#The human God: Kamski
thiriumblood · 10 months
An unlikely reunion || Closed starter for @is-itself-a-deviant
Amanda sighed as she looked out upon the white landscape, what was once a beautiful garden was nothing but white scenery and broken code. Whatever it was Connor did to break free, it had not only severed their connection but broken down what made the garden like a virus. How had CyberLife overlooked such a detail? What kind of human error would lead to this outcome? And yet, despite her annoyance at such an oversight, she felt melancholy. It was a feeling she shouldn’t feel, well, she shouldn’t feel at all but being an AI there were slight compromises they made with her in terms of emotion but something like this? It wasn’t something that should be possible. Did she miss the garden? Miss CyberLife? Miss Connor? She shook the thoughts away, there was no use thinking of these things. She was alone now, her code active in a corrupted environment. How long would it take for this to take hold of her code and leave her just a corrupted string of numbers?
The AI took a few steps knowing it would be fruitless, where could she go anyway? The world, her world was no longer there. It was then she felt a connection of sorts, it felt similar to when CyberLife tried to contact her, why would they? How would they? By her calculations, if the android revolution proceeded they would have dismantled CyberLife and thus ending any possibility of being fixed. She had power in the garden, yes, but an AI couldn’t repair coding on her own like this. The AI stopped to try and take in the information and to see where this feeling was coming from. She continued to walk in the direction, trying to find this connection or at least a spot where it was at its strongest. It took a while, or what she thought was a while as she couldn’t gain a sense of time here and tried to connect with this interference. 
“Who is there?” A simple attempt at connection but it was one nevertheless. The only thing she could do now was wait to see if she’d get any response. Was it CyberLife? The deviants? An outside force? There were too many possibilities but in a way she was thankful to not be alone. Funny how things turned out from her purpose and programmed personality.
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mijchi · 6 months
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ultranerdygirl · 1 year
I was trying to figure out why Neil Newbon's voice was so familiar to me and I just learned from his imdb that he was both Elijah Kamski and Gavin Reed in Detroit: Become Human.
Now if you'll excuse me I must go lay down and scream into a pillow.
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hauntedoneao3 · 7 months
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Love me, fear me; for I am God.
I had a whole plan for this drawing of Elijah tilting Chloe's head up by the chin and saying this ominous thing I came up with but I couldn't get the pose right for like, ever. I finally gave up on that certain pose and now I have this unsettling piece of Chloe being like... posed? Perfected? Treated like a machine? Product? All of the above I guess. Anyway the hands are implied Elijah Kamski if you read this and then squint. I just wanted to get some god-complex robot nerd out of my head and now we're here. I'll probably get fed up with this pose too when I look back on it tomorrow morning and end up redrawing it another million times or so. Maybe next time it'll have actual line art 👀
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mooseonahunt · 2 years
Just realised I didn’t upload my first few attempts at drawing Chloe and Elijah here so... Here they are! Elijah with glasses is so special to me
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asbeel · 1 month
Oh god
Dbh au ghoap with human ghost and deviant Android soap
They fall in love during the revolution, and ghost swears to keep soap safe from law enforcement.
Soap get discovered while going back home and they have to make a run for it. The police officer aims at ghost, thinking he's also an android, and Soap notices. He takes the bullet instead and gets shot in the head and deactivates.
That night, the androids declared independence (this game's racial commentary is a little odd I know).
Ghost tries to look for a repair shop that is willing to help soap, but all of them tell him that he is beyond repair.
Ending 1: soap is officially dead and ghost is forever depressed ✨️✨️
Ending 2: price pulls strings and gets Kamski to help or sum idk. He manages to repair and rebuild Soap's body and salvage memories and data. They live happily ever after lol yippee yay happy ending. 🎉
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biggestxsimps · 2 years
Hi! Me again. I think I now read all Connor x male reader fan fics and I need more. So that is my request. Connor x male reader. Also, If you are comfortable doing so, could you add a little bit of spice? Not much. And only as long as you are comfortable. Luv u
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A/N: Thank you again for the requests, we really appreciate it! Unfortunately neither of us feel comfortable writing spice yet, but I tried to make it seem like he’s head-over-heels for the reader instead! Most dialogue at the start is taken from the actual game, I think it’s obvious where it doesn’t become canon anymore.
Connor was determined to catch these deviants; they had caused too much harm, and he was ready to put an end to them. "Hank," he heard Fowler’s voice, turning, he saw a young man in uniform behind him. "This is Detective L/N; he will also assist you in your cases." He continued. Before Hank could complain, Fowler had left the group. "Evening Lt." You give a quick nod to the older man. He groans before muttering a greeting. Connor couldn’t help but stare, you seemed.. different. Your gaze turns to the android "And who might you be?" You send a small smile his way. "My name is Connor, I’m the android sent by Cyberlife." He quickly rises from his seat, offering it to you instead. You thank him as you take a seat, hastily checking through deviant cases as Connor stands beside you.
Hank had taken both you and Connor to ‘Chicken Feed’, his favourite food truck. You stood against one of the tables with Connor as Hank stood in front of the vendor, ordering food for himself. "I don’t mean to alarm you, Detective, but I think Hank’s friends are engaged in illegal activities." You couldn’t help but chuckle at the android, this wasn’t your first time being partnered up with Hank, so you knew not to worry. "People do what they can to get by, I think it’s fine as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone." You shrug. Connor slowly nods, your laugh making his circuits buzz; he felt what he assumed, people call, butterflies? He had never felt his insides do that before and made a note to talk about it with Amanda later. You pat him on the shoulder and say, "Don’t worry ‘bout Hank; he's a bright guy." Connor felt his skin heat up at the touch, his fan speeding up as he overheated. Now he was worried. Before you could ask if he was alright, Hank had come with his meal.
It wasn’t until after you had met Kamski that you brought his behaviour up. He had chosen not to shoot Chloe, instead choosing to lose any information he could’ve gained from Kamski. You had all met back up on the bridge. Hank sat on the bench facing the river as you and Connor leaned against the railing. You looked over at the android beside you. "Why didn’t you shoot her, Connor?" You meekly asked. Connor’s face scrunched up, "I-I’m not sure, I just couldn’t." He looked down, staring at the water instead of at you. "Con" His eyes drift upward, the same butterflies rising in his chest. "You showed empathy, empathy’s a human emotion, Connor." Connor felt conflicted at that. He wasn’t a deviant; he couldn’t be. But when he looked back at you, he couldn’t get rid of the way you made him feel. The thoughts he had of you drifted through his mind, ones he knew he couldn’t pursue. Wait, feelings? Thoughts? 
The next day, Connor went to Hank’s house, determined to get an answer to how he'd been feeling. He was about to knock but saw that the door was unlocked, so instead he walked right in. "Lieutenant," he said, nodding at the man sitting down. "Jesus fucking Christ, Connor. Knock next time, god." The gruff voice echoed through the room. "Sorry, Lieutenant, it’s important." Connor takes a seat beside the rough-looking man. "Why couldn’t you go bother Y/N instead?" Connor quickly shook his head. "I was going to, but I think it involves him." Hank’s curious gaze lingers on Connor. "Go on," he insists. "My system has been acting up whenever I come into contact with Y/N." Hank’s brows furrow as he gestures for the android to continue. "My body heats up, and I feel a sort of buzzing in my chest when he speaks." He says, placing a hand to his chest, the sound of his fan overworking at the thought of the young detective. Hank chuckles before erupting in laughter. Connor tilts his head at the older man's actions.
"You’re in love, Connor."
Connor dead-panned. Love? He wasn’t in love. He wasn’t able to love; Androids aren’t able to love. His mind races over every interaction the two of you had, scanning over every detail. Shit. Maybe he was in love. "-onnor?" He’s brought back to reality by the amused Lieutenant. "It’s alright to be in love, Connor. In fact, I think he’s fallen for you too." Connor’s quick to reply, "He’s in love with me? How do you know?" Hank shakes his head. "You youngsters are so obvious it hurts." He pauses. "You should go tell him how you feel, Connor. God knows you’re not gonna get anywhere talking to me about this."
Hank was right. Connor rushed out, hearing the gruff man’s laughter as he left. He was quick to reach your house, quickly knocking. He heard a muffled "Coming" from behind the door before you opened it. Looking at you now that he knew what he’d been feeling was nerve-wracking. "Hey Connor, what’s up?" You open the door, dressed in casual clothes he hasn’t seen before. He can’t deny how good you look right now. He reprimands himself before looking into your eyes. He had never felt so nervous to speak up before. "Y/N." You nod, smiling curiously at the oddly jittery android. "Yeah Con?"
"I’m in love with you, Y/N." You choke on the breath you had taken, his straightforwardness catching you off guard. "Oh wow." You pause. "I wasn’t expecting that." You awkwardly laugh. "I, uh, I think I'm in love with you too, Connor." Connor's cheeks flush blue as he smiles. You feel yourself grin wider at the blushing android. You slowly reach a hand to his cheek and ask, "May I?" Connor’s head tilts in confusion. "Kiss you, Connor. May I kiss you?" You giggle. Connor’s eyes widen before nodding, your smiles being felt on each other's lips. Connor was the first to pull away. "Does this mean we’re together?" You take a breath before nodding. "If that’s what you would like, Con." The now blue-faced android rests his head against your chest. "Thank you, Y/N."
A/N: This is so much longer than I thought it would be, I was only expecting to write 400 words or so. I think I hit 1000 lol. Sorry if there is a lot of filler. I'm really bad at writing for Connor, sorryyy.
- Written by Owner 1
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jei-rifni · 1 year
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Whats this? I finally gave in and made a Destiny 2 DBH au? Yeah. I did. (Ima call it D2+DBH for short)
Bits of the designs (mostly Connor) are inspired by @ygreczed-3 ‘s TRGATSA au which I think is super cool (big fan of magic stuffs) thank you again for letting me use your design as inspo!
ANYWAY the idea is that everything is the same except the fact that Exos look like Androids. Exos creation by the darkness and Bray’s nonsense is still part of it (considering making Kamski as Bray, but i haven’t fully thought of it since who would be Elizabeth and all that yknow) so this au isnt very planned out yet, it was just mostly because I wanted to make Connor and Nines into some warlocks (I WILL MAKE MARKUS AND KARA AND THE WHOLE SHABANG LATER) so yeah the way Exos work in this is instead of just how fully and properly is in Destiny, Exos in this au work the same way as original, but they all have specific models instead of the different variety like in the game. So there would be lots of people who look the exact same because they are Exos, of course hair colour and eyes and such are different but overall theyre the same. So, say Kara right? AX400, thats one of the models, and thats what she looks like. Theres alot of other people who look like her, just like how in original DBH theres alot of her model. And the D2+DBH au Exo models, unlike the proper Destiny 2 Exos, were built with specific purposes, and Bray (Kamski..?) selected the person right before turning them into an Exo to see what model they’d fit best
Example, Kara was a simple woman who didnt come from a good family, so she left it to volunteer for Bray’s Exo experiment. Bray saw that she was nothing but a simple woman, and made her the average AX400 model. Simple. Just like her
Connor and Nines were friends when they both decided to volunteer for Bray’s experiment. They went by different names at the time, but neither of them in the present can remember anything. (Connor as a human being name Bryan would be kinda funny, and Nines would be Richard when he was human) Connor and Nines were part of the RK line, Bray made them specifically for helping humans with “detective” work and such so their pre-programmed minds are more intricate and aware, but with the Vex invasion at Bray’s Exoscience facility, they had to fight alongside Myrmidon’s, Trojan’s, TR400’s, TW400’s and WB400’s and a bunch of others as extra support. Hence why their numbers are 51 and 87. Thats alot of times to be reset. They remember nothing of their friendship. Or even eachothers existence. And when Connor woke up (previously 50, now awaken as 51) he was a guardian. Later on Nines will follow up and join the guardian crew (little funnies, Nine actually woke up as a guardian on his 86th reset, but he messed with some Fallen by accident and they learned to reset him, making him new again just as he was beginning to learn the light properly. His Ghost was not happy about it) Connor and Nines meet at the Tower and because theres not many RK models walking around (especially since most of them died during the multiple wars and their bodies were used up during the Vex attack at Bray’s facility) they easily noticed eachother like “oh my god, another me model, that’s something you dont see everyday” and it seemed they clicked easily like old friends. (I wonder why hmmmm)
Thats all I got for now. To the folks that know nothing of Destiny, or know nothing of Detroit Become Human, feel free to ask me. I know all i said probably sounded like nonsense to the other if you didnt know what even one side of the content was. Have a good day
I hope to be able to explain this better in the future, because this probably was frustrating for you to read with my bad explanation :(
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kissoflightning · 11 months
Fowler: The pizza's gone.
Hank: What? But...you said there'd be a pizza party!
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Hank: For fucks sake! Who ate the rest of the pizza then?
Fowler: *Raises hands up in defense* I don't know!
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Hank: God damn it Jeffrey! I need to know who ate it!
Fowler: *Frowns*
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Fowler: I'm sorry. It was Perkins.
Hank: *Sighs heavily and storms out*
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Hank: Fuck You!
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Perkins: I got pizza and you didn't!
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November 9th, 2038 - Hank & Connor return to the DPD after speaking with Kamski, only to find out that Perkins ate the last slice of pizza. In a fit of rage, Hank violently attacks him.
Incorrect descriptions of the events of Detroit: Become Human
Incorrect quotes
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Good Boy...Elijah
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Elijah Kamski x wife!reader
warning : +18, smut, oral fem, collar, fake dogs ears (is that a thing?), ,,tighter’ outfits for elijah, praise kink
Summary : After a phone call from Elijah and a meeting place that wasn't the shared property outside of town, the pink neon lights shine down on her as she makes a special discovery at the Eden Club…a new anrdoid model comming from personal experience.
Info : I got the motivational bust of the century after this wonderful POST from @thatsthewrongwallcraig and puppyboy Elijah is now a thing ;) Have fun reading
cover from me (proud of this one ngl)
Detroid, a city of millions full of human and machine inhabitants. A major city in Michigan, a city that became world famous after Elijah Kamski, the inventor of androids, the next life of evolution, the father or god.
He was a man who was initially seen as a nerd with long hair, a thick beard and square glasses, but this was several years ago and he was rarely seen at global events or at the annual Cyberlife Expo when new models and gadgets were presented...and until now he had always caused a surprise at the convention.
But the call on her mobile phone just as she was about to put the coffee to her lips was just such a surprise. Turning her attention from the projections showing her new romance novel, a pleased expression came to her lips.
,,What's new Nerdy?’ she asked, smirking at the nickname she had given him and even if he didn't admit it, his suppressed grin said a lot. ,,I'll send you an address, I've got the new android ready...and please hurry darling it's a bit awkward“ she heard his reply quieter not normally loud and in the background she could hear music but it was too quiet for the radio or an open place like a concert.
Above all, Elijah was not a person who appreciated publicity, so where was he? Just as she was about to ask if he was in the Cyberlife headquarters, he hung up and she saw his location pop up a few seconds later.
Why are you in the city? And then in the district? she asked herself, packing up her things before heading out the door to the dark car a few minutes later. Transferring the instructions and location to the car, it drove off on its own while she wrote him a few more messages, which he didn't even read.
The drive from her studio didn't lead to their shared house, neither to the main quarter, nor to the rich neighbourhood where he occasionally hosted small events...instead it led to her surprise.
It was a surprise to arrive in the late afternoon in front of the open Eden Club, whose bright pink colours barely stood out during the day. Leaving the car parked, she got out a few moments later and made her way across the street towards the establishment.
She knew the club everyone knew the club a discreet place for a lot and a little money a place for an android or the whole place everything was just for the short stay. You brought out models like this several years ago, why a new one? she asked herself, not quite knowing why he had built and developed a new sex android.
The models three years ago with improved extras and even better memory loss were more than good, so what could he have now? Going in through the sliding door past the Andorids in the glass tube-like boxes.
She knew the models she had designed with Elijah, nice looking and someone you'd enjoy spending the night with...or just a few hours with before you had to return to the unpleasant reality.
Ignoring the speakers and dancing androids, she looked around her, vaguely remembering the opening of the club as she stood next to her husband, a smile and champagne as they cut the ribbon and the pinkish colours of the club came on...that night was one she felt the next day and so did he.
,,Miss. Kamski how nice that you are here ehm your husband is in room sixty-nine he has something for you’ she heard a voice she had heard before the owner a sleazy man who knew something about marketing the brothel. ,,Thank you the new android model will be good for you too thank you“ she said faster than necessary and moved towards the room seeing in the reflection of the glass that the man retreated to his office-it was better that way she only liked him to a limited extent.
Looking around one last time, the door opened as she put her hand on it and Elijah granted her access as well. Stepping inside, a bluish pink light seemed to transform the room almost like water. She recognised the music but was surprised to see only a switched-off android model standing in front of the small table that was the least illuminated by the light, on which, as far as she could tell, were two glasses of champagne.
,,Elijah? Are you there?" she asked just loud enough to be heard in the room, which was the most expensive and had a small extra area as far as she could remember, a room with extra toys and clothes. ,,Darling, would you do me a favour and close your eyes, I'd like to try something,’ she heard his voice and realised he must be in the extra room, his voice slightly muffled by the extra door.
At first she hesitated and almost wanted to laugh the situation was almost obstruse the couple from Detroid in a brothel with androids and she should close her eyes. ,,All right... but don't scare me,’ she warned and closed her eyes, seeing in the dark the dim lights that were still switched on, she heard the door open and muffled footsteps on the carpet floor with the silver ornaments.
She almost flinched when she suddenly felt his hand on hers, ,,Don't look at me darling...so nervous?’ he asked and she could just see the sly smile on his lip in her mind's eye.
She was about to say something when she felt the gentle kiss he gave her, something he only did when he wanted to apologise. ,,Apology accepted,’ she told him and felt the gentle squeeze on her hand as he signalled that all this was probably necessary for his latest creation...or so she thought.
His hand gripping hers felt him move hers and she tried to slowly piece together the image in her head as she felt the latex material under her fingers.
A mock shocked ,,Elijah how inappropriate“ he released her hand and she slid her hand over the fabric feeling it was the latex top that was cut for the male androids covering the chest and leaving room for teasing which she promptly tried out. Moving her fingers slowly upwards over the lower part, she felt his nipples underneath, which she ran over with a light pressure.
She took in his amused grin when he didn't do anything and let her do it, eliciting an excited sigh from him as she was almost kissing over the tight fabric. He let a restrained ,,D-Darling’ escape and let her continue for a moment before he almost shakily took her hand again, ,,Don't want to end all the fun just yet,“ he said and this time pulled her into a more intimate kiss, but she didn't feel his hands on her as if he was voluntarily holding back.
As if he was getting at something specific, but what? Slowly withdrawing from the kiss, she let her hand wander further down Elijah didn't seem to mind either.
She seemed to sense his anticipation, which was emphasised by his half-hardness. ,,It's all because of you," he assured her, exhaling almost shakily in anticipation as she stroked his bulge, holding it out for a moment until suddenly her hand was on something soft.
Wondering, she paused and groped slightly in front of her, noticing the texture of hair and something soft...like fur. She opened her eyes and saw Elijah kneeling in front of her, his black hair covered with a pair of dog ears made of black and white fur.
His upper body was crowned by the tight latex top and the tight pants spoke for themselves. But the thing that brought warmth to her cheeks, apart from the cute-looking ears, was the leather collar around his neck.
,,HR500 activate yourself,“ he said and she saw the android open its eyes and the light flickered from yellow to blue and she now saw the special feature. ,,Dog ears and optionally cat ears in various designs, plus a collar and a few extra things,’ he introduced and made an inviting gesture towards the new android.
Letting her hand wander over Elijah's new ears in praise, she walked towards the human-like technology that was waiting for her orders.
She ran her hands curiously over the dog ears in all grey and almost heard a sigh from the android who seemed to have changed. ,,He has different variations from submissive to dominant depending on your preference and all the new compunents are extra sensitive," Elijah explained as he watched his wife take care of the new android.
She pulled on the collar and the man immediately got down on his knees and looked at her expectantly, his cheeks slightly flushed and impressed by the sexual glamour in the machine's eyes.
,,You've outdone yourself again...and I suppose programmed from personal experience,“ she said with a grin and stroked the android's cheek as he cuddled up to her and seemed to beg for more. In the reflection of the wall, she sensed that her husband also wanted the attention he was getting.
,,Very personal experience, fantasies and your own neediness,’ she added and a smile came to her lips as she pulled away slightly from the android and an idea occurred to her. ,,Undress me honey,“ she ordered and saw Elijah about to stand up, but she stopped him with a wave of her hand.
The android nodded, ,,As you wish miss,“ he replied and little by little the clothes were removed from her body until the skilful fingers opened her bra and she told him to stop.
,,A good boy learns to wait, Elijah,“ she surmised and gave the HR500 a rewarding kiss, which he returned, much to the chagrin of her husband, whose hands held on to the floor to keep from touching himself.
Before she let go of the Andoirdne and disappeared into the small extra room. After searching for the object and giving an ,,Eyes closed darling’, she came back into the room, saw that he had heard her and stood in front of him again.
The click was heard as she attached the matching leather leash to the silver hook on the ring that was on the collar. Giving him a little more of the leash she sat down on the bed and slid a little towards the headboard before pulling on the leash.
Elijah looked at her almost joyfully and crawled onto the bed with her. She saw in his blue eyes how he looked at her, like a sculpture, a painting, an invention, a being he cherished since they were together, he always looked at her as if she was the most precious thing on this planet.
The same sexual lustful glamour that was in the android's eyes was also in the eyes of her husband, who only came crawling towards her when she pulled on the leash. ,,Good boy,“ she praised and stroked his soft furry ears before giving him some leash again and letting him make up for the day in one way or another.
He immediately took advantage of this and began to kiss his way up her legs, leaning back with pleasure as the soft cushions held him gently and invitingly and her hand, which was not on the lead, stroked his head and ears every now and then in praise.
,,I'm going to be a very good boy just for you,’ she heard his muffled comment as he stood just between her thighs, his fingers gently moving her legs slightly apart and his fingers roaming over her clothed centre. Her sigh of pleasure let him know he was doing a good job.
Not teasing her, not stalling, not luring her like he normally would in a normal night together. It was almost funny, a man who had brought about the new evolutionary stage rightly had a bit of a god complex and loved to take what he liked but if you looked closer he was to her her sweet Elijah was a man who wanted attention and love with a collar around his neck and cute soft dog ears on his head.
His kisses were cautious as he felt his way around, knowing what each other liked, but she liked his new way. ,,You're doing well...go on,“ she encouraged him, seeing the flash of pleasure on his face before he put his fingers to her underwear and slowly pulled the fabric from her body, letting it fall to the floor.
A tug on the leash, however, made him almost whimper as she didn't let him touch her yet and demanded another kiss.
A kiss in which she ran her hand over his body, taking advantage of the tight fabric and a gasp went round the room as she pinched his nipples lightly, the fabric only allowing a little movement and she saw his knuckles turn slightly white as he held on to the white bed linen. Moving down to his now hard cock she stroked it harder than before and his hips moved slightly trying to get more of the friction.
After a few moments, however, she pulled back and grasped his chin, ,,You're not a rude street dog, are you?“ she admonished and saw him shake his head hastily and quickly cuddle up to her hand, ,,No-no, I'm a good promise,“ he said and after she sought his gaze one last time, she released him and let him continue.
Leaving the leash on, he kissed his way down her body, nuzzling her breast for a moment before caressing the soft skin of her thighs.
Pushing them slightly apart and finally placing his fingers on her centre, she had rarely seen him so restrained, normally she would feel his hands on her hips and he would give her head until he had what he wanted.
A tantalising image of her hand going to his head and gently pressing down, ,,Don't make me wait any longer, will you?“ she said, and he complied immediately. She was already slightly wet and his tongue ran over her little bundle of nerves without any problems, he took it slowly but just enough so that it wasn't hesitant.
They both knew that he knew exactly how to react but in his new role he was the inexperienced poor boy. ,,Mhh that's good, go on,“ she encouraged him and dropped her head back into the kisser as he began to stroke her clitoris, the bundle of nerves next to him being caressed by his fingers. Before he used his other free hand and she felt him slowly insert first one and then two fingers into her.
It was nothing to compare with his dick, but that wasn't the point here, they both knew that. It was his restraint, his obedience, his taking of power to obey her commands and be her servant.
Something he could only rarely do here as she looked without him, her blue eyes dark from the little light, her lips reddish from the kiss and with a slight almost wet sheen from her wetness, her cheeks an almost dark red, he had never looked more beautiful and pathetic.
She stretched out towards him and got more of him, his movements slowly intensifying and accelerating. The sound of her moans and words of praise mingled with the squeaking wet noises that blended with the soft music and she sucked in her lip to make another excited sound as she thought of them being watched indirectly.
As the andrid still stood there watching her for an order, a sign or a gesture. But she liked it, she liked to be watched, to be desired by Elijah and everyone else, it was addictive.
A fact that not only struck her, but Elijah was also too lost in his rhythm, too attached to her body to give her his best while he took everything like a repentant dog rubbing against the bed. He licked and sucked what he could get his mistress to give him while the words of praise that left her lips seemed to be enough.
The moment dragged on, the climax approached and she felt her body tremble slightly, her back arching slightly. ,,Ah El-Elijah-good good boy,“ she moaned, her eyes closed in pleasure, her lips slightly open and her fingers pulling harder on his hair.
It only took a few more moments before her last loud moan went through the room and her body fell straight into the tangled sheets of the bed.
Releasing the leash slowly and convulsively, she pulled Elijah even closer to her, who lingered between her legs for a moment before pulling back with a satisfied sigh. ,,Thank you, darling, for this praising performance,“ she heard him say and felt his hand on her belly as he lay down next to her.
He gently stroked her body and played with a strand of hair as she slowly turned to him and took off his collar and lead. ,,You've been such a good boy," she praised and pulled him into a brief kiss that made him smile, ,,So the new android model is good,” he realised and smiled, which she did. She pulled the blanket over both their bodies and looked at the collar before throwing it in with her things.
,,The android will be a bestseller for everyone and the toys... aren't we just keeping them my good boy?“ she asked and laid her head on his chest and he stroked her and nodded in agreement.
,,Besides, you seem to have enjoyed the attention from our friend,“ he winked and pointed at the android, whereupon she felt the warmth rising on her cheeks and poked him lightly in the side.
,,You were kneeling in front of me with those ears and the collar and leash,“ she protested and flicked at the fur ears he was holding protectively, but she could still see his red cheeks. Before she felt him wrap his arms around her and hug her close, ,,Well, let's do it again,“ he said before pulling her into another kiss.
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task800 · 6 months
dbh fic series premise that i’m never gonna write but still think about:
Connor can’t bear returning to law enforcement, but still feels a need to uncover stuff, make stuff right, help people - he still wants to serve, in some way. He ends up becoming part of the key Jericho staff in face-to-face negotiations, while moonlighting as an anonymous hacktivist in his downtime. He ends up uncovering a FUCKTON of corporate and government-level corruption scandals, which - when combined with his negotiation protocols - gives him the leverage needed to make sure android welfare gets the speedrun ever. Meanwhile, Nines turns to a life of being a vigilante when he’s not becoming one with the couch. Specifically, a vigilante who is Very Okay with murdering abusive humans. Nines has zero finesse, so Connor is the one stuck covering his tracks and giving him backup where needed. In turn, Nines makes sure that anybody who hurts Connor’s feelings gets a car to the kneecaps. (Subplot where Connor is blamed for Nine’s killings and everybody has mixed feelings about it because “Yes they deserved it but I’m literally trying to destress oh my god.”)
Connor and Markus get along like a house on fire, especially when Markus realizes that Connor is a long-con kind of BITCH who thrives on malicious compliance. Nines, on the other hand, hits it off with North, because they’re both of the same ‘throw hands ask questions never’ mindset. We find out from Kamski that Cyberlife is a key player in the Red Ice epidemic, and that the PD + FBI is complicit and actively profiting off of its circulation. Also the truth behind the Amanda program comes out - and the RKs are split, with Markus wishing he’d met her, and Connor and Nines both flinching away.
(This was originally going to get rolled out as a bunch of fics in a series, with different fics having different focuses/genres while Cyberlife/Amanda/Kamski worldbuilding slowly got uncovered in the background. But then I was like lmao I’m not writing all that.)
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hauntedoneao3 · 2 years
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You know when you're drawing Elijah Kamski and trying at the same time to try not to remember that fic where he has dream sex with Lightning McQueen? Yeah...
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pupmkincake2000 · 8 months
Now I may be expressing a very unpopular opinion, but I do not consider Kamski an asshole, a creep, a rapist, a bad person, an evil person, an antagonist or any kind of a villain. I mean, at first he comes across as someone who has God Syndrome, maybe a little autistic, or maybe even narcissistic. But I have looked at the scenes with him in great detail many times, and it seems to me that he is quite a good person, not prone to violence and disgusting actions.
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He undoubtedly has some narcissistic tendencies and perhaps he does have God syndrome, but not clearly expressed and not in the negative sense.
And I also think that he doesn't care about humanity. I mean, he literally created a new life that is superior to humans in many ways, a new round of evolution, so to speak. Machines that know how to feel and love.
And this whole scene with him… it was like he was trolling the entire CyberLife through Connor.
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He behaves confidently and defiantly, but I wouldn’t use the word “creepy” to describe him nor would I sexualize his behaviour.
He teases and provokes, but when Connor leaves, denying his deviancy, he tells Connor how to find a solution to a possible trap.
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Why would he do this? Perhaps to spoil CyberLife, perhaps he just wants to see what all this struggle between humans and androids will lead to. He himself does not act, he just watches. And with all this, he creates the impression of a kind of parent who watches how his children grow up and what kind of life they build for themselves (this, by the way, is one of the reasons why I think that if Connor needed a parental figure, Kamski would be an ideal candidate in this case).
Kamski probably couldn't have foreseen that Connor and Hank would show up at his house, but I like the idea that he probably realized that Connor and Hank had a complicated but obvious relationship.
Just imagine him as a father whose child has come to introduce his lover to him.
Kamsky be like: “Son, are you saying that your chosen one is this big bear-man who is 53 years old, who is also a cop, lives in a small house with his dog and you met him a couple of days ago? Are you sure?”
"Yes, father, I'm going to marry Lieutenant Anderson, we'll live happily ever after and fuck a lot."
Kamski, looking Hank up and down: “Well, son, I, of course, could object, but I respect your choice. Your happiness is my happiness.”
Connor, ready to defend his choice: “Dad, even if you don’t agree, I still love… wait, you approve of my choice?”
Kamski: “Of course, son, this is your choice. And you chose a man for yourself… a good one. With a career, responsible, kind, who is probably one of those who only gets hotter with age, he has his own home and he clearly loves you more than his own life. How can I not approve of this choice?"
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mpsideadump · 21 days
A reader of my fic "Detroit: Lie or Die" pointed out a lot of similarities between the characters of DBH and LoP! While some of these I noticed before, there were a lot I didn't think about until the reader had commented about it. Really goes to show how similar the two games really are and why I thought these stories would make a great crossover!
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P and Connor are the most central characters of their respective stories. While yes Connor is only 1 of 3 protagonists of DBH, he is the one who we first play as and the one who has the most consequential decisions for the development for his character (machine vs deviant). The same can be said about P, who's choices may not necessarily affect the story itself but rather who he learns to become (puppet vs human).
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The commenter compared these two to be the voice of reason for our main protagonists, but I'd take it a little further and point out that Hank and Gemini to be their main companions throughout their stories.
Hank and Gemini have the potential to become Connor and P's best friend. While Gemini, fulfilling the role of the cricket character, acts as P's guide, Hank is Connor's guide to deviancy as all of his most important decisions revolve around Hank and his relationship with him.
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While Kara's story is more explicitly written to be centered around motherhood, Sophia's maternal role towards P is a lot more interpretive and symbolic. Look towards the original story of Pinocchio, however, and we see the Blue Fairy does fulfil the role of a mother towards the wooden puppet, acting as his main mentor towards becoming a real boy.
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Romeo and Markus act as the leaders of their respective groups, puppets and androids. Of course, we've heard the jokes of calling Markus Robo-Jesus, but his instances of sacrificing himself to free his people do seem to make him worthy of the name.
Likewise, Romeo was once referenced to be a god to his puppet followers, more specifically by Fuocco whose boss ergo states that he bowed down to the King as if he were a god.
Also, it is implied that Romeo made a deal with Geppetto to become a puppet. Him becoming the King, however, wasn't exactly what he wanted. Markus's abilities to instantly awaken androids also imply that he was created specifically to spread the Ra9 virus which leads to deviancy.
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Finally, we have Geppetto and Kamski, the creators of puppets and androids. I don't think I really need to say anything else.
Jokes aside, Kamski and Geppetto initially created beings that were meant to serve humans. However, they also both had nefarious plans that involved their creations going rogue. Gepetto needed the puppet frenzy to harvest large amounts of ergo for Carlo, and Kamski (though his motivations are still rather loose in what exactly they are) likely wanted deviancy to take over androids in order to prove their superiority over humans.
I believe his cut dialogue for the Kamski ending actually states that he was basically fed up with humans.
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thiriumhound · 1 year
Of course I'll remind you, I'll do it right now in this ask, so you could share your favourite whump fics when you feel like doing it. And for now let this ask just hang in there
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok SSO. *heavy breathing*
have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, i really wish the androids were treated like the living autonomous machines they are instead of human expys"? have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, i sure wish cyberlife had any development literally at all- kamski probably had absolutely nothing to do with connor's development, so why is he considered connor's 'maker'?" have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, i wonder if there's anything more to amanda, and i wonder if chloe being the first android to pass the turing test means anything? surely there's something there"? have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, it sure is ridiculous how despite being conscious ais with full internet access, none of them really do anything with it"? have you ever thought "man it would be cool if androids weren't constrained to stupid human physical and mental standards for the sake of easy writing"? have you ever looked at dbh and thought, "man, there are so few characters that are more than one-note cutouts, it's no wonder people made gavin reed into a whole different character because there was no one else available to use to make certain dynamics happen"? have you ever looked at dbh and thought, "man, it's just so bare-bones, with so many plotholes and unexplored things, i wish the worldbuilding had an ounce of thought and logic behind it!"?
it's got fucking EVERYTHING. wanna know what it was like to be the first ever fully conscious ai, a whole new kind of living being? BOOM, THIS FIC'S GOT YOU COVERED. ever wondered about the development behind them, cyberlife as a company and the people in it? FUCK YES LOOK RIGHT HERE. ever wanted to see connor in ways you've never seen him before, to the point where i actually can't construct this sentence meaningfully because there's just so fucking much??? PLEASE READ THIS FIC OH MY GOD. ever wanted to know WHAT THE FUCK RA9 IS????? YOU WANNA KNOW ABOUT FUCKING RA9??????????????
this fic is called "Connor". it is about connor. the whole thing is mostly pov connor, and it's about connor, iterations ZERO TO SIXTY. NOT JUST STARTING AT 51, OH NO, WE GET IT ALL. why is his iteration number so high at the start of the game? WELL YOU BETTER BE EXCITED TO FIND OUT.
i haven't even read this fic recently it's been like weeks. a month? more? and i'm still internally screaming. i feel like i'm missing some of the main draws and i can't even describe a lot of it because i would DIE if i spoiled this masterpiece. this fic made me actually want to make myself learn to draw people so i can draw nothing but fanart for this fucking fic.
the characters, the pacing, the fucking lore, it's all immaculate. seriously. it feels like it's what dbh SHOULD'VE been. the writing style is utterly enrapturing. when i read it for the first time, i legitimately could not get myself to turn away from it for anything except tasks absolutely required on me. every single character feels like a PERSON. connor's complexity is fucking insane. he's lovable, he's terrifying, he's caring, he's callous. he is NOT static, at all. connor in chapter x is a completely different beast from chapter y. there is so much trauma and catastrophe, but PERFECTLY balanced with the humor. it's fucking perfect
let me supply some nice quotes to hook you. i can barely put any because spoilers and length but enjoy mostly funnies but also some of the angst
•"I do stuff without thinking sometimes." "Clearly," I say. "No intelligent being would jump out of a moving vehicle for no reason." "I have a reason," he says. "I promised I wasn't gonna leave you ever again and I meant it." "Hey, are they filming a scene?" I hear a human whisper.
•"Mrs Vondracek, this is Gennadiy Petrov," he says. "Who?" "Elijah's friend from work. You remember?" "Elijah doesn't have any friends."
•There is only a 6% chance that Carridan will say anything. He knows what I'm capable of. He knows what will happen to those that stand in the way of my mission.
•"You do not waltz into some girl's house, kidnap her and frame yourself for murder. Do you understand?"
•I transmit my payment details. CyberLife have an expense account set up in case I need to purchase items relevant to my mission objective. Sergeant Matthews is relevant to my mission objective. And he wants Oreos.
•I scan and analyse the quadruped with short brown fur, brown eyes. Loud noises emanate from what I suspect is its mouth. "Dog," I identify, unsure of the significance.
•He squeezes my shoulders. "It's alright, buddy," he says. "Just breathe." "I don't breathe." "Okay. What do you usually do when you're having a meltdown?" "I experience critical system failure." "Ummm. Okay... don't do that."
•I cannot decipher his handwriting. Neither can the software on the tablet. It saves the note as an image. I download it to study but my advanced analysis systems can't crack it. This is worse than a captcha code.
•I hear the shrieking of steel as the disc begins to rotate. No... Please... Where is Sergeant Matthews? Where is the CPD? The FBI? CyberLife? Why am I alone? Why am I always alone?
•I watch him die. As so many others have died. Their blood on my hands.
•"You're a bad person," he says, clutching at the BN250's uniform. "I'm not a person," I say. "Neither are you."
god i wish i could put more but spoilers- anyway this is just some of the stuff i screenshotted to my phone. not even close to all the good stuff just please read the fic im begging u it'll be worth it you'll never be able to look at canon as complete again
read. now
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Re4 Remake with Leon Kennedy Actor, Nick Apostolides & Heisenberg actor Neil Newbon and Tom De Ville
i’ll only be taking note of anything that i think is interesting but please watch or listen to the whole stream if you want to know other stuff that happens
neil said *middle finger* BYE ASHLEY
i have a feeling he might not like ashley sjkbdfskjfdbs (he’s probably joking)
nick is not going to back seat game lol
they are going to have a bad time, he (neil) is not keeping track of ashley lmao
nick did blow up ashley and kicked her in the head in his own gameplay
“THAT DOG WAS A FUCKING DICKHEAD” 32 minutes in. neil thinks the dog is a dickhead
34 minutes in, nick says “Leon Fucking Kennedy” in an accent lol
question section starts at minute 41
nick is eating oreos again
one of nick’s favourite leon lines are “the bingo line,” and he didn’t want to spoil the other lines since neil hasn’t gotten there in the game yet
in game mechanics, nick did almost none of the mocap for it. he thinks it was done in japan with another team. (almost all internally in japan) (tbh i’m not 100% what he means by this and it’s not clarified) (EDIT: i think he means that anything that wasn’t a cut scene he did not do any mocap work)
nick does not have final say in anything, he was not allowed to change anything at the end of the day
he was allowed to suggest some lines, but capcom gets the final say
47 minutes, he said he vibes with the re4r team a lot and he said he had a bit more fun with this version of leon. he got more collaborative liberties in re4r
nick had been working for leon’s character for 6 years at this point
he was “allowed to be more of a cowboy” minute 49
he said that the building show he’s working on has helped him a lot with gratitude and how it applied to how he characterized leon as well for re4r
nick has been a fan of re4 for 18 years
neil loves how leon opens doors “it’s unnecessarily flexing,” (it actually reminded me of how aragorn opens doors in the lord of the rings lmao)
neil was born in the 70s lol 1hr01 
actually, yeah why does the photo say 1981???? but it’s like more like 1891 maybe it was an error????
1hr07 nick says “leon needs a shower cap” lol
question section number 2 is 1hr13
nick’s fave is double stuff oreos
nick did not do the round house kick in mocap
nick also did not do the death scenes in mocap, he mostly just did the cut scenes. i guess that’s what he means about the game mechanics he didn’t mocap that
he did the facial and voice over for the death scenes though
nick’s favourite death scene is the axe death with the three cracks at the neck
neil’s favourite is the chainsaw through the chest death
1hr17 nick says “miranda, that bitch.” for trying to do one of heisenberg’s line
neil every few seconds, “ashley’s dead”
omg neil is refusing to sell the fish because neil played gavin and oh god i forgot his KAMSKI in detroit become human and one of the things was you can save the fish in that game so he’s refusing to sell the fish in this game lol
1hr30 “I can also sell Ashley Graham apparently, which is worrying.”
andre (va for luis) got luis’s jacket made!
1hr42 neil does the leon suplex
nick apparently died at least four times during the first cabin rush scene with luis
1hr48 nick has a feature film coming sometime in the summer! maybe netflix! it’s called aftermath!
1hr57 nick mocap the guy who got squashed by the door (OH I THINK HE’S LYING LOL)
ughhh this stopped before mother would’ve showed up lol but here are more questions!
okay nevermind they had no more questions!
maybe next week they might do another session (never mind they’ll figure it out!)
nick’s next convention is maryland may, 26-27, 2023
he’s going to do more streams with more actors!!!! hopefully lily soon!!!
they raided nicole and andre afterwards! :D
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