of a certain Al-Asim heir. He’d become infatuated with her after she saved him from drowning during a trip he’d taken with his family across Outcast’s Trench two years prior.
At the time she had thought nothing of her act of kindness to the young man. Saving wayward travelers over the trench was something she’d been doing since she was a wee lass. Yet her selfless actions had struck a chord in Kalim’s heart, or maybe he was just fascinated by what she was. After all, selkies like (Y/n) did not swim south to the mainland often to the point they were considered to be a myth like two-headed dogs and the boogieman. The young man had had a thousand questions as he stroked her sealskin. The selkie had tried her best to answer his questions best she could hoping once she had he’d finally leave her be. But he hadn’t, for it seemed for every question she answered he had another two ready to follow. He seemed particularly interested in how the only way to keep a selkie was by stealing their skin and hiding it away. (Y/n) grew wary at this and started creeping towards the water holding onto her sealskin as she moved. She was forced to rip the pelt away from Kalim’s grip in order to flee even as he called desperately after her. 
Two years passed without much trouble, then the boy had returned and trapped her in a net before stealing her sealskin from her. He took her home then, his home that is in the Land of Hot Sands and then onto Night Raven College where he spent his school year studying with (Y/n) by his side. Everyday while he was away at classes she searched for her stolen skin for only by reuniting herself with her property could she leave this place and return home without being in constant, excruciating pain at being away from Kalim. Today when he was supposed to be away at classes he was instead hanging around the dorm with the biggest grin on his face. “You’ll never guess what day it is, Pearly!” Kalim said excitedly cuddling up next to (Y/n) and pressing kisses all over her face. Reluctantly she allowed him shower her in affection as that was much easier than the alternative of being guilt-tripped by his tears and sniffles. “It’s my birthday today! In a little bit we’re gonna have a big old party and it's gonna be so much fun” he added, squeezing her tightly. 
(Y/n) let out a noncommittal grunt and allowed herself to be dragged along to the main banquet room where a feast was already laid out with a roaring fire at the center. By the fire was an object she remembered quite well even after months of not seeing it: her pelt! The selkie tried to make a break for it away from her captor but some nearby students stepped in to hold her down as Kalim made his way to the skin and held it up. “I wonder what would happen if I burnt this…” he mused, staring right at his darling as he did so. The young woman began to panic at this statement, throwing herself at the floor and scream-pleading for Kalim to stop, to not do what he said he would. Her words fell on deaf ears as the young man tossed the skin into the fire making (Y/n) let out a bloodcurdling scream as she felt a part of herself die with the skin’s destruction. After she’d gone quiet, she went limp making it no longer necessary to hold her back as she crumpled into a pile on the floor, weeping softly as she curled into a ball. “Awww Pearly, there’s no need to cry. That old ratty skin didn’t suit you anyways” Kalim crooned as he made his way back over to the selkie and stroked her back. “Besides I got you something new to replace it. It might be my birthday but I wanna give you a gift too” he added before snapping his fingers to signal for a parcel to be brought to him. He carefully opened it before draping its contents over (Y/n)’s shoulders. When she opened her eyes to see what it was her stomach twisted: polar bear fur, of course. “You look so pretty now, Pearly!” Kalim said with a smile forcing the girl to uncurl her body so he could properly fasten the snaps that closed the front of the coat and pull his darling selkie into his lap. “I knew the fur would look perfect on you, well everything looks good on you but that's besides the point…” he said after a moment before shaking his head. “Anyways it doesn’t really matter cause you’re still pretty even without anything on at all, and i’ll prove it right now” he finished before slipping his hands under her clothes… THE END
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Cuddling hcs for Kid and Law?
Eutass Kid is a strong captain, and as well definitely a strong man.
He's fought countless marines, countless of rival pirates, fought against Yonko Big Mom's (now ex) Sweet Commanders, and lost his own arm in a clash with the Red Haired Yonko bastard himself.
Eutass Kid doesn't 'cuddle'.
No he just likes to hold your body with his arm and lay his face on your chest (especially if you have tits) and sleep with a safety hold around you.
Not 'cuddling', body holding.
(Kid...that's like...the definition of cuddling)
In the beginning of your relationship, sharing a bed with him is kind of hard. He's a big guy standing at 6'8½ (205 cm) he tends to take up most bed space.
But eventually the two of you find your respective places where you're both comfortable.
One of his favorite cuddling body holding positions, besides just laying of top of you, is where you lay on his chest and and trace his scars, it gives him a sense of manly pride when you do this (and this way he has better access to one: grope your ass and two: if any moron (Heat, multiple times) decides to barge in on the two of you he has better access to use his devil fruit and fling his safety precaution scrap metal at them.
(Killer has had to scold him countless of times because if this)
But cuddling body holding is a really risky thing to do with Kid, he tends to fall asleep fairly quickly, probably something to do with feeling so relaxed next to you, so make sure that your in a comfortable position and you have your necessary supplies near just in case because when he falls asleep he can be really heavy to move.
The first time he fell asleep on you like that and trapped you underneath him so, to say the least, you weren't expecting it and it took countless of tries to get someone's help on the ship (Kid is also a heavy sleeper) Killer had to come to your rescue to push the captain off you.
So now one of your necessary supplies is a den den mushi on your nightstand.
On days that are really tough for the Kid pirates (most notably the day Kid lost his arm) does Kid drop the whole tough strong guy act and these are the moments where he drops his pride and tells you he just wants to stay in bed and hold you. In these rare moments that he sincerely holds onto and in a low voice he tells you:
"I don't care what fucking shitstorm we're going to go through as a crew, I'm making damn sure nothing happens to any of you. That doubles for you, (Name)."
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Law is...actually okay with cuddling.
Like, sure not out in public but in the private of your own shared quarters he's perfectly fine with it.
But the catch is getting him to stop his work to come fucking cuddle you.
You'll find yourself a lot of times sitting in your shared bed in the early hours of the morning, watching him from across the room at his desk scribbling away at his work knowing damn well the next time you ask him to come on to bed you'll get one of two answers.
One: "I'm not tired, go on to sleep."
Two: "This is a very important plan, (Name). If I'm going to take down a Yonko, I need to focus."
The man can be really difficult most times.
So it's up to you, a responsible human being, to drag him away from his work. Whether this be by giving him your best set of puppy dog eyes that he finds so adorable he can't say no to or having to physically pulling him by his arm out off of his office chair and drag him to the bed, him complaining the entire time you drag him across the floor but the moment his body hits that mattress, all arguments from him leave as overwhelming sense tiredness succumbs him and he feels himself relax.
Law is a traditional cuddler, he likes most positions where he can be the big spoon, where he can have a safety hold around your waist and rest his head against the back of your neck, the hairs of his goatee tickling your skin with every breath he takes.
However that doesn't mean he isn't against being the little spoon, he finds it oddly relaxing with you being behind him with your arms reached around him and your forehead being pressed against his back as your fingertips tap and trace at his tattoos on his chest.
Bepo sometimes has recurring nightmares about not being able to find his brother Zepo and usually when this happens he goes to Law's room for  comfort to sleep. So when the polar bear mink comes politely to you and Law's door with tears in his eyes to ask if he could sleep with the two of you, gladly expect for you, Bepo, and Law (who most likely abandoned working on whatever he was doing because the critical power of the cuteness of the two of you is too much to handle) to all become a big cuddle pile either on the bed or on the floor with many blankets and pillows.
There are nights shortly after Dressrosa where even when you have to drag him to bed and he's totally exhausted, it takes him a long time to exactly fall asleep. He lays beside you with a hundred different thoughts dashing through his mind as he watches you softly drift in your sleep.
In his mind he dreads all the ways he could mess up the plans to take down Kaido, all the outcomes that could put your life at risk and it didn't exactly help that Strawhat-ya was really reckless.
But somehow in your unconscious state you can feel his distress and in your sleep you flip around and tuck your arms underneath his and pull yourself close to him, every time without fail this manages to take him by surprise and feeling your security hold around him does he slowly start to feel himself breathing easier.
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lysmune · 4 years
You spend your day with Beelzebub, your night with Belphegor.
For the twins’ 2021 birthday. Fluff. Cute stuff for once. Time and memos. Attic Sandwich.
i: 8:00AM
      A tangerine sticky note on the fridge. He recognises that handwriting anywhere.
     ‘Happy birthday, Beel! There’s cake on the top shelf of the fridge and everything on the third shelf is yours. I hope you like the food, and here’s to a fulfilling breakfast.’
     It ends with a few hearts and a smiley face, and it makes him grin. He opens the fridge to find an array of delights: rice balls stuffed with salmon; pastrami (He thinks that’s what they’re called) sandwiches piled high; Madam Scream’s macarons; a generous bowl of cold noodles, whose toppings have been neatly packed into individual lunch boxes, and the chocolate roll cake that tops it all, stuffed to the brim with chocolate cream and decorated with fresh strawberries.
     All of this must’ve taken hours of preparation, and he smiles, touched by the amount of care, by the fact that you’ve thought of him.
     In return, he sits down and slowly, taking his time, savours all the food you’ve cooked for him.
ii: 9:00 AM
     Dressed in a new top and cargo pants, you kiss his cheek and wish him happy birthday in greeting before he responds by nuzzling your neck, arms wrapping around you, picking you up with ease and spinning you in a small circle.
     “Thanks for the breakfast,” he beams as he settles you down on your feet, though he never quite lets you go, pecking the edge of your lips quickly. “Going anywhere special?”
     You grin. “Anywhere you want today, Beel.”
iii: 1:00 PM
     Wherever he goes, you follow, hand in hand as you both stroll through Devildom with amicable chatter and many, many stops. The homeware stores are what catch his attention and he leads you into them pretty frequently, perusing the blankets, the plushies, the pyjamas, particularly fixated on the bear-patterned ones.
     “They’re for Belphie,” he clarifies, and he asks for your opinion, asks if you find anything that his twin might adore. It’s the lapis-dyed blanket, soft to the touch and patterned with polar bears and dots, that you pick out and Beel, without a second thought, without a question, purchases it. He apologises for dragging you through the process, but you squeeze his hand tighter in reassurance.
     “You’re sweet, Beel,” and he blushes crimson to the tips of his ears, smiling gently before he presses his lips to your cheek.
     With a slight tug, he pulls the both of you into the fluorescent-lit streets and you realise that he isn’t walking as fast as usual when he drops to your side.
iv: 3:00 PM
     “You’re not hungry, Beel?” you ask as he pops open a soda and he cocks his head to the side. “You didn’t eat lunch.”
     Oh. Now that I think about it. He supposes he hasn’t, which is just as surprising to him as it is to you; he’s never skipped a meal, not even by accident. He should be famished, on all accounts, but he’s strangely full. Maybe it’s because he’s had his sights wholly on you the entire day.
     “Do you want me to make you something?” you ask, to which he shakes his head, extending his hand out instead. You take it and he, making sure to be careful, pulls you to him, and he watches your brow crease with worry. “You okay?”
     “I’m okay,” he assures. This close, he smells you, sweet and honeyed, and he finds himself eyeing your lips. “Can I ...?”
     Laughter spills, then, “Of course.”
     Leaning forward, he captures you in a kiss, his hands resting on your waist while you clasp yours behind his neck. Orange on the tip of his tongue, the taste of bittersweet chocolate and coffee, and you, and it’s enough to make him feel a little warmer, a little light headed. For a moment, he pulls away to let you breathe before he returns for a second one, this time a little rougher, fingers hovering up and down your sides. He hums into your mouth, delighted as you tug and card through his hair, and he has to remind himself to be softer when he holds you closer, bodies flushed, bereft of distance.
     He lets himself linger when he breaks it off, your swollen lips barely touching his, your forehead against his as you let your palms rest on his chest, cheeks dusted red, the heat of it all near unbearable. So beautiful and he can’t help but kiss you again, light and brief this time, before he loosens his grip on you.
     “I like you,” he finds himself confessing as he gazes at you, raising his hand to your cheek. “I like you a lot.”
     “I like you, too, Beel,” you reply as you thumb a peck into his palm, pressing closer.
     ”I’m glad,” he replies, his voice soft, the sound of his heart loud in his ear. “I feel full whenever I'm with you, and you always make me really happy.”
v: 4:00 PM
     A pillow covered in white fluff with a pair of bear ears sewn onto two of the tips and a pompom for a tail, a violet sticky note tacked atop its head. Belphegor wants to laugh at the gift you’ve left for him, but he squeezes it to his chest instead, cuddling it.
     The stitch work isn’t perfect, he can tell. Ears lopsided, frayed bits of thread, meandering seams, and when the odd, perfect sew catches his eye, he’s sure it’s Asmo’s handiwork, not yours; he chuckles at the thought.
     Plucking the note, he leans back against his bed and reads it.
     ‘Hey, Belphie, happy birthday! I’m not the best at sewing, but I hope you like the bear pillow. Here’s to even sweeter dreams.’
     A heart and a few stars scrawled at the end, Belphegor can’t help but smile before he sticks your note on the wall beside him.
vi: 6:00 PM
     With a plate of today’s dinner in your hand, you knock on the twins’ door, calling out to him before you take a step back. You’re surprised when he greets you almost immediately, something he doesn’t do that often, considering his sleeping habits.
     “Took you long enough,” he huffs as he grabs your hand and leads you into the room.
     “I was grabbing you dinner,” you point out, setting the plate down on the table beside his armchair. “Did I miss something?”
     He shakes his head, a mischievous smile curving his lips. “Nope, I just wanted to see you.”
     Leaning forward, he presses a quick kiss onto the top of your cheekbone before he sinks into the chair, dragging it closer as motioning for you to sit on his bed, reaching for his meal once he’s settled.
     “Did you have a good day with Beel?” he asks, eyes sparkling once he takes in the sight of sushi before him; you chuckle. Sure it’d been a little pricey, like most human world foods that Akuzon stocks, but you figure you could always make an exception for his birthday.
     “I did,” you answer as he stuffs an ebi nigiri into his mouth, chewing.
     He swallows, then, “Good, then you’re mine for the rest of the night, yes?”
     He hums in approval. “Great. Give me a minute and we can have a little fun.”
vii: 8:00 PM
     Belphegor ends up taking longer than you anticipated, though you’re not complaining, seeing as he’s striking up conversation most of time, whether that be about your outing with Beelzebub today or how you’re feeling, in general.
     “Did Beel give you his gift?” you ask while he places the plate back onto the table.
     “Yep,” he confirms. Lacing his fingers with yours, he leads you towards the staircase, turning back to flash you lazy, cheeky grin. “Your gift was just as cute, though.”
     You chuckle out a ‘thank you’ before be whisks you right up the stairs and onto the loft of their room. It’s a shared space, Beelzebub’s half filled with racks of snacks, a copper coloured speaker beside it along with a misplaced dumbbell or two, while Belphegor’s is dotted with blankets and throws, puffed up pillows encircling the telescope that claims centrepiece.
     He seats himself at the far right corner, pulling you down with him, snuggling up to you after he drapes a blanket across your forms. Glancing up, you watch the painted stars across his ceiling dance through the drapery, shifting like sun sparked azurite, violet streaking the slow moving celestial bodies. “How beautiful.”
     Belphegor hums in agreement before you hear a switch click shut. In an instant, everything is brighter, the night sky coming to life above you in golden glimmers as you let out a sigh of wonder. He laughs beside you, tugging you closer until your side hits his, and he rests his head on your shoulder.
     Carding your fingers through his hair, you wonder if this is enough for him, that just being there is what he wants. As if he noticing your worry, he says, “Thank you for being here, really.”
     You smile at his words, pushing a few locks behind his ear. “It’s your birthday, Belphie. I’ll stay the whole night if that’s what you want.”
     “I want a lot more than that,” he whispers and, before you can even think of a reply, he presses his lips against yours, hands cupping your cheek as you clasp yours behind his neck. He tastes like mint, clean and peppery, the smell of shampoo lingering in the air when he pulls apart after his tongue skims yours for a brief, teasing moment. He gives you no time to catch your bearings, trailing kisses down the column of your neck, suckling and playfully biting, leaving you love marks that you’re sure are going to show tomorrow. “Can I be a little bit more selfish?”
     “Yes,” you sigh out and his smile crescents into you skin.
v: 2:00 AM
     “Sleep here tonight,” he states. It isn’t a question, it’s an order, one that you comply to with nod of your head and, as if on cue, you yawn. He laughs, taking your hand in his before he sweeps you to your feet. “Tired?”
     “Just a little,” you assure, though Belphegor’s not quite as convinced. “I can still stay up.”
     With a shake of a head, he’s tugging you down the staircase, making sure that he’s not rushing his steps. “You’re really not that good of a liar,” he points out and you offer him a lopsided frown, bleary-eyed, shoulders hunched over.
     Honestly, it’s really not surprising that you’re tired. Beel sent him a picture of the monstrous feast you’d cooked up and he’s sure that must’ve taken at least half a day; then there’s the pillow you made for him, which probably took a lot of trial and error. Today, he suspects, has exhausted the last reserves of your energy and, while he’s happy that you’re willing to push yourself for him, he’d rather you get some rest.
     Leading you to the bed, he watches in amusement as you flop onto the mattress, clearly fatigued while he sits at the edge, arms crossed over his head. “Thought you said you weren’t tired.”
     “I’m - oh,” and he follows your gaze to the sticky note he’s taped onto the wall; your sticky note. He catches the blush that starts to creep across your cheeks, head quirking to the side. “Oh.”
     “I just had to keep it. It’s from you, after all,” he professes and your gaze softens, and it warms him inside out. “I like you; I like everything about you.”
     You sit up, pressing a quick peck to the edge of his lips. “I like you, too,” and he lets the words settle into him, skin tingling with goosebumps.
     He allows you to pull him with you when you lay back down into the bed and you let out a laugh. He simply sighs, turning his back against the wall to face you, wrapping an arm around your waist, bringing you in closer.
     Your arms slip under his to rest at the back of his shoulders. “Stay here?”
     “Where else would I go?”      You chuckle. “That’s true,” you manage as you snuggle against him, burying your head into his chest. The sight of you, so vulnerable and so trusting of him, makes his breath hitch in his throat, makes him feel a little lighted, and he presses a kiss onto the crown of your head.
     “Good night.”
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4kominato · 4 years
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A/N: IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE!!!! heres an early present!╰ (*´︶`*)╯♡ actually not early for some but mehhh MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE WHO CELEBRATES! ~ kuri
White Christmas includes TWO CharacterxFem!Reader fics featuring an MxM character ship!!! Both pairings are listed at the beginning of the story.
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Pairing: Furuya Satoru x Fem!Reader [ft. HaruSawa]
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,054
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“Good morning, Satoru,” you mumbled as you stretched out your arms and turned onto your side to face him, “Merry Chr—” To your surprise, the other half of the bed was empty, though it was still a little warm, meaning he hadn’t gotten up too long ago. Flinging the sheets off, you hopped out of bed to search the small house for your boyfriend.
“Satoru?” you called as you walked down the hall and made your way out to the kitchen and living room, but nothing; he was nowhere to be seen. Where’d he wander off to this time… you thought to yourself, shaking your head knowing that he was sometimes in his own little world inside his head. Glancing by the front door, you noticed his shoes were gone and so, you assumed he had gone out for a walk or something of the sort. Rushing back to the bedroom, you changed into appropriate attire for winter and made your way outside. 
Snow?! Your eyes grew wide as you opened the door seeing the fluffy, whiteness covering the ground. Reaching down to touch it, you realized it was freshly fallen, probably from just before you woke up if you had to guess, and that’s more than likely the reason Furuya had gone out, given he’s always been fond of cold weather.
“Satoru!” you called again as you stepped out into the snow. Thankfully, it wasn’t terribly deep, so you had no problem walking through it as you quickly panned the vast front yard for your missing boyfriend, but unfortunately, he was still nowhere to be seen. I swear I’ll kill him when I find him… you thought as you made your way even further out, desperate to find your idiot of a boyfriend.
“Sat—” you were about to call again when you finally found him, casually laying in the snow, appearing to be asleep. “SATORU! What do you think you’re doing?!” you scolded as you knelt down next to him and shook him awake, “You can’t take a nap out here in the snow, are you crazy?!”
“It feels good,” he mumbled in response, his eyes still closed as he spoke.
“You’re gonna turn into a goddamn ice cube, idiot! You’re not a polar bear!”
He replied with some kind of muffled noise in disagreement, still refusing to get up despite your furious tone, so you spoke up again, “Satoru! Eijun and Haruichi are coming over soon and you’ll get sick if you just sta—!”
Before you could finish, he grabbed you by the wrist and yanked you forward making you fall onto his chest, his arms wrapping around your torso soon after.
“Just a few more minutes…” he spoke breathily, as if he was falling back asleep again.
“Satoru…” you whined, wiggling in his arms in an attempt to escape, but it was to no avail. He had no intentions of letting go, not yet at least. “Alright, fine… only a few more minutes…”
Finally content, Furuya went back to sleep, his soft little snores ringing in your ears as the two of you laid together in the cold, fluffy mound of snow. You swore only about thirty seconds had passed when suddenly, the sound of footsteps could be heard within ears range, so you looked up to see who it was.
“What are you doing?” Haruichi asked, a puzzled expression on his face when your eyes met.
“Oh… uh hahaha…” you chuckled nervously sitting up and awkwardly rubbing the back of your head, “Satoru was taking a nap in the snow… I was supposed to bring him in but I guess I ended up joining him!”
“Harucchi!” another familiar voice chimed in followed by the sound of running footsteps, “What is i— y/n?”
“Er… hi Eijun… We were just about to head inside,” you greeted, not really wanting to relay your little story again.
“What are you—”
“Ask Haruichi… Come on Satoru-chan, look they’re already here.” Standing up first, you offered him a hand to help him up, but he didn’t want to take it and instead stood up on his own. “Are you mad at me? We can’t just leave our guests hang—iNG!” 
Before you could process anything, Furuya had swept you up off your feet and was carrying you back into the house, blankly walking right past Haruichi and Sawamura.
“MUMUMU, YOU THINK YOU’RE MANLY FURUYA?!” Sawamura huffed, watching as the two of you entered the house, “I CAN CARRY HARUCCHI TOO. Hold the gifts!”
“Eijun-kun, calm down. I don’t think that was his inte—ENTION!” Before Haruichi could really protest, Eijun had already shoved the gifts into his hands and picked him up in the same manner that Furuya had done to you. When they entered the house, Haruichi was silent, but his face was flushed red, while Sawamura stood proudly holding him in his arms, making sure Furuya saw before putting him down.
“See, Furuya, you’re not the only strong boyfriend around here,” Sawamura flaunted as he took off his shoes and stepped through the doorway and into the cozy living room.
“Eijun-kun!” Haruichi scolded, lightly smacking his arm as he took off his shoes and followed suit, shutting the door behind him. Furuya only huffed in response, turning away from his noisy classmate to open the gift you’d handed him.
“Sorry, we haven’t exchanged our gifts with each other yet because Satoru went out in the snow as soon as he woke up,” you apologized to the two boys as they made their way toward the couch to join you.
“It’s okay, here’s your gifts from us,” Haruichi replied, placing them on the coffee table.
“Mm, yes, we understand… because Furuya is dumb,” Sawamura stated matter-of-factly.
“And you aren’t?”
You only giggled at the couple bantering before you turned back to Furuya to see his progress on unwrapping his present, a warmth filling your heart seeing that he’d tossed the gift bag and tissue onto the floor and was already cuddling the polar bear plushie you’d chosen for him. 
“I’m glad you like it,” you grinned, pecking his cheek before getting up to grab Haruichi and Sawamura’s gifts from under the tree, “Here, these are yours. Merry Christmas! And thanks for coming over.”
“Merry Christmas!” they replied in unison, happily accepting their gifts.
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Pairing: Sawamura Eijun x Fem!Reader [ft.ChrisMiyu]
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,044
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“It’s perfect!” you chimed, standing back and admiring the bare snowballs the two of you stacked together to make a snowman, “Now we need to find things to put on him.”
“I’ll find branches for the arms!” Sawamura volunteered, quickly running off to find some sticks, so in the meantime, you looked for any other various things you could find to use as eyes, a nose and a mouth. It didn’t take you long to gather a plentiful amount of pine cones and pebbles, providing enough variety to get all the facial features in one crack, and maybe even buttons too.
You ended up finishing the face before Sawamura got back, so while you waited, you decided you’d prepare a little surprise for when he arrived.  Peaking around the snowman, you saw your boyfriend finally walking back with a handful of sticks, so you reached down into the snow and cupped a piled of it into your hand, packing it into a small compact ball.
“I grabbed a few different sticks because I wasn’t sure which ones would look best…”
Just as he finished his sentence and looked up at you, you chucked the snowball at his chest making him jump and drop the sticks he was holding.
“I’ll get you for that!” Sawamura yelled, reaching into the snow as you giggled and tried to make a run for it. Just as you turned back to check on him, you were beamed in the back by his snowball, the impact making you topple forward, face first into the snow. “Y/n!” Sawamura yelled immediately after, running after you to see if you were okay. Straddling and kneeling over you, he quickly flipped you over and then pulled you into a hug. “I’M SO SORRY! I didn’t mean for you to fall over.”
“Did you forget that you’re a pitcher?” you remarked breathily, still a little winded from the blow.
“I thought I threw it lightly—”
“Oi!” a familiar voice yelled as the two of you sat together in the snow, “Get a room or something, sheesh.”
When the two of you looked up, a spectacled boy was walking down the path making his way toward the two of you, despite his rash remark.
“MIYUKI KAZUYA!” Sawamura growled, quickly picking himself up from where he was hovering over you and storming over to have a chat with the annoying pretty boy. “Don’t tell me what to do Miyuki Kazuya! I was helping my girlfriend because… she fell!”
“Well, you’re not being very helpful now are you?” Miyuki argued, “You just left her there in the snow.”
“GRR! That’s because you had to go and open your stupid mouth!” Sawamura complained, trudging back to help you up while angrily mumbling to himself, “He never has anything nice to say.” Miyuki followed close behind, watching as Sawamura pulled you up from the snow.
“Merry Christmas, Miyuki-san,” you greeted shyly, still slightly flustered at his earlier comment.
“Merry Christmas,” he replied back with a smile, “If horndog here can’t keep it in his pants out in public, you can yell for help y’know. I would’ve saved you.”
“THAT’S NOT WHAT HAPPENED,” Sawamura snapped back, angrily pointing at Miyuki as he spoke, “I told you the story!”
“That she fell? Hmm… I don’t buy that. She’s not clumsy like you,” Miyuki shrugged.
“I fell because he threw a snowball at me,” you chuckled, dusting the snow off of your legs and butt.
“Oh! Now that sounds more reasonable!” Miyuki laughed, resting an arm on your shoulder, “Seriously, how have you dated this idiot for so long? I could never.”
“I heard that Miyuki Kazuya!”
“Stop calling me by my full name, would you?” he rolled his eyes, giving Sawamura a playful nudge.
“Kazuya,” another familiar voice called, making all three of you crane your heads to see who it was, “Your coffee.”
“Thanks,” Miyuki smiled, grabbing the warm drink from the older boy.
“Chris-senpai!” Sawamura’s face lit up as he ran over to him and gave him a big hug.
“Oi, oi… who gave you permission to manhandle my husband?” Miyuki remarked before taking a quick sip of his coffee.
“He’s not your husband!” Sawamura snapped back.
“Oh yeah? How would you know?”
“Because! If you guys got married, Chris-senpai would’ve invited me! ...Right?”
“Hmm…” Chris hummed, turning his head away from his kohai, “I was actually a little worried that you might object so…”
“CHRIS-SENPAI?!”  Sawamura whined in disappointment whilst Miyuki laughed in the background. 
“C’mon Ei-chan, they’re just messing around,” you comforted while attempting to pull him off of Chris. “Merry Christmas, Chris-san!”
“Merry Christmas to both of you,” Chris replied with a smile, giving Sawamura a little head pat as he finally released his grip around his waist.
“Actually, Bakamura has yet to wish either of us a Merry Christmas,” Miyuki butted in with a shrug, “He just tried to pick a fight with me while you were away.”
“Merry Christmas, Chris-senpai! And by the way, he was the one who started it!”
“All I said was ‘get a room.’”
Already accustomed to Miyuki and Sawamura’s unique friendship, he only gave a little chuckle before speaking up again, “Anyways, how would the two of you like to join us for dinner? Kazuya made a very nice cake and we were going to pick up fried chicken on the way home.”
“Chris-chan! I don’t want Bakamura to come to our house. He's too noisy.”
“We’d love to come over!” Sawamura exclaimed, speaking for you in the process, “I won’t have any of the cake though.”
“Suit yourself,” Miyuki snapped back, taking Chris’s hand into his own before heading back to the path.
“You’re okay with going to their place right?” Sawamura confirmed with you despite the fact that he’d already agreed with Chris that you guys were going.
“Yeah. We haven’t hung out with them in a while,” you agreed, clinging onto Sawamura’s biceps before following the other couple toward the path.
“YAY! I won’t embarrass you this time,” he smiled, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
“You always find a way to embarrass me… but that’s what makes each moment with you so memorable. I’ll definitely remember this Christmas, just like all our other ones.”
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sukkasupremacy · 4 years
Wrapped Around Their Fingers
ANOTHER SUKKA ONE SHOT! This time with the Sukka babies: They’re twins & 4 in this one. This is an excerpt of my “Two Warriors” Fanfic!
“Good morning Mama!” The small child threw herself on the bed and hugged her mother.
“Good Morning baby.” Suki groggily said ruffling Yumie’s hair.
“Daddy, what’s for breakfast.” Akari asked wiggling her way into her father’s arms. He kissed her forehead tiredly and she threw her arms around his neck. Daddy’s girl.
“I don’t know my little warrior, what do you want?”
Akari stuck her lip out as she thought. Suki and Sokka chuckled. She was so cute.
“Yumie, come here” She urged her sister to her.
She whispered in her ear.
Sokka and Suki found it fascinating and adorable how their girls were so close.
“Can we have cookies?” Akari asked dragging ‘cookies.’
Suki sighed, “Well...”
Yumie squeezes her father’s face between her little hands, “Daddy please?!” She made those eyes. If there was one thing that got Sokka to give in it was his three girls’ eyes.
He ruffled her hair and looked to Suki, “Suki help, she’s being cute.”
“Daddy. I want cookies please.” Akari said in her little voice. She began to shake his shoulder and whine. Sokka’s heart squeezed. She was so adorable.
“I-I mean. Okay, fine.”
“YAY!” They hugged him and giggled. Suki glared at him then smiled. The two bouncy children shot up out of the bed and ran into the living room, giggling and bending at each other. Sokka groaned. Bender kids.
Suki rolled over to him and cuddle into his chest. He leaned down to look at her. She began to play with his hair and smiled, “You know councilmen, you need to be more stern with them.” She chuckled as she kissed his jaw.
He scrunched her morning hair with his fingers, “I’m trying but they’re so cute. How do I say no?”
Suki chuckled and cupped his cheek, “Your girls sure are your weakness.”
“All three of you.” He chuckled. Suki rolled her eyes.
He leaned down and kissed her, this time with as much love as he could. Suki moaned when he deepened the kiss, running his hands up her back. She clutched his hair as she pulled away leaning her forehead into his.
“Be careful there councilmen. You might get me pregnant again.” She chuckled and locked her lips with his again.
He pulled away, his breath a little unsteady, “What if I want to?”
A grin made a way onto her face. She leaned her forehead into his again and began to caress his cheek, “I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to it.” He chuckled and brought her in again.
Sokka and Suki perked up mid-morning makeout. Akari crossed her arms, giving them her sassy lip pout. Yumie rolled her eyes and groaned.
“We’re hungry.” Yumie states. Akari nods.
Suki turns to face them. Sokka brought his arms around her torso and began to kiss her neck.
Suki glared at him, “Girls, in a second we’re getting ready.”
They shrugged and walked away.
Suki flipped to face Sokka. She narrowed her eyes at him, “Babe, you can’t try to seduce me in front of our daughters. It’s inappropriate.”
Sokka scoffed and began to kiss the front of her neck which caused Suki to quietly moan.
“Shouldn’t the girls see that their parents love each other?” He leaned up to peck her lips which caused Suki to frown.
“You’re so cute, Suki.” He sealed her lips again.
“Wow, he’s being needy this morning.” Suki thought.
“Mmm. Sokka?”
He leaned out of it for a moment, “Yes, Baby?”
Suki pulled his head toward hers and wrapped one leg around his him to pull him closer, “You’re so.” Sokka cut her off with another kiss which caused her to groan, “Mmm. Sexy.”
He chuckled and began to lean in again.
He perked up and Suki giggled, “COMING BABIES! HOLD ON.”
Suki pinched his cheek, “They got you between their fingers.”
“So do you.” Suki blushed
The two warriors got out of bed stretching all of their nighttime knots away.
Sokka brought his arms around her upper body and began to attack her neck with kisses.
“Sokka-“ She squirmed at his touch.
He took her body into his grasp and dipped her below him.
“A dance with my beautiful wife.” He leaned down to kiss her and Suki giggled out of the kiss.
“Sokka, you are too much sometimes.”
“I love you, Suki.” He began to lean in but he flinched as his daughters ear piercing screeches echoed through the house.
“COMING!” They chimed in unison.
“Okay, Yumie. Now, carefully pour. No-“ Sokka gently took her wrists and guided her hands over the bowl.
“Sorry, daddy.” She hung her head.
Sokka kissed the top of her head, “Hey, we all make mistakes! That’s okay!”
“Okay!” He allowed Yumie to stir the wet ingredients. The child happily hummed a tune. She was taking after Suki’s singing talent.
Sokka’s eyes flicked up to see as her and Akari rolled the first batch of cookies. The sun was shining behind her, making her skin and hair glow warmly. Her smile was gentle and sweet and she guided Akari’s little fingers on how to properly roll cookies. Her eyes were soft at the sight of her girl. She looked absolutely perfect and stunning to Sokka. She was angel.
Suki caught him staring and mouthed to him, “I love you,” and blew him a kiss. He blushed at her sentiment.
“Ooo, daddy likes mommy.” Akari giggled as she shaped one cookie into a heart.
“Mommy and Daddy are always kissing each other.” Yumie stuck her toungue out and her nose scrunched up.
Sokka couldn’t help but pinch her nose , “HEY.” She hit him which made Suki laugh.
“You’re like you’re mom Yumie. Very feisty.”
“I wanna be like mommy when I grow up.” Yumie said, carefully stirring in the flour.
“Awww you are so cute Yumie.” Sokka pinched her cheek this time. Yumie grumbled in annoyance and swatted his hand away.
“I wanna be like mommy so I can beat daddy up.” She said bluntly rolling her eyes. She was the sassy one out of the twins.
Suki dropped her cookie dough and began to laugh. Akari covered her mouth and looked at her mother.
Sokka wasn’t impressed. He scooped Yumie up and she shrieked. He rocked her around in his arms and began to tickle her causing the child and the others to laugh breathlessly.
Yumie began to kick and scratch at Sokka, “DADDY STOP IT.” She growled like a polar bear dog as he flipped her over his shoulder and began to bop her around.
Akari was on the floor laughing and Suki looked at Yumie and Sokka adoringly. She loved them so much.
“DADDY IM GOING TO CHI BLOCK YOU.” She squealed as he tickled her lower back. The child hit Sokka right at his pressure point. Sokka yelped, causing him to lose his grip on her. Yumie was very good at parkour and flips like her mother so she flipped off of Sokka with ease.
After the pain of Yumie’s attack faded, Sokka looked down at her. The child was covering her mouth, eyes wide. She was clearly scared that she would be punished. But Sokka wasn’t one to punish. He lifted her off the ground from her armpits.
Yumie wiggled, “Daddy, that tickles!”
Sokka raised his eyebrows at her, “You know what else tickles?” He ran her over to the couch, put her down, and began to tickle her tummy and armpits, leaving loving kisses on the side of her neck. Yumie shrieked in delight.
“Rawr. I’m gonna eat you Yumie! I’m the cookie bender.” He went back to her neck and began to playfully fake eat her. Yumie squealed.
“Daddy! That tickles!”
Akari ran over to join, “ME TOO DADDY! ME TOO! AHHH.” She shrieked as he began to tickle her as well.
Suki leaned on the wall and watched Sokka play, tickle, and kiss their kids. She couldn’t help but smile and wonder how she got so lucky. This sight reminded her of those mornings in Ba Sing Se where Sokka and her would tickle fight.
Suddenly, she felt a ticklish feeling. She began to laugh,”SOKKA!”
She squirmed as he lifted her up from the torso and threw her on the couch. He pinned her down and began to tickle and pin her as he did to their kids. The only difference was the kisses were on her neck and lips.
“SOKKA- I WILL! MMM.” Sokka shut her up with a kiss and continued to go at her sides with his fingers.
Sokka pulled away and smiled at her lovingly. Suki drowned in his eyes. She felt like a big glob of loving mush when she looked at him. She could hear their daughters giggling as they watched them. Suki pulled his head down again and kissed him passionately on the lips. Sokka melted and kissed her back.
“Oooo, they’re so cute!” Akari squealed.
“Yucky.” Yumie gagged.
Suki caressed down his jaw with her free hand and down his shirt. Suddenly Sokka pulled away and his laughter boomed through the house causing the twins to roll on the floor in laughter. Suki pinned him down and tickled him all over. Sokka surrendered
“HEHE DADDY IS TICKLISH.” Akari squealed as she jumped on Suki’s back to hug her. Yumie followed, clinging to her leg.
The weight was too much and Suki rolled off of Sokka and landed in a pile on the ground with her daughters. They all laughed and Sokka joined them on the floor.
The little family cuddled on the floor with each other and there was nothing but love there.
The house was filled with the aroma of the sweet taro and ube cookies. They were done. Sokka got up to cool them down with a hand fan.
The girls eagerly sat down crisscross applesauce at the low bamboo table. They bounced as Sokka served them the fresh baked cookies. With each serve, he kissed each of them on the head and ruffled their hair. Suki’s heart melted.
“One for you my beautiful wife.” Sokka kissed her cheek and she blushed.
“YEAH GO YUMIE! GET EM BABY GIRL!” Sokka shot up from his seat and cheered for Yumie as she knocked a kid down into a pin down. They were at the girls’ Kyoshi Warrior Martial Arts tournament. Suki brought Sokka down. She appreciated his support for the girls but he was a bit embarassing.
She pulled his jaw toward her and gave him a chaste kiss on it before she turned back to watch Yumie, “Calm down, love.”
He grabbed her shoulders and shook them, “SUKI, I CAN’T. THEY’RE SO GOOD AT WARRIORING. JUST LIKE YOU.”
She put her finger to his lip and he kissed it making her roll her eyes, “Watch,Akari’s next.”
“I’m nervous. She been having a rough time. She’s really small compared to the other girls.”
Suki turned to face him, “Hey, don’t underestimate our little girl. She is perfectly-“
“YES AKARI! GET EM BABY GIRL. THATS IT! SLAM EM! THEY’RE GOING DOWN!” Sokka whistled as Akari put the taller girl in a headlock and brought her down.
Suki rolled her eyes at Sokka and cheered, “GOOD JOB BABY GIRL!”
Yumie had placed 1st and Akari had placed 3rd with a special “Future Fighter” award as well. Sokka and Suki were incredibly proud of them.
“Daddy, why did you yell so loud. It was embarassing!”Yumie scoffed as she fiddled with her medal. Shortly after,she urged for her mother to pick her up.
“Yeah, It was.” Akari rolled her eyes and held Suki’s hand.
Sokka tried to take Akari’s hand but she swiftly pulled it away, “No daddy.”
Sokka frowned at the little girl and whines, “Why,Akari?”
“Because you’re embarassing.” Yumie giggles at Akari’s burn to Sokka. Akari may be a water bender but she sure knew how to burn people.
Sokka fake pouted which caused Suki to scoff, “Mommy’s not annoying. Right girls?”
“Nope.” They said in unison.
Yumie spotted a Earthberry Sorbet Cart and got an idea. She wiggled out of Suki’s grip and skipped over to Akari, pulling her away from Sokka. She whispered in her ear and Akari giggled. Suki look over at Sokka and they shrugged.
“I wonder what they’re up too...” Sokka said scratching the back of his neck.
Yumie and Akari began to walk in the middle of Suki and Sokka. Their smiles and walk were full of michevious vibes.
Akari grabbed Sokka’s hand, “ Daddyyyyyy.”
“Yes, what is it?”
“Can we get some Earthberry Sorbet? Pretty please.” She made her polar-bear dog eyes at him.
Resist. Resist.
Suki raised her eyebrow at him. She would say yes but she wanted to see if he would give in like he did that morning.
Sokka looked down at both of them. They pleaded with their eyes.
“You guys already had cookies for breakfast-“
“But but daddy me and Yumie did so good at the tournament, see.” She held her medal up. Suki covered her mouth to hold back her laughter. Sokka’s expression told her that he was trying to resist.
“Akari-“ He said firmly.
“I won’t call you embarassing anymore...” She flashed him a cheeky grin.
Yumie giggled. Sokka looked over at Suki for help but she high-fived Yumie.
“You know babe, I could use some Earthberry Sorbet also.” They stopped walking all three of them looked at Sokka.
He panicked, “Oh Alright.”
Yumie and Akari screeched and they ran to the Earthberry Sorbet vendor and ordered what they wanted.
Sokka frowned but he his heart couldn’t help from shining. He loved his girls so much. Suki took his hand and turned his face to kiss him sweetly. She pulled away and gazed lovingly into his eyes.
“What was that for?”
She half smiled, “You’re such a good dad and husband. I love you.”
He hugged her, “I Love you too.”
“Now you have to go pay for those. They aren’t free!”
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Robstar Week Day 2: Morning Sun (Prompt: Warmth)
I decided to take the prompt “warmth” and write something involving “cuddly body heat” (as the planning notes say), and the end result... maybe kind of got away from the actual warmth element, at least as far as the focus. But that’s okay, because I’m immensely pleased with how it turned out, to the point where I can confidently say that this is the story I’m most proud of for this week. Really I probably could have gotten away with just doing the second scene (and it would have fit the prompt more closely anyway, lol), but why do that when you can be EXTRA
Morning Sun
Robin groaned softly as he came to, his head mired in that fuzzy sort of awareness that comes with just waking up. Something felt off, but not in a painful or truly disorienting way – he hadn’t been knocked unconscious, at least. But the odd, half-upright position he found himself in proved that he hadn’t gone to bed properly either.
Blinking open bleary eyes, he pushed himself further up and took stock of his surroundings. That was right – the team had piled into their ops-slash-common room after a late battle and put on a movie to wind down. He must have fallen asleep on the couch, where he found himself now.
As awareness returned to him, he noticed that his side was pleasantly warm. He looked over to see Starfire propped up against him, still fast asleep.
…Huh. It was far from the first time he had fallen asleep with another Titan like this – hell, he was pretty sure every member of the team had done so with every other at least once. That was just what happened when your teammates were also your roommates and nights got unpredictable. But now that he thought about it, he was pretty sure this was the first time he’d actually fallen asleep right next to Starfire. A gentle heat seemed to radiate off her, and Robin frowned. She didn’t look like she had a fever, but he still peeled himself off of her and gently shook her shoulder.
“Hey,” he whispered. “Hey, Star, you okay?”
Starfire’s eyes fluttered open as she began to stir. She gave him a confused look.
“Robin? Did I fall asleep on the couch?” She sat up and looked around, and Robin chuckled.
“You and me both,” he admitted. With a frown he added, “You’re not sick, are you? You feel like you’re burning up.”
Starfire shook her head, the confusion in her face only growing as she stood up and stretched. “I do not feel feverish at all.”
“Huh.” That was just her normal temperature, then. He supposed that Tamaraneans must have a higher than average body heat, or maybe it just seemed that way since he’d apparently spent all night right up against her. He wondered if that was why she gave such nice hugs.
It was that thought that drove in exactly what was going on right now. Not only had he fallen asleep all snuggled up with Starfire, of all people, but they were the only ones here, the other Titans nowhere in sight. He scrambled to his feet, and even though there was no one else to see them he could feel himself blushing furiously.
Starfire just gave him a baffled look, one which was swiftly becoming her expression of choice this morning. “Is something wrong, Robin?”
Robin was too flustered now to answer her, so he just muttered something half-intelligible about paperwork and beat a hasty retreat for his office.
It was far from the first time Robin had found himself waking up in unfamiliar circumstances. With the way things had been going, it would be a while before he woke up somewhere that actually felt right.
The Titans had been chasing the Brotherhood of Evil with their stupid worldwide bases and their dumb plots that turned out to be just a small part of some bigger puzzle for about a month now. And honestly? The fact that his mind had resorted to describing the mission this way paid testament to how much he just wanted to go home. If the Brotherhood hadn’t started targeting Honorary Titans specifically, and if what few hints his team managed to uncover hadn’t pointed to some scheme involving the young heroes of the world, he would have been happy to leave these psychos to the Doom Patrol and call it a day. They did have more experience dealing with the Brotherhood, after all.
But the fact of the matter was that the Titans and other young heroes were the targets, and that meant it was their responsibility to defend themselves and their comrades. Even if it meant spending months away from home, chasing any lead they could find. Even if it meant finding themselves in the middle of nowhere in some stretch of northern Russia, where there were no nearby motels to speak of and they had to make do with a parked T-ship and a makeshift snowfort for the second time that week.
Even if it meant everyone huddling up together for warmth.
At least Starfire was there with them this time.
Robin opened bleary eyes to the dim light of the portable lantern set up for this occasion and the gentle glow that always emanated from Cyborg’s circuitry. He checked his communicator for the time, and found it was right around ten minutes before the alarm he’d set for everyone would go off.
Not bad. Normally he would just get up and take the brief head-start to get himself ready for the day, but the makeshift quarters were kind of cramped and he didn’t want to wake anyone else up before he had to. Besides, he didn’t think he’d been this comfortably warm in days.
So instead, he sighed contentedly and leaned closer against his… uh… body heat partner, or whatever he should call it. He was about to rest his eyes for a few more minutes when he suddenly realized he wasn’t the only one awake.
Across the way, from where he and Raven both lay back against a massive green polar bear, Cyborg watched him with the smallest teasing quirk to his lip. In spite of himself, Robin could already feel the heat rising to his face.
“Shut up,” he muttered, pulling the blanket wrapped around him and Starfire up further.
Cyborg’s smirk only grew. “I didn’t say anything,” he pointed out in a voice too soft to wake anyone else. “But if I did, it would just be to point out that you two look very comfortable.”
Robin huffed. “And you three don’t? We all need to share body heat to keep the cold from getting in, if you remember.”
“But there’s plenty of room here on the big green couch, and last I checked, Star does just fine in space-level cold if she’s not overworking herself. Admit it already; you just like the company.”
Robin’s blush deepened. He’d been getting more of these little jabs from Cyborg and the others lately, and he knew it was kind of his fault for letting himself be more affectionate with Starfire without making anything official. But what was he supposed to say? That he hadn’t quite been ready to do this relationship thing when the subject had first come up, and now he was on a long mission that didn’t really seem like the appropriate time to ask out your teammate? That he was maybe sort of stalling on that, and possibly hoping that Starfire would make the first move? That he just really wanted to be near her after the blizzard incident, to know that she was safe, and it didn’t hurt that snuggl- huddling against her just felt warm and comfortable and right?
No, trying to explain any of that would only make the teasing worse. So instead, he huddled back further and summed up all his annoyance and confusion and dumb teenage hormones in the most eloquent way he could.
“I said shut up.”
When you took up the hero’s mantle, it wasn’t hard for normal sleep schedules to go out the window. Sure, some villains – the egomaniacs, the sowers of chaos, and those who were just way too confident about attracting the attention of the local superhero team – chose to partake in their villainy at reasonable hours of the day or perhaps early enough in the night. But many others, thieves and black-market dealers mostly, preferred to try their luck at slipping past the city’s awareness when everyone reasonable was trying to sleep. When those late-night crimes spiked, or when it took several nights to crack a case or track down a busy criminal, Robin would often find himself dead on his feet for most of the morning and collapsing into bed at some random hour to take a very long nap.
Because of this, it did not surprise him in the slightest to find himself waking up just as the sun had started drifting down toward the horizon. What did surprise him was the manner in which he found himself: on a hotel room bed, with the DVD menu for some long-finished movie running on the television and Starfire awake but clearly relaxed and curled up beside him in a very definitely non-platonic manner.
In the brief, maddening moment before he remembered where he was and what he’d been doing, Robin flew into a panic and made a flailing attempt to get off the bed. Starfire’s eyes widened and she leaned away from him, allowing him to sit up.
“Is something wrong?” she asked.
Robin blinked and took a few deep breaths. Right. They were in Tokyo, and this was part of the team’s hotel suite. He and Star had been watching a movie – actually watching it, nothing untoward – and they must have fallen asleep at some point.
And the reason it was just the two of them, not simply sitting together but cuddling on top of the bed, was because they were dating now. Really, truly dating. He was still trying to wrap his head around that.
All at once he realized that Starfire was still waiting for an answer, so he let out an embarrassed chuckle and said, “Sorry, kind of forgot where I was for a second there.”
The concern in her features dissolved, and just because he could, he leaned over and gave her a small peck on the lower jaw. Yeah, he could get used to this.
Starfire blushed and giggled at the attention, and then swung an arm back around him. “Should we go see what the others are doing?”
Robin leaned into her side and let his head nestle under her chin, basking in her warm presence. “Mmm, I think we can wait a few more minutes.”
Nightwing had long since stopped feeling embarrassed when he and his girlfriend fell asleep on the couch.
Now, there were a few unspoken rules surrounding the situation. It was always the couch, or something similar – if they spent the night together in one of their rooms, it’d be too tempting to try something that they personally preferred to wait until marriage for, and even if that didn’t happen, it would still be enough for Cyborg and Beast Boy to start on the teasing and the rumors. In return, it had become common practice for the other Titans to leave Nightwing and Starfire be if they wanted to stay late in ops to talk, or if everyone fell asleep to a movie marathon and one of the others happened to wake up and make his or her way to bed. It still didn’t happen especially often, but it wasn’t exactly something they tried to avoid.
Nightwing had been up late last night, finishing up the paperwork for a case down in ops where Starfire could keep him company, and when he’d finally wrapped up they had both been too tired to bother heading upstairs into their respective bedrooms. Now a soft morning light filtered in through the bayside windows, and he found Starfire still fast asleep with her head on his chest and Silkie curled up near them at the foot of the couch.
Nightwing smiled softly to himself as he ran gentle fingers though his partner’s hair, careful not to wake her. They hadn’t even bothered to fetch blankets, as she rarely felt the need for one and he considered her body heat as she cuddled up against him to be enough. It was a quiet morning, and on these kinds of mornings his mind tended to wander.
They were like a little family, he thought. More so than the Titans as a whole. He loved his other teammates like siblings, of course, but there was something a little more… intimate about just being here with his beloved and their pet. If he closed his eyes, he could almost picture them in a bedroom – their bedroom, not just his or hers – with the snuffling larva curled up in the pet bed that in reality occupied Star’s room, or perhaps swapped out for a young child who had insisted in sleeping with Mom and Dad after a nightmare. It was a nice thought, a peaceful one.
Not for the first time, he wondered what he was waiting for. They were adults now, perhaps a little on the young side for marriage, but he knew that was a weak argument. Even setting aside the fact that Starfire’s home culture had considered her ready to marry ever since her transformation, the circumstances of the team meant they had effectively been “grown up” for years now. He and she had been in love even before they’d begun dating, and he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that their love was not going to waver now.
He wanted this – to give himself over to her completely, to be her partner in the deepest sense of the word, to start a family together one day and to live out his life by her side. He wanted to wake up with her every morning, his own personal ray of sunshine, and to be her moonlight when she went to bed at night.
It was just a matter of figuring out the right time, he supposed, but as his thoughts drifted to the drawer in his room where he kept his mother’s engagement ring, he thought that time might be coming soon.
He dimly realized he was awake, but he wasn’t in a rush to get up. Without even opening his eyes, he nestled his forehead deeper into the crook of her neck and draped an arm loosely over her bare side.
Soft laughter reached his ears, followed shortly by his wife’s teasing voice. “Are you comfortable?”
Even though they couldn’t see each other’s faces in this position, Nightwing smiled lazily and cracked open one eye. “Why wouldn’t I be, Kor? I’ve got you here.”
Starfire laughed again at the use of the pet name he’d given her, and then sighed contentedly. Her breath ruffled his hair, and she tousled it lightly with one hand.
“I could get used to this,” she said. “You are so very playful in the mornings, and your presence is… pleasantly warm.”
Nightwing couldn’t help but snort in amusement at that, and he shuffled himself back to get a proper look at her. Starfire was radiant in the morning light, and beyond her he could see the room they now shared. It had been their first night back from their honeymoon, but already the room just felt… right.
“You’re warmed by me being here? I’m pretty sure Tamaraneans run hotter than humans, Star.”
Starfire’s eyes glittered with mirth, and she shook her head slowly in mock disappointment. “It is not a competition,” she said, and before he could retort she leaned forward and planted him with a deep, long kiss.
Not that he really had much else to say. Only that he thought he could get used to this too.
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the-yellowturtle · 4 years
ZKDD Day 30: Forever Family
Title: If One of Your Soulmates Told You to Go Jump in the River, Would You?
Rating: T (cussing, mentioned past character death, brief mention of infanticide)
Summary: Zuko always believed his destiny was tied to the Avatar, he just never thought it would be in this way. (Fruits Basket!AU)
Note: A/N can be found on AO3 (including a chart to figure out your atla zodiac lol) Also! I would appreciate feedback because I’m thinking of expanding on this idea more for the Zutara Big Bang :)
A long time ago, the Avatar lived together in harmony with their twelve friends: the shirshu, the flying bison, the tiger seal, the jackalope, the dragon, the koi fish, the ostrich horse, the koala sheep, the winged lemur, the turtleduck, the polar bear dog, and the badgermole.
Unfortunately, those idyllic days did not last forever. Strife was brewing between the Spirit and Human Worlds, and only the Avatar was capable of restoring balance. There was no choice, but to leave the Spirit World and to live among the humans. The Avatar was heartbroken to be separated from their closest friends, but they knew they must do so, or great calamity would befall the world.
The Twelve understood why the Avatar must go, however, they could not bear to be parted from the one that had brought them all together.
“We will follow you. We will join you in bringing balance to the Spirit and Human Worlds,” the Twelve told the Avatar.
“Let us be together forever,” the Avatar responded with joy. “May we always find each other in every life.
From that day onward, the Avatar has always been accompanied by members of the Twelve. For there is nothing on this planet that is more powerful than the bond between the Twelve and the Avatar. They are destined to be together. Forever.
Everyone had always thought he was a fool for choosing to pursue the Avatar.
Zuko had been given two avenues to regain his honor, and he had opted to search for the mythical figure that had been missing for over a century. His crew detested his decision, and Uncle… Uncle was apathetic towards his efforts at best; most likely disappointed he could not relive his glory days through his nephew.
He knew others thought that he had given up, that he had never planned on returning to his place in the Fire Nation, that he was too weak and too much of a coward to hunt members of the Twelve. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.
He would gladly struggle and fight for as long as possible because he knew his destiny. His destiny was to capture the Avatar, and the airbender’s reemergence had proven him correct. It was only a matter of time now.
The first few attempts had gone astray, but Zuko had a good feeling about collaborating with the pirates to capture the waterbender to use as bait. It didn’t matter that Uncle did not agree with his methods, and that Zuko had to set off by himself with only a small squadron. He would prove Uncle and everyone else wrong; he had to.
When you were one of the Twelve, touch was the most intimate of things. Any form of embrace would trigger the transformation, so most Zodiac members learnt to dance around it; learnt how to get out of the societal norms that would so often lead to falling into other’s arms.
But Katara thrived on it. She patted heads, held hands, bumped shoulders, and kissed foreheads. She loved to touch others; to get as close as possible. She knew it was dangerous, but she loved it. She wanted others to know that she cared for them.
Before Aang, she had only ever been hugged by her family. Some of her favorite memories were of when her mom would let her transform and spend the whole day cuddling together in the furs. (Only under duress would she admit that Sokka carrying her around like a polar dog pup were also some of her favorites).
For her whole life, an embrace had only ever been a signifier of the utmost trust and affection. Hugs and cuddles were sacred, not a thing to be feared.
However, that was before Aang and before leaving the Southern Water Tribe and before seeing the wanted posters of rumored members of the Twelve.
That was before Zuko had snuck up on her, said that spirits awful line, and sent her careening back into the arms of one of the pirates. That was before time stopped for a moment and her stomach dropped and she thought to herself: fuck .
Katara expected to see a few things when she opened her eyes:
The puff of smoke from her transformation? Check.
Her pile of clothes on the ground? Check.
Pirates and Fire Nation soldiers charging at her? Check.
What Katara was never expecting to see —not even after a thousand years — was a poof of smoke similar to her own clearing up, and a turtleduck emerging from a pile of red and gold armor.
Before her mind could even form the question of what in the Four Nations just happened, one of the soldiers shouted, “Prince Zuko is a traitor! Seize him and the tiger seal!”
“Oh no you don’t,” the Pirate Captain sneered, “We’ll be the ones gettin’ the reward for the turtleduck and tiger seal.”
And then all hell broke loose.
With all of her might, Katara bounced her way between the fighting pirates and soldiers, biting and tail whipping as she went. She needed to get to the river; outswimming them was the only plausible method of escape.
She was almost there, the water practically touching her flippers, when she heard a familiar raspy voice command, “Get back! I’m your Prince!” followed by hisses of pain.
Her enemy. The boy who relentlessly chased them around the world, trying to kidnap Aang and destroy any chance at peace. And the boy, who apparently was one of her soulmates. One of the people she had shared countless lifetimes with maintaining balance. The boy who was near the water, but was too busy breathing fire at the advancing troops to notice his surroundings.
She didn’t know why he spent so long pursuing them when he could have joined them, but she did know that he needed some help. And Katara never turned her back on people who needed her.
So she screamed, “Zuko! Go jump in the river!”
Zuko did not know what was happening.
He did not know why one of his men stumbling into him caused a tiny explosion. He did not know why he’s suddenly the size of a cat. He did not know why he appeared to have a beak and a shell now. He did not know why his men were calling him a traitor.
Zuko only knew one thing: the spirits hated him.
So he ran because the men chased him. He screamed because they further besmirched his honor with lies. He breathed fire because they attacked him.
He was disconnected from reality; the only thing that felt real was the pounding in his ears and the churning of his stomach.
“Zuko! Go jump in the river!”
It was the waterbender. The tiger seal. She called to him from the river bank, slapping her fins against the water for emphasis. “Jump in the river!”
So he jumped.
There was a saying in the Fire Nation navy: A decent sailor knows the changes of the tides; a great sailor knows the cycles of the Twelve .
As important as the knowledge contained in the official seafaring manual was, it did not bring glory to their homeland. Any average Lee could spew off the fuel consumption rate of a Fire Nation cruiser; only the greatest of men could present the Fire Lord with a member of the Twelve in chains. And even then, only the best of them would be permitted to carry out the execution themselves.
Captain Zhao had been granted this honor thirteen times. In fact, he was the most successful hunter of the Twelve in the history of the Fire Nation. Not even the Dragon of the West, with a measly count of three kills, could compare to him. There was a reason the old man was wasting away on a dilapidated rust bucket, and Zhao was being heralded as the Zodiac Killer.
Yes, Zhao was quite proud of his accomplishments, but he wanted more. He had brought thirteen members of the Twelve to their knees before the people of Caldera City, but four of those had been repeats. And where was the glory in that?
No one had ever managed a complete set, but Zhao would most definitely be the first. The jackalope, koi fish, and turtleduck were the only ones left.
The jackalope was still at large in the Earth Kingdom, but was most likely under the protection of Omashu’s Mad King. After dealing with the Northern Water Tribe, Omashu would be the next stronghold to fall to the Fire Nation.
The koi fish had always been the trickiest of the Twelve to catch. This was not due to the koi fish being particularly intelligent or skillful, but simply because it was a creature cursed with terrible luck. Most parents were terrified when their newborn transformed into a fish, and by the time they realized what was happening; their fish child had already suffocated. As a result, it was impossible to know for sure how many incarnations of the koi fish had been reborn since the start of the Hundred Year War.
The koi fish of the Zodiac would be an excellent addition to his collection, but Zhao had it on good authority that there’s an even better prize in the Northern Water Tribe. Besides, it’s been at least two decades since the North had presented the Fire Nation with one of the Twelve, perhaps Zhao would come across a pleasant surprise during his expedition.
And then there was the turtleduck. After confirmation that the previous turtleduck had been an Earth Kingdom warrior, Zhao had been scouring the Poles for rumors. He had assumed the next would be of Water descent, but oh how shortsighted he had been.
How could he have forgotten how often Earth liked to mix themselves with others? The warrior had not been an Earth incarnation, but one of Air.
The current cycle was Fire. And after reading the memo on his desk about reports of pirates seeing a scarred boy transform into a turtleduck, he knew exactly who to look for.
Zhao had always enjoyed the hunt, but this was shaping up to be his favorite. It’s not everyday you get to kill a prince, after all.
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maluminspace · 5 years
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Genre: Parent!sos/Fluff
Pairings: Ashton Irwin/Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Dedicated to: @irwinkitten
Trigger Warnings: n/a
A/N: Merry christmas, beaut! I loved writing this soft dad!ash for you, I hope you enjoy it <3
Rosie has been glum for days. Which was most unusual, especially given the time of year.
You, Ashton and her little sister Ava, have tried various things to cheer her up. Nothing seems to have worked, though. No amount of games, movies or hot chocolates have helped to bring a smile to her face. 
Yesterday the six-year-old had confessed that she was sad for two reasons: 
She misses her friends now that she has no school for two weeks.
     2. The constant rain keeping her indoors doesn’t feel very ‘Christmassy’.
Ashton seemed particularly moved by your daughter’s admission and had lain awake in bed last night trying to think of ways to cheer her up. When you’d woken up this morning, your husband had already left the house. He’d text you to let you know he’d gone shopping and taken Ava with him. Rosie seemed a little disappointed that she hadn’t been invited on the impromptu trip but you had a sneaking suspicion that wherever they’d gone, it was for Rosie's benefit. 
Your elder daughter had sat in the big armchair near the window, staring forlornly out into the damp garden until Ashton and Ava had returned. Rosie had perked up a little, noticing that they had a whole load of various sized shopping bags with them. 
When asked where they’d been, your three-year-old and your husband simply tapped their noses and asked you to keep Rosie in the living room whilst they set up a surprise.
That had been over two hours ago. During that time, you’ve heard a lot of giggling and what sounds suspiciously like furniture being moved around.
“It sounds like they're having lots of fun.” Rosie sighs, glancing towards the door that leads through to the dining room. 
You couldn’t really argue with her. Whatever Ashton and Ava were doing, certainly didn’t sound like work. “Well I’m sure we’ll find out what they’ve been up to soon enough,sweetheart.” You smile, trying to reassure her. “Why don’t we watch another Disney movie while we wait?”
Rosie shrugs, turning her attention back to the window. It’s still stormy outside and large rain droplets trail across the gleaming glass as you watch. “I wish I could play outside.” 
“Perhaps we can give uncle Calum a call later, we could all get our wellies on and take Duke for a walk?”
Your daughter seems to cheer up a tiny bit at the prospect of getting see one of her favourite uncles and his little pooch. “Duke likes splashing in the puddles with me.” She giggles, her hazel eyes glimmering brighter than they had for days. “He got very muddy last time, though.”
You’re happy to see Rosie display some semblance of a positive emotion and you smile proudly at her. “I’m sure your Uncle Cal won’t mind that much.”
Rosie giggles as she finally slips off of the armchair in favour of joining you on the sofa. “Will Daddy and Ava come, too?”
“I’m sure they will if they finish whatever they’re up to in the dining room.” You reply, cuddling your little girl close. “I have a bad feeling that it’ll involve me cleaning up a lot of mess afterwards!” 
Before rosie can voice any more of her thoughts on her father’s antics, the man in question emerges from the dining room, a proud smile on his handsome face and a giddy looking Ava at his side. “We’re almost ready for you two to see what we’ve been doing!” Ashton announces. “We just have two little things left to do.” He explains, “The first is making lunch, which shouldn’t take me long.” 
“What’s the other thing?” You ask suspiciously, slightly concerned about what your husband is planning. 
“Well that’s the fun part, isn’t it, Ava?” He asks, glancing down at your youngest daughter.
“Onesies!” Ava yells, bouncing up and down on the balls of her tiny feet, her loose brunette curls tumbling haphazardly around her face. 
You exchange a confused glance with Rosie as Ava grabs you both by the hand.
“That’s right.” Ashton chuckles. “You all need to put your onesies on, I’ll join you as soon as I’ve made lunch.” He aims a wink at you before disappearing into the kitchen. 
“C’mon!” Ava urges impatiently. “Onesies!”
“But it’s the middle of the day.” Rosie objects, “We can’t put onesies on, we might be going to walk Duke with uncle Cal.”
Ava shakes her head. “No walks! Onesies and fun!” She shrieks before pulling you and Rosie towards the hallway.
“What have you and Daddy been up to, cheeky?” You ask, lifting your toddler into your arms.
“It’s a secret!” Ava giggles, wriggling out of your hold before you even reach the stairs. “I want my roo!”
Your heart melts at the way your youngest daughter pronounces kangaroo. She’s one of the most adorable little people on the planet, you’re sure of that. 
“Me too.” Rosie smiles, taking her little sister's hand to help her up the stairs.
Sometimes it’s hard to believe that these two perfect little angels are yours. It’s easy to see that a lot of their physical and personality traits are inherited from their father and you couldn’t be more happy about that. 
When the three of you reach the top of the stairs, you watch the girls disappear into their respective rooms before heading to your own. The sound of Ava scurrying into Rosie’s room a moment later, followed by her rather loud request for help getting into her onesie, makes you impossibly more fond of your babies.
It isn’t long until the two little kangaroos come bounding into your room, both giggling excitedly as you finish buttoning up your tiger onesie. “Look at you two, Daddy loves when you wear those!” You smile lovingly. “Shall we go and see if your dad’s finished making lunch?”
Both children nod as they pile back out onto the landing before leading the way downstairs. Ashton’s already waiting for you in the hallway, grinning proudly. “I’m just gonna put by polar bear onesie on, then we’ll be all set for the surprise!” He explains, ruffling Ava’s hair and placing a kiss to the top of rosie’s head. “Wait in the living room, yeah?” He adds to you before pecking a kiss to the end of your nose.
Your curiosity is begging to become unbearable but you do as you’re told regardless, not wanting to ruin Ashton’s surprise.
The girls scurry into the sitting room, bouncing onto the sofa to wait for you. “Is the surprise something fun, Ava?” Rosie asks, her hazel eyes gleaming with excitement. 
Your younger daughter nods so enthusiastically that you’re sure she must feel dizzy afterwards. “So fun!” She squeals, glancing over at you and motioning for you to sit next to her. 
“I’m just gonna tidy up for a minute, you two sit and watch TV until Daddy comes back downstairs, okay?”
Neither of your daughters seem too bothered about your decision not sit with them. They turn back to each other to start a whispered conversation as you begin gathering up the last pair of hot chocolate mugs you’d left on the coffee table a little while ago. Heading into the kitchen, you’re more than a little tempted to take a detour into the dining room to see what the big surprise is. Luckily, the sight of the picnic that Ashton had prepared in the kitchen catches your eye and you examine the delicious looking snacks before cleaning the mugs in the sink.
Before you’ve finished the washing up, you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist. “You’re meant to be making sure the girls stay in the living room.” Ashton whispers, placing a kiss to your cheek. 
“I was tidying up!” You reply, giggling a little at the way his stubble tickles your face. “We can’t both be the fun parents! One of us has to do the boring stuff.”
“Well there’s nothing boring about what I have planned for us later.” Your husband growls suggestively into your ear. “This surprise is half designed to tire the girls out so that they’ll go to bed quickly tonight.”
“Ohh you want us to have an early night of our own, huh?” You ask, turning in Ashton’s arms to face him. “I like that plan, Mr Irwin.” You stretch up to kiss him, wrapping your arms around his neck and allowing the thoughts of what the two of you might get up to later, fill your mind for a little while.
A loud “Eww!” disrupts your blissful moment with Ashton and the two of you break apart to see both of your daughters standing at the kitchen door, disgruntled expressions set on their cute little faces.
“Don’t ‘eww’ at us, you little kangaroos!” Ashton laughs. “One day you might fall in love and then I’ll creep up behind you and make pukey noises when you kiss them!”
The girls share a sceptical glance as though very the thought of falling in love is the most ridiculous thing they’ve ever heard. You kind of hope they keep that view for a while so that they can stay as your little babies for a long as possible.
“Can we have the surprise now?” Rosie asks, choosing to mostly ignore her father’s words. 
“I just have to go and set the picnic up in the dining room.” Ashton replies, the excitement in his beautiful hazel eyes almost matching that of his daughters’. “You wanna carry in that little tray of cakes for me, Ava?” He adds nodding to said tray on the countertop.
Your youngest daughter makes grabby hands for the cakes before you pass them down to her. Rosie comes over to cuddle into your side as Ashton and Ava make a couple more trips in and out of the kitchen to carry the picnic into the dining room bit-by-bit.
Once the last couple of plates and the jug of juice have been carried out of the kitchen, Rosie begins to bounce excitedly on the balls of her feet. “When can we go in?” She asks impatiently.
Before you can even reply, your husband yells that the two of you can come to the dining room. It’s entirely possible that you’re just as excited and curious as your six-year-old as you take Rosie’s hand and lead the way out of the kitchen. 
The two of you hear a Christmas tune playing as you make your way to the dining room. Some strange lights seem to drift past the open doorway and your confusion builds until Rosie loses her patience and breaks into a little run, pulling you closer to the room in question.
As soon as the two of you enter the dining room, Ava and Ashton yell “surprise!” in unison, gesturing around the room to encourage you take in all of the details.
It’s immediately obvious how much effort your husband and youngest daughter have put into the mini winter wonderland they’ve created. It’s hard to hold back a happy tear or two as you watch Rosie’s face light up with the biggest smile you’d seen her make in days. 
Ava steps forward to take Rosie’s hand, instantly dragging her around the room to look at all of the different little details. 
“You’ve really outdone yourself, Mr Irwin.” You gasp, glancing around the room, struggling to take it all in. 
You assume that your dining table and chairs have been stacked behind the black sheet that Ashton has hung from the ceiling. It doubles as a backdrop for the pretty snowflake shaped lights that you realise are being generated by a little projector that he’d set on the floor in the opposite corner of the room. Other types of fake snow including a fluffy ‘snow blanket’ and some of the powdered type cover various  patches of your beloved hardwood floors. It’s hard to care too much about the inevitable tidying and vacuuming you’ll have to do later, when your tired old dining room looks so beautiful.
“We used the old tree!” Ava beams, pointing at the dishevelled little old Christmas tree in the corner. You’d meant to throw it out after you took it down after last Christmas, but you’d forgotten. Suddenly, you’ve never been more gland that Ashton had piled clutter in front of it throughout the year so you’d never remembered to get rid of it. Even though it’s quite a small tree, it looks incredibly pretty, decorated with this year’s surplus ornaments and baubles that hadn’t made it onto your main tree in the sitting room, along with some mismatched tinsel and cheap fairy lights that Ashton must have purchased this morning.
“It looks so pretty!” Rosie squeals! “I love all the snow too!” 
Ashton smiles proudly, scooping his eldest daughter up into his arms and kissing her cheek. “Has it cheered you up, princess?” He asks fondly?”
Rosie nods as she throws her arms around her dad’s neck. “Thank you Daddy!”
“And thank you Ava!” You add, ruffling your youngest daughter’s hair. “But can we eat now, I’m a very hungry tiger!”
Both of your children giggle as Ashton puts Rosie down so that she can lead the way to the little picnic he’d set out on a blanket and surrounded with comfy cushions for you all to sit on.
“The best thing about having an indoor picnic, is that we can wear our onesies and enjoy all of this snow whilst still being toasty and warm!” Ashton explains, plonking himself onto the biggest cushion. 
The girls agree enthusiastically as they settle down on either side of him. You don’t think that your heart has ever felt this full before. As you watch your husband, dressed in his comical polar bear onesie place some sandwiches on little plastic plates for your two little kangaroos, you feel like you’ve never been happier.
Tag list: @clffrd​ @byxthexway​ @afuckingunicornn​ @painkillerash​ @thrillchaser​ @moonchildsblack​ @calumbbyyy​ @h0tsos​ @valentinelrh​ @sexgodashton​ @megz1985​ @myfalsedevotion​ @aulxna​ @honeyedlashton​ @tea4sykes​ @ghostofmashton​ @fairyintheglass​ @cashworthy​ @cashtonasfuck​ @opheliaaurora23​ @5sosnsfw​ @theagenderwhocriedwolf​ @myloverboyash​ @easiercake​ @irwinkitten​
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insfiringyou · 5 years
BTS - Beginning (Suga x Jeong-sun)
Set shortly after the events of ‘Becoming Exclusive’, Jeong-sun asks Yoongi to stay the night. 
This is part of our ongoing storyline in our headcanon universe & mentions several key events from Yoongi and Jeong-sun’s past relationship together which you may wish to read first.
To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin  /   Suga  /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook 
& Our full masterlist can be found here
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Rated content below the cut
The night was cold and Jeong-sun, returning from an evening shift at work, gave in and switched on her central heating. The boiler rattled to life as she shed her uniform and turned on the hot water tap in the shower, closing her eyes beneath the steady stream which cascaded over her body comfortingly; a pleasant contrast to the nippy wind chill which had reddened her cheeks and bit into her hands on the short walk home. She mentally reminded herself to purchase some warm gloves the next time she went shopping. She had her car, of course, but it guzzled gas like there was no tomorrow and the twenty minute walk to the pharmacy was not worth it. Besides, if she was going to need her heating on for the next few weeks while the worst of the season passed, she would need to save every penny.
Her skin was soft to the touch as she dried herself off and smelt of the comforting, powdery shower gel she had lathered in the shower. She closed the curtains in her bedroom, vaguely cautious of the neighbouring apartments seeing her in nothing but a towel in the dim, but warm glow of her bedside lamp and perched on the edge of her bed to towel the ends of her wet hair. It took her a moment to realise why this felt strange to her; the shoulder length cut she had opted for at the hairdresser two days before the shortest it had been in almost a decade and she couldn’t help but wonder what Yoongi would think when he saw it. Her chest grew warm at the thought of him. They had texted each other almost daily over the past two weeks, but she had not seen him since the morning after their bath. She had not been in a hurry to leave his apartment, but left early nonetheless, knowing if she spent any longer cuddled up to him in bed, she would be unable to drag herself away for her afternoon shift at work. While he was often cold at night, by the morning Yoongi’s body under his thick duvets was always warm enough to snuggle to and he would purr and murmur lovingly as he tucked her closer, nestling closely against her back. That was one thing she had never forgotten about their time together before and having him back made her realise how much she missed being held by him in bed at night.
Twisting around and reaching for her cell on the bedcovers, her gaze dropped to her bedside table and she remembered the impulsive purchase she had made in a chemist the week before when she had picked up her elderly patient’s prescription. Hae-won used a different branch to the one Jeong-sun worked at, claiming that the medication they sold there was of a much higher quality, but for perhaps the first time, Jeong-sun was glad to have been in a store where the members of staff did not know her by name. Her fingers had trembled slightly as she tucked the item in the depths of her purse, her cheeks stained a rosy pink as she removed her card from the reader. Her heart fluttered as she turned back to her cell, swiped the screen, and pulled up Yoongi’s name.
‘Are you busy? X’  She typed. The symbolic kiss on the end had been an automatic gesture, yet still, she hoped that Yoongi would sense the softness and longing in it. She got to her feet and slowly got dressed in a comfy pair of black leggings and a casual t-shirt, leaving her feet bare against the balding carpet. Her phone pinged a few moments later as she draped her towel over the radiator below the window.
Her stomach lurched pleasantly. ‘Do you want to come over?’ She typed hopefully, smiling to herself as the reply came back almost instantly.
‘I’ll be there soon.’’
She had anticipated his arrival and had taken the liberty to make him a cup of coffee which sat steaming on the countertop. The TV blared a little pointlessly as she tuned in and out of the conversation on screen, realising after a while she hadn’t been following the dialogue at all. Eventually her phone vibrated softly on the arm of her sofa, and she pushed pause on the remote, finishing the last of her chamomile tea with a gulp. She knew automatically that he would be waiting downstairs for her, and she shuffled into a pair of slipper boots to greet him. 
“Hi…” Yoongi muttered breathlessly; the cold air having winded him a little in the short dash from his parked car around the corner. His cheeks were flushed above his thick, navy sweater and his hands were tucked deep into the pockets of his jeans. 
“Hi.” Jeong-sun replied. She felt her heart rate increase as she stepped forward and slipped the leather side-bag he carried from his shoulder, transferring it to her own as he leaned over and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her softly.
“Did you have the day off?” He asked with curiosity as he pulled away. He knew her shifts had been getting longer in recent weeks. The pharmacy was once again under the threat of entering administration and Hae-won’s increasing frailty meant that Jeong-sun had to spend longer accompanying her with her daily tasks. 
“Tomorrow.” She said, meeting his gaze purposely. 
Yoongi nodded gently. “Good.” He murmured. 
Jeong-sun stepped aside to allow him into the hallway. “Shall we go up?”
They were silent on the stairs, ignoring the chipped emulsion on the walls and the few etchings of graffiti as they reached her first floor apartment which she had left unlatched. She led him towards the counter where she had left his coffee and gestured. “I hope it’s not too cold.” She said, setting his bag onto a chair.
He thanked her quietly and took a sip, looking at her from underneath his damp bangs with dark eyes. She was hovering, a little awkwardly, by the mock-marble island which she used as a table. 
“You cut your hair…” He commented. 
Her hands moved automatically to the ends of her strands, running them through her fingers gingerly; she couldn’t work out from his tone what he thought of the change. “Do you like it?” She asked, knowing it wouldn’t matter in the long run if he didn’t but, despite this, wanting him to.
He nodded confirmingly. While he had never particularly thought of her as looking overly young for her age, the cut gave her a pleasantly mature quality; it framed her wide-set cheekbones and defined jawline in a way that drew out her best features. “It suits you.” He said, making her smile softly. 
Her eyes darted to his damp hair and clothes. “Do you want me to put your sweater on the radiator?” She offered as he set his mug down, walking towards him. 
“It wasn’t raining when I set off.” He murmured in explanation and hesitated for a moment, before sliding the navy material over his head. He wore a black T-Shirt underneath which seemed equally damp by the way it clung to his skin. 
She took the garment and slipped it over the metal frame which hung from the edge of the radiator. She had to move a few pairs of socks and underwear which she had draped over the drying rack to make room, dumping them messily onto the sofa before walking around the counter to his side. 
 Yoongi eyed the pile of discarded clothes from over the island with a curious smirk. “Did your drier break?”
“No.” She shrugged, smiling. “It just keeps shrinking my clothes.”
“Oh...” He thought for a moment. “I’m not sure I could fix that.”
She shook her head gently in reply. “I wasn’t asking you to.” She said softly. “I’ve had enough free labour from you to last a few years…”
“I could open a tab?” He quipped dryly, causing her grin to widen.
“Well, if you ever need a discount at the pharmacy, you know who to ask...” She joked in reply, her voice straight. She paused for a moment. “It’s supposed to just be used by family.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He said. A moment passed before a shy grin crept onto his lips, his eyes briefly flickering to the floor. The air between them was comfortably tense; both of them quietly nervous.
“Do you want to watch T.V?” Jeong-sun asked, a little awkwardly. “I’m in the middle of Orange is the New Black.”
“What’s it about?” Yoongi asked, following her through the small living room and over to the sofa. Now he was facing the other way, he could see the T.V had been paused in the middle of a scene; two women were on screen in recognisable jumpsuits. 
Her lips raised at the corner as she bent down to shift the array of clothes she had piled there minutes before, dropping a few odd socks and pairs of knickers as she moved them onto the bookshelf which sat on the opposite wall, adjacent to the television. “Lesbians in prison.” She muttered. 
“The plot sounds familiar…” Yoongi joked drolly, watching as she turned back on herself to pick up the items she had dropped. Her underwear was plain and unfussy but looking at them made him feel strange. Trying to distract himself, he sat down on the sofa and flinched when he felt his backside come into contact with something hard. Jeong-sun was busy trying to arrange the mismatching jumble of underwear and socks on top of the furniture in a way that they wouldn’t slip off the edge, while Yoongi shifted beneath the cushion he was sat on and pulled out a thick, crumpled paperback. The book was open and the edge of the cover was bent. The illustration depicted a polar bear wearing armour against an arctic backdrop. Jeong-sun turned to join him, seating herself next to him as he picked up an empty envelope from the coffee table in front of them and slipped it into the book, saving her place. Her eyes followed his naturally delicate movements as he placed it gently onto the wooden table.
“You could do with a bookmark.” He murmured as she pressed the play button on the remote. The sound was turned low and didn’t distract their conversation. His eyes briefly moved to the screen and observed the two women, one with blonde hair, the other red and with a freckled complexion, arguing. 
Jeong-sun shrugged as she settled against him. Despite their closeness, she hesitated for a second before placing her hand on his thigh. It felt good to be able to touch him again. “I always lose them…” 
“Are you enjoying it?” He asked, turning his head towards her. She rested her cheek against his shoulder, trying her best to relax.
“Yeah. Yu-jin lent it to me.” She muttered as his cheek touched her forehead gently. “I can see why she likes it, she knows it cover to cover.”
“Was it in this condition when she gave it to you?” Yoongi teased.
Jeong-sun looked up, meeting his eyes with a smile. “I doubt she’ll make me pay a fine…” 
He smiled back as she nestled against him once more, enjoying their proximity and the low vibration of his voice through their bodies. “How’s she finding teaching?” He asked.
“It’s freed up her schedule a lot...we had lunch together last week.” She paused. “I told her you were back.”
He seemed surprised. “Does she remember me? From Angel’s party?” 
Jeong-sun grinned, though he couldn’t see it from his position, suddenly recalling the conversation they had shared afterward and how Yu-jin, who was on the spectrum and could be obsessively observant, still brought it up to this day. “She said she remembered one of your shoes were untied. She couldn’t stop staring at it.”
He laughed gently. “I didn’t realise…” He glanced at the television, sensing the credits had finished rolling. A notice on the screen asked whether they wanted to continue watching. “Is it over?” He asked absently, aware that he too had not been paying it much attention.
Jeong-sun, sensing this, reached for the remote control and clicked the NO icon before settling back down. “Do you want another drink?” She asked. Her voice was momentarily airy and light, but he could sense her restlessness as she ran her finger-tips through her fresh cut.
“I’m fine.”
“I might have a whisky.” She said quickly, subconsciously glancing at the cupboard above the sink as she did so.
Yoongi realised why she told him this and felt his chest ache. He too felt jittery. With a racing heart, he reached for her hand, slipping his fingers through hers and facing her. “Do you need it?” He asked tenderly. 
She looked up at him, their brown eyes connecting as he touched a finger to her temple, sliding a strand of hair gently away from her face. His touch was impossibly soft as he hooked the lock behind her ear, stroking the delicate skin there. “No…” She admitted. 
“Is it too soon?” He whispered. 
She shook her head quietly and their eyes locked for another moment before they pressed their lips together. The kiss was brief and a little timid, but strangely reassuring. The bitter taste of black coffee and burnt sugar lingered on their shared breath, and when they pulled apart, their hearts were racing equally hard.
“Did you bring a spare change of clothes?” Jeong-sun asked softly, remembering his bag on the chair in the kitchen.
His nod was slight, not wanting to be presumptuous. “I didn’t know if you wanted me to stay.” He answered.
She shifted off him and got to her feet slowly, reaching out to take his hand. “I do…” 
He followed her down the short hallway and into the single bedroom at the end of the corridor. The room was cast in darkness; only the warm light from the living room at the end of the hall streaming into the space as she bridged the gap between them. He trailed his hand lightly along her upper arm, pulling her closer as their kisses quickened and deepened, sinking into each other as their tongues brushed with a mutual moan. It was too much and they withdrew in unison, sticking to a couple of massaging, sensual pecks to the lips before moving back in. The kiss lasted a long time, with neither of them wanting to break the unrushed pace and closeness of their bodies as they pressed together in the middle of the dark room, feeling safe and warm in each other’s arms. Jeong-sun felt she could kiss him like this forever; until her lips grew numb and stopped working, but regardless, she broke away from him first, moving away slowly and reluctantly to flick the switch on the bedside lamp. 
Yoongi blinked a few times, his eyes adjusting to the dim light as he watched her slide off her slippers and crawl onto the double bed. She shifted against the duvet and rolled onto her side, looking at him. He hesitated before taking off his shoes and socks and joined her. Their lips met again as they faced one another, their covered bodies moving together as he wrapped his spare arm around her waist. Her bare feet brushed his own, their toes slipping against each other comfortingly as their legs became intertwined. 
Despite their passion and her desire for him, her body was not responding in the way she had expected; her pleasure surprisingly dulled in her anticipation. Pulling away, she raised herself on the bedcovers, straddling his hips gently as he moved onto his back to support her. 
“Here…” He whispered, moving his hands to her hips to steady her against him. She bent down and kissed him gently. 
“Am I too heavy?” She murmured against his lips. 
“No…” He whispered as she straightened up her back. “You feel nice…”
With a soft smile, she touched the hem of her shirt and slid it off. His palms moved to her skin as she did this, moving upwards with the fabric; starting at the soft bulge of her hips before moving over her stomach and torso, coming to a rest at her shoulders as she squeezed her head through the gap and threw the material to the floor. He ran his hand gently over a narrow bra strap as her lips moved back to his, kissing him fervidly. He moved his palms down to grasp her hips, encouraging her to move her backside from him so he could sit himself up against the headboard. She complied without hesitation, helping him shuffle up until their faces were inches from each other, their height almost equal. They came together again and, with a gasp, he grasped her bottom through her leggings, resting his palms against the roundness of her flesh and squeezing her in kneady motions as their kiss grew more intense.
“Is this okay?” He asked breathlessly against her lips.
She let out a small moan, sneaking her hands around the back of his body and feeling beneath his T-Shirt. She caressed the soft skin, her fingers naturally drawn to the delicate dimples in his lower back, appreciating his narrow waist and the fine, wispy hairs which stood out on his goose-pimpled skin. She began to move the fabric up his body.
“Should I take it off?” He asked, sensing that was what she was trying to do. 
She smirked toylingly. “It’s only fair…”
Pecking her once more, he lifted the shirt the remainder of the way, sliding it over his head and pulling her closer. His lips moved to the fleshy part of her breast which he pecked gently, following the edge of her plain bra until he reached her sternum. Her mouth parted at the feel of his lips, warm and soft, opening against the sensitive space between her breasts, just above the band of her bra, and pressing a lingering kiss to her chest. The gesture felt incredibly intimate and tender. 
“You can take it off...” She whispered against his hair which was still slightly damp and wavy from the rain earlier that evening and his fingers hesitated against her skin before reaching around her back to unclasp it. He kissed her chest chastely as he successfully unfastened the strap, leaving it open below her shoulder blades and returning his hands to her waist. He was in no rush to uncover her, instead caressing his thumbs over the gentle curves of her hips which protruded slightly above her elasticated leggings, and she appreciated this; cupping her palms against his warm cheeks as she kissed him. 
She slid down the straps of her bra as she moved down his body, pressing her lips to his collarbone and chest before opening her lips slightly against his nipple, appreciating the soft cooing sound which escaped his parted lips as she touched it gently with her tongue. She easily discarded her bra on the floor before sliding lower, pecking his soft stomach a couple of times. She pulled away, resting on her knees and straightening. Yoongi’s eyes roamed over her bare breasts; his irises dark and beautiful as his lips parted delicately at the sight. Jeong-sun could do nothing but meet his gaze. She was short of breath and her heart thundered in her chest, but she allowed him to look. 
“What is it?” She asked soberly, breaking the long stretch of silence and dropping her eyes briefly to look at her chest, a little self-consciously. 
He shook his head, jaw tense as he looked at her longingly. “It’s just…” He ran his tongue over his dry lips, moistening them. “If I hadn’t seen you that day...we might not have…” His voice cracked but he didn’t need to continue. Jeong-sun did not know whether he was referring to their meeting in the pharmacy the month before or to the closet they had shared so long ago, but it did not matter. She caught the edge of panic in his voice and felt it briefly echoed in her own chest. She moved over him, straddling his hips and welcoming his touch as he brushed her cheekbone a little desperately with his thumb. Leaning forward, she pressed her nose to his. 
“But we did…” She whispered reassuringly, feeling the weight of her own words take hold as his hands moved down to her forearms, holding her against him, as though proving to himself that she was really there with him. He nodded in agreement or relief, she wasn’t sure which, before pecking her lips once, tenderly. She gasped almost silently, closing her eyes in pleasure as he took one of her nipples into his warm mouth, sucking the pink bud gently. She held him to her as he worshiped her flesh, allowing the moment to last; pulling away prematurely would have been almost sacrilegious. When he let her go, she pressed her lips to the top of his head, inhaling the woody, fragrant scent of his hair before she moved back down his body, hesitating above the waistband of his jeans. 
She kissed the gentle, wispy line of dark hair which trailed above the fabric and moved her hands to the button. “Can I?” She asked, meeting his gaze. 
“Yes.” He confirmed under his breath, allowing her to unbutton his jeans and pull them along with the top of his underwear slightly down his hips, revealing the delicate black matt of his pubic hair. She hesitated a little nervously above him, contemplating how to best handle him. He watched patiently as she brushed the elasticated waistband of his shorts before thinking better of it and instead opting to touch him through the material, her fingers a little tentative as they wrapped around his length, feeling him tenderly. He was slightly hard and, hearing him sigh fervently, she pressed her lips to the material, kissing him gently through his underwear. He watched her achingly beneath thick eyelashes, his chest warm with emotion as she pulled away and slowly slipped her hand into the pouch of his fly to hold him. 
He remained still, watching as she closed her hand tenderly around his girth. She squeezed him gently, massaging his cock in slow, lulling motions. He let out a whimper at her touch, his throaty moans comfortingly familiar and filling her with reminiscence. Slowly, she untucked herself from his underwear, slipping her hand out of the gap to reach beneath the elasticated waistband which she slowly pulled down, uncovering him.
She unhurriedly moved her hand up him once, her thumb brushing over the soft skin and slightly protruding veins, as though committing him to memory. His tip was flushed with arousal and she licked her lips absently; she had forgotten how beautiful he was nude. He assisted her in pulling his underwear down to his knees, lifting his waist from the bed as she tugged them down. Her lips met his inner thigh, her mouth opening wetly and adoringly against the flesh; his muscles slightly more pronounced than she remembered. She moved upwards.
“Do you want me to…?” She asked, looking up at him. Her hand was still wrapped tightly around him, and her intention was obvious. 
He hesitated, his heart skipping at the sight of her between his thighs; the light cluster of freckles on the bridge of her nose visible in the soft glow of the lamp and the sheen of perspiration on her cheeks. “No…” He murmured, shaking his head slightly with parted lips. “You’re enough…”
She paused for a moment, before nodding softly. “Okay…” She agreed, drawing away to shift position.
“In my bag…” Yoongi swallowed, his throat dry. “I thought we should be safe.” 
It took her a moment to realise what he was referring to, her mind hazy with emotion. Clocking on, her lips turned up at the corners. “Yeah…” She agreed, turning sideways to slide from the bedcovers. “I thought so too.” 
He took the opportunity to remove his jeans and underwear completely as she bent down, reaching into the bedside cabinet and pulling out a small cardboard box. The cellophane was still on. “Paid full price for them.” She quipped, trying to sound calm but unable to help her voice from fluttering a bit as she undid the plastic.
“Do I have to reimburse you?” Yoongi asked with a small smile.
She placed tugged open the cardboard lid before placing the full box on top of the bedside table, within reach. “It’s a shared responsibility.” Her grave tone made him grin widely, his pink gums momentarily visible.
He reached for her as he climbed on the duvet and gently turned her onto her back, kissing her passionately into the covers. His bare chest pressed against her breasts and she groaned into his mouth, her nipples hard and sensitive against him. In turn, she could feel him stiffening against her upper thigh through the thin layer of her leggings. He didn’t draw attention to himself, instead moving his hand slowly against her crotch and rubbing her tentatively through the fabric with his palm. She moaned gently in reply, letting him know it was okay and he reached under her waistband, moving his fingers down. She shifted on the bed, wriggling her arse a little to adjust her position, making it easier for him to slip his fingers under the gusset of her panties. She continued to kiss him as he ran two fingers smoothly along her outer lips. 
Trying to relax, she appreciated his soft touch as he caressed her a few times before pushing through her folds, his palm pressing flat against her pubic hair. He realised, as he stroked her clitoris, that despite her soothing moans, she was not incredibly wet. Experimentally, he dipped his index and middle fingers lower and pressed against her opening, sinking in his fingertips. Jeong-sun gasped and he broke their kiss to look at her, keeping his face close to watch her expression carefully. He didn’t want to hurt her and, realising she was too tight to accommodate him, he returned to her clit, circling the bud lightly as he pressed gentle kisses to her face; his lips skimming her forehead, cheeks, mouth, stroking her hair with his spare hand as he attempted to get her worked up. She locked eyes with him, cursing her nerves but he shook his head and huddled against her to kiss her neck sensually, moving his lips upwards until he reached the edge of her ear. She moaned as he purred against her, skimming his mouth along the sensitive flesh of her helix as he explored lower with his fingers, pushing into her slowly with only his middle digit until he felt she could take two. She kissed him passionately as he fingered her; keeping his caresses shallow as her body gradually softened beneath him. Despite this, she was disappointed to see how dry his fingers were when he pulled away to remove the remainder of her clothes; feeling betrayed by her own body. He paused as he hooked his digits beneath her waistband, waiting for a reaction. She nodded gently and he slipped her leggings and panties down in one smooth motion, abandoning the garments over the edge of the bed. 
She parted her thighs for him as he rubbed along her slit with his entire hand, trailing his fingers through her pink folds and brushing her clit with his palm. He realised how frustrated she was with herself when she pushed his hand aside gently to rub her clit a little frantically in concentrated, circular motions. Breathlessly, he moved from her, sliding further down the bed to nestle between her thighs. She pulled away and he held her open with his fingers, pressing his lips to her clit twice, the sound of his pecks echoing around the room as he pulled back to rub the little nub with his index finger, feeling it swell gently beneath his finger, before he moved back in. He sucked it very lightly, taking the delicate bud between his soft lips and feeling his heart race at the sound of her moans above him. Her taste was, like everything else, achingly familiar and he savoured it, wondering if he would ever take it for granted again. 
Pulling away, he moved up her body, keeping close as he kissed her bare chest. She entwined her fingers with his and moved them against her, guiding his digits against her clit before dipping lower, encouraging him to try again. He entered her more easily this time, using his thumb to brush her clit and, satisfied, she pulled away to stroke his cock, coaxing it against her lower stomach. They kissed longingly, their bodies close as Jeong-sun blindly reached for the pack of condoms on the table, her fingertips skimming the box unsuccessfully a few times before managing to grasp the edge. Yoongi pulled back as she handed him a square foil, her other hand holding him firmly to keep him hard. 
“Do you want to put it on?” She whispered, reluctantly uncurling her fingers from his erection.
He nodded, pressing his lips against her forehead before sitting back to perch on the edge of the bed. Jeong-sun watched closely as he fiddled with the packet and kissed his bare shoulder lovingly as he tore the edge open a little clumsily. His fingers trembled. 
“Here…” She offered breathlessly, unable to help the fierce yearning feeling in her chest as she brushed her hand over his. She had never seen him so affected before, his own nerves finally rising to the surface. She managed to open the foil packet without dropping it and rolled it down him slowly, pinching the end and making sure it fit snug. With a racing heart, she lay back against the covers and he moved with her, covering her body with his own. He brushed against her lightly, holding himself by the base.
“Go slow…” She requested, her voice whispery as she hooked her arms loosely around his neck, keeping her gaze locked with his in anticipation. 
“I will.” He promised, keeping himself still for another few moments before guiding into her. She parted her lips as he huddled against her and buried as deep as he could in an embrace. She tightened her hold on him, pressing him against her as he clung to her in return. They laid still for a moment, their bodies feeling oddly heavy together as they accommodated to the sensation of one another. Yoongi’s lips parted against her lobe at the warmth and comfort that her body gave him. His hips moved snuggly against her, the pace achingly slow, wanting to feel every inch of her wrapping around him. Sweetly, he pressed his mouth against the space below her ear. Her pulse was fluttery and strong against the bud of his lips, the pounding of her heartbeat echoing deep within her. He shivered slightly at the realisation, and mistaking it for the chill of her apartment, Jeong-sun held him tighter; cradling him, sharing her heat. The emotion that overcame him as her fingertips trailed lovingly over his naked back, warming him, took his breath. A lump rose in his throat as he gazed at the mixture of soft concern and affection in her expression. At that moment, he was certain that he would never feel this way about anyone else.
 Delicately, he adjusted himself, the head of his penis slipping out of her despite the painstaking carefulness at which he did so. Yoongi heard her almost panicked intake of breath as the sensation of fullness left her, his swollen tip pressing awkwardly against her flushed labia. She slipped her fingertips between their bodies, delicately through his pubic hair and took hold of him, angling herself against it. Her chest tightened at the purr of pleasure which escaped him as he pushed gently back inside her, his head snapping back a little at the stimulation. “Jeong-sun…” 
The sound of her name brought a smile to her lips and tenderly, as he began to move against her, she kissed his bare arms and shoulders between his unhurried thrusts. His dark fringe of hair tickled her forehead, and reaching forward she brushed it lightly away from his brow and appreciated him in the dim glow of the lamp. He met her gaze with a slightly dreamy expression as she brushed his burning cheek with her thumb. Jeong-sun could tell from the slightly glazed look in his eyes that he was lost in her, and her heart thudded madly as he peered back at her through a rim of thick lashes. He seemed perpetually on the edge of speech, but she sensed that like herself, could not locate the words enough to tell her how he felt. But, as she looked at him, she thought she could understand. There was so much she wanted to say to him, yet she had never felt more incapable of speech in her life. Having him so close, feeling every inch of him, meant more than she could ever express. They made love gently, her hands curved over his backside as they rocked against one another, not in the pursuit of orgasm but recognising everything it represented. 
“Can I try?” She asked, her voice cracking a  little with dryness as he paused to adjust the condom. Yoongi’s dark eyes flickered to hers for a moment, sensing the nervousness in her question. He blinked, nodding in agreement, his expression calm despite the way which his heart hammered against his ribcage. He shifted, propping himself up against the headboard, supporting her by the hips as she straddled his lap clumsily and slipped him inside. Her chest was flush against his own, arms locked around his neck as she tried to establish a rhythm. Instinctively, he pressed his lips warmly to the crevice of her breasts, caressing them, feeling them undulate slightly as she moved up and down his length. The sweet, oaty fragrance of her skin and the pressure of her thighs on either side of him was exciting, a familiar tingling sensation spreading through his lower region. They pinned against him firmly as she gave up on trying to ride him, needing a different angle, and instead began to grind against his pubic bone. Slowly, Jeong-sun’s body began to respond, his slight moans and purrs making her stomach feel warm.
She sighed, a frail whine breaking out between laboured breaths. The sound of it made Yoongi’s heart flutter, and when he met her eyes he thought he had never seen a person look so relieved and exhausted.
Her orgasm had not been mind-blowing, but the depth at which she held felt him inside of her had brought her to it regardless. The sensation had already begun to dissipate as he kissed her tenderly, patiently, as her body weakly rode out the last few waves. Jeong-sun pressed her lips back firmly against his, encouraging him to follow as he squeezed her backside, his own hips jutting close against her. Lovingly, she watched his expression change as a small crease formed on his brow and he drew in breath through slightly gritted teeth. His own release seemed to come a little unevenly too, but he purred gently as she helped him through it, feeling his length grow soft and pliant beneath her. 
 “Be careful…” He pleaded, voice equally as hoarse and fragile as hers had been. She felt his bony knuckles brush her clitoris briefly as his hand crept between their bodies. Cautiously, and sure that he was securely holding the latex, she raised her hips until he was no longer inside of her. Yoongi breathed in deeply, clearly still sensitive as his cock fell limply against his stomach, held between his thumb and forefinger at the base. 
Apologetically, she pressed her lips against his warm cheek, their exhausted breaths mingling as he turned to capture them against his own. They were impossibly soft, the movements minuscule but incredibly expressive, as though desperate to convey some silent emotion that he was experiencing. But Jeong-sun understood it completely, needing no words, tasting his promise to her. The realisation sank in upon her that she could not bear to be apart from him again. She felt whole in a way that, even all those years ago, she had never experienced so entirely. It seemed impossible that she hadn’t noticed what she had been lacking in all of that time, that she had never found what she had needed. The intimacy of their embrace, as their lips moved tenderly against one another, was so tangible...
“Are you okay?” He asked, his tone impossibly gentle, as her lips quivered for a second against his.
Trying to overcome the sudden, unexpected urge to cry, she took a deep breath to steady herself.  “I don’t know…” She wasn’t sure how to answer, to explain the overwhelming emotion surging through her. Jeong-sun continued, brushing her hair away from her face, once more surprised by how little of it there was. “Are you?”
They held each other’s gaze steadily for a moment, their hearts pounding hard as they examined each other’s post-coital, slightly disoriented appearance. 
“I don’t know.” Yoongi echoed, and the tension dissipated as they laughed softly together. The bedsheets rustled and moved as Jeong-sun adjusted herself, and with extraordinary care she rolled the condom from his length, tying it off and disposing of it. He had watched her do it, eyes full of affection as she handled him as though he might break. As she crawled into the space beside him, he wrapped his arms snuggly around her. Contently, she shuffled against him, working the covers over their bare legs. He pressed his lips against the nape of her neck, dragging the sheets up to cover their naked bodies. She was warm, one arm resting between her breasts. Eventually, they drifted off to sleep together. It would have been hard to tell who had fallen asleep first; however, Yoongi had quickly stilled against Jeong-sun, his breathing slow and regular and hot against her skin. She followed soon after, her cheek resting peacefully against his palm.
A thin beam of sunlight streamed through the crack in the curtains and Yoongi, awakened by the slight movement from beside him as Jeong-sun turned over under the duvet, had no real sense of time or how long they had been lying there, side by side. At some point in the early hours of the morning, they had awoken and made love again, spooning closely. Looking down, he realised he was still wearing a condom though he was no longer hard. He did not remember whether he had finished and had only the vaguest memory of putting it on as the golden rays of dawn had touched her cheek as they moved together; their soft moans and whispers echoing through the room as though they were sharing secrets. He no longer remembered what was said between them; only the sweet, warm sensation he had felt in his chest and the feeling of a weight being lifted. The evening before had been emotionally exhausting; the gravitas of what they were trying to say to each other weighing on them both, but this morning had been different. He didn’t think he had ever felt so content as sleep once more took him, pulling him into a comfortable and warm embrace. Now, as his eyes adjusted to the bright streak of light, the room coming into focus, the second time had felt like a dream and he suspected when she woke, Jeong-sun would likewise be unable to recall whether it had really happened. 
“I need a shower…” The sound of her voice beside him alerted him to fact she was also awake and, a little sheepishly, he removed the condom. 
“You don’t have to be anywhere.” He mumbled, gently moving the bed sheets aside to use the bathroom. Drying his hands in the small basin, he realised how thirsty he was and plodded, bare-foot, into the kitchen to get them both a glass of water. The familiar scent of the living space and, beneath that, the sweet odour of the woman who inhabited it was welcome and comforting as he moved through the small room and returned to the bedroom at the end of the hall. 
Her soft snores indicated that she had fallen back to sleep and he tried not to wake her as he placed the glasses on the bed stand and slipped beside her under the covers.  
“Do you really have to go?” She mumbled in her sleep as the springs beside her moved with his weight and he felt his heart sink at the memory of all the times he had been forced to do so; of getting up early to go to dance practice or to catch an early flight. 
He felt his eyes sting as he brushed a curl of hair from her face and pressed his lips against her cheek. “No…”
Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for the next chapter in their headcanon coming soon!
You can find all of the member’s headcanon fics in order here:  RM   /   Jin /   Suga /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook
& our full masterlist can be found here
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sillyfeathers · 5 years
Movie Night (Bucky x Reader)
Movie Night Prompt: ‘Why are you wearing a crop top?’ Warnings: none Relationships: Bucky x reader (platonic or romantic) Summary: While you have the perfect movie night planned, once Bucky sees you, he has a different idea. Words: 915
A/N: This is for @kikiargent, thank you for the prompt! I hope you like it :)
Right now, you were quite content.
You were sitting on the couch waiting for Bucky to finish making popcorn, with your favourite movie ready to play, wrapped in half a dozen blankets. It was your first real night off in over a month, and you were more than ready to snuggle up and fall asleep in front of the TV, rather than at your desk.
“Ready!” Bucky’s voice sang out from the kitchen, and moments later he emerged with a full bowl of hot popcorn. You grinned at the sight of it, and pulled all your blankets to one side so Bucky could join you on the couch. He raised an eyebrow as he sat down, tugging on one of the outer blankets.
“Are you warm in there?” he asked. You nodded, grinning. You were probably under a few too many, and the weight was sort of limiting your movement, but as far as you were concerned, you had absolutely nowhere else to be.
“Alright, eskimo. Mind if I join you?”
“Of course, polar bear,” you replied, and managed to reach out an arm from the mountain of blankets to guide him, until he was pressed up against you.
“Wait – damnit, the remote,” he groaned. “Can you reach it?”
The remote was sitting on the arm of the couch. In any other situation, you would’ve been fine, but Bucky had really tucked the blankets in around the two of you, and so you were pretty much immobilised.
After a few minutes (well, seconds) of straining, you gave up and sank back into the pile. “No good.”
“You’re such a quitter,” Bucky laughed, and he snaked an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. But the moment you felt the metal fingertips brush against your back, you jumped, a tiny squeak coming from your mouth.
He paused, and dragged his fingers across the sensitive skin, over to your sides and stomach – pretty much unaware of what he was doing. All the same, you couldn’t help but giggle quietly.
“Y/N,” Bucky began, speaking slowly, “Why are you wearing a crop top?”
You blushed. “I wanted to watch the movie with all these blankets, but I would’ve gotten too hot if I was wearing anything else,” you admitted.
“Really?” Bucky chuckled, shaking his head. “You giant, giant dork.”
His fingers were still absentmindedly scratching at your side, and it was beginning to drive you crazy. Biting back a giggle, you managed to get out, “Buck, you’re tickling me.”
“Oh, sorry,” he replied, but if you’d been looking at him, you would’ve seen the smirk on his face.
“Hey, Y/N, can you try and grab the remote again?”
You sighed, a little dramatically, but went ahead and tried anyway. Unsurprisingly, it hadn’t moved position, and just as you were thinking you were going to have to push all the blankets off – you felt two hands wrapping around your waist.
“Buhuck,” you mumbled, trying not to squirm as you felt his fingers fluttering against your side.
“Yehes?” he teased, mocking you. You felt your cheeks go red, and began to struggle, but the blankets – those damn blankets – had you stuck.
Bucky was still poking at your side, and you were starting to giggle. “Bucky – James – c’mon,” you giggled softly.
“James?” He sounded incredulous. “Oh dear, I seem to have really upset you.” With ease, he pulled you back up so you were wrapped in his arms, his fingers dancing across your stomach, and looked you dead in the eyes, the smirk now apparent.
“And I just can’t have you upset, can I?”
Before you could get another word in, he had secured his metal arm around your waist, and the other was scribbling all over your upper body. You squealed, but he had you in a firm grip and there was no getting out of it.
“Buhuhuck, NO!” You shrieked as he spidered up your ribs, before dissolving into a giggly mess.
Try as you might, Bucky wasn't going to let you go, so eventually you resigned to your ticklish fate, curling up as best as you could and muffling your laughter against his chest.
“Awh, are you too ticklish?” Bucky teased, and you felt your face heat up. As well as his metal fingers still wiggling into your side, he was now fluttering around your ears and neck, making you scrunch up even further.
“Buhuhucky, stop,” you giggled breathlessly, squeaking as he squeezed your hips.
He slowed, but still kept his hands moving, the short top making it awfully easy to attack every bit of sensitive skin.
“You know, wearing a crop top and trapping us together under these blankets…it’s almost like you’re asking to be tickled,” he whispered in your ear, and you barely had time to react before he was nuzzling into your neck. His beard was one of the most ticklish things you’d ever felt, and you squealed, before falling back into giggles as he finally let you go.
Still, you remained in his arms, closing your eyes and resting your head against his chest. Your breathing eventually slowed to match his, and soon you were just lying there together, the popcorn abandoned, in silence; but it was nice.
“Y’know, if I didn’t wear a crop top, I would be too hot to cuddle with you,” you murmured under your breath, your eyes drifting shut. You felt him chuckle, and press a kiss to your forehead.
“You giant, giant dork.”
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