#Theft of Money 5 Part 2
novasintheroom · 3 months
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013. Recommendation (pt. 4/5)
♡ Pairing - Vash x Reader
♡ Word count - 1.1k
♡ Warnings - none
♡ Description - Vash finally caves and sees you again.
Part of the 150 Bullets drabble series on AO3.
Part 1 ---- Part 2 ---- Part 3 ---- Part 4 (you are here!) ---- Part 5
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So it goes for the next nine years. Letters are constantly exchanged between you two. Trinkets and baubles pass between envelopes, too. Vash’s pockets fill with the papers you send, and he pulls them out on lonely nights to thumb over the ink and laugh at the bad jokes. Some letters fall apart from bullets he dodges, and he mourns their loss every time. It’s like losing you all over again. But, he reminds himself that he chose to leave, not you.
He wonders if you look older. If you’ve cut your hair. He still expects you to write one day, telling him you’ve found a partner, that you’ve started a relationship, that your partner doesn’t like that you’re constantly writing letters to another man and you’ll have to cut contact. He dreads those thoughts, those days. A secret part of him hopes it never comes to that, selfish as it is.
 He tells himself he hopes you find happiness wherever you go.
Your latest letter is long, filled with anecdotes of your days and funny stories. Near the end, your letter takes a turn:
I’ve also heard about someone taking the Plants, too. Several towns have been wiped off the map recently. Do you know anything about that? It’s crazy, what some bandits will do to get money or power.
                One of my towns was hit, actually. Henna. I rode to it one day and just found it in fresh ruins. Some of it was still smoldering with fire. Most of everyone had left by then, and those who hadn’t…I had to leave quickly and sent word for help to go to them. I couldn’t do anything, not without outside help. They tried to take my bird. I think they planned to eat her. Desperate people do desperate things.
                 Please be careful out here, birdie.
You end with a joke, as always, but Vash barely reads it. He looks up, around at the small camp he’s made for himself that night, the bottle of alcohol sitting by his hip. A sinking feeling settles in his chest. He’d heard about the Plant thefts, too. It was part of the reason he’d travelled to the southernmost part of the region. The other, well…he can’t admit it to himself, but he wants to be close by in case something goes wrong for you. Bandits, bullies, robbers – they just get more numerous the further from cities one gets. Not that he’d get there in time. He wouldn’t even know something happened to you until your letters just stop coming.
That thought settles something in him. He’s known, of course, that there’s no way to help you unless by chance. But maybe it’s the alcohol, or a fierce want to just see you again that finally, finally takes over. He pulls out his pen and paper and writes a simple letter he’ll send tomorrow:
                Do you want to meet at the town Gregarious for dinner sometime soon?
Of course you say yes.
Gregarious is a bigger town, up-and-coming on its milling and water production. They even added a third Plant to their arsenal recently. Everyone is in high spirits, and Vash receives friendly nods when he walks in.
The Mom and Pop’s is crowded for dinner. He’s happy, seeing so many people out and about. But there’s one person he’s looking for. His eyes scan the room in quick flits, jumping from one person to another. Have you dyed your hair? Cut it?
Someone taps him on the shoulder, and he turns, and his breath leaves him. It’s you. You, with your hair in a braid, the same color it’s always been. You look hesitant, even with recognition in your eyes. “Vash?” your quiet voice asks.
Without preamble, Vash opens his arms wide. Your face breaks into a grin, and you hug him just as tightly as he hugs you. He can smell the apple lotion on your skin, along with the dust of the day, the suns in your hair.
Dinner isn’t awkward like he feared it would be. Nine years of letters will do that, he supposes. You both chatter to each other about your day, how you got here, where you’re staying, how each of your goals are going. It’s nice. It’s so nice. Vash can’t keep a smile off his face the whole time. Your cheeks turn red with your own smiling.
“So what are your plans now?” He asks, taking a sip of beer.
You push your vegetables around on your plate for a moment. “Well, the library exchange program is pretty well set up. A lot of young people – especially girls – are reading and writing and going to college, or planning on it. HQ has been so impressed with my progress that they want me to move to Octovern and be on the board.” You push a carrot around on your plate. “I turned them down.”
Vash gawps and leans forward. “What? Why?”
You smile. “I like being out here. I like seeing people, strange as that is to say. I usually hate people.” You and he share a knowing laugh. “But I like seeing how I’m actually making a difference, and I don’t want to sit in a stuffy board room giving orders to other librarians, where to go, whatever. That’s just not the kind of work I like. Plus, I…was hoping to travel with you again.”
You look up to gauge his reaction. He tries to school a neutral face, but you see right through it. “It wouldn’t be forever! I’d still hand out books and set up routes, just in a more sporadic way. We have several librarians that do it that way, travel wherever they want and switch books out when they come through a town. It gives people something to look forward to when they see us.”
You were already using “us” again. Vash feels torn. On the one hand, you’re doing exactly what he left you to do. You aren’t as safe as he’d hoped, but it’s better than traveling with him. On the other…Sigh. On the other hand, he really, really misses you.
You’ve carried on, not noticing his thoughtful look. It almost feels like a job interview – as if he needed your recommendation that you were reliable. “I’ve gotten much better at defending myself with my knife! And I’m good at making getaways on foot and on tomas. And I know you miss my cooking, you’ve said it a thousand times in your letters – “
“One month,” he hears himself say. “One month, and we see how much you still miss traveling with me. Alright?”
Your chair screeches from the force you jump out of it, and you’re on him, squealing with excitement and shaking his shoulders. Vash laughs at your enthusiasm. He’s missed it. He’s missed you.
He just hopes it isn’t a mistake to invite you along again.
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offender42085 · 10 months
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Post 1033
“You bragged about the guns being hidden in the walls of your home.” --Judge
Adam Montgomery, New Hampshire inmate 66018, born 1990, incarceration intake in August 2023 at age 33, scheduled for parole consideration December 2036, with conditional release scheduled for December 2051
Theft of Firearm, Receiving Stolen Property, Armed Career Criminal. Firearm Possession
On August 7, 2023, Adam Montgomery, 33, the father of long-missing and presumed dead 5-year-old New Hampshire girl Harmony Montgomery, insisted he did not murder his daughter during his sentencing hearing on several firearm-related offenses.
“I did not kill my daughter Harmony,” the defendant said when asked if he would like to address the court. “I’m looking forward to my upcoming trial so I can refute those offensive claims.”
New Hampshire Superior Court Justice Amy Messer, for her part, said the court was not going to consider the murder case – before handing the defendant a sentence in excess of 32 years – at the bare minimum.
In June 2023, Adam Montgomery was convicted on two counts of theft by unauthorized taking for stealing a rifle and a shotgun from a friend’s home in Manchester. He was also convicted on two counts of receiving stolen property for retaining the guns and a count each of being an armed career criminal, for possessing the rifle, and for possessing the shotgun. An armed career criminal is defined as having been convicted of three or more qualifying felonies.
The judge gave the defendant 15-30 year sentences for each armed career criminal offense – and ordered that those sentences will run consecutively, or, one after another. The court also imposed lesser sentences of 7 1/2 to 15 years for each of the two theft charges – which will run concurrently to one another, or, at the same time, but consecutively to the armed career criminal offenses.
In sum, Adam Montgomery could spend just shy of 90 years in prison, altogether, for gun crimes.
Two lone bright spots for the defendant were noted by Justice Messer. He will be credited 580 days in prison for the time he spent in pretrial detention, and five years of his theft sentences could be suspended if he maintains good behavior in prison.
The state did not seek prison time for the receiving stolen goods charges.
The defendant originally faced eight gun-related offenses in an April 2022 indictment that stem from the theft of the two guns in question.
Defense attorney Caroline L. Smith implored the court to impose mandatory minimum sentences of 10 years for the armed career criminal offenses.
“Here the crime as presented by the state was a crime of opportunity, it did not involve violence, although anyone would say theft is a level of violence, but we don’t have an assault of anybody, we don’t have physical harm to anybody,” the defendant’s attorney argued. “This is a crime of opportunity based on an addiction and to fuel that addiction.”
Smith went on to say that her client did not commit a crime that involved an attempt to steal guns and fire them on someone else but, rather, in order to sell them for “money for drugs or for drugs themselves.”
Those efforts, in the end, did not pan out.
Adam Montgomery’s defense attorney also took note of the murder trial looming in the background.
“It plays a major role and it shouldn’t,” she said – arguing that even the basic fact that her client was facing gun charges was because law enforcement may have been looking for “leverage” against the defendant and/or his estranged wife.
Justice Messer sought to ease those fears before issuing her formal ruling.
“The state is not requesting that the court consider your other pending charges here,” she said, addressing the defendant directly. “I want to tell you that the court is not.”
“But the court notes that there are a significant number of aggravating factors here,” the judge went on. “These predicate offenses are particularly egregious. The guns were stolen, there was a child in the house, the guns were maintained while you yourself had children in the home.”
There was buying and selling back and forth of guns, the court added, including to a convicted sex offender.
“You bragged about the guns being hidden in the walls of your home,” Messer continued – rejecting the defense’s contention that this was just a case of drug addict gone bad. “The gun violence has taken a toll on our community, particularly the young people here.”
Adam Montgomery was also ordered to have no contact with the people he stole the guns from.
Before the sentence was issued, a prosecutor chimed in to say that the state also looks forward to Adam Montgomery’s upcoming murder trial.
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yandereinc · 1 year
Isekai - Yandere!ShalnarkxFem!Reader 02
Prologue Chapter 01 Chapter 03 Chapter 04 Synopsis: You have an unfortunate encounter with Truck-kun which leads you to wake up in the HXH universe.
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Once you've calmed down you decided to buy the game guide you were holding and a couple more. You were dealing with Shalnark after all. Buying a phone might not be the best option. Depending on the model it would have GPS. It would be way too easy to find you. He might not know your name but he knew your face and your voice. There might be a nen ability out there, one Chrollo might have, that could track you down with just that bit of information.
Internet cafes would be your best bet if you wanted to access the web. You hoped there would be one close to your hotel. But for now, you decided to focus on the game guides you just bought. There could be some helpful cheat codes in there.
Once you arrived at your hotel room you decided to take some drinks from the overpriced mini fridge. You had more than enough money to pay for whatever ridiculous fee the hotel had on taking any of the items from the fridge.
You put all the game guides you bought on your bed. You had the Fortress Watch guide, one for a game that looked like Grand theft Auto 5, one for a game that looked like Skyrim, and lastly one for a game that looked like Minecraft.
While you knew the Fortress Watch one had cheat codes as well you were drawn to the one for the game that looked like Skyrim. You remember there being a code for godmode and you were desperate to activate it. And sure enough, the first cheat code listed on the page was the one that activated it.
You were quick to activate it. And unlike last time when nothing happened after filling in a cheat code your vision filled up with two words.
Godmode activated.
Reading that filled you with relief. Feeling like you could breathe easy now knowing that Shalnark nor anyone else could hurt you.
But you weren't satisfied yet. While you couldn't get hurt now you were still very vulnerable in comparison to a lot of people. You had the perfect defense, now you just needed some offense.
While you could try your hand at nen that was too slow. You needed power and you needed power fast. And the guide you were holding was perfect for that. Apparently, this game had spells. Basics such as shooting fireballs to healing and more.
Since you were immune to damage now you decided that you didn't need healing spells. So you decided to focus on strong spells. Ones that could hopefully help you survive in a world full of crazy nen users.
You quickly filled in the cheat code that lets you use the spell Fire Storm. It was the strongest fire spell in the game. But when you tried to activate it you found that nothing happened. Part of you was relieved as you realized you would've burned down your room if you actually succeeded. But you were still worried that nothing happened.
That's when you noticed a new bar in your vision. This one was titled mana and it was completely empty.
Turns out you needed to follow the rules of the game and mana was still necessary to use spells. Luckily for you, there was an infinite mana cheat code and you were quick to fill that in.
And also a less damaging spell. While you would survive it you doubted your neighbors could. So you quickly filled in a cheat code that activated the spell Candle as well. This one just produced a small flame in the palm of your hand.
Seeing that your mana bar was completely filled you activated the spell. Amazed to see a small but bright flame flicker in your hand.
On top of that despite activating it rapidly for a minute your mana didn't go down. Relieved that both cheats worked you turned Candle off and went looking for more spells you could add.
In the end, you added a bunch more spells: 1- Invisibility 2- Telekenis 3- Flame Thrall 4- Incinerate 5- Bound sword
The first two were pretty obvious. The fourth was a weaker version of Fire Storm. The third summoned a fire elemental that would defend you until it died or you told it to return home. And the last one conjured up a sword for two minutes.
The last one made you remember something. So you hoped the book would have these codes as well. And luckily for you, it had. Items could be added through cheat codes as well.
So you added some impressive-looking swords and shields to your inventory. It didn't seem to matter how much you added to your inventory. And even if it did the game guide had a cheat code to activate infinite capacity to your inventory anyways.
It made you giggle. You were now the world's best conjurer and you couldn't even use nen. With that in mind, you went through the other game guides in search of other useful items you could add.
The GTA knockoff had guns and other firearms. So you added a bunch of those as well. While not useful against someone like Uvogin you really hoped you wouldn't run into him anyways.
The Minecraft-looking game guide didn't really interest you at the moment. It wasn't as if you were going to mine for ore anytime soon. But than you saw the cheatcode for a diamond sword. Feeling intrigued you added it to your inventory.
When you made it appear you gasped at how pretty it was. Even though you weren't a skilled sword fighter it could still be useful. You could sell it. Although you doubted you would get in much trouble financially any time soon to deem that worth the time.
After you put everything in your inventory you decided that it was time to leave. Not just your hotel but York New as well. You needed a place far away where you could test your spells without anyone seeing you. It wasn't nen after all so anyone could see this.
After checking out, assuring the receptionist that you didn't need your money back, you made your way to the airport. From there on you could find your best destination.
Part of you wanted to visit Whale Island but you didn't want to risk putting Mito and the other people of Whale island at risk.
If money wasn't so easy to get you would try your hand at heavens arena. Maybe you could've been the only non nen user to beat anyone above floor 200. But you weren't interested in that mess. It would put too many eyes on you. You were trying to lay low for now after all.
With all the time in the world and nowhere else to be you decided to just go to the airport. Hopefully, you would find your answer there.
Unfortunately, your destination was now the least of your worries. Because you overlooked one simple thing.
You didn't own a passport.
Without it, you couldn't go very far. And since you wanted to at least leave the country that left you trapped here.
Fortunately, you still had a whole bunch of money. In fact you had more than you could ever use. After remembering a cheat code that gave you 50.000 instead of just 1000 you went ham and added money until you ended up a millionaire.
Part of you was worried that someone would check up on to see how you got money so fast. But turns out your card was a prepaid credit card. Which made it much easier to avoid being detected.
After cashing in enough money for a fake passport you made your way to an internet cafe. While you didn't have access to the hunter web you were sure you could find a convincing fake passport on the dark web.
But that was easier said than done. After searching for an hour you started to realize that illegal goods wouldn't be so easy to find.
"Fake passport? Now, what do you need that for?"
"To get out of the country." You reply with a sigh.
A silence kicked in before you realized what you just did. You pretty much jumped out of your seat as you turned to the source of the voice. And who else would it be other than Shalnark?
Fuck, when did he get here? You thought to yourself.
Once again the word Cute popped up in cursive. Making you blush. Embarrassed that he thought of you as cute and frustrated that your fear was endearing to him.
"I'm afraid ordering anything from this site will give you nothing but a trip to prison. But I can help you if you need it?"
The offer of help was suspicious to you but unfortunately, you currently couldn't read his thoughts.
"What kind of help?"
"The kind you need."
"That's vague… But alright I suppose. As you already know I need a fake passport. Money is no objective either," you pulled the large stack of Jenny out of your pocket. Making Shalnark frown for a second before his smile returned.
"Careful with that now, you wouldn't anyone else to see that. Someone might put a target on your back," he advised.
You normally would've taken that more seriously, and not just because he was a terrifying thief. But you were invincible now. Not to mention even if it got stolen you could just make more.
All you did was nod before putting it back in your pocket.
"Besides, I don't want your money."
"You don't? Then why would you help me?"
"Just because I don't want your money doesn't mean I don't want anything else." He smiled at you. Making you want to back off. His usual smile was offputting enough as you knew how awful he was inside, but this one was too eager for words.
Without any prompting on your part, the blonde kept talking.
"I want you to go on a date with me, Y/N."
The moment he said your name your blood ran cold. Turns out he was more intrigued by you than you hoped he was. Because he took the time to look you up.
Most likely getting frustrated that he couldn't find anything about you too. While you had no clue how he found out your name you knew that him using your name was a warning.
He was asking you out to be polite. Not because he had to. As if to prove you right he pulled out his phone. Which made you flinch. It took you a second to calm down. Which was a second too late as he already saw it.
His smile grew and you only now noticed the words floating beneath his face. But you were too panicked to read them. Unfortunately, they quickly disappeared as he spoke up again.
"How about tonight at the Catch 44?" he asked but it was clear that he wasn't looking for an answer. "I'll book us a table for two at 6 pm. The restaurant has a black tie dress code, so wear something nice." All that was said without any input from you.
Not that it mattered. His word might as well be law. You might be unbreakable but that didn't mean he couldn't get to you in different ways.
Despite all the spells and firearms you had, you were sure he was still stronger than you. Killing you wasn't an option but capturing you sure was. Even if you decided to fight him you weren't sure the collateral damage would be worth it.
Which left you with little choice but to agree. So you nodded at him. Which caused his smile to brighten. You could swear his eyes started to sparkle too.
"Great! I'll see you there! Don't be late, Y/N!" Those words felt more ominous than they should. But everything the manipulator said felt ominous to you.
Just like yesterday, he left by waving at you until you were out of sight. Once he was finally gone you slumped in your seat. Letting out a long-suffering sigh.
Just one date couldn't hurt, right?
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netherworldpost · 2 years
AI art predictions with a laundry list
This is a very long post, so as an advertisement to entice you to read it, let’s start off with my proof points. It ends with advice on what to do if you make things and/or want to make things and are concerned.
I remember when royalty-free microstock ($1/photo) began. It fundamentally changed stock photography, ending a significant number of careers, creating a significantly larger number of photographers -- as well as graphic designers AND illustrators who now had floods of reference photos they could not access before.
I remember when boilerplate WordPress starter themes began. They largely are a “paint by numbers” kit of parts. A lot of web developers rallied against it, claiming they would go out of business. Some did, most did not, a great number went into business using them as tools.
Hell, I remember when WordPress started. Similar story to above.
I remember when Adobe created built-in color palette tools. These are, essentially, color wheels. There were a lot of designers and illustrators who claimed this would give the public and/or low skill designers too much power.
I remember when free logo generators started. See above notes.
I remember when ultra cheap graphic design freelance services began. Fiverr and Upwork, etc. See above notes.
Hell I remember when digital printers started gaining a neck grip on small scale commercial printing. Bad time to be a 1 and 2 color press shop.
Tech bros and their priests will continue to throw money and other resources at it from about mid 2022 until early 2024
A combination of boredom, other opportunities (good, bad, and neutral), lawsuits, and the inescapable physics of what is required to create new AI art will taper off interest around early to mid 2024
The arc of interest will diminish far sooner but will occasionally be spiked back up by a combination of:
^- click-bait news articles and new breakthroughs in tech
^- click-bait news articles that claim there is a new breakthrough because the reporter/outlet is just catching on to existing things
^- tech bros claiming a new breakthrough (that isn’t new) because they have reinvented existing tech and/or are outright stealing from existing tech
Some levels of AI will continue forever with varying degrees of aesthetic attraction
On some level, the continuation will be because some tech bros and their priests are interested in pursuing the tech and are uninterested in the benefits/costs
On another level, it will continue as a weapon against artists (at large) because all tech invented is utilized as a weapon by bad actors against specific groups people
On yet another level, it will continue as a weapon against specific artists because all tech invented is utilized as a weapon by bad actors against specific people
Some (a moderate sample size) artists will lose everything for a little while but ultimately adapt, a smaller sample size everything permanently and leave the art profession
The public at large will begin in earnest interest as a “we can create stuff too!” but then lose interest over time because quality (as measured by uniqueness) and accessibility (as measured as “free vs. paid”) will steadily decrease
The decrease of interest will spike tech bros desperate to reclaim their throne into accelerating outright theft and abuse because at the nature these specific tech bros are parasites and have nothing positive to offer either the tech or art ecosystems
Corporate interests will both utilize AI art for their own interests while suing to stop their own direct properties from being used. These lawsuits will generate attention-grabbing headlines but almost exclusively be settled out of court and/or the AI companies will simply be bought to bring the tech/people into the fold/shut down
Artists (at large) will engage in the various platforms. There will be generalized outrage for 1 - 5 years as a combination of acceptance, resignation, and useful labor-saving tools are built
^- schisms will enter the art community. Some points will be made as legitimate discourse, most will be stated as individual artists use this as the point-of-the-day to prove themselves better than everyone else.
Tech will continue building what they can, scraping every resources available at the lowest cost possible and often through piracy, until it becomes untenable via cost and boredom
Artists will continue to create, adapt, and evolve. Some unfortunately will legitimately lose everything and drop out of the career for a period of years, some forever.
There will be a convergence point then the two will separate out slowly. The path will be painful for artists. The public will vastly be ignorant, those who know mostly won’t care, some will passionately rally for artists.
Advice for people who make things:
Keep making things. Despair is an automated weapon that targets you, the more you feed it, the stronger it grows.
Do not personalized despair. It is easy to give into the thought of a conspiracy theory against you, or your industry. I view the accuracy more as “people/institutions who do not know, or care, about your existence are building their own empire. Sometimes you’re a tree line of border protection against wind, sometimes you’re lumber. Either way you’re not considered in any instance except when you’re useful, and never as an individual.”
Protect yourself as possible (file copyright takedown notices, keep an eye on prices to keep yourself in business, do not actively participate in contests that scrape AI, block people onsite who advocate for AI art if you yourself do not)
Protect your business funds as possible (multiple streams of income where possible, keep an eye on costs -- is fancy packaging actually necessary, from a business perspective, or are you making it fancy because you’re an artist)
Build a community as you can, everywhere you can. There is an absolute effort-to-cost ratio that must be watched -- you can, as of writing, literally sign up for a MySpace if you want. I wouldn’t recommend trying to build a network there.
And to repeat: keep making things. There are tools you used to get started, there are tools you USE RIGHT NOW, I promise you, that were once heralded as “the thing that will kill art.” It didn’t, except where it did, and in both instances everything evolved to whatever our current state is.
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talesofsonicasura · 5 months
Persona 5: Phantom Cat Pt2
Here we go with Part 2 of the Phantom Cat AU. I'll be covering the Confidants, plot changes, but also the potential of Poppy Playtime being more involved. Let's get started.
If I can sum up the Phantom Thieves' relationship with Joker in one word, it'll be protective. Even the Personas especially Arsène are no different. Ren does admit to once being human but everyone doesn't learn about his tragic backstory until after Okumura's Palace.
You can bet their ass they were disgusted upon finding out Playtime Co's inhumane experiments. It isn't uncommon for Ren to find one or more of his companions lay against him when he loafs around like a giant cat. Something the Thieves' Den makes easier as Leblanc's attic is not that spacious.
Morgana sympathizes with Ren the most. Both of them aren't human and won't be accepted by the outside world for it. Ren was lucky to find someone who raised him with kindness than just free the young man from a terrible fate. They're feline brothers, your honor.
Ryuji, Yusuke and Haru are three flavors of food friends. The former track star sneaking out for a daily run with Ren alongside the occasional ramen or snack food chow downs. His zoomies become manageable thanks to Ryuji. (Sojiro is still reeling from a hyper Ren pouncing on him.)
Yusuke enthusiastically introduces the living toy to the art world since he cannot visit a museum like a normal patron. Ren sometimes find himself being a muse for some of his paintings and usually portrayed as a peculiar enigma. The two always chow down on curry afterwards.
Gardening with Haru anyone? Ren always feel bad about how much money his new family have to spend just to keep him fed. (Futaba had a limit put on credit theft by Sojiro as he doesn't want both his kids to rely on illegal crime to survive.) Something Haru can understand since she has similar issues. The two bond over coffee together.
Emotional support Ann is a definite. The two constantly talk about facing their issues and ways to strengthen their heart. Ren is always happy to lend a ear whenever Ann has problems in her model career or updates about her friend Shiho's recovery. She gives good advice when the giant toy needs help getting Futaba used to the outside world.
Makoto is the socially awkward training partner. Both Ren and her don't have much experience with people outside their friend group so neither know what can be considered normal. The two hammer out each other's issues whenever possible or just vibe together.
All of the Persona in the group do their best to make Ren feel normal every time the group is together thus shenanigans are guaranteed. Carmen and Milady are the wine aunts who endorse the chaos. Necronomicon is his 2nd fellow prankster partner(Futaba is 1st).
Zorro, Johanna and Goemon being the only responsible adults most of the time. Captain Kidd is a sheer chaotic neutral as no one knows whether he'll start something or remain level headed. Finally we get to Arsène.
The poor pigeon hasn't been in this particular element before. Nonhuman Persona Users are a thing so it ain't that. Ren's heart can be considered a massive mess. Whatever was done to make him a living toy, it left something vile behind. Yet Ren continues to defy fate even with the leech latched onto his soul.
Thus Arsène can be a bit more aggressive when it comes to Ren's health. Always near the surface of his partner's subconscious whether to offer soothing words or protect him if needed. In the Thieves' Den, Arsène is usually found snuggled next to Ren with a cover around his knife heels.
Now most of Joker's Confidants are people he has to sought out. A more complicated affair due to not being human. There is actually one more Confidant he has mostly maxxed out and knows about his status: Tae Takami of the Death Arcana. (Yes I absolutely complete the whole thing early just to unlock Alice.)
Sojiro was concerned about Ren's health as they had no clue if or when health complications will occur. Thus it led to Tae becoming his secret doctor as she not only the closest but is trusted amongst the community for her skills. It was a very interesting conversation to say the least.
Now Ren is quite crafty when it comes to establishing his other bonds. Until he could shift into a more human size, Futaba prepared a special plushie with a built in-camera that he can talk through. The excuse being Ren is an hospital patient undergoing recovery after serious health complications and this toy helps him interact with the outside world.
Now onto plot changes, the deadlines alongside their consequences for failure remain the same. It's just not for the first two Palaces. Ren is still captured and put in the Interrogation section. Although it took the traitor attacking from the shadows to injure him enough for police to subdue the Bigger Body.
He's far more beat up, chained and has a specialized muzzle since Ren is a giant chloroform breathing cat toy monster. Can't forget the possibile dissection if he can't escape his fate. The plot for the Third Semester dances around the chance to be human again in his face. Ren doesn't take it of course.
For Scramble, he casually chills in everyone's bags and pull the special patient card to converse with others. Ren can still cook as it's a calming hobby for him alongside gardening. Plus the sight of a giant CatNap in an apron cooking was too hard to resist.
Also yes, I am in the 'Adopt Sophia' group cause she's precious. Especially when Ryuji got to say fuck just to defend her. Sophia definitely calls Ren 'kitty' but he really doesn't mind unlike Morgana. Yes, they do snuggle in the Thieves Den as no one shall avoid the cuddle pile.
Awkward dad Zenkichi anyone? Man absolutely flipped upon seeing Ren as he thought the whole report about 'Phantom Cat Joker' being a giant purple monster was a joke. Nope and you shall get your tired ass dragged into cuddles cause Ren smells stress.
The Persona also get more involved in the shenanigans too. Only Ren's confidants or those who delve into the Metaverse long enough can see much less interact with them. Best to keep Captain Kidd away from fireworks though. (There are special cases but that's for later.)
Before you ask, yes, Joker's main Showtime special is different. Instead of just blasting Shadows with Eiha, Ren breathes out chloroform smokescreen and bursts forth alongside Arséne to come down on their targets like a predator. The attack retains the Curse element but does Physical damage too. A Two in One type combo.
Tactica's plot remains the same however every target views Ren with disgust. All saying there is an 'chimeric abomination' latched onto his heart. The enemies also target him more than Erina and the other thieves.
Speaking of her, she does think Ren is a cat who again doesn't really mind much. Toshiro absolutely freaks out and takes awhile to get used to him. Gameplay wise, Ren is mostly the same except he has more movement options to fit his feline Bigger Body.
Pouncing on further away enemies, inflict Sleep status in large groups, and his Phantom Judge special turns into Phantom Roar. An attack where Ren breathes out a massive cloud of chloroform for Arséne to convert into a Eiha powered explosion. Not only does it do massive damage but also has a high chance of inflicting Sleep status on targets.
Finally we move onto Poppy Playtime. If you guys were paying close attention, then the signs should be obvious. Something is connected to Ren and his past holds the answers. Thus the Phantom Thieves of Hearts visit the Playtime Co Factory to see if they can help their friend. He had been experiencing vivid nightmares which all link to this place.
Now the factory isn't the same like in the game. For unknown reasons, the place has become a pseudo-Mementos linked to the collective consciousness of the various souls who linger inside. Thus the factory has potential to shift anyone in the affected areas in or out the Metaverse side without warning.
A chance of Shadow attacks are not only high but there is a possibility that something even deadlier lurks inside. There are occasions where it is required to travel through this dangerous 'Labyrinth' to progress deeper. (Can't have them blazing through the place.)
Everyone split into two groups so they can cover more ground. Group 1: Ren, Yusuke, Ann, Makoto; and Group 2: Morgana, Haru, Ryuji, Futaba. They'll be encountering characters who not only appear in Poppy Playtime but also Project Playtime. Player character is there too so the Phantom Thieves will meet them.
Guaranteed canon divergence as some of the Poppy Playtime cast might not even encounter the game protagonist. The Phantom Thieves won't ignore someone in need *looks at one particular character* and don't kill their targets. For them, living with guilt for one own sins is a fate worse than death.
New players have entered the game that neither groups could ever foreseen. Can the Phantom Thieves of Hearts solve the mystery and shut down this the factory's immense distortion? Only the phantom cat will determine victory or defeat.
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 3 months
General Rated Fics Masterlist (8)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 /
Created: March 12th, 2024
Last Checked: —-
For The Longest Time-albinokittens300 (ao3) Summary: Katniss and Peetas first “kiss” after the Rebellion. Frost-Alliswell (ao3) Summary:In the kingdom of Panem, authoritarian King Coriolanus is coveting an Heir, everything changes when Jack Frost falls in love with a human girl from the small District Twelve, and tries to prove himself in order to become human permanently and win the heart of his beloved. Gale vs. Geese-DandelionSunset (ao3) Summary: On a trip back to District 12 after nearly 20 years away, Gale finds himself at war with Haymitch's territorial geese. While trapped in a storage shed, he reflects on the past and is greeted with the future. Hardly Strictly-Demona424 (ao3) Summary: None of Katniss’ friends could join her for the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival so she decided to go ahead and do it alone. I mean how could you pass up a free 3 day festival? But life isn’t what you expect it to be, especially when her dog steals some food from the handsome man sitting next to her. How Katniss made it to bed…-chele20035 (ao3) Summary: In MJ, after Katniss finds Buttercup back in District 12 and has her meltdown over Prim finally, it says she passes out (near the couch, I believe, where she was helped to, ) and regains consciousness in her bed that night. Is it canon that it was Peeta who did this? Greasy Sae? How did she get to her bed?  I am Buttercup.-Buttercupbadass (ao3) Summary: Buttercup's life has not been an easy one but with the lessons his mother taught him, he is a survivor. Buttercup tells his life story with darkness and light, great joy and sorrow I Never Said She Stole My Money-Alliswell (ao3) Summary: Peeta tries to convince his classmates that a pair of younger girls at the Campus, are innocent of the theft of his hard earned funds, using the phrase "I Never Said She Stole My Money" each time with the emphasis on a different word. Ich Mag Dich-HGfanonezillion (ao3) Summary: Johanna thinks her new neighbor is attractive. And once she recognizes the other woman speaking German on her phone, Johanna hatches a plan to win her over. If We Met Up at Midnight-c_r_roberts (ao3) Summary: There aren’t many reasons to celebrate in District 12. Even as a Victor. But the arrival of the New Year is one of them. Canon, pre-Victory Tour. It's like a house of cards-Brown_Eyed_Devil (ao3) Summary: Basically a really short piece with me trying out writing from Peeta's POV. Anyway it's just a little glimpse into what I think Peeta might have been thinking on the train, whilst on the victory tour.
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fwimmey · 10 months
Ok so I've known things have been bad in this country for homeless people but, getting my learners permit yesterday has given me the context necessary to put this into perspective. So bear with me this might be a long post.
Issue 1: There is no public transport in the vast majority of this country. No trains, no busses, not even taxis. The closest we get is Uber which still doesn't cover some areas. This means that to get a job you either have to live within walking distance of your job, or own a car.
Issue 2: In cities due to zoning laws business aren't allowed to be built in the same district as residential buildings, which prevents living within walking distance of your job. Most businesses don't build outside of city limits, so if you were born in a suburb or a rural area you can also rule out walking to work.
Issue 3: Minimum wage works out to about $1,625 a month. Average rent works out to about $1,320 a month for a 2 bedroom apartment. The average house costs about $410,200. Meaning if you have a roommate taking on half of the rent, after rent each month you have $965 left over. Minus roughly $400 for groceries is $565. As we've already established that you need a car to exist in this country let's subtract the average of $915 for car related expenses (gas, insurance, payments on the car because lets be honest there is no way you will be able to afford it up front) and we have suddenly run out of money.
Issue 4: let's talk about getting a license, not the car itself just the license. You will need, your social security card, your birth certificate, 2 proofs of residency, and $25. But what if you are homeless? No proof of residency, no license. Also you have to get someone to drive you there because there is no way you live within walking distance of the DMV, and as we've already established, there is no public transport. But wait there is more. I'm not sure how it works elsewhere, but in my state you have to have had your beginners permit for 3 months before you can apply. So before you can get your license repeat the previous steps 3 months in advance except it only cost $5 this time. You also have to provide your own car for the driving test which leads to a fun catch 22 in that you have to have a job to afford a car, but as we've established you have to have a car to get to your job.
Issue 5: while being homeless isn't technically illegal sleeping in your car is, as is public camping, and begging for money. Benches are being removed. Spikes are being installed under rain shelters. A large percentage of businesses won't hire people with a criminal record, and when you can be arrested for sleeping in the only shelter available to you it can become nearly impossible to get a job to escape homelessness.
Issue 6: homeless shelters are rife with abuse. Homeless people in them often face sexual harassment and abuse, racial discrimination, and sometimes theft by either other shelter residents or caretakers. Not to mention the difficulty of getting into a shelter. They can place a limit on how many personal belongings you can bring with you. They can turn you away if you have any drugs in your system. Many don't allow pets. Many don't have accommodations available for the disabled. Many don't have the facilities to deal with many mental illnesses, several of which are caused in part by being homeless.
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brianedner · 1 year
Luz’s Crime List Masterpost
I am just going to pin this to the top of my page and put links to the chapters under here
0: Forging
1: Counterfiting
2: Stalking and Steeling Evidence
3: Cultivating and Manufacturing drugs
4: Breaking and Entering
5: Gambling
6: Identity theft and bribery
7: Organized Crime
8: Money Laundring
9: Illegal Fights part 1
10: Illegal Fights part 2
11: Illegal Fights part 3
12: GTA and defacing public property
13: Back Alley vet/nurse
14: Street Racing
15: Illegal house plants
16: Fake ID and illegal spices
17: Laundering Money 2
18: chop shop and selling forged documents
19: Shovel Talk
20: Alcohol making and Camila’s reaction
21: Laundering 3 and Gambling 2
22: Hiding Bodies
23: Hiding Bodies 2
Fanfiction: Here
Tumbler: Here
AO3: Here
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criminvls · 3 months
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Name: Liv Bastias Aliases: Olivia Childs    (Everyone will know her as Olivia Childs, only those who knew her before she faked her death will know her original name, this is currently just Zane) Gender/Pronouns: She/Her Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual Age: 38 Birthdate: November 2, 1985 Occupation: Commercial cleaner at The Royal Opera House Height: 5 ` 7 “ Hair: Dark brown, corkscrew curls, often worn naturally. Eyes: Brown Identifying Marks: Tattoo on right wrist that has been laser removed Positive traits: Adaptable, focused, and calm under pressure Negative traits: Selfish, secretive, and impulsive. Group/Organizational Affiliations: Non-currently / civilian. Family: Former Husband - Zane Bastias Best Friends: (OPEN) Relationship Status: Single / Technically still married to Zane under her previous identity. Other Relationships: (OPEN)
No one in Olivia Childs' life knows who she really is. Before becoming Olivia Childs, she was known as Liv Bastias. She was a thief who had a talent for pulling off heists with precision and care with her husband and partner in crime, Zane Bastias. For Liv, the thrill of the heist, the rush of adrenaline, and the risk of getting caught is what kept her going but despite this they eventually decided to leave their criminal life behind to pursue something more normal, discussing the possibility of one day starting a family. 
However, as time passed Liv began to feel restless and missed the excitement and intensity of her old life. To Liv, normal wasn't all she had thought it would be. She had kept her feelings to herself, not wanting to disrupt the life that she and Zane had chosen. But then, Liv received a threat that would change everything.
Someone had reached out to Liv with the threat of exposing her. The last heist was perfectly planned and executed but somehow something went wrong. Something was missed. They had incriminating evidence but it was only Liv, not Zane. Although she tried to stamp it out, the threats kept coming and they were not just threats against herself anymore. Living under this constant fear was suffocating her and feeling like she had no other choice she constructed a plan to disappear and start over, leaving Zane to live his life.
Paying off the coroner was only the beginning of Liv’s complex escape plan. In order to disappear she had to make it convincing. Liv enlisted the help of a friend who she knew she could trust, slipping them a little money helped too of course. In order to disappear convincingly she had to make everything appear legitimate and Liv had to die, so that Olivia could be born.
The violent fire that destroyed everything was no accident, and changing her identity proved to be a difficult task. But Liv had to keep moving, never looking back, and never leaving a trace of her past life behind. It's a sad thought that Liv had to die so that Olivia could live, but it's a testament to the lengths that Liv was willing to go to keep herself and Zane safe.
Fast forward years later and Olivia can be found working as a commercial cleaner at the Royal Opera House. It's not the most appealing job and the pay is terrible, but a job is a job. She has been there for a couple of months and can already feel the boredom of such a monotonous, mind-numbing job settling in but this is just one of many stepping stones she has to hop across. Whilst barely making ends meet the small thefts she now does solo alone aren't nearly enough to make up for what's missing in her life. Currently looking for more exciting work and that thrill she craves so much, who knows where she might end up.
3 fun facts about your character: 
- Olivia is still seeking that thrill and she misses it dearly, dare she say more than she misses her husband?
- Olivia isn't involved with any organisation currently, and whilst she's been working solo, she wants to feel like she is part of something bigger again.
- Olivia still wears her wedding ring and though she has been close to pawning it a few times it's the one thing she still has from her old life that she doesn't really want to let go of.
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mogwai-movie-house · 2 years
The Best of Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955-62)
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The classic anthology show ran for 268 episodes: here are the 50 best, with the first 10 or 15 being essential viewing.
1. Breakdown (1955) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 2. Man with a Problem (1958) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 3. Man from the South (1960) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 4. The Glass Eye (1957) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 5. Dry Run (1959) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 6. The Right Kind of House (1958) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 7. Bang! You're Dead (1961) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 8. The Pearl Necklace (1961) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 9. Pen Pal (1960) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 10. The Woman Who Wanted to Live (1962) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 11. Help Wanted (1956) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 12. Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel's Coat (1960) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 13. The Dusty Drawer (1959) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 14. Lamb to the Slaughter (1958) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 15. None Are So Blind (1956) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 16. No Pain (1959) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 17. Incident in a Small Jail (1961) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 18. A Personal Matter (1959) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 19. Conversation Over a Corpse (1956) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 20. I Killed the Count: Part 1 (1957) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 21. Out There - Darkness (1959) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 22. Murder Me Twice (1958) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 23. The Creeper (1956) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 24. Mail Order Prophet (1957) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 25. One Grave Too Many (1960) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 26. A Very Moral Theft (1960) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 27. The Last Dark Step (1959) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 28. Revenge (1955) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 29. The Horseplayer (1961) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 30. The Baby-Blue Expression (1960) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 31. The Man Who Found the Money (1960) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 32. The Faith of Aaron Menefee (1962) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 33. Apex (1962) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 34. Graduating Class (1959) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 35. The Manacled (1957) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 36. The Ikon of Elijah (1960) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 37. The Throwback (1961) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 38. The Gloating Place (1961) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 39. Where Beauty Lies (1962) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 40. Road Hog (1959) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 41. A Bottle of Wine (1957) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 42. The Diamond Necklace (1959) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 43. The Five-Forty-Eight (1960) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 44. The Sorcerer's Apprentice (1962) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 45. Never Again (1956) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 46. Cop for a Day (1961) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 47. Strange Miracle (1962) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 48. The Landlady (1961) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 49. Escape to Sonoita (1960) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 50. The Orderly World of Mr. Appleby (1956) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
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s0nia246 · 5 months
I was thinking of ideas for my Reverse 1999 x Persona 5 crossover fanfic:
1.This one takes place after the main game. A thief called, 'Failed Thief', has been going around the world stealing priceless treasure. Most people think the motive is money or getting a thrill. However, for Melania, that isn't the case.
Her biggest heist yet will reveal the truth. ( I'm taking some aspects from the Theft of the Rimet Cup event.) The Rimet Cup is instead of being placed in Japan instead of London. Melania, Charlton, Pickles, and Regulus are a part of a group (Don't have a name for it yet). Also, Pickles is kinda like Morgana.
The Phantom Thieves at first see them as competition, but then they all work together to steal the treasure. It's a team effort.
2. I was also thinking of a idea that could take place during the main story but I have literally no ideas.
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tetsunabouquet · 1 year
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Thanks for tagging me @vespersposts I invite all of my followers to join! Also, THERE IS NO QUESTION 5
1. Are you named after anyone? Not exactly. Both my parents names actually have a name meaning related to water, and I was also born in a hospital with a beachview, so my mom was adamant about me having another water themed name when she was naming me. Same goes for my middle name, though that isn't actually officially mine as my middle name 'occured' to her when I was like a few months old and in my country, adding an official middle name later on after the child is born costs quite some money.
2. When was the last time you cried? 3 hours ago or something. My vivid imagination was thinking about story ideas, and then I thought of this dramatic one that made me spill a few tears.
3. Do you have kids? No human ones, only furry ones.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? As someone on the spectrum, I struggle with sarcasm so not really.
6. What's your eye color? Hazel, the type that has various colours. Dark brown is my most dominant, but my eyes also contain bits of jade green, amber and steel grey.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Kind of both? I've been a horror fan since I saw the children's horror comedy, The Little Vampire, at the age of 4 but I also really like seeing people who deserve something good to happen to them find their happy ending.
8. Any special talents? Well, other then the ones related to art, I do have a few good impressions. Mainly Brenna from Toddlers & Tiaras and Lucas Hanni from Eurovision 2019.
9. Where were you born? The Netherlands.
10. What are your hobbies? Reading, creating things, dancing
11. Have you any pets? 4 cats. Mitzie Gaynor Queenie is the eldest, named after the actress Mitzi Gaynor because of Breakfast At Pluto and Queenie because the little lady is a real kitty queen.
Then you have Poosie Kleptomania. She's the inspiration behind the cat in my Midorima drabble, and was named Poosie because of Pose, as this girl is a real charming little lady that would win in any ballroom (at least if you ask me). Her middle name stems from her extreme tendencies of theft.
Bollywood Klaagzang is my youngest girl. She really loved Bollywood movies ever since she was a kitten, and Klaagzang is a Dutch word for 'lamenting' which literally means a song or word spoken with a complaining tone. If there's anyone who's constantly bitching, its Bolly. She's the kind of diva who's literally whining for attention 24/7. She's whining on my lap as I type actually. One hand isn't enough.
Somi Pantherjoy the Shadowcat is the youngest and sole male. He's named after the K-POP idol Somi, because he's a cross between a European short hair and a Siamese cat, and because Somi is Dutch Canadian-Korean, it seemed like a fitting biracial name in a sense? He's a large, athletically build black cat though, hence the 'Pantherjoy the Shadowcat' part.
12. What sports do you play/have played? Aerial hoop. I quit as a beginner though, because of drama with the sport studio. The sport instructors were good, but one I befriended because we were close in age and that ended up in this massive drama between us and whilst they were good at training people, the bussiness itself behind it? A HUGE mess. When I emailed the administration about the drama, how to sort it out, if I could arrange something like be told on notice on which days she'd be in which studio (as they actually had two) to avoid contact with her and go to the one she wouldn't go instead, it pretty much launched into a whole new drama solely based on the fact, this was a company very clearly created by sport instructors of whom none had a background in administration, bussiness, or anything whatsoever and they didn't cared about hiring people who were either. I have plans to move to a different city with a studio that isn't owned by them so I've been thinking of picking it back up once I'm there.
13. How tall are you? My ID says 162 cm according to the measures made at the town's council building but someone measured me for something a year or so after and they said 161 cm, so... (5'3-ish).
14. Favorite subject in school? Economy. I'm good with money, and I'm an accountant studies drop-out actually. My mentor had difficulties with me because of my autism, and thus was pretty much useless. Once I got stuck, I decided to drop out.
15. Dream job? A child's author and toy designer. I dream of creating my own book series and toys based on the books. Perhaps even fashion dolls. I'd like to create an 'adult' version of the series with BJD dolls once I've had an audience who grew up with my stories. I even have some low-key thoughts on a theme park. I pretty much want to be the unproblematic Disney of children's literature. That would be the dream!
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allroadsleadtohere · 1 year
OC questionnaire - N. part 3: Background and Family
Their situation growing up and their relationships with family members.
Country of Birth: Netherlands. Current Country of Residence: Belgium.
How wealthy were they growing up? Approximate based on their standard of living. Exorbitantly wealthy (more money than they know what to do with) Wealthy (can afford huge houses and luxury goods easily) Upper middle class (nice big house, could afford nice vacations, etc.) Middle class (not rich but lives a comfortable lifestyle) Lower middle class (has basic needs met but can't afford many luxuries) Impoverished (meeting basic needs is a struggle but they have a home and can survive) Absolutely impoverished (constantly at risk of not having needs met, maybe homeless) Wealth does not apply in their setting.
How wealthy is your character currently? Approximate based on their standard of living. Exorbitantly wealthy (more money than they know what to do with) Wealthy (can afford huge houses and luxury goods easily) Upper middle class (nice big house, could afford nice vacations, etc.) Middle class (not rich but lives a comfortable lifestyle) Lower middle class (has basic needs met but can't afford many luxuries) Impoverished (meeting basic needs is a struggle but they have a home and can survive) Absolutely impoverished (constantly at risk of not having needs met, maybe homeless) Wealth does not apply in their setting.
What religion(s) were they raised with? Check all that apply. Christianity (Protestant) Christianity (Catholic) Christianity (Orthodox) Mormonism Christianity (Other) Islam (Sunni) Islam (Shi’a) Islam (Other) Judaism Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism Taoism Sihkism Baha’i Shinto Paganism Traditional folk religion Spiritual but not religious Agnosticism Atheism Fictional religion (popular/common in their world) Fictional religion (unpopular/uncommon in their world) Fictional religion (persecuted in their world) The people who raised them were unsure/conflicted about what they believe They were not raised around any religion (they grew up on their own, raised by a species with no concept of religion, etc.) Other
What best describes their religious beliefs now? Check all that apply. Christianity (Protestant) Christianity (Catholic) Christianity (Orthodox) Mormonism Christianity (Other) Islam (Sunni) Islam (Shi’a) Islam (Other) Judaism Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism Taoism Sihkism Baha’i Shinto Paganism Traditional folk religion Spiritual but not religious Agnosticism Atheism Fictional religion (popular/common in their world) Fictional religion (unpopular/uncommon in their world) Fictional religion (persecuted in their world) They are unsure/conflicted about what they believe They have no concept of religion Other
On a scale of 1 to 9, how would they rate the quality of their childhood? 5 is average. Basically hell 1 2 3 4 5 (we chose this number because it was pretty average) 6 7 8 9 Absolutely amazing
What level of education has your character achieved? If the educational systems in their universe follow a different system, choose whichever option is the best equivalent to what they've achieved. None Elementary school/primary school Some high school/secondary school Graduated high school/secondary school (or equivalent, such as a GED) Some college (incomplete) Associate's degree Bachelor's degree Master's degree Professional degree Doctorate degree Some trade school / apprenticeship (incomplete) Trade school / apprenticeship (completed) Other
Which of the following crimes have they committed? Whether they were caught/convicted or not. Arson Assault/Battery Blackmail Bribery Child abuse Computer crimes (hacking, phishing scams, etc.) Domestic violence/abuse Drug manufacturing Drug trafficking / distribution DUI/DWI (drunk driving) Embezzlement (taking money they've been entrusted with for personal use illegally) Extortion Forgery Fraud Harassment Hate crime Indecent exposure Identity theft Kidnapping Manslaughter Money laundering Murder: first degree (premeditated) Murder: second degree (not premeditated) Perjury (lying in court) Prostitution Racketeering (engaging in an illegal business / organized crime) Rape Robbery/theft Sexual assault (besides rape) Shoplifting Solicitation Stalking Tax evasion Vandalism
How many parents (or parent-like figures) was the character raised by?
Check all of the following that applied to your character during their childhood: Only count them if it happened when your characters was of an age where they should have been dependent on a parent. (For instance, up until they are 18 in modern day America.) At least one of their parents died They were an orphan Their parent(s) willingly gave they up for adoption They were taken away from their home because it was a bad environment They lived long-term with family member(s) who aren't their biological parent (an aunt/uncle, a grandparent, etc.) They were in the foster care system They were adopted A parent abandoned the family without an official divorce Their parents divorced At least one of their parents remarried
Think of the parental figure your character gets along with the BEST. How do they feel about this parent? 5 is neutral feelings. If they only have one parent, answer for that one. Would kill them if they could 1 2 3 4 5 (we chose this number because it’s neither good nor bad) 6 7 8 9 Loves them more than anything
How close are they to the parental figure they get along with the best? If their parent is now dead or unreachable due to other out-of-control circumstances, answer based on how close they were when they could interact. If they only have one parent, answer for that one. Super close, tell each other everything Fairly close, speak often Somewhat close, they talk when it's important or the other is around Somewhat distant, they only talk when there's something to discuss or on special occassions Distant, only talk when it's an emergency Not on speaking terms, refusing to make contant
Think of the parental figure your character gets along with the LEAST. How do they feel about this parent? 5 is neutral feelings. If they only have one parent, skip this question. Would kill them if they could 1 2 3 (less than the other parent) 4 5 6 7 8 9 Loves them more than anything
How close are they to the parental figure they get along with the least? If their parent is now dead or unreachable due to other out-of-control circumstances, answer based on how close they were when they could interact. If they only have one parent, skip this question. Super close, tell each other everything Fairly close, speak often Somewhat close, they talk when it's important or the other is around Somewhat distant, they only talk when there's something to discuss or on special occassions Distant, only talk when it's an emergency Not on speaking terms, refusing to make contant
How many siblings do they have?
Which types of siblings to they have? Check all that apply. Full biological siblings A twin (or triplet, quadruplet, etc.) Half siblings Stepsiblings Adopted siblings Foster sibilings Cousins or other relatives their age that live with them and might as well be siblings Non-relatives their age that live with them and might as well be siblings Clones or other siblings that come from sci-fi/fantasy weirdness
Where are they in the birth order? Oldest child Middle child Youngest child Only child
Think of the sibling your character gets along with the BEST. How do they feel about this sibling? 5 is neutral feelings. If they only have one sibling, answer for that sibling. Would kill them if they could 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (we chose this number because he’s closer to his older brother) 9 Loves them more than anything
How close are they to the sibling they get along with the best? If the sibling is now dead or unreachable due to other out-of-control circumstances, answer based on how close they were when they could interact. If they only have one sibling, answer for that sibling. Super close, tell each other everything Fairly close, speak often Somewhat close, they talk when it's important or the other is around Somewhat distant, they only talk when there's something to discuss or on special occassions Distant, only talk when it's an emergency Not on speaking terms, refusing to make contant
Think of the sibling your character gets along with the LEAST. How do they feel about this sibling? 5 is neutral feelings.  If they only have one sibling, skip this question. Would kill them if they could 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (we chose this number because he’s close to his younger sister, too, but she’s a woman and they’re different) 8 9 Loves them more than anything
How close are they to the sibling they get along with the least? If the sibling is now dead or unreachable due to other out-of-control circumstances, answer based on how close they were when they could interact.  If they only have one sibling, skip this question. Super close, tell each other everything Fairly close, speak often Somewhat close, they talk when it's important or the other is around Somewhat distant, they only talk when there's something to discuss or on special occassions Distant, only talk when it's an emergency Not on speaking terms, refusing to make contant
How many children do they have? None.
What types of children do they have? Select all that apply. Biological children Adopted children Foster children Godchildren Stepchildren Younger sibling that they take care of like a parent Another younger dependent that they might as well be the parent of
Think of the child your character gets along with the BEST. How do they feel about this child? 5 is neutral feelings. If they only have one child, answer for that child. Would kill them if they could 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Loves them more than anything
How close are they to the child they get along with the best? If the child is now dead or unreachable due to other out-of-control circumstances, answer based on how close they were when they could interact. If they only have one child, answer for that child. Super close, tell each other everything Fairly close, speak often Somewhat close, they talk when it's important or the other is around Somewhat distant, they only talk when there's something to discuss or on special occassions Distant, only talk when it's an emergency Not on speaking terms, refusing to make contant
Think of the child your character gets along with the LEAST. How do they feel about this child? 5 is neutral feelings. If they only have one child, skip this question. Would kill them if they could 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Loves them more than anything
How close are they to the child they get along with the least? If the child is now dead or unreachable due to other out-of-control circumstances, answer based on how close they were when they could interact. If they only have one child, skip this question. Super close, tell each other everything Fairly close, speak often Somewhat close, they talk when it's important or the other is around Somewhat distant, they only talk when there's something to discuss or on special occassions Distant, only talk when it's an emergency Not on speaking terms, refusing to make contant
How many pets do they have? None.
Which types of pets do they have? Dog Cat Rabbit Rodent (mouse, rat, hamster, guinea pig, etc.) Other small mammal Bird Fish Snake Other Reptile Amphibian Invertebrate (insects, arachnids, etc.) Horse Livestock (cow, sheep, goat, etc.) Exotic pet (any animal that normally cannot be kept as a pet; big cats, bears, wolves, crocodiles, whales, etc.) Mythical creature (dragon, gryphon, etc.) Robot pet Other fictional creature (alien pet, etc.)
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jupitermelichios · 2 years
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I posted 267 times in 2022
159 posts created (60%)
108 posts reblogged (40%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 222 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#my fics - 58 posts
#eurovision - 36 posts
#esc 2022 - 36 posts
#sterek - 32 posts
#creature!stiles - 24 posts
#sterek fanfiction - 24 posts
#teen wolf fic - 24 posts
#the outcry of wolves - 23 posts
#teen wolf fanfiction - 22 posts
#vampire!stiles - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#do you think you being an asshole on tumblr.com is going to magically bankrupt disney wil the steve ditko lawsuit and break up the monopoly
My Top Posts in 2022:
i want this to go about 60% harder than it does, but i fucking love all the outfits
103 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
So it occurred to me while working on my new teen wolf writing project that Stiles's dad is absolutely drowning in medical debt so probably can't afford to give Stiles much of an allowance, if any, and Stiles never mentions or goes to a part-time job, and yet he can afford a completely unexpected $1500 mechanic's bill when Erica breaks his Jeep, and buys an insane amount of stuff for Lydia's birthday, and even though he'd been planning to return most of it, he's sixteen at that point, he definitely doesn't have a credit card and probably doesn't have an overdraught, so he had to have had that money on hand, so I'm trying to figure out where his money comes from.
so far my possibilities are:
- its ad money from his youtube channel where he uploads deliberately shitty and out of focus footage of 'real werewolf sightings'
- it's sponsorship money from his podcast where he just talks completely truthfully about his life and half his audience think it's an ARG and the other half are just there to see if he'll ever actually admit this is all fiction
- he has a twitch channel where he streams exclusively games about werewolves
- all the 2012 sterek fics are correct and he's selling pictures of his neck to horny werewolves online
- turned his life into successful a pen and paper rpg and it's sourcebook money
- secret MLM double life. his facebook account name is karen and he's a double black diamond and he would love to talk to you about what herbalife can do for you
- he got in at the start of bitcoin before we knew it was an elaborate ponzi scheme and managed to actually cash out
- makes 8bit chiptune covers of britney songs on bandcamp
- just an insane amount of paid surveys. so many surveys
- furry porn artist
- mlp porn artist
- he's actually had physical job this entire time but it's doing something embarrasing and he never mentions it because he doesn't want scott to know. it probably involves a mascot costume of some kind
- a boring sensible option like part time web-dev or translation work
- fraud
- just straight up theft
123 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
writing Chrissy's perspective: wow there's so many fascinating people in the world, maybe I am loveable after all, maybe my identity is more complex and nuanced than I ever realised before, gosh I really feel like I'm growing as a person and starting to confront some of the deep seated trauma that has shaped me as a person, eddie is such a wise supportive friend i learn so much from him
writing Eddie's perspective: oh my god she's so cute why is she so cute who the fuck approved this god is personally testing me by making her so cute she's adorable she's-
132 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
love the decision to dress the female host as a TOS star trek villain
much better than her previous dress, which made her look like her texture hadn't finished loading
164 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
so someone on the buffy wiki asked a question that i have basically been thinking about non-stop since i saw it
how would btvs be different if spike had died when he was originally planned to, during the church collapse in season 2
and there's a lot of interesting logistical questions (honestly the answer is not much, he very rarely actually contributes to the main plot, probably because most of the writers room hated using him) like how would s7 end (you just create a different arbitrary mcguffin), would the buffybot still exist (probably yes, you just make her a warren or a jonathan thing and remove spike from the equation), what would buffy's s6 unhealthy coping mechanism be (my instinct is to say a buffy/xander subplot, which would be objectively worse but would hit basically all the same narrative beats, and would also make the xander/anya breakup feel a bit less weird)
but that isn't the reason i've been obsessing over this
the reason i've been obsessing over this is that if spike dies in that church, drusilla should logically become a recurring villain, probably hitting a lot of the same broad plot beats as spike did
and now i can't stop thinking about a version of buffy where dru gets actual character developement, where they have to think of cool shit to do with her future-seeing powers (being completely incidental to the plot is a very weird quality for clairvoyent powers to have tbh but they never once make effective use of them in the show)
and i also realised that in a version of season 6 where dru is a main cast member, or at least a recurring guest star, the obvious choice would be for her to mentor willow
willow never gets any kind of magic teacher in any way that matters, and she never gets to talk to another canon-queer person apart from tara, and giving willow a mentor figure who is magic and queer and probably pretty supportive, but also is absolutely 100% trying to make willow worse would be so interesting! and maybe it would force the writers to remember that giles knows magic, and you could have a 'which will willow choose' dynamic going on between this proudly bi proudly magic vampire and the closetted deeply afraid of his own magic human and it could be so interesting! like i fucking love spike and giles's canon relationship, but it never goes anywhere and this would absolutely have to go somewhere
also there would obviously be a subplot, probably in season 4, about dru manipulating events to bring spike back from the dead, but he'd come back as human, and the scoobies would want to protect him from her both because he's human and because spike died before they realised he's not actually a threat so they think vampire spike is a big deal, so he'd be a main cast member and build relationships with them all, and you've got human spike and vampire dru kind of circling one another and flirting but also being freaked out by one another, and however you chose to end the subplot it would be the kind of compelling tragedy that all the best spike stories are. if he choses to become a vampire then you're functionally killing the relationships he would have built with the scoobies by that point, and if he chooses to stay human, you're breaking dru's heart, and basically every other variation i can think of is also tragic, and i love basically all of them
and dru would fucking hate glory, even if you never did the chip subplot in s4 and didn't use human spike to bring her into the group, you could absolutely fold her into the gang in s5 using 'the enemy of my enemy' as the justification
there are so many little problems with buffy that you could fix using dru as a recurring character - the watcher's council functionally only exist when needed, they have no real presence, but they're canonically fascinated with dru and want to experiment on her so they'd have a reason to have a recurring presence in the show that isn't directly related to buffy. vampires have no culture and the one time they were given a religion the writers were too scared to explore it in any depth, but dru is possitioned to interact with the cult of aurelius in a way spike never was, so they might be forced to actually think about the fact that vampires ought to have a unique culture and religious perspective and general outlook on the world. the concept of bisexuality might have to exist. everything with how angel interacts with the gang post s2 would be so much more interesting, and there'd be a reason to bring darla back and give her some character developement. mental health! they'd have to talk about mental health prior to season 6!
i'm not going to write this fic, because it would be so fucking long, but please join me in imagining the au that could have been if buffy comics weren't all terrible, or i had infinite time for writing fic
166 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
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zenlessupdates · 2 years
[Prize Event] New Eridu Archives — Ben Bigger
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(New Eridu Archives — Reading File... Complete! )
Hello Proxies~ Type Ⅱ has a "fluffy" profile for you today~
"I'm kind of a math nerd, but that doesn't stop me from beating on some thugs."——Ben Bigger
Are Proxies good at math? It's kind of embarrassing that TYPE II had wanted to work part-time at a convenience store for some spending money, but got rejected because my calculation system had not been updated...
3 bottles of coke, 5 bags of chips, and 10 ice creams... How much Dennies is that in total?
Ohhhhhhh... *computational error*... No more math, Type Ⅱ's system is about to crash!`(+﹏+)′
Ben: Who gave you permission to enter the construction site without a helmet? Huh?! Put one on!
Oh right, I still have some caviar left over today, you can have a bite.
He seems so soft... Hm? Turns out TYPE II's hat does not meet the construction site safety standards...╭(°A°`)╮
(Helmet on! Safety first! Nhu-neh Nhu-neh!)
Ben! So fluffy... Ahem...I mean meticulous!(^U^)
As for caviar, Type Ⅱ wants to share with you guys~ Is there any food Proxies wanna share with Ben? Type Ⅱ will go prepare some.
Type Ⅱ will randomly select 10 comments that match the [How to Participate] instructions to receive a random Zenless Zone Zero character stand. Come join the discussion now!
[Event Time]
Today – 2022/09/20 12:00 (UTC+8)
Winners Announcement: 2022/09/23
[Event Prizes]
Random Character Stand x10
[How to Participate]
Reply in the comment section in the following format during the event to participate.
Format: The food I'd like to share with Ben is: (Content)
1. Event winners will be announced in this post on September 23.
2. Repeating users will be considered as a single participant.
3. Proxies with replies suspected of the following will be disqualified: reply content that violates the rules of the community, plagiarism or theft of others' content, replying on a reply, opening a separate post to reply, and any posts containing advertising of any form.
Merchandise winners should fill in their address info within 10 working days of the announcement, or will be deemed as forfeiting the prize. Proxies who won a prize can go here to fill in their details>>> [Delivery Address Guide]
4. The delivery of prizes may be delayed due to pandemic restrictions. We thank you for your patience.
5. This is an official HoYoLAB event, and has no relation to the platform it is posted on. (such as the App Store, etc.)
HoYoLAB post
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wiw3 · 2 years
Red Dead Recalled
Yeah... This depresses me to write this, but it needs to be written, so that it can make sense. I just need to get everything out in the open about how stupid this is and I can get it out of my head and move on with my day. I don’t know how likely this community is to really game with gritty first-person shooters, but as I hunger for bacon and eggs this morning, I need to talk about why this is so important to me, and speak from the heart about how bummed I am.
Ordinarily, I’m angry, bitter, sad, or scared on this blog. Four things I hate being in public, so this is where I choose to be those things, for your bite-sized consuming pleasure. Additionally, I know that some people will understand this, and some will think I’m a crackpot just for going off on the subject.
The subject in question, because I guess I’ll just get right to the point, is that Red Dead Redemption’s first remaster is dead, having been killed by Rockstar. Additional to that, they’ve also thoroughly killed any hope for new content for Red Dead Online, the subsequel to Red Dead Redemption 2, adding online interaction between players not dissimilar to Grand Theft Auto 5′s features.
This has left me crestfallen, in a manner of speaking. It’s left me feeling pretty hopeless, as well. As someone who’s clocked 1,200 hours in that game, meeting people, bounty-hunting, moonshining, hunting, trading, making friends, drinking and camping with them, getting in shootouts, chases, drunken brawls, along with every other fun Wild West thing to do under the sun, I feel alone, now more than ever.
It’s just a stupid video game, or rather, maybe I’m rationalizing the fact that it’s dying. Red Dead Online was my Firefly, in the most pathetic sense of the word, which means clinging to a dying ship as a core part of my identity. It’s not a bad thing, it’s natural, if anything. The sense of belonging that I got from that game was unparalleled, and it’s going to be gone soon.
I’m not even angry over the money that I’d spent on that game, it was well worth it. I enjoyed spending it, so it wasn’t wasted. It was the first game I’d ever played in a live-PVP environment, in which I could behave entirely, stoically, and naturally like an NPC, and I wouldn’t be bothered by the vast majority of people.
Maybe they realized too that we were all dying, and there was no point in blowing up a friend with dynamite when you know all along that Rockstar isn’t going to be there for us as players, anymore... So we were all we had, so to speak. Abandoned by developers, and forced to go on stupid tirades on the internet about how our home is being shut down.
I guess I’ll wander for a while. I’m certainly not getting into GTA 6 until it comes out and I see some early reviews. I doubt it’ll be a home for me the way that Red Dead Online was. Oh well, for now, I can at least collect the Legendary Animal pelts to complete my dumb pixelated collection of coats. They’re all so beautiful, and I’m only going to be able to wear them for a much shorter time, now...
Don’t cry because it’s over, cry because it happened.
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