#Theta Tucker
its-spelt-vaermina · 2 years
TES oc infodump part 2!!! Humans!!
(Warning, even longer than the last post)
Raised by an Alik'r defector with his sister.
He knew the warrior wasn't their real father, though his sister lived in denial.
They lived as nomads, wandering from place to place and sleeping in tents when they weren't in cities.
Their caretaker had run off with a hefty sum of gold, and the kids worked as farmhands when they could.
When Atrizander was 12, they had stayed in the Imperial City for a few months.
He'd made friends with a few local boys during his stay, and often hung around outside the Arena.
Until his best friend got his shit kicked in by a 12 y/o Altmer girl.
Atrizander was slow to talk to Mara, he had a hard time warming up to people, especially due to what he's heard about the Thalmor.
But never the less, he and Mara grew to be good friends, up until the two moved away.
Atrizander was happy with their life, but his sister wanted something more.
When their caretaker fell ill, she paid off an inn-keeper to let him stay there while her and Atrizander went to go make some money.
The two ended up joining a bandit group. Both of them were skilled swordsman and needed the money, so it was pretty easy to convince the bandits to let them in.
They went all over the place, killing, looting, hiding, then doing it all over again.
Atrizander hated bandit life. He hated the way the others would talk to him and his sister, he hated the killing, he hated the mugging, he hated all of it.
In his off time he snuck out and visited Whiterun. It wasnt his first choice but it was the closest city.
He eventually joined the Companions.
Once his sister heard about him running off, she joined a band of monster hunters for a chance to find him and get him back for abandoning their bandit clan.
Honestly it was supposed to be this whole emotional battle but she didn't expect Atrizander to actually be in wolf form after Skjor's murder when she went to fight him so he didn't even know she was there until he went back to loot bodies.
Despite him and his sister not having a good relationship later in their lives, Atrizander still felt terrible over it.
The Companions couldn't get him to eat or drink for weeks afterwards, the only time he ever did was when Mara came along and said "fuck it" and used vampire mindfuckery to get him to eat.
Once he'd come to terms with most of his grief, he helped recruitment into the Moonlit Shields.
He was glad to see Mara again, as well as the other "Arena Boys" as they had taken to calling themselves.
Jaxyn the Hawk
Jaxyn was born and raised in Bruma by a Nord woman and an Imperial man.
His father was a professor at the Arcane University in the Imperial City, and rarely came home.
His mother was a trainer for the Bruma city guard.
Jaxyn was often left to fend for himself. He taught himself to cook, clean, sew, and hunt.
He'd often leave town for days at a time for hunting trips; townspeople noticed and began to question his mother about it, who responded with the fact that she didn't even know he was leaving.
Early into his teenage years he began to mouth off to his parents a lot more, to their surprise.
"Young man, for the record, I put food on the table." *Motions to said food on said table, which Jaxyn caught and prepared.*
After a particularly bad argument with his father, he packed up and left.
He felt no remorse, especially considering his father said he didn't want to see him again.
He crossed the border to Skyrim just before Ulfric decided to pull his bullshit.
He hunted for himself, and lived on his own out in the woods.
He began to find that he had a knack for befriending animals, both predators and prey.
He rode a large stag to get places quickly, and had a friendship with a pack of wolves that lived nearby.
He heard about the war when he crossed through Riverwood on his way home; he had stopped for a drink and met Ralof, who had come in from Helgen earlier that day.
He kinda said fuck it and headed off to Windhelm to join the rebellion.
He stayed with them for a while, becoming a soldier in a team led by a blind nord named Prism.
After a while, however, someone heard of an Imperial professor missing his son.
People started to connect the dots based on description and retold history.
Many of the other soldiers didn't take kindly to having an Imperial in their ranks, and he ended up disappearing without a trace.
In all reality, he just went back to his camp in the woods.
He was passing through Riften for supplies when he was approached by Brynjolf.
Long story short, he quickly became an elite member of the Thieves Guild, going on to even become the Guild Master.
Solovythei actually came to him about the Moonlit Shields.
They'd come to the Flagon for Delvin, but decided that connections to the Guild would be beneficial, both in the war and for the Shields.
He agreed to join, under the condition that his Guildmates stay protected from the Companions, and the Riften guard.
Prism Silver-Snare
Prism grew up in Windhelm
He faced a lot of adversity, both growing up trans and blind; the only person who really had his back was his mother; a former war hero.
Many people underestimated him, which, to be fair, was normal because he was a pretty dull kid.
However, as he grew up, he learned how to handle himself.
With help from his mother, he learned to echolocate, and use surrounding scents and noises to help him both in daily life and in battle.
When he became old enough, he joined the Civil War on the Stormcloak side.
He was good at downplaying the fact that he was blind, but he was still known as "The Blind Blade."
For a short time, he even went by Prism Blind-Blade.
He slowly climbed the ranks; he was an amazing warrior and a great leader.
His mother couldn't be more proud of him.
He's the only renowned warrior that didn't join the Moonlit Shields, however he did aid them.
After a long conversation with Equiun and Mara, Prism realized Ulfric's values didn't have the citizens' wellbeing in best interest, that he prioritized Nords over everyone else.
Prism kept fighting, but also fed information to the Shields.
Ara is. A strange creature.
She was born to a lowly Dark Brotherhood assassin, and grew up in the field.
She was an adept killer, and rose to the rank of Speaker.
Though, with Astrid's leadership, Ara often questioned the true meaning of the Brotherhood.
She often read about the old ways and the Tenets, but was shut up when she asked any questions.
She was often told Sithis would despise her if she continued to go against her leader's word.
So she left.
She heard about the Dawnguard, packed her shit, and left.
She quickly made friends with those in the Dawnguard, and was a damn good vampire hunter.
She especially had a sweet spot for Isran, who she grew closer to during her time with the Dawnguard.
She was approached by a strange figure one day.
One thing led to the next, suspicious words led to a battle, and she was landed with Sanguinare Vampiris, unknown to her.
After a few days, she fully turned.
She didn't notice at first, but her bloodlust got more and more intense as time went on, causing her to loose her mind and rampage in a small village, killing a good four people before being apprehended by the Dawnguard.
Isran refused to kill her, instead forcing her to go to Morthal to get cured.
When she returned, Isran had some. Words. To say the least.
After a particularly heated screaming match, Ara killed him.
She locked herself in his quarters with his dead body for several days, grieving and panicking over what she did.
She eventually disposed of his body in the fire and took his place, claiming that Isran had abandoned the Dawnguard and ran off to rejoin the Vigilants of Stendarr.
Not many believed her at firsr, but seeing as Isran wasn't coming back, they slowly accepted that as the truth, and accepted her as their leader.
After all, she was his second in command, why would she lie?
Mara was the one to approach her about the Shields.
Ara was hesitant at first, seeing as how a vampire just waltzed in and asked her to ally with them.
However, Mara explained that factions didn't matter in the Shields; it was about protecting Skyrim from threats that harmed them all, no matter werewolf, vampire, or human. Starting with the war tearing the country apart and killing hundreds.
Ara hesitantly accepted.
The fact that there were vampires in the Shields was kept secret from the rest of the Dawnguard, to ensure their alliance and Mara's safety.
Not that Mara would have any trouble slaughtering the entire group, and she made that very clear during her meeting with Ara, but it was appreciated nonetheless.
Thelonius Valtieri
Thelonius was born and raised in Cheydinhal.
His family was well off, due to his ancestor's line of work.
The Dark Brotherhood was much more utilized in the times of the Oblivion Crisis, and Vicente had even longer to set aside assets for his coming generations.
Thelonius, unfortunately, never met Vicente. The vampire died long before Thelonius was born. However, he heard stories of the great assassin that Vicente was.
The Cyrodill Dark Brotherhood was dead by the time Thelonius decided he wanted to follow in Vicente's footsteps.
So, off he went to Skyrim, with his father and brothers happily sending him letters at all points in his journey.
When he arrived and actually made it into the Dark Brotherhood, he was...discouraged by the state of the guild.
He tried to stay, he really did, but it was difficult, so he left.
He worked as a freelance assassin up until Solovythei took control of the Brotherhood and turned it around.
They heard word of Thelonius from the Ghost of Lucien Lachance, so they sent for him.
By the time Thelonius rejoined the Brotherhood, he had found another interest; the study of the supernatural.
In his free time, he studied monsters and Daedra endlessly.
When Solovythei offered him a chance to join the Shields, and told him he'd be able to talk to real vampires and werewolves, he was ecstatic.
Once actually in the Shields, he was overjoyed to learn about not only these otherwordly creatures, but from Equiun, who had first-hand experiences with every Daedric Prince.
During his time with the Shields, he performed an experiment that would change the course of his life.
He had requested both Atrizander and Mara to turn him simultaneously, to see if he could survive as a werewolf-vampire hybrid.
Good news, he could! Bad news, it was extremely painful - not just the initial turning but life on the daily.
The werewolf blood and vampire blood constantly warred within him, causing his whole body to ache.
Still, he pushed on.
Theta Tucker
Theta had an average childhood.
He was born and raised in Kvatch to two loving parents.
He even grew up to become part of the city guard.
When Brother Martin arrived in town, he quickly grew close with (and fond of) the priest.
What fucked him up came later in life, in his early 20's, when his hometown burned to the ground at the hands of the Daedra.
He had led a small group of survivors to the church.
He fought tooth and nail until help arrived, and long after.
He joined the journey to bring Martin to Weynon Priory.
He and Martin were close during the journey, until a down period while the Hero of Kvatch was out adventuring and closing gates.
During this down period, Theta left to explore a certain portal that opened in the Niben Bay.
He promised to come back soon, but we all know how that goes.
He entered the Shivering Isles and, as it does, one thing led to another and he was crowned the new incarnation of the MadGod.
He broke and rebuilt his mind more times than he could count.
After months (or maybe years, he stopped counting at some point) he returned to Cyrodill.
He went back to travelling with Martin and Juno, using his newfound powers along the way to help.
It didn't take him long to realize Martin had waited long enough for him and fell for Juno instead.
It hurt like hell, but he chalked it up to him being gone for so long.
He didnt hold it against either of them, and he was with Martin until the very end, but its still something he thinks about for all eternity.
His bloodline continues through a drunken fling with a mortal woman, who would go on to be Atrizander's grandmother.
Juno is. Certainly a creature.
Genderless Immortal Being saves Cyrodill, more at 5.
It just woke up one day in prison. No recollection of the past, no documents of any existing family, just a name and a killer sword arm.
It almost never spoke throughout the entire journey, only ever speaking to Martin or Theta.
Juno would end up becoming the most renowned and legendary hero in 4th Era Cyrodill, and still no information about where it came from.
Or why it won't die.
Seriously, it has been around for longer than any human should be.
It was Juno's heroic history that drew Equiun to them for the Moonlit Shields.
It barely spoke to him at first, but joined when he was persistant enough.
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blueteamjax · 5 months
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[We have a problem. A big problem]
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Restoration Fixit Ideas Comic: Part 1
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harbingersecho · 5 months
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let me go, please -- i don't wanna do this!
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rigorplague · 1 month
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head over to the RIGORMORGUE shop on etsy to grab some super duper awesome and swag RVB merch today :3
CHARMS: Church, Tucker, Caboose, Washington, Texas, Simmons, Grif, Donut
CHARMS: Sarge, Doc, Lopez, Carolina, Locus, Felix
STICKERS: Red/Blue Spartan Helmet, Sheila
PIN: AI Fragment group with Epsilon, Theta, Delta, and Sigma
🖤 CHANGES !!!🖤
Grif acrylic charm has been updated in size to be a little more proportional to the other charms!
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In the process of my current paper doll project's Red vs. Blue chapter! It's been really fun to draw these characters because you as the artist just get free rein over the design. Featuring @natcaptor's OC, Agent Montana, and her AI, Omicron.
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sabotourist · 4 months
"Constant, unimaginable pain. We know all about these things, don't we Omega?"
"Humans taught them to us."
Yes yes yes you're very scary and sad but also why don't you ask theta and Delta what humans taught them. Ask that, you angsty bitch. You had a shit teacher in fourth grade and then decided that nobody knew shit and that you were the smartest being in the universe. Maybe you could have learned some other things if you gave Tucker the chance to share them. If you stopped making Delta just your workhorse or telling off Theta for being concerned about Tucker. You see Delta reach out to Theta and think it's stupid. They're closer to being human than you'll ever be when you keep intentionally covering your ears, going lalalalala, and then egging on all the mean and angry and psychotic parts of yourself instead of taking a step back. Instead of seeing this person you're pushing to his limits, this person you're pushing just short of the same breaking point the Alpha was stuck in. Seeing that you're repeating the exact atrocities that did this to you to someone just as innocent as the Alpha was.
Bitch. Orange bitch. Stupid orange bitch. I love you so much.
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skateboard-theta · 7 days
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ibetittering · 2 months
wanted to do this with chucker but these two fit just a bit better 😔
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fishfingersalad · 8 months
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Beach! It's summer in my country so, warm drawing. I used to go to the beach like at least once a year as a kid, but we moved and I miss it </3. Also Theta gets zinc sunscreen cause I was always jealous of the kids who had it when I was little. No background cause I didn't like my one attempt at drawing a background.
bonus low quality pictures of me as a kid that gave me inspiration for this under the cut
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nelliebachesneg · 11 months
S13 Alternate Ending Headcanons, Because What TF Did Epsilon Mean, Exactly, By "Deconstruct Myself"?
Ok so I’ve had this idea spinning in the back of my brain since, what, 2016? But when Epsilon died, he said “the fragments I’ll leave behind” would get the Reds and Blues through the fight, and then there’s a flash where it seems like each of Epsilon’s fragments corresponds to one of the Reds and Blues. So my thought at the time - and on-and-off again since - was that Epsilon gave a fragment of himself to each of the Reds and Blues to help them win the fight. Then when the fight was over, each of their suits would have had a piece of Epsilon. These pieces would have been fragments of a fragment, though, so they wouldn't have had an interface like Epsilon did; they would have just been really finicky, specialized, supposedly helpful computer programs that would sometimes do things that were more funny/annoying than helpful. These programs would have activated after the fight. List below.
Church's messages, then, would be him explaining what the programs do and why he gave them to each of his friends (as well as saying his last goodbyes). He would also convince his friends not to put him back together again because the time they figured out how to do it and/or got the equipment for it, his fragments would have developed too much on their own to fit nicely back together - and even if something did come back it would not be the Epsilon they knew before.
Now I don't want to get into a debate over whether or not this could even be canon because tbh I couldn't care less, but I am curious to know if anyone has a different take on what kind of program Church would give each of the characters. Is there an aspect of someone's character I missed? Are there things a sci-fi-bullshit AI can or can't do that I'm forgetting about? Does the theme of each program make sense?
So yeah, let me know in the notes if you've got the time!
(Btw which character gets what fragment is based mostly on positioning in that scene at the end of S13, as well as headcanons from the amazing fanfic Mind over Matter by kineticallyanywhere on Ao3.)
Grif: Omega. 
The theme: Take control of your life or someone else will. If you let that go far enough, you won’t like how it turns out - but also remember that a little help isn’t a bad thing. 
The program: literally controls every aspect of Grif’s life inside his suit in the exact way he hates - i.e. organizing his saved files in a way that makes it impossible to find what he wants, setting alarms that wake him up just as he's falling asleep, constantly reminding him to exercise, making his suit heavier and heavier the closer he gets to the mess hall, randomly contacting Matthews and Sarge, etc. The program can also jump from the suit into the surrounding wireless network, specifically cameras and radios, to keep an eye on him when he’s out of the suit. The program can report his behavior (in increasing order of severity) to Sarge, Wash, and/or Carolina if it feels like it. Simmons and Carolina have the manual override code in case of emergencies, though; the program isn’t smart enough to distinguish between a firefight and Sarge being a jackass. (It’s a spoken code word. No it’s not “code word”.) I'd like to think that a lot of how the suit messes with Grif has to do with Simmons because what is an RvB headcanon without Grimmons. The thing is, all of the things the program does are reversible if Grif just takes the time to go into his suit's settings and do that. If he makes the effort enough times, the program will cease.
Simmons: Sigma. 
The theme: Loosen up. Realize there’s more to life than seeking the approval of others - but also don’t disregard others completely. 
The program: Listens in on orders from Sarge, Kimball, Carolina, and Wash. If it determines the order to be bullshit, it cuts the call and immediately radios Grif or Donut instead. It also prompts Simmons at multiple random points throughout the day with the question, “What do you want to do?” and “Why?” If Simmons inputs with a satisfactory answer, spoken or written, the program will generate suggestions for how to accomplish that task. Its programming also allows it to respond to Simmons’s anxieties, though if it gets fed up enough it will call Grif or Donut because Church could only take so much of that. It is able to sync with Simmons's robot parts to keep an eye on him, much like it does with Grif. Also like Grif's program, it will cease once it sees an improved pattern of behavior.
Sarge: Delta. 
The theme: Creativity needs to be tempered with logic. Sometimes you need reality check - but don’t let that discourage you from trying new things. 
The program: In a way, the antithesis to Simmons’s. If Sarge starts muttering about a hare-brained scheme, e.g. fighting gravity, the program will annoy him into sharing the details. It will then either give him a list of reasons why that’s absurd and challenge him to justify his reasoning, calling (in order of severity) Grif, Simmons, Wash, or Carolina if it can’t talk him out of it - or it will help him pull it off, because this is a Church program, and Church would absolutely want to help Sarge mess with the rest of the guys. As a result this program has a lot of Church’s residual personality programming in order to make those judgment calls, which kind of forces Sarge to bond with Caboose and thus has the added bonus of helping Sarge further overcome the ‘Red vs Blue’ mentality. This program's reach does not extend outside of Sarge's armor.
Tucker: Epsilon
The theme: Losing people does not make you a bad leader, nor does it make you a bad person. Don’t obsess over your grief and failures. Take the time to feel it, of course, but then move on knowing that sacrifices are made out of love and faith.
The program: Helps Tucker keep track of Caboose, mostly. It may sound weird but I am literally thinking about the “you need something to take care of” thing from the first John Wick movie. Tucker doesn’t have a “chat” feature like Simmons and Sarge do, since the goal is to move on, but the program does automatically connect him to Wash when he meets a certain set of concerning criteria because Wash gets it. The program will also alert Carolina and/or Wash whenever he steps out of line, as a kind of revenge for all the times Tucker called Church out - and should the fallout be entertaining enough it will be broadcast to everyone on Chorus. No one's reactions to such broadcasts are inherently hostile, showing Tucker that he doesn’t have to worry about too much judgment from others for his flaws. (Side note, the program cannot run the Meta’s suit - at least not while running any extra equipment.)
Caboose: Eta and Iota
The theme: “No matter how many friends you do lose, you can always make more.” Just. Just watch “Caboose’s Guide To Making Friends” again (and try not to cry, again). 
The programs: Yes, Caboose gets two, and yes, it’s because Church cares about Caboose and actually wants to show it this time. The remnant of Eta is specifically for communication, particularly with Wash and Tucker’s programs so that it can help Tucker help Caboose and help Wash keep track of his team, but it also makes sure that every single one of Caboose’s friends can know where he is at all times. Meanwhile, the remnant of Iota is essentially an outreach program for Caboose. It connects him to Sarge, Donut, and Dr. Emily Grey, helping Caboose make more friends - and yes I am talking about robots, but also potentially squishy people too - through an appointment calendar, “google translate”, and a step-by-step manual for creating safe robots. Both programs work together to alert everyone when Caboose encounters something potentially dangerous that he will inevitably also befriend; between the two of them is an entire database of criminals, dangerous flora and fauna across the galaxy, and other hazards. That way they can hopefully identify whatever Caboose has decided is the next member of the family.
Lopez: Doesn’t actually get a program, but he absolutely gets a full software upgrade before Epsilon deconstructs and the ability to mess with everyone else's programs (to a point). This includes the ability to speak English though I feel like Lopez would more likely have the language in everyone's suits change to Spanish in an attempt to make them learn it because he's stubborn like that.
The theme: Lopez is his own person and deserves to be appreciated and understood.
Doc / O'Malley: Also doesn't get a program, but Epsilon does make it so everything done in Doc / O'Malley’s suit is automatically and unstoppably recorded. That way, when either personality blacks out (assuming that happens) then they can see what the other one did. He also downloads several actual medical textbooks, including the DSM5, into Doc / O'Malley's suit. 
The theme: Knowing yourself in both body and mind is important, because you are important. I imagine this is also Epsilon's way of saying sorry for what happened the last time an AI was in Doc's head; though it wasn’t Epsilon’s fault, he would still try to alleviate some of the consequences of that because he gets it.
Donut: Gamma. 
The theme: Sometimes you need your jokes repeated back to you. It is important to understand how others see you and how your words affect them so that you can help both them and yourself grow - but don’t deny who you are in the name of that growth.
The program: Essentially a journaling program, somewhat customizable and with the ability to convert physical journal pages into a digital format through the camera. The program also analyzes the journal entries for double entendres, highlighting them and explaining the meaning. It will also record Donut’s conversations and do the same thing with his spoken words, playing the recording back when Donut is alone. Thus Donut learns exactly what he's saying. Donut can then use the program to double check either written or spoken words, because the program can simulate the reactions of the Reds and Blues to Donut’s words, effectively giving Donut the tools to be the master of communication between everyone (read: everyone’s unofficial therapist) should he choose to be so. It also tracks online deals for wine, cheese, nail polish, and every other material comfort Donut likes so that he can more easily take care of himself, too. 
Wash: Theta. 
The theme: Trust that you are, in fact, a badass both despite and because of what you've been through - but also a human who deserves all the love in the world both despite and because of what you’ve been through. 
The program: Lets Wash be in contact with the Reds and Blues (including Carolina) at all times. It’s like a marauder’s map that lets him always see where they are and contact them if he wants, and it works across planets and solar systems so long as nothing is actively jamming it. Epsilon wants Wash to never be without a family again. However, Epsilon gives him a choice of whether or not he wants this program, because Wash never really had a choice about Church before. The choice is his real last gift to him. (And of course because Wash has already forgiven Epsilon for everything, he wants to be able to use the program, but it still takes a bit for him to get to a place where he feels like he can, but it feels like an opportunity to make amends that they really didn’t get while Epsilon was alive, and this is Epsilon’s way of saying sorry and also that he cares about Wash, and Wash cared about Epsilon so he actively tries to overcome that barrier of letting a fragment of a fragment of an AI into not even his brain but his suit, and UGH MY HEART I’M GONNA CRY--)
Carolina: She doesn't get a program, because Church has always believed that she doesn’t need an AI - or even just a program from one. To give her one would imply she’s not self-sufficient, and Church would never dare disrespect her like that.
The theme: Carolina is awesome by herself, and she deserves to give herself permission to be part of a family (the Reds and Blues). Church gives her a really nice message telling her all that.
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mommadice · 2 years
They’re children.
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jovial-gender-jester · 8 months
thinking about Quantity over Quality again & i love south's dynamic with donut,, like yeah, she /does/ need someone peppy & easy-going in her life to hang with & keep her spirits up. similar to planting chives & lemongrass near carrots as natural bug-repellents so the crop can thrive with fewer stressors, south needs a silly guy to distract her from her anger issues & lonliness
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Rewatching RvB and im eager to get to the Freelancer and Chorus stuff and Epsilon's death so I can think about my epsilon-fragments au...
So I can pair up the AI with the correct people
So i could think about Tucker & Epsilon-Theta hurt/comfort... The idea of Theta wanting to help Tucker heal and choosing to construct a human avatar that looks a bit like Tucker because that man is missing his best friend and probably his son and grieving the life he had when they were fucking around in Blood Gulch
Maybe turn the whole AU into where they just... Keep the AI with them on retirement
Or maybe they leave some behind on Chorus because the Epsilon-Fragments arent all suited to the Reds and Blues so maybe they leave Delta behind with Kimball
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radiantrookie · 1 month
VA's in both Red vs Blue and RWBY
Lindsay Jones:
Ruby Rose
Red vs Blue:
Vanessa Kimball
Chain Girl
Female Simmons
Arryn Zech:
Blake Belladonna
Red vs Blue:
Dr Emily Grey
Barbara Dunkelman:
Yang Xiao Long
Red vs Blue:
Katie Jensen
Caboose's mental image of Donut (Season 14)
Bonus: Mama Boomstick (Death battle)
Miles Luna:
Jaune Arc
Red vs Blue:
Felix (Isaac Gates)
Johnson MacGruff
Sigma (Restoration)
Lavernius Tucker (Save the Date PSA and Season 12 Teaser Trailer)
Franklin Delano Donut (Season 11: S.O.S.)
Jen Brown:
Pyrrha Nikos
Lisa Lavender
Red vs Blue:
Agent Carolina
Malcom's Mom
Samantha Ireland:
Nora Valkyrie
Red vs Blue:
CT (Connie)
Burnie Burns:
Taiyang Xiao Long
Red vs Blue:
Leonard Church (Alpha/Epsilon)
Lopez the Heavy
The Warthog
Red Zealot
Yellow Church
Omega AI
Theta AI
Shannon McCormick:
Red vs Blue:
Agent Washington (David)
Lopez 2.0 (Dos.O)
Agent Iowa (Mike)
Kathleen Zuelch:
Glynda Goodwitch
Red vs Blue:
Agent Texas (Tex/Allison)
Joel Heyman:
Bartholomew Oobleck
Red vs Blue:
Michael J Caboose
Gray G. Haddock:
Roman Torchwick
Red vs Blue:
Locus (Samuel Ortez)
Donald Doyle
Ryan Haywood:
Peter Port
Red vs Blue:
John Elizabeth Andersmith
Diesel (Originally)
Kerry Shawcross:
Neptune Vasilias
Floyd the Geist
Pyke Rite
Red vs Blue:
Charles Palomo
Agent Utah
Agent Georgia
Michael Jones:
Sun Wukong
Red vs Blue:
Chain Guy
B.B. Ghanoush
Ashley Burns:
Coco Adel
Red vs Blue:
Female Lopez
Female Church
Elizabeth Maxwell:
Winter Schnee
Little Weiss'
Red vs Blue:
Agent Ohio (Vera)
Anna Hullum:
Raven Branwen
Red vs Blue:
Female Sarge
Dylan Andrews (Restoration)
Shane Newville:
Russel Thrush
Atlesian Knight-130
Red vs Blue:
Gavin Free:
Scarlet David
Red vs Blue:
Pounder McJones
Maggie Tominey:
Melanie Malachite
Miltia Malachite
Red vs Blue:
Female Donut
Jessica Nigiri:
Cinder Fall
Red vs Blue:
Simmons's Pink Lieutenant
Katie Newville:
Emerald Sustrai
Red vs Blue:
Jen Taylor:
Edit: Thanks to @joltning for telling me about Agent Utah and Agent Georgia
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agentcaboose · 2 months
For some context, Tucker works the counter and register of the restaurant, Wash is a health inspector. They served in the military, only knowing each other briefly. Church and Tucker are high school friends who ended up with kids at the same time, Junior and Theta being 10/11.
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