#The son of Neptune
wanderingmind867 · 2 days
As far as I'm aware, the Heroes of Olympus series is way better than the original Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. No offense (since they're both decent book series), but I think Heroes of Olympus builds and improves upon what Percy Jackson and the Olympians established. I read all of the Percy Jackson and The Olympians series at school last year. This year, I've been rereading The Heroes of Olympus. I'm only on Book 1 (The Lost Hero), but it's already so much better! Piper, Jason and Leo are all amazing! I've still had some mild criticisms (like me hating lupa and wolves as depicted by Rick Riordan), but on the total i think i prefer the Heroes of Olympus series. And I don't really know why, but they just always made a stronger impression on me. Maybe because i read them first as a kid?
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valewritessss · 3 months
Percy waking up with no memories but that he hates a bitch named Ares and that he’s wifed up
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lilislegacy · 5 months
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percy has been called smart by hazel, reyna, and annabeth (twice).
to say he’s actually dumb is to disagree with those three women. and if you are disagreeing with 3 of the most knowledgeable, capable, and badass characters in the series… what are you even doing?
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percabetn · 8 months
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i-am-nefelibata · 1 month
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Hazel joined the fashion girlies!! (She it’s so cute I can’t)
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Percy really do be ride or die
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xixovart · 10 days
if annabeth had been taken by juno instead you know perfectly well she would’ve remembered percy. bc percy was the first to acknowledge her as a person and not a warrior or an error. the only reason juno didn’t take annabeth was because percy would’ve pulled a ‘rage of achilles’ type shit
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devils-little-sista · 4 months
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latinopercy · 1 year
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DO NOT SEPARATE THEM!! (from the monster donut podcast <3)
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screenshotsonpinterest · 11 months
It’s nothing it’s just Annabeth having to watch Jason fall in love with Piper, even as he’s gaining back his memories, knowing that her Percy is alone somewhere with no clue who she is and could very well be doing the same
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annapoofle · 1 year
Frank went on an entire quest with his two BFFs, BOTH of whom are horse girls to the max, discovered he had the ability to turn into a horse, and just chose not to. Why did he not leap at the opportunity to make his friends' day
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catcacophony · 2 months
ok i know you guys like to depict reyna as hyper-masculine because she's a strong brown woman and racist misogynists like to associate people of color with masculinity and also femininity with shallowness and superficiality because god forbid a woman is both feminine and strong but it's getting kinda annoying how some people keep ignoring she spent the best years of her life on the island of circe with other nymphs and is probably really good at applying makeup on others and herself and enjoys it as a hobby and same thing with hair styling, dresses, etc...
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starleete · 8 months
Every time Nico gaslighted Percy into thinking he doesn't know him, in The son of Neptune, a thread🧵:
1. For a microsecond when he saw Percy, the boy seemed shocked—panicked even, like he’d been caught in a searchlight.
“This is Percy Jackson,” Hazel said. “He’s a good guy. Percy, this is my brother, the son of Pluto.”
The boy regained his composure and held out his hand. “Pleased to meet you,” he said. “I’m Nico di Angelo.”
(Chapter 4)
2. Percy scowled. “I—I know you.”
Nico raised his eyebrows. “Do you?” He looked at Hazel for explanation.
(Chapter 5)
3. “Um, thanks,” Percy said, but his attention was focused on Nico. “I was wondering if we could talk, you know…about where I might have seen you before.”
“Sure,” Nico said a little too quickly. “The thing is, I spend most of my time in the Underworld. So unless I met you there somehow —”
(Chapter 8)
4. Don was still sniffing around Percy. “Man, you’ve got an empathy link with a faun!”
Percy leaned away from him. “A what?”
“An empathy link! It’s real faint, like somebody’s suppressed it, but—”
“I know what!” Nico stood suddenly. “Hazel, how about we give you and Frank time to get Percy oriented? Dakota and I can visit the praetor’s table. Don and Vitellius, you come too. We can discuss strategies for the war games.”
(Chapter 8)
Hazel had told him what Thanatos had said about searching for the Doors of Death in Rome, and Percy was anxious to find Nico for his own reasons—to wring the kid’s neck for having pretended he didn’t know Percy when he first came to camp.
(Chapter 49)
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hyacjnthus · 2 years
“nico was the first to gaslight percy in the series” NUH UH UH. grover is the original percy jackson gaslighter™. need i remind you that in the lightning thief grover clear as day told percy that there never was a mrs dodds. percy didn’t really believe him, but grover was the first. nico’s only worked so well because percy knew ONE PERSON at the time
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memysoulandi · 3 months
Jason Grace, so much potential...
Actually this goes for the entire lost trio. The AMOUNT of TRAUMA these three had and the potential for character development they had too is UNREAL, yet nothing was done. Let us begin my personal beliefs
-Delve into his trauma of his remaining family deciding he was the devil at age EIGHT and refusing to take him in-abandonment issues
-Have his constant feelings of invalid-ness and being the unneeded member of the seven be corrected by giving him CLOSE FRIENDS HE PIPER AND JASON NEED TO BE CLOSER AT THE VERY LEAST and conversations when he realizes he is wanted and needed
-Don't have Calypso storyline in there-he didn't need a girlfriend to solve his problems, if you have it, have it as good friends-another member of his support group
-Make him gay and have valgrace or slowburn/implied valgrace(the two of them pining then like kinda tragic as Leo dies)
-Have her lesbian storyline occur in HoO where she's a main character-it's an important storyline for her character that deserves a spotlight and time that ToA couldn't give it
-No Jiper! This relationship was toxic and founded on fake memories-if you're going to do it, do it as a part of her LGBTQIA+ journey and Jason's as well
-Don't have her demonize femininity! She can wear dresses! She can wear makeup! She can present more feminine and still be the same character and her hatred of any and all things feminine is not good representation! Make her a feminist, please! Or at least make her less against femininity as a whole.
-No kaleidoscope eyes! Give her brown eyes and also have her rediscovering her culture storyline as a part of HoO too!
-Make him a better fighter than Percy. He has been at Camp Jupiter since the age of three and spent a year with wolves before then. He has spent his entire life in a military setting training, he should be a better swordfighter than Percy 'I show up to summer camp at age 12 to 16 and only really use my sword then' Jackson.
-Give him more powers. Or Percy less. Children of the big three should be equal in potential power, not Percy being OP and the others having lightning or shadows powers some of the time. Percy needs less power and Jason, Thalia, Hazel, and Nico need more. Jason should have more power than Percy as he has had longer to train it.
-Give him a personality. His storyline in HoO should be a journey of self-discovery. He has always been another member of an army, with constant pressure on him to be the best at everything and a strong confident leader who doesn't make mistakes as a son of Jupiter. His entire life has been dictated by those around him. For the first time, he is free of that and he needs to be discovering things like how he likes to dress, his style, his sexuality, his likes and dislikes, and his personality. In my opinion he should be kinda shy with a feral edge, side effect of the wolves, who is always trying to people please. When he stops doing this, he becomes significantly happier and a greater use to the team. Plus valgrace;D.
-Also, make him despise Percy at the beginning. He worked his entire life to be an afterthought that nobody looked for when he went missing for months, while Percy was looked for by everyone after only a few days. Percy achieved everything he wanted in a matter of weeks in New Rome and he was happy and had friends and a life. Percy has everything Jason doesn't. They need to have a moment where they are locked together and Percy goes "why do you hate me" and Jason breaks down because "You have everything I want and you don't even have to try!". This would create a better relationship for them and be the turning point for Jason as Percy hears what he has to say and validates him. Also Jason personality.
-Don't kill him off and continue his self-discovery journey in ToA.
-Make him and Thalia have a closer relationship that in the months between TLH and TSoN, it is implied that they spend time together. He should feel safe with her and they needed more interactions as they are SIBLINGs, god damit.
-Make him and Reyna just friends-she wanted to look for him but couldn't 'cause Octavian(the bitch) and someone needed to be Praetor in his absence.
-Also give him history with Octavian-ex-friends or something give me drama.
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pursuingjackson · 9 months
By a difference of one percentage point, The Last Olympian was voted as the top fave PJO book, closely followed by The Battle of the Labyrinth.
Now to continue my research:
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