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ค้นงานวิจัย วิจัยแห่งชาติ (วช.)
ค้นงานวิจัย Chulalongkorn University
ค้นงานวิจัย มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม
ค้นงานวิจัย มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
ค้นงานวิจัย มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร
ค้นงานวิจัย มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์
ค้นงานวิจัย มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ
ค้นงานวิจัย มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
ค้นงานวิจัย มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
ThaiLIS is Thailand Library ค้นได้ 24 มหาวิทยาลัย ดีมากๆ
วิจัยนักศึกษาวิทยาลัยนวัตกรรมการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลรัตนโกสินทร์
สถาบันวิจัยระบบสาธารณสุข (สวรส.)
#ดุษฎีนิพนธ์#วิทยานิพนธ์#ปริญญานิพนธ์#สารนิพนธ์#ภาคนิพนธ์#การค้นคว้าอิสระ#ปริญญาโท#ปริญญาเอก#Thesis#Dissertation#Thematic Paper Thesis#Researchs#Theses#Dissertations#Graduate School#งานวิจัย#ผลงานทางวิชาการ#วิจัย#บทความ#บทคัดย่อ#การเขียนบทความ#การเข้าสืบค้นมหาวิทยาลัยต่างๆ
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The modern devotion: a meditation on fate
There is certainly a need for edification, but we can only find this in the pleasant repose of friendly science, that lies somewhere in the structure of our everyday undertakings. A man can dedicate his life to God or to freedom, but he will never encounter the endless in which he has placed his trust, because he is somehow stupified (he chooses at times, and cannot unchoose his superintendence). Of course, modern thinkers shall overthink the meanings of his choices. Wisdom, or something like it, shall infest the ruminations of the wise, even as they try to stick to the rules of their good Lord. In the end, our notions of wisdom are as irrelevant to simplicity as the practical wisdom we use to be aware of the changes in the world, or even when we read the newspaper: and in this wise, we will stick to categories. Death will take us to the depths at some point, and then we will be remorseful, but we can find some kind of unfetteredness in the contemplative life. In the last analysis, our shelteredness will suppress us in some sense; or, failing that, it will support us in our decrepitude.
The thing we see in government is that the entire world is somehow just a result of the ordinary things that we try to see. We must continue to study and improve our stead, but there is a lot of vagueness in this regard, so we stick to certain rules that we can follow, that we can live by, in a sense to avoid hypocrisy, but also to leave some room for wonder. This is a clear substantivity, that moves liberally in some inordinate relation, but the phantoms of liberality will always support us in the final structure that our desire still upholds, and some clever man will always send us debauchingly into the abyss, which has no more to do with our ordinariness than any sheer resolution; therefore, we are still stuck in the repetition of sheer inordinality, but we cannot respect the machinery.
A holy man will therefore be required. Certainly, the power of this singular monolithic force shall steer us in some maniacal direction, but the wise men of the old time will always keep us in a bad way, edifying us, but never holding us at the point of reclaiming the dead waters of hope and glory, because we are sincerely the moribund glorifiers of the holy order; still hiding in the entirety of existence, an individual will not see the control-center of these variable things, because he is not a simple man, but he will, at the same time, keep his tension ready to support the new world. A good politic against the feebleness of genesis.
This brings us to that fatal flaw of academic thinking: it cannot escape from engineering philosophies into social doctrines. Verily, wise men engage in speculation from the ground up, and they do not seek to continue down a particular senseless path only to cover ground that flies below one's feet anyway. Truly, he just wishes to send missionaries unto the road and restructure time in a way that shall allow us in some bicentennial way to refurbish meaningful communication to suit particular ends, and that will send men roaringly into riotous assemblies that have nothing to do with high-tech industry, but frankly, only with arcane-minded priests and hoary old generals. The true sage must in this wise always control his mightier frontline to set up a siege against the ignorant who cannot subject themselves to the higher Lord, who is still hard to make out in the darknesses of spiritual crisis, and this is verily a maintenance that will never be returned to the control center of computer science, which is just a result of endless work: nobody will ever see things for what they are, because we are just kleptomaniacs who have no better use for knowledge than the ordinary children of the Lord who build castles in the air and keep the essence of life obscured from the villainy of proper cheerfulness, and this result of endless labour is still the meaning of life (in the last analysis). Be that as it may, there is still some kind of mystical or mythical ordination happening in the value of the Lords work, where we still see contrivances happening in the build of visceral virtuality; here, the motions of the stars are reconvened in some higher reality, whereby distinctions between collateral choices are subsumed under the rubric of pestering revolution, makings us forget the ordinary work of the best men who still want the best for the world, and sending us, headlong, into the effigies of maniacal creativity, where there are no more controllings in the totality of space and time; and people will certainly see the moribund autarky happen in the categorical ways of the old style of thinking; people only had the European framework at the time, a framework contructed around the promise of God and the power of the mind, where will only find complacency and analysis, or simple breakdowns and formulas, and this is not brilliance, even though there might be an analytic truth.
The true problem really is scholarly science. People encounter complete crafts in the professionalism of normal work, but they cannot reveal the misery of the commonplace actuaries who build the structure of actual time. A kind of vendetta exists in the search for appropriate action, and people will always discover there might be some release in the violence of relentless creation; this is still a sign of the normal times, that will suppress us and derail us in the last analysis, but will never send us forward into magnificence and will not regain superiority in the entirety of the universe: why, everybody simple ruffles the feathers of the old fathers, who make sense of the revolutionary world, but holy kings will not break the mold of vampires who construct the meritocracy of the greatest kind of heroism that will suppress us in the final way forward: and everybody simply wishes to go on and forward in the misery of ordinariness, that will somehow complain to the God of war that there will be some kind of recluse from happiness: and this is truly what we see all the time. That there is no escape from structure.
So we see that villainy is just a sign of holy writ, that combines us, in some dark way, to election and this will never support us in the confines of liberality, and the kings will not do anything to save us. The poor men of the old world who do what they can to live forget about the happy world, and this is all nothingness: nobody cares about it, and it is silly. But a wise man may come to teach us the truth about ordinariness; why, he will derail the ordinary from the set ways of yore, and move us upwards. The king of the Jews will collect us in the final days of the master. And some deep thinker will perhaps make us see the light of the mind to see in the dark. Nevertheless, supportive entities of vision cannot sustain us; we struggle and suppress, and this has no connection to the virile contours of idiocy, but we may enjoy some part of it. Ultimately, there will be repose, but it will be situated in a terrific predicament; and that will certainly cut us down.
#ravings#theses#chilo#sparta#new york#juarez#the kitchen#living#bill nighy#jan jacob maria de groot#ethnography#chick corea#sun tzu#peanut butter#snacking
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Would you believe me if I told you these were two different essays by Sonia? Well, they are. The top is "The Psychic Phenomenon of Love" and the bottom is "Mothers and Daughters".
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wondering if future viktor would visit jayce
#arcane#arcane spoilers#jayvik#jayce#viktor#theses two.#occupied my brain during work hours#greseadraws
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in for a not great work week, coping with random sonic doodle pages
#Sonic#Rouge the Bat#Knuckles the Echidna#Amy Rose#Miles Tails Prower#Shadow the Hedgehog#E-123 Omega#Cream the Rabbit#Big the Cat#Sonic the Hedgehog#Fanart#MSPaint Draw#i think msp may have been born to have sonic characters drawn in it - default pallet continuous to come thru#so 'scuse me while i jog down this rabbit whole for a bit :)#truthfully i've always wanted to be able to draw sonic characters so i'm just being indulgent now#theses pages were prompted mostly by a background watch of Sonic Heroes#a game where Team Sonic is the only party with similar sized members#every other fly type character's carrying expectations are whack#-funniest of all of them being a bat having to airlift a tank
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Y people are born damaged. it's literally in their dna to be completely devoid of empathy for anyone who isn't Y. no matter how "progressive" they may seem, they can always retreat back to Yness, and they know it. they will always be welcomed back into the fold no matter what they've done. they can never truly fail or become outcasts. their actions will always be excused (especially if they are a man). they don't need to concern themselves with consequences, accountability, or morality. they have no moral backbone anyway because they can always cast whatever morals they pretended to have aside whenever they feel like it.
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i've been looking for you.
#heartstopperedit#heartstopper#narlieedit#nick x charlie#tvarchive#usergay#useranne#userelliee#userrjoana#userrlaura#usersnat#userives#userjake#tuserlucie#tuserpris#useradds#gifs*#i love shots like theses when they reunite or just catch a glimpse at one another 🥺😭
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What really gets my goat is the lack of transition.
Age 15: Write some bullshit page or so about some fucking thing you've read or some shit you've seen; who gives a damn. Make all the damn typos you fucking want, we just want to check if you're not actually a monkey in a two-piece suit banging on a typewriter while chomping on a stogie.
Age 18: Elaborate on Herman Hesse's dialectic, as expressed in Demian. Unpack the themes being discussed, and explain to us how religiosity comes to define the narrator's relation to Demian's character - but write that shit like you're actually a celebrated academic putting together an abstract for The Actual Paper.
Age 22: Write The Actual Paper. Put one comma in the wrong spot and you fail.
I cannot believe adults were asking me to write essays at age 15. I didn't know shit. I only became sentient like two weeks ago.
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Yeliz Aydın. Horasan ve Irak Selçuklu devletleri-Abbasî hilafeti ilişkileri (429-590/1038-1194). Yüksek lisans tezi (2018) https://www.avetruthbooks.com/2023/10/yeliz-aydin-horasan-ve-irak-selcuklu-devletleri-abbasi-hilafeti-iliskileri-429-590-1038-1194-yuksek-lisans-tezi-2018.html
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การขยายตัวของการเรียนการสอนรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ระดับบัณฑิตศึกษาของประเทศไทยในปัจจุบัน : ปัญหาและแนวทางในอนาคต
นโยบายและการปฏิบัติในการปฏิรูปโครงสร้างระบบราชการ : กรณีศึกษากรมทางหลวง
ประสิทธิภาพในการป้องกันอาชญากรรมของเจ้าหน้าที่สายตรวจผ่านการใช้งานระบบตู้แดงรหัสคิวอาร์: กรณีศึกษา เขตพื้นที่สถานีตำรวจนครบาลห้วยขวาง
การรับรู้และตอบสนองต่อภาวะวิกฤตองค์กรของพนักงานระดับปฏิบัติการในกลุ่ม Generation X และ Millennials: กรณีศึกษา บริษัท การบินไทย จำกัด(มหาชน)
ปัจจัยที่ส่งผลต่อการมีส่วนร่วมกิจกรรมของนิสิตระดับปริญญาตรีคณะรัฐศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
การศึกษากระบวนการเปลี่ยนแปลงขององค์การ กรณีศึกษา การยกฐานะองค์การบริหารส่วนตำบลเป็นเทศบาลตำบลคอกกระบือ จังหวัดสมุทรสาคร
CR :: Chulalongkorn University
#ดุษฎีนิพนธ์#วิทยานิพนธ์#ปริญญานิพนธ์#สารนิพนธ์#ภาคนิพนธ์#การค้นคว้าอิสระ#ปริญญาโท#ปริญญาเอก#Thesis#Dissertation#Thematic Paper Thesis#Researchs#Theses#Dissertations#Graduate School#งานวิจัย#ผลงานทางวิชาการ#วิจัย#บทความ#บทคัดย่อ#การเขียนบทความ
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I made this video due to some of the questions I receive and the struggles I see some of my clients go through because of having little to no clue about what academic writing entails. I am always glad to share my knowledge with them.
I offer assignment writing services for the listed types of Academic Writing in the video. HMU.
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when your immortal bf is a bit feral
#went to see the movie again babyy#with my friend who is now mentally unstable like me from it 🙏🙏#WE WIN THESEE#deadpool and wolverine#deadpool 3#wolverine#logan howlett#wade wilson#deadpool#poolverine#deadclaws#art#my art#fanart#digital art
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Concept I wanted to put on paper.
#star wars#star wars the bad batch#the bad batch fanart#tech lives#cx tech#illustration#phee genoa#tech x phee#I woke up at 3 am in a fever dream and frenetically wrote 10+ ideas on my note app so#You might see more of theses#ofc it was more cool in my head at 3 am than roughly done but alas
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#everytime i post theses 2 its like so humiliating bc i think abt them constantly#drawing female sanji in feminized versions in his canon clothes <<<< drawing him in clothes i like#i just think suits r boring and turtlenecks r sexy#female sanji#sanji vinsmoke#black leg sanji#roronoa zoro#zosan#one piece
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5 Basic Tips for Writing Your Assignment. Writing assignments is one of the most difficult tests in English language lessons. We have prepared tips for you on how to write an assignment for a high score.
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peak television is when a detective comedy does a serial killer/kidnapper storyline that spans across multiple episodes throughout multiple seasons where the perp is fixated on the happy-go-lucky protagonist and things get serious™ and the comedy is toned down and it's soooo good
bonus points if they're a sherlock holmes adaptation
#just finished high potential s1#so excited for s2#reminded me of mr yang from psych#i love theses shows#high potential#psych#mr yang#morgan gillory#shawn spencer#adam karadec#burton guster#detective shows#detective comedy#sherlock holmes
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