#The hottest nephew n uncle ever
annoyingflowerwitch · 15 days
twin b!tches 🤨
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twin b!tches 🤔
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twin b!tches hoppin’ off a jetski 😩
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babymetaldoll · 4 years
What are you going to be for Halloween? (Matthew Gray Gubler/ Reader)
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(Not my gif)
Requested: Yes
“Love your work, in Matthew x read “family probation period” it was mentioned that reader and Matthew took his nephew trick or treating. Do you plan on making a fic a about that anytime soon?”
Summary: Matthew Gray Gubler and his girlfriend spend Halloween with his family in Las Vegas, and take his nephews trick or treating. What could go wrong? Losing one of the kids, of course.
Category: A little fluff with some dirty talking= a lot of fun  😬
Pairing: MGG/ Reader
Warnings: Mentions of sex, cursing (as always)
Word count: 2,4K
- “Real question, is there anything in the world that you like more than Halloween?”- (Y/N) asked her boyfriend. She was in the bathroom, getting ready for trick-or-treating, and he was standing in front of the mirror in his old room in his parent's house, putting on his suit.
He gave his answer zero thinking because he really loved Halloween.
- “Compared to any other holiday, nop.”
- “And compared to any other thing in the world?”- Gubler stayed quiet and sighed. He took a look at himself in the mirror and nodded, pleased.
- “Considering most of my favorite things are Halloween related, I’d say no.”
- “That’s what I thought. Ok, I’m ready. What do you think?”
Gubler turned around and looked at his girlfriend standing by the bathroom door.
- “Wow.”
- “Too much?”- (Y/N) bit her lips, nervous, as his boyfriend walked over and took a good look at her.
- “Wow,”- he repeated
- “Really, honey… what do you think?”
- “I think you look so good; you should wear this every day.”
Matthew held her chin and placed a slow and sweet kiss on her lips. (Y/N) blushed and looked at their costumes. He was dressed as Beetlejuice, and she was Lydia in her red wedding gown.
She wouldn’t be as nervous as she was under normal conditions, but that was a special Halloween. It was their first Halloween together as a couple, and they were going to spend it with Matthew’s family in Las Vegas. The whole family. And she had just met them two hours ago. And not only that, but they were also going to take his nephews trick-or-treating.  
No pressure.
- “So, ready?”- Matthew smiled and fixed his hair for the hundredth time- “How do I look?”
- “Is it wrong to say even with all that makeup and crazy hair, you are the hottest guy I have ever seen?”- (Y/N) stood in front of her boyfriend and smiled.
- “It’s wrong, very wrong… I might have to teach you a lesson later”- Gubler placed his hands in her waist and pulled her closer- “You are too hot in this dress too. That deserves a punishment.”
- “I’m so sorry, Matthew Gray”- she chuckled and shivered at the sensation of his lips on her neck, tracing kisses from her jaw to her collar bone.
- “You are sorry you are so hot?”
- “No, I’m sorry I can’t fuck with you in your parent’s house.”
(Y/N) thought her boyfriend would stop what he was doing, but it seemed it only encouraged him to continue. His hands moved carefully from her hips to her cheeks, passing painfully slowly upon her breast.
- “I think you can, and you will”- his voice was so low and velvety as he whispered those words, (Y/N) felt her knees weakening.  
- “Really?”- even her voice was a little shaky.
- “Really.”
- “Why are you so sure?”- she sighed and stared at him. His eyes were darker and filled with lust. But, it all ended in a second.
- “Uncle Matthew!!! Let’s go!!”- his nephews ran into the room in their cute disguises, ready to go.
- “Kids! Hey! you look amazing!! I mean, you look so creepy!! Let’s terrorize the neighborhood!”
(Y/N) smiled and sighed, trying to calm herself down after feeling her boyfriend kissing her skin, teasing her. How could he step from being a teaser boyfriend to a cute uncle in a blink?  
- “This ain’t over, by the way.”- he warned her as they walked downstairs and held her hand.
- “That’s what I thought.”
She smiled and felt her cheeks blushing again. Yes, she had been dating that man for eight months, and he could still make her blush. It happened awfully often, according to her, and it was embarrassing. But Matthew loved it. He thought it was adorable how she flushed each time he teased her. It made her look so innocent and naive.
It also made his pants get tighter, but (Y/N) still had no idea about that.
Walking around the neighborhood, holding Matthew’s hand while walking his sister’s kids asking candied was like a dream. She knew they weren’t there yet, but something about being like that made her feel so good and calm, she couldn’t stop smiling.
- “Trick or treat!!”- Gubler and his nephews said along, like a hyperventilated Halloween choir.
- “Well, hello!”- an old woman wearing a witch hat opened the door and smiled- “What a scary scarecrow! And a creepy…”- she furrowed her brows, staring at the child.
- “I’m sorry dear, who are you supposed to be?”
- “I’m Darth Vader!”- the kid announced proudly from underneath his black helmet.
- “Oh! Of course!”- the old lady smiled at the boys and gave them candies- “Your kids are adorable.”
- “Thank you.”- Matthew answered without hesitation and gave the woman a big smile. (Y/N) bit her lips and giggled.
- “Why did you tell her your nephews were our kids?”
- “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t bother. It wasn’t a big deal”- she nodded and continued walking.
- “Why? was it wrong?”- Matthew looked at her, and she started shaking her head immediately- “Because I just thought it was cute, and...”·
- “No, no, it wasn't wrong, it was...”- (Y/N) felt her cheeks turning pink as she looked around, avoiding his eyes- “You are right, it was very cute”.
The couple walked in silence for a moment. Matthew tried not to overthink what had just happened. He already knew he wanted (Y/N) to be the mother of his kids, but it was too soon to tell her that. After all, they had been together for only eight months.
- “Hey, kids! don’t go too far!”- Gubler yelled as his nephews ran to the next door, ignoring his words.
- “Have you ever lost one of them”- (Y/N) asked him, taking a look around. There were a lot of kids, and it was pretty easy to lose one.
- “Once in the mall. I freaked out. I got the guard to call him on the speakers.”
- “And what happened?”
- “I still can’t find him, so I replaced him with a clone. I still can’t believe my sister hasn’t noticed.”- Gubler answered, and (Y/N) burst out laughing.
- “Just don’t tell her yet. I’m still waiting for the right moment to break the news.”
- “Ok, ok. Your secret is safe with me”- (Y/N) held his hand tight and smiled- “Now, let’s get some candies.”
After an hour of trick-or-treating, the kids were fueled with sugar, and there was no way the couple could keep them in place. They were running and jumping and yelling all over the street, playing with some other kids from the neighborhood.
- “Ok, I think it’s time to cut the candies, don’t you think?”- (Y/N) asked her boyfriend as he ate another snicker bar
- “Sorry, what?”
- “Enough sugar for today.”- she said and grabbed the bag from his hands.
- “Oh, come on! just a little more.”
- “No, besides, you have to save some for tonight’s horror movies marathon.”
- “Right! But that’s why the kids are getting us more sweets. That’s their job.”- he moved closer and tried to take the bag from her hands, though all he was really doing was to hold her close and tickle her
- “I don’t think they will share.”- she answered, giggling
- “I’m their favorite uncle. Of course, they’ll share.”
- “Do you wanna bet?”- Matthew looked into her eyes and nodded.  
- “Ok, let’s ask them.”
Matthew looked around, searching for them in the crowd.
- “I’ve got one!”- (Y/N) said and held a tiny, cute and cleared tired scarecrow, who wrapped his arms around her neck and sighed, almost ready to nap.
- “Ok, now we need our Darth Vader, and we will ready to go.”
The couple kept on searching, but nothing. No Darth Vader around.
- “Shit!”- Gubler whispered and started calling his nephew’s name. But nothing. (Y/N) wide opened her eyes, feeling her stomach tightening. Losing a kid was the worst way to be introduced to her boyfriend’s family. Of course, it was going to happen to her.  
- “I’m gonna go look for him,”- Matthew said, and she nodded- “You should stay here in case he comes back.”
Matthew Gray had never lost one of his nephews. He was joking earlier. And because it had never happened, he was freaking out. What if they never found him? what if he had been kidnapped? He worked on a tv show with the sickest stories about serial killers. He had seen and read enough of that to think the worst.
He walked around, yelling his nephew’s name for about a block until he finally found him and hugged him immediately.
- “Shit! I was so worried. Never do this again, please.”
- “I want my mommy.”- the kid said from inside the helmet, and Gubler nodded.
- “Let’s get your mommy.”
- “I got him!!”- Matthew yelled proudly, walking to (Y/N) holding his nephew in his arms. (Y/N) frowned and looked at him, confused.
- “Who’s that?”
- “What are you talking about?”- Matthew asked- “I know you just met them today, but…”
- “Gubler, I’ve got the kids here.”
And she did. They were both sitting on the sidewalk, eating candies.
- “If they are here… who’s this?”- Matthew asked and took out the helmet of the kid he was holding.
- “I want my mommy”- the boy said and pouted.
- “Shit!!”- Matthew was in shock. He had taken someone’s kid by accident- “Let’s… let’s go look for your mommy, ok?”- he boy nodded, and (Y/N) bit her lips, trying not to laugh.
- “Where did you find him?”- she held Gubler’s little nephew’s hands as Matthew kept the kid in his arms, looking for his mother.
- “Over there… do you see your mommy?”- he asked the boy, who was still pouting and about to start crying.
- “Do you know where you live?”- (Y/N) asked him, and he shook his head- “Do you see any of your friends?”- but nothing.
- “What’s your name, baby?”- Matthew tried to soothe him and gave him a candy bar
- “Andy”
- “Ok, Andy. This is what we are going to do, we are going to call out for your mom, ok?”- (Y/N) looked at her boyfriend and felt her heart was going to explode inside his chest. That man was made to be a father.
- “Are you going to help me look for her?”- Gubler asked, and the little one nodded- “Ok, guys, are you going to help us find Andy’s mom?”- he asked his nephews.
- “Yeah!!!”
- “Ok, so help me out here”- Matthew cleared his throat and started shouting out- “Andy’s mom!! we are looking for Andy’s mom”- (Y/N) smiled and looked around, yelling as well, along with the boys, until a woman appeared running.
- “There you are!!”
- “Mommy!!”- Andy hugged her and held her tight immediately.
- “Thank you for finding him”- Matthew smiled and nodded
- “Not a problem”- (Y/N) looked at him chuckling, and he wrapped an arm around her waist, pinching her waist- “He was very scared”
- “Say thank you to the nice man, Andy”- it was getting harder for (Y/N) not to laugh, but she had to. Besides, Matthew pinched her waist again, nearly making her jump.
The boy thanked and waved, and soon he and his mother were gone. Gubler looked at his girlfriend and smiled, not saying a word. Then, he kneeled and looked at his nephews.
- “Are you ready to go home and watch a scary movie with us?”- the two of them nodded.
- “Can we watch the one with the witches that eat children’s souls?- one of them asked, and Matthew smiled immediately.
- “Hocus Pocus! of course! It’s my favorite! What do you say (Y/N)?”- he looked at her, and she nodded, smiling
- “It’s my favorite too! It has a cat! I love cats!
The boys walked a few meters ahead of them, and the couple held hands, not taking their eyes from them for even a second.
- “You are full of it, you know?”- (Y/N) whispered and giggled- “He was very scared”- she said, impersonating Matthew’s voice. And he laughed immediately.
- “You kidnapped a kid and then innocently pretended you had found him!”
- “In my defense, the kid was already lost when I kidnapped him!”- Matthew argued, laughing- “And I was worried he couldn’t find his mother.”
- “Of course”- (Y/N) laughed and looked at him- “Aren’t you nice?”
- “I am nice! I am a nice man”- she nodded and looked ahead. She couldn’t argue with that.
- “So you are gonna protect me from all the monsters that come out on Halloween?”- (Y/N) asked, and Matthew chuckled.
- “I don’t know… maybe”
- “Maybe?! really? are you going to leave me alone to die?”- she pretended to be mad but failed, ‘cos she couldn’t stop smiling. That would always happen when she was with her boyfriend. She was too happy and couldn’t stop smiling.  
- “Yeah, maybe, because I could actually turn into a monster tonight and try to eat you.”
He put a hand in the small of her back, making her shiver, even when it was such a little touch.
- “Are you scared?”- he whispered in a lower voice.
- “No”- she answered and smiled at him- “Because we will be in a house full of people. If you turn into a zombie, I will scream until someone comes to rescue me”- (Y/N) turned and stuck out her tongue to him.
- “What if I kiss you so much, you wouldn't be able to scream? “- she bit her lips and blushed immediately.
- “You know I can’t hold myself. I always scream.”
- “I know, I love that”
- “And that’s why we won’t fuck in your parent’s house, Gubler.”
- “Oh, come on!! I will be quiet, I swear!!”- he begged, laughing
- “No! it’s weird!!”
- “It’s not weird!! It’s dirty, and you are dirty”- (Y/N) kept blushing and tried her best not to look at her boyfriend in the eyes.
- “You can’t deny it, Bunny. I’ve seen the things that you do.”
- “But I won’t do any of those things in your parent’s house!”- Gubler sighed and stayed in silence for a while.
- “And in my parent’s garage?”- (Y/N) laughed at her boyfriend’s proposal. He was acting like a horny teenager trying to convince his prom date to have sex.
- “It’s not my room, and technically it’s not my parent’s house.”
- “Hold it until we are back in L.A, Gubler.”
- “But I don’t want to”- he pouted
- “I’ll make it up for you, I promise.”
- “How?”- he stopped walking, holding her hand tight, and forced her to stop too- “This is important.”
- “Remember that thing we saw the other day in that movie?”
- “The thing you said you have never done?”- she nodded, and Matthew’s eyes turned darker in lust in a second- “Really? Can we do it?”
- “Only if you manage to be a good boy until we are not in your parent’s house, ok?”- Gubler nodded frenetically, and (Y/N) smiled, pleased
- “Good, now let’s go. I don’t wanna lose another kid again.”
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etoileholland · 4 years
I can’t hide you from it all
Anonymous asked: Hey can you do a dad!tom imagine where Tom and y/n go out on a date night and Tom’s brothers and Harrison have to watch over their 3 year old son. And he ends up getting hurt. And Tom gets a bit upset at his brothers.
Pairing: Dad!Tom x female reader
Word count: 2.5k 
Warning: a trip to the urgent care but there’s no mentions of anything bad I promise.
A/N: Thank you for sending in this request! Requests/prompts are always open, and if you want to be added to the taglist please let me know!
(gif not mine, all credit goes to its respective owner)
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“Tom, will you quit worrying? We are plenty capable of watching over your mini me.” Harrison got up from the couch, walking over to Tom where he was straightening his tie.
“I know that but try telling my wife that, she worries too much. It’s been forever since we both went on a date and we haven’t left Charlie alone in a long time.” He fastened his cuff links and straightened his collar. He looked in the mirror one last time before hollering, “Love we cannot be late, come on!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming, give me a minute.” You emerged from the stairwell in a form fitting maroon dress, holding your three year old son Charlie who rested gently on your hip.
“Damn Tom, you won the ‘I’m married to the hottest woman alive’ lottery.” Harry remarked while the boys looked you up and down, mouths gaped wide. You began to blush when you noticed their stares, and kissed your son Charlie on the top of the head.
“I love you, baby boy” You whispered as you squeezed his cheeks.
“I love you too mummy.” He whispered as you walked over to Tom so he could tell his son goodnight.
“I love you darling, you’ll have so much fun with your uncles tonight.” He ruffled the toddler’s hair as he let out a giggle.
“Love you too daddy, bye.” He waved sadly, holding out his arms to hug Tom. He held his son close, peppering kisses on the little boys cheeks. He then looked down at his watch, and quickly passed his son over to Sam.
“I trust you the most, watch over him okay?” Tom whispered into his ear as he laughed.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. He’s safe with us.” Sam said as he grabbed Charlie’s arm and gently waved it. They stood at the door as you got into the car and drove off.
“Honestly your mum and dad worry too much, you’ll be just fine.” Sam cooed as his nephew looked at him curiously.
“Movies please!” Charlie exclaimed as he squirmed in Sam’s arms.
“As you wish, let’s watch some movies.”
While the twins were preparing tortellini for dinner, Harrison and Charlie were busy crafting a pillow fort. Charlie carefully stacked pillows, but an idea came over Harrison as he watched his nephew stack pillows. He grabbed one and gently smacked Charlie with it, which resulted in a fit of giggles.
“Pillow fight!” Harrison exclaimed as he used one pillow to shield himself against the toddler, and the other arm swung around in an attempt to win the battle.
In an effort to get away, Charlie climbed onto the couch and began to swing at Harrison. Since he’s considerably smaller than his uncle, his blows weren’t as effective. Harrison scrambled towards the toddler as Charlie climbed onto the armrest of the couch. He made the mistake of looking down as Harrison pounced towards him, but Charlie took a misstep and fell off the couch. What resulted next was a blood curdling scream.
“Oh my god little dude are you okay?” Harrison panted as he got up to see what happened. Sam and Harry ran into the room and were shocked to see the accident.
“Oh fuck, I can’t believe I did that.” Harrison remarked. He noticed that Charlie’s shoulder was definitely dislocated from the socket and Sam gagged.
Harry, the only calm one, knelt down to Charlie and began to comfort him. He held him as he wailed in pain, kissing his head like Tom usually does.
“We could try popping it back in.” Harry suggested, but when he raised his hand to Charlie’s shoulder he let out another scream. “Don’t touch!” He exclaimed, sobbing while he began to panic. “I want my mummy and daddy.”
“I don’t want them.” Harrison let out a snide remark as Harry shot him a dirty glare. “What are we supposed to do, call an ambulance?”
“No that’ll make a scene, let’s just drive to the urgent care.” Sam suggested. Harrison grabbed his car keys, picking up Charlie as he made his way to the door.
“Wait, what about dinner?” Harry asked as they remembered they were in the middle of preparing dinner.
“I don’t know but we can’t worry about that now. Someone go turn off the stove and get a pint of ice cream and a spoon, asap.” Harrison stated as Sam went to turn off the stove. Sam then emerged with the items that Harrison requested, and handed them to him.
“If I give you this for dinner, will you promise not to tell your mum and dad what happened?” Harrison lorded the ice cream over Charlie’s head as he grabbed at it with his good arm.
“Yes.” He stated giddily as Harrison handed him the pint.
“Good. Don’t be a snitch, but let’s leave immediately.” Harrison stated as they went outside to the car and made their way to the hospital.
“Are you the parent or legal guardian of this child?” The nurse inquired, not looking up from her computer screen as she asked the boys the medical questions. Harrison held onto Charlie firmly while the twins were listening intently.
“Well not technically, but we are his uncles.” Harry answered as she typed something into the computer.
“I see.” She said unenthused. “Well then, where are the parents?”
“Date night.”
“Lucky them. Well the protocol is that we’ll have to call them and let them know what happened. But we will treat him and get him fixed up in no time.” The nurse said as she wrote something on his chart and scanned the paper for the emergency contacts.
“Okay but if Charlie’s parents, who are my brother and sister in law, find out, then they might just murder us. So, how much could we bribe you so that you won’t call them?” Sam pulled out his wallet from his pocket and rustled around for a twenty pound note.
“You did not just try to bribe a nurse.” She looked up at Sam disapprovingly as he waved the bill in front of her face.
“Oh, but I did. How about a twenty?”
After looking over her shoulder to make sure no one saw the transaction, she took the money from Sam’s hand, stuffing the note in her pocket before walking over to the nurse’s station. She picked up the phone, reading off a paper as she dailed a number before pausing. She waved at the boys and smirked, waiting for the recipient to answer. When they finally did, she said, “Mrs. Holland?” loud enough so they would clearly hear her. The boys looked in shock as they realised their ploy didn’t work, and they knew they were screwed.
“You know, I am the luckiest man alive. I have an extremely beautiful and wonderful wife, and an angel of a son. There’s nothing else I’d ever want in life.” Tom held onto your waist as you stood in the vacant parking lot of Giovanni’s ristorante. He leaned in, closing the gap between you two as he kissed you passionately, hands trailing down the small of your back.
This ristorante was significant to you both; this was where you had your first date, and when you got married you even had them cater the reception. When you needed some comfort from your hectic lives, you and Tom often went here to indulge and reminisce about your relationship.
“And I am the happiest woman alive. I have a very handsome and caring husband, and a beautiful baby boy. Life couldn’t get any better than this.” Tom lightly kissed your lips, pulling away to grab your hand as you made your way to the car.
You stopped in your tracks when you felt your phone ring, as you fished around inside your purse to locate it. You looked at the caller ID, and although you didn’t recognise it you answered anyway. The sounds of a hospital filled the background as the nurse addressed you. “Mrs. Holland?”
“Um yes, that is me.” Tom noticed the stern tone in your voice and leaned in so he could hear the call as well. He put both his arms around your waist and kissed the back of your neck.
“Are you the parent or legal guardian of Charlie Holland?”
“Yes, I am his mother.” You uttered out as you felt yourself becoming lightheaded.
“I regret to inform you that your son is in the urgent care with your husband’s brothers.” She stated flatly. You were thankful that Tom was holding onto you because if he wasn’t you would have collapsed.
“Oh my god.” You gasped, holding a hand to your gaping mouth. Tom missed some of what was said but judging by your reaction it was not good news.
“Is he alright?” Your lip quivered as you asked, and on the other end the nurse hesitated her response.
“Oh yeah he’s fine, he just dislocated his shoulder.” You let out a laugh as you realised that he wasn’t in critical condition like she made you believe he was.
“Well god,” you scoffed, “you didn’t have to be all dramatic and make it sound like he was in grave danger.” You remarked as Tom took the phone from you. He still held onto your waist tightly and you buried your face in his chest.
“Hi. It’s Tom, her husband and Charlie’s father. What hospital is he at?” He insisted and the nurse responded, “Lister Urgent Care.”
“Alright we’ll be there quickly.” He hung up and immediately embraced you, your arms wrapping around his torso firmly as he rubbed circles on your back.
“That nurse was downright terrible but our baby boy is okay. Please don’t panic darling.” He whispered. He led you to the car and even helped you with your seatbelt since you were flustered. On the car ride to the urgent care he held your hand tightly, reassuring you that everything would be alright.
After having the valet park the car, you both walked into the entrance of the urgent care and were escorted towards the door where the examination rooms were. The nurse pointed to the room that your son was in, which was room sixteen. You two briskly walked towards the room, but Tom stopped in his tracks a few doors down from the room.
“Remember darling, we have to be really strong and not show we’re scared so that our son in turn won’t be scared, okay?” He kissed the top of your hand, while you smiled weakly. “Of course love, let’s go.” You moseyed on over to exam room sixteen, bracing yourselves as you stepped in.
“Well so much for keeping him safe.” Tom remarked as he walked into the crowded examination room. He held your hand tight as you trailed in behind him. If looks could kill the boys would’ve been dead in a heartbeat.
“Tom, we can explain.” Harry stood up and put his arms up.
“We were having a safe pillow fight but then he fell off the couch and dislocated his shoulder. But he’s okay and still in one big piece.” Harrison hesitantly added. You disregarded what he said, walking over to your son and giving him a hug.
“Mummy careful.” He stated quietly as you hugged him a bit too tight.
“I’m sorry darling, are you okay?” You scanned his features as he nodded. “Mmhmm.”
You looked back at Harrison who was nervously shaking his leg, and said, “You should’ve been more careful. You’re way stronger than he is and you shouldn’t have been roughhousing with him.”
“My wife is right.” Tom interjected. “You guys were supposed to keep him safe.”
“I think we did a decent job.” Harry mumbled under his breath. You shot him a glare and he retracted into his seat.
“Decent is an overstatement.” You mumbled back.
“But he’s fine!” Harrison exclaimed, throwing his arms up as he stared at Tom.
“But what if he wasn’t? Huh?” Tom spat and saw the worry on his mates face. “It could’ve been a lot worse. He could’ve cracked his head open and needed stitches or he could’ve seriously broken a bone. It’s lucky that he only dislocated something, and even that isn’t good.” The boys remained silent as they looked down at the checkered hospital floor.
“Daddy I’m okay, I had fun.” Your son spoke as everyone turned their gaze to him. “I still love them.” He stated as he smiled at his uncles. He crawled up onto your lap and nuzzled his head to your chest.
Tom let out a sigh and tilted his head back, looking at the fluorescent ceiling lights. He looked at his son, and back at his brothers. “You’re lucky my kid still likes you, otherwise you would never watch over him again.”
“We’re aware Tom, we’re genuinely sorry.” They got up from their chairs in unison as they took a step closer to Tom. Tom walked closer to them, stopping a second, but Harrison grabbed his arm and pulled him into a tight hug. Harrison let out a sigh, and whispered, “I’m sorry I hurt your son, and I’m sorry I ruined your date night.” Tom patted Harrison’s back gently and added, “It’s okay mate, everything’s fine.”
“He’s not hurt too terribly and he’s still alive.” Tom laughed, stepping out of the embrace. “Do you forgive me?” Harrison pleaded, but before Tom could speak, he was interrupted. Their gaze averted to the entry way as the doctor walked in holding an arm sling.
“Charlie Holland, correct?” He motioned over to the toddler on the examination table. “That’s correct.” You replied.
“Good. Judging from his x-ray, his shoulder will be okay in about two weeks, and after that he’ll be prescribed physical therapy to make sure it heals properly. We don’t want him having problems with it later in life.” He stated as he lifted Charlie’s arm and put the sling on. Your son winced at the pain but you holding onto him made him feel better.
“Alright, he’s all set, have a nice night.” The doctor said matter of factly and hurried out of the room. Tom looked over at his son, who now sported an arm sling, and he looked back at his brothers and Harrison.
“I forgive you but don’t you dare do that again.” He pointed at the boys and they all crossed their hands over their hearts. “We won’t, promise.” They said in unison.
“Now come on little dude, let’s go home.” Harrison stated as he extended his hand out and Charlie grabbed onto it with his free hand. He gently helped the toddler get down from the examination table, and made sure he was okay. The family all walked out of the hospital as they made their way back to their respective cars.
“Daddy since I was terribly hurt, does that mean I get ice cream? Haz gave me cookie dough ice cream for dinner and I want more.” He grinned playfully and Harrison quickly put his hand over the small child’s mouth.
Tom shot Harrison a surprised glance while Harrison shrugged his shoulders. “Well you know what they say, ‘kids say the darnest things.’”
mes anges (taglist): @scarletxwidow​ @sunflowerhollands​ @fangirlwithasweettooth​ @lmaotshollandd​ @musicalkeys​ @taciturnspidey​ @graceluvsyouu​
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borhap-au · 4 years
Dad!Rami (Babygirl):
trying for a baby hasn’t been easy for you and Rami
FIRSTLY, he took his time to agree to try 
mostly he was just scared that by the time the child would go to college, he would look like their grandpa
but you managed to convince him by saying that the child doesn’t need a young handsome dad, they will need a dad who loves them
and that Rami could definitely give to them and was more than willing to do
(also, Rami totally doesn’t look his age so you knew he’d be the hottest grandpa in town) 
he was good with children, always taking care of his nieces and nephews
he was the cool uncle and you were sure he’ll be the coolest dad
also, he knew how much you wanted children, and he would never forgive himself if he was the reason you never made that dream come true
after all, at the altar he promised to help you fulfill all of your dreams
THEN, you didn’t have enough time to properly try
there was an occasion maybe once a week, and whenever Rami had more of a free time, you were not on you fertile days
he was away all the time filming, but he promised you that as soon as you got pregnant, he won’t agree to any projects, to be there with you
of course you thought it was a crazy idea, so you made a compromise
he will do movies, but only those that were being shot close enough so he would come back home for the nights 
THEN, another obstacle… and quite a big one
you just couldn’t get pregnant
Rami obviously blamed himself, as he was much older
he was mad at himself for waiting 
there was a tension growing between you
neither of you would admit it, but you both were scared that it will slowly tear you two apart
you heard him saying a few times that you should’ve started trying right after the wedding and that he was stupid for waiting for God knows what
you tried to talk about how you felt, but there were no words to describe it
anytime the tests showed negative results, you both were more and more disappointed
you visited doctors, of course, but they didn’t know how to help you get pregnant
all they suggested was a surrogate or adoption
and then, out of nowhere – a positive result 
you tried like 6 different tests and they all showed the same
you didn’t even know how to describe your happiness, so you simply screamed
Rami immediately came to the bathroom to see if you’re okay
and when you – the crying mess – showed him the result, you knew he understands
because you never saw purest joy than the one you saw in his eyes in that moment
it was a real miracle and honestly, all the months of doubt and insecurity stopped having any meaning after you saw tears of happiness in Rami’s eyes 
actually, at the beginning of the pregnancy, you travelled with him a bit, because he had to finish all of his projects 
you felt surprisingly good, definitely much better than your friends
maybe it was the sun, the changing of environment, constant recharging
and the closeness of Rami, who you’d be normally missing if he was away doing a movie
it all definitely made you feel better 
but you obviously took into account all the recommendations
you always took your pills and did everything else the doctor told you
and you were honestly treated like an egg by the sweetest hubby ever
Rami was there with you as much as he could 
he would massage your legs, shoulders, rub your belly
Rami always made sure you were in the most comfortable position 
so you usually had your legs on him
he would very often talk to the child, sing to them, tell them stories
“you know, your mom was so excited to have you, than when I said we should start trying, we started trying… like right away!”
“Rami, don’t tell our child such stories!”
“what, they can’t even understand yet” he chuckled
you didn’t even know the sex of the child
Rami didn’t want to know, so you asked the doctor not to tell you either
you knew how easily things just slipped from your mouth
and you didn’t want to spoil it for Rami
at the end of the pregnancy, he only took a role that ensured him staying close to your house, so if you went into labor, he would immediately come to you
but actually it happened during a night, so he was home
he was there with you during the entire time, holding your hand
he cut the umbilical cord
when he saw your little daughter and had the chance to hold her in his hands, his eyes immediately got wet
after all, there was a time when he lost all hope that he’ll ever be a dad
“She’s so beautiful, y/n, she’s just like you”
when you were able to hold your baby for the first time, he sat next to you and kissed your head
he took a bunch of photos, some of which you wanted to murder him for
he praised you all the time, telling you how brave and strong you were and how he admired you for giving him the miracle of a child
he wanted to be the first one to do everything
dress her first, bathe her first, change her diapers
anytime you saw him, he had her on his arms
he was jealous that he couldn’t feed her, but you promised him that as soon as she’ll be able to eat from a bottle, he will feed her
he was often filming you and the baby or making pictures, ‘cause he wanted to remember all of those moments forever
fuck, he even posted a picture of her little foot on his Instagram, again, praising you
he did it five months after she was born though, ‘cause he lost the password
she smiled first to him, laughed to him as well
she was such a daddy’s girl since day one
whenever you left Rami with your daughter, when you came back, the whole house was a mess
and they both were a mess
especially when she got a bit older and started talking
yes, her first word was dada
“she wanted to bake a cake” he would say innocently being covered in all the ingredients, holding your baby in a kitchen full of flour
he just couldn’t say no to her, and she learnt that very quickly
and she used it
your daughter loved dinosaurs, so there was a running joke in the gang about her being Joe’s daughter
but in truth she looked exactly like little Rami
the same eyes, the same hair color, the same skin tone
whenever Rami was away, he skyped with his girls almost every night
you sometimes put your daughter to sleep just by placing the laptop next to her bed, and he talked to her until she fell asleep
you got her a puppy when she was little
and the dog followed her everywhere, sleeping close to her, making sure she’s safe
she called him “Roger”
Roger had mixed feelings about that name
she often slept in your bed as well, often on Rami, cause she was calmer to feel his or your heartbeat
when she was five, you adopted a child
a little Babyboy
Rami needed to promise your daughter he will still love her the same, because she was very jealous
(another thing she got from him ;)
but when the baby arrived in the house, she immediately fell in love with him
she wanted to help with everything
yup, she totally reminded you of her father
you went to the bedroom one time and she was rocking your son on her hands to calm him down
yes, Rami has that on camera
he was a very attentive father, and your children always came to him first with any problems
he was the one to think of all sorts of adventures for them
he taught them anything they were willing to learn
he read them bedtime stories or make them up every night
he bought them so many toys, they were literally everywhere
fun fact: neither of your kids knew whether it’s their dad or uncle Sami. It was funny every time
and yes, they grew up listening to Queen, but that doesn’t surprise anyone, now, does it?
Joe bought them little shirt saying “I <3 Queen” and “Queen’s #1 fan”
and it made Rami the proudest father
(and it made Freddie the proudest grandfather)
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essaysbyciara · 5 years
Old Habits Die Hard| Part Two: Just Be Good To Me
 Yahya Abdul-Mateen II x Dave East x Y/N Fic
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Warnings: Language, Lightweight mentions of sexual situations, brief marijuana use 
Y’all. I’m so overwhelmed by the love I’ve received for this story. Thank you to everyone who read, liked, commented and/or followed me on here. Taglist is STILL OPEN. *squees from joy*
Your finger traces the tattoos that dart up and down Dave’s back, the smoke from his blunt curling around his head as he leans back to inhale. The box fan on top of the dresser can only do so much as you push the sheets down to your knees so your torso can catch a quick cool down. You love watching the sweat trail down Dave’s spine. You try to catch each drop before they hit the mattress. 
“I forgot your bougie ass don’t smoke.” You crawl behind Dave, wrapping your supple legs around his waist. Your arms prop up your body so you can get a better look at him as he takes another pull. Dave instinctively starts to caress your left knee with his free hand. Your skin feels like cotton candy to him. You taste even sweeter. 
“You’re gonna stop calling me bougie...” You chuckle gently as you plant gentle kisses on Dave’s shoulder.  
“You know I like messing with you. Chill.” Dave lifts himself off of the bed. He still isn’t used to your love language. You pout as he walks up to his dresser to grab his phone. You try to weaken the feelings of dismissal but Dave catches your body language change in his mirror’s reflection as you lean over the bed to grab your clothes from off the floor. He realizes it was a mistake to walk away from you. 
“Yo. Come here.” You answer Dave’s command, lifting up the sheets to wrap them around your body like a towel. “Fuck the sheets. Come here.” A mischievous grin covers your face. Dave elicits confidence and freedom from you like never before. You walk over to him, hips swaying to the beat of the bass that’s blasting holes throughout the atmosphere outside. Before you can even get within an inch of him, Dave picks you up and sits you on top of the dresser. He kisses you so deep that your legs can’t help but to swing open like a broken screen door. The bass cranking from one of the cars outside sets the pace for your next round with Dave. 
“My bad, Y/N. These potholes ain’t no joke up here.” Yahya’s not-so-smooth driving wakes you up from your slumber. You look down to witness the silent quivering  pulsate from between your legs. This isn’t the first time you’ve dreamed about Dave since you accepted his friend request a few days ago but the closer you were to getting back to Philly, the more intense they became. You grab Yahya’s hand to assuage your guilt. He smiles. Unlike Dave, he needs no help deciphering your love language. 
“It’s okay, babe. I needed to wake up. We’re super close to Aunt Jerri’s.” 
“Should I be scared about meeting your family? You made it seem like they’re gonna cut me if I don’t come correct.”
“Aye, they might.” You tease Yahya. Your left hand starts to caress his inner thigh. “They won’t mess with you. Aunt Jerri always got the family in line, I’m sure. She loves you already and she’s the biggest test to pass.” 
“Good. I really wanted to leave the lawyer that I am back home. Where should I park though?” 
You reorient yourself to the surroundings to direct Yahya to the back street behind Aunt Jerri’s house. You already see the smoke billowing from the barbeques on the street and hear the little ones’ laughs and screams. You also see all of your Dad’s brothers on the back porch playing spades and they’re already at peak shit-talking form.  “You know how to play spades, right?” 
“Don’t let this Berkeley degree fool you, Y/N.” The vibrations from your phone break up your laughter. You open your phone to see an Instagram notification from Dave. You set up post notifications to track him, lying to yourself enough to believe it was to keep tabs on Dave so you wouldn’t run into him at the block party. Your heart knows the truth. He just posted a picture of him and his cousin Pardi posted on his porch. He and his boys are outside ready to play. 
“Is that my Y/N!” 
“Hey Uncle Ro!” Uncle Rodney -- or Ro --  was a barrel of a man who always wore his Sunday best even in the hottest of the weather. He was a preacher at an Pentecostal church who could drink the rest of the family up under the couch. He pulls you in for a hug. You try not to soak in the smells of sweat mixed with Christian Brothers emanating from his body. 
Yahya trails behind you with his hands inside of his pockets because of the growing fear quaking his bones. The spades game has suddenly stopped in its tracks and your other uncles -- Trace and Larry -- and Mr. Reed, who has always been like an uncle to you, start to ice grill Yahya down to his socks. Your Dad must have sent a bat signal from heaven for his brothers to stand tall on his behalf. 
“Y/N! Y/N!!!!!!! Heyyyyyyyyyyyy!” Aunt Jerri breaks up the detente at just the right time. She hugs you with so much force that your eyes almost pop out of their sockets. “And look who we have here, huh? You must be Mr. Yahya. He looks so much like T doesn’t he, Trace….” 
Trace doesn’t respond, still acting as a stand-in for your father. 
“Yahya, baby, don’t let them scare you. Bring your ass in the house.” Yahya feels relieved as Aunt Jerri drags him by the hand into her house to meet more of your family. You follow right behind. 
“Trace, you can relax. The dude bought bags of ice. He’s aight with me,” says your Uncle Larry. Trace doesn’t respond, instead throwing down a ten of spades that erupts the entire table. 
“Run up to the store right quick, Quaadir.” Dave passes a ten dollar bill to his nephew. 
“No, nigga.” Quaadir folds his arms and sticks out his lower lip like it’ll change Dave’s mind. Quaadir is not old enough to be on the corner but he’s talking like them.
“Yo, Pardi. Your son think he brolic. You hear him?! Nigga, what?” Pardi only looks at Quaadir and he quickly changes his mind. “He picking all this up from his moms, man.” The porch erupts in laughter. 
Dave needed this laugh. Especially after seeing your engagement pictures with Yahya. 
It wasn’t what he was expecting to see when he requested to follow you on Instagram. You looked happy and at peace. The paintings inside of the art gallery where you took your engagement photos looked to be showing their approval of your impending union. Dave couldn’t front: you two looked good together. 
You and Dave didn’t go on many dates during your two-week romance. There wasn’t enough time and the time you did have only found you mostly under Dave’s body. The only official date you two went on was when you took him to the Anthropology and Archaeology museum located on the University of Pennsylvania’s campus. He watched you grow in excitement at every exhibit, reading every placard and hanging to the museum docent’s every word. He saw your joy and felt honored to witness it. 
He felt the opposite of joy as he read one of the captions under your pictures. You called Yahya “your favorite discovery.” Your nickname for Dave was “favorite”. You were Dave’s favorite and he lost out on you and that hurt like hell. Nevertheless,  he couldn’t stop scrolling down your Instagram feed. He wanted to see pictures from last summer and of the body,  face, smile and the style of the woman who caused him to want to make an entire course correct on that thing called life. He saw that you still had it all. Asking Ariel was such a waste of time and being at this block party was triggering as all get out. 
People always talking ‘bout reputation… I don’t care about those other girls, just be good to me … ooooooo
“Just Be Good To Me” cascades down Reed Street in a way that you’ve never heard. You missed this place and this time during the summer when everything stops to allow the neighborhood to bask in delight. It was a feeling you desperately needed last year after you decided to ditch a week in the Bahamas and a week of recuperating at home to spend two weeks at Aunt Jerri’s house. Truth be told was that the Bahamas once had a man attached to it but that fell through. 
That’s what led you to go after Dave. 
“It’s hot at Hades out here, my Lord.” Aunt Jerri fans herself as she sits on her stoop overlooking the busy street full of barbeque grills, babies splashing inside of kiddie pools and a DJ blasting everyone’s favorite R&B of the 80s. 
“Rodney! Rodneyyyy! Boy, toss me a Lime-A-Rita. It’s lit cityyyyyyyy!”
“Mom! Who on Earth taught you about anything being “lit”?!” Ariel’s embarrassment grows at her mother’s attempts to be cool. 
“Oh, I’m hip! Too hip to be a square, eyyyy!” She sways ever so gently to “Square Biz” by Teena Marie. 
“Ari, leave her alone! Uncle Rodney, don’t indulge her please.” You sip on your Hennessy with ice because, unlike Aunt Jerri, you were free to indulge. Yahya holds you from behind, sipping the last of his Heineken in between fits of laughter. Your Uncle Trace passes another bottle to Yahya as a peace offering and as an official welcome to the family. Your Dad must’ve sent a message to Trace to stand down. Your yellow sundress with a thigh high split up to high heavens is cooling you off as the heat rises from off of the asphalt. 
“Y/N … you don’t tell Rodney what to do! I do! Let me be great!”
“You got it, Aunt Jerri!” Yahya kisses your right cheek and grips you tighter. He feels right at home and you’re so relieved that he’s here. 
“You know what I need someone to get? More paper plates. Run down to the store, Trace.”
“You got it, Sis.” 
Trace’s fashion sense was stuck in 1996; Ghostface Killah and Raekwon would be so proud. Trace was -- and still is --  feared, revered, loved and lusted over. He was the Dave of his time, his roster of women certified. Truth is that he could still build one, Trace capturing the attention of all of the 40-plus-year-old women on the street as he walks down to the store. He still had it. 
“Yo, Trace!” Dave hops up from the steps of his Aunt’s house to show Trace some love. Trace got Dave an overnight warehouse job years ago and he’s been indebted to him ever since. 
“Peace, king. What’s good?” Dave wants to ask Trace about you but last time he asked someone else in your family, it didn’t end the way he planned. 
“Shit, Trace. Just waiting for the street lights to come on so we can really get it in out here. You at Ms. Jerri’s crib? Everybody up there?” 
“Yeah. Everybody. You remember my niece, Y/N? She came up too.” 
Dave’s mind screams every expletive known to man. He wonders if you came up with you-know-who but asking Trace would open up old wounds and expose a decision that Trace explicitly forbade him not to make. 
Dave was Trace 2.0 and Trace knew it. He didn’t want that for his niece so when he saw Dave flirting with you at last year’s block party, he made it a point to pull Dave to the side to ask him in not-so-nicely terms to knock it off. 
You worked all the way around that threat with the help of Aunt Jerri. 
Aunt Jerri encouraged you to “remember that you’re on vacation” and that “what goes on here, stays here.” She saw the way you looked at Dave. It was the same way she gazed at your Uncle Terrence when she first met him. You were beyond smitten, turned on by the way he walked and talked. Dave could hem you up and pick you up. He oozed confidence that almost crossed into obnoxiousness. You wanted him and couldn’t hide it and Aunt Jerri encouraged to “have some fun with all of that.” She vowed to keep your secret from your Uncle Trace. You didn’t know it would turn into two of the most passionate weeks you would ever have and subsequently the worst heartbreak you ever felt. 
“Yeah, I do.” That’s all Dave could muster up to say as he feels his heart boil over. He daps up Trace, sits back down on the steps and opens up Instagram. 
Yo. You up here? 
Taglist: @yoursoulstea​​ @harleycativy​ @twistedcharismaaa​ @dorkskinneded​​ @need-my-fics​ @ghostfacekill-monger​ @writerbee-ffs​ @chaneajoyyy​ 
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holylulusworld · 6 years
Magic Heartache – Part 17
Summary: After years of unrequited love Dean admits his feelings for the reader. She gives herself to him only to find out he got hit by a spell.
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam, Castiel mentioned: Rowena, Crowley, Eileen
Warnings: language, pregnant reader, giving birth (no description), spells, fluff, Daddy!Dean, Daddy!Sam
Magic Heartache Masterlist
 2 months later…
“God my bump is so huge!” You whine while Dean tries to help you to get comfortable.
Lying against his chest you sigh. Gently stroking your huge baby bump Dean smiles at the thought that soon he can see his son. A hint of fear is creeping into his mind.
Sam, Cas, Crowley, and Rowena found all the demons who were behind the conspiracy. The apostate angels are dead too but Dean is still worried all the time.
“I’m safe with you Dean. I won’t leave the bunker until the baby is born. Castiel knows how to help me while I give birth to our son. I don’t need to go to a hospital.”
“I’m still worried.”
“I know Dean, me too. Castiel will help us hiding our son from the angels. Rowena told me something about a powerful spell to hide our baby from the demons.”
“Still don’t like that witch.”
"She helped me getting you back so I owe her my trust, Dean. I know you don't like witches but she won't harm our baby. She never harmed me Dean, please give her a chance."
“Fine, but I’ll keep an eye on her either way.”
“I’m a bit worried. What if I’m a bad mom?”
"You'll be a great mom. Hell, you are nursing Sam and me for years." Dean chuckles.
“That’s not the same! You are grown, men!"
"Exactly. Still, you have the urge to pamper us all the time. You even played airplane with a spoon when I had a broken leg."
“Don’t you like it?”
“I don’t like it…I love it…just like you Pumpkin.”
"Whoa, your son is kicking me like insane today."
"Really?" Dean asks excitedly.
“Give me your hand…wait. Place it here.”
“You right. He wants to play football I guess.”
“Not funny!”
“Shit, that was a hard kick…that really hurt.” You groan.
Starting to pant you feel pain shooting through your abdomen. Using the techniques you learned with Dean you squeeze his hand tight.
“Dean I think you need to get Castiel.”
“Cause you son will pop out every minute. Get Castiel! Now!” You groan in pain.
"Okay, Cas is here. What can I do?" Dean asks panicked.
“Calming down Dean!”
“Huh? Yeah…wait I’ll hold your hand.”
“Dean just let Y/N rest her back against your chest. I know what to do.” Castiel says in a soothing voice.
"I still don't like the idea that you will have a look at the most private part of my girlfriend," Dean mutters.
"Do you want a foreign doctor to have a look? Or a male nurse? Let Cas do it. He knows what he's doing."
“Dean I can assure you I don’t intend to look at Y/N most private parts. I’m going to guide the baby out of her body with my grace. She will feel no pain this way.”
“Fine, Cas. Just do what you have to do to keep her and my son save.”
Three hours later…
"Look at his tiny fingers. God, he's so cute." You squeal.
"And he's handsome like his father," Dean states full of pride.
“Right now he’s cute. Look at the little nose. We did a great job.”
“Yeah Pumpkin, we did.”
Kissing your cheek softly he slings his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind while you’re holding his son in your arms. Resting his head on your shoulder he smiles at the little boy.
“Cas you did a great job, thank you.”
“No need to thank me, Y/N.”
“Sammy look at my son, are you ready to be an uncle, baby brother?”
“More than ready. I already helped Rowena and Crowley to prepare the spell to protect your son. Everything is fine, the spell is safe." Sam answers. Stroking the tiny head of his nephew he can't stop smiling.
"Good, Castiel will use his grace to give him a nice Enochian tattoo too, but this will need a bit more time. The little man is not strong enough yet." Dean says still staring at the little boy in your arms.
“Do you want to hold your son Dean?” You ask softly.
“Are you sure? I mean I don’t want to hurt him.”
“You are his father; you could never hurt your little boy. Here just hold him like that.”
Smiling Dean looks down at the bundle of joy in his arms. Sighing you watch the man you love holding your baby in his arms.
Honestly, you can't be mad at the witch anymore. She made you the greatest gift.
She gave you Dean and your son…
8 years later…
“So how did you meet mommy?” Your son asks.
“Well she was a tough hunter like your dad and we met on a hunt.” Dean answers.
“And how did you fall in love with her?” Your daughter asks.
“Well…ahem…a spell…”
“Dean!” You scold.
“She used a spell called love. The first time I laid my eyes on her I fell in love with her. I just needed some time to admit it,” Dean answers smiling.
“Awesome!” The six years old girl giggles.
“So RJ, Mary Josephine how about some pancakes for breakfast?” Dean tries to change the subject.
“No, uncle Dean it, was so interesting. Tell us how Daddy met mommy!”
"Well, Steven my little brother met your mom on a hunt too," Dean answers the question of Sam's son.
"Alright kids come with me and Daddy will make us all pancakes. Come with me Steven, you can help me to place the plates on the table."
"Yay!" The kids squeal excitedly.
Smiling Eileen strokes her baby bump mouthing a thank you for taking care of her son.”
"Whoa, Eileen I guess you will pop out your daughter soon." Dean chuckles.
“Go and make the pancake for the hungry kids or they will eat you alive.” Sam scolds.
Smiling at each other both brothers move toward their wife’s to give them a soft kiss.
“Did you really want to tell your kids about the spell?” You scold.
“Well you’ve got me under your spell, it’s true,” Dean answers grinning.
“Daddy I want pancakes with Vanilla like mommy likes it,” MJ pleas.
“Sure, your daddy makes you and mommy some with vanilla and Steven and MJ get some with cinnamon. Right guys?”
“Yes, uncle Dean,” Steven answers.
“Dude stop calling me uncle, I feel old when you call me like that.”
“But you are old uncle Dean,” The boy says without thinking twice.
Hurt Dean looks at you and you smile at him. Moving your hand over his chest you kiss his cheek softly.
“Daddy, you’re still the hottest guy I ever met. I should thank that witch for cursing us. Make the kids and us pancakes and then Eileen and Sam will take them to the park to walk the dog,” you whisper.
“Why are you telling me this?” Dean asks confused.
“Well daddy we will have the whole bunker on our own for at least two hours so you can spank my cute ass and then you can poke me with your stick…”
Magic Heartache Tags
@deansgirl79, @hhiggs, @supernatural-bellawinchester​​ , @mirandaaustin93, @spnfamily-thewinchesters
Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22 , @curly-haired-disaster, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom , @thewinchesterco , @hobby27, @kittycatlover18,   @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana15, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​, @katpatrova17​, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon​, @flamencodiva
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags
@spnfamily-thewinchesters​, @love-my-not-natural-babies​, @supernatural-bellawinchester​, @butifulsoul125​, @lyinginthegingerlocks​, @mirandaaustin93​, @hawaiianohana15​, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester
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