#The festival of miracles and magic
writers-potion · 4 months
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Let's Talk About Magic Systems.
There are two broad ways you can establish magic in your story world - work with existing concepts, or adapting it for something new.
Pick a System
High Magic vs. Low Magic
This distinction existes mostly in the western wrld from the Middle Ages onwards. In non-western cultures, this distinct often doesn't exist.
High magic requires magicians to study from books, ingredients are expensive and instruments elaborate and hard to get. The typical practioner of High Magic is of the upper class, highly educated, and rich. They serve in King's courts and have high social standing thanks to their knowledge.
Among the lower classes and women, Low Magic is ore common. It is taught orally and doesn't require reading skills and uses everyday objects and ingredients.
Black vs. White Magic
"White" magic is often associated with good, and "Black" with the evil. However, what really matters is the magicians intension, not the magic system that they work with.
The term "black magic" is often associated with working with the dead. It can also be used by an individual/group who just wants to appear more menacing.
Ceremonial Magic
This kind of magic involves lots of ritual, recitation and prayer, often in ancient langauges such as Latin, Aramaic and Sanskrit.
Most of the time, it's High Magic and practiced by religious figures.
The typical practioner is educated, has great confidence and a good memory.
Natural Magic
It involves ingredients from nature, such as herbs and water.
It may be practiced outdoor, in a kitchen, or in a laboratory.
The rituals are simple and short, and the practioner will watch out for the turning of seasons, phases of the moon, etc.
Religious Magic
This is a diety working through a magician. The magician prays and asks her god to work the miracle.
Most religions have their own form of magic, and the kind of miracles that the magicians can bring can be limited.
Wiccan Witchcraft and Voodoo are largely religious magic.
The typical practioner would be spiritual and devout, often suspicious of other religions.
Alchemy is both High and Low Magic, and it can incorporate religious, spiritual, philosophical and mythological elements.
In a modern setting, alchemy can also be portrayed as "science gone too far".
The typical practioner would be patient, methodious, educated and driven. The tools includes laboratory equipment, astronomical charts, writing materials, and an unsuspecting roommate(?) for testing.
Traditional Witchcraft
Traditional Witchcraft is a form of Low Magic. In early historic periods, the witch played an important role in village life, often old women who owned apothecaries and helped out other villagers.
The typical practioner would be female, uneducated, illiterate, practical, resourceful and poor. She will have a good memory and well-developed senses.
Tools used would be simple household implements - a cauldron, a broom, knife, etc. that can evade the Inquisitor's suspicions.
Wiccan Witchcraft
If you write contemporary fiction, this is the system your character is most likely to use. It's modern witchcraft, based on the religion of Wicca.
Wiccan witchcraft mostly developed in the second half of the twentieth centruy. It is a form of bothe Natural Magic and Religious Magic.
Based on nature worship and the polarity between male and female, the magician often begins a Wiccan ritual with an invocation to a God/Godess. The Lady (Godess) is depicted as having three aspects: Maiden, Mother and Brone. The Lord (God) may be depicted with horns.
The focus of Wiccan magic is often on healing, with an emphasis of ethical consequences of what is being performed.
It is often practiced outdoors, sometimes naked (which they call 'skyclad'). Wiccan witchcraft uses the phases of the moon to amplify its effects.
Wiccan like to gather in groups called 'covens' or to meet once a month or for major festivals. The coven leader may be called 'high piestess/priest'.
Typical tools include a chalice, a knife (called 'athame'), a wand, candles, herbs, crystals, and essential oils.
The magician summons a dead person, either ghost or spirit, sometimes bodily. The dead are enlisted to grant the magicians with favors or are questioned for information.
It may be related to Shamanism, as well as to some forms of psychic work such as channelling and Spiritualist seances.
The typical practitioner is psychally gisted, strong-willed and courageous.
Shamnism is a Low Magic system. The shaman intercedes between the human and spirit world by communicating with spirits, often to obtain information or provide healing.
Shamans may travel to the spirit world to seek answered, with some level of danger. They use drums, chanting, dancing and drugs to alter their consciousness and communicate with spirits.
Practicing shamans often work alone, but they choose a successor to train. The apprentice is supposed to accept the calling.
The typical shaman is musical, sensitive with a strong sense of rhythm and the psychic.
Tools include drums, bells, a costume, herbs, bones, smoke and mind-altering drugs.
Ancient Egyptian Magic
Ancient Eyptian Magic ovelaps with Religious magic, medicine and with psychic work. The deities most frequently evoked are Selket, Aset for raising the dead, and the gof Thoth for anything to do with sickness and healing.
The emphasis of Ancient Egyptian Magic is protection, often done throgugh an amulet or talisman. The circle or oval is the most important shape that has protective qualities.
The precise wording of a spell is important, as well as the colors that are involved. For magic to affect someone the magicians must know that person's true name.
The typical practitioner is male, literate, often a priest attached to a emple.
Folk Magic
This is a form of Low Magic practiced by amateurs.
This includes housekeepers who can keep the rats out, farmers who can ripen fruit before the height of the season, and scullions who can make water boil faster.
This people would only know a handful of spells, ans pass them in to memebers of their family.
Voodoo is religious magic and low magic.
The rituals are held in private, and may involve communication with spirits, especially the spirits of ancestors and saints.
Commonly used to cure aliments, confound enemies, and obtain desires.
Invent a System
Choosing the Right Words
If your character is clearly a witch, shaman, a necromancer, etc. with a specialty, use that term. Otherwise, the word "magician", or "mage" would be most appropriate.
The term "magus" (plural magi) refers to practitioners of the ancient Zoroastrian faith.
Strictly speaking, witches and wizards are practitioners of two very different magic systems, so your female character can be a wizard, and vice versa.
'Warlock' really means 'oath-breaker' or 'traitor' and doesn't describe a magician.
'Conjurer' is someone who can creae effects to impress an audience, not really magical in itself. The more modern temr would be 'illusionist'
A group of magicians may be called a 'coven' (though it applies mostly to Wiccan magic). A magician working alone would be a 'solitary'.
Magic vs. Magick
Normally, "magic" is the correct spelling.
However, "magick" may be used, especially by insiders, to emphasize that they refer to the real thing, not conjuring or other trick of the eye.
The magic systems are sometimes capitalized, sometimes not. When it involves a religion, nationaliy, or a particular family line, it is capitalized. Just make sure to keep it consistent throughout your book.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
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Link 1, Link 2 :)
Digital Good Omens 2 Sountrack is coming out in 4 days! 🥳 CD version in October! :) ❤ Coming soon on vinyl…
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Out to Stream/Download from 25th August. Out on CD 13th October. Coming soon on vinyl…
David Arnold’s ‘end of the world’ complex and multi-genre soundtrack.
From the Award-winning composer of Sherlock and Casino Royale comes a follow up to the hugely successful, Emmy nominated Good Omens soundtrack.
Good Omens series 2 premiered on Prime Video on 28th July. The series follows the odd couple, angel Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) and demon Crowley (David Tennant) in their quest to sabotage the end of the World. The six-episode sequel to the popular adaptation of the novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, concerns the Archangel Gabriel (Jon Hamm) arriving without his memories to Aziraphale’s bookshop. Aziraphale and Crowley attempt to find out what happened to Gabriel, whilst hiding him from Heaven and Hell, both eager to find him.
The Soundtrack
David Arnold’s soundtrack to Good Omens was first released in 2019 to favourable reviews, with BBC Music Magazine calling it “a rollicking trip to hell and back”. Blueprint Magazine described it as “a great listen” and Sci Fi Bulletin commented on “plenty of memorable themes” to conclude that “This is another work of art from Arnold”. At times nostalgic and eerie but always varied, beautiful and full of excitement, the Good Omens 2 soundtrack showcases Arnold’s every skill from his composer arsenal. Featured here are orchestral arrangements with sprinkling of Sugar Plum Fairy pizzicato and percussion, jaunty strings and mighty choral sweeps from Crouch End Festival Chorus. Added to the mix are rock guitar riffs, and psychedelic 70s sounds and all together they create a haunting otherworldly feel, complementing the fantasy and the quirky humour of the show. The spirited Waltz of the opening theme is also present in the second series and it wonderfully sets the scene for fantastical mayhem. In series 2, this robust, evocative, and funny music entity, becomes yet again another character in the story. Award-winning composer David Arnold is well known for his blockbuster scores, including Stargate, The Chronicles of Narnia: the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Hot Fuzz, Paul, Independence Day, 2 Fast 2 Furious and Casino Royale as well as for his TV work such as Sherlock and Dracula. Also available: The original soundtrack to the first series of Good Omens >
– Disc 1 – Chapter 1: The Arrival 1. Before the Beginning 2. Good Omens 2 Opening Title 3. Into Soho 4. Something Terrible 5. To The Bookshop 6. Maggie and Nina 7. He’s Smoking 8. Tiny Miracle 9. Heavenly Alarm Bells Chapter 2: The Clue 10. Avaunt! 11. The Song is the Clue 12. It’s What God Wants 13. A Mighty Wind 14. Whales 15. Gabriel Returns 16. His New Children 17. Am I Awful Now? 18. Fallen Angel Chapter 3: I Know Where I’m Going 19. Police Arrive 20. Scotland 21. We’re Going to Hell 22. People Get a Choice 23. My Car is Not Yellow 24. Beelzebub in Hell 25. The Book 26. The Fly 27. Mr. Dalrymple 28. We Need to Cut 29. I’m Going to Save Her 30. Crowley Goes Large 31. Not Kind 32. Beelzebub Isn’t Happy – Disc 2 – Chapter 4: The Hitchhiker 33. Hell-O 34. Nazi Zombies 35. March of the Nazi Zombies 36. Crowley Pep Talk 37. The Magic Shop 38. Catch The Bullet 39. Zombies in the Dressing Room Chapter 5: The Ball 40. I’ll Let You Have It 41. We’re Storming a Book Shop 42. Monsieur Azirophale 43. The Candelabra 44. Here Comes Hell 45. Gabriel Gives Himself Up 46. Shax 47. The Circle Chapter 6: Every Day 48. Bin Through the Window 49. Gabriel Leaving Heaven 50. The Halo 51. Gabriel Revealed 52. Gabriel’s Love Story 53. Leaving The Bookshop 54. Gabriel and Beelzebub 55. Crowley and Muriel 56. I Forgive You 57. Don’t Bother 58. The Biggest Decision 59. The End?
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wandasaura · 9 months
summary — so much has been taken from your girlfriends, so bringing a taste of the holidays into your shared apartment gives back some of the magic they lost out on for so long
warning(s) — just a sweet morning with your girlfriends, the faintest most nondescript mention of wanda/natasha’s childhoods
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It was easier said than done; escaping from bed without waking the two Avengers you slept between, but eventually by some kind of miracle, you managed to untangle yourself from their warm bodies and the heavy blankets you had been practically cocooned beneath without too much trouble, and once your bare feet hit the cold hardwood, chills immediately spreading up your bones at the fluctuation of temperature, you were free to escape into the living room where Halloween decorations taunted you on every surface.
The first thing you did was switch the overhead lights on and start a pot of coffee in the kitchen — more for Natasha than yourself. You wouldn’t have much time before they noticed you were missing from bed and came to find you with worried and panicked frowns on their sleepy faces, but coffee was as good of a peace offering as any for your scarlet headed girlfriend. Wanda would just laugh when she eventually found you, she was always the last to jump to conclusions when it came to your spontaneous disappearances.
With coffee brewing and dawn approaching, the fresh-feeling yelled-toned sunlight that peaked through the windows created a gentle golden hue within the eerily quiet apartment, you set off on your original mission, the entire reason you wrangled yourself out of bed so early; setting up for Christmas.
You’d sat with the idea for weeks before you brought it up to your girlfriends, knowing Wanda came from a Jewish family, and Natasha had been cheated of a childhood entirely, you didn’t want to overstep on your first holiday season together, still in the stage of navigating new traditions and celebrations, but the witch had assured you that she didn’t mind the decorations and traditional festive traditions you wanted to bring into the apartment. She was secure in her upbringing (the little she got to have before everything was ripped away at the very least), and she enjoyed the cheesiness of a jolly sleigh riding home intruder and gingerbread men. Natasha had been otherwise indifferent when the conversation turned to her, not the most forthcoming when it came to reliving the Ohio mission, but you caught the slight curl to her pink lips when you started rambling about your family's traditions. After that, you’d slowly started to accumulate different decorations that you thought encapsulated theirs and your personalities perfectly. You shied away from the brighter reds and greens that overpopulated stores, sticking with cooler tones and golds that were more their laidback energy.
You started the process by dismantling all of the fall decorations you’d placed out in September, piling them all on the couch to be put away later on when you had more of an idea as to where all the Christmas decor would be going. You replaced styrofoam pumpkins and scarecrows with porcelain pine trees and snowmen, sprinkling fake snow and vines of artificial holly across the mantle where you’d be handing the matching stockings you had custom made.
You cleared the windowsill in the center of the front wall, stacking the picture frames on the arm of the couch before you went back to decorating, spreading a navy blue table runner across the white trim to add contrast to the primarily red and green decorations. You’d gotten a lot accomplished by time you heard panicked feet shuffling down the stairs, fumbling over the placement of palm sized glass dreidels when Natasha’s presence became known.
“There you are!” She gasped, tugging her fingers through her slept on red curls, keeping them out of her face as the panic turned into annoyance. “Halloween was yesterday, Y/N.” She emphasized her displeasure with a grumpy huff, staring straight at your collection of nesting dolls that were sitting where her beloved jack-o-lantern resided just last night.
“Oh don’t be such a scrooge.” Wanda called from the top of the stairs, amusement clear in her tone as she figured what you were up to, clearly not as worried as Natasha had been. She came down the stairs with less of a rush, busy tying her hair up into a ponytail before she paused at the bottom of the steps when her eyes drifted over to where you were standing. “Dove.” Her tone drips with fondness and appreciation as she takes note of the silver menorah in the center of the windowsill, the blossoming sunlight reflecting off of the glass dreidels that were scattered around as well, casting small shadows of rainbow light against the opposite wall.
“I know you don’t really celebrate Chanukah, but I wanted you to feel represented too. I hope I got it right.” You fiddle with your fingers nervously, “I looked up so many menorahs. I made sure the shamash.. is that what it’s called?…I made sure the shamash was a different height, and that the eight branches were level. So many I looked at weren’t.”
Wanda’s gaze was practically bleeding with adoration as she crossed the living room to hold your face tenderly in her hands, “Thank you.” She kissed your lips earnestly, brushing her fingers over your cheeks delicately before she flickered her gaze to the little details you paid close attention to. She spotted a gold Star of David sitting next to a suction cup hook, not yet hung up wherever you intended to place it, but her heart swelled at the intentions.
“You’re welcome.” You giggled shyly, leaning in to kiss her sweetly as she embraced you in a true and tight embrace. “Now! Since you both decided to wake up, the tree needs to be set up, and I wasn’t tall enough to hang that sign or the mistletoe!” You called out smugly, staring directly at Natasha who just groaned defeatedly, but you knew she didn’t mind, she was just too proud to admit how nice it was to see the apartment so lively and normal. This was all she’d ever wanted her life to amount to.
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rayroseu · 10 months
The Halloween Ceremony of Briar Valley is very similar to the Lantern Festival in Tangled.
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The Lantern Festival was created after the mysterious kidnapping of Baby Rapunzel and the purpose was everyone in the kingdom lights up lanterns in the sky in hopes for the safe return of their princess.
In TWST, I think this festival was created in Briar Valley after the death of Meleanor, and Briar Valley faes lights up lanterns in hopes that her "leftover egg" be finally hatched.
For \~400 years it isn't just Lilia wishing for the stars for Malleus to be born, everyone in Briar Valley prayed for Malleus to hatch safely as well
His birthday is a holiday because it was celebrating the newlyborn dragon but this Lantern Festival of BV is on Halloween because it commemorates Meleanor's death and the desperation of the people for Malleus to 'exist.' That's why now that he's born, it's his duty to light up the lanterns as to imply that he made the "miracles come true/answered the wishes of his people."
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Lilia tells this tale on his Halloween Vignette that Malleus is still a kid and an amateur in magic.
So, I'm thinking that this incident was probably a major trauma for Malleus seeing that he harmed his people by destroying houses as people flee away from him in fear that they'll be hurt by him... on the day that's supposed to celebrate his existence after long centuries of praying, he repayed it as first by displaying how powerful and terrifying he is even as a child.
As if he didn't already experience almost killing the castle servants by freezing them to death as a baby... Imagine the first life lesson you'll learn after learning how to walk was "to control your power so that it won't harm others." (What General Lilia implied to him after he cheered him up).
I don't really view that Malleus genuinely likes being all powerful, that's why he craves companionship, because majority of his childhood composed of his own people almost getting killed by him.
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Malleus probably feels guilty to convert such The Lantern Festival/Halloween Ceremony into a tragedy. This was a ceremony where people should be glad he's here but how can one be genuinely glad to "have him" after the massive fire incident... 😭
"It will forever be carved in Briar Valley's History"... Unlike the freezing castle incident which happened in private... This was a public disaster where he's always going to be reminded by the scene of Briar Valley burning up because of his flames every Halloween...
That's why when he says this "Halloween is very special", he means it profoundly. It's kind of like a "revised memory" from a Halloween day where people were actually happy and celebrating, and why prior to the Halloween Event, he was so adamant that it should be 'perfect'...
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I think there's a tragic tone that Malleus is basically a perfectionist because he often caused disasters when he was a child.
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saigethearies · 11 months
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saige’s terrortober presents…
your unlikely partnership with tobio was just that- a partnership. that is, until the vacant room at the motel had only one bed.
demon hunter!tobio kageyama x witch!fem!reader
contents/warnings: unprotected vaginal sex, facefucking, dry humping, confessions, some praise, mention of a knife and violence, reader and tobio are both a lil drunk on lust
wc: 2k
the first time you met tobio kageyama, he held a knife to your throat.
in his defense, he did think you were a demon. a skilled hunter such as himself was able to detect your dark energy from a mile away, he just didn’t know you emitted it for a different reason.
demons emit it naturally, you emit when you utilize the dark arts. practicing black and white magic alike is what enabled you to grow stronger than the other witches, and in turn be better able to protect the people. what better way to take down a demon than to give it a taste of its own medicine?
you could have easily gotten his blade away from your skin, but you had a stigma against using incantations on fellow humans. besides, coming off as hostile would make it harder to plead your non-demonic case to him.
eventually you managed to appeal to his years of experience in the field, the ravenette deciding you weren’t acting or behaving like a demon in any fashion. explaining your abilities to him, he brought you back to the hunter society, seeing the value that could come from a witch battling against demons.
the higher-ups decided a powerful duo could be made out of your unique powers and his perfected expertise, so the rest was history.
you and tobio were coming up on a year of being hunting partners, cutting down countless demons together.
the feelings you were starting to develop, however, were becoming a lot harder to fight.
the lingering stares you’d give him, the heat on your cheeks, your racing pulse- you were worried you were being obvious. that he’d catch on and your dynamic would become awkward, because he didn’t feel the same.
someone as reserved and standoffish as tobio definitely didn’t feel the same, he probably didn’t think twice about romance. it was a miracle the two of you could even hold a friendly conversation now.
oh, how wrong you were.
“we only have one room left, and it only has one bed.”
the both of you blinked, still covered in dirt and grime from the mission you’d completed about an hour ago. all of the other motels in the town were completely booked, something about a festival. you and tobio were both exhausted, each failed attempt at finding a place to sleep worsening your tiredness.
and now? the two of you avoiding sharing a room in general when possible, sharing a bed?
there was no way. tobio was probably about to turn to you and just suggest to try again in the next town over-
“we’ll take it.”
his response caught you completely off guard, and you watched on in shock as the innkeeper handed him the key.
the walk to your room was quiet, and once you were there, the only words spoken were to determine who got to shower first.
offering to shower second, you left the bathroom once you were clean and in your pajamas. tobio had changed into his while you were bathing, and it was clear the two of you were both caught off guard at each other’s attire.
tobio had on a pair of athletic shorts- no shirt.
you had on an oversized shirt, and tobio couldn’t see any bottoms, which was leading his poor imagination to dangerous places.
you stared at each other in silence for a few moments longer before he finally broke it.
“sorry, i thought i would be sleeping alone, or else i would have, you know, brought a shirt.”
“no, it’s fine! don’t apologize! neither of us planned for this…”
more silence.
you saw him grab one of the pillows off the bed, moving towards the floor space in front of it. “you take the bed.”
“what? tobio, no, your muscles are probably really sore. you need it more than me.”
you weren’t wrong. his fighting style was much more physical than yours, relying on weaponry and hand-to-hand combat while your specialty was your spells and incantations.
“you take the bed, i insist.”
he frowned. “if my sister knew i made a girl sleep on the floor, she’d kill me.”
you sighed. neither of you were going to budge on this, so the next words that came out of your mouth had your stomach erupting into nerves.
“…we can share it?”
his face almost went pale. you weren’t sure if you should be offended. “…are you sure?”
“yeah, it’s just one night, right?”
somehow the bed felt even smaller once you were both in it. you swore it was a double, but now it felt as if it couldn’t have been much bigger than a twin. you were half hanging off the side, trying to avoid being in tobio’s personal space more than you already were.
the hunter noticed how uncomfortable you looked.
“…you can move closer if you need.”
head turning towards him, you mirrored his earlier question. “are you sure?”
“you’re gonna have back problems tomorrow if you sleep like that, yes i’m sure.”
that’s how you ended up in bed with your demon hunting partner, your head on his chest because of the limited space, his arm resting behind your shoulders.
it was dark, the two of you just trying to fall asleep as fast as possible. you could hear tobio’s heartbeat below your ear, the sound almost soothing despite the way too intimate proximity.
you let it lull you for a few more minutes, almost nuzzling into his skin. suddenly, you felt his heart start to beat quicker, the pace accelerating and accelerating until-
tobio jumped out of bed, cheeks dusted pink as he breathed heavily, looking down at you.
“what’s wro-“
“do you have some sort of spell on me?”
a look of confusion came onto your features. “huh?”
“a spell, do you have a…love or lust or whatever the fuck spell on me?”
you jaw fell open. what the hell was going on?
“tobio,” you started. “why are you asking?”
he tried to calm his breathing. he was usually so cool and collected, you weren’t familiar with seeing him this frazzled. “because i…”
“because you what?”
“i really want you right now, like really bad.”
his words had your brain malfunctioning, chest feeling warm and bubbly. he wanted you?
you cleared your throat. “tobio…you’re not under any spell right now.”
he blinked. “i’m not?”
you saw the reality of the situation sink in for him, and you never thought you’d ever see tobio kageyama look so embarrassed. if the ground were to swallow him whole then and there, he would be thankful.
you figured you might as well end his suffering.
“it’s okay,” you said with a soft smile, figuring now was as good of a time as ever. “i want you, too.”
your saccharine words drifted into his ears and tobio’s mind went blank.
then, he was on you before you could even watch him move, sitting down onto the bed and tugging you into his lap. he crashed his lips against yours, teeth gnashing together as he kissed you with so much vigor it reminded you of how he fought.
your mouths continued to dance against one another’s as his arms encircled your waist, grinding his pelvis against yours. he discovered that what was hiding beneath your big t-shirt was the thinnest pair of pajama shorts possible, the material doing nothing to conceal your heat from him.
that caused him to hump against you with even more passion, and your eyes almost rolled back when you could feel his covered length press into your core, trying to gyrate in rhythm with him.
pulling away, you tugged your shirt over your head before grabbing onto his shoulders, hovering your lips back over his.
“can i suck you off?” you asked, eyes watery and blown wide.
did he hear you right?
“please, tobio! wanna suck your cock so bad.”
you were practically whining against his lips now, so desperate to have your mouth wrapped around the warm dick you could feel rubbing against you earlier.
the red on his cheeks intensified, seeing you so needy for him. the image of you on your knees before him also made his pants feel tighter, so the hunter found himself nodding. “alright, if you really want-“
he didn’t even have time to finish his sentence before you were dropping to your knees before him, tugging his athletic shorts and boxers down all in one go.
his erect cock was so pretty, long with a pink tip. you found yourself grasping it gently, bringing it to your lips so you could place several kisses on the head.
tobio’s head was already spinning at the attention you were giving him, a groan leaving his lips then when he felt your mouth finally engulf him.
his hands flew to grip the side of your head, bracing himself as you started to bob up and down. he couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a pretty girl pleasuring him like this, his past few years all consumed with hunting and protecting the public.
you opened up your throat, taking him all the way in as your nose came flush against his pelvis. tobio shivered at the sensation, fingers tightening on the side of his head. you moaned around him, and the vibrations caused something to snap within him.
keeping your head in place, the ravenette pulled out of your mouth only to thrust right back into it. he proceeded to fuck your face, sounds bubbling up from his throat that had your pussy growing even wetter than it was before.
just as his thighs started to shake from an oncoming orgasm, tobio yanked you off of him. you gasped, trying to collect your breath as he hauled you back up onto his lap.
“sorry,” he breathed, almost ripping your tiny little sleep shorts as he tore them off of you. he saw your cunt bare before him and almost lost it then and there.
“why’d you stop?”
he gave a soft peck to your pout that contradicted the frantic way he was moving his dick between your holds.
“wanna cum inside you instead.”
such dirty words sounded foreign coming from tobio, but the almost frenzied look in his eyes told you he wasn’t all there right now. his usual stoicness was being bogged down by lust, lust induced by you.
you practically cried out when he started to pull you down onto him, his dick feeling even bigger than it did earlier. he held your hips in place, panting against your ear as he kept burying more of himself inside of you. it was a miracle you were already so wet or else that stretch would have hurt.
tobio’s sanity seemed like it was hanging on by a thread. “can…can i move now?”
you nodded with earnest.
“please, please fuck me!”
planting his feet on the floor, the hunter instantly started to jackhammer up into you, every hit deep and hard within your walls. you squeezed your eyes shut, almost wailing as he battered your cunt.
“fuck, you feel so good, fuck, fuck!”
every time he pistoned up into you, tobio brought your hips down to meet his. he was practically using you as a fucktoy, and the thought sent your mind into shambles. your pussy clenched at the way he was treating you.
“tobio, i- ahhhh!”
his tip was slamming against that special spot within you now, every thrust now having your thighs twitching against his.
“feels even better than i imagined,” he breathed out. “wanted this for so fucking long, just didn’t think you felt the same.”
your heart fluttered at his confession.
he kissed your cheek. “really.”
tobio’s balls felt so tight and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. from the way you were trembling in his lap, you probably weren’t fairing much better.
keeping a hand on your hip, his other hand came to push your head against his chest, cradling it there as he picked up his pace.
you squealed out, tears falling onto his skin as your g-spot was met with even more force from his cock. feeling the band within you finally snap, your muscles locked then spasmed as you climaxed. the stimulus of your own orgasm sent tobio into his own, his hips stilling as he groaned and spilled into you.
the two of you were slumped, you going slack against tobio as he fell back onto the bed. coming to, his blue eyes widened as realization dawned on him.
“shit, i didn’t ask-“
“birth control spell,” you answered, already knowing exactly what he was going to say. “we’re fine, don’t worry.”
you felt him relax at that, rubbing his hand up and down your back. you hummed, smiling as you started to drift off into sleep.
“…do you wanna get breakfast tomorrow?”
you cracked an eye open at that, lifting your head to look at him. “like as hunting partners?”
the little scowl that came onto his face had you chuckling. “don’t be an ass about it!”
pressing a little kiss to his pec, you laid your head back down.
“i’d love to.”
saige’s terrortober masterlist
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sohyxn · 9 months
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TAGS : fluff, roommates to lovers ( not surprising ), yunjin is such a dork, wingwomen le sserafim.
PAIRINGS : yunjin x fem reader.
SYPNOSIS : celebrating christmas has always been lonely for you but this year is different with your roommate celebrating along with you
NOTES : merry christmas everyone, wrote this in one seat ( my back hurts ) please enjoy ☃️❄️
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as the holiday season approached, yn couldn't help but feel a tinge of loneliness. christmas had always been a time of solitude for her, spent in the company of her own thoughts. however, this year seemed different, for she had a new roommate — huh yunjin.
huh yunjin was everything yn admired: kind, funny, and undeniably beautiful. little did yn know, yunjin had been carrying a secret crush, her own heart yearning to bridge the gap between friendship and something more.
unbeknownst to yn, their friends were well aware of the unspoken feelings between yn and yunjin. fueled by mischief and a desire to see their friends find happiness, they devised a plan to push yunjin towards confession.
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as the day approached, the roommates apartment buzzed with festive decorations and the aroma of freshly baked cookies, chaewon pulled yunjin aside, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "yunjin, this is the perfect opportunity," she whispered. "you and yn have been dancing around your feelings for each other for far too long. it's time to take a leap of faith."
yunjin's heart skipped a beat, a mix of excitement and nervousness filling her. "but unnie, what if i ruin our friendship? what if yn doesn't feel the same way?" she fretted.
kazuha, always the voice of reason, chimed in, "yunjin, we've seen the way you two look at each other, the way you care for each other. trust us, the feelings are mutual. and if you don't take a chance, you might regret it."
eunchae, brimming with enthusiasm, joined in. "exactly! unnie it's christmas, the season of love and miracles. what better time to confess your feelings and see where it leads?"
with her friends' words of encouragement echoing in her mind, yunjin took a deep breath and made her way towards yn, who was admiring the twinkling lights on the christmas tree.
yn turned to face her, a smile lighting up her face. "hey there, everything okay?"
yunjin's voice trembled slightly as she replied, "yn, there's something i've been wanting to tell you. i... i've realized that my feelings for you go beyond friendship. you make my heart race, and you've been wandering through my mind all the time. will you give me a chance? will you be my girlfriend?"
yn's eyes widened in surprise, her heart pounding with anticipation. "yunjin, i... i've liked you all this time, you're my solace and yes, i would love to be your girlfriend."
as their eyes locked, the room seemed to fade away, and the friends who had orchestrated this moment exchanged triumphant glances. chaewon discreetly held up a sprig of mistletoe above yn and yunjin, but instead of a typical kiss, the mischievous sakura and eunchae sprang into action.
with a playful twinkle in their eyes, sakura and eunchae pulled out a remote-controlled mistletoe drone, adorned with twinkling lights. the drone hovered above yn and yunjin jin, moving slowly towards them.
yn's laughter filled the room as they watched the whimsical display. "leave it to sakura and eunchae to make this moment even more memorable!"
yunjin, caught up in the joyous atmosphere, couldn't help but laugh along. "they really know how to make a grand gesture, don't they?"
just as the mistletoe drone reached them, it paused in mid-air, its twinkling lights illuminating their faces. yn and yunjin shared a knowing smile before they leaned in, their lips meeting under the magical mistletoe.
as they kissed, time seemed to stand still. The room filled with cheers and applause from their friends, their joy and excitement echoing through the apartment. it was a kiss filled with warmth, tenderness, and the promise of a beautiful future together.
when they finally pulled apart, their smiles mirrored the love that now enveloped them.
"merry christmas jinnie." yn said. "merry christmas my love." yunjin whispered.
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rosesbxrry · 2 years
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Pairing: Boyfriend! Jake X Girlfriend! Fem! Reader
Genre: Smut🔞(Minors DNI), established relationship! AU
Warnings: Dom! Jake, unprotected sex (wrap it up before you tap it), cream pie, heavy food play, fellatio (blowjob), throat fucking, making out, slight ass spanking, dirty talking, riding, slight slut shaming, Jake calling you a bunch a pet names (baby, baby girl, slut, doll, good girl), breast worshipping, praising/ degradation. Hopefully I didn’t miss out anything else. 
Summary: Gingerbread cookies; sweet and warm, perfect for the Christmas season as the smell overwhelms your shared apartment with Jake. However, what seems to be an innocent baking activity you spent with him for Chirstmas Eve turns into something more delectable than the confectionary.
A Holiday Special: ➜ Jake
| ➜ Heeseung | ➜ Jay | ➜ Sunghoon |
Main masterlist
Word count: 3,911 words
a/n: This was suppose to be posted 3 days ago but of course, in true fashion, I was late in writing it in time. I’m sure the mood for Christmas is already over but I’m determine to finish this as soon as possible (while enjoying writing it for u guys too). This would also be the second last fic for the holiday special so I hope u guys enjoyed it and Happy New year!
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There is something special about the Christmas holidays that is imbued with a magical aura of warmth and happiness. It's a month filled with festive food, decorations, songs, and movies that overwhelm you with nostalgia.
You and Jake decided to celebrate the season together this year instead of choosing to be with your families and relatives separately. The plan was to spend Christmas Eve bundled up with blankets and matching pajamas, watching a bunch of movies on the couch while eating an unhealthy amount of snacks until Christmas morning. 
What initially begins as an innocent trip to the supermarket becomes a spontaneous shopping spree for ingredients to make gingerbread cookies. You weren't sure how the both of you ended up with that idea, but it proved to be regrettable further into the baking process. 
Jake is an awful baker (Jungwon would vouch for that), while you were manageable as long as the recipe was concise. Still, the odd pairing of each other's ability in the kitchen was bound to end in a mishap, which led to the scene of two people staring at a tray of cookies in the oven, hoping that it won't burn like the previous batch. 
By some miracle, you both persevere until the end; Jake places the last batch of perfectly baked cookies onto a drying rack while you whip some of the decorative vanilla icings to be placed on top of the confectionery. 
The large window of your shared apartment displayed the amount of time that has passed, the city night below illuminated as the moon and stars became the sole residents under the dark sky. Only a few windows appear lit at the blocks across, indicating the vacancy of the vicinity during the holidays. 
"We should never do this again next year." Jake groans beside you, pulling on his flour-stained apron around his waist. You chuckle when he plops down to rest his elbows on the kitchen counter, his chin on a palm while mindlessly in a daze with exhaustion on his face. 
You nudge at his side playfully, but he doesn't budge like a statue. 
"Did it take you that long to realize?" You said, gripping the whisk handle a little harder to work the powdered sugar and milk mixture together. 
He shook his head, and his wispy bangs followed his movement. "I knew the moment the first cookies looked like they belonged in the toilet." 
His deadpan response caused you to snort in amusement. 
"Why didn't you say anything?" 
He shrugged his shoulders. "Didn't want to ruin the mood." 
He leans down to your level to snuggle his chin on your shoulder, his nose slightly buried in the sweater you were wearing. A slight tilt of your neck to the side caused a bump of your head with his affectionately, continuing to work on the icing while he watched. 
"Well, when I'm done, we can cuddle on the sofa while we wait for the cookies to cool down. How does that sound?" You murmured. 
Jake nodded his head, but his chin clung to your shoulder, so you had to stifle a smile at how adorable he was. He looked like a puppy silently begging for his owner's attention but couldn't because he wanted to be a good boy and patiently wait for you to be ready. 
You've been dating for two years now, and you could interpret by the glint in his eyes when you suggested the offer that he was in dire need of some intimacy. 
Once the consistency of the icing satisfied you, the next step was to divide it into different bowls for the colouring process. At the same time, some of the icings had flown out of the mixing pot onto your index finger, which you instinctively brought to your mouth to lick it off casually. 
A disgusted grunt left your mouth, causing him to look at you curiously. 
"It's too sweet." You declared. "I think I put too much powdered sugar."
Jake watches your face and eyebrows scrunch up in annoyance, smacking your mouth as you inspect the flavour to find a solution to save it. His gaze was attentive on your lips, swallowing down the desire in his throat. 
"Can I have a taste?" 
"Sure, baby," You said without a second guess, reaching out to grab a teaspoon for him to use. "Let me just take—"
It took you by surprise when he grabbed your wrist before you could leave while his other hand held your jaw, bringing you closer to his face to kiss you. His plump lips capture yours as you close your eyes to relish how he moves to deepen the kiss. 
He tasted like warm bittersweet chocolate; the kisses candies he had a few hours ago still lingered. 
You reach out to cup his face, feeling his breath fan the high points of your cheeks. Jake tilts his head to the side, his movement firm as he wraps his arms around your waist, pressing you close to his body as you moan softly when he bites at your lower lip.
He licks the nibbled area sensually, signalling you to open wide to let his tongue slip past the cavern of your mouth, caressing your taste buds as you share one breath with each other at the heated moment. 
It made you wonder if he could taste the icing in your mouth. 
Jake slowly loosens the connection, taking one last lap at your puffed lips before moving away. Through lidded eyes, you watch him tuck the cushion of his bottom lip between his teeth; laboured breathing fills the space of intense silence. 
"If I tell you a way not to waste the icing," He whispered close to your lips, hands sliding up the ends of your sweater. A soft sigh escapes your mouth when his calloused fingers smooth your stomach. "Would you be down to get a little dirty with me?" 
Your cheeks burned at his suggestive offer— imagining how sticky the substance would feel gliding up and down on each other's skin, especially when it would be his veiny and large hands stroking the cream filthy across your whole body as you writhed under his lubricated touches. 
You almost moan at the thought of rubbing the icing on each other's private areas. 
Something throbs in you at the obscene act, an arousing feeling that makes you tug his hair on the back of his neck to press his body closer to yours. 
You didn't need to verbalize the agreement; your action speaks louder than words as he smirks against your jaw, pulling at the strings of your apron on your back. 
"Then let's take off our clothes, yeah?" 
One by one, articles of clothing slowly piled on the kitchen floor, stripping each other naked until you realize how chilly the winter night felt biting your bare skin. However, the moment Jake's lips kissed you eagerly again, you felt the flame blooming inside warming you up. 
Jake mouthed sloppily, his tongue darting back and forth in your cavern forcefully as his nose bumped against yours. You hungrily push back, saliva collecting under your tongue that it was impossible not to make erotic wet sounds as the kiss turned messy. 
"Ahhh— Jake," You whined, throwing your head back when you felt the icing on his hand grope your breast. 
He had quietly gathered the sweet cream in his hand, smothering it on your chest in a circular motion. He smears some on your hardened nipples, feeling yourself melt when he fondles the nubs with his slick thumb with the right amount of pleasure.  
"Look at you, messy girl." He cooed. "Why don't you do the same for me, hm? Can my girl make me nice and dirty?" 
Slick was beginning to drip from your folds, the idea of food play turning you on more than you thought. You scope up a decent amount of cream on your palm before spreading it across his toned torso, and Jake immediately groans at the sensation. 
"Jakey, you're so hot." You drawled. 
You drag your hands up to his chest, grazing on his nipples as his hips jerk at the contact, breathy moans escaping his deliciously puffy lips. His bangs had fallen to cover the upper half of his closed eyes into an enticing view.  
With a covetous gaze, you gradually draw your touch lower past the dips of his hips before you rub his hardened cock, letting the icing coat his length deliciously. 
"Nghhh— fuck." He let his head fall into the crook of your neck, his abdomen tensing up as you started moving your hand up and down his thick and warm cock. 
Precum drools down from his head before it mixes with the cream, the mixture becoming agonizingly slippery against the underside of his pulsating veins as you fasten your pace, craving more friction to satiate his carnal desire. 
Jake's panting grew heavier against your skin and watching him completely crumble made you itch to ruin him more. A shaky moan slips from his throat, catching your wrist in a tight grip when you tease his swollen slit with your thumb back and forth, shuddering at the sudden pleasure shooting through his spine. 
"Shit— fucking tease…." His muffled accusation tickled your collarbone, whine an octave lower through gritted teeth. 
You wanted to laugh, but it died in your throat when one of Jake's hands grabbed your ass from behind. The harsh squeeze he had on the ample flesh got you whimpering in either pain or pleasure; at this point, you weren't sure anymore. 
"My cute girlfriend thought she could tease me and get away with it." He said, his nails slightly digging into the skin.
You wince at the prickly sensation but respond while feigning innocence. "You look like you enjoyed it, so I didn't want to stop." 
You gasped when he spanked your ass with enough power, the sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed throughout the space. You curl your toes in anguish as the stinging pain becomes waves of immeasurable pleasure. An incoherent moan poured out, your pussy clenching in its juices as you buck your hips with mouth agape at the way your clit was throbbing uncontrollably. 
It was an unexpected impact, enough to make you squeeze your shaky thighs together. 
Fuck, that felt so good you almost came. 
"Naughty girl thinks she can talk back now." He whispered directly into your ears, kneading the tender flesh with a satisfied look at your state after wearing his temper thin. 
The sticky residue of the cream did nothing but accentuate the desperation clawing in your stomach. 
"Should I occupy that little mouth of yours with something sweet? It looks a bit too empty." He kisses the underside of your neck, grinding his wet cock with icing against your stomach to show you what he means. 
"I thought I couldn't have dessert without dinner first?" You challenged him sweetly. 
Jake's chuckle is almost sinister, finding your taunted response amusing, although he already gave you a taste of punishment. Of course, you would use something he used to say against him at this moment. You love to do it to rail him up even more, and he also finds himself enjoying it. 
"I'll make it an exception this time." He baited, licking his bottom lip in anticipation. "So stop being a brat and get on your knees for me." 
You slowly descend to rest your weight on your knees on the kitchen tiles, kissing his bulbous head after wrapping your hand around the base of his lengthy cock. 
Jake leaned on the edge of the countertop, and lusty moans rambled in his throat when you took the tip in your hot mouth, tongue swirling around the slit to dart at the sticky mess. 
He tasted sweet in your taste buds. 
"You look fucking sexy down there, baby girl" He gathers your hair lightly, watching you from above with a dreamy look. "How does it taste? Good?"
"It tastes amazing…." You mumbled, leaning an inch lower to take one of his balls into your mouth, sucking at the tight and heavy sack like a treat while looking up at him with big and innocent eyes. "Wanna taste you some more." 
The visual of your lewd face and the sensation of you slurping his balls like a lollipop— his eyes rolled back at the pleasure, chewing at the inside of his cheeks as his length twitched and grew agonizingly hard. 
Jake took a fist full of your hair at the back, and you let him guide your mouth to take him, eyes squeezing shut as he pumps his dick in and out of your mouth. Your hand held onto his thighs for support, letting him hit his head at the back of your throat. 
"That's it, eat it up. Fucking take all of me in." He hissed. 
The force of his hips pistoning your mouth with his cock had you collapsing into a teary-eyed mess, but you persevered— bobbing your head to match his rhythm, suctioning to take more and more of him into your mouth. 
Every time he thrust in until your nose was flush against his pelvis, you ran your tongue all over his length— tasting the sweetness of the cream with an undertone of his bitter precum. 
Jake let out a frustrated growl, needing more stimulation to reach his high.
"Open your throat, baby girl— let me fuck it." 
You whimpered as he scraped his fingers harder on your scalp, mercilessly fucking your throat until the corners of your mouth spilt with the filthy mixture obscenely. Trying hard to relax your jaws and cheeks, you fought the urge to gag over his cock and squeeze his thighs hard as every inch of him was seated in your mouth. 
You were deepthroating the living daylights out of him, and Jake loved every second of it, his climax nearing its peak. 
"Swallow my cream like a slutty girl, got it?" 
His filthy encouragement only made you moan, and as soon his hip staggered with one final hard thrust, he came into your mouth. His hot seed spilt down your throat, swallowing the liquid with the remaining facial strength you had to spare. 
His grip on the back of your head softened, watching you drink up his cum as he held the base of his cock to milk out whatever he had left. 
"Fuck, such a good slut cleaning up her mess." His praises filled the silence. "She deserves to come on my cock, don't you think?" 
You hummed eagerly in response as you licked every inch of him sloppily— the way you knew he enjoyed it. 
Jake thought you looked breathtakingly hot as he pulled out to smear his sensitive tip on your lower lip. A deep flush on your cheeks, chest heaving up and down, a few tear stains evident on the corners of your eyes, and figure weakly slump down on your knees, soiled with residual icing. 
He tugged you by the arms to help you get on your feet. As he wraps his hands around your waist, you clutch onto his shoulder blades for support, resting your body against his at how weak your knees were. 
Jake gently snuggles on the crook of your neck to mumble close to your ears. "How would you like it? From the back? Or the front?" 
"Wanna ride you." You breathe out. 
He grinned like he had expected that answer. "Had a feeling you'll pick that."
Jake hauled his body onto the kitchen countertop, pushing away utensils that were in the way. With whatever miracle, he manages to manhandle your exhausted body up on the marbled surface, letting you straddle him as he lay flat on his back. 
It was an awkward position— his long legs dangled at the end with some visible remnants of the gingerbread baking situation left. Still, the way he gripped your hips to situate your pussy on his cock, rubbing your folds over his length, had you clawing at his chest. 
"Oh my god." You cried out, seeing stars as you rolled your hips harder, his cock rubbing hard on your cunt as the wetness started pooling on your inner thighs. 
The knot in your stomach was burning you on the inside. 
Jake chuckled darkly with his pupils blown out below you, albeit shivering at the overwhelming stimulation after just coming. 
"My good girl wants to use me like her personal fuck toy after I stuffed her mouth full with my cock, right?" He huffed out, rapturously gazing at how you moaned at his words. "You want that, don't you?" 
"Jaeyun—" You choked out when your clit made contact with his hot length so deliciously that you began humping him desperately like a dog in heat. Your pussy was clenching around nothing as the sensation made you dizzy with desperation, thighs burning at the fatigue. 
"Fuck, I need you. Please." You begged. 
"I know, baby girl." He whispered slowly. "I need you too." 
With one hand kneading your ass to lift you slightly in the air while the other gripping his shaft, he lines your slit with his tip and probes your entrance to let him in. 
"C'mere and ride me." 
With your pussy already drenched after sucking him off, Jake easily stretches you open as you descend his cock. The noises that came out your mouth were music to his ears, your gummy walls clenching around his girth so tightly as he buried himself deep inside your cunt. 
"So wet," He rasps, absolutely enamoured by the bliss overwhelming his body. "Move for me, baby girl." 
You start by bouncing lightly, palms resting on his chest as you move your hips. When you lift all the way up, you make sure to sink back down until his cock fills you to the brim. The pace was begrudgingly slow, still adjusting to his size as you moaned softly with every thrust. 
"That's it, doll." He said, thumb circling the apex of your hips soothingly. "You're so pretty— so perfect for taking me well." 
Your pace was getting faster and rougher, face flush at the way he poured sentiment words to fuel you up. It caused you to tighten your walls around him, making each drag of his cock going in and out of you much more gratifying. 
Jake soaked in your lovely features, his eyes moving down to watch your boobs bounce with the movement of your hips. Your tits were nice and hard— lusciously erect, urging him to twirl the nub between his fingers teasingly until you cried. 
It didn't help that some icing was still on your breast, dripping down when it mixed with your sweat. Jake had to bite down hard on his lips to prevent himself from melting on the spot. 
Call him juvenile, but it turned him on beyond reason at how pornographic the scene was, his slit dribbling out with more precum inside of you. 
You didn't understand the power you have over him, crying and choking in your speech as you grind over his cock shamelessly with your hands around your cute tummy. 
"Wanna taste this pretty set of tits." He said, and you pulled your legs apart as he sat up to fill the spot between your legs. 
He licks the swell of your breast before taking a nipple into his mouth, engulfing the peak with moist kisses and suckling. He kneaded the flesh tenderly with his other hand, flicking the other nipple with equal attention. 
"So sweet," He hummed, switching to the other pebbled nipple to tongue it as your mewls grew louder, rocking your hips to his pace. "My pretty girl tastes so good in my mouth." 
The lapping of his lips on your nipples had you hissing at the intensity, especially when he was still balls-deep in you.
His lips let go of your nipples after abusing the tender flesh, returning to lie down on his back, but this time, he made sure to keep your legs wide open, the sole of your feet resting on the surface for him to see your hole stuffed with his cock. 
"Ahhh—hahh–Jake–" You whined, leaning back to rest your palms on his thighs to balance your body. Although it did make you redden at how exposed you felt in this position. "Fuck, Jake. I can't— too deep….."
"I know, baby." He reassured you, holding your ankles to keep you at bay at his side. "But I need you to keep bouncing on my cock. My good girl can do that for me, right?" 
You nodded obediently, rolling your hips back and forth to continue fucking your slit with his cock. Your pace faltered with each minuscule movement of you going down on his dick, but Jake took this opportunity to thrust you up sharply to meet you halfway.
"Not yet," He groaned, noticing you show signs of slowing down. "A little bit more, baby." 
The loud and wet clapping of your ass hitting his thighs echoed in your shared apartment, and your face twisted in ecstasy when he took charge and slammed his cock into your sweet spot. He rammed the spot continuously, splitting your pussy open thrust after thrust. 
There was a reason why Jake needed you to be in this position; having access to play with your swollen clit as he pounded into you from below was sure to morph you into a blubbering mess. 
"So, close." You buck into his fingers when he thumbs your bundle of nerves, the knot in your stomach is keen to burst into millions of pieces as he switches between circling and tapping your clit with precision.
"Jake– Jakey, please fill me up." You break into a fit of sobbing, rolling your eyes back. 
Jake sighs in desperation as well. "Wanna see you cum, baby." He did everything he could to keep you high in the clouds with pleasure— his hips and fingers never ceased even for a second, utterly devoted to making you undone. "Wanna fill this sweet pussy nice and full with my seed." 
His voice coaxed the earth-shattering orgasm that ripped your body into shreds; the view of the ceiling was the only thing you see when you throw your head back when you come on his cock. 
Jake took a few more thrusts before he released his milky load into your cunt— your brain could barely register any ounce of rationality in your brain, body going limp as he rode your orgasm steadily. 
You lay down on top of him, feeling him pull his cock out to let his cum drip out of your tight hole. His hands found themselves around your body, pulling you into a sticky pile of embrace with him as you basked in the relief washing over you. 
You felt completely raw and fucked out that you could barely keep your eyes open. It was warm and sweaty, so different from the cold winter that prevails outside. 
"Jake," You swallowed, breathing through your nose as you tried to calm your beating heart. 
"That was…." 
"Intense?" He asked. 
You shook your head. "Amazing." 
His chest vibrates as he laughs, kissing the top of your head affectionately as pride swells in his heart at how spent you looked. 
The smell of cinnamon slowly wafted through the kitchen, reminding the two figures that they still had dozens of freshly baked gingerbread cookies that needed to be decorated. 
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A Holiday Special: ➜ Jake
| ➜ Heeseung | ➜ Jay | ➜ Sunghoon |
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loveydoveymonsters · 3 months
this isnt a specific monster but like a sort of humanoid praying mantis x reader?? I tried finding something similar to what I have in mind but I could only find aliens not actual mantis people, and I really want that forest-cryptid kinda vibe not sci-fi space. do with this what you will :)
Well my sweet dove lets see what I can do for you, I hope you enjoy!.
Praying For A Miracle
Hybrid!Praying Mantis x reader
You have strayed too far from your path. A little forest nymph that's wandered too far away from their God. The night is harsh and unforgiving as you stumble through the thick bramble and bushes, desperately searching for shelter in this magical forest. Creatures of all different shapes and sizes reside here. Creatures who are seeking refuge from warmongers and poachers who would rather see their heads on spikes than on their bodies. Most of them are friendly, but there are some strays that sneak in under your God's eye, corrupted creatures that go unnoticed until it's too late. Usually, they target little nymphs like you, defenseless, weak, and delicate, you have no way of defending yourself against an attacker should you face one. That's why you shakily wander the woods searching for a tree trunk you could reside in or perhaps a friendly creature that could bring you back to your home. 
It was your own fault, you realize that you shouldn't have wandered off but you saw flowers, beautiful flowers that never bloom. You foolishly got distracted and now you're in the perilous clutches of a corrupted creature that had gotten the jump on you while you were lost in your terrified thoughts. You can't even tell what it is, it's large, and snarling, and its fangs look like they would hurt if they pierced your soft skin. You shake and tremble quietly. It's not in your nature to scream or fight. Nymphs are supposed to show kindness and love to all creatures including the ones that intend to harm them. That's why you lay there, shaking uncontrollably ready to accept your fate, your brutal death at this evil beings’ claws. Your God is nowhere to be found, probably drowning in the wine that was gifted to them during the last festival of the forest. You're afraid, yet weirdly you're at peace. You've had a very peaceful life, while your death may be violent, at least you know you've never had to worry about anything. Not predators, not starving, not becoming so dehydrated you could barely move. You've been taken care of so you guess this is the end…
The creature cries out in pain when something bites its nape. It reels back and tries to swipe at the thing currently attaching itself to its spine. You catch the sight of something green before it's gone just as quickly, the creature spinning trying to whip the hybrid off of him. You can see human legs and roughly a human body but you also see antennae, wings, and large raptorial legs that act as its hands. You honestly don't know what you're looking at but regardless of that, you're thankful for the creature's aid. As the violent creature finally shakes off the hybrid and runs off completely terrified you shakily stand and make your way over to your savior. He stands as well rushing over to check on you. Nymphs are treasured amongst non-corrupt creatures so it wasn't surprising when he immediately started fussing over you and using his raptorial arms to check you over.
“What…are you my savior? You're a hybrid of some sort but I can't seem to place the creature you're mixed with. Please do enlighten me, my hero.”
You stare as his greenish-tinted skin becomes a few shades darker as he blushes. Evidently he's not used to receiving such praise from nymphs, being called a hero and a savior is new. He doesn't dislike it but he's certainly not used to it either, it takes him a moment to recover before he can speak to you without stuttering. While he is recovering you just stare at him, wide-eyed, curious, like a child staring at a brand new toy. 
“I-I'm a praying mantis hybrid…Your God created me this way when they were first experimenting with creation. I am the result of a few failed hybrids…My name is Bleez. No need to introduce yourself little nymph I've been watching you for a while. I'm well aware of who you are although I'm not a hundred percent sure why you're wandering the woods alone.”
“Oh, I strayed from my usual path and stopped to smell some flowers. I guess I walked too far away and couldn't find my path again so I guess I was just looking for a guide to help me find my way home! Or somewhere to stay for the night. I'm sure I'd have better luck if I could actually see where I was going.”
“You're welcome to stay with me, I don't live far from here, come. There are far worse creatures than that one in this part of the woods.”
Before you can respond he lifts you up and slings you over his shoulder, stumbling slightly at how light you are to him. All nymphs are light though regardless of their body type, they're essentially made of pure air and the spirit of the God themselves. You look back at him, turning your body and just sitting on his shoulder noticing how his wings stretch out and cover his body. You tilt your head, analyzing his features once again. It's rare to see a hybrid, let alone a hybrid insect yet here you are, riding on the shoulder of one, one that risked his life to save you when he did not need to. 
“So Bleez, you say my God created you? How come I've never seen you before? I've been alive for quite a long time you know.”
“I've kept myself hidden, I'm not exactly confident in my appearance. Other creatures run from me even though I'm not a predator, it started to hurt after a while so I just sheltered myself away. Plus there was no way a beautiful nymph like you was ever going to notice me.”
You stare at his face for a minute, just now noticing the extra long mouth parts coming from the corner of his lips. It must help him eat meat and prey if he does decide to become a predator. You don't see anything wrong with him though, you don't understand why other creatures are afraid of him. Then again you don't understand why creatures are afraid of predators either. You're designed to love all creatures equally and you find them all equally beautiful, equally handsome, yet there was something about this one, perhaps it's the fact that he saved you. That made you just a little bit more loving.
“What are you talking about? You look amazing. My hero is the handsomest hybrid in the world!”
He nearly drops you when you say that but thankfully he arrived at his home in a tree trunk, the tree is as wide as a small cabin. He opens the side of the trunk and sets you down on the soft padding that he uses as his bed before shutting the trunk behind him and lighting a lantern as well as a fire to keep you warm. The magic of your forest amazes you sometimes, the fact that a small home can fit into the trunk of a tree without any worry of the tree being set ablaze by the fireplace makes you stare at it in awe. He awkwardly stands beside you, before sitting on the floor and pulling out a cast iron cauldron to make you some soup. He's taking care of you, nymphs are precious, nymphs are everything, that's what he's been taught since he was little. He sees why, you're so innocent, so pure, you must be protected at all costs and he wants to make sure you're fed and kept warm and you enjoy your stay for however long you reside with him.
The soup is good and healthy, and you remain nice and warm throughout the night. He slept on the floor and gave you a ton of wool blankets to keep you comfortable while he slept with a small sheet that you could almost see through because of how thin it was. About halfway through the night, you woke up to his teeth chattering, looking over the makeshift bed to see him shaking and trembling. You weren't having that at all, you were a guest in his house but that didn't mean you had to be treated like royalty. You knew he would argue if you tried to get him to climb into bed with you so instead you joined him on the floor. Wrapping all of the large wool blankets around both of you before curling into his back, hoping your body heat would be enough to comfort him, the human in him must be ice cold. You flinched when you brushed against his arm and felt the true temperature of his body. Regardless of how uncomfortable you were you went back to sleep and you slept well, especially when he stopped shivering which reassured you that he was finally sleeping peacefully himself.
The next morning came soon enough, you awoke to the smell of eggs as he once again cooked for you. You realized you were back in bed and you looked out of his window in the trunk only to see chickens, cows, a bunch of barn animals outside. He does absolutely everything he can not to go into civilization which means raising these animals to get the ingredients he needs for food and nourishment. You find that impressive, he's built his own little world just outside of the outskirts of the center of the forest where most of the creatures live. You turn to him taking note of his abdomen and the scars over it and you watch as his antennae twitch before he turns to you having sensed your movement. 
“Good morning little nymph! I've made you food and here’s some milk to drink. I figured we could start heading back to your home as soon as you're done eating. People are probably worried about you.”
You eat your food, staring at him in awe. He's so caring, so kind. 
“Oh, no one's worried about me. Nymphs go missing all the time eventually we all wind up getting replaced. Hey, how'd you get those scars? Have you fought very many predators out here?”
“I would rather not discuss that with you nymph. Doesn't that bother you? That nobody would miss you if you were gone? I'd be so concerned I'd search the entire forest before even thinking about “replacing” you.”
“Aw that's sweet, are you starting to like me yet? Sounds like it.”
“H-Hardly…let's get going, you certainly did stray far because we're not exactly close to any nymph nests. Would you like to ride on my shoulder again? You were quite light so I don't mind.”
“Actually I think I'd rather stay here so that's what I'm going to do okay?”
He stares at you for a little while, a strange smile on his face as if he didn't really register what you said. When it did click though he looked at you completely shocked, he's dead quiet as he tried to ponder what to say next, he's got nothing, this was such a strange situation for him, no creature had ever flat-out told him they were going to stay with him before. This little nymph just pushed him straight over the edge into a massive pit of anxiety and confusion. 
“I want to stay with you! You have such a beautiful home and I'm sure I could be of use to you and helping to tend to your creatures! Plus you said you'd miss me if I was gone.”
“No no no no no. I said I would be worried if you randomly went missing. There's a difference there. Why would you want to stay here?...No it's absolutely out of the question I'm bringing you home now.”
“You absolutely are not. I'm not going with you willingly so you'd be forced to hurt me if you're trying to transport me. I will scream Bleez don't test me.”
“You are absolutely infuriating, if you insist on staying here then stay here! I highly doubt you'll last more than a day without any type of socialization. Nymphs are social creatures, I know all about them you need to be around people. You'll be begging to go home within a day.”
“Why would I need to be around people when I have you?”
He groans in frustration before storming off, leaving the small home in the tree trunk to go tend to his barn animals. Yet he did not argue with you after that, in the coming days, he found himself enjoying your company, willing you to stay longer even if you started getting bored. You didn't start getting bored, like you said before you don't need other people when you have him. As long as you can socialize with one person you won't become lonely, you won't start craving that social attention that most nymphs need. You thought eventually he would get tired of you and force you to leave yet he didn't. He in fact encouraged you to stay and cheered you on whenever you helped him reign in his sheep and cattle. He was proud of you, of how far you came in such a short amount of time. Little did he know you would only continue to grow, no longer weak and defenseless. You wanted to protect your new home so he started teaching you how to defend yourself, how to defend your creatures. Eventually, he found himself wanting to sleep with you more, wanting to be by you, craving you more than anything. His antennae twitch whenever you're around, and his wings stretch and hug you tightly whenever you're close enough. He's falling for you, and he's falling fast, his large eyes stay locked on you whenever you're out in the fields that surround his tree. His long mouth parts rub against each other in an attempt to stimulate him at least a little bit…This is starting to be quite the problem. 
It all comes to a head six months after you started living with him. He climbed into bed with you and for the first time in his life, he felt, hard, insanely hard. Painfully erect as he pressed against you. There's no way you didn't feel it either, the way your eyes widened and you turned to stare at him. It was obvious he had no experience, he'd been isolated since the day he was born. He had no interest in ever acting on whatever urges he had so eventually he just didn't feel them anymore. But now that he had the potential to have a lover, someone to mate with it was driving him insane. The mantis in him was also worried, aware that females tend to eat the heads of the male once they finish their mating ritual however he's aware you aren't a mantis so he should be just fine. He doesn't even know if you want him though, he's not exactly attractive to most people, to most beings that is. However, you never once shied away from him, you always treated him like he was special and yet also normal. You've seen so many creatures that you probably are attracted to him in the way he's attracted to you, he shouldn't be afraid but he is. He can barely stutter out the next words that leave his mouth. 
“H-Help me…P-Please.”
You smile, gently kissing one of the mouthparts. This beautiful nymph couldn't possibly be trying to comfort him yet you are. You shift between his legs rubbing your thighs against his slacks, knowing that he's hurting. You kiss his lips gently, reaching behind him to stroke his wings, your other hand moving to his antennae. You're stimulating every single part of him, he's losing his mind in pleasure, his hips moving erratically. He can't control it, he's sorry but before he can stop he finds himself spilling all over your thighs making them sticky as you continue to stroke his most sensitive spots. You don't stop until he's hard again until he's needy and aching for you. Begging for you to touch him, begging you for more and more until he can't take it anymore. Then without you having to even do anything he cums again completely untouched. Just a thought of being inside you was enough to stimulate him to the point that he was a panting, blubbering mess. 
“F-Fuck…Fuck more, give me more please I need it. I'll be good I promise. Please please please-”
He moans desperately when you lift your leg, keeping him on his side and letting him slide between your thighs. You don't want him to roll over and crush his wings. You traced the patterns on his wings as you took his hard cock and positioned him at your slick entrance…He moved on instinct, shoving himself inside of you, nearly finishing right then and there but not wanting to disappoint you. He forces himself to stop moving, panting into your neck, licking up the column of your throat before using his long mouth parts to bite down on you remarkably hard, making you bleed. You cried out in pain and he apologized but he bit you again. He needed to do something to anchor himself or he was going to lose his mind, he started moving. Slow grinding thrusts that had you feeling every single inch of him. His wings flapped and slapped his back, the sound distracting you but you're brought right back into the moment when he suddenly starts moving fast, hard, he once again can't control his hips.
“I'm sorry, fuck I'm sorry. You feel so fucking good so good I'm gonna-”
He spills inside you, his raptorial arms wrapped around you tightly as he prods at you, that's his way of checking on you, trying to show that he cares. He pulled out of your slick a mix of your juices falling out of you. The both of you lay there panting, it was quick, it was needy, it was absolutely perfect. He stares at you for a long while before suddenly breaking the silence, wanting to talk to you, wanting to hear your voice, wanting to know if you enjoyed him even though he was fairly new at this. 
“Are you…okay? Did you enjoy it?”
Your giggling was music to his ears. Your smile is his sun.
“Yes I enjoyed myself thoroughly…who knew your antennae would be so sensitive.”
You caress his head right around the base of his antennae and he shutters.
“D-Don't do that.”
You pull your hand away and kiss him softly, caressing his cheeks and then reaching down to caress his scars. 
“Do you still want to know what happened? How I got these scars?”
“Only if you're comfortable with telling me.”
He hesitates for a moment before sighing, caressing your hair, and finally speaking.
“I told you how your God created me right?”
“Yes, although you didn't seem too happy about it.”
“I was a nymph once. I used to be just like you until I stole from your God so they turned me human and kept me imprisoned until they decided to fuse me with a creature. I had a choice but I didn't choose the creature they wanted so they fused me with the mantis. It was painful, agonizing. I suppose I deserved it. I knew what would come if I got caught stealing from a god. The torture I endured is something I would never wish on anyone little nymph.”
“...I'm so sorry Bleez I don't know what else to say.”
“There's nothing else to say, my love. I simply wanted you to know because you were curious. Rest now when you wake in the morning I'll make you some breakfast and we'll go for a walk on the same trail we met. How does that sound?”
“That sounds nice…Goodnight, my love”
From that moment on everything changed, you were his and he was yours. All the trauma, all the agony, all the abandonment you worked through it together, and eventually he was able to overcome the fear he had of your God and rejoined society long enough to get officially wed to you. That was all he needed you. A little nymph that got lost in the woods, a little nymph that was praying for a miracle. He just so happened to answer.
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btsgotjams27 · 10 months
under the mistletoe | knj
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Kim Namjoon is a sneaky one when it comes to celebrating the Holidays.
❄️ title: under the mistletoe | a don't push your luck drabble ❄️ pairing: namjoon x f!reader ❄️ genre/au: fluff | ex college rivals, co-workers, frenemies ❄️ rating: pg | ❄️ word count: 1.3k ❄️ warnings: jokes about harassment in the workplace, teasing, kissing ❄️ a/n: it's the holiday szn and i was feeling festive. this is the 'don't push your luck' couple but it can be read as a standalone. enjoy.
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❄️ read don't push your luck ❄️ read pitch fest (dpyl drabble)
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“I never figured you were someone who loved the holiday season.”
The office looks like elves came in and sprinkled Christmas magic overnight. There's fake snow fluff, bottle brush Christmas trees, and even stockings with your and Namjoon's initials embroidered.
You like the holiday season–you do, minus the endless hours of Christmas music. You can only hear ‘Rocking Around the Christmas Tree' so many times before you wanna hurl. A tradition you do love is watching Home Alone 2 on the day of along with the fireplace on and cozy blanket.
Namjoon turns to you after hanging up the last ornament. “Yeah, I mean, we don’t celebrate it back home in Seoul, but once I moved to Chicago…” He shrugs. “It grew on me.”
You eye him up and down. “Has Kim Namjoon gone soft? Who are you?”
He narrows his eyes, twisting his mouth. “I can be a Grinch instead,” he huffs as he returns to take out pieces of a toy train track.
Shaking your head, you protest, “No, no, no. We’re finally getting along—semi-getting along without going at each other’s throats. I’ll be nice. I promise.”
“You? Nice? It must be a Christmas miracle,” Namjoon teases, placing the train tracks along the top of the cubicle walls.
“Shut up–you’re the one that should be nice since I’m your boss now.”
Namjoon makes a face. “Is this how you treat your partner in crime? By telling them to ‘shut up’? I’d call that harassment.”
You open your mouth and close it again. He got you there. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
Working alongside Namjoon isn't new, but you and him being partners are. The two of you left your previous company and had the ridiculous idea of going into publishing together. Granted, Namjoon knew the business side and you had the heart of the company–what else could go wrong besides the fact that he still loved to push your buttons and tease you about the last work trip the two of you were on.
The corner of Namjoon’s lips curves into a smile. “Should we hug it out? Hold on, let me turn around. I know how much you like being the big spoon.”
You ball your hands into a fist, ready to fight Kim Namjoon. He laughs, walking away to spread Christmas cheer around the office.
“Don’t make me regret asking you to come work for me!” You yell in his direction.
“With you!” He quips while laying down the rest of the tracks for the toy train.
The risks of having Namjoon as your business partner were high, but you were hoping the outcome would outweigh it all.
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After countless meetings with investors and prospective authors, you wanted nothing more than to put on fuzzy socks and curl up in bed with a cheesy Hallmark film to put you to sleep. But with the holidays, no one wanted to talk about money because they were too busy spending it.
“I’m tapping out for the day,” you say as you stand up and peer over at Namjoon. 
He’s hanging up another string of cut-out paper snowflakes. Namjoon stops in his tracks, setting down the garland he’s created. “I’ll walk you out.”
With knitted brows and a frown, you’re wondering what’s gotten into him. He’s never once walked you out of the building. You don’t deny the offer because you’re already defeated from the day and don’t have the energy to bicker with him.
He follows you out, standing beside you as the elevator arrives. Silence fills the steel box trapping you and Namjoon before he breaks it.
“Any fun plans tonight?”
You slowly turn your head, narrowing your eyes at the tall giant. “What’s it to you?” Honestly, he’s never been so interested in your life before. Why start now? Is it because you have to work together as partners?
He glances in your direction then turns away to face the elevator doors. “Just making small talk,” he shrugs, placing his hands behind his back.
“Uh huh…”
Namjoon clears his throat out of nervousness. “You did great today in the meetings. I think we’ll have them all on board in no time.”
Is Kim Namjoon complimenting you? Such words have never rung sweeter in your ears.
“You weren’t so bad yourself. Surely, you charmed the panties off Mrs. Park.” The obvious flirting between the two made you want to gag.
A strangled noise comes from Namjoon as he dismisses your comment. The elevator comes to a stop and dings, with the door opening to the parking garage.
You’re ready to step out when you feel a grip on your wrist. Your heart flutters at the sudden contact and you gulp hard at his warm hand against your skin.
“I wanted to see if you’d want to go to a Christmas party with me tonight.”
Is Kim Namjoon asking to be seen with you in public? Why must there be some kind of magic in the air or did he hit himself too hard with a dumbbell?
“I don’t think I’ll be good company, especially at a party.”
The elevator doors begin to close, but you hit the button to keep it open.
“You can be my excuse to leave,” he explains.
Your mouth hangs open before responding. “Is that all I’m good for? Being your excuse?”
The doors threaten to close again and you attempt to hit the button to stay open, but Namjoon beats you to the ‘close’ button instead.
“Say yes.”
“Or what?” You deadpan, cocking your head to the side.
“Or else I’ll kiss you.”
Your eyes widen at his comment and before you know it, Namjoon closes the distance between you, cupping your face, and presses his lips against yours. You’re tempted to pull away and say that you should keep your relationship professional, but your body betrays you as you drop your bag, and wrap your arms and shoulders, deepening the kiss. His lips are soft and delicate, like how you remember them. He pulls back, and you can feel a smile as he returns for another kiss. Your fingers become entangled in his hair, lightly scratching his scalp. Namjoon traces your spine and presses his body as close as he can, causing a shiver to run through your body.
It’s easier to tell how aroused he’s become, and you’d be embarrassed if his thighs were to become slotted between your legs. And in no way, have you ever thought about riding his thighs.
“Namjoon…” You’re finally able to croak out. He hums, placing kisses along your jawline, and down the column of your neck. “What are we doing?”
He’s a smart ass, and he knows it, but that’s also something you’ve come to appreciate.
“I know, but—why, right now?”
The elevator number lights up, and you realize it’s being utilized by someone else.
Namjoon pulls back and stands tall, straightening his tie. He clears his throat, “I—um…” He looks up, and your gaze follows him to the small green plant that’s hanging decorated with a red bow—a mistletoe.
The two of you let out a soft laugh, trying to regain whatever dignity is left.
“You didn’t put that there, did you?”
He points to himself. “Me? Pfft—why would I do that?”
With the long relationship you’ve had, you can always tell when he’s lying.
The lift moves, highlighting the floor it’s going to.
You stride toward Namjoon, gazing into his dragon eyes, then dropping to his plush lips and back up. “Will I find mistletoes around the office now?”
A ding resounds, but you hold the ‘close’ button, waiting for Namjoon’s answer. A beat passes, and it’s the first time he doesn’t have a cheeky response ready. So you do the only sensible thing—kiss him again.
“What was that for?” He asks, scanning your face.
“We are under the mistletoe.” A chuckle leaves your lips. “Well, it was either you kiss me or I’d have to attend a dreadful Christmas party with you.”
“So, you’re not coming?”
“Wouldn’t you rather come to my place instead?”
Namjoon raises an eyebrow. “I won’t object to that.”
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read > pitch fest (a don't push your luck drabble)
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gold-rhine · 15 days
Can I ask for your thoughts on Collei? Character wise, your analysis is always fun
disclaimer i didnt read the webcomic, i'm a dragon age survivor and i firmly believe that if you want something to be canon in GAME, it needs to be present IN GAME, and not in one of the adjacent ten books or comics.
that said, i understand that the main issue ppl have is collei having dark backstory and being closed off and aggressive in the comic, and then in sumereu aq she's sweet and awkward bumbling teen. which is like, if you want kinda rude and abrasive survivor girl representation, kinda sucks. which i agree with. but also, i don't think that survivor of violence and abuse ending up as sweet, but awkward teen due to being cared and loved by others, is bad. i think its good. and she's not like "cured" to normalcy, she still clearly struggles, they had the sweetest storyline in that one event with sucrose about that, and also the incident in archon quest where she's triggered by paimon yelling. the problem is thats there wasn't coherent journey shown to the player.
what i think would be good. and bear with me here. if aranara quests were structured around collei and not a random npc. like listen, collei already fits the premise of "we need to organize the aranara magic fest to cure abyss corruption of one girl", bc she has the dead gods corruption injected by dottorre, right. and this is different from eleazar, bc eleazar is from ley line corruption, she's probably more susceptible to the second type BC she has the first type, and its the root issue that needs to be addressed.
it'd be good for aranara quests bc right now their narrative is kinda wonky. like the lore is very interesting and the aranara are cuties, but plot is like. just going to random places and doing lore things that aranara told us to do. which is why it seems too long for most players - it just doesn't have any dynamic, any ebbs and flows that good plotline should have to keep player's attention, it doesnt have a NARRATIVE DEVELOPMENT. we don't have any character progression we can track and be worried about. we have our aranara buddy and he's great, but he doesn't have any conflicts, he's just ":D" all the time. it feels static right until the finale, where action suddenly peaks.
now collei has canonical inbuilt conflict that correlates beautifully with aranara. she's a teen whose childhood was stolen from her, who was always focused on survival, who struggles to trust people, but also to trust the world in general, to find joy and wonder in it instead of constant dangers. its all described in her stories, it just not dramatized in game. if we add her as companion in aranara quest, we immediately get the development progression i was talking about.
she doesn't see aranara at first at all, even if we are surrounded by them. she thinks its a bit cringe that traveler is talking to imaginary friends, but she's respectful, bc traveler is trying to help her. but as they go thru the quests and she meets new people who tell their stories and sees miracles like dead trees blooming right in front of her eyes, she starts to open up. she starts to go along willingly and sees aranara for the first time - briefly, its gone soon, but she remembers and CHOOSES to believe, chooses to trust, and then she sees them more and more often, until at the festival during the grand song the entire village, hidden magical world finally opens up to her.
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pika-ace · 2 years
Disney Knowledge Yuu: Masquerade Edition Part 2 (aka Yuu gets Fucking Mad)
Holy shit, things went from 0 to 100 REAL QUICK! Anyway, SPOILERS AHOY!
Rollo: (covers his mouth with a starry handkerchief that looks like Esmerelda's scarf)
Yuu: Oh HEEEEEELL NO, I ain't trusting this kid for a SECOND!
Silver: Why not?
Yuu: Call it a feeling >:/
Rollo: There's a festival being held today and you're all welcome to attend... (softly) Ugh, I hate the festival...
Yuu: Oooh, Topsy-Turvy Day!
Rollo: How did you know that was the name??
Yuu: Lucky guess...(softly) and I got my eye on you >8/
Noble Bell College: (taking about how Frollo was a Righteous Judge and did nothing wrong)
Yuu: …I hope this place doesn’t believe in God cause I’m about to go FULL HERETIC ON THEIR ASSES
Riddle: Wait STOP-
Azul: I-I swear the gargoyle just moved!
Yuu: (gets up close) *whispers* Victor...? Are you alive...? :0c
Epel: Aww look at these alphabet blocks; A for Apple, B for baby, F for festival
Yuu: *snorts*
Rollo: Evidently the words used to be more complicated; a shame, really
Yuu: (sarcastically) Damn, what a shame that kids can no longer learn the classic alphabet of Abomination, Blasphemy, Contrition, Damnation, and Eternal damnation
Rollo: O_O’
Deuce: …Are you okay…?
Shopkeeper: (holds up dreamcatcher necklace) It is said when you hold this, the city is yours
Yuu: (rolls eyes) Actually, it’s ‘When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand’
Team Azul: …
Yuu: (sighs) It’s a map of the city -_-
Team Azul: Oooooooh! :0
Rollo: These handkerchiefs are smoke bombs; children use them for pranks
Silver: I'll take one for Lilia :)
Yuu: Me too; if Esmerelda could make use of these then I can too
Idia: Huh...?
Trein: They used these underground river ways to hide people
Riddle: Ah yes, they called it The Palace
Yuu: *coughs* Court of Miracles...
Sebek: What was that?
Rollo: This is a town goat; they wander the city
Yuu: Don't yell at Jolly! >:O
Jamil: Apparently these curly wooden shavings are the classic hairstyle of this city
Yuu: *thinks for a moment* Oh wow, that's a REALLY obscure easter egg, even I barely remember the Gargoyle song O_O
Malleus: Gargoyle WHAT?
Rollo: Don't you hate magic? Isn't it the worst? You understand right?
Yuu: ...If you tell me to choose between you or the fire, I'm gonna throw up >:(
Festival leader: The Kind Bell Ringer was adopted by the Righteous Judge who saw past his deformities and loved him as his son. Their bond was strong and special and the Bell Ringer used his teacher's lessons to save the city
Yuu: ...(starts towards the stage)
Silver: Where are you going??
Yuu: (rolling up their sleeves) To commit a HATE CRIME >8(
Trein: YUU-
Ruggie: Holy shit-
Rollo: (absorbing the magic with flowers and ready to kill literally everyone)
Yuu: So I was wrong about the racism and the lust, but the genocide was spot on. …Small victories, I guess
((Drama Bonus))
(Yuu spends the whole trip trying to convince the others that Rollo is not to be trusted but no one believes them, and then when shit goes down, Yuu is standing back in no danger while everyone else is fighting)
Deuce: Yuu, help us! We're getting attacked by the flowers!
Yuu: Hmm, okay Deuce. But first, a deep sip from a very tall glass of 'I TOLD YOU SO' >:/ (starts slowly drinking an imaginary glass)
Riddle: YUU!!!!
((This event isn't done yet, so we'll see if I can get more out of it ;3))
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19emma75 · 1 year
my fav frerard fics
Ok so here’s my grank fic rec list!! I’ve put links to each fic on ao3 for easy access + most if not all have nsfw/explicit elements so be warned!! I’ve written afew tags next to each one so u get an idea but no spoilers ok here we gooo
⭐️ = fav of all time/must read
- The Best Part of My Day by pixie_revolver - office co-workers au
- ⭐️pinkish by antspaul - kid fic, fake relationship to lovers
- Black Market Blood by autoschediastic - short vamp!gee/human!frank
- ⭐️The Mess We've Made by ViciousVenin - pencey era frank, strangers to lovers, angst with happy ending
- Life as a Process by ViciousVenin - fav vamp!gee fic, college roommates au
- Happy Together by MorningGloryxxx - focus on mental health/lgbt themes/addiction, eventual happy ending
- A Splitting Of The Mind by Shoved2agree - yall already know, cw for heavy mental health focus
- Unwanted Thoughts by ViciousVenin - touring, pining, friends to lovers
- Skin of the Canvas by sinsense - art school/nude model au
- ⭐️Unholyverse trilogy by Bexless - holy grail of fics, priest!gee, demons, stigmata (you've probably already read this ik)
- ⭐️The Anatomy of a Fall by novembersmith - supernatural, high school au
- ''that was easy'' by metaleaterz - 'the staples fic', they just work at staples and its cute ok
- another superstition by metaleaterz - friends to lovers houseflipping au
- ⭐️Crossed Out by Haze - time travel and blood magic!! so incredible it should be made into a tv show umbrella academy style
- ⭐️In a Column of Lights by xobarriers - entomologist!gee/director!frank, SO wholesome and sweet and lovely
- Did You Miss Me? Cause I Missed You by LiberXI - wholesome/funny/smutty friends to lovers college au
- ⭐️Nothing Above Nothing Below by LiberXI - pencey era strangers to lovers with a supernatural twist, LOVE the writing style sm
- You Will Leave a Mark by brooklinegirl - short but intense pencey era strangers to lovers
- rough ‘round the edges by starryfrens - sick fic with gee as frank’s caregiver, heavy and heartwarming
- Living on a prayer by beforethesungoesdown, Kitoko_kun - priest x priest with expected amounts of catholic guilt and pining
- Before The Second Show by CharredLips - sweet + fluffy bullets era mutual pining
- ⭐️Wishing You Were a Ghost by pixie_revolver - “right person wrong time”, angst with happy ending, heartbreaking but amazing
- ⭐️Kinktober 2023 by insusurro - all parts set in the same universe, surprisingly heartwarming for the subject matter, great characterisation
- ⭐️Moth to Flame (or Whatever) by onceuponamoon - insanely perfect florist au
- Companion by onceuponamoon - workplace au (carer/office worker)
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updating periodically so keep an eye out <3
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nocasdatsgay · 6 months
The Rite of Spring: a spring time affairs fic
Day 6 @polyacotarweek Celebrations
Pairing: Tamlin/OC/Lucien/Elain | Rating: E | Word Count 3883
Masterlist | Poly Week Masterpost| Read here on A03
Warnings: Smut… ritual sex.
Summary: A Calanmai fic. Tamlin and Flora complete the rite, going to find their loves once it is done and the next day help with cleaning up the festivities.
AN: I didn’t proofread this. I also didn’t cut out the bad smut like I said I was LOL
Tagging: @saltedcoffeescotch @ysmtttty
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Flora entered her chambers late in the afternoon, covered in dirt and sweat from planting. She should have been in her rooms after the massive dinner party hours before. But stubborn as ever, she went straight to her garden to plant a few more strawberry plants in the first row she designated for her experiments. Her husband was already there in their rooms, being painted by Lucien. Tamlin’s arms were covered and dry, Lucien was working on his torso. 
“About time you showed up,” Lucien paused, eye clicking away as he looked her over quickly. “Where have you been?”
“Planting, I told you both that this morning.” Flora was already undoing the buttons of her shirt to prepare for a bath. “Where’s Elain?” 
At that Lucien chuckled and went back to painting Tamlin’s back. “Following behind Baxton to make sure people listen to him.” 
Flora nodded. Baxton was the youngest advisor they’ve had in centuries, being only 57 years old. He was kind and smart. The four of them trusted him fully but courtiers had a hard time taking him seriously due to his age. Elain and Flora both made an effort to be in earshot during events like this. Just in case. 
“Go bath love,” Tamlin said softly. “It’s almost nightfall.” 
Flora did just that, leaving behind a trail of clothes to the bathing chambers. She always managed to get so filthy when planting no matter how hard she tried not to. Once she was clean, she came out wrapped in a towel. Tamlin was sitting on a stool letting the paint dry and Lucien was putting the paints away. 
“Where is my dress? I didn’t see it in the armoire.” 
“Pity,” Lucien replied. “You’ll just have to go naked. I have extra paint.”
Flora made a face as he grinned at her. She looked to her husband.
“It’s on the bed, Flora.” 
She looked back and she did indeed walk right past it. 
“Sorry,” was all she could say as she went to the side of the bed where it laid. 
They used the same dress each year- Tamlin had a spell put on it to keep it from tearing. A miracle really with those claws of his. White satin gown with lace sleeves and a heart shaped corset bodice with a skirt that flowed outward at the hips. As soon as she dropped the towel and slipped it on, Elain came through the door. 
“Everything is ready,” she stood on her toes to kiss her mate then walked over to Tamlin to do the same. “Baxton will have the fires lit soon.” 
Flora glanced at the window. Night was indeed approaching. She listened and could hear the drumming faintly. Immediately her nerves spiked. Elain must have sensed it; she came over to her and brushed her hands lovingly through loose strands. 
“You look lovely,” she whispered. 
“So do you.” And gods did she ever. Her sage cotton dress matched Lucien’s vest. 
“You’ll do fine,” Elain pressed a soft kiss to her lips and pulled back. “You always do.” 
Flora could only nod, swallowing her worries down. She could feel Tamlin watching her. She schooled her features and smiled. 
“I’m ready when you are.” 
The Rite always made her nervous. She knew what she was getting into when she married the High Lord of Spring. The magic chose; not him. Even if he swore he would always choose her. There was always that doubt in her mind. She always thought back to before- before when she would wait with all the other females and he would never choose her. 
It didn’t bother her then. She was just a Spring nobody. 
But now she was his wife. 
The same thoughts that plagued her every single time over the last decade came rushing into her mind with a vengeance. What if he chose a female from the crowd? What if he chose Elain? She looked over to see her two loves standing side by side, Lucien’s hand in Elain’s as they waited. Elain being chosen would be fine. If it had to be anyone else, it would be her. 
Flora turned her attention ahead to the clearing. The glittering ghost white stag wandered in ahead. Tamlin pulled his bow and Flora inhaled sharply, holding her breath. The arrow struck true, the stag bursting into a thousand pieces, each glittering one halting in the air and then flying right into Tamlin. When he dropped the bow and arrows, he was no longer himself. He turned, green eyes glowing in the dark. And they were staring at her. 
Then the magic, invisible for the maiden, took hold of her. She could feel it crawl up from the ground, on her legs, torso, and finally wash over her head. She was no longer herself either. Her vision went hazy, only focused on Tamlin who was walking towards her. She froze in place as he approached, unable to move even if she wanted to. Then he picked her up, his arms under her legs and across her back to hold her close and carried her into the cave. 
Her heart beat in time with the drums. They echoed heavily against the cave walls as well. Before, fae would be in the caves watching- engaging. Tamlin changed the rules when they married. It was just them in the massive cave, the plants on the walls glowing and casting a green glow within the room. 
In the middle was the white smooth stone, ancient like the cave itself. A long time ago, they said the maiden was slain on that stone. The sacrifice being her life instead of her maidenhood. Even that was a thing of the past now. The stone wasn’t cold when she laid on it. Mere contact with it had her arching up and squeezing her thighs together. 
She sat up and stared at her husband. His eyes glowed the plants- the shadows from them giving him a menacing look about him. She watched him rip off his pants. His claws out and proud, making her breath quicken. Her legs fell open as he crawled onto the stone and his claws scraped the surface. 
The paint all over his body, even past what she walked in on earlier, was spelled to not move until the magic came. Now it was smearing as he crawled over her. The dress bunched at her thighs from when she spread her legs open was now being pushed up by a clawed hand. It was off in moments, her helping him pull it up and over her head. 
Both of them now nude, the drums seem to be going faster in her mind. They demanded he take her and her hands were on him, trying to pull her to him. But Tamlin could be cruel even with the magic. He held himself back, dragging a crawl gently down her chest along the valley between her breasts. 
Flora’s whimper echoed through the cave. “Please,” she whispered.
Her body was getting too warm, the magic too demanding. She rolled her hips and his eyes flashed in the dark. One of his hands planted by his head, another gripped her hip to pin her down. She could feel those claws digging into her flesh and her whimper came a moan. 
Tamlin muttered in an ancient language, one coming from the magic. Flora answered in the same language. She didn’t know what was said, only it felt like the magic was talking to itself. Like two lost lovers reunited for a short time. 
Then he leaned in and kissed her. 
Heat washed over her and her hand went into his hair. The other wrapped around his back, smearing paint as she tried to hold him closer. His hips pressed against hers. She spread her legs wider, letting him settle between them so he could rut his length against her. He stilled long enough to reach down and line himself to her. 
Her back arched when he pushed into her, magic humming loudly and the drums beating louder. The glow of the walls pulsed in time with his thrusts and all Flora could do was hold onto him tight. That ancient language fell from her lips again, chanting; begging. His horns grew from his head and her hand brushed against them. 
Each stroke inside her had her singing. Her moans and his grunts echoed against the walls, nearly drowned out by the drums. She could feel herself peaking, and she shouted words she didn’t know. Tamlin replied back in kind, and she shattered. They fell apart at the same time, the magic exploding out from them shaking the earth below them. Glowing flowers bloomed, lighting up the cave. 
Flora came back to herself, panting. She watched Tamlin’s horns retract as he caught his breath, eyes no longer glowing. The Rite was complete. Though magic lingered in her the first wave always made her so tired. 
“Let's go home,” she whispered, her voice her own again. 
He didn’t reply. He kissed her cheek and moved off of her. The residual magic wouldn’t surge for a couple of minutes. Which meant she didn’t have the energy to move. Tamlin knew, he always did. He helped her sit up and wrapped her stained dress around her body. She sighed when he picked her up, holding her close to his warm body. She tucked herself in against him and rested as he carried her out of the cave and to the room their loves would be waiting in for them. 
When Tamlin carried his wife out of the cave, wrapped in her dress. He ignored those engaging in their own depravity thanks to the magic. The power, albeit lessened, was still humming in his veins and making him itch. He winnowed to the manor and into the hall where he knew he’d find Lucien and Elain. It was always the same room; even before Flora, before Elain, even before Amarantha. The sacred bedroom Lucien jokingly called it. 
Flora stirred in his arms and did not question where they were going. She only motioned to be put down when they reached the door. There were lewd noises coming from within, making her smirk at him as he opened the door. The full moon cast a glow on the bed, illuminating Elain where she straddled Lucien. Lucien glowed but his glow was from within, brightening the rest of the dark room. Elain stilled and looked back at them. 
“Don’t mind us,” Flora dropped the dress around her, letting it fall to the floor. “We can watch.”
Elain grinned but didn’t speak, moving off her mate who cursed as his cock slipped out of her. She crawled up the bed, staring at Flora, sitting on her knees at the edge of the bed with her arms pushing out her breasts. Tamlin turned away from them, as Flora went up to kiss her. He was staring at Lucien. 
His claws came out while he watched Lucien scoot up the bed to lean on the headboard. His glow lessened but his hardness had not gone away, curling up against his stomach while he stared back at Tamlin. Lucien watched Tamlin shuck off his pants, Lucien stroking himself idly as Tamlin crawled over him. 
Unlike Flora, Tamlin was rough, grabbing Lucien’s hair with his clawed hand and pulling him against his lips. Lucien groaned while Tamlin kissed and bit his lips. Residual magic surged him. He needed Lucien right then. He pulled back slightly, still holding Lucien by the hair. 
“Did your mate prep you?” He asked in a whisper, his breath dancing along Lucien’s mouth. 
A breathy moan behind them, Elain, replied for him. “Yes, Tam.”  
Tamlin grinned and leaned in, tilting his head to lick his tongue up Lucien’s neck. His legs fell open and Tamlin moved between them. Lucien reached down to stroke Tamlin, oil coating his length. Tamlin had to resist the urge to bit him, instead bringing his mouth back up to Lucien’s and he let Lucien guide him in. Tamlin could have collapsed onto him from the way his body relaxed as he pushed in up to the hilt. 
He let Lucien adjust but only for a moment. The magic in him surged with a vengeance and he started thrusting into him. Tamlin’s claws came out; he dug them into the duvet below them and held himself up. The slap of his hips against Lucien’s and the moans he was making drowned out any noises from his wife and Elain. Lucien reached between them to stroke himself. This time Tamlin did bite his neck; he sank his teeth in as he came, Lucien falling behind him with a loud groan. 
They caught their breath and they could hear their wives’ pretty moans behind them. Tamlin kissed the bite mark on Lucien; a small apology even though he knew the male loved it. He moved off Lucien and a moment later, Elain was on him. Her hair had been pulled out of it’s braid- by Flora no doubt. Her scent of Jasmine was covered with the honey scent of Flora. He grew hard again from just the smell of them together. She gave him a soft kiss and he groaned, tasting Flora on her as well. He pulled at her hips Elain took that as a signal to move up. 
She crawled over his face, balancing herself with the headboard. He stared up at the glistening wetness between her thighs before he wrapped his arms around them and pulled her down on top of him. His favorite thing about Elain was how quiet she could be until one got her in bed. Lucien had to soundproof all the bedrooms they shared because Elain was a screamer. Each suck and flick of his tongue had her singing, her voice inching higher the closer she got close to the edge. 
Tamlin heard his wife yell out. He chuckled while his lips sucked on Elain’s clit knowing Lucien used Elain’s pretty moans to his advantage. Flora was very susceptible to noise. Elain screamed too, pulling his hair as she came on his tongue. The second she relaxed, he flipped her over and crawled over her to settle between her legs. He slipped into her with ease and the magic underneath his skin calmed. Elain brushed her fingers into his hair looking up contently with her big doe eyes. He didn’t look to see what Lucien and Flora were doing. 
Elain finally wiggled her hips, impatiently. Tamlin was more gentle with her than he was with her mate. Partly because the magic wasn’t as intense anymore. He rocked into her and kept his mouth on her breasts to make her mewl under him. This pleasure was softer; the peak of it built slow in his spine, bubbling over with a burst of warmth that spread through him. Elain’s was softer too, a loud and content sigh as she came arching up against him. He kissed her softly before moving off her. 
The magic was almost out of all of them. He could feel it. He laid on his back and looked beside him. His beautiful wife straddled Lucien, chasing her pleasure. Tamlin reached between them, making eye contact with her as he rubbed his fingers against her. She came looking at him and he heard Lucien groan beside him following right behind her. They both stilled and caught their breath. 
“Tam,” he looked up at Lucien. He was still glowing, those Day Court powers still simmering under his skin. “One more, yeah?”
Tamlin only replied with a nod. 
An hour later and the four of them laid out on the large bed, spent and covered in sweat and fluids. Flora was asleep between him and Elain. Lucien had half his body draped over Elain while she ran her fingers through his hair over and over. Tamlin sat up for a moment, using his magic to dissipate most of the filth on all four of them. Dawn would come in a few hours and they could clean themselves then. Until then he was content to lay with his loves and rest. 
When Tamlin woke the next morning, it was bright daylight shining through the window and Lucien was the only one in bed with him. He knew Lucien was awake by his breathing. 
“Where are our wives?” Tamlin’s voice was rough, like the sound of tumbling stones. 
Lucien grumbled something in response. Tamlin sat up in the bed, a blanket falling away from him. He didn’t remember getting a blanket. Lucien was half covered by a throw blanket as well. The girls must have covered them sometime this morning. The morning after Calanmai was always slightly unpleasant. Not as much as it used to be, with three others to help run the magic out with. 
“We should get up and bathe. We’re filthy.” Tamlin nudged Lucien. 
“Gods Tam, alright.” He groaned as he sat up, squinting at Tamlin. “What time is it?”
“Near noon from the looks of it.” 
Lucien grunted in response. They both moved off the bed. Tamlin went to the bathing room and he could hear Lucien using magic to remove the bedding. They would wash and repair the bedding themselves later. There were just some things he wouldn’t subject his servants to, and the bedding after Calanmai was one of them. 
Tamlin ran the hot water and the two of them ended up sitting in the large bath longer than needed. Part of it was soaking helped the pleasant ache Tamlin had from last night. The other part was Lucien couldn’t keep his hands to himself and they had to rerun the bath. 
Once dressed, Tamlin pulled out two vials of a tonic he kept in the pocket realm for the day after Calanmai. He gave one to Lucien and downed his own in one swing. They both then set off to find food and see what work was needed to clean up after the celebrations. After lunch (he had been right about the time) they went to help with the clean up. 
It was only with the last few pyres left, that he left to find his wife. Of course she was in the gardens. He watched her from afar for a moment. She had her hair up in a high ponytail, pink ribbon tied into a bow on it. She was wearing trousers and a linen white tunic. Her face lit up when she spotted him, an action that never ceased to make his stomach flip on itself. She ran over to him. 
“Tam, you’re awake. Did you sleep okay? How do you feel?” She came up and stood on her toes to kiss his cheek. “Is Lucien up as well?” 
“I’m better with a tonic in me. Lucien’s up and helping dismantle the pyres. I came to see what you were up to.” 
“Planting.” She pointed to the plot where she ran over from. 
“You still haven’t told me what you’re planting.” 
Flora sometimes got in her own head, forgetting what she had and had not said allowed. A quirk Tamlin didn’t mind as long as she wasn’t holding in her feelings. Which she did often. 
She continued. “Well, I’m experimenting to see what the difference is between planting before the rite and after. If there is an extra boost in the magic from, well you know.” She flushed and Tamlin laughed loudly. “Stop it. It doesn’t matter, I’m planting- Tam stop laughing at me.”
“I’m sorry, Flora but,” he wiped at his eyes to remove the tears from laughing so hard. “Everyone in Prythian knows what we do in that cave.” 
She pouted at him and shot him a glare. “Since you’re just going to laugh at me I’ll go back to planting my strawberries.” She held her head high and walked away from him. “And you aren’t getting any when they’re ripe.” 
“Honey, I am sorry.” He couldn’t suppress his grin though he tried. 
He followed her over to her plants. She seemed to be less annoyed with him as she explained the first row was planted yesterday and the second row today. She showed off the next row, where she would plant again in three days and the last row which would be planted in a week. She had a wooden marker at the beginning of the rows labeling which was which. 
“If this row produces more fruit and or bigger fruit, we can have the farmers start planting the days before Calanmai.” She pointed to the first row. 
He nodded, watching her dig her hands into the earth. His wife was so intelligent. Never in all his centuries did he even think to test for this. There was always just the obvious: calanmai helped the crops and the magic of Spring. He never questioned the mechanics of it. 
“And if it doesn’t?” 
She looked up at him. “Well then they can just rest. As they deserve.” 
He nodded again and looked out around the bustling grounds where everyone was finishing up cleaning. 
“What do you plan to do now?”
“Probably go help Lainy unpack one of the dozen bags Lu seems to think is needed for a week-long conference.” 
Tamlin laughed. “Don’t you know at least two of those bags are mine? I always forget something.” 
“That was before we married, Tam. I packed your bags just fine.” Flora got off the ground and dusted off her pants. “And do not start with me, I wanted to do it.”
As if he could forget her shooing him away to take over. Instead he crossed his arms and asked her seriously, “Are you certain you don’t want to go?”
Flora rolled her eyes. “And miss the peace and quiet I’lll have with Elain? I’m going to pass so many laws while you’re away, you won’t have any work to do when you get back.” She smiled at him. “I’ll be fine.”
“I am just worried it will go longer than planned. They always do.” 
A treaty agreement in times of peace required all factions and courts to meet once every five years. It felt redundant but with the Humans involved, it was necessary. They scheduled for a week but more often than not it would go on for two or three. Autumn Court was the host this year. Tamlin was half convinced Eris planned it right after Calanmai on purpose.  
“I’m sure Lord Eris will allow you to wash your clothes. You can always pull the ‘we’re practically family’ card. Or have Lucien do it. He’s the favorite.” She grinned. 
Tamlin only hummed at that. He then remembered, “I have a few items to catch up on before I leave. I’ll be up late in my office.” Meaning she was not to worry and wait up for him tonight.
“You’ll still have breakfast with me before you go?” She asked, eyeing him with a pout. 
“You know I will,” he leaned in and kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you at dinner, if not before.”
”I love you,” she said softly. 
“I love you,” he replied back, kissing her again before heading off again to help with the final bit of clean up. 
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g1rlken · 9 months
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Gestures ⊹ ࣪ ˖
「 alex turner x fem!reader 」
word count: 1.3k+
summary: a small fluff Christmasy blurb?
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In the cozy glow of Christmas lights, Alex Turner's childhood home became a haven of warmth and laughter. It took him a lot of convincing to get y/n to come spend Christmas with his family. They hadn’t been dating for that long which made her slightly hesitant to that idea. Just jump into big steps and meeting new people, first impressions over the holidays seemed to be a bit overwhelming. However Alex reasoned it would make his Christmas really better if she was there and his family would be very appreciative of her addition in his life. She agreed.
Alex's family, aware that he didn't often bring someone he wasn’t particularly serious about home, welcomed Y/N with open arms. His parents, in particular, exuded an inviting charm that put her at ease. The house was adorned with festive decorations, and the aroma of home-cooked meals wafted through the air. Just like Alex had promised to y/n they were all rather appreciative of her addition. Amidst the conversations of childhood stories and familial fun y/n felt very much at home. On Christmas morning, the family gathered around the tree, exchanging gifts and sharing stories. With the festive chaos, Alex's mom presented a beautifully crafted plum cake.She was rather warmed up to y/n and got close as if they were long lost friends , she wanted her to feel very welcome at their family Christmas hoping she would have more Christmases with her. Given how a mother just knows, she knew y/n made Alex truly happy.
Caught off guard, Y/N hesitated for a moment. She knew she was allergic to plums, but the genuine excitement in Alex's mum's eyes made it difficult to decline. With a smile, she accepted the slice, deciding to navigate the potential consequences later. With some Christmas miracle her allergy might just not be that bad. Throughout the day, Y/N savored the holiday festivities, all the while suppressing the subtle tingling on her lips and the slight itchiness in her throat and torso but other than that everything was just fine and overshadowed with all the fun and comfort she had with his family.
As night fell, Alex and Y/N retreated to his bedroom. The air was thick with the remnants of a hearty Christmas feast, and the soft glow of fairy lights cast a magical ever so Christmasy ambiance.
The two settled into bed, the room quiet except for the occasional creaks of the old house settling. However, just as the night seemed to embrace them, Y/N's chest began to burn. In the silent darkness, she couldn't ignore the escalating discomfort. But it wasn’t her first time with this, it was around two in the morning when she got out of the bed to see to the discomfort of her chest. When she went to the bathroom adjoined to Alex’s room, she saw her entire upper torso red which felt burning to touch. “Well fuck” she muttered under her breath, she wasn’t that alarmed or concerned about it having bad past experiences with allergic reactions. She was just disappointed.
"Hey Alex, wake up!" she whispered, gently shaking him from his slumber. “Alex…”
Alex stirred, his eyes bleary with sleep. "What's wrong?" he mumbled, confusion evident in his voice.
“Can you go downstairs and get me some ice cubes?” She asked with absolutely no prior context provided to him, who’d just woken up mid sleep.
“What?” He asked even more confused as he rubbed his eyes and sat up, “what’s going on?”
“My chest is a bit red” she shrugged off like it wasn’t a big deal or something to be concerned about, she surely wasn’t concerned.
“Are you serious?” Worry flashed across Alex's face as he fully woke up, realising the gravity of the situation. “Wait what’s happened love?”
“It’s just a small allergic reaction it’s totally fine just go get me the ice cubes.” she reassured, downplaying the severity to shield his worry.
“Allergic reaction? To what?” He asked furrowing her brows, the fact that she was allergic to plums was rather trivial up until now so it never came up she hadn’t got the chance to enlighten him about it “we need to go to the ER this is serious-“
"It's just a mild reaction Alex. I don't want to make a big deal out of it." She said with a sigh at how much he exaggerated it.
Alex furrowed his brows at how much she downplayed this ordeal which was extremely concerning to him, “let me take a look” he spoke, as she lowered her jumper slightly by her upper torso to reveal the red of her allergy which was evident to the burn it’d be making her feel. “Honey girl, that does not seem mild.”
“I’m the one with the allergy not you, I know what’s mild and what’s not.” She said with an exaggerated shrug and she straightened her jumper. “Just get the ice cubes!”
"I insist on waking up my mum. She might have creams or meds," Alex suggested, genuine concern etched across his face.
Y/N, however, refused, fearing it would create guilt. "Just quietly get the ice cubes. No need to tell anyone when I’m saying it’s not a big deal. Don’t make it a big deal." she insisted.
Given how stubborn she was Alex felt it pointless to reason with her at this moment, trusting her experience with allergy he made up his mind he’d take her to the hospital if the ice didn’t make it remotely better for her because she clearly wasn’t open to listen at the moment. Once the returned with the ice, assisting y/n remove her jumper and T-shirt underneath leaving her in her undershirt. Helping with the ice, on her chest because he took it more ‘seriously’ than she did.
“Why’d you have the cake in the first place when you knew you were allergic?” He asked a bit confused but was focused on applying ice as if he was painting.
“Your mum made it with such love and efforts for me I couldn’t have just refused that.” Y/n replied ever so mildly which cases Alex to pause his movements with ice on her.
“Wait what?” He asked raising brows, he had assumed she’d perhaps forgotten or had undying love for the cakes this was unexpected. “Of course you should have told her! She would understand.”
“What?” she scoffed stifling laughter as if what Alex suggested was inane to her “Say what like ‘I’m so sorry Mrs.Turner I can’t have the plum cake you made for me because I’m allergic?’”
“Yeah?” Alex replied with a mix of concern and affection in his eyes. “Or you could’ve just told me I would’ve told her if it was awkward for you.”
“It’s not about awkwardness I just didn’t want to disappoint her because she seemed so happy about it. Besides I’ve had worse reactions than this one.” Y/n said with a shrug as she held on the ice to her burn as Alex instructed.
Fixing the strand of hair behind her hair he smiled shaking his head at her, “You’re an idiot.” He sighed “but you’re my idiot.” He spoke as his eyes softened at her selflessness and how pure of a soul she was to care about somebody’s else’s feeling to that extent.
“Piss off.” She chuckled playfully nudging him when he brought her close to himself by her hands and kissed her. She was cradled in his arms in a few moments as the kiss lengthened. “I already feel better.”
Despite the pain, the tender moment shared in that dimly lit room felt like a testament to their connection. In the quiet hours of the night, as Alex applied ice cubes to alleviate the allergic reaction, he couldn't help but marvel at how deeply y/n felt and cared about all those she loved and how lucky he felt to have her in his life.
In that vulnerable moment, amidst the soft glow of Christmas lights and the quiet rustle of the old house, their connection deepened. Love, it seemed, was not just about grand gestures but also about enduring discomfort for the sake of someone else's happiness.
hiiiiiii this is my first fic on here pls send requests for Alex if you want to <3333
Feedback is always appreciated
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qiutls · 1 year
After the two fought, the miracle value rose to 8%, perhaps because I changed the course of the original plot.
This is quite expensive for just one performance of painting. Although, because of this act Kyle called for a veterinarian the day after.
'Your magical beast is quite cute, Your Highness....'
There was one problem, the doctor that came seemed to know nothing about magical beasts and could only say the sentence above.
But it was to be expected, how could a doctor who only examines rodents have any idea on what's wrong with a magical beast. I think it's even more amazing that there are veterinarians in this world.
'Was my acting too real...'
At this rate, if I really sneeze, the whole castle of Blake might be sent into a frenzy. The future of the North is bleak...
Kyle seemed to not want to leave my side, yet he didn't have a choice since it was a busy time and he needed to look over the preparations. It's not easy to be in charge of a territory. Still, seeing that the affairs are being finalized, he seems to be pretty good at his job as a lord.
Eventually he left the study to check the dinner preparation during the afternoon. He looked quite commendable today, so I'll let him kiss up to 5 times.
Thanks to him being busy, I also have some free time. As soon as I confirmed that he has moved far away from the study, I quickly used the skill and became human.
[ Good luck! (ෆ`꒳´ෆ) ]
"So you're saying your name is... Shu?"
I'm doomed.
I'm tired of saying 'I'm doomed', but I have no other words for this situation.
Right now, I'm roughly dressed in different pieces of clothing which I found in other laundry rooms along the path from the maid's laundry. I managed to find an attendant's uniform.
And although it didn't fit, I was lucky to find leather boots clean shirts and pants.
​Thanks to the nice situation, I felt a little elated thinking my luck has finally turned around, that is until I ran into Sen at the hallway.
"Well, yes, I guess-"
Sen frowned as I spoke indifferently.
"Where in the world would you find someone who says, 'I guess' when asked about their name."
Where you ask? It's here in this world. Since you wouldn't believe that my name is 'Cashew Nut,' I could only say 'Shu.'
I don't have any other name prepared, if I said my real name which probably doesn't exist in this world, you would think I'm strange.
So, I could only say that my name is 'Shu'. It's taken from Cashew Nut, although it's not a good name, I took it from the name the Grand Duke sincerely bestowed upon me.
The quick-witted Sen immediately recognized that I was wearing someone else's clothes. It's because of this shirt that's suspiciously large on my frame.
"Did you steal these clothes? Are you perhaps the infamous, companionship pervert-"
"I'm not!"
Of course, it's me, but I can't admit it!
What do you mean companionship pervert, I'm just a companion okay? When I shouted in reply, Sen grumbled and said,
"If it's not you, then why are you yelling?"
Luckily, she was as kind as she was clever. Instead of accusing me, she decided to listen to my explanation.
Thanks to this, I was forced to come up with a sob story of my past on the spot. I stammered and told her how my family was killed by demonic beasts when I was young and how I had nothing to wear now since I outgrew my old clothes. I also told her I couldn't remember the name my family gave me, so I gave a name to myself, thinking it was an appropriate name for me.
..... Come to think of it. It was not far from the truth, when I was young, my parents did indeed die, due to a car accident. And I was poor and unable to buy clothes.
"I see. It is indeed common for refugees to enter the estate or the castle during the festival. That's why His Highness prepares a lot of food during this period. A lot of orphans like you stumble around here."
Sen looked at me with a complex expression and said,
"I also lost my family, so I came here all the way to the North, just like you, I don't have anyone left."
She seemed to have felt sorry for me.
After our conversation, Sen disappeared for a while then brought back a few clothes. She said it was clothes usually worn by servants. It was simple and clean, and it was easy to move my body wearing it.
Thanks to Sen, my situation actually became better, so I gave the stolen clothes back to her.
"Shu, it seems that we are hiring more servants because there's not enough workers in the castle these days. Why don't you apply? You can stay at the castle, and you won't have to steal clothes like this anymore."
"I won't steal. Really, please believe me. I'm also embarrassed by my actions."
I can't believe I have to look for a job here as well. It's really hard to make ends meet. Everything was free when I was just a hamster. Ah, maybe because I paid it with my human rights.
I asked in a faint voice.
​"But there's going to be an interview, right?"
"Of course, they don't just blindly pick. And working here in the castle is much more sought out than you think!"
"Is that so? How many rounds will the application process have?"
Sen looked at me blankly as if I asked a weird question.
"Hmm? How many what?"
​"It's nothing..."
That's right, this isn't even a company. There might not be enough spots as well, so I need to do my best to get picked.
After that, I stuck with Sen as she gave me a tour of the castle. I earnestly memorized the layout of the Blake Castle and at the same time, eavesdropped on servants passing by in case I hear any rumors, I learned the way to the study, I found out about a passageway used by servants only, and discovered rooms that were not being used.
Thanks to this, I also found a good place to hide my clothes. It was the most fulfilling 30 minutes I've spent since I've transmigrated.
"Can I leave you for a bit? I need to give these documents to His Highness, he asked to strengthen the security, so I made a new timetable for the soldiers patrolling."
"Oh that, His Highness said he was going to return to the study, he must almost be there by now, it's fine we can take our time."
W-what? His Highness is returning to the study? Already?!
I stood stiffly on the spot.
It hasn't even been long after 30 minutes as a human, this plan is ruined again. If this continues, it's easier to count the moments in life that's not ruined.
"So that's everything about the East Tower, now let's look at the Central Area where the banquet hall is found... Huh? Shu! Where are you going?!"
"Sorry, I forgot about something I needed to do! I'll look around the banquet hall next time!"
Right now, the problem isn't that I can't look around the banquet hall. If I'm not back in the hamster house in 3 seconds I'm afraid the Blake castle will be turned inside out again.
I quickly stuffed my clothes in the unused storage room and closed it from the inside. I need to hurry and go back and pretend like nothings amiss...
As soon as the white light wrapped around my body, I suddenly felt uneasy. I had an instinctive intuition that I shouldn't release the skill without thinking.
'Hey system, can I specify a location inside the hamster house?'
[ Of course!  ]
'Then... please put me in the most out of sight. Where was it again? The place where I piled up the sawdust to make the ground soft? It's around the corner of the first floor.'
The white light slowly wrapped around my body again and as it flashed the surroundings turned brown. It seems I arrived safely as expected...
Then someone suddenly grabbed my body.
― Squeak! [ What the?! ]
"Cashew Nut."
His voice was several times lower than usual. Even when Belial was here, I don't think his voice sounded this gloomy.
Kyle's eyes fell on me, and my body trembled reflexively. H-hey! Wait a minute, what's wrong with you? Let's talk, just t-talk it out. Of course, you don't understand what I'm saying but-
'.... Why does it feel like your eyes are a bit off.'
No, not just a bit, I meant a lot.
"I thought you disappeared."
​I did disappear, but I was going to come back, it's just you came back before me!
I rolled my eyes and glanced at his hands, the tendons on his wrists, turned black and blue, as if he was preventing himself from exerting too much force on his hands.
Seeing the sawdust stuck between his fingers, he must've been searching the floor of the house when he saw I wasn't at the usual spot with the feeding bowl and toys.
Thump. Thump. 
A heartbeat that seemed quite fast could be felt from the palm of his hand.
Why are you so nervous. I'm just a magical beast found in the wild. If you act like this, people will think you love me more than you love your own life.
"Cashew Nut, please don't scare me like that again."
I heard him sigh.
Kyle looked at me with complicated eyes and gently stroked my head. His hand that was holding me was shaking, yet the hand that swept through my fur was so gentle and stable.
"Am I ridiculous for liking you this much? I don't know if the rest of the world thinks like Belial. But from the first moment I held you in my hands, I was determined to give you all the love I have. Isn't it natural to cherish you with all my might since I decided that you'll be my companion."
Why are you speaking such touching words.
I stopped twisting in his grasp and stretched out my paw to touch his palm.
​'You really must've been worried.'
That's right, I suddenly disappeared just a few days ago while you were washing up. For me, I was just turning into human to look around the castle, but for you it must have been shocking to find that I've gone.
I felt sorry towards Kyle. But I can't help it, I need to go out... Okay then, I'll adjust my schedule, how about going out when you're sleeping? Alright, let's do it like that.
Kyle put his lips briefly on my forehead and said affectionately.
"I want to make you the happiest magical beast in the whole world."
What a commendable remark. It's this hamster's luck to be picked by you. It's indeed convenient to live when your owner is a kind human.
"And if ever someone kidnaps you, he will not have the luxury of being buried in one place."
I take back what I said about you being kind. This owner is a bit strange. Please, don't be to obsessed with hamsters!
"Tomorrow afternoon, the vet will come again to examine you, Cashew Nut. It still bothers me that you fainted out of nowhere. Maybe you're too skinny.... I'll bring you a lot of special snacks tomorrow morning. For now, here, Sen brought you a beef snack."
Wow! Beef... Alright I'll let you slide even if you're too overbearing. Korean beef.... Ah, there's no Korean beef here. Northern beef, come to me~
By the way, you make me eat until I'm full every breakfast, lunch and dinner, but you think I'm skinny? Just because you can hold me with one hand doesn't mean I'm skinny!
​Back in my old world, I was originally a glutton. I ate a lot and ate more freely once I got here. I guess I brought that habit with me here.
'Is the hamster constitution, the same as human constitution?'
​Of course I don't know, I've never lived as a hamster before. Excuse me, does anyone know what's the average weight for a hamster?
"But it's alright, since you're still cute."
To Kyle, I seemed to be the definition of the most perfect specimen in this whole universe.
'This hamster otaku.....'
Hmph, still I felt a bit happy today, so I'll let it slide and call you a kind owner.
everyone tysm for the notes and follow! it's really nice to see the number of readers grow! also please don't forget to support the author by buying the raws! it's linked at the novel masterpage :)
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lina-vas-dom · 9 months
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Уже декабрь дышит волшебством, Уже снежинки в праздничном наряде, Деревья все укрылись серебром И чуда ожидание во взгляде. Ещё немного и произойдёт Наверно то, что каждый в тайне хочет, Тихонько приближаясь, Новый Год Уже давно с подарками хлопочет.
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И, словно в ожидании чудес, Всё притаилось, замерло на время, Лишь ждём благословения небес, Чтоб отправлять любимым поздравленья! /Ирина Расшивалова
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Already December is breathing magic, Already the snowflakes are in their festive attire, The trees are covered in silver And the wonder in their eyes. Just a little while longer Perhaps what everyone secretly wants to happen, As New Year's Eve is quietly approaching. The New Year's Eve has been a long time in the making
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And as if waiting for a miracle, Everything is still and quiet for a while, Just waiting for heaven's blessing To send congratulations to our loved ones! /Irina Expivalova
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