#The queens gambit au
rotzaprachim · 1 year
If you are lucky you will be treated to a fic that is like if there was a fic about professional chess protegéis written by someone who had to look up what a checkmate was
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fan-goddess · 1 year
We Play To Win Masterlist
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Modern!Queens Gambit themed Au: Aemond Targaryen x reader
A series based of Queens Gambit, I don’t own that series/book or the plot. I’m just playing on it with my own ideas and content. Same with House of the Dragon.
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Distraction for a tie - 🔥
Support for the queen - 🔥
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
The Girl In the Black dress
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Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Cute 
Concept Benny’s Wife
I headed through the hotel in my a-line white dress with black piping along each seam, my fiery hair half pinned up and half allowed to cascade down to my shoulders and my ankle boots to seal my look. I knew I had to look glamorous after all it was well expected of me. I had taken a year off for myself after my Moscow victory mostly just to spend time with myself, with Jolene, up keeping the house and to mostly decide my next steps given such a victory. I have to admit I was nervous about this weekend, not just about returning after my absence, not that it worried me too much. But about… seeing him. I knew I would and honestly I had been avoiding him. After our… heated discussion before I left for Moscow, I was worried about him, about us even if there really was much of an us.  When he called me up in Moscow there was no one's voice I wanted to hear more than that of benny watts, and he granted me that and I am ever grateful for his assistance. But, my hopes were dashed when I stepped off that plane. I landed into Kennedy airport in New York as it was the best to fly in to come from Moscow and all, I hoped and I suppose expected for me to get off the plane grab my bags and like a terrible movie he'd be waiting for me with a hug and a kiss, he'd take me back to that dirty little basement we'd go over the chess games in ludicrous detail and we'd end the night satisfied in each other's arms, however, that didn't happen.
No one was at the airport for me. I called his phone from the lounge but no answer. So I gritted my teeth and paid for a cab to the Brooklyn basement and yet I found it empty. Luckily I wasn't waiting long, as by the time I reached the sidewalk his beetle pulled up. I smiled and for a moment assumed we must have just missed each other and we'd laugh about it over a game of speed chess tonight. I rather foolishly believed that everything was fine, and good, and had returned to his things when I left New York before everything happened. But I was wrong.
"What? No, I don't have a hotel I assumed I'd just -"
"So you just assumed I'd let you stay? Without so much as a call?"
"Okay sorry I didn't call I just thought I could stay with you"
"I don't really think that's a good idea. Do you?" He says heading down to his apartment not even so much as offering me a coffee.
At the time I was so angry at him but I had since mellowed and come to understand a bit better. I kinda assumed I could just come back to Benny as I had to Harry, abandoned him, left him hanging and then be welcomed with open arms when I came back but no, not with benny. We had barely spoken since and when we did he was clear they were social calls, to talk chess and friends. No, I miss you's. No begging to come to New York. Nothing. It was like before our time together. I understood why I had bruised him before Moscow. And that's not something Benny forgives easily. Even if part of me was still hopeful we could rekindle our New York snuggles and the sweet affection that came with it.
I reached the main lounge area for the hotel where everyone was congregated having a drink before the first games at eleven. Everyone was smoking, drinking and lounging about as usual. I didn't drink, I didn't want to this early not if this tournament would be long lasting as it usually was. I scanned the room at my competition while also semi-scanning for the goth cowboy.
But I heard that family cocky tone "Harmon"
"Watts" I smirked turning on my heels to see him and there he loomed. Stood on the carpet in his usual black shoes however they were slightly different they didn't have that layer of dust and scuff across them, they looked as if they where polished an hour ago his dark blue jeans hugged him close, his leather belt tightly around him with his holster down his thigh his knife sat there as always, his dark green button down barely buttoned exposing his chest and silver chains, his jacket missing, his hat playfully in his hand, his hair fluffy and well fixed, his rings across his fingers and chains around his wrists, he still smelt of his cheap cologne and slightly of mahogany and leather, he looked obviously the same but cleaner, tidier, and that was strange for benny even if he still hadn't had a shave. "Been a while"
"It has. It has" he nods "you playing or observing?"
"Both I suppose" I nodded "it's nice to see you"
"Yeah nice to see you too" he cracked a small smile
"Here you are dear, I'm sorry I forgot it" a voice smiled behind him. I peeked around him as she came into view, a girl. Perhaps a year older than me I couldn't tell for sure her voice was a polite refinement. She stood a fair few inches shorter than benny even if she had a pair of black kitten heels, she wore thin sheer black tights and a tee-length black dress of a chiffon or some other type of fluid-shifting fabric that seemed to have a shift of silver when she moved, the dress flowed from a band just above her waist with two large sections of fabric going up across her shoulders however leaving from the band to her neck exposed in a rectangular opening, small sleeves that sat slightly puffed up with pleats and a similar band that went around the hem at her elbows. A silver necklace on her chest perfectly against her exposed skin. She had sweet well sculpted y/h/c curls, makeup perfectly even if used rather sparingly, she had a white handbag on a silver chain over her shoulder and a few silver bangles and bracelets around her wrists, Benny's trademark leather trench coat over her arm. He smiled so widely when he saw her wider than I think I had ever really seen him smile before
"No worries, thank you for getting it for me darling" he Cooes giving her forehead a peck showing off their height difference as even in her heels he didn't have to move down at all in fact his lips were perfectly where in line with her forehead leaving me to assume out of her heels she'd only likely be at his shoulder. He took the jacket from her slipping it and his hat on "how do I look?' he asked her
"Gorgeous" she smiled
He chuckled taking her hand in his and giving her hand a kiss "thank you, darling"
"Uhhh… introduction? Please?" I asked a little unsure what else to say given what had just unfolded In Front of me
"Course. Y/n this is Beth Harmon" he smiled
"I'm familiar" she smiled sweetly
"Beth this is y/n y/l/n"
She giggled and gave him a gentle elbow "silly boy"
"Oh right, sorry. Y/n Watts" he corrected
"Ohh uhh okay nice to meet you," I said offering my hand which she happily shook "this uhh this is news to me"
"Well it was only last month" she smiled showing her hand and her two rings both a sweet silver one with a large black diamond and the other a plain band, it was then I looked at benny and noticed he did have another ring than last I saw him.
"It's beautiful"
"Thank you"
"I hadn't heard about it"
"We kept it small. Cheap. Quick. We didn't want to wait anyway" he explained "haven't even told chess review or anything, I'm sure we'll see you," he says before the two headed off to talk with others
I couldn't help but watch them go understandably surprised. It's strange benny hadn't told me he was seeing someone let alone that he was engaged and now married. Not that I cared I mean he'd made his position clear it was just weird I guess to see him with someone else.
We had finished for today so I sat in the bar on one of the little stools trying not to watch but I found it rather impossible. It was late now; most boys had headed up to their rooms already, a few still lingered on their last drink, the bartender cleaning glasses and setting the bar up to close for the evening. The music is on low but still playing sweet songs. The lights were a little lower than they had been at the start of the night as most candles on the tables were burnt out by now and the windows were the darkness they would get. I nursed my Gibson, turning my attention to the sight I had been avoiding for what felt like hours.
To the side of the bar was a small wooden dance floor beside a large piano that of course wasn't being used. But the floor was as right in the middle under the glow of the glass chandelier they stood. Benny having set his jacket and his hat on the back of a chair at a side table leaving him in his well-shined shoes, tight jeans, his belt even if it was on a little looser now than this morning, his green button down with his sleeves rolled to his elbows and unbuttoned as always, his hands had begun on her waist but had shifted to her hips and now loosely sat in the small of her back. She wore the same dress as this morning but her curls slowly falling loose, and some of her make-up disappeared from this morning, her handbag was on the table beside benny's jacket and hat, she had begun their dancing in her heels but they had since been removed and now hung from her fingers as her arms rested on Benny's shoulders and around his neck so her heels hung down his back. They were dancing. It began as almost a full waltz at the beginning of the night but has slowed and become the gentle swaying it now was. The two often smiling, giggling and muttering little things to each other inaudible to anyone but them, but you could tell they were chatting and talking from their changes and reactions. The music was low but still enough they could dance.
I couldn't help watching them, feeling strange about it. I thought I wouldn't care and I don't but… seeing him with her, smiling, giggling, being so happy and playful. I'd never seen benny like that, I didn't think it was in his calculated chess brain's nature to be like that. I guess… he just wasn't with me. As they shifted for a moment she disappeared behind him and when the body came around the other side for a moment I saw myself in her place. Perhaps I would be if he had come to Moscow with me. But even if that might possibly make me happy, would Benny be so happy now if that's how things had been? I felt awful at that moment that my selfishness could Rob Benny of his happiness.
She gave his cheek a soft kiss, making him smile rubbing his nose against hers before capturing her lips in a kiss so much they both tightened their grips on each other as they kissed.
"We should get to bed," he told her
"One more song benny, please" she begs moving a hand down his chest
"One more song" he smiled taking her heels from her and sitting them on the floor beside the chair with his jacket and hat the two smiled and got closer so she could lay her head on his chest and he rested his chin on her head often pressing little kisses to her hair, and I smiled watching them it was so sweet and I did really feel happy for him. As they danced they turned in such a way that her back was to me and he looked up seeing me he moved a hand from her back to give me a little wave so I smiled and raised my glass back. And soon enough the song was over they gathered their things and came to the bar,
"You go on up I'll square up and be up in a sec," he told her she nodded giving him a kiss before she headed out and off towards the elevator as he paid up for the few drinks they had tonight
"She seems like a really nice girl"
He chuckled "she is."
"One more?" I offered
"Alright." He says sitting down on the stool beside me as I ordered each of us each a blue ribbon "you're still mad at me aren't you?"
"No. Not really?"
"You should see your face from this side Harmon"
"I'm not mad," I told him "just surprised is all"
"You don't like her. I take it?" He asks sipping his beer
"I met her this morning can't form an opinion that fast"
"Can't you?"
"She seems nice benny," I said sipping my drink
"Yeah, nice"
"And out come the cat claws"  he laughed
"I'm serious" I complained giving him a shove "I mean it benny, I'm happy for you really"
"Really? Cause kinda looks like your mad"
"I'm not mad. Really. Why expect me to be jealous?"
"I gave her fair warning you might be." He says "I know what you're like."
"Hence the dress I assume" I smirked sipping my drink and he gave me a look so I glanced down to my own chest
"No, she wears stuff like that most of the time"
"she really is your wife" I laughed
"We are similar in that regard" he nods "I have to keep stealing my jacket back from her"
"That's just having a girlfriend benny, we steal everything"
"I know" he chuckled
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Didn't think you really cared? You call me to talk chess didn't think you cared what was happening in my life" he says sipping his drink
"I cared," I answered, "when did you meet then?"
"Believe it or not the day before you came home from Moscow"
"Yeah. After calling you in Moscow I was pretty damn broke. And because life loves kicking me my washer blew up. Had to take all my laundry down to the laundromat, I put a load on and got comfy and I looked over and saw this girl playing solitaire. I went over and asked if I could join her and we played no-bet poker for hours with breaks to move our laundry around. That was y/n."
"That's sweet"
"I was pretty fucked after what happened Beth I won't lie. I thought… doesn't matter what I thought. But when you went off to Moscow without me it broke me, the moment I hung up that phone I cried because of you. I want you to know that. It took me until I called you to even face the idea of speaking to you again and I stand by helping you. But I knew when we hung up I was done. I wasn't going to be some doormat waiting for you to get back and decide if you wanted me. I drew a line. And just so happens I met y/n just after." He explained
"I was only gone a year, and you're already married?"
"It sounds so corny but… you know. I think I knew by our second poker match that I didn't want to let her go. The day you came back to New York,"
"You never answered the phone, why?"
"I was out. On our first date. Three months later she moved in, and four months after that I proposed, married a month ago" he explained flexing the fingers on his hand a little where he had his wedding ring
"Little Fast"
"... It's a strange feeling Beth, you almost don't realize how much is missing until you find who completes you and the moment you find them it's like a light just turns on and the moment they leave whether it's for a second or a year you know you can't go on without them. She brings me a joy I didn't know existed. Sorry it's hard to explain"
"No. I get it." I nodded "I am sorry benny, for how I treated you"
"Thanks," he says sipping his drink
"Guess if I hadn't you and y/n may never-"
"No." He snapped "it's cute to look back in hindsight and claim it was for the better, but that doesn't excuse the hurt you caused. And you have to live with that Beth."
"It's fine"
"I've never seen you this happy before"
"She completes me. She has endless patience for my stupid rambling. The most support and kindness you could ever ask for. But Enough of a kick to keep me on track. She's everything I wanted and everything I need." He explained "and you know as a bonus fucking gorgeous"
"I did notice" I chuckled
"You should see her out the dress"
"You sure this marriage wasn't what the other head’s thinking?"
"No. I love her, I don't just wanna sleep with her. The body is just a bonus." He laughed "no we didn't have sex till our wedding"
"Whoa. Impressive restraint"
"Tell me about it. Try sleeping next to that for six months without thinking about it. But no not till we got married, she was… innocent anyway"
"Ohh" I chuckled
"I taught her everything she knows" he smirked "I am a fucking amazing teacher"
"An amazing fucking teacher" I laughed
"Both" he laughed
"I didn't know you could dance?"
"Neither did I." he laughs "But she loves it, so I learnt"
"She teach you?"
"Somewhat, I did get myself a small crash course from the learning centre after out fourth date"
"I may have dropped her. and broke a table"
"Ohh dear"
"She thought it was funny. I really enjoy dancing with her seeing her smile and hearing her giggle in my ear"
"You'll have to give me a dance one day"
"I'll have to ask my wife's permission for that" he chuckled
"she keeps you on that short of a lead?"
"No, just think it would be polite to ask my wife if she'd be okay with me dancing with you"
"That's very sweet, considerate" I smiled "I'm thrilled, Benny, really. She seems like the perfect Mrs Watts. And it's amazing to see you so happy"
"Thanks, Beth." He smiled finishing his drink "see you tomorrow"
"See you tomorrow" I smiled
He fixed his hat before he headed off in the same direction as y/n went leaving me alone with the rest of my drink.
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sweatersinthesummer · 3 months
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I'm so happy to finally be able to share this podfic I made for the Lights, Camera, Drarry fest. The fic was written for the 2022 fest, and is inspired by The Queen's Gambit. Do I know anything about chess? Not really. Did it make any difference to my enjoyment of this beautiful fic? It did not. Read or listen, whichever you prefer.
[Podfic] The Pirc Defence, written by @sleepstxtic (E, 1 hour, 5 minutes)
They were rivals, and they were lovers, and they were the greatest chess players of their generation. Exactly in that order.
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follow-my-literature · 10 months
Stories to Stay:
These are the stories that will remain.
However, they will currently all be taken down within the week. I need to rewrite some parts since I have lost each story's original plotline. Also, not all of them will be released at the same time. This is a long list of multi-part stories, and I want to give each of them the time they deserve. With so many live stories, it's easy to get specific details mixed up. **This is not the publishing order.
Godless Country — Whitey Winn x OC
Not Without You — Gally x Reader
Expression of Regret — Benny x Beth
Jojen and the Red Priestess — Jojen x Reader
Betrothal of Two Households — Jojen x OC
Memories — Aris Jones x Reader
Forever Beautiful — Donald x Reader
A Palace Full of Cranks
To Love a Crank Like You
Through Benny’s Eyes — Benny x Reader
A Broken Tribute — Vista Halide x Newton Snow
Late Night Confessions || one shot — Benny x Beth
Stalemate || one shot — Benny x Beth ------------------------------------------------------------ A Poll will be coming shortly so you can let me know what you wanna read first.
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avocado-writing · 2 years
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well guess what I caved into and started writing
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madonnasarmstho · 2 years
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original characters | Charlotte Elizabeth Cullen & Elijah Christopher Cullen
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encrucijada · 8 months
you know maybe i should rewatch the queen's gambit and continue my dreamers au for that. and also because i just love the show and wanna watch it again
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fandomcrackships · 2 years
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Jack O'Connell and Anya Taylor-Joy
Requested: Anon
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Update on “missing him was dark gray all alone”
I was rereading the fic to try and get in the mood again because I’m finally in a reading mood and tackling “The Final Gambit.” So, a couple of things.
First, I realized the formatting for Chapter 10 had cut off some of my messages, so I went back and fixed that, if anyone was confused in a couple of parts.
Second, I’m really, really, really hoping to hop back on the writing train, starting with Chapter 11 of “missing him...” I’m literally going to work on it right now.
I still haven’t read TFG, but I was spoiled so I know who Avery ends up with. Idc; I’m still going to finish this fic. I can’t promise I’ll write more, but this one WILL be finished.
Anyways, I have the whole weekend off from my job, so I would really love to post Chapter 11 on Monday and go back to weekly updates to finish. I can’t promise, but be on the lookout Monday?
(I hope I’m not getting anyone’s hopes up)
Anyways, maybe it’s time for a reread for y’all? :)
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
Writing queen’s gambit 60’s au jyn who is hyperfeminine beauty queen/clothes obsessive is the most delightful mind fuck
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fan-goddess · 1 year
Rewatching Queens Gambit cause the book is one of my favourites and I love the series on Netflix, and now all I want is for modern!Aemond to teach me chess, tutting with a head tilt when I move a piece in a way it’s easier for him to checkmate and him to say just to resign my king. I refuse and when he tries to act all condescending I try and hit him but he catches the hand, we make eye contact and throw the board to the ground before he fucks the brat out of me.
That, that is what I currently want. Excuse me while I try to write this as a oneshot…
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
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Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Smut
Concept Pick up
Smut Nudity / swearing / bj / breast fondling/ in car smut 
I could barely control my giggles as I waved my girlfriend's goodbye outside the busy club. My drink was still in hand as I waited for the payphone to connect and begin to ring. I was huddled inside the little metal phone box trying to keep warm in my little dress until At Last the phone picked up. 
At first there was silence the fuzzy sound of the phone line all that came thought, until his voice spoke more gruff and strained then usual
"Hello?" He asks the sound of frustration in his voice and haziness it was obvious by his tone he had been woken by the ringing of his phone and had merely picked the phone up from beside his bed and brought it to his ear 
"Hi" I giggled
"Hi?" He asks clearly slowly waking up but only half listening
"So you know I love you benny" I giggled
He sighed "it's two in the goddamn morning?" 
"Pppppppplllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssseeeeeee" I whined 
"Uhhhh fuck- Where are you?" He sighed 
"Please tell me you know where you are?"
"There's a big… building"
"Goodnight y/n" he says before hanging up
"Hu! Benny!" I complained immediately putting more money in and called him back it rang for a good four or five rings before it answered
"Rude!" I yelled 
"No. We're not doing this. I'm not doing this. It's two in the morning. I'm jetlagged as fuck I am not getting out of bed to come play your personal taxi service because you've been out all night drinking like a fish. Get a taxi. I'll see you tomorrow" 
"Benny!" I whined "please. Pretty pretty please with sugar and sprinkles on top" I pouted 
".... What is the name of the bar you're outside?"
"Read this sign y/n"
"The studio?"
"Okay. Do not move. Do you hear me, you move from that phone box I will not pick you up. understand me?"
"I'll be good I promise"
"Alright, give me five minutes'' he sighed before hanging up I giggled happily sitting on the little seat watching the few cars go by on the little streets I waited for a while but got bored after finishing my drink so I snuck out all secret like to the little seven eleven and grabbed myself a slushie filling it to the top and scampering back outside in hope of returning to the phone box in time but I saw sat on the street waiting impatiently the little blue beetle and at its wheel a very tired and angry benny watts, he knew I had left. And I knew he was mad. 
I went over and smiled, giving him a little wave and sipping my slushie.
"Get in the fucking car." He demanded 
"Should i-"
I quickly opened the door and climbed in, shutting it quickly behind me, he immediately started off down the street. 
"Grumpy benny" I giggled as I glanced at him in the driver's seat in his jeans and a loose button down he clearly threw on from his bedroom floor no jacket or hat to be found, his hair a messy bed head, his rings and other jewelry only on because he never takes it off. His face stern where he was clearly Still very mad. 
"I have been driving around looking for you for half an hour"
"I was in seven eleven"
"I gathered that" he sighed "I told you to stay in the phone box"
"I was pechish" 
"And you weren't outside the studio. You where outside soundscape"
"Ohh. Sorry benny"
"It's fine" he sighed 
"I'm sorry" I cooed leaning over and giving him some kisses 
"Don't" he says pushing me away 
"Oh… Benny doesn't want my kisses?' I pouted slightly tearing up "no kisses" I cried
For a moment or two he didn't answer but he sighed moving his hand to stroke my thigh  
"Of course I want your kisses sweetheart" 
"Course I do" 
"Yay!"  I smiled giving him more and more kisses 
"You should really get taxis when you're this drunk."
"But people could take advantage of that. I could end up with no money in strange places with people I don't know. My benny keeps me safe" I Cooed hugging his arm 
"Alright. Just call me maybe before two am. Or give me correct information. Or stay put"
"I will"
"Sure you will. Your problem is y/n you have the attention span of a goldfish when your drunk"
"Bloop" I giggled 
"My point exactly" he sighed we drove slowly though the new york streets, the dark sky far from lighting even slight, not even stars or a moon in the sky, the only light the orange light of his radio’s tuner in the center console and the waves of yellow light from the street lamps above us.  
"How are you paying for this pick up anyway?" He asked after a while
"My wonderful presence?"
"Nice try, pay up."
"How much?"
"Well you got me out of bed when jet lagged. Made me get dressed.  Forced me into my car. Made me drive around looking for you for half an hour and drop you home." He explained "your usual with tip" 
"Don't stiff your taxi sweetheart"
"I don't have any money"
"Don't you?"
"No. I spent it all"
I simply sipped my slushie 
"You're unbelievable. Fine pay me back next time"
"Next time?" I giggled
"You know what I mean"
"I can pay"
"Yeah how?"
"Sipsip" I smiled offering my slushie
"No thanks. Last thing I need right now is an ungodly amount of sugar" 
"What about?" I cooed sitting my slushie in the cupholder and moving to cuddle his arm, he glanced down at me a moment before he chuckled
"Not in the mood y/n"
"No. I'm too tired sweetheart." He says giving my forehead a kiss 
"Well… what about?' I suggested stroking my hand up his jeans 
"I just said-"
"Not that. The other one" I cooed 
"That's enough for dragging you out of bed?' 
"That depends"
"How good you do it" he growled 
"You know how good I do it"
"Now when your this drunk" 
"I'm not that drunk"
"Really? Because your boobs fell out of your dress five minutes ago and you have yet to to even notice" he says 
I looked down and my dress had indeed fallen down enough to expose both my breasts "I noticed"
"Did you?"
"Did you?"
"Humm course I did" he smirked moving his hand to cup my breast giving it a slight fondle as he drove 
"So? That an approved payment for my driver?"
"Alright" he smirked it wasn't long before he pulled into a store parking lot not sure what store as it was shut up for the night he parked up and turned off the engine for a moment running his hand through his hair "come on" he smirked 
I smiled immediately closing the gap between us kissing his lips intensely holding his neck and shirt close he turned a little to face me wrapping his arms around my waist stroking my dress with his fingers as our heavy kisses moved he pulled back a moment seeming kinda confused and annoyed 
"Fuck- what have you been drinking?"
".... Tequila lime shots"
"Yeah I can taste the tequila"
"Should I have more slushie?"
"Yeah that might be a good idea" 
I moved and had myself more of my slushie trying to remove the taste of tequila all while he cuddles close groping my breasts once done I turned and have him a kiss 
"Much better" he Cooes "umm the slushies made your nipples hard where it's so cold"
"Enough" I told him pushing his hands away so he got settled back in his seat, I crawled over undoing his jeans and tugging them down enough to expose his half hard erection, I slowly stroked his shaft letting him harden into my hand as he relaxed against the seat, I began softly peppering kisses up and down his shaft 
“Ummm fuck sweetheart” he groans shifting his hips towards my mouth 
I giggled a little licking up his shaft often forcing groans out of him, until at last taking him completely in my mouth gently sucking and licking at a slow by passionate pace 
“Ughh- ummm fuck- fuck!” he groans his his uncontrollably bucking towards my mouth his hand softly gripping my hair “Faster sweetheart” he pleads so I did as he asked speeding up and sucking much harder and more intensely forcing louder moans and groans from his lips often rolling his head back on the cars seat biting his bottom lip to conceal his groans “fuck sweetheart!” He groans “I’m close please” 
I smiled and moved my head as fast as I could which was enough to tip him over the edge as he grabbed my hair forcing me as far down as I could go, his hips moving up to thrust into my mouth letting out a loud long groan as he buried his seed down my throat immediately relaxing his whole body and collapsing in the seat 
I pulled back, swallowing everything in my mouth, maybe sure to softly kitten lick him clean before grabbing my slushie to take a sip to clean out the taste from my mouth, “Happy now?”
“Very happy sweetheart” he cooes holding my hand and giving it a kiss “Come on let's get you home” He says doing his pants up and starting the car again
“My home or your home?” I asked as he began to drive he gave me a glare but smirked 
“Mine. You can make it up to me properly” He smirked 
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captainswanapproved · 2 years
The Queen's Gambit- Chapter 8
A03, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
Author's Note: Many of you are aware of the full episode being leaked. This chapter includes a reinterpretation THAT scene from the finale. I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Daemon x Rhaenyra Multi Chapter AU: Rhaenyra is now 18 and eager to prove herself. Having never been forced to marry Rhea Royce, Daemon has matured and given up his gallivanting through the Street of Silk. Queen Aemma survives her final birth but the baby does not.
Queen Aemma knows of Daemon’s devotion to Rhaenyra. She also knows that this devotion is not unrequited. Aemma goes to Viserys with a proposition: one that will ensure the future and legacy of House Targaryen.
The carriage was silent. Aemma studiously embroidered her husband’s sigil on one of her old gowns. It was meant to be a wedding present for Rhaenyra. The gown had been one of her favorites to wear during her many failed pregnancies. The fabric was soft and beautiful, and strategically sewn to accommodate an increasing figure. Aemma suspected her daughter would find herself with child before too long.
Viserys looked out of the slatted window of the carriage, watching for Dragonstone to appear on the horizon.
“I know you are still angry, my love,” Aemma began, “But you used to be Daemon’s most loyal defender. Tell me, what changed to turn you against your own blood?”
“In my youth, I was blinded by fraternal loyalty. I was to inherit a keep and Daemon was to be my sworn sword. Once I was named Prince of Dragonstone, Daemon changed. He saw a glimpse of greater power and wanted it for himself. I took the throne and suddenly, he was one act away from claiming my throne. I tried to convince myself that he would never act on it, but he blundered in every position I gave him in Court. He was a liability, and so I sent him away, hoping that he would find his honor again. He kept disappointing me. When Rhaenyra was born, my father warned me that Rhaenyra would steal Daemon’s heart. Indeed, he was wrapped around her finger since the day she turned four and she claimed him as her Florian. I began to worry that if he ever secured Rhaenyra’s hand and heart, Daemon would strike.”
Aemma was stunned. “But surely you ceased believing that when he gave you his crown after the Battle of the Stepstones. He stopped cavorting in the city. He grew more restrained.”
“Otto was certain, as was I, that this sudden change of behavior was only a change of tactic. As were the gifts he showered Rhaenyra with. Then you started to put him forward as a match for our daughter. I thought perhaps that he would turn you and Rhaenyra against me. In a way, I have been proven correct. We have been distant as of late, my love. I cannot abide by it. The House of the Dragon cannot stand if it is divided.”
“You have played a part in that separation with your refusal to see the truth. Daemon is a part of our house. He is fiercely loyal and protective of the Targaryen legacy. Set aside your fears. Grant Rhaenyra and Daemon your blessing, and he will serve you as faithfully as he did before you ascended the Iron Throne.” Aemma took her husband’s hand, and pressed it to her lips. “Rhaenyra and Daemon share the blood of the dragon. They are both restless and made of fire. They have always been meant to burn together.”
“You may be correct,” Viserys finally said with great reluctance. “Perhaps I traded being blinded by loyalty for being blinded by fear.”
Aemma was proud of her husband for coming to such a conclusion. If they could meet at Dragonstone without the tension between brothers coming to blows, perhaps their house had a chance of uniting once more.
Daemon surveyed the land surrounding Dragonstone on the back of Caraxes. He had strapped Dark Sister to his side. Was he truly intent upon using the blade against his brother? No. But there were three things in this world he loved without reserve, Rhaenyra, Caraxes, and Dark Sister. He would face his brother with all of them in his possession.
Daemon spotted the royal procession a few miles down the Kingsroad. His brother was sure to arrive by noon.
Daemon returned to Dragonstone only to send Maester Gerardys with two messages. The first was from Rhaenyra
I know that I have disappointed you greatly, but in my heart, I can feel no regret. Daemon is my husband. We were wed in the tradition of our house and in the light of the Seven. The marriage has been consummated. We cannot be torn apart. I must tell you that I have known with certainty since the age of fifteen that I would take Daemon to husband.
I never expected to be your heir. I expected to be the sister of the King.
But you have named me your heir. Daemon is the Prince Consort. If that is unpalatable to you, you may give us Dragonstone and name a new heir.
If, however, you choose to bless my marriage and secure our family legacy, I will return with you to King’s Landing. I will take my place in the small council as the future queen, and Daemon will take the position you have long denied him. Name him your Hand. Send the Hightowers back to Oldtown. Or lose me as a daughter.
Rhaenyra Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone
Daemon has kissed Rhaenyra after reading it, praising his wife for her brilliance. The second scroll was brief and written in his own hand.
We will meet you on the bridge. If you intend to challenge my marriage, I intend to defend it.
Daemon Targaryen, Prince Consort
Claiming the title of Prince Consort was an affront to his brother, as was failing to address Viserys by his titles. But Daemon had never been one to bend to the traditions of court. When the time came for Rhaenyra to claim her birthright, he would conform, but until then, he was determined to continue his rebellious streak.
Daemon found his wife standing before a roaring fire in the great hall. She turned at the sound of his footsteps, opening her arms in welcome. Daemon crossed the hall to stand before her. “Your message has been dispatched with Maester Gerardys. We will gather at the bridge when the royal party arrives.”
Rhaenyra raised a brow. “The bridge? Do you intend to repeat this missteps of your youth, my love? I recall that the last time our family met under such conditions that I was the victor. You were made to return what you had taken.”
Daemon gave her a roguish grin. “The times have changed, my dearest love. I have no intention of surrendering what I have taken from my brother.”
“My heart and hand were not taken. They were freely given,” Rhaenyra said.
Daemon kissed her hand. “Yes, but I have been a selfish being all my life. Now that you belong to me, I will defend you from all who dare to take you back, even against another Targaryen. And if Viserys intends to fight with Blackfyre, I will answer with Dark Sister.”
“I would not expect any less from the Rogue Prince,” Rhaenyra said, stroking his cheek. “but it will not come to a duel. My father will be made to answer for his letter, if indeed he did write it. I am certain he will accept my terms. For all his flaws, he cares about a Targaryen remaining on the Throne. He must, because of Aegon’s dream.
“Aegon’s dream?” Daemon asked.
Rhaenyra frowned. “The dream of Aegon the Conqueror. You do not know? But you were my father’s heir for years.”
“Now that you are the heir, perhaps you can enlighten me. I fear my brother has never mentioned such a thing to me.”
“Aegon dreamed of the end of the world of the living. It is why he conquered the Seven Kingdoms. Winter is coming for us all. There is a threat in the North beyond the Wall. If the world of men is to be saved, a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne. This is the great burden that has been passed from king to heir since Aegon’s reign. He called his dream the Song of Ice and Fire. My father will not risk the prophecy coming to fruition out of misplaced pride.”
Daemon’s jaw clenched. It did not surprise him that Viserys had failed to mention a prophecy. Daemon had never put stock in such things. “Dreams did not make us kings, Rhaenyra. Dragons did. My brother can believe in such things, but the only thing I choose to believe is that together, you and I will restore the glory of the Targaryen dynasty. If that includes facing a threat to the North, well, that is just another battle to be fought.”
Rhaenyra took his hands in hers. “I am sorry that my father never treated you as you deserved, my love. You have always been loyal to him, to our family, and to me. I promise you that your loyalty will not go unrewarded, especially now that I am heir to the Iron Throne.”
“Being your husband is enough,” Daemon said, and he meant it. In his youth, he may have imagined himself on the Iron Throne. Those fantasies of grandeur had lasted for much of his brother’s reign, but now all he wished for was to defend Rhaenyra’s birthright, to ensure that she became a glorious ruling Targaryen queen, surpassing all who came before her. He knelt before her. “My sword and my life are yours, my queen,” he vowed, “to do with as you please.”
Rhaenyra smiled down at him. “I accept them both, my lord husband. Now, let us burn together.”
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arminslibraryrp · 1 year
"Checkmate" - The Queen's Gambit!Jearmin AU
Inspired by the series "The Queens Gambit", Armin is set to become the next National Chess Champion, but he has to learn how to beat the current National Chess Champion from France, Jean Kirstein first. What starts as a rivalry fairly quickly changes into something romantic.
My RP-partner-in-crime and I hereby want to present to all Jearmin-lovers out there this RP-based fanfic my friend and I created (many kudos to my friend for turning it into an actual fanfic for y'all to enjoy!! <333)!!
We planned for this story to be short and sweet, to see if we had writing chemistry, and sure enough we did! Soon after starting this Role-Play it spiraled into an elaborate story, and we decided to turn it into a fanfic for Jearmin fans to enjoy.
We sincerely hope that we can do this incredible pairing justice, and bring tons of joy to fans of the Jearmin / Seahorse ship. At this time, this story is set to be a LONG one, and we have around 5 chapters currently written.
We hope to not disappoint—much love!
A/N: Chapter Titles will be formatted by Act Number and Scene Number. Acts and Scenes will NOT be released in chronological order but will be labeled appropriately to piece together in chronological order.
For all of you here for the Porn with Plot / Feelings, there will be lots of smut in chapter 2.
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eluvion · 1 year
thinking once again abt chess aus
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