#The only exception to that being the one time doc accidentally saw X with his helmet off
shepscapades · 23 days
Question abt the xisuma and keralis doodle in the cozy xisuma post;;
Do the hermit's not know what xisuma's face looks like and keralis is one of the only ones/the only one who knows, or do the hermit's know what his face looks like but we as the audience for some reason don't?
I think as far as I’ve decided, Keralis, Cleo, and Doc are the only hermits who have seen Xisuma’s face.
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mrfutureboy · 3 years
May I ask for some Trans Marty headcanons 👉👈🥺 (only if you want to ofc)
hi anon! for sure!
tho honestly im not sure i have many that are my own?? there are so many people in the fandom that spend more time thinking (in general) and that have come up with some amazing headcanons that i subscribe to so admittedly i havent spent as much time thinking up hc’s myself! well, maybe this isnt true in the case of marlene mcfly but this post isnt about her lol. so mostly this’ll probably end up being a list of things other people have said/pointed out. that said, if i mention a hc thats yours just be like “hey thats from my post!” and i’ll link u because i honestly cant remember who said what anymore
edit: added links to op’s of various hcs
so first of all, his layers. layers on layers on layers to hide the shape of his body is so trans masc of him. this is literally canon so it doesnt even count. (x, x)
but i’ll quickly mention some other things people have pointed out that are supported by canon: everyone calling him “mcfly” instead of his first name, twin pines lorraine not liking jennifer for no real reason except maybe thinking marty shouldnt be dating a girl at all (x)
i have NO idea what hrt was like in the 80s, if it were even available at all, but i like the hc that doc brews up some homemade testosterone for his good pal marty (x) man of all sciences, right? honestly doc was probably already making t for himself (trans doc ftw) and then marty came out to him and he was like i have just the thing.
going off that, doc probably helps him with his shots bc i think marty’s a big baby when it comes to needles.
again, resources in the 1980’s are not something i know about but given the climate and technology i doubt there was an extensive handbook on transmasculinity and safely binding. so marty’s methods of binding were probably not very safe, in terms of what he used and how long he wore it. tho @rovermcfly’s recent post about mjf’s harness looking like a binder (x)could support a hc that doc made marty a binder. as his friend and an elder trans guy you know he’s looking out for him. but when marty’s not binding…layers on layers on layers. side note i would hope marty wasnt wearing a binder when he got to 1955 cuz oh GOD he wouldve been wearing that for way too fucking long and with everything that physically happened to him in the first like 12 hrs of him being there he’d surely have some lasting damage
this is mostly a joke hc but marty comes to doc one day and is complaining about his chest while doc’s working on something, and towards the end of marty’s rant doc turns around holding up a knife and martys like whoa uhh im not so sure about that, doc and doc just turns back around. this doesnt ever happen again or get brought up so marty’s not sure if doc was kidding or not. also makes marty wonder if he’d done it before (doc’s got a flat chest after all) and then he starts looking around for stray squirrels with stitches a la frankensteins monster lol
i like @rovermcfly ‘s hc that marty saw “martin seamus” in his family tree and was like yep thats my name (x) which honestly fits really well with canon like how are you going to name ur first son david tiberius, ur daughter linda [no middlename], but then when you get to your third kid suddenly be like “lets do a really traditional family name”. Unlikely.
marty probably came out to doc first. doc quickly made him feel safe and loved and comfortable so yeah i can imagine doc knew before anyone else. and then jennifer and then lastly (maybe accidentally) his parents
Lorraine probably had a fucking conniption when marty first cut all his hair off. also i hate to say it but i feel like she was the least supportive parent (not that george was raving about it) in the twin pines timeline. all im going to say about lone pine lorraine here is that she came around faster (or at least started to) than her counterpart, my justification being the breakfast scene at the end of the movie compared to the dinner scene earlier re: jennifer
personally i dont feel like marty’s been out for longer than a few years but idk thats just a gut feeling i dont have anything else to say abt that
Umm yeah thats all i have to say atm! Thank u anon for the ask :3 and again, if anyone recognizes any posts ive referenced, please @ me so i can link them here!
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capsgrl · 3 years
Personal Angel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 7,903
Summary: Bucky Barnes joins the Avengers and finds himself drawn to the teams healer, but she’s keeping a secret. Will she finally heal him of the pain he experienced at the hands of Hydra.
Warnings: angst, blood, mentions of injury (only light detail), a couple of bad language words, let me know if I should add more.
Authors note: Please find 7k+ words of Bucky needing a hug and being the soft soldier he is. Reader is a healer and younger sibling of the Maximoff twins. Set after the events of Civil War except everyone loves each other and lives in harmony, nobody goes on the run. *breaks indicate change of POV*
Also posted on ao3
Growing up in Sokovia in a time of war was no picnic, but no matter how hard things were at times your parents gave you and your older twin siblings, Wanda and Pietro, the happiest childhood they possibly could. Until they couldn’t. Until tragedy struck and they were taken away from their three young children by a man named Stark.
Being the youngest, you looked up to the twins to guide you. They were your only family now and you’d follow them anywhere. So you did, you followed straight to Hydra and experiments in a science lab. There was never any doubt in your mind, wherever your family were, that’s where you belonged.
You were given the power of healing. With the help of the mind stone you were able to heal wounds and take the pain away from the injured. The first time you demonstrated your new powers to your handlers, the whole lab rejoiced. With your help, they now had an infallible army. The whole thing didn’t sit right with you, but your siblings assured you that it was a means to an end. Stark needed to pay for what he had taken from you.
It took a lot of practice for you to hone your skills. At first you couldn’t control them, and any time you touched someone, even accidentally, you would heal. The trouble with this was in order to heal them you absorbed their pain. It was only for a brief moment, but it was concentrated like a short, sharp burst. It was intense and it drained you, but eventually you learned to control it, and only use it when you chose to.
When Wanda and Pietro took off to begin their revenge plan they took you with them, but kept you hidden, kept you safe. It was only when they realised the true nature of the man, no robot, they were working for and switched to the side of good that they brought you out of the shadows and finally introduced you to the avengers. 
You went to Sokovia, helping to evacuate people and heal the injured. It was exhausting but these people were innocent and they deserved your help. You were so busy you didn’t have time for fear, but when Wanda stepped onto the bus, the look on her face scared you more than anything ever had. Something bad had happened it was clear as day. Your fears were confirmed when you looked behind her to Clint, a lifeless Pietro in his arms.
Your world had suddenly got a little smaller, three had become two and it hurt. But you knew that whatever you were feeling was nothing compared to the pain of your sister, losing her twin, a connection that you could never understand now severed, and you did the only thing you could do in that moment. You threw your arms around her and absorbed it all, the pain, the grief, everything. It was the last thing you remembered before collapsing to the floor.
The next time you opened your eyes you were staring at the ceiling of the Avengers compound. Your new home. Wanda had assured you that it was the best place for you both and you couldn’t deny you felt more peaceful here than anywhere you’d been since you lost your parents. 
You begged your sister not to reveal how your powers worked. Steve Rogers was a good man and wouldn’t want you to put yourself out for the team, but you wanted to help. She reluctantly agreed, on the condition that you promised not to reveal that you could heal emotional pain too. It always worried her that people would come to depend on you for their emotional needs, and the kind of affect it could have on your mental state. You readily agreed, and became an official Avenger, their resident healer, but your big sister also insisted you join her training with Steve and Natasha so you could learn to defend yourself.
The team continued to grow, until one day Steve introduced you to his latest recruit and best friend, Bucky Barnes. On the outside the man looked just like he did in the old photos you’d seen, just with slightly longer hair and a few more creases around his eyes. It was looking into his eyes that really gave away the changes. You could see a lifetime of pain and suffering in them, so much so that you knew no matter how similar he looked on the outside, he couldn’t be that same man on the inside.
You couldn’t imagine what it must be like for him to carry that pain around with him, and that thought alone spurred you on to do something that you’d not done since the day you comforted your grieving sister in Sokovia. You reached out your hand to shake his, and took just a little bit of that pain away.
When Steve had asked him to come and stay with the team at the Avengers compound, Bucky was reluctant. After everything that happened in Berlin and with Tony he felt guilty. The Stark man had assured Steve that he understood that what happened to his parents was an act of The Winter Soldier and not Bucky, but he wasn’t ready to forgive yet.  He assured Steve that it was fine for the new team to take residence in the compound, and headed back to the home he shared with Pepper, vowing to return when the time was right.
Bucky was nervous when his pal had taken him to the common room to properly introduce him to the team members he’d fought beside and against at the airport, but they all seemed really understanding. Going round shaking hands with everyone, his eyes finally landed on you. Steve introduced you as Y/N, and as you took his hand and spoke a soft ‘nice to meet you’ he felt overcome with a warm, calm feeling. A feeling he’d not felt since he was a young man before the war. It was almost like peace. Being around you made him feel lighter.
He came to learn that you were a healer, coming down to the med bag whenever Dr Cho needed your help. He found he wasn’t surprised by that at all, there seemed to be an air of calm about you that was soothing, at least to him anyway, not that he would tell anyone that. He’d barely spoken to you since he’d arrived at the compound. That first time he met you, you excused yourself quickly after shaking his hand and scurried off to your room. He couldn’t really blame you, you were probably afraid of him and wouldn’t be the first person to feel that way. There was something about you that made Bucky want to get to know you, but he was still too fragile to try to forge new relationships, relying heavily on Steve when he needed company, but spending the majority of his time alone.
The first time Bucky saw you use your powers, he was mesmerised. Steve always insisted that the team headed straight to med bat after missions for a once over even if they felt fine, which is where he found himself after returning from a trickier than expected mission with Steve and Natasha. The sound of the door behind him opening caught his attention. 
“Hey Doc, what have we got today?”, you asked as you entered the room.
“Well, Miss Romanoff here took a bullet to the arm, no major damage has been done, and the bullet has been removed, but we could use some healing here if you don’t mind,” the Doctor said barely looking up from her clipboard.
“Of course. Hold still Nat,” you warned as you gently laid your hands over the injury site causing the Black Widow to wince. When you moved your hand away a moment later, Natasha’s arm looked as good as new. It was like witnessing a miracle.
The man was shaken out of his thoughts by your voice. “Want me to fix up that shiner you got there?”, you asked, pointing to the eye that was currently swollen to the point that it wasn’t fully open.
“Uh, no it’s OK, thank you though,” he uttered quietly “the serum will have this healed up in no time.” It was the truth, the serum healed him quickly just as it did Steve, although the throbbing in his head almost made him reconsider. But someone like him didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of such magic, he felt that he deserved to feel ever ounce of pain, no matter how many times his best friend tried to assure him that he didn’t.
“Well you know where I am if you change your mind.” She offered, reaching out to gently touch his forearm, and once again he felt a feeling of tranquility wash over him. It was like the warmth was spreading from the point that their skin touched, all through his body. He couldn’t stop staring at her hand, that is until she pulled it away and all but sprinted out of the door.
You jolted awake, taking a minute to examine your surroundings before realising you were definitely still in your bed, in your room at the compound. It was the middle of the night and the sound of someone screaming had woken you. You strained to listen, and you couldn’t be sure but the screams sounded awfully like they were coming from Bucky. It was probably a nightmare you reasoned, but you decided to go check anyway, just in case. You crept down the hallway towards the sound which was indeed coming from the room belonging to the man in question. Deciding you needed to see with your own eyes that it was just a dream and not something more sinister, you gently pushed the door open and peeked in.
The sight you were met with almost broke your heart. Bucky was thrashing around, tangled in the sheets, and even in the dark you could see the wrinkled set of his brow. The dim light creeping in from the hallway illuminated the sweat covering his face, neck and the part of his chest that was peeking out from the covers. It was amazing that he hadn’t woken himself up yet you mused, but another loud wail shook you out of your thoughts. Spurring into action before you could second guess yourself, you ran lightly to his side and reached out to brush the hair from his damp forehead, and resting your fingers there as gently as you could, you began to absorb the pain. 
He visibly started to calm, the sounds stopping almost immediately and limbs slowly relaxing. You were starting to feel weak and knew that you needed to leave soon before you passed out on the floor next to his bed. You weren’t sure how you’d explain that away in the morning. When you felt like you couldn’t take anymore you pulled your hand back and stumbled back to your room, flopping onto your bed and crying yourself to sleep. The relaxed look on his face the next morning only cemented your plan in your mind. You would do everything you could to ease the nightmares for this tortured solider. A brief moment of pain was nothing compared to a whole night of reliving the worst moments of your life.
After the first few nights of creeping into the former assassins room you had managed to detect some sort of a pattern, and adjusted your sleep schedule accordingly. You didn’t dare tell Wanda what you were doing. You knew she didn’t approve of you using your power to emotionally heal people, further supported by the lecture you got when you’d tried to take her grief after Pietro died. The red head would be absolutely furious with you. 
You were exhausted from the late night healing sessions and were worried people would start noticing the bags under your eyes. You’d not done this much emotional healing before but it was worth it to see how much more relaxed Bucky was looking, and you weren’t the only one to notice, judging by the conversation you were listening in on in the kitchen that morning.
“Hey bud, you’re looking really well rested lately, have the nightmares finally stopped?”, Steve asked as he grabbed a water from the fridge, cooling off from his morning work out. 
“No, I don’t think they ever will to be honest. But they feel different now, duller if that makes sense? I dunno, I can’t explain it, but they don’t seem to wake me up anymore. I’ve not slept this well in decades.” He chuckled in response, following the man out of the kitchen.
You hid your smile behind your coffee cup before taking a sip and turning back to your breakfast but you could feel your sister's eyes on you, staring a hole into the side of your head. 
“Can I help you?”, you asked with exaggerated sweetness like only an annoying little sister could. You didn’t dare look at her though.
“I know what you’re doing.” She stated matter of factly.
“Hey, we had a deal, no looking in my mind without my permission”, you hissed at her angrily.
“I didn’t. I’ve seen you go into his room at night. You’re either healing his pain or fucking him,” she said with a raised eyebrow before smirking and adding “although both can have the same relaxing affect”. 
“I am not fucking him and please keep your voice down”, you whisper shouted. You thought you were being careful and suddenly panicked that someone else might have seen. 
“Why Y/N? You don’t even really know him so why are you risking your own health to fix his?”, your sister asked gently. She didn’t seem angry, just confused. 
“I don’t know. I just couldn’t bear the amount of pain I saw in his eyes the first time we met. Everything that happened to him, a lifetime of pain. I wanted to take it away, he doesn’t deserve it. And I know it’s exhausting and it’s not good for me blah blah blah but I can’t help it. I can’t stop myself.” You finished your rant by slumping back in your chair in defeat, your eyes staring at the ceiling. 
Of all things you expected Wanda to say, or possibly even yell, the last thing you expected was a quiet “Does he know?”. You shook your head and she sat silent for a moment, contemplating before adding “maybe you should get to know him. You know, make friends. You might find you can help him without using your powers.”
Bucky sat on the quinjet waiting to take off for the next mission and couldn’t help feeling nervous. He’d been sleeping so well at the compound lately, but this mission would mean staying away for a few days and he was worried about his nightmares coming back when he was possibly sharing a room with his team mates. The only thing giving him comfort this time was that Y/N was joining the team. Steve had asked you to accompany them as the mission was expected to last a few days, and Bucky couldn't stop himself from smiling when he heard the news. Despite the fact that he’d hardly got to know you yet, your presence relaxed him more than he could explain. 
He must have been staring at you this whole time because the sounds of Steve clearing his throat broke him out of his reverie. Bucky turned to look at his friend and was met with a knowing look. “Go talk to her,” he encouraged. But he wasn’t feeling brave enough for that, and he didn’t even know what he’d say, so he just rolled his eyes and got to work sharpening his knives.
The mission had been a hard one, they were going to infiltrate three suspected Hydra bases and take them down, and it affected Bucky much more than he would care to admit. It didn’t help that he'd slept so poorly in the little basic rooms they’d stopped at in between. He thought logically that he’d sleep better sharing a room with his best friend, having the comfort of another person there, not being alone, but he didn’t. The nightmares plagued him again, worse than they’d been in a long time. 
He was agitated, he just wanted to get back to the only place he seemed to be able to sleep, and maybe sleep for a week. He sat leaning forward, elbows leaning on his knees, leg bouncing up and down, and was surprised when you sat down next to him. 
“Wanna talk about it?”, you whispered. His head whipped around to you so fast he's surprised his neck didn’t break. You must have noticed the stunned look on his face, because you quickly added “sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep. I just uh, I figured that this particular mission might have been harder for you than usual. I’m sorry again.” You looked away then, and Bucky was worried you were going to leave. He liked it when you were nearby, so he blurted out the first thing that came into his head “It was”. You looked at him again, this time with sadder eyes. It felt like you were reading his mind, but he was sure you didn’t have that power. “I’m not ready to talk about it, I’m sorry, but thank you. For asking I mean. I appreciate it.”
“I understand. But if you do ever want to talk, about anything, I’m a great listener.” You reached out then, placing your hand in his bouncing knee to stop the movement and he felt it, that familiar warmth spreading from where you touched him, through his whole body, relaxing him. He couldn’t help the smile that stretched across his cheeks, it was like it was involuntary. He turned to look at you then, and you were smiling right back, a soft warm smile. You were so close that he could smell your shampoo and it was intoxicating. Your eyes fluttered slightly and he looked down at your lips. He didn’t even know you but he was suddenly overcome with the urge to kiss you. 
Unfortunately, the moment was broken by a voice that never failed to irritate the super soldier. “Quit making eyes with Y/N man. We need you up front.” 
“Coming Wilson,” he sighed as he turned and watched you all but run away. You slept the rest of the flight home. 
Once the jet landed, Bucky went straight to his room to shower and nap. Feeling much more human now, he ventured to the kitchen for food where he once again saw Sam.
“So you and Y/N huh,” he smirked, folding his arms and leaning back against the counter next to where Bucky was working on a sandwich. “Sorry if I interrupted a moment there. She’s a sweet girl though, I think she’d be good for you.”
Despite his usual irritation with the man, Bucky found that he was actually a really good person to talk to, his experience with social work meaning he often had useful advice. “I like her,” he admitted. “I can’t explain it, I just feel better when she’s around, but I don’t know how to talk to her. One minute I think she wants to talk and then she runs away from me. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.”
“Well, you are an intense dude”, Sam laughed. “Seriously though, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Just talk to her, keep it light, ‘hey how’s it going”, you know that sort of thing.” 
Bucky was about to respond when he heard someone call his name. He turned to see Wanda in the doorway, and he could feel his cheeks heat up at being caught talking about her sister. “We need to talk” she stated, in a tone that caused Sam to grab his food and scarper with a quiet good luck on his way out.
“Wanda, I’m not sure how much you heard but…” Bucky started, but was quickly cut off by the red heads raised hand. 
“There’s something you don’t know about Y/N. Healing physical injuries isn’t the only power she has, she can also take away emotional pain.”
Bucky was stunned and couldn’t seem to form a more comprehensive response than “wow, I didn’t know”.
“Nobody knows except me, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone. When she takes the emotional pain away, she absorbs it, and I don’t want her to become an emotional crutch for anyone, I’m afraid that it will affect her mental state negatively. I know the team would never intentionally hurt her, but I can’t risk it. You understand right?”
“Of course, I won’t tell a soul. But why are you telling me this, aren’t you worried I’ll do just that?” Bucky questioned.
“You already are, you just don’t know it”, Wanda quipped. “She’s been healing you. At night when she hears you having nightmares she comes in and takes the pain away. All it takes is a touch, and I suspect she might be doing it at other times too, although I couldn’t be sure”.
Suddenly everything makes sense now. Why he always felt better in your presence. He thought you were just a tactile person but all those gentle touches that warmed his heart were times you were healing him. You were the reason he was sleeping so soundly at night. 
“I swear I had no idea Wanda, you gotta believe me”, he pleaded. 
“I do, I think. But I just wanted you to know, because everytime she takes your pain away, she feels it. Only for a moment, but the worse the pain for the person, the more intensely she feels it. It’s really draining her, and I don’t want to begrudge you the comfort but she’s my sister and I’m worried”.
Bucky felt absolutely awful. He’d never want to inflict his pain on anyone else, even for a moment, especially not someone as good as you. Someone who helped him so selflessly. It was his cross to bear, he made his bed and he intended to lie in it. Cold and alone. “I won’t let her do it anymore”, he swore to Wanda before leaving her alone in the kitchen with his sandwich. He’d suddenly lost his appetite. 
Things had been weird since your first mission, you could feel it. Bucky had been avoiding you like the plague, and you felt terrible. You’d wanted to get to know him, to try to be friends like Wanda suggested, but you’d gone about it the wrong way and clearly upset him. He’d even taken to locking his bedroom door at night preventing you from soothing his nightmares. You were sure he wasn’t sleeping again, but you’d not seen so much as a glimpse of him in weeks so couldn’t verify that. 
Why would he lock his door at night? The bedrooms were in a secure floor so there was no danger of intruders and FRIDAY would alert you all anyway. Then it struck you. Did he know? Had he found out that you’d be coming in his room at night to heal him? There’s no way he could know surely, unless someone had told him. Just then Wanda came into the common room and plopped herself down on the couch next to you, and you remembered how protective your big sister could be.
“I’ve not seen Bucky around recently, have you spoken to him at all?”, you asked nonchalantly. “Nope,” was all the answer you got. 
“You sure about that?”, you pressed, giving her your best sister stare down. The look on her face told you everything you needed to know. “Wanda! How could you? Jesus he must be so mad at me, no wonder he’s not speaking to me”, you shouted incredulously. 
“I’m sorry, but I was worried about what you were doing to yourself. You're my baby sister and I love you. If you wouldn’t listen to me I thought you might listen to him.”
“We’ll he’s not even speaking to me now so that was a big fail sis, well done,” you seethed. At that moment Steve and Sam walked in.
“Oh I wondered why tin man’s been so mopey lately, lovers quarrel?” Sam questioned teasingly. Steve elbowed him in the side lightly and pointed down the corridor. “He’s in the gym,” the soldier added by way of explanation. 
As soon as you reached the gym you could see how tired Bucky looked through the glass door. His eyes were dark and heavy, his eyebrows turned down and his hits weren’t landing on the punch bag with their usual impact. 
You stepped in quietly, then thought better of sneaking up on a super soldier and cleared your throat. “Hi Bucky, can we talk a minute?”
The man looked up and then tiredly gestured to the bench at the side of the room where his bag was sat. He sat down and started unwrapping his flesh hand. He was obviously waiting for you to speak first so you took a deep breath to steady yourself and started.
“Firstly, I just wanted to apologise. I know that Wanda told you about me, uh, you know…” you trailed off. God this was embarrassing. “I’m so sorry. I realise that was a total violation of your privacy and also really creepy, but I promise you it was coming from a good place. I was trying to help not, you know, be a peeping Tom or anything.” You blushed at that, remembered the times you’d seen his beautiful chiselled pecs, and those gorgeous biceps and powerful thighs whenever they poked out of the covers. He didn’t need to know about those thoughts.
He chuckled at that and you felt yourself relax slightly. “Trust me, that is one of the least creepy things that’s happened to me in my 100 odd years, doll. Apology accepted”.  You couldn’t help but chuckle back.
“Well thank you. I assume that's the reason you’ve been avoiding me?” You questioned nervously. When he shook his head your heart sank. Did you do something else? Then it hit you. “Of course me healing you without your consent is equally as weird, so again I apologise. I just wanted to help but I can see that I probably went about it all wrong.”
Bucky shook his head vehemently then. “God no, you think I’m mad at you? How could I be mad at you, you’ve got a heart of gold and you have helped me so much since Steve brought me here. Honestly, I don’t think I’d have felt so comfortable here if it hadn’t been for you. I could never understand why I always felt so at peace around a near stranger, but as soon as Wanda explained your powers to me it all made sense. But I would never want to hurt you Y/N, and the thought of you taking on just a fraction of this pain made me feel awful. You don’t deserve that and me avoiding you was just me trying to protect you.”
You were relieved at his confession. He wasn’t mad. You sighed and relaxed fully leaning back against the wall. “I promise you it’s not that bad.  Most of the time. It only lasts for a moment, and sometimes if it’s only mild pain I barely even feel it. Like when I heeled Steve’s bruised ribs on that overnight because he couldn’t sleep. I hardly even flinched,” you said bumping your shoulder with his. “But if you don’t want me to do it anymore, I promise I won’t.” 
“Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate what you’ve been doing for me. More than you could know. But I think it’s about time I tried to overcome these demons on my own.” You nodded at that. He had a point, you had become a crutch without him even knowing. You got up to leave when he grabbed your hand to stop you. “If I’m doing this, I think I’m gonna need a friend. What do ya say?” He asked, looking up at you with a hopeful grin. 
“I’d love to be your friend”, you replied. If you couldn’t help him with your power, offering moral support would be the next best thing. 
The months after your talk in the gym had been the best in Bucky’s long life. You’d really started to relax around him, the conversations came easy, both when you were all with the team and if you were hanging out alone.
It was the times that you hung out alone he enjoyed the most. He could really be himself then, without worrying about knowing looks from Steve and Sam, or worrying whether Wanda was going to try and read his mind to find out his intentions with her sister. He wasn’t even sure he was ready to confront those feelings himself. He told himself that he just wanted to get to know you, but deep in his heart he knew that he was falling for you. 
You laughed together, he told you stories about life in the 30s and 40s, his family, a young pre-serum Steve, and anything else you wanted to know. In turn you taught him all about modern technology, helped him pick out some more modern day clothes and even took him to get a haircut. He couldn’t help but notice the way you stared for a little too long when he came out with his hair cropped shorter, before nodding that you liked it. 
The nightmares were back and almost as aggressive as before, but when he walked out into the kitchen one night to make himself a tea and found Y/N sat there waiting for him with one already made, he found himself opening up to you. He’d never tell you all the gory details that plagued his mind at night, but even revealing just a little bit of those late night visions and the feelings that followed, made him feel better. You never judged, just listened, and not even the thought that Sam was right about how he should talk about his feelings more could diminish that safe feeling he had with you. 
You’d even started touching him again, completely innocent touches like leaning your head on his shoulder, linking your hand through his arm when you were walking around town, but still sending a warmth through his body like you were healing him. And maybe you were healing him, he thought, just without using your powers. 
Steve and Sam had been bugging him for a while to ask you out properly, but for some reason today when they started their usual post run chorus of ‘when are you going to ask Y/N out’, he was feeling bold and said he’d do it today.
So that’s where he found himself an hour later, after showering, changing and pacing circles in his room to try and gain back some of the quickly waning courage. He knocked on your door and waited nervously. You answered and invited him in, and he mentally chastised himself for not bringing flowers. He was nervous, but decided to just suck it up and power through. 
“Hey doll, uh I just wanted to ask, see I’ve enjoyed hanging out with you these last few months, more than I’ve enjoyed anything in a really long time.” He was messing this up he knew it, and you were just stood there staring at him and not speaking. The young Bucky from the 40s who was charming and good with the ladies mentally kicked him to get on with it. He could do this. So he continued. “So I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to dinner with some time.” He finally let out a breath and tried to relax whilst he waited for your response.
“Like a date?”, you asked and you looked shocked and he panicked, thinking he’d got all the signs wrong and wondering how he could back track when you smiled and said “I’d love to go out for dinner with you, definitely as a date. I honestly thought you’d never ask, like ever.”
Bucky finally relaxed at that. You said yes, you wanted to go out with him. He didn’t think he could be any happier right now. “Good. Great! I’m going on a mission with Steve and Sam tomorrow so how’s Friday night?”
“Perfect”, you smiled and he honestly didn’t think he’d ever get over seeing you smile at him like that. He was head over heels.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d agree, so I didn’t actually come up with a plan. I’ll text you OK?” He assured you as he backed out the door, wanting to keep looking at you as long as he could. When he got through the doorway he stopped, still smiling like an idiot. You walked up to the door, stood up on your tip toes and kissed him on the cheek. “I can’t wait Buck”, you whispered as you stepped back and shut the door. 
The short 2 day mission turned out to be the next big bad, and the three men had ended up having to radio in for back up. It was going to be all hands on deck, which meant that when the second quinjet arrived you were on it. Wanda had asked you to stay behind but you wanted to help, and especially wanted to be there in case a certain someone needed you. 
You were out in the field helping get innocent bystanders to safety and healing up the Avengers so they could get back into the fight. You could feel it taking a toll on your body, your steps becoming more slow and sluggish as time went on. After getting a young family to safety you turned to head back to the next victim needing help when you saw what appeared to be an axe flung in your direction. You froze, your brain tired from all the healing you’d done and not thinking fast enough. 
What you weren’t prepared for was the shove you felt at your side, sending you toppling to the ground. You scrambled up to see the sight of Bucky, laying on the ground at your feet, the weapon in question lodged firmly in his stomach. 
“No no no, Bucky what did you do?!” You screamed as you dropped to your knees to assess the damage. Steve and Wanda were at your side in an instant, the rest of the team continuing the fight around you. You felt panicked, terrified of the sight in front of you as the blood flowed out of the wound and over your hands at a steady rate. You knew exactly what you needed to do, and you needed to do it now before it was too late and the blood loss became too much.
Taking in a big breath you steeled yourself and started giving out orders. “Steve, I need you to remove the axe, and Wanda, you need to put up a shield to protect us from further damage while I heal him. Ok, on three guys, one…” but before you could count any further the man in question croaked out your name. “Doll please, it’s OK, just let me go. I’m old, it’s my time.” 
The fact that he would even suggest such a thing made you livid. “Bucky, how could you say that? You saved me, so now I’m going to save you and we don’t have time to argue this,” you shouted as your knees started to become damp with his blood. 
“C’mon Buck, let her do it. She does it all the time, no big deal right,” Steve encouraged, clapping you in the shoulder whilst you nodded your head in agreement.
Wanda rested her hand gently on your shoulder then, an action that you were sure was meant to soothe, but only irritated you as you knew exactly what was coming. “You’ve never healed a wound this severe before, you don’t know what it will do to you.” 
At Steve’s confused look your sister began a quick explanation on how your powers truly worked but you drowned the conversation out as Bucky weakly reached a hand up to your face. “Please Y/N,” he begged, “I don’t wanna hurt you, I love you. Just let me go.” But hearing those three words, from the man you loved, a man who was fading in front of you, just further cemented your decision in your mind. Looking at the Captain beside you, you whispered “Steve, please” and you knew you had him. He nodded grimly and on the count of three he lifted the axe, and you replaced it with your hands.
As you placed your hands over the oozing wound, you tried to concentrate everything you had into the prone man’s body, every ounce of love and every morsel of strength you had left in you. You sent a silent prayer up to heaven that you’d get to tell this man you loved him too and share your first kiss. You could feel your body weakening, and were vaguely aware that the steady flow over your hands seemed to be slowing, but you couldn’t hold it much longer, and you hoped it would be enough. Suddenly the overwhelming urge to sleep invaded your senses and you collapsed right there on top of Bucky’s chest.
You awoke to the sound of beeping. Your eyelids felt heavy and it took a few moments for you to blink them fully open, but when you finally did you were greeted by the sight of your older sister.
“Oh god, I’m so relieved you’re awake!” She cried brushing your hair off of your forehead in a motherly gesture. 
“Bucky,” you managed to croak out through your dry mouth. Wanda handed you a sip of water before answering. “He’s fine. He’s currently receiving blood to replace what he lost but you did it, you healed him. Dr Cho called it a miracle.” 
“Oh thank god,” you sighed “and the battle?” 
“We won,” your sister informed you “and you young lady are going to be fine. The doc ran extensive tests and seems to think that you just kind of passed out from the pain, and then went into a deep sleep from the shock. But it could have been much worse, you need to be more careful.”
“In this line of work?” You joked, causing her to roll eyes. “When can I get out of here?” 
At that moment, your Captain stepped into the room. “The doctor will be in to give you a once over in a moment, then you’re good to go,” he informed you. “I was just wondering if I could have a moment?” He asked tentatively. Your sister excused herself and left the two of you alone. 
Steve sat down in the now empty chair. He looked tired, and you guessed he must have been sat by Bucky’s side for a good while. You were glad he had someone there. 
“I wanted to thank you Y/N,” he started. “If you hadn’t been there, I would have lost my best friend all over again. The fact that it caused you so much hurt to heal him, well that is something I can never repay. I feel terrible for letting you do it, it was selfish of me.” He looked so guilty that it made you sad. 
“I was going to do it anyway Steve, whether you agreed or not. There’s just no way I could have sat there and let him go.” You could feel the tears welling in your eyes at the thought of things ending before they’d even really started.
You knew Steve understood, after everything he’d been through to get his friend back he knew exactly how you felt. “Well I’m extremely grateful for that stubborn streak of yours, but now that Wanda’s filled me in on all the facts surrounding your gift we’re going to have to have a conversation about some new work protocols,” the man scolded, his captain's voice firmly back. Clearly reading the sense of dread in your face he added, “but now we have more pressing matters. There’s someone down the hall that’s desperate to see you.”
Bucky was fed up. He hated hospitals, he’d spent far too many years of his life being poked and prodded and he was done with it. He’d laid in this bed for 2 days waiting for you to wake up and he couldn’t help but replay the last time he saw you in his mind.
He was laying on the ground, a pain searing through his stomach, when suddenly he felt a familiar warmth. A warmth he hadn’t felt in a long time, spreading from the wound throughout his whole body. This time though, the feeling was different, it was more somehow. He’d never really believed in god, or any kind of divine being, not after everything that happened to him in the past. But that feeling, he could only imagine it was how it would feel to be touched by an angel. Suddenly the pain was gone but he could still feel a heavy weight on his chest. He looked down to discover the weight he was feeling was you.
Bile had risen in this throat when he realised what had happened. Y/N had healed him, hurting yourself in the process. Wanda was shaking you, trying to wake you. Steve was checking your pulse, assuring the redhead that it was still very much there. He lifted you off Bucky’s chest, and carried you quickly to the quinjet. Wanda helped the injured soldier up and to the jet too, where he sat next to you holding your hand until Steve landed back at the compound, the medics ready to greet you all straight from the ramp. 
Bucky hadn’t seen you since they’d whisked you away for testing. They’d taken him to a separate room where he was given blood to make up for what he’d lost on the battlefield. He kept asking if you were OK and if he could see you, but was told to stay put until they knew more. 
As he laid there with his eyes closed his thoughts were interrupted by footsteps, followed by Steve’s voice. “You have a visitor,” he announced simply. 
Bucky sighed, not feeling up for visitors at the moment. “If it’s bird brain again tell him I’m dead” he grouched. Not hearing the comeback he was expecting from his sharp tongued friend, he opened his eyes, and almost pinched himself to check if he was dreaming. 
“You’re awake, oh god doll are you ok?” He asked, trying to get out of bed and go to you, forgetting about his IV and the other wires connected to him. 
“Stay put,” you said rushing towards him, gently pushing him back into the bed. “I’m fine, just had a nice long sleep.”
“You scared the shit outta me. I told you to let me go. My life is not worth more than yours.” Suddenly aware that his fear could be mistaken for anger he softened his voice. “But thank you. I owe you everything.”
You just smiled back at him that beautiful smile he worried he’d never see again. “Actually, you just owe me a date.” You reached out your hand to hold his and he couldn’t resist placing a kiss in your knuckles. “As soon as I’m all fixed up and out of here, I’m all yours.” And he was. He knew now that he would only ever be yours for as long as you’d have him. 
You stayed and chatted with him a while longer, never letting go of his hand, but after a while he could see your eyes falling. “Go home doll, you need your rest,” he tried to encourage.
“I am tired but I just don’t want to go,” you pouted.
“Well, you could hop up here and take a nap next to me. It’s a small bed though we might have to snuggle real close”, he suggested with his most charming smile.
“Sounds perfect,” you smiled sleepily. You took off your shoes and climbed up in the bed next to him. He lifted the blanket for you to slip under, and you immediately rested your head on his shoulder, his arm wrapping around to hold you close. He thought you’d fallen asleep, and he laid there watching your steady breaths until you spoke again. “When I was healing you, all I could think about was the fact that I’d never told you I loved you and I’d never kissed you, and I knew that if I never saw you again it would be my biggest regret. So I’m telling you now. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he whispered before leaning down and capturing your lips in a kiss that he’d been dying for since he met you. Your lips were so soft, and your body felt so warm and so right pressed against him. The kiss started out slow and loving, Bucky pouring all the love he felt into it, but when you slipped your hand up to gently tug on the hair at the nape of his neck and deepening the kiss, things got a bit more heated. The sound you made when your tongues finally met was almost enough to make him lose control and he slid his hand down from where it was stroking your lower back over your hip and down to your thigh. He was just about to pull your leg up and over his so he could show you just how much you were affecting him when you were interrupted by an alarm. You pulled back, panic on your face and he couldn’t help but laugh. “You just got my heart racing,” he teased, nodding at the heart rate monitor that was slowly calming back down.
You laughed then and gently shoved his shoulder. You were now both lying on your sides facing each other. “Well, that’s one item ticked off the bucket list,” you quipped, before leaning forward and pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth. “To be continued,” you joked as you wiggled your eyebrows, “now let’s sleep.”
As you both snuggled back down in the tiny hospital bed, Bucky kissed the top of your hair and whispered quietly “goodnight angel.” He would never admit it to anyone but he’d missed the feeling of you healing him, the warm feeling that engulfed him when your power flowed through him was like nothing he’d ever felt before, he could understand why Wanda was concerned that people would come to rely on it too much.
But as you laid there asleep in his arms a different kind of warmth enveloped him, and as he slipped off into a restful sleep he realised that he didn’t need your powers to heal him, your love was enough, his personal angel. 
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angelanimedesaray · 3 years
AN:  I was contemplating on some future multi-chapter fic things and when I realized I couldn’t put this into any of them with my current plans, I ran over here to write this little drabble because I NEED TO WRITE IT!!!
Also, I know this was OH SO LONG AGO COMPARED TO OTHER THINGS, but I was thinking about it because I just watched my favorite reactor (A Goodwin TV) react to Midnight Sun and it’s on my mind, as well as the reason above. (Imma just name drop him real quick cause his AOT and ATLA reactions are GOLD)  Okay, name drop over, back to the drabble/One Shot
FINALLY:  If I’m being honest, I kinda imagine Vampire!Reader from Wings in the Dark doing this, but still, don’t take that as canon, cemented fact here, it’s just READER in this piece...but in my mind that’s kinda what I was thinking, heh
Characters:  Levi, Reader, Erwin (Post-Mortem, Mentioned)
Pairing:  Levi x Reader
Warnings:  ANGST, Post Canon-Character Death, Grief, Loss, Brief Non-descript Nudity, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count--Idk, I wrote this in Tumblr and was too lazy to check in google docs or something just take the drabble from my mind at 1:30 a.m.
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*Reader’s POV*
Ever since Levi made the choice, there was a solid wall between the two of you, unseen to the human eye, but felt by both of you as it seemed to tower far beyond the abused walls of Wall Maria that you were surrounded by.  It wasn’t out of any animosity towards you--by now you knew him well enough to know he wasn’t angry at you or anything like that.  Far from it, actually.
But there were still things to do.  Injured to look after--what remained of the Scouts to be injured, anyway--and a sweep of the town to make sure there weren’t any more surprises lurking that might wipe out the very, very few who remained.  For a brief moment, you’d considered following him on that sweep of the area before deciding against it.  You weren’t out of the woods yet, there were still things to do, and you weren’t going to distract him.
Even when Levi and Hange went to put Erwin’s body to rest, you didn’t follow, both of them already making it clear that it wouldn’t be rushed out of respect, but it was not going to be a long affair, either.  The necessities, maybe a more personal touch here and there, and then back to work.
And he might want that time alone, as well.
When Levi came back, you got to your feet, expecting to pull him aside and at least talk to him, but he kept walking, stepping around you and heading straight for Armin and the others to have the much needed talk with them.
You silenced any kind of comment or concerned look that tried to rise to the surface at that.  And you held your tongue as the five of you walked through the broken streets of Shiganshina to finally see what this great sacrifice bought, or rather revealed.  The trip back was silent, everyone either busy with recoveries or with heads swimming with the reveal of humanity beyond the walls, bent on the destruction of everyone within the walls.  But even with thoughts as monuments as that, you were painfully aware that nothing had been said between Levi and yourself still, that Levi was quiet as ever--no, quieter--and that there was a sense of something brewing in the air around you.  You didn’t see any cracks in the façade, but when Wall Rose appeared, and the sea of smiling celebratory faces below, and then around, the blur of the world around you all as you were swept away in a sea of people who wanted to know what happened, what this meant, all these responsibilities suddenly falling on new people, reports needing to be made, debriefings, no rest for the wicked...
Even you couldn’t breathe with the sheer size of it all.  It was insurmountable, a weight that was pressing down with no escape, and that was just what you felt.  You didn’t have the weight that was on Levi’s shoulders, the knowledge and choices and responsibilities still oh so damn fresh with no time to process.  So much to process.  It still hadn’t quite clicked that the 10 people who came back to Wall Rose were the only ones who were going to be coming back.
Somehow, at some point, you and Levi found yourselves walking through familiar halls, past doors that suddenly found themselves without use, the halls empty of any activity or signs of life--at least the ones you were walking.  There was life, elsewhere, but not in this particular wing, not at the moment.  It was just you, Levi, and the bloody silence, the wall that Levi had shored up and somehow managed to keep up without any visible cracks.
But that pressure in the air was mounting as he opened the door to your shared quarters, no creak on the door, just the softest whoosh of air as he stepped through, hands undoing the cloak from around his shoulders in the first two steps into the room, the gear being unlocked from the straps by the forth step you saw wobble--
The gear and cloak clattered onto the couch in a temporary position before Levi could finish taking off his gear, and you hardly had time to shut the door behind you before that wall shattered to dust without any warning, the moment it was just you and him and the silence with no chance of anyone disturbing you, as soon as you were hidden from the world.
It clicked, and it all came crashing down, all at once.
The distance evaporated the moment Levi’s knees hit the stone floor, a hitched breath cutting through the air as you hurried to his side, not even bothering to take off your own gear or cloak as all your focus centered on the stalwart man crumbling so visibly in front of you.
His hands were curled into fists against the cold floor, knuckles white and teeth grit as he tried in vain to hold the floodgates closed just a few moments longer, enough to at least get out of his gear and get it properly put away, for a more appropriate time and place than immediately on the floor of the office/sitting room portion of your modest shared quarters.  But all the emotion he’d been bottling and trying to subdue until a more appropriate time could not be held back any longer.  The moment the weight of it all hit him with nothing left to distract him was the moment he couldn’t hold it back any longer.  Silent tears were carving a path across a face that had only gotten a few splashes of water to clean up hours ago.  All the resistance and struggle he could still muster wasn’t enough to stop the sudden onslaught of damned up emotions hitting him at once.
As his shoulders shook and he started to turn his face away, still making an attempt to hold it back a bit longer, your arm slipped across his back, the other carefully touching his shoulder to turn him to face you.  He didn’t have it in him to resist, he was too busy trying to contain himself to divert any energy into resisting your quickly offered embrace even if he wanted to.  So, he turned into you, your hand coming up to gently thread through his hair and cradle his head into you as you maneuvered you both so you were facing one another.  Your other arm was moving gently along his back in soft rubs not necessarily to soothe so much as to help him relax enough to let it out in a way that didn’t seem so physically painful.  Right now the hitched breaths sounded sharp and sudden, the kind that made a persons chest physically ache, his muscles tensed so tightly you were worried bones would snap and sinew would tear.
You didn’t know what to say--what kind of words could possibly be of solace to him at a time like this, the weight of all that death and sacrifice and his monumental choice on the roofs of Shiganshina that had cost him someone more than a dear friend--cost him Erwin--causing him this physical pain.
One thing at a time.  He needed to let it out, not bottle it up.  He needed to release some of this grief, and he needed to not hurt himself even accidentally in the process.
“Just breathe, Levi...just try to breathe...” you murmured to him, trying to make your back rubs make a smooth, soothing pattern that mimicked a breath in and out to get him to slow down and breathe around the tears and the jagged breaths.
You continued your mantra of telling him to breathe as he struggled to follow your suggestion, breathing sporadic and tears dampening your uniform as you held him securely against you, fingers threading gently through hair that had turned greasy with the dirt and sweat.
He was going to want a bath right after this.  But first, he needed this emotional release.  That was the most important thing, even he seemed to realize that.
His fists raised from the cold floor to instead tighten into the fabric of your uniform, clinging to you in a death grip instead of digging into the palms of his hands.  He was still shaking, and his breathing still sounded painful at times, but it was slowing down as he tried to match his breaths to the pattern of your soothing back rubs, trying to slow it down and take deeper breaths.  You simply told him to breathe and rocked slightly in place, chin moving to rest against the top of his head.
You weren’t trying to make the pain go away--you knew you didn’t have that power.  But you were going to offer him what help and comfort you could.
As Levi’s breathing slowed down to something a bit more manageable, you pulled away just enough to look at his face, hands shifting from his back and hair to gently cusp the sides of his face in your hands, thumbs wiping at the tears that had stained his cheeks and your clothes.  He wasn’t looking you in the eyes, still, considering how rarely he let himself be this vulnerable, even around you.  But this was a special exception, an anomaly none of you could have predicted, and you were making more than just simple, small exceptions.
His eyes were bloodshot from the harsh crying, and he looked utterly exhausted, like if you told him to go to sleep right now he actually would, without issue, but definitely with nightmares.
You were both in for some harsh and brutal nightmares going forward.
But again, that was not your focus right now.
Your thumbs gently wiped at the tears that were now trying to hide in the already-made rivers on his face, your touch kind and tender, your eyes full of sorrow of your own--you’d known so many of those that had died, as well.  And you knew that Erwin had been special to Levi in a way you didn’t fully understand.  It wasn’t the same thing you and Levi had, but it was still deep and strong in its own way, and it had just been cut out of him the first time while he was helpless to do anything about it, and the second time with his reluctant consent.
It took a few moments, but he finally looked at you, briefly, which was all you needed--that quick dart of his eyes towards yours, and the fact your gaze was locked on his eyes was enough to trap his gaze to yours long enough to say what you needed to.
“He was ready to go, Levi.”
Almost imperceptibly, Levi’s eyes widened at the fact that was the first thing you were going to say to him, out of everything (besides the brief coaching to calm him down.  The first face to face, conversational thing, first real sentence).
You didn’t know what to say about the grief of so many people dead just so he could get one shot at the Beast Titan, which he then ultimately failed because of a split second of hesitation.  You didn’t know what to say about being the one to make the decision to make that suicide charge, sending all those people to their deaths willingly.  But there was one single thread you felt like you could actually say something about, something that might help ease his burden even the slightest bit.  The pain and loss would still be there, but his load would be just a bit lighter...hopefully.
One grief and--you hated to say it, but--failure, that burned to the forefront of your mind as the greatest personal pains he had to be feeling right now.
You would focus on that.  With Erwin, you had some kind of comfort to give, as strange as it may seem.  But Levi could not take the full brunt of Erwin’s death, not as harshly as he was.  Yes, he’d made the decision, both times, but again...
“He was ready to go,” you said in a carefully tender voice, your thumbs gently tracing along the smooth edges of his cheeks and cheekbones, holding Levi’s gaze and making sure your words were sinking in.  “We both saw it.  You know he was.  You gave him...arguably what he wanted the most.  He was ready to go.”
Levi seemed to remember to breathe again, leaning his head forward into your chest once more--voluntarily, this time--and simply seeking your quiet embrace.  You didn’t make any more comments, simply holding him on your gathered position on the floor, staring off at nothing in particular as you slowly rubbed his back, murmuring little reminders to breathe whenever his breath would start to hitch again.
When your legs started to ache from the kneeling position you’d taken to pull his collapsed form into your arms, Levi pulled away, not even pausing to wipe at any tears or say anything or even look at you.  He simply got to his feet and started undoing the straps that made up the full body harness of the ODM gear, adding them to the pile and starting to strip off his filthy uniform as well.  You clambered to your feet with a bit of effort, pain shooting up your legs and making you pause to wait out the pins and needles sensation burning through your legs from holding that position for so long.
“I’m going to clean up,” Levi said bluntly, his voice still gruff, gravely from the harsh cry he’d just had as he finished stripping of his dirty clothes and started to head for the bedroom door so he could reach the washroom.
“And then get some sleep?” you suggested, turning to face him with a worried look.  Levi simply grunted in response, hand on the bedroom doorframe as you threw out one last thing before the moment slipped away entirely.
“For what it’s worth...” you said quickly, slowing down for the important part.  “I agree with your decision.”
Levi paused, held his position, and then said in a soft voice, “You’d be the first.”
“That’s not true.  Mikasa and Eren--” you started to argue, but Levi simply turned and gave you a look that silenced your argument immediately.
They didn’t count.  They’d been guaranteed to want Armin over Erwin because of their personal ties.  Everyone else, however...you’d both heard it, even from Armin’s own lips in a way.  Everyone else thought it should have been Erwin.  Everyone.  They had expected it to be, as well.
You squared your shoulders slightly, stubbornly standing your ground on the matter.
“I stand by your decision, Levi.”
Levi studied you for a long moment, fingers that had tightened to a white knuckle grip on the wood relaxing again as he gave a slight nod.
“...so do I.”
You felt a bit of relief seep through you to hear him say that to you and mean it, nodding as you started to take off your uniform as well.  “I’ll be in there in a moment.
Levi hummed in acknowledgement and disappeared into the other room after that, leaving you to get undressed and tidy up the bear to be properly taken care of later when you were both in a better shape to do just that.  Tip-toeing into the washroom, you could see Levi had already washed up and was simply soaking for a few moments, eyes closed and head leaning back slightly, one of his legs bending so his knee peaked out of the water as you approached.
He cracked an eye open once you got fairly close, sitting up and adjusting in the water for you to slide inside and join him, wrapping his arms around you in a firm hug and gently nuzzling against your neck, giving your jaw a soft kiss before he started helping you clean up, his movements gentle and slow, usually followed by a chaste, thoughtful kiss against your skin as the two of you washed you of all the dust, dirt, grime, and blood from the devastating mission.  Once you were clean, you shifted in Levi’s embrace, curling into his chest as his arms linked around you again, holding you tightly to him and burying his face in your hair, breathing you in deeply and simply...holding you.  Just holding you in silence, both of your minds heavy with the weight of far too many things, but finding a moment of solace in the unspoken fact that by some miracle you’d both made it out alive and were here to comfort each other in the aftermath, to help each other slow down and simple...breathe again.  Even if it was just for a moment before the world continued forward in it’s harsh series of events.  Even if it was just to hold each other until the water got cold and you had to migrate to the bed for sleep that would undoubtedly include nightmares of the very thing you each needed comfort for.
It was still a much needed moment where you simply clung to one another as that reminder to take a moment to breathe again.
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Everything Tags:  @antisteller
Levi Tags:  @clary-quinn @humanitys-hottestsoldier @whalerus @sunny-flo @thirstyforsometea @hauntedhousecat @peaches-and-clouds @queenofcurse @wubbawubwub04 @lollobos @pasteldays @itsmeaudrieee @macaronnv @tokyo-banana @apuci-kis-szornye @morgana-olson​ @yellowminb​ @ashikothedog​ 
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Silva Lining (Saul Silva x reader) Chapter 2
Warnings: Swearing?
Word count : 2.1k 
This chapter was a little longer, I really get hooked on all of the details and before long the chapter keeps getting bigger and bigger. It’s gonna be a whole story so bare with <3 
The night before starting at a new school you thought was supposed to be exciting, or you were meant to feel nervous, it was not supposed to be spent crying in Tara’s arms after explaining to her what had happened between you and the man you now believed to be your soulmate. You don’t know how long it had taken you to get to sleep in the end, all you knew is that you woke up as heartbroken as you were the night before. However, today is the first day to the rest of your fairy life, so brave face, and deal with the pain after hours.
Technically you didn’t have to go down to the courtyard to see everybody coming in, part of you was just interested, nosy, sick of being surrounded by only like 3 people for the last two months? Let’s just say you had your reasons. So there you were standing by yourself like an idiot, Tara was helping some of her friends move their things in, you noticed a girl with bright blonde hair, stunning, popular no doubt, she had the heir about her, not to mention there was already a group of Fairies crowded around her. Then you noticed another girl, flaming red hair, looking a little lost, part of you wanted to walk over to her, say hi or whatever, then you realised Sky had already clocked her too and was making his way over. Sometimes it was good to fade into the background, it just meant you could see everything happening without seeming too nosy. Like when you notice Blondie shoot daggers towards Sky and the girl he was speaking to, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Dramaaaaa. The conversation ended quickly when another guy, dressed in dark clothing with brown hair snuck up behind Sky interrupting. From the way they messed around you knew they were good friends. Maybe it was the guy River… no.. Riven, Sky had told you about. You looked away, starting to feel a little lonely as you watched friends re connect after time away. You only had one friend so far, and no doubt she had friends already here too, it was only a matter of time before you were on your own again. 
It wasn’t long before the final students had come through the gates and they began to close, you were one of the last ones outside, some stragglers lingering, when you felt someone come up behind you. You could tell instantly who it was, you wanted to be pissed off, but you couldn’t, his presence making you feel more at home than ever. He was close enough that you could feel his breath fanning the back of you neck, but far enough away so that if anyone saw you both it would just look like a private conversation. 
“You should be mingling with others, not standing here on your own.” You could tell by the tone of his voice he was frowning. It angered you. He was the one that decided what you felt for each other ‘wouldn’t work’ and now he thought he had an opinion when it came to your social life? 
“Saul, I mean, Mr Silva, you made it pretty clear yesterday that what we have.. had, wouldn’t work, so why are you concerned about what I do.” You moved away from him as you heard him sigh. You could tell he was frustrated, you didn’t care. In the two months you’d got to know Silva, you realised that he was a pretty dominant figure, he wasn’t used to not getting what he wanted, or having someone talk back to him. 
“Listen Y/N, don’t make this harder than it has to be.” He gritted out, it was paining him that he couldn’t touch you. You rolled your eyes and scoffed, turning to look at him, raising your eyebrow in a kind of ‘are you done?’ attitude. His jaw clenched. “Just stay out of the woods, there was another sighting of a burned one, it’s not safe to be out there at the moment.” With that he brushed past you, his skin brushing yours lightly enough to leave your whole body tingling, he faltered as he felt it too but carried on walking away. You headed off the the Fairy hall, looking back watching his re treating figure, you thought you had been the only two out there, but just before you rounded the corner you caught a glimpse of Headmistress Dowling, staring at the both of you from the top window of her office. 
The hallways were bustling, students squealing and hugging friends, luggage being hauled through the crowds, you had to push your way past, noticing on the way, a lot of people staring at you. You could hear people chattering, whispering, getting bits and pieces of sentences here and there like “Changeling” ‘Burned one” “multiple powers”.. You rolled your eyes, how the fuck did the news spread so quickly. You were grateful when you reached the door to your halls. You pushed the double doors open wide and took in your surroundings. Tara was there, sorting out all of her plants, she looked up and gave you a wide smile. 
“Oh Y/N there you are! I was just telling the girls all about you.” She rushed out and came to stand next to you. The noise attracted a few girls from the rooms off of the main dorm. Blondie from earlier sauntered out, you don’t know why it hadn’t clicked before that she was obviously the princess. Then followed a girl with headphones, a girl with funky looking hair, bits of blue were braided through it, and then the girl with the flaming red hair you’d seen in the courtyard. You stood awkwardly, your Doc Martens kicking the tiled floor. It was easy to see you all had different styles, you were no exception. There seemed to be a colour theme going on. 
“You don’t have to be so worried you know, we don’t bite.” The voice came from the girl with the headphones dressed in purple. “I’m Musa, i’m a mind fairy, that’s how I know what you’re feeling, also the reason you’ll see me with these almost every single minute of the day” she said while holding up the bulky headphones that were around her neck. 
The girl with the braided hair was next to introduce herself as Aisha, Water Fairy, explained why she had the blue theme going on. Next was Bloom, the girl from the courtyard with the Fire like red hair, which was suiting considering she was a Fire fairy. She was the other girl from earth. 
Lastly was Princess Stella. A light fairy, her hair funnily enough as you mentioned earlier, a bright shade of blonde, her clothes weren’t yellow, matching the whole light theme, but you did clock that the majority of her room and clothing choices were shiny. She gave you a smug smile, you knew girls like her back home, you’d been friends with a girl like her back home, she gave off a vibe of “I’m better than everyone else” but it’s probably just so she can hide her own insecurities. There was hope for her yet so you gave Stella a smile, which shocked her. You looked down at yourself, taking in your appearance, heavy Doc Martin boots, black ripped skinny jeans, plain white top and black leather jacket, okay so if they all had colour themes yours would definitely be black. 
“You’ve obviously met Tara, she didn’t shut up about you since we all got here, interesting that you’re from earth too like Bloom, two earthlings in one year, how exciting, and you killed a burned one on your arrival, isn’t that something.” You glared a little at the girl dressed in Green as it seemed she had already spilled some details to the girls in your dorm. Stella mocked surprise, oopsing at the fact that she’d brought up what Tara had obviously babbled out. 
Tara mouthed a sorry from across the room, the earth fairy was harmless and you knew that anything she had said would have been accidental or came out in excitement. “Yup well, I’m Y/N as Tara has probably already told you, born in England, Silva found me, killed a burned one at the barrier in the woods, apparently I have multiple abilities andddd i’m a changeling. Any more questions? I thought not.” 
You laughed and walked over to your room. You shared the space with Musa, just like her mezzanine, you had one directly above, sort of like a bunk bed but it was more like a bunk room. You’d mastered the art of not falling over the railing when getting up in the night to pee which you were happy about. You heard the girls below all talking about what a changeling was, how you’d killed a burned one, what a burned one was, all riveting stuff. The only thing you could think about, the only person you could think about, Silva. Musa looked at you and gave you a side smile. You were going to have to get used to someone around you knowing how you felt all the time. 
“So Y/N, are you going to the party?” Your head peaked up, a party? You didn’t know there was going to be a party but you were sooo going. You needed to let off some steam, do some flirty flirting with the boys and for once be a normal teenager. “I say party, it’s not gonna be some total rave but it’s like a welcome party.” It surprised you that Stella asked. You flopped onto your stomach on your bed. 
“Count me in, i’m gonna go for a walk first though, clear my mind and get some air before. Anyone want to join?” You watched as 4 of the 5 girls shook their heads no, it was yet again Stella who surprised you saying yes. Maybe she wasn’t going to be awful after all. 
Stella was surprisingly easy to get along with and you could already tell she liked you, maybe you’d already become friends even, you didn’t want to push your luck. You found yourself walking by the pond near where the specialists train. You hadn’t realised that that’s where your feet had led you until Stella tugged on your arm a little. “See that guy there, the one with the blonde hair, that’s Sky, we used to date.” Stella linked arms with you. You nod your head and explained how you’d met Sky when you first arrived here. You tensed as you heard his voice, you heard him before you saw him. 
“So, after your classes, you’re all mine.” It made you choke on nothing but air and your cheeks flushed. A few heads turned to look at the interruption and you ducked before Silva saw your red face. He’d seen you though, hiding beside the Princess, he tried to conceal his grin of amusement and then went back to teaching. You looked to Stella, the awkward moment hadn’t gone unnoticed by her. Before you could explain you heard shouting, you and Stella sat down on a near by bench and watched as Silva roasted the living daylights out of a first year specialist for being disrespectful. You could pick up pieces of their conversation, Stella filling in the blanks you didn’t catch. 
“The shield is to protect us from the burned ones”….
“Have you ever seen a burned one.” Silva was pointing his sword at the students face. 
“That’s the thing no one my age has, isn’t that all over now?” The first year specialist didn’t seem so confident now and you scoffed. Wrong, you’d KILLED a burned one, without even knowing what a burned one was at the time. You still don’t remember how you did it, that moment blanked out completely in your mind, the only thing you remember, Silva finding you haunched over the body.
“That’s where you’re wrong, one of the fairies here, was attacked by one on the way in, luckily, something was in her powerful enough to kill it before it could kill her, so no, it’s not all over now.” You could tell Silva was gritting his teeth, stopping from going any further, sometimes his anger slipped away from him. A few people that had obviously heard the rumours turned and looked at you, shock crossing their faces as if they were all thinking the same thing… so it was true, not a rumour after all. You’d finally had enough of the stares, you jumped up, catching the attention of Silva, Stella following behind you as you walked away and towards the woods. 
The very place Saul had told you not to go to. 
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carminite-wyrm · 3 years
A Sunless Skies!AU fic, Part 1
So I've...ended up writing a fic for my Sunless Skies x Hermitcraft AU. At first it was meant to be just like, a ficlet, but it's kind of spiralled a bit into a multi-parter fic. So here's the Part 1!
Again, credit to @redstone-sun for the FL!AU that kickstarted my inspiration for the Sunless Skies!AU!
Ren and Doc, brave Co-Captains of the Octagon Van, seekers of secrets and conspiracies, have for once, decided to take a brief vacation from their adventures and accidental incidents in the High Wilderness. Their vacation of choice? A few days at the most desirable holiday destination in all of Albion: Worlebury-juxta-Mare.
An idyllic holiday spot, where nothing is amiss, and nothing can go wrong. Right?
(Spoilers for Sunless Skies lore!)
The admission passes for a weekend stay at Worlebury-juxta-Mare had been a gift from the Boatem Crew, after a series of incidents that were probably best to never be spoken about again, on both groups’ parts.
Specifically, Scar had handed over the admission permits with a wink, tipping them out of his top hat with a dramatic gesture, along with a pamphlet.
“Should be fine for a weekend stay, gentlemen! I’ve heard that they even sell genuine rubbery lumps there, tastes just like it does back in London, apparently. Haven’t tried any myself, admittedly.”
And with that parting note, the Boatem Crew had set off from their rendezvous, leaving behind Ren, Doc, and their horde of semi-displaced goats.
A few weeks later, they had finished finding decent homes for the goats across the entirety of the High Wilderness, with a few exceptions who were still very much at home onboard their locomotive. And finally, the two could head off to their first vacation in several months.
“So, Worlebury-juxta-Mare.” Ren commented, staring at the cursive writing on one of the passes, and checking the pamphlet’s travel details with the map in front of him. “Have you gone there before?”
“Nope.” Doc replied, most of his focus upon repairing his mechanical arm after their last goat drop-off resulted in a very close call with some of Albion’s native wildlife. “It’s…off to the east, isn’t it?”
“Past London, yeah. Not close to the Avid Horizon, though.”
“That’s good to hear, I don’t think they’ll be happy to see us again so soon after that one, uh, incident.”
“I thought we agreed to never speak of that again.”
The journey to the holiday destination took a little under a fortnight, with the last of the goats willing to leave rehomed on the way. The one remaining goat ended up being named Vigenere, and appointed as the Octagon Van’s noble mascot, screams and all.
The island that Worlebury was located upon was shrouded in mist, which slowly parted to reveal a quaint-looking town, with multiple other locomotives docked at the port, and the faint outline of amusement park rides in the distance.
“Well, it certainly looks like what the pamphlet described.” Doc said, as their locomotive was guided to a docking station.
As they stepped onto the wooden planks of the docks, they followed the signs leading them to a sizeable queue in front of the main gates of the station. A few signs, all in the same fanciful cursive as the passes that they carried, directed visitors either to the queue for those with passes, those bringing supplies, those waiting for regular entry, and workers. Right by where all the queues began, they could see a bright turquoise banner for a Swaggon Inc. stall, set up in what looked like a cart, and selling all manner of knickknacks to the passing visitors.
“Suppose that’s us.” Doc pointed at one of the shorter queues, patrons in fine clothing and clearly of noble or wealthy backgrounds murmuring among themselves as their passes were checked and stamped.
As they waited, an official suddenly wandered by, stared at them for half a second, before making a ‘come over here’ gesture. Curious, the two headed over, and the man held out a hand, the badge of a government representative clearly affixed to his lapel.
“First time in Worlebury-juxta-Mare? Excellent, excellent, right this way then.” He said, a businessman’s grin fixed upon his face as he shook their hands in greeting. “I’m a representative of the Bureau of Entertainments, and I’d like to welcome you to our fine port. Now, I know queue jumping is a little uncouth, but well, for fine gentlemen as yourself, I am certain you would rather be enjoying the sights rather than mingling with the proletariat for hours.”
Ren and Doc shared an awkward glance, silently comparing their practical, but significantly less extravagant, attire with the shining emerald suit the official was wearing. Over by the admission pass queue, one of the women’s hats looked more expensive than all of Doc’s prosthetics combined, and Ren knew for a fact that Doc had not spared any expense with his equipment or materials for that.
“Uh, thanks? We do have passes though.” Ren held up the aforementioned two items.
“Consider this a courtesy for your first time visiting. We are, of course, absolutely certain that you will be returning guests, after all.” The man smiled at them, before showing them to a door that had a brass plaque with the words ‘Fitting Room’ etched onto it. “Now, there is a dress code, so please do step inside and let the good Couturier find you a suitable outfit.”
With only the slightest amount of hesitancy, the duo stepped into what turned out to be a sizeable room that had all manner of clothing hung up in the wardrobes and racks that lined its walls. The Couturier took one look at Doc’s labcoat (missing a sleeve after it was ripped too many times by him using his mechanical arm to physically fend off the creatures that attacked their locomotive), and Ren’s combination of overalls, tinted goggles, and a ragged red shirt, seemed to grind his teeth in silent outrage, and stalked over to one of the racks.
“Pick an article of clothing you imagine suits you, and I’ll…figure something out to match it.” He said shortly.
Doc immediately gravitated towards the rack of coats, finding a white coat that was almost like his labcoat except with all its sleeves, and also made in the fashion style of decades past. The Couturier seemed to calm down upon seeing his choice, and immediately busied himself with providing the rest of a three-piece suit to accompany it. Off to the side, Doc saw Ren contemplate a lavish velvet-lined hat, before putting it down and flicking through a selection of dress shirts and blouses.
Fifteen minutes later, they had finally shoved Ren into a tailcoat set, much to the relief of the Couturier, who had seemed close to sobbing after the twelfth time that Ren had thought the chosen attire did not suit him.
“I still think the fur coat would have looked better.”
“It looked like someone had stitched together a bunch of rats, Ren.”
Ren sighed dramatically, before immediately lighting up once again as they finally made it into the port town proper, and spotted the wide variety of shops and amusement park games that lined the streets.
“Oh, there’s a stall for the rubbery lumps that Scar mentioned!”
And with that, the hours whirled past as they visited shop after shop, Ren gleefully taste-testing several shops’ worth of tea variety before ordering a few caddies for them to take with them. At one point, Doc swore there was something more wormy than earthy in a particular cup of tea, staring suspiciously into his cup before setting it down. There was something…just a bit odd, besides the fact that the mists really were vaguely corrosive and causing their clothes from the fitting room to slowly disintegrate and unravel as time went by.
But, on the other hand, Ren did seem to be having a good time, and the shop with a wide array of elaborate tea sets, and other porcelain objects, was quite enjoyable to wander through, even if the screams from the nearby donkey ride was a little disconcerting.
Wait. Screams?
Doc whirled around, to where the donkey ride was. No, he must have been mistaken, it seemed like nothing was amiss, though his mechanical eye did focus upon an odd reddish stain that seemed to shimmer in and out of view. He blinked, and the stain was gone.
Huh, his eye probably needed a little bit of a tune up once they were back on board the Van.
“Hey, Doc, want to get some candyfloss?”
He turned away from the donkeys, to where Ren was tugging him over to a stand with multicoloured sticks of candyfloss. Still perturbed, he absently took a bite out of the pale green spun sugar that Ren had purchased for him.
It was sweet. A bit almond-bitter, if he thought about it for long enough.
Their hotel resort room was actually quite comfortable, considering they were essentially visiting for free. The Department official had said that their stay would be the equivalent of their usual pass, just without needing the actual pass, for some reason.
Ren tugged awkwardly at his clothes as they settled for the day, the fabric already looking a bit threadbare. Doc simply huffed, sitting down in one of the armchairs with relief after a whole day of walking and running around.
“They sure weren’t joking about the mists.” Ren joked, looking out at their beachfront view. “We’ll probably be lucky to get to midday tomorrow before we have to leave because our fitting room outfits are in tatters.”
“I thought we already saw everything today?” Doc eyed the bags of souvenirs that they had acquired, and the stack of cargo receipts he was dreading having to file away at a later time.
“There’s an art exhibition tomorrow, and we still haven’t seen the beach.”
“Hm, alright.” Doc sighed, sinking further into his armchair. “I’m going to be honest; I’m looking forward to being back on our locomotive, my eye’s been seeing some strange things and I think it might need a tune-up.”
“Probably isn’t anything serious, Doc!”
“I hope so.”
Roughly eight hours later, Doc was deeply regretting everything as the sky above the beach shimmered and doubled, the sight of an idyllic foggy day overlapping with scintillating tendrils of unsettling light. Off to the side, Ren was attempting to skip stones along the sea of mist, which quite frankly wasn’t working on account of the ‘water’ not being water in the first place.
“Ren, I think we should leave.” He said, catching the other man’s attention. “I’m…The place is starting to look a bit weird.”
“Ah, is the eye giving you that much trouble?”
“No, it’s-“
“Eh, we can always come back later, we still have the tickets Scar gave us.” Ren shrugged, and the two of them slowly made their way back to the dock. As they stepped back out onto the wooden platforms that formed the dockside, Doc blinked as the double vision he had been experiencing slowly cleared up, fading away almost like mist on a windy day.
An hour or two later, and Doc held up his mechanical eye to the lightbulb above his workstation, frowning in consternation. There didn’t seem to be any faults with the eye, and he even swapped it back out again with the spare, to compare the two. For all intents and purposes, his eye was perfectly functional, down to the polished glass lenses within it.
“Well, Doc? How’s the eye?” Ren poked his head into the tiny room that housed most of Doc’s tools and other equipment.
“It…seems to be working as normal. I don’t get it, I swear it was glitching out whilst we were in town, but there’s nothing wrong with it! I even pulled it apart to check if some of the internal pieces had corroded or fallen out of place, but it was all fine!”
“Huh, weird.” Ren shrugged. “So, you up for heading back in to the town, or do you want us to go? We did manage to get quite a bit of souvenirs, anyways.”
“Honestly? I think we ought to go, there’s just something not right about this place.”
“Hm, maybe something about the mists is making your hardware go a bit haywire? They do have a corrosive effect, even if its mild enough to only affect fabrics.” Ren nodded. “Anyways, I’ll go tell the crew to get ready to set off.”
“Uh. Captains?”
The two turned, to see one of the crewmembers looking at them with barely hidden panic on their face.
“Yeah?” Ren raised an eyebrow.
“Vigenere. The mascot. We can’t find them anywhere!”
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facing it alone ~ 10k;z nation
word count: 2537
request?: yes!
@colsondaddybakerxx​​ “Yeah.. is it okay if you use my name? It’s Alison (it’s okay if you can’t) and she spent mostly all of the apocalypse alone but then she runs into the crew (basically the main characters in z nation) and they helped her and toke her in, then she Mets 10k.. at first he really shy but when he opens up to her she realizes they both have a lot in common?? And he very very protective over her, making sure no zombies is even close to her and protecting her mostly all the time.. and eventually he asks her out? Pls try and add some zombie scenes haha x also if it’s to hard to get all the crew in the story it’s okay.. just at least add doc and warren xx”
description: after facing the zombie apocalypse alone for some time, alison ends up running into some survivors, and finds herself bonding with the youngest of the crew
pairing: 10k x female!reader
warnings: swearing, violence, mentions of death
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Facing the zombie apocalypse alone was much easier than having to face it with people. Being with people was just asking for heartbreak. Eventually they would die, whether it be of old age or other causes, and then they’d turn into a zombie and have to be mercied before they turned completely. Too much emotion, that’s the last thing you wanted during the apocalypse.
That’s why I travelled alone, except for the German Sheppard I found not too long after I started travelling alone. He was the only companionship I really needed, plus I managed to train him to detect when Zs were coming and to be able to fight against them himself.
It had been days since our last meal, and since we last found decent shelter, and I could tell both of us were starting to feel it. I hadn’t slept in days, I only had a few small foods that I was had to share with Hunter and they were starting to become scarce. I had no idea when we’d find another place to stay, or when we’d find food. For the first time in a very long time, I was genuinely afraid that things were going to end for me soon.
Hunter stopped suddenly and started to growl. Without hesitation, I positioned my gun to point towards where Hunter was looking. I waited to hear the familiar growling of a Z and to see one starting to approach, however I was shocked when I saw that it wasn’t a Z, but a totally healthy human, also with a gun raised and pointed at me.
“Hey!” came a female voice. “Are you bitten or otherwise unhealthy?”
“No ma’am!” I responded. “Yourself?”
“Not that I know of.”
I slowly started to lower my weapon. Hunter was still on high alert, although now he wasn’t growing at much. “Go check her out, boy, make sure she’s not dangerous.”
Hunter approached the woman slowly, knowing not to fully charge at a human unless he wanted a first class ticket to Dog Z-dom. She lowered her gun as well as she saw him approaching. As if knowing what he was about to do, she put her hand out and allowed Hunter to sniff her, before giving him a brief scratch behind his ear. That was the number one way to get on Hunter’s good side.
As if to tell me everything was fine, Hunter barked. “Yeah, yeah, I see you getting the best petting of your life, I’m coming.”
I was still cautious as I approached the woman, and she seemed to be as well.
“Lieutenant Roberta Warren,” she said, holding a hand out to me.
“Alison,” I responded, shaking her hand. “And this is Hunter.”
Hunter barked when he heard his name. Roberta smiled at him, petting his head again. “Nice to meet the two of you. Are you travelling alone?”
“Yes ma’am,” I responded. “Just the two of us for at least a year now. What about you?”
“There’s an...accidental team of us,” she responded. “Eight of us as of right now, travelling in a truck back that way.” My stomach chose that moment to make a loud noise, giving away my dire hunger. “When was the last time you ate?”
“Couple days now. We have snacks, but it’s not a lot.”
“You wanna come with us? We’ve recently gotten some food, and we’re looking for shelter for the night. What’s a ninth person, and they’re adorable dog.”
I looked down at Hunter. He looked up at me excitedly. Although I was sure he didn’t understand the situation that much, he definitely understood the words “we have food”, and he understood that he, too, was hungry.
What other choice did I have? Besides starve to death and become a Z. I sighed heavily and placed my machine gun over my shoulder. “Show me the way.”
When Roberta said they had a small team, she really meant a small team. All eight of them were armed to the teeth with guns, knives, spikes, and more. It definitely made my lousy machine gun look obsolete.
“Guys,” Roberta announced, “meet Alison. She’ll be joining us for a while. Alison, this is Doc, Garnett, Addy, Mack, Cassandra, Murphy, and 10k.”
I raised an eyebrow at the younger guy that Roberta addressed last. “10k? Like...ten thousand? That’s...your name?”
He looked at me for a minute before looking down at the ground without a response. I raised an eyebrow at him, amused by the reaction.
“That’s his name, don’t wear it out,” the older man Roberta introduced as Doc spoke. “Nice to have you along with us, and your cute lil pooch.”
Hunter whined happily at the attention he was starting to get.
“Climb in,” Garnett told us, nodding towards the back of the truck. “We should keep moving.”
Everyone got into the truck. I jumped into the pan and whistled for Hunter to join me. He jumped in effortlessly and laid between myself and 10k, resting his head on 10k’s lap. 10k looked startled at first until I laughed at his expression.
“Unless you’re a Z he’s harmless,” I assured him. “You can pet him if you want.”
10k tentatively put his hand on Hunter’s head. Hunter poked 10k’s head with his nose and gave him a quick lick before resting himself comfortably on 10k’s lap. I watched 10k relax and smile as he began to scratch behind Hunter’s ear. I couldn’t help but smile myself, but quickly pretended that it had never happened.
I couldn’t let myself get too close. Once I’ve eaten and gotten some shelter, it would be time to go again. I couldn’t stay around, I couldn’t get attached. Not again.
We found a lovely house that seemed to belong to a big family once upon a time. It was Z free and had enough space for everyone to be able to sleep comfortably.
Despite finally having a safe place for a night, I found myself unable to sleep. So instead of lying on the floor and keeping up all night, I decided to go outside to get a breath of fresh air. I had taken a room on the second floor of the house, so I opened the window and reached out to take hold of the roof, pulling myself up with ease.
I exclaimed with shock when I saw that I wasn't the only one with this idea. My sudden appearance also shocked 10k, as he jumped and nearly dropped his gun.
“Sorry,” I said. “Didn’t know anyone else was up here. Mind if I join you?”
“You’re already here, I feel like it’d be rude of me to say no now,” he responded.
I chuckled. “I guess you have a point.”
I pulled myself up onto the roof and settled myself next to him. Although he seemed relatively relaxed, 10k still held on to his gun as if his life depended on it. In some ways, I guess it did.
“Why do they call you 10k?” I asked as I laid back on the roof, looking up at the starry night.
“I called myself that, actually,” he told me. “It’s a nickname I came up with when everything started.”
“What’s the meaning of it?”
“It’s how many Zs I’m gonna kill.”
“And what’s your total at now?”
He paused a moment to think before responding, “Two thousand, one hundred eleven.”
My eyes widened. “Holy shit! That’s impressive. What do you have, like, super accurate aim?”
“Basically. I rarely, if ever, miss.” I made a face, impressed by his accuracy. “Why do you travel alone? Were you with someone?”
My body tensed up at the question. Sure, it was innocent enough, and an obvious question to ask someone who had been travelling by themselves.
“I was...once,” I admitted. “A long time ago.”
“What happened to them?”
“It wasn’t a them, it was a him,” I responded. “An old friend of mine, we grew up together. When I was out looking for survivors, he was the only one I came across. We travelled together for months, we found Hunter together and trained him to be as he is. About a year ago, we were fighting some Zs and one...one bit him. Got him pretty good before I could shoot the fucker. We both knew I had to kill him, but neither of us wanted me to. Before I could get the courage to do it, he took my gun and mercy shot himself. It’s...just been me and Hunter ever since.”
10k looked at me with pity and sadness. I kept my eyes trained on the sky, but I could see him out of the corner of my eye.
“I’m sorry.”
I shook my head. “No, don’t be. It was a long time ago. I’ve gotten over it."
There was a stretch of silence between us. 10k raised his gun and a shot rang out. I sat up to see a Z falling as 10k cocked his gun.
“Two thousand, one hundred twelve,” he declared.
“Showoff,” I chuckled, bringing my knees to my chin.
“I had to kill my dad,” 10k said, surprising me suddenly. “It was just the two of us, too, and he started to turn. I was forced to mercy kill him, stabbed him through the head. I was alone until I met the people here, too. They’re nice, I prefer to travel with them than to travel alone.”
“They seem nice,” I agreed, although even I could hear the unease in my tone.
10k looked at me. “You’re...gonna stay with us, right? It’s safer to be in a pack.”
“Not if one of you die and become a Z, or if you have to kill someone,” I pointed out. But when I looked up at him, 10k looked kind of upset by my response, like he wanted me to stay. And there was just something about that look that made it hard to say no. “But...maybe it will be better for me and for Hunter if we stay for a while.”
His face lit up, and I couldn’t help but smile as well. The sound of Z groaning could be heard down belong. Luckily, it was only two Zs. I took 10k’s gun without hesitation and shot them both between the eyes with ease.
“I’d say that’s at least two thousand for me,” I noted, passing him his gun back. A smile crept across his face, and I couldn’t help but smile back.
“A while” ended up becoming a few weeks, and a few weeks extended into a month, and before I knew it Hunter and I were welcomed into the team as if we had been one of their own all along. We constantly moved together, on the fast track to get to California with the hopes of coming up with a cure to the virus with the help of Murphy’s blood.
As to be expected, it wasn’t an easy task to get from point A to point B, but hey, what’s an adventure without some conflict?
After finding more shelter on one particular day, 10k and I were sent out to look for food and water as our supply was starting to get dangerously low again. As per usual, Hunter was right on my heels as we walked.
“Run ahead a little to check the area out, Hunt,” I told him. “But not too far that I can’t see you.”
He happily trotted along ahead of us, scoping out the area as he went.
“He’s pretty well trained,” 10k commented as he watched my faithful pal run ahead of us. “How did you do it?”
“Honestly, he sort of trained himself,” I admitted. “I mean, we fed him treats to praise him for being so good, but he figured out almost everything on his own; how to sense Zs, how to fight them, what we were asking him to do. Dogs are smarter than people think, you know.”
We were both quiet again for some time. Hunter circled back around to let me know he was still there before trotting off yet again.
10k’s arm almost shot out suddenly to stop me from walking before pointing his fun and shooting. He hit two Zs, with ease just as Hunter started barking furiously in front of us. The two of us raised our guns and started firing as the Zs came into view.
I noticed my pup waiting for instruction, so I brought my fingers to my lips and whistled, the signal to attack. In seconds, he was going after any Zs that were nearby, ripping them to shreds and mercying them.
While my guard was down, a Z managed to grab hold of me. I spun around, hitting them with my gun. Before I could shoot them, 10k finished them off. I looked over at him and offered him a small smile, which he returned.
When we finally finished with the Zs, I took my water bottle from my bag and poured some in a bowl for Hunter, who trotted over excitedly with Z blood still dripping from his muzzle.
“That was something,” I sighed. “Thanks for the save, by the way. I appreciate that. I definitely would’ve become Z chow if it weren’t for you.”
“I won’t let that happen,” he assured me. “I won’t even let you ever be changed.”
I looked up at 10k, my eyebrows furrowing together. “I know you won’t, and I appreciate that you have my back dude.”
10k looked down at the grass under his feet, now stained with Z blood as well. “I don’t just mean it like that, though.”
I tilted my head like a confused dog. “What do you mean?”
10k slung his gun over his shoulder and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “I know this isn’t exactly the best scenario to ask this, and I totally understand if you say no, but I’d like to maybe...try and be in a relationship with you...if you want that is.”
He couldn’t meet my eyes after he said that. I looked at him for a long time, waiting for him to take it back. I thought maybe this was some dumb joke, maybe Murphy put him up to it in order to try and embarrass me. I wouldn’t put that past Murphy.
But 10k’s face said he really meant it. 10k was too nice of a person to do something like this, and was definitely awkward enough to act this way if he really meant it.
I took his face in my hands and pulled him for a kiss. He seemed taken back at first, like he was unsure of how to respond to such an action. But he soon warmed into it, placing his hands on my arms and leaning back into me.
I pushed him away after hearing Hunter bark at the two of us. I couldn’t help but giggle at 10k’s dreamy smile on his face.
“That’s a yes, by the way,” I told him as I put Hunter’s bowl back in my bag. “Now, let’s get going. We can’t have a relationship if we’re eaten by Zs.”
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
I have an idea for sonic boom where sonamy boom 3 little kids travel to the past and you know like maybe accidentally used tails invention...when they are in past sonic freaks out at first but then he’s like at the end “am so gonna be the cool parent int the future” teases amy and btw i love ur stories 💗💗
Haha, of course! I swear, as soon as I got on Tumblr and saw your ask, I was like “OMG OMG OPEN A GOOGLE DOC START WRITING DROP EVERYTHING AHHHH”Sorry I’m a bit late, my laptop’s battery went dead and I was scared that the story wouldn’t save, but it did! But now here I am, hope you like it~ 
“What. The. Hell. Are. Those.” Sonic said, as his eyes grew wide at the little hedgehogs standing right in front of him.
“Hi, dad!” One of the little ones exclaimed. He sure did look a lot like Sonic himself.
 “Woah, Sonic, he called you dad! You didn’t tell me you had kids! But don’t you think Amy’s a little too young to have children?” Tails asked his big-brother figure.
  “T-Tails, seriously, they aren’t my kids! I’m not dating Amy or anything!” Sonic stuttered. The truth was that he was madly in love with Amy, he just didn’t want to admit it.
    “What do you mean, daddy? You always go to mommy everyday and kiss her, and tell her that you love her! You two leave us with Uncle Tails while you go on dates!” The youngest one said. He was an exact replica of Sonic.
     “Be quiet, Skid! Daddy tells us that he loves us too! Right, Blur?” The middle one said, looking over to her right, where a midnight blue hedgehog, possibly six, looked up.
    “Yeah.” He looked up to Tails. “Uncle Tails, did you make a shrink ray? ‘Cause you look shorter than usual!” Tails looked at himself. He looked completely the same.
   “How old are your parents?” Tails asked, hoping he could find out who their parents were. Their parents certainly couldn’t be Sonic and Amy. Amy was only 14, and Sonic was going to turn 18 soon. The oldest child looked about 6. Definitely not Amy’s child. 
    “Daddy is…” the youngest, who’s name is Skid and was about 3, stared off into space, trying to remember. “27!” Sonic looked surprised. He tugged at his scarf. That would’ve meant that Amy would have his kids at the age of 18...Was he really that much of a wimp?!
      “Do mommy and daddy have rings on their fingers?” Tails asked, as if he knew what Sonic was thinking.
    “Yes! Mommy has a diamond ring on her finger, along with some other rings.” So, they were engaged at the time?..
   “Are they married?” Sonic asked, interrupting Tails from asking the exact same question. All three of the children shook their heads.
    “Mommy said that you and her will get married soon, and she said I could be the flower girl!” the middle one giggled. She looked so much like Amy. She had jade eyes, with speckles of emerald in them. Sonic loved her immediately. 
  “Sonic, these kids must be from the future! How did you three get here?” Tails asked, hoping they would say through his invention. 
   “Well, you told us not to go near that,” the oldest one pointed to the machine that the kids came through.”
    “Fascinating. It must be a time machine.” Tails muttered, forgetting about the four hedgehogs in the room.
    “Oh boys! I brought the food you asked for!~” An angelic voice appeared, and the trio ran toward it. Amy was surprised by the sudden warmth on her legs, and found three little hedgies stuck to her, yelling “Mommy!” “You’re back!!” “WHERE WERE YOU?!” Amy wondered whose kids these were and why they were calling her ‘mommy.’  They looked like a mix of herself and Sonic.
   “Amy! Thank Chaos you’re here! These kids are from the future! They came through a time machine! They’re ours.” Amy widened her eyes. She looked back at the hugging hedgehogs.
   “This isn’t a prank, right? You’re telling the truth?” Amy said in a gentle, sensitive voice, which surprised Sonic, as he was used to hearing her coaching, cheering voice. “You know my feelings aren’t a toy you can just play with.” Yeesh, why was she so moody?
    “Ames, it’s not a prank, I swear, they’re our kids.” Amy’s cheeks went red. “No time to fantasize, our future selves are probably worried sick!” Amy shook out of her thoughts and all the questions she had.
    “I wasn’t fantasizing! I was just...wondering…” Amy took the kids in her arms, not worrying about their weight, because of the fact that she carries a humongous hammer. She walked over to Tails and put them down. “So, what are your names?” She asked, kneeling down. Sonic had a wave of pride splashing upon his heart. That was weird. It usually happened when Sonic defeated Eggman’s robots or when he saved his friends. The oldest one spoke up.
  “I’m Blur, that’s my sister, Ariana, and that,” he pointed to his little brother. “Is Skid.” Amy smiled. She couldn’t believe that these tiny little chubby potatoes were hers.
   “Has anyone told you guys how adorable you are?” Only Ariana giggled.
   “Yeah, you tell us that everyday, mom.” the oldest one and youngest one said simultaneously. “I see where you get your attitude from.” Amy looked up at Sonic, who was glaring at her.
  “Not only attitude, but also good looks~” Sonic posed, pretending to flex his non-existent muscles. Amy suddenly was caught in a daze. She had a lovey-dovey look on her face. 
   “Oh no, it’s happening again. Even young daddy makes young mommy all red-happy.” Red happy was the sonamy childrens’ way of saying that someone was blushing. They didn’t need an explanation, they understood.
   “I WAS RIGHT! IT WAS A TIME MACHIN- Oh sorry, I probably interrupted your little family moment.” Tails said, looking at the young family before him.
   “OHOHOHO, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, PREPARE FOR YOUR DOOM!” A loud explosion was heard, and everyone quickly went outside to see Eggman in his Eggmobile, looking confident, as though he was going to win the battle.
   “Ames, stay with the kids, take them inside, and make sure Eggman doesn’t see them!” Tails ‘aww’ed at the sight of Sonic being a protective ‘dad’, but quickly regained focus, and went on the X-Tornado to fire missiles. Amy obeyed the order, and quickly grabbed all three of the munchkins and went inside. The kids were squirming, wanting to go outside and participate, but Amy blocked the only way out.
    “Mommy, why are you blocking the door? You always let us go Eggbutt’s robots!” Blur cried. Amy was horrified. Will she really be that irresponsible about the kids when she’s older?” 
   “No. Not today. It’s not safe, you could get hurt!” Amy said, holding the three in her arms. She heard their complaints, and felt their kicks, but held onto them anyway. She noticed Ariana scooted away from the cuddle-pile. Amy let go of the two in her arms, and walked over to the bubblegum hedgehog. 
“What’s wrong, Ariana?” Ariana started whimpering, and that got Amy scared. Did she do something wrong? Ariana jumped into Amy’s arms, getting cradled by her mother. The middle child pulled away.
   “I just distracted you so that Blur and Skid could go outside.” Ariana giggled, her laugh sounding a lot like Amy when she was four. Amy ran out the door, leaving Ariana in a puddle of laughter. She saw her targets, and almost fainted. They were battling, and helping Sonic! They were running around, beating the crab-bots and bee-bots with Sonic’s spin dash. With so many Sonic’s at once, the robots were all defeated within fifteen seconds. Sonic gathers his future offspring into his arms and threw them into the air. He caught them before Amy has a heart attack. She walks right up to them and starts to scold them.
   “You two should be ashamed of yourselves! Your father tells you to stay inside, I tell you to stay inside, but what do you do?! You have your sister distract me with emotion, and run outside and help your father! I just wanted you three to stay safe! You’re lucky your dad didn’t scold you!” Amy had a dark and scary aura behind her that scared Blur and Skid.
  “Mommy?” an innocent little voice melted the hearts’ of everyone that had heard her, except her brothers, you deal with this all the time. 
   “Yes, Princess?” Amy asked, but then looked at herself in shock. She was aware that this was her future child, and she was aware that she’d only just met them.
   “I’m sorry I tricked you.” Ariana said, her eyes full of tears. Yes, of course Amy would feel guilty, Sonic just narrowed his eyes at his future child.
   “Don’t get all regretful, Ames. I’ve seen this trick before.” Amy turned and looked at him. What trick? “You used to do this all the time. You’d guilt-trip anyone into getting what you want and making sure you were never blamed for something you clearly did.” Amy just glared at him, his words sinking in. Was she really a guilt-tripper? Well, at least she didn’t blackmail. Ariana made a pouting face at the younger version of her dad.
“Well, this was fun and all, but I think it’s time that the SonAmy children head home.” Sonic and Amy spun their heads to their two-tailed fox friend, who was just standing there with a smirk. Amy felt a bit sad, until Sonic held one of her hands. He smiled. Yes, you read right! He smiled at Amy. She felt happy, and took the kids back inside. Tails walked over to the time machine.
  “So, while you were hanging out as a family, I figured out how to work this thing!” Tails exclaimed.
   “Make sure ya don’t send them to the dinosaur times. Future me and Amy wouldn’t be very happy.” Sonic said, putting his arms behind his back. 
   “You know Sonic, I’m surprised how you’re this chill about having kids.” Tails replied, acting like he was fixing something in the machine. Sonic dropped out of his pose and glared at Tails. He glanced at Amy and saw her blush. Perfect opportunity.
   “Well, Tails, I sure hope we have more than three, cause it must’ve been fun makin’ those kids.” He humped the air as if he were doing that to Amy. Her face went redder than a tomato and she made a disgusted face at him.
   “There are children in our presence! Say something appropriate for once!” Amy yelled at him. He just chuckled, doing his signature rub-under-the-nose thing. Amy rolled her eyes.
   “What’re mommy and daddy talking about?” Skid asked his ‘uncle Tails.’ 
   “Grown up stuff.” Tails said, trying to avoid that question as much as possible, not wanting his future nieces and nephews getting scarred for life. They nodded. Tails turned to the flirting couple. “It’s time for you to say ‘bye,’” Tails said, while Ariana nuzzled into his leg. He smiled, feeling a tear slide down his cheek. He hugged the little ones, and pushed them to their past parents. They all hugged, Sonic tried to snuggle into Amy’s neck. They let go, and they lead the kids into the time machine.
  “Bye, mom and dad!” they all said. Amy felt like crying again. Sonic held onto her waist, making her hit his arm.
   “Yeesh, Ames. I was just trying to comfort you!” Sonic exclaimed, rubbing his arm.
    “Stop acting like a married couple! You two aren’t married yet here or in their time.” Tails yelled at them, pointing at their future kids. “Okay, ready guys?” Tails asked. They nodded. He pushed a button, causing them and the machine to go back to their time. “Future me is gonna get beat up by future them.” Tails muttered as he saw Sonic kiss Amy’s cheek and laugh at her reaction.
    “I’ll be such a cool dad~” Amy rolled her eyes.
     “We’ll see about that.”
                    Well, you never know what’s going to happen in the future.
  This was so much fun to write!!! By the way, I won’t be able to post until the weekend because of University stuff.
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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Victor Von Doom was born decades ago to a tribe of Latverian Romani people under the rule of an unnamed nobleman called the Baron. Victor's mother was witch Cynthia Von Doom who died by Mephisto's hand while Von Doom was young. His father, Werner, was the leader of the tribe and a renowned medicine man who kept his wife's sorceress life quiet in order to protect Victor from a similar fate. Soon after Cynthia's death, the Baron's wife grew incurably ill from cancer and Werner was called to the capital to heal her. When she succumbed to illness, the Baron labeled Werner a murderer and called for his death. Werner escaped with young Victor, having realized the night before the woman would die. He goes on to die of exposure on the mountainside, cradling the boy in a final embrace and giving him his garments to keep him warm. Victor survived and, on return to the Romani camp, discovered his mother's occult instruments and swore revenge on the Baron. Victor grew into a headstrong and brilliant man, combining sorcery and technology to create fantastic devices which would keep the Baron's men at bay and protect the Roma people. His exploits attracted the attention of the dean of Empire State University, who sent someone to the camp.[49] Offered the chance to study in the United States, Von Doom chose to leave his homeland and his love, Valeria, behind.
Once in the United States, Victor met fellow student and future rival Reed Richards, who was intended to be his roommate, but Von Doom disliked him and asked for another roommate. After a time, Victor constructed a machine intended to communicate with the dead, specifically his mother. Though Richards tried to warn him about a flaw in the machine, seeing his calculations were a few decimals off, Victor continued on with disastrous results, the machine violently failing with the resulting explosion seemingly severely damaging his face.[49] It is later revealed that Ben Grimm, a friend of Richards who despised Victor for his superior attitude, tampered with the machine. He would later blame himself for Doom's initial fall to villainy and rise to power, but never revealed this information to anyone.[50] Expelled after the accident, Victor traveled the world until he collapsed on a Tibetan mountainside. Rescued by a clan of monks, Victor quickly mastered the monks' disciplines as well as the monks themselves. Victor then forged himself a suit of armor, complete with an iron mask, but before the mask had finished cooling, Victor put it on permanently bonding it to his skin, and then took the mantle Doctor Doom.[49] As Doctor Doom, he would go on to menace those he felt responsible for his accident—primarily, Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four. He succeeded in leading a revolution to take over Latveria from the Baron, taking an interest in the welfare of the Roma.
In his first appearance, Doctor Doom captures the Invisible Girl, using her as a hostage so the Fantastic Four will travel back in time to steal the enchanted treasure of Blackbeardwhich will help him to conquer the world and rule it peacefully, but he is fooled by Reed Richards, who swaps the treasure with worthless chains.[51] Doom then forms an alliance with the Sub-Mariner, who places a magnetic device in the Baxter Building. However, Doom uses this to pull him and the Fantastic Four into space, thinking this will rid him of those capable of preventing him from assuming control of the world's governments; the Sub-Mariner gets to Doom's ship and returns the Baxter Building to New York, stranding Doom on an asteroid. Returning to Earth after learning the secrets of an advanced alien race, the Ovids, Doom accidentally exchanges consciousnesses with Mister Fantastic; Richards, inhabiting Doom 's body, switches the two back, and Doom ends up trapped in a micro-world when he is hit with a shrinking ray he had intended to use on the rest of the Fantastic Four.[52] Doom takes over this micro-world, but leaves after the Fantastic Four end his rule. He is then thrown into space when he attempts to prevent the Fantastic Four from leaving the micro-world.[53] Doom is saved by Rama-Tut, and he returns to Earth to destroy the Fantastic Four by turning each member against the other using a special berry juice. Richards outwits Doom by using the hallucinogenic juice against him. Doom, believing he has killed Richards in a test of willpower, departs certain of his victory and superior intelligence, although saddened.[54]
During the 1960s, Doom attempted to recruit Spider-Man into joining forces with him,[55]and he came into conflict with the Avengerswhen Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch illegally entered Latveria to find a long-lost relative of theirs.[56] He stole the Silver Surfer's powers in 1967, but lost them after breaching a barrier Galactus had set for the Surfer on Earth.[57][58]
During the 1970s, Doom branched out to more Marvel titles, with a battle between Victor Von Doom and Prince Rudolfo over control of the Latverian throne being featured in Astonishing Tales.[59] Doctor Doom also attempts to use the Hulk as his slave during two issues of The Incredible Hulk.[60] The character also made several appearances in the story arcs of Super-Villain Team-Up, starting in 1975, as well as appearances in Marvel Team-Up, beginning with issue #42 (February 1976). In August 1981, Doom also made an appearance in Iron Man when the two traveled to Camelot, where Stark thwarted Doom 's attempt to solicit the aide of Morgan le Fay into defeating King Arthur's forces with an army of revived warriors who were slain by the sword Excalibur; Doom swore deadly vengeance for that interference, which stranded him in the past - this vengeance had to be indefinitely delayed in the interest of returning to the present day.[61] A particularly detailed plan saw Doom ally with the Puppet Master to trap the Fantastic Four within the miniature artificial city of "Liddleville", their minds trapped inside tiny cybernetic, part-organic copies of their original bodies. However, Doom perverts what had been intended by the Puppet Master as a chance to give Alicia and Ben a normal life into a trap, deliberately disrupting Reed's connection to his copy to make it hard for him to concentrate while "Vincent Vaughn"- Doom's alias as he monitors the project- belittles him, and the Puppet Master eventually helps the FF learn the truth and escape Liddleville while trapping Doom in the android body he had used to monitor the FF.[62]
During John Byrne's run in the 1980s, Doom attempted to steal the cosmic powers of Terrax, but Doom's body was destroyed in the resulting fight between Terrax and the Silver Surfer.[63] Doom survived by transferring his consciousness to another human, and is returned to his original body by the Beyonder[64] (who had reached into the relative future to 'recruit' Doom for the conflict on Battleworld that the FF had participated in a few months ago from their perspective). While on Battleworld, Doom attempted and briefly succeeded in stealing the Beyonder's power, but it proves too vast for him to control and the disembodied Beyonder is able to take his power back.
When Franklin Richards was kidnapped by Onslaught, Doom joined the Fantastic Four, Avengers and the X-Men to battle Onslaughtin Central Park. An enraged Hulk was able to crack open Onslaught's shell. However, Onslaught remained as pure psionic energy, separated Hulk and Banner, planning to spread across the planet. Thor Odinsonplunged into Onslaught, trying to contain him. The Fantastic Four, the majority of the Avengers, and the Hulk-less Banner followed in short order, with Doom being forced to join the sacrifice when Iron Man tackled the villain into the energy mass. Thanks to this sacrifice, the X-Men finally managed to destroy Onslaught. Doom, the Fantastic Four, and the Avengers and Banner were believed dead but were instead saved by Franklin, who created a pocket dimension called Counter-Earth to keep them safe. After several months away, the missing heroes returned from Counter-Earth, except for Doom, who remained there for a time. Doom uncovers the secret power at the heart of the planet, an avatar of his arch-foe Reed Richards' son, Franklin, the super-powered youth who conjured this globe and left a bit of himself behind to guide it from within. Doom managed to convince the little boy to relinquish control of this world with little more than a few errant promises of a better life.
When Susan Richards experienced problems with her second pregnancy while Reed was away, Johnny contacted Doom for help, correctly guessing that Doom will be unable to pass up a chance to succeed where Reed failed (due to the complex events involving the then-recent resurrection of Galactus, this pregnancy is a 'repeat' of an earlier one where Sue miscarried). Doom not only saves Sue's daughter but also cured Johnny of a recent problem with his powers where Johnny was unable to 'flame off' without technological support after becoming overcharged with energy from the Negative Zone by channeling Johnny's excess energy into Sue to keep her alive. After the birth, Doom's only apparent condition for his aid is that he be allowed to name Sue and Reed's daughter, calling her 'Valeria' after his long-lost love. However, this inspires a new plan where Doom makes Valeria his familiar while seeking out her namesake as part of a deal with a trio of demons; by sacrificing his old lover, Doom is granted magical powers on the level he would possess if he had spent the past years studying sorcery rather than science.[65] With this new power, Doom trapped Franklin in Hell, immobilised Doctor Strange, and then neutralises the FF's powers, torturing the other three while taunting Reed by leaving him in his magical library, comparing it to giving a dog a road-map as he concluded that it would be impossible for Reed to master sufficient magical skill to be a threat to him.[66]However, Reed was able to release Doctor Strange's astral self from Doom's traps, allowing Strange to give Reed a sufficient crash-course in magic for Reed to free the rest of the team and trick Doom into angering his demonic benefactors, prompting them to take him to Hell.[67] Determined to ensure that Doom cannot be a further threat, Reed takes control of Latveria to dismantle all of Doom's equipment,[68] simultaneously subtly driving his family away so that he can trap Doom and himself in a pocket dimension so that he can make sure Doom never threatens anyone again.[69] However, this plan backfires when the rest of the team attempt to rescue Reed, resulting in Doom transferring his spirit into Sue, Johnny and Ben respectively, forcing Reed to kill his best friend to stop his greatest enemy.[70] Doom was returned to Hell, but Reed is later able to use the same machine Doom once tried to create to travel to Heaven and restore Ben to life.[71] Doom remained in Hell until Mjolnir falls to Earth after the events of Ragnarok as it creates a dimensional tear during its fall that allows Doom to escape, although he decides to focus on rebuilding his power base when he proves unable to even lift the hammer. The events of this were deleted from Marvel Comics continuity in the 2015 series Secret Wars.
Later, a Doombot was taken down by Reed Richards, Henry Pym, Iron Man, She-Hulk and others in New York City. Whether or not it was sent by Doom himself remains to be seen, as does his role in the overall conflict. Doom was not invited to the wedding of Storm and the Black Panther. However, he did send a present: an invitation to form an alliance with Latveria, using the Civil War currently going on among the hero community as a reason to quite possibly forge an alliance between their two countries. When Black Panther, on a diplomatic mission to other countries with Storm, did show up in Latveria, he presented them with a real present and extended another invitation to form an alliance with Black Panther. He demonstrated behavior very uncharacteristic of him, however, which may or may not become a plot point later. Panther spurned the invitation, detonating an EMP that blacked out a local portion of Latveria before Doctor Doom 's robots could destroy his ship. Later on, Doom is then shown collaborating with the Red Skull on a weapon which will only "be the beginning" of Captain America's suffering. Von Doom gave the Red Skull the weapon because the Red Skull gave Victor pieces of technology from an old German castle. The castle was owned by a "Baron of Iron" centuries prior, who had used his technological genius to protect himself and his people. The map the Red Skull used to find the castle bore a picture of Von Doom. Doom states that the technology the Red Skull gave him is more advanced than what he currently has and that he will become the Baron of Iron in his future; although he does not agree with the Red Skull's principles, the time paradox the situation causes forces him to comply. The Red Skull is currently in the process of reverse-engineering Doom's weapon for multiple uses, rather than the single use Doctor Doom agreed to.
At the end of the first chapter of the X-Men event Endangered Species, Doom is among the various geniuses that Beast contacts to help him reverse the effects of Decimation. He spurns Beast by stating that genetics do not number among his talents. In Spider-Man: One More Day, Doom was among those that Spider-Man contacts to help save Aunt May.[72] Doom also makes Latveria into a refugee camp for the Atlanteans following the destruction of their underwater kingdom[73] as well as becoming allies with Loki in his plot to manipulate his brother into unwittingly release his Asgardian allies.[74]
Doctor Doom later defends Latveria from the Mighty Avengers, following a revelation that it was one of Doom's satellites that carried the 'Venom Virus' released in New York City (which was actually hacked by an enemy of Doom).[75] In a battle with Iron Man and the Sentry, the time travel mechanism within his armor overloads, trapping Doctor and his opponents at some point in the past - Doom continues his relationship with Morgan le Fayusing his time machine.[76] He and Iron Man managed to get back to the present, but Doom has left Iron Man in his exploding castle. Despite his helping, Doom ended up falsely incarcerated at The Raft.
During the Secret Invasion storyline, Doom was among those who escaped the Raft when a virus was uploaded into its systems by the Skrulls. In the aftermath of the Secret Invasion, Doctor Doom became a member of the Dark Illuminati alongside Norman Osborn, Emma Frost, Namor, Loki's female form, and the Hood, intending to seek revenge on the world for falsely ruining his reputation. At the end of this meeting, Namor and Doom are seen having a discussion of their own plans that have already been set in motion.[77]
Doom soon allies himself with the isolationist group known as the Desturi to take control of Wakanda, attacking and wounding T'Challa, then the current Black Panther, maiming him enough to prevent him from holding the mantle again. Doom's main objective was to secure Wakanda's store of vibranium, which he could mystically enhance to make himself invulnerable. Doom was also a part of the group known as the Intelligencia after being captured to complete their plan. With the help of Bruce Banner, he escaped and returned to Latveria, damaged by this experience.
At the start of the Siege storyline, Doom was with the Cabal discussing the current problems with the X-Men and both Avengers teams. Doom demands that Osborn at once reverse his course of action against his ally Namor, to which Osborn refuses, saying that he and Emma Frost had "crossed the line" with him. Doom, loathing Thor and the Asgardians all the more due to his recent defeat at their hands, claims that he will support Osborn's "madness" should Namor be returned to him, but Osborn refuses. Osborn's mysterious ally, the Void, violently attacks Doom, and an apparently amused Loki tells the Hood that he should go, as there is nothing here for either of them, which the Hood, now loyal to Loki due to his hand in the restoration of his mystical abilities, agrees. However, it is revealed that "Doctor Doom" who had been involved with the Cabal was actually an upgraded Doctor Doombot, which releases swarms of Doctor Doombot nanites against the Cabal, tearing down Avengers Tower and forcing its denizens, such as the Dark Avengers, to evacuate. Osborn is rescued by the Sentry, who destroys the body. When Osborn contacts the real Von Doom, Victor informs him not to ever strike him again or he would be willing to go further.[33]
It has been revealed that the Scarlet Witch seen in Wundagore Mountain is actually a Doctor Doombot which apparently means that the real one has been captured by Doom sometime after the House of M event.[78] It is revealed that Wanda's enhanced powers were a result of her and Doom's combined attempt to channel the Life Force in order to resurrect her children. This proves to be too much for Wanda to contain and it overtook her. With Wiccan and Doom's help, they seek to use the entity that is possessing Wanda to restore the powers of mutantkinds. This is stopped by the Young Avengers (who are concerned at the fall-out that would ensue if the powerless mutants are suddenly re-powered) only to find out that Doom intended to transfer the entity into his own body and gain Wanda's god-like powers of re-writing reality for himself.[79]Doom becomes omnipotent with powers surpassing those of beings as the Beyonderor the Cosmic Cube. The Young Avengers confront him, but Doom accidentally kills Cassie just before Wanda and Wiccan stole his new-found powers.[80]
At the start of the story arc "Fantastic Four: Three", a guilt-ridden Doom felt that he needed to be "reborn" and was making plans to abdicate his throne and give it to Kristoff when Valeria teleported to his room unexpectedly asking for his assistance to help her father. Valeria quickly notices that Doom had suffered brain damage from his previous battle and is slowly losing his memories; she makes a deal with him to restore his mental capacities if he helps Reed and the Fantastic Four. Doom agrees to her proposition.[36]Later, Doom appears among those in attendance at Johnny Storm's funeral.[37]
Due to the agreement, Doom was recommended by Nathaniel and Valeria Von Doom to be a member of the Future Foundation.[38] Objecting, Thing attacks Doom out of anger, but the fight was stopped by Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, who welcomes Victor to their group. When Valeria asks Victor if he has a backup for restoring his memories, he reveals that Kristoff Vernard is his backup. Afterward, Mister Fantastic, Spider-Man, Nathaniel, Valeria, and Victor head to Latveria to meet with Kristoff and request his help. Mister Fantastic sets up a brain transfer machine in order to help restore Victor's memories and knowledge, which is successful. When Kristoff wants to return the throne to him, Doom states that it is not time yet because of a promise he made to Valeria. When Mister Fantastic asks what promise Doom made to Valeria, Victor states that he made a promise to help her defeat Mister Fantastic when she calls for it.[39] Doom decides to hold a symposium on how to finally defeat Reed Richards. The Thing and the evolved Moloids give an invitation to the High Evolutionary. Dragon Man and Alex Power give an invitation to Diablo. Upon receiving an invitation from Spider-Man, Mad Thinker is convinced to take part in the event. Bentley 23 even gives an invitation to his creator, the Wizard, along with two A.I.M. lieutenants. However, it is subsequently revealed that the 'Richards' they have been invited to defeat are actually members of the "Council of Reeds" (alternate versions of Reed who were trapped in this universe by Valeria a while back, possessing Reed's intellect while lacking his conscience).[81] While Spider-Man and Invisible Woman make sandwiches for the kids, Mister Fantastic, Victor, Valeria, and Nathaniel Richards meet with the supervillain geniuses and Uatu the Watcher about what to do with the Council of Reeds.[82]
Around this time, Von Doom performed brain surgery on the Hulk to separate him from Bruce Banner, extracting the uniquely Banner elements from Hulk's brain and cloning a new body for Banner, in return for a favor from the Hulk.[83] This clone is killed soon afterward.[84]Later, Doom is apparently killed by the Mad Celestials.[85] With no knowledge as to how he survived, Doom awakens in the ruins of the Interdimensional Council of Reeds, where Valeria had left him a present: the full army of lobotomized Doctor Dooms from alternate realities who were previously captured by the Council, along with two Infinity Gauntlets from alternate universes. With these resources, Doom created the Parliament of Doom, an interdimensional council charged with maintaining peace across the multiverse.[86]He later returned to again rule Latveria, upon ruling the council for a millennium.[87] An ill-fated excursion into the alternate universe of the one of Infinity Gauntlets resulted in Reed and Nathaniel Richards rescuing Doom from his own council.[88]
During the a confrontation between the Avengers and the X-Men, Doom allies with Magneto and others against Red Skull's Red Onslaught form.[89] In an attempt to atone for past misdeeds, Doom absorbs the Scarlet Witch reality-altering powers and resurrects the dead Cassie Lang, whom he had accidentally killed.[90] He subsequently makes a Faustian deal with an unspecified demon to resurrect Brother Voodoo.[91] After returning to normal, Doom is taken into captivity for his initial killing of Lang.[92]
With the final Incursion imminent during the Secret Wars storyline, Doom usurps the power of the Beyonders with the aid of Doctor Strange and the Molecule Man,[40] collecting what he can of the destroyed multiverse and forming a new Battleworld consisting of different alternate realities. He also assumes the role of God and claims complete dominion of this new world and its inhabitants, controlling them into thinking he was always the almighty force of creation; he takes Sue as his wife, Franklin and Valeria as his children, condemns the Human Torch to be the sun and Ben Grimm to be the Shield wall, and rewrites his own history to resurrect the majority of those whose deaths he caused. Richards and a ragtag collection of heroes and villains that survived the destruction of all universes challenge Doom and, with the help of Molecule Man, are able to take his power and restore the multiverse. Opting to heal rather than harm, Reed finally uses the Beyonder's power to heal Doom's face.[41]
In the All-New, All-Different Marvel, Doom returns to Latveria where he saves Tony Starkby incapacitating a group of Latverian rebels with a sonic attack.[42] Doom reveals to Tony that he is a new man and wishes to help, giving the latter one of the Wands of Watoomb to keep safe from Madame Masque. When more rebels arrive, Doom teleports Iron Man to the Bronx Zoo.[43]
Doom finds Iron Man again and teleports the two to the Jackpot Club in Chicago to confront Madam Masque.[44] Discovering that Madame Masque is displaying symptoms of demonic possession, Doom has Tony trap her in the Iron Man Armor then proceeds to exorcise the demon from her. Doom disappears before Tony regains consciousness.[45] Doom appears once again and interrupts Tony's breakfast date with Amara. Doom is trying to prove to Tony that he has changed and is trying to correct the mistakes he has made, explaining that he has arrived to check up on Tony and see if he is suffering from any side-effects from being in the presence of an exorcism. Tony still refuses to trust him after what he has done and Doom leaves once again.[46]
Following the defeat of Tony Stark at the hands of Captain Marvel at the conclusion of Civil War II, Doom discovers his calling. Remembering his dissatisfaction as a God, Doom decides that it was his role to help heal the world. Inspired by Stark, and informing his A.I. duplicate that he intends to establish Stark's legacy, Doom fights for his unique brand of justice as the third Iron Man, and later comes into conflict with Mephistodisguised as The Maker, the evil Ultimate Universe version of Reed Richards.[47] Doom goes on to join the Avengers, and later conceives a child with Dr. Amara Perera.[48]Doom's sudden change sparked grievances that resulted in a group of villains, led by the Hood, to join forces to take him down.[93]After the villains besieged Doom several times, the final battle occurred when the Hood attempted to take over Stark Industries, which happened not long after Stark had secretly recovered from his injuries. Tony confronted the Hood and stumbled into Victor. Doom took on the Hood and the unidentified demon possessing him one-on-one, and his face was severely burned by the demon in the process. Following the villains' defeat, Victor retreated to the ruins of Castle Doom.[94]
Later, a young woman named Zora Vokuvic breaks into Castle Doom demanding to see Doctor Doom. She makes it past the many Doombots that guard the palace before finally confronting Doom himself. She tells him that Latveria has been overrun with dictators and opportunists since he left and that the nation needs its leader back. Initially rejecting Zora's pleas for help, showing her his grotesquely scarred face in the process, Victor finally agrees when she refuses to give up and hands him his iconic mask, telling him that Latveria needs its true champion. Taking the mask, Doom ventures out into Latveria, quashing the civil war that is apparently raging and vowing to fix the country with his own strength – summoning magical energy as he does.[95]
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marlsbuck · 4 years
— && guests may mistake me as ( haley lu richardson ), but really i am ( marley buckley + cisfemale + she/her ) and my DOB is ( 6/13/1994 ). i am applying for the ( vet tech ) position as part of the EHP and would like to live in suite ( 211 ). i should be hired because i am ( witty & empathetic ), but i can also be ( indecisive & absent-minded ) at times. personally, i like to ( dance, knit & volunteer at the zoo ) when off the clock, but that won’t interfere with work.
hi pals! we’re back with a marley mae revamp! our favorite lil cowgirl is getting the makeover she deserves, so let’s get started, shall we?
before we get too into it, though, we have a stats page and a pinterest (which is also getting a revamp before too long bUT...i digress).
lil tw moment: abuse, alcohol, drug, death mention tws. per usual, i went a little heavy on the tws just to be safe! 
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- marley mae buckley was born june 13th, 1994 to finnegan and shailene buckley.
- her father is a chief exec at an oil company and her mother was a stay at home mom and socialite, the latter of which she preferred.
- the family moved to billings, montana shortly after marley was born so her father could be more involved with work. this meant her mother had more time on her hands and more time to attempt to mold marley into the perfect daughter.
- except marley liked dirt, climbing tress, and pretending to ride the family dog like a rodeo bull.
- needless to say that did not go well????
- substance abuse tw early in marley’s life, her mother mixed prescription pills and pinot, which only made the tension between the two more intense. 
- abuse tw baby marls never understood why her mother would want to self medicate, essentially checking out and missing a majority of her only child’s life, until one night after her father came home after a day of ‘meetings’. smelling like expensive scotch and cigar smoke, marley saw her father hit her mother for the first time.
-  abuse tw she didn’t witness the actual abuse often, but marley started noticing the signs more and more often. bruises around wrists, large sunglasses when it wasn’t sunny out, concealer caked around her eyes and jaw. for a while, she begged her mother to take her and leave, but marley’s mother refused - firm in her belief that she wouldn’t be able to make it on her own.
- so they endured. more often than not, marley’s mother took her pain and frustration out on her daughter. it didn’t take long for marley’s parents toxicity to turn her into an angry, resentful person. marley was around 8 when she started acting out - “accidentally” breaking things around the house, saying out of pocket things at her father’s work events or fancy dinner parties. marley was 10 the first time she left home and didn’t come back for hours on end, only to come back and realize no one had really noticed she was gone.
- when she was about 13, marley really started acting out and rebelling. she started hanging out with a rougher group of kids who were significantly older than her. even though she never took part in the more intense stuff, marley did manage to get herself into some trouble that finally managed to catch her parents’ attention.
-  one night, while out with that older, rougher group of friends, marley was arrested for a destruction of property charge. since she was a minor, her parents were called immediately and, after making a sizable donation to billings pd, made the whole thing go away.
- officially done dealing with marley and the whole “mothering” of it all (if you can call it that), her parents shipped her back to their hometown of big timber to live with her paternal grandparents.
- she tried to run away a few times (even going so far as to steal her grandfather’s work truck - even tho she didn’t get far because she didn’t know how to drive stick yet) because rebellious, but after paw made her stay and help one of their cattle give birth, marley fell in love.
- marley fell in love with every animal on the ranch - all their quirks and distinct personalities. it quickly became the home marley’d never had. it was warm and loving and full of joy and life. her grandparents became the only parents she’d ever really known.
- they were the only reason marley agreed to go back to her parents. they’d made a deal that if she behaved at “home”, she’d be able to spend the rest of her summers at the ranch.
- so marley went back to her parents and did the dance classes, and dinner parties, and even did the whole debutante thing and “came out” to society.
- at 16 she petitioned to be emancipated and a judge granted said petition. she promptly moved into the renovated barn at the ranch that her grandparents had rented out while she finished school.
- marley ended up graduating early and began attending classes at the local community college, eventually getting her associates in science all while still working on the ranch when she could.
- at 19, marley began classes at montana state, majoring in microbiology as a pre-vet track.
- death tw shortly after she finished her first year at msu, marley found out her mother passed unexpectedly. when she went to attend the services, her father effectively disowned her (even though they hadn’t spoken in years) and blamed her for her mother’s issues and death.
- marley came back to the ranch more depressed than she’d ever been and instead of dealing with the hurricane of emotions she felt, marley dropped out of school and ran
- marley drove all along the west coast, eventually settling on a cattle farm in texas.
- there, marley met literally the worst thing to ever happen to her. only a month or two after settling in texas, marley started dating wade because mess attracts mess. duh. his parents owned the farm she was working on and he gave her attention. that’s it. that’s all it took.
- abuse tw it didn’t take long for the gas lighting, lying, and cheating to start. a short six months into their relationship was when the physical abuse started. growing up, she’d always told herself that she’d never allow a man to treat her the way she’d watched her father treat her mother - that she’d be stronger than her mother and leave after the first time. finally, though, marley realized the battle her mother had fought to endure all those years of abuse and just how hard it was to muster the courage to leave. 
- to this day, marley carries around the guilt of spending years blaming her mother for being weak and missing the opportunity to apologize while she was still alive.
- eventually paw caught on and WASN’T having any of it. so he snuck down with maw in the middle of the night while wade was out on a bender and packed marley’s shit and took her back home to the ranch like the knight in shining armor that man is.
- two years of animal therapy and literal therapy, marley applied to finish her bachelors in chicago after maw suggested it. she was accepted and once again left her home behind, but this time it was to chase her dream and we’re all v proud.
- she’s been at the mlanati now for two years and has finished her bachelors and is a certified vet tech. she’s currently in her last year of undergrad and is getting ready to start applying to vet schools officially.
- marley is a jeeple. she owns a 2008 black jeep wrangler x. 100% named it ringo. definitely has a black jeep of the family bumper sticker and let me tell you, this girl is SO proud.
- y’all will never catch this girl in shoes. she will start the day in shoes and by the time lunch rolls around she’s barefoot. the only pair of shoes she enjoys wearing are her justin boots or her vvv worn out vans. 
- she knits when she’s anxious, which is more often than not now that she’s in a new place. but it also means she’s giving out cute lil beanies and scarves to her new frens.
- loves and i mean LOVES westerns. tombstone and gunsmoke were staples growing up.
- also probably the worlds biggest dolly parton fan. if it involves dolly, marley is in.
- ALIENS, MAN. your girl loves aliens and most space things. roswell (the og and new shows) are her jam bc...y’know....cowliens.
- she has three tattoos: some wildflowers on her upper left ribs, “worthy” in her grandpa’s handwriting on her upper right forearm, and the silhouette of big timber peak at the nape of her neck.
- marley is also one of those people that doesn’t need a ton of sleep? 4-5 hours max and she’s golden.
- cold brew coffee also runs through her veins. her coffee order is a trenta cold brew with hazelnut and almond milk, thanks. it’s also probably one of the reasons she never stops moving....ever.
- big time questioning her sexuality. marley’s only ever been with men, but uuuuuhhhhh WOMEN y’know? also nb folx are v nice. we do not discriminate in this house.
- 2 cats! doc (7 y/o himalayan long hair) and ike (2 y/o munchkin). both rescues she met while volunteering at a shelter.
- snake tw would also v much like a colombian rainbow boa pls and thank
- will always make time to take a dance class or book space to just dance all her feelings out. it’s one of the few joys she has that comes without feelings of pressure or stress. 
- holds most  people at arms length. she’s more than happy to listen and support everyone around her, but is a literal steel trap when it comes to talking about herself and her past.
- alcohol/drugs tw not a drinker. buckley’s don’t have a great track record of being able to handle their liquor (never let her do shots pls), so marley sticks to the occasional blunt. esp when she’s feeling extra anxious, it calms her down and evens her out.
- she do be jumpy af! loud noises (that don’t obviously come from animals) make her anxious and shaky. it’s the *pTsD*.
- marley’s triggers include but are not limited to: grabbing her face/chin, breaking glass, loud noises - specifically yelling, general violence, the smell of vodka or scotch and cigar smoke, being grabbed from behind/picked up without warning.
wanted connections!
- travel pals! : people marley met on her trip from montana to texas! she wouldn’t have stuck around long, but she was a hot ass mess and these would have been people who met her at p close to her lowest? so seeing her at the malnati would be like meeting a whole new person. she’ll probs be hella flustered and embarrassed so, like, we love that.
- hype squaaaaaad! : marley’s self esteem is still.........nonexistent, almost. she’s all about giving the love, but is the worst at accepting it, so obviously we need someone to shove all the love and positive affirmations her way! help ya girl see her worth!
- post hook ups! : likely only one or two! marley isn’t one to hook up unless she’s feeling pretty awful about her self and needs some instant validation. can be awkward or cordial! i’m down to plot specifics!
- crushes! : unrequited or nah (lbr i’d live for unrequited pls) male, female, nb - gimmie it all! babie is ready to give all the love....kinda. from afar. bc trauma. bUT!!! leggo. lololol.
- confidant! : literally probably the only connection that’s limited to one person. they know eeeeverything. every horrid, gruesome detail about marley’s past and all her insecurities. they could be someone that met her when she was on her way to texas/she met in texas or someone she met after and got to witness one of her panic attacks post texas. aka the one person she trusts most.
- scurry folx! : pls gimmie plots where marley is at odds with someone, whether or not it’s because they scare her a lil (aka angry, aggressively loud, bully-ish type someones) or just people who can’t handle her goofy, oddball, pollyanna type personality! i. need. ANGST!! pls. ty.
- chemistry, ofc!
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buckyownsmyheart · 5 years
Duty [5/12]
CHAPTER 5: The Punchline
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 5.1k
Warnings: Language, unbearable sexual tension (with some more smooching) and terribly choppy writing
Series Summary: Ex-army doctor, and now on-mission-for-the-Avengers doctor, Major (Y/n) (Y/l/n), had prepared herself for anything. That was, of course, until she met a devastatingly charming Sergeant from Brooklyn with a quick wit and a kind smile. I wonder what will happen.
A/N: Have been back on placement so chaos has ensued, this isn't as good as I’d like it but hey! We’ll survive! Some terrible jokes are within it, and so I apologise
Series Masterlist
Chapter 4
 “Hey Major,” Tony sang, rounding the corner into the kitchen, looking guilty,
You narrowed your eyes at him, peering over the top of your mug of fresh coffee, “What?”
“How do you feel about going undercover?”
“Very, very badly,” you cocked your head, “Why?”
“Oh, you and Barnes are going undercover.”
“You what? Tony!” you placed your cup onto the table and stared at him, “Why me! There are so many other people that would be so much better! You have literally hundreds of agents at your disposal if you don’t want anyone being recognised!”
“If I say amusement factor, will you hit me?” You looked at him warningly and pointed your finger at his chest. “Okay! Okay! I’m sorry! I need someone with boxing expertise who won’t turn a match into an MMA fight, get carried away and accidentally kill someone.” He sighed, “I’m sorry to have to ask you to do this. I know you hate it, but we have word that HYDRA is using this ring to scout fighters for Project Moonshine and it’s important we can gather as much information as we can. There won't be any violence.”
“Except for the whole underground boxing ring thing.”
“Yeah, aside from that,” he put his hand on your shoulder, “I’m not going to force you to do this, you know that.”
“I know,” you stood, “How can I say no to such a kind offer? Let me change and I’ll meet you in the briefing room in 15 minutes.”
“I owe you one!” Tony called out, as you made your way to the door.
“You bet your ass you do,” you looked back over your shoulder.
The briefing revealed that you and Bucky, Tony had become quite fond of putting you together on missions, would be joining the CUB ring, short for something a little more obscene than you had imagined. You were the fighter with Bucky as your ‘handler’, making sure no harm came to you and each fight was fair, he would step in whenever he needed and suspected that they wouldn’t pit you against anyone soon because the matches would already be planned for the length you were expected to stay there for.
A few days later, you found yourself standing in front of a man who was so tall that he rivalled Bucky, and so wide that when he walked through doors, his shoulders looked like they might get wedged in the frame. You felt like a show dog, wearing sports clothes that left a lot more skin on show than you would prefer, to be ‘assessed’. He eyes bore into you, unblinking. You found yourself pressing your arms against Bucky’s beside you for some comfort, but you clenched your jaw and looked ‘The Jack-saw’ in the eye. You were 80% sure that a jack-saw wasn’t a thing, but that wasn’t an opinion you were about to voice.
“Bellatrix, fight name Trixie,” you spoke, trying to fill some of the awkward silence that had arisen as the Jack-Saw loomed over you, eyeing you up and down. “Like Bellatrix Lestrange, but with more finesse,” you laughed a little at your own joke, but your face fell quickly and coughed the rest of your laughter as Jack-whatsit didn’t seem to appreciate your attempt at lightening the mood. Honestly though, you couldn’t tell. His face was like a brick wall. It looked like someone had sculpted it out of clay, with a wide-set, well-defined jaw, a high brow and a nose with a high arch, but then the sculptor had dropped the face on the floor, to give a now squashed and slightly uncomfortable looking result. He continued speaking as if you hadn’t said anything and boomed down to you.
“Our fighting is mixed, so you and your trainer here,” he eyed Bucky with suspicion, “Need to get prepared. We only have 1 other female fighter and she’s missed the past few matches so we’ll slot you in instead of her. Your first fight is tomorrow evening, 1:30, here.” And he strode out the door, leaving you and Bucky staring at each other.
“Well, that was easier than I was expecting,” you shrugged.
Bucky gently pulled your arm and turned to you to face him, he looked serious, “This is bigger and sooner than we expected, you don’t have to go up against these guys and risk getting hurt, we can send in other agents, it’s no big deal.”
“Careful Sarge, people will think you’re getting soft,”
“I’m serious.”
“I know, Buck, but I’m a big girl, if I can get a few punches on a super-soldier, I can hold my own out there.” You met his eyes and tried to abate his concern and assure him that this mission was going to be okay. He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his blue eyes as he offered you his hoodie to try and ward off the chill that had settled in the room.
You gratefully accepted and pulled the hoodie over your head. You had to try very hard not to completely cocoon yourself inside it and never breathe any other air that didn’t contain Bucky’s scent. Because that would be weird. Instead you bumped his shoulder and walked towards your new living quarters.
“Just so you’re aware, you’re never getting this back.” You casually mentioned and grinned at him when he let out a laugh.
You and Bucky both stood, staring, looking between each other and the situation in front of you. This was definitely new, and typical of the universe to throw it at you both.
“I’ll sleep on the floor,”
“Bucky, you’re not going to sleep on the floor,”
“It’s fine, I don’t mind, I’ve slept on the floor before,”
“We are grown adults, and we can sleep in the same bed together without falling dramatically in love from each other.” Oh yeah, nice one. Like that won’t happen. You were still wearing his hoodie and would have 100% slept in it if you weren’t in this current position. “Alright, I’m gonna have a shower and change, you do your thing.”
After taking a cold shower and using your nice soap because of a certain reason that was currently in the room next door, you wandered back into the room and saw Bucky, shirtless, in tartan pyjama bottoms, reading a book.
“Didn’t know you could read?” you smirked at him, ignoring the flutters in your stomach, “Bathroom’s free if you want it,”
He chuckled, “Yes, ma’am,”
You got into bed, pulled the covers up to your chin and willed your heart to stop beating so wildly. The bed dipped down, and the smell of peppermint filled your senses.
“Night, Major,”
“Night, Sergeant. Remember no funny business. You’re in bed with the new underground boxing champion Trixie, and she takes no prisoners.”
He chuckled lightly and moved around under the covers, trying to get comfy. Sleep came surprisingly quickly considering there was a human sculpted by the gods lying there next to you.
You woke up and the first thing you noticed was that your cheek had stuck to your pillow. As you tried to unpeel it, you had to wiggle around to try and get comfortable again. Why was your pillow so high? And hard? And warm? Your eyes snapped open and you didn’t dare move another muscle. This was not your pillow.
“Morning Doc, didn’t quite picture you as a snuggler,”
“Barnes, if you dare move before I’m fully awake, I will strangle you and your imaginary dog for good measure.” But now you were very much aware of his flesh hand encircling your waist, his fingers resting on your hip and the heat radiating off him from where half your body was in contact with his.
“You know, you’re almost endearing when you’re half-asleep.” He gave a small chuckle.
“Shut up. Alright, where’s the coffee? I’m up, you can release me from your titanium clasp.” You rolled over, “Seriously though, do you work out your finger muscles? They’re weirdly strong.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He asked, suppressing a snort that caused you to jolt up,
“I didn’t mean it like that! You pervert!” You threw a pillow at him, with a look of disgust on your face. “I’m going to get ready, so I can train for this evening, whilst simultaneously removing those disgusting images from my head.” You rolled your eyes and headed to the bathroom. Please god let this be over soon, because charming and flirtatious Bucky was way more than you could handle.
The morning had been spent planning and scheming. Paper, highlighters and files spread around every inch of the bedroom. You had laid out the mainframe of what was going to happen, with Bucky on the lookout for where they were taking people and asking other handlers about the girl who had gone missing, and you would be focussing on not getting your ass handed to you on a daily basis by the other fighters. Bucky had tried to convince you that a banana and mayo sandwich was normal, and it felt oddly domestic and comforting.
By late afternoon, you had gone to the gym, warming up and stretching a little, but before long, you were back in the ring, circling Bucky as he held out training focus pads. “I know you’re good at this, but these guys will be a lot bigger and heavier than you, so your main aim is not to get hit,” He coached.
You stood up, dropping your fists and deadpanning him, “Really Buck? You think my main play was going to be 'let them hit me as many times as they wanted'?
“Come on, you know what I meant, play to your strengths.” He motioned to the pads, and you jabbed and swung at them. Bucky continued, “They’re going to think you’ll be running them around in circles, so they'll be trying to pin you in a corner. Let them do this and hit them with the body shots. You’ve got a strong left hook, and hopefully your southpaw stance will throw them a little. Go left hook, right hook just above the belt and uppercut.”
“Like Tyson did to Boyd in 2015?”
“Yeah right, exactly. Okay, I need you to try it out on me.”
Without letting him rethink his decision, you immediately threw your entire weight behind your left punch, aiming it at his abdomen. You realised too late that this was a mistake. Bucky stepped you and swept his leg under yours. On the way down, your legs tangled in his as you tried to find a foothold. This managed to leave you both on the floor, panting heavily as Bucky tried to support his weight above you. Your faces were only inches apart and you could feel his breath fanning your face. His tongue darted out to wet his lips and his eyes flicked down to yours. Oh man. You were so screwed.
“That was an illegal move,” you whispered, trying to ignore his numbing gaze.
“Don’t tell me that’s what you’re seriously thinking about right now,” He practically growled at you,
“It’s one of the things, in there, somewhere...” You trailed off. You were really struggling to think straight given how quickly your mind was racing. It was wrong for this to happen and it would most likely lead to falling down the rabbit hole, but my god he was so tempting. His hand pushed a stray hair away from your forehead.
“Nope,” he interrupted you, “For once, don’t use your logic brain,” and his lips crashed into yours. This kiss seemed different from the one at the art gallery, it was needier, more desperate, and conveyed more emotion than words ever could. You pulled your gloves off and weaved your hands into his hair, pulling gently at the roots to try and ground yourself. As he gave a soft moan, the slight parting of his mouth allowed your tongue to slide over his lips and find his, deepening the kiss. Your bodies were now pressed so close together, you could feel every ridge on his body, every bump and curve. You had never felt so safe, so at home as you did now. You couldn’t deny your emotions and had to accept that he was everything to you.
A loud cough brought you back to reality, and a loud voice shouted, “Not here, use a room!” After hearing a door slam, you pulled away, looking a little sheepish. Bucky was scanning your face, the tips of his ears were tinted pink, and he gave a small laugh. Rolling off of you, he stood up, holding his hands out for you to take. He hauled you up, and you gripped him hard as your knees weren't quite ready to support you yet. You stood, chest-to-chest, your hands on his shoulders, and his on your waist, unable to move for a few seconds. Him? You could definitely get used to. This? Absolutely-bloody-terrified you.
After the small heated make-out session incident in the boxing ring, you had abandoned training and gone to have a shower in the changing rooms, not-so-subtly avoiding Bucky. You were now stood outside your door, trying to find some courage that had all but deserted you. You counted yourself down, took a deep breath and entered. Before you could say anything, Bucky turned to you, as if he had been expecting you, and started talking.
“I like you, Major. I like how you know already but won’t admit it to yourself. I like that you’re fierce and you stand up for what you believe in. I like how always wear odd socks, and especially how you keep them on when you know it annoys Tony. I like how you can read me like a book. I like your sarcastic comments and stupid jokes. I like how you squeeze my hand twice to reassure me. I like how you care about people above and beyond a normal human. I like how you make me hot chocolate after I’ve had a nightmare, and never push me to talk about it until I’m ready. I like everything about you, darling, I hope you know that.”
“You know I think the world of you, Buck, and I want to be with you, but the thought of someone knowing me intimately, and letting my walls down, showing people that I’m not always okay scares me. I wish more than anything that I could leap into your arms, but I don’t think I can. I need some more time to try and get my head sorted, I’m sorry.” Your voice cracked, and you glanced up, forcing yourself to look at him. As you did you were engulfed in a hug, his arms wrapping around you and his aroma entirely filled your senses. All you could do was fold yourself inside his embrace and will the tears to stay away.
“Don’t be silly, don’t apologise, I understand,” he murmured into your ear.
In an attempt to lighten the mood, and prevent any tears escaping, you choked out, “How long you been working on that speech, Sarge?”
He chuckled, his body reverberating around you, “Well I’ve had a few months to think about it.”
You squeezed him harder, trying to tell him how you felt, how much you appreciated him through this hug, and the returning squeeze he gave you made you hope he understood.
He lifted his arms from around you, and you immediately missed the comforting weight they had given you. “(Y/n), I’m going to give you some space and I'll work on...” he paused, his eyes flicked to the side, “This excuse. I’ll be back in an hour or so for your fight.”
He grabbed his coat and walked out of the door, leaving you to flop dramatically onto the bed. You were so close to swearing off any emotion and becoming a hermit in the south of France with a goat named Gilbert. Or Godfrey. That was undecided.
You knew that, for you, at this moment in time, you had made the right decision. It would be unfair on Bucky to initiate something that you both might regret. You had spent so long relying on yourself and being your own support that you had forgotten what it was like to lean on someone else, and you hated that you struggled to do it, but you needed an adjustment period.
A few hours later, you found yourself heading towards the changing rooms again, headphones plugged in and turned up loud, tuning in your senses to prepare yourself for the match. As you sat down on the bench, Bucky entered, looking tall, broody and devastatingly handsome. Come on, get it together you thought, now was not the time.
“You okay?” He mouthed, knowing your music was far too loud for voices to be heard, his ever-piercing blue eyes searched your face as he rested his hand on your shoulder, concern lacing through his features. You nodded in response and held out your hands to him for him to wrap. You were thankful he didn’t mention them shaking. Although you had boxed throughout university, and sparred at the compound, you hadn’t properly fought a boxing match in a few years. You were also used to sparring with you opponents before the match to see what their level was and gauge their moves, but apparently that wasn’t a thing in the illegal underground boxing scene. You didn’t even know who you were fighting. Bucky gently pulled out your earbuds and you realised he had been trying to say something to you.
“Come on Trixie,” he said, using your fight name, “We’ve got a fight to win and underground schemes to mess with.”
You nodded, sliding your hands into the gloves he was holding out and touching them together a couple of times. He pulled the hood up of the kimono you were wearing and lead you to the door.
The cheering of the crowd was deafening as they called out the name of your opponent, Dave “The Cleaner” O’Neill. He was shorter than you had expected, and a lot slimmer. It seemed they did take weight classes into some consideration. As your name was called out Bucky led you to the red corner, and a surprising number of cheers went up. I guess they were all pretty excited about the prospect of violence.
In your corner, Bucky pulled off your kimono and put in your gumshield. He cupped your cheek and moved to speak in your ear, “Just like we practiced, you’ve got this, I believe in you.” You leaned into his hand, closed your eyes for a brief second before turning and taking a few strides into the centre where your opponent waited.
The ref said a short, “Let’s keep it entertaining,” before blowing his whistle. You and Dave (you had decided to call him this because it was a little less intimidating than ‘The Cleaner’, not that that was much better), tapped gloves and darted back, on the defensive. He immediately started circling and jabbing out, trying to ascertain how experienced you were, and whether his reach was an advantage, but you kept back, dodging and watching for any tells. He was throwing a lot of his weight into his punches already, I guess he was used to fighting bigger guys, but it meant his footwork was sloppy.
Trying to draw him into his mistakes some more you took a few left swings at his face, seeing whether it would unbalance him, but he seemed pretty steady. Thinking back to your session with Bucky earlier you tried to remember what he had done to take advantage of you making the same mistake that Dave was doing, but that only brought back the memory of him pressed up against you. This distraction earnt you a punch in the face. Yep, should have seen that coming. Man, he could punch hard. Luckily, he had only hit the side of your mouth, your lip probably wasn’t bleeding, but you might have some funky colouration in the next few days. You were now, however, extremely pissed off. Leering forward, leading with your left, you snuck some body punches in with your right, but the bell went off, signalling the end of the first round.
You moved back to the red corner, opening your mouth for some water and panting hard. Bucky looked at you seriously, but you just shook your head, don’t, and he got the message.
In the next round, Dave had a stupid cocky look on his face. This did nothing for your mood. You tried to keep a level head, because that was what you had always been taught, in any situation, keep a level head and you can worm your way out of it. Stretching your neck as the whistle blew, you prepared yourself. You leaped forward, ducking under his obvious first right hook and delivered a blow with your left to his now exposed side. As he instinctively tried to cover it, but you dropped under his arms and executed a right hook to his other side. As he moved back, you seized your opportunity. Bringing your right fist upward in a decisive uppercut, Dave’s head snapped back, and he crumpled to the ground. Knock-out. You were in a daze as your hand was held up and you were ushered out of the ring, down a corridor. Before you had fully processed what was happening, you were in an unknown room, handcuffed to a chair, with an aching jaw and ‘The Jack-saw’ standing in front of you.
“Usually when I’m handcuffed somewhere, I know the person a little better.” You joked, but he, again, didn’t seem to appreciate it. “Come on, smile a little, it won’t hurt. Why don’t we play 20 questions? I’ll start first, if there was a song that embodied your life, what would it be? Mine would be ‘I Don’t Care’, you know the new Ed Sheeran one? I feel like he understands me on a whole new level.” You were trying to delay him, either talk him to death or distract him long enough to work the pin that had previously been holding your shorts up into the handcuffs.
“You talk too much.”
If it was possible, you would have said he looked even stonier than before.
“Yeah, I’ve been told.” You made a thinking face before continuing, “I feel like you’re a Taylor Swift man. You seem like the type. It’s always the unexpected ones you know, I had the scariest boss ever, but he was never so scary after I walked in on him singing ‘I Knew You Were Trouble’. Kind of takes the terror out of a person.”
“We’re taking you on a little road trip, somewhere that will permanently freeze your mouth closed.” But before he could continue there was a commotion outside the door. He looked back at you, “Don’t move.”
“Bit difficult in handcuffs!” You shouted after him as he walked out the door. Wiggling the pin around the lock wildly, a delightful ‘click’ sounded and you had to bite your lip to prevent yourself from yelling out in joy. You made quick work of the other handcuff before flattening yourself against the wall, the chair outstretched in front of you to use as a weapon. As the door barged open, you swung the chair at them. They dodged it easily and looked at you in surprise.
“Really? A chair? Thought you were trained better than that, Major.” Amusement laced in his voice, and his signature cocky smirk plastered on his face.
“Oh my god, Tony,” you ran up and hurled yourself at him, “How the hell did you get here so quickly?”
“Tin-man called us to standby a few hours ago, I guess he sensed something was up.” He patted your back, “Quite a few bad guys out there, kind of need you to unhand me.”
“Right. Sorry. Got a spare gun?”
“And your med backpack,” he said, holding out both to you.
“You’re the best, I take back any bad thing I said to you,”
“You’ve actually never said anything that bad to me,”
“In that case, I take back any bad thing I said behind your back.” You replied, and luckily, he laughed in response. You took your backpack and gun and ran through the door.
Most of the thugs had been rounded up by the Avengers and other agents. It seemed they had gone a little overkill with the personnel on this mission. You wondered vaguely what exactly Bucky had said to get this many people here so quickly, and an unwanted but pleasant warm feeling spread through your chest. The journey back was filled with closing some scrapes and replacing a dislocated limb. It wasn’t until you got back into the compound that you were able to go and find Bucky. F.R.I.D.A.Y. alerted you that he was in his room, and so chucking on his hoodie, you went straight for his room and knocked twice on the door. A quick “I’m through here!” call from Bucky and you wandered through to his bathroom. The sight at the other side was something to behold. Bucky was lying in the bath, his metal arm glinted as he made a movement to cover himself. You immediately averted your eyes, until you realised that the bath was full of bubbles.
“Didn’t peg you for a bubble bath type of guy, Sergeant,” you raised an eyebrow and laughed. Your laughter immediately stopped when you saw a huge cut across his cheek facing you and one from the end of his collarbone to the middle of his chest. “Bucky!” You exclaimed, reaching in your pocket for some surgical glue, “Why didn’t you come to me about these!”
“Figured you were busy,” he mumbled unconvincingly. You shook your head, whilst muttering something along the lines of ‘stupid fucking idiot’. You dipped a flannel in the water and dragged it across his cheek, trying to be as gentle as you could and removing the dirt and muck that had accumulated inside the wound. His jaw tensed each time you put the damp cloth on his injured skin, and you guessed it hurt a lot more than he was playing on. You put your other hand on his other cheek, trying to steady yourself, and you moved your thumb in a soothing motion. As you sealed it with the glue, Bucky’s wet flesh hand found its way to the hand that was on his cheeky, drawing your eyes to his. The look on his face broke your heart, sadness dulled his bright eyes, and drew the corners of his mouth down.
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t there," He began, "I promised to protect you, and you shouldn’t have had to be alone. I should have been there. I don’t know what I would have done if something worse had happened to you.” You cut him off with a kiss but broke it off before your self-control gave up all together and made you jump into the bath with him. Instead, you rested your forehead against his.
“Before you say anything else, I need to say something. And I wrote it down beforehand, so don’t interrupt me because it'll throw me off.” You said quietly, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath in. “I like you Bucky. I like how you never push me to do anything I’m not comfortable with. I like how you wring your hands when you’re nervous. I like your electricity and how you light up every room you walk into. I like the scar under your chin from when you fell over getting into the pool. I like how you always choose pancake house when it’s your turn to decide a restaurant. I like your sweet tooth, even if it means you steal all of my hidden cookies. I like your compassion, and how you’ll do anything to make someone happy. I like your unwavering faith in me and the rest of the world that things will be okay. I like how you feel like home, and I’m sorry it took me so long to say it. If you want me, I’m yours. All in.”
You opened your eyes and leaned back, looking into Bucky’s in search of an answer. He grinned at you, and you found your lips curving in an involuntary response. Warmth was emanating out of him and filling your chest. His hands held your face, and he gently kissed you again.
“I’ve been all in since the very beginning.”
“Careful, Sarge,” You grinned, “People will think you’re getting soft.”
“Shut your mouth,” he smiled coyly at you, and gave you another peck before continuing. “Now, you pervert, I’m getting out the bath so unless you want the full Monty you should probably leave,”
“And what if I am a pervert?” Bucky splashed you, and you laughed, “Okay, okay, I’m leaving!” As you closed his bathroom door tried to contain your smile. Yes, you were scared, but you had realised that there was always going to be a time when you had to take a leap of faith, and there was no one else you���d rather take that with.
Strong arms wrapped around your waist and Bucky rested his head on your shoulder, gently kissing the crook of your neck. You hummed in contentment and turned around in his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck and playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck. “I could definitely get used to this,” you said as you pressed yourself against him. You walked your fingers up his bare chest and putting on your most flirtatious voice. “We still might need a little time to figure things out though, potentially an entire night, that okay with you, Sergeant?” You looked up at him through your lashes. However, before either of you could do anything about the growing sexual tension, Tony burst through the door. His eyes widened at the scene in front of him, and he gave a yell behind him.
“Hey Nat! The double bed worked! You owe me $10!” He looked back to the both of you, who had frozen in shock. “You ladies enjoy yourselves.” He slowly backed out of the room, closing the door behind him. As you turned back to Bucky, you heard a muffled shout, “I’m putting a sock on the door!”
You burst out in giggles, hiding your face against his chest, as Bucky grumbled, “Those meddling motherfuckers.”
 Chapter 6
 tags (message me if you want to be added!):
@broco8​ @nerd-without-a-cause​ @sebbbystaaan​ @mcubuckyandsteve @cutiepiemimi13​ @velvetwonderbucky​ @livylou3333​ @cap-just-said-language​
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ohmyprodigalson · 5 years
I want to start off by saying I love your docs, and spent like an hour reading them, and then asking for a really angsty malcolm x reader where she had a son that she lost before they met and only Gil knows about it, and they’re a case of something about kids dying, and end the end it’s too much and she breaks down and Malcolm is there and comforts her? Maybe she goes a little insane and he has to stop her from doing something?
Please take the trigger warnings very seriously. Some people may find a lot of the content very disturbing.
Trigger Warnings: Extreme child abuse, abuse of an infant, murder of an infant, medical tragedies involving an infant that leads to death, violence against a woman.
Word Count: 1,554
Gil stood in front of the doorway to the house. He reached his arm out to stop (Y/N) as she was approaching the threshold. “I don’t think you should work this one.”
“What do you mean? I’ll be fine. This is my job. I can handle anything.”
“No, you don’t understand.” Gil had a stern look on his face. “I don’t think you can come back after seeing this.”
“I said I’ll be fine. Just let me through.” She pushed his arm out of the way and followed the trail of forensic investigators to one of the bedrooms upstairs. A group of them parted to let her into the room. Before her was the body of an eighteen-month old.
He was clearly beaten to death. He was covered in bruises, and there was an indentation on the back of his head where he had been thrown against the wall. The evil that lead to his demise was heavily contrasted by the pure face of a sleeping angel.
The room was nearly silent. Everyone’s imaginations were running rampant with images of a baby being beaten, and the bone-chilling cries he would have let out. All that could be heard were the whispers between forensic scientists and Edrisa as she examined the body. The room was silent enough that (Y/N) could hear the father sobbing in the living room downstairs.
(Y/N) pulled herself away from the scene to go talk to the father. She found him distraught, with red and puffy eyes. (Y/N) just listened to his conversation with Dani.
“I’ve been gone on a huge business trip for about a week. I thought I could trust my wife to take care of the baby, but I was wrong. I was so wrong…!” He was hunched over himself, holding his eyes as he continued to cry. “She’s just been so angry lately. I don’t know what’s wrong, but she doesn’t want to be around the baby. She kept complaining that her head hurt, and the baby was making it worse. I thought they would be ok together while I was gone, but…”
Dani was calm when she spoke. “Do you know where your wife might be?”
“I have no idea. She doesn’t have any family around here, and she has alienated herself from her friends because she has been so angry.”
They gave him their condolences and went back to the precinct to start investigating the whereabouts of the suspect. When they got there, Gil pulled (Y/N) to the side. “Are you ok? I really think you should sit this one out.”
“I can’t. I… I need to see that justice is served for this baby.” Even though she claimed she was alright, there was a storm deep inside her. It was filled with rage, sadness, and even a touch of jealousy. She was jealous that this woman had a living, healthy baby while hers was not.
Gil didn’t want to push her, so he let her stay on the case against his better judgement. Malcolm noticed that something was wrong with (Y/N), but he just assumed that she was deeply disturbed by the nature of the case. As they were discussing their leads, another officer told them that there was activity on the suspect’s credit card. They tracked it to a local motel, and the team decided to go apprehend her.
They decided to split up when they got there, just in case. Malcolm and (Y/N) stuck around the outside of the building where they could see if the suspect fled in a different direction than they thought she would. Surely enough, as Dani and JT were knocking on her door, (Y/N) saw the woman dart out from the exit on the side of the building. She ran after the suspect, and she was faster than Malcolm. When (Y/N) caught up to her, she tackled her to the ground and started punching her in the face.
Malcolm tried to pull (Y/N) off of her when he got to them, but in her anger, (Y/N) accidentally hit Malcolm in the face. He staggered backwards, surprised, and watched as (Y/N) continued to beat the woman into a bloody pulp. Malcolm tried to pull her off of the suspect again, lifting her up by her arms as he linked them with his own. As he pulled her off of the woman, (Y/N) started kicking her. When the others ran over to Malcolm and (Y/N), they found the suspect on the ground, unrecognizable through the blood that covered her face.
Gil exclaimed, “What happened here?!” He looked at (Y/N), still held back by Malcolm, and saw that she was crying.
She started to shout, her voice strained through her tears. “That’s how your baby felt!! Your own child!! That is what he felt during his last moments on this earth, and you did that to him!! He was just a baby!! He wouldn’t understand anger, because he should only know love!! You didn’t deserve to be a mother!! You don’t deserve to be happy ever again!! I hope you are beaten every single minute of every single day so that you will never forget what you did to that sweet, innocent child!!”
The suspect started to cry, and none of them were sure if she was crying because of her physical pain, or if she was crying because of the death of her baby and (Y/N)’s words. Gil yelled at Malcolm to pull (Y/N) away before she could do any more damage. He took her to the opposite side of the building where they could have some privacy.
He couldn’t hide his confusion and surprise. “What happened back there?!”
Her anger turned to sorrow as she sat on the ground. Malcolm kneeled down to be at eye-level with her, but she still averted her gaze. He waited for her to speak, and she finally did so with a small, sad voice.
“How can a mother not love her child? How can she find such evil in her heart that she’s compelled to beat her own baby to death? The screams and the cries of that baby… How could she inflict such pain and not even care?”
Malcolm’s voice was low and calm. He wanted to talk her through this, because it was clearly very disturbing for her. “I don’t know. We may never know.”
(Y/N)’s voice started to crack and squeak because she was crying so hard. “I would give anything, even my own life, to hold my baby in my arms again. I couldn’t save my baby, and she willingly gave hers away? She didn’t even give him away, she inflicted pain upon that innocent baby. She didn’t want her child, and I can���t imagine a life where I will never miss my own.”
Malcolm was shocked. (Y/N) had a baby? She never told Malcolm about him or why she no longer had him. Gil was the only person that knew, because he was there to watch her grieve. But a mother’s grieving for her child is never really over, is it?
Malcolm’s voice was barely more than a whisper. “You had a baby?”
(Y/N) nodded her head as she sniffled. She was crying so hard that her nose was uncontrollably running. “My little Henry. He was taken from me far too soon. I still love him so much.” Her voice squeaked again with her last words.
He was afraid to ask, but he wanted to prompt (Y/N) to talk about her baby. That was clearly what she needed to do right now, so that he could help her process her feelings about this case. “How did you lose him?”
She gulped. Her throat hurt from the strain of crying. “He had his first stroke a week after he was born. He seemed fine, except for some slight paralysis of his left leg. Still, I was so grateful that he was alive and smiling. But then he kept having strokes, and we didn’t know why. Sometimes he would have seizures because his brain had been damaged. My baby became trapped inside his own body, and I had no way of knowing if he was in pain. I held him every day and cried. I cried for hours, because I knew that he had already suffered more in his short life than I ever would. And just as he was approaching eighteen months old, he had his final stroke. It killed him.”
(Y/N) stopped and took a deep breath. She hadn’t talked about her baby in a long time, and it brought back all of the pain she had tried to keep contained within herself. Her words started to become unintelligible as she continued. “I miss him so much, but I feel like a terrible mother. Because I am glad that he finally escaped his pain, and his soul is free.”
Malcolm reached out and pulled her close. She clung to him, sobbing. This all made sense to him now. (Y/N) watched her son suffer, hoping he wasn’t in pain, and she was just exposed to a woman with no love for her baby at all. Nothing he could say would make this right. All he could do was hold her and wipe away her tears. And he was willing to do that for as long as it takes.
Author’s Note: There was no place to fit this into the story, but I wanted to share what I thought of as I wrote this. After arresting the woman they found the motel room covered in vomit and multiple bottles of headache meds on the bedside table. During medical examination at the ER (she would have to be taken care of so she wouldn’t die in police custody) they found a big brain tumor. It affected her personality, making her angry, and made her capable of killing her child. This gave her the headaches, made her hearing super sensitive, and finally started to make her uncontrollably sick. She didn’t survive long enough to go to trial, but her lawyer would have pleaded insanity.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
Back away from my daughter; 13th Doctor x child reader
And here is yet another request I got done with today this time we have the current Doctor the 13th Doctor. I am IN LOVE WITH HER AND SHE REDEEMED MY LOVE FOR DOCTOR WHO ONCE SHE CAME UP ON BOARD (Lately Capaldi’s episodes weren’t as good and almost made me stop watching Doctor who, private message me for more details) anyways I hope I did you justice anon as well as fans of Doctor who and made our current Doctor as in character as she is in the show.
Not really any warnings but fluff and protective Mama Doctor. Enjoy my lovelies :)
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It seems I can never make her mad.  Ever since the regeneration, my dad or well I guess I should call her my mum, her personality has changed drastically.  She’s always so optimistic and happy and she never seems to get angry, so I’ve been wondering what it would be like to see her really angry.
I remember the last couple of times back when my mum was still my dad and anytime I did something bad, he would get mad at me but in the end still forgive me because he loved me. Well he didn’t do it as much in his last form because he was a grumpy grandpa but he still forgave me in the end.
Now I have tried to see what it would be like to see my mother get mad, I know not a typical kid thing to want to do willingly but I’m not like any other kid, my name is (y/n) and I’m the Doctor’s daughter.  I came into this world at my father’s 10th cycle of regeneration and since then we have had some pretty wild adventures, but my life got even wilder when my dad soon regenerated into a woman.
It was a bit odd having to call my dad my mum now but I soon adapted and she’s pretty cool to be around.  But back to my dilemma here.  I have tried various different things like accidentally breaking some of my mum’s things, trying to grab the controls of the TARDIS, even tried hiding some of Ryan’s, Yaz’s or Graham’s things.
Of course it got them mad but never my mum, which I found odd because she’d just rub it off and say it was just a little game we’d like to play. Which is true, but lately it hasn’t been as fun anymore.
So now I am currently just sitting along a hill by the Loch in Scotland 1548.  While my mum and the others went off to do a case about some Zygons, I’m stuck here by myself because now that the Doctor is now a mum now, she’s ordered me to stay near the TARDIS. I never get to go on adventures anymore and it sucks.
It really, really sucks. And it’s boring.
All I do now is pick at grass, kick rocks or hang out in the TARDIS, depending on when and where we were at.  So since we were in Scotland I was picking at the grass enjoying the view when I heard something behind me.  I stood up and looked around seeing nothing for miles except for the TARDIS.
Now I may appear to be six years old but I’ve taken the shape of an adult before in my lifetime, and I knew that something was wrong.  I kept looking around trying to see if anything was out of the ordinary when I felt something prick my neck. I let out a groan before suddenly feeling very sleepy.  
I tried to stay awake but I soon collapsed on the ground and I tried to fight whatever it was that I was drugged with by drawing in a patch of dirt a quick message before my vision went black.
When I finally woke up, I found myself in some sort of window-like cylinder cage.  I pressed my hand up to the window and took it back as it felt ice cold to the touch.  I soon found myself shivering as I feel nothing but freezing cold around me.
“You finally awake.” A dark voice said.  I looked up and through the cage I saw a familiar suit of armor standing before me.
“Y-you……you’re him aren’t you? Tzim-Sha…..the assassin.”
“And you are the spawn of the Doctor” he said.
“That’s insulting I’ll have you know!”
“SILENCE!!” He banged the cage which made me flinch. “You are the Doctor’s one weakness. She will pay for everything that she has done to me, once I deliver to her your frozen corpse.”
“You w-won’t win. My mum’s clever, she will find me.” Tzim-Sha said not another word but walked away and I heard the doors seal shut leaving me in the dark and my cage became colder.  I shivered as I huddled myself tighter into a ball as I muttered, “I hope.”
*3rd Person POV*
After solving the Zygon issue, the Doctor and her companions traveled back to the TARDIS that stood on the hill where (y/n) was supposed to be waiting for them.
“Well done gang, another timeline saved again. Now what shall we do next?” the Doctor asked.
“Umm Doctor where is (y/n)?” Yaz asked.  The Doctor looked around to see that her daughter was no longer where she said she’d be.
“She might’ve gone on a little hike around the Loch, maybe a swim. She’s always been a fan of water that one has. I’m sure she’s fine.” The group walked around calling (y/n)’s name but after a few minutes, she hadn’t shown up.
“I don’t think she’s in for a swim Doctor.” Ryan stated.
“Okay, okay think, think, think, think, think, if I were my girl where would I go? Yaz, Ryan check the TARDIS maybe she went in there after a while. Graham you’re with me we’ll keep looking out here.”
“Hey, don’t worry Doc, we’ll find her” Graham assured her and the Doctor nodded saying.
“Yeah, yeah we will. I’m sure we will. Okay team, move out.” The Doctor went walking with Graham while Ryan and Yaz went inside the TARDIS to see if (y/n) had gone inside and was taking a nap or something.
Outside the Doctor and Graham were keeping an eye out for anything suspicious or a sign of (y/n). As the Doctor walked, she suddenly felt a dent in the earth.  She looked down to see the grass was pattern down, almost as if someone was sitting here for a long period of time.
“Graham I think I might’ve found something.” She quickly pulled out her sonic screwdriver and scanned it and looked down at the readings. “My daughter sat here!” She crouched down and then got a closer look to see foot impressions. “She stood up. And began pacing. But why? Why would my girl be pacing?”
“Uhh Doctor, I think you might want to have a look at this.” The Doctor looked up to see Graham standing near a patch of dirt.  She raced over to him and together they saw a message being written out in the dirt, but due to the messiness of the writing, it didn’t look good.
“Oh no….” The Doctor knelt down and she gently stroked the dirt and she said. “This is (y/n), I know of it. Years ago we’d came up with this coder that if either of us had been ambushed or drugged, we’d write a message in a patch of dirt or soil. But who would kidnap her? Who has my girl?”
“I think I might know, look familiar?” Graham held out what appeared to be a human tooth.
With that the Doctor saw nothing but red.
“So Tzim-Sha’s back? How did he find us?” asked Yaz.
“And why would he want your daughter?” asked Graham.
“I think it’s obvious isn’t it? Revenge?” stated Ryan. The Doctor didn’t answer, only kept looking at the tooth that was in her palm.
“But where is he keeping her, that’s the question, I mean he could be anywhere in the entire galaxy, or any timeline if he wanted to.” Ryan said.
“Time…..Time….Time! Ryan you’re a genius!” The Doctor proclaimed as she sat up and raced towards the main controls of the TARDIS.
“Wait what do you mean by time Doctor?” asked Graham.
“Tzim-Sha first came to Earth for his competition but disregarded the rules, right?”
“Right” they all said in confused unison.
“So what better place to go to than where it all began?”
“So wait, he has her trapped somewhere back in September?” asked Graham.
“Yes! All we need to find out is where he’s keeping her at. Alright gang, hang on tight!” The Doctor then flipped the switch and the TARDIS activated and soon they went back in time to the day where Yasmine, Ryan and Graham first met the Doctor.
Once they were back home, they all left the TARDIS and the Doctor said.
“Now remember, we’re all first trying to figure out what exactly Tzim-Sha was planning, so I want all of you to be extremely careful that you don’t run into your past selves. Because if you do well—”
“Don’t worry Doc, we’ve seen Back to the Future we know about the whole ‘not seeing yourself past or future’.”
“Did those movies also mention that if you do it will not only cause a mess of the space time continuum but also that it could ruin the fabric of reality itself causing unimaginable natural disasters and ultimately and quite possibly changing the human race as we know it?”
“Not necessarily, just the space time continuum thing.” Ryan said with fear in his voice.
“Well, nice to know they’ve toned it down. But no worries, so long as we try not to cross our past selves, especially mind. Ohh I would not want to see myself first starting off, I was a bit off the head wasn’t I? Okay gang, let’s go find my daughter.” With that they began to track down the Doctor’s daughter.
*My POV*
Back with me, my body was shivering hysterically.  Even with my regenerative powers, it felt like something was blocking it, ultimately stopping me from keeping warm.  Whatever Tzim-Sha shot me with, it was most definitely doing the trick.
Oh mum……please wherever you are……hurry.
*3rd Person POV*
As the Doctor kept searching for her daughter along with her companions, when suddenly the Doctor stopped and felt freezing cold.  She began to get flashes in her head seeing her daughter.  Her body felt colder and colder and colder and nothing could stop her body from almost shutting down.
Next thing she knew, Yaz, Ryan and Graham were standing over her and Yaz said.
“Doctor, can you hear me?”
“W-what….” she asked.
“Take it easy Doc, you suddenly blacked out and you were freezing to the touch.” Answered Graham.
“What happened Doctor?”
“My daughter, my (y/n) I saw her she was…..” she panted heavily as she sat up and could still feel the coldness that had suddenly attacked her. “She was—in this cage and it…..it kept getting colder and colder by the second. Oh God, wherever Tzim-Sha put her she can’t regenerate her body heat. She’s gonna die!”
“Don’t worry Doctor, we’ll find her.” Assured Graham. “Now let us think, Ryan, Yaz and I know this terrain better than anyone, so let us do the thinking for now. Alright Yaz have you ever on your police runs gone to somewhere very, very cold?”
“Well on my traffic stops there are a couple of places I can think of…..wait! I remember something!”
“Spit it out Yaz what is it?” Ryan said.
“I remember a safety violation of an old butcher shop just down town. Said the freezers were deemed unsafe as they would keep going on the fritz and making the meats almost too frozen to even keep. Health department and the station shut it down and had the owner arrested for safety violations and health-related issues.”
“You think he’s keeping her there?” asked Ryan.
“It’s our best bet great work Yaz. Now where is it?” the Doctor said.
“Come on it’s not far from here actually.” They all soon took off running with the Doctor running right ahead.
Once they reached the butcher shop, it still had on the health department signs of closure but that didn’t stop the Doctor.
“Alright everyone, take these. If you find my daughter make sure you put this on her, it’s an automatic body heater. Just attach it to her neck and it should go to work and help her warm up. If you come up upon Tzim-Sha. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage. Leave him to me.” The group nodded then they all split up and went their own ways in order to find (y/n) faster.
As the Doctor walked along trying to find her daughter, every once in awhile using their telepathic connection, but when she got no answer she began to get worried. After walking through the shop for a few more minutes, she suddenly came across this clear crystal-like cage that was fogged up due to the coldness of the shop.
She went up to it and used her sonic to scan the cage or whatever it was that she was looking at. She then looked down at it and muttered to herself.
“Ventalized crystal cage. Able to take in the surrounding temperature and bring it to the inside so that whomever is in there feels whatever temperature its surrounding area is. Never thought I’d see one in real life.” She looked around the cage until she saw an unfogged area of the cage and inside she found her daughter. “Oh (y/n)! Oh love I’m here, Mummy’s here now I’m gonna get you out!” She tapped on the cage hoping to see a reaction of her daughter but there was nothing.
(Y/n) remained motionless.
“Oh sweetie don’t do this to me. Just hold on mummy’s gonna get you out just hold on a little bit longer!” She used her sonic, hoping and praying that she would be able to unlock the cage but she wasn’t having any luck.
“You’ve come at last, Doctor.” At that moment her body tensed up, not with fear or her usual demeanor, but pure rage at the voice that was now behind her. She turned around and sneered.
“This time you’ve gone too far Sha, threatening the Universe and the rest of the galaxy is one thing. But when you involve family—oh you do not want to know the last time someone tried to harm my daughter to get to me.”
“I’m well aware Doctor. But interference with a God requires payment on your part.”
“You were never a God to the Uxs. So stop pretending to be one now. Release my daughter or I promise you things will get messy” the Doctor sneered.
“That a threat?” Tzim-Sha taunted.
“A promise.” She swore.  Tzim-Sha then pulled out a gun and aimed it right at her while the Doctor aimed her sonic at Sha.
The two of them keeping aim at each other like two gunslingers in an old Western movie, not a single one of them moving until the draw.
When Graham, Ryan and Yaz came into the same part of the shop that the Doctor was in, they saw her trying to revive her daughter.
“Yaz come over here and help me, I’ve tried doing CPR but I don’t think it’s working!” The Doctor said frantically.  Her nursing instincts took over and she sat beside the Doctor and pressed her ear to (y/n)’s chest.
“Okay starting compressions.” She then began to apply pressure on her chest four times before checking a pulse.  “Still not getting a pulse.”
“Oh come on love, come back to me. Come to mummy darling.”
“Gonna try again,” Yaz continued with chest compressions and this time gave (y/n) mouth the mouth.  Suddenly she started coming around as she began coughing and shivering.  “She’s alright!”
“Oh! Oh that’s my girl! Oh that’ my good girl, that’s my good, good girl!” The Doctor praised as she took her daughter in her arms and wrapped her up with her coat.
*My POV*
Back in the TARDIS, I was now bundled up like a bug in a rug with my mum sitting over me.
“How’re you feeling darling?”
“A bit warm, and too constricted.” I whined out.  My mum laughed softly and she said.
“Well it’s taking longer for the body heater to work, now that we know since Sha shot you with Black-shade poison to slow down your regenerative abilities.” She said as she stroked my hair.
“What did happen back there mum? I mean…..from what Yaz and Ryan were talking about Sha was gone when they got there, what did you do to him?”
“That’s a story best saved for another time, right now you should get some rest. Get warmed up, I’ll bring in a nice hot chocolate later eh?” I nodded and she gave me a kiss before leaving my room.
What the Doctor never wanted anyone to know was back there at their confrontation, she first dodged the shot meant for her and allowed him to shoot the cage which cracked it just enough for the Doctor to destroy the rest of it.
What she did next was then activate an old storage locker and disarmed Sha’s gun before finally giving him a strong punch across the face and a kick to the chest which sent him into the locker.  She made sure that the door would remain locked forever and even turned down the temperature to the lowest degree possible and as she stared at him through the small mirror she told him a final promise.
“I told you, you’ve crossed the line once you involved my daughter into your plans. Let this be a permanent lesson for you Tzim-Sha. Never cross me and my daughter ever again.”
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living-dead-parker · 6 years
The MOMA - H.H
Pairing: Harry Holland x reader
Summary: Where Harry sees the most beautiful piece of art the world has ever seen...oh and there's, like, pictures there too. (Where Harry meets reader at the Museum of Modern Art)
Warnings: cussing
Word Count: 1.9k
N/A: This is based off my experience at the SFMOMA in June where I saw a really cute guy who I thought was the love of my life bc he was so cute and soft and with who I had such strong bi-fi connection except this is more how i wish it went down bc me and the dude never talked. Like, we would steal glances at each other and follow each other through the whole Magritte exhibit but unfortunately he was the one who got away :")) but ye and the Tilted Plane part made me really wish I had a Harry Holland to hold hands with so I HAD to add that in too
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"Tom fuck off." Sam laughs after Tom pulls his hair as we wait in line to get tickets for the Museum. Tom, Haz, Sam, and I decided to have an impromptu trip through California.  We decided that we're only ever here for work and never get to explore the state.
Currently, we are waiting in line at the Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco. San Francisco was just one of the plenty stops in our road trip and the next is San Luis Obispo to go to different beaches. We decided to stay in San Francisco for three days to witness as much as we can.
"Guys, shut the fuck up. We're in a museum." Haz says. We all nod and quiet down. We pay for our tickets and go down to the entrance.
"Last chance to upgrade your tickets for the Magritte exhibit." the man at the entrance tells us. We all look at each other and nod, deciding to give it a shot. We upgrade our tickets and take the elevators up to the fourth floor where the exhibit is.
Once we get there, we see a group of people standing in a room. We see some people conversing, others looking at the art and others reading the description on the side. We walk through the first room. However, in the second room, my eyes lay on a girl with two girls making out next to her.
She has h/l h/c hair. She wears a white lacy dress with her hair in two buns. She has a pink backpack on her shoulder and black Doc Martens. She turns to her friends and I get a brief look at her face. She has e/c eyes and a cute nose. She has red lipstick and winged liner.
"Uh oh, Harry's being a creep." Haz says. I snap out of my trance and turn to the group.
"Huh?" I ask. They all chuckle, looking behind me.
"She's a cutie for sure." Tom says. Everyone nods in agreement and walks off. They don't stray too far but are obviously giving me space to try something.
"You sure?" I overhear her friend ask.i turn and notices she's alone now.
I walk around the exhibition, stealing glances from her, enjoying how she  looks. She'll occasionally go to the other side of the room but I'd follow her through the whole exhibit. She read through all of the descriptions and takes in all the art. In the fourth room we see a painting of a man with a cage as his head.
She pulls out her phone and takes a picture. I step closer and suddenly decided to speak up.
"Pretty dope painting, innit?" I ask. She turns around, eyes wide in shock
"Definitely. The Therapeutist. One of his weirdest for sure." you respond.
"I'm assuming you're big on art, huh?"  I ask. She nods, looking down a little.
"Yeah, I guess you can say that." you say.
"I'm Harry, by the way." I say holding my hand out. She takes my hand and shakes it.
"What a lovely name. Say, y/n. Since you know so much about art and this dude, why don't you teach me about his art?" I ask.
She smiles as she nods at my proposition. Turning around, she leads us to a picture of a rose with a knife. She takes it in for a while, running a finger across her chin as she thinks.
"So this one, it's actually my favorite of them all, is called Le Coup au Couer. The Blow to the Heart. It was created in 1952." she says. She looks up at the picture and examines it.
"It seems as the flower is holding the dagger and my way of interpreting it is that those you love tend to hurt you the most. Their love is the rose but their actions or words can be the dagger." she says. I nod, taking in every word as she begins to dissect everything about the painting. The colors and the color scheme, the parallels, how the lines can symbolize different things and I realize what she's doing.
"Can I ask, are you into photography?" I ask. Remembering I've had to dissect and analyze tons of my photographs in old photography classes.
"I like taking pictures of things for sure. But I used to take a photography class my last two years of high school, so analyzing pictures was a big thing in that class. Guess it just stuck." she says. I smile widely.
"That's so cool. I'm a photographer, so I think it's cool how you do that." I say. She smiles widely.
"That's so cool, I'd definitely love to see your work someday!" she says.
We continue through the exhibition and at the end, I see the guys sitting down and talking. They look up and notice us walking out together, laughing at some dumb thing we heard someone say.
"Well, it was nice talking your ear off, Harry."
"Oh, I didn't mind. I enjoyed it actually. Learned something new." I say. She smiles widely and nods.
"Well, I should go find my friends. They said they'd be here but they're not." she says with a frown.
"You can join me and my group, we can help you look for them." I offer, knowing they wouldn't mind. She shakes her head.
"Nah, it's cool. Don't wanna take your guys time here. I'll be fine." she says. I shake my head this time.
"No worries, join us. They won't mind, I promise." I say. She looks around contemplatively before giving out a simple yes.
"Okay, yeah I'll go." she says. I smile at her and lead her towards my group. They all look up at us with wide knowing smiles.
"Hey guys, so this is y/n. A new friend. She lost her friends somewhere so I told her we'd help her find them." I say to the group. Eagerly, they nod, while greeting her.
"I don't mean to sound like a fan girl or anything and I'm so sorry but holy shit you're Tom Holland. Wow." Y/n says as she looks at Tom with an excited look. However, she doesn't freak out like girls in the past have. Something different, which I like.
"Sure am, nice to meet you y/n," he says as he stands to greet her. "I assume you're a fan?" he asks.
"If I'm being honest, Homecoming was better than the other Spiderman movies. But yeah I'm kind of a fan." she admits with a shrug. A wide smile spreads across Tom's face.
"Well thank you!" Tom chirps, his face turning into a genuine smile.
"Anyways, Tom is my brother. Then there's his best mate, Haz. He's basically like another brother. Next to him is my twin brother, Sam." I tell her. She greets Haz and Sam with a simple handshake and a courteous hello.
We walked around for 10 minutes before we found her friends. The friends came up to her, screaming about how one of them almost broke a sculpture. Something about accidentally leaning on it.
"Leave it to Nadia to almost break something. Disaster gays, am I right? Well, we should head to the top floor and then head out?" she asks her friends. They agree with her and are quick to turn around.
"It was nice meeting you, Harry. Again, thank you for letting me talk your ear off." she says. I shake my head, indicating that it was fine.
"It's fine, I enjoyed it." I say. She smiles shyly and waves, walking off. I turn around and see everyone looking at me with deadpan looks.
"What?" I ask. They all roll their eyes at me as I shrug at them.
"You could've asked for some way to contact her, man." Tom says like it was obvious. Which it was.
We continued out throughout the rest of the museum, exploring the top floors first. Occasionally, we'd bump into y/n and her friends. She'd wave at me from afar and vice versa. However, we all managed to ride the same elevator up to the sixth floor. As we began walking the floor, I noticed that y/n's friends would push her towards me. I saw them become friends with my group. All of them would stay behind us a bit, Sam taking my camera from me to enjoy ourselves. We went into one of the showrooms and watched a video on modern black history. We moved into a different show room where they had three giant screens in a dark room that play sea noises.
However, things picked up in an exhibit called the 'Tilted Plane'. The point of the exhibit was that it was a dark room with lights hung up cascading down at an angle so that it seemed the room was tilted. It did feel that way as our eye adjusted to the dark. I walked in side by side with y/n, enjoying the trippiness.
"Oh shit." I hear y/n whisper as she grabs hold of my arm. I reach out to her, holding her up slightly.
"You alright, love?" I ask. She nods rapidly, a chuckle emitting from her lips.
"Yeah, I just got really tripped out right now and almost fell." she says. I laugh lightly as she lets go of my arm. We move throughout the room and I take notice of how the lighting makes her just so much more intriguing.
We walk around the room for a while longer and enjoy the atmosphere. After 10 minutes, though, we notice we're the only ones in the room. Everybody left and she begins to take notice too.
"We should probably head back. They must be wondering where we're at." She says.
"Yeah, probably." I say. She leads the way, being careful as we walk out. We notice the big group hanging out near the elevators. We walk up to them and I see y/n frown.
"Looks like this is the end." she says lightly. She seems disappointed that our time is up.
"You've been on all the floors?" I ask. She frowns as she nods. I sigh as I begin to muster up some courage.
"Before you go, can I ask for your social media?" I ask nervously. She chuckles nodding. Within a matter of seconds, she pulls out a pen and a random receipt and begins to write down her Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat handles. She hands me the paper with a smile on her face.
"It was nice meeting you Harry. And if you're still here later today, I may or may not be at Fisherman's Wharf later today around 4." she says. I nod and wave her off as she walks away with her friends.
"My man!" Tom says excitedly. I chuckle as I put the paper in my wallet to keep it secure.
"Damn Harry got game!" Haz says. I shrug.
"She was perfect." I say.
Later that day, I looked through my camera, noticing Sam took pictures of me and y/n. A lot of them were from behind as we talk about an art piece. Some were from in front as we looked down at something, probably reading a piece's description. However the best ones were silhouette pictures in the 'Tilted Plane exhibit. All of those ranged from us standing side by side as we walk further in, some were of me holding y/n up, others from us looking at each other talking.
"Ready to go to Fisherman's Wharf?" Tom asks. I look up at him with wide eyes and a shocked smile.
"We're going for sure?" I ask. He nods with a wide smile.
"Yeah, let's go you twat. You have people to meet."
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ukaia · 6 years
Forced Betrayal Chapter 6
Well the writers block is still going strong. BUT, I’m managing to get some trickles of ideas bleeding though it. So here we go! Hopefully this is the break of the block!
It’s not pushing the story forward too much more, but this is what happened when Marvin took Jackieboy to Iplliers to get fixed up after Schneeplestein’s... attack.
This turned out much longer then I expected... woops.
Anti kidnapped and tortured Schneepelstein for 9 months. To get free he promised to make a serum for Anti that would allow him to control his brothers. The first”Test run” worked, they were under anti’s power. All except for Jackieboy and Robbie. Both suffered in the fight. But the serum didn’t last long and soon they were free of it’s influence. Jakcieboy was hurt, and while recovering discovered the deal between Anti and Henrik. After mulling it over he confronted Schneepelstein, who… unfortunately went into a rage/panic attack. As he came out of it Jackiboy was grievously hurt, and he had to send him away to Dr. Ipliers to be healed. It’s been over a week now and Jackieboy is in a medically induced coma to allow him to recover, and Schneepelstein is falling apart. What can the others do to help?
As always I do hope you enjoy!!
Sudden Silence
Chase knocked on Marvin’s door. He felt bad, the guy had been working overtime, going back and forth between the Ipliers Manor and here, checking on Jackieboy, and trying to sort out how Anti had gotten though all the barriers and possessed Schneepelestein. Though he seemed to have some doubt in the words the Doc had told them. Chase couldn’t quite pin point why it felt off to him either, but he wanted to trust Schneep, so he would. JJ had kept himself busy with cooking comfort foods, and taking care of Robbie, as well as keeping the place in general clean. Chase was rather proud of how JJ was handling the thought of Anti having been so close. Though he’d had to help the poor mute boy though several nightmares, Jameson was recovering rather well. Chase knocked on Marvin’s door again, putting those thoughts out of his head for the moment.
“Marvin. Hey Marvin! I want you to undo the barrier to Schneeps lab. He seriously needs some TLC the dude’s out of it!” He said as Marvin, yawning a bit opened the door. He nodded slightly, though his blue eyes looked a bit glassy from having been woken from a short lived nap. He could agree with Chase though, he’d seen the Doctor’s frantic and obsessive cleaning of the lab. He’d hoped he would snap out of it on his own, but it seemed like they would need to pull him back.
“Alright, lets get him out of there. I’ll go check on Jackieboy afterwords. I think Doctor Iplier is planning to let him wake up tomorrow or even today. “ he said rubbing his eyes, after pushing his mask up walking down the hall with Chase.
Chase grinned, delighted to hear that. With how vehement Schneeplestein had been about NOT leaving his lab till Jackie was back, that should hep coax him out. Even if he had to guilt the guy with the news so he’d get some rest. They walked down the hall and Chase tiled his head surprised to see Schneeplestein wasn’t at the door where the tray of food was.
“Schneep?” he called out puzzled, why wasn’t he sitting at the door?
---One week earlier---
Marvin was pacing his room. Something was off, had been off for a while,weeks months... It came in small little flairs and bursts, but he could NOT pin it down! It frustrated him to no end. He couldn’t find any rhyme or reason for  the feelings. And it was usually gone before he could even fully register the feeling of  “wrong” that came with it. Was Anti trying to breach his barriers? He had multiple magic spells around the house to protect them. Over the last couple of weeks, he’d added a few new barriers, strengthened some of the older ones, and yet the feeling wouldn’t stop!
“ARGH!!” He snarled throwing his hands up in utter frustration and his magic sparked off his body in fizzling colors that were edged in white. He saw that and stopped then took slow deep breaths. He closed his eyes, focusing. He listened to the sounds of his own heart beating in his chest, the feeling of his breath coming in and out of his body. He needed to calm down. Whatever it was that kept putting him on edge was not going to sort it’s self out or be found if he kept loosing his temper like this. His shoulders slowly relaxed, his magic filling with color once more. Slowly he was regaining his proper center... He opened his eyes.
And a blood curling scream pierced though the air making him move before he even knew where he was moving. He felt his cape flying behind himself as his feet ran down the halls. He knew where he was going. Schneeplestein’s lab. That’s where it had come from. What had happened?!?! As he ran down the hall he saw a figure in the door, and he stopped short his eyes widening as his brain tried to comprehend what he saw. Schneeplestein, soaked in blood, eyes wide and terrified. Desperation filled them when he saw Marvin, and that was all it took, Marvin’s body was moving again. His feet smacked the ground as he skidded to a  halt once more before the Doctor, but before he could voice his fears for the Doctor’s well being he was speaking and dragging Marvin inside. Marvin stumbled, the smell of blood was thick in the air. It clogged his nose and throat, what the hell had happened ?!?!?
“ “G.. get him out! Get Jackie out! Take him to Iplier! NOW!!’ “ The Doctor was yelling at him, shoving him towards towards. Marvin felt his breath suck in sharply as he saw Jackieboy Man laying on the ground. The source of the smell of copper that was so thick in the air now. He froze staring at him for a moment, the way his pale body was limp on the ground, the puddle of blood that was slowly expanding around him. He could see bandages hastily wrapped around some of the wounds, already being stained dark with blood as they were soaked. And yet he was still frozen. To see the Hero so frail looking, it was hardly something his brain could comprehend. Especially when he saw the scalpels sticking out of his body. Marvin turned sharply looking at Henrik
“Schneepelstein what ha–” Marvin started as Schneepelstein turned on him, Marvin was shocked at the way his eyes were almost unfocused, terror and guilt and anger warring across his face in moments.
“Go now! He needs blood! take him take him take him!” he all but snarled. Marvin grit his teeth, and admitted that.... He was right.. Marvin would get his answers later. Jackieboy was what was important right now. He brought his hands up and in a swirl of blue and green magic he transported them to the Ipliers Manor. Normally he would at least pause and give them warning, ask permission, and land outside of the Manor and enter the front door. But he didn’t have time for that. This was an emergency, so he appeared directly in Ipliers own Lab. He could apologize for the rudeness of it later.
He saw and heard the man shriek (Iplier would deny that to his dying day) and draw back, falling off his stool where he’d been working on paperwork as Marvin appeared in the shower of magic. Google Blue had been working with Iplier, helping with the paperwork and at the sudden light show, he was already shooting forward to defend the Doctor Manor from the threat.
“Jackieboy needs you right now!” Marvin hissed out as he felt the wave of vertigo nearly knock him off his feet from the use of such strong magic with out any preparation. Black spots danced infront of his eyes, as he struggled for a moment to catch his breath. Thankfully, both men, er the man and android, recovered quickly at the sight of Jackieboy’s battered body, and recognizing Marvin quickly enough to keep from accidentally harming him. A sharp curse escaped Iplier as he darted forward, already having gotten up off the floor, but dropping right back to it to start his examination of Jackeiboy’s body.. Google glared at Marvin, but made no move towards him. He’d have words for him later, but right now he was looking at Iplier formulating what would need to be done.
“What in the hell happened to him?” he hissed out seeing the slices all over the Hero’s body, the scalpel in his shoulder and side. His hands ghosted over the body feeling for broken bones, nothing shifted as he pressed on the ribs, gently the arms the shoulders. He didn’t see any swelling, plenty of bruises, plenty of cuts. And his stomach was twisting as he recognized the...precision.. of these slices. He did not like the thought that was trying to intrude upon his thoughts of who might have done this.
“I don’t know” Marvin said honestly as he fell back into a chair while Iplier and Google got to work. Google scooped the battered man off the ground and deposited him, gently Marvin was surprised at how gentle Google was treating him, onto an examination table. Iplier was already barking orders for Iv’s and blood to be brought. Google was moving swiftly and effectively to gather the ordered supplies.
Silence fell over the room as Iplier worked swiftly. He stripped Jackieboy of his “off day” Clothing, it was strange to see him in every day clothing. Iplier couldn’t recall a time he’d ever seen the Hero in anything but his trademark jumpsuit. His hands worked quickly as he got IV’s started, blood and fluids being pumped into the pale body in an effort to offset the loss he’d gone though. Google was working swiftly starting at Jackieboy’s legs bandaging the shallow wounds, to keep from getting in Iplier’s way while he worked on the worst that covered Jackieboy’s chest and arms. They were all defensive wounds, not one aggressive one was on the Hero’s body. This was only cementing the thoughts he had of whom had done this to him. He saw the older wounds, the fact that a scalpel was in a gunshot wound that went though his shoulder, one in his ribs.. those were the most worrying. Well the one in his side was, he needed an x-ray to see how close to a lung that was before he removed it. He continued to work, speaking to Googleplier as he needed help with a suture, with cleaning a wound, fetching a new bandage. He hissed out in irritation when he looked in Jackieboy’s eyes once he was stable. The amount of silver that was in there spoke volumes as to how much of his superpowers he’d used. He obviously was not letting himself heal properly. So Iplier made a decision, Henrik’s words from ages ago ghosting in his ears about the damage that Jackieboy’s magic could do to his body.
“We’re going to put him in a coma.. “ Iplier said to Google. The android nodded and started to move. But suddenly both of them found themselves at the mercy of a very angry Marvin. Magic swirled around him, Hoisting both Google and Iplier in the air,Even Googles strength was no match for the magic that bound his arms tightly to his sides, his feet inches off the foor as Marvin’s eyes burned into the both of them. Iplier was in shock as he looked at the normally calm man, and then at the magic it’s self. The colors were at the center, but around the edges of the magic, slowly pushing the other colors out white was taking over. He could feel the heat radiating from the magic, so this is what Schneeplestein had meant when he said Marvin’s magic could be taken over by white hot anger. He hadn’t realized how literal that was, though Schneeplestein had tried to explain it to him. He already felt like he was getting a mild sunburn, that prickly itchy sensation, where the magic was touching bare skin.
“You will not “ Marvin’s voice growled out. Almost sounding distorted like layers, his eyes burning brightly behind the mask. He could see the Magic Man’s chest heaving as his hands held tightly holding the two of them in his magic. Iplier spoke carefully, choosing his words to calm and explain to him why it was important. He should have thought of how sensitive and triggering those words would be around any Septic considering their Creator’s State.
“He needs it Marvin” he said slowly and gently, keeping his voice even, not allowing the fear to seep though.
“He’s used a lot of his superhero powers, far too much, and it’s done a lot of damage to his body on top of the wounds he already had. Schneeplestein and I have discussed this before. I have a recording, that he made for a situation like this. “ he said calmly. Google had wisely kept his mouth shut, though he’d sent out a signal to his brothers. He knew they would be there soon and they just needed a bit more time. Marvin’s eyes flicked between the two of them. Weighing his options and the truth behind Iplier’s words. He seemed to come to a decision.
“Play it” He hissed out as slowly he lowered Iplier to the ground, The magic never fully left his body, it swirled around him like a dangerous mist, ready to pounce once more if he moved wrong. Iplier moved carefully to his desk and after pressing some commands on his computer, a folder was brought up. He clicked on one that was labeled Marvin. After a few moments of buffering Henrik’s voice spoke into the room.
“Marvin, if you are hearing this then one of you is hurt and I am.. I am unable to help you for vateve reason. It could even be myself who is in need. Doctor Iplier and I have come to an understanding. Ve have shared information about each others respective Ego’s in case of a dire emergency. “ His voice rang in the room, clear and sounding a bit younger and much less stressed then he had since before Anti took him. Marvin’s magic was slowly gaining more color the white fading out of it. His breathing was slowly evening out from the sharp stuttered breathing it had been.
“If he has said that a coma is necessary, then it is. Trust Doctor Iplier Marvin. I trust him with your life and mine. “ His voice spoke calmly, gently. Marvi’s body was trembling slightly as he let his magic fade away. The recording ended in silence...  There had been no static, no glitches. The computer didn’t twitch, the voice had never faltered. This was the same soothing voice Schneeplestein used when he helped Marvin calm down from some episodes he had. Google was put down on the ground and the last of the magic vanished from the room. Marvin drew in a sharp breath, before letting it out, the last of his knee jerk anger fading into nothing.
“I’m.. I.. “ Marvin stammered, his voice weak sounding. That had been another round of strong magic before he’d fully recovered from the first. His entire form was trembling.
“It’s fine. I should have thought of my words.” he said. Google looked over as his Brothers came into the room, shooting looks at Iplier and Google then Marvin. They were aware that Marvin was there, Google had already shared that information while they had worked on Jackieboy. Getting the distress signal though had worried them. Google motioned that things were alright as Iplier began to get around the items needed for Jackieboy.
“I’ll explain it, and why once I have him settled, but I’m going to ask you to step out now Marvin. I don’t want to..... subject you to anymore.. bursts of unnecessary Magic. “ he said firmly. Marvin opened his mouth to protest, he wouldn’t leave Jackieboys side!! However, the sharp look from Google, and the sudden touch of Google Yellow at his arm had him convinced he didn’t have a choice anymore. He understood, he’d just threatened their family. Marvin ran fingers though his hair.. and then he drew himself up and, with one last look at Jackieboy he left with the other googles. He was guided to the kitchen area and given something to drink to help him recover from his magic use.
Once Jackeiboy was fully taken care of, every wound stitched, the scalpels gone, and he was completely stable with blood and iv’s helping off set the loss. Things were explained to Marvin. How Schneeplestein and Iplier had come to terms and realized sharing the most basic information about their families was a good idea. They each had files about the Ego’s, blood types, allergies, and they were regularly updated. Each Doctor had a set of recordings that could be played to assure whomever was in need of hearing it. This was the first Marvin had ever heard of it, and he wondered how long ago Schneeplestein had come to this conclusion, and what he’d envisioned might happened.  After getting to check on Jackieboy, his stomach twisting and his heart lurching at the state he was in, he went home with a swirl of magic once more. He needed answers from Schneeplestein on what had happened. And he had research to do on how this could happen under his own home!
Chase frowned as Schneeplestein didn’t answer his call. Had he gone back to cleaning? He looked at the tray and suddenly his stomach twisted.. the cup of water was spilled... still gently rocking back and forth on the ground as the liquid spread slowly. The sandwich he’d gotten Henrik to start eating was slightly further away, dropped on the ground, coming apart. Chase could feel the panic running up his spine, the cold dread filling his stomach. Marvin looked at those items.. then at Chase, he saw the fear and worry that was blooming behind his eyes.. the barrier was dropped immediately and they both rushed in. The Lab was big, but not so big that it took more then a minuet or two for them to search it. The bathroom, storage rooms, and off set operating room were all empty. Chase and Marvin met up where Jackie’s body had been, they looked at each other. Chase’s eyes were wide with fear, Marvin’s with confusion and fear.
“He..he..he’s.. gone..” Chase said, his voice a horrified whisper, cracking on the last word. Marvin didn’t understand, how.. how could this be? How had he not felt anything?!? Schneeplestein... was no longer in his lab. And with the barrier in place, he couldn’t have gone out in to the main rooms either.
So where was he?
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mixterglacia · 8 years
Still One Outlaw Left pt 2. : Fallout 4
Hancock was in a panic. Which was understandable given that his...boyfriend? He wasn’t totally sure what to call this relationship, but that was totally irrelevant. What mattered was he was hauling ass to the town gate because he was hurt.
The ghoul tripped over the doormat, catching himself on the frame. He was shaking as he continued. When he saw the front gate, he froze in place. 
Right away he knew that this wasn’t going to go away with a few stimpacks and some Med-X.
He could hear Nick distantly explaining what happened, but it didn’t register. The Watch was hunting down a doctor, since the usual go to was currently gasping for air, drifting in and out of consciousness. Hancock dragged an old rickety hospital bed out of Daisy’s place trying to focus on the task at hand.
It was difficult when he could hear the awful sounds going on outside. 
He called out to Nick, helping him pull Logan onto the gurney, trying to be as gentle as possible. It was difficult due to the extent of the burns. He knew those, they were from radiation. He’d seen these all before, and usually they didn’t mean anything other than bad news.
There were folks starting to gather and Daisy was struggling to shoo them away. While Hancock tried to make the man more comfortable, Nick went out and threatened them until they gave up, and left them in peace. 
Thank fuck they did because Logan’s guts picked that moment to try and escape via his mouth. The mayor grabbed his belt, barely keeping him from toppling off the bed. He pulled him back, heart wrenching when the human gave a wet cry of pain.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, love, I’m so sorry.” He whispered, voice unsteady. How in the fuck could he fix this? -Could- he fix it? What happened if- 
“Boss, the doctors here!” 
Hancock looked up, still keeping a careful hold on the man. 
He’d seen this lady before, though she’d never ventured into Goodneighbor. He remembered Logan introducing them, but her name escaped him.
She was presently downing a dose of RadAway, and pulling on rough looking gloves. He flinched, knowing how painful those were going to be on burn wounds. She glared at him, until he realized he was going to need to move for her to work. He made sure she had a grip on her patient before moving away.
There was this nasty stone of dread that had settled in his gut and it wasn’t helped when the woman told Hancock that he’d need to wait outside until she came back for him. His feet felt like lead as he shuffled out of Daisy’s place, looking up to see Nick on one of the benches, staring off into space.
He wanted to scream, he wanted to hit him or demand to know what he’d done. He wanted to take his knife and rip into him until he couldn’t move anymore. 
He couldn’t. As he walked up, the rage just fell away with every step, until he was right in front of the synth and just felt hollow. He just shakily sank to the ground, leaning forward, resting his arm on the detectives knees. 
Nick trembled a bit, bad hand spamming.
“What -happened-, Nick?” It sounded so painfully weak.
“We weren’t ready.” 
Hancock looked up at him, and was thrown for a loop by how distressed the bot managed to look. He wasn’t usually one for strong displays of emotion, given the nature of his face. Yet he managed to just look...broken.
It took a moment for Nick to continue.
“We were going to the Glowing Sea. We didn’t have his-” The synth’s voice crackled with static.
“The suit.” Hancock prompted. “His rad suit?”
“Y-Yeah. We had accidentally left it behind.” His hands shook, fingers digging into the slots of the bench. “He decided we had enough anti-rad drugs on us and-...” He looked up as the sounds of someone being violently ill echoed from the temporary medical center.
“It was too much.” He said with finality. 
Hancock took Nick’s hands, holding them firmly. They stayed like that for a long time, just trying to stay grounded.
Eventually the doctor called them back in. Nick refused to go and stayed outside. So the ghoul went ahead, glancing back to be sure that he wasn’t just going to vanish like he had so many times before. Then he looked back to the medic. 
“So you’re aware that you have two, -maybe- three possible results here, right?” She sounded so angry. Why was -she- bothered? She’d be getting payed. She was an ass as far as he cared.
“I guess, yeah...”
“He’s going to die or turn ghoul.” She cut him off, firmly. “-And-, even if he turns, he has a 50/50 shot of being feral. Do you understand where I’m going with this?”
Hancock frowned. “You might wanna’ give me a hint, sister.”
“There is a very high likely hood that he is going to die. If there’s things you need to say, you should do it now.”
He wouldn’t say his world shattered but it was coming very close. He just nodded a little, and she excused herself. There wasn’t much more she could do. He told her to find Daisy, that she’d give her payment and then went back to Nick.
The synth would only come to the threshold, he couldn’t go any further. There was some ferocious  guilt forming in him that he just couldn’t shake. He couldn’t see what had happened to Logan on his watch.
When Hancock returned, he felt a chill run up his spine. The man was strapped to the bed and had tubes stuck into his arm. The place reeked of vomit and shit. Death. He corrected himself. It smells like death.
He pulled a chair from the back and went to the bedside. The restraints looked so painful, but he knew why they were there. If he went feral, they’d need that security precaution. 
He remembered something he’d said a while ago, and his stomach turned. 
“We find a way to turn you Ghoul? We could keep this thing going for a good long time.”
How could he -ever- think Logan turning was a good thing? That doc’ was right. If he did turn, who’s to say he -wouldn’t- be feral? Why was this happening. Of all the ways, something as stupid as a fatal dose of rads.
The guy had always been so careful with rads. He would almost dance away from ferals, darting in when he knew he could land a hit. He kept RadAway on him all the time, sometimes using it when he honestly didn’t need it.
Yet, here he was. Shaking on a table, instructions for how to fix up his IV taped to the drip stand. 
Hancock took his hand, lacing his fingers with the man he’d actually talked about spending many years with. 
He laid he head down on the edge of the bed, and waited.
Hancock was both hopeful and horrified when Logan’s skin began sloughing off. On one hand, this was one of the signs of becoming a ghoul. On the other hand, it was one of the signs of becoming a ghoul. He ended up having to administer Med-X to stop the man from thrashing (As much as he was able.) in the bed. 
They called on the doctor (Anderson, as she was called apparently) again, asking about the blood loss. She told them that this was part of radiation poisoning. There was nothing to really do for it. She’d looked him over and told them that, while he was out of the woods as far as direct death, since it had been a week and he was still breathing, the chance of him being feral was still a very real threat.
When she left he went over to where Nick had set up his chair, just inside the place. (It had started raining so he was forced to go in.) He carefully put his hand on the synth’s shoulder.
“Nick. I think we gotta make some hard calls here.”
“...’bout what.” His voice was laced with static. 
“About Lo’. What...what happens if he goes feral Nicky.” Hancock said carefully, trying to keep calm.
Nick wouldn’t look up at him. So the mayor hunched down so he could read his old friend better.
“What would he want us to -do-?” He stressed, seeing the detectives optics flicker. “I...I don’t want him to suffer N-”
“Do you hear what you’re sayin’ John?!” Snapped the bot. “You’re-you’re talkin’ about -killing- him! Takin’ him out behind the wood shed and-and putting him down like a damn mutant hound!” He lapsed a little more into his accent, voice box stuttering.
“You want him to be feral Nick? Is that what you’re asking me to do here? If we don’t do it, we have to just set him loose! He-” He struggled, his voice wavering. “He wouldn’t be Logan anymore Nicky. Just a shell, that’s all he’d be if he went that way.” He grabbed at the sleeve of the synths trench coat. “I’d do it. You wouldn’t have to see, I promise Nick. I swear it’ll be quick he won’t f-” 
Nick shuddered, shoulders hunching up. “I get it, I get it! Enough!” He shoved at Hancock’s shoulder. “Just let me be right now, okay?! I just...I need space...”
He backed off. Going back over to the bed he nearly jumped out of his skin.
Logan’s eyes were open. He was looking up at Hancock, almost waiting for him like he’d done in the past. Though his eyes weren’t the same. They weren’t like his own, they were almost...bloody? He’s not sure how to explain it. Just that it felt wrong.
He walked a little closer to him. It was one hell of a sight. His face was still a little raw from the painfully rapid scarring. He looked away, trying to pull at his restraints, squeaking in pain.
The man in question glanced back up at him, and made a noise. He recognized it as a very particular noise.
It was one of the noises that ferals made to acknowledge others. Except he wasn’t acting feral. 
“You remember me?” He carefully took a seat, watching carefully.
Logan nodded, and Hancock’s stomach flipped.
Hancock. You could knock him over with a feather. Arms hurt.
“Huh?” There wasn’t a perfect way to translate feral, but that one was pretty clear. “You’re hurting?”
He nodded again.
“Well...I’m not sure what I can do about that...I think I can loosen them a little but I’m supposed to wait another few days before we can decide if you’re okay.”
While he seemed to accept this, the next thing he said baffled the mayor. 
Tall hat?
“Pardon me?” He said as he cautiously loosened the arm bindings a bit, tensing as he carefully eased some skin that stuck to the leather.
Tall, light eye, got hat. He was staring at Hancock like this was supposed to be obvious.
So he thought for a bit. Then it hit him. 
“You mean Nick?”
He nodded, and Hancock lost his mind. His sides hurt from laughing and he could faintly hear Logan chirping something along the lines of “what’s wrong” in feral.
“N-nothing, love, it’s just funny. I’ll go get him.” He stood, hearing a pleased hum from the hu- well, not he was going to have to correct the way he referred to him, wasn’t he? That is, if he really was okay and just talking like a feral.
When he went over to Nick, the synth was up and pacing. 
“Hey, Nicky. Someone wants to see you.” His tone was chipper, hopeful.
“...’Scuse me?”
“Lo’s awake and he’s asking for you.” He reached out to snag the sleeve of his coat, but Nick pulled away.
“What the fuck do you mean no?” What was his problem? Hancock was pretty damn sure Nick had at least some kind of feelings for Logan. Why didn’t he want to see him?
“I...I don’t want to get my hopes up.”
In his mind that made sense. In his heart it felt all sorts of wrong. “Nick...if it does go bad, don’t you want to see him before...” He trailed off.
Nick stopped pacing and looked over at the back room where they’d set up the makeshift hospital room. His optics faded and flickered back to their normal light level. “R-right...” He murmured before taking nervous steps to the back of the shop.
Logan chirruped a greeting when he saw the synth, trying to smile before wincing from the skin splitting painfully. 
Hancock leaned over Nick’s shoulder. “He -uh- said hi.”
“What?” Replied the bot, glancing back at the mayor suspiciously.
“He’s not acting feral but most new ghouls talk it feral until they can get used to the interior scarring. It’s not like, a proper language? But it works.” He smirked a little, whispering against his shoulder. “You’re called “tall hat” in feral.”
Nick sighed loudly, and looked down at him. “So, you asked for me?”
He nodded, then looked to Hancock to translate. He clicked and grumbled for a bit before the older ghoul started to piece together what was being said.
“He...what he essentially says is this.” He takes a breath before continuing.
“Don’t blame yourself. I know that’s why you’ve been staying away. Yes I noticed. You did everything right, down to the last detail. You brought me here, you saved me, Nick. I know you’re scared that I’m not going to stay like this. You’re afraid I’m going to go feral. Even if I do, I need to know that you weren’t the one to blame...” He paused.
Logan tried to reach out to the synth.
“He wants to hold your hand Nicky.” Hancock prompts.
Shaking metal fingers slip into his scarred palm.
Logan hummed carefully. The other ghoul looked a little startled before he explained.
“He’s...he says he loves you Nick. He loves -both- of us.”
Hancock shrugged, a little lost himself. “That’s what he said.” He stopped to listen to the light sounds, then starts up again. “Says he needed us to know that.”
“I-” The detective hunched a little, shaking a little more than before. “I love you too Lo’. I don’t want you to die like thi-”
A harsh squawk.
“He says he’s not dead yet.”
“R-Right.” Nick laughed weakly. “Sorry. It’s a little bit of a weird situation. I don’t know what’s gonna happen but...I got the same feelings.”
Hancock smirked, leaning against Nick. “You know Nicky, I’m just letting you know it’s just gotten a hell of a lot gayer here.”
Nick elbowed him hard in the gut.
In the end, it did turn out alright. Eventually Logan’s voice returned to him, scratchy, but it was still him. They let him out of the bed and he was having to wear one of Hancock’s spare shirt, since it was softer than his own clothing and his skin was still painful.
He was laying in Hancock’s seldom used bed, looking over at the pair, arguing over something stupid like who gets to snuggle him first when his skin toughened up or something like that. 
“He’s gotten to snuggle you plenty, I figure it’s time to get my turn to snuggle Logan, yeah?”
“Yeah but I’m softer so it’ll be easier on him~”
“Boys.” Logan quipped. “Got a request.”
They both looked at him, waiting.
“You know how you-” He points to Hancock. “-took a new name after you turned?”
“What about it, love?”
“I want to go by Paddy now. If that’s okay with you two.”
Hancock laughs. “I’ve said this before, it still sounds fake.”
Nick speaks before anyone else can. “That’s because it -was-, smartass.”
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