#The other half of me thinks they would want it even more due to the crime
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Why are you always virtue signaling how Alya and Adrien get salted on in posts complaining about other characters receiving fandom hate ? Like that Kagami post had literally nothing to do with Alya but you still brought up how she has it worse than Kagami or whatever, you always dismiss any people complaining about characters' fandom hate with "I don't see them getting hated but even if they do Alya and Adrien still have it so much worse cause I say so !" even tho this doesn't even serve anything to what these people were saying to begin with.
It's not virtue signaling, it's me being extremely upset about the demonization they receive.
I have been complaining about this VERY LOUDLY for half a decade now, because I had a solid year where I just had the exposure to the saltfics, the ways I'd seen Alya and Adrien be treated, running over and over in my head nonstop. It's not fun to be constantly choked up at work for hours on end while having visions of Alya being made to physically beat up Marinette so that Marinette and her posse can crow about getting to hurt her in return, or memories of Adrien being made into this sexual assaulter so that Marinette's new boyfriend can beat him up, or just Marinette being mad that Adrien didn't think continuing with her unsuccessful attempts to expose Lila via accusing her of faking disabilities and then taking revenge on him for that, like by abusing her power to arrange for Lila to sexually harass him for her own viewing pleasure (yes, that was an actual ficlet passing around tumblr back in the day). I read a crapton of Miraculous fanfiction, so I have, unfortunately, seen a TON of it, AND I was exposed to the just absolute insanity of the saltdom from the start, since I joined the fandom in early 2019.
Part of the reason I tend to bring up the gross way Alya and Adrien have been treated is due to some of the arguments I kept on seeing way back in that first year of the saltdom, in 2019. One of the arguments I saw getting passed around was that Adrien deserved the level of just, absolutely insane demonization he was getting because, supposedly, Marinette had gotten more negative fanfics than him in the past, so this was an evening of the scales. As far as I can tell this isn't really true, at least of the degree that the Chameleon saltfics exist. So part of it is righteous indignation for that argument that was made to me by prominent people in the saltdom, since if you applied that same logic and that same degree of amplification to other characters now... well I don't even know what that would look like, the backlash for the Alya bashing would be beyond human comprehension.
The way you're talking about me saying that Alya and Adrien have it so much worse because I say so, implies that you don't think that's actually true. Do you need a link to their bashing tags? Because here's Alya's bashing tag, (it has over 900 entries) sorted by kudos so you can see how insanely popular these things are, so it's not just a few people puttin them out and them then getting ignored, this is a separate fandom derived from gross demonization in and of itself, and a link to the Adrien bashing tag, also sorted by kudos (it has over 700 entries). If you want to try to track down Kagami bashing fics in order to try to compare numbers on that then be my guess, there are, so far, only 3 fics actually labeled as such (though I do know more fics than that actually contain Kagami bashing, it's REALLY not that common, especially at the levels that Adrien and Alya tend to be bashed at. And yes, I am something of an authority on that subject.)
Also, my talking about the Chameleon salt being worse was actually kind of relevant to the post you're referencing.
OP was complaining about everyone being hung up on shipping and Kagami being bashed to high heaven partially as a result, and critiquing the fandom for Die For Our Ship, basically. But while there is some of that in ML, it's not the main contributer to character bashing in the ML fandom, and Kagami being bashed by Lovesquare shippers for getting in the way is one of the most infrequent, mild versions of Die For Our Ship that exists in the ML fandom. Lukanette and Maribat fics are FAR more likely to make Adrien into some horrible person to help justify Marinette hooking up with their boyfriend of choice, than Lovesquare fics are with Kagami. Heck, even if you're just looking at who Lovesquare fics will bash for the sake of a ship, LUKA is far more likely to be subjected to that than Kagami is (it's still not all that common though.)
Also just... back in the day, in 2019, the saltdom presented itself as the "morally correct" choice. Like, that it was critiquing the show and that it was simply giving Marinette justice, and that you were morally a bad person if you didn't recite all of Adrien's wrongdoings if you talk about liking him, and a lot of crap. The plainly racist way that Alya was targeted was dismissed as actually, somehow, being the SHOW WRITER's fault for writing her in a way that caused the Alya bashers to want to write her in a racist way. So part of me constantly bringing it up is also just still fermenting indignation and resentment for that bullshit, because it still doesn't feel like I got closure on this, since the saltfics are STILL being published daily, and are still way more popular than other fics with similar levels of writing quality.
I'm just still really, really upset about this, and when talking about the Adrien and Alya bashing and the stuff they're subjected to with people in real life, I often start raising my volume and yelling and choking up and even being on the verge of tears if I talk about it long enough. I am seriously, GENUINELY that hurt about it, ESPECIALLY for Alya, since she doesn't get the amount of love Adrien does to help offset her hate, and because the demonization Alya gets is so racist and undeserved.
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Just popping in to say i love your goober geiers SO much they have fantastic design and are just really cool in general. I can't stop thinking about them SO I'm satiating my need to hear more by giving you (🫵) the unsolicited invitation to yap about anything an everything.

First of all ,thank u so much again for liking and interacting with my goobers ,it always brightens up my day . The joy of sharing things and creations with people is what fuels me in this life.
I. Have both so much to talk about yet nothing I feel like??? It's weirddd . On one hand all i have is Geiers in my head , on the other, Sybil and Blaus content is better storywise i think. Bleh
Welp i will start by talking more about Copper i think cause i feel like i haven't done her justice and she has a lot of potential. Her relationship with the Kolibris can grow into something great but also scary sort of.
Copper despite being a Geier is suprisingly unstable as i mentioned due to her weird inner fights. She wants to know more about the world sometimes ,or her condition or anything really. Yet she beats herself with a stick over thinking those thoughts heavily. It's a vicious cycle. And Kolibris entering that equation is both helpful and stresfull fhfhfj.
I haven't explored this part of Geiers much yet cause im unsure how to handle it but Geiers being anti-bioresonant gives them the unique ability to actually. Govern the bioresonant units kinda. Not govern but. Check up on. AEON is still in it's early stages with this job position for this unit but essentialy they have given Geiers the option to call a decommisioning order on a Falke/Kolibri unit if they deem them too degrated. It's a very edge case scenario since usualy they aren't the ones deciding who is defected or not in Nations eyes , they just carry out the orders. But AEON is toying with the idea of employing this strategy permanently as another check for bioresonant deviancy or spies etc. It's a hit or miss so far.
Anddd this is why Copper pursuing anything with the Kolibri cadre is a very polarizing topic for her. On one hand she does like them . And they are clearly at least intruiged back , interacting with her , offering books and their thoughts. It's both fascinatingly fresh to talk to someone they can't be in the head of , and also concerning . Because Copper fully realizes the Kolibris reciprocating can lead to their degradation, which she would have to report. Its. A very delicate and messy situation but they do get closer with trial and error. Sometimes Copper gets burned and pulls back, sometimes something upsets the Kolibris. But they do small gestures for eachother , like sharing books together or insights on different topics. Copper has always had a bit more refined speech for a Geier , purely as a personal choice of not being blunt as the bare minimum in conversation most geiers do. And this impresses the Kolibris a bit. They in return slowly let her inside their small circle and even start to read in their dorms together.
The check ups also turn a lot more . Interesting / tender sometimes depending on the Kolibri performing it. Cause I see the Kolibris as something of a unified mind , but with slight personal opinions sometimes . They do have their own opinions on some things but come together to a consus always. And with Copper some of the cadre is bit hesitant to engage more , it's a risk afterall. But the other half is very much into her dhfhgjb big coocky fire women that likes the smell of burnt flesh ,what can go wrong. The process of digging through Coppers mind is like disecting a special new book for the Kolibri.
Copper is bit of a loose lost bird , and the Kolibris constant hum and buzz of talking and moving in herd keeps her stable weirdly enough. Yes she gets gay panic but hey better than a mental breakdown.
(I am also working on another sketch page so stayed tune for that)
#signalis#signalis fanart#my art#signalis oc#oc#geier#copper#geier signalis#kolibri#klbr#kolibri signalis#aaaa that was lot of yap hopefuly its comprehensible#sorry for any spelling mistakes its 3am rn and i am in painnn#ill finish the other drawing and post it later#but thank u so much again for liking my goobers aaaaaaa iwanna screammmmmaaa in goodway
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To Be With You In The Morning Is My Favorite Tradition
This was the fic I wanted to post on Bruce's Birthday, but due to me being disheartened about losing half of my progress on the story from the phone glitching, I decided I would post this on my Birthday (which is today!)
If you'd like to go support my other two stories in this series liking or reposting, that'd be appreciated! But even if not, that's perfectly okay! Anyhow, here they are: 5 Times Bruce Was Protective of His Pups (+2 Times They Were Protective of Him) and The Difficulties of The Working Class (Just Clark Kent): A Beautiful Omega, His Pups and The Fact He Wants Both
This story is-for some reason-so incredibly mushy at a lot of points that I think it made me sick 😂.
Also, a very Happy Birthday to anyone else who shares March 1st as a B-day too! Eat good food and have fun! You darlings deserve it.
Anywho, without further ado; the story. Enjoy! 💛
Birthdays are like a special holiday in the Wayne-Kent household–mainly for Bruce and Clark's kids–it's as if something takes ahold of the omega whenever one of their babies Birthdays are near and all he can do is plan accordingly. I mean, it's a day to celebrate (with very good reason) the lives of all his children, so sue him for decorating almost every room in the house with the best decorations.
He is just glad for his husband, Clark, and his superspeed coming in handy. The rooms get decorated faster that way.
Anywho, Birthdays are a very special and beloved occasion in the Wayne-Kent household, a day for both the alpha and omega to lavish their children with gifts, kisses and love, while reminiscing on the days when the kids were smaller and more big eyed towards everything.
Birthdays are a treasured thing by Bruce Thomas Wayne, especially as he has a reason to feel excited for them again, the familiar feeling of excited fluttering happening in his stomach as the days leading up to his kids, dad's or husband's Birthday draws closer and closer. All from the joy of imagining their reactions to his carefully thought out decoration plans and the moment they unwrap every perfectly wrapped present.
I know I keep saying it, but Birthdays are like a national treasure in Bruce's home.
However, the issue is how the stubborn omega becomes disinterested whenever his special day draws near, as though his Birthday is somehow less important than anyone else's just because it's him. And the more annoying aspect of that behavior for the family is how Bruce never means it in a negative way...even if once upon a time he did, he's admitted that he doesn't feel as depressed and unhappy whenever the day rolls around like how he used to as a child or teenager.
Clark and the kids have asked Bruce repeatedly what the reasons are for his disinterest, just to make sure that the omega remains as happy as possible as his Birthday nears, because if anyone deserves to feel such joy, it's Bruce.
But, the man just smiles softly whenever they ask, because he knows the reasons as to why they are questioning him, and just explains with the same answer: I'm married and have kids now. An answer that Clark doesn't completely understand, but then again, he acts like a hyperactive toddler whenever the days draw nearer to his special day, bugging his wife about what his theme is that year and what are his gifts and whining loudly whenever he can't find the presents the man hid from him. The alpha just doesn't fully understand Bruce's reasoning. I mean, he's an adult (doubtful), as well as a mature (mhm) alpha and a father as well, and he still feels antsy with anticipation whenever his Birthday rolls around.
No matter though, Clark and the rest of the family always decorate just as much for Bruce as he does for them, the gifts heartfelt and usually handmade by the kids (or else he wouldn't be as excited for the gifts). And yes, they continue to buy things for him even though nine out of ten of most his gifts are immediately on display as decoration for no one else but Bruce's eyes.
But if you were to ask Bruce what his favorite part of his Birthday day was, the answer would be-after listing a billion reasons having to do with the kids-his and Clark's morning ritual of waking up way before anyone else in the house (especially the twins) to just simply bask in one another's presence. Its one of the omega's most favorite moments: to wake up to the gentle nosing at his neck by Clark and the man's incredibly soft, deep voice rumble out a, 'Happy Birthday', to him.
Even if Bruce doesn't show the same enthusiasm for his special holiday like when he was a kid, he still finds his heart fluttering in excitement and love when his family bombard him with lots of hugs and kisses.
Like today: February 19th, Bruce Wayne's Birthday.
The sun has barely begun to peak over the horizon, the sky lightening from a deep, midnight blue to something still dark-yet light toned-at the same time, in preparation for the impending sunrise.
Clark smiles down at Bruce and gently nuzzles the omega's neck, his left arm draped over the curve of the other's waist while he props himself up on his right elbow, his deep blue eyes fondly watching as the shorter male scrunches up his nose cutely at the feeling of the alpha tickling his neck with his lips. "Bruce." Clark's voice rumbles soothingly in the omega's ear, the older placing a soft kiss to the exposed shoulder and hiding his smile in the warmth of his wife's neck. "Baby, s'time to get up. It's your Birthday." Bruce hums low in his throat, his eyes bleary as he cracks them open only to see the darkness of the room, a small yawn escaping him as his body extends into a stretch. "Mm..." He grunts softly from the way his muscles tense momentarily from the force of his sleep rested muscles suddenly extending, before relaxing against the fluff of his pillow with a soft sigh, his icy blue eyes looking up and over to where he knows Clark's face is. "Alpha."
Bruce can practically feel the smile he knows is being directed down his way, his ears tingling at the sound of happy alpha filling the quietness of their bedroom.
"Stupid alpha."
Nevermind, moment ruined.
Clark stops his pleased rumbles in favor of whining pitifully at whatever he did, "What did I do? You always ask me to wake you up every year, even when I feel guilty for doing so."
Bruce huffs a soft, sleepy laugh and pinches at the Kryptonian's cheek, "That's not why you're stupid."
Said stupid alpha responds to the comment by squeezing the omega closely to his body, carefully pinning the shorter underneath his comfortingly heavy weight as he mutters pitifully in the man's ear. "Then why doesn't my omega tell me why I'm stupid so that I can fix it." Bruce can't help his giggle at the ticklish puffs of air against his ear, his hand raising up to gently brush back Clark's curls. "You'll always be a stupid alpha-" he yelps at the teeth playfully digging into his earlobe for the accusation, a sigh of defeat escaping him as he concedes to the reprimand and gently wraps his arms around Clark-"but you're my stupid alpha."
The man hums appreciatively against Bruce's throat before licking apologetically at the now pink lobe. "The actual reason you are stupid is because you didn't turn the lamp on so I could see your face."
Clark stops his licking to prop himself up above Bruce, a beaming smile on his face as he stares down at the omega. "You wanna see my face first thing in the morning, baby?" Being able to make out the omega's blush despite it still being dark in the room is truly a blessing, thank Rao for his superpowers. Bruce huffs again in displeasure at the disgustingly happy smile he can sense Clark is giving him...and from the fact he can't see the alpha, but the stupid alpha can see him. "O-Of course I do...you're beautiful always, so why wouldn't I want to see you?" Clark smiles fondly down at Bruce for the timid remark, momentarily leaving the other's side to flick on their bedside lamp, both squinting against the soft glow of the light.
"Hi." Clark whispers as he settles on top of Bruce once more, his thumb caressing his mates pink cheek tenderly.
Bruce looks up at Clark with a soft look in his eyes, his breath hitching at how handsome his husband is. "Why do you never look like you slept?" He sighs wistfully as he looks at the ever perfect hair, as though he is imagining waking up in the morning looking just as put together as his alpha does.
"Really? No good morning or anything?"
Bruce looks away from the dark curls and finally makes eye contact with his mate, a small smile gracing his face as he softly greets the taller. "Hi and good morning, Clark." Clark is soft for Bruce, he really and truly is, to the point where it seems overwhelming. The alpha returns the smile and whispers, "I'm going to kiss you now." Waiting for his mate to nod his head before he lowers his head and gently presses his lips to the omega's, smiling into the kiss when hearing the satisfied hum from the other and softly licking at his mate's lips carefully for permission to enter, rumbling in satisfaction when the omega opens up for him. Bruce feels overtaken with warmth as he kisses Clark; that's the way it always goes. The omega purrs contentedly as he kisses his husband, his arms wrapping around the alpha's neck when the man slowly deepens the kiss by licking into his mouth, his chest rising to meet Clark's as his back arches instinctively at the other's long tongue brushing against that one sensitive spot on the roof of his mouth. "C-Clark."
Bruce whines softly against the warm tongue, his heart fluttering at the possessive growl coming from Clark, the others warm, earthy scent turning to something deliciously smokey and heated as he nips at the omega's pink lips.
"Bruce-" a suck of the tongue-" my omega-" a soft peck to plump lips-"my wife-" a deep, possessive growl as canines bite none to gently at the trembling mouth-"my mate." Clark whispers almost reverently against the sharp lines of Bruce's jaw as he trails a burning path of kisses down the omega's jaw and to his beautiful neck, biting at the mating mark and groaning softly at the pheromones released from the sensitive gland. "Rao, baby, you can't do this to me." Bruce squawks indignantly and weakly slaps at his alpha's shoulder, "W-What are you talking about?! I'm just sitting here and doing nothing–" the way Clark looks at him makes the omega pause, that godforsaken blush returning to his face as he forces down the urge to squirm away from the heated gaze–"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Clark gives Bruce an appraising look before nipping at his oblivious omega's nose, his voice laced with something heated yet soft as he looks down at the other and says: "You're the oblivious to my stupid, y'know that?"
The alpha only has point five milliseconds to explain/defend himself before Bruce starts trying to kill him, he hates any sort of implications that he doesn't know about something...even when sometimes said implications are true.
Bruce-once what the alpha said catches up to his kiss melted brain-narrows his eyes warningly at his very stupid husband, his mouth opening to complain and argue about what Clark even means, when suddenly the dumb alpha overtakes his mouth once again with a self-satisfied smile. As though he knew exactly what the omega was thinking and decided to stop him before he could even say it. Bruce tries to fight against the surprise attack, but it's hard to when the alpha growls low in the back of his throat as he struggles around, the taller forcefully pushing his wife back down on the bed and wrapping the omega up in his arms when he arches too far away from him.
And if Clark is soft for a sleep addled Bruce (and just the omega in general) to the point of feeling overwhelmed. Then Bruce with a very forward and demanding Clark (and the alpha and who he is in general) is beyond overwhelmed.
And curse the alpha for knowing that and using it against him.
Clark smiles smug against the kiss bitten lips of his mate, tugging at the pink flesh for a moment before releasing the muscle with a soft hum. "You gon' let me explain?"
Ugh! That Midwestern lilt Clark can have in his voice is so darn charming. The alpha knows that and is once again using it against Bruce.
To reiterate: curse the alpha for knowing that and using it against him.
Bruce narrows his eyes in an attempt to show his displeasure, even though his body betrays said attempt by relaxing into the warmth of Clark's arms circling his body. A soft noise escapes the omega when his alpha just smiles knowingly down at him and kisses the tip of his nose softly. "You are oblivious because you seem to not truly understand the effect that you have on me-" Clark trails the gentle kiss to Bruce's nose down to his mates kiss bitten lips-"All you need to do is sit there for me to want to do anything for you. All you need to do for me to want to move the world is simply look at me and I would do it all."
The alpha's gaze suddenly returns to a heated look while he nips at the omega's chin, trailing a heated path of messy kisses from the delicate chin down to the pale, elegant neck.
"You don't even know how much you turn me on by just simply existing, sweetheart-" Clark's nostrils flare at the burst of pheromones Bruce releases because of the pet name, a low growl escaping him as he licks at his omega's neck-"when you let me do anything and everything for you." The alpha trails his kisses back up to Bruce's ear, his voice deep and seductive as he whispers. "You are always doing so much for the family and the world around you. Always moving, always acting, always doing absolutely anything to make sure people want for nothing, but what about you, sweetheart? What about my omega? What about my wife? What about my mate?"
Bruce squirms underneath Clark's heavy body, a soft whine escaping him at the tongue sucking on his earlobe, his arms wrapping around the alpha to keep him close.
"Y-You take care of me, alpha."
Clark's grin is all pride at Bruce's quiet confession, a low rumble of affection filling the room as he presses the omega into the mattress, as though he's completely trying to cover him from the outside world. "That's exactly right, baby, your alpha takes good care of you in a way I know no other alpha has before–you've told me as much, hm?" Bruce nods his head obediently, not even sure if the alpha meant it as an actual question or not, but answering anyway. "That's right. I take care of you because you chose me, and I can only thank you everyday for that honor, cause you-" a tender kiss is placed on Bruce's lips-"deserve the world and more. I love the way you sit back and allow me to do the heavy lifting when it's needed."
Clark groans and tightens his hands carefully around the omega's hips, "You are always so strong, and yet you sit back and let me protect you and the kids, you allow me to love every single one of you with all my breath."
Bruce doesn't know whether he's extremely turned on right now or falling absolutely in love all over again?
Both could be absolutely possible, but his body is going through this weird push and pull of feeling hot with pleasure and warm with fondness for Clark.
The omega's eyelashes flutter as he watches his mate slowly-gosh, every so slowly-roll his hips into the plush of his backside, a surprised gasp escaping him when the taller leans into his ear to whisper once more. "I love seeing you sit back and take it all from me: my love, my affection, my protection-" midnight blue eyes somehow darken even more as Clark thrusts his hips suddenly against Bruce's-"my pleasure. You always look so pretty when you lie back and take it all." Bruce feels his body trembling, a whine escaping him when Clark gives him that charming smile, his body reacting to the touch of self-satisfaction hidden within the smirk as the alpha deals the final blow. "Like such a good wife." Bruce gasps and feels his eyes water automatically from the words, from the overwhelming heat consuming him inside and out, his hands raising to try and cover his red face when Clark stares at him for too long.
"W-What-" he stutters and grips at Clark's broad shoulders tightly-"I thought you...you were just complimenting me so innocently."
Clark chuckles and Eskimo kisses his omega, continuing to give his mate emotional whiplash from the two different sides he's showing. "I was-" a loving kiss to the other's forehead-"and I meant every word about how it's an honor and even a privilege to be able to love you in all the ways I've ever wanted to, and in the ways you deserve. But, it's also an honor to see you be good for me when we're alone, just the two of us, and it's also a pleasure to see you exactly like how you are right now: pretty and pink underneath me."
Bruce blushes (again) and slaps weakly at the older man's shoulder, "I married a monster-"
"No. You married an alien."
Bruce furrows his brows at the interruption and swats at the back of his mates head, "Shut it. Depending on who you ask, it's the same difference. The point is, I married an alien who's actually just a monster in disguise and no one would ever believe me if I told them that." Clark snorts playfully, "No. They wouldn't believe you because Bruce Wayne isn't married to an alien, he's married to a kind-hearted, mild mannered reporter from Kansas. Do you really want to be seen as insane? You come from Gotham, I think that's enough evidence to get you booked, so stop adding onto the list."
The alpha laughs at Bruce's displeased grumbling, accepting the slaps the other assaults him with with a toothy smile, crooning softly towards his mate when the other pauses and reddens from the smirk.
"You leave Gotham out of this, Kent. Don't you even get me started on Metropolis. And I don't care if I look insane, I'm used to seeing people say anything and everything about me...whether I'm Bruce Wayne or Batman. Plus, when I was younger I think the mental breakdowns I went through constantly didn't help my reputation either, so I'm pretty sure that some people still remember that and think I'm crazy."
Clark looks at Bruce in concern, "That...sounds horrible. I didn't know there were articles of you that young-" he pauses thoughtfully before asking-"just...just how old were you then?"
Asking questions like this can always go one or two ways: 1. Very good or 2. Not so good, there is hardly ever an in-between with these kinds of things. Especially as Bruce hardly likes recalling his childhood...and Clark doesn't wish to make the omega feel horrible on today of all days, but he can't help his curiosity and can only hope his mate will be comfortable enough to share more of his past with him.
Maybe it's the fact that it's his Birthday or maybe it's the snuggles and pheromones relaxing Bruce?
But, all he does is frown slightly in thought towards the question. "Hm? I was only thirteen at the time...that was the age I officially tried to insert myself back into the media, but it turned out I actually wasn't quite as ready for it as I had expected-" he smiles awkwardly up at his husband-"As usual, I pushed myself a little too hard and got overwhelmed really quickly, it was really bad the first time and made Alfred really mad. Alfie really put work into making sure those articles released about me over the years were never heard of or talked about ever again. To this day, I still don't know how he managed to achieve that, and it's something he's never willing to tell me."
Clark relaxes at hearing what Alfred did, a happy smile overtaking the worry as he kisses Bruce's cheek, his voice a pleased rumble when he speaks. "I bet he killed them all."
Bruce chokes on his spit in surprise, his hand raising to check Clark's temperature in mock worry. "Who are you and what have you done with my mate? You are a hero, Clark...you shouldn't wish for the death of any innocent people." He can't help the giggle that escapes him when Clark playfully snaps his teeth at him, as though he's going bite him. "You said it yourself that you married a monster. Maybe it's my inner beast coming out? And I am a hero, that's why it sucks sometimes, because I'm not supposed to wish any harm to come to anyone-even the bad guys-even when I really want to. Those 'reporters' who said what they did about you are absolutely not innocent, they are predators who took advantage of someone who was in pain just for a good story, and that someone was my beloved who would grow to become the bestest omega, mother, wife and mate to ever exist."
Bruce doesn't even know how he manages to keep blushing, it should be impossible right now, but leave it to Superman to achieve the possible from the most hopeless of things.
"Stop it, Clark-" Bruce mutters bashfully-"I wouldn't say that I'm the best at it...but I try my hardest to be as great as I can in those roles." Clark nods to show he's listening before biting the omega's shoulder, smiling innocently when his mate protests. "That's for speaking negatively about yourself. And I'm sorry, baby, but we can't accept the wrong opinions at this point and time, so when you are actually right, come try again."
Bruce huffs and tries to hold back his smile, resting back against the pillows as he hugs Clark close to his chest.
The silence in the room is comfortable as Bruce strokes the alpha's curly hair carefully, the taller inhaling the scent of the omega deeply before exhaling in deep satisfaction from the smell alone, a long-suffering sigh escaping Clark as he nuzzles into the shorter man's chest. "I can still smell your arousal from earlier, B, s'clinging to you like a second skin. I don't know whether to be relaxed or turned on." Bruce chuckles softly and playfully tugs at the short hairs on the back of the alpha's neck, "That's your fault. You had to switch from innocent poetry to verbal p-o-r-n." Clark lifts his head up from the omega's endowed chest to raise a curious brow at him, "Why did you spell it out? It's only me and you."
Bruce rolls his eyes and pinches at Clark's nose for the dumb question, "The twins are in the nursery right next to us. We don't know what their cute, sensitive little ears can make out."
The alpha just smiles fondly at his mate, enjoying when the man acts like such a mother. "Honey...they are only eight-months-old, they can't even read and don't know what most words we say mean yet-" the glare his mate gives him causes Clark to backtrack immediately-"Of course, our kids aren't a stupid alpha like I am, so they are definitely way smarter than that and could probably understand what we are saying. I think you are right for being so careful about this, that's what I think."
Bruce purrs in contentment and nods his head, "Yes. Which is exactly why we can't just say everything in front of them, especially as our babies are learning to speak now, they'll be picking up what we say a lot more now than ever before."
Clark nods and hugs his omega close again, sighing wistfully into the other's neck, "Yeah...maybe I should have taken you on a vacation for your Birthday? That way we can say whatever we want and do whatever we want without cute, sensitive little ears hearing us. You aren't known for being the most quiet-ow!" Bruce sticks his tongue out at Clark when the alpha whines pitifully at being slapped, "You're being dramatic! I can't even hurt you like this. And I do know how to be quiet–" his cheeks redden at the way Clark looks at him, the man's dark stare saying 'oh really?'–"What?! I do know how to be quiet. Maybe it's you that makes all the noise."
The alpha just chuckles low in his throat and places a tender kiss to his mates pouty lips, "Defensiveness has never looked prettier-" he croons deeply-"Though that argument doesn't work, sweetheart, not when we got noise complaints at my crappy apartment. A crappy apartment with thin walls with-might I remind you-residents that already knew my name by then. I still remember when Mrs. Greta congratulated me for finally getting a mate–you remember that? She baked us some cookies and demanded I massage you for the rough treatment."
Bruce groans loudly in embarrassment, throwing his head back against the pillow. "That was such a horrible first meeting to all of your neighbors! I never wanted to show my face there again for my lack of decorum."
Clark smirks against the other's chest and places two loving kisses on his sternum, "But I like it when you de-decorum-ize." He smiles, pleased at the laugh he gets from Bruce for the made up word. "And if I'm not able to make you lose a bit of your etiquette with my–" he glances towards the nursery thoughtfully–"you know what buried deep inside of you, then I think I'm failing at my job." Bruce giggles and kisses the corner of his alpha's mouth in thanks, "You do care about the babies! And it's okay, Clark-" his icy blue eyes soften, that familiar pink coloring his cheeks as he looks down at the man through fluttering eyelashes-"I like losing my decorum for you."
Clark feels his breath being taken away at the sight of his lover, the soft glow of their lamp seeming to soften Bruce's face while also calling attention to the piercing glow of his brightly colored eyes.
The omega watches his mate humorously as the man loses control and smothers his face back into his chest with a loud, frustrated groan, a few fake sobs escaping him as he hugs Bruce close. "We should have totally went on a vacation for your Birthday! Then I wouldn't have to wait until night to get my hands on you." Bruce shakes his head fondly at the alpha's attitude while also grunting in disapproval, his fingers stroking across the alpha's head reassuringly. "You wouldn't dare. I love being with all of my family during special days like this and would hate to be separated from any one of them if I can help it. Especially the babies, they need me–need us right now, and I would hate to deprive them of our time together."
Clark sighs softly, "I know...but how much closer could they want to be with you? They incubated for eight to nine months inside of you. It was crowded, dark and I'm sure comfortable, they could learn to give you some free time with me."
Bruce's brows twitch as he tries not to laugh, unable to help the laughter that escapes his upturned lips anyway whenever Clark gets this way. He knows that the alpha isn't genuinely possessive over him, especially when their pups are involved, however, the man can feel a little put off whenever he feels he hasn't been able to spend an appropriate amount of time with his mate. And as usual. The omega just hugs the man close and pats his back reassuringly, "But you are such a good father, Clark, so patient even when you feel frustrated. And you help me so much too when I need help and feel a bit overwhelmed as well. You know...one of the reasons I love spending my Birthdays and holidays here, is because you are such a good alpha, mate and husband. You make me feel so comfortable in a place I felt so alone in for such a long time, that now, all I want to do is make new memories here."
He smiles at Clark when the alpha looks at him, "Like this one. It's always nice to wake up beside you in our bed, not some random bed halfway across the world or in another state–but here, with you, in the house you turned into a home with me."
Clark's eyes crinkle at the corners from how hard he's smiling, his chest puffing out in pride at the knowledge of how relaxed and happy he's able to make his lover feel around him and around places he once used to not be so fond of. "Well...when you put it that way, I see what you mean. I've always wanted to have a family of my own...and you all are my everything now–this place is my everything. I don't think I'd want to be separated from it either. Even if it's just for a Birthday."
This is why Clark is so amazing to Bruce: he always understands what he means and how he feels.
And the omega knows that it's not just on a surface level, the alpha has gone through very similar losses and feelings of loneliness throughout most his life, in just the exact same way Bruce has felt the majority of his. It's just that they handled their loneliness and hardships very differently, with the omega being a touch more harsh around the edges when it comes to the people around him (except children of course), and Clark being in a weird limbo of wanting that connection with the people and world around him, yet never really feeling he fit in or related with those he interacted with.
They both grew up thinking they were or would be monsters in their own way.
Clark with his constant worrying he'd harm someone with his superpowers, always fearing a lack of self-control.
And Bruce, who always fretted about being a curse to anyone and everyone around him, thinking that all he would ever do was harm those around himself with a curse of death. I mean, it happened to his parents during one bad night, so why wouldn't it happen during another?
But both?
Both have strived for control out of their fears of never being in control. And all the years of patient and grueling training have payed off: they both ended up meeting one another due to a common goal; protect their cities and their world.
Clark often likes to say that fate is what led them to each other, that their similarities in losing their worlds in just one day and never wanting that to happen to anyone else, is what drew them together like moths to a flame.
While Bruce says it was just Clark playing kindergarten and trying to make friends that made them meet.
Or his ass.
He's not too picky about the answer. Just as long as it's not mushy and romantic like Clark's comment is.
Those kinds of responses always cause the omega's heart to flutter, because even if he won't admit it to anyone out loud, he is actually a little bit of a romanticist at heart; little romantic gestures make him swoon.
Too bad he doesn't know how to handle his own deep desires though, cause he always ends up saying something insulting or otherwise about what's going on. But luckily enough, Clark understands his mate well and just laughs it off, calling the shorter cute for the embarrassment (which he likes doesn't like).
Whether it's fate, good timing or an omega's ass that brought the two together, they are here with one another now. And that's all that matters to them both.
Bruce leans his head down to lightly kiss Clark's lips, his eyes squinting against the sunlight peaking through the crack of the closed curtains, a soft hum escaping him as he pulls away from the alpha. "I hadn't even realized it was sunrise already." Clark hums softly and glances at the clock, "Why is it already seven-thirty in the morning? I'm surprised none of the kids have woken us up yet."
It's as if the comment sparks a chain reaction as a soft gurgling sound comes from the babies nursery, another little sound being made right after the first one. "Neeeeever mind. The boys are up."
Bruce smiles up at the alpha and gently pushes at the larger man's chest hurriedly, "Get up. I want to see my babies."
The twins must be developing super hearing already, as one of them lets out a loud coo at hearing Bruce's voice and a small, "Ma...ma", is babbled. The omega just smiles wider at hearing the noises coming from the nursery, a loud purr escaping him as he coos back at the baby, "That's Damian."
Clark raises his brow, curious as to how Bruce can even tell the difference between the babbling baby voices.
"How do you even know that?"
Bruce looks at the alpha as though he's insane, "Because it's Damian. I don't know how to describe it...I just know it is."
Clark watches his mate sit up, a deep, overwhelming feeling of love overtaking him at the sight of the omega's sleep tousled hair, rumpled up night shirt and naturally pink lips upturned into a happy smirk at the sound of their pups.
Clark whispers softly and smiles wider when the omega finally looks at him, leaning in and capturing the other's lips tenderly with his own, not allowing the shorter to voice his curiosity as to why his husband is staring so intently at him. "You're as radiant as the sun on a hot summer's day." He smiles against Bruce's lips before pulling away until they are touching forehead to forehead, his hand rising to cradle the omega's cheek in his hand. "And as gorgeous as a flowers first bloom in spring."
Bruce exhales shakily at the soft tone, his heart warming with a deep, all consuming affection as he shakily calls his alpha's name, "Clark."
The alpha just kisses the tip of Bruce's nose in response, a soft sigh escaping him as his thumb rubs back and forth on the other's soft skin of his cheek. "And the fact that you're all mine and I your's is as exciting as getting a present on Christmas Day."
Bruce flushes heavily at the words, butterflies wings lightly fluttering against his stomach as he whines in embarrassment and pushes at his husband's face, lifting their blanket up to hide his face and cover his reddening cheeks. "S-Shut up-" he stutters out, his ears twitching at the fussy garble coming from their babies, waving away Clark to the nursery while being thankful for the distraction-"Go get the twins. They are getting impatient waiting on us."
The taller just hums in pleasure at seeing his beloved mate so shy, floating over to the nursery door and cracking it open with a soft call to Damian and Jon.
Bruce exhales in relief when Clark finally disappears, lowering the blanket from his disheveled appearance and smoothing back his hair as he fixes the bed so the pups will be comfortable, taking his and the alpha's pillows and placing them at his sides in preparation to feed Damian and Jon. The omega finds himself pausing in his careful ministrations in favor of listening to his mate croon to the two boys, a fond sigh escaping him as the man talks to the boys as though they understand him, asking them how they slept and if it was a good one. A chuckle escapes Bruce when the soft moment is interrupted by the alpha fake scolding Damian for hitting at him suddenly, his eyes crinkling at the corners as Clark appears in the doorway with the two pups cradled in his arms, a coo escaping him at the sight of the gurgling babies and a despondent alpha.
"What happened, poor baby."
"Damian attacked me suddenly." Clark answers at the same time Damian and Jon babble, the former twin shouting at his daddy's interruption and glaring at him.
Bruce giggles again, smile growing wider when Jon copies him with a cute laugh of his own, his chubby hands clapping together as his excitement overtakes him, "Mama." The omega purrs happily and extends his arms to the babies, happy and content pheromones escaping his neck glands at being called by his name. "Yes, honey, mama. Good boy, Jon. You're so smart already, yes you are." Clark sighs dramatically as his assault is brushed aside, walking forward and carefully handing off the boys to their mother, his own own pheromones betraying his pretend dramatics as he croons at seeing the pups snuggle up to Bruce. "Ma...ma."
Damian gurgles happily too, his big eyes staring expectantly up at Bruce, as though he's waiting for the same praise.
Bruce smiles down at both pups and kisses their fat faces, scenting the babies and tucking them in close as he praises them. "I didn't forget about you, Dami, you're a very smart boy too. So good at saying mama already, do you know how happy that makes me?"
It's as if they truly understand every word coming from the omega as they giggle and clap their small, fat hands (their favorite thing to do), cooing up at their mom as if they are holding a conversation with him. The bed dips suddenly and Clark is quickly scooting closer to the trio, a happy smile on his face as he croons softly for his pups attention and smiling when they look his way, a large finger pointing to himself in barely concealed excitement. "Very good, boys. Can you say, dada?"
Jon innocently eats his fist while glancing over at his twin while said twin just stares at their father surprisingly disinterested for a baby.
Clark doesn't give up though and keeps pointing at himself, "Say dada. You got it boys."
Damian smacks at Bruce's arm, looking up at his mom and back to his dad before keeping his stare on the omega, a wide smile gracing the round face as he coos. "Mama."
Bruce squeals at how much more smoothly his baby said his name this time around, hugging the babies close and kissing them again. "Good boy, Damian! You said it even better than before. Isn't that great, alpha?" Clark just stares dejectedly at the pups, feeling betrayed by his own seed and flopping onto his back with a groan. "Yeah, omega, it's great. But, I think Damian is out to get me...he doesn't appreciate me that much." The omega frowns at his mate and grumbles in disagreement, "You're his daddy, Clark, why wouldn't he appreciate you? He's just a little baby-" Bruce smiles down at the pups, inhaling their milky scent and kissing at their fat necks-"our little baby. And sometimes they just smack things a lot, hm? Maybe they sense that out of the two of us, you are the near indestructible one, so they feel better smacking you."
Bruce snickers at his theory, gently nudging the alpha with his foot and pausing when his ankle is carefully grabbed in a large hand.
"It all makes sense now-" Clark kisses at the bone-"They are just copying you. You slap at me all the time."
Bruce opens his mouth to protest but immediately flashes back to all the times he swatted at Clark this morning, a soft pink coloring his cheeks yet again at being called out. "T-That's because you always say the dumbest things...and the next thing I know, my hands are slapping at your arms or shoulders." Clark hums and releases the other's ankle, "Well...you are quite the charmin' little thing whenever you're flustered. You look like a cherry blossom and are just as pretty as one whenever you blush."
Bruce has no words right now. Why does his alpha insist on trying to kill him this morning?
Even worse is how Clark just smiles self-satisfied and croons to Damian and Jon for their attention, his voice soft and sincere as he asks, "Ain't that right, boys? Your mommy is the most beautiful person to ever walk the earth?" Damian stops his pulling at Bruce's night shirt in favor of cooing in answer, the way he stares up at the other with shining green eyes making both alpha and omega think their kids understand a lot more words than regular babies do. "Mama." He gives a toothy smile up at his mom, the apple of his cheeks rounding out as he gurgles happily, chewing on his fist while continuing to give Bruce an amazed look.
Jon coos too, his little feet kicking into Bruce's breasts as he wiggles and squirms around, his smile wide and joyful just like Damian's and the way his eyes squint while smiling similar to Clark's as he claps his hands in a random burst of excitement. "Mama."
The amount of adoration Bruce feels for his children is overpowering, tears wetting his eyes as he looks down at his pups and quickly hugs them close to his chest, an overjoyed scent permeating the room as he sniffles against the softness of their baby hairs. "Clark...thank you for making them with me." The alpha's deep blue eyes soften at the omega's wobbly smile and his sincere thanks, his large hand reaching out to squeeze comfortingly at Bruce's ankle. "I wouldn't have done it with anyone else but you. You cooked up some beautiful babies for us, thank you for your hard work."
Bruce smiles at his mate, startling slightly at the small mouths drooling over his shirt and trying to suck at his nipples through the cloth, a soft laugh escaping him as he purrs at the pups. "I know, I know. Mommy's sorry for not getting your breakfast ready yet."
Clark watches warmly as his mate fluffs up the pillows he prepared on his sides before setting the pups down on each side of himself, unbuttoning his shirt so that the twins finally have access to his breasts and helping them latch on. A content sigh escapes both omega and alpha; Bruce's due to the feeling of his pups gentle suckling and feeling of achievement and accomplishment at feeding the boys, while Clark's is from seeing his beloved relaxed and happy, and pups well fed.
The alpha shares a proud look with Bruce before he slightly tilts his head towards the bedroom door, his super hearing extending beyond their room and to the noises he finally realizes is going on beyond it, a tenderness shining in his eyes as he smiles.
"It seems like the rest of our pups are up and working on breakfast."
Bruce just hums softly and lies back against the headboard with a relaxed look on his face, the only sounds being made are the soft suckling of his babies, his own content purrs and the sound of the birds singing good morning outside.
He's never felt so at peace before.
Clark places a soft kiss on top of Bruce's foot before rising from the bed, quietly walking over to the curtains and drawing them open and exhaling loudly at the comforting feeling of the sun against his skin, closing his eyes at his body quickly soaks up the energy. "It's a beautiful morning today, Bruce. It's shocking cause Gotham is usually so smoggy." Bruce keeps his eyes trained on the alpha as he turns around, his breath catching and heart stuttering in his chest at the sunlight outlining the other's strong body, his already sun kissed skin seeming to glow from the solar energy the sun provides and his black hair seeming almost as dark as ebony in comparison to the bright light shining down on him. "Gorgeous."
Clark blinks in surprise before smiling big, his chest poking out at the attention from his omega.
Bruce smiles fondly at his mate when seeing the others reaction, "Maybe the sky cleared up because it knew you'd be here. The sun seems to be attracted to you no matter where you go, like you're a flower." He looks at Clark from head to toe, taking in the broad shoulders and strong lines of his body, glad that the alpha forewent putting on his shirt first thing in the morning so he can have this view. "A very pretty flower."
The look Clark gives Bruce causes the omega to snap out of his soft rambling and distracted staring.
"Now who's the one waxing poetic?" The alpha's voice is breathless as he asks, a small flush rising on his cheeks as he beams at the omega, though his eyes betray just how much he enjoys the compliments.
Bruce blushes himself at the other's tone, using Jon as a shield to hide his face behind as the babies are done feeding, his voice timid and slightly annoyed by being embarrassed. "J-Just put on your shirt before the rest of the pups come up, they've probably finished the food already." He gasps as Clark is suddenly in front of him with his shirt on, his eyes drifting down to his wife's exposed breasts and eyeing the small beeds of milk that escape his nipples, clearing his throat and looking the other in the eyes as he buttons up his nightshirt for him. "We can't forget about mama either."
Jon smiles at hearing his mama's name, small arms extending to Clark so he can be held.
Bruce hands over Jon to Clark while he picks up Damian and scents the boy some more, doing his best to get over the alpha's heated look from before. "Stupid alpha."
The Kryptonian just chuckles at his omega and the fact his words don't have the same heat as they usually do when he says that, the alpha scooting over to sit next to Bruce so he can scent the shorter and Damian, said pup flailing his pudgy hand at his papa for interrupting his cuddles with his mama. "No hitting, Dami, I just wanted to scent you." Bruce giggles at the pout on Clark's lips, his ears twitching at the loud sound of his children scurrying through the hallway, their 'whispering' not so quiet as they debate who will enter first. The omega smiles softly and kisses Damian's cheek before handing him off to Clark, having to gently shush the older twin when the boy whines at being separated from his mother, "Hold onto them for me. Once Richard sees we're snuggling together, he'll immediately want in."
Clark nods in understanding and kisses at Damian's disgruntled face repeatedly, crooning happily when the pup (despite being unhappy about the sudden switch up) allows him to gently nibble at his chubby face and neck.
The doorknob slowly starts to turn, both Bruce and Clark remaining silent as the door opens slowly to reveal Alfred, the older alpha smiling kindly at seeing his son and son-in-law already up with the pups. "Good morning, Bruce, Clark and pups. I told these loud lot that you two would already be awake-" he gives a slight side eye towards the loudly protesting pups-"just as you are every year."
Richard pushes through his siblings, clutching a small vase of flowers in his hands and pouting Alfred's way for entering the room first.
"Alfie! You were supposed to let one of us go first-hey!"
Jason elbows Richard in his side, his brows furrowed in displeasure at the eldest. "You're the one to talk! I was supposed to enter first because I have the food...kind of."
The nineteen-year-old attempts to (gently) shake off the siblings that insist on clenching tightly to the food tray, their bodies dangling in the air and a squawk of protest coming from Stephanie at the rough treatment. "Stop moving us around so much, stupid! Both of you are in the wrong! You-" she narrows her eyes at Jason-"were supposed to let me and Cass carry in breakfast because ma would obviously want to see our beautiful faces first and not the horror story that's yours. And second: Richard was supposed to let Tim carry the flowers in since he's the one that picked them!"
The eldest gasps dramatically, a hand raising to grab at his heart as he stumbles backwards towards their parents bed and falls dramatically on top (making sure to keep the vase steady as he does), a whimper escaping him as he makes sad eyes at Bruce.
"Do...do you hear of this slander, mama? What I'm being accused of? Does no one recognize what I've done for this family?"
Jason rolls his eyes and continues with his attempts at shaking Tim and Stephanie off of his food tray, "Pfft! What? How you give us all a headache. Trust me...it's hard to forget what you've done for us when we are reminded everyday of it." Richard wails pitifully at the slander, sniffling loudly as he inches his way over like a worm towards a humored Bruce, hiding his head in his mom's chest. "I'm being bullied." Bruce's eyes crinkle in happiness, a soft coo escaping him as he indulges his eldest son's theatrics. "My poor Dicky bird." He purrs happily at the sight of the pretty roses expertly arranged inside of the vase, "The roses are gorgeous, puppy. Thank you for helping Tim with the flower arrangements."
Richard immediately perks up at the praise and looks up at his mom with a bright smile, setting the flowers carefully down on the side table after letting the omega smell them, sticking out his tongue at the rest of his siblings and smiling cockily when being praised.
Immediately causing a chain reaction from the rest of the group as they loudly clamber forward to receive compliments too.
"Mom! I helped grandpa cook breakfast!"
Jason extends the food tray towards the omega, scowling down at Stephanie and Tim when they start gnawing at his arm and even try to take credit. "Don't listen to him ma! Alfred did most of it."
Cass watches on the sidelines, an amused smile gracing her round face while watching the banter, her smile growing soft when she looks towards her mom and dad. Her hands tugging a confused and timid Kon behind her as she pushes through the battlefield and to the bed, "Good morning, mommy, and Happy Birthday! Sorry about the noise today...we didn't have much time to organize how we'd come in-" she gives an apologetic smile while nuzzling into Bruce in greeting and doing the same with Clark-"but we did our best on the presentation of everything-oh! And don't listen to Stephanie, Jason and Alfred did all the cooking while she burned everything."
Stephanie suddenly shouts in protest and releases the tray in favor of tackling Cass into the bed with a playful growl escaping her lips.
"You traitor! I thought we were friends?!"
Cass smiles and nips at the older girl's chin playfully as they wrestle on the bed, careful to avoid hitting the babies in Clark's arms. "The best of friends." Steph stops her assault at the admission, a happy croon escaping her as she lets the younger go. "Fine...you win cause you are just so cute." She huffs and turns to Bruce with a wide smile on her face, "Hi mama! I know that your day was ruined by seeing Jason first thing in the morning, but I hope that I can make it a little better?"
The female alpha kisses the omega's cheek loudly, shouting when she's grabbed by the nape of her neck and pulled away from Bruce, only to have her face shoved into the mattress. "Shut the f–udge up-" Jason glances at the babies briefly before looking down at his sister-"you're just mad because you suck ass–tronomically at cooking." He ignores the girl's protests in favor of settling some of his weight on her while leaning forward to greet Bruce, his eyes shining in adoration towards the omega. "Happy Birthday, mama. I put my foot into the food...so I hope you like it?" Steph slumps in defeat underneath the younger boy's weight, rolling her eyes at Jason's words. "Why would B wanna eat food that tastes like sweat, testosterone and fungus?" Jason quickly hands over the food tray to Bruce so he can put Steph in a headlock, the pack smiling at the giggles coming from Damian and Jon.
Barbara shakes her head at everyone's antics like a tired aunt left to watch her rowdy nieces and nephews, rather than an older sister.
She gives their mom a knowing smile and kisses the man's cheek, scenting the other in her neutral scent before pulling away. "Happy Birthday, mom. Can't escape the noise even today of all days, huh?"
Bruce purrs happily at all the love, smiling softly when Tim crawls towards him and kisses him, the teen scenting Bruce in his cinnamon, nutmeg and orange scent.
"Good morning, mama. Happy Birthday!"
Bruce smiles at his seventh youngest and scents the younger back, his eyes sparkling with an uncontrolled affection as he looks at the beta. "I wouldn't want to escape the noise—this is the best kind any how." The omega looks at Conner afterwards as he's the only one who hasn't said his good morning yet, a soft chirp escaping him as he calls to the pup, opening up his arms wide when that's all the teen needs to launch himself into the omega with a soft call of his own. "G'morning mother."
Bruce smiles kindly and nuzzles the boy's head with his own, looking at the rest of his children tenderly. "Thank you my babies."
Conner smiles shyly at his mom before turning to Clark, his gaze turning to something more guarded as he looks at the older alpha wearily, feeling a bit more comfortable getting close as the man is holding babies. "G-Good morning, father." The boy fidgets and stiffens up, his heterochromatic eyes closely watching the elder as he shifts Jon to be held in the arm Damian is in and raises his free hand to slowly pat at the boy's head, crooning towards the half-Kryptonian reassuringly. "Good morning, pup. It was nice of you to help your siblings with B's breakfast."
The teen slowly but surely relaxes into the gentle head pats, a proud smile on his face at receiving praise from his alpha.
"T-Thank you, father...I have never tried cooking before. I wanted to try making this thing called toast."
Clark raises a brow and nods his head to show he's listen, "Oh yeah? Did it work out for ya?"
Conner suddenly looks chagrined, bowing his head as he twists his shirt in his hands. "I think so? I ate it all." At his father's loud burst of laughter, Kon quickly looks up at the older alpha in confusion...he thought he would be punished for taking food away from mother. "W-Why are you laughing at me?!" Clark clears his throat to stop his laughter, though his lips betray how he still finds the situation funny, a soft look in his eyes as he ruffles Kon's hair. "I'm not making fun of you, Kon. I just thought the situation was a bit funny and endearing...I don't think your mother minds that you ate the toast."
Bruce purrs when Kon looks his way, "It's okay, pup. I'm glad that you enjoyed the food."
Conner's shoulders slump in relief at the reassurance, the boy blushing at how he freaked out over nothing and yelping when he's tackled by his siblings into the bed for pack snuggles.
The omega shares a small smile with his alpha before glancing at Alfred, who is standing at the foot of the bed watching his grandchildren lovingly, the elder turning to look at his son when the younger squeaks like a puppy. "Dad " The old alpha softens at Bruce extending his neck to be scented by the pack alpha, a soft croon escaping the Brit as he lowers himself down on the omega's side of the bed to scent him. "Happy Birthday, my dear boy."
The younger relaxes against the headboard with a content sigh, a feeling of completeness settling within himself as he's officially been scented by all of the family.
Apparently though, all the scenting has gotten to Damian-which also means it's gotten to Jon-as the pup(s) start cooing and whining for Bruce again, the eldest twin slapping at Clark when the alpha hasn't given him over to his mom yet. "Mama." The baby stretches opens and closes his hands towards the omega, slapping away at Richard when the man tries to comfort him. "Ow! I'm just trying to hand you to mom, Dami." The boy responds with a grumpy scowl on his face, a grunt escaping the baby as he is cradled in Richard's arms, his head swiveling automatically towards Bruce and keeping his eyes trained on the man. "Mama."
Richard playfully rolls his eyes at the pup's behavior, "Is that all that is ever on your mind is mama and milk? What about me? Aren't I your favorite"
It's as if Damian knows what Richard is saying as he stares the alpha down, a serious look in his eyes as he gurgles happily. "Mama."
Bruce laughs at the forlorn look on his eldest child's face, the omega clicking his tongue to get Damian's attention again and grabbing the twins from both alphas. "That's right! Mama is your favorite, right? Damian and Jon are my favorite too–" he trills happily at the joyful smiles both boys give him–"Yeah, that's right. You are my little babies, yes you are and I love you so much." Clark rubs at Richard's back comfortingly, chuckling to himself at the young man's dramatics, but know that he's not actually jealous (at least he hopes not). His deep blue eyes take in the sight before him: Conner being attacked with snuggles by the girls and Tim, Jason leaning against Bruce's side (though he keeps having to fight off his siblings who eye the spot jealously) and Alfred who has taken to feeding the pups fruits from Bruce's fruit bowl, his sons munching happily on the food while the old alpha croons at the twins happily.
Bruce notices Clark's staring and smile at the older, pushing his plate over towards the alpha and opening his mouth up when the other looks at him curiously.
"Feed me."
The Kryptonian chuckles and picks up a grape first, watching adoringly at how his omega closes his eyes and hums happily around the fruit, glad their kids are too distracted playing with each other to notice him leaning forward to capture his mate's lips in a sweet kiss. "Thank you, darlin' for allowing me to be a part of this family." His voice is nothing but a whisper, as though if he were to speak any louder, the moment would end and he'd realize it was all just a dream. "I'm glad I didn't take you in that vacation."
Bruce smiles against the other's lips, pulling away with a light laugh as he allows the chaos of his family to wrap him in a warm embrace. His forehead rests against Clark's as he thinks of only three words to say to the alpha, a special kind of gentleness in his gaze as he whispers.
"I was right."
(I bet y'all thought the three words were I love you, huh? I was going to end it all mushy...but I have had enough of that and made Bruce be smug about it instead XD. The man can't handle romance properly to save his life lol.
I had plans to make three more posts on my Birthday...but I obviously cannot and did not. So, sadly this all you all get of me today :3, I hope the story was just as enjoyable as all my other one's?
You all taking time to simply glance at this story is enough to make my heart full with love! So I truly thank every for the constant love and support ☺️, seeing you all actually enjoy the stuff I put out is exciting to me.
Also, this story is related to the 5+2 story as it has Kon in this along with Damian and Jon as twins (like the majority of readers requested in said 5+2 *on ao3*). While the Difficulties of The Working Class fic goes along the lines of if I stuck with introducing a 10 year old Damian like how it is in canon (I'm still working on that story btw...and I am truly sorry for the horribly long wait 💀💀💀).
I don't know what else to say except that I truly appreciate all of you! Everyone of you are very special and muchly appreciated, thank you!
I hope everyone has a great first day of March (it's my Birthday wish). So, please remember to stay safe, happy, healthy and of course lovely as always. 💛)
#dc comics#dcu#bruce wayne#clark kent#omega bruce wayne#alpha clark kent#dc universe#bruce loves his kids#bruce wayne is a good dad#romance#fluff#humor#fluff and humor#batfamily#batfamily shenanigans#a/b/o#a/b/o dynamics#a/b/o verse#alpha and omega#superbat#blushing#flirting#pet names#damian wayne#jonathan samuel kent#dick grayson#alfred pennyworth#jason todd#tim drake#conner kent
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For the ask game: Julian jealous of imagined siskarak
Ooooh this one has been fun for me to write. It’s set during the s6 Defiant arc, and it’s all just misunderstandings and miscommunications and Garak and Bashir being in different headspace’s due to the anxieties of wartime. Garak and Bashir are roommates on the Defiant, getting closer to each other than ever, and then that abruptly ends bc they are needed in different places (Julian is on the Defiant and Garak is on the Starbase along with Sisko, so they can still see each other but it��s sporadic). It’s all Julian POV and he is trying to figure out how to start a relationship with Garak even though it would functionally be long-distance for awhile, but he and Garak both won’t state anything plainly so he just gets super jealous that Sisko gets to hang out with him all the time now. His frayed nerves make him paranoid and he knows he’s being irrationally jealous but like he has had no reassurance from Garak that they’ll get together and he just wants some sign from him.
And meanwhile Garak is not really thinking about romance at all. He is too busy working for Starfleet and cracking codes and having lowkey breakdowns about being a traitor to Cardassia (kinda like in Afterimage but more like in Favor the Bold). He kind of has put his usual pining for Julian on hold both because he is reckoning with his role in this war and because he is pretty sure at this point that he has Julian on lock. Like, he thinks they are on the same page about wanting to date each other when they get the chance, so he can afford to think about other more pressing matters like how to defeat the Dominion without getting too many of his fellow Cardassians killed in the process of stopping them, and such.
It all works out in the end though. 💕 The draft is about 3k words, I just have to write the getting together conversation and then edit the whole fic for like cohesion lol, so it may take me anywhere between 1 month and 3 years to finish it. 😂
(Link to my WIP ask game post.)
Snippet below the cut.
He waited a few more days before calling Garak, not wanting to seem desperate.
He’d rehearsed it all in his head. “Hey, Garak,” he’d say casually, “my roommate is working a double shift so I have a bit of privacy if you want to…”
Here, he would give him a look and trail off pointedly and strategically, and then let Garak fill in the blanks however he wanted. If Garak just wanted to talk, they could talk. Debate their latest read with passionate banter like they were across the table in the Replimat instead of star systems apart.
On the other hand, if Garak wanted to finally do something more, something fueled by all their flirtation over the years and all the recent much more heightened tension from sharing a living space… Well, Julian was prepared for that too—he wore only his uniform jacket, and the rest of him was covered only by a blanket.
The sheets slid across his bare skin as he squirmed to be slightly more upright.
The video call connected.
“—have clearance for—” Sisko cut himself off, straightened up, and blinked in surprise. “Dr. Bashir,” he greeted.
Sisko was standing behind a seated Garak and had been leaning over his shoulder, presumably in order to type something on the console that Julian’s call had gone to.
“Captain, I was, er, hoping to speak to Garak.”
“By all means.”
He didn’t want to spell it out, both because it would have been embarrassingly unprofessional of him and because he was only half sure that he and Garak were on the same page about what kind of call this might turn out to be.
Garak made questioning eye contact with Sisko, who thought for a moment and then shook his head slightly.
Garak turned back to Julian on the screen. “I’m afraid now is not a good time,” he said with a sigh.
“I need to borrow him for the night,” Sisko said gravely. “It unfortunately can’t wait.”
An unfair jealousy coiled around Julian’s stomach and squeezed. The two of them shared secrets that he wasn’t allowed to know. The two of them needed to work long into the night with each other and could communicate with just a glance. He knew the importance of informational security in wartime, but Sisko and Garak hadn’t even given him the vague shape of whatever they were working on together.
“Of course,” he said stiffly. “I understand.”
After some brief goodbyes, Garak was the one who finally reached forward to end the call when Julian, frozen in place, made no move to.
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Okay no idea if tattoo's were a thing in ancient greece but regardless imagine penelope and odysseus having an olive branch tattoo around their hands that connects when they hold hands.
#epic the musical#The odyssey#It works for both so I'm tagging both#Odysseus#Penelope#Odypen#odysseus x penelope#Tattoos#hand tattoo#Olive tree symbolism reaching every part of their lives#Literally anybody in their lives: you know that just because you met under an olive tree#Doesn't mean you need to make it your whole personality#Odypen: no I'm going to#Literally .5 seconds of googling says tattoos were for criminals#So probably not but it's my fandom space so 🤷#Half of me wants to be like oh nvm they were actually good rulers so they probably didn't want pretty visible tattoos like that#The other half of me thinks they would want it even more due to the crime#Okay okay nope I've fleshed out this headcanon as I've rambled in the tags so#They talked about getting a interlinked matching hand tattoo before but always decided it would be worth the push back#UNTIL#odysseus has to leave for troy. And then they sat down and tattooed the interlinking olive branches onto each other#(And they took the complicated route and made it so the olive branches always line up no matter what way they hold hands)#Odysseus shows up to the war meeting with fresh tattoos marking him a criminal and his wife's dresses#This is half of why Athena had to spend half the odyssey changing odysseus's appearances was to hide the tattoos#*the dress thing came from another one of my posts#Do I think odysseus would have crossed dressed....maybe in private probably not before the whole 20 years odyssey thing#But post-canon? Absolutely
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I’ve drawn a decent amount of isat au eternal gales but yknow what I haven’t drawn? Eternal gales au isat. Don’t look at me.
#keese draws#eternal gales#isat siffrin#that’s all I’m tagging I’m being a coward sorry#anyways! I mostly made this cause I thought it’d be funny but it was fun thinking abt how this hypothetical au would look#mostly because it gives me an excuse to think abt different stalien societies#also the basic plot of this au would be way closer to isat than eg just due to the nature of eg#I don’t even have enough characters to fill out just one half of the eg cast let alone both#but I don’t mind since it means I can say fuck it and give myself more creative freedom#plus I can’t just not put this fucker into another timeloop I can’t let them rest easy or I’ll die#it’s mostly just a setting and worldbuilding change so I can think abt my worldbuilding more <3#now alas au will have to make up smth completely new for sif in terms of his original herd but that’s fine#I’ve been wanting to fuck around with island herds anyways#the other four get to hang out in the ones I’ve already made#mira and isa are part of the desert herd that rotate between the surface and underground seasonally#odile is a part of the herd well known for having the longest migration cycle#and bonnie I’ll probably also stick in desert land but I might also have them be the token marsh herd rep#aka the society the main stalien cast from normal eternal gales are from#which would mean extremely bad things for bonnie and nille but I’d be mostly nicies to them#well. compared to the actual cast. which is a low bar.#now all of these herd names aren’t official and are bad descriptions but shhh#the desert one isn’t even a desert it has two dry seasons and two wet seasons with one of the dry seasons being cold as hell#oh the real hell has been deciding energy types for all of them#sif is red mostly because I wanted to fuck around with the logistics a bit#red energy will mimic other energy types it comes into contact with#the things on his fingers are basically a catalyst for that and they use them to create their weapons#they specifically mimic yellow energy for this purpose as it can temporarily create somewhat solid constructs#usually in yellow energy staliens this is used to create mandibles and wings#anyways ignore my insistence on associating isat with my ocs allow me to be cringe
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sincerely i think the worst part of having bjds of different sizes and styles is you will get a guy bc u think he looks nice and then you realize his head is massive and doesnt mesh with ANY of your other guys...
#twist rambles#^guy that finally reached out to doa members to be like hi. HELP PLEASE. bc like... i dont normally have realistic sculpts so its really#scary for me. but its something where i think id like to umm. do a slightly different faceup than what i tried w him last time. bc hes a#robot to me. so i want to have the circuit boards and stuff showing. initially i wanted half his face to look like that but now im like...#small sections would look rly good of like. tiny bits of the skin peeling off to reveal circuitry. if that makes sense. but also its so so#hard for me as a guy w shaky handsssss augh#like. hes 70 cm tall and JACKED. and my other biggest doll is 68cm and pretty sldner so its so scary. this also reminds me i need to keep#wiping the old faceup/body paint off my other doll so i can like. well. make a silly b.lack jac.k doll ok :3 but i gotta get references too#hmm. much to do. but anyways. its so scary idk his eyes are a lot smaller bc his features are more realistic so like. im very scared about#it bc i just. yeah. its very different to my other guys bc like... i prefer a slightly less realistic doll. so its so scary. but i fell in#love w his face and his body ohhhh god yall dont even KNOW how bad and how much work thats gonna be. beautiful jacked so.nic the hed.gehog#body <- due to the fact he is blue. only partially tho. which is why im doing circuitry. bc i then dont have to um... wipe the 5 billion#spots of paint off. sorry thsi is so rambly in the tags but. its so scary for me#bjdposting
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everyday I join lethal company lobby to Just Vibe and am sent Multiple Friend Request
#help#SORRY im good at video games and fun to hang out with its a CURSE not a blessing#sea of thieves was the same too man every lobby falls in love with me and i just want to play with strangers for a bit#why the instant commitment geez dinner and a movie first#and HALF the time its like bruh you called lootbugs gay no more than 20 minutes ago and you try to friend my fag ass you YOU FUCKING YOUUUU#and the other half theyre just. not my style? had more great times with randos online than i could count but not once met someone who like#i would think about continuing to hang with?#kind of a shame given this is my main recreation? feels like id have made at least one lasting buddy out of the hundreds i played like#3 hours of sea of thieves with one time or something#now to circle back this could Perhaps be due to me not accepting friend requests#but i will circumvent this issue by means of not confronting it#anyway it's fun playing with randos. hoppin in a lobby of strangers is like a jack-in-the-box of the human experience#lots of austrailians on at my 3 am makes for great convos. i sure as hell aint meeting any out in this fuckin city#or anyone else in funky distant timezones#this place is a white suburban hell and this is nearly my only decent recreation and cultural exposure pls#IM NOT EVEN THAT COOL everytime it happens i think of the hercules hades “He's a GUY' line like cmon
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Think’n ab cock warming izuku
A lazy Saturday morning, he has to get up later to finish some papers but that's a problem for later izuku. You wake up earlier than him for the first time ever, you admire his beautiful features whilst hes in slumber land.
His forest green hair being portrayed in the most beautiful lighting, said lighting brightening up his face despite being asleep, he's such a bright person he doesnt even need the suns array of beautiful sunshine for that. His slightly chewed lips dry yet so plump and kissable, the freckles that popped out more due to the sun's colors beaming on his beautifully tanned skin. He was gorgeous.
You leaned down to plant a gentle kiss onto his sleeping face, cupping his cheeks as you do so. The touch on his face makes him jolt and try and scoot away, his eyes squeezing shut and annoyance being painted on his features, he groans and tries to pull away but only to stay in the same place due to you holding his face.
Izuku was annoyed and opened his slightly crusted eyes to see your face, his eyes immediately softened. Finally being able to see his gorgeous emerald green eyes, you smile in content. He hums and closes his eyes again before you pepper kisses all around his face.
“ good morning~“
You sing in his ear, making him hum once more. He didn't want to be awake, izuku wanted to lounge around all day and be lazy with his other half before he had to go and teach a bunch of noisy kids, who he did love dearly.
“ you're always awake before me! I'm surprised I managed to get up before you!“
Izuku peers his eyes open slightly to look up at you with furrowed brows in annoyance, he groans and rolls his eyes before closing them again, all you can do is giggle at your adorable husband. You scoot in closer to him and squeeze his cheeks making him huff.
Izuku then sits up and yanks you into him making you bury your face in his chest. Your eyes widened in surprise but you weren't exactly complaining. He holds you close with a tight grip ensuring you can't move even if you tried.
“ go t’sleep baby. ’know you're tired, j’s get some rest hon.“
Izuku lazily gets out, his speech slightly slurred and his voice raspy and groggy do to the morning. He was a morning person, by all means but sometimes all he wanted was to be lazy with his significant other, and you seem to be ruining it by touching him whilst he's trying to sleep.
“ ’zuku m’not tired.“
“ shut up.“
Trying with all of your might you manage to squeeze out of his arms and roll onto of him making him turn over on his back, he groans and looks up to you with angry eyes ones you never really seem to see.
“ can I cockwarm you?“
His once angry eyes were now wide and confused. You wake up and the only thing on your mind is dick? Really? He groans again with a blush to his freckled and still baby-like cheeks, a scar on his right cheek. He was hesitant, he really was fathoming it, debating, thinking about it, whatever you want to say he truly was.
Izuku was having a hard time deciding, he did want you to do that to him only because he was particularly pent up, you two hadn't had sex in about 3 weeks? Thats far too long for someone like izuku, he would never force you to do something of the sort, normally you initiate sex and he happily obliges, but you both have been very busy recently and haven't had time to do much more than hold each other when nightfall returns at the end of everyday.
Izuku finally had an answer, he gulps and looks back up at your happy and waiting eyes. You would've been okay with either answer, really. You just wanted him to be inside of you. With a blush still on his cheeks, he nods to you before looking away.
“ I want a verbal answer my love.“
He sighs at your words, eyes shutting as he clears his throat trying to get rid of the grogginess of the morning time.
“ yes, you can c... cock.. warm me...“
Izuku manages to get the confirmation out as you giggle and lay down beside him, confused he follows you insuit, you scoot back into him and pull down his sleeping shorts just enough to get his flaccid cock out. You stroke him a little trying to get him to harden up, gentle tugs at his fat and heavy cock in your hand, the weight of it is always nice but the stretch is always better. The thought alone brung a smile to your face.
Izuku watched your movements closely, admiring the way you were so sweet and gentle with his member, so careful with such soft movements it made him twitch in your hand. With that, you knew he was ready. He gulped as you turned around and pulled your underwear to the side scooting back onto him and pushing his cock inside of you.
You both wince and groan and make some kind of noise as he tries to push his way inside, you were tight and he felt just how much so, going straight to his head as he gulped down hardly. His brain was getting fuzzy from the intense squeeze to his cock, you really should've prepped yourself first. with a couple of minutes waiting you finally manage to get him inside, he bottoms out almost immediately he's always so needy and impatient when it comes to things like this he ended up thrusting into you making you fall forward and moan.
“ zu what are you.. doing?“
You ask slightly out of breath, he was choking on his breath trying his hardest not to absolutely ram his cock in and out of you like he knows he needs. God izuku was so horny he just wanted to fuck you so badly.
“ s- sorry.. hon I- ngh~...“
He sentence was ended by a muffled groan, you really were squeezing his cock so tight. You take breather and scoot back into him, his cock still being buried deep inside. It makes him moan softly into your ear as you get closer, a beautiful noose that you always welcome and are always pleased to hear. He hums in a whiney tone on accident, getting extremely red when you laugh at the desperate sound escaping your poor husband.
You sigh happily as you can feel his heavy cock stuffing you full, twitching occasionally when you pulse around him. Izuku held you close wrapping his hands around your stomach, he buried his face in your neck trying to lull himself back to sleep, you intoxicating smell so sweet and driving him absolutely feral. He tried so hard to go back to sleep but he was having a hard time, his cock was so deep inside of you and only getting deeper as time passed yet he wasn't fucking you. Not like he wanted to.
Izuku sighed desperately and defeatedly as he looked down at you only to see you asleep with a smile on your face. For fucks sake. There was no way he was getting back to sleep, and absolutely no way hes not blowing his load deep inside of you.. if he even gets to cum.
#cvnts-post#mha#mha x reader#boku no hero academia#deku x reader#izuku x reader#izuku is so girlie pop#deku smut#deku fluff#deku x reader fluff#deku x reader smut#fluff/smut#mha x reader fluff#mha x reader smut#mha smut#mha fluff#izuku smut#izuku fluff#izuku#izuku midoriya#izuku midoriya x reader#midoriya#izuku midoriya x reader fluff#izuku midoriya x reader smut#midoriya izuku#midoriya izuku x reader#midoriya izuku x reader fluff#midoriya izuku x reader smut#midoriya izuku fluff#midoriya izuku smut
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How To Sleep
It's way too early for you to be awake. Five in the morning on your day off... you have to stop doing this to yourself. You know it, but you can't stop, because your body thinks it's funny. It wakes up all on its own and does not allow you to go back to sleep as easily.
The good thing is that never feel alone, as the only one awake, because Toji's presence is immense around you. He's always touching some part of you, keeping you tethered to him in any way he can. This time, he's literally weighing you down with his body. He feels comfortably heavy, like a paperweight holding down the first page of an unfinished love letter. His heated cheek rests on your chest, and you know that if he were awake, he'd say something about the numbness he feels in his arms from you lying on them all night, just as you would tell him about the recurring static you feel in your feet because your legs fell asleep.
You can hear Toji's soft breathing, followed by a funny, almost snore-like sound. You know that if you focus too hard on it, you'll laugh and shake him awake, so you go back to looking straight ahead and thinking about why your body must betray you this way. His hair tickles your skin whenever he stirs in his sleep. It lures you into carefully playing with the soft, dark locks, while you continue to wonder why it's always five in the morning. Neither you, nor Toji have to be up at five in the morning on a daily basis, so, maybe you're just going insane.
"Hm?" A low hum that comes from the man lying on your chest. You deem it a sound of sleep and ignore it, silence returning to the room, until he speaks up. His voice is low and deep enough to make your heart skip a beat. "What's that sigh about, ma? Am I too heavy?"
"No, you're okay. Go back to sleep, baby," you respond, caressing the back of his head and wrapping your other arm around him.
Toji believes you, this time, because you wouldn't do this if you were in pain or uncomfortable. He keeps this in mind and goes back to sleep with ease due to the soothing motions he receives from you—the way you run your fingers through his hair and gently scratch his head, as well as the calming strokes to his back. He's fast asleep in seconds, while you stay awake, wishing you could do the same.
Your hands still on him once his soft snoring returns, luring a smile onto your face. You look out the window, seeing nothing but a sliver of moonlight illuminating the edge of the curtains. You're not scared of the dark, but knowing that Toji is there with you makes lying awake in the almost void-like atmosphere a lot better. You trust that if there is such a thing as monsters under the bed or creepy entities hiding in the closet, they can't get you. They won't get you because of him. He's safety, even in a dormant state, and you don't feel an ounce of fear as you stick to blinking the restless minutes away.
You've been awake for over half an hour, now, just letting time go by and continuing on as Toji's body pillow. Even through the stillness, you had your moments of entertainment. He drooled on your chest and there was the occasional quiet and nonsensical sleep talking—both things that lured hushed breaths of laughs from you. It's endearing to see your hulking man in such a peaceful state. It makes you want to squeeze him with all the strength you have in your body. You know it does nothing to him, but you also know that he likes the feeling of you trying to crush him, the way he crushes you.
Again, you mistake his words for more sleepy mumbling, disregarding them until he makes it more clear that he's talking to you.
"You good, ma?" He rasps, pulling his arms out from under your back.
"Mhm. You okay?" You ask, running your thumb over the corner of his lips to wipe the drool off.
"All good. Hey, let's switch, yeah?" He suggests, peeling himself off of you.
"I'm okay, baby. You can go back to sleep," you assure. "You were keeping me warm," you add, with a soft grin.
"And slobbering on you like a damn dog," he grumbles. He lifts the chest part of your camisole and uses it to wipe up the small patch of saliva that makes your skin glisten. "Come on, let's switch," he insists, already scooting over so that you can get up. With a soft, defeated sigh, you sit up and crawl towards the middle of the bed, allowing Toji to slide into the warm spot you left.
"Come here, mama," he calls, moving the blanket so that you can climb on top of him and he can cover both of you up, after. You're careful as you make your way back, feeling around to make sure that you don't plant your hand into his stomach or his ribs. Once you're laid flat on top of him, with your arms around him and your head resting on his chest, he brings the blanket up until it reaches the center of your back and his arms cover what is left exposed.
"Better, isn't it?" He murmurs, once you stop adjusting and get fully comfortable.
"Different," you respond. "Comfy, but I also like when you turn into my weighted blanket. You're always warm."
"Well, you need to be nice and take turns with me, because as much as I like weighing you down, I also like being able to hold you." His hand cups the nape of your neck, the other one rests on the exposed skin of your back, between your shoulder blades. "You're basically a teddy bear, ma."
You smile at the loving thought, and decide to let him win, this time, because after almost an hour of just being awake, doing nothing but appreciating his company, your eyelids are starting to grow heavy. It's like he put some sort of spell on you. You feel the tiredness seeping into your body, anew, with no difficulty at all. You know that after a few minutes of him stroking your back, he'll be asleep just as quickly as he was when he was lying on you and you will catch up to him in no time, because those slow, gentle motions, are fueling your sleepiness like he's manually rubbing in some sort of remedy that will knock you out.
You don't know when you fell asleep or when Toji stopped rubbing your back or when he fell asleep, again. All you know is that at some point in the continuation of your sleep, he handled you like the teddy bear he said you are. He flipped you both onto your sides and pulled you into his chest.
"Hm?" A dazed, barely conscious hum from you, when you're being adjusted so that your face is pressed against his neck.
"Shh, go back to sleep."
#toji#toji fushiguro#fushiguro toji#jjk toji#jujutsu toji#jujutsu kaisen toji#toji x y/n#toji x you#toji x reader#toji fushiguro x y/n#toji fushiguro x you#toji fushiguro x reader#fushiguro toji x reader#toji fluff#jjk#jjk x y/n#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jjk fluff#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen x you#jujutsu kaisen x reader
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⋆˙⟡ monster | lee heeseung

: when two rivals in an entertainment company turned late-night lovers, no strings attached… or is it something else?
pairing: ceo!l.hs x fem!reader
CW: smut, enemies to fwb to lovers trope??, pwp (3 smut scenes omg), hate sex, age gap: heeseung is 29, reader is 24, usage of condoms, riding, oral sex (both receiving), cum eating, some pet names, insults?, lots of profanity lmk if i missed anything
notes: couldn’t stop thinking about this while listening to monster by gaga. crazycrazy
wc: 7.3k words (MDNI)
There was only one thing you hated more than useless things in your timetable. It was the asshole of the whole company, Lee Heeseung. The more conversations you heard his name in, the more you despised his existence.
His ego was so high it could hit a plane, the way he would talk about his compositions made you wanna throw up. He praised himself so much, and you started wondering if he was just a huge narcissist or if we were insecure of his writing skills. Luckily, you never saw him around often as you were really caught up in your own work. Having to compose songs all the time for singers was not an easy task. Your chairman was an even bigger asshole than Heeseung, always giving you all the work. You had to not only compose songs from start to finish, but you also had to edit and mix the voices, help the singers use the right tones and so much more stuff that wasn’t originally included in your job plan.
Usually, you would stay at the office overtime, your eyes darkened with tiredness. It was a miracle you haven’t fallen asleep all this time.
You looked at the time,
[01:54 AM]
“Great.” You sigh. Your shift ended at 12 AM. What the fuck are you still doing here? It’s quiet in the whole building, only clicking sounds can be heard from your keyboard. You’re all alone with a few bodyguards left in the company. You groan, your head pounding from the intense light of your pc. All you want now is to get back to your apartment just to greet your cat Juno. He’s your only best friend in this cursed city of New York, he’s a soft and fluffy black and white cat, with heterochromia eyes, left eye blue and right eye brown. You talk to him all the time, even though he can’t hold conversations he’s the best listener you’ve ever encountered. Better than your ex-boyfriends, that’s for sure.
As the clock reads [02:29], you’re more than ready to go home. You gather all your things, wish a great night to all the security people there and finally get out of that stupid building. You get your car keys out of your bag, driving home in your black i8. When you get home you feed your cat, finally plopping in your bed and falling asleep instantly.
You woke up due to your phone ringing at around 10 am with the hugest headache you’ve had. You palm your forehead, grabbing your phone with your other hand. Your co-worker, Yena, is calling you. You pick up as fast as you can, moaning into the phone due to being exhausted out of your mind.
“Yeah… Yena hey….” You say with half a mouth.
“Hey girl, are you coming to work? Today’s the showcasing, have you forgotten?”
Oh, fucking hell. You totally forgot.
A showcasing happens when all composers need to show the work they did in a few months’ time. You need to turn in all the songs you’ve made in this time, whilst competing with your other co-workers to be the best one, getting the title of the best songwriter of the month. Your company likes making leaderboards, only adding onto your stress of being the best. Of course, last month’s songwriter was Heeseung, but you thought the judges were so biased over him… you knew you could take him down this month.
“Right… I’ll be there soon just let me get ready.” You say, already dreading the idea of getting out of bed.
She hangs up, letting you wash up quickly. You fix up your hair, put on your suit and do a bit of makeup. You get your badge with your name on it and out you are. By the time you arrive at the company you’re already late… the higherups there scolding you for it.
“Please try to make it on time, you know how important this is.”
You sigh. How could they expect you to be there early when you went home at almost 3 AM last night?
“Okay, okay I’m sorry. I’m here now.” You add.
After you come out of your office to get your suitcase that had your files, you bump into the last person you wanted to see there. He throws you a cheeky smile, not even apologizing for giving you a shoulder.
“Oh, if it isn’t the famous miss L/n! Ready to get your dreams crushed by my songs again?” you scoff at him, crossing your arms. “Yeah right, like I’d let a scumbag like you take my title. I don’t have anything to prove to you, stay in your lane.”
He raises his eyebrows at your response, as you would normally walk away if he told you anything. “Oh is it miss complaint now? Let me actually show you how this job is done, im your ceo for a reason.” he suddenly stops smiling to give you a glare.
“You don’t intimidate me Mr. Lee, right on the contrary, you make me want to laugh.” you say and turn around, not wanting to waste your time with such a man. His sleek smile creeps back onto his face as he walks into his own office.
A few minutes later, you get back to the front, everyone already waiting there with their work. You stand next to Yena, holding the tank of papers in hand tightly.
Yena could tell you’re nervous, so she extended one hand up to yours just to squeeze it, calming you down a bit. Your other co-workers were not a threat at all, but Heeseung was the one person you wanted to bring down. You wanted to wipe that stupid smile off his face. After much judging and testing, with recitals and rehearsals for the songs, the judges finally decided the points accorded to the candidates. The others already had way too little points to worry you, but you, Yena and Heeseung were left.
“Choi Yena, 127 points.” She sighed of relief. A sizeable number overall, but now it depends on what you and Heeseung did.
“Lee Heeseung, 140 points.” His eyes widen. There is a chance that you might win. You might take him over… You might take his place. No way, right?
After a good minute of silence, they finally list your points.
“L/n Y/n, 139 points.” You almost fall to your knees. Out of all chances, how could this happen to you?? You close your eyes and cover your ears before you go insane.
You let him win, again.
“Therefore, our winner this month will be Lee Heeseung, the winner of the last 3 months as well, Congratulations!” all you hear is buzzing in your ears. You grow sour of his name, of his voice, his face. You can’t stand his dumb mouth, dumb face, dumb voice. You can’t stand him at all, and you would do anything to see him fired or something. You know that won’t happen and it drives you crazy. Heeseung smiles, taking his prize in hand once again, his portrait remaining on the fame wall. He shakes hands with the judges before taking a good look at you.
You cannot look at him anymore, you just lower your gaze trying not to burst into tears. You worked so hard for this, yet he took away all your hope for a win. You storm out the room, sitting down at your desk to throw your head down on the wooden table.
One point. Seriously. This is ridiculous.
Well, you take a deep breath and continue with your shitty day. At some point in time, you get a knock on your office door. “Come in.” you say as you raise your eyes up to see who it is. “Oh Yena, hey.. sorry for not saying anything earlier…” you bite your lip.
“Don’t consume yourself over it, hey, that dude is a douche, okay? Do not let him get to you. You are better than him anyway.”
“Am I though? I mean… What if he is simply better than me. What if his songs are better than mine? What if his lyrics have more meaning than mine?”
“He is not better than you, and even if he will be proven to be, which I doubt, don’t ever let him know you think that.”
“I can’t be a narcissist just like him, Yena. If I am not as good as someone, I will take the responsibility on my shoulders and admit it.”
“See you’re already better than him, he would never” She laughs. You laugh back, although in your soul goes a fight between your ego and sincerity.
. . .
After the day ends, you finally go home early, not giving two fucks about what they might say or think, it is your right after all. Too bad that you get a message you dreamed of never getting, too bad it happened.
“Good evening, members of the company. We are delighted to announce that tomorrow there will be a collaboration project between each other. The groups are arranged by the organisers, and they follow the lines of:
Now scrolling through all the pages, you search for your name. Oh, what are the chances.
Lee Heeseung & L/n Y/n”
Of course this had to happen, it would not have been you if it were not for your amazing luck.
“Oh, suck on it seriously.” You look at your phone in disbelief, while making yourself tea. “Juno can you believe this? This man is going to ruin my image and my life. I can’t stand him anymore I swear I might kill someone if this keeps happening.” Juno meows, probably because he wants a bit of peace, but you still took that as an agreement to what you said. “I know, I know. I guess it will be okay… hope he doesn’t ruin my career for life with this. I do not trust him.”
The next day, you shake your head while getting out of your car, glaring at the tall building with huge windows. You always glare while looking at it, but somehow this time was different. It wasn’t because you hated your job, it was because you had to see your partner. All the people who greeted you in the halls got a cold response, or no response at all. Might have been a shitty thing to do but honestly you weren’t in the mood for anything anymore. You just wanted this day to be over.
When you get into Heeseung’s office, seeing him rummaging through his papers, you just stood in the doorway… waiting for him to finish his work. He raises his head to look at you, his mood getting insignificantly worse when his eyes met yours. Before he gets to sigh, you cut him off.
“The feeling is mutual. I usually try to act nice, but I just cannot stand you no matter how hard I try.” You cross your arms while he goes back to his papers. “Then take a seat.” He responds in the coldest way, only making you furrow your eyebrows at his tone. “Okay damn…” you say under your breath while grabbing a chair to sit in front of his desk.
There are a few moments of silence, but you decide to ask him about the collaboration, same reason you’re here right now.
“Heese-” “It’s Mr. Lee for you.” You clear your throat annoyed. “Mr. Lee, I am only here to ask you about what we must do, can we focus on that?”
“Why would I make a project with someone as bad at writing as you?” he looks up at you again. You bite your cheek, barely being able to stand him anymore. You just look down to your thighs, grasping your palms together anxiously. Yuna told you to never be weak in front of him, but how could you not when he was so right?
“Please refrain from insulting my work and just take the organisations words, they put us together for this, so we need to do it.”
“If I let you work on this, you will just embarrass me in front of thousands of people. How about you just let me handle this? Go home, enjoy your days off. I’ll give you the credit.”
“You cannot just do everything alone; I do not care about days off I just want to work on this too. Please Mr. Lee.”
That is the first time he’s ever heard you say please to him. He hated your presence just as much as you hated his, why must you be at each other’s throats all the time? Simply because of rivalry or did other frustrations arise from both parties?
He licks his lips, finally giving in. “You can work on it with me Y/n. Just don’t disappoint me.”
“I promise I won’t. This matters so much to me.”
You follow him to his studio; he lets you get in first and that is when he locks the door behind you. You both sit down next to each other while you work on the song. He keeps acting weird throughout the recording and editing process, changing poses multiple times in a few minutes, sighing and fidgeting with his fingers. Halfway through the song you place your hand on his while looking at him. “Mr. Lee, are you feeling okay?”
That is when he sighs, snatching his hand away from yours and turning the pc off. He turns to you, keeping his eye contact consistent. “Y/n… i’ve just been feeling frustrated. Just forget it. Let’s focus on the song.”
Now you cannot say that you care about him, but you’re still curious to see what this is about. “Oh, is that so? Frustrated in what kind? Someone like you has feelings?”
He glares at you. “Not in the way you’d think, anyway.” You tilt your head. “But how? Tell me now, i’m curious.” “Maybe you should learn to keep your mouth shut, it’s none of your business.” “Just because you’re my superior does not mean you gotta talk to me like that, bastard.” He clenches his jaw. “Oh, that’s it.” He suddenly grabs onto your neck, pulling you closer. He’s still so gentle but it’s enough force to make you struggle to talk. “Is this what it’s about...? A... are you sexually frustrated…?” You tease. He releases the grasp on your neck and looks down at his hands. “I.. I’m sorry. It’s hard being alone when you’re pushing 30 you know.”
You had no idea what was happening right now, but you definitely enjoyed the attention you got. You were equally as touch starved as he was, and it was making you want more.
“You know, we could do this. But I really don’t like you dude.” You raise your eyebrow at him. He nods. “You don’t make yourself all that approachable either, would you really be down? I mean, just… fuck buddies… nothing else?”
“Mr. Lee, you know we both aren’t ones for relationships. But what’s in it for me?” “Oh, you want payment now?” “Well, you knew I wasn’t gonna give you myself for free, did you?” He laughs. “Fair, then how about I give you a raise?” “Mm… Anything else?” He rolls his eyes. “Okay, okay uhh. A raise and no more staying overtime, you get paid if you leave work early and… free coffee for life.” You ponder a bit. “Alright, I accept.” “Oh, not so quick, you need some rules to you too. For this to work you have to come help me anytime I need you.” “Libido that high, huh?” He shushes you and you giggle.
“Well okay, but if you’re really frustrated right now, shall we start today?” He looks back at you, visibly cringing from you being so direct with him, but he doesn’t mind. “I mean if you’re down.” “I am, but do you have any condoms?” That’s when you see him reaching for his wallet, taking out about 3 condoms out. Your eyes widen a bit, smacking your lips at his professionalism. “Oh, wow you’re ready.” “3 is a bit much…” “Who knows, i’ll end up using all of them and then end up going raw cause we are left with none.” “Yeah, don’t know about that.” “Im messing with you, dumbass.” He rolls his eyes, letting you get on top of his lap. Your lips finally make contact with his, getting to taste him in your mouth, the feeling lingering down to your stomach.
As you begin making out, your hand travels down to his forming bulge, squeezing and massaging it to the best of your abilities. As you’re doing that, he squeezes your ass with his palm, making you flinch from the sudden pressure. You playfully slap his face, pulling away from the kiss a bit. “You’re such a dick.” “I know, wanna feel mine already?” You give him one last kiss before pushing his head back on the chair to kiss his neck, insisting on his prominent adam’s apple. You suck on his sensitive skin, forming hickeys along his whole neck. “Fuck, Y/n, you’re not bad at this.” “I know, but you are.” “Oh shut up, I barely got to do anything.” You sigh, pulling away from his neck. “Let me ride you, m’kay?” “Do whatever you want to me.” He smiles coyly. “Could I kill you?” You pout your lips. “Not until you get your raise.” “Oh, fuck off.”
You start with unbuttoning his pants, not even taking them off before placing your hand on his boxers. You press his dick a bit, his groan appearing right after. “Mhm, that’s what I love hearing.” You nod to yourself. “Right from my mouth?” He teases too. “Oh, you know what I mean, I might need to stuff yours, so you shut up more often.” “Could you stuff it with your pussy?” That keeps you quiet for a bit, his response making you clench around nothing. “… I might, if tape doesn’t work.”
You don’t even take his pants off when you pull his boxers down with his half-hard dick springing out. You grab the base, stroking it a bit to get it as erect as you can. “You’re so big.” You point out. He just smirks, looking at you up and down. You leave his dick alone for a bit just to take your panties off, as you were already wearing a skirt, the embarrassing wet stains on them being visible for Heeseung to see as well. “You got this wet already? And you’re the one saying i’m horny.” “Shut it.” You throw your panties to the other side of the room, finally ripping one condom out the packaging, putting it well onto his dick. After you give him a few more strokes you position yourself on his dick, slowly lowering yourself on his length. It takes you a few good seconds to adjust, then you slowly move your hips back and forth on him. He already throws his head back, the feeling being so familiar yet so distant. Your walls clench around him every time you move on him, the feeling already getting unbearable. You change your routine a bit, starting to bounce instead of grinding, the sound of your thighs touching echoing through the room. You try leaving out as little moans as you can, but it’s still impossible for you, as it feels so good. You leave out small desperate noises as you bounce on him. “Knew you couldn’t resist me.” He smiles up at you. You glare again. “Fuck you.” While speeding up. “This.. doesn’t mean anything. I’m just.. helping.. you get rid of a boner.” You say out of breath. “And it’s working, keep going.”
You ride him as well as you can, his swollen tip getting so deep inside you it’s hitting your sweet g-spot. He needed to fuck with someone desperately, the fact that it was you was pure coincidence. Your mouth parts, leaving sounds that only his ears can hear. “Holy shit… I might cum soon… please” you cry, grabbing onto his shoulders with your nails bedded into his skin. He looks up at you, his hand resting against your ass, giving it a few squeezes here and there. “You’re gonna cum for me? Hm? Come on, cum all over me” He whisper shouts, helping you bounce on him faster and faster.
The knot in your stomach quickly snaps, your orgasm washing down over you with a few loud moans. You cum all over his dick, with each thrust forming a white ring at the base of it. “Your pussy so good, Y/n… I can’t take it any…more” he grunts, throwing his head back more with each bounce of yours. “Cum already, come on you’re... doing so well” you encourage him, and he immediately obeys, his semen spilling into his condom, making it fully white by the time you pull away from his lap. He pants and moans before you finally take the condom off his dick, the cum spilling back onto it. You stroke him a few more times, getting your hand messy but that finally makes him lay on the chair more relaxed, his high calming down.
“Damn it you’re good.” He says while smiling, his head thrown backwards. “I know, that’s why I agreed to help you.” You slightly grab onto his neck, giving it a few playful kisses. “Now should I send you back to your work? You’re finished here.” He teases. “Oh right, right. Maybe I should focus on my actual work, rather than this work.” You say, grabbing onto his dick one last time, leaving it alone after wrapping your hand around it.
He grabs your wrist, flicking it away now. He looks up at you while raising his eyebrow. “Get the fuck out of here.” You scoff at him, cleaning yourself up a bit and fixing your clothes back on before turning around to leave. “Suck my pussy.” You say annoyed while heading to the door.
As you open the door you hear a “Might do that too” and that’s when you get out the door, leaving him a middle finger before closing the door behind you.
Heeseung finishes the project for both of you, and you end up winning it together. Of course, he kept reproaching you that you won because of him, and you got into a heated argument that you just stopped talking for weeks. So first he says he’ll do it for you but when you do… he argues that he did all the work?
What an asshole.
After another day of no contact at all, you get passed a flyer at work, so you quickly read it.
“It gives us immense pleasure to invite you to a special gathering in honor of Lee Heeseung & L/n Y/n to celebrate their remarkable achievement of winning the collaboration project contest first place.
Date: [7th of December]
Time: [7 PM to 12 AM]
Dress Code: [Semi-Formal]
We look forward to celebrating this special moment with you.
Warm regards,
After reading, you immediately put the flyer down on your desk, covering your face with your hands. “I don’t wanna see that man ever again.” You avoided him for a few weeks, how could you meet again now? You sigh to yourself, thinking that it’s just one day, it’ll be over, and you can continue ignoring him again.
On the day of the event, you buy yourself a nice and luxurious royal blue dress, it’s long and it hugs your body so well. It has a pretty big cleavage, but you know you looked attractive in it anyway. You get ready, grab your hand purse, and get to the venue. As you enter the big ballroom you notice Heeseung right away, talking to some higher ups while having one hand in his pocket, and the other in the air, moving it around while talking. He’s wearing a tight black suit on, with a deep v-neck that perfectly shows his collarbone. His hair a dark velvet and slightly gelled. You would be lying if you said he wasn’t attractive. He always wore that dark aura to him, and that pissed you off. It’s like he was pulling you in despite you trying to pull away. Even if you said you hated him, your palms got sweaty when you saw him, your heartbeat got faster and you eyes slightly widened whenever you saw him. It wasn’t because he was your boss, it wasn’t because he could fire you at any moment… there was something else. And he knew it.
You breathe in one last time before going up to them. As soon as Heeseung sees you he can’t stop looking at you. How perfect you look, you elegant you came here yet so sexy. The way your boobs sat in your dress and how they looked at Heeseung first, that’s what he claims anyway. You don’t say anything to each other, you barely dare to make eye contact. But at one point the others leave your conversation, saluting both of you for now... And when you expect it least, he pulls you aside.
“Are you trying to tempt me with those tits?” He whispers. “Excuse me?” You look at him, eyebrows furrowed in a mix of confusion and anger. “I mean, look at you. Who did you come here for? Where are you going after this? Is there anyone else with you?” He launches this set of questions so weirdly, making you cross your arms which makes your boobs squeeze even tighter against each other.
“I’m here alone, Heeseung. I just liked this dress and came here with it. What’s your problem, even if I dressed up for someone?” You look angrily at him. “Because nobody can see… all of this… except for me. You’re my fuck buddy remember?”
“So? I thought friends with benefits meant something else for you. Don’t care what you think about my outfits. Just stop staring weirdo.” You rest your arms alongside your body, before turning to leave. He grabs your wrist, pulling you close to him. “Look, I don’t want to be constantly ignoring you. Can we be just like we were before?” your lips part. “You mean…. hating each other?” he sighs. “You know what I mean. Hating each other but helping each other with things.” You click your tongue. “Oh yeah, speaking of that… you never gave me my raise… or my coffee.”
“What? you can take as much coffee as you want, and I want you to help me with something before I give you the extra money.”
“And what’s that? amaze me.”
“Could you act that you’re my fiancé for tonight?”
You freeze. “Huh?”
“I don’t want you around me, at all. But It’s so annoying when people keep asking why i’m not married at my age.”
“Did you tell them that you’re a bastard? and that’s why you’re single?” you look at him pissed.
“Oh fuck off, just tell me if you want to help me or not.” you contemplate. “Maybe. If I finally get my raise, and some good sex out of you.”
“It’s on then. Let’s go meet some people here, they’re old and rich perverts but they give hella good sponsors. You might wanna cover up. I don’t want them looking at you.” he grabs your waist. “What a coincidence, that sounds like a perfect description of you in a few years.” you roll your eyes, walking with him while struggling to put on your jacket.
“Hello, Mr. Lee, and who is this beautiful lady?” they start right off the bat looking at your body and all, despite covering yourself as well as you can. You feel so uncomfortable with them but Heeseung makes sure to cover you with his body instead. “This is Y/n, my dearest fiancé. She’s a bit shy, so please talk to me instead.” You throw a slight smile while looking at him, his gesture making you really happy.
After you were done with these men, you leave to a more reserved area. “I can’t believe i’m saying this but… thanks for having my back earlier.” “Don’t fret, I saw how uncomfortable you were. Hate you or not, I can’t see you with that expression on your stupid face.”
You take your jacket off while nodding your head. “Wow, what a compliment from you mr. Lee. I acted enough; now can I stop being your dog following you everywhere?”
“Of course, you can leave too if you’re busy.”
“Hey, what about my payment? remember?”
“You want your money now? What do you wanna buy? I’ll give you my card.” He says, pulling out his card to hand it to you. “My pin is 1510. Use however much you want.”
That just stunned you. “W-What no I don’t need to buy anything. Keep your card…” you push it back to him. “I meant… you know.”
“The good sex part?” he says softly.
“Yeah. That.” you say a bit embarrassed now. “Stop making it so awkward, you’re being too quiet for your own good.” you continue.
“Why do you think that? Is my mouth too big to keep quiet?” he smiles. “Obviously, you never seem to shut up but right now you’re eerily quiet.” “I’m just thinking whether I should just eat you out like you deserve or fuck you too on top of that.” His response already gets you hot and bothered, not caring about the people who might be there or might pass you two. You get even closer to him, sliding your hand down his v-neck to touch his pecs and collarbone. “What’s stopping you from doing both? Please Heeseung. It’s my turn to be needy is it not?”
“Of course, it can be your turn whenever. Surprised you’re craving my pleasure when you can’t stand me.” “You’re still fucking hot with this suit on, personality or not.” He smiles, pulling you into a heated kiss, the butterflies rummaging through your stomach. You grab onto his hair, pushing him a little while making out. You pull away after a bit, finally unbuttoning his shirt. You touch him all over his body, barely being able to stop.
“Did you always look this good?” you say, moving your hands on his abdomen. “Were you always this desperate for me?” he smiles, letting you do whatever you want, until he begins undressing you too, sliding that dress off you in a hurry. He slips your bra off taking one tit into his mouth while kneading the other. You let out desperate sounds, wishing he would just eat you out already. His breath hot against your nipple makes your whole body shiver, inevitably making you whine. “Heeseung just suck on my pussy like that please stop teasing me damn it.”
He laughs against your skin, giving your boob one last kiss before pulling away. “Okay, okay, sit down on this couch.” You do, and he gets on his knees to slide your panties off. He makes you spread your legs for him, keeping them apart with his hands. He starts off with small kisses around your core, taking his time enjoying his meal afterall. “This is the second time you’re dripping wet for me, is it a pattern now?” you grab onto his hair to keep him there. “Shut up and just help me get through this.” He listens, starting to eat you out to the best of his ability. Hollowing his cheeks, shaking his head to suck on your folds. He puckers up his lips to kiss you all over, giving it a few sweet licks all over the slit. Once he reaches your clit, he glues his mouth on it, sucking on it leaving the nastiest sounds known to man. While he’s focusing on your clit, he sneaks his fingers to your wet hole, sliding one finger in at first, pounding it into you at a steady rate. You cannot stop moaning loudly, the pleasure being too much for you. He inserts another finger in, curling them inside you, reaching your g-spot easily.
“Oh, right there, Hee. Don’t you dare stop or you’re so dead— oh my fucking god that’s so good.” His hand speeds up, he pulls his mouth away to flick his tongue on your bud faster and faster; matching the rhythm of his fingers. “Fuck!” you cry out. “Heeseung i’m gonna… cum please … keep going.” You lose your mind. He speeds up even more, destroying your pussy with his fingers, actually giving you hope that he’s gonna let you finish. Once you get as close as you’ve ever been, he pulls out and away completely, making your body shake. You groan suddenly opening your eyes in disbelief. “What the fuck..?” you say angrily. “You thought I was just gonna let you cum like that from something so simple?” You glare. “You’re so fucking annoying, I had such a good orgasm forming.”
He caresses your cheek. “Stop pouting, let me make you cum forreal now, okay?” you still look mad, but you grab onto the hem of his pants, pulling them down in one second; his boner is quite visible already. You pull his dick out, stroking it while he gets a condom out his wallet again (Somehow he’s always ready). You keep stroking him, squeezing his tip with your fingers until he leaks precum everywhere. You stop that to pull his boxers down further, letting him put his condom on. He strokes himself a few more times before positioning himself to penetrate you. He slowly pushes his cock in, making slow movements at first, slowly speeding up to fuck you good. “You’re taking it so well, and you feel so good..” You hum, slowly wrapping your legs around him. “That’s amazing… keep going..” you whine, letting him fuck you til you lose your mind.
He slightly moans at every thrust, managing to get deeper and deeper with every thrust. You feel him so deep inside, hitting your g-spot again with his swollen tip. The sudden zap makes you grab onto his biceps with your hands, digging your nails into his skin while moaning louder. “Mhm…. That’s the spot. Don’t stop please…” He finally listens to your pleads, pounding into your sweet spot over and over as you leave red scratches all over his arms. Your hands move up to his upper back, scratching him like a wild cat. He hisses multiple times at the pain, but he lets you react this way just to see all your reactions to him destroying you once again. You tighten around him as you’re about to cum.
“Hee...please let me cum... plea—oh that feels so good please…” you say as you start crying, small tears running down your cheeks shutting your eyes forcefully. “Who’s crying on my cock now? You love getting fucked like this don’t you slut?” he says while speeding up even more, making you squirt on him on the spot. His words buzz in your ear over and over while you lose your mind completely. Your legs shake on his lower back, getting his dick wet with your squirt. “You’re so messy when you cum.” He groans, getting close to his release too. “Oh fuck you… you know you like it… cum already…. come on.” A few more thrusts in and he pulls out to take his condom off his dick. He gives himself a few more strokes before releasing strings of cum all over your stomach. He holds onto your thigh with his other hand while continuing to stroke himself. You look down to your stomach just to see, biting your lip at the scenery. “That’s a new one… you look damn hot doing it.” He slightly smiles at you. “Figured we’d both get messy.” You both quickly clean up the best you can, trying not to get caught by anyone despite how loud you both were the entire time.
“Is this the good sex you were talking about?” he says in a sly manner. “Obviously, if that even means something to you. If there’s one good thing about you it might just be that dick.” You roll your eyes at him. “Oh my, should I feel honored?” he says sarcastically.
You both get out of there, having no intention of staying after what both just did. He gives you the rest of the evening off and gives you your very awaited raise. He was generous with his numbers, that good time really helped. might despise you, or that’s what you think, but he took that raise seriously and you couldn’t stop smiling at your bank balance.
A few days later, you get a text at work from none other than Heeseung. You never gave him your number, so it was a surprise.
“hey y/n”
“Who is this?”
“the guy you fucked 2 days ago”
“ugh what do u want”
“i’m your boss, don’t text me that way”
“whatever, why are u texting me and where did u get my number”
“yena, i just wanted to give you some extra work today”
[1 attachment]
The photo he sent shows his lower body sitting on a chair with his legs slightly manspreading, a thick bulge layering on his dark grey pants while his left hand is gripping the said bulge. Multiple veins are seen branching down from his hand to his arm.
The moment you saw the picture your eyes scattered throughout the pixels in your phone without being able to stop. The photo he took was so damn attractive to you for no specific reason but the way his hand looked, the way you just knew that bulge in his pants was throbbing, begging to get out the tight bottom wear. Still, you decided to be a little cold to him as you always were.
“oh why should i help u? i already got my raise”
“do u want this to be your only one?”
You leave him on seen for a minute or two.
“where r u”
“in my office, tell my bodyguard i called you in here”
You get up, fixing your makeup a little before leaving your office to get to his. After you close the door behind you, you both have a moment of intense eye contact, just to break it off by looking down. “You got here fast. Missed me that much?” you smack your lips. “It’s not like you threatened me or anything.” He laughs softly. “You know you missed me already. Did you touch yourself to the picture I sent, too?” He slowly walks towards you.
“What? No. You’re not all that Heeseung. Your mouth moves too much though.”
“Oh yeah? Then let's see what yours can do.”
He grabs your chin, pulling it up so you can only look into his eyes. There are a few seconds of silence where your heart skips a beat… then in his lowest tone you hear him say...
“Get on your knees.”
He releases the grasp on your chin, letting you lower yourself, finally making eye contact with his bulge. “Aren’t we gonna get caught here?” He shakes his head. “No one can enter without my permission. No one can leave either, like you here.” He smiles. You squeeze your legs together at his words while sliding his pants and boxers off in one move. His hardened cock springs out, bouncing off his navel. You start with small pecks to his red tip, slowly moving down to his entire length. He looks down at you, admiring your sweet moves to bring him pleasure. “You’re adorable like this, did you know?” he chuckles. “Eat a dick.” He slaps your cheek. “Too bad you’re eating mine right now.” You glare up at him before taking his tip in your mouth, stroking him with your hand. You have your other hand resting on his right knee, as you bop your head back and forth little by little. He smiles at you, grabbing your hair into a ponytail just to keep your head in place and to be able to fuck your mouth a bit.
You unwrap your hand from around him cock, letting him completely take control, going at his desired pace. He moans at the feeling, throwing his head back for a second. “Fuck yeah... I see this mouth is better at doing things other than complaining all the time.” His thrusts are making you slightly choke on his dick, getting harder and harder to breathe. You grab onto his thighs, trying to at least make him slow down, but to no avail. It feels too good for him to stop now, your mouth wrapped so tight around his dick; sending him waves of bliss with each thrust. After a good while he pulls away, letting you breathe again. “I fucking hate you.” You say, looking up at him. “Don’t talk to your superior that way, brat.” He grabs the base of his cock, slapping the tip onto your lips multiple times.
You take him in your mouth again, bopping your head up and down faster than before. You try using your tongue against as well, caressing the sensitive spot between his tip and length with the tip of your tongue.
“That feels so good. Don’t pull away.” He whispers. You leave little hums to confirm that you won’t, letting him get closer to his release with those emitted vibrations. After a few more sloppy bops, he moans like hell, grabbing onto the back of your head to push you deeper onto him. “Y/n i’m— gonna cum… hold on…” he moans out, his eyes closed shut. You keep going, wanting him to cum right in your mouth. “Mmm…hmm.” Is all you can let out, before he cums deep in your throat, automatically swallowing all of it. He leaves out a small groan, pulling out your mouth after he’s done. A string of saliva links his tip and your tongue as he pulls away further.
“Good girl. You swallowed all of it.” You give him a little smile, standing up while wiping your mouth. “Might’ve been the best i’ve ever had, come here.” He says, grabbing your waist with his arms. He leans in to give you a genuine kiss, not a lustful one, definitely not. He keeps you in that deep kiss for a while, pulling away only to pull you in again. “Where... is this … coming from?” you chuckle a little, asking between kisses. “I don’t think… I can stand… completely hating… you anymore…” your eyes widen a bit. “Was my mouth that good?” you say jokingly, and he shakes his head. “Not just that, not just sex. You have a crazy charm to you, I don’t know if you can feel it.”
“That’s crazy coming from you Lee Heeseung.”
“I want you in my life Y/n, you can be mad all you want but it doesn’t change things between us.”
“You’ve already been in mine way too long.” You smile.
“Exactly, I want you to be so sick of me, no medicine would be able to treat you.”
“I guess we can make it work… you’re crazy hot, still might need to tape that mouth though.”
“Is that a secret kink?” He laughs.
“Oh, shut up.” You push him slightly. You can’t lie, being his girlfriend now was tempting, no matter how much you tried to hate him, he attracted you more and more without even realising. Every time he was in your presence your subconscious was happy to see him. Your mind played tricks on you, and you hated how much you adored him.
Dating Lee Heeseung, your boss, was one of the best decisions of your life. Turns out he’s sweeter than it seems, he would give his life for you, and you would too. You didn’t need anyone else, only your soulmate and your cat. You ended up moving in together, always cooking dinner together, going on vacations together and just enjoying eachother’s presence. He was such a sweet guy, something you never expected to see from such a man. Yena definitely judged you when she first found out about your new relationship, but quickly came along with the idea. Thing is, Heeseung acted this way with others but he was so sweet with you. He only loved you. His sparkly bambi eyes always stare at you with such admiration when you walk in the room. He can’t stop admiring you all the time.
I guess he wasn’t that bad after all.
a/n: thank you so much for reading this!! I spent a few days on it and it was definitely experimental. reblogging/liking would be very much appreciated < 3
#kpop#kpop bg#enhypen#enhypen hard hours#enhypen smut#enhypen scenarios#heeseung smut#heeseung enhypen#lee heeseung smut#heeseung x reader#lee heeseung#heeseung lee#heeseung#enhypen x reader
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The Great Goodreads Diss List (Part 1)
Context: For many years now, I have been collecting funny lines from Goodreads reviews to share with my coworkers. (I do collection development, reader's advisory, and weeding at a public library, so I read a LOT of reviews)
Are some of these, perhaps, rather mean? Yes, but they are also very funny, and come from a place of honest frustration. In the tradition of Bargepole threads and lists everywhere, names and titles have been censored.
"First, I want to say that I understand how hard it is to write a book and how amazing it is when it is actually published. Congrats to the author for that accomplishment. That said--"
"Warning: This review will be lengthy due to pure hatred."
"I found myself feeling really, really annoyed with the world that this book is allowed to exist. We live in a universe where the passenger pigeon is extinct but this book goes along merrily being read by unsuspecting lovers of words and ideas and stories? It just seems like too much, you know?"
"Don't do it. Don't spring the cash for the hardcover. Instead, eat an entire bag of Twizzlers, spend some money you don't have at a high-end department store, look up on Facebook the shady college boyfriend that made you cry, research the current value of your home or 401K and then read all about how the big hedge fund managers are faring during the economic crisis. You'll feel about the same stomach pain if you waste your time reading this book."
"This wretched novel begins with the mugging of an old lady and it appears I may be in the process of repeating that loathsome crime as [author] was 78 when she wrote it. It is not nice to put the boot into such a poor defenseless old creature lying there with only a damehood, a Booker Prize and a few million quid. It’s a nasty job but somebody has to do it."
"I think this is the way dead people would write, if they could."
"I am considering setting up SPABB: Society for the Protection of Accurate Book Blurb. This blurb appears to have been written by someone from the publishers who met [the author] the night before, got very drunk, lost his notes and then constructed something in a fug of hangover the next morning."
"I congratulate [the author] on the early half of his book, which was thoroughly fun and made me laugh and think. I congratulate [the author] on the second half of his book, for finishing it. It reads like that was difficult."
"…a woman whose taste in contemporary literature has roughly the same batting average as a pitcher in the National League."
"The author is a pompous windbag."
"Recommends it for: No one. Recommended to me by: A friend who apparently wished to cause me great suffering."
"Makes me wonder: is it possible to obtain similes at a volume discount?"
"The repeated phrases made me want to mail a thesaurus to the author."
"I'm disappointed in myself for finishing this book."
"if the author described [character's] eyes as "obsidian" one more time I was tempted to write her and ask if her thesaurus broke."
"They say that an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of typewriters would, if given infinite time, eventually produce the complete works of William Shakespeare. [This book], on the other hand, would probably take the average monkey just under two hours."
"I can't imagine what the author had to do to get this nadir of Western literature printed on innocent trees, but he does seem to know a LOT about being well-connected in New York."
"This book is so bad it is almost worth reading just to make you appreciate the other books you are reading."
"Reads like it was written by a brilliant author, the night before it was due."
"raises interesting questions, like: can a book be so bad as to constitute an act of terrorism"
"has this author ever spoken to a human woman"
"This acorn has fallen so far from the tree that it can’t even see the forest."
"I’m guessing they are touted as ‘beach reads’ because no one will care if they get dropped into the ocean."
"This book begins with all the energy of a hand vacuum near the end of its battery life, and the pace doesn't quicken much from there."
"At least everybody’s eyes stayed the same color this time around.”
Part 2
Part 3
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𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐚 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 | 𝐬.𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you thought that after a certain misunderstanding, your relationship had taken on a purely platonic and friendly form but then the investigation sent you to the freezing wilderness of alaska, where every night you find warmth in his bed.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬/𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐰: spencer reid x fem!bau reader, the same reader as in my story "the bolter" but it's not necessary to read it before! there are no major references, but people who have read it might treat this as a continuation (if they want to). in this story, we still have our wonderful queen elle greenaway, gideon and morgan, and many of my attempts (not always successful) at being funny. mostly smut with A LOT of plot, description of the case, oral (f receiving) and some much actions but described in a subtle way. a little bit of angst, but I wouldn't be myself if I didn't add some. again, GLASSES REID!!
𝐚/𝐧: first fic at the beginning of the month, i really wanted to post it today. i think it's time to start posting christmas-themed works? would you be interested? by the way, i hope december will treat you kind <3
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 11k
“I’m freezing, God, I’m freezing.”
“Me too, look how I’m shaking, I swear, one more hour and my feet will fall off, and then my toes…”
“Guys, for god’s sake!” Morgan finally spoke up, his voice tinged with impatience. The hood of his waterproof, windproof jacket covered almost half of his face, and even so, he was clearly the lightest dressed of all of them. “We’ve landed.” He pulled off a glove to check his watch. “Just under fifteen minutes ago. You still don’t know shit about freezing, so stop complaining like a bunch of old women in a knitting cycle…”
“I’d love to be an old lady in a knitting circle right now,” you sighed, your breath immediately turning to steam. You exchanged a look with Reid, who was freezing just as much as you were, and together, you had been driving Derek crazy with your whining. You all had similar gear, thermal layers, and jackets designed for extreme conditions, but it still wasn’t enough. “Sitting by the fireplace, knitting a sweater. Gossiping with other retirees.”
“Exchanging gingerbread recipes,” Spencer suggested, his tone just as wistful.
“And sharing tips for dealing with worms in our cats’ anuses,” you added.
“I’m done," Derek muttered.
Your work often sent you to various corners of the United States, but it rarely involved Alaska. Well, due to the state’s relatively low population density compared to others, fewer crimes were committed there, especially at the federal level.
However, in recent weeks, strange disappearances had occurred—teenagers and young men. Their bodies were found in remote areas, deep in the forest or in completely uninhabited wilderness, places so isolated that even an experienced survivalist would struggle to find their way out.
The local police, as local police often do in most criminal cases, initially pretended there wasn’t a problem, insisting the victims had died as a result of tragic accidents, simply getting lost during a hike. But when the number of deaths began to rise, and the victims included even high school students—locals who were well aware of the dangers of wandering alone after dark in such perilous areas—the case landed on JJ’s desk.
And so, you found yourselves in the brutally frigid surroundings of Fairbanks, heading toward the inn where you were supposed to drop off your things and immediately dive into the investigation.
"The temperature this week is going to range from 15 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit," Spencer informed you over his shoulder as he opened the car trunk to retrieve the luggage. "Of course, that's during the day. At night, it’ll drop as low as -4 degrees."
Elle shivered as he handed her her bag.
"I was doing just fine without those numbers," she said, nudging you lightly with her shoulder—a touch you barely felt through the thick layers of clothing. "What do you say we make up for this with a New Year’s trip? Mallorca? The Himalayas?"
"I’m dreaming of the Caribbean," Morgan chimed in. "Beaches, sunshine, and cocktails—that’s what I’ll be dreaming of tonight."
"And half-naked sunbathers," you added.
"And half-naked sunbathers," he agreed with a grin.
Elle trudged ahead, sinking into the snow up to her calves. The inn was a sizable wooden building, adorned with balconies and terraces that, given the weather, likely went unused, though they added considerable charm. It was tucked away in a secluded spot, offering privacy and a peaceful atmosphere—ideal for work.
You lingered by the car, waiting for Reid to grab his things, unwilling to leave him behind.
“Do you know much about the northern lights, Rudolph?” you teased, nodding toward his red-tipped nose. “I’ve always dreamed of seeing them.”
“Well, then you’re in luck,” he replied, looking at you with a slight smile. “We’re in one of the best places to see them, during the season with the longest nights. They’ll be visible pretty early, though the most stunning views will probably happen between ten at night and two in the morning. I’ve always wanted to see them in person too.”
"So, what do you think?" you asked, raising your eyebrows. "Midnight, at my door, and we’ll go play aurora hunters?"
You shivered just at the thought. Of course, you were joking—there was no way you'd even stick a single hand out from under the covers at this hour with those freezing nighttime temperatures. You planned to admire the beautiful phenomenon from your room window. Warm, you hoped.
"Alright. Just make sure you bundle up,"
"Sure. Thermal thong and all that."
Your room was on the same floor as Elle's and JJ's, and you were glad to have them just behind the next door. Unpacking took you only a minute, and within that time, you were all together, sitting as a team, going through the case files.
“These boys were so young,” JJ remarked, shaking her head with a hint of dread. “Sixteen, the youngest, twenty-four, the oldest. They were found in such remote locations that if it hadn’t been for the ongoing professional search and the dogs, who knows how long it would have taken before anyone stumbled upon their bodies.”
“Given the heavy snowfall, they might not have been found until the thaw. What do their parents and families say about all of this?” Hotch asked.
“Unanimously, they believe their kids would never have ventured that far on their own. This is where the mystery starts, though, because there were no wounds on their bodies, except for the ones they inflicted on themselves in their attempts to survive in the cold.”
“So, it looks like someone kidnapped them, drove them out to a place you’d never get out of without serious survival skills, and just left them to die?” Derek asked, baffled.
“Seems that way. Yesterday, an eighteen-year-old named David Moore was reported missing. Normally, it probably would have been classified as a delayed return home or maybe a runaway, and the police wouldn’t have even taken the report. But given the current circumstances and the rising panic among the locals, his parents decided not to wait. A wise decision.”
"How many hours has it been since he went missing?" you asked, running your own grim calculations in your head. "Around eight, right? Is it even possible for him to survive the night out there in these conditions?"
"That depends on what he was wearing and the specific location where he was left," Reid explained, thoughtfully cleaning the lenses of his glasses. You realized it had been a while since you’d seen him wearing them—he used to wear them daily, but lately, it was only on occasion. For a moment, you found yourself staring at his face, liking how the dark frames suited it.
"His parents believe he was likely abducted on his way home from tutoring," Elle noted, flipping through the case file. "People around here dress warmly as a habit, but even so, I doubt his everyday clothes would be particularly suited to weather like this. At night. In the middle of the woods."
An uncomfortable silence followed her words, broken only by Hotch clearing his throat.
"Anyway, we need to join the ongoing search efforts. We’ll be more useful out in the field than trying to build a profile with the scraps of information we have. I’m not sure if I need to remind you, but out of habit, I will: be cautious and don’t, under any circumstances, stray from the search group. They know this area."
Before you all moved out to get to work, Reid shot you a fleeting glance. Like a dad, you mouthed silently, and he let out the faintest chuckle. You both enjoyed spotting those unmistakably parental tendencies in your boss, though they were directed at you and the rest of the team.
Hours of searching had, unfortunately, yielded no results—the crushing pressure of time bore down on you all. The knowledge that each passing moment was stripping this boy of his chances for survival felt almost unbearable. If he had somehow managed to survive the first eight hours in the forest, sixteen seemed an increasingly unlikely feat.
And yet, hope lingered. The group, driven by his distraught family, refused to stop, likely continuing to scour the area despite warnings. Meanwhile, you stood in your hotel room, so close to the window that the cold glass brushed against your nose.
Your thoughts were consumed by the case and the fate of the teenager. Just as Reid had said, the sky was illuminated by that breathtaking greenish glow. Watching it felt almost surreal, and you wanted to take in as much of it as your eyes could hold.
If it weren’t for the fact that you had frozen to your very core during the search, you might have stepped outside to see it more clearly.
Just as the thought crossed your mind, there was a knock at your door.
You furrowed your brow, not expecting anyone. When you opened it, you came face to face with none other than Spencer. Well, it was hard to tell it was him at first. He was bundled up so tightly in layers of warm clothes that his body lost its natural shape and resembled more of a puffy ball than a person.
"Hey," he greeted awkwardly, raising his hand hesitantly and scanning your appearance from head to toe. "You're not ready yet. Sorry, I think I came too early. I thought we were meeting at midnight..."
"We were meeting?"
"For the northern lights hunt, you forgot? I checked the Kp index, it's a measure of aurora activity that determines its intensity, and it turns out tonight is really favorable... wait, why are you laughing?"
His furrowed brows and face, barely visible in the dimly lit hallway but clearly confused, only made you laugh harder. Shaking your head in disbelief, you covered your smile with your hand.
"Spencer, I was joking," you said, suddenly feeling guilty that your sarcasm had led him to spend time and effort preparing for a night out. "There’s no way I'm going out in this cold. I’d rather dive headfirst into boiling water, at least that would be warmer."
“Oh,” he let out a short, disappointed sigh. He quickly nodded, as if trying to accept the situation, and forced a more neutral expression. “I—I really thought you were serious. Sorry for... for waking you up, then.”
For a moment, you stood in silence, your hand resting on the doorframe. An odd, unexpected thought sprinted through your mind. It had been such a long time since the two of you had been together like this, late at night, in the same room...
“Well, in that case,” he cleared his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts. “I’m sorry again. Let’s just pretend this didn’t happen, okay? Forget I came here and embarrassed myself. That’s all. Sorry. I should probably go if I want to avoid being completely sleep-deprived tomorrow...”
“Go where?” you interrupted, suddenly standing straighter, alarmed.
“Aurora hunting.”
“By yourself? Spencer, have you lost your mind?”
He opened and closed his mouth, caught off guard by your outburst.
“Well, I don’t know when I’ll ever get another chance like this, being in the Arctic Circle...”
“It’s pitch dark and freezing cold. You don’t know the area—”
“...I’ve had a chance to look around, and I’m not going far. There’s a small hill just behind the inn—”
“...And there’s a freaking serial killer on the loose around here, did you forget?”
“Well, I have a gun.”
“Well, I’m not letting you go,” you cut him off firmly, crossing your arms over your chest. Spencer tilted his head, clearly ready to argue further, but before he could speak, you added, “Give me five minutes.”
“Five minutes to get dressed. I’m coming with you.”
At first, you could have sworn a faint smile flickered across his lips. But then, just as quickly, he shook his head vehemently.
“No, really, you don’t have to. Not just because of me. I’ll be fine…”
"Five minutes," you repeated once more, slightly flustered and trying not to dwell on the fact that the moment you stepped outside, you’d likely regret this decision. “Wait here. Or come inside—I don’t want to shut the door in your face.” As you spoke, you opened the door wider, inviting him in.
Without wasting another second, you headed straight for your suitcase. Okay, how many layers does one need for a night outside in Alaska?
“I actually bought a set of thermal underwear specifically for this case,” you said, pulling out the essentials from your bag. Most of what you’d worn during the day would work fine, but you debated adding an extra sweater and another pair of socks. “And, oh my God, I hate it. I’d rather wear lace thongs 24/7 than spend more than eight hours in this bugger.”
You glanced subtly over your shoulder, curious to see his reaction and waiting for his reply. It wasn’t like you wanted to embarrass him, but you absolutely adored how, in response to even your most suggestive remarks, he could always respond with complete seriousness—like he was dissecting some profound issue. Judging by the furrow of his brow, this time would be no different.
“Really? You know, thermal underwear is generally associated with comfort. The fabric is typically elastic, soft, and breathable. High-quality models are even seamless, so they don’t cause any chafing. Maybe you bought a poorly fitted one?”
“Maybe. I don’t know, I have no expertise in this area. It digs in so much, though, and I have to keep myself from adjusting it. Can you imagine me sticking my hand in my pants right in front of the missing boy’s family?”
He hesitated before responding.
“Not really. But I can picture Hotch’s face.”
“And I can picture a termination notice on my desk the next day,” you quipped.
You grabbed all the clothes you had gathered and disappeared into the bathroom to layer them on. It wasn’t a quick job—by the end, you felt like your movements were completely restricted by the weight of it all—but at least you were prepared. When the first merciless blast of Alaskan air brushed against the tiny exposed part of your face, it didn’t immediately make you want to run back inside screaming.
Instead, you sighed in awe.
"I know I’ve invoked God's name a hundred times already, but God, this is beautiful," you said, feeling your own words too inadequate to describe the miracle above your heads. The streaks of light stretching across the sky, an intense green with a certain transparency, a glassy quality, the stars peeking through it all.
Spencer turned to you over his shoulder. He was only a couple of steps ahead, but he kept doing it as if afraid that in a moment of not seeing you, you'd fall into the snow and disappear forever.
“Wait until we get to the spot,” he said, his smile clearly excited. In his dark eyes, the light seemed to reflect and stay there, even when he blinked, as though he had already absorbed it all deep inside. “It’s only ten minutes away, but it makes a difference.”
"I hope you're not one of those people who says, 'Oh, it's just around the corner, we don't need a cab!' and then leads you to walk halfway across the city" you scoffed. You tried to keep your gaze fixed on his back, his lantern swinging in his hand. Alaska, the vast empty terrain, the thick layers of snow, seemed to hide some sort of mystery beneath them, and it filled you with a fair amount of fear. "Will you shield me with your chest if a bear jumps out at us?"
"Actually, yes, I would," he replied. "But not because of heroism, it's more because I have bear spray in my pocket, and by that very fact, it's probably my duty."
"Okay, let’s make a deal: you protect us from a potential bear attack, and I’ll take care of Bigfoot. By the way, that legend never really scared me. A monkey with gigantic feet just sounds too ridiculous to me. Remember that episode of History's Mysteries that we watched at your place?"
You both shared a love for a certain TV show about conspiracy theories and famous mysteries from around the world.
"Of course. You know part of it was filmed right here in Fairbanks? Bigfoot never really fascinated me either, but I liked that at the end of the episode they also mentioned other Alaskan legends. Like The Kushtaka, for example."
"I don't remember that. But I'm not sure I want you to tell me," you confessed, taking a breath, the cold biting into your lungs. Despite the layers of clothing, it was getting colder and colder, but at least you'd finally reached the spot Spencer had chosen. He was right; the vast plain on the small hill was perfect for watching the aurora. You had the feeling that the sky was only an inch above your head, and a childlike urge to reach up and touch it. "Alright, you've got me too intrigued. Go ahead."
You noticed that, unlike you, Spencer wasn't tilting his head back to gaze at the sky. He was looking at you.
"The Kushtaka is a creature from the folklore of the surrounding tribes. It is most often described as a hybrid of a human and an otter..."
You couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
"Otters, seriously? Is that supposed to chill me to the bone?"
Spencer raised an eyebrow in a somewhat sarcastic manner.
"Okay, let me tell you the story differently," he proposed in a similar tone, swallowing as if to prepare himself for the tension-building drop in his voice. "Just like now, we're heading out to see the northern lights. Just the two of us, surrounded by nothing but darkness. The sky is overcast that day, and there’s hardly any light to see." At that moment, he switched off the flashlight he was holding, and his previously well-lit face faded into obscurity. You crossed your arms over your chest, silently promising yourself you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of being scared.
“In this story, do my thermal undies also ride up so uncomfortably?”
“Your underwear isn’t a significant part of this tale. Anyway… crap, where was I?”
“The thought of my underwear distracted you?”
You heard him sigh, almost in exasperation, and a sly smile spread across your face.
“Let me continue. No more comments about underwear.”
“My underwear or in general?”
“SO WE’RE HEADING TO SEE THE NORTHERN LIGHTS. It’s dark, it’s creepy, and you’ve got chills running down your spine. Then suddenly, you realize you’ve lost me.”
“Phew,” you exhaled with theatrical relief. “Finally got rid of that creep who kept obsessing over my underwear.”
"You know what, I’m done. I’m done. I won’t tell you the story about the human-otter hybrid."
“I’m devastated by this fact!” you assured him in the same overly dramatic tone. Taking it a step further, you jumped toward him, desperately grabbing the fabric of his jacket. “Dr. Reid, please, I beg you, tell me about the human-otter hybrid. I need this. I’ll sell my soul and body, just please…”
Spencer threw his head back, laughing, and as you tried to calm yourself down, you leaned against him. Taken by surprise, he lost his balance, sending both of you toppling into the snow.
“Damn, we’re going to be wet!” he groaned, trying to get up from the deep snowdrift you both had fallen into. It wasn’t the easiest task with all the layers of clothing and a girl who was dying of laughter on top of him.
“I think that’s enough of our aurora watching,” you said once you both finally managed to get back on your feet. Despite the ski pants and very, very warm clothes, you were starting to feel frozen. “And enough of your legends. It’s late, and we should head back.”
“You didn’t let me finish,” he complained, sounding like a little puppy that had been scolded for peeing on the carpet.
“You can tell me on the way,” you replied. “Come on.”
You sent one last glance toward the sky before moving forward, your mind focused entirely on the vision of a hot, soothing bath and a blanket with an extra layer for warmth. For the rest of the walk, Spencer didn’t try to use his low voice or mysterious narrative tone. He finished the story in his usual manner, sounding more like a fascinated lecturer. You couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed—he had sounded really sexy earlier, you had to admit.
When you both got back to the guesthouse, you glanced at the stairs leading up to your room and shook your head in refusal.
“If I don’t get under at least five blankets right this second, I’m going to die, so sorry my dear, but I’m coming to you and I won’t leave until I’m warm, or I’ll never leave at all,” you said quickly and firmly.
Spencer raised an eyebrow but replied just as energetically.
“I don’t think I have five blankets in my room.”
“Three will be fine.”
And that's exactly how it went. First, you took off your jackets, and then, in your typical everyday clothes, you quickly jumped into bed, covered with the duvet up to your neck, waiting for the pleasant warmth to spread across your bodies.
“Was seeing the aurora worth all that suffering?' you asked, turning onto your side in bed so you could face him.
'Well, it wouldn't have been suffering if someone hadn't shoved both of us into the snow...'
He said this while lying on his back, but shortly after these words, he followed your lead and also turned onto his side. Your breath became shallower. It had been almost a year since you last had him this close, almost a year since you slept together, and then decided to let the situation fade into oblivion.
Honestly, you almost succeeded. After all, that incident was like every other encounter you had with guys. Spontaneous, one-time, followed by bolting. But you didn’t see those other guys afterward. Every day at work, forced to watch him wipe his glasses, his damn glasses, with the same fingers he…
“Are you thinking about something specific?” he suddenly asked, his voice eerily similar to the one he used to tell you the story on the hill, a voice you found so sexy.
That was the kind of man Spencer Reid was. Always wanting to know what was going on inside your head.
You sighed, probably too loudly.
"You don't want to know what I'm thinking right now,"
You felt a little pathetic, realizing that your whole excuse about not being able to go to your room was just a pretext to end up in his bed. Once again. This whole trip to Alaska must have really messed with your head. Or maybe it cleared the fog in your mind and left a single thought, naked and defenseless. You wanted him.
"I know how pathetic that sounds, but I always want to know what you're thinking," he replied after a moment, swallowing audibly. You heard it clearly, you were so close. So close...
You had to make a quick decision: whether to continue and face the consequences the next day, or, perhaps worse, to be rejected? It was possible that he had learned from your last time together, and didn’t want to get involved with you that way.
"I can show you what I'm thinking," you finally proposed, not blinking for a long moment, just carefully studying the features of his face, any signs of uncertainty or tension.
Because there was that one small seed of probability that he wanted you too.
His lips parted, but were immediately covered by your kiss.
Slow and curious. How did he taste after all this time?
Maybe it was a thought whispered by the moment, but you had the feeling that even better.
You didn’t play the role of a taster for too long. Soon, still not pulling his lips away from yours, you lifted yourself into a sitting position, propping yourself up with your elbow on the bed, pressing closer to him with every passing moment, more intensely and hungrily.
Something seemed to haunt you, preventing you from moving any further. Something in his posture—lying on his back, surrendered to your control, yet somehow absent.
You pulled away from his lips, your gazes meeting. There was a certain weakness and sadness in his eyes.
"Is something wrong?" you managed to ask, your voice strangely trembling.
Spencer suddenly sat up, straightening himself, though there was still a slight bend in his shoulders. His movement forced you to pull away from his chest.
"I can't do this," he confessed quietly, taking a deep breath. "I can't sleep with you." In a way, it hurt more than if he had simply refused to let you kiss him. Your forehead furrowed in disappointment and... shock?
"Why?" you asked directly, foregoing any excuses about not aiming for that. Because you had been.
He let out a laugh, filled with pity.
"Because after this, I won’t be able to stop thinking about you. And you, after tonight, won’t want me anymore."
You were breathing heavily, completely unsure of what to say. His words were painfully eye-opening, first and foremost. And secondly... true. Because did you plan, like a normal person, to wake up next to him, greet him, date him? That wasn’t how you operated. In your plans, there was always just one option—escape. Exactly like that time.
You slowly began to slide off the bed, his hand moved to reach for yours, and you hoped he would take it, but at the last moment, he hesitated. He hesitated.
"I'm sorry," he said.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," you reassured him, yet you didn’t look at him the whole time. You sounded stiff, almost reproachful, even though you were the one who should be reproached. You were the problem.
You looked around the floor, used to picking up your clothes from it, but this time there was nothing. Except for the jacket hung up and the ski pants you’d pulled on over your regular ones to avoid freezing in the cold night. Leaving without a word seemed excessive.
Your back rested against the door as you turned to look at him. Your quick-thinking mind raced, searching for something to say to at least salvage some dignity in this situation…
“Let’s pretend this didn’t happen,” you finally suggested.
Spencer was still sitting on the edge of the bed, as if he couldn’t decide whether he wanted to get up or stay there. Eventually, it seemed like he stayed, though you weren’t sure, having already turned toward the door, your hand pressing on the doorknob.
“T-think that’s the best solution,” he admitted, just as one of your feet stepped into the hallway.
Then, you heard someone whistling.
You immediately stepped back into his room, keeping your face turned toward the door.
“Damn, it’s Morgan,” you said, recognizing the person in the hallway by the sound alone. “We better not let him see me leave, or he’ll never leave us alone…”
You expected that when you turned around, you’d find him still sitting on the bed. After all, you hadn’t heard him get up, hadn’t heard him approach. You certainly didn’t expect that, when you turned, his lips would almost immediately attack yours.
It was so unexpected, so sudden, that the back of your head slammed against the door.
“Fuck, sorry…”
But you didn’t think for a second about the pain, nor did you focus on why Spencer had suddenly changed his mind. Your attention was solely on the two of you, two desperate pairs of lips pressing together and pulling apart, never staying away for long.
He pulled you toward him, wrapping his arms around your waist. Unlike the last time, it was your back that hit the mattress first. The cool surface, the heated bodies, and the weight of the layers of clothing between you both.
"You've changed," you noticed.
A different dynamic. The pace was set by him—just moments ago, you were standing by the door, and now, half of your clothes were gone, while the soft skin of your neck was buried under a cascade of messy, impatient kisses.
"Do you like it?" he asked, his face hovering above yours, one hand resting on the bed next to it.
"I haven't gotten enough to say for sure," you replied, teasingly. "But I get the feeling you're more confident now. A lot of practice since last time?"
He shrugged.
"I don't think it's about practice," he said, his hand sliding down your side until it stopped at the waistband of your pants, lingering there but not moving any lower. You reached for his hand, brushing against it before trailing your fingers along its length up to his forearm, feeling one of his veins beneath your fingertips. "I guess... I was just scared you'd leave, and I had to stop you somehow. That’s why I rushed," he admitted.
His gaze lingered mostly on your face, but it wandered across your body, his frustration clear as he eyed the layers of clothing still in his way. Something about his desperation and impatience stirred something playful in you, and you couldn’t resist teasing him.
Propping yourself up on one elbow, you tilted your chin to look at him.
“If I tried to leave right now, how would you stop me?”
The corner of his mouth twitched at your question, but he decided to play along, nodding thoughtfully.
“I think I’ve got a few ideas.”
“Care to show me?” you asked, your voice dripping with challenge.
For a moment, he didn’t move at all, just kept staring at you, until he allowed himself that first, utterly shameless drop of his gaze and a soft sigh. His lips began their journey, starting at their usual, safe spot on your neck, trailing toward your shoulder, and crossing over your collarbone with deliberate intent. You were still half-sitting, struggling to steady your breathing so your chest wouldn’t rise and fall too much or too quickly, trying not to disrupt him. The first hint of uncertainty appeared between your breasts when his kisses momentarily softened, carefully exploring unfamiliar territory and testing your sensitivity.
You struggled more and more to keep yourself from collapsing fully onto the mattress. But when his cool tongue met your skin, pressing against it so firmly that his forehead brushed against your stomach, relentlessly moving lower, you couldn’t hold out any longer.
He was between your knees, bent in anticipation. He reached them, sliding his hands down your thighs and coaxing them to relax. He fumbled a bit while unbuttoning your pants, and had trouble sliding them down while you were lying there. You lifted your hips to help, even tried to do it yourself, but he stopped your hands, placing them above your head.
“You don’t have to do anything,” he said softly, finally freeing your legs from both pant legs. His hands wrapped around your ankles, his thumb tracing gentle circles around one of them, which somehow completely seized your attention, and you focused solely on that subtle motion. For a moment, you closed your eyes, and when you opened them again, you noticed that his chin was just above your panty line. "Actually, it will be much more pleasant for you if you just focus on feeling and nothing else. I was supposed to show you my ideas, remember?"
“As someone who apologized for being in too much of a hurry, you sure have an unexpectedly large amount of patience now,” you remarked with reproach, lifting your head again. Maybe keeping it down allowed for more comfort and relief for your neck, but on the other hand, the sight of his face immersed between your thighs was simply priceless.
If the sight itself was priceless, how do you describe that feeling?
With every move of his tongue, your hips swayed, adjusted to the rhythm. Often tense, trying to find some outlet, especially when sighs escaped his lips and his cool breath penetrated through you.
"Think I'm gonna cume embarrassingly quickly," you confessed, unsure whether he even understood anything from your sentence, which was at least interwoven with two moans. Three.
When it happened, you uncontrollably squeezed his head with your knees, a similar groan also came from his mouth.
Spender didn’t stay in that position for long. When you opened your tightly shut eyelids, his face was right above yours, stretched in such satisfaction, as if he was the one receiving pleasure.
"Was it too quick for you?" he asked, still absorbing you with the same gaze, which seemed to pulse with desire. "If you want, we can try again, you’ll surely improve..."
"My God, when did you become so cocky?"
He chuckled, but instead of answering, he once again pressed himself against your body and skin, closing his eyes in devotion and lingering on each spot for as long as it took, as if he could never be satisfied, no matter how much he took in.
Your hands, instead of tormenting the innocent fabric of the blanket, moved to his back, tightly embracing his neck and basically everything they could latch onto. All of his earlier composure seemed to evaporate; you didn’t even have to ask twice to make him slide in. It actually sounded more like an order than a request, a bit desperate, it's true, but still an order.
"How is it even possible that it feels even better than the last time?” His words, his lips, ticked your neck as he moaned out this question. "Just... I feel like I won’t have enough of you tonight."
"The night is long," you said, almost into the air, not really paying attention to the meaning behind it. "Tomorrow night too."
Spencer stopped, completely. His eyes desperately searched for yours, and when he finally found them, they widened in disbelief.
"Tomorrow night too?" he repeated. "But I thought... I thought you didn't want anything more than a one-night fling…”
"It's already our second," you reminded him. "And I'll be completely honest with you, I don’t want to walk around all day tomorrow sexually frustrated just at the sight of you. Let's make a deal, okay?"
"A deal?"
"Yeah. I'll tell you about it in a moment, but right now...Oh God, I think I’m gonna…”
You both got dressed right after, but not because either of you intended to leave. The temperature inside simply didn’t allow for sleeping naked, no matter how warm you were after sex.
"So?" he asked, handing you the piece of paper you had sent him to the bathroom for. Then he sat on the bed, facing you. "What did you mean by this deal?"
"Well, after thinking about it, I'm not sure if it's a good idea after all..."
"I want to know, even if just out of curiosity."
"You want to know everything, Spence. But fine. I thought maybe... while we're in Alaska, we could just, you know, allow ourselves to do whatever we want. In more direct terms, fuck each other as much as we want.”
It sounded a bit...crazy? Spencer kept his gaze suspended in the air for a moment before turning it back to you, questioning.
"But only as long as we're in Alaska?"
"Exactly. Since there's only one floor between us, why not take advantage of it?" you tried to joke, lightening the mood.
It didn’t seem to have much effect on him.
"But what happens next? When we get back?"
"Do we really have to think about that?" you wondered, moving closer to him, to the body that just moments ago made you feel so good. "We'll get used to being apart, just like before."
"Okay," he sucked in a breath, clearly torn over the proposal. "I mean, no, I didn’t mean okay... because it doesn’t seem like a great idea, but on the other hand... on the other hand, I really, really want you, even if it only means for this short time."
You smiled, though deep down, somewhere very deep, there was something somber in that gesture.
Ignoring that, you kissed him to seal the deal. And not just that.
"That was for good night and goodbye."
"Goodbye? You're leaving?" A clear look of disappointment crossed his face, but he quickly shook his head, trying to get rid of it. "Good night, then."
"It's not that I don't want to stay. It's just that it would be better to be well-rested for work, and I don't think we'd sleep properly if I decided to spend the night here. “
You saw him open his mouth, ready to protest, but you had already gotten up from the bed and started gathering your remaining things.
"Wait," he called as you were about to leave. "You said... you said something that's been bothering me, you know? I can even quote it, so listen up. You said that you don't want to walk around all day tomorrow sexually frustrated just at the sight of me."
You couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter.
"And that bothers you?"
"I don’t understand what you meant by that. What in my behavior makes you feel that way?"
"A lot of things."
"Like what?"
"I'll tell you someday. Maybe it's better if you're not aware of it."
"Hey, now I won’t be able to sleep!"
"Anyway, good night, sweet boy."
Almost the first thing in the morning, you found yourselves at the local police station, full of disappointment and anxiety. You had to inform the parents of the missing boy found in the forest that he had been located. But unfortunately, it was not good news.
The first hours of the day passed in constant analysis and discussion, until finally, around noon, you gathered in front of the town's police officers, ready to deliver the profile. You didn’t have much time for any reflection on the previous night, or even for a conversation with Spencer. A sober one this time, when you weren’t intoxicated by desire and each other.
You stood in the corner of the room, listening to Hotch and Gideon.
"The UNSUB is a white male, likely with military experience or, at the very least, extensive survival skills, estimated to be around 50-60 years old. He abducts teenagers, boys, and young men who look younger than their actual age, which suggests he doesn’t know his victims very well."
"If he observes them, it’s for a short period. He doesn’t have time to get to know them but understands their routine and daily schedule well enough to know when to strike."
"He doesn’t drug his victims, which means he is physically capable of abducting them without assistance. This ties into the type of victims he selects. All these boys were more the intellectual type than athletes. When abducted, they were coming from school, tutoring sessions, or the library. David Moore, for instance, was tall but lanky. His family described him as gentle, with a big heart and a passion for learning."
"The UNSUB abandons them in remote forest locations. Forcing them to fight for survival gives him a sense of control and serves as a way to prove his belief that modern society and boys today are incapable of handling adversity. He openly despises them, viewing them as weak and effeminate. His mindset reflects a toxic approach to gender roles and what he considers the traditional male archetype."
“White men aged 50-60 with survival skills make up about half the population here,” a policeman noted. “Take me, for example…”
Hotch began providing more detailed information, while Gideon stepped out of the center of the room, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.
You approached Reid, who was sitting in a chair, and ruffled his hair with your hand.
“Watch your back, genius-boy,” you warned, standing behind him. From his seat, he tilted his head all the way back to look up at you. A smile instantly appeared on his face.
“You might just be next. And we wouldn’t want that.”
“So, you think I’m effeminate?”
"I know very well that you're not. But you do have that intellectual spark in your eyes. And, you know, those glasses don’t help."
Ever since you’d been in Alaska, he’d worn them less often because, as he’d told you while chatting in bed, they kept fogging up. But now, they were perched on his nose, making him look... delectable. Simply delectable.
The rest of your team approached, Elle's gaze lingering on your hand resting on the back of Reid's chair. As usual, she had to notice everything.
"I need to send you all to a few places to check out some individuals the police have identified as matching the profile," Hotch announced. "Y/N and Elle, I’d like you to speak again with the bus driver who drove David Moore just before he was abducted. Once he understands the profile, he might be able to recall more details."
You lingered in the room, wanting to exchange a word with Spencer. In complete privacy... He was slowly wiping his glasses, as if hoping for the same. Watching the movements of his hands, you shook your head.
"This is it—what you asked me about yesterday. What makes me sexually frustrated. Our agreement still stands, right?" you asked, running your hand along his shoulder, just to touch him. Even though the many layers of clothing made it almost impossible to really feel him.
He looked at the glasses he was cleaning, then at you, disbelief written all over his face.
"That's what you meant? Cleaning glasses?"
"Don't judge me. It's about the motion. Or maybe the glasses themselves, I don't know. Maybe I’m a fetishist. Anyway, are you going to answer my question?"
Still seated in the chair, he had to tilt his head back to look at you, which reminded you—just a little, okay, a lot—of another situation where he was down below.
"What about you?" he countered. "You haven’t changed your mind?"
"Absolutely not."
"In that case, yes. It still stands."
“Oh, I don’t know what I’d do if you’d answered differently. See you tonight, then,” you promised, glancing around the room to make sure none of your team members were still there. Just a few local officers... who weren’t paying much attention to you. Even if they were, it wasn’t their business.
You leaned in quickly to kiss him. He closed his eyes, as if hoping for more.
“Not now, and not here. I need to go find Elle. Hotch gave us an assignment. Have a good one.”
You walked away, feeling his gaze on your back.
You found your friend in the car, one of those suited for tough terrain, with high tires. She was sitting behind the wheel, tapping her nails on it.
"So, what was the address of that driver?" you asked, fastening your seatbelt.
"Forgive my bluntness, darling, but I’ll die if I don’t know. What was that all about?"
"What do you mean, ‘What was that all about’?"
"Oh, come on, you know exactly what I mean. Messing with his hair, the chair, the looks. Are you two sleeping together again?"
You technically had no reason to hide anything from her, after all, you trusted her completely and had never hesitated to talk about your sex life. But this time... you kind of liked the idea of keeping whatever happened between you and Spencer just between the two of you.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. We're just acting like we usually do," you said.
"Yeah?" She raised an eyebrow, slowly pulling away from the police station, her gaze shifting between the road and you. "Then what were those sounds last night from his room?"
"Oh shit, did we make noise?"
She smiled triumphantly.
"I don't know, you tell me. I'm just teasing you. I'm on a completely different floor. But I'll take that as an admission of guilt."
"Manipulative bitch!"
"I'll take that as a compliment. So?"
You rolled your eyes with a heavy sigh, but eventually, you confirmed her suspicion with a nod.
"I thought you didn't sleep with the same guy twice."
"The air in Alaska really does something strange to me."
"Sure. The air," she scoffed, and you furrowed your brows in slight confusion, looking at her, waiting for her to elaborate. The car glided along one of those completely empty, snow-covered roads where there was nothing to focus on. "You know, I wonder why you just don't admit that you like him?"
"I don't hide the fact that I like him."
"Then why not give it a try?"
"Try what, Elle?"
She glanced at you sideways, her lips tightening at your obviously irritated tone. She didn't mean to upset you, of course, but that's how you felt. She sighed, as if thinking about how to approach the subject.
"You've learned to live with it," she finally began, slowly and cautiously weighing her words. "With that fear. Of intimacy and commitment."
"It's just a preference."
"No, it's not a preference. It's fear. You're afraid that if you get emotionally close to someone, you'll be abandoned, and you don't want to risk another painful loss. You want to have full control over the relationship and disappear when you feel like it's fading. Usually in the morning. It's a common mechanism, and it's not just about you. And no mechanism can be broken without making an attempt."
"Elle, stop. You're profiling me, and you know how much I hate that."
And actually, you hated being confronted with the truth about yourself and being internally forced to draw conclusions about yourself.
It was easy, living without reflecting on oneself. Especially when those reflections were painful. You could hurt yourself, unsuccessfully trying to confront them, or flow along with their current, completely subordinated to them and deaf to the words of others, who said you were only hurting yourself in the bigger picture.
Elle dropped the subject, as you had arrived at the house of the man you were supposed to interview. She didn’t bring it up again afterward. The hours at work passed, and you only waited for that specific moment when you'd cross the threshold of that room again.
The previous night danced vividly in your mind, never slowing down or taking a break for a moment. As soon as he opened the door, you threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing his face, and unbuckling his belt.
Spencer took a sharp breath, shocked and amused, as soon as you touched him.
"It would be incredibly awkward if someone were at my place right now," he chuckled into your mouth, half of his sentence drowned out by your kiss.
You pulled your face away just slightly, raising your eyebrows. It was only then that you noticed he was wearing glasses. Oh, he was so completely unaware of what you were about to do to him...
"How many people do you bring to yourself every night?" you asked.
"In that regard, only you. Besides, this is only the second time, so I wouldn’t call it every night... but I could always be here with someone, talking..."
"Keeping each other warm," you added.
Your hands slid under the fabric of his clothes, brushing the lower part of his stomach.
He noticeably tensed under your fingers, swallowing slowly, impatient and pleading.
"Engaging in a worldview discussion and exchanging conclusions," he finished, a smile playing on his lips.
"Uh-huh. Exactly like we are now. Honestly, does that turn you on? Do you want me to share my political views while you’re eating me out?”
"This is probably the only scenario in which you could make me not feel pleasure because of it."
His hands hesitated, roaming uncertainly across your body, unsure of where to start. They brushed over so many spots, moving from one to the next, chaotic and desperate.
You didn’t know where to focus – on the lips in the hollow of your neck, on the hand on your hips, or the other, slipping lower and lower?
Or perhaps on that sound, right by your ear, sweet, pleading whimper?
Moan left your body just for that reason and you already knew how you wanted the rest of the night to unfold.
You gently pushed him back, and with quickened breath, you dropped to one knee, then the other.
"After yesterday, I couldn't stop thinking about you," you confessed, making sure your lips were close enough to his body as you spoke. You heard him inhale sharply, whispering something under his breath. "I couldn't focus on work at all. So today, I want to take care of you, completely."
You thought he would be satisfied with the offer; well, it was hard to deny that he was. Still, for some reason, he started shaking his head.
"N-no, that's not... I want to do it. Take care of you, I mean."
You couldn’t stop smiling, but at the same time, you weren’t about to back down, which should probably be enough to describe the dynamics of the following hours.
At times, it was brutally slow, while at other moments, it was hurried and impressive. Sometimes, you interrupted each other constantly, unable to stop talking, and at other times, the only sound filling the room was your two breaths, the only constant, restless, and laced with moans and cries.
"You’re not leaving me tonight, right?" he asked, drawing closer to your body and holding you almost pleadingly. You laughed against his skin, shaking your head in denial.
"At some point, I will have to. For about fifteen minutes, before everyone wakes up."
"You’ll say you just came by for something. To ask a question or something," he tried to convince you.
"Oh, at this early hour, looking like I’ve just done a two-hour workout? Derek would eat us alive. His eyebrow would never drop again. If I ever end up in hell, it will be with him there, looking at me like that." You tried to mimic his expression, tensing your jaw as you did.
"Stop, I feel harassed."
"You see? And if he found out about us, this is how the next... God, I can’t even predict when he’d get tired of it. Maybe in a year. Do you want to suffer for another whole year just to be with me for an extra fifteen minutes?"
"I’d be able to survive that," he declared quietly, placing his hand under your head and playing with your hair with one of his fingers. "But if you don’t want it, I’m not going to waste time and try to convince you."
"Sure," you scoffed playfully. "So many things could be done in that time."
"Like what?" he asked, clearly intrigued. "Try to sleep. What were you hoping for?"
"Nothing, nothing. But you used a plural in that sentence and then only gave one thing. So, I’m waiting for the rest."
"That’s an overinterpretation."
"More like a simple analysis of sentence structure."
"Maybe sometimes it's better to analyze a little less. Spencer."
"I don’t think I’m capable of that," he admitted, his tone a little more serious. You furrowed your brow, looking at his pale face in the weak light, showing signs of the night’s exhaustion. "That’s just how my brain works. It doesn’t give me much time to rest."
You often wondered what the world looked like from his perspective. How, in many ways, his genius was both a revelation and a curse. But you’d never heard him complain about it—until now. In fact, it wasn’t even a complaint, just a statement of fact, somewhat melancholy.
You kissed the top of his head, hoping it would have a soothing effect.
And indeed, it worked. He moved even closer to you, rested his head, and after a moment, almost at the same time, your eyelids fell.
The morning passed slowly and longingly, even though you were still so close to each other. However, there was the awareness that with the arrival of the day, you would have to wait many, many hours before you saw each other again. In a similar way, you meant. After all, at work, you constantly spent time together, which only made everything more difficult. It would have been much easier to push him out of your head and focus, if it weren’t for that.
Meanwhile, Spencer, perhaps trying to gently play on your nerves, cleaned his glasses much more often than necessary. But there was also the possibility that he was doing it the same amount as usual, and you were just imagining it.
"Are you doing that again?" Morgan nodded in his direction as a greeting when you were sitting in the guesthouse room that served as your team's meeting place. There was a long table in there, similar to the one in your office, but much narrower. Sitting across from Reid, you could easily touch his hand. If you wanted to. "Is this some new nervous tic of yours? Polishing them?"
"I don’t know what you’re talking about," Spencer furrowed his brow in mock surprise, stopping the corner of his mouth from twitching. You kicked him under the table, and he couldn’t suppress a gasp.
To hide your amusement, you covered your face with your hand, but Morgan immediately picked up on it.
"Is this some new inside joke of yours?"
"He’s literally just polishing his glasses, leave him alone," you said.
Morgan’s eyebrows raised in the same way you had imitated him the night before. Neither of you could hold it in and burst into laughter.
"What’s going on?" JJ asked, walking into the room.
"Something very strange is going on," Derek announced mysteriously, staring at you both intently. His hands were resting on his hips, and his head tilted in thought. "Something very strange..."
Then Hotch arrived, even more serious than usual, which immediately dispelled the good mood. The rest of the team also arrived—Elle and Gideon—and everyone took their seats at the table.
"In the past few hours, there hasn’t been any concerning missing person reports," Hotch informed you. "On one hand, that’s good; on the other, it means the unsub will strike again soon. And we can’t let that happen."
"And you even have a plan," Gideon stated, with some sort of understanding in his eyes.
Hotch looked at you all with hesitation before nodding in confirmation.
"That's right, I have. I've concluded that we have no choice but to set a trap."
At those words, his gaze rested on Spencer, which was enough for you to figure it all out even before the main subject did.
"With all due respect, Hotch, have you lost your mind?!"
And how exactly do you envision this?" Elle asked, not as shaken as you but clearly concerned. "Sure, he fits the profile of his victims, but how is he supposed to set himself up? Walk around town and hope to get kidnapped?"
"At least two of the victims were abducted on the same stretch of road, after getting off the bus at the same isolated bus stop while walking home alone. It’s an exceptionally safe location for him," your boss explained.
"Honestly, I’m not convinced," Derek interjected, staring ahead with a furrowed brow. "I just don’t think he’d use the exact same spot again. Word has probably spread around the area that the FBI is on the case. He might be more cautious and change his methods."
"But he might just as well try again," JJ said quietly. You looked at her with clear surprise, as you had expected that, with her characteristic care for the team, she would be against the idea. "Right now, it’s the only thing we can do to try to prevent another abduction."
You drew a breath, understanding her arguments but remaining entirely opposed. Your gaze finally fell on Spencer, for the first time since the idea had even been brought up. He was sitting very upright, his brow furrowed, and he slowly began nodding.
"JJ’s right, it’s the only thing we can do," he said. He wasn’t looking at Hotch, nor even at the team as a whole—he was looking at you, directly and only at you. A calming, slightly nervous smile crossed his face, making you scoff. "Nothing’s going to happen to me. You’ll all be around, on the bus, near the stop."
With his words, the decision was made, and all you could do was shake your head in disbelief.
"I want to be on the same bus," you declared desperately, crossing your arms over your chest. You simply couldn’t reconcile with the fact that Spencer was willingly putting himself in harm's way—especially when the unsub's desire was to hurt people like him. "I’ll pose as a civilian. A random young woman. I shouldn’t seem like a threat, and someone from our team has to be inside."
"You’re right," Hotch replied, looking at you with sharp attention. "But it will be Elle."
You and your friend exchanged a confused look, startled by the firmness in his voice.
"I don’t think it makes much of a difference," she tried to intervene, which made you feel grateful.
Although, it didn’t change anything…
"I’m not obligated to explain myself to you about this decision, especially in front of the entire team. This is an order," Hotch announced with almost brutal professionalism. "The only thing I can say is that we need someone who won’t break character until the very end. Someone who won’t let emotions cloud their judgment."
"Are you sure you’re up for this?" Gideon asked, directing the question at Spencer. His tone was understanding, prepared to accept any refusal without judgment.
This time, he didn’t look at you. As Spencer nodded in confirmation, he actually avoided your gaze.
"Then we have the whole day to prepare for the sting. Let’s hope this leads to catching the unsub," Hotch concluded the meeting, signaling that you could leave the table.
You were torn between staying and screaming at your boss or leaving the room after Reid. Well, the second option wouldn’t get you fired. And, honestly, it seemed like the better choice. It turned out he wanted to talk to you too, as he was clearly waiting for you in the narrow hallway of the inn, where animal antlers hung on the walls and an informational board about moose was displayed.
"Are you angry because I want to do this?" he asked, the narrow walls around you making you stand quite close. Well, not as close as you could be, but close enough to add gravity to the conversation and allow you to study his face carefully.
Especially his determination. The determination for this job, for solving the case, and for preventing others from suffering the same tragic fate at the hands of this killer. Finally, you understood that your reaction was a bit irrational. Because if the victims were young women with your looks... you’d agree to it without hesitation. Some hypocrisy, huh?
"No. I'm just terrified that you're going to do this," you confessed, your honesty and concern making his face twitch in surprise. You snorted, trying to ease the tension. "I’m angry at Hotch for calling me emotionally unstable in front of all of you."
Spencer smiled gently, though there was stress hiding behind it. He may have been determined to go through with it, but that didn’t change the fact that there was fear accompanying him. He tried not to show it, but anyone in his position would feel it.
"Well, in his defense, he phrased it a bit more subtly."
You let out a soft laugh, stretching your arm out to gently touch his forearm. As your hand slid up, you leaned in a little, the simple gesture helping you feel more grounded and at ease.
His gaze followed your movements with a gentle satisfaction. You didn’t pull him closer, you were simply stroking his arm in that easy, caring way that calmed both of you.
"You’ve never done this before, have you?" you asked quietly. "You’ve never put yourself in this position like this."
He shook his head in denial.
"I’m really... really worried that I’ll do something wrong and we won’t be able to catch him because of me."
"You should worry about yourself, Spencer. Not about that. I’m sure you’ll play your part better than anyone could. "But I really regret that I won’t be able to be right next to you, in case something goes wrong."
His lips parted and closed in a kind of... amusement?
"I was going to say that maybe Hotch could be convinced, but then I realized, no, he won’t be. No matter what you say. And besides, having you there wouldn’t let me focus fully."
"I’m aware of that," you joked, tossing your hair dramatically. "After all, I look stunning."
"I was more referring to the fact that I’d be focused only on making sure nothing happens to you, but yeah. That’s one of the reasons too."
You fell silent, oddly moved by that confession. It was so simple, driven by care, affectionate. And it definitely made your head spin in the context of your relationship. You shook your head, pulling yourself away from those thoughts. As long as you were in Alaska, you could afford anything. After that, who knows.
You swallowed and put on a playful expression, it came with some effort, but you managed.
"Okay, genius-boy. Let me prepare you. You need to know how to behave."
"I thought I was just supposed to be myself," he noted, letting you pull him by the wrist.
"Well, mostly, yes. But it's still better to rehearse, get you into character. Don't you have any random fun facts to share?"
"I always have some fun facts to share. An endless amount."
"We'll see."
For the rest of the day, up until the inevitable moment of setting the trap for the unsub, you listened carefully to everything he had to say. His constant chatter allowed him to occupy his mind, pushing the stress aside to the point that, when it was time for him to head to the designated location, he seemed almost surprised that the hour had come. Only then did certain shadows begin to cross his face.
You paced restlessly around the inn as the whole team prepared. Your task was to take a position with Gideon at a certain distance from the bus stop, to cut off the unsub's escape route if necessary. The bus driver had agreed to cooperate, and JJ was giving him instructions, asking him to act as naturally as possible. There were to be no civilians on board, only Elle and a few inconspicuous local police officers. Hotch and JJ planned to follow the bus from a distance by car. Morgan was to lay low at the bus stop, also posing as a civilian.
You moved closer to Spencer, breathing heavily, his presence alone calming you down.
“You’ll be fine,” you reassured him just before you were about to leave. Morgan gave him an encouraging pat on the shoulder, and everyone was still gathered around you. You gently hugged him, just as any other friend would, just like Elle and JJ had moments before.
He, on the other hand, wasn’t concerned with appearances. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and rested his chin on top of your head in a strong, lingering embrace.
“Y/N, you and Gideon need to go now," Hotch interrupted.
As you were walking away, you noticed out of the corner of your eye that he also gave Reid a brief squeeze on the shoulder.
It was a truly tense moment. You found yourself in a position where you had no visibility on what was happening inside the bus, nor could you gauge the gravity of the situation. All you could hear through the earpiece was Elle's whispered signal informing you that the suspect, fitting the profile, had just entered the vehicle.
And even though you didn’t have high hopes for the plan, everything unfolded exactly as it was meant to. Spencer exited the bus, and the unsub followed him. The suspect seemed intent on tracking him down that desolate, shadowy road, planning to attack and abduct him. But at the last moment, Reid turned, and before the man could react, he was surrounded by the police.
On your last night in Alaska, you found yourself on top, with his head resting against the headboard of the bed, his hands placed on your hips, and in a position where you could look at each other and talk.
"You really did great today," you praised, leaning in to gently kiss his collarbone.
He didn't seem flattered by your words, no smile on his lips, just that sad, aching expression that caused you pain. Wanting to shake off the feeling, you quickened your movements, hoping it would work, but then he tightened his embrace, making you slow down once again.
"I want... I want to enjoy you," he said with a slightly embarrassed tone, his fingers tracing restless, tender circles on your bare skin. "Since this is our last time together."
For a moment, he gazed at your face, as if hoping you would say something. But he couldn't find any trace in your expression that would suggest you had changed your mind. The small, naive spark in his eyes faded. Elle's words about breaking the cycle echoed in your mind, but not in your heart. You couldn't turn them into reality; you simply couldn't. The agreement remained the agreement.
Once you returned, everything would go back to how it was before.
another author's note: I plan to create a tag list and I want to know who among you would like to be on it. please, let me know in the comments.
#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfic#spencer reid#spencer reid criminal minds#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid fanfic#doctor spencer reid#dr spencer reid#spence reid#spencer reid smut#criminal minds smut#criminal mind#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x y/n
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3 times jj kissed you + 1 time you kissed him
parings! bsf!jj x reader
warnings! . smoking. fluff. angst if you squint. not proof read.
the first time, you were 14.
you had moved to the outerbanks at the beginning of your 7th grade year, terrified out of your mind. you didn’t know a soul, you didn’t know how people in a beach town behaved, what they wore, how they talked.
but on your very first day at kildare county middle school, you met your people.
jj was the first to talk to you, telling you he liked your t shirt you got from a popular surf shop that you had agonized over, wondering if people would like it. he was the first to make you feel comfortable.
gradually, you started sitting with him in science class, and then you started sitting with him and his friends at lunch. you met john b, kiara, and pope and you were inseparable since.
now it was the middle of your 8th grade year. kiara was throwing her birthday party where half of the middle school seemed to be invited. her circle of friends was much larger at that time due to her being considered in between a pogue and a kook.
the girls had decided to play the classic party game, spin the bottle and mostly everyone at the party gathered around in a crowded circle. it seemed like everybody playing wasn’t the least bit nervous about kissing someone else, but you were picking at the skin of you fingers because you had never been kissed.
you anxiously awaited your turn, watching the bottle intently in case it landed on you, but thankfully, it never did.
and then your turn came around. you nervously spun the bottle, hoping it wouldn’t land on some guy or girl you hardly knew. it did a few rotations, everyone eager to know who you were going to kiss.
the bottle settled on jj directly across from you.
you immediately felt better, knowing that it was one of your friends who would steal your first kiss, but then you chided yourself for even thinking about kissing one of your friends.
jj came across the circle to where you were sitting and grabbed your hands, pulling you to your feet. he didn’t seem nervous at all, but that was just how jj was.
you noticed some of the kook girls staring at the two of you, jealous that it wasn’t them who got to kiss him.
“you can skip me if you don’t wanna kiss me, y’know?” he said, but not in a way that was telling you he didn’t want this. he spoke with a quiet and sweet tone, making sure you were okay. he was always making sure you were okay. he knew this was your first kiss and he didn’t want to take that from you if you weren’t alright with it.
“no, it’s okay.” you shook your head, smiling nervously.
he nodded and then gently placed his hands on both sides of your face before he leaned in.
you closed your eyes and waited for his lips to touch yours.
you always thought you would be clueless during your first kiss, but he made it feel natural.
his lips gently pecked yours, lingering for a few seconds before he pulled away.
you heard ooo’s and ahh’s from the teenagers around you and you couldn’t help the redness that rushed to your face. you were glad it was him.
that night you also kissed two others. one random kook boy who you hardly knew and one girl who was in your english class. the girls never skipped each other because they knew the kisses were meaningless, and those last two kisses were definitely meaningless. but the one with jj felt different. you tried to make yourself think it was because it was your first one. you had also watched jj kiss a few more girls that night. you scolded yourself for feeling a tinge of jealousy.
what you didn’t know was that jj placed himself directly across from you to have a better chance of your spin landing on him.
the second time, you were 16.
you had just discovered the golden cross in a dilapidated church. pope was hacking away at the wood encasing the treasure, pieces of it crashing to the ground.
when you saw the gold shimmer through the wood, your eyes lit up. you couldn’t believe that everything you had gone through had brought you to this moment. you couldn’t believe you actually found what you were looking for.
everyone celebrated with shouts, with cheers saying “we’re gonna be rich!” and with hugs.
your adrenaline was so high, you felt like you were dreaming.
jj took your face in his hands and planted a kiss right on your lips. it happened so fast you could barely comprehend what was happening and when he pulled away, your eyes met his and you saw the excitement on his face. you knew he only kissed you because there was so much to celebrate about that he didn’t know what to do with it.
you watched him hug john b as kie and sarah hugged you. he didn’t have that same look in his eyes when he celebrated with them.
you never mentioned it afterwards.
john b was the only one who saw him kiss you. a few days later, he told jj to just ask you out already.
“everyone knows it j.” john b said.
“knows what?”
“that you’re in love with her.” he said it like it was the most obvious thing ever. “you’ve been crazy about that girl since you were 13, it’s almost embarrassing that you’ve never done anything about it.” they were the only ones in the twinkie together, waiting for the 3 girls to get in the van for another daily adventure.
“she’s like- i don’t know, man.” jj shook his head. “she’d never say yes. i’d rather not fuck our whole relationship up, y’know?” he said with a hint of sarcasm.
john b scoffed.
“you’re saying she’d never say yes but you don’t see the way she looks at you?” he said. “either you’re choosing to ignore it or you’re just flat out stupid.”
the third time, you were 17
jj had shown up at your house in the pouring rain with a bruise forming on his cheek and a cut on his lower lip. the second you saw his face, you knew it was his dad.
“can i stay here tonight?” he asked, as you were already pulling him inside.
you took him to your bathroom and he rolled a joint while you found some rubbing alcohol for the cuts on his face.
he sat on the wall of the bathtub and you sat on the toilet, turning yourself to face him. he lit his joint before you dabbed a cotton pad doused in alcohol on his injuries. he flinched slightly from the pain before he took a hit from his joint, instantly soothing it.
you could’ve killed his dad for what he did. you noticed jj’s eyes were red, probably from tears. he didn’t deserve any of what his dad had put him through.
you fixed him up in silence, not wanting to touch on the subject of what happened between him and his dad.
“you’re making the house smell like weed.” you said, half-jokingly.
“shit, are your parents home?” he asked, getting ready to stub out the joint on the bathtub, but you took it from his fingers and held it to your mouth, taking a long drag and exhaling.
“they never are.” you replied.
you notice his eyes trail down to your lips as you smoked, his breath hitching. it was silent, but there was a tension that was speaking volumes between you two. the fact that he came to your house instead of john b’s was proof enough for how much he felt for you, and anyone with half a brain could see it. but you always wrote it off, not truly believing that he could have any feelings that weren’t strictly platonic towards you.
almost unconsciously, he leaned in. you let him.
his lips touched yours, his hand supporting himself on your knee. he tasted of weed and your cherry rolling papers. he tasted good.
when he pulled away, you were almost frozen, the joint still resting between your fingers, burning away. his eyes were wide with a look of regret and your heart sank.
“im- im sorry, i shouldn’t have-“ he started, realizing his hand was touching your bare leg and immediately taking it off like it was burning him.
“it’s okay,” you handed him the joint. “you’re just- you’re high.”
he cleared his throat.
“i’m sorry.” he uttered again.
later, when you went to bed that night, you wished you had kissed him again, and again. the only thing that played in your mind for the next week was the taste of his lips. but friends couldn’t think of each other like that, right?
you kissed him about a month later.
he asked you to go on a boat ride with him since you two were the only ones in the chateau at the time. you agreed, of course.
you were a little far out from the shore, seemingly being the only two people out at the moment. he had stopped the boat and began rolling a joint as you watched, seated across from him. he was so focused on crafting the joint that he didn’t even notice you staring at him.
you thought about every time he had kissed you, and every time you just shrugged it off. and you thought about the fact that every time you were near him, you wanted him to do it again. but why wouldn’t you just do it? what was the harm?
he looked up only to lick the paper, his eyes meeting yours and a smile playing on his lips.
so you did it.
you leaned in and connected your lips to his. he kissed you back almost immediately and moved his mouth in sync with yours. his hands went to your waist and yours went to his hair.
it was minutes later when you finally pulled away, both out of breath.
“i’ve wanted to kiss you like that since the day i met you.” he said, his hands still on your waist.
“don’t know what was stopping you.” you giggled.
his hand went up to your flushed cheek.
“well i really don’t want anything to stop me again.” he kissed you again.
you came back late at night to find your friends. your cheeks were still read, your hair was a little messy and a barely visible hickey was left on your collar.
everyone knew immediately. and everyone was glad they would never have to witness the mutual pining between you two again.
taglist! (comment or message to be added or removed!) @ifilwtmfc @xcallmetaniax @moondustedlily
#jj maybank#jj obx#jj obx fic#jj obx imagine#jj x reader#jj x you#obx#obx4#outer banks#jj maybank outer banks#jj maybank imagine#jj maybank obx#jj maybank x reader#jj maybank x y/n#outerbanks 4
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lust is a loaded hand gun
max verstappen
cw: smut/pwp, ferrari!reader, baby fever, seduction, cowgirl position, alcohol/drinking, breeding, the reader wants to have a baby and chooses to have it with max, max is not aware
this bunny runs on comments & reblogs! feed the rabbit!
part 2: love is a kick to the stomach
this sounded stupid. but you wanted a baby. and while that was an easy task for most women, you knew that there was something impersonal about picking from a catalogue. reading profiles felt weird, like you were looking for a used car rather than the biological other half of your child. even if you'd raise them without a father, you'd rather have a night of passion than an awkward doctor's visit.
charles leaned back in his seat and asked, "why don't you and i just make one." he shrugged his shoulders. he considered himself close to you. you had been teammates for a little over two seasons and prior to that you knew each other. he didn't mind being the one to help you bring a child into the world, "i can be his uncle and he'd never know."
but, as close as you were to your teammate. you had other drivers in mind.
you made a face, "no offense, charles. but it would feel like doing it with my brother." being teammates meant you two knew too much about one another. you worked well as teammates and rivals because you were more like siblings. while you appreciated the offer, you felt it was weird.
charles asked, relaxed in his seat, "why are you doing this anyway? isn't there a million ways for you to have a child."
you shrugged, "i want to be a mom, i don't know. leave my seat behind to another woman and let her make all the history. i'm honestly tired. i've reached the peak and now." you sighed, "i want something else. i've got enough money to retire and let my future child retire before they're born." you crossed your arms, "i don't want to be doing this shit until i'm forty and just degrade in the skills department. end on a high note." while it was not an insult to other driver's on the grid. you felt bad that they never got to really be parents due to the schedules.
"so you need to seduce a driver to make that happen."
you nodded, out of the corner of your eye you spotted the driver you had your eye on. while you eyed the man crossing your path, your voice got softer, "and i think i know just the driver."
charles looked over to the direction you were looking at. he noticed who was walking by and he looked back to you, shoulders dropped, "max. you're going to seduce and have a child with max?"
you looked back to charles and shrugged, "why not? what's not to like?" max wasn't a perfect man, sometimes you wondered about the mechanics of his brain. but, you knew your child with him would lay waste to the track in the future.
"i can name a few. do you want them alphabetically or severity of it?" charles asked.
you gave him a look, "it wouldn't be hard to get him to sleep with me. you, me and the rest of the garage has seen how he looks at me. i mean who else do i have to choose from? either they're too old, they're rookies, or they have girlfriends. and i'm not getting a heel in the eye because i'm trying to have a baby."
charles rubbed the bridge of his nose, "i think you just like him."
you tensed up for a moment, "no. this is all just simple. scheming... nothing more. i don't expect to trap him with a child. he is free to live his life after i'm done with him."
charles found it hard to believe. not on your end, but max's. he had heard at sickeningly lengths about how max felt for you. it was probably the most eloquent the driver had ever been. if you got pregnant by him, he'd be getting a ring the next day. he sighed once more, "then have fun with the wold champion. i'd say to be safe, but i think being unsafe is the whole point of this."
you gave the once over of max in the near distance and smiled, "don't worry charles, you'll get all the details in the morning." which earned a groan from your teammate.
it started over a bottle of wine and ended in the motor home of red bull. you and max had gotten frisky over the evening. you wondered if anyone was selling the photos of you two in the back of the restaurant to tmz or some other trashy outlet. you had shared two bottles of wine over dinner. the benefit of being as wealthy as you were, you could throw the cash onto the table and giggle as you stumble out of your place.
you knew someone had a photo of max kissing you at the table to 'taste' the sauce that came with your meal. as if he couldn't take some from the plate.
but back in the motor home, you had dropped your purse by the door. in the dark of the place, you two were starting to get undressed. heels kicked to the wall, your bracelets set on the coffee table. your dress was on the floor by the bed, your bra over the lamp by the bed and your panties on the bed.
"i'm on top." you said as you kissed max's lips. he tasted like wine and fine dining. he tasted and smelled expensive. in all fairness he could be worth more than a micro nation. he was not an easy man to buy, but the currency of sex was in high demand. max wanted you, and you knew that because he got on his back without much argument.
you were both naked on the bed. the faint lights gleamed through the large windows as you rubbed up against max with no other lighting. you could see his face against the shadows of the night. his blue eyes were like gems and they pulled you in. whoever he ended up with would be very lucky.
but tonight you needed him. he was an important piece in your plan. you rubbed against him and with a little help, you sank down onto his cock. while cowgirl wasn't the best position to try and get pregnant, but it ensured that your plan would work. any position is a working one.
"you're beautiful."
"i know." you said as you rubbed yourself against him. you braced your hands on his strong chest. he was a handsome man, he was good at what he did and he was a winner. you knew anyone would be lucky to have him, but tonight was the perfect partner. you knew a child with him would be perfect.
you continued to rub up against him. the roll of your hips were methodical. this wasn't the first time you slept with a man. you moaned when max groped your breasts, massaged the flesh between those bear paws he called hands. soon you sank on his cock and shuddered, feeling the heat raise in your belly.
this was a mission, no time to get attached. you were both tipsy from the alcohol and the driver under you were more handsy than ever. you try not to feel the emotions that came with it. the feeling of being attached to someone you were having sex with. you batted charles' assumptions about your feelings for max out of your mind as you rode the dutch driver.
you were determined to get pregnant tonight. you measured it all down to a t, all you needed was for max not to get whiskey dick. you curved your back to get closer to him, your lips met his as you moved up and down. his cock was snug in your, but it went in almost perfect. the blunt head hit against the furthest parts of you. your heart hammered in your chest as you moved your hips.
you pushed hair out of your face before your braced your hands on his chest once more. he was very toned, you almost wanted to joke about what happened to his slightly kinder chocolate addiction. but that was neither here nor there.
"you feel so good." he grunted, "why haven't we done this before? fuck." he panted, he could feel the heat in his cheeks as you rode him. he had been with others before but being under you was a pleasure no money could buy. you were really good at it, knowing exactly how to make him feel good.
"good things take time." you panted, part of you wondered what would happen if you covered his mouth. you didn't need the dirty talk, this was a mission. if you wanted a casual friends with benefits, you'd try something online or another in the paddock. fucking max was a certainly that you'd get pregnant. it didn't have to be intimate or soft. it was a means to an end, and you'd get there no matter what.
the sounds of your fucking filled the room as you continued to move against him. you raked your nails down his chest, catching his nipples which made him moan. he was cute on his back, letting you take over. you wondered how deep his affection for you went.
you didn't want the emotional baggage of it all. tonight you were both drunk and having sex in the motor homes. it would be a one night stand before you two finished out the season. you could feel the heat across your back as you stared at him.
his eyes were closed and his mouth slightly open as he panted heavily. there was heat in his face and you felt something tug in your chest. he was beautiful, you hated to admit it. but max verstappen was a pretty boy.
he was already blissed out, his noises forced you by the movement of your hips. you licked your lips and without thinking, you left a mark on his collarbone. it was stupid, but it excited your further.
you continued to move against him. your breasts bounced with each move of your hips. you felt moans in the back of your throat and a hum in your soul. pleasure was close and it wasn't long before you really worked yourself onto his cock and finished.
the tightness around his cock made max's back arch a little bit. he could feel the heat in the back of his head. his heart pounded as he watched you continue to ride his cock. he panted heavily and soon climaxed as well. you made sure to get everything you could out. you kissed him once more before you stopped. when you pulled away you got off of his waist and laid down on the bed.
"wow." he said out of breath.
you didn't want to talk. instead you turned your head to kiss him on the lips to keep him quiet. there was no time for mushy romantic bedroom talk. you needed him to fall asleep before you could leave.
you tried to count down the seconds, placing kisses across his heated face. you reminded yourself that there would be some lucky enough to keep him for life.
when you pulled away from his lips after one last kiss, he curled up beside you and right then fell asleep. you stayed awake, when the heat cooled in your body. you hoped your mission was a success. the lust and the alcohol still made its rounds in your body. but you were lucid enough to find your clothes in the dark and slip out of the motor home before morning.
you'd never bring up the event to max, only briefly mentioning it to charles. you'd drive harder after that, in the end you'd secure a world championship. as you kissed the trophy and your country's national anthem played, you were already pregnant with your child.
your retirement was a shock to max. you could've easily decorated your home with many trophies over the next few years. but at the end of the 2024 season, you bowed out. you thanked fans and told them that it was a new chapter in your life. and then like that you fell off the face of the earth over the off-season.
max tried to find ways to contact you. where did you go? what happened? why leave at the height of it all? the more he thought about it, the more questions were raised in his head. he asked around the paddock, even going as far as to ask charles where you went. the other drive shrugged and told him that you moved back to your home country with a "little extra luggage". there were no social media posts. nothing. it nagged in the back of his brain for what felt like a lifetime. what happened to ferrari's princess?
it wasn't until almost three years later, max had claimed another world championship. it felt like these days he was riding high. he was still the best. but as he walked into the paddock to train for the upcoming season, he stopped in his tracks. he felt like he was splashed with cold water.
there you were, three years older with a glow to you. you were laughing with charles and lewis, you looked different but in a good way. you were in overalls and a ferrari shirt underneath. you were more curvy than you were when you were driving. and while you were still beautiful like the sun, pulling max in. what made his stomach drop was who was in your arms.
a young boy, with big curious eyes and round cheeks. he held onto you tightly, his small fists in the fabric of your shirt. he seemed curious about the track, but not scared of how big it all felt. while max would've assumed that you got married and had a child as a lot of people did. but that's not what had happened.
max knew right away at the first glance of your son. looking at him was like looking at max's childhood photos. even in features that matched your own, your son carried a lot of max in him. the itch in his brain after you fell off the earth all those years ago came back, this was where you went. the boy looked like him and if he was right about the boy's age then dates lined up. there was no question. max verstappen was your son's father. and when you noticed him staring. you simply smiled and gave him a wink, shifting the boy in your arms and pointing at the me. when your son smiled, max felt something in his gut. looking at you, holding your (his) son, made max feel like he was home. and all those feelings he had been carrying poured back into his head and heart. the same emotions that allowed you to bed him. <3
sequel: love is a kick to the stomach
#bunny writes#formula one imagine#reader insert#formula 1#formula one smut#formula one fanfiction#f1 smut#formula 1 fic#formula 1 rpf#formula one#f1 rpf#f1#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#max verstappen x you#max verstappen x reader#max verstappen#max verstappen smut#mv33 imagine#mv33 x reader#mv33 smut#mv33#mv1 smut#mv1 x reader#mv1#driver!reader#f1 driver reader
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Thinking abt Him again (Wendy Carter)
#rat rambles#missing my favoritest carter atm. and also wendy ig#I am sad that wendy skill tree drop isnt by webber's side but at least abby gets to be skill tree bros with Her bestie 😌#I still haven't looked at wendy's skilltree because god I am afraid why has it been taking this long wendy abby what did you two do#I will keep procrastinating tho because even tho my standards aren't technically all that high I still feel like they're too high#wendy has like 4 game mechanics and I ideally would want his skill tree to stay focused more on those things#Ive heard that wendy's skill tree lets him do some stuff as a ghost and thats. neat I guess. but its not what Im looking for.#I Really don't think Wendy needs whole new types of mechanics I just want stuff to make sisterns both good and interesting some stuff for#abby to make her more fun to fight stronger enemies with and some new elixers#and tbh. I dont like the idea of wendy himself doing cool ghost stuff. if anything Id rather he be able to buff other dead players#I just think a vital part of wendy's kit to me is that without abby hes just a less shitty wes#but the problem with that is that it means that for like 90% of the bosses (it Im being generous) you are fighting as a less shitty wes#and could fuck around with the idea of wendy expanding from being an abby specific support unit to a more general support unit#now ofc this would have drawbacks and be hard to implement well but y'know.#I also just dont like the idea of too many non abby ghost perks in general as I think it would just add needless bloat#which tbf is like what half of every skill tree is so idk what I expected#some characters rly do need the extra mechanics due to very nothing burger base kits but I really don't think wendy needs that much#again the tools for giving wendy and abby cool flashy shit or more practical stuff are already present#so yeah idk if Ill like his skill tree much. which is why Ive been avoiding looking at it like the plague ever since it was announced#I try not to be too bitchy abt skill trees even tho I've basically never liked them since most of the time they're inoffensive#but this is my boy so I will be a big baby about his skill tree being mid no matter what they put on it lol#I hope walter and wortox mains are having fun at least they both need the reworks badly#now for walter I dont trust that a skill tree will be what he needs but wortox can work with this I think#just above all else god I hope webber's skilltree is good whenever klei decides to release webber from their basement#poor boy needs the buffs so bad he has been painfully outclassed in every regard for years
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