#The only reason i passed hs was bc i got accomodations for my abysmal mental health
neathdarkwcters · 1 day
Changes in my sleep have definitely been happening but i don't know that they're for the better.. i haven't remembered my dreams since highschool, i simply clock out and then i'm awake again. after a large theraoy section, i've been able to experience and remember all of my dreams 🤔 this means 2 things: really good stories of nonsense, they wake me up sometimes or leave me feeling tired when i naturally wake up
i'm back on my "awake for 10 min at 3am" sort of cycle that i used to have... as a teenager! ACK! DON'T TAKE ME BACK THERE! MY STRAIGHT A'S GOAL WILL SHRIVEL AND DIE!!
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