lydia-is-bored27 · 3 months
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lydia-is-bored27 · 3 months
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[Gundam X Arknights]
Gundam Anavata Ver. Frostnova
One of the Nachzehrer's cruel creations, dug up and found from nowhere. Patriot isnt so keen on Frostnova's usage of this Gundam, knowing full well of the risks regarding it.
"Frostnova... Promise. Me. You. Will. Be safe."
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lydia-is-bored27 · 3 months
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[Gundam X Arknights]
Gundam Anavata Ver. Frostnova
One of the Nachzehrer's cruel creations, dug up and found from nowhere. Patriot isnt so keen on Frostnova's usage of this Gundam, knowing full well of the risks regarding it.
"Frostnova... Promise. Me. You. Will. Be safe."
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lydia-is-bored27 · 4 months
Segull :D
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lydia-is-bored27 · 4 months
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lydia-is-bored27 · 4 months
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cooking arknights oc concept
catena, a fallen sankta who covers their halo and wings to pass as liberi. disillusioned with laterano and its holy laws. travels terra in order to help those whom sankta hospitality would normally never welcome.
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lydia-is-bored27 · 4 months
Today a new face is welcomed aboard, a mobile suit of burning orange and stripes of black and white —a signifier of it's prototype-like nature, lifts into Rhodes Island's hangar, with Kal'tsit casting dis-approving glances at it.
There are better ways to keep Dolores's hands clean from the brutality of war, replacing one weapon to another "less" lethal one is hardly a solution, but the Law in Laterano only knows what Flauros could've done to Dolores. It is also in her nature to be a pilot, taking away her MS is no different from taking her diginity, and Theresa wouldnt approve of it despite the best of her wishes for Dolores.
Kal'tsit dryly sighs at thought, for once in her long life has she never felt more helpless than she is right now, but she quickly pushes away the feeling when she hears footsteps approaching her.
"The RLMS-10E Proto-Hizack flight type, she's a beauty isnt she?" A Forte woman walks up to her as she revels at the sight of the Mobile Suit, her attire is no different from any mechanist, but you could from her gait that's she's more than that.
Efthymia, the Director of Mobile Suit Development in Rhine Labs, there are many interviews with her that speaks of her story of leaving Minos in pursue of knowledge and technology for her people, often times it was romanticised. After all it was quite a heroic thing to do, abandoning everything and leaving her home for the betterment for those she loves.
"Director Efthymia, to what brings you here today?" There's a slight chill to Kal'tsit's words, a chill that Efthymia seems to be unaware of.
"Oh please! You can skip the honorifics, I'm just here to visit an old Professor of mine. She is fine, right?" Efthymia beamed at her like one does to a friend, although Kal'tsit does not refer to her as such.
"She is, but I'm afraid we cannot allow you do that right now, considering Dr. Dolores's current... Situation." Kal'tsit quickly turns her down.
"Ah yes... Amnesia was it? Then could you atleast give this to her?" Efthymia fishes out a crumpled letter and hands it over to Kalt'sit, "It's from two of Dolores's little juniors, they're heading towards Sami I think? When they heard that Professor Dolores was alive they were so eager to send a letter that they treated me like I'm a messenger, the little brats." There was a little heat from that last statement; Her honesty with her words is quite a virtue.
"*Sigh*, anyways, I hoped to see the professor one more time. But if she needs space, I'll give her some. Just give me shoutout when she's doing better, K?" Efthymia does another disatisfied grumble, and with a sudden phone call taking up her attention, she finally leaves.
Kal'tsit looks back again towards the docked MS, perhaps calling for help from Rhine Labs is risky, but what else could she do?
"Just what else can *I* do, Theresa?"
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lydia-is-bored27 · 4 months
Chatlog between User [Dr.Kal'tsit] and User [Delightful_Miss_Closure]
[Delightful_Miss_Closure] 10:50 AM
[Dr.Kal'tsit] 10:51 AM
[Delightful_Miss_Closure] 10:51 AM
So I found something reaaaally weird in Flauros
[Dr.Kal'tsit] 10:51 AM
Stop beating around the bush, Closure.
Get to the point.
[Delightful_Miss_Closure] 10:53 AM
Well how do I explain this?
I found some old chatlogs of Dolores talking to someone
Or idk
In Flauros during daily maintenance
Wanna see?
[Dr.Kal'tsit] 10:53 AM
[Delightful_Miss_Closure] 10:57 AM
(■■/■■/10■■ Chatlog_♡Theresa'sWife♡&■■■■■■■.txt) 10.6 GB
[Dr.Kal'tsit] 11:13 AM
[Delightful_Miss_Closure] 11:20 AM
[Dr.Kal'tsit] 11:20 AM
Contact Rhine Labs for me.
Dolores needs a new Suit to pilot, Flauros is too dangerous for her.
[Delightful_Miss_Closure] 11:21 AM
Woah woah woah
Thats quick
What happened?
[Dr.Kal'tsit] 11:21 AM
Flauros is alive.
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lydia-is-bored27 · 4 months
verified ways to send aid to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, food, rebuilding homes/businesses etc. (Spotlights 1 verified gfm at a time so if you don't know who/where to donate to just go here and donate to the one they show you!)
Help provide tents (urgent):
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents for displaced families in Gaza (emergency bc tents in Rafah are being burned as we speak) (paypal) (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: also working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash & other daily essential suppliess to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Gaza Municipality's water project: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water and waste management services for the people of Gaza. (This campaign only has a couple of weeks left but it's still only at 15%!)
eSIMs (urgent):
guide to buy & send esims for gaza
crips for esims for gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), this team of volunteers are collecting funds to buy & manage gaza esims regularly
Medical Aid
Palestine Red Crescent Society: Provides emergency medical and ambulance services and humanitarian relief on the ground in Gaza e.g. rescuing and treating the wounded.
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lydia-is-bored27 · 4 months
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My little blorbos, the little wittle scrumbladoos.
My dear precious children.
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lydia-is-bored27 · 4 months
A single spear to the cockpit is enough
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[Gundam X Arknights]
"Your Creations. Of. Steel. Are useless. Against Me."
During the siege on Chernobog, a straggler from the remaining Ursine MS forces foolishly faced Patriot.
That would the last mistake that MS pilot would ever make.
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lydia-is-bored27 · 4 months
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[Gundam X Arknights]
Gundam Flauros Ver.DD (Doctor Dolores Version.
It's a Gundam mobile Suit installed with a Sarcophagus System that preserves it's Pilot through cryogenic sleep in times of need. Currently it's deweaponized.
"It's time to wake up, Doctor."
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lydia-is-bored27 · 4 months
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[Gundam X Arknights]
"Your Creations. Of. Steel. Are useless. Against Me."
During the siege on Chernobog, a straggler from the remaining Ursine MS forces foolishly faced Patriot.
That would the last mistake that MS pilot would ever make.
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lydia-is-bored27 · 1 year
I need more Boullets
Models by @ezulaone
(I didnt forget to credit that)
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lydia-is-bored27 · 1 year
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Butcherboy, MS GIRLS.
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lydia-is-bored27 · 1 year
"Sometimes, I hate myself to the point I just—"
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lydia-is-bored27 · 1 year
"Surprise lobotomy isn't cool kids."
"Atleast tell me beforehand."
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