#The grabber headcanons
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years ago
Can i request something platonic with the grabber? like maybe y/n is one of the kids he took and he grows attached or something
Platonic headcanons here we go!!!!
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Headcanon/Preference # 29
Picture & gifs NOT mine.
Year posted - 2023
*I wrote this with the idea that the reader is like preteen to teen, female and comes from an abusive/neglectful home life. So ⚠️Warning⚠️ sensitive topics ahead!
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✨Albert "saves" you~
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• The first time Albert ever saw you, it was while you were at the hardware store he works at, shopping for house paint with your father. (Who of course was making you carry everything, despite being twice your size himself.)
• Initially he didn't really think much about it, or you for that matter. But when you were trying desperately to haul everything up onto the counter, you'd dropped a paint can, which spilled paint everywhere.
• He would have been upset with you, if your father hadn't immediately backhanded you as of you were a grown adult. The sheer force sent you flying to the paint covered floor, where you wept softly while you father yelled and berated you.
• It was then that he noticed how malnourished you looked, how pale, and the bruises on your arms and legs. The lavender sundress you wore, clearly way to big for you, and filthy long before you fell into the paint. Albert wondered subconsciously when was the last time you'd eaten, or gone outside to play?
• He kicked your father out, and begrudgingly you along with him. Because despite himself he didn't want to see you suffering. So for the rest of the day he devised a plan, and within a week of stalking you and your family, Albert kidnapped you and locked you way in his basement.
• He'd even gone out of his way to clean up the basement a little, and put clean sheets on the musty mattress down there. He wasn't planning on hurting you like all the others, no no he was saving you! You just needed time to adjust to it, before he could move you to the spare bedroom upstairs he'd decorated just for you.
• The authorities actually didn't know about your disappearance until the school called. Your parents essentially just shrugged it off and told the cops you'd run away. So no one thought the infamous Grabber had snatched you. He only kidnapped boys after all.
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• When you woke up to find Al watching you, sitting on the floor against the across the room. Initially you were startled of course, I mean who wouldn't be? But he spoke softly to you, assuring you that you were safe now. And you honestly believed him.
• He promised to return in a few hours with food and soda, and he kept his word. Bringing you a meal of baked linguini, which he had clearly picked up at a local restaurant. Along with your favorite soda, how did he know that was your favorite?
• When you inquired about it in a soft whisper, Albert couldn't help but chuckle behind his grinning mask, explaining that he wasn't a very good cook, but he wanted you to have a good first meal with him. He left out the fact of how he knew that was your favorite soda.
• Making smalltalk as he sat at the foot of the mattress, watching while you ate, you absentmindedly told him about how you're a fairly good cook. Stating about how your family always made you cook, clean, and maintain the house.
• Albert asked why you were so skinny then, if you were the one cooking. And you explained that your family kept you locked in a broom closet beneath the stairs when you weren't working. And you only ever got the scraps, and oftentimes expired or stale foods.
• That fact confirmed his suspensions about your home life, and it enraged him to say the least. You are a dream, a sweetheart, why would anyone hurt you? But he contained his anger as best he could, he didn't want to scare you after all.
• As the days went by, Albert made it a point to take care of you better than any of your family ever had. Al never wanted kids, still doesn't, but you become like a little sister to him. And he became someone you looked up to for protection.
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• When Max was away Albert would let you come upstairs. And he'd let you bathe in peace and privacy, and also let you watch cartoons in the living room. He also provided you with new clothes, clothes that actually fit. And eventually he took down a TV and VCR for you, and a bunch of tapes. He didn't want you getting bored down there, when you had to be confined until Max left.
• Sometimes he'd even sit down there and watch the tapes with you, even bringing popcorn and candy for you both to munch on. It didn't matter what the movie was, he just enjoys seeing you happy and now much more healthy.
• He would show you all sorts of magic tricks, especially on days when you were sad, which was usually a result of having nightmares about your father taking you back, and locking you up in that musty broom closest. Al enjoys the sound of your laughter, and he smiles when you smile.
• Sometimes when you're feeling a bit more childish, due to not having a childhood, you play pretend with stuffed animals Albert brought you, and sometimes sometimes Al will play with you. He especially enjoys having tea parties, and it's the perfect time to show off his magic tricks.
• When it nears the time for you to move out of the basement, and into the room Albert has set up for you. He finally starts to visit you without his mask. The first time he took it off, he sat across from you and actually let you remove it. He figured it would be a good way to make you feel safe and comfortable.
• He was very pleased with how comfortable you'd become with him, with and without the mask. But the real thing that made Al so proud of you, was that you never once tried escaping, or been naughty in any way. You'd been very polite and proper the entire month and a half you'd been with him.
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• When you finally met Max, you did as Albert asked you, and kept his little secret. Albert easily convinced his brother that you were a runaway that he found, and decided could stay with them. (Obviously not telling him how long you'd already been there.) And Max accepted his explanation without question.
• The room he moved you into was perfect in every single way. And he was so happy about how excited you got while examining everything within the room. That was the first time you hugged him, practically tackling him in a tight hug, which initially startled him, but he relaxed and hugged you back quickly.
• He knew you still needed an education, but he couldn't exactly enroll you in the public school, considering the county still thought you were a runaway. So he opted to homeschool you as best he could, which in turn took up all of his spare time. And the disappearances had suddenly stopped after you ran away. What a coincidence.
• One day when he was feeling particularly soft, Albert let you mess with his hair, which resulted in several braids with decorative beads and rings being put into his soft hair. He felt a little ridiculous of course, but you were so happy that he didn't mind it. Thank god Max wasn't home!
• You eventually take it upon yourself to try teaching Albert how to cook, which results in quite a bit of chaos in the kitchen, and a hell of a mess for you both to deal with in the end. But he's a fast learner when he's got such a great teacher assisting him.
• You also helped Max to sober up! And helped him to find a really awesome job, both of which Albert had thought were impossible.
• Samson of course took a liking to you, and often slept either at your feet, or in your bed with you, depending on what you were up to.
• Albert's lost count of how many times he's found you curled up with his dog like he was a big ol' teddy bear. Albert is also a teddy bear with you tbh, but no one say anything okay? Okay!
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*Hope y'all enjoyed! 🥰
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mandowifey · 2 years ago
MKAY SO WE ALL KNOW ABT AL'S CHEST RIGHT??? Idk why but it looks so smooth-
Anyways how would it go if the reader just straight on tells him that she's obsessed with his man tits?
Anon. This made me ugly laugh at 11 at night. Thank you for this.
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Fancy You.
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Albert Shaw/The Grabber x Fem!Reader
Warnings: General Dead Dove, you're kidnapped by a lunatic, Stockholm Syndrome, Implied NonCon, NSFW content.
(This was not proofed.)
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Time crawled to a halt in this place.
You weren't sure if it was weeks, maybe months since your abduction. When you started scratching lines into the cement walls, you had lost track of the hours that passed. Oftentimes, you couldn't recall if you already marked a day, which meant your count could be wrong or missing altogether. Right now, you stood at 27.
'This place' was a basement. You had taken to thinking of it like your coffin. It was a cold, dark, all-encompassing tomb, which you and many more would die within. Sometimes, you wondered how many before you left their own scratches on the wall. There was no evidence of others, which roused concerns that none of them lasted long enough to count their days. You considered if you were his first, or perhaps his last. Neither option felt palpable.
He collected you around the evening, as usual. Punishment this time had felt less brutal and more sensual, as the welts from his belt bloomed on the flesh of your ass and thighs instead of your back and arms. Hand prints marred your throat and wrists as reminders of your place here. Somewhere between your legs resides something sticky and warm. As you wade through the fog in your mind, you return to consciousness as your captor rocks against you.
'Good girl, m-my good girl.'
A brush of silicone against your throat made your head drop back. Large hands palmed your hips, guiding your flacid body into his. Gasps came quick and muffled behind his mask as he ruts against you, the drag of his girth leaving streaks of precum on your thighs. Each jerk of his body loosened a couple more of your mental screws. Maybe you didn't hate this at all. Maybe you'd always wanted to feel needed.
The man groans something low and guttural in your ear, his fingers bruising your hips as heat spills over your soft thighs. Revulsion fills your stomach like acid, but you can not bring yourself to shed another tear. As his grip loosens, he begins to move you off of his lap and have you stand. He liked to look at you, bloody and broken while covered in his cum. To him, you were a masterpiece meant to admire.
"Look at you," His voice is soft in stark comparison to the brutality in which he took you. "My perfect little dove."
The kitchen floor is cold on your feet, and you feel something in your chest. Perfect, you think, his.
"I like your chest," you say suddenly. Time grinds to a stop, and you are hardly breathing. "It's smooth, nice to look at." Who was this speaking for you? Or perhaps this voice had been there all along, waiting for its chance. The fog in your brain makes you lethargic. Your head felt weighted as it rolled in his direction, your eyes on the sockets of that devilish mask. He was frozen in place, watching you.
Standing up, the man you only knew as Mister towers over you and breathes hard. Fingers cup your chin and pull your face up to look at him. It was difficult to keep your eyes open as consciousness rattled around in your head like loose stones. At this distance, you can see the glean of those predatorial blue eyes.
"What else?"
You blink and try to focus your attention.
"What else?" He says again, his large hand encompassing your jaw in a painful squeeze.
At a loss, you gawk up at him and frantically try to discern what you're being asked. He moves you backward by your jaw until you touch the counter. You gasped as you're lifted by the hips and placed on the edge, legs forced apart so he could slot between them. Slowly, you start to understand. He must not ever receive compliments, certainly not from his victims. You had caught him off guard and thrilled him. You could tell by the way he was already hard again.
The man drags the weeping tip of his cock along your crease and pulls another noise from your throat. As he angles to drive inside of you, he brings that large hand to your throat and presses into the flesh.
"What else do you like about me, kiddo?"
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creepycassidy · 1 year ago
Heyyy! I hate to be annoying and request again- Ik your busy and you don’t have to do this requests at all or anytime soon but IF and only IF you want and can- could you do an UA Albert Shaw x male (or gn) reader who has CDH? (chronic daily headaches)
I’ve been really struggling with it and today has just been horrible 😭🙏🏻 I’ve been crying about it like all day if I’m being honest ☹️🤚🏻
Thank youuuuu either wayyy! I’m so in love with your writing!!
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Omg!!! I deal with CDH myself and this request really hit home and was a very easy one to write. I understand the pain of what you’re going through completely and truly hope you find relief. Today has been a horrible head day for me as well. Tried all the usual remedies and ice pack but nada. Having a headache all of the time sucks the joy out of life, ugh!! :( I hope this can make you feel just the slightest bit better though at least. Enjoy! <3
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Alt!Albert Shaw x Reader w/ CDH - HCs
Warnings: non-graphic mentions of vomit and illness
Read below the cut! ⬇️
It makes Al really sad to see you feelin’ all yucky.
Of course, if he could, he’d do a little magic trick and take it allllll away from you. And, poof! You’d never have to worry again.
Unfortunately, that’s a little bit outside of his abilities as a part-time magician…
But but but!!!
Albert will take care of you as best as he can!
If he can’t take them away, he’ll do just about whatever he can to make you comfortable. Just say the word, sweet boy.
Al put in some low lighting options in the bedroom and throughout the rest of the house in case the brightness ever becomes too much.
Heck, he’ll take the day off of work to spend it with you, if it’ll help.
Always packs painkillers and sunglasses in the van incase you need them. Keeps a frozen bag of peas in the freezer to double as an ice pack.
There’s no reason to feel ashamed or bad if you can’t fulfill certain promises or tasks due to not feeling well. It happens, and it’ll be a-okay! Pinky promise.
If you’re having a particularly bad day or if your headaches ever end up as migraines, Al is there with a wastebasket and a cool rag if you happen to get sick to your stomach.
Al rubs your back, gently soothing and comforting you.
Don’t you even worry your silly self about getting up. Al brings you ice water to be sure you stay hydrated and (canned, he’s still not much of a cook…) soup to keep your tummy full.
Date night at home!! Sometimes maybe you don’t feel like going out, Al understands. How about he orders a pizza or Chinese takeout? He’ll even put on your favorite movie and turn down all the lights. It’s just like going to the theater, except Samson is there to lay his head in your lap!
Naps. Naps, naps, naps. He is 100% a believer that everyone needs a nap sometimes. Albert is more than happy to curl up with you in bed or on the couch. Lay your head against him and relax.
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wayward-persephone · 7 months ago
NSFW Alphabet List
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex):
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s):
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically):
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs):
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?):
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying):
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.):
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.):
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect):
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon):
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks):
L = Location (favorite places to do the do):
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going):
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs):
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.):
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.):
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.):
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.):
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?):
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?):
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease):
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.):
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character):
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes):
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?):
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards):
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I just watched the movie “The Black Phone” and ofc I have to make a outsiders au for it now 😼
Under the cut is obviously spoilers for the movie/story, and horror-related stuff (It’s not bad but feel free to look up what the movie deals with)
- Ponyboy would be Finney, Johnny would be Robin, and Sodapop would be Gwen
- When I watched the movie I got SUCH qprpbj vibes from Finney and Robin (please send in asks yall I will elaborate 😭) so yeah
- Anyway, Soda inherited the dream/future vision thing from their mom. When their parents died, Pony and Soda were taken away and sent to live with a random guy basically (the “dad” is unfortunately still the same as in the movie)
- Johnny’s character would be changed a bit because Robin is more of already a fighter while Johnny is Not. So their final phone conversation would go a little bit more like Johnny telling him that before he was killed, he learned that he does have to stand up for himself (that line about fighting back instead of just taking the punches) and basically teaches that mindset to Pony if that makes sense lol
- Umm idk who the rest of the “ghost boys” would be… Vance would probably be either Tim or Curly because they have those vibes
- I wanna say Darry is somehow involved in the search (maybe he’s like a cop in training?? no idea) and at the end of the movie he’s there at the house and finally reunites with soda and pony but idk if that would happen lol
@walmartbrandwhatever @h3art0rhosp1tal
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jokeringcutio · 9 months ago
All you clown lovers send in your Buggy x Reader wishes. Imagine prompts are welcome
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cherryskyies · 2 years ago
Vape flavors I think the slashers would like
Includes: og!Micheal Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, The Grabber, Freddy Krueger, Hannibal Lecter, Jason Voorhees
this is coming from a picky smoker. If it doesn't have banana in the name I am out!! used to be a mint girly but then it started making me gag for no reason. same w raspberry lemon.
made for shits n giggles
Masterlist || Navigation || ao3
Michael Myers
Down for whatever, usually picks them off his victims and hopes it's not an overly sweet flavor.
Prefers tobacco flavored and hates blue raspberry.
Can't really imagine him pulling out a pink strawberry shortcake vape. Would definitely just leave that one behind.
Same with strawberry peach mint.
Thomas Hewitt
Don't think he'd like them and definitely don't see him going out of his way to get one.
Probably has a blueberry mint under his bed from three months ago he occasionally hits.
Bo Sinclair
More of a cigarette guy.
Would claim only gay men use vapes and then hide behind the church hitting his half dead mint he found on a victim.
Vincent Sinclair
Gets offended when Bo calls him gay for carrying around his strawberry banana vape.
Prefers sweet flavors, they keep him creative.
The Grabber
Don't see him being into vapes.
Tried it once or twice and nearly threw up and decided to stick to regular cigarettes.
Cherry cola wasn't too bad tho.
Freddy Krueger
You cannot tell me this man doesn't have three different vapes on him at all times.
Probably two tobacco and a third one that never stays the same
you get bored of the same flavor yk??
All different brands too
Hannibal Lecter
Too classy and old school for vapes
Would literally rather die.
He'll stick to his cigars and camel crushers please & ty.
Jason Voorhees
Again, absolutely not.
Hit some fruity flavor ONE TIME and threw up because his lungs weren't prepared.
His mom definitely gave him the silent treatment over one puff fr.
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hneedlz · 2 years ago
Albert shaw x reader smut
Warnings; all is consensual. nsfw themes. Praising, riding COCK. , LOL UM KIDNAPPING? It just apart of the story idc. He's caring, he is like mid 40s in this. , young is brought up but the reader is over 18 I promise.
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A/n: READER IS OF AGE YALL!!!! Also grabber is not in character..
You were riding your bike down the road you lived on. A nice neighborhood, a cul-de-sac. Your heart raced, You was going so fast that Your hair was flying behind You. Suddenly, a squirrel ran across the road, and you had to swerve to avoid it. You swerved as you  lost control of your bike. Before you knew what was happening you hit the concrete curb and fell off. It hurt. You couldnt muster up courage to get up sk you decided to just sit on the curb. A man was standing near his black van with some writing on it, and he began to approach you. "Are you okay?" He asks, putting on his black magicians hat. You looked down to look at your knee wasn't hurt badly, but you did have some scrapes and bruises.
"I guess. Could you help me up sir?" You blushed. He picked you up, bridal style and began to carry you to his van. "I'll drive you home. Don't worry." He said. He opened up the back doors, and before you knew it you were sprayed in the face with a mysterious substance. Before you knew what it was you were knocked out, laying silent in your kidnappers van.
You a had always been a heavy sleeper, but this was different. You had never fallen into a slumber as deep as this before. You slowly opened your eyes, trying to remember where you was and what had happened.
The first thing she noticed was the darkness. It enveloped her like a thick blanket, making it impossible to see anything around her. Lena reached out to try and feel her surroundings, but all she could touch was cold, hard concrete. She realized that she was lying on the ground, and her heart started to race as she tried to piece together what had happened.
As your  eyes adjusted to the darkness, you realized that she was in a basement. The room was small and cramped, with a low ceiling that made it feel even more claustrophobic. There were no windows, and the only source of light was a small, dim bulb flickering overhead. Within seconds, her breath started coming in shorter intervals, and you could feel your heartbeat drumming against your chest.
Panic surged inside you. You tried to remember how you got here, but everything was foggy. You quickly checked her pockets, hoping to find her phone, but it wasn't there. You tried to calm down, telling yourself you needed to be rational, but your thoughts were racing.
As you took deep breaths and tried to gather her thoughts, you noticed a small, barely visible outline of a door on the opposite wall. Your heart racing, you got up and walked towards it, her hands shaking. You tried opening the door, hoping it wasn't locked, but it wouldn't budge. It felt like it was jammed shut.
That's when she saw the small window. You peered through it, hoping to get a glimpse of who had brought you here or were there any exit paths; however, it was too dark. You couldn't see anything beyond the glass.
You didn't know how long you had been in the basement, but it felt like hours. You had no idea where  you are, who had put you in this room, or even if  you were safe. You knew  you  had to keep her wits about her and try to find a way out.
You rummaged around in the darkness, feeling along the walls. Suddenly, your fingers came across a small crack in the wall. It was almost too small to notice, but when you touched it, you felt a cold draft of air on your hand. You realized it was a vent, and perhaps your only hope for fresh air and potential exit point.
You had looked around and to your surprise you found a door. You walked over and decided to give the knob a chance. the door was unlocked. Fear gripped you as you approached the open doorway cautiously,  you walked up the steps and seen the light coming from a room. You got to the top of the steps, peeked your head out and your eyes scanning the dimly lit room.
You stood out in the middle of the dining room to see a man sitting on a singular chair without his shirt on. He had on a scary mask.
She was about to run when the figure turned around, revealing the face of a older more handsome man from earlier. But instead of attacking her, the man held out his hands in surrender. "Come here. Don't be scared. I won't hurt you." You walked closer to the man.
"Please don't call the cops, i will treat you so good babygirl" he said, his voice trembling. "I didn't bring you here to hurt you. I'm just desperate and needed someone."
You  hesitated, unsure of what to do. The man looked genuinely remorseful, but you didn't know if you could trust him. You walked over to him. Noticing how he patted his lap you sat down on his legs.
"Your so young. So delicate.." he whispered in your ear. You blushed. You tried to move but he wrapped his arms around you prohibiting your movements. "Call me al. If not that then dont call me anything." He said. His hips began bucking up into you. Making you whimper. "AL. Please." You let yourself go. You decided to just let him do it. "Please what? Say it. " he said gripping your thigh.
You whimpered. His grip strengthened. "Fuck me. Please. Fuck me al." You whined, feeling his hard on press against your core. He pulled his pants down to his mid thigh , exposing himself to you.  You decided to do the same, pulling your pants and panties all the way down. You got
ontop of him, touching his cock. You jerked him watching how sensitive he is.
You lined his up with your cunt and sat down. He gave you no time to get used to the stretch and he began thrusting his hips up into you. "Good girl. Take it like the good girl you are." He said while his thrusts got faster. his hands were on your hips. His grip bruising, but you loved it. "I'm about to..." he groaned in your ear. You cried as you came. His cum overflowing from your abused cunt. "Fuck." AL groaned as you got up and wobbled away. "Bathrooms right there!"
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bia23 · 1 year ago
Me duele pensar en el hecho de que Robin murió creyendo que Finney solo lo veia como un amigo cuando en realidad Robin para Finney significaba mas de lo que podia expresar con palabras.
It pains me to think about the fact that Robin died believing that Finney only saw him as a friend when in reality Robin meant more to Finney than he could put into words.
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bittersweet-honeysuckle · 2 years ago
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Me (my friend passed away, i rewatched the black phone, I miss my ex, I don’t know what my sexuality is, and I don’t know what the fuck I want to do with my life after high-school)
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bullshit-bulltrue · 2 years ago
okay someone just said that the grabber looks like willy wonka on drugs and i can't unsee it
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staggersz · 10 months ago
alrrr i already did haunting physically (????) so now which ghost boy lives in the gr@bber's head 24/7 ?
finally answering this even though its been erm. WEEKS
my answer is Griffin. the first ever one! He was the first and he'll keep living in the grabber's mind. the grabber SUCKS and griffin was just the guinea pig for him
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mandowifey · 2 years ago
Headcanon request for either Albert Shaw or Arthur Harrow as a dad. But honestly, I would accept such a Headcanon for any villianeous character you write about. So surprise me.
This has been sitting in my head for awhile, so I'm excited to get to work on it.
I'm gonna do both these handsome fellas!
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Albert Shaw & Arthur Harrow x Reader HCs
Warnings: Hints of Dubcon, definitely Noncon, implications of above mentions, crazy boys around kids, reader is not referred to by specific gender terms but is able to get pregnant.
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Arthur Harrow, first and foremost, wanted a child.
A child to him is a means of keeping you beside him. The bond would tie you two together forever. He likes the sense of control it brings him, especially over you. When you first met him, you were on the pill and mentioned never wanting kids of your own. But Arthur, as he does, convinces you otherwise. Perhaps even it was an 'accident'. He is certainly the kind of man who would swap your birth control with sugar pills. But he'd smile anyways and assure you it was fate.
While pregnant, you would be doted over. Every need met, whether it be from him or his followers. You would be given luxury and love and treasured like a little goddess. This is Arthur's child, after all, and that baby would be considered a herald. He would enjoy sitting with you, head on your stomach as you two talked. He would additionally make sure you ate well and took all the things you need for a healthy child. Arthur enjoys touching your belly while he reads or falls asleep. You have never looked more stunning.
When the child arrives, Arthur is in love immediately. While most wish for a boy, he always wanted a girl. Regardless, he was happy with whichever. He would sit beside you and help you cradle the crying newborn, imagining all the great things your baby would grow to accomplish. You, as the carrier, get to name the baby. Arthur would suggest names of course but leave the choice to you.
Fatherhood suits him. The man is extremely patient and controlled. He is great with teaching your child and helping them along. You've never heard him laugh so much before. There is considerable joy in his life now, and it shows. That baby would be raised with love and expectations. However, he is stern and unrelenting. The child never gets away with anything, and punishment is taken very seriously. It will learn that for actions, there are consequences.
I think Arthur would be a natural with parenting and fatherhood. He'd enjoy the molding of such a young life. He would eventually ask you for another, and maybe one more, once the first is a little older.
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Albert Shaw has never wanted children. As a child, he was violently abused and mistreated. He can not mentally grasp the responsibility of a child (even if he can raise and train a dog, it's different).
That being said, in this instance, you are a victim/obsession that he's grown fond of and wants to keep. Pregnancy at its core appeals to him. The idea of his seed stuck inside of you, the fact that you are forced to grow and bear something that is equal parts his own excites him. He enjoys the thought of you being stuck with a piece of him inside of you and for life. But that is just about where it ends for him.
When you start showing signs of pregnancy, he'd simply watch. Maybe, depending on if he really enjoys you, he'll give you water and use his softer tone to reassure you that all was well. He does find it arousing that your skin clears and breasts swell - he'd be very interested in those. When your tummy grows, he'd touch it and talk to you about it, generally wanting to make you uncomfortable.
"How does it feel? Being stuck with a piece of me inside of you."
When it came time for birth, you were most likely alone. Stuck in the basement and forced to go through the entire process alone. In this instance, if you survived, he would return home surprised to see and hear a baby.
There is a long pause, and he is gripping and loosening his hands. You can't really tell what he's thinking. You would be filthy, tired, barely awake if not for that need to protect your newborn. He would come across the room and shake his head, scolding you about the mess you made. You are afraid when he sits beside you and looks at the child. Part of you wants to believe he cares, but you see no semblance of love in those eyes of his.
He'd sit in silence for a while, wincing if the baby cried. Eventually, when you got too tired to keep awake, he'd take the child out of your arms and leave the basement.
And you would never see the baby again.
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andie0216 · 11 months ago
TBP Characters as Grisha Type from Shadow and Bones
(This is based on what I think which powers fit them)
Also, I’m sad that Netflix decided to cancel the show (Boo!)
For context, there are three orders of Grisha:
Corporalki - who can manipulate the body
Etherealki - who can manipulate natural elements
Materialki - who can manipulate steel, glass, and chemicals
Anyways, let’s begin:
Finney as Sun Summoner
- Sun Summoners are able to summon and bend light. They are the rarest and most powerful Grisha ever exist and it is the only power that is able to destroy the shadows. Finney fits this because even though he’s just a boy and doesn’t defend himself before his kidnap, he killed the Grabber and successfully escape from the dark basement.
Gwen as Squallers
- Squallers are wind manipulators and Gwen reminded me of Zoya, who is a powerful Squaller, they’re both ambitious towards their goals, strong sense of what they believe in, and won’t take shit from anyone.
Robin as Inferni
- Inferni, as you could tell, are people who can manipulate fire. Sure, Robin is chill at times, but he can kick your ass if you mess with his friends, and he can be passionate at things he likes.
Bruce as Healers
- As the power said, Healers can heal wounds and fix broken bones and I think Bruce would fit this category because he’s the type of person who would bring a first aid kit and wants to help people.
Vance as Heartrenders
- Heartrenders can cause harm by damaging someone’s internal organs, squeezing the air out of their lungs or even slowed down and sped up their heart rate. Vance can be calm and collected when not provoked, but he will get aggressive towards people he doesn’t like.
Billy as Alkemi
- Alkemi can create poison and blasting powder and Billy is definitely a chemistry geek because he wants to understand matter and he would also yammering about why alchemy is fascinating
Griffin as Durasts
- Durasts can manipulate solid matter, such as metals, glass, stone and wood, and Griffin would be perfect as a Durast because he loves finding and collecting cool looking rocks.
Donna as Tidemakers
- Tidemakers can manipulate water and Donna fits the vibes because she goes with the flow and wants to make changes like how water flows and change their shape and form.
Amy as Tailors
- Tailors are similar to Healers, but they can enhance people’s appearances like hair, makeup, or the shape of one’s face, and Amy seems to be someone that cares about her image.
The Grabber as Shadow Summoner
- Shadow Summoners can gather and manipulate darkness and shadows, and you guys already know what I mean the Grabber is like the Boogie man, hiding from the shadows.
And that’s all I have for tonight. I hope you like this headcanon(?), it was fun making it (even though, it low-key messing my brain when I’m trying to match it.
Okay, thanks! Bye!!!
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months ago
Issue #10: The Doom Patrol begins having to look for a new home base, since their midway city hq is under constant surveillance by Steve Dayton and his men. I almost considered introducing Danny the Street here, but the tv show version of the Doom Patrol has spoiled me in regards to them. I don't feel like they should be introduced until we've got Larry, Rita and The Chief back. So instead, I'd have the Doom Patrol using a covert mobile base for now, driving from place to place while on the run.
The only lead the Doom Patrol has regarding the location of their three missing members is that it has to be someone with ties to Madame Rouge or General Zahl, someone who could've manipulated them into attracting the Doom Patrol. The only possible people they know of with ties to Madame Rouge, however: The members of The Brotherhood of Evil. Garguax, General Immortus, Monsieur Mallah and The Brain.
But none of our members has heard of any of their recent activities. And while trying to do reconnaissance and find these criminals, the Doom Patrol ends up running into a group of young metahumans, who've banded together to become superheroes. These heroes are: Lodestone (Rhea Jones), Blaze (Scott Fischer), Karma (Wayne Hawkins) and Mind-Grabber Kid (Lucian Crawley)! These four misfit heroes all have strange and extraordinary powers: Lodestone can control the electromagnetic spectrum, Blaze can burn anything he touches, Karma can cause bad luck to affect others and the Mind-Grabber Kid is a skilled telepath. These four prove themselves to be an equal match for the Doom Patrol, whom they mistake for bad guys because of all the news reports they've seen.
But due to the timely intervention of Finnar (who now uses the codename Sprite), both sides eventually realize they're more similar than they ever realized they were before. And then they have to team up to stop a new and incredibly bizarre hitman hired by Mento (who's still under Mister Nobody's control): Shrapnel.
This story pretty much introduces us to the Doom Patrol's younger branch, who don't have a name as of yet. But Lodestone, Blaze, Karma, Sprite and the Mind-Grabber Kid make a bold new team of five misfit teens. They're pretty much an extension of the Doom Patrol, just younger.
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1withestars · 28 days ago
🛸⋆☆˚.⋆ nct dream as a significant other (headcanon)
Tumblr media
| implied idol!dream, implied fem!reader, fluff, very cute in general
would stare at you with much adoration but breaks eye contact immediately if you caught him in the act
would write songs about you and record them with a smile on his face cs you’re all he thinks about while recording it
would literally contort his body to get the perfect angle while taking a picture of you
would get cuteness aggression towards you
would give crazy tight hugs
would be the type to have a hair tie around his wrist
would love gossip sessions with you
would ask you to braid his hair
would love giving you back hugs
would share earphones with you
would play the guitar for you, knowing the sound of it calms you more than anything
would be really shy about the first kiss but pecks you everywhere once he starts getting comfortable with it
would make you custom things using his own hand drawn illustrations
would love resting his head on your shoulders if you sat side by side
would love to do your hair
would offer to do your nail
would love dressing you up and buy you outfits
would dedicate his pieces to you
would co-parent a stuffed animal with you
would sing you to sleep
would gently hold on to your clothes when walking around
would gift you stuff for no reason
would wipe your tears when you cry
would ask you about your day every day
would hold your hand and not want to let go. he just loves holding hands (your hand)
act of service KING. talk less do more typa guy
would pull you by the belt loop on your pants
would pout if he’s sulky
would rub your tummy at random times
would be the type to tickle you for fun
would hold your hand when he’s driving
waist grabber
would persuade you into coming with him on his bike rides/exercise sessions
his eye smile shows when he finds you cute
would give you massage
would send you his entire fyp but makes sure beforehand that you aren’t annoyed by it
would get shy if you do aegyo (intentional or not)
would like it if you sat on his lap
would be a hugger and love to be hugged
would love getting his hair played with
would provoke you cs he likes seeing you get worked up
would sometimes get shy when you tease him and avoids your gaze
would cook you breakfast in the morning
would let you paint his nails
would love kissing your neck
would carry your bag when you go out with him
would let you sit on his lap while he plays computer games
would give you curated playlists with different vibes
would sneakily take pictures of you
would have an exclusive instagram account for you and post the pictures he took of you there
would stare at you with the most loving eyes and wouldn’t shy away if you caught him (continues staring at you)
would be pretty possessive
would casually flirt cs he loves seeing you get flustered
would get cute matching stuff
would love sniffing your neck
would do the corniest things together
would pamper your face with soft kisses
would play the piano for you
would set a candid picture of you as his lockscreen
would give you piggyback rides
would giggle like a madman if you tickle him (he’s so very ticklish)
would still get competitive if not more
would give you head pats
would love having you sit on his lap so he could back hug you and rest his head on your shoulder
would play with the accessories on your hand (ring, bracelet, hairtie, etc.) and fidget with it
if he was watching nba and the warriors won, he would hug and shake you like crazy
would nuzzle his head anywhere on your body
would cook for you, sometimes with you
would record himself playing the piano and send it to you
would match shoes with you
would feed you anytime anywhere
would love backhugs
would unintentionally stare at you with a very intense gaze of love
his gummy smile comes out whenever he finds you cute
would be the type to enjoy burying his face into your neck
would lend you his hoodies/zip-ups cs he thinks you look cute in them
would love kissing your forehead and hands
would share earphones with you
would teach you how to play games
would link arms while he plays mobile games
would rub circles on your knees/back
would be the type to ruffle your hair
would tie your shoelaces
would text you good morning and good night texts
first post!! very very new to tumblr and honestly i was quite lost writing this cs this was my first time writing a hc BUTTTT i hope this reaches the right audience :)) have a great rest of your dayyyy (interactions are greatly appreciated!!)
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