neathdarkwcters · 1 hour
"Name a hobby outside of MEDIA CONSUMPTION" is the worst kind of post. It's squarely in that ever-growing genre of post where the point on its face is ideologically meaningless and entirely reliant on an audience's biased negative reaction to a certain popular online buzzword (in this case, "consuming media"). Define "media". Define "consumption". Are reading books, watching movies, and playing video games all inherently inferior hobbies for dumb babies? What about going to an art gallery? What about going to see a play? What makes those "different", if you instinctually answer "Noooo that's not the same!"? Where does creating art, or "media", fall into this equation? Why does your insistence on feeling in some way intellectually and/or morally superior than the peons who use TikTok always fall back on the idea that the only worthwhile, "real" hobbies require a certain level of physical, mental, and/or social ability and reinforce the glorification of manual labor? Why will we never Fucking be free?
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neathdarkwcters · 19 hours
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neathdarkwcters · 1 day
Changes in my sleep have definitely been happening but i don't know that they're for the better.. i haven't remembered my dreams since highschool, i simply clock out and then i'm awake again. after a large theraoy section, i've been able to experience and remember all of my dreams 🤔 this means 2 things: really good stories of nonsense, they wake me up sometimes or leave me feeling tired when i naturally wake up
i'm back on my "awake for 10 min at 3am" sort of cycle that i used to have... as a teenager! ACK! DON'T TAKE ME BACK THERE! MY STRAIGHT A'S GOAL WILL SHRIVEL AND DIE!!
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neathdarkwcters · 2 days
I'm on anxiety medications for the first time .. i'm hoping it helps with alot of the study paralysis i used to experience, but today is day one, and i'm finding i am indeed affected by the no1 most common side effect: the sleepy.
i used to have chronic day time sleepiness in high-school as well, to the point i fell asleep standing and sitting upright as a teen! this was mostly managed by an intense supplement regimen instead of medications due to difficulties in getting a sleep test to see if it's narcolepsy or not. it feels just like that again! @_@
it's no wonder i struggled in highschool, i can't focus at all like this! luckily, i think i can counter it by changing the time i take it. i did still get some notes done and turned in my project for GIS - my first grade in that class! we also got back our exams for ichthy, i got... a 79.5%!!! So close!! had i taken more time i likely would've gotten that B, too!
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neathdarkwcters · 2 days
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This genetics exam will be the death of me, I can’t keep learning about fly larvae
I wonder how you guys do it, I just have to keep going for a few more days 😭
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neathdarkwcters · 2 days
your first draft is going to suck. And that’s okay. It’s supposed to suck. Your first draft isn’t about writing something good, it’s about writing something. You’re just shoveling sand into the sandbox so you can build castles later. Get the words on the page, even if they’re clumsy, even if you cringe while writing them. The magic happens in the revision, but you can’t revise a blank page. So let the first draft be messy. Let it be flawed. Just get it down, because that’s where the real work begins.
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neathdarkwcters · 3 days
speaking of finch, i would love to friend some mutuals or invite them to the app. it's personally the best for habit tracking with my specific challenges. mutuals pleaseeee feel free to reach out with your friend codes or if you don't have the app i can send you an invite link 🐦🫶‼️
i mostly use finch for my physical self care but i have some study goals on there too if anyone isn't sure which habits to put on it. i also have my regular weekly chores so i can get a reward for completing them, since there's only some instances which i skip a week anyways, hehe
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neathdarkwcters · 3 days
🌾 || weekly goal 1 / break a task into smaller peices
one of my finch goals of the weak is to break one task into smaller pieces. i've decided to do this with my ceolocanths project, i am to make a presentation on the biogeography of the order and put it together with the presentations by other people with the same order to make a full lecture! one of my group members has already compiled alot of the research papers for us, so i'm breaking my portion down like so:
+ i'll read the papers my group member gave us and take note of any portions about biogeography and habitat needs + i'll take those notes and begin to condense them into easy to digest sections + i'll turn those sections into an outline for my presentation + i'll condense my outline to a powerpoint presentation + i'll add images to my section, hopefully mostly from inaturalist and wikipedia? + i'll make my bibliography for content, then one for my images
i'll help my group members once i'm done! one of the people in my group has already expressed that she's taken all her notes but isn't sure how to stretch it into 5 minutes of presenting. i'll see if there's anything i can do to help!
after we help each other, we'll probably brain storm our exam questions together? we have to submit 10! my goal is to finish my presentation by next sunday so we have the weekend to make questions for our presentation on october 2nd!
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neathdarkwcters · 3 days
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napping on her lap
((Is trigun tumblr still alive?? where even is everyone going after twitter died. Idk where to post fanart anymore))
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neathdarkwcters · 4 days
Study tips that i learned through failures!
1. It's so important that you do a first read thru of the text as fast as possible. Stick to annotations and brief summarizing notes/outlines. Our brain is constantly making connections even when we're sleeping, so even if you don't understand something at first, getting stuck on it is a waste of your present time AND sleep time. Some things will click while you're doing chores because your brain is still working in the background! But it can't happen if there is nothing to click. Try to expose yourself to all the material as early as possible. [If you're studying math, skip the derivations and proofs in the first read thru and just do the example problems and focus on the underlying assumptions. Depending on the class/exam objective, you might not even be tested on the proof]
2. The breaks. Even if you know you can study 4 hours straight - don't. I used to do this especially when I was anxious, but it just burned me out. Even as quickly as the next day! If you're doing your first pom of the day and you feel really fresh to the point that you feel like you can skip that first break - dont.. it will pile up!
3. The water and the sugar!! This might sound really obvious, but studying burns up so many resources. On days I don't study, I might be okay with 60-70 oz of water, but on days I do, it's normal for me to hit 100 oz. I also ate way more food in general and ate more sugar too, and I think that's pretty normal.
4. Flashcards and practice problems > annotations > having nice notes. It kills me to say it, but the last exam I took (and passed!), I relied on my very disorganized notes/screenshots on my tablet. I didn't have time to organize and transfer them nicely onto paper in order even though every perfectionist cell in my body wanted to soo badly. Making your own textbook can be helpful but I seriously just didn't have the time. Focus on what will actually get you that pass score!
5. Find the note-taking app you like BEFORE your study period or exam season and practice using it! The last thing you want is to fight the syncing mechanism as you're trying to study. I like to use Flexil because of the split screen feature, the linked screenshots, and the cross-platform sync. If you are studying math, either learn latex over the summer/off period so you can use it in Obsidian/Anki or commit to manually written flashcards and notes the whole way. Dont try to switch halfway through because that will be a waste of your time. I personally think writing out the math is faster than typing it out in Latex, but it's your poison (they're both poison). (And if you study any type of math, I 10000% recommend using a tablet)
6. Unless you are studying for fun, orient everything around the class/exam objectives. Unfortunately, you're not gonna have time to be curious. If you don't think something will be tested, quickly cut it out and move on.
7. Figure out what your exam taking weaknesses are. Out of every 10 missed problems, I realized I'd miss a question solely because i input the wrong number into the calculator. Now I say the numbers in my head as I put it in, do it at a relatively slow pace, and break up large formulas into itsy pieces and make sure the output is close to what I expect it to be. I write out all the steps on paper sometimes to make sure every calculation is as expected. You only get once chance during the real thing, so it's important to come up with a policy to reduce risk and to stick to it every time.
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neathdarkwcters · 4 days
“you‘re so quiet” baby i’m not even here. i’m fantasizing about a book i read weeks ago. move on.
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neathdarkwcters · 4 days
🍵 || week of sep 16
last week was not as productive as i would've liked - so i'm dedicating this week to working ahead! i have an exam on wednesday so my primary goal right now is studying for that. unfortunately i also have a huge project that i do not actually understand very well due on sunday as well..?? And my group has not communicated at all? So i'm just going to get that out of the way on my own, I think, come tomorrow...
🍐 academic
finish ichthyology notes & flashcards finish ichthyology cheat sheet group project complete all of this week's ethics readings review for GIS
🥬 non academic
do my physical therapy exercises at least once a day read.. did not finish graceful at all last week!
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neathdarkwcters · 4 days
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Animal Crackers for Zoologists
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neathdarkwcters · 5 days
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neathdarkwcters · 6 days
🐊 || weekly review
I got all my notes done, but none of my larger projects, and i didn't rewatch any lectures. i found myself in this perpetual state of worry i'd be interrupted... definitely going to work on that 🤔 i also get the feeling i generally just have a ton on my plate at the moment, which got in the way of productivity. going to work on creating space for myself.
🐊 || week of aug 9
i've discovered that daily posts don't work for me. my brain exists on a week to week schedule, it seems. so here is my post of goals for the week of august 9th, which i'll reblog with an update!
🍵 academic goals
have my outline done for my coelacanths project finish all of the exam notes for ichthyology finish all of my flashcards for ichthyology start making my cheat sheet for ichthyology do my readings for leadership & pass the quiz on them outline the requirements for my leadership project re-watch my lectures for GIS
🥬 other goals
enter the uni cosplay contest! it's tomorrow! finish graceful more scrapbooking spreads (already did one for my religious thoughts and one for my amnesia disorder, so looking for more ideas if anyone has some!)
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neathdarkwcters · 6 days
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Final Fantasy XIV got an update, how about drawing the new characters? Meanwhile in my mind: “It’s been 3 years… time to remember a certain someone again.”
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neathdarkwcters · 6 days
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13.09.2024—being discharged home today, looking foreword to being back in my own space. final diagnosis for this admission is adhd and unspecified psychosis
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