#The thing is that there’s no shame in it and you’re not stupid- the human brain is an original pokemon RB cart
boxheadpaint · 23 days
if I look back on my earliest of posts (which I will not do for my health) I’ll feel the need to ask that young man how he feels and if he knows how he feels. Did something come out of sync along the way between emotion and language and expression to resemble something like fear or was this always the trajectory. Would also ask him not to eat entire cakes by himself in his room in the dark looking at a laptop on the floor which all on their own are fine but combined is like actively inviting chaos into your life (Ants and migraines)
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
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How’d they react to you calling them bro or dude whilst in a pre-established relationship…(platonic/romantic)
Dick: he’s insulted.
He will try to give you the silent treatment for such a shameful thing but ultimately fails as he ends up being the one pawing at you for attention.
‘Do you still like me? Or did you just run out of cute nicknames to call me?’ He’d say one night as your both cuddling in bed together. ‘If it’s the later then I can help you find something, just please spare me and don’t call me dude or bro anymore.’
He’d rather you call him Richard-wait, no he hates that even more because to him you’re not meant to use his fully name, only cutesy nicknames that’d make a grown man sick to his stomach. Nothing else would suffice other than Dickie bird, handsome, babe, hunk, honeybun or anything that wasn’t his name.
He’s go mad or would act delusional and say that everything was fine when everyone could tell that it wasn’t. People who know him have personally came to you and begged you to stop calling him dude/bro because he kept talking their ears off about how his beloved partner is torturing him, which ends up torturing them even more upon hearing about his relationship issues.
Dick would even consult Hayley on what he did wrong, only for Hayley to look at him with those big, big eyes of hers. This was not her level of expertise unfortunately. (Head empty, no thoughts. She can’t do her abc’s guys it’s a real tragedy.)
Jason: ‘I just had my tongue down your throat just now and you had to go and ruin the mood by calling me bro. What the fuck.’ - Jason at some point.
It’s a whole mood killer for him to be honest.
He’s calling you things like chipmunk or sweetheart but here you were calling him dude and bro. He knows for a fact that he’s well and truly out of the friend zone because the shit you’ve done together isn’t platonic in any sort of way.
Thinks Roy had set you up to call him dude or bro behind his back. (He hasn’t)
Jason is petty and will get his own back by referring you as ‘just a really good friend’, ‘buddy o’ mine’ or even worse than both of those; ‘chum.’ 💀
When you go low, Jason was more then willing to go to the depths of fucking hell to the point it had become a game to see who’d call out just how stupid this all was, and at the both of you for ever thinking that this was an excellent idea in the first place.
You’ll probs get punished…I’m just going to leave it there and let your minds guess what that ‘punishment’ was exactly.
As much as Damian hates it when you call him Dami, he hates it when you call him dude or bro even more, if that’s even possible.
Damian hates it when you call him dude or bro. He’s not your dude or bro, he’s your partner and he expects no less then darling, my heart or my beloved.
So you calling him dude or bro is more than enough reason for him to give you the silent treatment.
‘Until you learn that I am your partner, I won’t want to be anywhere near you if you’re going to keep calling me your bro or dude. It is a disservice to who I actually am to you.’ He says with a huff and beckons Titus to follow, only for the Great Dane to be left confused as to why his human parents were at a disagreement over something silly.
Also Titus, Ace, Jerry, Alfred the cat, Goliath and BatCow are children of divorce because I said so.
So it’s bests that you apologise while you still can because Damian can hold a grudge unlike any other. Even if you didn’t, you’d still crack first before Damian and quickly put an end to calling him dude/bro.
He just thinks being called a dude/bro when in a pre-established relationship is an insult.
He can take a joke but not when it’s aimed at his relationship. He’s well and truly devoted to his relationship -if we’re to completely ignore the whole being Robin thing- that it might as well be an insult towards him too at this point.
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saudadeko · 1 year
ADHD tips from a girlie who was diagnosed in her late twenties and has had little to no support since and is being so brave about it:
1) Make it easy, make it accessible, and make it appealing. If anything this is the most important thing, all tips going forward are based around this concept.
2) That thing you think would help you but you haven’t bought/done it yet because you’re technically surviving without it? Buy it, you need it. It doesn’t matter if people around you might think it’s wasteful or that you’re lazy, you’re not, just do it, trust me.
3) Expanding on tip #2, if you’re like me and eggs are your main source of protein because they’re quick and easy and feeding yourself is a near insurmountable task- buy yourself an electric egg cooker, make a bunch of hard boiled eggs and keep them in your fridge for quick and easy protein to add to any meal (handful of crackers, a hard boiled egg and a banana? 5 star meal right there. Or mash them up with some mayo for egg salad sandwiches). Other easy proteins include: potstickers (put them in instant ramen), edamame (they have microwaveable snack packs), chickpeas (put in salads!), beans (can of beans microwaved with shredded cheese and some tortilla chips), peanut butter (with crackers, apple and cheese, adult lunchable style), and tofu (cut into cubes, throw them into a ziplock with some seasoning and potato starch, shake that shit up and bake it until crispy).
4) Spend a little extra (if you are able) on daily use items that excite you, it will make you more likely to remember/want to do said daily task. For example: the only reason I remember to use sunscreen is because I bought some fancy japanese sunscreen that smells like roses so I get excited to use it, same for laundry detergent and body wash! there’s a gajillion different body wash scents out there, switch it up!
5) If there’s a task you continuously struggle with take a moment to think about which part of the task is making it difficult, it could be something even as small as “I don’t put my dirty clothes in the hamper because my hamper has a lid on it and lifting the lid is one step too many-”, sounds a little stupid huh? But trust your gut, it’s not stupid if it works. See tip #2 and BUY A HAMPER WITHOUT A LID.
6) If you are having trouble starting a task, break the task down further, sometimes the way I start a task is just by going “Ok step 1) stand up-“ and so forth. Don’t worry about the task as a whole just take it one step at a time.
7) If you’re halfway through a task and have to stop, leave it out. All this, “Put things away when you’re done with them.” is bullshit. you will be much more likely to finish the task if restarting it is easier because you left it out plus it’s a visual reminder. You can also create faux deadlines like “I gotta finish this project before my friend comes over on tuesday because after I finish it I can clean off the dinner table.” etc.
8) It’s okay to outsource tasks and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, humans are designed to ask for, and to require help (what do babies do when they’re first born?? cry for help!!) ask for help and receive help without shame, if it makes your life better, you are WINNING.
9) If you have one big overwhelming task that you think you need to get done before anything else, but you feel motivated to do other tasks, do those other tasks first, it’s okay. Otherwise in all likelihood (at least in my case) you’ll put everything off until the last minute and then have to do said overwhelming task and those other tasks won’t get done at all. Doing those smaller tasks also lowers the mental load and you can use them as a motivation launch pad to tackle bigger things.
10) If you notice you tend to not put something away/forget to do something, perhaps consider moving and storing the item closer to where it ultimately ends up or where you are more likely to see it. For example, my makeup, pills, and mail are all stored on my desk because that’s where I tend to do my makeup, take my pills and deal with my mail. I used to store my pills in my bathroom medicine cabinet but all too often I would forget because they weren’t in my line of sight. Now that they’re on my desk, I have multiple chances per day to pass by them, go “oh I gotta take those.” and take them.
11) Open storage, open storage, OPEN STORAGE.
12) Motivation can look like all kinds of things. sometimes the only reason I get out of bed is because I remember I have a fun snack and I get to go eat it if I get up. It’s okay to lean into those simple “animal-brain” type motivators, you’ll eat because then you can use that fun new kitchen gadget you got a daiso? Neat. you’ll shower because then you can paint your nails that fun new color you got? Fantastic. You’ll go to the dmv and do that annoying thing because you’ll take yourself out for boba after? Superb. Lean-IN to those small motivators, they aren’t stupid or childish, they are VITAL.
13) Don’t buy into the cult of “if it’s worth doing, do it properly” it’s guaranteed to set you up for failure. If it’s worth doing, do it in whatever capacity you are able to. I put sunscreen on once a day because that’s fucking better than not doing it at all and I sure as all hell will fail at reapplying it multiple times a day. If it’s worth doing, do it half-assed babieeee.
Go forth and prosper!!! xoxo ✌️🩵
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deadsetobsessions · 6 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny AU- Pt.4
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.5] [Pt.6] [Pt.7] [Pt.8] [Pt.9] [Pt.10]
Danny was sitting in the back, his backpack obnoxiously taking up the seat next to him, when the door to the lecture hall creaked open near silently.
“What are you in here for?” Danny asked the guy who crept into class. He sympathetically took his backpack off the Seat of Shame and allowed the guy to sit down. Funnily enough, they had the same hair and eye color.
“Gen Ed. Undecided. You?” The guy grunted quietly back.
“Environmental studies. I’m Danny.”
With the implicit understanding of two people in a required class they could not give less than two fucks about, Tim and Danny tuned back into the lecture. When the class was assigned group work, Danny looked over to see Tim softly snoring, head slammed down on the table.
“Tim. Wake up, dude.” Danny poked his shoulder.
“Huh? Class over?”
“Nah, we got group work. Discussion board.”
“Oh shit, thanks for waking me up. Wanna team up?”
Danny shrugged. “Sure. We should aim to post it in the middle so the professor doesn’t read our answers to the class.”
“Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Any idea what we’re talking about?”
“Kind of?”
“Good enough for me.”
Tim Drake kept seeing Danny Fenton around on campus.
“Danny! Dude, what are you doing?”
Danny turned, gloved hands full of crumpled trash. “Picking up after the student population, apparently.”
“Didn’t think environmental studies was that serious.”
“Global warming is very serious, you jerk,” Danny smirked at him, crossing the grass to put the trash into the trash can. “Reduce, reuse, oil shouldn’t be spilled in water and all that.”
“Basic stuff,” Tim grinned. Nice, he basically had a friend past Bernard now!
They were friends, right?
“And yet humanity fails to comprehend it. Incredible. Incredibly stupid that is.”
“They get it. Major corporations just don’t care.”
Danny sighed. “True that. You on your way to your next class?” He took off his biodegradable gloves off (nitrile and nylon, baby!) and chucked them into the trash.
“I’ve got free time, actually. Prof cancelled for his daughter’s surgery.”
“Oh, shit, that’s rough! You wanna go downtown and join the strike?”
“A strike? What for?” Even as he asked, Tim hiked his bag higher onto his shoulder, ready to go. They fell into step as the two left campus.
“Apparently, Quillan Pharma was doing some shady shit at their manufacturing plants. I think it’s like killing kids, and pouring toxins into the ground.”
“Oh, shit.”
“Yeah. Oh! Poison Ivy’s gonna be there!”
Tim blinked. He casted a sideways look at Danny. Sure he’s been here long enough to know… but it couldn’t hurt to check. “You know she’s an eco-terrorist, right?”
“Okay, but like… people suck sometimes. And all she’s asking for is like don’t kill the planet. And she doesn’t do that whole mind control thing too much anymore! The Sirens are so cool. Plus, one of my best friends at home might actually kill me if I don’t try to get her autograph. Poison Ivy is like, Sam’s personal hero.”
Tim snickered. “Yeah, okay. Mind if one of my friends join? His name’s Bernard.”
“The more the merrier,” Danny nodded. “Ooo! Hot chocolate. Want some?”
Danny bought three drinks as Tim trailed behind, texting Bernard.
“He said yes.”
“Cool! We should meet up somewhere before the drinks get cold.”
Well, Danny got the autograph. Tim got a new friend, and Bernard got a drink from his crush.
“Oh, you’re the glowing dude that Batman always talks about!”
Danny blinked, eyes scanning the wing-like cape and the yellow emblem on the hero’s suit. Danny was indeed glowing, stars and nebulas freckling across neon green skin, and glowing hair the color of a white dwarf star, tinged with the blue from his ice core.
“I… have absolutely no idea who you are,” Danny lied, like a liar. He’s found a surprising niche of entertainment in messing with the local vigilantes and he’ll be damned if he missed this opportunity.
He heard a snicker from the comm lines as Red Robin visibly brushes it off.
“I’m Red Robin. Why are you picking up trash?”
“Picking up after you humans, apparently.”
The both of them blink, feeling a weird sense of déjà vu. A moment of awkward silence passed before they both shook it off.
“Are you here to help? No offense, but the track record for you people is terrible.” Danny strode over and grabbed a bag. He opened it, and shook it at Red Robin’s face. “See? Batarangs, these odd bird looking ones, the R’s. Seriously, pick up after yourselves!”
“Oh, woah, can we have these back?”
Danny yanked the bag back before Red Robin could get close. “Pay me. These were incredibly tedious to pick up. Especially the batarangs. I mean, I even found a whole bunch of old rusted ones in the middle of the bay. What did you do, dump an entire bag in there from the air?”
Red Robin sighed and took out a wad of cash, with tracking fluid all over it. Danny grimaced, smelling the odd scent on the money. “That’s not real cash. It smells off. Are you trying to give me counterfeits because you’re broke?”
Red Robin gaped, oddly offended. “No! They’re real!”
“Doesn’t smell like it. It’s stinkier than the trash. Go get the one with the money, the litterer. Tell him I’ll be back the next full moon. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” Danny grumbled, disappearing on the spot to watch Red Robin flounder with the stack of cash and the piles of dead bodies on the shore.
“What the fuck even is my life these days?” Red Robin wondered out loud, stuffing the cash back into his pocket. He looked over the plastic wrapped bodies and slumped, sighing.
Oddly enough, Danny felt a sense of sympathy. Well, he’s not getting paid for sympathy. He’s not getting paid at all tonight, actually. Danny flew off, plunging once more into the depths of the significantly cleaner waters, and used his ice to scoop out oil stains.
Danny glanced around and sighed. He had a lot of work to do.
“So you’re saying he’s like a werewolf mermaid fae child immortal god thing, right?”
Bruce grunted.
“B, what the hell are you smoking these days? You know drugs are bad, right? Do we need Superman to give you that PSA?” Jason snickered.
Tim, massaging his arms from having to haul an ungodly amount of dead bodies, grunted. He’s so similar to Bruce that it gave the people currently in the cave hives.
“He said full moon. I don’t think we can track him with regular stuff. The bugs kept shorting out.”
“Oh boy,” Dick sighed. “Don’t fall off the spiral cliff, Tim. You’ve got midterms to think about so no stalking the guy.”
“Yet,” Tim shot back, changing out of his suit.
Bruce grunted, setting aside a huge stack of cash.
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
come sit on my lap:
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pairing: jungkook x afab! reader
genre: porn without plot || smut || established relationship || non-idol au (?)
tags/ warnings: pwp, mentioned masturbation, thigh riding, dick riding, praise kink, unprotected sex (don’t be stupid, this is fiction), creampie, mentioned cum stuffing because it didn’t make the cut. afab! reader (no gendered nicknames are used, terms like pussy is used though)
notes: listened to we are bulletproof pt.1 while writing this so do with that information what you will. yoongi’s part has me creaming myself it’s so delicious
notes 2: slight changes have been made from the original plan, otherwise this would have probably been 10k words of straight smut
my full masterlist || archived masterlist
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
“you’re home early”
jungkook’s gaze flickers to where you’re stood in the doorway of the living room, your eyebrows furrowing. it wasn’t displeasure painted across your face, just curious confusion.
“i missed you” he instead replies, the corners of his lips quirking upwards.
you slip further into the room, used to jungkook’s eyes on you. the rawest form of silent appreciation for the living art that stood before him; perfect in such a human way. jungkook never thought he’d find the right words to describe you. not when you looked so pretty, and perfect, and every other lame excuse of a word that was never really enough to encapsulate your entire existence.
his eyes glaze over the flush of your cheeks, sure to have just gotten out the bath. you liked to treat yourself on your days off, slipping into the hazy water, scented with the fancy bubble bath jungkook liked to treat you to.
you meet his gaze, head tilting in a silent question of what he was doing.
“come sit on my lap” he hums, “been thinking about you all day”
it’s neither a sigh nor a laugh that spills from your lips, maybe amusement. maybe love. maybe an unexplainable emotion that you reserved especially for jungkook, and jungkook only.
and he nods, taking your hand into his own once you’re close enough. he tugs you down, helping you straddle one of his thighs; exactly where he’d wanted you.
he’d been thinking about this all day. how slick your cunt would get, always so easy to rile up. how he wanted to suck meanly on your poor little clit until you cried, and you begged for him to take the barest hint of mercy on you.
the mere thought of you sat in his lap, desperate for him to bring you that mind-numbing pleasure you loved to much— had his cock hardening in his pants.
if he had any lick of shame, then he might have felt guilt for getting himself off in the bathroom during his lunch break. his cock spit-soaked sticky, fist tugging at his length, a pitiful imitation of what your pussy would feel like squeezing his length until he came into his fist.
“so pretty” his hands slip down to your waist, lithe fingers barely grazing underneath your shirt, his chest deflating at the touch of your warm skin.
his thigh flexes, and you have to bite your lip to stop the moan that threatened to slip out— a flit of pleasure crawling up your body.
and as subtle as you’d like to be, jungkook can’t help the slow smile that pulls at his cheeks. not when he can feel your pussy clenching through your thin sleep shorts.
he wonders how long it’ll take for them to soak through. or how long it’ll take you to beg he run his fingers over your pussy, pressing over your clit. sinking past your walls and pressing meanly over your sweet spot until you’re shaking and begging ever so sweetly.
your hips roll forwards ever so slightly, desperation seeping from every morsel of your body. desperate for the faintest of friction to solve the issue you found yourself facing.
“don’t be shy, baby” jungkook hums, fingers digging into the meat of your hips, “use me”
“don’t say things like that” you whine, hands coming to cover your face, hot embarrassment searing your cheeks the faintest pink.
jungkook’s head tips backwards, low laugh rumbling from his chest. he flexes his thigh, cock throbbing at the moan that gets caught in the back of your throat.
“hands away from your face, come on. you know i love how pretty you look when you feel good” he takes hold of your wrists, tugging your hands to his chest.
your tongue wets your bottom lip as you find your rhythm, hips rocking forward in desperate little circles.
one of your hands slips from jungkook’s hold, thighs straining as you push yourself up. you slide the crotch of your shorts to the side, bare pussy clenching when it come in contact with jungkook’s pants.
“no panties?”
you smile, shaking your head.
you fumble with jungkook’s belt as you rut your hips forward, delicious pleasure spreading up your body with each drag of your clit against his thigh.
“want your cock” you press a kiss to his jaw, warm breath tickling his skin.
“yeah?” his voice comes out breathless.
jungkook helps you, undoing his button as you push yourself to kneel over this thigh. you moan when his bare skin knocks against your clit, lifting his hips to pull his underwear down, fabric pooling at his ankles as you slip your shorts off.
your fingers wrap around his shaft, spit dribbling from your tongue onto the tip of his cock.
you jolt forwards when curious fingers part your labia, teasing over you hole.
“fuck” you whine when a finger slips into you, curling as a thumb rubs over your clit.
you squeeze his cock, thumbing the underside of the head, smearing the pearly little beads of pre cum down his shaft.
“spit on it, baby” jungkook looks at you through hooded eyes, tongue toying with his lip ring as you bounce ever so slightly on the second finger jungkook slips into your pussy.
you spit into your palm, mind too muddled to cringe at the stickiness that clings to your skin as you curl your fingers back around his cock, wrist flicking how you know he likes it.
“so good for me” he groans, hips bucking up into your hand, “come here”
his fingers slip from your cunt, helping you fully straddle his lap. his cock slides against your thigh, trail of pre cum painting your skin sticky. weird, primal satisfaction buzzing through jungkook’s veins as he marks you up with his leaking arousal.
you take hold of jungkook’s face, thumbs brushing over his cheeks.
“gimme a kiss” you whisper against his lips, “please”
“so polite” he murmurs, tilting his face, lips pillowing yours.
your mouth parts, breathy sigh licked up by jungkook as he presses his tongue past your lips.
blindly you take ahold of his cock, tugging at it once before you line him up with your entrance.
your hips rock forwards, folds parting around his cock. fizzling pleasure vibrating within you with each nudge of his cockhead against your clit.
“don’t tease” his voice comes out low, tongue prodding at your bottom lip. so shiny, a mixture of both your spit mingled and threatening to drip down your chin.
“sorry” you lift your hips up, tip of his cock pressing against your entrance. your hands brace on his shoulders, thighs quivering with each thick inch of jungkook’s cock sliding further between your walls.
“oh fuck” you moan, head falling onto his shoulder as you bottom out.
jungkook’s fingers dig into the flesh of your ass, stomach tightening in pleasure as your walls clench around his cock.
“you okay?” jungkook asks, hips barely rutting up into you.
“yeah, just feels nice” you trail a finger between your bodies, fingers thrumming ever so slightly over your clit.
arousal soaks jungkook’s cock, dribble of slick wetting his balls.
“might get tired though” you tell him as you sit up a little bit, hips rocking forward.
“i’ll help you” he smiles, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck.
you hum at that. feeling a twinge of a burn in your thighs as you push yourself up, head of his cock still sheathed within you before you drop back down his full length.
you think the air is punched from your lungs, hand that had been playing with your clit balancing yourself on his knee.
“shit, baby” jungkook groans, pulling you up his cock from your ass, “loosen up a bit”
you shake your head, mouth falling open, a moan cutting you off when his cock knocks against your sweet spot. desperation and adrenaline a fiery combination that has you pushing through the pain in your thighs, pussy swallowing his cock over and over until you’re leaking slick, and jungkook can’t help the moan that spills from his lips.
“jungkook” you cry, “s’ so good”
you feel yourself hurdling closer to an orgasm, each rugged stroke of his cock, and each brutal brush against your sweet spot sending you into overdrive.
“gonna cum?” he asks, fingers digging into your hips as he thrusts up into you. merciless and be chases his own high, rutting up into your with a new found vigour that has you hiccuping— nails digging into the fabric of his shirt.
you wilt into his chest, fingers curling into his shirt as you reach your peak; quickly tumbling down the other side as jungkook’s balls slap wetly against your ass, pleasure fueled moans a harmony with your own.
you feel jungkook’s cock twitch as you ride out your high, cunt creamy leaking down his balls as he cums; coating your walls sticky with his seed.
he ruts up into you once more, hands pulling you down as far as you can on his cock as he empties himself out inside of you. thick pulses of cum spilling into you.
“fuck” his head knocks against the back of the couch, “you’re milking me” he laughs, balls tightening when your walls clench around his softening length.
your chest stutters for a breath, hips twitching at the aftermath of your orgasm.
“you’re insatiable” jungkook licks his bottom lip when you circle your hips. “gonna have to give me a minute to recover”
jungkook lays you back, fumbling around for the small pillows propped up against the arm of the couch. he pulls the bottom half of your body up by your ankles, slipping two pillows under your hips.
“no clenching. and no spilling; i plan to stuff you full tonight” he raises an eyebrow, a silent challenge to disobey.
he runs his fingers through your slit, barely dipping between your walls to push his seed back inside of you.
“think you can do that?”
you nod, “don’t make me cum, otherwise it’s gonna make a mess of the pillows”
“you’ll be making more than a mess of the pillows” his nose scrunches. and you’re unsure if it’s bubbly love that fills your body, possibly a new wave of arousal.
maybe both.
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st0nesnglitter · 10 months
Dark!Coriolanus in an arranged marriage. 18+
Due to his mishap in love earlier he decides that his only reason to marry is for power. You’re the kin to a very highly regarded general, and that helps Coriolanus win over more military power. Plus it’s not a negative thing that you’d look good on his arm. So he approaches your dad and they come to an agreement, and suddenly you’re married.
At first the biggest change is just that you’ve moved from one mansion to another. You barely see Coriolanus, he’s off trying to win over every ounce of power, every morsel respect he can. He’s late home for dinner and then he disappears into his study until the dark hours of the night. Sometimes he sleeps in there.
But you still share a bed, like a married couple should. It’s big and white duvets flow like the ocean, making it hard to even notice the person on the other side of it.
That is until one night, when you’d drifted more to the center, Coriolanus glances at you. In your wedding lingerie. White and lacy, with the only hint of modesty lingerie could have. Your face is soft in relaxation, taking steady breaths as your hips shift, turning you unto your stomach. And there it is. His initials, in red thread over the back of your panties.
Something snaps in him.
You’ve taken his name, you’re wearing his name, you’re his. The red of the thread paints his vision when it comes to you. And if he owns you, why shouldn’t he use you?
At first it’s purely out of convenience. Instead of his shameful minutes in the shower he can turn to you. What else is a wife for?
And it’s always from behind with your head burrowed in pillows. It would almost be anonymous, if it weren’t for the matching wedding bands. Despite them he could not care less about your pleasure, about you. In these moments you’re just a warm fleshlight to him.
But one night it changes. Coriolanus is slamming into you, chasing his high between your perfect walls, when he hears you whine. It’s not clear, most likely a cock-induced babble, but he hears it. You’re so big. And his hips stutter as a new feeling blooms in his chest. A new kind of power.
He starts flipping you over to hear your pretty mewls better. And just as your inner walls are stroking his cock, your sinful mouth is stroking his ego. How he’s so big, how he’s so deep, how he’s so good. And he develops a new fascination in watching your eyelids flutter, watching how your thoughts flee your head as his cock bullies it way into your mind.
He discovers his new weapon. With keeping you on his cock every night, and sometimes early mornings, his head is sharper. Not dulled down by humanity’s stupid physical needs.
He also discovers that he can manipulate people in ways beyond his words. Discovers that his fingers on your clit make you gush on his cock, clenching around him like a vice. Discovers that if he just angles his cock slightly he can make you squirm and gasp. Realizes how much he likes to see his pretty wife completely ruined by him.
And just as there’s a red hot need in him to have you completely, you’re just as desperately his.
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sixosix · 1 year
i. summary the great magician lyney wooing nine-to-fiver reader
ii. tags 1.8k words, fluff, reader is a little slow but hey that’s what 9-to-5 does to someone, pining lyney, awkward flirting, and a lot of wilted flowers im sorry…
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You’ve heard of Lyney and Lynette in passing before. You might’ve rushed past one of their street performances once or twice, or maybe you stumbled upon flyers promoting their grand shows fluttering past. However, today, they are the center of every discussion, particularly Lyney, from your gushing coworkers. They swoon about how charming the young man was to them, and how exceptionally talented twins are.
You start to feel a little left out. You want to witness what all the excitement is all about, too. Your nine-to-five has you rushing back and forth the streets of Fontaine like there’s no tomorrow—and to your defense, with all the rumors and prophecies floating around, it might as well be that case.
Afternoon. Nearly evening. Your legs feel like water, liquid, and unable to keep themselves upright. You’re like a zombie walking back to your humble abode, drained of human life from too much human interaction.
A round of applause has you slowing your steps, your attention pulled towards a small crowd as if struck by a magnetic force.
A young man stands at the center, grinning devilishly as the crowd once again erupts into gasps of awe. He clutches a deck of cards in his hand, the classic image of what comes to mind when you think of magicians. Yet, you find yourself unable to move. It might be your water-legs; it might be how the man has everyone spellbound.
“Thank you, everyone!” he says, and the spell is broken at once. Was it a spell? It felt like one. “Be sure to come next week to Lynette and I’s performance at the Opera Epiclese, alright?” So he is Lyney.
Witnessing his elegance and heart-stealing smirk, you at least now know that your coworkers were certainly telling the truth.
The crowd filters out one by one. You do the same, wondering how much the tickets would cost. Hopefully no more than your usual dinner; that would mean you’d have to eat frozen bread for an entire evening.
“Wait, wait!”
You turn at the frantic exclamation, startled when Lyney is looking directly at you and rushing toward you. Panicked, you quickly scan your surroundings, only to find that there’s no one else he could possibly be referring to.
Just you.
“Hello,” you murmur begrudgingly once he’s at a close distance.
“Hi,” he says back, a little breathless. “You missed the show earlier.”
“I—I did.” Is he seriously talking to you? “But don’t worry! I saw enough. It was really cool!” Really? It was really cool?
He relaxes, his smile turning pleased. Lyney’s gaze feels heavy when you’re the only one holding onto it. “That’s a shame. I’ve seen you around before, zipping through. I won’t let you slip through my fingers this time around.”
His voice is smooth. You find yourself liking the lilac of his eyes.
At your stunned silence, Lyney continues, “Here, watch my hand closely, alright?”
You nod obediently, mostly to conceal how flustered his presence is making you feel. It feels as if his voice is right beside your ears, or it might just be how it seems like the world quiets down for this moment.
He closes his palm. You hear him huff a sweet laugh. You get distracted and glance up, though it seems it was a mistake. He grins at you knowingly, eyes twinkling—his stupid, dark eyes. You look back down, and a flower has magically appeared square on his palm.
It’s a flower you’re unfamiliar with, but it’s beautiful and smells sweet so you find yourself uncaring of whatever it could mean.
He stares patiently.
You blink, dumb-struck. “For me?”
“Of course,” he says with a dazzling grin.
“Oh, thank you, but I— I really don’t know how to take care of these things, and I’m so busy, I don’t know if I should—”
You reject it. Which, in hindsight, was most rude.
Lyney tilts his head, smiling like you’re some cute cat he found passing by—and that gaze has your words dying on your tongue. “I’m not giving it to you for you to feel burdened with the responsibility of taking care of it. Trust me, I just want you to have it.”
You look at him, uncertainty flashing in your expression. “You don’t want to give it to someone else…?”
“Why would I? I saved this one especially for you,” the sweet talker says.
You highly doubt his words, but it’s nice to hear nevertheless. With a bashful smile, you take the flower and vow to yourself to take care of it as much as you can. It’s the only flower you’ve received your entire life.
“Thank you,” you say quietly.
He lights up impossibly, standing out so easily against the crowd. Just like that, you’re captivated.
The next day, Lyney reappears in your life. You're beginning to suspect that his hat conceals an infinite stockpile of these roses, and maybe that's the true magic: the enigma of Lyney's never-ending supply.
This time around, he’s loitering the streets without plans for any performances, however small. Though, he still entertains you in different ways.
“My work’s not too nice,” you tell him when he asks why you look tired, all too aware of your sore feet and cheeks from straining smiles all day. “I don’t know how you performers do it non-stop. I feel like I could just sleep on this sidewalk.”
“It might be helping that I love doing what I do,” Lyney supplies after a thoughtful hum. It’s still a little surreal having the man printed in posters and pictures all over The Steambird is now casually walking alongside you, but it’s nice. You feel your world has just brightened up a little—the new change of pace painting over the dull back and forth you’ve been living through for a while.
“Hey,” Lyney starts, as your eyes flick up from the ground to him. He’s holding another flower.
You smile as you gingerly take it from his fingers, skin brushing against his glove-free hands. “You’re helping the flower shops thrive, that’s for sure.”
“What can I say? I’m wonderful like that.”
You laugh, but it quickly dies down when you catch a glimpse of how Lyney is staring at you so openly with a bit of awe.
You clear your throat, looking away.
Lyney does the same as you find your face heating up. “Sorry.”
“Um,” scrambling for a change of topic, you say, “Are you trying to get me to watch the show you and your sister are holding next week?”
“What?” Lyney blinks, caught off guard. He smiles lopsidedly as you await for an answer. “No, I’m talking to you because I like you. And here I thought I was making myself obvious.”
“Sorry, I’m a bit slow,” you say, in a daze at his blunt confession.
That was nothing (that has to be). That was probably just your imagination, honestly—fantasizing about a handsome face, a small braid, and a mischievous grin. And you definitely don’t find yourself lying awake at night thinking about it.
As always, Lyney comes with a flower in hand. And you find out that he wasn’t lying when he said he saves a special flower for you.
You’re not sure how it seamlessly became a routine with him. At times, you wonder if he’s actually keeping track of the roses if you haven’t been throwing them to the trash. You wouldn't be able to deny it; you eventually would have to discard a once again graying rose, no matter how heartbreaking the parting is.
This time, you’re prepared. You've been studying up, like a lovesick high school student devouring dating magazines during your spare moments at work. The rose will still most likely wilt unfairly fast with how you’re barely a presence in your own home; sleeping soundly as soon as you arrive.
Lyney is smiling softly as he gives this one to you, silent. Though that’s probably because you’re raving on about how you swear that the next ones he’ll give will live longer if you figure out how to do it right.
He likes doing that—staring at you like watching a film play even though he’s the one on stage more often than not.
“Do you know what all those flowers I gave you mean?” he asks as you’re twirling it around and counting the petals. They’re still bright pink, fading to yellow at its tips. You shake your head. It could mean anything, really. You haven’t gotten to that part of the book yet. “My feelings for you,” he says. “I give them to you every day so you’re reminded of it.”
Your finger catches on one of the petals, your skin burning. “…Is that what you think? I feel horrible; the flowers you’ve given me all die in a day or two.”
Lyney laughs. “Is that what you’re worried about?”
“How else can I show you I’m not just casting your feelings aside?”
You turn to Lyney, wondering why he suddenly went silent. Only then, you see how he has his face buried in his palm, a dazed smile peeking out from what’s visible. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
He recovers fast. “Don’t be sorry.” Lyney holds your jaw in a precise grip, keeping your gaze focused on him. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
It’s only the next morning do you realize that the petals haven’t changed at all. You’re not sure why you haven’t noticed earlier.
Then again, you should’ve realized when he brought up what they mean so suddenly, that slick bastard.
Lyney sees you around the afternoon, and immediately he sees something new around your collar, probably because he keeps staring at it.
Lyney pulls you closer with a hand on the small of your back, and the other inspecting your brand-new necklace. “Is this…?”
It was a bit difficult to craft your own accessory, but you tried nevertheless. If Lyney goes out of his way to purchase different kinds of flowers, the least you can do is show him that each one makes you as happy as the first one did.
“You said they’re kind of like your feelings, right?” you say, unsure as to why you’re whispering. Lyney’s expression looks a little fragile. “So I made them into something to remind me of you every day.”
He presses his face onto your neck, and you nearly lose balance, holding onto the back of his head to keep yourself upright. “You’re too cute, amour. My heart can’t handle all of this,” he weeps dramatically.
( “Close your mouth, Lyney. You’re drooling,” Lynette says as she follows his gaze, watching you flutter past.
Lyney’s mouth snaps shut, wiping at his lips. He frowns. “I wasn’t even drooling.” He shakes his head. “Nevermind that—do you know who that was?”
“No,” Lynette says simply. “But I’m sure you’ll find a way to figure out eventually.” )
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lyney went back to giving you real flowers after that btw
this was inspired by me daydreaming about lyney’s character quest and remembering that he literally gave us that flower accessory
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crystalflygeo · 2 years
Heat haze ft Morax + fem!bunny adeptus!reader
cw/tags: heat/mating cycles, marathon sex, overstimulation, dirty talk, breeding kink, praise kink, creampie, sex toy, improper use of geo (lmao), Morax has a dragon penis, pet names, fucked stupid, reader calls Morax "My Lord" and Morax calls her "my child", power play??
notes: Pure self-indulgent filth <3 I love the concept of heats in general and though on applying that to adepti, then I remembered it's bunny year so why not... apparently there is a bunny in chinese mythology called the "Jade Rabbit" who serves the Moon Goddess soooo. Anyway. Breeding kink goes brrrrrr.
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“M-my lord... I’m sorry I’m ah-” You gulp and try to breathe through your mouth, fingers clenching and unclenching trying to regain some semblance of stability. “I’m not feeling very… well”
Shameful. Lord Morax came to see you, probably talk about important matters regarding this year’s crops and yet-
“Is this your first heat alone?”
Your eyes widen and your cheeks burn, on instinct you look up panicked as your long ears stiffen in shock but just as quickly you avert your gaze, unable to look at him in the face at the revelation, and to avoid staring at his regal visage, fearful of your own reactions if you were to do so.
Oh he knows. He knows. Of course he knows. As much as you tried to suppress it your scent is probably dripping with want, especially when your thoughts were spiraling out of control mere minutes ago. Being an adeptus in heat is hard enough, but as a Jade Rabbit… it was especially hard on you.
You blink heavily, dumbly, your brain can’t keep up with all the emotions right now. You feel lightheaded but still manage to force out an answer. “N-No… no, I’m… used to it.”
Morax tilts his head and the light catches on his majestic antlers making them glow, and you find it impossible not to look “Of course.” He nods, still keeping immaculate composure. “But haven’t you found a mate yet?”
A mate. Your rabbit ears droop. Ever since you vowed to serve Lord Morax you never had time for such things, with the on-going war and protecting the humans, even as a non-combatant adeptus your duties were many. Agricultural care and development, medical support, logistics… you never had it in you to find a mate. You were devoted to your contract, and, to Lord Morax himself.
“I’m… I haven’t found the r-right one yet…” You mumble, hugging yourself and rubbing at your arm nervously in an attempt to mimic something.
“Oh my child, I’m sorry.” Morax approaches you and tentatively cups your cheek, fingers barely caressing your jaw, the touch is fleeting yet electric.
His hand is warm.
You unconsciously lean into the touch.
And he smells so good, so good.
“I could assist you, if you would allow it.”
You immediately flinch back at the words.
Morax simply blinks at you and crosses his arms, putting some distance between you two again. “I apologize if my advances are unwelcome.”
“No my lord it’s n-not that.” You can’t help but stare at his strong biceps, blackened skin accented by fine gold linings…
You try to control your breathing and think! Rationally!!
But still, you’re curious. What would it be like? To feel your God’s scent, your God’s touch, your God’s co-
You quickly shake your head. No, no! That’s indecent, scandalous! You’re not worthy, that’s…
“It’s okay, my child.”
The warm touch is back, hands placed at your shoulders, grounding you, stabilizing you. A shiver runs down your spine yet it doesn’t freeze you on the spot, rather it feels…
You stare up at him and this time hold your gaze. He’s handsome and his eyes are the purest brightest molten gold you've ever seen, the bright diamond pupils mesmerizing.
You whine and rub your thighs together on instinct.
“My Lord… p-please…”
“Ha-aahh… f-faster, please my Lord please- Ah-! Faster!”
You’re reduced to a babbling, moaning, drooling mess as you lay on golden silk sheets. Head down ass up, your arms have long since given up supporting you and your thighs tremble as Morax rams into your dripping wet pussy over and over and over again.
He lets out a low chuckle “So tight…” He whispers, voice deep and raspy with sex haze, the scent of your heat spurring him on and causing his own illuminated beast features to manifest, such as his powerful tail undulating behind him. “You’re practically dripping all over the place, and yet you take me so well…” his breath stutters with another snap of his hips and all you can do is moan loudly, mind foggy with need.
“Oh…” You gasp. “Oh.”
Without pause, he’s slamming into you repeatedly, pulling you down on his perfect thick cock and fucking fast methodical thrusts into you wet hole, aiming for a certain spot that has you seeing stars once he finds it.
“Ah! Ah… Ah!” Your voice barely registers through your own lust-hazed mind. Tears prickling at the corner of your eyes from the rapid buildup in your lower abdomen. You’ve lost count of how many times you’ve already came, your juices coating your inner thighs and soiling the precious silken sheets. Not that he seems to mind. “O-Oh… Ohhhh. My Lord… M-Morax…”
You’re pretty sure your God has ruined you for anyone else. No mortal or immortal would ever be able to compare to his divine cock, deliciously thick and filling, the dragon shaft lined with small ridges that rub just right against your insides and so utterly big you swear you can feel a slight bump on your navel every time he bottoms out.
You keen and whine when his strong clawed hands pull at your hips. Seems like your legs are also giving up on you so he holds you in place instead. And you love it. His musky scent. His smooth deep voice. His unfaltering stamina.
The Prime of the Adepti. A strong and virile dragon.
And he chose to mate you.
Suddenly you feel him drape over your back, his larger frame practically caging you, pressing against you until his chest meets your sweaty back and you feel his ragged breath against your neck, scenting you and your heat pheromones before sharp fangs graze your tender skin.
You moan and your pussy clamps down on him. You are so close….
“You feel amazing.” He growls. “So good... s-so good for me.”
You buck your hips up to him, clumsily meeting his thrusts as your small fluffy tail twitches. “Nnngh!”
You feel him bite at your shoulder and the sharp jolt of pain is enough to send you spiraling into another climax, moaning high-pitched and gripping him tighter inside you even as he fucked into your slick warmth. Despite the orgasm he shows no signs of slowing down, so neither do you, as the unbearable heat continues to burn inside you, an itch you can’t quite scratch. His hands reach out for your skin, caressing your soft breasts and marveling at how beautifully they fit into his hands. He rubs circles into one of your nipples before pinching it lightly and is rewarded with another high keen and a spasm around his cock.
“P-Please… please… I need it. Please-” You pant, voice laced with desperation, your nails digging into the bedsheets.
“What do you want?” Morax asks, nosing at your neck and lapping at the reddened bite mark he branded into your skin. “Tell me what you need, little one.”
“Breed me!” You choke out “F-Fill me up Lord Morax, I need you to… fuck m-me full, pleasepleaseplease-”
And how could he deny such a sweet plea? Morax redoubles his efforts, panting with exertion and pushing harder, faster, deeper. Shrill little gasps escaping you as your mind goes blank from the pleasure.
“Hah- I’ll breed you properly… mhh… fill you up.” He pants, his pace getting sloppier, his tail trashing wildly, you feel him twitch inside you. “You’re all mine. Mine to take… to fuck, to own, to breed-”
Morax’s breath hitches and he lets out a choked groan, spilling his load inside you in thick creamy spurts as you keen and squirm under him, too fucked stupid for words. You coo happily as the heat under your skin finally abates and you feel full, so full of his seed.
His grip loosens as his hips gradually slow down, head hung low as he catches his breath, his cock occasionally twitching inside you until it eventually softens. He gently pulls out admiring the way your pussy clenches on him, the way your legs shake, weakly trying to lock him there, keep him inside you. The drag and pull of his thick cockhead over your sensitive insides making you keen and whimper from its abuse until your pliant body falls onto the sheets, whining pitifully when you feel his slick seed dribble out of your swollen pussy. You try to close your legs and weakly paw at your core.
No, no, no… it’s supposed to stay inside. Lord Morax’s precious cum-
You squeak as you feel something smooth and solid press against your pussy lips.
“Shhh my dear, shhh.” He coos at you, deep voice soothing your frazzled nerves. “This is just a little something to keep it in, to keep you full.” He pushes gently, working what you now realize was a cor lapis plug into your body. You made another whimpering noise as your lips parted for the toy he’d created for you. Red, puffy pussy folds spread open as they did for his cock, taking the tip before he worked the rest until it finally sunk in, lewdly resting against your opening, a glittering orange gemstone keeping you full. “There, nice and snug, do you like it?”
Your only answer is a little chirp, your eyes half-lidded as your body relaxes.  
“Such a good little bunny. You were so good to me my child, so good.” You smile drowsily at the praise, cooing at him as his hand pets your hair and scratches your fuzzy ear. He kisses at your shoulder and starts softly massaging your aching limbs “You were beautiful. You did so well, you took me so perfectly…”
You lean into his touch, curling up to his body, both of you still damp with sweat and other fluids. Resting for now until another wave of neediness hits you.
You both knew your heat would last at least other 4 days…
You idly wonder if by the end of the week you would be honored with carrying his offspring.
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h4sanz · 6 months
obey me! visuals - pt. 1 (dateables)
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characters: dateables
warnings: nsfw, penetration, dumbification, fingering, praise, orgasm control (if there’s any i missed pls lmk in the comments)
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link — he’s a big man. so it takes a moment to adjust to his size, pretty much every time. however, as soon as you give him the go-ahead, he is moving at the speed of light. he will absolutely plow into you from behind, making sure to show your clit some attention as well. “oh you’re taking me so well.. you’re such a wonderful human.”
link — it was your fault, honestly. walking around in your pretty little uniform, purposefully dropping stuff in front of him just to show off your lack of underwear for the day. he’ll shove everything off his desk and plop you on there, and quickly force all clothing off of you. he won’t stop until he believes you’ve had enough, and with how you acted… that’ll be a while. “fuck, you can’t keep doing this to me when other people are around, mc. i just can’t help myself..”
link — give him the opportunity to fuck you stupid, and he’ll take it. he loves to fuck you the the point where you can’t even keep your mouth closed, letting your drool spill from your lips. but don’t get too loud; the demon prince may hear. if you have to suck on his fingers to stay quiet, so be it. “oh c’mon, you can be quiet for me, yeah?” “have i really fucked you that dumb, my love? my, what a shame.”
link — one thing he likes more than actual penetration, is the foreplay. he’d give anything to see the look on your face as he abuses your cunt to oblivion. hours will be spent fingering you. all he asks is you come for him: but don’t make a mess. if you do.. well that’s for you to find out. “ah, ah. keep your head up. i need you to watch yourself.
link — oh boy, please ride him. he absolutely loves seeing you above him, taking control and showing him the ropes. he will rub all over your body; this boy is so needy for his lover—will spend the whole time caressing you, his grip getting ever-so-tighter when you squeeze him just right. “oh, please, please don’t stop. that’s feels so— ah, so good.”
link — he needs to see your breasts as you bounce on him. there will not be a time where you ride him and your tits are not out. he loves to rub them, pinch, suck them. he could possibly come to the sight of them alone. but you’re not complaining. the more he comes, the more beautiful his voice gets, the whiniest sounds you have ever heard will escape from his lips. “please, please, please!” he doesn’t know what he’s begging for, he just wants this to never end.
link — my, does he love pounding into you from this angle. he believes it’s the absolute perfect view of everything: your cunt, your face. the way you wrap around him is so mesmerizing, he just has to watch. and then watching his come spill out of you after he’s done, oh. he’ll shove it back into you and pop your underwear back on with a “don’t let a single drop escape.”
link — there is nothing he loves more than torturing you, sexually, that is. he’ll watch you as your face grows hot and your body squirms all over the place, not able to stay in one set spot. his fingers will curve jussttt right inside of you. you’ll be lucky if you come only once, cause when he’s in this mood, it’ll be hard to get him to stop. “that’s right, you can take one more.” “if you keep squirming away from me like that, you won’t get to come, sweetheart.”
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© h4sanz 2024
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vrystalius · 7 days
Can you please make one where Muzan has this maid he was fond of when he was still human, he'd rest his head on her lap and have her sing to him everytime he couldn't control his temper when he was still human. And bow she's turned into a demon like himmmm
Demon king’s maid
Being Muzan’s maid during his human years made him absolutely smitten for you.
(Muzan x fem!reader, sfw/fluff)
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Muzan still remembers the exact feeling of laying his head on your plush thighs while your fingers brush through his black strands. Your skin would feel so warm in contrast to his cold, pale and sickly skin. Your thighs were so soft and squishy and always managed to take his mind off the stupid servants that failed to recreate how he ordered his tea, or his incompetent doctor being lazy and not researching his sickness properly. You are the only person in his estate that did things correctly…
Your singing was the most enchanting thing about you. Your voice, no matter what time or day, always sounded like heaven’s singing to him and only for him. For the duration of your song all his pain would disintegrate, his frustration and anger turning into something similar to happiness and calmness.
But Muzan made peace with never seeing you again.
What a shame that you ran away from him once he became a demon. Muzan would’ve loved to keep you around for longer, maybe even make you his personal demoness-maid. What an honour it would’ve been for you to serve the demon king.
Thousands of years of passed since the last time Muzan saw your enchanting face and felt your touch on his skin. He should’ve caught or at least try to find you. That way, you would had been around for longer. He could’ve savoured your presence, your warmth, your beautiful voice… perhaps he’d even marry you and make you stand right beside him as he demolishes the Ubuyashiki clan an the rest of the Demon Slayer corps.
He’d never thought that if he’d see you again, that he would find you amongst the cultists Douma offered showed off to him. That demon proudly presented you as one of the oldest demons in existence, and oh how happy he is to have you here in the Eternal Paradise Cult. You greet looked different than before, your eyes looked much more tired and scared, your hair a little matted, your delicate skin very dirty, and those robes you’re wearing definitely do not show off the figure you had beneath those sad excuses of clothes.
Muzan bathed you by hand and by himself. He wanted go make sure no other demon even came near you and was able to catch a single glance at your heavenly body. That sight is only reserved for his and his eyes only. His sharp nails grazed over your wet skin as he ran a damp cloth over your shoulders and neck. A small smile rested on his face after Muzan soaked the cloth in the warm water.
“So, you still remember me, hm? Your body tenses when I touch you.” His smile faded away for a moment as he lifted your arm and carefully held it, running the cloth over your soft skin. He felt how your muscles tensed up beneath his touch. A sigh escaped his lips as he leaned down, pressing a kiss on your wrist. Muzan nuzzled into your palm, taking in your perfect features.
“You’ve been hiding from me since day one, after I accidentally turned you.” He planted kisses all over your palm.
“You must’ve been so scared and confused… I am sorry for not being there. But now we can be together, forever. How do you like the idea of you marrying me? If you like, you can continue your… “maid” duties.”
Feels so good to have another ask down! I’m gonna work on them the next few days, I missed it so much! I’ll try to post another fic tonight. Requests are still open!
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
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beomiracles · 3 months
HI HI! HAPPY 500!!! For this one I'm thinking about a Masochist!Soobin X Vampire!reader like reader is a bully to soobin bc she likes to see his cute reactions, who secretly likes him until reader got an idea that if she bites him what will be his reaction also reader is like a sadist for this one, when the blood moon appears thats when things get escalated aka spicy moment iykyk (congratulations for reaching 500! <33)
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#serene adds ✎... I LOVE vampires. if anyone missed that vital piece of information ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞ and this idea was like gold? I fear the plot might be lacking a little? idk read and decide for yourself I say !
wc -> 1.6k
pairings soobin x vampire afab!reader (I can't remember if gender is stated but I wrote with a fem reader in mind) warnings elements bullying, blood drinking, masochist soobin (gets off on almost getting killed oopsies), handjob...I can't think of anything else its 2am, pls lmk if I missed any!
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You liked Soobin. He smelled sweet, not like candy, no, you didn’t like candy. Soobin smelled like sweet nectar, carefully harvested from a blooming flower on a sunny spring day. His skin looked like honey and felt like gold beneath the tips of your fingers. — Soobin’s face flushed in all shades of pink and red whenever he got flustered. You liked making him like that, pushing his buttons just the right amount to get the perfect rise out of him. 
Soobin lets you push his buttons. He bows his head in shame as you empty the contents of his bag out on the floor in front of him. He bites his lip as you step on his books, crushing them under the sole of your shoe. He whines when you pull his ear, pushing him up against the nearest wall as you spit insults in his face. He never tells anyone. 
Soobin was perfect, too perfect for you to ever disregard as a quick meal. But his sweet smell remains engraved in your sharp mind, as if to torture you, and it did. 
It really was his own fault for being outside that one fateful night, the night of the blood moon. Tsk, humans never seemed to know better. You had never intended to take things that far, but under the red sky your eyes saw nothing but him, smelled nothing but him, felt nothing but him. 
The persistent beating of his heart as he walks along the sidewalk. His head hung low, the hood of his shirt shielding his pretty face from view. — It happens before you have the time to even think. He’s tall, but you’re strong; his lanky and unguarded frame was easy to yank into the nearest alleway. He doesn’t scream, and even if he did no one would’ve heard for your hand slams across his plump lips. 
His once startled and almost terrified expression wears off the second he sees your face. You frown but don’t give it much thought, his sweet nectar-like scent spreading like wildfire through your every fiber and you inhale, letting your eyes flutter closed. — “Stupid boy”, you mutter as you yank the hood of his hoodie down. “Don’t you know not to go out wandering by yourself late at night?” 
Your hand moves to his neck, giving it a firm squeeze as you watch his lips part in a soft gasp, the sound like music to your ears. “K-Knew you would come for me”, he croaks out, his cheeks flushing as his tongue darts out to swipe across his bottom lip. His statement catches you off guard and you peer up at him, red irises piercing through his honey tinted ones. It is then you realize that his heart is not beating out of fear, rather…excitement. 
Oh you’ve got to be kidding me. 
Still, he was rather cute. You could feel him swallow, adam's apple bobbing against the palm of your hand, the pumping of his rich blood flowing through his healthy veins that strained beneath your fingers. You exhale, not because your unbeating heart needed to, but rather to restrain yourself from just snapping his neck in half. 
“Why, have you been waiting, hm?” You drawl, sharp nails dragging across his jugular and he shudders as he nods. “Do you desire death?” You weren’t planning on killing him. He didn’t have to know that.  — He shakes his head as best as he can, his breath is reduced to short gasps as he fights for air, fights for life. “You.” His voice is raspy and you still as your eyes bore into him. 
“You. Is what I desire”, he gasps as your hands tighten around his neck. “Stupid boy”, you grunt. Did he not realize how hard he was making things, how dangerous he made them? Despite it all, you lean in, your nose grazing along his honey fresh skin, his blood surges beneath the surface and your eyes gleam in the eerie moonlight. 
Soobin lets out a strangled noise when your fangs sink into his skin, showing no mercy as they dig deep. Your eyes flutter closed and you groan at the taste of him, sweet nectar dancing on your tongue as you greedily let the searing hot liquid slip down your throat. — Just as you’ve gotten your first taste of him you realize that you can never let yourself do this again, that was if he even survived tonight. You were no stranger to human blood, especially not fresh from the core. But this, his blood, you felt your self control slipping between your fingers as his warm blood bloomed inside your cold body. 
His large hands are on your waist, you expect him to push you away, he doesn’t. He pulls you closer, whimpering as your thigh presses against his hard cock. It makes your eyes snap open and you rip yourself from his throat as you slam him even harder against the brick wall behind him, he groans as his mouth falls open. 
Your lips, coated in a thick layer of crimson turn into a scowl as you grip his chin harshly. “Sick human”, you sneer as you watch his already blushing cheeks practically explode in an ocean of red. “Do you get off on this shit?” You jeer as you watch him with disdain. The way his cock twitches against your thigh makes your nose turn up in disgust, “fuck, and I thought I was the bigger freak.” 
The way he writhers under you was almost endearing. A small noise deep in his throat pulls your eyes to his, only to find them full of desire. It wasn’t like you didn’t like Soobin, hell you liked him a lot, it had been centuries since you last felt something other than thirst for a lowly human like himself. It was why you hadn’t strayed far from him, not wanting his sweet nectar to attract others of your kind, creatures far more dangerous than yourself, creatures who most definitely wouldn’t hesitate to drain him dry. 
You heave a sigh, the grip on his chin unwavering as your free hand slides along his chest and down his pants. Soobin lets out a hoarse moan as your pale fingers wrap around his leaking cock, you grimace at how wet it was. Can’t believe I’m doing this. You mutter as you glance over at him. 
His face had quickly contorted into one of pure pleasure as his brows drew together, his ever pouty lips parted, his jaw slack and his gaze clouded. The sight was oddly enticing and you felt yourself tingle with arousal. — Hungry eyes travel down his neck, the punctures to his skin glinting in the moonlight as blood spills down his collarbone. Deeming your self control to be out of the picture already, you dive back in as your fangs re-pierce his throat. 
The taste was just as sweet as before, perhaps even sweeter as Soobin’s whines and moans echoed out in the alleway. Your thumb pressing down against his slit makes him squeal and you can practically feel his blood surging, his pleasure transpiring directly into your mouth as you swallow mouthfuls of his very life essence. 
His hips buck up against your hand, chasing your touch as his fingers dig into the skin of your waist. He was surprisingly strong for a human, the acknowledgment spurred you on further than you’d like to admit and you sighed against his neck. 
You could feel his tall frame grow weaker and weaker in your grasp, whether it was because of the lack of blood he suffered or his nearing orgasm, you didn’t know. “Please”, he gasps as his head falls back against the bricked wall. Humans and their persistent begging, half the time they didn’t even know what they wanted, yet they were rarely pleased. 
It takes all your willpower to finally withdraw from his throat and he hisses as you do. “Please, please, please”, he whimpers when your tongue drags across the wounds on his neck, savoring the last droplets of  sweet nectar. — Your wrists flicks over the head of his cock, pulling a cry from him as his teeth sink into his bottom lip. “What?” You groan as you tug on his weeping dick, making him shudder as he shakes his head. 
“Need more..” he pleads as his hopeful eyes meet yours. You snort as you pull his face by his chin, forcing him down eye level with you. “Take what you’re offered”, you sneer before releasing his face with a push. He whines as his back hits the wall behind him, “wanna kiss you.” — You were seriously starting to consider the option of snapping his neck after all. 
“Stupid human–” You begin but the rest of your sentence is swallowed by his lips on your own as Soobin’s large hand guides the back of your head. His blood on your lips mingles with his saliva as he pushes his eager tongue inside your mouth. With a small roll of your eyes you let them flutter closed as your lips move against his. 
The second he feels your sharp fang grace his tongue he comes undone as he whimpers into your mouth. His cock twitches in your tight grasp as he coats your pale hand in hot cum. “F-fuck”, he whines as he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. The rapid beating of his heart consumed your senses and you felt yourself go lightheaded. 
He pulls back, just enough to where his lips still hover above yours, smeared in his own blood and he pants. He swallows, hard, “I wanna taste you too”, he states and your mouth parts as you huff out a short breath of disbelief. 
Jesus fucking christ.  
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igotanidea · 4 months
Not trying: Dick Grayson x reader
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She was not trying to get his attention.
And anyone who would even come as close as to suggest that, was being scoffed at, almost laughed at, and brushed off using the classic argument of her being too busy to deal with stupid gossip.
But people were not stupid.
And definitely not the GCPD detectives and officers, of which Y/N had the pleasure to be one.
There was no way to miss the days when she was dressing differently, trying to look pretty. Days that happened to be the ones when Dick was having an office duty and wasn’t on field.
Days when she was sad and internally calling herself off when it turned out he took an unexpected day off or something kept him outside the precinct.
Days when she was faking a smile just so he wouldn’t think she was weak or something.
She was not weak.
She was human.
And in this particular case, being human came with falling in love out of the blue with the guy that couldn't care less, because –spoiler alert!- you cannot possibly plan love.
So she was hurting and cursing that part of her that made her keep on trying over and over again.
Spending days at work, full of energy not trying to get his attention, and evenings in front of TV wishing and praying for this hope to just go away and never come back. It was simply heartbreaking to have it regrow every morning just to tear it away at the end of the day.
Like freaking Prometheus with his liver.
But there was one thing similar between them.
They both suffered because of love for humanity – or in her case – one particular human.
It was like that for months now, and finally, all those self-doubts and sadness took over her completely.
So at work, she was avoiding people. She closed herself in her office, deciding to put that teary attitude to use to do some cleaning and remove old files.
Clean space, clean head right?
And those tears that finally started falling down her cheeks were definitely going to be helpful with dusting.
She was crying at work.
How pathetic was that?
But it was okay. It was okay. It was okay.
But now that she'd finally let her tears out, she couldn't stop, as though it was a build-up of all the times she'd held the tears in and her body just wasn't having it anymore.
And since life has a tendency to play mean tricks on people, the moment when she looked like a panda with smudged mascara and red nose that would put Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeer to shame was the exact moment her office door opened with a loud thud and the Chief walked inside.
“Y/L/N. You good?” he muttered, torn between his boss-like attitude and sudden awkwardness upon seeing one of his best detectives in such a state.
“Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah, I’m perfect. Why?”
“Um…” the man looked at her dirty, teary face that was speaking for itself. “No reason at all. At all.”
“Is there anything I can do for you,” she inquired as she grabbed some tissues and wiped the stains away – or so she thought – actually making it worse.
“We got a crime scene. You’re going.”
Little did she know, her boss was having second and third and even fourth thoughts about putting her into investigation in this state, but no one else was available. And – to add to his desperation – the first clues were pointing to the crime of vengeance which were her specialty.
“Great. I’m coming.” She instinctively grabbed her gun from the shelf, but before it ended in her holster the boss capably took it from her, shaking his head.
“Y/L/N this is an order. You are not to take it.”
“But how am I supposed to-?”
“You can take Grayson.”
“In fact, you both will be assigned to this case. This boy needs to get his head out of his ass. Maybe you’ll be the one to teach him some humility.”
“Huh. Yeah…” she stuttered with the greatest amount of sarcasm in her head. Because the woman who was In love with a man was definitely not going to add to his ego, even if only subconsciously. 
“Y/N!” Dick grinned, which would probably be a little less weird if he was not standing in front of a dead body.
“Grayson,” she muttered, sticking hands in her pockets, putting on the most indifferent face expression possible.
“You look different” he looked at her with an insightful look.
“Now that’s quite an observation, detective.” She mocked back. Anyone would notice her make-up less state, bloodshot eyes, disheveled clothes,  and messy hair.
“Were you busy in that little office of yours?”
“The hell, Grayson?!” Y/N instinctively reached for the gun, but obviously did not find it and sighed in frustration. Screw her boss.
“Whoa! No need to get defensive. You just look a little – I don’t know – left high and dry?”
“I swear to God, if you don’t cut that bullshit, you’ll be the next one ending up in a body bag.”
“You wanna come at me, detective?” he smirked.
“Why am I being punished with working with you…” She grabbed the bridge of her nose, squeezing it, sensing the massive migraine coming.
“Cause you’re clearly the only one who can make me get my head out of my ass.”
“Nice. Chief told you that too?”
“Nah, I just bugged your office.”
“You do realize that’s illegal, right?”
“I’ve been authorized.”
“Oh yeah? By who?”
“By my human instincts and care for my friend.” He reached for her hand and squeezed it in a gesture that was supposed to be reassuring. “You’ve been sad lately and –” the brush of his hand on hers made her shiver and – despite everything she did not want to do – take a step back.
“Let’s focus on work shall we?” She moved to talk to the CSI and technicians to get details about the traces and the technicalities.
“Yeah, if that’s what you want.” He shrugged “But you are boring!”
She was not boring, merely trying to save herself from any more possible heartbreak – or worse – ridicule.
A few weeks later, with the investigation still on, they were both buried to their necks in paperwork, searching for dots and connections and any possible explanations and seemingly invisible tracks their culprit may have left.
And working together involved late nights spent together at the precinct, countless nights of Chinese takeout and getting closer, which was both a curse and a blessing.
Blessing because she learned a lot of little details about him. Like for example that he wasn’t just the son of a billionaire who was playing a cop. Like how he actually wanted to separate himself, make a name for himself and not be only known as “the adoptive alumni of Bruce Wayne.” Like underneath all that goofy act he was actually deeply caring and involved in his work, in helping people and making the city a safer place. Like his eyes were sparkling every time he mentioned his siblings or how his mouth twitched in restrained laughter when she said something that was sarcastically funny.
And a curse, because all those little details only made her fall for him harder. And even if she skipped on that not-trying-to-look-pretty act, because investigation took much more of her time and effort, the longing was still there.
“So, what is that big brain of yours telling you about this?” he asked, throwing her off her thought that at the moment had little to do with the crime.
“About what?” she muttered, trying to figure out what he was talking about for the last couple minutes before she spaced out.
“The newest evidence obviously!” Dick laughed, rummaging through his box of beef Chinese, putting his feet on the desk.
“Hey, watch out!” Her first reaction was rushing to save the documents from the inevitable sweet and sour sauce stains.
“Relax, Y/N. It’s not like I’m going to mess anything up here.” The chopsticks were thrown up with undeniable capability, swirled in the air and landed back in his hand without any damages done to the files. “See?”
“Show off.”
“And yet, this show off made you distracted, didn’t he,” Dick asked as he leaned forward, meeting her eyes.
Too close!
“For the record—” she started and then her eyes grew wide as a sudden realization hit her. A second later, she was throwing the papers away in a haste to get to something.
“Hey! Whoa! Y/N! What-?”
“Shut up, Grayson!”
“Shit, I really have to set you up with my brother Jason. He needs a girl in his life and you two will bound hard over the love of telling me to cut on the talking and-“
“I said shut up, Grayson!” a bunch of papers hit his face. She couldn’t even bring herself to care that the man she was in love with wanted to set her up with his brother. She just figured out the entire case. All hecause of a pair of chopsticks having been thrown into the air.
“What are you looking for?”
“Here!” she exclaimed happily pointing at some pictures from the crime scenes and an alleged instrument of crime.  “See? We were wrong all along! From the very beginning. This is why he never left any traces!”
“What are you talking about? I don’t-“
“Hush. You don’t need to understand a single thing. Just grab your gun and badge and follow me. Come on, pretty boy, we don’t have much time and I know exactly where we’ll get the perpetrator.”
Dick could only stand there in his feet rooted to the ground, watching Y/N figuring the whole case out, the wheels in her brains turning faster than a race car, face flushing from excitement, pupils dilating.
Pretty and smart, even with her hair in a messy bun and plain clothes on. Or maybe – especially because of that, since jeans and t-shirts could never suppress her natural beauty?
“Grayson! Come on! Don’t freeze on me!”
“Coming,” he replied as her voice slowly reached his ears. He realized there was no way he was going to let her go anywhere alone. Even if he couldn’t understand a single thing from her rambling and running around, the least he could do was to keep her safe.
“Are you absolutely sure about it?”
“Are you chickening out?”
“Your hands are shaking, Y/N.”
“That’s why you are the one with a gun.”
“And killer fighting skills.”
“Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.”
“That tone of sarcasm is completely unnecessary, you know. And after we are done please do remind me to introduce you to Jason—”
“Don’t you ever shut up?”
“Don’t you know the answer to that by now?”
Y/N sighed deeply in frustration, fighting the urge to curse at him with the strongest cursing words known to humans. And maybe even inventing a few by herself.
“Seriously, Y/N, are you sure that-?”
“Hush!” she put a palm to his mouth, noticing some movement in front of the house they were currently observing from the camouflaged car. “See that? Told you I was fucking right!”
“There’s no need to brag, you know.” He muttered, his voice muffled due to her hand still on his face.
“Admit it.”
“Admit what?” He looked at her with an incredulous look.
“That I was right.”
“Well for the record, I was the one who made you come into a conclusion-“
She swiftly left the car, abandoning her need to hear the praise from him to the benefit of catching the culprit that has been invading her waking and sleeping hours alike. She was not going to beg for attention, this time for real, sneaking to the house the criminal ring was clearly having some sort of meeting.
And then, there was the one. Looking like a regular person, even if he was exceptionally handsome, but rotten to the core.
“See? That’s the one who-. Dick?” Y/N turned around, but not spotting her partner anywhere. Fuck! Really?! He was leaving her now?! Of all the times and places?! Now?! Was he really so jealous and self-conceited to not help her finish their joint case?
And here she was, thinking she saw something special in him. Something hidden under the surface.
Stupid heart. After all this time they spent together, seemingly building something, she was right back to the beginning, when she was not trying.
And what was she supposed to do now?
Coming inside alone? Reckless.
Calling for freaking SWAT teams? Before they would get here, the meeting of criminals would be over.
Wait till it was over and chase the leader alone?
Listen to their plan and use it later on?
She was a detective with skills, but not a spy!
And she made that one rookie mistake when leaning too much upwards she was seen.
“Hey! There’s someone outside the window!”
“Oh great…” she muttered and only a quick duck saved her head from being hurt from all the glass shattering due to the bullet fired in her direction.
“Get her! She could be a cop!”
The four men broke from the table, grabber whatever weapons they possibly could and rushed right after her.
“Fuck!” She took off running because despite her agility, speed, and quick thinking she physically was no match to the tank-like men. “Fuck you, boss for taking away my gun permissions!” She hissed to herself, running away. “Fuck you Grayson for leaving me alone! I can’t believe I fell for you!”
“You fell for me?” a familiar teasing voice echoed somewhere from behind, but nowhere to be seen.
And it made her stop.
“Dick?” She turned around to search for him.
And it was another mistake.
An iron grip on her arm and sudden harsh yank back serving as a perfect example of her stupidity.
“I got our little bird.” One of the men laughed maliciously.
“Well, I am not exactly little,” she muttered, rolling her eyes. Her only chance was to tread carefully and hope that stupid fucking Grayson will figure out a way out of this mess. Stupid fucking hope that got her in said mess in the first place.
“Huh?” the goon frowned.
“I said-“
“Let the lady go.” Y/N’s words were cut off abruptly by something that seemed like Dick’s voice, but a little more… distorted?
The hell was going on here?
“I really do advise you to let the lady go.” The same voice said again.
“Oh yeah? And who’s asking me to do so? Show your face unless you are all talk.”
“Seeing me only comes once for certain people. And believe me when I say that most of those encounters end up bad when you cross paths with me.”
A man’s silhouette emerged from a few meters ahead, covered by the darkness of the night. At least at first. But as he moved closer, both Y/N and the goon froze, though either of them for a different reason.
“Shit,” she muttered.
“Nightwing,” the goon hissed, tightening the grip on Y/N.
“Hello to you both. Wonderful night we are having, aren’t we?”
“I could argue with that-“ Y/N rolled her eyes. She was definitely going to have bruises tomorrow. That was, if the most talkative of the city's vigilantes wouldn’t actually cause her to end up dead. 
“Congratulations Nightwing, you got me. But there are much more of us in-“
“In that little hiding spot that’s not even properly hidden? Not sorry to break it to you, but Robin and Red Hood are currently dealing with them.”
“Not very smart, are you?”
As the goon was getting distracted, Nightwing (?) sent Y/N a very familiar, discreet look and she nodded almost immediately, and suddenly all the pieces of the puzzle formed one clear picture.
“He’s right, you know. You are not very smart,” she picked up the tone immediately.
“She is a cop,” Nightwing pointed out.
“She is?”
“Yeah, I am. And since I saw your face, I can absolutely guarantee you, I won’t stop until you are behind bars. Unless-“
“Unless obviously you surrender willingly. Maybe then she can strike a bargain for you?”
“That might actually be a possibility,” Y/N teased. “But I’m not sure. Do you think our fella here deserves to be treated lightly, Nightwing?”
“I’m not sure. Are you hurt, Y/N?”
“Can’t lie that my arm is getting a little sore here. If he keeps holding me like this we might also charge him with violation of physical integrity. That’s 3 to 5 years, I believe?”
“And in this case we’re dealing with assault on a public official. Quite an incriminating circumstance.”
“So what do you think, maximum penalty?”
“And the conspiring charges too.”
“And the murder involvement.”
“I say 15 if not more.”
“I’d say more.”
“You wanna bet?” Nightwing smirked.
“I had nothing to do with the murder!” The goon got a little overwhelmed by the quick-paced exchange of words, of which he couldn’t comprehend half of them, loosening the grip on Y/N. And she was quick to use it against him, finding her leverage in using four sensitive spots to knock the man down.
Half an hour later all four men involved were handcuffed and escorted to the police station. 
And after Y/N made her official oral deposition with a promise to submit a written report first thing in the morning, she was finally left alone for a moment of peace.
“Did you really use that Miss Agent trick?”
“It worked didn’t it?” she crossed arms on her chest, looking at Nightwing in a mocking way, without any sympathy at all.
“You know, most of the ladies I know would be at least a little grateful for me saving them.”
“Mhm. That would actually involve the saving part.”
“Let’s check. You are breathing. You are intact. Clearly neither your tongue nor your brain got damaged. Looks quite saved to me.”
“You left me!”  
“For five minutes! Not my fault you are so terrible at self-defense!”
“Not my fault you are terrible at being open with such secrets!”
“It was to protect you!”
“Dick…” she sighed heavily, daring to whisper his name.
“Y/N…” he responded, taking a few steps forward, taking her hand in the same gesture he did all those weeks ago when they started working this case together.
“I thought we were partners? At work” she added quickly
“You fell for me,” he asks, the left corner of his mouth traveling up.
“Oh, now you have a good memory?”
“Did you?”
“Really? No? That's your final answer. Or maybe it’s not,” he pulled her closer and wrapped arms around her waist, preventing her from running away again.
“Yes. I mean, no! I mean- damn it…”
“So, if I were to commit the act of violating the physical integrity of a public official...” he leaned forwards. “what would you say Y/N?”
“What happened to me meeting your brother?”
“I said you have to meet him. Never said why.”
“Oh? And why?” she smirked looking from above his arm to check if they were alone.
“To make him jealous, obviously.”
She chuckled softly, checking the surroundings once more, before slowly reaching to remove his mask and meeting those pretty blue eyes and familiar face.
“Hello there.”
“Hello to you too.”
Their lips were now inches away from each other.
“Which brother are we talking about? Red Hood? Heard he’s hot…”
“Do you ever shut up?” Dick grinned before leaning forward and finally capturing those lips he’s been dreaming about for weeks now.
And kissing her was effortless.
Like he was not trying at all.
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gay-dorito-dust · 9 months
hey!! if requests are open can u write a luke x jealous!reader?
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The ending is a rushed pile of dogshit cuz I didn’t know what to do. 🦦
‘Yeah babe.’
‘Are you happy with me, like genuinely happy?’
Luke looked at you confused. ‘I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my entire life.’ He then reached to grasp one of your hands in his, intertwining your fingers and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. ‘What’s going on inside that pretty little head of yours.’ He utters softly, eyes shining with worry and concern.
You bit the inside of your cheek, all of a sudden feeling a little stupid in what you were feeling since this morning and shrugged your shoulders sheepishly. ‘It’s nothing, really. I’m just getting inside my own head.’ You attempted to play it off in hopes that it will all be forgotten, but you also knew that Luke would want to get to the bottom of what was causing you to be anything other then happy and solve it together.
‘It’s not nothing if it’s you sweetheart.’ Luke said as he then used his free hand to lift your chin so that you would look at him instead of your shoes. ‘Talk to me, please don’t shut me out. I know somethings wrong and I want help, so let me help you.’ He adds and you finally felt yourself crack. ‘I saw how some of the girls kept looking at you during training and kept hanging off of you the entire day and how you kept playing up to them.’ You eventually told him, not wanting to keep anything secret from him anymore. ‘So I ended up getting a little jealous that I might not be making you happy anymore…not to mention how busy we’ve both been with camp activities lately…’ you finished, staring deep into his dark, captivating eyes that seemed to see and know you at your core.
‘Hey, there’s no shame in what you’re feeling, and despite what we’re raised as, we’re still fundamentally human in every other aspect. Okay.’ Luke said as he tried to squeeze every ounce of his assurance into your interlocked hands, hopeful that it would bring you at least some peace of mind. ‘I hate how busy we’ve become, more than anything and I just wish we could go back to the days where we would hideaway together by our secret spot at the lake. For being with you during those moments when unrest would take over camp was always my antidote, my soothing balm for my overworked mind in trying to keep camp sane.’ Luke then rested his forehead against your own so that he was the only thing you could see and vice versa.
‘You mean that?’ You asked and Luke let out a chuckle.
‘Mean it? Sweetheart, I live by it.’ Luke said, gingerly pressing a kiss to your brow as though to ease the tension within it, leaving you to melt into him a little bit. ‘So I don’t want you to ever think that you’re not enough. Especially not when you’re the sole thing I think about from the moment I wake up -wishing you were cuddled up in my arms- to the moment I drift off to sleep. I cant get enough of you!’ Any ounce of insecurity you might’ve had beforehand had been discarded afterwards upon hearing his sweet words, so much so that you couldn’t seem to stop smiling nor stop the warm feeling within your chest whenever Luke said anything remotely endearing; it was your biggest weakness and he knew just how to exploit it for his one benefit.
‘There’s that gorgeous smile I love.’ He coos, stealing a kiss from your lips to emphasise his point, leaving your smile to widen against his lips; humming in content as any and all notions of jealously were completely forgotten alongside the campers those feelings were aimed towards.
‘Just remember that it’s your arms I want to be held by and that it’s your smile that I want to be the reason for because getting to see you smile, laugh, or just being your authentic self is my guiding light in this life and I’d be stupid to ever give that up. You’re it for me, for if I can’t have your kind of love, then I don’t want to ever experience love at all.’ Luke spoke against your lips, keenly kissing them whenever he felt as though you needed that extra bit of proof of his love and devotion.
You didn’t because Luke never failed to reaffirm his adoration for you in the little things he did for you, but you couldn’t help but allow yourself to drown in his vast displays of affection, for your love for Luke was considered your Achilles heel but you’d happily let that continue to be the case for the rest of your days.
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Could you do the OM bros seeing a friendly, opmistic, kind , funny Mc who's actually a cunning and a manipulative seducer/seductress. Always keeping a poker face in order to get what they want which is power and gets away with it but the brothers realize it too late( I know Lucy, Satan and Belphie are smart enough but It is possible for them to get "tricked" by Mc since they love them.)
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Two-Faced Reader | Yandere Obey Me!
Power is what you’re after and you’re used to doing whatever you feel like to get it. Including acting like the innocent lamb that gets all of them wrapped around your fingers. Now whether you intended for their infatuation with you or not it's bound to further your agenda or more likely their own:
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“Whooooa talk about mad twists!”
Thinks it's hot when you switch from the sweet ingenue to domineering master 
Kind of likes the way switch 
And the curiousness if its some condition and you only do it with him
Oh how he hopes
At your command, he summons Lotan on the daily 
Sometimes completing sidequests without you telling him
Like offing those conspiratory NPCs
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“I see what game your playing and I’m intrigued.”
He knows your games
And man does he love playing them
Your ambition rivals his own and he can’t help but want to encourage you
He’s not going to say he’s whipped but he’s certainly willing to cause all kinds of mayhem in your name
A shame that he’s not roped in by your fake personality
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“Oya~my baby wants them gone? Promise to give me kisses?”
He falls head first for you’re precious persona
So innocent, so cute
It makes pining for you all the more fun
And killing for you even more satisfying
He’s someone who’s not going to flip when you’re personality shines through
Your still his sexy lamb 
And he so badly wants to keep you
Even if it means using his beauty to deceive those who get in your way
And the ones he just doesn’t like
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“Don’t accuse them of such things, they hardly know how devildom works.”
Falls hook line and sinker for your persona 
No doubt easily deceived by your little acts
And in your defense, he’ll eat just about anyone 
Even when it’s revealed, the truth of your true colors he can’t help but still believe
That you’d been deceived 
That underneath the cunning persona is still the poor human that needs protection
And is number one in your crew for most likely to usurp 
You don’t know what you’re doing so maybe he and Belphie should bother with the bad guys out there
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“...Right. But they still want that one out of the way and we promised to do that right?”
Sees right through you 
And originally isn’t all that fond of Beel’s perception of you
He thinks you tricked his sweet brother 
But in a way, he finds that he agrees
You're a stupid, in over your head human
And who better to intervene in your shenanigans than the two of them 
Plus he enjoys your bloodthirsty behavior
Though it's nothing compared to his murderous drive you’re still cute
If anyone is more likely to initiate the usurpation its him
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“You think you’re so slick, I can’t help but be enamored.”
He doesn’t immediately see it
Playing into your hands for a short while 
Before catching on and switching from compliance and not
He thinks both sides of you are cute
But you're just so naive to think enabling their murderous tendencies will end with only who you’ve designated a threat
He and his brothers can easily see more than you 
So trust in that
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lani-heart · 4 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously
parings -> riki nishimura x reader genre -> non-idol au, school au, hyrbid au warnings -> n/a word count -> 2.4k
abstract -> he's perfect how he is... but can maybe change for her.
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y/n’s perspective
“Niki, we always do this” I whined as he locked himself in the bathroom. I needed to get him ready for tonight’s party. If I didn’t have to go I wouldn’t… but with my family pushing me into choosing a major in business, they're making me befriend other kids who are from wealthy families. 
“Please… I don’t want to go alone” I begged but he didn’t respond. It was running late and the driver was gonna be here soon… so I might have to go alone today. 
I gave up trying to convince him and I went to do the final touches. Grabbing a jacket, fixing my makeup, and grabbing everything I needed. 
When I left my room, I couldn’t help but smile. 
“You’re gonna go with me?” I asked and he nodded. “I can’t let you go on your own” he muttered and I chuckled. “Besides, look at how forgetful you are,” he said as he pulled my hair roller off my bangs. “Oh,” I said genuinely forgetting as he laughed at me. 
“Do you–” “Yes, I have my tail ring on. I’m ready, now let's go before your dad starts calling”
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Riki Nishimura was a stray hybrid I met when I was a kid. We were on a vacation trip to Japan when I saw him. I offered him some food I had on me and he took it from me to eat it like he was starved. 
My parents were already wanting to get me a hybrid so I begged them to keep him. In which they reluctantly agreed. However, when we found out he wasn’t a normal black cat hybrid they agreed. 
He was a panther hybrid and has been with me for years. We grew up together… However, my parents never liked how rowdy he was. Even now they tell me to get another hybrid, one that could join me in dinners, parties, and one who is overall more well-behaved. 
I wasn’t gonna let them replace him. He was my best friend, my number one confidant. Besides… who needs a fancy and well-behaved hybrid? Niki was way more fun!
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niki’s perspective
It was the same old party they threw with the same kids as their rich human parents and new collectibles. They liked to collect new hybrids where they’d show them off and then throw them away… but not y/n. 
Without her, I probably would still be mistaken for an overgrown cat hybrid on the street. It doesn’t mean I liked being gawked at and set a price on what they’d trade her for me. Of course, she’d never let them... I’ve seen how annoyed and angry she gets and it made me happy she cared so much. 
I cared for her too… She was clumsy and an idiot so she needed someone to take care of her. So I'm here… at a stupid party filled with spoiled rich kids. 
Not to say she isn't spoiled… she is. However, I never questioned that she loved me. She always makes that clear with everything she does for me. 
“Oh! You’re y/n right?” I heard and I saw a girl behind us with what smelled like a bird hybrid. “Mmhm… have we met before?” she asked why I didn’t think so… I would’ve recognized her and her hybrid. “My name–”
I didn’t care what she had to say… I just didn’t like how her hybrid kept on staring at me with those eyes of his. What was his problem?
I was cut off from my thoughts when suddenly the topic of discussion became me… 
“He’s really pretty and exotic too! I just haven’t heard good things about him, you know?” she said and I had to refrain from growling at her. Who was she to talk right in front of my face about me? And to y/n?
“Jay here is well-behaved! He’s from America you know–” Is that supposed to make him impressive? Congrats bird you’re a pet! “–it's just a shame you know. I wanted a bunny or maybe a cat hybrid” she pouted and I could see his disappointed expression. 
“Oh, Niki is really sweet but he’s solitary–” “You should invest in a social hybrid you know?” she cut her off to say. Rude… why would she need another hybrid when she has me?
“I like the way he is, he’s been with me since we were kids so there's no way I could ever replace him like that,” she said and I felt proud. 
“I heard about how much you care for him. I guess rumors were true” she said and I knew she was amongst those who talked about why she couldn’t get a nicer and social hybrid who smiles and dotes on her. I do dote on her… and I’m only nice to her. Everyone else was pushing it. 
“What is he if I can ask?” she said and y/n only sighed while looking up at me. “He’s a puma hybrid from Japan,” she answered. “Woah! I heard puma hybrids were rare! I thought he was just a cat… makes sense then for how tall he is.” she said as she got closer to me. 
“Oh please don’t do that. You’ll make him uncomfortable.” y/n said as I went behind her. 
“You should take him to the training you know. It's for the hybrids who need manners… they are opening classes in your university for hybrids'' she said… she stalked y/n to know what university she was in? She needs a life. 
“Oh… I know of them. I think he is just fine the way he is” y/n said and she bowed. “If you’ll excuse us,” she said and we walked away from the pair. “She was a bitch” y/n muttered and I laughed.
“Calm down, you have an act to uphold,” I said and she sighed. “y/n?” I said and she looked at me with her eyes filled with determination to answer to give me anything I asked for. “Why didn’t you tell me your uni is having hybrid classes?” I asked and she sighed. 
“They're mainly about etiquette. She said how to take care of your owner… how to behave in a social setting, etc” and I nodded. 
“I want to go,” I said and her eyes widened. “But you're perfect–” “No, I’m not… I caused you a lot of trouble. I heard your dad get mad again this morning. He didn’t want me here because of last time” I said and she shook her head. 
“Yah! Don’t do that!” she scolded and I smiled softly. 
“Please? You said you would give me anything I asked for. I want to be a better hybrid for you” 
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“I can’t believe I'm agreeing to this,” she said and I smiled. “Thank you for letting me do this,” I said and she sighed. “I hate that the class requires collars though. I would’ve rather you had the tail ring instead” she complained and I chuckled.
“You’ll do great in your midterm, okay? Don’t worry about me” I said as I kissed her cheek. “After we’ll go for some Japanese food,” she said and I grinned. “Takoyaki!” I yelled and she chuckled. “I’ve been craving some curry udon,” she said and I nodded. 
“I’ll do my best for you,” I said and she smiled. “You already are. Don’t change, okay?” she asked and I nodded. I just wanted to improve for her… 
When I entered I was immediately overwhelmed with the many scents of hybrids. I ignored the stares of the familiar scents and went down into the big lecture room. 
I sat down in the middle of the third to first row, not expecting others to approach me. “Ah! I’m not late!” I heard as I saw a Golden
A Retriever hybrid suddenly entered… he didn’t have a collar nor the scent of a domesticated hybrid. He grinned at me and I suddenly regretted staring… “I’m Jake, and you are?” he said as he approached me and sat next to me.
I heard the laughs around us, probably of me socializing with another hybrid. “Riki,” I said and he nodded. “I think your collar is cool!” he said and I chuckled. “Of course it is, I chose it,” I said and he looked confused. 
“Your owner must be kind,” he said with a wagging tail and I chuckled. “Hey, isn’t that miss l/n’s hybrid?” I suddenly heard a bunch of whispers and I sighed and slouched down to my chair. 
“Oh? Do they know you?” he asked and I scoffed. “Don’t get it mixed up, they know OF me, they don’t know me” I said and he nods 
“They seem to know your owner,” he said and I scoffed. “They don’t know her…” I muttered. “Is she nice?” he asked and I laughed. 
“She’s perfect” 
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y/n's perspective
“I thought you were going home after?” I heard and I saw Wonyoung with Seonghwa. I nod, “I do, I just need to pick up Niki, he’s taking etiquette classes,” I said and they both froze. “Your dad is making him take classes?” Wonyoung said and I chuckled. 
“No, he wanted them for whatever reason. I tried to convince him otherwise but he insisted” I said and they both looked at each other. “Oh shut up the both of you,” I said and they chuckled as they caught up with me. 
“He’s so spoiled if you just fold like that,” Seonghwa added and I scoffed. “You do spoil that cat a lot” Wonyoung teased and I rolled my eyes. “Have you told Hongjoong–” “He would kill me in my sleep if I ever brought it up” Seonghwa cut me off and I chuckled… that's true. 
We finally made it to the building where the hybrid classes are taking place but I didn’t see Niki… I saw the hybrids out already so where was he? 
“How long is it gonna take for him to come to you?” Wonyoung asked and I didn’t know. I looked at my phone, and the class should’ve already ended by now. “Why’d you even allow it?” Soenghwa asked and I sighed. 
“Cause he wouldn’t let go of it. He begged and begged… I couldn’t keep denying it” I said and they sighed. “She’s whipped for him, that's the answer,” Wonyoung said and Seonghwa nodded. 
“Oh? y/n!!” I heard as I saw the girl from the party again with her hybrid. What was her name again?
“You’re Wonyoung and Seonghwa, right? I’m e/n” she said. “I’m glad to see you’re having Niki taking this class,” she said and I sighed. “His name is Riki,” I said and she looked confused. “Oh? But you call him Niki?” she asked.
“That's a nickname that she only calls him, he will glare or even scoff if he hears you call him that,” Seonghwa said and it was true… I've called him that since I was a kid and yet he never let anyone else call him that. “This class should teach him otherwise,” she said and I had to refrain from scoffing. 
“Oh, you should look into a secondary hybrid,” she said and I glared. 
“I wouldn’t get another one,” I clarified. “Riki would get too jealous,” “Or he’d kick the other hybrid out himself,” Wonyoung and Seonghwa added. 
“But if you were to get one he’d have to comply with her. She’s the owner,” she said and I shook my head. “Well, I was thinking of something cute… maybe a fox? Ooh or a pretty cat!” she said while looking at herself in a pocket mirror fixing her lipstick while her hybrid looked at her with a sad expression.
“I wanna go home” I suddenly heard. Niki? 
“Why do you have scratches on your face? Are you okay?” I asked and he avoided eye contact when I grabbed his jaw to look at his wounds. He nodded, “I wanna go home” he repeated and I sighed. 
“Ok, just let me take this off,” I said as I took off his collar and took out his tail ring. “Riki!! You forgot… Oh. Please don’t be mad at him! He was only defending me!!” I saw a dog hybrid yell while he held Niki’s backpack. Seonghwa grabbed it, holding it for me. 
“Please, it's all my fault. Don’t abandon him because of me!” he pleaded and even bowed. I looked at Niki who looked away. “Why would I abandon you? Niki, what happened?” I asked and the other hybrid soon stood up but looked down to my hands. His collar? I sighed and turned Niki around when I clipped his tail ring. “Thank you for caring about him but he’s not in trouble. You should find your owner, they must be worried about you–” “He’s a stray” I was interrupted by e/n.
A stray? “Did you see? It's why they make the hybrids wear collars because they need to know by the end of the class who is a stray and who is owned. It's a mixture of people like us who pay and hybrids of low status who need major help like him. He’s probably also a runt” she said suddenly in disgust as she stepped back.
“Thank you for looking after Niki,” I said and he nodded with a small smile. I grabbed the backpack from Seonghwa as I looked at him and I saw his worried eyes. “Come on, I'm hungry,” I said as I dragged him away from the lecture hall and everyone else while I heard Wonnie and Seonghwa complain about me abandoning them…
“I still want that udon curry,” I pondered and he sighed. He grabbed his backpack and clipped his collar there as he walked silently. “Did you fight for him?” I asked and he nodded silently.
I smiled. “That’s very kind of you,” I said and from the corner of my eye, he looked at me confused. “What were they doing to him?” I asked and he sighed. “Called him a runt… a stray… useless. It was all when the teacher left for a break and I don’t know why I did but I fought for him” he said and I smiled. 
“That was very brave of you. I’m proud of you Niki!” I said with a grin and he smiled softly. “The teacher gave me a warning cause he said if he told you that you’d return me,” he said and I chuckled. “We’ve been together for years! I could never do that” I said and he nodded. 
“Still want takoyaki?” I asked and he chuckled. “Always!” he yelled as he ran ahead of me. 
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taglist -> @ilovecheese09 @gudkc @nikisvanillaccola @blossominghunnie @mheretoreadff @k1ttylvr
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delulu4dean · 1 year
“A Game Of Angels & Devils”
Warnings: Smut, it’s smut, pure smut. Swearing and maybe some violence but mainly smut
Pairings: Demon!Dean x female angel!reader
Summary: Dean is a demon, and he’s loose in the bunker with Castiel’s angels sister.
Word Count: 1,781
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Castiel always had a rough relationship with the other angels, you were the only one he really saw as a sibling. You always stood by him no matter what, so when he asked you to help with Dean, his best friend, you jumped at the chance. But Dean was also a legend, to heaven and hell. And now that he’s a demon, you couldn’t wait. You couldn’t wait to meet him, you couldn’t wait to see what he was capable of.
Castiel and Sam were out of the bunker while Dean was trapped in a chair, the same one previously used to hold Crowley. You were left alone with Dean. Castiel had other things to deal, and Sam went off to get groceries. Nobody anticipated that the attempt to cure Dean would turn out this way.
The cure of course, is human blood. But unfortunately Dean had just enough human in him to escape, and enough demon in him to come for your ass. And when you saw he’d escape, you were terrified. After everything that happened with the angels and heaven, you knew you couldn’t stand a chance against Dean Winchester.
So here you are now, walking down the halls, as Dean’s voice booms through the bunker, “Y/N! I’m coming for you!” Your steps are quiet as to not draw any attention while you look for a place to hide. The only place you can think of is under a bed, and the bed happens to be in Dean’s room. You try to quiet your breathing down, covering your mouth. You know you’d have to keep Dean from escaping but right now he’s after one thing: you. Dean didn’t like angels much before, except for Cas. All other angels were dicks. Dean being a demon means all that hatred is on another level.
“Come on Y/N, I just want to have some fun. Let’s play a game!” his voice sends shivers down your spine. You know he’s going to hunt you down and he’s not quitting any time soon. Of course you wanted to see what he was capable of but not with him roaming
The clicking of his boots on the bunker floor get louder as he gets closer. You see him entering the room, walking closer to his bed. You hold your breath, scared to what he would do. And then he crouches, and you see him looking right into your eyes.
“Fuck,” you breathe out, as he grabs your shoulders and pulls you out from under the bed.
“There you are, princess. I was beginning to think you were hiding from me,” he taunts you. His smirk is playful but his eyes are determined.
“You got me, what now, Dean?” you look up at your brother’s best friend. You keep your voice steady and refuse to let Dean see the fear in your eyes.
“I can torture you, use you to get what I want out of Sammy and Cas,” he explains. But what did he want, other than to kill all three of you?
“Yeah except you’ve got more human blood in you now. You’re not as strong,” you spit. You can’t tell if you’re being brave or stupid, talking to Dean like this.
He glares at you, grabbing you by the shirt. He may not be so strong for a demon, but he’s Dean Winchester, so he’s strong enough. And so you are scared, of course you are scared. But a small part of you is excited too.
“I’d be careful if I were you, princess. Watch your mouth.”
You don’t wait for him to do anything, as your knee goes straight for between his legs. He lets go of you and hunches over in pain.
“You’re going to regret that,” he growls.
You attempt to run off but he grabs your arm and pulls you back, before throwing you on his bed. You lay on your back, looking at him, as he walks closer to you. His eyes burn with anger, but there’s another feeling mixed in there that you can’t quite place.
“You know, we never got along,” Dean starts, as he gets on top of you. “It’s a shame, your Cas’ sister, I’m his best friend, we should get along.”
“Yeah I’m going to get along with the guy who toys around with my brother, he ruined his reputation with heaven, he was a good soldier of heaven, and then you happened,” you lecture Dean. You’ve always felt like Dean ruined Cas.
“And yet here you are, helping him,” Dean smirks. Dean climbs onto his bed, crawling on top of you.
“He was my mentor, I’ve been by his side for years and years. He’s my family.”
“And he’s my best friend. Or was, before all this happened.”
You sigh, looking up at the demon on top of you. Your breathing is heavy, as you stare into his eyes. He smirks at you, leaning down. You don’t know what to say or do, as he gets closer to your ear.
“I think I have another idea on what I want to do with you,” he whispers in your ear, causing you to tense up.
You look down at his hand, unzipping your jeans. You gently gasp as his hand goes in your panties and his middle finger finds your clit. You bite your lip, feeling your body relax under his touch. His lips brush against the skin of your neck, before he starts kissing it.
“We may not get along but you have no idea how much I’ve wanted to do this with you, Y/N. Way before all this happened actually. And now, as a demon, ruining your angelic innocence,” you feel his breath on your neck.
“Oh, honey, I may be an angel but I’m not innocent,” you look back up into his eyes.
His eyes are dark with lust, as he sits up, pulling your pants off, and then your panties. As he does, you throw off your shirt and quickly undo your bra and toss it to the side. Dean’s hands roam up and down your body, before he takes off his own clothes, and positioning himself to enter you.
“I’m going to make you my bitch,” he tells you.
“I’d like to see you try.”
And with that, he pushes himself inside you, and you let out a moan. He pounds into you, holding your hands above your head, pinning them to his bed. With his other hand, he grabs your thigh, wrapping your leg around his waist, allowing him to go in deeper. He’s hitting your sweet spot, over and over, but you can’t let him just win like this.
You break free from his grasp, and roll over, using both of your hands to pin his to the bed, while you take control. Up and down you bounce, causing him to grunt, as he glares at you. You continue to work your magic, and Dean let’s you. No way were you going to let Dean make you his bitch.
“Yeah you like this?” you tease Dean. “I bet you do. You have this tough boy act but really you’re just a little bitch.” Wrong move.
In a second, he’s back on top of you, thrusting fast and hard, hand around your throat. You gasp, moaning. But you still refuse to lose. If this is the game Dean wants to play, you’re playing too.
“Look at you,” Dean says, putting his thumb on your lips. “Be a good little angel and open.”
You comply, and he puts his thumb in your mouth for you to suck, so you do.
“Good angel, taking orders like you should.”
You smirk, his finger still in your mouth, as you get an idea. You bite his thumb, and he pulls it out, growling. He grabs your face, and makes you look into his eyes.
“Did you just fucking bite me?”
“Yes,” you simply answer.
Instead of saying anything, he decides two can play that game. He leans down and bites your neck, gently. Instead of pain you feel bliss, with the mix of the love bites and his length in you sliding in and out.
You’re not going to lie, there always been a sort of attraction to Dean, but in your mind he was always off limits. You didn’t know how your brother felt about Dean, you just knew he was his best friend. But you definitely are not complaining about having sex with Dean.
You wrap your legs around Dean, wanting some sense of control. You want a chance of winning but as you and Dean look into each others eyes, you realize this might end in a draw. And neither of you are complaining.
As your walls tighten around him, he grunts, his lips crashing into yours. You kiss back, holding his face in your hands. He continues fucking you with passion, as you both come closer to your orgasms. His skin hits your clit over and over as he fucks you, pushing you closer to the edge. His finger goes to your clit, rubbing it, bringing you to your orgasm.
He follows shortly after, pulling out and finishing off on your chest, his eyes going black. He knew better than to finish in you. If a half demon/half human kid is dangerous, and a half angel/half human kid is dangerous, you couldn’t only imagine what would happen if there was an offspring of a human and a demon. Dean was smarter than risking releasing something like that upon the world, even as a demon.
You’re both panting, as he lays down next to you. His arm wraps around you, pulling you close. It’s a warm feeling that you didn’t expect from a demon. Maybe enough of Dean was in there, especially with the human blood Sam has been injecting in him. You really don’t know, and you don’t need to know. You just really enjoy being in his arms like this.
“Guess we both lost,” Dean breaks the silence.
“Yeah, and I’m glad we did,” you tell him, turning your body to face him. “Cas is so going to kill you if he finds out.”
“Like he can,” Dean rolls his eyes.
You smile, enjoying the moment. Right now, it doesn’t matter if Cas wouldn’t approve, if Dean is a demon or if you didn’t like him before you met him. It doesn’t matter that you are an angel and all angels were dicks in Dean’s eyes, because you aren’t. In Dean’s eyes, you’re this angel, and as a demon he can see you for what you are. And he is mesmerized.
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