#The only reason this took me as long as it did was the face XD
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@isasan347 I think you asked me to draw Hilda? I couldn’t find the request, but here she is regardless :)
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Pfft hear me out yandere trio Luffy , Zoro and Nami reaction when female reader admits that Buggy kinda cute (HE IS !! Don’t judge me 💅) since it’s a running gag in the show/movies that this trio always pulls a face hearing his name XD😘
please !🙏 He’s a clown but he’s my clown 🥰🤣
I can't judge, I get it. Goofy men are cute and you're 100% correct
What the Heart Wants
Yandere Luffy, Zoro, and Nami x Fem!Reader (plus Buggy but he's only mentioned)
1.9k words
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This was risky, you knew it was, but it happened on an impulse and it was too late to turn back now. Your pulse quickened as you snuck off into the girl’s room with your newest acquired treasure. You paused at the door and pressed your ear to it to listen for anyone else heading this way.
Nothing. You’re in the clear.
Scurrying over to your bed, you fish the rolled up piece of paper from your sleeve. You didn’t even think about it when you saw the bounty poster on the wall. It was like your hands had a mind of their own, ripping it down and stuffing the poster into your sleeve without your brain even fully registering the action.
Sure, this could backfire if someone finds you with it, but so long as you’re careful it should be fine.
Unrolling the paper, you can’t help but giggle and kick your feet at the sight of the man on the poster. It felt silly to be so giddy over just seeing a picture of the man, but you couldn’t help it. Buggy had this sort of goofy charm to him, and it had a chokehold on you. You’ve always found people like that endearing, it’s a majority of the reason you joined Luffy’s crew. 
This time though, the endearment went beyond being platonic. Instead of simply feeling a warm fondness towards Buggy, you found your heart beating erratically when you thought about him too much. The last time you’d seen him in person and made eye contact, you immediately felt blood rush to your face and had to avert your eyes.
In short, you were down bad.
You were so transfixed on the poster, that you didn’t hear anyone approaching the room until the door was thrown open. In a panic, you leap up from your bed and held the poster close to your chest in an attempt to shield it from prying eyes.
Nami was standing in the doorway, looking confused and slightly startled by your strange reaction to her entering your shared room. She wasn’t dumb, much to your chagrin, and quickly took note of how flustered you look. Then her eyes drifted down to the poorly concealed poster and you could practically see the lightbulb come on over her head.
Her lips curled into a grin, “What’cha got there, (y/n)?” The way she stalked towards you was downright predatory, making you feel like a mouse being cornered by a house cat.
“Nothing! Nothing at all, just a piece of paper!”
“Just a piece of paper? I don’t know about that, it looks like a bounty poster to me,” her smile looked downright malicious as she circled you, trying to get close enough to take it from you. “I wonder why you would be keeping a bounty poster to yourself like this?” Nami definitely already knew the answer, but she wanted you to say it.
“No reason! I just- Um- I don’t even know how this got here! It must have slipped into my pocket while we were out! Yeah!” You internally cringed at how bad that lie was. Even Luffy was a better liar than this.
Nami cackled at your attempt, “Oh really, that’s the story you’re going with? Come on, just be honest with me. We’re both girls here, you can tell me about your crush!”
You whip your head around to glare at her, “I don’t have a crush!” You absolutely did. 
With a speed you didn’t think she possessed, she leapt forward and snatched away the paper. You tried to get it back, but she held it out of reach and used her free hand to push you away, “Yes you do~! I can’t believe you would keep this from me, we’re friends! We’re supposed to talk about things like this.”
Nami danced out of your way, and you swear it felt like the world was in slow motion as she finally pulled the poster down to be able to look at it. Immediately, the mischievous glint in her eyes went cold and her smile dropped. The once coy and amused expression morphed into one of pure horror as she looked between you and the poster in rapid succession.
“No,” was all she said as she shook her head in disbelief, “you can’t be serious.”
“How about you give me that, and we can forget all about this. Please?” You wanted to crawl into a hole and never be seen again. This was the one thing you didn’t want to happen, and her reaction is precisely why.
You can assume she didn’t like your response based on her soured expression and the way her hands crumpled the paper in her tight grip. Without another word, she ran out of the room. 
With. The. Poster.
That was how you got to where you are now. Forced to sit at a table with three of your crewmates sitting with you. Nami, Luffy, and Zoro specifically.
“Guys please this is so dramatic!”
“It’s not! This is a serious matter, one we can’t let slide!” Nami slammed her fists onto the table that you were all seated at. Why were you all gathered here? For an intervention regarding your taste in men. 
It was bad enough that she knew, but why did she have to drag your other crew members into this? You can’t say you understand her choices either. Luffy was hardly the type to weigh in on someone’s love affairs, and Zoro wasn’t even awake. 
“Why are we all here? Are we gonna play a game or something?” Luffy was drumming his fingers on the table impatiently.
Nami slams the partially crumpled wanted poster on the table, “This is why we’re here!”
Your face was buried in your hands and you let out an over the top groan from the sheer embarrassment of the situation. 
“Buggy? What about him?” Luffy perks up, “Oh! Are we gonna go kick his ass again?!”
“No. Well, yes but not yet,” Nami explained. “(Y/N), would you care to explain what you were doing with this poster?”
“Nope, sure wouldn’t,” you didn’t bother taking your hands away from your face. 
“You and me both know why you have this, so how about you just tell the truth so we can fix this,” Nami sounded like a mother scolding her child.
Luffy was looking back and forth between you two, trying to put together what was going on. You could practically hear the gears turning in his head, “Are you planning to fight him? Oh, I know! You’re trying to be a bounty hunter!” He looked to Nami expectantly, hoping for confirmation that he was right.
She pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a sharp sigh, “No, Luffy, she isn’t trying to become a bounty hunter.”
Whatever, you’re just going to go ahead and rip the bandaid off, “I have a little crush on him, okay? There! Are you happy? Can I go now?”
“No! How can anyone be happy knowing that?!” Nami yelled. “Why him of all people?! He’s literally a clown!”
“... He makes me laugh.”
Luffy exploded into laughter, “What’s that got to do with it? I make you laugh all the time, more than he does I bet!”
You tried to get up and leave, but Nami’s hand latched onto your wrist like an iron shackle. With one yank, you fell back into the chair.
“Please just stop! Why are you even doing this? It doesn’t matter if I have a crush on him or anyone else for that matter, so can we please act like none of this ever happened?” You wanted to cry from the humiliation of being shamed by your friends over a little crush. 
Luffy shrugged and nodded along, “It is pretty funny, but I agree with (y/n). Why are you so mad about it, Nami?” Bless him. Even though he did laugh at you previously, at least he was attempting to deescalate the situation now.
“Because she is crushing on Buggy the Clown of all people!” 
“Why is that such an issue?! He’s cute!” You tried to defend yourself (and him).
“Eww! No he isn’t!” Nami full on shuddered at you calling him that, “What is wrong with you? At least fall for someone good looking!”
“Well maybe I care more about personality!”
“What are you talking about?! He’s an egotistical weirdo who has a temper tantrum if he so much as thinks someone said something about his nose!” Nami looked like she was ready to rip her hair out.
“He can be nice when he wants to be, and like I said before, I think he’s funny!”
“There’s a huge difference between someone actually being funny, and someone doing stupid stuff that happens to be funny,” she slapped a hand over her face and dragged it down exasperatedly.
She had a point, and you hated it. You huffed, “Yeah, well, I don’t care. He’s my type and that’s that.”
Nami gagged like the drama queen she was dedicated to being in this moment, “I almost want to set you up with someone else just to give you better taste, how is a clown your type?!” She ground her teeth in frustration, “Okay, new rule: you’re not allowed to leave the ship if Buggy is around.”
“Why is everyone yelling?” Zoro yawned and stretched, looking around the table with mild curiosity.
Nami slapped the back of his head, “I brought you here to help, not to sleep! (Y/N) is crushing on Buggy and we’re trying to stop her.”
“Oh,” Zoro didn’t look all that concerned. “So are we gonna kill him or something?”
“NO!” You shrieked at him. What is wrong with these people?!
“That would take care of the problem,” Nami hummed thoughtfully. “We can’t risk letting this become something more, what if she tried to leave to be with him?”
Luffy laughed at that, “It’s not like I’ll let that happen!”
“What do you mean you won’t let that happen?” That honestly threw you off a bit. What was that supposed to mean?
“It means that I won’t let him take you away from us!” Luffy flashed you his usual blinding smile, but there was something slightly… off about it. It felt a little too wide, and weirdly tense.
“Take me away? No one is trying to ‘take me away’. Besides, if I wanted to leave to be with someone, then I’m allowed to do that,” you were distinctly not a fan of how he was talking about you as if you were a piece of treasure being fought over.
The entire atmosphere of the room changed the second you finished speaking. All eyes were on you, “See! This is what I was talking about! If she gets a crush on someone, she’s going to want to leave!” Nami’s hand found its way to your wrist again, you were sure you’d have a bruise from how tight her grip was.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, let’s all calm down! I didn’t mean I was going to leave just like that! I like it here, really!” You tried to placate your crewmates, but your pleas did nothing to sooth them. It was too late to backpedal now.
“We’ll have to get rid of him next time we see him,” Luffy nodded resolutely.
Zoro shrugged, “Should be easy enough.”
You should have never taken that poster. Now you’ve unintentionally put out a hit on Buggy, and have no idea how to stop it.
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ijwrsmff · 18 days
I would like to request a Riddle Rosehearts x Reader where reader really struggles with studying so he has to come up with a “reward” system :3 - 🥀
Hi hi!!! My first TWST fic! Riddle is good boy, I used to think he was kind of annoying. But that was before I really got much into the story and now I completely agree, that he is precious baby boy. He got some issues, but who doesn't? XD
Here's a cute lil fic for the boy! Enjoy <3
Word: 1,552
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“I’m sorry, housewarden…” You mumbled, looking at the ground ashamed. It was supposed to be a simple test, but you had nearly failed it. Riddle wasn’t one to tolerate lower grades, and wanted to be the best house in the school. At least, that’s what he pretended to want more than anything. He really just wanted everyone to have the chance to succeed. You knew that, and it only made you feel worse when he began scolding you over the grade. 
He sighed, and rubbed his face as if to hide the irritation he was feeling. “This is your first semester here, you need to be able to keep up with your studies if you want to succeed. I won’t stand by when one of my housemates is fumbling on a simple test.” He glared at you, but the glare softened as your face only looked ashamed. There was a twinge of pain in his heart at the look, and he took a step closer. 
“Look, if you’re struggling with concepts, you can come to me or your housemates. There are plenty of students here who have struggled with those topics, but we’re here to help each other.” He straightened his back slightly, and tried to give you a reassuring smile but it seemed almost forced. Riddle almost left it at that, but something was nagging at him. 
“We’ve talked numerous times, you’re exceptionally smart…I don’t see how these concepts are difficult for you.” He turned to look at you fully, his expression curious as he tried to figure it out without you even answering. It obviously didn’t work, but his mind had run through numerous scenarios in the short amount of time it took you to speak up in response to his question. 
You felt a bit embarrassed, and a small blush crept onto your cheeks from his gaze. You shrunk in on yourself slightly, and mumbled a small, “I’m…I’m really bad at studying. I just can’t seem to focus on it for very long at all…” Tears were nearly falling down your face, ashamed to admit that…focusing on things you didn’t like was straight up impossible most days. You hated the fact that you’d made your house warden disappointed in you, and it made you feel like a failure. 
Riddle made a surprised gasp when he saw your tears start to fall, and took a step closer to you, reaching out hesitantly. “H-Hey! It’s alright! We can…we can work on it together, okay?” His voice was panicked, and it seemed like he thought he was the reason you were crying. He’d continue to beat himself up over that, but for now he needed to comfort you somehow. He put a hesitant hand on your shoulder and said softly, “We’ll figure it out. I think I know how to help. Give me some time, I’ll be back.” 
With that, he rushed out of the room and you heard his door slam shut behind him. Your jaw dropped, and you wondered what he had planned. But he just left you here to cry! That’s so rude! Though…he did say he would try to help. You hadn't exactly had an overwhelming amount of conversations with him, so you weren’t sure what he intended to do. You wouldn’t even find out until two days later, since Riddle seemed to be talking to everyone in the door aside from you. 
It kind of hurt, how he said he would help, but numerous other students you considered friends mentioned Riddle talking to them about you. If he had something to say to you, why wouldn’t he say it to your face? Even your friends were keeping the secret on what he talked about to them. You tried to pry the answers out of them, but they all said variations of the same thing. 
“I can’t afford to have another ‘off with your head’”
It was disheartening to say the least, but tonight when you were in the common room attempting to study, Riddle approached you directly. He looked determined, and a little smug, as if he’d solved all the world’s problems. “I’ve devised a plan.” He spoke, and sat down next to you with his phone in his hand. It confused you immensely, considering he rarely used the thing. 
“A…plan…?” You tilted your head and waited for him to continue, and he pulled out a binder the size of three full length textbooks. It had your face turn pale and your jaw dropped, terrified of the thought of having to memorize all of that. Though Riddle saw your look and gave a small chuckle. 
“These are my notes, not yours. But they’ll help.” He opened his phone and showed you the game he’d installed. It was…one of your favorites of all time. You’d play it when you got too stressed over studying, and it gave you mixed feelings. For one, it was relaxing, but the counterargument being that you were wasting your time playing it when you should be studying. 
“Since when did you start playing that? I love that game!” You gasped, and he opened the game. He wasn’t near the level you were at, but you’d been playing for several months. It seemed like he’d been playing for a couple…that or he’s using someone else’s account. You looked at his gamer ID, and bio and concluded this was really Riddle’s account. That or someone is copying him exceptionally. 
“Two days ago.” He spoke, nonchalantly. “I got it for you.” He blushed slightly when he said that, and cleared his throat to continue explaining. “I’ve taken notes on every possibility, enemy, and outcome when it comes to the game, and devised a strategy to get through every story and level in a proficient manner while minimizing time spent.” He looked proud of himself and stared at you until you understood his meanings fully…even though it didn’t work.
“How…is that going to help me study?” You were impressed by his efforts, and you didn’t even know it was possible to have so many materials and weapons in such a short period of time. To say you were confused would be an understatement, and you found yourself mirroring his blush. “You…did all this to help me?” You mumbled, looking at his binder full of supposedly everything you would need in the game. 
He cleared his throat to hide his blush, and tried to look composed as he continued. “It will help because your friends mentioned you enjoy rewards for getting things accomplished. I have three hours of free time within the day, and I expect to see your results and papers on the questions you need help with or need corrected.” He took a deep breath, and spoke with determination in his eyes. “I will be giving you the materials you need based on how you score. And for each time slot around my freetime you work, I will spend my free hour time slot playing your favorite game with you.” 
It blew your mind how much time and effort he had put into his plan…it made you tear up again. No one has ever been that thoughtful for you and your needs like he is right now. You had friends, yes, but Riddle was a busy person. He even said he only had three hours of free time in his day, and he was willing to spend it with you. You sniffled as tears started to fall as he gasped and looked petrified. 
“I-I made you cry again! Is the plan insufficient? I thought it would be enough, I-” He reached out to you to try to comfort you, and you held his hand and smiled through your tears. You effectively stopped his panicked ramble, and spoke with sweetness in your voice despite the shakiness. 
“The plan is perfect. I would have even accepted holding hands as a reward. It’s…really just any time and anything I get to do with you.” You blushed, but closed your eyes from how wide you were smiling at him. The second your eyes closed, you felt his lips on yours. It made you open your eyes in shock to see his eyes closed with a blush that covered his face. The moment seemed to stop, and you both put tenderness into the action, not wanting that moment to end. 
He pulled away, and tried to scowl, but it really looked more like an adorable pout. “I suppose I could do that again for your rewards. But only if you get your work done!” He scoffed, and looked away from you when you looked at him with nothing but enthusiasm and adoration. 
“Okay! I’d…I’d really like that.” 
From then on, you would always study together. He had classes at different times than you did, but all of the free time you both had was spent with each other. Apparently, Riddle had fallen for you the moment you teared up from his lecturing you. He mentioned how you had a form of sensitivity and tenderness he hadn’t seen in a long time. His feelings solidified when he saw you crying, and made a point to never let you get sad enough to cry again. He’d make sure no one hurt you, and even if they did…
He’d be right by your side. 
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kyo-kris · 5 months
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Shigaraki Tomura x FTM Reader HEADCANONS
❥ Telling him that you're trans
Fluffy Headcanons.
Pronouns for reader: he/him
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♡ You and him were having a chemistry, even if both never would dare to talk about this, and no one from L.o.V (except for Toga. Im sure she would shipp you and Tomura)
♡ Well, but when you noticed that you were liking him, you got nervous. So. Fucking. Nervous. You didn't know that they had a trans member in L.o.V and you were afraid of being just rejected or humiliated because of your gender.
♡ Well, you decided one night to open up to Twice about your gender, you were fucking SHAKING. Ending up discovering the trans member and that nobody gives a damn for what you identify yourself, as long as you are strong and help them, you will be respected.
➥ (If you don't like Twice, just imagine another member or you discovering by yourself that information) (pls who doesn't like him...)
♡ This information just relaxed you so much, and you just felt safe to talk about it to Shigaraki. But now how would you do it was the problem. He was always busy with his plans.
♡ But one day, you found your chance. Only him in living room, the others were outside doing different things. Doesn't matters. You took the advantage and courage (of course the courage of a few months thinking about this).
♡ You wasn't totally surprise because you knew about the member, but you hadn't seem any expression so genuinely like this. People tries to support or show that they support you, or they treat you differently (most time in a bad way). But this pookie? Nah. He was just "ok, and?"
♡ "W-what do you mean with 'ok, and?', you already knew it??" you asked with wide eyes, but at the same time you were so greatful for him not turn this a headache.
♡ "No? I mean, good for you, I'll keep calling you the same way as I always did." He said, same expression as if you just told him that you were going to sleep or something like that.
♡ "Thanks. I always feel like if I don't tell, the person will be mad or feel trapped. It happens more than I wish"
♡ "Trapped? What the fuck. Why would I?" You didn't know if was a rhetorical question or you had to answer it, but you just let a light laugh come out.
♡ "Is that all the reason you wanted to tell me you are trans?" He seemed to notice your nervous face.
♡ "Do you... Do you wanna go out with me sometime?" You felt your cheek burning like a fire "y-you don't have to accept, I was just wondering maybe we.. Uhm could-"
♡ "Yes" He coldly (or softly. You were too nervous to notice) said, turning his head away from your look.
♡ "What?" You heard it right?
♡ "Don't make me repeat myself" You thought maybe he was annoyed or impatient, but it wasn't, he was blushing as hell. And when you noticed, you made your way to tease
♡ "Whoa you're so red. Are you running a fever?" You tried your best to hold back your laugh
♡ "Im changing my mind!" His voice was slightly shaking, and you also noticed that, but decided to keep to yourself. It was just so cute seeing him like this!
♥︎ You could see a short smile on his face. Maybe you didn't need to be nervous at all. Everything went right.
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Notes from Kyo ♡: Hello again! Well, my "I wanna feel safe and loved" is here, isn't? Two fluffy posts and the same character XD. Now you can suggest anything on my blog, can be anonymous too, feel free.
Here a list about what I do and what I don't:
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thesith · 6 months
Can I request a Hunter x fem!reader where the Batch are undercover a criminal party for a mission and he asks her for a dance and they tear up the dance floor with their moves and undeniable chemistry? (Can be spicy or SFW, your choice)
If you need music to set the mood for the party, I got you:
— Dancing with a Stranger
hunter x f!reader
this is a requested one shot (1k)
warnings: 18+, sexual topics & implication of sex, alcohol usage
notes: neither hunter or reader are drunk/intoxicated - neither have finished their first drinks.
summary: hunter sees reader from across the room while he (and tech) are undercover at a pirate party for intel.
A/N: thank you so much for the request, @kombatkid ! this is my first request for tbb & i hope i did it justice. also, i’ve wanted to write a fic like this for so long - thank you for giving me reason to xd <3
requests are open!
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“Hunter,” Tech started, eyeing the girl across the room, “If you do not initiate a conversation with her, I will.”
Hunter looked at his brother, wide-eyed, “What has gotten into you, Tech?” When the mentioned didn’t offer an answer, Hunter continued, “We have a mission - best we stick to it.”
“What better way to gather intel than from the source?” Tech’s eyes wandered to the girl clad in a dark red dress, hugging her form in all the right places. “It is not a bad thing to ‘let go’ once in a while. I am sure Echo would agree with me if he were here.”
Hunter’s mind wandered to his brothers stuck on the Marauder, wishing he didn’t have one of the less attention grabbing appearances in the group - face tattoo and all. The tattoo did help him fit in with the pirates surrounding him, though. At the change of the song, Hunter was brought back to reality - back to you.
“Am I allowed to say no?” Hunter rhetorically asked, already knowing what Tech’s answer would be. Before his brother could even reply, a sigh left Hunter’s lips, “If you record this, you’re on cleaning duty.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it!” Tech spoke, a mischievous glint in his eye. Once Hunter was far enough away from him, Tech started the recording for his brothers. Force, they were going to love this.
You leaned on a high table and observed the scene around you - loud music, dancing people, drinks. God, the drinks were incredible - they were the only reason you were there to begin with. Partying with people like you was definitely not your idea of fun, but people watching was. You took a sip of your drink, hardly having touched it. Your crew seemed to be having the time of their lives on the dance floor, leaving you by yourself. That was how all of these outings went - they coerce you that “it will be fun!” and “you’ll have a great time!”, but these parties have yet to live up to either expectation.
You were disturbed from your thoughts when a man with a half-skull tattooed on his face walked up to you - he looked to be having as much fun as you were. He stood beside you, holding a drink of his own and sipping from it. You’d be the first to admit he’s attractive - more attractive than anybody else in the crowded room. You turned to face him fully, placing your elbows on the table.
After a few moments of pounding music in the background, the man spoke.
“Do you wanna…” He awkwardly started, motioning with his head toward the pit of people, “with me?”
You thought for a moment. Anyone who’d asked before you declined immediately, yet this was tempting. You weren’t sure if it was the alluring presence of the man or if the liquor was hitting, but you ultimately decided to accept the invitation, taking the hand he offered.
The man led you to an open space between people before grabbing hold of your waist and giving you a look, asking if his hand placement was okay. You nodded, letting a smile grace your lips. A polite and handsome man? That’s a first at parties like these.
A familiar song came on, to which your eyes lit up - you love this song. You’d always wanted to dance to it at parties like these, but you’d never had a partner to. You felt yourself let go of whatever front you were putting up and allowed your hips to sway, the hands on your waist gripping you tighter.
You’d found yourself with your back turned to the stranger after the first verse, his hands now on your stomach. You bent over and brought your hands up your legs, leaving his hands to trail to your hips. Your ass brushed against his crotch, something almost bursting at the seams of his trousers. As you came back up, your back was flush against his chest and he breathed heavily in your ear, head slightly tilted downward.
The two of you continued the sensual dance to the song - two strangers in sync. The chemistry between you only strengthened with each song played, the last song ending with both of you out of breath and leaning against each other - your hands on the nape of his neck, tangled in his hair and his hands gripping your waist. Sweat was now dripping from your faces as you looked at the man you didn’t even know the name of - he was perfect.
For the first time, you didn’t want the night to end. Usually you were anticipating the time to leave - not this time. You were with the perfect man, who somehow single-handedly made the experience one of the best you’ve ever had.
“All of that and I didn’t even catch your name,” he whispered into your ear, the music finally having been turned off. You refused to move, as did he - you were both enjoying it too much.
“You know, everyone has to pass the dance test before earning that right,” You joked with him. You leaned back far enough to see the smile on his lips - along with the blush on his cheeks.
A laugh fell from his lips, “Surely I got a passing grade.”
“Just barely,” You offered your name with a smile, and learned his name - Hunter. “Well, Hunter. Thank you,” You combed your fingers through his hair, “I had a good time. Too bad it’s over.”
Hunter thought for a minute before boldly speaking, hoping he didn’t read the room wrong - “Who says it’s over?”
The next morning (after getting your comm channel), Hunter returned to his brothers on the Marauder. They all greeted him with knowing looks - looks that said ‘you got laid’ in not as many words.
“I am impressed by your ability to ‘connect’ with people,” Tech said, eyes trained on his datapad. “I would not be surprised if you returned with no information - thank the Force I was there too.”
“Didn’t know you could move like that, Hunter!” Wrecker laughed with a clap to Hunter’s upper-back, “Ya gotta teach me sometime!”
“Cleaning duty for the next month, Tech.” Hunter winced, knowing his brothers have all seen his less-than PG dancing with a stranger. He walked to the bunks, ready to get some much needed sleep before hearing someone’s muttering.
“Worth it.”
tags: @skellymom @burningfieldof-clover @dangraccoon
if you’d like to be tagged, fill out my taglist form through the word “agree” in my bio or at the bottom of my masterlist! <3
thank you for reading! check out my masterlist!
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littleleelee · 2 months
to much energy (drabble)
No gender or names used, only thing used is 'You'
I tried to put pictures but they weren't working xd
Zoro x !platonic!reader
being at sea for so long had its pros and cons, cost of piracy. However you did expect it to be this bad. The thousand sunny had been at sea now for atleast 2 months, you were getting ancey being in one space for so long. You had tried calmly meditating, cleaning, cardio, hell you asked chopper for sleep medicine to calm you down.
Nothing was working to get rid of the anxiety building so slowly you haven't actually noticed it, while the others (minus luffy) noticed something off. Zoro was the first to actually act, having a sneaking feeling that it was the same ancey-ness he faced when he didn't train enough. Built up adrenalin for no reason, and no way to get rid of it.
Zoro approached you while you were pacing around nami's trees. You were completly zoned out when he grabbed your shoulder, causing you to jump. "I've been trying to get your attention for 5 minutes now, you good?" He asked, annoyance mixed with something else laced in his tone. "Yeah, no im fine. I'm sorry I must have been to focused," you replied, however the tremble now lacing your body said otherwise. Needing to get moving again you tried nudging zoro off, but he grabbed your elbow next.
"You to worked up from being coped up on the ship, right?" Zoro inquired. You stared at him not really knowing what to say, "Come spare with me a 'little, promise 'ittle help." He followed confidently, pulling your arm slightly to follow him. You opened your mouth to protest, however he shut you up quickly; "Trust me yea'? I'll even go easy on ya'." He snickered. He dragged you to the crowsnest and help guide you thro simple, yet more active workouts.
After sets of sparing, dead lifts, squats, and a few rounds of carido and core working; that trembling, anxious feeling you felt before was gone. Now replaced with a pleasant sorness that left you feeling tired. Panting you sat down against the wall, relishing in the feeling. "See? Told ya' it would work." Zoro remarked, sitting down next to you, holding out a water bottle. You nodded in thanks, glading taking gulps of it.
"How'd you know it would help? Hell, how'd you know what was up?" You asked him as you passed the water back. He chackled as he took a swig, " 'cus I get the feeling to, having to be constantly moving otherwise 'imma implode. Jus' helping a crew-mate out." He replied, nudging your arm; you laughed and nudged back, resulting in a small play fight between you to. Before long sanji yelled out that dinner was done. You both looked at each other before agreeing to tie, sliding down the ladder to the crows nest.
Before heading inside you grabbed zoros shoulder, making him turn to you with a tilt of his head. "Ya think we could train more often? I doubt I will ever notice the pacey feeling myself" you asked him. He chuckled swinging his arm round your shoulders roughly, with a smile he said "I guess I could help a pipsqueak like you out," he cheekly remarked, causing you both to laugh. You both head to the table with small smiles, and a another day ahead of you both. Now, you aren't so nervous when those days come. 'Cause you know Zoros got you back.
First post inna while xd I'm dying over here :'D
Lmk if yall like these little drabbles. Till next time
Peace ✌
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cookie-crumblr · 1 year
Hype Train!
F!Streamer Reader x M!Yandere Streamer OC
Part 6~
His Info: 📹✨
Part: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CW: !F reader, use of she/her when referring to reader, reader has a vagina, YANDERE, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, pet names (pretty, baby, pretty girl), ML calls self “daddy”( lemme know if y’all are into it or not XD), Descriptions of Sadistic violence, implications of past SA, gore, blood, torture live stream, Oral on m, live stream exhibitionism, long part, smutt sat the end!
AN: Sorry this one took longer than usual, i wrote like 11 different drafts and didn’t like any of them XD finally got to lucky number 12 and bam, let’s goooaaaarrrrr 🐶✨
“Isn’t it way too soon though…?” You ask in a slightly joking voice, not wanting to sound stressed.
It definitely stressed you out though.
You’re finally thinking somewhat rationally now. Asking yourself all those questions you should have asked that that first day he arrived for example…
How did he find you?
How did he get here?
What on earth did he do with Jared’s body?
Is he going to get away with that? How?
And How can he be so… Fine, after Murdering someone.
And those are just the ones you can think of off the top of your head before he responds.
“What?” He runs a hand through his bangs, “You sayin’ you’d rather stay in this danger infested shithole than come back w’ me?”
You try and pipe up, “N-no… That’s not what i’m saying at all, Jasper…” but you lose your voice at least halfway through.
A fear you’ve never even fathomed creeps it’s way into your soul.
“ ‘S what it sounds like, pretty.” Jasper’s voice is frigid.
This stings you more than anything ever has… You completely let your guard down to him. You actually trust him.
“Jasper, I am NOT saying that. I just think it’s way too soon for me to move in with you. I still have to pay off next month, not to mention breakin’ my lease, an I d-don’t know—”
His whole demeanor reverts in a terrifying instant. His eyes filling back up with adoration, “m’sorry, pretty girl. I’ll take care of everything and make up f’r twistin’ your words like that.” He sighs relieved, “I should’ve known that was the reason.”
It’s not the whole reason…
But you think better of adding anymore fuel to those embers, and possibly burning down the whole forest around you.
He fishes out an old looking phone, “Dev, get the delivery van ready. Sendin’ ya some coords.” While he’s closing the door and locking it behind him.
You stand there dumbfounded.
“W-wait! Jasper?!” You put on the first pair of shoes you see and run after him. He’s only on the first set of stairs going down when he hears you, and turns to wait while you re-lock the door.
“Ahh, y’wanna come watch daddy work, hm? Is that it, pretty baby?” He smirks.
You can’t tell if he’s serious, but you become bashful nonetheless. “Uh… Sh-sure! W-wait. What— what are you…? Where are you…?” your brain short circuits as you try and figure out where to even start.
He slings the bag over a shoulder, then reaches up to cradle your cheek in his palm. “’m kiddin’, pretty, let me take care ‘f it. I’ll bring ya a souvenir.” He winks, his pupils almost completely eclipse the beautiful icy blue of his irises. He looks so different right now. You can’t honestly tell what emotion he’s full of, but it sends a chill down your spine regardless.
You nod, nuzzling your face deeper into his palm and kissing his skin.
“Kay, please just… stay safe… I love you, Jasper,”
“I love you, pretty girl” he purrs, then bumps his forehead to yours. “Stay inside till I get back. I need ya t’ skip work if ‘m not back yet. ‘kay pretty? I know you wanna do all this on your own, and I need ya t’ trust me, lemme take care of you right now”
With slightly stinging eyes, you nod.
“‘At’s m’ good girl,” He presses forward, his lips barely touch yours in such a sweet gesture it makes your heart flutter.
How this guy can make you feel every emotion, and every feeling in all the books is beyond you.
“Whaddo ya think, Issac… This one thinks he’s some sortta little cartel king.” Jasper coos teasingly. The edge of his blade tilting up the bound and gagged man’s chin, with the tip dangerously close to puncturing that delicate little artery. “Thinkin extorting helpless lil ladies makes him s’m kinda badass,” His smile drips with malice.
“Oooh! Oh! I like the snitch treatment!” Issac excitedly hops over to Jasper’s side. His own blade glinting in the dim van lights as he waves it around.
“Be careful with that, would ya?” Dev.In snaps lovingly, as they lean against the opposite wall with their arms crossed.
“What do you think little king? Want your tongue cut out, n’ getting throat fuck by my knives?” He pauses as if to think, “or would you prefer ‘f I carved ya a pussy of your own? I could bring ya t’ that little place you like to send all those nice young ladies… Whats it called again?” He grins.
“OH OH OH! I KNOW THAT ONE! Me! Pick me!!” Issac raises his hand like an excited kid in school, “The pit!!!”
“mmhm! that’s it, I’m sure those clients of yours would have so much fun with a big boss like you all chained up… They’d prolly pay big bucks too,” The knife *shings* as he pulls it out from under the struggling man’s chin.
“Ooo! Jasper yur a genius! Can I change my vote!?!?” He raises his hand and waves it around as if he’s a kid voting on the family car trip to stop for candy.
“What do you think Dev?” Jasper looks over his shoulder to the body double with glowing eyes.
“I polled the viewers already. Overwhelming majority favor him getting his own cunt,”
“Well would ya look at that… I guess it’s time for a song change then.” Jasper turns off the music completely, looking directly at the man.
You fell asleep who knows how long ago on top of your blankets, and awake to the feeling of the bed shifting with a new body’s weight.
You feel scared at first, before it quickly morphs into joy.
It’s dark in the room now, but you reach up and hug them. “J-Jasper?” You whisper sleepily.
“‘Yes, pretty. I got cha some presents, though, I need ya ta just look, ‘nd not touch the first one.” He gets back up to turn on the colored room lights, “The second one’s all yours.”
They’re both in cute boxes covered in a cat print with little bows in your favorite color.
“Which ones which??” You ask.
“Here, pretty… remember, only look…”
You pull the ribbon, and your face drops when you take off the top.
You gag.
It’s… It’s a man’s…
Images of Jared’s concaved and bloody face, with a furious Jasper above him, flash behind your eyelids.
“W-Who? J-Jas—” Your body shakes as you swallow trying to hold in the rising bile.
“I know, pretty…” He pets you softly, “It’s a little hard to look at. but I wanted to give ya the proof that you’re free now.” He smiles calmly, his pupils are a normal size, you notice, even in the lower light.
“J-Jasper…” Your eyes are wide, but when he tells you that you’re free…
You can’t help feeling relieved.
“I d-don’t want to know what you d-did. Please don’t ever tell me…” You ask with a quiet voice before handing the closed box back. “Th-thank you Jasper.”
“‘f course, pretty girl,” he puts his hand back onto your head, his fingers trailing through your hair.
“mmmm,” Your eyes close for a second… “Wait!”
He pulls away with a smile on his face.
“D-do you wanna stream t’night?”
He licks his lips, “Why, pretty? Ya got plans f’me?”
“O—okay… C-close your eyes fora sec… And h-hit live, b-but wait t’start ”
“Oooo~ I like this already” His big grin shows off his long canines.
You put on a collar that Jared got you… You only kept it cause it’s cute.
You hope Jasper likes the idea though, and then he can get you a new one, and you can finally burn this one.
Trying to be stealthy and failing, you climb under your desk with a burning hot face.
Since he’s slouched pretty comfortably, his legs are already a little spread. You thank him for that in your head.
Your palms travel slowly up his thighs, stoping in his lap over his pants zipper and button.
This is a skill you hated having before, but you’re kind of excited to use it on him.
Your hands tremble slightly.
You look up to see a stupid smirk on his face, telling you he definitely knows what you’re about to do.
Maybe you’ll still surprise him.
You free his dick, your mouth falls agape never have actually looked at it this closely.
“When can I start, prettyy~” He almost sings.
You get comfortable between his legs, and rest your arms up on his thighs. “N-Now.”
Steeling your nerves you take a big breath, then you start by licking long strokes up his shaft. You feel his bulging veins against your sensitive muscle.
His leg twitches, making you a little more confident.
He doesn’t taste like the others. It’s not disgustingly salty at all, kinda just tastes like the rest of his skin. You sigh happily at that.
Flattening your tongue now to cover more area underneath his girth. While licking more eagerly, you’re getting more and more excited to please him with your mouth.
“Aw, Thanks,” He starts talking to the viewers. You look up and meet his eyes, “W-welcome back everyone, sorry it’s been a minute, my girl and I have been very busy the past couple days.”
You grab his cock in both hands, still having enough room for it, you wrap your lips around the tip too. Your lips have the perfect grasp on him, right under his glands. You suck hard, using your tongue to lick his tip while he’s inside your mouth to, and then expertly tug yourself off slowly with a loud *pop*.
Accidentally you tug on his piercing too, and he pushes his hips up.
“H-hey yurmomstinks, welcome back. S-sup, toxickitten.” His small stutters have you giddy, you really are doing it!
You made sure before hand he’s in the “just chatting” category, so you can reach up and grab one of his hands. You put his fingers under your collar to pull it.
“mmmhmmm,” he groans and looks back up at the chat, “U-uh, I-I’m good! How’re you, upset-b-beaver”
No other time that you’ve done this has ever turned you on… But you’re noticing yourself getting soaking wet.
More spurred on by your own body responding lewdly, you flatten your tongue under the tip, and open your mouth wide.
You look up to make sure he’s making eye contact, and breathe a big puff of hot air over it. Precum leaks out over his piercing and you savor it, it’s so much better than any other. You actually like the taste of his.
God, why is this making you so wet…
You close your eyes for a second, smiling and moaning.
His whole body shudders in response, you see his breathing becoming deeper, and his eyes are wide.
You aren’t aware, but he’s never enjoyed getting head this much either.
While he’s still staring into your eyes, you kiss his glands and give small little kitten licks there lovingly.
“A-ah um— Y-yeah, good for you m-man!” he clears his throat. “N-no! hah, um, yeah, I d-don’t know what we’re doing later, might get…” he takes a long breath “Chinese or… sss’mthin” The last part comes out slurring as if he’s drunk.
You are surprising him!! He wasn’t expecting this and you feel more and more in control and empowered as you go.
This is so exciting!
His face is getting so much redder everytime he looks down at you, and he really doesn’t want to pry his eyes away from you. It’s making you feel so warm and content.
“mmm y’taste so good Jasper…” You moan quietly, only for him to hear, as you take it into your mouth and relax your throat to go as deep as you can.
You almost touch base before pulling your head back.
You let your tongue become a bed for the underside of his length, then you go down further, touching your nose to his groin.
He sucks in suddenly.
“Uh-y-yeah, that, hah, movie n-nights are still thurs—days”
He remembers he’s holding your collar suddenly, having forgot all about anything other than your pretty, puffy lips taking care of his dick.
He pulls you by it gently at first, watching as your eyes close, enjoying him playing with you.
You pull back and breathe while you can, he pulls you back against his body and your airways get blocked.
“mm!” You moan, and gag not being able to breathe is usually so scary…
But you trust Jasper, and this feels so hot…
He runs his fingers through your hair with his other hand, and continues talking to the viewers while you work him.
“Y-yeah, just like that,” He slips, a low moan leaving him, as he bites his lower lip, “Y-yeah, I mean,” He clears his throat again, “Y/Username is riiiight here. mmhmm. I’ll tell her y’all say hi,” His smug composure is quick to return, but it doesn’t discourage you.
You go down all the way, your nose pressing against his body, as his dick fills your throat.
You gag around his size, and tears stream down your face.
Hollowing your cheeks, you suck him with everything you’ve got.
He groans and his hips start jerking, chasing you as he gets higher and higher.
“Huh? O-oh, s-sure…”
Hearing his stuttering increase in frequency and feeling his cock twitch in your mouth you increase your speed, saliva runs down your chin.
“Mm!” He convulses not even worried about the chat anymore, and you suck as hard as you can.
“Ah! Y—Y/N!”
You take it as deep as you possibly can, and feel his burning hot cum shoot in thick streams down your throat you swallow around it making sure to hold his eyes with your own tear filled ones.
When you finally stop enjoying his powerless state of involuntary bouncing, while you keep sucking and overstimulating him, you remove yourself and open wide with your tongue out.
It shows him you swallowed every single drop.
He stares, mouth agape, as his mind stays utterly blown for a bit, until he reaches up and turns the stream off without saying a single word.
You beam full of pride, as he wipes at your tears.
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thedragonqueen1998 · 5 months
Today at work i got insanly inspired to write and once i got off work, i immidiently went on my phone to type it out. XD I just finished a 3 hour long writing ses(had a 15 minute food break in the middle). ^^ Probably just gonna forever gonna be a wip thing, but it was fun and i'm kinda proud of it. Despite it being rough in some parts, mostly because i wanted to rush to the 2nd half and i didn't wanna get stuck, i'm happy to share it. ^^
It's a kinda long, so i'm gonna add a Read more line to not fill your dash with text. Also, first time trying formatting out! XD
So, originally this post was just gonna be a "i actually wrote something! Look!" thing, just showing of some work i did, but after writing the reason why i wrote a line a certain way, it went into something very sad and kinda dark, so if you don't wanna read about death, a light mention of suicidal thought and grief... just stop after What even is my life.
Idk why i wrote it, but it took alot of effort and it feels... important to me, i guess. Part of processing and such. So, yeah. Read at your discretion. Thank you for your time. 💜
Ezio had many regrets in his long life. Not being there when his father and brothers were arrested. Of not being there more for his sister and mother. Of not trying to be together with Cristina. Not being able to save her. Or being able to save Uncle Mario and Monteriggioni. But biggest of all, not having spent more time with his family before the execution.
He had love, but didn't cherish it. Didn't truly feel it and took it for granted. But unlike so many others, Ezio could take those regrets and change them. Thanks to Desmond.
When he walked into the Library, he thought he might get an answer or two in return for many more. He truly didn't expect that calling out Desmonds name while the Apple bathed the walls in gold would result in it being answered by the being himself.
The being looked like a man, clad in a white light, eminating from a strange device under his right arm. His face looked like an exact replica of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's face, though his build was closer to his. Broad shoulders hidden underneath a strange hooded white doublet and long legs wearing strange tight fitted pants made from a material he did not recognise. Even the scar was the same as his! Was Ezio made in the image of the one he was the Prophet for? Was Altaïr the herald? All questions Ezio wondered, but not knowing if Desmond was like Minerva or not, he dared not waste any questions if the beings patient was thin.
But first: "Are you Desmond?" He had to know, have it confirmed, even if the being appeared after the name was called.
"Ezio? Is this the Library? Am i seriously bleeding while dying!?" Desmond was looking around at the empty tomb, before his eyes returned upon Ezio.
"Yes, this is Altaïr's library. You are bleeding? I do not see any blood and you are dying!? Is there anything i can do to help you? Please, my lord. Tell me what i need to do to save you." Ezio was desperate to know his purpose and if all his life lead to this moment, where he could save Desmonds life, he would fulfill it.
"There's nothing you can do. I am dying semi willingly and even if this is some Animus infused death hallucination, it is nice having my last moments with you, even if your not really here. I am so sorry i couldn't answer any of your questions or try to save you from losing everything. You never deserved any of it. In the end it didn't really even matter. I am sorry you wasted your time chasing riddles and ghosts." He looked so grieve struck while saying it and the look Desmond had while gazing down onto Ezio could only be described as lovingly.
"What do you mean? Could you have saved my uncle!? My father and brothers!? Why didn't you if you do not think i deserved it! I have served the Brotherhood almost my entire life, sacrificed so much trying to find out what Minerva meant and now your telling me that it was all for nothing!? If you think i wasted my time then give it back!"
Desmonds eye's widen before softly smiling and saying: "Your right, you wasted your time and sacrificed too much for nothing. Let's change that."
Before Ezio knew it, the world went white and he knew nothing more.
When Ezio awoke, it was to a bed he hadn't seen in almost 40 years. His childhood bed and his room. He couldn't believe it. He was given a second chance. To live his life. To right wrongs. To save his family! To think going to the Library would result in this!
At the thought of the Library, Ezio suddenly remembered Sofia. To have forgotten her and even abandoned her without a second thought left Ezio feeling guilty. Would she wait outside the Library before realising he would never come back? Or because he is now in the past, a past where he intends to change the future, would she never meet him? Never exist? The thought of her hurt, but like so many others, Ezio knew that him being in her life would have risked hers. Even if she knew and accepted it, it is still better if she never got the chance to know him and inevitibly suffer because of it. Same with Cristina. Though he could now choose her, he knew that despite the many mistakes in his life, the Brotherhood was not one of them and his refusal to properly let her go killed her. Letting that life affect her once again was too cruel. It was for the better to just let her go.
Federico nudged him with his elbow. "Brother, what has you thinking so hard you look like you bit into something bitter?"
"Nothing much, just wondering what i should get." Ezio smiled and laughed. He was currently out with his family on a trip the market. The last time around, he had decided to sneak off to spend some time with a girl he didn't even remember the name of anymore instead of spending time with his loved ones, to his great shame and regret. This was the last thing his family had done together outside of dinners before the execution in 3 days. That he missed out on it was one of his biggest regrets, but Desmond let him change it.
That Ezio might never truly understand or know what or who Desmond is, how he watched him in the Vault or even what Minerva's people and the Pieces of Eden truly were will forever haunt him, but the trade to see his family again and to even be able to save them is a fair trade. He can go his life wondering these questions and maybe try to find them now that he will have more time, thanks to already knowing the Templars plans and who will be an enemy or ally.
He felt a finger poke him inbetween his eyebrows.
"There you go again Brother. Thinking too hard! Be careful or you might hurt yourself." Federico teased before yelping and then laughing when Ezio pushed him.
"Please don't start fighting now sons." Their father said before turning back to the stall owner to continue discussing what wares to buy and the prices.
"Sorry Father!" Ezio said before giving his brother a teasing look that promised this was not over.
Ezio remembered this day well enough. Not to remember the woman he decided to chase, but enough to know that when his family had been at the market a horse had run wild there and according to Claudia, nearly trampled her down in the confusion.
He was a bit sceptical to believe it was as close as she had made it out to be, but he knew horses much better now than he did before. After years of riding them to and from places in the chase for his targets, he knew that having one running towards you in a blind panic could scare anyone. Even though he knew to be wary of them and treat them with respecy during his original childhood, he didn't truly get how these gentle beings could be as scary as his sister had made the poor creature out to be.
According to his family, it had been a war horse, bloodied, running around in a blind panic, probably scared from a skirmish. Being chased by guards hadn't helped and eventually the guards got a good shot at it and put it down.
Ezio wanted to save his sister years of fearing horses, so he kept an eye and a ear out for any signs that the animal was on it's way.
There. A scream. Everyone stopped and looked around for the source. The source was still hidden by the crowds, but in the distance you could start seeing people moving away from something coming this way and the screams were getting closer.
Ezio breathed and slipped into his Second Sight, the Eagle Vision, as he now knew Altaïr had called it. Or more accuratly, Eagle Sense. With the years, his constant use and need for it had changed his Sight. It had become much stronger, letting him see farther, expanded his hearing, to let him hear his enemies heartbeat and even know what moves they were going to make. Even let him know where his enemies was going to go on a patrol route.
It truly was a gift and now he would use it to try and predict where the animal would go, as to lead his sister and family away from the danger. Then he saw it. The shine of something important. Something that glowed as strongly as the Apple of Eden had. The horse.
There was much about his Gift he could not explain. He had tried, but it is much like explaining sight to a blind person. Why things he didn't even know about could glow gold and lead him to the answer. Why allies glowed blue and enemies red, nor how he could tell friend from foe and now. His Sight told him, with the same intuition as telling friend from foe, that this horse was Desmond.
How is Desmond here? Why? Did he lie about dying? Or was certain death only a large chance that Desmond beat? Ezio supposed it did not matter. If he lets events play as they had before, Desmond would be struck down by an arrow within minutes. Oh, maybe Desmond had tried to prevent his father and brothers demise, but was struck down in the attempt? Though, why choose to do it as a rampaging horse? Either way, Desmond was clearly panicking, almost upon him now. If Ezio could not calm him down, his death was guaranteed.
But how? Ezio has just seconds now to plan a way to stop him before he is trampled down.
Then, he finally realises, that among the bright gold he shines, he also glowes blue. Such a deep colour which he has only seen in the greatest friends or closest family and he knows, Desmond would never harm him. The look of pure love on Desmonds face made more sense now.
So Ezio decides to not move and simple raise up his hands, as if to pet the horse.
Desmond was in pain. He knew that Juno lied about his death being quick and painless, but god, why did it have to hurt so much!? During his hallucination, it wasn't nearly so bad! And can't forget the weird nightmare he's having ontop of it. He's a goddamned horse on some battlefield. He was rearing up when the nightmare started, neighing as his rider was shot and killed by an arrow.
There's so much blood. The smell strikes fear in his heart. There's so much red. He slips into Eagle Vision and there's even more red. Not a spec of blue. A sword slides against the armor he is wearing and the screech of metal is too much. He bolts.
He needs to run. Away from the monsters with sharp sticks. Away from the smell of blood and death. Away from the shadows hiding hunters. They follow him. They chase him for a long time.
He is getting so tired.
He needs to get back to the barn. His owner would make everything alright. He would croon soft noises he did not understand, but the tone was soft and gentle. He would give him a treat while brushing him down after a hard days work.
He did ride him into scary battles he did not understand, but afterwards he would wash and groom him extra thoroughly, while feeding him the best apples, crooning more sounds in a happy tone. He would repeat one of the few sounds he understood, which meant "him" and "pay attention to me".
But he wasn't on his back anymore and he didn't hear his voice. Just the loud, scary noises of more men in the shiny hard thing. They had the pointy sticks too and tried to take the things dangling from his mouth. Only his owner can touch that! Only he is to be trusted with them.
Running is getting harder, there is large, straight hills in the way and the path is narrower with many strangers in it.
There is still so much red. He can still smell the blood, feel it clotting his fur. Too much red!
Suddenly there's blue in front of him. He knows blue means ally. Though why and how this person is blue confuses him. But he is Blue and running him over is not good, but why is he standing there!? Does he not see the red!? Smell it!? Does he not understand we need to run!?
That single word pierces the fog of fear and wild panic that has flooded Desmonds mind. Ezio is in front of him, hand already gripping the reigns while the other rests on his muzzle.
"There we go Desmond, everything is alright."
Desmond still feels phantom threads of fear, but with Ezio's calming blue glow and his voice saying gentle reassurances, it feels far away.
Now with his mind fully human and not driven by horse instincts or memories, the question becomes: How and why the fuck is he a horse in 15th century Italy with Ezio!?
What even is his life.
So, a couple parts i'm stupidly happy about is the "He had love, but didn't cherish it. Didn't truly feel it and took it for granted." part. This, as you can probably tell was inspired by the famous quote "When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it."
I believe Ezio didn't fully understand liberty until he tried to live a peaceful life with Sofia and realised he would always fear Templars taking revenge on his family and time, because the knowledge that he would never see his children grow up to adults had never been a concern before he met Sofia. He probably thought he wouldn't have a family at all.
But love. Love he would understand what he missed. He would understand it just days after he lost his father and brothers. Those moments you missed out on. Of opportunities to spend time that you squandered away. Time you will never get back, because in real life we don't have time travel.
And now i understand it. Before the end of the last year, i was like Ezio before the loss. Before i lost my grandparents only a few weeks apart.
Those opportunities to spend time was rare and thankfully i took most of them, but i still squandered it away by not actually spending time with them. I just visited and hid away in my room, wasting the time by sitting on the phone.
I will forever regret that because ny memory is shit and besides a few childhood ones, i have no memories of them. I still remember their voices, they were pretty distinct thankfully, but how long until i forget that.
It hurts and as someone who is afraid of death and it's finality, such a reminder that time and love is finite is soulcrushing. It is only recently that i have truly started to think of my grandparents and i guess try to process the fact they are gone forever.
When we first got the news that my grandpa had died, i was even more glued to my phone, not wanting to acknowledge what was happening. I also didn't wanna sleep and only got some when i passed out from exhaustion. We even went to the doctor to get time of work and some sleep medication i didn't dare end up taking.
I even had thoughts of just taking all the pills and just sleeping, to get away from the pain forever. But i'm thankfully too much of a coward, so it just stayed thoughts. I'm doing much better now and as i mentioned, i think i'm starting to process the fact that they are gone.
So, yeah. This post went in a direction i didn't expect. But it feels important and maybe in a few years i can look back at this post and see a snapshot of who i was and reflect on who i am now. So, here's to the future me and anyone else who needs to hear it:
I hope things are going well and if they're not... well, things get better. They always do. You're loved and even if your loved ones are gone, they live on in you. You will carry that love with you, for the rest of your life. 💜
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chiharuhashibira · 1 year
tanjiro looking for his earrings and not knowing where they are and finding his s/o wearing them 🥺🩷
Hewo Anonymous~
Your wish is my command, especially when it is a Tanjiro fic! 👉🏼👈🏼
I wish it'll be okay if I age Tanjiro up to hmmm 18? Pweaaaaseeee~
Anyways, I'll just work my magic here, for you ^^
𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒇𝒖𝒅𝒂 𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔?
𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐔𝐩 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐜
Content Warnings: Aged-up Tanjiro, Slightly Suggestive
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Tanjiro's heart hammered so hard that he even thought perhaps it would just pop out of his chest. He can't ever lose his hanafuda earrings. That's the heirloom of his family, the only memory of his beloved father.
Looking at how messy his room has become, it's clear how panicked the boy is. Tanjiro groaned in frustration, rubbing his face aggressively as he wondered how he lost it in the first place. All he could remember from last night was the intimate night he had with his lover, as he was too tired to even check if he still wore his hanafuda earrings or not.
"I can't lose that…" He mumbled under his breath as another set of pillows were tossed to the corner of the room.
The sound of a gasp kicked him out of his incessant thoughts. Tanjiro immediately turned in your direction with a clear look of worry on his face. You saw how sweaty he had been after searching for perhaps an hour.
"Tanjiro, the room's messy! What happened?"
You asked, clearly unaware of what he had been doing. You raised an eyebrow as Tanjiro stood up and walked towards you, a pillow sheet falling from his lap. A sigh escaped from his lips before he could even tell you his concern.
"I don't know why my hanafuda earrings are missing… You know that I can't lose it, Y/N!"
You bit your lip in astonishment. So he had been looking for it all along? You just got out of the bath, clad in your violet yukata, with water dripping from your long hair.
You saw how Tanjiro's eyes scanned you, gulping as he took in your sight. But he's too caught up with his lost earrings right now, and he can't be distracted.
But that nearly made you laugh out loud. You pushed your damp hair behind your ears, exposing his hanafuda earrings. "Tanjiro, you should've told me that you're looking for this…"
"Oh gosh! It's here!" As he enveloped you in an affectionate hug, a soothing sound came from his lips. You smiled and hugged him back. "I'm sorry I wore them… I just find them really pretty, Tanjiro." You pulled out of the embrace, giving him a pout as you took off the earrings and handed them to them.
You didn't know that he would be so scared!
Tanjiro took his earrings back, wore them once again, and gave you a gentle kiss. "It's alright, Y/N. I was just scared that I had lost it. But they look good with you." He said this, assuring you that what you did wasn't wrong.
You hummed as you kissed back, slowly but passionately. You just love your Tanjiro so much.
The boy snaked his arms around your waist, making you yelp a bit in surprise. "Tanjiro—"
"I can't give you these earrings, love, but I can give you another special gift that I'm sure you would love."
His words made you feel a shiver run up your spine. "O-okay then~" With that, Tanjiro carried you back to the messy room with a plan to make it messier with you. His hanafuda earrings are here again, so there's no reason to ignore a little distraction for the day.
𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉!
I hope you enjoy this fic as much as how I blush while writing this XD
Sorry if I didn't give you Tanjiro's hanafuda earrings XD But still, at least there is a special gift after >.&lt;
Anyways, feel free to comment and reblog 💓 Would really appreciate it! Also check out my other stories!
Go and request any KNY imagines, fics, or headcanons that you want~ I'll just be at work but rest assured that I blush whenever I see the requests XD
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Thank you once again! UwU
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shesjustanothergeek · 2 years
His Love
|Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader|
Part Seven
Master List of Series
Summary: Being a bastard born in the slums of Flea Bottom was all you were known for. Not the streak of white you had in your dark hair, the violet ring around your pupils, or how your sharp tongue and skills with the blade resembled your father, Daemon Targaryen. You were just a bastard, nothing more, but to him, to Aegon Targaryen, you were everything. You were his love.
Author's Note: Oh my goodness, an early update from me?? How crazy!  I never update early the world must be ending. I know it's only like a day, but still, it's a day early! For someone reason, it was super easy to write. I don't know what that says about me. xD I want to thank y'all sooooo much for constantly supporting me. When I first started this fic, I honestly thought nobody would read it and that those who did would hate bomb me. Everyone who has commented has been super nice to me, and I honestly can't thank you enough for it. I do want to warn you, though, that there's going to be a chapter in the distant future where were discuss Aegon's not-so-consensual activities. That's all I'm going to say about that. I hope you enjoy this chapter! It's a steamy one toward the end. ;)
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Chapter Warnings: Flash Back, Somnophilia
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Prince Daemon opened the door to Madam's brothel like a dark cloud, slowly traveling with the threat of a storm, Dark Sister tapping the frame. Rage was his presence as he entered, though his outward appearance seemed as if he was unbothered. He was on a mission, and he had only one question.
"Where is she?" He asked the first woman he saw, a client on her arm. She smiled at him sweetly.
"Give me one moment Ser, so I can escort this handsome patron out, and I will be right with you." She buttered the man up, her words a purr in his ear as she stroked his cheek.
Daemon rolled his eyes, taking three long strides to the girl and grabbing her by the arm. "You will listen to me and listen well. Forget this fool." She whimpered, letting go of the man's arm as she went to shield her face.
"I am Prince Daemon Targaryen, the man who created the very Gold Cloaks that will burn this establishment to the ground should I snap my fingers." She nodded, eyes teary and lips quivering. The girl was confused and caught unaware by the Prince's presence. He had not been here in quite some time, ever the loyal husband to Princess Rhaenyra. 
"Where is Madam?" He seethed through gritted teeth at her prolonged silence. The whore took a shaking breath, hesitating momentarily as she glanced at Dark Sister, deciding the truth would be better than Valyrian steel through her stomach. 
She leads Daemon to a back room, hidden and out of the way so no simple-minded customers could mistakenly enter. A small fire was lit, and a cast iron cauldron hung over it as Madam stood hunched, her shoulders shaking.
"Madam," the girl spoke softly, and she straightened her posture, wiping at her face as she turned to scold the worker, but stopped short, seeing a former star patron.
"Prince Daemon," she curtsied, sniffling to clear her nose, "to what do I owe the pleasure?" Madam knew she was playing a dangerous game.
"You know exactly why I am here," he replied firmly. Madam tilted her head at her worker, silently telling her working girl to leave.
"I am not sure I do. You know better than anyone that there is no need to come directly to me in order to schedule a session," she said dismissively. 
Of course, Madam knew precisely why he was here. It was the exact reason why she was crying.
"Do not play dumb, Babette. Where is Elaina?" He asked, losing patience.
"I already told you this many years ago when you first asked. My answer has not changed. She went back home to the North." Daemon scoffed, rolling his eyes again as he stepped closer.
"I may have believed that lie once, but not anymore. She has no ties to her family." Madam sighed, shaking her head and raising her arms as if talking to a belligerent child.
"I am not sure what you want me to say, Your Grace. That was all the explanation she gave me before disappearing."
Daemon growled, charging at the poor woman and pushing her against the fireplace by her neck. Madam could not react, nearly falling into the simmering stew pot as she grappled for purchase.
"Stop protecting her, Babette; I have no intention to harm. I need answers," he spat.
"I have none to give," she relented, ever the strong woman from years prior. 
"Stop lying to me!" He yelled, shoving her into the hearth, her head smacking the stone. "Where is Elaina? Where is my child?"
Madam was a force to be reckoned with herself, but when put against the Rogue Prince, the man crowned King of the Step Stones, she had no choice but to yield. Her years of hardening were not meant to withstand the flames of a dragon.
"Elaina is dead, thanks to the babe you put in her belly, and that child-- my child," Daemon's grip loosened, a lump beginning to form in his throat, "that I have raised into a beautiful young woman has been taken by your eldest nephew for reasons unknown to me,"
Sadness replaced his rage, a dark, depressing feeling shadowing in the pit of his stomach. 
Yet another woman in his life has died from childbirth—his mother, sister-in-law, wife, and now a former mistress. Did the cycle of maternal loss ever end? The water wheel that was the Targaryen's customs was spun by endless blood and loss. Daemon's face was stone, though his heart was not. A twitch of his lip indicated he was upset by the news of Elaina's death.
Finally, he stepped away from Madam. Was he destined to lose every woman he had cared for on the birthing bed? What would become of Rhaenyra? She had just given birth to Joffrey not nearly two years ago, and she was already filled with the starts of another. She had been lucky, but the Gods' favor only lasted so long. What would become of you once put in that same spot?
"She is with Aegon, yes?" He questioned Babette, sniffing once as he rested his hand on Dark Sister. She nodded, cradling her wounded head, blood painting her fingers. "The Gods only know what that drunkard has done to her," Daemon said as he swiftly left the brothel, a new mission on his mind.
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Lyra ducked into an alcove. Her grey cloak covered most of her recognizable face, the shadows of the secret entrance aiding her efforts. The layout of the many secret passages into the Red Keep was slowly becoming etched in her memory. She needed to know them like the back of her hand.
Her little apple, she thought somberly, her heart aching in the palms of gluttonous high-borns. Left to be eaten until there is nothing.
Madam had sheltered you too much from the reality of the world. You were too kind to bare the Targaryen name, too innocent to become a part of their "holier than thou" culture. You were not stupid, Lyra knew that, but your ignorance was simply due to a purposeful lack of knowledge on Madam's part. Unlike most girls your age, you knew about sex, the pleasures a man could receive, but you still had the inexperience as them, and without some trustworthy to guide you... there was no telling what path you might follow.
Lyra stopped at an almost invisible door, the wood untreated and dark within the shadows. She used her knuckles to knock a rhythm into the door, short and legato sounding. She waited, her anxiety boiling inside her stomach as she bounced on her feet. The passing time seemed too long. By now, someone would've opened the door.
"Lyra, you must leave. The castle is in a tizzy with the arrival of-"
Lyra didn't wait for the servant dressed in red to finish, shoving her way into the bustling kitchen of the Red Keep.
"Lyra, I cannot help you right now," Sara chased, tugging her friend's arm. "They are preparing a feast for the royal family!"
Lyra ignored her, running to another hidden servant's passage, her leather shoes tapping on the worn stone floors.
"Where is she," Lyra asked, sprinting up multiple steps. "I must see her. I need to tell her to wait." Sara tripped up the stairs, catching her skirt as Lyra gained more distance.
"If you would take a moment, Lyra, I could tell you," she huffed, catching up to her old friend at the top of the passage. "They are at dinner," Sara finally answered, her breathing ragged. "She met Daemon. I observed through the walls. He was kind to her. I believe there is no ill-will between them."
"That is a relief to hear; truly, it is Sara, but the things I have listened to since she left..." Lyra trailed off, "a girl of her age should not be partaking in such activities. She is far too young to comprehend the consequences fully."
"That is hypocritical, Lyra," Sara scolded, crossing her arms. "I remember us during girlhood. We were not much better."
"That was different," Lyra said. She dismissed any more attempts of scolding from Sara, opening the door as the sounds of music seeped through the crack.
She could see you dancing, hopping back and forth like a rabbit with Princess Halaena. Lyra could not help but smile. Seeing the joy on your face was infectious. It had become a rare sight over the past moons. Partly, because you had just gotten your cycle, your body readying itself to fill its biological purpose. A part of her almost felt guilty for trying to ruin your night with the plans of your escape.
Your laughter carried into Lyra's hiding place as you lifted the Princess. Lyra slowly shut the door, a wan smile covering her face. It might do you good to extend your stay at the Red Keep. You could live as a girl, make friends and play as you never could. It would give Madam a sense of ease to know you were well and to gather the needed supplies for your trip across the Narrow Sea.
Sara gave Lyra a confused look as she retraced her steps. She still needed to memorize them. You would be safe for now, and that was all that mattered as Lyra slinked back to Flea Bottom.
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Daemon had escorted you to your room after dinner, silent the entire way. You were thankful for that; if he had sparked conversation, you could not have held back your grin.
Of course, you were still upset with Aegon for stealing you away and keeping his real reason for wanting you at the castle, but how he looked at you... He made you feel like you were the only person worth looking at in a room full of royalty... It made your heart feel full.
Perhaps you were too harsh in judging him? He is still a person growing into an adult, the same as you. You acted immaturely with Ma, and he acted stupidly with you. You would forgive him, just as Ma forgave you.
You thought of Daemon, wondering what was running through his head during that silence. You understood that people believed you were his daughter, but your mother was not alive to claim it as such.
Sara calmly unbraided your hair as Caldia fluffed your pillows, and one of the other girls you had come to find out was named Izola laid a thin buttoned nightgown on the bed. It was nice to be dotted on, feeling more important than you were as your eyes became heavy.
It reminded you of the nights you and Aunt Lyra would pamper each other. She would use extra wages on the day off to gather pastries, flowers, and sweets. You would sit and listen to her odd stories of patrons for that week about how one man wanted her to call him "brother" and cried after he came. You would laugh and laugh as you both stuffed your mouths full.
Suddenly, your chest hurt, your heart skipping a beat, fluttering rapidly to regain its set pace. You clenched your fist, placing it over your heaving breasts as you tried to steady your breathing. It felt like you had fallen from a great distance and landed on your back. Tears swelled in your eyes as your body panicked, unsure of how to respond as it betrayed itself.
"My Lady," Sara spoke with concern in her voice. She had stopped unbraiding your hair, her hands on your shoulders as they heaved up and down. "Are you alright?" She asked, turning to see your frightened expression.
The other girls came rushing over, like swans landing on a pond, as they all gathered around you with concerned looks.
"My Lady, what has upset you?" Izola questioned as she put the back of her hand to your temple.
"My..." You stuttered, clutching your beating chest. "My... Heart," you gasped, confused and scared about what was happening. "I want Auntie Lyra. I want Ma. Where is she?"
You couldn't think straight. Your mind attempted to grasp what was happening, reverting to a terrified child after a nightmare.
"Ma is not here. You are in the Red Keep," Sara attempted to soothe you, unsure whether she should reveal what she knew.
"I-I want to go home," your voice was thick with shedding tears.
"You..." Sara glanced around, unsure, her voice becoming soft and pointed, trying to convey a message with her tone. "You are home."
"No," you cried, yanking at the collar of your dress. "I want to go home! I want to be with my family!"
The gown no longer held beauty when you gazed upon it. All you saw were hands.
You were screaming, your eyes blinded by tears as you stumbled into the vanity, falling to the stone floor. Dozens of pale jeweled fingers become your skin, trying to penetrate your flesh. They consumed you, curling inside as you attempted to pry them away. You pulled and swatted at them, but nothing worked. A never-ending cycle would appear as soon as you broke free of one another.
"Get off," you shrieked, "get away from me!"
You couldn't think. You couldn't breathe. You couldn't see. All you could do was feel their burrowing digits wiggling into you.
"Ma!" You screamed again, though you knew she wasn't coming. "Ma! Ma!" Your voice cracked, sounding thick with saliva.
You heard a loud crashing noise in the background, and you turned to look, but one of the hands gripped your face, forcing you to look back at them. You could see them gnawing like rats through your flesh and bone. Before you realized it, you were being lifted, the bejeweled fingers still all over your skin as someone shoved you into a chair.
Suddenly, they all vanished under a curtain of water, and you finally regained all your senses, looking at staring faces.
Caldia stood panting, a silver bucket in her grip. The other two maids were there, along with the Guard who was stationed outside your room. Sara and Izola were holding each other, their faces red and tears brimming their eyes. They must have seen them too... the hands.
"I came as swiftly as the Gods allowed," an older gentleman in pious brown robes said, bursting into your chambers with another man dressed similarly with a leather bag.
"Maester Mellos," Sara greeted in relief. She released Izola and thanked him with a squeeze. "I do not know what happened. One moment I was readying her for bed; the next..." She trailed off, looking at you with concern.
The Maester turned, seeing a girl who looked like she had run from one end of the Keep to the other, then averted his eyes swiftly.
"For God's sake. Give this girl some clothes."
You lowered your head. While in your fit, you had split the gown down to the waist; you only tore your small clothes a little higher. You covered yourself in shame, and embarrassment biting your ears. Caldia dropped the pale and grabbed your night dress from the beautifully patterned silk bed while Sara and Izola went to pull the tattered slit to keep your modesty.
Maester Mellows continued his examination, listening to your heart and touching your neck and underarms for anything abnormal. His companion took notes, a leather-bound book and feather quill in hand as the Maester whispered his findings. Your handmaids stood in the background, each with worried expressions.
One with a hand over their pursed lips, the middle looking between you and the stone floor, the other with arms crossed tightly around their chest, swaying slightly.
"She seems to be in good health," Maester Mellos declared. All three women sighed in relief, whispering thanks to the Seven. "Though her heart beats like a wild stallion, even when resting." As he continued, their faces dropped, fear rising to replace their short-lived relief. "I recommend deep breathing exercises to steady the pulse, but if something like this were to occur again..."
He motioned to his assistant, taking his bag and rummaging through it until he found what he was searching for. "Take a spoonful of this. Not a drop more."
He handed you an amber-colored glass bottle, a cork keeping it tightly sealed as you accepted it with trembling hands, letting him know you understood.
"Child, do you think you will be able to sleep tonight?" You lowered your gaze as your pride made your tongue feel like lead.
Maester Mellos sighed through his nose, kneeling to your height and placing a hand in your shaking ones.
"Tis alright, my girl. All women suffer hysteria from time to time. A punishment that all suffer in this time. Just do as I ask and all will be well." His tone was soft and kind, as a grandfather would speak to their grandchild, but the contents made you feel insulted.
He uncorked the bottle with a pop, getting a spoon from his bag as he poured the liquid into the bowl. You opened your mouth as he raised it, wrapping your dry lips around the cold silver. It was tan, almost the same color as molasses, and you began to feel skeptical of the powers this magic potion was implied to have.
You nearly spat it out from the taste. It was a bitter flavor worse than the absinthe Aegon gave you and burned your throat just the same. You didn't think to ask what it was, too focused on not spitting up as you forced yourself to swallow, taking a gulp of air with you and burping afterward.
"Rest now, child; the Seven smile down upon you. Thank the Maiden for this being your only ailment, and pray to the others for your continued health. You will be well in no time if you devote yourself to that." You nodded again, pushing yourself out of the chair wordlessly as you climbed into your bed, your handmaid hurrying to help you.
The Maester and his companion took their leave with a swift bow, the Guard escorting them out of your chambers and leaving the four of you alone. You had been nothing but a calm, albeit stubborn, guest in the Red Keep, and they were more concerned than anything. You could sense that they had questions, wanting to know where this sudden outburst came from.
The day had taken too much from you, and you had no more energy to speak as they pulled the silk sheets to your chest, tucking you in as Ma or Lyra would. You had begun to feel the effects of whatever Maester Mellos had given you as the girls left. Your limbs were heavy, and you felt your body and mind relax, sinking deeper and deeper onto a bed of clouds.
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Aegon had drowned himself in his cups as always, but he did not desire to explore the Streets of Silk as he usually would at this hour. He sat on the stairwell leading down to your bed chamber hallway, waiting patiently until he saw everyone leave. Seeing the Maester as one of them did startle him a bit. What had happened in the time he was not with you?
He realized then that his little dragon could not be left unattended. He must be with you at all times lest something happen. It would be a difficult task for Aegon, yes, but he would do it. He would do it for you. You were his hatchling, after all. His and only his.
The eldest Prince waited a few more moments until he was sure your ladies would not return. He pulled himself up onto wobbly legs as he descended the stairs, dragging his fingers along the corridor until he felt a familiar little divot.
Aegon opened the wall into a hidden passageway connected to the many others that led out of the castle, but he didn't intend to leave tonight. Everything that he desired was right here in these very Redstone walls.
He traveled until he saw the familiar patch of stone that signified your room, making sure his drunk legs did not make a sound in case you had fallen asleep. Aegon pushed the wall slowly, careful not to have the stone scrape the ground as he peered through the crack.
Aside from lit candles on your bedside tables, there was no light in your chambers. He pushed the door partly open so that he could slink through, still as quiet as a mouse as he went to the lump on the side of the bed. He called out softly to not scare you, but as you did not move, he continued and sat on your mattress. Still, you did not stir. Your lips parted slightly as drool leaked onto your cheek. He leaned over, gently swiping away the spit, and finally, you roused, only moving from your side to your back, the covers below your chest.
Your nightgown had come unbuttoned, exposing the glistening valley between your breasts. It stopped short of fully revealing what he longed to see to Aegon, much to his disappointment. He traced his finger over your skin, sticky from the summer night's heat, and you, once again, did not move. He was mildly concerned you did not wake from his touch, but it did not stop him, his cock growing hard in his trousers.
He knew in his mind that if you had been awake, you would not let him touch you as he did, moving the fabric over to free one of your breasts. And the fact that you were not conscious right now, your body unable to reject or accept his advances, made him groan.
Aegon moved, swinging a leg over so you were in between his. Surely this would be when you would wake, kick, and scream at him until he left. But no, you laid beneath him like a log, and he grinned. Indeed this was a sign from the Gods you wanted him. In sleep, your body did not see him as a threat, which meant you truly desired him; your conscious mind did not know it yet.
His needy cock became too much, and he freed it from the confines of his pants. The head was a ruddy pink from his rushing blood, his thick shaft pulsing in time with the hammering of his heart.
He removed your other breast from your nightgown, the nipples taught and ready for him to pinch. One hand found the base of his member, the other groping and massaging the sensitive flesh. It only made him go faster, his hand pumping in shorter and quicker strokes. To his luck, you were still sound asleep, with no expression as to whether you felt him.
Aegon wanted to shove his needy cock down your throat and continue what you had started from a moment that now felt ages ago. When you asked him, drunk on the little death he had just given you, to teach you how to pleasure him. Perhaps your subconscious could learn instead.
"I like it sloppy," he said in a strained voice, spitting on his prick as he mimicked the squeeze of your womanhood with his fist, "but for you, little one, we will go slow. I'll have you dripping first, your little cunt begging to be stuffed by me. You will do better that way," Aegon grunted at the thought as he continued. "Then, I'll have you spit on me and use your tongue to spread it before I sink into your mouth. Do not worry. I shan't shove it in all at once. I'll ease it in. I'll guide your head to find the pace I like, and you'll use your hand to make up for the lost space."
He felt a jolt of pleasure, picturing the scenario in his mind, your big doe eyes staring up at him, looking for reassurance.
"Of course, you will be unsure if you are doing it right, but not to worry, I will tell you." The stroking of his cock went faster, making the pace that you would set for him. "Good girl, I would say. You're taking me so well. I know you would just clench at my praise and try to take more of me. I know what you are, even if you do not. A good little girl that would take whatever I gave her with a smile; you just don't realize it yet." Aegon could feel his high mounting quickly, grunts and moans spewing from his chest as he moved his free hand to squeeze your throat.
"You will do that for me, won't you, little one? You'll take my cock down your fucking throat and thank your Prince when you are done?"
Your eyelids fluttered open at the lack of air, sleep still clouding your vision and mind. You could only make out a face—shoulder-length hair of white, pouting pink lips wet with spit, and flushed cheeks.
"Aegon," you whispered groggily, suddenly pulled back under the sleep waves.
He came quickly and suddenly at the sound of his name from your lips. It was such a force that his seed shot to your chin.
"Yes, it is me, little one. I am here," he answered as more spurts of his manhood fell onto your bare chest. "I am here." You did not hear his words. Already back in a deep slumber as you squirmed slightly, wiping his labor off your chin.
Aegon cursed the Gods for such an insurmountable and sudden pleasure, stroking his cock slowly as he came down, almost collapsing on top of you. He wanted to watch you clean yourself, forcing you to wipe his spend off your body with your fingers, sucking it off before swiping for more, but alas, his little dragon was sleeping and knew better than to wake you. He needed now, more than ever, for you to be awake.
Aegon tucked himself back into his trousers and left the bed, searching for a rag to wipe you but could find none, only seeing your peasant clothes draped over a chair. The maids must've forgotten them, and he grabbed the dirty outfit stained with sweat and alcohol to clean his sin of your flesh. He looked out the window once he was done, throwing the clothes in a random spot for later.
At this point in the night, he realized where his highs would cease, and his thoughts would finally reign free. His chest felt empty, a horrid feeling of shame and guilt gnawing at his gut. No one would ever love him, he realized, not in the way he sought for. His mother was ashamed and disgusted at the mere thought of him. His brother filled all the criteria his Mother wanted him to, and his youngest sister, his... wife, stuck in a marriage she nor he wanted, forced to carry his heirs. His father often forgot he even existed in favor of Rhaenyra and her bastard children.
How would he ruin your life, Aegon wondered. It was inevitable. You, too, would surely follow the same pattern. You would hate him, be repulsed by his heinous actions, and become like everyone else. He heard you stir in bed behind him but did not care; you were still fast asleep. He felt the sting of tears in his eyes, sniffing and willing himself not to let them shed as he crossed his arms for comfort.
"Aegon," he heard a soft voice behind him call. "What are you doing here?" He quickly wiped the tears from his face, rushing over to kneel on the opposite side of your bed.
You saw the wet streaks, his eyes bloodshot. "Are your alright?" You asked, sitting up as you grew more concerned.
"Yes, yes, little one. I am pretty alright. I was just stopping by to see how you faired after tonights events," he lied. You didn't believe him. Your mind slows as you think of what to say.
Though you were still angry at him for what he had done, you felt your heart soften at his broken face as you opened the covers on the other side of you. "Would you lay with me," you quietly spoke, doubling down as you saw his surprised expression. "Just for a little while until I fall back to sleep." Aegon did not hesitate to kick off his boots, shedding his wine-stained shirt as he climbed in. He, too, was desperate for companionship, as he always was.
You knew this was considered improper in royal customs, and you would most defiantly get into trouble if Daemon found out, but you didn't care. You could tell you, and Aegon needed some, if just for the night.
Aegon climbed into bed wordlessly. From the moment you met him, he was always the one to lead, and you were blank on how to proceed. He was afraid to say the wrong thing and have you refute your offer. You both lay there awkwardly, staring a the black ceiling in silence. You were still trying to figure out what to do.
You recalled childhood moments when you would crawl into Aunt Lyra's bed after Ma had scored you. It was almost second nature for her. She always knew how to help you and make you feel better.
You scooted closer to Aegon's stiff form, wrapping your arms around him as he turned. You did not speak. There was nothing to say as you squeezed him closer to you. Each other's presence was enough as you slowly drifted back to sleep. Eventually, his arms wrapped around yours as something akin to water slid down your skin.
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Master List of Series
Aegon is a mentally ill and emotionally stunted individual who does terrible things. Instead of mommy issues, he has "everyone in his family issues." I just wanna stroke that baby prince's cock and tell him what a good boy he is as he makes a mess of himself with his cum.
Spotify Playlist
YouTube Playlist
Tagged Peeps: @zeennnnnnn, @malfoytargaryen, @targaryencore, @justasmallbean, @alexandra-001, @buckysmainhxe, @omgsuperstarg, @sommornyte, @silverslive, @unclecrunkle, @prettykinkysoul, @duesobabe, @djlexi, @ynbutbetter, @honestlykat, @graykageyama, @legolas017, @iiamthehybrid, @brezzybfan, @ladybug0095, @millies0bsimp, @kalfilit, @sheislonelyalways, @tempt-ress, @bellameshipper, @minttea07, @trikigirl271, @esposadomd, @buckylahey, @partypoison00, @please-buckme, @pastelorangeskies, @joliettes, @existential-echo, @priyajoyyy, @valaenatargaryensdragon, @merovingianprincess
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guppyfish77 · 9 months
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Another year Another summary of Art! An Entire Year of Submas lets gooooooooooo!!!! This year I feel like I really pushed myself when it comes to illustrations and I feel like I've learned a lot! But at the same time I feel a little tired, next year I think I wanna relax and experiment a bit more, I gotta learn to loosen up! Might get more art out if I do :p
I also feel the Submas grip ever so lightly relaxing (unless they decide to do Unova remakes haha XD), so I might introduce some of my numerous ocs in 2024! I'll probably start with the conductor oc ;]
Thank you for all your support! (you are all very nice! ToT), I still have a good amount of submas stuff planned in the works so look forward to that (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
If you are interested, I also have some commentary and behind the scenes for some of my submas illustrations! I wanna talk about it and now seems like a good time to do so now that the year is over! (Beware! its going to be long!)
All titles are linked to the original post
Lunch Break
hoho! This one is the sort of AU thing in which the only thing that changes is that I give Emmet a Victini friend (not a part of his team, I dubbed them the "victory duo" because Emmet likes winning and Victini is the Victory Pokemon), I planned out a few wordless comics regarding the idea, they were all very lighthearted slice of life kind of stuff, usually Victini causing some mischief and the brothers having to deal with it
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and here's the thumbnails for this piece! I played around with various angles but decided to keep it simple and choose a straight on angle. It was originally a snack break and Emmet sharing a granola bar with Victini, but as I was planning it, submas unexpectedly showed up in the Pokemon Anime where they were serving ekiben, after learning about it it quickly turned into a lunch break! (how fun when new information lines up with an art piece you are working on hoho! ^ ^) After studying what foods Ekiben usually have in them (there was quite a variety!) I took what I learned and try to make the food look like the gear station logo :D
In the background there are children drawings because in the battle subway one of the trainer classes you can face off against are preschoolers, and I thought at least one of them would share their drawings with the subway bosses (and of course why wouldn't they hang it up?), there is also a trophy in which you can get in the players room if you beat the subway bosses on the super trains (one day, battling competitively is not my forte), I did my best to make Emmet's office feel lived in by adding a little bit of clutter (like adding a note) but overall very organized
(hey hey that joltik mug looks familiar in the corner there, its the same one Rei is holding in the christmas drawing)
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Bonus Emmet and Victini Drawings
aw come on dude, not on the trains!
ah this one, it gave me quite a bit of frustration! This piece I used to challenge myself on perspective, and challenge me it did! The version you see now is I believe the 6th iteration of this drawing! The reason for restarting so many times is because I originally wanted it to be in 3 point perspective, but I couldn't get it to look right so its now in 2 point... Haha Some valuable lessons learned there!
This illustration was inspired by the history of New York Subway Trains and Graffiti! I read about it when I got to visit the New York Transit Museum and found it super interesting!! Then I went I gotta do something with this! Since Unova is based in New York after all!
I got so many subway surfer comments, they don’t know I forgot subway surfers existed while making this and that I am a huge nerd lmao
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I had a lot of fun designing the graffiti on the train (yes it says among us) stylizing the fictional letters was so fun! I studied some graffiti to see how they do it, I could've pushed the graffiti style more but then it would be illegible! I also mixed in elements of Grafaiai graffiti, and trainer that is running away is the artist trainer class in SCVL because they are graffiti artists! And the train that got graffitied is the Wifi Train, due to BW (and the DS) servers being shut down, I doubt that train gets used much anymore, which makes it a perfect target!
hohoho! This was a fun one! I'm not sure how many of you guys read my tags, but in there I did state that this piece was based off the fact that model trains are powered by electrifying the rail it runs on (very low watts mind you) and the fact that Joltik eats electricity, but thats not the only inspiration, it was also inspired by those videos of cats laying on the layout and derailing the train!
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Theres quite a variety of thumbnails for this idea (including a comic!), and the idea was there in 2022, but this year I decided to fully commit to it! I started rendering the top right one and almost finished it, but it felt really boring to me, so I switched it up and made some thumbnails in a new perspective and viola! thats what ended up being finished!
The train that is being derailed are Sanriku Railway Type 36s, based off a model train I have in my collection! (While sharing this fact on the original post Haiku Bot detected it as a Haiku?! and this art went out of my target audience, that certainly was a day (⊙□⊙;))
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Also I straight up put a picture of Thomas the Tank Engine in the background, I'm not sure if people noticed cuz its quite blurry, the fact that nobody said anything means I probably would’ve gotten away with it before sharing this fact, so hehe :3c
Unexplained Melancholy
eyy! this one! It started out wholly different
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It was originally me dropping Warden Ingo in various natural landscapes around Hisui as I didn't feel like drawing anymore linear perspective (ah, but heres the thing, all environments require a little bit of perspective lol), and it was just going to be Warden Ingo hanging out in a lush forest, specifically by the train rock that was shown in his concept art! but after sitting on it, I realized I could do something more with it! by making it a snowy environment I could make callbacks to Emmet's coat being white! hence the "SNOWY!!!" being scribbled there, that was added like weeks afterwards, Then I realized I could push it even more by making the whole environment about Emmet's colors! So the new thumbnail is in color because thats whats its about!
The moon smile thing was stumbled on by complete accident, while working on it it felt empty there and I added Emmet's smile to fill the space before going "moon!!!"
The piece is also a sort of a parallel to last years piece “I am Emmet, I wish for Ingo and I to be a two-car train once more” composition wise, sort of, I tried to at least 👍
Black Tower and Whitetree Hollow
Ah! I was quite proud of this one! Black City and White Forest are some of my favorite places in Unova mainly because the parallels are so very cool!
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As the thumbnails suggest it was all going to be in complete black and white, as I was working on it though I could not help but add some values in there so yup! I quite like both compositions but the perspective won me out, plus that one focuses more on the characters than the other one (as much as I love backgrounds, it really is supposed to be about Emmet and Ingo U_U)
Being places of duality and having a battle challenge in there, it really fit them!
Emmet drops the hottest single of all time 🔥🔥🔥
Not really much to say about this one since it was very much done on a whim, but
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its not the first time I drew Emmet with his hat backwards, I did this little doodle around the same time I did the train graffiti piece, been wanting to do something with this silly idea, and when I heard that audio, I went :o
Following Some Rumors of a Time Machine
the finale! I decided to choose Area Zero because its a very cool place! I am inspired by cool places! and I decided to give it my all for this one!
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The thumbnail I made was more for jotting down the idea, and the landscape was going to be more eyelevel? Later I decided to make it so you were looking down into the crater and you get to see the fog blocking the crystal caverns, to show that Emmet was going deeper into Area Zero and the Deepest part is his destination (the time machine, not the underdepths, I didn't know about that yet haha!) I was always going to make Emmet encounter a Slither Wing, with it being based off Volcarona, a gen 5 pokemon :]
Anyways, That's all I have to say! I hope you found it interesting! (and enjoyed my varying quality in sketches and thumbnails XD) Thanks for listening! see you in 2024! ✌
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ladyazurith · 3 months
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So I have a fic that I've never been able to write because every time I've tried, I can't get it started in a satisfactory fashion. It's pretty much inspired by the music from Tangled: The Series because that series has music that has no right to be that good.
The premise heavily depends on the backstory HC I have for Cater. A short synopsis is that Cater finds out from Jamil, that Kalim only joined the Light Music Club, and befriended him because his father told him to.
For the record, Kalim did nothing Malicious here. He took his father's recommendation and found out that Cater and Lilia were cool people and he liked hanging out with them. So while he *met* him because of his father's suggestion, he didn't actually befriend him for this reason. Other than like one AU I've written and when he got possessed at Halloween I don't think Kalim would ever actually do something to hurt someone like that.
He also finds out that the reason Lilia joined the Light Music Club and why Malleus avoids him is because they figured out his family ancestry (something Cater doesn't even know) and thought he was a threat to Malleus at first. Again like Kalim, Liliia found out that Cater wasn't a threat, didn't realize that he was anything but human, and actually a pretty chill guy and fun to hang out with. But Malleus still avoided him to be safe.
There is a lot of explanation of what exactly my HC background for Cater is, and I should probably make a post about that, but not here! The basics are Cater's father is super rich, and his mother is descended from Fae royalty that everyone thinks is wiped out. And he has a really bad relationship with his family and feels like an outcast/not really part of them. Anyway back on track!
Specifically the songs I have in mind are: (All the songs ignore the actual romantic interest, I've given them to who I feel fits the role properly)
Everything I Thought I Knew: Cater discovering everything and finding out about his ancestral family and everything else that's happened.
Cater: Eugene
Ready as I'll Ever Be: (Of course, this song is overused but still good) Cater breaking down, feeling hurt, I know the idea that Cater could kidnap MALLEUS is a stretch but I'm going to say Iron was involved somehow -_- (things I'm still working through/reasons it's not written yet XD)
Cater: Varian
Malleus: The Queen
Silver: Cassandra
Lilia: Cassandra's adoptive father
Sebek: Eugene
Yuu: Rapunzel (I don't have a really good counterpart for her Father, I'd say Crowley, but he's useless and I don't like making him competent and caring)
Waiting In the Wings: (Because I feel like this song was practically written for Vil) Not sure how well it would work overall in the fic, but I'm going over Tangled music so I have to include it
Vil: Cassandra
Crossing the Line: I've always seen Riddle and Cater's relationship as something that Riddle cherishes, he takes Cater at face value, and really respects him. Cater on the other hand having always hidden his real self still views the friendship as one of the shallow ones he'd see fade away. See's himself *below* Riddle. Riddle has no idea how much Cater's hurting. I think it would be very hard on him.
Riddle: Rapunzel
Cater: Cassandra
Nothing Left to Loose: This is a big one for me. I've had this one in my head so much. I really want to do something with this scene even if I don't write the rest of the fic.
I've always envisioned it with Vil and Cater, Cater on the verge of Overblot, and Vil who's been through it before trying to talk him down.
Especially with the "Cass trust me becoming the villain isn't the answer." "That's what you think I am?" and the exchange with "Not like you, you lost your nerve, you lost the game, but you and I we're not the same, I'm not lost this fate was mine to choose"
There just seems to be power there and emotional potential.
Maybe I can polish it up and finally get it written when I finish one of my other long form fics, because I can almost guarantee this would be a very long one.
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blackstarchanx3new · 10 months
FSR Rambles 15 times Shadow took the kids
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Dark's utterly confused face here sends me every time.
Because DARK knows that Shadow doesn't actually give a rats ass if he's okay. HOWEVER.
This is where Dark's weird understanding of lying comes in.
Because I have faith in you you can see right through Dark's clear lies.
His phrasing is ridiculous paired with his expression being deader than a fish.
Dark is lying through his teeth here and guess who taught him how to do that... :)
Vio and Shadow-
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Vaati fell for it. Lmao. Not like he hasn't been betrayed before.
Shadow tries intimidation buuuuut-
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Well shit that only goes so far when you haven't proved yourself to act on said intimidation.
Shadow is still afraid of Vaati, and we know from Zelda's fight with him Vaati isn't easy to kill soooooo.
Reasonably so I'd say.
Dark is saying what we've all been thinking "Lmao let's just pull out Vio and the McGuffin sword"
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Lol wait- Oh yeah Vio can't because of Dark.
Haha. Woopsie.
Dark going to just deal with it himself and being reeled back by Shadow is sweet to an extent.
Dark's confused about what this physical interaction means, whether or not this counts as a hug. Because let's be real Vaati isn't something he considers as a threat rn what else is his mind gonna focus on?
Shadow's angry Dark's so reckless but Dark's unfazed by the entire situation.
It's sad to consider Dark probably assumes temper tantrums are a normal behavior considering how frequent everyone he's watched so far has em...Just a thought.
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Ngl Shadow's use of the word "Fool" in the OG manga always got a laugh out of me. His dialogue is so evil villain I try to capture that in FSR Shadow.
Shadow wanted to try to formulate a plan with Dark to get Vaati to go away but Dark questions why they'd even do that. Flabbergasting the fuck out of Shadow.
Dark HAS no sense of people working with HIM. Obviously Dark would know what team work is since...He's literally watching the team work pride parade but no one has offered HIM team work.
Vaati just bosses him around after all.
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Dark's thought process on how his existence works is on full display.
He's alone. He WORKS alone and no body but him is going to get things done. Thanks Vaati.
...There's also the angle to consider he's actually learned this behavior in some capacity from Link...Link HAS been doing this shit by himself for a long time now....
So Shadow offering help is smth that gives him pause.
In the last pane the motif of Dark Link being his own cheer leader/being generally self aggrandizing pops up again.
His wording just being odd aside, he doesn't communicate what he actually WANTS to do, just that he needs Shadow's help getting close...
and from the quotes around help and the knowledge Dark can move fast as fuck on the reader's side, it's implied Dark is just placating Shadow's idea of helping rather than Shadow being actually useful in this interaction. At least from Dark's perspective.
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Shield is up boys RUN FOR YOUR LIVES.
Shadow points out reasonably Dark is not being a very good team mate. XDDD
Be nice to him Shadow he's new to this whole "Team" thing.
Panel 2 here is funny because Dark makes the most NON Dark Link expression it stands out particularly just because it's funny but also like, take note of what he called Vaati here.
He just called him "Vaati".
Not "Master Vaati" or "Lord Vaati"
Just Vaati... HMM.
He also flung himself at Vaati full force so there's that.
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OH FUCK IT'S YAOI- Oh a serious note...
Prepare to get bamboozled.
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Yeah there's a reason Vaati is fucking confused. Dark was taking another conversation out of context to try and comfort Vaati.
So if there was any doubt about if that was what Dark was doing or not: Let me put those questions to rest that is what he was trying to do. XD
The kiss particularly is funny considering...Well yeah Shadow did kiss Vio a lot.
Shadow being, reasonably flabbergasted at this interaction just gets a laugh out of me.
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Vaati's got nothing to say that shit hah. Dark isn't making MUCH sense in this interaction.
Dark does show he's still loyal in some way to Vaati though.
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Turns out: Vaati's just not in the mood to deal with Dark's nonsensical behavior and points out an...interesting caviat to the whole "let's recruit Dark link" plan.
They have to kill him.
In no uncertain terms, to destroy the curse would be to destroy Dark Link. So having him on your side really doesn't mean anything. As he'll do what he was created for by nature.
In a way it brings you to question how much free will Dark truly has in this equation. Also, it makes you kinda realize in a messed up way Dark and Link both suffer due to the curse. They're chained to each other on a drowning ship.
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Shadow's hypocrisy on display again. He JUST helped this dude and now thinks about killing him. XD
But also: What's the answer to this?
It's a train track scenario in a lot of ways.
Also since Dark's a curse, destroying his body or hurting him won't do much good to actually get rid of the curse itself.
His body will just regenerate or he'll retreat into the headspace.
There's also the thought of, if Link died, what WOULD happen to Dark Link...
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Dark is insanely hard to argue with. Because dude can read you like a book and play you like a fiddle.
You can't LIE to him and he'll speak how he feels based on what he's seen.
Like, Dark isn't even just slinging the "you're gannon" ace up his sleeve card at him. He's bringing up things Shadow himself has actually DONE. And that pisses Shadow off.
No matter how much Shadow removes himself from his past self, he still DID those things.
And it does bring to question which of these two are more "Moral".
Dark hasn't killed anyone while it's at least heavily implied in the manga Shadow at least COULD HAVE and shows the willingness to do so to Vio at least.
Dark's "reason" for not killing people is "They stop being fun."
Dead people are boring. Like Link's dad. Which is just, a roast and a half.
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Dark takes his aim and fires. Bro doesn't miss a shot. He'll drag everyone.
Shadow also has hurt Vio.
Really the idea Shadow and Dark have a LOT in common is a theme.
Like Shadow can get pissed off as much as he wants at Dark, he's done WAY WORSE than this lil demon guy and can't even argue about that.
The question of how much Dark truly means here is also up in the air as Dark will just say things on other's minds.
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Reminder Dark is straight terrified of Shadow Link and just kinda shuts down when Shadow gets peak pissed off at him.
Dark sees Vaati as a fool who needs his help, and seeks Shadow as a threat who's going to hurt him.
Usually actions would speak louder than words, but in Dark's case feeling someone's emotions is 10xs more important. And what Dark knows is Shadow genuinely despises him.
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Haha remembering the time pig dad abused you.
But this time Shadow takes the place of gannon being the threatening imposing force.
Thought to consider: Shadow's fear of gannon is reflecting in Dark's fear of Shadow link because...Well Shadow is a piece of gannon. They're in a way afraid of the same entity.
Shadow puts the mask back on and tries to be good boy.
Visually Dark's tendency to grab his hat and keep it close is similar to an animal keeping it's tail tucked between it's legs.
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Welp, the beans have been spilled. Dark IS still working for Vaati...Kind of.
In Dark's own words it's not "For"
but Dark never makes sense to anyone other than himself so...
He also just, assumes Shadow knows what he's there for. Which is amusing. Dark in general assumes everyone else should know everything he does.
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The comparison to Zelda is baffling but if you really think about it, Dark does make some semblance of sense here:
Link protects Zelda.
Dark protects Vaati.
Tis the same thing. According to Dark Link.
Dark Link in his own words is a hero.
Shadow's reasonable question of "What's wrong with you" is such a genuine reaction to that shit it makes me laugh. Dark's actions make no sense to Shadow but Dark's affections for Vaati aren't logical hah.
Dark wants to see Vio tho and Shadow just, shuts down thinking about this situation
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He didn't give Dark an answer so Dark just goes to pick flowers. XD
Shadow's in a tight situation here. What's the best course of action?
"What to do with Dark Link" and "How to introduce him to the others" is a very...difficult one to answer.
If Dark was a mindless curse with no person attached it'd be easy to just destroy him guilt free. But he's not.
Shadow can't tell if Dark's behavior is genuinely malicious or if he's just socially inept (Third option Shadow: He's just acting in accordance to the curse.)
And another thing: How does dealing/handling Dark affect how Shadow should be treated?
After all they're very alike.
Final panels shows Dark offering up a flower to Shadow.
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This page is both hilarious and disturbing.
Dark offering up the flower with a cute lil hopeful expression, paired with a happy looking eye on his chest.
Shadow accepting it and being like "Ah we're cool then right-"
only to see Dark vomiting up a bunch of flowers is just, funny. I find it very funny.
"You like one!? :D HAVE A BUNCH MORE!"
It's a reminder Dark really has no sense of how horrifying he is as he's trying to be nice here. XDDD
Which Dark being able to be kind (In his own way) is again smth worth noting. Dark isn't stuck JUST making people misseriable as he actively tries to do the opposite.
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Dark continuously breathing out pollen is just a very funny thing to me.
The sense of "I've fucked up" seeping back.
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I was listening to the song "Nuts" from adventure time while working on these pages. I feel like that song kinda relates to Dark and Shadow's relationship.
"You're so annoying you pitiful old man. I'd like to help you but I dunno if I can. I thought you were nuts. But, you're REALLY. REALLY. REALLY NUTS."
Actual page shit:
Shadow understands what Vio meant now. XD
Running away from your issues just FEELS easier in the moment sometimes.
Shadow's confessions of being "not a hero" and being terrified about their future make Dark visibly sad.
The comment "We are afraid of very different things Shadow Link" is I think the first time really Dark's directly addressed Shadow as such without the quotation marks or general disbelief in that name/title.
If it's not, at least the moment is impactful because Dark is giving Shadow respect in a way he typically chooses not too.
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Shadow is very much afraid of Vaati, so Dark not relating to that emotion is a stand out.
Him fidgeting with his hands is a detail I just find cute.
"I feel that thing you hate" - directed at Vaati is Dark confessing he feels pity for Vaati. Since in FS Shadow says he despises pity.
Dark explains WHY he pities Vaati, he just finds Vaati utterly pitiful. XD
They have a little moment of bonding over their shared experiences with Vaati.
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Dark mimicking Vaati here showing what he wishes Vaati would say to him:
Dark Link wants praise and affection and relationships with others.
But due to his very nature it's very difficult to actually gain these things, and the people he's spoken to outright deny him of these in any meaningful way.
Shadow's question of "Aren't you afraid of what he'll do" just gets "I like Vaati" in response. Pff.
Yes we know buddy, very insightful.
The 2nd to last panel shows smth very insightful:
Firstly that "Nobody loves Vaati" Any care Dark DOES have towards Vaati isn't just him mimicking someone else as it's safe to say everyone hates that guy haha.
More disturbingly:
Dark Link doesn't consider himself a "Somebody" and starts trailing off at the end of his sentance.
"I think it's sad, but it's his own fault...he rejects the only-" and then stops.
Dark Link referencing himself as the "person" Vaati continuously rejects but stops before he calls himself a "person" verbally.
You could imagine his continued sentence would be "He rejects the only person who cares about him"
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Somebody's hair and eyes changed.
Instead of being white at the roots Dark's hair shifts to being Vio's complete hair color.
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This is where we dive into psychological horror realm.
What IS Dark if not a person. IS he a person? What qualities does he have that make him a person?
Dark struggles with the distinction of if he's a "real person" or not but quickly dismisses it as smth Vio has been thinking. Which...Is true but also, considering his line about "Nobody loving Vaati" despite very much so caring about Vaati. Dark's identity crisis isn't exactly smth he has a firm grasp on.
PAGE. LIMMIT. Wrote this while sick so I'm sure I missed shit Aghhh.
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salvy-deldroid · 1 year
Hi there! I am pretty new to this site so I dunno if I'm doing this currently or not. I've read some of your works on Wattpad and am a bit familiar with your writing. Can you write me a few fix headcannons for an ABO creepypasta idea? Alpha Jeff the killer and his Fem omega darling in the classic mansion AU? Darling isnt much of a combat and kill person, however due to being a product of two omega parents, shee does have a mutation in her genes leading to extra powerful pheromones on will. The pheromones can help assert her will on anyone, much like midnight's quirk in MHA. Person feels sleepy and couldn't process shit apart from what they're being told, and then end up complying to it. Slenderman uses it to it's full extent, sending the darling out in recruiting missions and using her to make sealed lips speak. I would love headcannons on how they met and how Jeff sees her! You can make it a bit of dark yandere! I don't have much preferences on clothing but I'll like it if darling's dressed in a beautiful dress with a half faced kitsune mask, it adds to her innocently mysterious aesthetic! It's okay if you can't tho, lots of love <333
Hi there Hon!! That's one specific request XD but it makes things easier imo. I really love the described environment (and the ABO is just the cherry topping the cake!) and am excited to see how this is gonna turn out to be!!! 
So let's start! I'll make it in headcanon format! 
Being a child born of an affair between two omegas didn't make your life any easier. However, it did make it a hell lot of interesting and adventurous. A teeny tiny Lil mutation in your DNA had granted you with something akin to a quirk, and you're grateful for it. The mutation causes you to secrete a special type of pheromone (that too on will, talk about winning the jackpot), which makes it easier for you to control and brainwash someone. Once inhaled, their brain fogs up and the person is temporarily moved to a little space kind of mindset, the only thing they're able to fully register being you and your demands. And hence, you could ask them or command them to do anything and they'll happily oblige. The effect of the pheromones stay as long as they're inhaling it, and a few differences in dosage can make large differences.
When it comes to recruiting, your pheromones are just used as a tranquiliser. You tell the now fogged up creep about the mansion, the advantages and the reasons why they should come with you. And in most cases, they agree and follow you like a lost puppy. In a rare few cases where they refuse, you have to command them to yield, because if you come back empty handed Slender would personally make sure you're punished accordingly.
And that's how you and the asshole of the household first met, on yet another one of your recruition missions. The fairly new creepypasta had been going on a bloody rampage each week, his kill streak enough to catch Slenderman's attention. And off you were dispatched, just 3 weeks after his debut, to find and recruit him.
Oh, it was bloody hell finding that crusty sewer rat. It took you a total of 4 days just tracking his position down. However, you finally found him lurking near the woods the mansion was in, a pretty convenient place. Following your usual set of actions, you start secreting the pheromones before approaching.
For Jeffrey however, the first time seeing you was something akin to witnessing an angel on earth. The previous week's had been rough, the police hot on his trail, laying low during the day and murdering in the night, along with the scarcity of food and water due to his current homelessness. In this subsistence crisis of a life, that beautiful aroma coming from the woods surely caught him off guard. His brain fogged up, all the reasonable thoughts and warning bells muffled as his only concern became to try and find the source of such heavenly smell. 
And as you waltzed out of the woods, wearing that beautifully crafted dress and the intricate kitsune mask hiding the upper half of your face, he was awestruck. He should've ran away, he should've attack and kill you, He should've demanded to know how you found him and what you wanted. But he didn't- he couldn't. At that moment, the only thing that existent to him was you, your offer about joining this mansion family shit where he would be kept safe and provided for and whatever, the beautiful scent, and this dark urge to own you. Something so fucking beautiful needed protection from all the horrors of the world. Something so soft needed someone to hold her close and keep her safe and secure. Something so mystical needed to be looked away and provided for.
You needed him and his protection, and he would gladly give it to you. 
He had absolutely no qualms about the mansion at all, ready to follow you to the depths of hell if it meant being in your mystic presence. He melted at the sight of you, making things times easier. He followed you back to the mansion, up the stairs and to Slenderman's office without any objections, not caring about neither the fact that there were other people looking at him with either curiosity or distaste, nor the giant faceless person in front of him going on and on about having to stamp some pact to join them and becoming a part of the pack completely. All he cared about the soft gaze on your face and the supportive, understanding smile on your soft lips. 
Finally, after being taken to his assigned room, did the fog clear after you closed the door and left. The reality crashed in on him, as he slid down into the floor questioning what, how and why.
This was only the start of the long spiral down the obsession lane for him. Those secret glances at you at the dining table would soon become hard glares at the other Alpha's you'd interact with. Before long he'd start tailing you during your missions, observing each and every interaction of yours. Soon small articles started going missing, nothing too much at first. Just a misplaced bracelet, lost earrings and forgotten scrunchies. Soon however, those little accesories turned into missing panties, lost bras and what not.
While this was going on behind the scenes, on the front stage Jeffrey had already started to get himself acquainted with you. Something out of your reach? Lemme geddit for ya shortie. Why so lonely? You can always play video games with me. He was everywhere, keeping an eye on you or straight up being the one hogging your attention. Oh, he just loved how your oblivious little self would squirm around, the queasiness of being watched. Those frightened little glaces you'd give while walking down the woods alone, your subconscious nagging at you about the presence of a viable alpha. Your jumpiness just added fuel to the fire, firming his belief that you needed someone to take care of you. You need him to take care of you.
A year or two passed by, the alpha within him getting more impatient as you went over to recruit more and more creeps. The thought that everyone here had smelt that sweet aroma of yours atleast once made his blood boil. He would need to act out soon, now that you had a fair amount of viable mates around you.
Soon, the time came. You had started to nest, getting ready for your bi monthly heats. Pillows, shirts and blankets thrown down into your little safe corner and molded into your fortress of fluff, your beautiful nest. This, coupled with your heat suppressants, would be enough for yet another heat without any trouble.
And as on que, our beloved yandere alpha started to put his plans to action. The minty suppressants in the bottle were replaced with mint candies, nothing too much for your oblivious self to notice. Sweet little omegas like you shouldn't use suppressants in that much amount, it would be bad for you. Soon little break in and sneaks into your room started to occur, all your stuff apart from your nest being lightly scented. Not enough for you to notice but prevalent enough for your hindbrain to go crazy. Most of the work had been done, now it's just about time….
Finally, the fateful day of your heart striked. Cramps times worse than what you've experienced in the last couple of years, your foggy brain not being coherent enough. The burning sensation throughout your entire body, you felt like crying. You had forgotten how painful heats can be. This was just one of the worse ones right? 
However, your world came crashing down as you opened your door, entering your room. The jar open door forgotten, all your attention got hogged by what has happened to your little den. 
The entire place just reeked of an alpha, from your bedding to your dresser and wardrobe. Taking low, dreadful steps into your defiled safe space, you should've felt bile rise up your throat. But your heart addled brain just added fuel to the fire, your subconscious screaming at you to go into your nest and wait for alpha instead of investigating. Taking slow, dreadful steps towards your nest, you held your breath in hoping for it all to be a dream 
But it wasn't. The scent of the foreign alpha was the most dense over your best, soon you found out why. Shirts, blankets and articles from your loved ones had been thrown out and replaced, as white hoodies, jackets, black shirts and unknown pillows and comforters lay in their place. All your stuffed toys now were aggressively scented and accompanied by larger toys you didn't recognise. Your nest, the safest place for an omega, had been thoroughly scented and 'perfected' by someone.
Your nest- your den had been marked by an Alpha. And as the realization dawned, you were broken out of your reverie by the sound of your door closing and locking. Snapping around, your eyes met with the figure of him, putting all the pieces together. You started backing away as he turned to meet you, the sickening smile on his face.
He'll make sure it would be a night you'll never forget. 
Hope this is what you wanted! Sorry if I made any mistakes 😅
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sagemoderocklee · 18 days
pleas my beloved, tell me more about cats guide and secret liaisons im blowing u so many kissies about it also hi it’s kel
genuinely was like "is that kel?" when i saw the start of this ask cause who else would be callin me 'my beloved' XD
ANYWAYS! i am sooooo excited for both these fics and it's a travesty that SL is still so far out... i NEED to work on Honor Bound T___T but god the editing on Alliance... and just the years and years its been since Alliance and how much my view of like EVERYTHING has changed...
okay so let's start with A Cat's Guide, which is a gift fic for @ghoste-catte (surprise!) that has been sitting for like 2 years now and was prompted by a video of a cat living in an apartment that i saw. this cat was like obsessed with the neighbor and always wanted to visit him, and i thought it would make a cute story from cat!Shukaku's pov as he tries to set up Gaara with his cute, nice neighbor who always gives Shukaku fresh salmon whenever Shukaku slips out of his own apartment to go visit Lee. it's 9 chapters cause you know cats have 9 lives (and i have years worth of gift fics for greyson to make up for) and the chapter titles are structured like a self-help sort of book and im genuinely so excited to work on this fic i just suck at getting anything started. but here's the opening:
Step One: Selecting an Ideal Match
Shukaku had been around for at least as long as Gaara had been alive, but for a cat pushing twenty-one he was a surprisingly healthy beast, except for the arthritis that had set in some six or seven years ago. Not that this deterred him in the least.
Quite the contrary, Shukaku spent much of his time climbing things he shouldn't and jumping from places far too high.
Yet however much trouble he managed to get into, Shukaku was a cat of breeding, and he took himself quite seriously. He did not, for instance, protest at the groomers because he liked to be clean; he did not, as a matter of pride, shove his face into his food dish and gobble it up; and he only slept on the nicest, softest cat beds money could buy. He ate expensive food, slept on expensive things, and shat in premium cat litter.
All in all, Shukaku was spoiled, and he liked it that way.
He was also picky, persnickety, and prone to biting for no discernible reason—at least, not as far as his human could tell. If Shukaku had been able to explain himself, he'd have told Gaara he was quite the sensitive soul and sometimes his mood simply got the better of him.
Gaara's brother might not be so sympathetic, having been on the receiving end of one of Shukaku's many fits of fury, but Gaara was understanding despite the language barrier.
(And that's all I have besides chapter breakdowns and chapter titles)
and now to Secret Liaisons, which is the third installment to the Allied Nations Saga and at one point was the FINAL part of it back when it was a trilogy, but I knew that there needed to be a fourth fic to that series because there were too many questions left unanswered at the end of SL.
So without spoiling anything for HB, SL continues to follow the ensemble cast with Gaara and Lee being like the main protagonists. This is yet another political drama and it starts off with a blow to Gaara and Lee.
SL is also where GaaLee actually comes into play, but I'm trying not to spoil too much so we'll leave it vague enough. However, I do have lots of snippets for this fic and can share the prologue because I'm just that generous. (Please keep in mind, I wrote this prologue like... 14 years ago and my writing has since evolved):
“We await your decision, Kazekage-sama.” The council rose as one, filing out of the room, leaving Gaara to sit with his thoughts, his siblings sharing significant looks over his head.
“Gaara,” Temari began, reaching for her brother.
Gaara rose quickly, stepping out of her reach. “I have things to take care of.”
Temari and Kankurou watched Gaara leave, helpless to do anything else.
“You wanted to see me, Kazekage-sama,” Lee said, bowing before Gaara’s desk.
Gaara turned from Lee, rising to his feet and moving to the window overlooking his village. This was his home, it was everything he had fought to protect in the war, it was the most important bond he had. He was the Kazekage of Suna, first and foremost, but that knowledge did little to sooth him.
“Do you miss Konoha?” he asked, not daring to glance at Lee.
“Of course,” Lee said, certain as always. “It is my home and my friends are there, my sensei. But I am happy here.”
Gaara didn’t reply, watching as a child ran past on the street, chasing a ball. It was his job to protect that child, to protect that child’s mother and father. The choice should not have been so difficult to make. He loved his village powerfully, he loved his people and his siblings just as much. They were a part of Suna.
Lee was not.
“I… have no more need of you,” Gaara whispered to the wind, not daring to turn around, almost hoping Lee hadn’t heard.
Silence stretched between them for a minute before Lee found his voice, cracked and uncertain. “I—beg your pardon, Kazekage-sama?”
Gaara closed his eyes, fisting the fabric of his Kage robe above his heart. “I am sending you back to Konoha.”
“Wha—but—why?! Have I done something to upset you? Whatever it is, I will make up for it! I will not do it again! I promise!”
Gaara shook his head. “You are a liability. You cannot stay here.”
“I do not understand,” Lee said, his words shaky and broken.
“It is not complicated: You will return to Konoha. I am releasing you from my service.”
“I—but I swore to stay by your side. I swore to always—you accepted me! Why would you do this?”
“Because I have no other choice.”
Lee was silent save for the heavy breathing that seemed to fill Gaara’s ears, making them ring. He had prepared for Lee to fight him on this, he had known Lee would want answers, but he had not been ready for the obstacle his own feelings created.
“Do you not trust me anymore?”
Gaara turned enough to glance at Lee over his shoulder. Lee’s expression was crumpled, his eyes wet and his lip trembling. In that moment, Gaara understood the power he had over Lee: the power to break him by words alone. He had never known that power and he never wanted to again.
“Kazekage-sama?” Lee asked desperately when the silence went on for too long.
Gaara’s vision swam for a second and he turned away. “With my life. That is the problem.”
“But why? What have I done? Why would you send me back?”
“Because the council does not trust you and my trust in you gives them reason to doubt me.”
Lee faltered, the words he’d been about to speak dying on a choked back sound, as though he were trying to keep from crying. Gaara could not stand to look at him anymore. “This is… temporary, right? Until they see, until you convince them—”
“No, Lee,” Gaara said, his knuckles white against the windowsill. “You will return to Konoha permanently. We are done.”
“N-no, I cannot accept that!” Lee cried suddenly. “Y-you cannot just send me back—I—you are everything to me. I have given my life to protect you—”
“Then honour your promise and leave,” Gaara said harshly, turning to stare at Lee. “If you wish to protect my life, then protect my title as Kazekage and leave Suna.”
Lee reeled, lowering his head. “I did not mean to speak so forcefully, Kazekage—”
“I am not your Kazekage. You are no longer bound to me.”
Lee closed his eyes tight, his hands in fists at his side that shook with the effort Lee exerted to hold his tongue. He took in a shaky breath, his eyes on Gaara’s feet. “I will a-always be bound to you, Kazekage-sama. Even if I leave…”
“You are a fool to think that,” Gaara said. “When you return to Konoha, in time you will forget your loyalties to me.”
“Forgive me, but you are wrong,” Lee said passionately, looking up at Gaara, his eyes hard and wet. “I will never forget this bond.”
Gaara stared, wide-eyed at Lee. “Why are you so determined to stay with me?”
Lee looked away, hiding his gaze. “Because you are important to me. Why should I waver in my affections for you? Why should I deny my loyalties when they mean so much?”
Gaara had no answer, but Lee’s words would not change their situation, no matter how much they both wanted them to.
“You will go back to Konoha. This matter is no longer up for debate.”
Lee closed his eyes, his face still turned away. “…as you wish, Kazekage-sama.”
Lee bowed and turned, leaving before Gaara could say more, the door clicking gently closed behind Lee. Gaara let out a shaky breath, sitting back down at his desk and pulling his official statement to the council towards him.
Rock Lee will return to Konoha…
The words blurred for a moment and Gaara blinked several times before his vision cleared, the report now stained with several drops that smudged the ink. Gaara set his brush down, staring at the report, only distantly aware of the wetness on his face and the ache in his chest.
I would definitely want to edit this before actually posting. I don't really like how choppy it is from that very first extremely brief scene which is just the like obvious tail end of a council meeting, and i think the actual pros are just… not great. i can def do better. but this is like the main obstacle of the fic and well I'm sure you can guess who these liaisons are between based on that lol
anyways <3 thanks beloved for the ask! hope you enjoyed these and they satisfied your curiosity
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feyhunter78 · 2 years
What about 6 or 20 (author’s choice) and young Elrond? Thank you ❤️
I went ahead and did #20, and I think it came out pretty well!!! (Also, this def has some Bridgerton inspo, and you'll see it in the dialogue) Thank you for your patience! <3 I was supposed to get lasik yesterday then last minutes the Dr came out and was like "actually nvm we have to do a different procedure, we need to reschedule." So it's been a weird day or so for me XD
The Object of All His Desires
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This is prompt #20 from the list, which mean you can no longer request #20 for Elrond!
Elrond prided himself on his silver tongue. How he could spin an ordinary tale into an epic for the ages, or how he could turn a simple idea into a speech fit for a king. But when it came to you, he often found himself tripping over his words. His tongue suddenly swelling and becoming too heavy to move properly when faced with your radiance.
A perfect example would be now, as you stand before him tears in your eyes, clad only in a nightdress and robe as you stand outside his door, chest heaving, lips trembling asking him why was he ignoring you? Why was he acting so cold and callous towards you?
“Elrond please, you must tell me now. If I have done something to upset you, or I have offended you, torment me no longer and bid me to leave your sight never to cross your path again.” Your voice shook, eyes brimming with tears as you clutched at your robe for stability.
“No, you have not offended me, I bear no ill will towards you y/n, I promise you.” He said hurriedly, ushering you inside his chambers.
“But if I have not, then why have you been avoiding me? I have searched my mind and cannot find a reason.” You continued, voice filled with sorrow, as you wrapped your robe further around yourself, not meeting his eyes.
Elrond’s mind was a mess. He had been avoiding you because he could no longer contain his affections. Every moment he spent in your presence, he had to fight back the urge to blurt out his feelings in the most undignified way. But to see you so distraught, so uncertain, tore at his heart and his resolve.
“I have been battling within myself for some time, and I wished to spare you of my turmoil.” He said gently, hand twitching with the urge to reach out and comfort you. But he could not, if he did, he would find himself unable to let you go.
“We are friends, you can always come to me with your difficulties, you know this.” You said, lifting your gaze to his.
Elrond hung his head as he saw your tears, glistening like diamonds as they fell. “Of course, I do, but this particular matter is one I must solve myself.”
You took a step forward and took one of his hands in yours. “No matter is too dark or difficult that the light of friendship cannot help resolve it.”
Your voice was so gentle, so earnest, that his fingers curled around your hand, and he fell to his knees, head still hung low. “Y/N, I do not deserve this kindness, if you knew the depths of my desire, the dreams I have had you would scorn me.”
Your voice grew in strength before softening once more as you caressed his jaw. “Never, I would never scorn you. Elrond, you have a piece of my heart that no one else shall ever have, and that is not easily dissuade.”
Elrond looked up at you, oakwood eyes filled with a mix of admiration and anxiety. “I’ve never wanted anyone or anything the way I want you. It’s terrifying. And so, so beautiful.” He said, voice reverent and trembling, he pressed your hand to his lips, the warmth lingering.
“I do not know what to say.” You said breathlessly, heart pounding in your chest.
“You need not say anything, I could no longer remain quiet, my affections for you have grown too large in my heart. Y/N I merely needed you to know how much I love you.”
You sunk to your knees and cupped Elrond’s face. “I do not know what to say except that I have loved you for as long as I can remember, and I will never cease to love you.” You pressed your lips to his, pouring every ounce of affection and feeling you had into the kiss, hoping he would understand the longing you’ve carried for so long.
When you broke apart, foreheads resting against each other, he took your hands and kissed them both. “I love you, I love you, I love you.” He whispered, and you whispered it right back before connecting your lips once more.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @elronds-pointy-ears, @elrondscalaquendi, @dilf-superiority
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