#The hunt begins
navybrat817 · 5 months
Readers doing Good Samaritan Deeds and getting unwanted attention in the process. 😈
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techturd · 1 year
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Stumbled across this one on eBay... Never seen these 2 packaged together before!
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escapetheslaughter · 2 months
It is time for them to leave...it is time to hunt.
With their pets and few precious belongings safe with their friend, the Pink Lady, and their horde of blood bags with their friends, the Little Terrors, Grim and Reaper set out to begin their contracted mission.
However. They have a side quest.
They must say goodbye to another friend. Who knows when they shall see them again.
They had to be quick. They had to be silent. With all the years of their existence of experience, they silently crept through the disgusting Plex and snuck into the Daycare via the ventilation systems.
They would find ( @yelesomeblue ) Elara, their other friend that they trusted. They wouldn't make themselves known. Not here. They couldn't -- they wouldn't run the risk of her being caught by the tyrant Moon she spoke of.
They waited for the opportune moment to drop another blood stone. This one had a small note tied around it with a single rubber band to keep it stuck there.
The note read, in their horrid scribbling:
To the Green SheClipse/Froggy/Elara,
We are heading out for some time. We do not know how long. We will return. Looking forward to another bacon drink. Perhaps you can have one of your own? Do you like bacon shakes? We're not good at talking. Thanks for being a friend. See you soon.
Grim Reaper -Bloodmoon
They waited in the vent to ensure she got the letter, staying out of sight.
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tesserariuss · 2 years
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slasheru · 1 year
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once upon a full moon i had an idea for modernizing the main cast of characters from something rotten
christian borle's sexy shakespeare with iced coffee is somewhere in my old ibis paint files and i swear to god i will find him
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jolikmc-stuff · 5 months
Over on my thoughts blog, I recently posted about the shameful lack of multiplayer maps in the otherwise absolutely gorgeous and feature-filled Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition. Well, today… I decided to do something about that…
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… and imported all the original, official 𝚁𝚃𝙲 files into two 𝚁𝚃𝙲𝚇 map packs. Which… can't conventionally be used yet, since custom maps can't yet be used in Comm-Bat™ Mode. Craaap. (,:
Well, they're there if anyone wants them, anyway. (It took, like, maybe ten minutes tops? I dunno.)
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star-shard · 9 months
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your honor, I love them
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trash-singularity · 1 year
Daily affirmations but i fucking Get you right at the end
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nohomie · 5 months
Character intro:
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Extra lore dump below
So yeah, Vampires are special because theyre actually manmade.
Vampires where created centuries ago, long before Human and Mythic agreed to live together peacefully. There were still fights between the two and Humanity was on the losing end. It was due to this that led to some royal family trying to play god and turn themselves into a mythic only for it to cause disaster and destruction.
Fun fact, the term vampire stems from their place of origin, Vamais. While not all vampires come from there, there are few that still exist who once lived in Vamais. You can easily tell if a vampire was once a Vami from their unique facial features (no visible nose and facial hair, not even eyebrows) and striking blue hair.
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elijah-loyal · 8 months
im gon keep yapping about the sound design for the magnus protocol because its driving me insane
the difference between the two podcasts is so drastic its FRIGHTENING
The Magnus Archives intro/outro: high-pitched, screeching, eerie, dies off with what sounds like a stone tumbling into the depths and lights turning on/off, water, sounds like the darkness of a cave that you must descend into even though you're terrified, but you do it anyway
The Magnus Protocol intro/outro: LOUD, deep, bone-chilling/shaking, foreboding, it sounds like darkness in a different way, like the great throat of some unknown beast that is hundreds of times larger and older than us and will swallow us whole; it's fear that hunts us, instead of us hunting it
also, side note/addition because i realized i forgot to add WHY it freaked me out
long story short, i was around 50% deaf in my right ear until I was 12 years old (reconstructive surgery truly is something I am so grateful for) and now I'm back to a fairly normal hearing range.
The problem?
I can't hear low tones as easily.
the magnus protocol is heavily reliant on lower tones, so what I hear is likely not how most people hear it, but for me it sputters, almost, parts of it are kind of missing, and I know I'm not hearing it right, which freaks me the fuck out.
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viperra1 · 7 days
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another evening at Lucky 38 ~
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techturd · 1 year
Can't get this track out of my head today. Great MIDI work by the one and only Bobby Prince!
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ryllen · 11 months
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People who apparently loves to gather around yuu based on the number of card variations pulled 4 cards : trey, jade | 3 cards : ruggie, rook, cater, azul
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tesserariuss · 2 years
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pixiest1cks · 2 months
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i'd like to think no matter where he's at in his life, dottore likes to ramble as he works.
no matter if he's prime, or the more ill-tempered scholar from the akademiya or even omega build, dottore quietly mumbles as a habit when he's working.
some things he says aloud are just to commit certain details to memory. in the grander scheme of his plans, the details seem small-- but they hold a crucial grip on the entire project. because of this, dottore reasons that the habit holds its merits.
sometimes, he makes sarcastic remarks when something doesn't go well. short, choppy words that mostly go unheard even by those in his general vicinity. when you first worked under him, he had mumbled to himself like usual (it was second nature at that point). what he hadn't expected though, were your responses.
"stupid thing tightly screwed--"
"do you need a wrench, sir?"
before he could respond, you had one held and ready to hand to him. from then on, you would help him out here and there in his more foul moods and dottore would be lying if he said the additional assistance wasn't helpful.
the mad scientist had found an adequate assistant.
work went by smoother, toning down a good portion of his irritation. it's almost as if having someone to support you (even if it was strictly for work purposes) provided more benefits than he had originally thought. of course, he would never admit that. the most he would do is thank you here and there when you proved to be extra useful.
work continues the same for a while. the interactions grow more frequent and so his musings change from your responses. instead of talking to himself, he talks to you. he asks you for your input, for you to pass him whatever he can't reach from his other desk, he asks for you.
that is, until you're gone one day.
dottore doesn't think anything of it. he's worked alone for his whole life, what's a few days without you? but his segments have been more irritable as of late, resulting in lackluster performance as a whole not only from his segments, but his troops. the fatui are fearful of the doctor, but even more so of an irritated one. you'll turn up eventually and everything will be back to normal, he reasons.
but as the days go on, you are still nowhere to be found in the cold, desolate laboratory. he finally pauses in his work to think about where you could be.
something must've happened. something outside of his jurisdiction. it's not like it's his problem. you might've proved a useful assistant to him, but his work holds utmost priority.
yes, work. back to work.
and dottore mumbles as usual, but it's not the same.
by habit, he calls out for you to hand him something--
but you're not there.
dottore is a scholar first and foremost. all it takes to find you is a little bit of research, so he does exactly that. he finds out you've been working somewhere else, somewhere closer to home to better support your family.
well, that's no problem. he'll have his assistant back as soon as possible, no matter the cost. all he needed to know was your whereabouts.
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