#The only potential idea I have is that OC is a human
illmoraineakoi · 1 year
Writing a HollowKnightxOC pre-sealing fanfic and trying to figure out a reason why the Hollow Knight is allowed to hang around the OC while everyone still thinks they're the perfect empty Vessel and Last Hope Of The Entire Kingdom is a pain in the ass.
There's literally no reason for it. The OC isn't important in any way as to need to associate with HK frequently. There's nothing special about her, so there's no reason for her to hang about the Palace either. But for the entire second half of the story (the porn part, the important part) to exist, BOTH of those things need to happen!
I'm sitting here wracking my brain trying to think of something, anything, to put her in the Palace and to get her in frequent, unquestioned contact with the HK, but there's just
There's nothing!
This is what happens when you retroactively try to develop an entire fanfic from a smut blurb. You're left trying to compensate for arbitrary details that have no reason to be the way they are but you don't want to change them because you LIKE them they way they are, but the narrative coherency isn't cooperating with you AT ALL.
Please just cooperate with me, story, I just want to get back to the smut part *sobs*
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dazzelmethat · 2 months
Thinking about spiracles (the multiple holes in a bug's body they breathe through)
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I've been wanting to add spiracles to my bug boy oc for a bit now. I always thought spiracles were a really cool aspect of bugs. But..
Then I'm thinking about another 'lines of holes' that mammals have. The milk line
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So for oc design.. If I wanted to add spiracles to my bugboy should... he UHHHH
Do you think humanoids with spiracles would breathe through their nipples?
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asmolfolk · 5 months
Boothill Romantic Headcanons.🍓☽。・:*:・
Just a quick heads up: This character had their history and dialogues leaked, if you haven't seen the leaks and don't to be spoiled by the character backstory: Please, save this to read for later! Stay safe! Also, as always: I will always try to make this as neutral as possible. Informations that could potentially be Canon x OC are NOT there (Such as your region, what you work with and etc.) And also, I use He/them for Boothill as I headcanon him as nbmasc!
Fandom: Honkai Star rail. Character: Boothill Idea: "How would the characters be as romantical partners?" TW: SPOILERS! 🍓☽。・:*:・
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Falling in Love.
Who fell in love first?
He fell first.
If you saw the leaks you know… This man can’t cry, this man lost everything that he once owned. His planet was considered uncivilized from the IPC, he lost everyone he cared about in one day. He became “Boothill”, a cyborg that hated the IPC… And, so, there’s the question: How did you fall for him? He can’t catch this. He doesn’t understand WHY or, better, HOW someone could ever love him. He wasn’t even HUMAN anymore, how could someone love “something” like that? Yet, you came. As a breeze in the summer, as a sweet taste in an unknown mix… You weren’t supposed to have his heart in your hands… But you have. Maybe it was the way you kept on talking to him, kept on helping him out whenever and anywhere. You two started to form some sort of alliance and have someone so pretty, such a pretty pal… Was not okay with his mechanical heart. ━────━━────━━────━━────━━────━━────━
How do they notice they have fallen in love?
He couldn’t understand WHY or HOW he fell in love. But, he realized that when he was talking to you and he started to feel some heat when he saw your smile, heard your laugh or just held your hand, he felt like he could combust. This was enough for him to realize that he liked you, but… Not that he was falling in love. He wasn’t stupid, he knew the details - he knew when he was in love with someone, even if he never felt it so deeply like this. But, even then, it was too early. You had known each other only for a few weeks, he decided to wait… And when he noticed some action on your part or even something that he could be delusional over you liking him back… ONLY THEN, he would confess. ━────━━────━━────━━────━━────━━────━
Who confessed first?
It depends.
Now, we came into a difficult subject. Even if I said that he would confess… If he never saw something that could clarify his head and to make sure you like him back, he wouldn’t confess. Now, the reasoning: He already lost so much. Somewhere in his head, being with another person can mean a lot of things… And one of them is feeling, he doesn’t know how he will handle not being able to cry, not being able to feel you with all his body. He doesn’t want to make you suffer… So, if he doesn’t see anything: He wouldn’t confess.
And there he was, overthinking every single little thing that happened in those couple of weeks… And he couldn’t get his head in the problem that he built. Do you love him or not?
He was asking himself this question over every communication that you guys had, he would do anything to try to prove to himself that you don’t. Every action you take, everything that you do… Oh, those little things that he loved. Every single movement was put into his hard drive, his memory wouldn’t let him know how much he loves you… And, just like that…
You don’t know how surprised he was when those words came out of your mouth. He would ask you to repeat your confession, again, again and again… IF only he could cry while listening to you, pouring your heart out to him…. Oh, darling, he loves you way too much. He would immediately hold you and spin you around, he wants you to feel what he can’t… To feel his loving hands holding you just like the awesome, pretty and important lil’ thing.
“Hah, Doll… Didn’t expect ya’ to be so forward… Are my actions not enough answer? I want ya’ too. I love ya’… And I don’t think I will ever feel something like this again.” - He said, his words were sugarsweet and held a sincerity that no one could ever see before.
Now… What if he confesses first? What could potentially happen if Boothill decides: “Fudge this! Let’s do it”?
 You knew something was happening when Boothill was not looking directly at you. They seemed to be a bit off today, holding a box that he seemed to grip a bit too strongly while they guided you to a private place.
 It was one of the calmest day in your life… For once, you could enjoy their company happily. You two were alone, sitting close to the hill while looking at the sky… It was already night, but, somehow, you didn’t feel tired.
“Darlin’...” - They called, seemed to be thinking a bit too much before they let the box right in your lap - “Juss’ wanna make sure you… Understand it.”
 When you opened the box, it had everything you talked to them about. Every item you liked, every item you told them you would love to receive from a boyfriend… For a second, you thought they misunderstood you until you reached for a letter, it had their black lipstick and just a simple phrase: “Wanna be my partner forever?” with a silly doodle of them.
 They, seeing your reaction, would say; “Just to make sure: It’s romantical alright? I wouldn’t do this kind of thing for some friend… Just for you.”
Language of Love.
What's their language of love?
Quality of Time, Gifts and Words of Affirmation.
Now, HEAR. ME. OUT. This dude, this bro, this cowboy bebop!!!!! They want NOTHING but you to be happy, IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU WANT: YOU GET! THEY DON’T SEE REASONS OR ANY ARGUMENT FOR NOT MAKE YOU THEIR QUEENIE/KINGIE/ROYAL! The truth is: Boothill feels like his words, his time and gifts are the only thing that he can do to make things “better”. He can’t… Feel you the way he wants, he can’t cry for you, he can’t provide you with those things - so he provides you with things he can. He can tell you how pretty you are, how amazing you are, how everything you do is incredible. He can gift you - He can give you anything you want, he can go into an adventure and come back with so many gifts that your house gets flooded with them. He normally comes home with a lot of gifts, so: When you pull for him, remember that! He also makes sure to spend lots and lots of time with you. Always making sure for you to feel loved and unmatchable!
“Ma doll, didn’t expect you to be here so soon! Well, look at the goods I got ya. Hm, hm… Yeah, I know that it’s too much, but all of them remind me of ya’ pretty face. Especially those lil’ cat cakes thingies.” - They would chuckle as he saw your reaction… It was those moments that made him sure: He may have lost his family but he found a new one.
Reaction of your language of love.
Lemme tell you one thing: He doesn’t care, he is gonna take all of your love like the greedy robocop he is. He says he doesn’t have a preference and he is going to love everything you give to him, but the truth is: NOTHING shows him more love than you just being yourself. Not you trying to make him feel loved or anything, just you being you. You doing things you love, you talking to people about your favorite things… All those little situations are enough for him. He loves it. But, being honest here… I think he loves the way you touch his face - THIS MAN IS TOUCH STARVED - it’s actually the only place he can feel. He feels like - for just a moment - you two could be a normal couple. ━────━━────━━────━━────━━────━��────━
As boyfriend/partner.
How do they treat you?
Do I need to repeat myself? HE LOOOVES YOU SO SO MUCH! He is 100% one to take you out to many different places just because he wants to see you smiling for a bit. When you two start dating, he seems to be on cloud 9 for the first time in forever… He is still asking you to repeat those three words that make his mechanical heart plump as if it was human's. He still asks you to accompany you instead of asking you for a date. Give him a bit of time, he’s still understanding that you truly accepted his confession and that you didn’t leave him behind. Sometimes, when you two sleep close or together he stops everything he’s doing just to observe you, to have every moment with you in his memory card. In those moments, he normally notices: “You are real, THIS is real.” You would receive double the care on those moments, being treated just like the sweet lil’ thing you are. He would say some corny shit, I will admit. He is the type to make jokes just to crack a smile on you, he is also always trying to make you feel lighter - feel like you have no such thing as a sad day and to make you… Feel like you could fly, be free for once.
 I’ll tell you: I THINK HE’S A JELLY GUY!  Boothill gets jealous more to think: “You are going to leave him for someone that CAN feel you.” and he just can’t let that happen, right? He wants to be with you and he is scared that, maybe, you will come to the realization that you aren’t interested in this mess anymore.  He is a scared man, scared of losing the only family he has left.
As a boyfriend, Boothill is a sweet and loving one. Yeah, you guys can have REALLY nasty discussions that can only result in both of you getting hurt, but, HE IS ALWAYS THE ONE to come up to you - telling you that you two need to talk without fighting. He is also someone who will cherish you. As I’m married to him I can assure you: He is going to be a perfect hubby… You just need patience!
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another-lost-mc · 21 days
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(Fallen) Angels Round Table Discussion: Fashion
Featuring: A mixed bag of canon and OC angels and some of their fallen brethren.
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"So, honest question - who comes up with these outfit designs?"
GABRIEL: Most angels meet with someone from the tailoring guild and they can request what sorts of clothing they'd like.
SERAPHIEL: Clothing is also a popular gift for angels that pass their ascension trials.
"Does hierarchy or rank have anything to do with the types of clothes angels are allowed to wear?"
SIMEON: Not really. It mostly boils down to preference. Certain styles are more practical than others too. For example, most of the warriors choose not to wear robes on a daily basis. I only wear mine for very special occasions.
METATRON: Michael and Lucifer couldn't be more different style-wise and they were both Seraphs.
MICHAEL: I designed a new outfit for Lucifer that was a little bit more...relaxed...but he wouldn't wear it. Asmodeus even helped with it.
LUCIFER: That’s exactly why I refused. You show enough skin for both of us.
"Now that you mention it, is there a practical reason for designing tight clothes with, um, decorative cut-outs?"
RAPHAEL: It helps us stay cool and prevent heat sickness during our hottest season.
HABUHIAH: Loose clothing isn't comfortable to wear underneath armor.
RAPHAEL: I don't think that's much of a concern anymore.
HABUHIAH: You have more faith than I do when it comes to certain demons.
BELIAL: Are you still upset about our little scuffle in the human world? It's been nearly five-thousand years.
URIEL: You mean the pointless war that you started?
BELIAL: It was actually very profitable.
URIEL: You're the worst.
GABRIEL: Shh, darling. Just pretend he's not here.
BELIAL: That's not very nice, Gabe. You haven't missed me even a teeny-tiny bit?
HABUHIAH: You can't be serious.
METATRON: If we have time later, I'd love to talk to you about your involvement in that skirmish. The official records we have aren't very detailed.
BELIAL: Say no more! I'd be delighted to stay as long as necessary and—
GABRIEL: Absolutely not.
"So, back to the whole why angelic clothing is so revealing thing...?”
SERAPHIEL: Right. Well, from a utility point of view, form-fitted clothes usually work best because you still want to be able to move your body freely without any restrictions. Wearing something flimsy like a cloak is a potential disaster too, at least if you're in a fight.
RAPHAEL: Michael learned that the hard way.
URIEL: The younglings were in the garden and got a firsthand demonstration about combat safety so at least something good came from it.
MICHAEL: You set your cloak on fire by accident one time and your friends never let you forget it.
RAPHAEL: That was an accident? I thought you did it on purpose to get out of training that day.
SIMEON: The point is, a lot of those considerations aren't as important as they used to be. Now we simply wear what we like.
AZRA: Are we going to gloss over the other very important reason? That some of us just wanted to look good?
LUCIFER: Riveting input from our resident incubus.
HABUHIAH: What's that gesture Azazel is making with his hand?
SERAPHIEL: I'm not sure, but judging by Lucifer's expression it's probably not nice.
MICHAEL: Their demonic forms are much more impressive than the photos I've seen on Devilgram.
RAPHAEL: Should we try to stop them?
SIMEON: It's more entertaining if we don't.
METATRON: But I don't want anyone to get hurt.
URIEL: Wait, why is Belial fighting now too?
SERAPHIEL: He's upset that his suit got scorched when one of their wayward spells hit him by accident.
GABRIEL: I hope you're pleased with yourself since this was all your idea, Michael. But I have to admit, I expected much worse.
MICHAEL: See, I told you not to worry. It's just like old times!
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A/N: Here's something silly that helped distract me from real life stuff that's kept me busy lately. This vaguely incorporates some Celestial Realm headcanons/worldbuilding, and to be honest, I just wanted to throw these characters into a room and see what happened. (Chaos. Chaos happened.)
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stirringwinds · 9 months
I can't agree more with your post about how natural languages are intimately tied to power dynamics, culture and personal identity. To make the nation personifications magically understand each other all the time is removing the depth and potential of their relationships with each other.
Since you mentioned that Alfred's first language was a Native American language, it sounds like he was close to the Native Americans as a child, and not only the English settlers. My thought is that Alfred, the personification of what would become the USA, was only "born" after the English settlers arrived. He was raised by Pilgrims, spoke only English and didn't have meaningful contact with the Native Americans. I'm not a fan of the idea that Alfred was a Native American personification who was born before the arrival of the colonists and was "kidnapped" by Arthur, as it implies that the tribe that he represented was the foundation of the modern USA. It makes more sense to me that he was a personification of the Pilgrim settlements when he was born. What are your thoughts on Alfred's "birth" and his relationships with the personifications around him as a child?
hello, thanks for your question!
to start off, i don't headcanon that nations are born the human way, but when they come into being, there are real cultural/linguistic links they have to other nations which I model on historical interactions and influences. my conception of Alfred is that his "birth"/beginnings are linked to Roanoke (aka the so-called "Lost Colony") and Jamestown (and its famine)—less so the Pilgrims/Mayflower in Massachusetts. but that difference aside, Alfred's 'beginnings' in my view certainly stem from British imperialism and European colonisation all the same. so he is not the personification of "Native America", because this would indeed be racist and homogenising: there can't be such a singular personification but would have to be multiple personifications to begin with. All of whom are much older and culturally distinct just like how Asia/Europe/Africa as a continent doesn't have one personification. this is a similar approach I take with my Mexico OC; she is Indigenous/European and spoke Nahuatl and Spanish, but she herself didn't come into being until Spanish colonisation—and there are other older personifications like Tlaxcala and Mexica (who was the head of the Triple Alliance/what we call the Aztec Empire and rivals with Tlaxcala, another pre-Columbian political entity).
so, for me Carolina Algonquian is one of Alfred's first languages—the other is English. the reason why I think he speaks Carolina Algonquian: the real-life interactions (from cooperative (barter, trade) to neutral to hostile—conflicts that happened since obviously the colonists were encroaching on other people's land) that occurred between the colonists and Algonquian-speaking peoples (such as Croatan and also Powhatan) occurred. All these were central to the history and trajectory of the early colonies. further, the research material on early colonial America I based his character on examined the experiences of biracial/multiethnic people and the dynamics of assimilation & cultural imperialism into Englishness that occurred. i'm from an ethnically-mixed family myself, which experienced cultural assimilation because of British imperialism that also resulted in a deprioritisation and loss of our other ancestral languages, so the cultural dimension of imperialism: how people navigate these faultlines, and pass or don't pass as a dominant group is something I'm interested in exploring.
hence, while i personally headcanon Alfred as mixed-race, he is certainly not an older personification that predates European colonisation of the Americas, and Arthur claims him as his son when he finds him with the Jamestown colonists, after the famine—so he isn't really 'kidnapped' because he isn't the personification of a pre-existing, Native nation. the Jamestown colonists don't really 'raise' him either—he appears to them as a young child who can already talk and walk, and they assume he is an orphan of sorts—after which Arthur comes into the picture. Arthur asserted his power by claiming Alfred as his son—just as the English politically claimed their colonial holdings, but Alfred certainly interacted with other personifications like Croatan or Powhatan and others, because that's who the English colonists themselves in Roanoke and Jamestown met. this contact imo, was meaningful in the sense that it was important and extensive—though obviously not wholly peaceful or conflict-free. So, in my headcanon, before Arthur arrived with the relief ship that met the starving Jamestown colonists, Alfred was regarded with some curiosity and at least distinct wariness, if not apprehension, by other nations because despite his familiarity with Carolina Algonquian, they know he is clearly linked to the encroaching English colonists—and they've heard similar stories already, about Mexico and Cuba.
overall, yes, the political/cultural origins of the United States are very much connected to the British Empire's settler-colonialism. For that reason Alfred is Arthur's 'son', because he is English—but he is not just English or European, because the truth of the British Empire is that while there was a racial and class hierarchy that privileged Englishness and then whiteness generally, the actual human communities that shaped the colonies were never homogeneous ethnically/culturally. Biracial/mixed people existed—and those European colonies as a whole were shaped by the varied dynamics of Native and other non-European influences and contact—whether it was involuntary or voluntary, cooperative, neutral or hostile. that's the angle I've personally chosen to take—and I would end off with emphasising that this is just my approach—because I think there's certainly more than one way to approach Alfred's beginnings and cultural identity.
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reegis · 9 months
More Hadeon lore?? I love them sm
aaaa i love to talk about my dumb babies dont give me any excuse..
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She’s actually part of like. a whole Thing. which i will now ramble about for ENTIRELY too long, so ill put it under the cut
ahhh im so bad at explaining things even tho theres like. a lot of lore & worldbuilding (by my standards anyways)
but basically all of my angel & demon OCs are part of an idea i have for an rpg/ttrpg?? set in a world where God, angels and demons all exist in the world, mainly in a sort of eldritch sense. God has essentially gone missing for thousands of years - with only scattered miracles to occasionally make Its presence known - and in Its absence, the angels have taken on their own warped interpretation of Its edict while the demons have wreaked havoc, and both have entwined themselves very heavily into human society (mostly to humanity’s detriment).
The players would create a character (human((religious, cult, or agnostic)), fallen angel, redemption demon, etc) that would give them certain skill sets/abilities/affinities depending on their choices, but the overall goal of the game is to Meet/Find God (and your characters reason for this would vary)
The continent in the game is basically one enormous mountain range, with the peaks actually reaching the heavens (think like olympus) with those living closer to the peaks being basically ultra religious societies who still believe God is there and everything that happens is still somehow part of Its plan, and those at the base and few small surrounding islands (which deal with much more demonic corruption and angelic attacks) doubting It still exists, and becoming home to fringe groups of cults creating their own deities (sometimes literally) and agnostics.
Players would meet somewhere at the base and progress up the mountain, and - depending on their group make-up - meet angels and demons along the way, both of which could potentially be foes or allies.
The angels exist in a hierarchy, with the seven Seraphim at the top, but almost all of them pose a potential danger. With God no longer at the reigns, the angels have had centuries to interpret Its will however they see fit. Many of the lowest ranking angels still hold the original ideals and are mostly harmless, granting blessings and offering sage advice, but are of no Real help. Of the higher ranking angels, many have gained their own twisted sort of moral compass and have lost touch with Gods original love for mankind. What is or isn’t a sin, what deserves punishment or what deserves blessing, has become subjective to them and they bestow their judgment upon mankind with great prejudice.
The demons exist in a hierarchy as well. As angels stripped of their holy power (and thus blinded) when they attempted to overthrow God, they seek to earn back their power and sight by stealing souls. The harder to corrupt a soul is, the more power they obtain when that soul finally succumbs. Lower level/weaker demons mainly seek to cause wide spread devastation and death, as they dont have the power to corrupt, but feed on any souls lost. Higher level demons are more insidious, possessing or manipulating people in power, in search of “higher quality” souls to assist their climb.
There are also a small group of “fallen” angels and “redeemed” demons, who exist sort of outside of the status-quo since they no longer fit neatly into either group. Fallen angels are (usually lower ranking) angels that have fallen in love with humanity and rejected their base angelic nature to live amongst them. They forfeit most of their angelic power and assume a more human-like appearance in order to live amongst the humans they adore, but have a still-perceivable “otherness” that leaves them mostly an outcast. Redemption demons are somewhat similar; they have gained/retained enough love for humanity since their fall that they no longer seek to claim human souls for power and are instead attempting to regain Gods love through redemption and acts of kindness. Falling from heaven has irrevocably changed them physically, however, and they face great hardships attempting to fit in to human society.
Of the Seraphim, Hadeon represents the Wrath of God. He is tasked with finding and punishing sinners, those who would blaspheme or turn against God. Originally she was the fair hand of Justice, but in the centuries of Gods absence, his sense of right and wrong have become irrevocably warped. Their presence can first be felt with the smell of ozone, and a sudden intense pressure, like a storm on the horizon. She, and the army of angels under her command, hunt sinners through the streets, meting out their vigilante justice. Where he goes, indescriminate bloodshed almost always follows.
Her mindset is entirely black and white, but despite eons walking the earth they retain a naïveté of human society that makes her pretty easily distractable. He can occasionally be reasoned with and/or distracted, and even more rarely convinced to bestow a blessing.
Hadeon is one of the first Minor bosses the player faces, and your decision to either befriend, escape, or kill her will play a role in your later encounter with other higher angels.
obviously there are all of the other Seraphim, and other high ranking demons that have their own names/info/etc i could literally keep going on and on abt them & more in depth world building forever probably but i will stop now 😔
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driftingmoonmenace · 2 months
Ok ok ok I'm gonna just dump all my DCA OC thoughts/info in a post cause I'm shy with rambling about them individually with ppl atm 👉👈💦
BUT OK SO I've been like rattling this idea around in my brain for quite a while! At first I just had Paradox and he was just in his own little AU world thing, but then I decided to just take all my DCA ocs and shove them into a world together and they just work at different Pizzaplexs and stuff.
Paradox's info is still pretty much the same! He's tired of being treated badly by adults and acting out by retaliating with pranks and it's getting on Fazco's last nerve. So they hired a handler to keep him in check.
I got my other Eclipse model, Equinox, he's from a defunct Pizzaplex, there's a lot that went into it closing down, but before he could be decommissioned like the rest, he managed to escape and is 'on the run'. He travels cross-country on a motorcycle with a mission to help other animatronics get out from under Fazco. He totally leans into the 'badboy' persona and has modified himself over time to look how he wants to.
And then there's Umbra! He's a Moon model that Equinox picked up on his travels, and is his journey partner! Umbra was also a Daycare Attendant and had a Sun counterpart, though unfortunately he was officially decommissioned before Umbra could do anything. It's a sensitive subject for him and he's completely on-board with Equinox's plan to save as many animatronics as they can because of it, and maybe take Fazco down too. Umbra is super smart, and a little shy. He tries to make up the plans, but half the time Equinox goes jumping into potential danger before he can even finish getting his thoughts out. It exasperates him, but Equinox is 'totally cool' to him and man he wishes he could be like that and boy he's kinda hot too oh wait wait wait keep it together!
Lumi and Nova are Daycare Attendants who were separated and updated as part of a rebranding for their pizzaplex! Though mysteriously after a year, Nova has gone missing and Lumi has no idea where he's gone. Every night Lumi tries to find clues and access computers to try to find out what happened to him along with searching the pizzaplex from top to bottom. (Nova is actually alive but was moved to a completely separate pizzaplex where Fazco figured he'd 'fit in' better and hasn't made up their mind if they want to keep Lumi alone or build another Sun counterpart for him.)
Then I got Sol and Lune, they're mini Sun and Moon DCA models, and were made more so to be helpers for human daycare employees rather than actual DCAs. They were made as a test run in comparison to regular DCA models and it was found that the regular DCAs were more popular with the kids than the mini versions, so now they don't come out too often and are kept basically in a storage closet. They're only let out when a certain threshold amount of kids is met and the human employees need help or for events. Sol is fed up with being a 'toy stuffed in a closet' and is making plans to escape. Lune tries to be a voice of reason but Sol is pretty hard-headed.
Last but not least I got my pink DCA, Astra! I still don't know much about them, but I think she'd be the next DCA model that Equinox and Umbra find. She's got wings, though she can't fly, and I think she's a beta model that isn't released to the public. They're not quite a Sun model but close to it, not sure how to describe it really! Super sweet, upbeat, and cutesy but they're ready to throw hands and they pack quite the punch for being so petite!
I also may have more DCA OCs knocking around in my brain as vague ideas atm that eventually will get thrown into this hot mess of a mix later...but uh YEAH!
Eventually everything just goes to shit with Fazco and all my OCs end up in a group together but I haven't figured out everything yet. There's a plot in there somewhere! *vague hand gestures*
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yandere-fics · 1 month
♡ How They Affirm Their Transfem Darling's Gender ♡
(I got this request in the dms, they aren't the best at it but my ocs are really trying, they're just all really stupid and all have their own ideas of what would be helpful, their intentions really are in the best place though! Anyways I hope this is what you wanted.)
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♡ Despite Miriel being trans herself she really doesn't know much about what to do for a human, she takes special estrogen that was provided by the elves but she's unsure if that's even safe for you to take or if you even want to take her elf estrogen, she will be consulting the elders back home though because she really never checked if her elf estrogen is safe for human consumption or if it'll start elfing you, obviously even if you can't take it though she has enough money to pay for whatever you need or want to get done. Be warned that any notion of personal style is thrown out with her regardless of gender and if you want to wear clothes that fit your own style instead of the clothes Miriel is likely to dress her darling in, you will have to convince her. Also Miriel lacks ANY tact at all, if you haven;t come out or realized you're trans yet she'll realize it for you, since she was young she knew her mate would be a girl/fem leaning even if she didn't know many other details and she will come up to you and proclaim you are trans, she knows it. ♡
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♡ Eliza shockingly has more tact that Miriel when it comes to this, she may be stupid but even she knows that such comments might be too pushy at first, once you do come out to her though then she's going to be a bit obnoxious with how hard she's trying, opening doors, carrying all your bags, she can't let her precious girlfriend do all that stuff, it's a bit infantilizing but she really wants to make you feel like she is your big strong wolf who will do everything you need and you can just be her petite girlfriend while she's your big butch wolf, though she doesn't really mind how you want to present, if you like to dress more masc she's not going to mind, just know she is always going to treat you like her little puppy. She has a very good care package working for the boss too so anything you want to get done will happen, just be warned you will have to sedate her during your surgeries otherwise she's going to be in the room growling at the doctors that they better not fuck up and making them all really nervous. Btw being trans is not going to stop her from getting you pregnant so do not think you're safe, she will find a way. ♡
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♡ Selene has a harder time affirming your gender mostly because she lives out in the middle of nowhere wolf territory and so she'd need to take you to the city for any clothes or new things you need to get or want done, she'll act all moody about being in the city until she sees your happy face, though do expect her to ask for lots of affection for this, she won't ask for dick sucking, she'd feel bad asking for that in exchange for something this important, she is thinking it, she is willing to go to the city for you as many times as you need, though if you keep going for clothes, expect a "damn woman how many clothes do you need?", she's not seriously bothered though, she'll do it as many times as you want, eventually you may want to online shop or ask the temple dedicated to her mate to get you stuff from the city so you don't exhaust poor homebody Selene. Eventually she'll get so used to it that she'll be sad if you don't ask her to go to the city for new clothes or whatever it is you want at least once a year. ♡
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♡ Likely the best of the bunch, she knows this is a very important thing and she'll be slow and patient with it, going at your pace and only pushing you when she knows you need a little bit of a push and courage to take the next step, she can also control herself in hospitals even though she's raging inside about them potential injuring you, still she manages to get through everything without you freaking out and she's amazing at aftercare, she memorized everything the surgeon said perfectly, though it can get a bit annoying when she's correcting you on what the surgeons said and making sure you do everything down to the letter. She's also in a very great place to be able to take care of your every want and desire, she's close to the boss and has priority on things, isn't afraid of being more in debt to the boss if it gives her more power to help her mate, and beyond that even without help she makes a lot of money and has a lot of time she is able to take off so she'd be able to spend entire weeks with you changing your wardrobe if that's what you want, it also affirms her cause she gets to be your big strong butch lesbian mate. ♡
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♡ Much like the elves, angels have developed their own HRT, just be warned if this is the route you're going on, you're going to be so sleepy and you'll notice every part of you suddenly feels soft, squishy, and very cuddly, congrats, you have just become an optimal angel nap partner, you're not actually an angel but you will notice you act more meek towards her so if you don't want to have to listen to her and be tired very often this is not for you, she won't really understand if you don't want angel estrogen but she'll allow it. She's very scary in the operating room, no one can sedate her and every doctor in there is praying to escape with their life. If anyone even messes up a pronoun once, you'll have to convince her not to disintegrate them or don't honestly they really should be more careful in the city, they were begging to be killed by a supernatural one day. ♡
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♡ Runa is a massive pervert and so she thinks the best way to affirm is to be so sexual and make it clear she thinks of you as a really really hot girl, making sure you know just how much she wants to fuck is her way of trying to be helpful even if it isn't the most helpful, she'll also force you to put on a million different cosplays and take pictures while giggling and being like "my adorable cat girlfriend!". Also she does not care about what you have going on, you're going to sit on her face because how could she have a girlfriend who has never sat on her face, if you don't have the right parts for it, you'd better get used to ass eating real fast, she's going to do it. If you want surgeries or new clothes she'll have to kidnap a doctor and have it done in her apartment, there are programs for cheap or free surgery in the city but she really just can't have you taken from her so it'll have to happen in her apartment, she'll steal HRT too even though that's free and easy to get ahold of in the city, any clothes will get purchased online, don't worry she'll take your measurements very thoroughly. ♡
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♡ Nora actually is pretty confident about this for once, she has no reason to fear messing up because why would she? You're her reason for living and that's all that matters. She also has the method of making you feel petite next to her and I mean she's so fucking tall, she's very solid, and very strong so how can you not feel dainty next to her, unless you're somehow taller, if you don't like that method she will change it though, she just wants to do what will make you happy, even if that means pretending to be a bit more submissive and calling you mommy, she'll do it even if she really doesn't like it cause affirming your gender expression matters most of all to her. She's in a decent enough spot to get you what you need and though she hates having to interact with Sawyer, she will for this, she'll barely sleep too, she'll spend all her days getting a new wardrobe with you and then at night she'll do all her work. She has to be sedated for your surgeries so she doesn't have a anxiety attack. ♡
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♡ Sawyer can just nap her finger and make what you want to happen, happen and she has an infinite amount of resources at her command for you so buy whatever you want honey, seriously buy it because it's how she shows love, she'll be sad if you don't buy a whole new wardrobe, she needs to adorn you with her cash. You'll also have to forgive her after she transforms you because she'll have to sit down and hide her boner, just using her powers on you so intimately and seeing your smile made her really turned on, she didn't mean to and she feels a bit ashamed that she got turned on even when it shouldn't have been sexual, just give her a bit to cool down then she'll be happy to take you out on a date so you can finally enjoy this new body you have. ♡
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redrum-alice · 3 months
[OC stuff] I like to ramble about my OCs, so ignore this
Thinking about that trope where the villain tries to convince the protag that "humanity isnt worth saving, so why do you have to sacrifice yourself for them?" (+ spoilers i guess?) + this is corny, so really...ignore this--
!!Some potentially triggering stuff about s*icide and ab*se of power, so CW!!
So like CJ isnt very lucky in life and in the beginning of whatever tf i wrote, its implied she wanted to "end" herself by overworking once she repaid her foster family (they loved her unconditionally, but she sees herself as a burden bc they never asked to care for a child) + she had a survivors guilt over the fact that "she couldnt save whats left of her friends" when she was around 8 years old, stuck in a facility (slaughterhouse).
So when she escaped and was given another chance (in her teens, shes trying to adjust, angst ensues etc.) and met Arthur the ghost who convinces her "its not so bad to have some people in your life", so she does. She ends up having a few friends, but shes skeptical. Basically Arthur was there trying to support her to go out and have a life (because he wanted her to have a good life- something he unfortunately could not have since he died when he was 14 yrs old in the 1930s-40s)
Bonus: Arthur helped her find a job from another dimension where she delivers letters/memoirs to spirits who have stayed too long and wandering about in limbo that never got closure. She is responsible for preventing them in turning to demons that spread despair (along with other postmen/mailmen)
Yes...she and arthur made a deal that if he got her a job, shell help him reunite with his family (but he doesnt remember them bc he was wandering too much)
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In comes Poppy, a lonely girl who was well off- and heiress. While she may not flaunt her wealth, she has that intimidating aura that alarms CJ despite Poppy wanting to have friends. Weirdly enough, she has a deep fascination with CJ, all because she sensed that she has the ability to see ghosts, something that Poppy was jealous of. Poppy practiced dark magic all her life, and was aware of what her father does- running the facility for harvest eyes from people.
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CJ couldnt figure out what was bothering her about Poppy, because she have sworn the blonde girl was familiar somewhere. It turns out Poppy was that one girl she saw at the facility who was walking with her father right after he ordered the staff to put them in the operating table to sedate them and harvest their eyes. CJ, at that time, looked drastically different from what she looks today, even down to her legal name which was now stripped from her and was turned into numbers.
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Poppy was brainwashed into thinking that her life's purpose is to complete her father's work, and in order to do so, she has to collect any potential candidates for the cult's experiment to complete the giant homunculous resting beneath the earth for thousands of years (she still has no idea what they would use the giant for, since she herself doesnt have the gift of sight or "eye shard" like CJ does).
Poppy also knew what she and CJ were made of- they were made from that same material and genes as those of synthetic flesh of homunculi only that they were conceived, but without a soul or memory once theyre done with their work.
Homunculi don't have adequate expressions, and it was why it was hard for them to relate or react in certain situations.
She knew that once her time is up, she'll be discarded, so shes working hard to help the cult.
CJ discovered her origins later on-- that she wasnt her mother's daughter, but a clone of her brother to store the eye shard, since it favors female hosts. After uncovering everything, she felt devastated because all of the memories she had made with her found family and friends are all worthless since she herself isnt a human. Not an ounce of humanity is present within her, so why does she have to commit?
Poppy adds that theres really nothing in store for her sibce the world and its time will end at one point. CJ wont be remembered or reincarnated just like Poppy bc they were never and will never a spirit- a negative sentiment that eats Poppy's heart and making her unable to have meaningful connections unless it was with a condition.
Arthur rebuts this and says that shes more human that she could ever be. If he were alive and living in the same timeline and dimension, they wouldve been great friends. He was willing to stay so she would be happy, even though it would result with him turning into a demon.
In short: Looking back, her life wasnt meaningless at all. Her desire to end it all was a cry for help, and Arthur helped her through it. He gave her a reason to love people, even though it was hard at first.
Ending: Im not sure how this personal project ends since there are more characters i have to work on and polish.
Lmao, the story is a mix of Madoka Magica, Silent Hill, and Gumball. Make that of what you will 💀🔫
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hotheadedhero · 3 months
Request Rules!
Currently closed! Here for more info
Here be the masterlist!
I currently accept headcanon/one-shot requests for 2007, 2012, Bayverse, and Rise. 2003 will be included once I've watched the show all the way through and refreshed myself (will later edit when that changes). Or, if you do want to make an 03 request, nothing plot-heavy
Be patient with me for I am a lowly worm trying my best. I'd like to adhere to a schedule but, unfortunately, my brain doesn't function well with routine. Whilst writing tmnt fics is my lifeline, it can be quite overwhelming, too. If you're waiting a while for your request, it's probably because of that or work but I will try my darndest to fulfil your wishes
Keep your requests simple-ish if you can, please. It's often quite difficult to follow through how I believe an idea can go if half the story has already been written for me
I hold the right to refuse a request should I choose to. This isn't anything malicious, sometimes I may just struggle with what has been asked of me
Where smut/18+ is concerned, I'm still a little nervous about uploading anything of the sort. That doesn't mean I won't give it a go, though. As long as you're prepared to deal with some potentially awkward writing XD
I love receiving fluff and angst requests! Nothing is too cute or too dark. I'm not past getting into something gory
This may seem like a weird one but I reckon I very much prefer to stick to human reader fics. Can't quite explain this one. Only that's how I always envision the circumstances when I'm writing
With 'reader' specifications in mind, I default to fem unless directly asked to write in gn. It's not that I don't think I could make a male reader but I definitely don't feel as confident
No Turtle x OCs, please. Just general reader stuff :)
I also won't write x child readers. The best way I can describe it is by explaining how I go about my process. I put myself in the reader's shoes during my writing to help me flesh out a story. It's probably why I also can't do male readers because it's a perspective I can't confidently replicate. The same goes for child readers, I'm an old lady who has forgotten what those youthful days were like 😭 At least, this is how it feels with my writing method, idk
No Tcest, which also means no poly x reader stories. I don't think I need to explain this one
(This may be edited along the way subject to any changes that I deem necessary at the time)
Finally, may everyone have fun and enjoy themselves on this board! We're all just here to enjoy the spoils of creation 💚🫶
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goldeaglefire1 · 2 months
so it's probably waaaaaaay too early to make a Gavv OC, however: I was thinking of what the secondary could potentially be like and this idea stuck in my head and even though I'm sure the secondary will probably be nothing like this I felt the need to sketch my idea out
anyway: Kamen Rider Juze! (more details under read more)
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so this isn't going to be based on lore since we know. basically jack shit but the way I figure it whenever there's aliens there's also the government sniffing around trying to figure out what the hell is going on
after a period of monster fights going down across Japan the government decides "we're going to handle this ourselves" and manages to replicate Gavv's "belt"/organ and Gochizos artificially. the only problem is the only way for a human to use them is to effectively turn them into a cyborg which. can be something of a hard sell as you can probably imagine
the solution they come up with? get an influencer to undergo the treatment and steam their fights against the forces of evil in the hopes of getting enough people to sign up that they can handle the monster thing themselves
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enter: Musha Ara, real name unknown, who the government realizes a bit too late is maybe the worst person they could have asked to go through with this. not because she's not successful or anything; she's not only incredibly popular, but picks up the Juze system incredibly well...she'd be great if not for the massive swaths of collateral damage she leaves behind
Ara's primary motivation in all this, above all else, is the thrill of a good fight. she's not necessarily opposed to saving people or anything, but she really doesn't think to prioritize people over the monster, or minimizing the danger the monster poses, or even her own safety, for that matter. and GOD help you if you try to boss her around, because she is every bit the rebellious rock star Juze is modeled after
as you can see the cybernetic additions to Ara show that, much like Shouma, her biology is far from normal...well, now, anyway. she might not have her belt literally growing out of her stomach but she DOES have a big ass electric outlet in her stomach for the belt to connect to, among other things
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the Henshin Belt Juze uses artifical Gochizos, all of which are distinct from regular Gochizos in how they don't have eyes and are themed around beverages. the one Juze uses for her default transformation is Frank Energy
among Musha Ara's cybernetic modifications is a reservoir of liquid nanobots inside her body; whenever she transforms into Juze, this liquid explodes out of her, grabs all the nearby metal, and promptly shapes it into the proper Juze armor before magnetizing it to Ara. this is why it's so jagged and asymmetrical compared to the more smooth and natural-looking Gavv
these liquid nanobots are also the source of Juze's combat prowess, able to cannibalize her surroundings for quick battlefield repairs, makeshift weapons, and also just serving as a quick and easy substitute for acid. this is also the source of most of Juze's aforementioned collateral damage issues
Juze also has a guitar axe-gun weapon, but I do not have the energy to draw that right now, so
just for fun, here's what Juze's transformation sounds like: DRINK. Gokungokun! Gokungokun! Gokungokun! Gokungokun! Gokungokun! Gokungokun! Gokungokun! GoKA-BOOM! Frank Energy! BIRI!
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offorestsongs · 23 days
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Rook + Lysander ― ship introduction ♡
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it only took me like, a good few months but finally! an official (somewhat of an) introduction post for the main OC x canon ship i post about on here - Rook x Lysander aka lilyarrow. Lysander is my Yuu and you can read more about him here <3
i didn't write out their entire relationship timeline because 1. this post is already pretty long and 2. i want to give myself some space to just, make up scenarios lmao. there are some things about the development of their relationship that i consider to be pretty set-in-stone so maybe one day i'll make a post about that too
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Lysander has met most of the characters earlier than in the game canon (mostly because i think that makes for some fun dynamics), including Rook. they've met shortly after book 2. Lysander was actually trying to make Ramshackle more liveable; cleaning, moving out some of the old furniture that had was too broken to use, fixing up some things here and there. Rook just kind of,, appeared out of nowhere (he was actually watching Lysander for a while now), spooking poor Grim out, and offered his help. he also kissed Lysander's hand.
when Lysander tried to introduce himself, Rook interrupted him, saying that he already knows it. he also knows what class Lysander is in, his seat number, height and interests.
Lysander, in turn, blushed. he thought it was cute. he did, however, firmly refused any help, since he likes to do everything by himself (Grim thought that was very stupid of him). but Rook insisted until Lysander had given in and agreed to it, so in the end they've spent the entire day moving furniture and painting walls. turns out, Rook had a lot to say about Lysander's interior design choices.
Lysander: as i said, presented with Rook's stalker tendencies right off the bat, instead of being weirded out, he thought it's kind of sweet. he's not really used to people noticing him or paying attention to him, so he naturally got kind of flustered by the idea of somebody having any sort of interest in him. he also needed only about five seconds before going "oh! i like him!" ― he just tends to cling to people who are more extroverted and more talkative than him, and he found the fact that Rook seems to have more knowledge about a lot of things pretty interesting. he was a bit overwhelmed by Rook's general Everything, but he pretty quickly got used to it. Rook: he was actually watching Lysander for a lot longer than the day they first met; he was quite taken by Lysander's delicate beauty. he thought that Lysander is like a pretty little flower ― Rook would be failing his life's mission if he didn't help Lysander bloom into his full potential! he was also kind of impressed with the fact that for a tiny, frail, magicless human, Lysander seemed to fare pretty well (especially watching him haul all that heavy furniture).
surprisingly, it was Lysander! while Rook was well aware that Lysander returns his feelings (i mean, Lysander was very obvious about it, if anything, it was hard to not notice), he was also willing to wait. you can't make your final move too fast or you'll spook your prey ― Lysander still seemed very skittish and he didn't want to accidentally scare him away. and besides, the wait is as much part of the fun as anything that comes after it (and he enjoyed teasing Lysander and watching him make the most awkward attempts at flirting seen to man).
meanwhile, Lysander made a bet with Vil that if they win the VDC, he'll finally confess to Rook. well. yeah. about that... but Lysander still decided that he's going to do it because, well, they've all had kind of a shitty day, he can at least have this one thing. and he's been hyping himself up all day! he can't all that go to waste!
(and maybe, just maybe he was a lot a bit jealous over a certain celebrity from a rival school. but just maybe!)
Lysander kind of fumbled it tho. he wanted to say something heartfelt and sweet and romantic, but he got too stressed out after like, the first sentence and started to kind of ramble. but Rook thought that it was cute, so it was all okay <3
well technically their first date was going to get Vil, Grim & co out of S.T.Y.X while Epel was thirdwheeling them but that doesn't count lmao
it was surprisingly normal and kind of, low-key. very private, very cozy. even before getting together, they would often go on walks and just kind of wander around, especially in the woods near the school.
so they went on a picnic in a little meadow that the often used to meet up at. Rook was the one who organized it, so he was the one who got all the food and all ― Lysander would be happy to do so himself, but Rook didn't want him to do any work before their date <3. Lysander has a real sweet tooth, so Rook had mostly got them Lysander's favorite sweets.
also they got caught in the rain about half way through and had to run back but Lysander got to wear Rook's jacket so it's still a profit? he never gave it back
it was actually during their first date! they were both laying on the blanket and chatting and it just kind of,,, happened. for the romance of it all, i would love to say that Rook is a good kisser but realistically speaking i don't think he actually has much experience, same with Lysander, so it was just kind of awkward, but still pretty sweet! tho Lysander did start laughing because he got too overwhelmed.
also it was almost right after that it started raining. they don't have the best luck lmao.
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Lysander: first of all, he really likes and appreciates the fact that Rook can read him pretty well!! Rook is one of the few people who understand that Lysander really isn't shy or anything, he just doesn't like talking too much and never pushed him into it. Rook is also very good at noticing when Lysander gets too overwhelmed by social situations and is quick to pull him out of them.
for his whole life, Lysander had to work hard to prove that he's worth anything, so he really appreciates the way Rook just,, sees him and loves him for who he is, wholeheartedly and without any conditions. it's maybe the first time Lysander feels really appreciated without having to do anything to "deserve" it.
he likes that Rook is emotional and earnest and genuine!! even if Rook is secretive and weird about some things, Lysander could never distrust him, because he knows that he's honest about the things that matter (especially, his feelings towards other people).
and he also likes the way Rook is so passionate about so many things!! he likes that Rook knows so much about many different topics and that he's always willing to talk at length about them!! and he likes the way Rook gets all excited over it too, he thinks its so cute <3.
Rook: he likes that Lysander is kind and warm and sweet. and most importantly, he likes that Lysander is somebody who chooses to be kind, no matter what — the thinks that's really admirable
he likes that Lysander is so resilient! again, he thinks the way Lysander is so bent on building a life for himself in a unfamiliar world, that he's never deterred by people treating him awfully, that he's willing to be stubborn when the situation demands it and that he doesn't give up easily.
he really appreciates how good of a listener Lysander is. while sure, Rook will gladly just talk at people, he's happy to have someone whos willing to actually listen to him, who's genuinely interested, who's asking questions and who actually tries to look at the world from Rook's perspective.
he also likes how busy Lysander always is. he likes that Lysander is always working on something, always has some project in mind, especially since he likes watching Lysander at work. he also finds Lysander’s wide array of home renovation skills absolutely delightful.
Lysander: he has some bad jealousy issues, so he tends to get a bit grumpy when Rook starts fawning about other people. he knows Rook doesn't mean it like that, but he's still unhappy
also he doesn't always appreciate how blunt Rook can be with his words, but they usually can talk it out so it's alright
Rook: while he does love how kind Lysander is, yes, he also thinks that sometimes Lysander is being too much of a pushover. yes, it is very noble and beautiful to sacrifice so much of yourself for other people's sake, he wouldn't mind if Lysander also took care of himself while at it!!
Lysander: listen. he's a simple boy. his type is just guys who are Strong. and so as you can imagine, he feels Very normal about Rook's arms. the first time he saw Rook in a t-shirt, he was UNCONSOLABLE. he also likes Rook's hands a lot, he likes that they're the rough hands of somebody who actually uses them to do work
Rook: while he would surely write many pomes about any given part of Lysander’s appearance, he's especially fond of Lysander’s freckles. he always tries to kiss as many of them as he can.
he's also very fond of Lysander’s smile since Lysander doesn't actually smile all that often.
they're both very outdoorsy people so most of their time together is just Going Somewhere. they like to just be in nature, Lysander then can ask Rook about Fun Animal Facts and Rook can be delighted by how animals seem to be naturally drawn to Lysander.
they can and will treat any outing as a date. they also treat everything they do like an adventure!!! no matter where they're going, they're going to find it fun and exciting!! but they especially like discovering new places together; when they're travelling somewhere, they like to go off map and just wander around and Lysander drags Rook to every food place they come across.
when they go on more "fancy" dates, it's usually theatre/opera. back in his home world, Lysander actually never went to theatre and upon learning about it, Rook went to fix it IMMEDIATELY. Lysander is still not that much into it, but he likes that Rook likes it.
they also watch a lot of movies even when they're just chilling together — again, Lysander is mostly happy that Rook can go on and on about cinematography and behind-the-scenes stuff. Rook had introduced him to musicals tho and he does actually like those!!
Rook is not allowed to help Lysander while Lysander is cooking, but sometimes Lysander lets Rook sit in the kitchen and watch. it's one of the few times when Lysander actually gets chatty because he starts to explain what he's doing and Rook is just happy to be able to listen (tho Lysander always makes him do the dishes afterwards). Rook also often helps Lysander with work in Lysander's garden.
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aka all the other things i wanted to mention but i didnt know where to put them lmao
i wanted to put it into the "what do they like about eachother" section but didn't know how to fit it in so it's here BUT. Lysander actually never found Rook weird and gets a bit defensive when others do so because. well. Lysander knows well how it is, to be labelled as "the weird person" simply because your way of interacting with other people is a bit out of the norm
while they aren't overly touchy with eachother in public, they're still very affectionate and combined with the fact that they often act like they're joined by hip, it makes them kind of insufferable to be around
they ARE very touchy in private tho!! they often cuddle/take naps together. Rook likes to put his head on Lysander’s chest so he can listen to Lysander’s heartbeat
while Rook uses A LOT of petnames in general, the one he uses most often is mon fleur, since, as i've said, Lysander reminds him of a flower a lot. Lysander is not big on petnames but he often calls Rook "my love" or "my heart"
they write eachother letters by hand, despite the fact that going to the same school, they have no real need to do so. usually full of dramatic romantic confessions and plans for the future
at one point they've given eachother a lock of their hair
not only did Lysander find Rook's stalking tendencies kind of cute, he would also leave the curtains in his windows opened just in case Rook was watching
obviously, the have eachother photo's as their phone lockscreens
Rook really admires the fact that Lysander does embroidery/sewing! he's fascinated by it since it's such a delicate job that requires a lot of carefullness and patience. he likes to sit with his head in Lysander's lap and watch him do it
Vil had put them in a "there was only one bed" scenario during book 5, making them share Lysander’s bedroom (since there were more people living at Ramshackle than actually liveable rooms, they had to arrange everyone somehow)
Rook often compares Lysander to a hare and once bought him a hare plushie
there's some intersection between Rook's interest in hunting and Lysander’s interest in cooking; somehow, that ended up with Rook teaching Lysander how to skin a rabbit (i feel like i shouldn't be putting this point right after the previous one LMAO)
they actually really love teaching eachother how to do things they're interested in!! Rook had also taught Lysander how to climb trees, some archery and whittling (with varying degrees of success)
Rook has just. so many sketchbook pages filled solely with drawings of Lysander
Lysander very often steals borrows Rook's hoodies/shirts; he likes that they're soft and too big on him and smell like Rook. Rook also often steals borrows Lysander’s clothes — they're too small for him to wear obviously but he just likes Lysander’s smell
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boulette-of-paper · 2 months
YU-GI-OH “Historical” Headcannon
Hello, it's been quite some time. But finally, I took time to finish this draft!
Small necessary disclaimers :
⚠️ Excuse my english, I'm not native.
⚠️ It's hard to find the balance between historical and fun to write. So somethings I might have said in my previous post won't technically matter here.
Fandom : Yu-Gi-Oh (manga + anime)
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His mother died during childbirth. That would explain the absence of brother and sister.
He had a nurse, potentially Maana's mother since it was said they knew each other since childhood.
Aside from that he had a pretty lonely childhood, he is the future pharaoh, a god among the humans. So every relationship starts with a massive imbalance.
He lacked connection with people basically. (Except Mahad and Maana)
Pharoh used to be disconnected from their people, they were symbols before humans
He had and still has an issue with eye contact. Either he doesn't look at people at all or just fixes someone intensely. No in-between.
Young Atem couldn’t stay put unless someone was brushing his hair.
Even older he has a very soft spot and liking when he gets pampered. He loves long baths or when someone does his make-up or again brushing his hair.
Atem has no issues with nudity, again the clothes were very reviling,
Atem might be anxious when completely alone. He’s so used to being with all his servants, advisers etc. ect that when the silence finally arrives and his alone in his bed he tends to feel weird.
He adores cats. But, he used to be a bit too enthusiastic and a cat scratched him and since then he let them come to him but never engaged with them.
Atem would pass hours at the temple, and his surroundings would think of him as a very pious man, but it was for the cats AND for Priest Seto.
Priest Seto
Priest Seto has the longest and lushiest (?) hair known to exist.
He loves cats and cats love him back.
Priest Seto knows his eyeliner, he does it in the first stroke and it’s always perfect
Child Seto because of his blue eyes was looked at a lot, not in a bad way but more like he was unusual looking.
Seto’s eyes allowed him to be noticed by priests as a “Child of the Gods” since some shades of blue seem to be linked to the sky and the divine in ancient Egypt.
Seto loves to read, and temples were known to be filled with a lot of scriptures.
Seto is more in touch with the people than Atem, since priests were also magicians and doctors
Priest Seto is so loyal to the Pharaoh not only because Atem is the heir of the gods he worships but also because younger they both used to pet the temple’s cat.
Priest Seto is good at what Atem doesn’t like to deal with. That’s why even tho he’s young his one of Atem’s favourite ministers.
Seto likes to walk alone at night under the stars.
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Relationship Headcannons (I know you were looking for it)
But how do we end up in a relationship with those two cuties, and still be accurate historically ?? Well, my friend here is what I could think of.
Atem :
To be 1st wife material, sadly you’ll have to from the family OR a very very influential heir/heiress of a nobleman.
If you’re not 1st wife material > You’ll have to be part of his harem as either: a skilled person or maybe an heiress of an enemy tribe who has been vanquished or is in alliance.
Wait let me explain, Harem in ancient Egypt isn’t what we commonly think. The pharaoh’s harem was, surely to entertain the Pharaoh but also to showcase skill and the Egyptian culture in a way.
So we can imagine here so very skilled shadow game players or very beautiful dancers etc.
Seto :
Find no source to say that priest took a celibacy oath so you can imagine anything you want.
(Personally, I have my small fantasy of forbidden love between him and an OC priestess because I love drama)
Here you have it. It’s not much but hope it at least entertains one or two people. I might have one or two more ideas but who knows. Have a lovely day
If you have any questions please to ask me and if you need sources again ask 😽
Bisous Bye <3
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another-lost-mc · 5 months
which of your OCs most likely to (accidentally) break the no kiss rule...? (If they’re in a fwb sort of relationship with mc but maybe secretly have feeling for them)
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I think demons and angels would be confused about such a rule. Kink and relationship negotiations? Sure, those make sense. But no kissing?
NSFW under the cut.
The angels who’ve never heard such a request before might want an explanation or reason for why such a simple act is disallowed. (Metatron is taking notes as if it’s some cultural revelation, by the way, so hopefully you can articulate the reasons in excruciating detail for him.)
The demons are just as baffled by the rule. Some of them are a bit more incredulous when they ask you about it.
“So, you want me to split you open with my cock or choke you with it on the regular, but kissing is where you draw the line? Really?”
Of course, they’re all horny and eager to get their hands on you so they’ll agree to your terms - even the stupid ones - and assume you'll change your mind eventually. Most of them don't think they'll break first (and of course, some of them are proven wrong).
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AZRA: He’s passionate by nature and even with casual partners, he can’t stop himself from kissing them. The “no kiss rule” wasn’t his idea, but he agreed to it anyway. When his feelings deepen, he’s the first one tempted to break the rule — what kind of human nonsense is that, anyway?
TENEBRIS: Similar to Azra, physical intimacy is one of the main ways he expresses his romantic feelings and desire for someone. If he catches feels and finds himself tempted to break the rule, he’s more likely to call off the arrangement entirely than to torment himself with the hope of more if he’s not sure MC returns his feelings.
BELIAL: Acts like he doesn't care about the rule at all. That's perfectly fine with him - he’ll kiss you everywhere except your mouth. When his feelings grow more intense over time, so do the little kisses and nibbles and scrapes of teeth that he lavishes your body with, everywhere except those tempting lips of yours. If you ask him to kiss you properly, he’ll scold you - with the most insincere pout he can muster - and remind you that this was your one stipulation all along. He's just doing what you requested from the start. Perhaps if you’re brave enough to tell him why you changed your mind, he’ll reward you with the proper kiss you both want so desperately.
METATRON: He’s never had a partner that didn’t want to be kissed, and he is very affectionate. Not only is he tempted to break the rule almost from the start, he’s probably the first one to break it outright. He’ll feel bad if he does because the last thing he wants to do is make you think he doesn’t care about your wishes.
SERAPHIEL: He’s not as impulsive as Metatron or Azra. He’s disciplined and if he agrees to do something - or to not do something, in this case - he can easily oblige. If he finds himself struggling with the temptation to kiss you, he’ll bring it up and discuss whether that part of your arrangement is flexible.
ZEE: He doesn’t like mixing business and pleasure, especially not when the potential arrangement comes with all sorts of arbitrary rules or requests attached. He’s not so desperate that he would agree to something like that, not when he literally has his pick of any demon (or witch/sorcerer) that visits the club anytime he feels a little pent up. ***Pretending he did: he would not break the rule.
KARASU: He doesn’t engage in casual sex. It’s not something he likes or wants and it bothers him that someone would want his body or casual company but not want him for more than that. ***Pretending he did: he would probably break the rule fastest out of all the OCs.
GABRIEL & URIEL: They’re not interested in casual partners, whether they share someone together or see someone separately. ***Pretending they did: Neither of them would break the rule, but Uriel would struggle more than Gabriel.
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everlasting-rainfall · 9 months
-Headcanons about the Figarland Family-
Hey so this is me having come up with some bullshit that I use to further think up scenarios about an OC of mine known as Esther and her relationship with Figarland Garling
I figured that I would post them just for fun also just to clarify something, I DO NOT AND WILL NEVER CONDONE THE ACTIONS OF ANY CELESTIAL DRAGON
I might love Garling and I understand that the man is an absolute horrid human being like honestly if I wasn’t so sure that I would die then I would try to take his ass out if I saw him in real life but I can’t fight him so I’ll just run
In fiction world though, I wouldn’t mind if he forced me to stand at the altar and say I Do while wearing a white dress…
If you have any problems with that then please just scroll on by…
Death, Execution, Celestial Dragons, SPOILER WARNING, Kidnapping, Yandere, Forced Pregnancy,
-The Figarland Family is not only known for their status and power alongside Garling being a champion but because they make incredibly powerful warriors
-But not only that, they make a lot of incredibly talented weapons smiths as well like I have an OC named Berkley who is Garling’s brother and he’s an incredibly skilled weapon smith
-The stuff that has come out of the more weapon smithing members of the family is quite impressive like they’re incredibly high end and don’t allow just anyone to have them
-Typically the really good weapons are handed to the fighters of the family while the not so great weapons are what’s given to people outside the family
-The Figarland Family has quite a few hunting/guard dogs like they’re all Tibetan Mastiff’s and they are some of the scariest and most terrifying dogs you will ever see
-People have legit horror stories about those things calling them hellhounds and things like it’s rare to meet a person in the holy land who don’t know about those things
-They are well trained, well groomed, well cared for, and know exactly how to mess you up
-No one knows that if you’re a member of the Figarland Family then these guys are total sweethearts, they enter serious mode whenever there’s a visitor or they’re outside or they have specific orders to be in serious mode
-They have a leader too and it’s a little Pomeranian that all of the Tibetan Mastiff’s listen to like these dogs stand at attention the second that the Pom barks in a specific way
-The Pom is an old dog but it’s not to be messed with and it’s been seen legit herding the mastiff’s like they’re a bunch of sheep
-Garling didn’t see the point of the Pom when he was younger and disrespected it once… Don’t ask what happened but know that he now knows that the Pom is very important and whatever you do, never mention his leg scar…
-The Dogs typically get very protective around the younger members of the family like there’s an old picture of Shanks (I subscribe to the idea that Garling is Shanks Dad) as a baby cuddled up with one of the dogs
-They also are the best friends of any Yandere members of the family as they’ll go serious mode and watch over the Darling when the Yandere isn’t around
-Garling spends at least an hour in front of the mirror every morning doing his hair, it’s even longer when he’s older and has the beard
-It’s a hairstyle that the men of the family share like if Shanks grew up around them then it’s very likely that he would have eventually been made to grow his hair out and adopt the hairstyle that his father and all the other men do
-The women of the family don’t have to do it and are pretty much allowed to wear their hair however they want just so long as it’s not like even something that the person with the weirdest hairstyle would find weird like I’m talking styling your hair into branches and hanging ornaments off of it
-Garling despite having a lot of celestial dragon bitches in love with him has absolutely no interest in any of them like he gets at least five love letters a day but he typically gets rid of them
-He has no interest in them and he doesn’t intend to have interest anytime soon as when he eventually falls in love, he wants that to be the one
-The one he dates, the one he marries, the one he makes birth his children, the one he stays loyal to
-That’s the one that he’ll personally pursue and he doesn’t give a shit what status they are as he’ll take them and just keep them in his home, they’ll never leave him and he’ll make sure of that
-This man is a natural born Yandere and I can’t be convinced otherwise…
-So as a result, Shanks mother/Garling’s spouse is still locked up in the house and not allowed to leave unless she’s accompanied by Garling himself or another family member but only if it’s an emergency
-Besides his S/O, Garling currently lives alone at the Figarland House like it’s just him and his S/O alongside the guard dogs
-He enjoys it as it’s good for quiet relaxation time whenever he doesn’t have to train or handle the other Holy Knights and that way as well, he’s able to listen for the footsteps of his S/O better
-As for where his brother, Berkley who I mentioned earlier lives? He lives on the property just not in the main house like he has a smaller house somewhere else on the property where he lives and handles everything
-It’s really the same for any other members of the family as well, they don’t live at the main house as that house is reserved for the head of the family to live in and when Garling’s father died. That became him
-If you feel lucky enough or if you’re desperate enough then if you find yourself being sentenced to death by Garling then you can actually propose a duel where if you win then you go free and if Garling wins then the execution continues
-Garling has accepted quite a few of these duels and has always come out as the winner with his fastest victory being seven seconds, he knows that he will never be defeated so he isn’t afraid in the slightest to take on these duels as they can be good fun in his own personal opinion
-However if Garling really doesn’t feel up to it or is in a hurry then he’ll either deny your request, allow one of the Holy Knights to fight you instead, or kill you right where you stand if you continue to insist or provoke him enough
-Doesn’t matter to him none
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daycourtofficial · 16 days
So I got toooo ambitious with @erisweekofficial and that means unfortunately no fics today (a problem I cannot say I’ll have tomorrow!) but I wanted to talk a little about a series I’ll be working on (featuring a little sneak peek at the end 👀). I had an idea for the war/adventure theme, but the idea I had was too ambitious to be limited to a one-shot and I prioritized one shots for Eris Week over this story. It’ll eventually develop into either an x oc or x reader fic.
I wanted to explore the idea that Eris tries to take down Beron, his ambitions for the throne becoming overwhelming to the point he miscalculates and fails. Instead of killing him outright, Beron plays with him by leaving his barely alive body in a place Eris would never expect: the human lands.
What happens to Eris when he’s fallen short of his life’s work? How can he return to claim what he thinks is rightfully his? How will the people of the human lands react to his presence?
A snippet of My teeth and ambitions are bared below!!
The sky was bright above Eris as he opened his eyes, his head pounding as he took in the pale blue sky. The air smelt of wildflowers and dirt. His eyes widened as he tried to feel his limbs, his bones aching deep within him.
His limbs screamed in pain, causing him to swallow harshly. The past week came back to him in flashes and burns on his skin.
The failed coup.
His banishment from Autumn.
How his father and brothers had taken turns burning and shredding his skin just to watch it regrow. His stomach churned at the memory, the smell of burnt flesh filling his nose.
For once in his life, Eris had no clue where he laid. The sun was high in the sky - so it was just past midday. The air was warm, so definitely not Autumn nor Winter. The sun was visible, so the brutes didn’t leave him Under the Mountain for any of Amarantha’s lingering creatures to find him.
Was he in Night? Had his father caught wind of his failed allyship and was rubbing salt in the wound? Or was he still unsuspecting, leaving Eris in a court of brutes and thugs?
If he were in Night, surely that annoying spymaster would have found him.
He certainly wasn’t in Dawn - the entire court glowed in hues of pink and purple, as if a small girl’s imagination threw up on the sky.
His only options now were Day, Spring, and Summer. Perhaps the continent. Not the continent. Vanserras did not travel by boat. Even to excommunicate a traitor.
His father wouldn’t have allowed him to be left in Day - Helion would surely take in Eris, potentially winning back the Lady of Autumn.
Spring or Summer?
Beron despised both High Lords - it would be a miserable existence for Beron to be subjected to the beaches of Summer, where fae wore very little in the way of clothing to escape the heat. Spring wouldn’t be much better - Beron hated anything that bloomed or was bright in color.
Eris sniffed the air, a twinge of pain through his nose as he did so. He couldn’t smell the ocean, so not Summer. The air smelt like manure as he rose from the ground.
Must be in Spring.
He dusted off the front and back of his trousers, carefully ignoring the burnt edges before he began walking.
His tongue moved through his mouth, counting his teeth. All intact. Peering up at the sun, it appeared to be a little past midday. How much time had passed? Had it been days since his failed assassination?
He turned, trying to find anything to fixate on as he spun in a circle. Nothing for miles, stuck in some grassland area.
The sun sets in the west and Autumn is in the east. It was just past midday, the sun just a smidge in the western direction for him to start moving toward Autumn.
His father wouldn’t take kindly to such betrayals, but Eris had to figure out something. Tamlin’s estate was a few day’s walk from the Autumn border. He could make his way there and live off the land without Tamlin noticing. Eris could probably storm the Spring Manor and Tamlin wouldn’t notice. He looked around, nothing really special about the landscape standing out to him. 
Was this what Spring had become? A downtrodden High Lord could do this much damage? Maybe Eris shouldn’t even bother with Beron - he could probably flick his wrist and take over Spring. That would cause quite a stir.
The air around him smelled foul, like horse stalls untended. He stopped, sniffing the air once more to find himself cringing inwardly at the scent. His head whipped around quickly, trying in vain to find the source, not wanting to accept it.
He heard voices in the distance, an almost grating edge to them that made him want to cover his ears. He was still too weak to winnow and could probably only make it a hundred feet if he really tried.
He was stuck. He swallowed harshly, trying to quell his irritation at the voices.
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