#The face of 'i think about it all the time. How don't you?' and realizing how unaware ppl are ab
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cosmic-dust-poltergeist · 2 days ago
Clone Danny Fenton amuses me so here's another dumb crossover idea: Danny is one of the "failed" clones of Kon that Tim tried to make, but clockwork snatched his lifeless baby corpse before Tim could dispose of it (Tim just assumed he did when it disappeared, writing it off as he did it while too sleep deprived to remember clearly or something) and CW uses the pit to revive it before dropping him off with the Fentons in a completely different dimension.
Danny knows he's adopted and realizes he's not normal fairly early on, but doesn't manifest the more noticeable of his powers til after his accident, so he blames it all on his halfa status and not the alien heritage he has no way of knowing about. Once shit hits the fan and his dimension is no longer safe for him to live in, CW sits him down and explains both his alien (in more ways than one) and clone statuses. CW then offers Danny the chance to meet his maker and template, which Danny agrees to because why not? He's got nothing to lose. Danny's injured 16 y/o ass is then dropped a short distance from a timberkon (who are now in their early 30s because that'd how time works) date/hangout and Danny just plops himself at their table and steals some of Tim and Kon's food before literally any words are exchanged.
Kon, freaking out because this kid looks like him???: Uhhhh??? Kid??
Tim, bewildered: Who?? What?? Kid, wtf??? Do we know you??
Danny, swallowing his mouthful of stolen food: Yes and no.
Danny, points lazily at Tim: Creator.
Danny, equally lazy point to Kon: Template.
Danny, blinking slowly at Bernard: I don't think you had anything to do with HOW I'm here, but as you clearly are part of this now, surprise, it's a scientific freak of nature.
Danny, ignoring the devastated looks on his "parents'" faces and steals more food while continuing: He/him pronouns and I go by Danny. AND ONLY Danny, not Daniel, not Danno, and certainly not Dan.
Tim, slowly takes a deep breath and slides most of his meal towards the clearly starving child: Danny... You're NOT a freak, kiddo
Danny, seems to beam without changing his expression when he's got the food in his hands before processing how his comment must have sounded without context: Oh-ho! But I am! Finding out I was a half human alien clone was just the icing on the cake, really! I had an accident that I'm pretty sure destroyed all my flimsy human dna. I'm now half something else, that hilariously has a lot of crossover powers so I just assumed my accident gave me all of them before the dude that cradle robbed my dead baby corpse from the evil mastermind lab my creator.. has? Had? Meh. Who cares. But baby me was very dead and then he did something and I wasn't. This is where I inform you I grew up in a different dimension and know jack shit about this one.
Bernard: Okay, I have so many questions
Kon: Me too! What's your other half? What's your dimension like? Why did you seek us out now? What's your favourite colour? Any food restrictions? Do you have a place to stay? Why is your heart rate so slow? What's that buzzing sound coming from your chest? What-
Tim: KON! Let the kid actually tell you answers!
Bernard, sliding some of his food over to Danny while eyeing the subtily stiff way Danny is moving: Plus, the more pressing question is, how hurt are you, Danny?
Kon: You're HURT???
Danny, frowns at Bernard ratting him out before turning his attention back to the food in front of him: I got vivisected, it's fine, it's healing
The adults all suck in a sharp breath before sharing a look. They agree this is their kid now and people can take him from them over their cold dead bodies.
Danny feels 3 shiny new parental bonds snap into place, startling the shit out of him. He didn't think they'd want him tbh, AND he didn't think they'd have enough ectoplasum to even do a claiming like that. He nearly starts crying, BECAUSE THESE PEOPLE WANT HIM.
Tim, concerned: Danny? What's wrong?
Danny, blinking wetly: You're liminals?
Bernard: "Liminals"?
Danny: Human with ectoplasum in their system. I just.. you want me?
Kon, sacrificing what's left of his food to Danny: I don't know what that means. AND of course we want you. You're family now.
Tim, nodding: There's no escape.
The adults all giggles, thinking of different situations with supers or bats or both. It only lasts a second because Danny bursts into tears, just completely overwhelmed by the situation. The adults instinctively get closer, but don't touch, unsure if it would help or worsen Danny's state.
Tim: Danny?
Kon: Would you like a hug-oof!
Danny dives into Kon's side and desperately clings to him with enough force to break a human's ribs. Tim and Bernard crowd closer and rub his back in soothing motions.
Bernard: What's wrong, kiddo?
Danny: Dani should have been here too!
Tim: Danny? I thought your name was Dani?
Danny: She was Dani with one n and an I. I'm Danny with two n's and a y. She- She was my clone, but...
Bernard: You don't have to tell us
Danny: ...She wasn't super stable. I'd help her restabilize every time she started to destabilize, but... but I got caught! She came for help and got caught too! I watched her melt in that shitty lab! There was so much- I wanted- SHE'S GONE!
The adults are devastated. Kon squeezes Danny tightly.
Kon, softly: tell us about her?
And so Danny does. Explaining how she came to be, their first interactions, her strong and independent personality, the little souvenirs she brought him while she traveled to figure herself out, how her condition always worried him, but she wouldn't-couldn't stay with him, and how he wanted to talk about finding her a new name because she deserved to have her own name, not something that reminds her she's a defective clone, but he never got the chance. He has a messy breakdown while explaining her final moments and how his bindings, power suppression cuffs chained to the floor and a muzzle, prevented him from giving her comfort and how SHE apologized to HIM. He thought he was going to die with her in that moment, his core cracking at her loss.
This leads to a short explanation of his ghost biology and how dangerous a cracked core is. And by then, he's flagging, so the adults start persuading the kid to crash in their guest room, with the promise of dinner.
Thus begins the process of timberkon convincing Danny to stay with them. Teaching the kid about his original dimension and the many heroes. They get him so MANY books about space and alien civilizations once they find out his obsession (literally) with that kind of thing. Danny still misses his sisters and friends like an amputated arm, but he slowly rebuilds, letting himself gain a new family and new friends.
His introduction to both the Bats and Supers could have gone better.
He's suspicious and wary of Clark the whole time he was meeting the Kents because of how Clark has treated his own clones in the past. Danny doesn't understand him, and Clark doesn't truly understand, but is more sad than anything about it and accepts he made his bed, now he must lay in it. He warms up to the rest fairly quickly. He's also introduced to Bizarro and Clara eventually and that goes well.
With the Bats, Danny, Bruce, and Dick verbally pace around each other. Bruce deep throating his foot, and Dick not being much better while trying to keep the peace. The rest watch on with amusement before the show is a cut short by Damian of all people intervening. The problem is Damian snuck up behind (unintentionally), grabbed his shoulder while calling Danny "Daniel" (something he was informed to NOT do), and Danny's brain went "VLAD FOUND ME??" (despite there being no way, CW will not let him find Danny) and reacts with violence. Damian barely escaped having any broken bones, that being said, where Danny grabbed to literally throw Damian has DEEP bruising, that arm was dislocated, he has more bruising from hitting the floor, and gained a concussion. Danny apologizing profusely while scolding this 28 y/o man about sneaking up on him AND using a name he specifically told everyone NOT to use. Damian is man enough to apologize while Alfred patches him up. Meeting Duke and Cass is nice, he's unsure about Steph (because how rambunctious she is) and Alfred, Barbara makes him homesick for Jazz, and Jason is funny til he gets a heart attack in the form of Danny offering to eat the corrupt ectoplasum (Lazarus waters) out of him. There's chaos after that, but it eventually calms down, especially since timberkon are protective of their baby and Tim looks like he's about to go super villain on them the moment "tests" are brought up. Danny is embarrassed and pleased as his Creator (he never stops calling jokingly calling Tim that, Kon gets Template, and Bernard is Human, when they aren't just called their name. Eventually he calls them all dad, though Bernard is sometimes called mom) threatens to ruin their everything if they continue. Threats they take seriously because they know Tim will follow through. After that it goes well.
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One year gone
word count: 1k
summary: the death of Foggy has left you and Matt in different places. What happens when you come face to face with Matt again?
The courtroom doors burst open, and you're among the first to escape into the cool, echoing corridor. The smell of old wood and polished floors fills your nostrils as you hurry away. It’s no use. Of course.
You hear a distant, muffled shout of your name echoing from behind. The voice calls again, but you ignore it, your footsteps quickening and your breath loud in your ears. The voice calls out closer and louder this time. The third time your name is said, it's in front of you.
You had promised (lied) to yourself that you wouldn't stop no matter what.
Now, seeing him face to face, you realize you had set yourself up to break that promise. He was just as handsome, and his smile was just as charming as when you first met him.
The people moving around you two fade out of your view as you look at him. It had been over a year since you had seen him last. You note how he's grown out his beard and the start of grey hairs around his temples. Your chest gets tight.
Matt breaks the silence first, "Hi."
"Hey." You fight to keep your voice neutral, hoping to feign coolness. No doubt he's already picked up on your nerves.
"How have you been?" He asks casually like you haven't been estranged for over a year.
"I've been fine. You?" Keep it short and simple. Don't open a boarded-up door, you chant in your head.
"I've been hanging in there. I haven't seen you since the funeral." You say the last two words with him.
"Yeah, I moved back home."
You didn't have to tell him that; he had heard it the second you began speaking. Your subtle yet melodious accent resonated in his ears. He smiled softly; he always loved how quickly your accent returned when you visited your hometown.
"That's-that's good. Hey, do you want to grab dinner or coffee while you're in town?"
"No, Matt, I think I'm good."
"Oh," he lets out a sardonic chuckle, "I know you're lying. I'm just uncertain if it's to yourself or to me."
You scoff, "Of course, you know because you know everything, don't you?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
So much for not prying open that boarded-up door.
"Nothing, just forget it. It was good to see you, Matt." You shove past him, you shoulder nudging him.
"Forgive me for throwing out an olive branch. You haven't been around in what feels like forever. I've tried calling you. I've left messages, but all I got back was radio silence. I was so close to believing that you were dead. Then you show up, and what I'm supposed to ignore you?" His tone is dripping with accusation.
Your body goes stiff, and you whip around to face him again.
"I called too, you know! After the funeral. The weeks following. I called damn near every day. I didn't just give up on you, Matt. I tried!"
"I couldn't-I was-"
"Going through a lot. I know. I lost Foggy too, and then-" Your breath hitches in your chest, a gasp catching in your throat, your voice trembling. "I lost you. I tried so hard to hold on, Matt." Tears sting your eyes.
You had told yourself that you were done crying over Matt Murdock. Guess it was another lie you fed yourself.
"I tried to be there for you, but you pushed me away. I tried to give you your space, but that just seemed to make everything worse. I couldn't," you stop yourself, contemplating your following sentence.
"You couldn't what?"
"I couldn't keep waiting for you to care about me again, Matt." Your quivering bottom lip trembles, failing to muffle the volume of your voice as the words burst forth. The fiery anger burning inside you finally flickers and dies as you confess, the tension leaving your body like smoke. It's quickly replaced with regret, the type of regret that has your stomach in a knot.
A heavy silence hangs in the air. You can't bear to look at him.
In the silence, your heart pounds in your chest, and each thud echoes in your ears. No doubt Matt hears it just as loud as you do.
Instead of matching your volume. Matt's words come out defeated.
"That's not fair."
"No, Matt, it is. What's not fair is what you put me through. I would never want you to hide your grief, and I'd never be mad at you for grieving, but I couldn't ignore my feelings. I waited for you. I did everything I could think to do. But at the end of the day, you wanted me gone. Deep down inside, you wanted me to leave."
Matt opens his mouth, trying to object.
"Don't try to lie, Matt. I know you better than anyone else. You pushed me away when you went after Fisk, and before that, you pushed me away when you started going out at night. I know it's you trying to protect me. I know you were scared. Scared of losing me, scared of losing Karen, scared about how you lost Foggy and scared about who you were turning into."
You watch as his face twist in discomfort at your words. A slight flush covers his cheeks in shame.
"I would have loved you through it all, no matter how long it took you to talk to me again. I would have stayed by your side. But you didn't just ignore me. You avoided me, and you walked out, Matt, not me! So you don't get to be mad at me." Hot tears fall freely down your face.
Matt's arms reach out towards you but stop halfway. He reminds himself that he can't comfort you. Even though every fiber of his being is aching to hold you and wipe away your tears, he can't. He has to remind himself that he's the reason you're standing here crying in the first place.
"You're right, okay? I pushed you away again. I-I was spiraling, and I didn't see a way out, and I wasn't going to drag you down, too. If I had talked to you, you would have convinced me not to shut you out. So I did what I do best. I self-sabotaged and destroyed the whole thing. I regretted it while I was doing it and after. I hated coming back to the apartment and you being gone. I hated having to find out from Karen that you had left. I have hated myself every day because of it. Nothing has felt the same, I-" he choked up, eyebrows furrowing as his eyes glossed over with tears. "I haven't been the same."
He steps forward, his voice dropping an octave as he pleads.
"We have found our way back to each other before this. Please find your way back to me. Please don't let this tragedy ruin everything we've gone through. I would do anything to have you by my side again. I'll do whatever it takes for you to forgive me. Please let me prove it to you."
You remain silent.
He speaks your name softly.
"Say something to me, anything. Yell at me, tell me to fuck off, just-just say something."
"Do you want to go get coffee?"
Matt instantly perks up, "Really?"
"That's not me saying I forgive you, Matt; it'll take time."
"Of course. I meant what I said. I’ll do anything."
"I know. Let's start with coffee first."
You extend an olive branch back and offer your arm out for Matt. He hesitates for a second till you clear your throat. With a smile that makes the edges of his eyes crinkle, he links his arm with yours.
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a2006love · 3 days ago
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if you think of giving up: told in a short story.
"park that car, drop that phone, sleep on the floor, dream about me" but it's not about your loved ones in your dr. it's not about shifting. it's not even about an alternate version of life. it's about you. yes, you. the one here and now. the one with the awareness.
it's about the dreams you've left behind, the quiet betrayals, the tiny funerals you didn't even realize you were attending. you tell yourself you don’t need them. you tell yourself you've grown up. that was then, and now it's different. you think about the way you once held them so close, entertaining them all day till you succumb to sleep, and you pretend the memory doesn’t make something inside you coil with longing—but then, just as you're lost in those thoughts, you're pulled back into reality. where you're standing at a fair, and a child comes up to you and tugs at your sleeve.
"do you know where my mom is?"
you turn, and there’s a little kid, red-eyed, breath hitching in their chest. their face is messy with tears, and their tiny hands are trembling. you kneel, instinctively, lowering to their level, and you soften your voice, in an attempt to make them feel safe.
"you're okay, i'll help you, we'll find her, i promise."
but they only cry harder. their words come out in a way that's impossible to untangle. they're just a kid after all, panic swallows them whole and they can't explain what's going on, where they lost her, what exactly happened that made them lose her, and to top it all off they don't even have the words for it, they only know what it feels like, the way fear spreads itself in their chest, the way the world suddenly seems too big and too loud and too much.
and you—you have no idea what to do. you don't know how to fix this. you don't know the kid, at least, not really. the situation seems bigger than either of you, but you do know that you won't leave them here, that you will take their hand and hold it tight, that you will put them on your shoulders and search through every inch of this place until you find their mom.
except—they stop crying. and they lift their head to look at you, really look at you, with something in their expression, something you can't quite understand, like they know something, and that makes your stomach drop before they even open their mouth.
"you left me here."
the words don't make sense. they confuse you and ring in your head like a thousand church bells, and then the sound disappears. everything else is still moving, the ferris wheel is still spinning, the rainbow lights are still flashing, the music is still playing—but you don't hear any of it anymore.
"what?" you whisper, but you already know the answer.
they squeeze your hand tighter, like they're afraid once they repeat themselves you'll let go and leave again. their lips are shaking, and their voice is much more quieter now, but it cuts through you like a sharp and sudden scream.
"you left me here."
and suddenly, you remember. you remember the way you used to dream. the way you swore you'd never let go of the things that made your heart feel so big, the way you promised yourself you wouldn't become this—this version of you that makes these sensible choices, that trades joy for survival and tells themselves it's just what 'growing up' means, and it's just 'the way life is.'
the kid is still looking at you, waiting for you to say something, do something, anything. and in that moment, you realize—it's not just any kid standing in front of you. it's you. the part of you that you've buried, the part that's still waiting for answers, for someone to care enough. that kid is the version of you you left behind, the one you've been avoiding all this time.
go help them. don't look at me or anyone else. go help them. they asked you. not me, not anybody around. they saw you in this suffocating crowd and felt the safest with you, so they approached you, they wouldn't choose anyone else in this world.
either you take them by the hand, or they're going to keep following you around, pulling at your sleeve, each time harder than the last, sobbing so loudly it bangs in your eardrums, waking you up in the middle of the night with questions you're too tired to answer.
and i want you to think of your choice to ignore them as saying "i promise we'll find her" and then leading them into the fair, distracting them by pointing out other kids playing and shouting "hey! this looks fun!", buying them cotton candy, hoping it'll make them forget about the ache in their chest.
and maybe, for a while, it works. maybe they smile, maybe they even laugh, maybe you convince yourself that they've forgotten what they were crying about.
but the knot is still in their throat. the tears haven't dried. the softness of their mother's hands still lingers on their cheeks. and it won't ever leave.
they'll pretend to forget, but you won't. they'll let go of your hand, but you'll still feel the tightness of their grip, years later, in your happiest moments, in every mirror, in dreams where you catch a glimpse of them just before you wake up to face reality.
and you'll always come back to them. so choose, now, to do something about it, and that choice better be to help them find their mom. (home.)
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323cutie · 14 hours ago
i have to bother someone about this cause what is his problem; new wy courreges footage. cum gutters dot com -🫧
cum gutters dot com is SENDING MEEEEEE. this ones for u nonnie (and also for me). also i was listening to sleep token while writing this so do with that info what you will
cw ୨୧ making out (kind of), insinuated sexting, wooyo being a little shit as always, ab riding<3, dirty talk (like filth nasty almost), teasing, finger sucking, breeding kink but like BARELY, mention of penetrative sex but it doesn't actually happen
18+ mdni!!
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Your brain clocks back in just enough to fully grasp Wooyoung's words.
His hands stall, but don't stop, their caressing of your body, curious eyes watching your face as you comprehend. You swallow and he grins, hands running up your back to push you closer to him. You shift and grind over his lap and both of you sigh at the friction.
Knowing full well what he said, you ask, "what?"
Wooyoung hums, nosing at the junction of your shoulder and your neck before licking a small stripe along your artery. "Talkin' so much about how hot I was," he starts, voice fake-sweet in your favorite way. "I remember your texts, too, baby. Ride my abs."
Your body involuntarily shivers and he laughs, pleased with how easy it is for him to get under your skin. He's right, unfortunately -- every night he was away for Paris fashion week was filled with miserable, horny text messages from you about how sexy he looked, how pretty his skin was, how mad you were that he didn't give you any warning about his outfits. And since he came over it's all you've been able to think about, all you've been able to say... in no time at all you're adjusting your position on the couch and pushing him to lay down on his back.
"You're so annoying," you say, pushing your panties down and refusing to look at the wet spot on the center lest Wooyoung decides to tease you about that, too. Your hands pull his shirt up just enough so that you have room to move and you sigh through your next works. "Total freak."
He hums, patient, letting you feel him up. "It's my job as your boyfriend," he answers cheekily, leaning forward to grab at your ass and pull you up. "Can practically smell how much you want it, baby, come on."
Your face and ears burn but you let him guide you forward until you're sitting on his torso, pussy nudged perfectly between the ridges of his abs. If you wanted to be romantic about it you could, something about how every part of you fits together with him, but you move your hips forward and the pressure and pattern is so good you think your brain starts melting.
"That's it," Wooyoung encourages once you pick up a rhythm, jaw dropped to his chest as he watches you move. "Fuck, sweetheart, look at you. So wet... pretty pussy loves this, huh? Feels good?"
You moan and he mirrors it, but he grabs your face to meet your eyes. "I asked a question, baby. Feelin' good?"
You're nodding before you even realize it, frantic, already panting. Wooyoung grins, tenses his abs, watches your pace falter because it's just too good. "Didn't know you were so easy," he says, hand resting on your hip. You feel crazy, the pleasure blurring the edges of your sight while Wooyoung's words go straight to your core. "Missed me that bad? You're fucking drooling... can't wait to fuck you, haven't been in this pussy for so long, gonna fill you up just right --"
You cut him off by shoving two fingers in his mouth, hooking them over his tongue so he stops talking. He whines and in turn you grind a little faster. "S...Shut up," you mumble out. Your apartment is filled with pants and whimpers and the sounds of you dripping all over his abs, and even now you feel insatiable. The promise of Wooyoung fucking you presses deliciously against your ass when you move back far enough.
"Gonna come first," you breathe out, meeting Wooyoung's eyes. They're glassy and dark, and you feel him bite down on your fingers hard enough to ache. "G-Gonna come, then you can fill me up."
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seitmai · 15 hours ago
Oh so many thoughts
"I'm horny," he whispered against your neck. You could hear the whine in his voice. He'd been very understanding when you told him that you needed to work late the past few days to help Cat, especially after you explained that she was bogged down with extra work because of Indigo.
It's like uno reverse to when he was so busy at work🤭
"What do you mean no?" you asked. "Are you going to cook Thanksgiving dinner for everyone? Your kitchen skills are much improved, Roo, but that seems a bit ambitious."
She's not holding back hahaa
Bradley's eyes held innocence as he grinned. "Yeah. Don't you remember when I asked you just the other day if you'd prefer the mountains or the lake?" "Oh," you whispered. You did remember. He had been fingering you at the time, your pussy slick and full of his cum. When your cheeks grew warm, you realized you did not want to have the rest of this conversation with your parents listening in. "Yes, I do recall that, actually."
The memory might be a little clouded for certain reasons 🤭
You cleared your throat. "We should let you go. It's late." "But we didn't get to talk to Rose!" your dad complained.
This is so grandparents coded 😅
When you ended the call, Bradley was already tugging on your shirt. "Please," he murmured. "I'm so horny. I'll do anything you want. On the couch, in bed, in the shower, anything you want, Sweetheart."
"I want you to tell me where we're going, Roo," you replied sweetly as he pulled your shirt over your head and palmed your breasts through your sports bra. It was a wonder he could get hard right now after he'd seen you wearing your maternity tent less than an hour ago.
What a testament to their love and Bradley being so horny for his wife always, not even the tent can impact that 😅
You knew he was planning something, but you didn't know it was already worked out. "I'm impressed," you told him as you carefully removed your bra. "You did this all by yourself?" "Nothing's too good for my girls."
He loves to spoil his girls 🥰
"It's been days." Part of you wanted to tell him that your back hurt and you couldn't handle getting twisted into a pretzel right now, but you slid down to the floor between his legs, his eyes tracking your every move. "What are you doing?" he mumbled, a little grin finding his lips as you tugged on the waistband of his gym shorts. "Stop acting like you don't know I'm about to suck your dick," you whispered, trying not to laugh as his cock bobbed out from his underwear.
Hahab Bradley 😂 he truly tried being all innocent, just seconds after having BGs tits in his mouth 😅🤭
A soft sound at the back of his throat spurred you on. He simultaneously scooted his hips closer to you while he settled back against the couch. "I didn't want to assume," he murmured, eyes wide as you took him between your parted lips. "Fuck. I'm so spoiled."
He truly is
"Jesus," he whimpered, balls tightening as you sucked on them. You could feel your saliva drip down his cock to your face as you ran your tongue in circles. "Keep this up, and you'll never not be pregnant, Sweetheart." He was big and thick, but your body welcomed him as he filled your pussy. "You're getting a vasectomy after this one, Roo."
I fear if he doesn't his promise will 100% be true 😅 I could be wrong but isnt there a chnace even with a vasectomy that you can get someone pregnant? Like some 0.0something % chance or something? This could happen to them 😂🤭
"Oh, god," you whimpered, bouncing on his cock. "You do. You do," you babbled. One swipe of his finger along your clit, and you were seeing stars. Hadn't he been the one begging for this? How did you become the needy one right now?
Valid question but with them? No surprise 😅
"We'll circle back to that vasectomy conversation later," he whispered as you laughed softly with his cock still inside you. "Right now, I don't want you to move an inch." "That's convenient," you mumbled, "because I think my bones are jello."
Very convenient
You snuggled in closer, eyelids heavy, but Bradley's body jerked beneath you. "She's moving a lot, Roo. I think she likes your voice." Tears glittered in your husband's eyes, and you kissed his cheeks. It felt so good to be back on solid ground in your relationship. Perhaps you never had anything to worry about, but moments like this one were priceless to you.
"I love you so much," Bradley promised, his lips finding yours, kissing you through his words. "I love my girls. This is the best fucking day."
He is thriving when he puts more time and energy into being a good husband and dad and I love that for him 🥰
When Rose started crying to eat again, you finally crawled from your husband's lap. But he followed you into the nursery, claiming, "I want to be close to the three of you." He barely left your side for the rest of the night.
Adorable 🥰
Bradley was still stressed out about Indigo. He didn't really think about her when he was at home, but when he got to work and saw her lurking about, his anxiety seemed to spike.
You and me both Bradley 🥴
Her smirk was obnoxious. "Of course not, Sir. I was just simply stopping by to inform you that your superior is back." Her smirk turned into a bright, joyful smile. "And I'm going to stop by his office."
Omg she is willingly and on purpose going into the lion's den, this could not be any better hehe
Even Spice seemed to have distanced herself from Indigo which was interesting; perhaps she valued her career more than a toxic friend.
Good choice
When he walked around the classroom, pausing to answer a question, Bradley's gaze was drawn toward the window. He saw you outside in the sunlight near the hangar. It was impossible to miss you in your maternity uniform, not that he would ever tell you that, but even the curve of your cheek was unmistakable to him.
Yeah, let's say he recognized the curve of her cheek not the tent lol
God, you were fucking perfect. His heart skipped around in his chest as he watched you turn back toward your office, and he crept closer to the window for a better look. He couldn't wait until lunchtime so he could sit with you.
He is such a simp, I love it
Then his back went ramrod straight, and Bradley froze. Indigo walked past you, checking your shoulder with hers. "What the fuck?" Bradley snarled under his breath. Indigo kept walking like she hadn't just intentionally run into you. You. A pregnant woman. Bradley's pregnant wife. "You're all dismissed," he barked, heading for the classroom door as quickly as he could walk. Once he was in the hallway, he was running for the exit in the atrium.
Oh he is about to flip the desk
He kissed along your forehead and said, "I saw Indigo plow into you through the window. She did it intentionally." "Oh. Yeah. She does that all the time. I wish she'd just hit me in the face already, because I'm not about to retaliate." Bradley held you at arm's length, eyes wide. "Don't say that! I don't want her laying a finger on you!"
BG is so over it how nonchalant she is telling this Bradley but he is going to explode 🫣
You took a deep breath and sighed. "You know none of this would be a problem if you weren't so sexy, right?" Bradley's cheeks felt warm as you tucked yourself against him again.
What a way to calm the situation lol
"How does it feel knowing your husband fucked me in his office?" she whispered. Your hand stilled in the air as you met her horrible, blue eyes. "How does it feel knowing I can have him whenever I want? Every Monday after his office hours. This past Monday was something else. Would you like some details?"
I truly can't with her delusion and audacity, she truly thinks she can play mindgames with BG
It made you physically sick that she thought she had some sort of grasp on you and Bradley. It would be nice to hit her in the face instead of the other way around. But you knew she was lying. She was grasping at straws. Bradley had skipped his office hours on Monday in favor of joining you for your appointment with Dr. Morris just like he always did. The woman in front of you was beyond ridiculous.
Hahah Indigo is truly a joke, if she has to make up the apparent rendezvous it would help to check if that time he is even on base lmao
"Do you want to know the details?" she demanded.
Honestly would love to her the details, because I wanna know how delusional she can get lol
"Answer me." "I don't answer to you!" Your voice had her taking a step back until she hit the wall between the elevator doors. "I outrank you in every way."
"You can't do this to me," she hissed. "You think you're an admiral on a power trip or something, but you can't ground me indefinitely, Lieutenant Commander." Just as your lips parted, ready to put her in her place, you heard boots squeak in the polished floor to your left. You glanced that way to see the confident stride of Bradley's godfather as Maverick yanked his aviators off. His gaze was like steel as he stopped at your side. "Maybe she doesn't quite have the power to ground you indefinitely, but I certainly do, Lieutenant Jeffries."
Absolutely impeccable timing, 10/10, bravo Mav 👏🏻
"Enough," Mav barked. "I don't want to hear another word. One conversation with her commanding officer, and you'll be eating your words, Lieutenant Jeffries. And do you honestly think anything happens to one of the Super Hornets in the Pacific fleet without me knowing about it?"
Ok she is about to be chewed and spit out and I can't wait hehe
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Maverick cleared his throat and lowered his volume a bit. "Someone in your position should be keeping a low profile, but you can't seem to help yourself." "Someone in my position?" she asked, her gaze flickering your way briefly. Shaking his head, Maverick said, "I've never seen a harassment case against a subordinate open and close so quickly."
"It seems you have a history of behaving poorly around your male superiors," Maverick added. "I was going to let you save face and have this conversation in my office this afternoon, but it's a little too late for that. Maybe things worked in your favor in the past. You seem the type who got used to getting their own way. But that kind of behavior doesn't belong at Top Gun. And you were barking up the wrong tree with Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw from the beginning. Not only is he happily married, his wife has more friends and allies on base than you'll ever know about. Pack your locker and meet me in my office. You're going back to Texas today."
BG standing there like:
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"Are you okay?" he asked, panting and sweaty. He barely looked at Maverick before dropping to his knees next to your chair. "Did she hurt you?" "Jeez, Mav," you murmured as the other man headed for the door. "What did you tell him?" you asked, referring to the text he'd sent to Bradley. "I told him you needed him," Maverick replied with a chuckle before closing the door on his way out.
This is absolutely perfect and everything Indigo deserves 👏🏻
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Mav is just back and has it all handled before lunch haha, iconic
He was still everything you wanted. Almost two years married, and Bradley was worth every bit of this trouble. His lips found your belly through your ugly tent, kissing along until his cheek came to rest there. "That's good," he rasped as your fingers combed through his hair. "Hopefully they'll take my complaints against her seriously. I can barely stand coming to work knowing she's giving you a hard time."
He is just the sweetest 🥰🥹
"She's out, Bradley." He flashed his brown eyes up to your face. "Maverick is sending her back to Texas where they'll decide what happens to her."
I'm so glad she is gone but I would love to read like in the next chapter or so just Bradley overhearing Spice or the others or Mav mentioning that she was kicked out in Texas, that would bring me so much joy heheh🤞🏻
"Just let me stay here with you for a while. Okay, Baby Girl?"
How could she say no? 🥰
Aim for the Sky Part 39 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley would never forgive himself if you got hurt. It feels like he's been biding his time for ages, and his patience has worn thin. When Maverick returns to base, things finally start to change, but in whose favor?
Warnings: Angst, adult language, DILF Roo, pregnancy, smut, lactation kink
Length: 3600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Aim for the Sky masterlist. This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order.
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You settled on the couch with the new ultrasound photos from our appointment on Monday, eager to show them to your parents. But Bradley had other ideas.
"Roo," you hissed, pulling his hand away from your chest while you looked at your reflection on the iPad screen. "Knock it off."
"I'm horny," he whispered against your neck. You could hear the whine in his voice. He'd been very understanding when you told him that you needed to work late the past few days to help Cat, especially after you explained that she was bogged down with extra work because of Indigo. But now he was pouting on the couch with his other hand slipping into the back of your leggings while the call to your parents connected.
Your mom's voice rang out as Bradley grabbed your butt. "Hi!"
"Hi, Mom!" you replied, voice entirely too peppy as you tried to scoot away from your husband. You shot him a glare as he smirked and finally folded his hands in his lap. "How's packing going?"
"Oh, it's so stressful," she complained, going into a rant about all of the bins of things she'd been saving since you were a kid. You let her ramble, knowing she was secretly excited to be able to let Rose and the second baby play with your old toys someday after they moved to Coronado. Bradley and your dad sat quietly until your mom took a deep breath and asked, "What are you doing for Thanksgiving?"
Now you felt like pouting. They would be moved into their new house in time for Christmas but not Thanksgiving. "Probably making dinner for our friends. Just hanging out with everyone here," you told her with a shrug.
You turned to look at Bradley who was shaking his head. 
"What do you mean no?" you asked. "Are you going to cook Thanksgiving dinner for everyone? Your kitchen skills are much improved, Roo, but that seems a bit ambitious."
Bradley snorted and leaned in to kiss your cheek. "You're not cooking. I'm not cooking. We won't even be here, Baby Girl," he whispered. Then he turned to face the iPad. "I'm taking my girls away for an anniversary trip. We'll be gone that weekend."
Your mom looked like she was going to swoon. "Really?" you asked, letting his hand creep up your thigh toward your belly. "We're going away?"
Bradley's eyes held innocence as he grinned. "Yeah. Don't you remember when I asked you just the other day if you'd prefer the mountains or the lake?"
"Oh," you whispered. You did remember. He had been fingering you at the time, your pussy slick and full of his cum. When your cheeks grew warm, you realized you did not want to have the rest of this conversation with your parents listening in. "Yes, I do recall that, actually." You cleared your throat. "We should let you go. It's late."
"But we didn't get to talk to Rose!" your dad complained.
"She's still taking her after-dinner nap," you told him apologetically. "Maybe tomorrow! Love you!"
When you ended the call, Bradley was already tugging on your shirt. "Please," he murmured. "I'm so horny. I'll do anything you want. On the couch, in bed, in the shower, anything you want, Sweetheart."
"I want you to tell me where we're going, Roo," you replied sweetly as he pulled your shirt over your head and palmed your breasts through your sports bra. It was a wonder he could get hard right now after he'd seen you wearing your maternity tent less than an hour ago.
"Mountains," he grunted, pulling you closer.
You knew he was planning something, but you didn't know it was already worked out. "I'm impressed," you told him as you carefully removed your bra. "You did this all by yourself?"
"Nothing's too good for my girls." His voice was raspy, already fading into the silent room as he eased you onto his lap. You fed Rose not terribly long ago. You were tired. Your breasts weren't very perky at the moment. But Bradley moaned as soon as his lips met your nipple. His cock was hard against your thigh as you settled in.
With his big hand splayed along the side of your growing bump, you let him get his fill of rubbing his nose and mustache all over your chest. Your back arched as he started grinding his hips up to yours.
"Does this mean we can get nasty on the couch?" he whispered, flashing his brown eyes up to yours. When you giggled, he added, "It's been days." Part of you wanted to tell him that your back hurt and you couldn't handle getting twisted into a pretzel right now, but you slid down to the floor between his legs, his eyes tracking your every move. "What are you doing?" he mumbled, a little grin finding his lips as you tugged on the waistband of his gym shorts.
"Stop acting like you don't know I'm about to suck your dick," you whispered, trying not to laugh as his cock bobbed out from his underwear.
A soft sound at the back of his throat spurred you on. He simultaneously scooted his hips closer to you while he settled back against the couch. "I didn't want to assume," he murmured, eyes wide as you took him between your parted lips. "Fuck. I'm so spoiled."
You hummed your response around his cock which had his head tipping back as he reached for your face. Big, calloused fingers brushed along your cheek before trailing to the back of your head. You controlled the pace, but that bit of pressure from his excited hand made you suck a little harder just to hear his appreciation.
Long, languid strokes had Bradley's restraint slipping. After he tapped the back of your throat his hips rose incrementally from the couch. When your tongue circled his tip, his hips were up again. He was eager to cum, so you slowed your pace.
"Jesus," he whimpered, balls tightening as you sucked on them. You could feel your saliva drip down his cock to your face as you ran your tongue in circles. "Keep this up, and you'll never not be pregnant, Sweetheart."
Before you could react, Bradley was pulling you to your feet, careful not to be too rough. He yanked your leggings down and guided you back to his lap.
He was big and thick, but your body welcomed him as he filled your pussy. "You're getting a vasectomy after this one, Roo."
He gasped, whether from your words or from the way your pussy was already squeezing around him with need, you weren't sure. You wanted to reiterate that two kids was plenty for you and he to handle, but his palm met your butt, guiding you in a slow roll that erased all thoughts from your brain.
"We'll talk about that later," he crooned, kissing your lips softly. "Right now, I want you to think about how bad you need me." You moaned in spite of yourself at his cocky words. "I want you to think about how good Daddy takes care of his girls."
"Oh, god," you whimpered, bouncing on his cock. "You do. You do," you babbled. One swipe of his finger along your clit, and you were seeing stars. Hadn't he been the one begging for this? How did you become the needy one right now? "Fuck!"
You were panting as he guided you along, taking you for everything you had until your face was buried against his neck to quiet yourself as you came. He knew what to do, and he was too good at it, pinching and plucking your clit until your hips rolled to a stop as your pussy squeezed him gently.
When you opened your eyes, you were still dizzy as Bradley held you. Your pussy was slick with his cum, both of you spent as his hand settled on the side of your belly.
"We'll circle back to that vasectomy conversation later," he whispered as you laughed softly with his cock still inside you. "Right now, I don't want you to move an inch."
"That's convenient," you mumbled, "because I think my bones are jello." You snuggled in closer, eyelids heavy, but Bradley's body jerked beneath you.
"Holy shit," he gasped, sitting more upright as you grabbed his shoulders.
"What's wrong?"
"I can feel her," he whispered, his hand trailing along your belly, pressing firmly. "I can feel our daughter moving."
You were so used to her almost-constant squirming, it took you a beat to realize that she was turning somersaults below your ribcage, but she was moving a lot. Bradley's gaze met yours, and a beaming smile filled his face as he adjusted his hand an inch higher.
"She's moving a lot, Roo. I think she likes your voice."
Tears glittered in your husband's eyes, and you kissed his cheeks. It felt so good to be back on solid ground in your relationship. Perhaps you never had anything to worry about, but moments like this one were priceless to you.
"I love you so much," Bradley promised, his lips finding yours, kissing you through his words. "I love my girls. This is the best fucking day."
When Rose started crying to eat again, you finally crawled from your husband's lap. But he followed you into the nursery, claiming, "I want to be close to the three of you." He barely left your side for the rest of the night.
Bradley was still stressed out about Indigo. He didn't really think about her when he was at home, but when he got to work and saw her lurking about, his anxiety seemed to spike. Today, she was outside his classroom when the others filed in for his lecture. He wondered how much longer the little scheme you and Cat worked up could possibly keep her on the ground. He still didn't have all the details, not that he wanted them, but he knew better. She would be back in the air by the end of the year. And he hadn't heard a word about his complaints against her.
"Good morning, Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw," Indigo sang, setting Bradley's teeth on edge. He had to take deep breaths and remind himself that he couldn't rage at her. When he thought about how he spent last night feeling the baby kicking, he calmed down.
"Lieutenant Jeffries. I trust you haven't forgotten you're not permitted in my classroom?"
Her smirk was obnoxious. "Of course not, Sir. I was just simply stopping by to inform you that your superior is back." Her smirk turned into a bright, joyful smile. "And I'm going to stop by his office."
Maverick was back from Lemoore. Mav was back, and somehow Indigo knew about it before he did. While that rubbed him the wrong way, Bradley thought perhaps things could move along faster now. Maybe there was a way out of this whole mess. He wanted his life to go back to normal again. He needed it.
"Enjoy your morning, Lieutenant Jeffries. Don't forget to stay out of the aviators' lounge."
Bradley closed the door softly instead of slamming it, and then he got his notes out. The other students were eager to hear what he had planned. Even Spice seemed to have distanced herself from Indigo which was interesting; perhaps she valued her career more than a toxic friend. Bradley wrote some notes on the board and got to work. 
What was supposed to be a two hour long discussion with the group was cut short halfway through. When he walked around the classroom, pausing to answer a question, Bradley's gaze was drawn toward the window. He saw you outside in the sunlight near the hangar. It was impossible to miss you in your maternity uniform, not that he would ever tell you that, but even the curve of your cheek was unmistakable to him.
God, you were fucking perfect. His heart skipped around in his chest as he watched you turn back toward your office, and he crept closer to the window for a better look. He couldn't wait until lunchtime so he could sit with you.
Then his back went ramrod straight, and Bradley froze. Indigo walked past you, checking your shoulder with hers. "What the fuck?" Bradley snarled under his breath. Indigo kept walking like she hadn't just intentionally run into you. You. A pregnant woman. Bradley's pregnant wife. "You're all dismissed," he barked, heading for the classroom door as quickly as he could walk. Once he was in the hallway, he was running for the exit in the atrium.
The sunlight was blinding, but he saw you immediately. When he called your name, you turned to him and smiled. Indigo was nowhere in sight now as he ran to get to you. 
"Are you okay?" he demanded, touching your shoulder before letting his hand settle on your belly.
"Yeah, I just had to take something to Cat. Why are you out of breath?" you asked, kissing his cheek softly before he wrapped you up in a hug. "What's going on, Bradley?"
He kissed along your forehead and said, "I saw Indigo plow into you through the window. She did it intentionally."
"Oh. Yeah. She does that all the time. I wish she'd just hit me in the face already, because I'm not about to retaliate."
Bradley held you at arm's length, eyes wide. "Don't say that! I don't want her laying a finger on you!"
You took a deep breath and sighed. "You know none of this would be a problem if you weren't so sexy, right?" Bradley's cheeks felt warm as you tucked yourself against him again. "I need to get back to my lab, but I'll see you at lunch. We can start discussing baby names."
As you strolled away, Bradley once again felt terrible that you were in this mess with him.
You didn't want Bradley worrying any more than he always was, but Indigo did hit your shoulder pretty hard this time. You were still rubbing it when you walked into your building and headed for the elevators. 
It felt like you were trapped in some realm filled with optical illusions; somehow Indigo was standing in front of the elevator buttons. How she got inside so quickly was beyond you.
"Excuse me," you told her, trying to reach for the up arrow with your chin held high, but she didn't move. "You're in my way."
"How does it feel knowing your husband fucked me in his office?" she whispered. Your hand stilled in the air as you met her horrible, blue eyes. "How does it feel knowing I can have him whenever I want? Every Monday after his office hours. This past Monday was something else. Would you like some details?"
It made you physically sick that she thought she had some sort of grasp on you and Bradley. It would be nice to hit her in the face instead of the other way around. But you knew she was lying. She was grasping at straws. Bradley had skipped his office hours on Monday in favor of joining you for your appointment with Dr. Morris just like he always did. The woman in front of you was beyond ridiculous.
"Do you want to know the details?" she demanded. "Answer me."
"I don't answer to you!" Your voice had her taking a step back until she hit the wall between the elevator doors. "I outrank you in every way."
"You can't do this to me," she hissed. "You think you're an admiral on a power trip or something, but you can't ground me indefinitely, Lieutenant Commander."
Just as your lips parted, ready to put her in her place, you heard boots squeak in the polished floor to your left. You glanced that way to see the confident stride of Bradley's godfather as Maverick yanked his aviators off. His gaze was like steel as he stopped at your side.
"Maybe she doesn't quite have the power to ground you indefinitely, but I certainly do, Lieutenant Jeffries."
"Sir," she complained with a pout, "you don't understand what she's trying to do to me. She grounded me and my Super Hornet, Captain Mitchell. She's trying to ruin my career for no good reason. Her commanding officer should be informed that she's manipulating things the way she wants them when I've done nothing wrong."
You were seeing red. She was the one who started this whole thing, not you. And she was the one who kept trying to goad you on because she didn't get what she wanted. And now she was trying to make you look bad in front of Mav. You couldn't tell if you were about to laugh or cry.
"Enough," Mav barked. "I don't want to hear another word. One conversation with her commanding officer, and you'll be eating your words, Lieutenant Jeffries. And do you honestly think anything happens to one of the Super Hornets in the Pacific fleet without me knowing about it?"
Instead of a verbal response, Indigo blushed bright pink and shook her head slowly.
Maverick cleared his throat and lowered his volume a bit. "Someone in your position should be keeping a low profile, but you can't seem to help yourself."
"Someone in my position?" she asked, her gaze flickering your way briefly.
Shaking his head, Maverick said, "I've never seen a harassment case against a subordinate open and close so quickly."
"What?" Indigo squeaked, fingers curling into fists at her sides.
"It seems you have a history of behaving poorly around your male superiors," Maverick added. "I was going to let you save face and have this conversation in my office this afternoon, but it's a little too late for that. Maybe things worked in your favor in the past. You seem the type who got used to getting their own way. But that kind of behavior doesn't belong at Top Gun. And you were barking up the wrong tree with Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw from the beginning. Not only is he happily married, his wife has more friends and allies on base than you'll ever know about. Pack your locker and meet me in my office. You're going back to Texas today."
"Texas!" Indigo wailed. "I'm too good for that program."
Maverick reached around her for the elevator button. "I wouldn't worry about that. You're about to learn that the Navy is too good for you. Now get out of my sight."
It felt like everything shifted as you watched Indigo storm away. Her shoulders slumped, and she seemed to fold in on herself. It was a far cry from her usual behavior as Maverick guided you into the elevator with him when the doors opened.
"Are you okay?" he whispered, tipping your chin up so you met his eyes. "I really didn't mean for you to hear all of that."
"I'm okay," you whispered before wrapping your arms around him as tears leaked from your eyes. "Thanks for looking out for Bradley and me."
He kissed your forehead as you cried. "You're family. I'll always do what I can." When the doors slid open, you realized you were on your floor. Maverick wrapped his arms around your shoulders, guiding you along to your office. Your fingers were shaking as you unlocked the door. "I'll text Bradley and see if he can stop by," he said, following you inside where you sank into your desk chair with your hands on your belly.
"Is she out?" you whispered, completely exhausted as you took deep breaths. "Is Indigo out of the Navy?"
Maverick sighed and tucked his phone away again. "That's up to the admirals in Texas, but if I had to wager a guess... probably."
It seemed wild to you that she would risk it all for something as trivial as a hookup, but then again, Bradley always was irresistible to you. At one point, you were willing to risk everything you'd worked toward since your years at the Naval Academy to be with him. You'd even announced to the entire control room on an aircraft carrier that he was the man for you. But he was yours. He was Rose's. He was the baby's. Indigo wasn't going to get away with even testing the waters.
You weren't sure how long you'd been sitting there reflecting on things with Mav perched on the edge of your desk, but it must have been several minutes. When you heard heavy footfalls in the hallway, you looked at your open doorway as your husband came rushing inside.
"Are you okay?" he asked, panting and sweaty. He barely looked at Maverick before dropping to his knees next to your chair. "Did she hurt you?"
"Jeez, Mav," you murmured as the other man headed for the door. "What did you tell him?" you asked, referring to the text he'd sent to Bradley. 
"I told him you needed him," Maverick replied with a chuckle before closing the door on his way out.
"I swear to God," Bradley growled, focused on your face. "If she hurt you-"
"She didn't," you promised, cupping his cheek. "I promise we're just fine."
He was still everything you wanted. Almost two years married, and Bradley was worth every bit of this trouble. His lips found your belly through your ugly tent, kissing along until his cheek came to rest there. "That's good," he rasped as your fingers combed through his hair. "Hopefully they'll take my complaints against her seriously. I can barely stand coming to work knowing she's giving you a hard time."
"She's out, Bradley." He flashed his brown eyes up to your face. "Maverick is sending her back to Texas where they'll decide what happens to her."
He gave you a satisfied groan as he nuzzled your belly, kissing you a million times. Then his head came to rest in your lap, and you could feel the tension slowly release from his body for the first time in months as you held onto him.
"Just let me stay here with you for a while. Okay, Baby Girl?"
Have fun in Texas, Indigo! Nobody is going to miss you. I feel like BG should get to keep her Super Hornet out of principle. BUT, the most important part of the chapter is the fact that Bradley got to feel the baby! ALSO, next chapter may be the last one in this series.
386 notes · View notes
munsonsmixtapes · 10 hours ago
Don't Be Sorry
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rockstar!eddie x fem!reader
You show up to Eddie's house looking for a good time and when you realize that that's not what you want, Eddie is nothing but a sweetheart about it.
cw: MDNI (18+) nipple play
You have no idea why you’re standing on Eddie Munson’s doorstep. You know it’s silly since his invitation really didn’t mean anything. He was just trying to be polite by flirting with you and giving you his number, right? Taking you home in his very expensive car was just generosity. Just something to make him look good in front of the paparazzi. Sure, he might have invited you over and had even given you his address along with that phone number, but this is what he does. To him, you’re sure that you’re just a hookup, but you’re willing to be whatever he wants you to be. 
The door opens and there he is, no shirt, rubbing sleep out of his eyes despite it being three in the afternoon. You think he’s going to send you away but a bright smile appears on his face as he opens the door wider. He ushers you inside and you have to stop to take in the place. Your entire apartment could fit into the foyer alone. 
While you’re looking around at the place, Eddie is staring at nothing but you. You’re at his house and he doesn’t even care that you showed up unannounced. He’s just happy that you’re here. He’s been trying to get himself to call you since you changed numbers the other night but every time the phone rings, he chickens out and hangs up. 
This has never happened to Eddie before. He’s usually so confident, but there’s something about you that makes him feel like his shy teenage self again. He’s been out with more women than he can count, models, singers, actresses, women who you have definitely heard of, so why are you the one who makes him nervous? 
He thinks it’s because for once, he has no idea who he’s with. He didn’t know who you were prior to your meeting and that scares him. He tried to google you, but all that came up was your social media that he couldn’t get himself to follow. He didn’t want to come off as obsessed even though he very much is. He hasn’t been able to stop thinking about you since he watched you walk into your apartment building. You’ve taken up every inch of his brain and he doesn’t ever want you to leave.
The house is decorated so elegantly that you’re wondering if he hired someone or he’s just that good at it. Neither would surprise you, to be honest. 
“Can I offer you something to drink? I think I’ve got some wine in the cellar.” Cellar? That’s only something you’ve seen on TV so the fact that you know someone who has one is a little mind boggling. This man lives a life you have only dreamed about. 
“Oh, no thank you,” you shake your head as he leads you into the living room, inviting you to sit on the couch with him. You do so hesitantly, keeping space between the two of you, but Eddie is quick to close it, his bare thigh pressed to yours. 
Neither of you seem to care that he’s only in his underwear, but if you’re lucky, he won’t be wearing them for very long. You turn to face him, picking up a lock of his hair and twirl it around your finger as you lean in closer. He’s quick to follow and he leans in but stops when your faces are only inches apart. 
“I can believe you’re here,” he smiles. “I was too nervous to call.” 
“You get on stage in front of thousands of people every night and I make you nervous?” You ask, your lips so close to his. 
“Incredibly,” he replies, closing the space as his lips slot between yours. Your hands slide into his hair as his move up your dress, resting on your thighs. You shamelessly slip your tongue into his mouth as he pulls you into his lap, straddling his waist. 
His hands move further up your dress and in a flash, it's in a pile on the floor and now you’re on top of him in just your underwear. He unhooks your bra with ease and you can’t help but think about how quickly it’s all progressing. But all your thoughts leave when he starts kissing down your neck, sucking on the skin as you lean your head back, letting him go for your chest. 
Eddie can’t believe this is happening. He’s got the prettiest girl on his lap and your moans are only making him harder, especially when you begin grinding against him. 
He slides off your bra and lets it fall to the floor, taking in your naked upper half. Drool pools in his mouth as he thinks about how badly he wants to take his hard nipples into your mouth. And he does exactly that, feeling himself getting even more hard as you continue to grind against him, his lips wrapping around your nipple as the prettiest moan falls from your lips. 
You’re perfect, he thinks, as he continues to lick and suck, deciding that he could do this all day, loving the way you taste mixed with the pretty sounds that are falling from your lips. He’s done this with more women than he could count, but this, this feels different. 
“Oh my god,” you whine as he bites down, your nails digging into his scalp and he moans against you, doing it again and again until you throw your head back, an orgasm coursing through you as another loud moan falls from your lips. God, you don’t even know how badly he wants you to moan his name. 
He gives one more bite as he slides his hands into your panties, getting a handful of your ass as he tries to slide them down but as good as this feels, you don’t feel comfortable continuing. You’re out of practice and not sure how it would all go. Maybe in time you’d be able to work up the courage to sleep with him, but not today. 
“Stop,” you tell him and he immediately backs off, his hands sliding out of your panties at record speed. Eddie pulls back to look at you with a panicked look on his face. 
“Did I do something wrong?” He asks and he starts to panic even more when he sees tears streaming down your face and he’s quick to wipe them away. You feel horrible letting him think that he’s the reason why you put the whole thing to a stop so you know you have to set the record straight. 
“No, no,” you shake your head. “You did everything right. I-I’m just not ready. I’m sorry.” You look so hurt and he hopes that you don’t think you’re disappointing him because you’re not. He doesn’t mind at all that you’ve cut it short. He just wants to spend time with you.
“Don’t be,” he shakes his head before pulling you into a kiss. “We can go upstairs and cuddle. I actually just got some sheets.” All of the other guys you’d slept with had been so horrible when you’d stop them from proceeding. It’s not surprising that Eddie is nothing but sweet about the whole thing. 
He can tell you feel bad about denying him so he’s quick to inform you that he doesn’t care what you do, just as long as you do it together. And if you want to leave, that’s perfectly fine too. He just wants you to be comfortable and would hate crossing the boundaries that you’ve very clearly set. 
He helps you put on your dress since you seem to feel exposed then he leads you up the stairs to his massive bedroom that’s just as tidy as the rest of the house you’ve seen. He has you sit on the bed while he pulls out a t-shirt that’s been freshly washed and it still smells like the dryer sheets he uses. 
You let Eddie help you put it on and he puts on one of his other shirts before the two of you cuddle in the center of the bed, your head on his chest as he plays with your hair. You watch TV as he orders more food than the two of you could ever need. 
Sitting there with him as you pile plates high with various food items, you decide that there is no place you’d rather be. Eddie’s quickly becoming the sweetest man you’ve ever met and clearly all of the articles have been so wrong about him. You know you’ve only hung out with him twice, but it’s clear that everyone was totally wrong about him. 
This is something you could get used to, a pretty man and anything and everything you could ever ask for. It’s a win-win in your eyes and there’s no way you could ever turn back knowing what he’s willing to give you. You could see yourself falling in love with him and when he bats those brown eyes at you, you’re beginning to think that you already are.
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ikeupied · 2 days ago
"Maybe people leave you because you're impossible to deal with."
My breath hitched, my heart started pounding, and my hands began to shake. No matter how hard I tried to respond, the words wouldn't leave my mouth.
"Have you ever thought about that?"
I stared at him in shock, unable to believe what I was hearing. I never in a million years thought I would hear those words come out of his mouth.
"What...?" I whispered, but my voice cracked before I could finish. How could he say this to me after everything we’d been through? His words echoed in my mind, too strong, too painful.
"It's the truth," he said, as if talking about something as simple as the weather. "You've clung to people, to me, for so long, and now... I don't know. Maybe it’s time to stop expecting people to never get tired of you."
My chest tightened. I could feel the air in the room grow heavy, like my soul was suffocating. Did he really think that?
"You think I'm... that I'm just... unbearable?" The words tumbled out, shaky and uncertain. No, this couldn’t be real. This couldn’t be happening.
He didn’t look at me, diverting his gaze to the floor, like he didn’t want to see the damage he had already caused. But the words still lingered between us. They felt like daggers, stabbing me again and again.
"Maybe if you weren’t so insecure all the time, people would want to be around you."
Silence wrapped around me like a cold blanket, and I couldn’t help but think of all the times I’d felt invisible, insecure, wondering if maybe he was right. Maybe everything I did was wrong, maybe my whole life had been somehow wrong, and I didn’t even know it.
7:30 AM, the sound of my alarm jolted me awake. I immediately noticed my face was wet; I had been sweating. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes with my hands. It had been a dream, just that.
I inhaled and exhaled a few times, trying to calm my breath. My hands were shaking, everything felt overwhelming. I squeezed my eyes shut, and tears that I didn’t even realize I was holding back, fell.
"It was just a dream, it’s nothing," I told myself, trying to calm down, and slowly, the crying stopped.
After taking a long shower and staring at myself in the mirror for a while, I got dressed and left the apartment.
8:25 AM. When I saw the time, I realized I was running late for practice. "Shit," I sighed, quickening my pace.
"You’re late," he said, looking at me with his usual smirk. I gave him an empty look and simply walked past him without saying anything.
"Seems like you're in a good mood," he commented. I sighed, holding back the urge to launch myself at him and punch him in the face.
"Can we just start with the choreography? The sooner we get this over with, the better," I said. He gave me a typical smirk.
"Sure, whatever you say."
10:00 AM. I walked out of the dance studio, and Taesan was waiting for me outside.
"How did it go?" he asked as soon as I stepped out, and I could hear genuine concern in his voice. Taesan always worried too much about me, and that made me feel like a burden to him.
"It was... fine," I shrugged, and we started walking toward the university. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, we talked just enough and made good progress with the choreography."
"Good... I’m glad," he said, ruffling my hair gently, which made me laugh faintly. "I hope you’re not too tired. This afternoon we’ve got the group rehearsal to review the choreography for the first round."
I sighed at what he said. Honestly, the only thing I wanted to do was stay in bed all day, staring at the ceiling, reevaluating everything I’d said and done since I was three years old. But I couldn’t, so I just nodded and kept walking.
It was going to be a very long day.
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just a dream (wc ; 2798)
SYNOPSIS: Y/n and Riki were inseparable. The kind of friendship everyone envied, the kind that felt unbreakable. But somewhere along the way, something shattered. Now, every word they exchange is a fight, every glance a silent war. Neither of them wants to admit how much it hurts. Neither of them wants to be the first to let go of the anger. But how long can you hate someone who once meant everything to you? Because the line between love and hate has never been thinner.
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note: I actually cried writing and reading this chapter, but it's one of my favourites.
taglist @kizumis @yangjungwonnie @doririsstuff @annybah @yurizzzs @zaycie @iheartshopping @luvjichang @starbyeol1512 @jaerisdiction @soobinbunnie5 @tasnemluvs @right-person-wrong-time @yuaaa-somehow @nishikio @ezekiel-bublz @hyunjinslongasslegs @iboughtnjz @jvngw0nlvr @blvengene
        ◌ 𓈒 ꒪ ◌゚❀ .˳ ⠷
© all rights reserved to ikeupied, please don't copy.
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ghostlyshellofapuppet · 16 hours ago
Could you do bat boys reacting to you getting them flowers just cuz
Getting flowers for Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, and Jason Todd
Hope you enjoy and I'm sorry this was supposed to be posted like two days ago but I didn't realize I accidentally saved it to drafts. That's my bad. Also not beta read, sorry
Bruce Wayne
Bruce was coming home from a hard night as batman where he can't seem to relax. He was sent home early by every single one of his kids because they all agreed he should be in bed since he broke five ribs last week along with other injuries he didn't tell his kids about.
With a sigh he set down his cowl when suddenly he hears you falling fumbling on the floor above and stumbling down the stairs because you didn't realize he was home so soon. He didn't tell you about his injuries at all so you were unaware and without worry of his pain and he preferred not to worry you like that, so when he saw that dopey smile and flowers he was confused. Still in batman mode he tried to start investigating because he may be busy but he tried his best to remember important events and he didn't think there was one so soon.
"....what's this for?" asked Bruce with a raised eyebrow.
"just flowers, you deserve flowers", you say as you gesture the flowers towards his face to smell. He was used to getting flowers in a way as "congratulations" before as Bruce Wayne but not randomly.
"....just because? I don't need to look into the flower's meanings to see what you're saying or-" Bruce but gets cut off but your finger to his lips. "Nope, no secret, no meaning besides I love you and I think you deserve flowers....and I love you and your handsome.....very handsome...and I love you", you repeat trying to drill the idea into his head as he smiles fondly and grabs the hand against his lips to hold with a kiss.
"well thank you, my dear. I appreciate the flowers and I love you too"
Dick Grayson
Just as he was waking up from sleep in the morning he feels something raining onto his face, ticklish little.... confetti? Opening his eyes and all he sees is your hand dropping rose petals over his face. Still tired and confused he blows away the petal that lands on his lips with a small smile when he hears your giggle.
"what's all this for, baby?" he mumbles with his voice still deep from sleep. Sitting up and grabbing your hips to pull you onto his lap and pouting when you move out of his reach.
"nothing, just cause I love you", you respond with a smile as you hand him a actual bouquet of flowers and set a tray of breakfast on his lap. A hum of surprise from him quickly replaced with a smirk when you kiss his cheek.
"well now, didn't I get lucky this morning. Are you sure there's no reason for all this?" he asks as he leans back on his hands looking up at you.
"nope, just felt like spoiling you a bit. You like it?" questioned with a smile as you let him pull you closer this time, his hands never been able to keep off you for long.
"I love it baby, thank you", he reassures with a long kiss before placing a bit of whipped cream on your nose just to see you go cross eyes and whine.
Jason Todd
For the past five minutes he's heard you try to sneak up on him as he sits on the couch, hearing you occasionally moving closer and hiding behind another piece of furniture. It's cute, he thinks, cute how you think he can't hear you, so he'll let you continue moving towards him as he plays unaware.
When you finally get to the couch to hide behind and are about to hop up to surprise him, he stands up with a teasing smile you can't see and pretends to walk off to the kitchen, still acting like he doesn't know you're there as he walks away and catching a glimpse of your pouty face. A new plan of sneaking around the kitchen island to surprise him as he opens the fridge.
When he closes the fridge door all he sees is you holding flowers, your hair slightly messed up from sneaking around, and a dumb little smile for finally catching him and his amusement turns to confusion when he sees the flowers.
"where'd you get those, sweetheart?", he asks as his head slightly tilts to the side as he flicks the wrapping around them. "For you", and he hums surprised when he hears your answer, not answering his questions correctly but he gets the point. "Why for me?"
"because I love you and you deserve them...you always get me flowers a lot and you need them too so I got you some", you say as you press them towards his chest and he smiles softly, feeling soft at the fact you did this for him.
"thank you sweetheart, you're so sweet to me." he praises as he presses kisses to your cheek with a arm around your waist. "I have another gift for you too, your favorite take out but it's in the car"
A breathy chuckle with a kiss and he sets the flowers and you on the counter. "I'll get it plated and ready to eat",he says as he starts to walk away and you hop off the counter after him. "It's your gift, I should plate it",you try to argue but he just starts to run out to the car to get it first with a smile when he hears you call his name.
Thank you for reading, hope you all have a good day/night
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peachesnpears95 · 1 day ago
I have had some time to reflect, after talking to a friend I realized I sounded like a major jerkwad and then when @itsabouttimex2 reached out via reblog and told me they already addressed this post in the past - I feel like I owe a public apology.
I already apologized privately, but I wish to apologize again publicly.
I am sorry I flew off the handle like that, I normally don't get THIS heated. I am flawed like everyone else, and was having a terrible day before this, having to work in hot weather all day, with possible gallbladder related pains, and everyone in my family was getting on my back today.
And seeing this post, especially when Macaque means so much to me as a character, really just knocked me off the edge. But it didn't give me an excuse to be a douche, it might explain WHY I went off- but it doesn't justify it.
I still stand by what I said that Macaque has changed- but I should have done it in a more civil and calm manner.
So yeah, I just want everyone to know things are okay, and I have already reached out and apologized for being well-
Not gonna lie it was mean spirited of me. I would erase this post, but I don't think I should. I need to keep it up as a reminder to never let myself get like this again.
I promise I'm usually a really calm and collective person, but I just had one of the worst days in my life and it just blew up in my face. I promise from here on out that I will try to remain as calm and possible when engaging in the fandom, and if I get mad, I'll walk away and cool down.
This was not cool of me, even if I wanted to defend Macaque, I should not have singled this person out, nor should I have gone after people in the fandom like this. It's better to calmly talk things out, because like- I know for a fact I don't want to be berated and scolded. It doesn't make me listen at all, and it certainly won't make other people listen to me if I do the exact same thing I don't like.
So yeh, I am keeping this post up, only as a reminder to keep a more level head, but also because I want to show people Macaque has actually changed.
I will probably make a calmer post about it later down the line, but right now I just need to chill out. So, I'm gonna go and just let myself calm down.
I am sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. If you don't want to be around my energy, that's fine, please feel free to block me and curate your space.
So yeah, that's all I have to say about that.
We all need to remember that most of the people we talk to online are real people, with feelings too. And that we need to take care with how we speak to others.
Harsh scolding is not a good tool to change someone's mind.
Don't be like me and let your emotions get the best of you, guys.
It's just not worth it.
Even I need to be better, it seems.
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“You need to do better.”
(This gets vitriolic, and is a full-blown criticism of Macaque’s portrayal in Season Four and Five. If criticism of a character/franchise you like upsets you, I do not recommend reading.)
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Wow. I had no faith in his character writing, and I’m STILL disappointed.
And it only took one episode! How impressive!
Macaque, who has put in ZERO on-screen effort to become a better person or make amends to his victims, is criticizing Wukong for being a bad mentor! And does Wukong criticize him back? NOPE!
After getting screamed at and berated, does Wukong defend himself? NOPE!
Ooh, but there was a second long reference in a dual yelling match that mentioned that Macaque was a genuinely bad person who took glee in hurting innocent people! Oh, fucking delightful! Ooh, Wukong even points out in one episode that Macaque goes without consequences!
Pointing out a flaw in your writing does not make it less of a flaw.
Macaque will always be allowed to do whatever he wants to anyone he wants- power theft, attempted murder, insults, deceit, assault-
And the narrative and characters will never hold him accountable or force Macaque to look inwards or become a better person.
Macaque will always fall upwards into redemption without any obstacles or pushback.
There will never be a struggle to goodness with a satisfying conclusion. There will never be a moment where falters in his newfound goodness and questions going back to his old ways. There will never be explicit remorse or regret. He will never have deep introspections on his crimes and atrocities that provide a reason for him to want to change.
The sum of his “arc” will always be “you were a good guy all along”, and that lack of depth is where it will stay.
RIP Seasons 1-3 Macaque. You were fun and interesting and cool and lovable.
But the man they replaced you with was destined to be a boring and brooding “anti-hero” who has no real connection to the actions you selfishly and violently performed with your own two hands-
And you will always be a less interesting character for it.
The execution of the actual arc boils down to a single heroic (but ultimately self-serving) moment and then Macaque is immediately forgiven for all the crimes he’s committed and is a magically better person without any effort and nothing he’s done is ever brought up again.
It severely weakens any character’s arc to cut them off from their past actions. If MK forgot his traumas every season instead of carrying them forward- we’d all agree that doing so was a case of poor writing.
It was the reason that people disliked Mei’s portrayal in Season Four- she immediately moved on from the Samadhi Fire arc and “no longer wielded it” after spending a whole season gathering and learning to use it.
Why can’t we agree that it’s bad for Macaque, too?
You can’t “develop” a character by dropping an entire plotline and writing it off with one line.
You can’t “redeem” a character by pretending that they were a good person right from the start.
Sorry, bud.
I really did like you. I just wish I could like your writing.
And, what is more clear to me now than ever?
People only defended Macaque’s shitty writing because they think he’s hot.
I know this now, because I’ve seen white-hot Li Jing arc hatred from fervent Macaque arc defenders.
So we all agree that an “I didn’t really mean it!” isn’t an excuse to abuse the people around you? That you don’t get to mistreat innocent people just because you’re stressed and upset?
I wonder why people despise Jing for his dogshit “one nice thing redeems all your bad actions” arc but love Macaque for his??
(Because they think the monkey is hot.)
The funny thing, though?
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Li Jing apologizes to at least one of the victims of his actions. He expresses regret and remorse.
Macaque doesn’t even have that.
Anyways here’s a line that I hate because Macaque has in no way developed enough to have the right to deliver it-
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“You need to do better.”
Really, Macaque? Maybe you should take your own damn advice- try apologizing to one of the people you tried to hurt and tried to murder in cold blood!
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Like when you trapped MK under his staff after stealing his powers and tried to murder him when he was helpless?
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Or when you kidnapped MK’s friends and tortured the kid by forcing him to fight them?
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Or you led a violent assault against a palace full of innocent people?
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Or violently beat his dear friends until they were screaming in pain?
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Or assaulted Tang, who posed no threat to you?
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Or threatened to murder an innocent girl if you didn’t get your way, then ran away (and encouraged MK to abandon her) first thing when it put her into a life-threatening meltdown of raw power?
(Isn’t it cool how NONE of these people have interesting or varied reactions to him doing this and ALL immediately are cool with him like a gelatinous hivemind.)
(Oooh ONE mildly questioning line from Pigsy but no anger over his adoptive son nearly being killed multiple times over)
(Isn’t it cool that no one has complex or interesting thoughts on this.)
(Isn’t it cool that by robbing them of unique feelings on the matter they robbed Macaque and the Monkie Kids of compelling and interesting interactions that could’ve helped flesh out their personalities and strengthen their characterization.)
(Isn’t it cool that Macaque and the Monkie Kids are actively denied intriguing character dynamics so Macaque’s shitty “redemption arc” can happen faster.)
(Isn’t that cool.)
Why don’t YOU do better, Macaque?
(In a way that is more satisfying than “one kind-hearted speech from a kid that I tried to murder changed my mind and now I am a better person but all my character development happened offscreen and without personal introspection”, at least.)
Also what the fuck do you mean by “do better”?
Be heroic and put your life in danger? He already does that! He’s done it more than you have!
Just tell MK that he’s not alone? YOU COULD DO THAT YOURSELF, MACAQUE!
Help MK with his traumas and fears? MK doesn’t tell anyone about those! He keeps them bottled up, lock and key, and actively refuses attempts to help!
Wukong TRIED to reach out to him, and MK PUSHED HIM AWAY! Was he supposed to tie the fucking kid down and torture the information out of him?
He respected MK’s boundaries by not pushing any further and letting him leave!!
What the fuck, man
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virgostarlight · 3 days ago
As much as I love Mu Qing and Feng Xin I will always side with Hua Cheng having beef with them.
After everything Hua Cheng saw Xie Lian go through, and go through alone he can't help but feel spiteful towards them. They were allowed and capable of being there for him and they weren't. He saw Xie Lian who gave all of himself to try to save his own kingdom and even the people of Yong'an and get nothing but hatred and abandonment in return.
Was Mu Qing wrong for leaving? No he wasn't. But I still stand on what he did afterwards was so foul. He was so caught up in his head that he neglected to even give Xie Lian basic respect but standing up for him in a situation Xie Lian really needed him to. Then to show up with supplies afterwards? You would think that Mu Qing would realize how insulting that is given he takes a lot of things as a slight even when it isn't the case. He just doesn't put up walls, his barriers are spiked with poisonous barbs.
And Feng Xin is on the opposite side. He put Xie Lian on a pedestal, yes, but he couldn't handle the ugly side of Xie Lian. He could only see the good and righteous and forgot that Xie Lian is still a flawed human. Would he have stayed if he was still around when Xie Lian crashed out? It's up in the air really.
If I was Hua Cheng I would be angry with them too. Especially when they try to keep Xie Lian from Hua Cheng. Like now you're protective?
Where were they when he was held down stabbed 100 times?
Where were they when his parents committed suicide?
Where were they when he almost unleashed another plaque of human face disease?
Where were they when he laid in that hole?
And now they want to keep him from the one person who was there? Who witnessed it all and still loves him despite it all, accepted all of him?
I will conced that yes, they didn't ask Xie Lian to do all he did for them. They weren't obligated to repay that in any measure. But I believe they do still owe him respect and to respect his choices and even then they still don't.
Idk these thoughts have been floating around in my mind for awhile. Like I want Mu Qing and Feng Xin to learn to be better and strengthen their relationship with Xie Lian, because of course they care about him.
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fixated-cookies · 3 days ago
ok but Affogato Cookie? We know he works with poisons so imagine the amount of aphrodisiac he can make and use *rubs hands deviously*
He has plenty of knowledge on something such as aphrodisiacs, it just depends on what he would need them for. nearly everything he does is to manipulate, would he use the concoction to cause trouble and distract? Or maybe he just wants some entertainment, hah!
Perhaps he needed someone to try it out on, besides,poison tasters are needed in every kingdom, yes?
WARNING- dry humping, drugging, soft smut(?)
"Poison tasters are an essential part of any kingdom, wouldn't you agree? Oh, don't give me that look. You should feel honored!" his voice drips with condensation. He wouldn't need to force anything—oh no, that would be crude. Instead, he'd make it seem like a favor, a necessity, something so very natural. He'd manipulate you into thinking it would be a service for the king. Taste this 'medicine' and see if you can spot anything off about it.
And oh, how he would watch. Every tremble of your fingers, every hitch in your breath, every sign that his little experiment was taking hold. Would you notice it right away? Or would the realization dawn on you too late—when the warmth spreads too deep, when the air feels too thick, when his voice, too close, sends shivers down your spine?
"Hah… You’re looking rather flushed," he feigns concern, pressing his hand against your forehead. "And warm...", his fingers trail down your face stopping at your cheeks to cup them. He bats his lashes, slow and deliberate, a mockery of innocence laced with something far more dangerous. His pale eyes bore into you seductively.
"Oh dear," he hums, tilting his head as if studying an interesting specimen. "Does it feel strange? That warmth bubbling inside you? That little hitch in your breath, the way your body betrays you?"
Your eyelid flutters and you avert your gaze somewhere else, stammering and feigning confusion at his statements. Ignoring the shear wetness pooling between your thighs. His other hand grabs at your midriff pulling you against him as he leans into your ear.
"Come now, my dear…" His voice is a silky caress, words curling around your senses like the very poison coursing through your veins."It is futile to lie in the face of a poison maker...".
The flustered look on your face, the way your brows furrow in confusion, the way your lips part in a pout. He brushed away a piece of your hair with a sweet expression on his face. His fingers trail down, ghosting along your jaw before tilting your chin upward.
"Shall I take care of you, dear?"
His lips crash onto yours, swallowing whatever breathless protest you might have had. It’s slow, deep, intoxicating. His tongue slides into your mouth, claiming it as his own, tasting the sweet remnants of his own concoction on your lips. You don't even realize the way your body betrays you. The heat pooling deep within, the subtle, needy movements of your hips. It’s not until you feel the firm press of his body against yours that reality strikes, that you realize—
You grind against him.
Affogato stills for only a second. Then he laughs. He relishes in your reaction, in the way your breath hitches as he presses closer, his hands now resting firmly on your waist. "Oh?" His voice is laced with delight, his grip tightening, keeping you close to his robes. He whispers about how needy you are, shifting, rolling his hips forward just enough for you to feel him.
"Don’t be shy… Show me just how much you need me."
you'll be pulled into his lap in no time, gripping onto his shoulders while looking up at him through your pretty lashes nervously. He barely needs to do anything at all, really. He'll just guide your hips with a loose hand, grinding you into his lap while you let out soft sighs and moans. With a slow, tantalizing roll of his hips, he makes sure you feel everything, the friction undeniable.
"Look at you…" he muses. "Here, allow me," he chuckles, rolling you against him once more, reveling in the way a whine leaves out your mouth. "There… doesn’t that feel better?". You should pull away—you should stop this before it escalates even further. And yet…Your hips move again, grinding against him completely on instinct.
A deep groan rumbles from Affogato’s chest, his fingers tightening ever so slightly. "Oh, sweet thing…"His lips ghost over your jaw, teasing, making sure you feel his breath against your skin. "You're making it so easy for me."
And he loves every second of it.
mannnn this fine ass cookie got me drooling over him. >:(
I'm thinking of making a masterlist...
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11queensupreme11 · 1 day ago
okay okay guys i made more personalities for some of the other kids so i'm gonna write them down here!!!!
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metrodora! (2nd eldest perpollo baby, and her name means "Gift of the Mother of Liberty")
not an incest freak or a yan!
(i think you guys might like her lol)
she's a goddess of justice, liberty and freedom, and retribution and i chose these specifically because it's PAINFULLY ironic for her to be the goddess of all of these.... and be the daughter of PERCY, who we all know has been stripped of all of this 💀
cuz just... imagine it. the goddess of justice and your mother's been wronged by so many, one of them being your own father. the goddess of liberty and freedom, but your mother's been stripped of it and chained down.
imagine growing up and coming into your domains and realizing the one person who needs it the most is your own MOTHER and there's nothing you can really do to save her without facing severe consequences 😭
but anyway! 💖
metrodora has a stoic appearance, but it's just a bad case of the resting bitch face. she's actually a very kind and sweet goddess, she's just quiet and reserved. she's serious and no-nonsense, but not to the point of being stifling to others. a bit shy and awkward sometimes because like i said, she's very reserved so she doesn't have many close friends aside from her family.
she's also a maiden goddess! this was a decision she made after realizing the terrible situation her mother's in, so she made a vow of eternal maidenhood out of fear of... well... ending up like her mother 💔
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sirenios! (11th perpollo baby! his name means "Of the Sirens" or "Song of the sea")
as the name implies, he's got a natural full mer form like his mother does AND he's also got her cannibalistic tendencies lol
he's a god of beauty, sound, music, singing, and the sea!
as made obvious from one of his domains, he is the most beautiful of the perpollo kids (and yeah he also inherited a lot of percy's traits hehe). he's pretty vain, narcissistic and arrogant, and honestly a huge snob 😭😭
NOT as snobby as luisne though!!!! he doesn't screech and stomp around; he's more of the time to scoff and turn his nose up and things like that.
he is an incest kid, rip percy 😂😂😂
he is the god of beauty, but he got his looks from his MOTHER. put percy and sirenios side by side and many people would mistake them as twins. so naturally, he sees his mother as the ✨epitome of beauty✨
his father is beautiful too (LMAO), he supposes, but no one is as beautiful as him and his mother 💖
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rozaltha! (a beelcy daughter! her name means "The Unholy Bride/ The Rose Bride")
SHE IS A HUGE YAN LMAO (but not an incest freak tho)
i don't have her domains yet, but i think i'm gonna make her some sort of love and marriage goddess? or maybe just make her domains obsession and lovesickness???? idk yet, i'm still thinking of it
BUT ANYWAY!!!!! she's like those traditional yandere character tropes where they're super sweet but them BAM they go kill crazy for their darling 😭 think yuno gasai! traditional yans like that!
as the name implies, she's big on marriage! she wants to be a wife! she wants a perfect relationship like her mother and father have (which is fucking hilarious cuz this is BEELZEBUB and PERCY she's talking about 😂😂😂)
she's the type to "fall in love" really quickly. she tripped and someone caught her? "they love me! we must marry! 😍"
a handsome person looks at her? "oh my! they've fallen in love with me! do you think that want to marry me? 😍"
you get the gist LMAO
also, notice how i use "they" and not specify the gender? yeah, she doesn't care if it's a girl or a dude or a they. she just wants someone to take the "husband" role; she's a traditional gal too so it's gotta be someone who will take care of her, spoil and dote on her, etc. basically, a mirror of beelcy's relationship where rozaltha is like her mother and her ideal partner is like her father
anyway, like i said. she's a HUGE yan. the second she feels like her "husband"s attention is straying, her heart breaks and she loses it and kills them because how DARE they betray her like this 😭💔 or maybe they yell at her (they're calling her crazy because she kidnapped them), she'll kill them for hurting her feelings -- that's not how a husband treats their wife! 😭💔
poor girl just wants someone to love her. she wants the ideal relationship, a pure and beautiful romance just like her parents! 🥺💖💖💖
(ALSO! she doesn't care what species they are! human, god, demon, merfolk, satyr, nymph, WHATEVER! she doesn't care! just take care of her!!!!)
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fiachra! a sécy daughter!
a pretty lowkey yandere tbh.
if you recall, fiachra's one of the kids who inherited percy's cannibalistic tendencies and i made an earlier post about how i plan for fiachra to accidentally/somehow get a taste of a god's blood and grow obsessed with them because they just taste SO good
why i said she isn't THAT bad of a yan is that she does at least TRY to curb her desires 🥺
sécy daughters are good at (nonexistent) heart, most are just sheltered and naive thanks to their father. they're very very new to romance thanks to it, so poor girl's very confused about these blossoming feelings. she's read romance books before, is that what's happening to her? is she... in love with this god?
or does she just see them as food? they taste so good... but they are also pretty good looking... is this love? she wants to see this person again, wants to be around them more, and wants to eat them? is this love?! she's so confused 🥺💔💔💔
the thought of them makes her feel SO good though! the ichor floods to her face and she feels all nice and fuzzy inside! she wants to hug them and kiss them and sink her fangs in their neck -- no! wait! that's not nice! she shouldn't hurt people, that's what her mother taught her!
love is just so complicated for her 🥺💔
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clíona! another sécy daughter!
i'm thinking of making her a wilderness/nature goddess, but i'll think of that later lol. i just got the idea cuz of the antlers on her head. maybe i'll make deer her sacred animal?? 🤔
hyperactive joy of the palace! she's just cheery and sweet, it really fits her name "little darling" 🥰
can't sit still, she wants to run around in the forest and play with the animals and fae and other woodly creatures in the otherworld! but well... you know cú chulainn 💀 idiot has all his daughters and wife in lockdown like 25/8 😭
BUT she begged and begged and begged and he finally caved. fortunately, celtics are big on nature so their palace is already surrounded by a lush forest. cú chulainn lets her run around once more protective barriers are put in place so his baby can enjoy the nature 💖 the other kids can join too, they just canNOT go passed their territory or he'll lose his shit 💀
honestly, she has such huge puppy girl energy just like her mom but times it by 10 😂 always sparkly and wide-eyed, with the 90 degree head tilts, imaginary dog tail wagging 😂😂😂 (she's almost as hyperactive as anubis! which says a lot lol)
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nebamon! an anuby baby! (his nickname is "moni" like "money" btw hehe; also has his mother's cannibalistic tendencies)
anyway, yeah his appearance is weird but really, i just liked the fc so i struggled to think of an explanation as to why he looked like that BUT then i realized that egyptian gods had like... a thing for looking like/resembling/or at least SOME sort of relation to an animal/insect
so.... i picked... AN ANT! 😂 i mean... it fits! ants have five eyes and antennae (they're actually horns in the pic, but just pretend they're antennae 💔). anyway, he's the god of riches and treasures!
also........ imma be honest guys, i based his personality off of mammon from obey me 😭😭😭😭😭
so expect him to be very immature, greedy, prideful, boastful, and a bit of (lovable) moron 😂
HE LOVES HIS FAMILY THOUGH! i mean, he was raised by anubis and percy, ofc he'd be big on family 💖💖💖 so while he absolutely would playfully threaten to sell one of his siblings for a corn chip, he wouldn't actually do it 🥺💖
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nebkhetu! another anuby baby who has mommy's cannibalistic tendencies)
idk if you guys remember, but i got one of his domains from hsr aeons LMAO 😭. he's a sheep god who's domains are abundance (his name literally translates to "lord of abdundance"), fertility, harvest, agriculture, and sex.
a very flirtatious and sultry god who enjoys seducing others. he sleeps around a shit ton so yeah, he's a whore 💀 even worse, he's the god of FERTILITY which also falls under making fertile lands but ALSO sexual reproduction 😭😭😭 percy's ripping her hair out trying to prevent her kid from becoming a deadbeat but he just wants to keep breeding 😭💔
"if you don't help your partners prevent pregnancy, I WILL FIND A WAY TO PERMANENTLY REMOVE YOUR PENIS, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"
"y-yes mother.... 😨"
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anthenara! the eldest percades child! she's the one with the domain of blood and has her mother's cannibalistic tendencies
an yandere incest freak but NOT for her mom, but..... for her BROTHER lmao
(i think i'm gonna make it damasios???)
anyway, you know that "ara ara" nee-san meme???? yeah that's her 😍
elegant (like her father!), sultry, coy, and seductive, but EXTREMELY protective of her family. she's the first born after all, and she loves all her little baby siblings, but she loves one of them just a liiiiiitle too much 😜
even with her mother, she's protective and sometimes she can't help but treat percy as if she's one of her own little siblings which is hilarious 😂😂😂 anthenara just has strong motherly insticts okay? she's very caring and protective and percy looks and sometimes even acts younger than her LMAO
similarly to hades, she tends to be patronizing, (especially to damasios).
"oh, darling brother, are you sure you want to kill that man? perhaps i should do it for you 💖"
"you're too young to hear about this nasty talk, sweetie, why don't you go upstairs and play? 💖"
"oh my, are you disobeying your big sister~? 💖"
her family is all she cares about, she doesn't care for any outsiders and she ESPECIALLY doesn't trust poseidon or the posy children since she's aware that poseidon had killed her elder half-brother that she never got to meet 💔
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yvesssssssss · 21 hours ago
I don't know if you write for rion, but how would she react if her sweet girlfriend is being taken advantage of for her kindness?
Kind Doesn’t Mean Weak.
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Rion had always known that you were too kind for your own good. It was one of the things she loved about you—how you always tried to see the best in people, how you never hesitated to help, how your warmth made people gravitate toward you.
But that kindness? Some people mistook it for weakness.
And that pissed Rion off.
She had let a lot of things slide. The way people constantly asked you for favors but never returned them. The way your so-called "friends" made you do all the work when they were supposed to help. The way they guilt-tripped you into doing things just because they knew you wouldn’t say no.
But tonight? Tonight was the last damn straw.
She, Nagumo, and Sakamoto had stopped by your job—a small café in town—to grab some food. Uzuki had tagged along, though he didn’t look particularly interested in being there. It was supposed to be a quick stop. Order, eat, leave.
But the moment Rion stepped inside, her mood soured.
Because there you were—running around, struggling to carry a ridiculous amount of trays while your lazy-ass co-workers sat around chatting.
Nagumo whistled, resting his hands behind his head. “Man, she’s really working her ass off, huh?”
“Too much,” Sakamoto added, frowning slightly.
Rion’s expression darkened. She was already marching toward the counter before anyone could stop her.
You spotted her just as you set down a tray, your tired face immediately lighting up. "Rion! I didn’t know you were coming by!"
Rion ignored your greeting, her sharp eyes scanning you. You looked exhausted.
"Why are you the only one working?" Her voice was casual, but there was an unmistakable edge beneath it.
You hesitated. "I mean… Everyone else was tired, so I thought—"
"They were tired?" Rion repeated, her smile twitching. "And you weren’t?"
You looked away, clearly unsure how to answer.
Nagumo leaned against the counter, smirking. "Oof. You walked right into that one."
Uzuki, who had been silently observing, finally spoke. "They’re taking advantage of her," he said bluntly. His tone was neutral, but there was an undeniable sharpness to it.
Sakamoto crossed his arms, nodding in agreement. "It’s obvious."
Rion cracked her knuckles. "Yeah. Real obvious."
And then she turned, her gaze locking onto the group of slackers.
The café fell silent.
Your co-workers looked up, blinking as if they just now realized how much work you’d been doing. One of them opened their mouth, probably to make some weak excuse, but Rion wasn’t having it.
"You all got a problem with doing your own damn jobs?" she asked, voice dangerously light.
One of them stammered, "W-We just thought—"
"No, you didn’t." Rion took a step closer, tilting her head. "Because if you were thinking, you wouldn’t be making my girlfriend do all the work while you sit on your asses."
The group shifted uncomfortably. One of them tried to laugh it off. "C’mon, she said she didn’t mind—"
"She’s just nice. That’s not an excuse."
Your eyes widened slightly. You had never seen Rion like this—her usual playfulness replaced with something serious.
Nagumo chuckled. "You guys are in for it now. She’s really pissed."
"Not surprising," Uzuki muttered. "They deserve it."
Rion placed both hands on the counter, leaning in. "You all owe her. Big time. So here’s what’s gonna happen."
Silence. No one dared to interrupt.
"She’s done for the night. You’re cleaning up. You’re handling customers. You’re doing all the work she’s been covering for you." Rion’s eyes darkened. "And if I ever see you slacking off like this again… we’re gonna have a real problem. Got it?"
A frantic chorus of "Y-yeah!" and "Got it!" filled the air.
Satisfied, Rion turned back to you and grabbed your wrist, tugging you toward the door. "C’mon, sweetheart. You’re off work."
"Nope." She shot you a sharp look. "You’re done."
Sakamoto, ever the responsible one, glanced at the staff. "We’ll still pay for our food, but she’s not working anymore tonight."
Nagumo clapped a hand on your shoulder. "Damn, sweetheart, you should’ve said something sooner! You’ve got the most terrifying girlfriend in town."
"She’s not terrifying," you murmured.
Uzuki, still standing by the counter, tilted his head slightly. "She kind of is."
Rion rolled her eyes before turning back to you, her voice softer. "You know I love you, right?"
You nodded. "Of course."
"Then do me a favor." She cupped your cheek, her thumb brushing against your skin. "Stop letting people take advantage of you."
You bit your lip, looking down. "I just… don’t want to upset anyone."
Rion sighed. "Darling. Some people need to be upset."
You blinked up at her.
Nagumo laughed. "Yeah, Rion's got a point. Sometimes, people only learn when you punch ‘em in the face—"
"That’s not what I meant," Rion muttered, exasperated.
You hesitated, then smiled softly. "You’re really protective, huh?"
Rion scoffed. "Obviously."
Sakamoto nodded. "She cares."
Nagumo grinned. "Too bad for anyone who messes with you, huh?"
Uzuki just hummed in agreement.
You let out a small laugh, warmth blooming in your chest. Rion squeezed your hand, her usual smirk returning.
"Let’s get out of here," she said, tugging you toward the door.
And as you stepped out into the night, surrounded by her warmth, you realized something—
Being kind didn’t mean being weak.
And with Rion by your side?
You’d never be taken advantage of again.
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lemotmo · 2 days ago
I might actually die from anticipation. Anyway I agree with all of this! We're getting Buddie canon!!
Q. The last 5 minutes of that episode felt like they were at warp speed. But the Buddie stuff we got was so good!!! I can't actually believe those scenes are canon! I'm very annoyed at the Ryan stuff and dear god the Lou stuff, but everything else was so good! I feel like I'm flying!
A. The last 5 minutes gave me whiplash, anon, I agree. Any other time I would have said the Buddie scene at the end should have been cut and moved to the beginning of the next episode because it didn't really fit, and they did have to rush through the Maddie rescue to get it into the episode. But the context of that scene was necessary for upcoming episodes, and since I believe we're getting some kind of time jump as we open episode 11, they didn't really have a choice. The scene needed to be there and it was a PERFECT Buddie scene.
I will touch the Lou nonsense in this one ask, and I won't answer another one. For me personally it feels like trolling. He knew exactly what kind of pic to post and it's absolutely the kind of immature bullshit he finds funny. He could have been doing anything. 911 is not the only thing that shoots on that lot. ABC isn't the only studio who uses that lot. I think he knew exactly what he was doing and he found it funny. That's my personal take. Tommy serves no narrative purpose anymore. The Tommy part of Buck's brain officially died last night. There is no story reason to bring him back for a scene. Does that mean Tim won't? Nope, but if he does it would be for the sole purpose of having the audience see Buck actively choose Eddie. It would be used as a way to give Buck back the agency he kind of lost during their breakup. That would be the only reason he was there. And it's not necessary. Now it's possible Tim is tired and so he has written in a scene that would explicitly have Buck say out loud he doesn't want him, and it was never about him. That's also not unlike Tim. So it's one of those options, but I still personally feel like he was just attention seeking and it's nothing.
I haven't seen the Ryan stuff personally, thank god. Yay for my dash curation! I've heard about it from mutuals and asks but I haven't physically seen it myself. That being said, streaming services have obliterated an entire generation's ability to watch television. They genuinely don't know how to watch a television show. They don't understand how to WATCH. They want immediate satisfaction and answers and bullet point explanations for everything. The show has made it clear where this thing is headed. There is no more room for doubt. They are two characters on the same path going towards the same conclusion, however Buck is further along on the path. Eddie is still behind him because Eddie's route on the path has a detour (Christopher and Texas). That means Oliver can make acting choices and interview answer choices that Ryan cannot make yet. Oliver has fully made the turn. He is 100% playing Buck as in love with Eddie. And Buck is going to fully realize it either in episode 11 or 12. It's coming quickly for Buck. Eddie is not at that stage yet though so Ryan has to be more subtle. Ryan played the truck scene (the fact that scene is canon makes me want to climb the wall, twirl my hair, and kick my feet), and the goodbye scene perfectly. He was perfect in those scenes. Not only could you see the weight on him you could feel the weight on him. The uncertainty. The confusion about everything. The dialogue was loud but everything Ryan did with the dialogue, and silently without any dialogue was louder. He didn't look at Buck in the truck when he said 'it's not nothing'. He was awkward at the uhaul when it was time to say their goodbyes. They both played that scene so pitch perfect it gave me goosebumps. He allowed all the emotions Eddie was feeling to play out on his face. The subtle shift with his eyebrows during their hug was heartbreaking because it was Eddie taking a moment to realize what he's walking away from, and all the different emotions happening inside of him in that moment. There is a part of Eddie that knows. Ryan's playing it like that. Ryan is playing it as if Eddie was forced to choose between his son and Buck and he chose his son, as he should have, but that doesn't mean that leaving Buck isn't breaking his heart. And he doesn't have the mental strength to examine that more closely just yet. He's just trying to convince himself that what he's doing is right and for the best so it doesn't matter that he's hurting himself to make this choice. Ryan demonstrated all of that in that scene and anyone who's trying to argue otherwise is lying to themselves. And Eddie looked back! Abby never looked back, but Eddie did!! He looked back at Buck! That entire scene was god tier and I need people to understand that.
I also need people to understand that these scenes are not for the fandom. Obviously we eat them up, but their not for us. These scenes are for the general audience. These scenes are walking the general audience through the tonal and emotional shift in their relationship. They are very romantic coded. The dialogue, the music, the acting choices from both Oliver and Ryan. This is the show's way of making sure the audience as a whole understands and recognizes that their dynamic is changing. The audience is getting to witness the shift for both of them in real time. I desperately need people to understand how fucking good that is. We are getting to watch both men realize what's happening between them in real time and on an individual level. It's their love story! One episode at a time!!What they're doing is glorious and genuinely beautiful. Please don't take this for granted because this doesn't happen often. If you're not capable of following the story as it's told, which includes a week between episodes, and other storylines getting focus as well, then wait for the season to finish and binge the season at that point. But I am begging you all to learn how to watch a television show the way they were intended to be watched. Because that's what's happening here. We're getting ANTICIPATION!!! And LONGING!!! And I'm vibrating out of my skin! 🩷
Thank you Nonny!
Yeah, I agree with Ali on the Buddie of it all. We know where this is going, so let's just enjoy the ride. You know?
Seems I'm the only one who liked how they handled those last 5 minutes of the episode. I think it was a really clever way to go about things in order to make some time for the final Buddie goodbye scene.
I already said what I wanted to say about T and the Ryan stuff. I don't wish to talk about it anymore for today. I just want to enjoy my Buddie high for the remainder of this day. 😋
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If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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mulders-too-large-shirt · 2 days ago
my favorite scully and mulder moments from s6
the long kiss between mulder and hallucination/time warp scully in episode 3, which he says is “in case we never meet again”. she responds with a fist to his face- and he remarks that he was expecting a left hook instead of a right. i will think about this forever
scully listening to his rambles after he's been rescued from the ocean and placed in a hospital bed: “i would’ve never seen you again, but you believed in me” “in your dreams”, she laughs
and of course: “hey scully? i love you” “oh, brother” (fade to black as he cradles where she punched him in the face with a smile... haha, yes!!! the surface-level fluff and then the angst beneath it!!!! GOD!!)
episode 4’s area 51 roadtrip dialogue: “outpost 134. two miles to go” (the driest scully voice imaginable) “i’m allllll atingle”
(and then the heart-wrenching monologue of hers that follows: “don’t you ever want to stop? get out the damn car?”, and his frail insistence that they do have normal lives and nothing needs to change..... wow. it hurt splendidly)
they meet up again in episode 5, and scully can't figure out how to get mulder back into his own body. “you don’t look too happy. don’t tell me i’m going to have to put two kids through school” “that is you in there, isn't it, mulder?” <- sobbing. loudly. to recognize someone outside of their own body....
and when he tries so hard to convince scully that she can prove to kersh the nature of the body swap, never doubting her for a moment, she says “i’d kiss you if you weren’t so damn ugly” <- oh!!!! OH!! OH!
him giving her the sunflower seeds to remember him by when they think they are being separated forever... 💔 but don't worry! everything is okay in the end! thank goodness!!
mulder telling her the spooky story of lyda and maurice in episode 6; she tells him it is a great story, and he told it very well, but she has to go spread some holiday cheer!!!
the skeletons they find in the haunted house were wearing their outfits. mulder laughs: “how embarrassing”. and when they realize it's somehow THEM, they FREAK out!!!!!!
lyda teasing them about their feelings for each other, and mulder’s absolute certainly that scully would NOT kill him, no matter what <3
scully coming to his door the morning after the whole debacle instead of opening presents with her family like she said she would- she’s still shaken up, so she asks to come in (her! asking! to come into his apartment!), and he grabs her by the shoulders and guides her in
and he agrees with her claim that all of the ghostly adventures must have all happened in their heads, trying to push the implications out of both their minds
AND the gift exchange that follows, even though they agreed not to buy each other anything… their giant smiles as they tear into the presents on his couch, snow falling out the window <3 when i tell you i could have cried....
they way they look at each other in episode 8 when mr. hardt describes his town as “sexy through the lens of weather”, as if they were going to debrief and laugh about it the INSTANT they got in the car... it was SUCH a besties moment, i lost it
and all of the many times in that episode they were mistaken for a couple... i'm a simple woman, okay? i like simple things
scully responding with absolute silence when mulder says he is helping mr. hardt find a date (“... mulder, when was the last time you went on a date?” “i will talk to you later!” he declares, hanging up)
scully carefully checking mulder for any signs of concussion while he proposes the wild theory that someone purposefully threw a cow at him... really just an average day for them, tbh
the way they worked together to doctor up skinner in episode 9... he turns off all the lights and dangles a desk lamp so she can investigate... oh, that was a GOOD moment among a list of very good moments!!!
scully showing up to the gym where he was playing basketball in episode 11- he shoots a three pointer to impress her, and she says “mulder, it’s my distinct impression that you just cheated” <- get his ass!! (he wanted to WOO HER WITH BASKETBALL🥲)
she shows up again to the gym after they get in trouble and lose their jobs: “scully, you wanna go one-on-one? we’ve got nothing but time now that we’re on administrative leave” “aren’t you curious what i’ve got in the box?” (<- and that's Them, isn't it? he wants to play ball, she wants to play show and tell with the secret documents, they're both getting in trouble, saving the world, ignoring the consequences of their actions... i just love it)
(AND when she shows him sensitive photos of his father with CSM, she waits for him to say that he is ready before moving onto the next picture, trying to give him time to process his world being rocked... so what if i cry?)
being soaking wet and cranky with each other in episode 13: “he’s seen things i’ve only read about” “because sea monsters can only be read about, mulder, because they don’t exist” <- TELL HIM! 🦑
scully’s reaction to learning he has a waterbed in episode 14 AND his puzzled face when he discovers she was not, in fact, the person who gave it to him (WHY DID HE SEEM TO THINK IT WAS HER?? I'M STILL LAUGHING OVER THISSSSS)
their mid-time loop conversation on the nature of fate and free will: “i think that we’re free to be the people that we are- good, bad, or indifferent. i think it’s our character that determines our fate” “all the rest is preordained? i don’t buy that; there’s too many variables”
(but doesn't that show so much of who they are in so few words? isn't that an amazing view into their characters and how they fundamentally differ? AHH, i want to yell about it!!!)
also, there was never a universe where the two of them didn’t charge into the bank to save the day, because that is just who they are ❤️
ALL OF THE FAKE MARRIED MOMENTS IN EPISODE 15!! the angst in the way she shoves him off of her when all the neighbors leave… but how excited they were to search the house for clues… their dramatic commitment to staying in character… “how was your first night?” “oh, it was wonderful; we just spooned up and fell asleep like little baby cats”... cuddled up on the couch in front of the HOA president… scully grabbing his hand when he is told he can’t have a basketball hoop… her awkward laughter at dinner with the neighbors when he makes a joke about eating dolphins... LORD. i was the fan they were servicing
and despite all the silly stuff, they work SO well together to try and get information out of the neighbors.... BUT! scully does not let him kiss her cheek when she gets up to leave and it nearly cracks their facade, lmaoooo
mulder’s gasp when scully emerges from their shared bathroom with a green face mask- and then he immediately tries to play it cool!!!
mulder is digging a hole, and scully asks “do you care to hear what i think?” he answers “always” (screaming a little here)
mulder luring in scully to get involved with the mysterious dog-related deaths in episode 16 by hanging up the photos in their office, because he knows her so well. she's ignoring his ridiculous pun as she focuses on the impossibility of a dog doing these killings: “mulder, i don’t have to tell you how absolutely and completely wrong that seems” <- yeah girl, we know! you want to autopsy right now!!
mulder infodumping on cryptozoology to the cops and scully apologizing on his behalf: “animals that aren’t supposed to exist, like the sasquatch and the ogopogo and the abominable snowman-” “don’t mind him, he’ll go on forever” <- the gentle teasing, the familiarity of it all... to know someone enough to know when they cannot stop... her being so used to his nerdiness... it's all so good
scully knows that karin is tricking mulder the whole time. when she tricks him AGAIN into sitting at the hospital all night, scully snatches the magazine from his hands and turns her body away so that there is visible distance between them DESPITE them sitting on the same couch.... ooooo, that angst is GOOD!
(and later, she falls asleep on the couch, and he uses the magazine to gently tap her awake......)
at the end of the episode, mulder is blaming himself for what went down. scully realizes this, sitting on the edge of the desk, saying that karin analyzed him exactly right, and perhaps in doing so meant to pay him the ultimate compliment. he rubs his eyes like he can barely stay awake, and fidgets with a screwdriver as scully asks him if he will be alright. she's not telling him that it isn’t his fault or rubbing in the fact that she knew he was being manipulated- she's just trying to show him that karin admired him, and she means every word
scully gets so SENSITIVE in episode 17 when she proposes the human combustion theory, which resulted in us getting the incredible line “dear diary, today by heart leapt when agent scully suggested spontaneous human combustion”
flirting in the basement in episode 19: “mulder, it is such a gorgeous day outside. have you ever entertained the idea of trying to find life on this planet?” “i have seen the life on this planet, scully, and that is exactly why i am looking elsewhere” (god, that one had me LAUGHING)
then they spend a long time teasing each other, with him stealing her fake ice cream, and oh!!! the way she LAUGHS when she realizes he was looking at archival baseball scores the whole time!!!
and of course, the beloved baseball date- mulder paying some random kid to put the balls in the battling machine. his hands on her hips. their faces are so close together. he talks in a silly voice on behalf of the bat. rearranging their hands over and over again. she’s giggling. “shut up, mulder. i’m playing baseball”
all of the sweet, sweet hurt/comfort in episode 22 as mulder hears wild ringing noises in his head- scully checking him for a fever and trying to get him to go to the doctor. leading him out of the room when he’s in pain. him insisting he’s okay, but being unable to form a sentence and tell skinner about what they found. her trying to cover for him when he accuses skinner of spying on them. and then scully fully believing that she can speak to him without being hurt despite the fact that he is in a padded room, violent, yelling, and inconsolable....... wow 💗
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inkieflame · 2 days ago
(writing prompt if you want it to be)
how did Cleo and Etho react when they realized they were both in the lab?
Here's a lil oneshot about Cleo's first few days in the lab :D
(the one shot is for my Lab AU. If you're new here, I recommend checking out the Masterpost on my pinned post first)
Etho is four days late to the launch of the Third Life Scientific Mastery Project. This is because he wasn't supposed to be there in the first place.
Cleo, on the other hand, is exactly on time.
She comes to slowly, blinking drug-induced sleep from her eyes. Her mouth tastes metallic and stale, like she has bit herself on accident. She struggles to look at her surroundings. The florescent lights are too bright.
And beyond that, there is someone panicking nearby.
"oh, there's so many. There's so many. Martyn, they brought in so many more." The person sounds like they might be on the verge of crying. "They're all going to get hurt."
"Where's Netty? Where is everyone else? JIMMY, WHERE IS MY WIFE."
A third voice, smaller and directly in Cleo's ear, groans, "you'd think they would be a little gentler with the transition between the labs. My last transportation wasn't anywhere near this rough."
Cleo sits up, holding her head in her hands as a sharp pain shoots through her skull. She feels nauseous and dizzy. She manages to squint around at the bleach-white walls they're boxed into.
There are about a dozen people, most of them unconscious, laying on the tile floor like they've been dumped there unceremoniously. Cleo is laying near the edge of the pile. Nearby, there is one more person slumped into a wheelchair.
The voice closest to her belongs to a little dark-skinned goat hybrid. He's dressed in a white tank top and white shorts, with a metal choker around his neck. When Cleo looks around, she notices everyone is wearing it, including herself.
One of the other people awake runs to one of the open doors connected to the room, "Where is Netty? She's not here, no, she's- NETTY? NETTY, PLEASE!"
He's visibly shaking. His breathing is coming out in short, panicking gasps. The only other person awake, a yellow-feathered Avian, watches him for a moment, before something catches his attention.
"Martyn, it's Grian! Grian's back!" The Avian hurries over the other sleeping bodies to someone specific. "Grian, where have you been?"
The person, Grian, is clearly still unconscious.
Cleo clears her throat, and two heads turn to look at her. The other person, Cleo assumes his name is Martyn, is calling Netty's name down another one of the connected hallways.
"where am I?" Cleo demands.
The Avian sniffles, "Uh, good morning." He says weakly, letting go of Grian's body for a moment. "We're in a new lab. Or, uh, it's new for us. I guess this is your first."
Cleo stares at him like he is insane. She thinks he might be.
The goat-hybrid shuffles near her, "Jimmy is nervous, sorry." He clears his throat, "I'm Bigb. You're in a laboratory."
"what sort of laboratory?" Cleo wrinkles her nose. It pulls the skin on her face in a way that makes stitches strain. "I didn't sign anything, no one can legally kidnap me like this."
She stands up in a hurry, only for her stomach to drop. Her knees feel weak. She slowly moves to sit back down, "Ugh... I feel like walking garbage."
"It's the drug, it'll wear off." Bigb mumbles.
Martyn eventually trudges back to the group, looking pale and teary, "you, uh." He swallows, composing himself, "you said you saw Grian?"
The Avian, Jimmy, nods, "yeah, but something is wrong with him." He says quietly, "he's got these weird scars on his hands."
Martyn kneels beside him to look at Grian. They talk in low whispers. Cleo turns to Bigb.
"So how do I get out?"
Bigb sighs, "you don't. We've tried."
"Why not? Who's stopping you?" She asks.
"You just can't. You can't go back home." Bigb says, "And it'll do you well to keep your head down. You don't want their attention."
"I'M GONNA KILL THEM." Martyn explodes suddenly. A few sleeping people stir, eyes blinking open, and Martyn frowns deeply at them. He ducks back to Jimmy and mumbles something under his breath.
"Who are we killing?" Cleo chimes in, "whoever is keeping us here?"
Both Martyn and Jimmy look up at her.
"oh, someone's awake." Martyn says, "welcome to hell!" He calls, "we hope you enjoy your stay, but you will most likely suffer." He sneers.
Clearly, he was not having a good day.
Suddenly, Grian sits up. He has these bright, unnervingly purple eyes. He stands up too quickly for how long he must have been lying down, and looks around blankly at the group of slowly waking people.
Jimmy looks horrified.
A few moments pass, where people rub their eyes and wonder aloud where they are, before Grian speaks.
"Welcome to Third Life." He declares, voice as monotonous as his expression, "Enjoy your stay."
There are people who have masks and speak in rhymes. They seem to be in charge.
One of them takes Cleo to a bedroom with her name on it, and the number 20. It's one small bed and a nightstand with a lamp.
And it's quiet, which is nice compared to the previous chaos.
"it's so quiet." Cleo complements, thinking maybe if she couldn't sneak her way out of this, perhaps she could sweet-talk it.
The lab employee tilts their head at Cleo like they're processing this information. There is no feedback from the blank mask.
"it's just... Loud out there." Cleo says when they don't respond. She laughs awkwardly, "They make such a racket, like my ex-husband. Gosh, he was an absolute nightmare to deal with."
She wanders to sit on the bed. The other person just stands in her doorway, clearly thinking. After a long moment, they leave without another word. Weird.
The next few days I'm at the lab are not terrible. Cleo is fed, and she sleeps well, and there is one guy named Bdubs who has become inexplicably attached to her, but she doesn't mind that either. Mostly, Cleo's new life is good.
Martyn warns her about experiments and rentings, but she hasn't seen that happen yet, so there is nothing to worry about at the moment.
She watches a dog-hybrid named Ren fight with the lab workers, and he never wins. So as much as Cleo wants to, she decides to keep her head down for now.
Etho knows something is wrong when Cleo doesn't barge out of her house to yell at him like she does every Tuesday.
He is fully aware that he could receive a lawsuit for poking around the house post-divorce, so instead Etho just sits and watches for a few days until he's very sure that Cleo is not there. The car sits unused in the driveway. Which is weird. How would Cleo have left?
He goes back home for the evening, content to wait until the next morning to ponder the question more. When he wakes up again, he can hear the hum of bright lights, and he's in a room he doesn't recognize.
"How weird, another person? So soon?" Cleo overhears Jimmy say to Martyn while eating in the dinning room. "There's already so many people here"
Martyn rolls his eyes, "They're just feeding, it's what they do." He sighs, "They must have induced new members to warrant a whole new lab. They could be struggling to get enough to eat."
Jimmy nods, "it's the only thing that makes sense."
"how's the new place treating you, by the way?" Martyn asks, poking halfheartedly at his food.
"Good." Jimmy says, "haven't been rented yet, so that's good. But I, uh-"
Jimmy swallows, "some of the new subjects? I know them. Joel is my brother-in-law."
Martyn arches his eyebrows, "from before you were in the lab? Wow, what's that, four years ago? Does he recognize you?"
Cleo stops listening there, because someone new stumbles into the dining room, clearly confused with his new surroundings.
He looks vastly different from the last time Cleo saw him. Firstly, and maybe most importantly, his stupid anime-themed outfit is gone, replaced by the same white uniform everyone is wearing. Cleo can see his whole face too, including the lower half of his scar where it runs along his lip. But maybe the most striking difference is in the way he is holding himself.
His eyes scan the room and find her, "Cleo!"
She groans, "please, no."
"Thank goodness, someone I know." He hurries up to her, "what is happening?"
Cleo, determined to look anywhere except her ex-husband, resorts to glaring at the nearest lab employee.
He slumps, "Cleo, really? We're still fighting like this?"
"we are not "fighting," you were stalking me!" Cleo snaps, "my goodness! There was ONE good thing about being kidnapped and it was getting away from YOU."
He is silent for a moment.
Cleo huffs, "now I don't even have that." She picks up her tray, containing mostly uneaten food, "I'm going to my room. DON'T follow me."
And Etho is alone again.
Somewhere in the back of her mind, Cleo wonders how Etho will handle the lab. Especially when the rentings and experiments start.
She wouldn't call it pity, and she definitely wouldn't say she was worried about him, but.
But her stomach hurts sometimes, when she thinks about it.
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