#These two have single handedly cured my depression
l0nesome-dreams · 7 months
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feelin under the weather today so doodles 😌💖💕✨
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silly-songs · 5 months
Posted my first story on Ao3!
I know there is a big fanfiction community here, so I wanted to shamelessly plug myself, lol. There's already four chapters up, and plans for much more!
Please let me know what y'all think of this, either here, or on Ao3 and please enjoy!
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I’m not gonna lie, these two pictures have single-handedly cured my depression.
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none-prob · 1 year
I write about a character per day
Day 19: Lilith Clawthorne
I just have this special place for Lilith, since she's the aroace rep of the show, and I found out I'm aromantic in February.
I just think Lilith is neat.
I want what Lilith and Hooty have so much. Just me and my pet and no one else.
Lilith got a really interesting redemption, one that is not the same as Hunter or Amity in the sense that, her damage was irreversible. And even worse, it's on her own sister. She got her punishment for it as well, the negligence from her parents, and the betrayal from Belos. But no other character had such a drastic change in personality from S1 to S2 as much as Lilith, from the right hand of Belos to historian cool aunt and finally Isles' engineer.
Just imagine the dynamic Lilith and Eda could have had in their full power. Oh boy, Lilith is only slightly weaker than Eda, and in my opinion Eda in Season 1 is probably the strongest witch of the show, covenheads included, not just in power, but also in strategy. One combination that had never happened because of the curse, but that's okay because we got two cool harpy witches. (Oh we also got robbed of that because the show got cancelled prematurely? Hmm, oh well)
I really think Lilith wasn't completely ill-intended even from her first appearance. After all, she believed what she's doing was for the good of her sister. Even when Luz trying to uncurse Eda like Lilith wanted in the first place, Lilith still believe not doing so is better. She was duped by Belos so hard, and I don't blame her for that, Belos is an excellent manipulator. Belos got that close into erasing Lilith's one of her first ever purposes when joining the Emperor's Coven, which is to heal her sister. But once Lilith recognized it entirely, it's time for redemption. A redemption that came entirely from her. A moment of confession later and she's flying away with her owl sister.
Regardless, the countless attempts to redeem herself for Eda was recognizable. She was in the sense that she had to do something for Eda to redeem herself for decades of pain Eda's been through, even sharing the curse of Eda to her. Eda helped her get used to the new life, powerless and cursed, but not useless. Eda being incredibly generous to her sister helped Lilith not feeling too guilty and adapting her new life so smoothly.
Lilith studied quite a lot in her sister's house. She got a cool niece who taught her things, went to adventures, and got to punch her old boss (that she didn't acknowledge of), and honestly I'd love to see more of Luz and Lilith, they got a long pretty well. King is fine with Lilith even before the petrification, and that scene when King and Lilith speaking about the absence of parental care was quite depressing. And speaking of that...
Lilith was an indirect victim of parental negligence. It is hard for Gwen and Dell to look after her as much as Eda for obvious reason, for a reason that Lilith committed to even. But only by living in Eda's house did Lilith saw her mom for the first time in years. It is painful that even then she was still pushed away by Gwen because Gwen still prioritize curing Eda's curse more. I don't think it's fault for anyone, and it genuinely is nice that Lilith went home with her mom, to rebuild the broken, and to know that her parents still love her after all those years, even if she told them the secret about the curse.
But by far the biggest gift in Eda's house is Hooty. And by god these two are so precious. Hooty being Hooty and handling Lilith on his own, single-handedly squashed the entire army in the morning, but in the afternoon being the eyewitness of the greatest redemption he has ever seen. Lilith wasn't too fond of him, but one mission later and a few fire bee stings on Hooty helped them bond together. The scream when Lilith saw puppet Hooty was so touching I don't know how to describe it. They loved being around each other (platonically), protected each other, inspired each other, and genuinely so awesome.
Why is there only 2 episodes of Lilith and Amity together? (And other mysteries of the Isles that wouldn't be explained because of that reason) One of them was before their redemption arc, and the other was in the last montage. The teacher-student dynamic is quite strong for this one, and I would love to see more of them.
Lilith is so special to me. She's aroace. She's a nerd. She punched Philip. Historian. Engineer. Cool aunt. She had it all. I'll miss her so much.
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alarmsofmyheart · 26 days
I don't have the nerve and energy and heart and mind to complete the remaining episode 9 and episode 10 of My Dearest because what all are gonna unravel??
As far as I know/ I'm thinking with my last brain cell and gonna yap here because i dont have friends
• Jang Hyun is going to fight a 100 or so foreign intruders single handedly?? Like Mahadeera Maaveran finale and like that finale, Jang Hyun gonna die, I'm like 100% sure but still what am I hoping for??
• Ryang Eum is somehow gonna be abondoned/ imprisoned in the name of saving/ saved in the name of improsonment
• a huge fuck up between Jang Hyun and The Crown Prince
• Yeon Jun is going to stir up something or other along with that Teacher mans, that's probably going to bring Gilchae and Jong Jong to streets? After all that earnings??
• Gilchae, my queen, is going to loose everything and end up as a slave? Or almost a slave? She probably rejects that marriage proposal
• once again, Jang Hyun is gonna save Gilchae
• Gilchae going to escape the borders and either her or Jang Hyun or both are gonna get shot by that lady in blue's arrows (God I hate myself why did I come across this spoiler)
• who tf is actually standing outside the jailed area of Ryang Eum?
• um.. the bureau of beautiful shoes?? It is going to evoke jealousy of girls gays and theys whoever comes across that, dumbass Jang Hyun, you - you could go in and out as a spy and escape one country's army, get healed from smallpox, become a buisness man but can't you see what's going on in Ryang Eum's head and heart??? Dumbasss dumbaaaaaaas.
• Is Ryang Eum gonna betray, leading to death of both Jang Hyun and Gilchae????
• What about Jong Jong and Goo Jam ??? Did they die? Did they live? Did they live to see their respective lady and master to die??
• not to be rude but I don't give a fuck about what happened to Yeon Jun but what about the proposal that Eun Ae discarded? Because of the indoctrination of senior ladies believes?? Seriously those two are perfect in the sense they stick to the rules laid down. But I hate them. If I were younger when I am seeing the show, I might be respecting their decisions but definitely not now.
• Is the Crown Prince gonna die on his way back to the palace? Because in first episode they do mention as 'former Crown Prince'??? So what now?? The Crown Prince's son is next in line? Or did that King guy gets cured and lives and rules???
• Does Khan and his army withdraw? I mean not possible? How will that happen overnight?
• Jang Hyun and Crown Prince were upto something and was bashed to the extent those were are removed from the register? I can't even phantom
• Gilchae is a mini buisness woman, Jang Hyun is a huge successful 'rat' of a businessman according to Chinese and within himself, he is so ready to meet Gilchae again, he is so ready to return. Ryang Eum was so happy that he wanted to return before them and prepare the house and food?? God save Ryang Eum. Yeon Jun got released despite the absolute wrath of the King. Crown Prince is doing a great job being a captive puppet, and is even given holiday.
Sure now that i lay down everything I can remember after pausing ep9 four days ago, I can see how impossible it all looks, it's never all roses and rainbows, even in a kdrama or a real life let alone in a period drama.. like damn.
Everything is going to go upside down. Like Captain Jack Sparrow's ship. And only Ryang Eum is going to survive.
They let the gays live but at what cost??
I wish I had the emotional space and depth in me to be more invested in the show than I am now. But my depression isn't going to let me. It took me these many days just to sit and think it all.. idk how they wrote the story and did the shooting and edited and aired and won awards OHMYGOD I'm tired I'm tired
I need energy. I need friends. I need acceptance. I need communication. I need somebody. Alexa play I need somebody by day6. I need somebody who would talk to me and listen to me talk and I don't even remember how to talk to anyone anymore.
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spitefully-alive · 1 year
My aunt and uncle and their pool have single handedly cured my depression within the two weeks I’ve been here
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barnesafterglow · 3 years
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Oh, Tiff. I feel this so hard. Shit feels impossible right now. But I’m really glad you’re here.
Sending you the biggest hugs. You message me any time you need to, okay? (And I’m saying that in my mom voice, so you know I’m serious.) 💕 -@tlcwrites
P.S. These two jerks always have hugs available for you, too, whenever you need them.
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aw shannon, i can literally feel you mothering me through the screen and i love it <3
you’re an angel and i love and appreciate you dearly
you know i’m always here for you too !! 💗
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p.s. i think a hug from either of them would probably single-handedly cure my depression
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this is the the best episode this season!!!!!
I love it so much!!!!
I totally forgive the studio for skimping on frames in earlier episodes.
we have two of the coolest sequences in this arc back to back withatsumu spiking osamu’s spike and hinata’s successful recieve!!!
hinata has grown to much!! *gross sobbing*
haikyuu single handedly cured my depression 
twitter's algorithm and staff doesn't know what to do about haikyuu and its so funny. its tagging ti under entertainment franchaise, anime, and haikyuu and changing it every 10 minutes lol
and the people on twitter have been making these brilliant connections between sugawara coaching hinata on bumping at the very beginning of the series to how ushikwa inspired both hinata and sakusa to become the best defnesive players in japan
also oikawa’s ear trending on twitter lol it got a description before hinata or haikyuu
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this is my mood right now. just screaming
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my favorite mikan orange
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Since I’m running early, and you asked about headcanons, here’s some nonsense brought to you by the fact that the last video I saw on Facebook was dessert recipes.  (I’m not even hungry right now brain, wtf?)
So we already know Peter loves Reese’s, so presumably chocolate/peanut butter combos in general.  I feel like this also extends to other warm gooey things combined with chocolate, like caramel, dulce de leche, even honey.  And while I feel he’s usually a “chocolate is always the answer” type, his particular preference is for milk chocolate; smooth and sweet and full of nostalgic childhood feels.
I feel like Chris likes berries and berry-flavored desserts.  All types of berries, he doesn’t have a favorite, it just depends on his mood.  The number of chocolate covered strawberries, or strawberries cut into roses he has received from the other two over the years is frankly probably ridiculous, but he totally doesn’t mind and blushes every time.  His preference is actually for white chocolate, because it won’t overpower the other flavors like regular chocolate can.  They often tease him about how “that’s not really chocolate, Chris, that’s sadness and lies”, but buy it for him anyway.  In return he’ll occasionally make fancier French pastries, which are normally a bit too rich for his taste, because he knows Peter and Noah love them.
Like Peter, Noah is also more of a “give me the chocolate and no one gets hurt” type, but his preference is dark chocolate.  He likes the strong, distinct flavor, like good coffee or fine bourbon.  He also has a strong liking for citrus-y flavors; orange, mango, lime, other things that taste reminiscent of vacations he desperately needs.  Combine them with the chocolate and he’s in heaven.  (Allison makes him a glazed blood orange and pistachio dark chocolate cake for his birthday one year so good he almost cries.)  I also feel like he sometimes gets a strong craving for cheesecake, because when he was younger and would go to Claudia’s house to hide out for a while, her mom would get them all a slice of a random flavor of cheesecake and sit them down to watch Golden Girls with her.  It’s where he learned to perfect his sass skills, and is an actual happy childhood memory, so sometimes he’ll buy one (or one of the other two will sense his mood and make him one), and kick back with a slice to bask in it for a little while.
Um, I think that was most of what I’d thought of, and I need to head in.  Hope these help a bit, or at least provide some entertainment!
I think this headcanon single-handedly cured my depression. It’s one of the only things that made me smile today. (I’ve read a few other headcanons/questions that were really nice and cute too, they made me smile too.)
But yes to all of this, also because it reminds me of my own family. Where my tastes are def Noah’s, my mom’s are Chris and my brother has Peter’s XD. So yeah, in love with this whole thing.
I can’t stop smiling, every time I read this it’s instant happiness. <3
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paigenotblank · 6 years
Accidentally Ours (7/7)
Pairing: Tenth Doctor x Rose Tyler
Rating: Teen
Written for a prompt for Ten x Rose kid fic/family fic where they adopt kids left orphans that they meet on their travels / and also a prompt for Ten x Rose with a mix of adopted and biological kids (@tinyconfusion​). Tagging @doctorroseprompts​ and @timepetalscollective​ which I think both had those prompts. This chapter also has a little surprise for fans of the Classic Doctors.
Trope: Accidental Baby Acquisition 
Warnings: Kid Fic/ Baby Fic/ Pregnancy Fic
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7
AO3 / TS
Rose held tightly to her daughters’ hands and glanced around the medical tent. She straightened her shoulders and with a sharp look around quickly sized up where she was needed most. It had been only two weeks since losing baby Melody, and though her body was completely healed due to the magic of the TARDIS medbay, emotionally she was still recovering. She felt her anger building at the time ship. You an’ I are gonna be having words later about bringin’ the girls into a war zone.
She led her daughters over to a woman who was trying to wrangle a small gaggle of children and two crying babies. She told Melody and Clara to play quietly with some of the younger kids, while she sat down next to the frazzled woman.
“Hello, I’m Rose.” She reached out her hand to the other woman, who smiled gratefully at Rose.
“Can I help?”
“Vord, yes. Thank you.” She handed Rose a bottle and the smaller of the two babies.
Selphina picked up the other infant and began feeding her.
Rose tried not to examine the child in her arms too closely and instead directed her attention to Selphina. “Are these all orphans from the war?”
“Yeah. New one arrives every day.” Selphina nodded at the baby in Rose’s arms. “Just got him in this morning. That little mite’s parents weren’t killed in the fighting though.”
“Oh?” Rose’s gaze dropped in surprise and her heart melted at the little pucker that had formed between his brows as he sucked heartily on the teet.
“Yeah. Sad story, not that they all don’t have sad stories.”
Rose nodded and waited quietly for a moment until her curiosity couldn’t take it anymore. “What happened to his parents? You said they weren’t killed by fighting.”
“Oh! Well, his father was a great scientist. Did so much for so many. He developed a lot of new vaccines and serums. Found ways to prevent crop decay. He is single handedly responsible for saving hundreds of thousands of our people. The only thing is...he was from another planet. I mean he looked enough like us, but still...off worlder.” She shrugged. “It doesn’t bother most people, but there are some that still look down on that sort of thing. No matter how much good he’d done for us.”
Rose touched the center of his palm with her finger and smiled as he grasped it firmly. She glanced up Selphina. “Did...were his parents killed for being outsiders?”
“No. His father was already an old man when he arrived here. But last year he met and fell in love with a young woman in the next town over. And she with him. Her parents were not agreeable to the marriage. Thought it was an embarrassment that their daughter would marry him, no matter how renowned he was. They disowned her. Not that the newlyweds cared. They were both so happy when she found out she was pregnant.” Selphina smiled and was lost to her memories. “I used to see them at the bakery my grandmother owned.” She shook her head. “To find a love like theirs...”
“So what happened?”
“Well, as I said Adric, that was the name of the baby’s father, Adric Traken… He was elderly. Died of natural causes due to his age. The one thing there’s no cure for. Never even got to meet his son.”
“Oh.” Rose covered her mouth. “Oh, that’s awful.”
Selphina nodded. “Yes, and the baby’s mother, Markeena, died in childbirth, just last night. Her family didn’t want anything to do with him and so they dropped him here, knowing we take in orphans.”
Rose lifted the boy to her shoulder and rubbed his back. “How could they not want him?” She closed her eyes and breathed in the powdery scent of the newborn. A bubbling desire to help this child began to build in her and she suddenly knew exactly why the TARDIS would land them 400 years away from their intended target and straight in the middle of another civil war.
Rose opened her eyes and looked Selphina straight in the eye. “I need to discuss it with my husband first, but I want to adopt him.”
The other woman gasped. “But...but you have your own children. You’d take on another? A stranger’s?”
Rose’s eyes narrowed on the other woman. “Of course. My youngest daughter is adopted.”
“And his mixed blood?”
“My husband and I aren’t the same species. We don’t care about things like that.”
Selphina’s eyes widened. “It’s best you don’t share that with anyone else here. Just in case.”
Rose gave a curt nod. She cradled the now sleeping infant in her arms and pressed a soft kiss to his crown. Her mind flashed back to doing the same thing with baby Melody shortly after her birth and a gush of overwhelming emotion threatened to drown her.
Rose focused on the gentle rise and fall of the baby’s chest to calm her own breathing. One thought that floated through her mind was how much she needed this - needed him - in their lives.
“Rose!” The Doctor looked around with a wild glint in his eye, until he found her.
He kneeled at her side and ran his hands along her spine. “You okay? I could feel-”
“Yeah.” Tears pooled in her eyes. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t sound fine.”
She sniffed back the tears and laughed. “No, I am. Really. I know why the TARDIS brought us here.”
“What d’you mean?”
The Doctor glanced down at the tiny bundle in her arms. “What?”
“We’re here for him.”
Brow furrowed, the Doctor glanced from his wife to the baby and back. “I don’t-”
“We need to help him. He’s all alone. Both his parents died. An’ was abandoned by his grandparents ‘cos they didn’t like that their daughter married an alien.” Rose’s eyes roamed the room until she caught sight of Melody. Also the product of the love of two different species, though with a very different outcome. A grin tugged at her lips. “I want to adopt him.” She met the startled eyes of her husband. “Please? Can we?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m so grateful about Melody, but...I was looking forward to having a baby again. And in the short time I’ve spent with him, my heart’s already started to heal.”
The Doctor hugged Rose closer and pressed his lips to her forehead. “Then there’s nothing to discuss.”
“I love you.”
“Quite right, too.”
Rose smiled through her tears. “Girls, come meet your new brother.”
The Doctor held the door open between their room and the nursery. Rose tossed a flirty grin over her shoulder as she passed through the doorway. The Doctor’s hearts expanded to see her smiling again.
At her gasp, he shook off his thoughts and rushed into the room. “What’s wrong?”
Rose turned in a slow circle, taking in all the changes the TARDIS had made. “The nursery’s completely different.”
The Doctor frowned in confusion as he looked around the room. “This is Nyssa’s old room.”
The bright white walls with the depressed roundels and the fern in the corner was unmistakable. And although the bed had been replaced with a cot, and the place where once was a table used for experiments now held a changing table, it was definitely Nyssa’s old room.
Rose placed the baby onto his back in the cot. “Nyssa? Who’s that?”
“What? Oh, hmm...she was a companion, once upon a time. Nyssa of Traken.” He smiled at the memories of the brave and intelligent young woman.
Rose paused. “Traken? Did you say Traken?”
The Doctor turned to face her. “Yeah. That was the name of her home planet.”
“But his father’s last name was Traken. Erm, Ad… Adr-”
The blood drained from the Doctor’s face. “Adric Traken?”
“Yes! That’s it. Adric Traken. How did-”
“Adric Traken was Nyssa’s son. I met him once, many years after Nyssa stopped traveling with me.”
“Oh, but don’t you see? I knew we were meant to find him. This just proves it.”
The Doctor couldn’t get words past the lump in his throat, so he simply nodded.
“And he still needs a name. Should we name him ‘Adric’ after his father?”
He closed his eyes. “That...yeah.”
“Doctor? What is it? What’s wrong? This is good, yeah?”
“Sorry. Yeah.” The Doctor took a deep breath. “It's just that Nyssa named her son after a boy that travelled with me...us. Died while in my care. He tried to save the Earth and I couldn’t save him.”
“Oh, Doctor, I'm so sorry. If it's too painful-”
“No. No, it's a fine name. A testament to Nyssa’s fondness for Adric and a worthy tribute for a very special young man.”
“So Adric Tyler?”
The Doctor walked up behind Rose and rested his chin on her shoulder as they looked at their newest child. “I think... Adric Tremas Tyler.”
“Nyssa’s father and a good friend.”
Rose spun and wrapped her arms around the Doctor's waist. “I love it. He’ll always have that part of his past with him.”
“And Tyler because he’s ours.”
Rose kissed her husband before turning and leaning against his chest while they both watched their son sleep.
The shrieks of children playing and a dog barking carried on the wind to where Rose and Jackie were seated. Rose rocked the pram where her 3-month old daughter, Sarah, lay sleeping, while Jackie kept her eyes on the rest of her grandchildren.
“Mum, relax. The Doctor’s got ‘em in hand.”
Jackie snorted. “He’s the one I’m worried will get in the most trouble.”
Rose’s lips twitched as she tried not to laugh. “No hope there.”
“Now that Jenny of yours, on the other hand, has a good head on her shoulders.”
Jenny. Rose hadn’t expected to have a progenerated teenage daughter join her family, especially while 6-months pregnant, but that was the sort of life mad life she lived. And she wouldn’t change it for the world.
“She does, doesn’t she?” A small grin pulled at the corners of Rose’s lips. “Though all the girls do.”
Jackie snorted. “That’s ‘cos they all take after you.”
Her eyes roamed the park until they landed on the first daughter to come into her life - tall, thin, too smart for her own good - Melody. At twelve, she grew more and more like her father every day.
Rose groaned and Jackie snapped her gaze at her. “Wha’s wrong?”
“Was just thinkin,’ ‘m about to have two teenage daughters. Blimey, nothing like your kid’s birthday to make you feel old.”
Jackie rolled her eyes. “Please, you’re not even 34, wait til you’re about to have two teenage grandchildren.”
“Stop it. Nobody’d ever guess you were fif-”
The Doctor plopped down on the bench between Jackie and Rose with Adric in his lap and gave his wife a peck on the cheek. “Forty-seven what?”
Jackie crossed her arms. “My age.”
The Doctor barked out a laugh before catching an elbow in the side from Rose, who glared at him and hissed, “Rude.”
“What? Why’s that rude? She’s fifty-three.”
“She’s tellin’ people she’s forty-seven.”
“I’m 915 and you don’t see me lying about it.”
“Yeah, but you look like your 35, don’t need to lie about your age. Do ya?”
“Vanity, thy name is Jac-”
“But you’re not 915, Daddy.” Adric played with this father’s tie.
Both women turned in surprise to the 4-year old.
The Doctor squeaked, “What?”
Jackie opened her arms to her grandson. “C’mere, Ricky.”
“It’s ‘Adric,’ Jackie.”
“I know that, but we’re out in public. I’m gonna call him something normal sounding. Now-”
“Nana always calls me ‘Ricky’ ’cos I told her I liked it.”
“You did?”
Jackie cuddled Adric closer and peppered kisses on his face until he giggled. “You’re my favorite grandson. Did you know that?
He rolled his eyes, but smiled brightly. “I'm your only grandson.”
“Still... Now what were you saying about your daddy’s age, sweetheart?”
“Melody said the TARDIS told her that Daddy is really 1468, but he didn’t want to scare Mummy off so he picked a round number under a thousand.”
The Doctor’s jaw fell open and the tips of his ears turned red. Jackie cackled and stood up. “Vanity, thy name is ‘Doctor.’ Come on, sweetheart, let’s go play on the swings.”
“Okay, Nan!” Adric took his grandmother’s hand and they walked off.
Rose cuddled into the Doctor’s side.
“Rose, I...”
She looked up at him through her lashes. “Is it true?”
He ran his hand across the back of his neck. “The truth? I haven’t a clue how old I am.” He sighed. “But if the Old Girl says 1468, it’s probably pretty close.”
Rose started giggling.
She grinned at him with a hint of tongue peeking out the side of her smile. “It’s a Hell of an age gap.”
He wrapped his arm around her waist and chuckled. “You’re mum’s never gonna let me live this down is she?”
Rose shook her head before laying it on his shoulder. “Nope.”
The Doctor looked out at the park. Jenny, their surprise daughter, was sitting on the lip of a fountain. Kicking her feet back and forth while she flirted with a poor boy who didn’t know what hit him. Takes after her mother, that one. Clara and their Barcelonian (the city not the planet) galgo chased a laughing Melody around a tree, even though the younger girl had no chance of catching her older sister, who’d inherited the Doctor’s propensity for running. Jackie chatted with a young mum whose daughter was swinging in time next to Adric. He glanced over at the final piece to the puzzle that made up their family - the sleeping infant in the pram at their side.
He kissed Rose’s crown. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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trashunlimited · 6 years
to conclude, here’s the epilogue. also, i’m putting this all on ao3 and will post the link soon. this isn’t the end of my rick x julie content, there will be more! i need to post something fluffy to make up for all this angst.
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
tagging: @nightshade1994, @glampyra  
Rick had been looking for a powerful fuel source, and remembered the one on Fyralog, perhaps the crystal was still there? It was certainly worth a shot.
Taking Morty along with him as normal, they were flying around on Rick’s ship, looking for the remains of Fyralog. Rick grinned excitedly when they finally come upon Fyralog, and landed on it. The planet look barren, desolate and deserted, the buildings destroyed and there was no life in sight.
“Jeez Rick, what happened here?” Morty asked nervously.
“This Morty, is all that’s left of the Fyralogin Empire, once the dominant force in the galaxy before it collapsed and was replaced by the F-Feds.” Rick explained. “But g-guess who took it down? Me!” He proudly proclaimed, pointing to himself.
“You took down an entire e-empire?” Morty responded in shock.
“Hell yeah dawg! Years ago I stole a chunk of the fuel source we’re here for, they tried to get it back but it collapsed before they could!” Rick laughed.
He knew he shouldn't be surprised, this was Rick after all. But to know he took down an entire empire single handedly? It was both shocking and amazing.
“So...why are we here now Rick?” He wondered.
“To get the another chunk of that fuel source obviously! What else would we come here for?” He hissed. Morty realized that maybe he shouldn’t have asked.
As the duo wandered together, Morty found himself really creeped out by the place. The combination of the lack of life when there clearly had been some at one point, the broken and boarded up buildings and the feelings of emptiness made him uneasy. “This place is really cr-cr-creeping me out Rick..” He mumbled.
“Don't be a baby Morty, y-you've been to worse places, this'll be cake.” Rick brushed him off. Morty sighed and continued walking with him.
He started to realize they were headed towards the large building in the center, and so figured that the fuel source must be in there.
When they arrived in the building, it was completely dark, so Rick took out a flashlight and turned it on, using it to help him look around and traverse the building. Morty clung onto his lab coat as they walked, even more frightened than before.
As they walked around, they saw a green glow and headed towards it, where they the crystal-like fuel source, Even now, it still had broken and mangled wires connecting to it.
“Jackpot!” Rick grinned, pumping a fist in the air.
But as soon as he started heading towards it, a figure with two pairs of golden glowing eyes appeared in the darkness. Startled, Rick used the flashlight to get a better look at the figure, and wasn’t surprised when he saw it was Pyri, the former empress of the Fyralogin Empire. There was a look of pure malice and insanity on her face, which made sense, she had been here, alone in the darkness for decades.
“You..” She snarled, glaring at Rick. “You took everything from me! My planet, my people, my empire, my pride..”
Rick ignored her and she watched as he took out another of the crystal. Her eyes wandered around and landed on Morty, and she became confused, unsure who he was. Pyri had expected to see Julie, but she wasn’t there. She’d never seen what Julie actually looked like, but assumed she would’ve seen a woman around Rick’s age, not whoever this was.
“Where is Julie?” Pyri asked, making Rick stop dead in his tracks. When she didn’t get a response, she asked again. “I asked you, where is Julie? What happened to her?”
Rick still wasn’t responding, which gave her a hint on what had happened. “Oh I see, so she’s dead huh? Did you kill her or something?”
At this, Morty noticed he was shaking and had a horrified expression on his face. He wasn’t sure who Julie was exactly, but knew whoever she was, she must’ve been important to Rick.
“So you did kill her after all huh? Should’ve known...she loved you and killed her!”
Morty didn’t know what to do when he saw Rick clench his fists as he started to tear up.. Something was wrong…
Pyri kept egging Rick on and taunting him. “Poor sweet Julie, you dragged her into your bullshit and tricked her into loving you. She died because of you, it’s all your fault!”
Rick snapped at this, and pulled out a weapon with him. “No!” He screamed as he shot her. “I didn’t do it! I didn’t do it! I didn’t…” When Pyri collapsed dead on the ground, Rick sat down on his knees and sobbed.
Morty was concerned and worried for him, what was he supposed to do now? He didn’t want to stay here any longer and so tugged on Rick’s shoulder to get his attention. “W-We should go Rick…”
Rick looked over at him and wiped his tears away. “Yeah...whatever..”
On their back, Rick and Morty were both silent, neither saying a word to each other. What could they even say? Morty had seen Rick in such a vulnerable moment, he had let his emotions get the best of him, he wanted to avoid doing something like that again.
Morty nervously rubbed one of his arms and glanced over at Rick. “Rick...whose Julie?”
Rick clenched his fists on the steering wheel of the ship, tightening his grip on it. “Shut up, just shut up...:” He growled before looking away.
Morty knew he wasn’t going to get an answer out of Rick, so he thought on his own who Julie could be. She was someone clearly very important to him, who was also dead. With this, Morty wondered if Julie was his grandma. He’d never met, seen or even heard of his grandma before, no one seemed to want to talk about her, there was no pictures of her in the house, but why? Considering Rick’s reaction to her being mentioned and all, maybe it was just too hard to talk about her. Though Morty was curious about Julie, he wasn’t sure if he would ever get to learn about her, he hoped he could though someday.
When they returned to Earth, Rick immediately went up into his room, refusing to even look at anyone. Summer had seen this and walked over to Morty, just as confused as he was. “Uh...what’s wrong with Grandpa Rick?” She asked.
“I...I don’t know..” Morty admitted. “When we went to go get something on another planet, someone there mentioned a person named Julie, she told Rick that he caused Julie’s death and he freaked out and killed her. He wouldn’t say a-anything about it on our way b-back.”
Summer was surprised by this. “What? Really? Who do you think Julie could be?”
“I was thinking that she’s our gr-grandma. I mean...with Rick’s reaction and all, I think she was important to him, but she died…” He answered.
“Makes sense, it would explain a lot wouldn’t it?”
“Yeah...I just h-hope either R-Rick or Mom will want to tell us s-something about her eventually..”
Rick sat alone on his bed, tears flowing down his face. When he had brought Morty to Fyralog with him, he hadn’t thought Pyri would even be there, he presumed she’d died, but he’d been wrong unfortunately, at least until he’d killed her himself. But he should’ve known better...he’d came there for his own personal gain, and Pyri had ended up blaming him for Julie’s death.
The truth was that Rick did actually blame himself for Julie’s death. He felt if he hadn’t left her all those years ago, that she would still be alive, that they would still be together and be happy. He could wake up in the morning and be greeted by her lovely face, he could still taste her kisses and feel her warmth, and Julie would continue to be there for him, loving and supporting him as always.
Even if she had developed the condition that killed her anyways, Rick knew he could cure her, but he couldn’t cure her now that she was dead. Despite his genius, Rick couldn’t reverse death. He didn’t see cloning as an option either, because while he could do that, it wouldn’t be the same, the clone wouldn’t be the Julie he fell in love with, it would be someone completely different.
Before Julie had entered his life, it had been lonely, miserable, empty and depressing. But once she had become apart of it, his life instantly became better. She’d brought out the best in him, made him feel genuinely happy, probably for even the first time in his life, and was the first to show him love and kindness.
Now she was gone, and the empty feelings had returned to him, the only way they could be filled, the only way his heart could heal is if she came back into his life. But because she was dead, that was impossible. Rick believed he was doomed to remain a depressed, suicidal alcoholic for the rest of his miserable life.
He took out the crystal rose he’d gotten for Julie, before they’d even started dating. She’d loved it so much, and he could still remember the day he took her to that gemstone planet visibility. Rick remembered they’d even had their wedding there. He clutched onto rose and angrily threw it on the floor, but it didn’t break, there wasn’t even a crack, it stayed still and intact.
Rick pulled out his flask and opened it, downing some alcohol as more tears stained his face.
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lauramarlingnatural · 7 years
Six movies I’ll always watch
I was tagged by the lovely @soyforramen and @wolfofansbach thank you both <3
Pride -- Gays and Labour Movement History? Sign me .... the FUCK up. Anyway this movie is a masterpiece and never fails to both 1. make me sob like a small child and 2. make me happier than anything else. The scene where they all sing Bread and Roses single-handedly cured my depression while making me cry buckets of tears? how?
Footloose -- Kevin Bacon saves a backwards conservative small-town with DANCING and weird chicken-tractor-races. The idea that a town has banned dancing and Kevin Bacon is there to save the day... honestly have you ever heard of a better concept.
Dazed and Confused -- NOSTALGIA. Also some of the greatest one-liners. 
Stand by me -- This movie is everything to me. River Phoenix’ portrayal of Chris Chambers is one of the most beautiful things. as is Gordie and Chris’ friendship and love for each other.
Hunt for the Wilderpeople -- Unlikely comrades + wonderful comedy + commentary on mass incarceration, colonialism and capitalism, and the school to prison pipeline. But still really funny and heart warming. Taika Waititi is a living legend.
IT (2017) -- Oooh I’m sure this is really shocking /s anyway um i’d die for the losers club so jot that down. But seriously. 
Also @wolfofansbach did an honourable mentions bit so I AM TOO AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME:
Dirty Dancing, The Godfather, LOTR trilogy (but especially The Two Towers), The Goonies, Children of Men, The Shining, But I’m a Cheerleader, The Craft, Heathers, The Shawshank Redemption, Easy Rider, Clerks II, The Exorcist.
I tag hmmm uhh hey new mutuals this will be a good way to get to know u probably -- @meloncholypurple @crystalesbian @tozier-club @bostergold @suuperdyl @losersxlovers @letgoofmygreggo @beepbeep-trashmouth @trashrichie @delicatetozier @cooperbettycooper and @alicecooperrehab um okay that’s probably enough now, feel free to ignore and not do this if u dont feel like it obvi <3
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my-mystic-messenger · 7 years
I want to know why you don't like Saeyoung, I actually didn't like him at first he seemed overrated, everyone hyped him up so much, and I thought his design was hideous. But now I like him bc I'm a naturally playful person who's also laid back, so I clicked more with his personality than the others. Although, the biggest turn off to me is that he's emotionally distant/ slightly abusive and coming from a home like that, I don't believe his problems/attitude are cured just bc he has a girlfriend.
Heyo dear anon! I haven’t gotten an ask actually directed to me and my preferences in a really long time so I was really excited when I saw this one pop up :O 
Honestly, there are a lot of reasons I don’t like Saeyoung. He’s not my least favourite route - that role goes to Jaehee and Yoosung - but he sure is my least favourite character. To explain, we only get to talk to these people for 11 very eventful days. That gives us just enough of an idea of what their character would be like in day to day life. I didn’t hate Seven’s route - since you know, it was super action filled and dramatic compared to Jaehee (most boring and bland route ever!) and Yoosung (compare me to Rika one more time I dare you) - but if I had to just hang out with Saeyoung on a normal day, something a little like for example the Christmas DLC, I wouldn’t last! 
Anyway, I already gave some arguments as to why I don’t like Seven in this post. 
To summarize:
1) He’s the ‘right’ choice
2) The story revolves around him
3) Way more content
4) No room for disagreement
For details on all of these, read the post. I elaborated on them in some detail. 
Now those arguments are pretty general, however I do have personal issues with his character as well. Funnily enough, I love his design. I actually liked his design better than Jumin’s when first seeing the playable characters which says a lot, because Jumin is my one and only.
I have OCPD. Now for anyone who doesn’t exactly know what that is, in short and simple it means that you are an extreme perfectionist. You have to have control over every situation, express your emotions in a very controlled manner if at all and are extremely orderly. I’m talking about sorting my books by author, category, colour and size and my clothes by colour and thickness/the weather I wear them to. My entire life is planned through and organized to the T. I am probably one of the most disciplined people you might ever meet…Saeyoung is the polar opposite of that.
His living situation says a lot about himHis ‘house’ is a disgusting mess and I wouldn’t last a day in there without wanting to pick up all the clothes and shit lying around to make it even remotely habitable. Not just that, but he’s a general mess when it comes to these things. I need everything to be structured and organized. He’s everything but!
So does the way he feeds himself…or doesn’tHis diet is repulsive and unhealthy as fuck. I don’t want to play his mommy that has to teach him how to feed himself properly but at the same time I don’t want my boyfriend/husband to eat like a 13 on his night alone at home. Heart disease much? No thank you.
His personality is fake as fuck as well as over the top and I don’t it at all. Something that people like to ignore is that this guy isn’t happy or playful at all. That isn’t Saeyoung, that is Seven. It’s a mask that he later on drops. Basically, we never really get to know Saeyoung, only Seven. Either way, this dude gives me a whiplash. He makes jokes as shitty as memes from 2009, constantly pranks people in such hurtful ways I don’t understand how anyone could find that funny and generally belittles other people for comedic effect. I don’t find him funny, I never laugh at his jokes and if I ever have to call him God707 (Napoleon complex much?!) ever again I might actually smash my head against a wall. He’s supposed to be quirky but that ain’t the good kind of quirky for me. What also bugs me about his humour is that it’s so thoughtless. A good joke can happen due to the right moment, but I generally prefer jokes that are somewhat planned and thought out, jokes you actually have to think about a little. For a genius he sure doesn’t think a lot.
His ‘depression’ is tiringOne moment he’s acting all happy go lucky, the next moment, however, some shit snaps and he turns into emoboy1996, constantly talking about death and how shit everything is etc. It’s tiring as fuck and just reminds me that his other behaviour is fake every single time. I had depression for many years, but I didn’t rub it in other people’s faces and I most certainly don’t make jokes about it. Wanting to kill yourself is some serious shit, the lowest any human being could feel, and he brushes it off and jokes about it off handedly. I find that to be disrespectful and frankly I question his ‘depression’ a lot of the times. I come from an abusive household myself so I know what kind of toll that can take on somebody. If he were to have depression I’d be happy to help him through it as best as I can, but with him it always feels so much more attention seeking than anything else.If he were truly depressed, he would ask for help properly, as in take it serious, or he’d suffer silently. His behaviour is short of erratic and ridiculous. Therefor, I can’t even take that serious about him, because he constantly joke about it. I know that recently it’s become ‘cool’ to have a mental illness and I literally saw a friendship goals post where two girls wrote how they were having a mental breakdown at the same time and apparently that was funny, but I just can’t laugh about shit like that. Frankly, to someone who actually still suffers and suffers on the inside as to not bother the people around themselves Seven and his bullshit behaviour are just a huge slap in the face. 
He makes a lot of dumb decisions and others have to clean up the mess for himTo me Saeyoung seems very thoughtless and undisciplined a lot of the time. Vanderwood has to clean for him, because he’s incapable. He can’t work because ‘there are other things on his mind’ that are more important than a certain commitment. Because he has bad memories of Christmas, he has to ruin it for the others. Keeping you away is such a good idea! Let’s break your heart on purpose and insult you while you’re at it, because that what he thinks is right and your opinion or feelings don’t mean square shit. Yoosung almost lost his eye forever, because Saeyoung can’t plan. His brother almost died, because Saeyoung can’t plan. You, Vanderwood and him almost died because he can’t fucking plan. Those are just a few instances, I could go on for hours. He acts very egocentric and rash as well as putting his wants and needs first a lot of the time. Not to mention that he seems incapable of taking anything serious or sticking to a deadline or deal. You can be laid back - heck I am laid back myself! - but at some point you have to be a grown-up and do the fucking tasks necessary to live like a normal human being. He fucks up even at the basics! Those are nasty traits to have. 
My head is a mess at the moment - University homework is killing my spirit - so I’m not as organized up top as I’d like to be, but all in all, those are some of the main reasons I don’t like him. It also doesn’t help that I find his voice soooooo annoying. I’m not a fan of Saeran’s voice either and I can’t stand whenever Zen sings, but otherwise the other voices have such positive impact on me while Saeyoung’s just drives me up the wall?
Jumin is like warm honey 
Jaehee is super soothing
V is soft and pleasant to listen to
Yoosung is sweet and excited
Zen is hot and seductive 
Saeyoung just sounds shrill and silly….
Obviously there are probably more reasons I don’t like him and probably a lot of them people won’t agree with and that’s fine! Everyone has their own personality and therefor prefers other traits. It’s all a matter of taste. Saeyoung just really, really, really isn’t mine.
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