#transformer prime Hotwire
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radicalredrasp · 4 days ago
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My TFA oc, a mini-con who’s an assassin willing to finish any bot for a good price.
While the hot pink of her paint job may get rid of the element of surprise that an assassin would need, she more than makes up for it in speed and agility. Pink is after all the colour of energon in the TFA series, so she is symbolically covered in it. (By that I mean blood)
She comes equipped with a built in hot wiring kit and a static blaster, which allows her to stun or immobilize her enemies. She also had elongating limbs, they’re fun to mess around with when I draw her ngl.
As the name implies she has a hot temper. While, not ideal for the job, can benefit her in some ways. Quick decision making. Where she stirs in an idea. Ex: If someone does her wrong or costs her a potential client, she will hang onto that bitterness and make sure they suffer severely. Her acts of revenge are well thought out and cruelly catered to the bot (or human) in question.
Even with her fiery attitude and clear resentment issues- she does have a warped sense of justice. She sanctifies violence, believing it to be the only way to enact change. She doesn’t work for a specific faction (ooooh spooky) but does want to help anyone she has the time for. But a lot of her ‘help’ comes from what she thinks is right for others.
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planetformer-central · 10 months ago
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"The old gods walk among us. They wear our faces and mimic our voices. We just can't see through their veils anymore." -Hotwire of Hexima
I've been building lore for my oc Hotwire. The drawing is messy, but I was consumed by pure vibes and no patience. Being old at dirt, he's seen many things. He knows what lurks amongst Cybertron's citizens. He knows the other Primes yet live, and he wants nothing to do with their grand game. But when called upon, he will still play his part.
Alpha Trion has made use of his particular skillset many times in order to set certain plans in motion.
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agentsquirrelsgotrobots · 1 year ago
Hi Squirrel!
I got an entertaining wacky crossover question if you're willing to hear me out.
if Jason Todd/Red Hood fell into a portal and got Isakaied into a Transformers world who would he accidentally try to hotwire? I'm thinking Jazz would be funny just based on personality but I'm not sure whether Jason'd try to jack an official vehicle because of the added hassel.
I like this idea.
Definitely not Jazz or Prowl, but I would find it funny if Jason tried to hotwire Bumblebee (as a nod to Batman the animated series, and Bruce's undercover car being a yellow bug) and Jazz had to intervene before Jaskn could actually harm Bumblebee, or get energon on himself.
Of course, Jazz would try his sirens first, but after Bumblebee let's our a panicked squeak after Jason puncture a minor energon line and runs the rusk at getting the skin irritant all over his face and hands, Jazz blows his cover, gently pulling Jason out of Bumblebee and setting him inside the nearby hidden Batmobile. Jason, of course, tries to steal the tires, and that gets the ball rolling with Canon.
Maybe Bumblebee ends up crashing a car auction so Bruce buys him for the batcave.
Maybe Jason just buys him as his first independently bought car, but Bumblebee finds his way back to him eventually, glad that Bruce had at least taken good care of him physically, though he could use some Optimus Prime wisdom and some Arcee mother henning, but Alfred seems to be trying his best.
I am thinking plenty of fluff, little in the way of Decepticons or anything like that. Just a rarely used stakeout car that sometimes has a few new dentd and the occasional blue leak that sometimes disappears randomly.
In terms of iskai,
G1: Red Hood would end up making deals with the decepticons, while Jason would and, at least off screen, does kill for any autobot in peril. This might be a bit of a problem.
Prime: he's Miko with a gun. The series is much, much shorter once he realizes that the eyes are a weak point.
TFA: becomes a villain of the week. Mostly, he cleans up the worst parts of Detroit and stays out of the bots' way.
Rescue Bots: sees the giant cop bot and books it. He ain't touching that with a ten foot pole.
Earthspark: massacres GHOST. There's blood on the ceiling of several warehouses. Mandroid is dead before he even meets the director. Jason doesn't even know the terrans exist, just stumbles across an obvious meta-alien-robot-something trafficking ring and lets loose.
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askvectorprime · 4 years ago
Dear Victor Prime, happy for your comeback, Onyx Prime will not like my superficial and unimportant question, but I really want to know: Is Rachet the brother of Medex's mother or his father’s brother?
Dear Familial Friend,
Cybertronian reproduction is not always as straightforward as that of organics—especially since, on this particular version of Cybertron, almost all Transformers arose from the Well of All Sparks. During the pre-war days, in the years before Megatron’s declaration of war the AllSpark measured out sparks on a regular, predictable basis, its steady pulses the thrumming heartbeat of our civilization. But as Cybertron healed and Autobots and Decepticons rebuilt, it seemed as though the newly reinvigorated artifact had a will of its own and was determined to make up for lost time. The first pulse alone birthed more than thirty Cybertronians; the second, double that. Perhaps this was the way that the AllSpark sought to knit a divided planet: whatever grudges they held against one another, the flood of innocent new lives onto a broken Cybertron forced Autobots and Decepticons to come together and establish a safety net, however rudimentary, for these new Cybertronians. In time, these first frantic pulses subsided to a more reasonable rate, but by that point Cybertron had already established a robust postwar system by which newborns received a basic education and workplace training from one or more volunteer proto-batch initiators—after all, nobody was particularly eager to return to the caste system of old that had kickstarted the entire war. 
Thus, Medix and his many “siblings” from batch 221—Cheetor, Rubble, Holi, Sqweeks, Wheelie, Gauge, Mudflap, Brains, Nightscream, and Hammerbyte—were placed into the care of the ex-Decepticon Hotwire. Born with a natural sense of compassion and empathy for other living beings, the young ‘bot took an interest in his caretaker’s old life as a frontline field surgeon, and eventually expressed an interest in pursuing his own career in medicine. Eventually, Hotwire apprenticed Medix out to Ratchet, who became his caretaker for some time until events beyond his control would force Ratchet offworld—so while the more accurate translation would be a combination of “apprentice-caretaker-who-shares-my-profession” I understand that the term “uncle” is a snappier way of expressing this kind of quasi-familial relationship.
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karlyanalora · 3 years ago
Can you do 7 for the Transformers prompts?
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Boy this one was popular. Hope you both enjoy it!
Despite popular belief, Lugnut and Megatron’s friendship is a two-way street. Megatron does listen to Lugnut. And when Lugnut disagrees with him, it’s a serious red flag. It takes a few solar cycles to realize the random transwarping was caused by a plasma dynamic thruster. Eager to escape Starscream, Lugnut discovered a small room within the ship that just barely comfortably fit him. Not big enough for a berth, but Lugnut had long figured out how to recharge without such luxuries. He ripped a panel off the wall and hotwired himself into the circuitry below and slept sitting up.
The dreams were immediate and they were clearly Omega Supreme’s thoughts. Lugnut had suspected this might happen; he’d dealt with Titans before. But the contents were surprising.
Omega was scared. He didn’t want to hurt anyone, much less his friends. He didn’t want to fight and he felt bad about having to. He just wanted to protect people.
“Ratchet,” he would cry, “I’m scared. I miss you, Ratchet. I don’t know what do.”
It hurt Lugnut’s spark to hear. This wasn’t a hardened Autobot. Omega was like any other cold-constructed mech; young and forced into a role they neither understood nor desired. A mech the Decepticons had sworn to free.
Manually controlling him now felt a lot like Shadow Play. A lot like what had happened to Lugnut when the Council stole his face. Something he had sworn to put a stop two.
On the fourth solar cycle, Lugnut approached Megatron.
The Decepticon leader was in a rare moment away from Starscream and the bridge of Omega Supreme.
“My Lord,” Lugnut said tentatively.
Megatron instantly straightened. While he was certainly one to pit Lugnut and his other followers against each other in a bootlicking contest, he did actually did value the brute. And that tone meant it was time to pay attention.
“Yes, Lugnut?”
Lugnut was tapping his pincers together nervously and avoiding optic contact. “I’ve been thinking…about…Omega Supreme. I, erm, hotwired him for some recharge away from Starscream’s nagging.”
Megatron smiled dryly. “A wise course of action.”
“While recharging, I have been privy to some of his thoughts. What I found was…well, Ithinkwhatwearedoingiswrong.”
Megatron blinked, his CPU whirling to decipher what Lugnut had just said. “What?”
“What we are planning to do to him, using him to fire on his friends like a puppet, it’s Shadow Play, my Lord. He’s just another cold-constructed mech just like…you. The kind of mech we swore to save.”
Megatron was quiet for a moment. “But we are saving him. Once the Autobots are destroyed…”
Lugnut’s optic darkened. “You’d have to rewrite his personality for him to ever see that as a good thing.”
Oh. That would definitely be Shadow Play, Megatron thought. He shut his mouth and listened.
“Using him to hurt Ratchet would be like you being forced to kill Terminus. I have seen his memories of the medic. He is a mech like Terminus and has been a good mentor and friend to Omega. We can’t do this; it’s wrong!”
“Then what are we supposed to do?” Megatron asked sincerely.
“Let him cart us off to Trypticon Prison and let the rest of our people starve and dwindle to extinction? Give him back to the Autobots so he can kill us another day? What should I do?”
Lugnut’s voice was soft. “You once believed we could find peace between the two Cybertronian races. If it is to be done, Optimus Prime is the leader the Autobots need. Together, you two could change things. But first, we have to change. Tell me, would Terminus approve of the things you’ve done? Of how you’ve driven Starscream to hate you, he who once saw you as a sire?”
Megatron fell silent for a long time. So long Lugnut almost left.
“No.” Megatron turned away. “Set a course for Earth and raise the truce signal. We will try peace one last time.”
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suite43 · 4 years ago
PS Neither the egg fic nor the vegan freak have anything to do with M/gastar before you try it. That's all pure Starscream stanning, baby. And one of them is St/rop, the supposedly ""good""" ship LOL.
List of female Transformers Main Complete list Following is a thorough list of the various female Transformers in canon thus far. Many of these characters were Japan-exclusive, featured only in fiction, or exist as limited-run exclusive toys. Female characters who had multiple toys are listed only once. Generation 1 (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Chromia (1) Moonracer (2) Firestar (3) Elita One (4) Greenlight (5) Lancer (6) Arcee (7) Beta (8) An Autobot rebel (9) Paradron Medic (11) Nancy (12) Minerva (13) Clipper (14) Karmen (18) Glyph (20) Road Rage (21) Discharge[1] (22) Windy[1] (23) Vibes (24) Roulette (25) Flareup (32) Flip Sides (34) Rosanna (35) Windrazor (38) Thunderblast (46) Cassiopeia (47) Nautica (51) Windblade (52) Victorion (61) Velocity (63) Javelin (62) Proxima (64) Roadmaster (65) Acceleron (66) Override (69) Rust Dust (70) Pyra Magna (71) Skyburst (72) Stormclash (73) Jumpstream (74) Dust Up (75) Scorpia[1] (76) Eos (80) Lifeline (83) Quickslinger (84) Hotwire[2] (98) Strongarm (99) Slide[2] (104) Crush Bull[2] (107) Oiler[2] (108) Broadside[2] (109) Sky High[2] (110) Circuit[2] (116) Pyra Ignatia Spark[2] (118) Scorchfire (122) Orthia (126) Smashdown[2] (128) Esmeral (15) Lyzack (16) Clio (17) Nightracer (19) Shadow Striker (26) Howlback (31) Flamewar (33) Flip Sides (34) Crasher (39) Freezon[1] (44) Nightracer (49) Slipstream (50) Twirl (54) Nickel (60) Swift (77) Killjoy (79) Blackout[2] (81) Spaceshot[2] (82) Crash Test (85) Trickdiamond (92) Moonheart (93) Megaempress (94) Flowspade (95) Lunaclub (96) Megatronia (100) Buckethead[1] (103) Diveplane[1] (112) Seawave[1] (113) Mindgame (114) Tracer[2] (115) Devastator[2] (117) Cindersaur[2] (125) Shadow Striker (127) Nova Storm[2] (129) Termagax (133) Kaskade (135) Heavywait (138) Tyrannocon Rex (139) Cheesecake robot (10) Roulette and Shadow Striker's sister (27) Path Finder (28) Small Foot (29) Devcon's galpal (30) One of Optimus Prime's rescuees (36) Angela (37) Four members of the Kaon upperclass (40-43) Ma-Grrr (45) Red waitress Transformer (48) Windshear (53) Solus Prime (55) Female protester (56) Lightbright (57) Strafe (58) Mistress of Flame (59) Exocet (67) Vertex (68) Aileron (78) Gnash (86) Slice (87) Thrashclaw (88) Shred (89) A pair of Devisen twins (90-91) Maxima (97) Sieg[3] (101) Kari (102) Anode (105) Lug (106) X-Throttle (111) Rum-Maj (119) Praesidia Magna (120) Fastbreak (121) Crash Test (122) Stardrive (123) Magrada (124) Leviathan (130) Codexa (131) Gauge (132) Lodestar (134) Shutter (136) Sharpclaw (137) Cargohold (140) Half-qualifiers: Alana, turned into a Transformer for a short time. Aunty, female Cybertronian intelligent computer. Combination granny and attack-dog-bots, human-sized drones supposedly based on Transformer technology. One of Maccadam's bartenders Nightbird Overlord, has a female side to him. Some of the "Teletraan" computers like 15 and 10 are female. There appears to be a female design among a group of old generics. Bayonet, the fake female Decepticon disguise of Britt. In the French dub of The Transformers: The Movie, Shrapnel and Starscream are considered female. Shrapnel is also female in the Russian dub. Beast Era (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Airazor (2) Kitte Shūshū (5) Rage (6) Botanica (7) Sonar[1] (13) Crystal Widow (14) Crossblades (15) Stiletto (16) Transmutate[1] (18) Binary (19) Wedge Shape[1] (24) Aura (25) Legend Convoy[1] (26) Stockade[2] (28) Rav (29) Hammerstrike[2] (31) Triceradon[2] (35) Skimmer (36) Nyx (44) Blackarachnia (1) Scylla (3) Antagony (4) Strika (8) Manta Ray[1] (17) Ser-Ket (20) Dead-End[2] (27) Jai-Alai (30) Max-B[2] (32) Gaidora (33) Soundbyte/Soundbite (34) Liftoff (37) Freefall (38) Snarl-blast[2] (39) Vertebreak (43) Skold (45) Libras (9) Virgol (10) Cancix[1] (11) Possibly Sagittarii (12) Dipole (21) Vamp (22) Plasma[2] (23) Deep Blue (40) At least two bridge officers of the Terrastar (41-42) Half-qualifiers: NAVI-ko, female Cybertronian intelligent computer NAVI (Yukikaze), female Cybertronian intelligent computer NAVI (Gung Ho), female Cybertronian
intelligent computer DNAVI, female Cybertronian intelligent computer Medusa, an Intruder-built robot modified with Cybertronian technology Robots in Disguise (2001) (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Optimus Prime[2] (1) Nightcruz[1] (3) Scourge[2] (2) Half-qualifiers: T-AI, female Cybertronian intelligent computer. Unicron Trilogy (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Airazor (5) Arcee (9) Autobot nurses (10) Two Velocitronian band members (11-12) Override[4] (13) Joyride[4] (15) Quickslinger (16) Crystal Widow (24) Treadbolt (33) Chromia (34) Thunderblast (14) Spacewarp (30) Sureshock (1) Combusta (2) Falcia (3) Twirl (4) Sunburn (6) Cliffjumper[1] (7) Ironhide[1] (8) Spiral[1] (9) Offshoot[1] (17) Breakage[1] (18) Kickflip[1] (19) Mudbath[1] (20) Heavy Metal[1] (21) "Disco ball" (22) Road Rebel[1] (23) Guardian Speed[1] (25) Mugen[1] (26) Bingo/Triac[1] (27) Wedge Shape[1] (28) Sprite (29) Boom Tube (31) Windrazor (32) Rán (33) Half-qualifiers: A possible scooterformer Dark Nitro Convoy, evil clone of a character whose gender was switched in translation Red Alert, minimally-altered release of a toy that was female in Japan Midnight Express, unaltered release of a toy that was female in Japan Hourglass, a female character who might be a Cybertronian Bombshell, a female character who might be a Cybertronian Carillon, a female character who might be a Cybertronian Vector Prime, the former multiversal entity who was female in some universes Movie continuity family (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Arcee (1) Elita-One (2) Chromia (4) Perihelion (8) HMS Alliance (9) Windblade (13) Fracture (3) Alice (5) Shadow Striker (6) Override[3] (7) Diabla (10) Howlback (11) Shatter (12) Nightbird Airazor Half-qualifiersJetfire claims to have a mother who may or may not have been a Transformer. Animated (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Sari Sumdac (2) Arcee (3) Elita-1 (4) Red Alert (6) Botanica (8) Flareup (10) Rosanna (11) Glyph (12) Lickety-Split (13) Lightbright (14) Chromia (16) Clipper (17) Quickslinger (18) Kappa Supreme (19) Override Prime (20) Windy (21) Road Rage (25) Flashpoint (26) Minerva (27) Sureshock (28) Nightbeat (29) Sunstreaker (30) Blackarachnia (1) Slipstream (5) Strika (7) Flip Sides (9) Antagony (15) Wingthing (22) Beta (23) Drag Strip (24) Half-qualifiers: Teletran-1, female Cybertronian intelligent computer TransTech (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Blackarachnia (5) Strika (3) Unnamed medic (1) Andromeda (2) Cyclis (4) Sonar (6) Hammerstrike (7) Scorpia (8) Proxima (9) Half-qualifiers: Axiom Nexus News Editor, a 'bot with one male and one female personality Shattered Glass (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Crasher (1) Esmeral (6) Howlback (7) Arcee (2) Andromeda (3) Elita-One (4) Strongarm (8) Windblade (9) Nautica (10) Beta (5) Half-qualifiers: Teletraan-X, female Cybertronian intelligent computer. Aligned continuity family (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Akiba Prime Arc Arcee Arcee Blade Assault Star Brushfire Cameo Catapult Chevalier Chromia Deep Blue Ether Walker Firestar Galaxy Flare Galaxy 'Questrian Glow Matronly Docent Quickshadow Rocket Plume Solus Prime Strongarm Tempest Spin Thunderclap Upkeep Windblade Airachnid Astraea Aurora Speeder Balewing Coldstar Crimson Phantom Cyberwarp Cyclone Dancer Diabla Duststorm Fallen Angel Filch Flamewar Flash Runner Glowstrike Hoverbolt Helter-Skelter Hurricane Hunter Ida Lensflare Metal Thunder Nebula Ripper Night Dancer Overhead Retrofit Rollcage Scatterspike Skyjack Slink Slipstream Spiral Zealot Supernova Flame Variable Star Void Pulse Zizza Ser-Ket Ripclaw Azimuth Cogwheel Elita One Mercury Moonracer Nightra Override Bot Shots (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Buzzclaw (1) Kre-O (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Chromia (1) Arcee (3) Strika (4) Minerva (5) Windblade (6) Paradron Medic (10) Strongarm (12) Skimmer[1] (13) Airachnid (2) Thunderblast (7) Blackarachnia (8) Slipstrike (9) Ida (11) Liftoff[1] (14) Freefall[1] (15) Angry Birds Transformers (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Stella as:Arcee
(1) Airachnid (2) Chromia (4) Novastar (10) Moonracer (11) Greenlight (12) Silver as:Windblade (3) Energon Windblade (5) Elita-One (8) Matilda as:Energon Nautica (6) Nautica (7) Strongarm (9) Zeta as:Nightbird (13) Rosanna (15) Zeta as:Slipstream (14) Cyberverse (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Arcee Chromia Clobber Jazz[3] Windblade Alpha Strike Nova Storm Shadow Striker Skywarp Slipstream Blackarachnia Cosmos Operatus Solus Prime Half-qualifiers: In the Japanese dub of Cyberverse, Thrust was female, and went by the name Red Wing. Acid Storm fluctuates between the male and female Seeker body types in show. Mae Catt would explain this on Twitter as this being "just something Acid Storm likes to do" and that pronouns are "up to Acid Storm". This would imply Acid Storm is non-binary gender fluid, thus they semi-qualify for the list. BotBots (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Aday Angry Cheese Arctic Guzzlerush Bankshot Big Cantuna Bok Bok Bok-O Bonz-Eye Bot-T-Builder Bottocorrect Bratworst Brock Head Chef Nada Clawsome Crabby Grabby Cuddletooth Dingledeedoo Disaster Master Disgusto Desserto DJ Fudgey Fresh Doctor Flicker Drama Sauce Drillit Yaself Face Ace Fail Polish Fit Ness Monster Flare Devil Flood Jug Fomo Frohawk Frostfetti Frostyface Glam Glare Fancy Flare Glitch Face Goggly Spy P.I. Gold Dexter Goldface Goldiebites Goldie Terrortwirl Goldito Favrito Goldpin Baller Gold Punch Grampiano Grandma Crinkles Grave Rave The Great Mumbo Bumblo Greeny Rex Grrr'illa Grimes Halloween Knight Handy Dandy Hashtagz Hawt Diggity Hawt Mess Highroller Hiptoast Ice Sight Javasaurus Rex Jet Setter Knotzel Latte Spice Whirl Leafmeat Alone Loadoutsky Lolly Licks Lolly Mints Miss Mixed Movie Munchster Ms. Take Must Turd Nanny McBag Nomaste Nope Soap Ol' Tic Toc Ollie Bite Outta Order Overpack Pop N. Lock Pop O' Gold Pressure Punk Professor Scope Rebugnant Roarista Sandy Shades Scribby Sheriff Sugarfeet Shifty Gifty Sippyberry Sippy Slurps Skippy Dippy Disc Slappyhappy Smooth Shaker Smore N' More Sour Wing Starscope Sticky McGee Sugar Saddle Super Bubs Sweet Cheat Technotic Sonic Terror Tale Torch Tidy Trunksky Tricitrustops Tropic Guzzlerush Tutu Puffz Twerple Burple Unilla Icequeencone Venus Frogtrap Vigitente Waddlepop Wasabi Breath Whirlderful Whoopsie Cushion Wristocrat
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cherryglossie · 4 years ago
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(m) Mature (h) Headcannons
Characters I write for:
Optimus Prime
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Hotwire [Ironhide x HumanFemale!Reader] - You try stealing a truck, but the truck fights back.
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awpcomics · 3 years ago
over 150 new titles in the online store!
hundreds of new books just added to the online store! listed here by company... Abstract studios: strangers in paradise TPB 6, strangers in paradise v.3 # 33, Absolute comics group: I make Boys Cry # 1, wayward legends # 2,Action lab: Jupiter Jet # 1 Aircel: Greenhaven # 1, samurai # 11Ahoy comics: Black's myth # 1Alias: Judo Girl # 1, Tenth muse # 2, Yenny # 6,A.M. Works: Pervert Club # 12American mythology productions: Kent Menace # 0Antarctic Press: Gold Digger vol. 2 # 42, vol.3 #'s 112,218, Gold digger annual #'s 3,18,ninja high school #'s 60, 75, ninja high school yearbook # 2, girls of ninja high school # 9,Chip pocket manga, exciting comics # 5, f-3 bandit #'s 8,9,10, fantastic panic vol. 2 #'s 1,2,3,Golden warrior Iczer one # 4, High stakes adventure # 1, Legacy TPB, Mystic edge # 1, pearl harbor the comic book # 1,the last Zombie TPB 1, Silvercross # 1, You Can Draw Manga TPB ,Anarchy  studios: Vampi # 20Aspen:  Iron & the maiden # 0,1,Big Dog Ink: Joan of Arc # 0Black Mask: destiny, NY #2Blind bat press: romantic eye # 1Blind ferret: Looking for group # 2Boom: Mighty Morphin power rangers # 43Bongo Comics: heroes anonymous # 1Caliber comics: Kaos Moon # 4CPM Manga: legend of lemnear # 17,Project a-ko vs the universe #'s 4, 5,  slayers # 5Continuity comics: Captain Power & the soldiers of the future # 2Crusade: Shi: way of the warrior # 3Dark Horse comics: Dirty Pair : fatal but not serious # 1,3, Dirty pair: run from the future # 4B,elfquest: stargazers hunt # 3, Gamera # 1,4, Mystery science Theatre 3000 the comic # 1,no one left to fight # 2, Oh my Goddess # 1Davdez: Dark island # 1Digital webbing: bloodrayne prime cuts # 3Dynamite: Damsels # 2, nancy drew # 5, invincible red sonja # 1, Sacred Six # 8,vampirella # 5, Vampirella: the dark powers # 1,Eclipse comics: eclipse monthly # 4, Fusion #'s 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,graphic visions: sol bianca # 1Helkion Comics: Galaxion TPB 1IDW: eve stranger # 1, Glow # 1little nemo # 2, the crow: hark the herald, the infinite loop #1,island of  dr. Moreau # 1,2, Transformers (2019) #2, Transformers/back to the future # 1B, read only memories # 3, starpig # 1, sukeban Turbo # 1,usagi Yojimbo # 2,Image Comics: feather # 1, gen 13 bootleg # 9Ironcat:  Iron cat #'s 1,2,Mad Cave: battlecats: tales of valderia # 1, Mad cave ones vol. 2, over the ropes # 1 preview, they fell from the sky # 1,Malibu:  Tarzan : the warrior # 1,3,5Marvel: kookaburra K  # 2 Monster comics:  King Kong # 5Mushroom Comics: Araknus # 1NBM : Boneyard # 3Oni Press:  another castle #'s 1, 2,3,5, Dryad # 1, Killer princesses # 1Panime Comics: Phantom quest corps # 1Possum Press: The Possum # 4Radical Comics: hotwire # 4Radio Comix : Furrlough # 57Red 5 Comics: Machine Girl & the space invaders # 1schism: Nasti: monster hunter # 2second sight publishing: lady freedom #'s 1,2,Sirius: Akiko on the planet smoo # 1 (2nd print), animal mystic # 3, Demongate # 2,6Slave Labor Graphics: nightmares & fairytales # 21source point press:  apocalypse Girl # 4,warcorns # 4super genius: WWE superstars # 1Vault:  a dark interlude # 1, shadow service # 1victory: shuriken # 8Viz: Pixy Junket #'s 3,6vortex: chaos breaker # 3Warp Graphics:  elf quest: blood of ten chiefs # 1, hawk & windblade # 1, elflord # 4, samurai # 1wildstorm: robotech: love & war # 2Zenescope: Monster planet # 2, tales from Oz # 2*faints* >o<
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bots-and-cons · 6 years ago
As something for scenario or hc; how would OP, UM and Bulk react to meeting the next human to join their crew through that person trying to Hotwire them (remember don’t do crimes kids, even if money’s tight it’s still illegal)?
Can you even hotwire a transformer? This reader will certainly try
~Ultra Magnus~
•He was kinda dozing off while waiting for the kids to come back from picking up food
•He sorta wakes up when he feels someone tug on the door handle
•He just assumes it’s the kids and opens the door
•He soon realizes it’s someone else entirely
•When someone pulls out his wires he is done
•He speaks like “what do you think you’re doing?”
•You freak out and try to leave but Magnus already locked the door so now you’re stuck
•Why does he always end up in these situations?
•He was parked outside the school when someone just hopped in and started opening him up
•You find the wires and try to start him up
•Bulk doesn’t know what he should do, but Miko luckily comes and is like “What are you doing?”
•You try to get out, but Bulk locked the door and now you’re stuck between the door and Miko
•”Should we take them with us?” Miko asked
•You’re like who the hell is this chick talking to
•Bulk answers and Miko hops in
•Now you’re on your way to who knows where and who the hell is driving?!
~Optimus Prime~
•He was resting a bit by the side of a road, when someone opened his door and jumped in
•He doesn’t know what to do, should he transform?
•Optimus decides to do so and catches you in his hand as you scramble out of the driver’s seat
•You freeze when this giant robot grabs you and you’re kinda like “h-hi”
•And then you pass out
•Optimus switches back to his alt-mode and drives to the base with you passed out on the passenger’s seat
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ao3feed-dratchet · 5 years ago
by towards_morning
Velocity is pretty happy with the lasting impact of her medical innovation on the Lost Light, all things considered. Whatever Ratchet says.
Words: 3151, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Transformers - All Media Types, The Transformers (IDW Generation One)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Rodimus | Rodimus Prime, Minimus Ambus, Ultra Magnus, Drift | Deadlock, Velocity (Transformers), Nautica (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers)
Relationships: Nautica/Velocity (Transformers), Drift | Deadlock/Ratchet, Rodimus Prime/Ultra Magnus, Minimus Ambus/Rodimus | Rodimus Prime
Additional Tags: Wire Play, Deepthroating, Oral Sex, Sticky Sexual Interfacing, Established Relationship, sex injuries, Semi-Public Sex, Masturbation, Rewiring, Unusual Erogenous Zones
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tfrarepairing · 6 years ago
Weekly Request Prompts for September 23, 2019
Hey everybody! Thanks so much for your patience with posting this week's prompt list. I spent the day resting and doing nothing more strenuous than playing some Fire Emblem, so I'm feeling quite a bit better. 
Here's a reminder to leave prompts for the Trick or Treat Challenge calendar if you were planning to, but haven't gotten to it yet. Since I put up the initial post so late, I'm leaving submissions open until 10am CDT on the 24th of September. (Tomorrow morning.) Just leave a comment on one of the announcement posts on Tumblr, Dreamwidth or Pillowfort OR shoot an email to [email protected] OR DM/PM mod eerian. Thanks!
Now, for this week's prompts!
Leading the way, just like it did in 1984, we've got G1!
Starscream / Jazz  -  visible
Roadrage / Soundwave  -  Hands down
Firestar / Red Alert  -  face
Shockwave / Hotwire  -  thanks
Fireflight / Ironhide  -  exceed
Next up, a little bit of Transformers Animated! 
Bumblebee / Ultra Magnus  -  No-brainer
Sentinel Prime / Optimus Prime  -  rush
Lugnet / Rodimus Minor  -  perspective
Bulkhead / Jazz  -  product
Megatron/Isaac Sumdac--property of
Up third, Transformers Prime and the Aligned Continuity! 
Soundwave/Starscream - reticent
Glowstrike / Shockwave  -  spot
Sideswipe / Ratchet  -  advise
Makeshift / Arcee  -  psychological
Steeljaw / Breakdown  -  impossible
Fourth, Beast Wars/Beast Machines! 
Rattrap / Rhinox  -  assistant
Waspinator / Optimus Primal  -  useful
Cheetor / Scorponok  -  Hit below the belt
Optimus Primal / Obsidian  -  double
Blackarachnia / Terrorsaur  -  long way from home
And we'll close with the IDW Comics (2005-18)
Rodimus / Arcee  -  clear
Aileron / Drift  -  contact
Megatron / Onslaught  -  shave
Brainstorm / Blurr  -  rise
Chromedome / Pyro  -  strange
Have fun, everyone! 
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askvectorprime · 4 years ago
What can you tell us about Aligned Wheelie?
Dear Wheelie Warrior,
Wheelie was part of the same large “batch” of fresh-forged protoforms that included Medix, an unruly brood under the care of the ex-Decepticon Hotwire. Unlike many of her “siblings,” however, Wheelie craved action from an early age, and indeed caused no small amount of trouble for her put-upon caregiver as she got into and out of one misadventure after the next—and had a bad habit of roping her fellow young Cybertronians into her escapades!
Indeed, Wheelie’s thirst for adventure led her to formally join the Autobots—although in the brief era of peace and reconciliation that came between Optimus Prime’s sacrifice and Cyclonus’s coup, she had little patience for diplomacy and decided to seek adventure offworld—her rugged, all-terrain vehicle form let her negotiate the sand dunes of Tasumo, the glaciers of Xetaxxis, or the jungles of Biosfera with ease. Wheelie's laid-back, survivalist lifestyle and digital travelogues proved popular—she became a minor celebrity on the rebuilt Cybertronian communications network for a time as she broadcast her various adventures across the galaxy. 
Unfortunately, when Cyclonus seized power, Wheelie was branded as an Optimus Prime sympathiser and banned from the communications hub. This setback didn’t hinder her good nature, however; indeed, she rode out most of the intervening three years camping on LV-117, where she mastered the local dialect. More recently, I understand that she’s currently planning a trip to Earth to reunite with her “little brother” Medix. I do hope that she doesn’t embarrass him too much!
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askvectorprime · 4 years ago
Are there any other Decepticons in the aligned continuity who were pardoned from their crimes like laserbeak?
Dear Redemption Researcher,
Indeed so—the Great War in that universe was a particularly destructive affair, and by the end of the long, long conflict many Decepticons had grown just as weary as their Autobot brethren. When Optimus Prime sacrificed himself to heal Cybertron, plenty of Decepticons landed in rusted warships and battered refugee vessels and promptly surrendered. As more and more Decepticon prisoners piled up, Ultra Magnus sought the services of the ex-Decepticon Tomb to establish a bipartisan commission to try and reintegrate what Decepticons they could into society. The Vehicons, for instance, had never been allowed to choose their side, and were acquitted of all crimes. Other pardoned Decepticons included Hotwire, Hoverbolt, Ursa Major, and Doomwings, who publicly renounced the Decepticon cause before settling into peaceful civilian lives.
Not all Decepticons could be so easily dealt with, however—in the weeks that followed Bulkhead and Arcee worked together to crack down on armed splinter cells, fanatic remnants of the Decepticon military who refused to believe that Megatron had surrendered, and bizarre underground cults that venerated Megatron as a living god. For those Decepticons who refused to lay down arms, the Autobots were forced to repurpose a number of civilian transport vessels into heavily-armed prison ships, intended to transport them to a distant prison colony in the Elba system—the worst of the worst, irredeemable ‘bots like Tarn, Turmoil, Heretech, Demolishor, or Deathsaurus. 
Unfortunately, like so many other Autobot plans, this institution would be hijacked by Cyclonus; once he’d infiltrated the provisional government and launched his coup that saw the Autobot ousted from the system they’d sought to build, the new High Council promptly began targeting and imprisoning all ‘bots who had ever worn the Decepticon badge, regardless of whether or not they’d renounced Decepticonism, loading them up onto prison ships and taking them off Cybertron… while also removing Cyclonus’s would-be rival Steeljaw from power. Common gangsters and street criminals would be scooped up and rebranded as “Decepticons”, overexaggerating the degree by which the Decepticons had infiltrated their society to keep the citizens of Cybertron paranoid. 
Those “prison ships” would be sent to the distant world of Pyrovar, a staging ground where Cyclonus could weed out those Decepticons who had not abandoned the cause, recruit newly-arrested ‘bots, then ship them back to Cybertron’s new “Trypticon Prison” to prepare for the birth of his neo-Decepticon empire. Of course, when the prison ship Alchemor suffered mechanical troubles over the planet Earth... well, you know the rest of that story.
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