#The World of Online Commerce
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fictionalred · 2 years ago
Okay took some memory digging, but I remembered Spreadshirt as a redbubble alternative! I have one that I completely forgot about [x] so please don't look at the state of that mess.
you get your own shop(s) and there's a general marketplace too, you can set your margins as wanted, there's more variety in products than redbubble
But it does look like you need a separate shop for the US and the EU (you can make several shops with one account)
idk much about it. have barely used it for some reason
then there's also storenvy which does the same 'marketplace' / private shop combo. I really liked that place! But I started putting up physical products that I had to ship out and I spiralled there and just deleted the entire thing. You do have to chose your own print fulfilment company (i had printful which was very good imo!!)
Actually do check out printful. you can make a large variety of products as wanted and priced as wanted, you get like 3 test prints a month that you only pay the production cost + shipping for (no profit margin), and they let you connect to shops like storenvy, etsy, gumroad, ebay etc to automatically place your items there
Wish there was a redbubble but like, not evil
Just the exact same website and upload system but they actually vetted new accounts so your work doesn't drown between stolen youtuber merch and those "I am a PLUMBER born in 1985 who likes FISHING" shirts.
I'll still use it bc there is no way I'll ever be able to send stickers to the other side of the world in a financially realistic way so it's fun to reach you guys but for having to make the artwork and do 100% of the promotion myself they sure take a very large chunk of the revenue.
They should at least clean up their store so it becomes microscopically more likely for someone to stumble upon my stuff trough the tags and search bar.
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easy-rich-mind · 1 year ago
Einführung in die Welt des Online-Business: Tipps und Modelle für deinen Start
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Einführung: Dein Start in die Welt des Online-Business
Stell dir vor, du hättest die Freiheit, dein eigenes Geschäft zu führen, direkt von deinem Laptop aus, egal wo auf der Welt du gerade bist. Klingt das nicht fantastisch? Genau diese Möglichkeit bietet dir ein Online-Business. In diesem Artikel zeige ich dir, wie du den Sprung in die spannende Welt des Online-Unternehmertums schaffst und dabei deine finanzielle Freiheit erreichst. Du fragst dich vielleicht, wie das alles funktioniert und ob es wirklich etwas für dich ist. Keine Sorge, ich führe dich durch die wichtigsten Schritte und zeige dir, welche Fähigkeiten du brauchst, welche Online-Business-Modelle es gibt und wie du konkret startest. Egal, ob du schon eine Idee hast oder noch ganz am Anfang stehst – hier findest du wertvolle Tipps und Inspirationen. Wir werden auch die Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten besprechen, die das Online-Business mit sich bringt. Von der Wahl des richtigen Geschäftsmodells über die Entwicklung der notwendigen Fähigkeiten bis hin zum Aufbau deiner Marke und deines Netzwerks – ich decke alles ab, was du wissen musst, um erfolgreich zu sein. Also, lass uns gemeinsam in diese Reise starten und herausfinden, wie auch du dein Online-Business aufbauen und damit deine Träume von finanzieller Unabhängigkeit verwirklichen kannst!Überblick über verschiedene Online-Business-Modelle - E-Commerce mit Nischenfokus: Spezialisierung auf eine bestimmte Nische im E-Commerce. Vorteil: Geringere Konkurrenz, gezielte Kundenansprache. Nachteil: Begrenzter Markt. - Affiliate-Marketing: Erzielung von Provisionen durch die Förderung fremder Produkte. Vorteil: Niedrige Einstiegshürden. Nachteil: Stark abhängig von Traffic und Konversionen. - Digitale Kurse und Coaching: Anbieten von Bildungsmaterialien oder Coaching-Diensten online. Vorteil: Hohe Margen und Expertenstatus. Nachteil: Erfordert tiefgreifendes Fachwissen und ständige Aktualisierung. - Virtuelle Event-Planung: Organisation von Online-Events wie Webinaren oder virtuellen Konferenzen. Vorteil: Steigende Nachfrage, flexible Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Nachteil: Benötigt technisches Know-how und Marketingfähigkeiten. - Online-Fitness und Wellness: Anbieten von Fitness- und Wellness-Kursen über das Internet. Vorteil: Wachsender Markt, keine physischen Räumlichkeiten erforderlich. Nachteil: Starke Konkurrenz, Abhängigkeit von starker Online-Präsenz. - E-Learning-Plattformen: Entwicklung von Plattformen für Online-Kurse in verschiedenen Fachgebieten. Vorteil: Hohe Nachfrage nach Bildungsangeboten. Nachteil: Erfordert Expertise in Lehrinhalten und Plattformentwicklung. - Podcast-Produktion und -Vermarktung: Gründung eines Podcast-Produktions- und Marketing-Unternehmens. Vorteil: Wachsende Beliebtheit von Podcasts. Nachteil: Benötigt Fähigkeiten in Audio-Produktion und Vermarktung. - Tech-Support und IT-Beratung: Bereitstellung von Online-Tech-Support und IT-Beratung. Vorteil: Kontinuierliche Nachfrage. Nachteil: Erfordert umfangreiches technisches Wissen. - Blogging und Content-Erstellung: Erstellen und Monetarisieren von Inhalten über Blogs oder andere Plattformen. Vorteil: Flexibilität und kreative Freiheit. Nachteil: Einkommen oft unbeständig und abhängig von der Reichweite. - Freelancing-Dienste: Anbieten spezifischer Dienstleistungen, wie Webdesign oder Texterstellung. Vorteil: Direkter Einkommensstrom und flexible Arbeitszeiten. Nachteil: Kann zeitintensiv und herausfordernd in der Kundenakquise sein. Die Wahl des passenden Modells hängt von deinen persönlichen Interessen, Fähigkeiten, verfügbaren Ressourcen und Zielen ab. Jedes Modell bietet einzigartige Chancen und Herausforderungen, die es zu berücksichtigen gilt. Online-Business-Modell Nachteile Vorteile E-Commerce mit Nischenfokus ✘ Begrenzter Markt ✔ Geringere Konkurrenz, gezielte Kundenansprache Affiliate-Marketing ✘ Stark abhängig von Traffic und Konversionen ✔ Niedrige Einstiegshürden Digitale Kurse und Coaching ✘ Erfordert tiefgreifendes Fachwissen und ständige Aktualisierung ✔ Hohe Margen und Expertenstatus Virtuelle Event-Planung ✘ Benötigt technisches Know-how und Marketingfähigkeiten ✔ Steigende Nachfrage, flexible Einsatzmöglichkeiten Online-Fitness und Wellness ✘ Starke Konkurrenz, abhängig von starker Online-Präsenz ✔ Wachsender Markt, keine physischen Räumlichkeiten erforderlich E-Learning-Plattformen ✘ Erfordert umfangreiches Wissen in der Inhaltsentwicklung ✔ Hohe Nachfrage nach Bildungsangeboten Podcast-Produktion und -Vermarktung ✘ Bedarf an Audio-Produktionskenntnissen ✔ Zunehmende Beliebtheit von Podcasts Tech-Support und IT-Beratung ✘ Erfordert tiefgehendes technisches Wissen ✔ Stetige Nachfrage Blogging und Content-Erstellung ✘ Unbeständiges Einkommen, abhängig von Reichweite ✔ Flexibilität und kreative Freiheit Freelancing-Dienste ✘ Zeitintensiv, herausfordernd in der Kundenakquise ✔ Direkter Einkommensstrom, flexible Arbeitszeiten Diskussion über Vor- und Nachteile jedes Modells Um eine fundierte Entscheidung zu treffen, ist es wichtig, die Vor- und Nachteile jedes Online-Business-Modells zu verstehen. Hier sind einige wichtige Punkte, die bei der Diskussion berücksichtigt werden sollten: - E-Commerce mit Nischenfokus: Dieses Modell bietet eine gezielte Kundenansprache und geringere Konkurrenz, jedoch kann der Markt begrenzt sein. - Affiliate-Marketing: Es hat niedrige Einstiegshürden, ist aber stark abhängig von Traffic und Konversionen. - Digitale Kurse und Coaching: Es ermöglicht hohe Margen und Expertenstatus, erfordert jedoch tiefgreifendes Fachwissen und ständige Aktualisierung. - Virtuelle Event-Planung: Die steigende Nachfrage und flexible Einsatzmöglichkeiten sind Vorteile, aber es bedarf auch technischen Know-hows und Marketingfähigkeiten. - Online-Fitness und Wellness: Ein wachsender Markt und keine physischen Räumlichkeiten sind Vorteile, aber es gibt auch starke Konkurrenz und die Abhängigkeit von einer starken Online-Präsenz. - E-Learning-Plattformen: Es gibt eine hohe Nachfrage nach Bildungsangeboten, erfordert jedoch umfangreiches Wissen in der Inhaltsentwicklung. - Podcast-Produktion und -Vermarktung: Zunehmende Beliebtheit von Podcasts ist ein Pluspunkt, jedoch wird ein Bedarf an Audio-Produktionskenntnissen vorausgesetzt. - Tech-Support und IT-Beratung: Es gibt eine stetige Nachfrage, erfordert aber auch tiefgehendes technisches Wissen. - Blogging und Content-Erstellung: Flexibilität und kreative Freiheit sind Vorteile, aber es gibt auch ein unbeständiges Einkommen, das von der Reichweite abhängig ist. - Freelancing-Dienste: Direkter Einkommensstrom und flexible Arbeitszeiten sind positiv, jedoch ist es zeitintensiv und herausfordernd in der Kundenakquise. Indem du die Vor- und Nachteile jedes Modells sorgfältig abwägst, kannst du eine fundierte Entscheidung treffen und das Online-Business wählen, das am besten zu deinen individuellen Fähigkeiten, Interessen und Zielen passt.Anleitung zur Auswahl des richtigen Online-Business Beim Auswahlprozess für das passende Online-Business sollten verschiedene Faktoren berücksichtigt werden, um sicherzustellen, dass es zu deinen individuellen Fähigkeiten, Interessen und Zielen passt. Hier sind einige wichtige Faktoren, die du beachten solltest: - Marktnachfrage: Untersuche den Markt, um herauszufinden, ob es eine Nachfrage nach den Produkten oder Dienstleistungen gibt, die du anbieten möchtest. Eine hohe Nachfrage deutet auf ein potentielles Erfolgspotenzial hin. - Persönliche Interessen und Stärken: Wähle ein Online-Business, das mit deinen Interessen, Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen in Einklang steht. Wenn du etwas gerne tust, wirst du motivierter sein, erfolgreich zu sein. - Startkapital: Berücksichtige deine finanziellen Möglichkeiten bei der Auswahl eines Business-Modells. Einige Modelle erfordern ein geringeres Startkapital als andere. Stelle sicher, dass du die finanziellen Mittel hast, um dein gewähltes Business zu starten und zu betreiben. Indem du diese Faktoren sorgfältig abwägst und deine Entscheidung auf der Grundlage einer gründlichen Analyse triffst, kannst du sicherstellen, dass du das richtige Online-Business für dich auswählst und deine Chancen auf langfristigen Erfolg maximierst.
Freiheit im Online-Business
Im digitalen Zeitalter bietet das Online-Business eine neue Art von Freiheit und Flexibilität, die in traditionellen Geschäftsmodellen oft nicht zu finden ist. Hier sind einige Schlüsselvorteile: - Flexibilität bei Arbeitszeit und -ort: Einer der größten Vorteile des Online-Business ist die Freiheit, zu arbeiten, wann und wo man möchte. Ob vom heimischen Schreibtisch, in einem Café oder sogar auf Reisen – solange eine Internetverbindung besteht, ist das Büro praktisch überall. - Globale Reichweite: Online-Unternehmer sind nicht auf ihren lokalen Markt beschränkt. Das Internet ermöglicht es ihnen, Kunden überall auf der Welt zu erreichen, was das Geschäftspotenzial enorm erweitert. - Anpassungsfähigkeit: Online-Geschäftsmodelle können schnell an Marktveränderungen angepasst werden. Diese Flexibilität ermöglicht es Unternehmern, auf Trends zu reagieren und innovative Ideen mit geringerem Risiko zu testen. - Persönliche Erfüllung: Viele Online-Unternehmer finden große Befriedigung darin, ihre eigenen Chefs zu sein und ihre Leidenschaften und Interessen in ein Geschäft zu verwandeln. - Reduzierte physische Einschränkungen: Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen Geschäften erfordern Online-Businesses in der Regel keine teuren physischen Standorte. Dies senkt die Einstiegshürden und ermöglicht es mehr Menschen, Unternehmer zu werden. - Schnelle Technologieanpassung: Online-Businesses können neueste Technologien schnell integrieren, was ihnen einen Wettbewerbsvorteil verschafft und hilft, effizienter zu arbeiten. Aspekt Nachteile Vorteile Arbeitsflexibilität ✘ Mögliche Schwierigkeiten bei der Selbstorganisation und Disziplin ✔ Freie Wahl von Arbeitszeit und -ort Globale Reichweite ✘ Kulturelle und zeitliche Herausforderungen bei der globalen Kommunikation ✔ Zugang zu einem weltweiten Markt Anpassungsfähigkeit ✘ Ständige Notwendigkeit zur Anpassung und Innovation ✔ Schnelle Reaktion auf Marktveränderungen Persönliche Erfüllung ✘ Hohe Eigenverantwortung und Druck ✔ Verfolgung persönlicher Interessen und Leidenschaften Geringere physische Barrieren ✘ Potenziell höhere Konkurrenz im digitalen Raum ✔ Kein Bedarf an physischem Geschäftsstandort Technologieeinsatz ✘ Erforderliche ständige Weiterbildung und technisches Know-how ✔ Einsatz modernster Tools und Technologien
Fallstudien und Erfolgsgeschichten
Die folgenden Fallstudien illustrieren, wie unterschiedliche Online-Unternehmer ihre Geschäfte erfolgreich aufgebaut haben. Sarahs nachhaltige Modeboutique: Sarah startete eine Online-Boutique für nachhaltige Mode. Anfangs kämpfte sie mit der Markenbekanntheit, aber durch gezieltes Influencer-Marketing und die Schaffung einer starken Social-Media-Präsenz konnte sie ihre Zielgruppe effektiv erreichen. Heute ist ihre Boutique eine beliebte Adresse für umweltbewusste Mode. Max Tech-Tutorial-Blog: Max begann als Hobby einen Blog über Technik. Durch die Bereitstellung hochwertiger Inhalte und das Nutzen von SEO-Techniken gelang es ihm, eine treue Leserschaft aufzubauen. Erweitert hat er sein Angebot durch Affiliate-Marketing, wodurch er ein beständiges Einkommen generiert. Leas digitale Kunstschule: Lea, eine talentierte Künstlerin, gründete eine Plattform für digitale Kunstunterricht. Ihre Herausforderung lag darin, sich in einem gesättigten Markt abzuheben. Durch die Kombination ihres einzigartigen Lehrstils mit effektiver Online-Werbung gelang es ihr, eine engagierte Schülerschaft aufzubauen. Jans Online-Fitness-Coaching: Jan startete ein Online-Fitness-Coaching-Geschäft. Trotz starker Konkurrenz konnte er sich durch personalisierte Trainingspläne und exzellenten Kundenservice einen Namen machen. Seine Fähigkeit, Kundenfeedback in sein Angebot zu integrieren, half ihm, eine loyale Kundenbasis aufzubauen. Mias handgefertigte Schmuckkollektion: Mia verkaufte handgefertigten Schmuck über eine eigene Webseite. Anfangs kämpfte sie mit geringen Verkaufszahlen. Durch gezieltes E-Mail-Marketing und die Einführung einer personalisierten Schmucklinie gelang es ihr, ihre Marke zu stärken und ihre Verkaufszahlen deutlich zu steigern. Diese Fallstudien zeigen, dass Erfolg im Online-Business durch Kreativität, Anpassungsfähigkeit und Engagement erreichbar ist. Jeder dieser Unternehmer hat einzigartige Herausforderungen gemeistert und Wege gefunden, ihr Geschäft erfolgreich zu gestalten.
Zum Abschluss dieses Artikels möchte ich dich ermutigen, die Möglichkeiten des Online-Business zu erkunden. Die vorgestellten Geschäftsmodelle und Erfolgsgeschichten zeigen, dass mit der richtigen Strategie, harter Arbeit und ein wenig Kreativität, jeder im digitalen Raum erfolgreich sein kann. Beginne heute mit der Planung deines Online-Business. Nutze die verfügbaren Ressourcen, baue deine Fähigkeiten aus und wage den Schritt in die spannende Welt des Online-Unternehmertums. Deine Reise könnte die nächste inspirierende Erfolgsgeschichte sein!Anja - Deine Mentorin ... und Business Expertin #1 im deutschsprachigen Raum für Frauen, die bereit sind für tiefgehende Transformation und sich mit ihrem Business online authentisch und effektiv vermarkten wollen. Anja ist Meisterin darin, dir zu zeigen wie du klare Business Strategien anwendest und auf deine eigene Schöpferkraft zugreifst um mit deinem Online Business erfolgreich zu werden
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Unverbindliches Gespräch vereinbaren Mach den ersten Schritt mit Anja! Du fühlst die Flammen deiner Leidenschaft und siehst die unzähligen Möglichkeiten vor dir. Aber vielleicht fragst du dich, wie du anfangen sollst oder wie du die nächsten Stufen erreichst. Hier kommt Anja ins Spiel. Die Mentorin Anja von Erfolgsladys hat bereits zahlreichen Frauen geholfen, ihre Träume in die Realität umzusetzen und sich in der digitalen Welt als Erfolgsladys zu etablieren. Mit ihrer Expertise und ihrem tiefen Verständnis für Online-Business kann sie dir helfen, die Stolpersteine zu überwinden und deinen einzigartigen Weg zum Erfolg zu ebnen. Möchtest du eine Erfolgslady werden? Warte nicht länger. Buche jetzt dein kostenfreies und persönliches Erfolgsgespräch mit Anja und beginne deine Reise zur Online Unternehmerin mit der besten Unterstützung an deiner Seite. Dein Traum wartet. Ergreife jetzt die Initiative!Was sind Brancheninnovationen? Brancheninnovationen beziehen sich auf bahnbrechende Veränderungen und neue Entwicklungen in verschiedenen Wirtschaftszweigen. Sie umfassen technologische, prozessuale und konzeptionelle Neuerungen, die traditionelle Geschäftsmodelle transformieren und neue Möglichkeiten im Online-Business eröffnen. Wie beeinflussen Brancheninnovationen das Online-Business? Brancheninnovationen beeinflussen das Online-Business, indem sie neue Technologien und Geschäftsmodelle einführen. Dies führt zu effizienteren Prozessen, verbessertem Kundenerlebnis und eröffnet neue Märkte. Beispiele sind die Digitalisierung des Einzelhandels, Fortschritte im FinTech und die Integration von KI in verschiedene Geschäftsprozesse. Welche Rolle spielt KI in den aktuellen Brancheninnovationen? Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) spielt eine zentrale Rolle in den aktuellen Brancheninnovationen. Sie ermöglicht Automatisierung, verbesserte Datenanalyse, personalisiertes Marketing und effizientere Betriebsabläufe. KI-Anwendungen reichen von der Kundeninteraktion bis hin zur Optimierung von Lieferketten und haben einen tiefgreifenden Einfluss auf zahlreiche Branchen. Was sind Beispiele für Brancheninnovationen im E-Commerce? Im E-Commerce beinhalten Brancheninnovationen die Einführung von Augmented Reality zur Produktansicht, personalisierte Einkaufserlebnisse durch Big Data und KI, sowie innovative Liefermethoden wie Drohnenlieferungen. Diese Innovationen verändern das Kundenerlebnis und erhöhen die Effizienz des Online-Handels. Wie verändern Brancheninnovationen das Gesundheitswesen? Im Gesundheitswesen führen Brancheninnovationen zu verbesserter Patientenversorgung durch Telemedizin, personalisierte Medizin basierend auf genetischen Daten und den Einsatz von KI in der Diagnostik. Diese Entwicklungen ermöglichen eine präzisere und zugänglichere medizinische Versorgung. Welchen Einfluss haben Brancheninnovationen auf die Bildungstechnologie? Brancheninnovationen in der Bildungstechnologie umfassen die Entwicklung von Online-Lernplattformen, KI-basierten personalisierten Lernwegen und den Einsatz von VR/AR für immersive Lernerfahrungen. Diese Technologien machen Bildung zugänglicher und interaktiver und eröffnen neue Wege für das lebenslange Lernen. Wie wirken sich Brancheninnovationen auf traditionelle Branchen aus? Traditionelle Branchen wie Landwirtschaft, Fertigung und Einzelhandel erfahren durch Brancheninnovationen eine Transformation. Dies reicht von der Automatisierung durch Roboter und KI bis hin zur Nutzung von IoT (Internet der Dinge) für effizientere Prozesse und verbesserte Kundeninteraktionen. Was sind die Herausforderungen bei der Implementierung von Brancheninnovationen? Zu den Herausforderungen gehören die Anpassung an neue Technologien, die Sicherstellung von Datenschutz und Cybersicherheit, die Schulung von Mitarbeitern und die Bewältigung von regulatorischen Anforderungen. Read the full article
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parvej121 · 1 year ago
Exploring the Cutting-Edge Canyon Technology Products | Dreamworks Direct
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In today’s fast-paced world, technology plays a vital role in shaping our lives. From smartphones to smart homes, innovative products have revolutionized the way we live and interact. One such area of technological advancement is Canyon Technology, which offers a range of cutting-edge products designed to enhance our e-commerce experiences. In this blog, we will delve into the world of Canyon Technology products available at Dreamworks Direct, an e-commerce company dedicated to providing customers with the latest and most advanced tech gadgets.
Canyon Wireless Chargers: Wireless charging has become increasingly popular due to its convenience and efficiency. Canyon offers a range of wireless chargers that are compatible with various devices, including smartphones, smartwatches, and earbuds. These chargers utilize advanced Qi wireless charging technology, allowing users to charge their devices without the hassle of cables and connectors. With sleek designs and fast-charging capabilities, Canyon wireless chargers are a must-have accessory for tech enthusiasts.
Canyon Bluetooth Speakers: Music lovers can rejoice with Canyon’s range of Bluetooth speakers that deliver exceptional sound quality and portability. These speakers are equipped with advanced Bluetooth technology, enabling seamless connectivity with smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Whether you’re hosting a party or enjoying some downtime, Canyon Bluetooth speakers offer immersive audio experiences with their powerful drivers and long-lasting battery life. Additionally, some models feature built-in microphones for hands-free calling and voice assistant integration.
Canyon Gaming Accessories: For avid gamers, Canyon offers an array of gaming accessories designed to enhance their gaming performance and overall experience. From gaming keyboards and mice to headsets and controllers, these products are tailored to meet the demands of both casual and professional gamers. With ergonomic designs, customizable RGB lighting effects, programmable buttons, and high-precision sensors, Canyon gaming accessories provide gamers with the tools they need to excel in their virtual adventures.
Canyon Smart Home Devices: In the era of smart homes, Canyon has introduced a range of smart devices that seamlessly integrate with existing home automation systems. These devices include smart plugs, smart bulbs, and smart security cameras. With the ability to control these devices remotely via smartphone apps or voice assistants, users can create personalized schedules, monitor energy consumption, and enhance their home security. Canyon’s smart home devices offer convenience, energy efficiency, and peace of mind for homeowners.
Dreamworks Direct is your go-to destination for exploring and purchasing the latest Canyon Technology products. From wireless chargers to gaming accessories and smart home devices to VR headsets, Canyon offers a diverse range of cutting-edge products that cater to various tech needs. Embrace the future of technology with Canyon’s innovative solutions available at the best E-commerce in Nigeria Dreamworks Direct.
For more information visit → https://dreamworksdirect.com/
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lancecharleson · 5 months ago
Just a gentle reminder
The Heritage Foundation have outright admitted they intend for """The Kids Online Safety Act""" to be weaponized against LGBTQ+/abortion information and any form of sexual expression on the internet, that is IF the drump wins the election in November.
KOSA very recently passed the "mark up" stage in the House Committee on Energy & Commerce, and now, according to the EFF, the bill is being considered in the US House this week. So now is the perfect time to call/pester your house representatives to shoot this unconstitutional bill down for good.
If you're unsure of how to contact and make your piece known to your House representatives, here's a handy resources guide, complete with call scripts written specifically for democrats and republicans!
Make no mistake, this bill will not just affect millions of people in the states, this will also affect the wider web across the world. So for international folk, you can also sign the petition here!
I believe taking these actions may end up working, because even House representatives are beginning to doubt this bill is in anyway a good thing actually. All we have to do now is pile on the pressure!
There is no sugar coating this bill, and more and more people are starting to see it for what it is; KOSA is a trojan horse for internet censorship. Call your representatives and demand they kill it once and for all.
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bilolli · 11 months ago
Just Dance Care AU!
Ok ok so I thought of a story for this Au but it’s nothing really impactful or full of drama and angst like my other au’s, I wanted to leave this au easy and fun to play around, because, let’s say it. Just Dance and drama in the same sentence makes me laugh. 
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story and PNG version under the cut!
(I gave up on Y/n design because I couldn't figure out a general look for them. This is you we are talking about! Draw your own JD fit, I'll draw mine soon XD)
Anyway here’s the story so far: 
Year 2029, videogames industry made a huge step forward and classic consoles and devices were substituted by the new and upgraded VR headsets with full body tracking. It’s something like the NerveGear in Sword Art Online without the kill switch. Some games still require you to actually move your body (like fitness games or sports because yeah, they don’t have a purpose otherwise). 
Y/n wanted to buy the newest VR headset but, while searching for the best offer, they found out FazCo entertainment was hosting a giveaway, the prize? One of their prototypes, a VR meant to be released the next year coinciding with the opening of their first mega pizza plex.
(so the plex doesn’t exist right now). You decide to sign up for the giveaway and after a while you receive an email telling you you won the VR headset and that, to claim it, you need to read and sign a series of NDA policies (understandable, it’s a prototype headset that’s not even in commerce). Some clauses are a little bit concerning but nothing you hadn’t read on other electronics booklets, so you decide to sign. After, like, a day, you have the VR in your hands. 
The box let you know with super saturated and colorful writing, that the VR came with a game pre-installed inside. Uh, that’s why they were giving one away, they wanted a free game tester…but you know what, it’s worth it.
You always liked Just Dance games, they make you think about happy memories of your childhood. This pre-installed game called “Five Dances at Freddy’s” is a close copy of your childhood game with original FazCo songs, characters, environments and also some collaborations with other famous artists. It probably will be the cause of a big copyright infringement report.
There are various ways to play it: story mode, Casual dance, Five Dances, and Just Dance Care.
The first one is similar to the casual dance mode but with little cutscenes between a dance and another to tell a tale, Casual dance is how you can play the collab songs, Five Dances is the multiplayer mode and Just Dance Care is a more uhhhh “hard” way to play the game with all the other modes mixed in it. You stare at the description of the last mode smirking and decide to try it first just to see how far you can get before losing (yes you can lose in hard mode in this Just Dance, but you don’t die, you just have to restart from the beginning). Turns out the FazCo wasn’t kidding when they advertised the new headset as a breakthrough in the world of virtual reality headsets, the thing TRANSPORTED you inside the game itself. 
You almost have a heart attack when you can’t find your VR on your head, but before you can try something you are blocked by two tall individuals who you think are the “tutorial” characters. 
Yadda yadda, tutorial, you can pause the game and exit whenever you need just by opening an hidden menu, you find out your tutorial characters are called Sun and Moon and that you are way worse than you remembered at dancing (damn full body tracking, there is no way you are going to do a cartwheel in the middle of a dance, you still don’t know if your body is inside your home and if you’ll physically feel pain if you fall and you don’t want to find out).
You pass an embarrassingly long time trying to win your first dance battle just to discover it was still the tutorial. 
You try to go on with the story but you fail at the first real battle with a bear character named Freddy. 
And guess what? You have to start again from the tutorial! Y/n is gonna spend A LOT of time with Sun and Moon if this goes on.
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sexymemecoin · 8 months ago
The Metaverse: A New Frontier in Digital Interaction
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The concept of the metaverse has captivated the imagination of technologists, futurists, and businesses alike. Envisioned as a collective virtual shared space, the metaverse merges physical and digital realities, offering immersive experiences and unprecedented opportunities for interaction, commerce, and creativity. This article delves into the metaverse, its potential impact on various sectors, the technologies driving its development, and notable projects shaping this emerging landscape.
What is the Metaverse?
The metaverse is a digital universe that encompasses virtual and augmented reality, providing a persistent, shared, and interactive online environment. In the metaverse, users can create avatars, interact with others, attend virtual events, own virtual property, and engage in economic activities. Unlike traditional online experiences, the metaverse aims to replicate and enhance the real world, offering seamless integration of the physical and digital realms.
Key Components of the Metaverse
Virtual Worlds: Virtual worlds are digital environments where users can explore, interact, and create. Platforms like Decentraland, Sandbox, and VRChat offer expansive virtual spaces where users can build, socialize, and participate in various activities.
Augmented Reality (AR): AR overlays digital information onto the real world, enhancing user experiences through devices like smartphones and AR glasses. Examples include Pokémon GO and AR navigation apps that blend digital content with physical surroundings.
Virtual Reality (VR): VR provides immersive experiences through headsets that transport users to fully digital environments. Companies like Oculus, HTC Vive, and Sony PlayStation VR are leading the way in developing advanced VR hardware and software.
Blockchain Technology: Blockchain plays a crucial role in the metaverse by enabling decentralized ownership, digital scarcity, and secure transactions. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and cryptocurrencies are integral to the metaverse economy, allowing users to buy, sell, and trade virtual assets.
Digital Economy: The metaverse features a robust digital economy where users can earn, spend, and invest in virtual goods and services. Virtual real estate, digital art, and in-game items are examples of assets that hold real-world value within the metaverse.
Potential Impact of the Metaverse
Social Interaction: The metaverse offers new ways for people to connect and interact, transcending geographical boundaries. Virtual events, social spaces, and collaborative environments provide opportunities for meaningful engagement and community building.
Entertainment and Gaming: The entertainment and gaming industries are poised to benefit significantly from the metaverse. Immersive games, virtual concerts, and interactive storytelling experiences offer new dimensions of engagement and creativity.
Education and Training: The metaverse has the potential to revolutionize education and training by providing immersive, interactive learning environments. Virtual classrooms, simulations, and collaborative projects can enhance educational outcomes and accessibility.
Commerce and Retail: Virtual shopping experiences and digital marketplaces enable businesses to reach global audiences in innovative ways. Brands can create virtual storefronts, offer unique digital products, and engage customers through immersive experiences.
Work and Collaboration: The metaverse can transform the future of work by providing virtual offices, meeting spaces, and collaborative tools. Remote work and global collaboration become more seamless and engaging in a fully digital environment.
Technologies Driving the Metaverse
5G Connectivity: High-speed, low-latency 5G networks are essential for delivering seamless and responsive metaverse experiences. Enhanced connectivity enables real-time interactions and high-quality streaming of immersive content.
Advanced Graphics and Computing: Powerful graphics processing units (GPUs) and cloud computing resources are crucial for rendering detailed virtual environments and supporting large-scale metaverse platforms.
Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI enhances the metaverse by enabling realistic avatars, intelligent virtual assistants, and dynamic content generation. AI-driven algorithms can personalize experiences and optimize virtual interactions.
Wearable Technology: Wearable devices, such as VR headsets, AR glasses, and haptic feedback suits, provide users with immersive and interactive experiences. Advancements in wearable technology are critical for enhancing the metaverse experience.
Notable Metaverse Projects
Decentraland: Decentraland is a decentralized virtual world where users can buy, sell, and develop virtual real estate as NFTs. The platform offers a wide range of experiences, from gaming and socializing to virtual commerce and education.
Sandbox: Sandbox is a virtual world that allows users to create, own, and monetize their gaming experiences using blockchain technology. The platform's user-generated content and virtual real estate model have attracted a vibrant community of creators and players.
Facebook's Meta: Facebook's rebranding to Meta underscores its commitment to building the metaverse. Meta aims to create interconnected virtual spaces for social interaction, work, and entertainment, leveraging its existing social media infrastructure.
Roblox: Roblox is an online platform that enables users to create and play games developed by other users. With its extensive user-generated content and virtual economy, Roblox exemplifies the potential of the metaverse in gaming and social interaction.
Sexy Meme Coin (SEXXXY): Sexy Meme Coin integrates metaverse elements by offering a decentralized marketplace for buying, selling, and trading memes as NFTs. This unique approach combines humor, creativity, and digital ownership, adding a distinct flavor to the metaverse landscape. Learn more about Sexy Meme Coin at Sexy Meme Coin.
The Future of the Metaverse
The metaverse is still in its early stages, but its potential to reshape digital interaction is immense. As technology advances and more industries explore its possibilities, the metaverse is likely to become an integral part of our daily lives. Collaboration between technology providers, content creators, and businesses will drive the development of the metaverse, creating new opportunities for innovation and growth.
The metaverse represents a new frontier in digital interaction, offering immersive and interconnected experiences that bridge the physical and digital worlds. With its potential to transform social interaction, entertainment, education, commerce, and work, the metaverse is poised to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. Notable projects like Decentraland, Sandbox, Meta, Roblox, and Sexy Meme Coin are at the forefront of this transformation, showcasing the diverse possibilities within this emerging digital universe.
For those interested in the playful and innovative side of the metaverse, Sexy Meme Coin offers a unique and entertaining platform. Visit Sexy Meme Coin to explore this exciting project and join the community.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year ago
CRITICAL WARNING!!!! Radio talk show hostess, Kim Komando, did some digging about TEMU and this is what she found!
Seemingly overnight, everyone’s talking about Temu (pronounced “tee-moo”), an online shopping app that boasts deals that seem too good to be true, like $17 wireless earbuds, $1 “gold” necklaces and $23 wedding dresses.
Over 50 million Americans have downloaded Temu since it launched state-side in September 2022, after it gained traction with expensive Super Bowl ads promising to let you “shop like a billionaire.”
Today, Temu is the most popular shopping app in the U.S. behind Amazon. But most of us don’t know much about the app’s true origins. Reader Daniel Mayer asked an important question, “Is [Temu] something we should be concerned about?”
So, I did some digging. And as it turns out, yes, you absolutely should be. Here’s what I found:
Where did Temu come from?
This isn’t some fly-by-night operation. Temu is based in Boston, Massachusetts, by PDD Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: PDD). PDD is headquartered in Shanghai, China.
PDD also owns the e-commerce platform Pinduoduo headquartered in — you guessed it — China. So, Temu is a Communist China-based app and site.
What you need to know before using Temu
First, you’re buying goods directly from manufacturers in China and other parts of the world. That’s why shipping times are often 12 days or longer. The prices are low because the goods are cheap. The pictures of what you see advertised may not be what you actually get.
Temu’s BBB rating is 2.21/5. Reviews at TrustPilot are interesting, with 38% 5-star reviews and 41% 1-star reviews.
But that’s not the worst of it.
Temu is downright dangerous.
The app is a clever, pervasive digital stalker. As you shop, Temu monitors your activity on other apps, tracks your notifications and location and changes settings.
🛑 It gets worse. Temu gains full access to all your contacts, calendars and photo albums, plus all your social media accounts, chats and texts. In other words, literally everything on your phone. This is scary
No shopping app needs this much control, especially one tied to Communist China. If you’re using Temu, delete the app from your phone ASAP.
On iPhone, Long-press an app, then tap Remove App > Delete App. Tap Delete to confirm.
On Android, touch and hold an app, then tap Remove App > Delete App > Delete.
Pro tip: If you downloaded Temu, to be safe from Chinese spies, you really need to do a full factory reset.
But wait, there’s more! Temu’s sister app was removed from Google Play because of malware.
Do not buy from this company, or use their app!
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cloveroctobers · 8 months ago
Hello, I was wondering if you could write angst with Luca from the bear where Luca spends more time at the cafe than he does at home. And him and reader possible get into an argument about it? It can end however you see fit. - ✨
SITUATIONS — LUCA [Summer Requests]
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A/N: angst you want? Say no more! I tweaked it just a bit so it ties in with s3, and it’s shorter than what I typically write but I hope you still like! ✨
WARNINGS: language & uncertainties in a relationship.
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“Do I need to be worried?” You spit out, feeling your heart hammer in your chest as you stand a great distance from the bonfire.
No matter how far you and Luca walked off, it was evident to your friends, old friends of his, and new friends that your conversation was anything but good.
You were beyond frustrated with Luca and that was rare. The both of you did pretty well at voicing exactly what may be going on with each other but ever since you chose to continue to follow him back to the states, back to Chicago, you gradually saw the change in your boyfriend of five years. It’s only been a week into month two. Some called you crazy for picking up your life yet again to be right beside Luca but love will make you do things others might not understand.
“What are you on about?” Luca’s brows curve in awards in confusion.
Folding your arms in defense you swallow, “Luca, you showed up almost two hours late here with her, with Sydney. I called you repeatedly after looking at the spaces nearly all day and it took your sister to show up to the new spot, to tell you to respond to me; that’s only because she lives on that side of town.”
Luca took a three month leave from Brimstone’s Gate and since your slowly growing e-commerce pottery business: Whimsy Glazes was mostly online, you were able to pick up and go as well, although the rental space you paid for in Copenhagen carried all of your supplies and equipment, you considered opening up a physical business once Luca voiced after a month being in Chicago, that he would contemplate moving to the states for a change and to be closer to his sister.
Again it felt like you were making the sacrifices to be here with him and not once did he ask you but it was started to feel like a given. Like you were expected to just follow and maybe that was your first mistake once you left New Zealand behind. That’s where the two of you met for the first time, you’ve been settled out there since after you graduated university but Luca showed you another piece of the world once he came into yours.
New Zealand was for you what Copenhagen was for him and now he wanted a change but did that also include a different path from you as well? You never had doubts about your relationship even making it this far and not to say that it was a spotless relationship but this situation was talking to your gut more than ever now.
Luca deeply inhales as he responds, “I truly apologize for that love. Time got the best of us and I’m bad with keeping my phone on silent…that sound’s like excuses I know and I’ll do better.”
Digging your fingers into your forearms you state, “see that’s the thing…I had a feeling you would say this to me but you’ve been at Shapiro’s spot constantly.”
Luca loved to give Chef Shapiro shit since he tended to be snarky, always observant along with being opinionated and pushy—or persistent according to him. Once his found his own space, got it inspected, made the changes, and started planning out the interiors, Shapiro was quick on looking for employees. He even considered Luca but it seemed like the now buzzed haired blond (for the season—his words, something else he recently changed as well) was also holding out much like Sydney.
So you heard.
Ultimately she made her decision.
“I alternate,” Luca interrupts, “between the bear and Smudges—I mean—The Blue-Chandelier Bistro—sheesh that’s still a fucking mouthfull isn’t it?” He attempts to lighten the tension but you’re not backing down which makes him sigh, “Babe, I’ve never given you a reason to be worried about us have I?”
Shaking your head you look away from his stare out into the darkest of the navy ocean, “No but it’s been five years and the way you’re around her reminds me of how you first approached me: Slightly awkward but talkative, curious, a glimmer in the left eye of yours.”
Luca’s shaking his head, reaching to grab your chin so that your focus is back on his, “No, don’t do that. I love you, only you. I feel like you’re looking for something that isn’t there. Syd and I are mates and I thought you two got on well too.”
“I like Sydney.”
That was not a lie. She was thoughtful, passionate, funny even, and you related to her on experiencing not being heard in spaces especially in art school. It’s what drove you to have your own business and be your own boss. You genuinely wanted to see her succeed and you wouldn’t be pointing the fingers at her. Call it insecurity or the purple devil (like you often did) but somewhere beneath it all the signs felt like they were becoming more clear.
“She brilliant.” Luca comments in admiration and you slowly nod your head, “I give credit where credit is due and over this short span of time, we’ve connected.”
“And spent a lot of time together.” You add, “Which you’re supposed to do with your kind of field, I get it. There’s a group chat that I’m not part of with you, Sydney, and Marcus and I just feel excluded majority of the time. I start to think: Is it because I’m not a chef so I wouldn’t get it?”
It couldn’t be because you still hung out with other chefs with and without Luca and although you understand that it was healthy to have separate moments from your partner…the pull was becoming evident and you weren’t sure how Luca didn’t see that.
Luca says, “No. I didn’t think you wanted to be in the chat honestly. I’m completely fine not being in yours with your friends.”
“Because you hate them but there’s not a single friend that you have that I hate. I tend to like who you have around because I trust your judgement.”
Luca scoffs, “but you don’t trust me when it comes to Sydney? Which I don’t appreciate by the way. I wouldn’t do that to you, to us. Not when we’ve been together for almost six years.”
Sometimes saying the amount of time spent together feels like a safety net, to remind yourselves that it’s been a good minute, that the love should still be there and it is. However it would be foolish to say that ever since the days flew by in Chicago that the changes were beginning to feel real. Luca had the opportunity to rebuild the gap in his relationship with his sister, consider a life here, view what the cooking atmosphere would be like in the Windy City permanently as he ran down the list of restaurants to tour, taste test, and cook in.
Life was a bit slower in Copenhagen and now this was starting to feel like a consequence and it shouldn’t be, not when you love someone this much.
“…if there’s something there, you need to tell me—
“But there’s not!” Luca finds himself yelling and that’s something he never wanted to do in a relationship. That was his rule, to talk things out and not to shout in order to be heard.
It was what reminded himself of his parents. The arguments would be so loud and long that he would knock on his older sister’s door to hide in there for the night. She would turn the tv up so loud and their night would turn into a whole slumber party of watching movies and playing games until their eyes called them to sleep. He always ended up crashing first while his sister, Georgina would sneak out to grab snacks because she knew Luca would wake up hungry once the house has gone quiet. They were once siblings that provided comfort while dealing with the loss of their parent’s union.
Luca rubs at his jaw in vexation, beginning to pace while your heart continues to pound inside of its cage. He clears his throat as he turns back to you, “I’m sorry for raising my voice and I’m sorry for making you think that there’s anybody else. I know being here means that we both have to find our footing again but I don’t have doubts.”
“That we’ll make it?” You quiz, wondering how the man you loved could be clueless.
Luca frowns, “We don’t need to make it, we just carry on like we always do.”
“I don’t think that’s working for me though, Lu. That’s what I’m trying to tell you.” You sigh, “there’s things going on for the both of us separately but what is there together?”
Luca goes silent at this. He wasn’t sure at first what you meant by this but as he starts to think, you only share moments at night in that cold stale hotel bed together and by then you’re both too tired to carry full on conversations. New information was only shared in passing before you’re both out the door again. There should be more than this like it once was but this can’t continue on if it feels like things are at a standstill.
“Then we’ll do whatever we need to do to get back where we should be.” Luca decides with determination in his eyes, “neither of us are quitters right? Don’t tell me you’ve given up?”
Your throat felt heavy with tears as you managed to get out, “…I’m scared Luca.”
“Good,” Luca exhales with a laugh as he pulls you into his arms, “that means you still give a shit about me and that’s a bit of a relief, I won’t lie.”
You sink into his arms, echoing his laughter you lock your arms behind his back squeezing your head against his chest, “I don’t think I can ever stop even if you don’t decide to stay.”
Luca feels his heart ache at your words because he didn’t believe that this was an end of an era for you two but now that it’s been brought to his attention, he realizes this situation is just as deep as you were experiencing it and he was willing to fight for it with you.
Saying goodbye didn’t sit right with Luca, since he tried to stay in long relationships and figured out what relationships entailed his time, energy, and heart. You were always worth it to him and he never wanted to imagine what life would be like without you.
So he kissed the top of your head mumbling, “I’m not going anywhere.”
That was a promise Luca intended to keep and you chose to believe him…unsure if this would be a mistake on your part underneath it all.
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Continue with my summer anthology writings & prompts here.
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mariacallous · 6 months ago
CAIRO—Although Egypt has refused to accept refugees from the Gaza Strip, more than 100,000 Palestinians have crossed the border into Egypt since the start of Israel’s offensive in Gaza following Hamas’s attack on Oct. 7, 2023.
Khaled Shabir, a 29-year-old man, is one of the Palestinians who managed to flee. He entered Egypt in March, four months after the Israeli army bombed his house in the southern Gazan city of Khan Yunis. The attack killed his parents, but he survived with crushed bones in his foot, thigh, and hand, which landed him in a hospital and then a field medical facility.
Some Palestinians are able to get a free medical transfer to Egypt for life-threatening conditions. But Shabir had to go the route of most who have fled: paying Hala Consulting and Tourism, the only company that secures passage from Gaza into Egypt. Hala, whose owner reportedly has close ties with the Egyptian authorities, charges $2,500 to $5,000 per person crossing over—much more than most Palestinians can afford.
Shabir did not have the money. But with a crowdfunding campaign, he was able to raise $5,000 to cross into Egypt. “Doctors at the hospital were sympathetic to my condition and waived their financial fees for my surgeries,” he wrote in a text message from his hospital bed in Cairo on June 4.
Like most Palestinians who have recently arrived in Egypt, Shabir has found himself in a strange position: Because he is not technically a refugee, he isn’t eligible for most international aid for refugees, unlike his counterparts back in Gaza. Eight Palestinians in Egypt interviewed for this story said they hadn’t received any humanitarian relief from international organizations. This has left them dependent on the goodwill of others—and increasingly at risk of being unable to get by.
Palestinians who have fled are reaching Egypt at a time when the country is experiencing its worst economic crisis in decades. In recent years, Egypt’s inflation rates have reached all-time highs, rent and food prices have soared, and millions of people have fallen into poverty.
It is especially difficult for Palestinians to navigate Egypt’s crisis. The majority of recent arrivals do not have official residency documents, so they cannot enroll their children in public school, apply for jobs, or receive health care and other benefits, according to an official from the Palestinian Embassy in Cairo who spoke with Foreign Policy on the condition of anonymity.
The official said on June 30 that just three international organizations have provided assistance to Palestinians who have fled to Egypt, and it has only reached a small portion of them. This aid includes $200 from the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization for 500 students, as well as medical and psychological care from Save the Children and UNICEF for a few injured infants.
Even for those with more resources, life has grown tough as their savings have run low. Nagham, a 23-year-old college student majoring in commerce, left Gaza at the end of January to stay with relatives in Cairo after the Israeli military destroyed her home and her husband’s barber shop. Because she had residency papers and was already enrolled at Cairo University, Nagham—who preferred to use only her first name—did not have to pay for entry. (Before the war, she studied online and only went to Cairo for exams.) But after arriving in Cairo, Nagham had to sell her wedding ring and other jewelry to raise the funds needed to pay transit fees to bring her husband to safety.
Now, she said, “we’re in a really bad financial situation.” As of April, she was being treated for a cervical infection she contracted from contaminated water in the first few months of the war. In May, Nagham sought financial aid from the Palestinian Embassy in Cairo, but it did not provide any help. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), meanwhile, included her name in a registry tallying the number of Palestinians in Egypt, but she is not sure whether this implies any forthcoming aid.
“We’re starting over from scratch,” Nagham said. “I feel like we are in a nightmare.”
Kamel Mohamed, a 23-year-old who left Gaza in April, said that the majority of university students he knows from Gaza are running out of money, especially after paying the transit fees. He is currently applying for scholarships to study at a university in Egypt or other Arab countries. But in the meantime, international organizations have not provided any support, leaving him dependent on monthly aid from two local charities in Egypt.
“We are from a region devastated by war, and the people there have lost everything,” Mohamed said. “International organizations need to play a part and provide assistance.”
Jeff Crisp, a visiting research fellow at the University of Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre, echoed this sentiment. “It should be the responsibility of the UN as a whole (UNHCR, WFP, UNICEF, IOM, etc.) to step in and support the Palestinians,” he wrote via email.
One major problem is that those who have fled Gaza are not considered refugees. This means that the two U.N. refugee agencies—the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which protects non-Palestinian refugees, and UNRWA, which is solely responsible for Palestinian refugees—can’t support them.
UNRWA spokesperson Tamara Alrifai wrote in an email to Foreign Policy, “UNRWA does not have programs in Egypt, in the way it runs schools, health centers and social support in the areas where it has a mandate to operate.” She added that UNRWA, unlike UNHCR, “does not have a mandate to resettle refugees into new countries.”
The Egyptian government has refused to recognize Palestinians as refugees since 1978, instead referring to them as “our guests” or “our siblings.” It has long opposed both the establishment of a UNRWA operational office in Cairo and the displacement of Gaza’s population into its territory, citing potential threats to regional security and fears that Israel would not allow displaced Palestinians to return to the coastal enclave.
But many experts, including the U.N.’s special rapporteur on torture, argue that Egypt has legal obligations to accept refugees. Crisp stated in his email, “Egypt is a signatory to the UN Refugee Convention and should do what it can to support any that arrive from Gaza.” He added that Palestinians who fled war should be treated as displaced people.
For now, without residency papers, most of the Palestinians who recently arrived from Gaza are at risk of deportation. The Palestinian Embassy in Cairo is urging Egyptian authorities to provide papers as soon as possible so that children who have left Gaza can attend school in the fall, according to the embassy official.
The Egyptian government has, however, supported some Palestinians who have been injured in the war. Health Minister Khaled Abdel Ghaffar said in May that around 5,500 injured people had been evacuated from Gaza for medical care in 160 hospitals across Egypt since the start of the conflict. These individuals are treated at the Egyptian government’s expense.
The process, however, is not easy. “It was a torture journey,” said Um Qusai, who was able to leave Gaza so that her six-year-old daughter, Noor, could get eye surgery. One of Noor’s eyes had fallen out after debris from an Israeli bomb fell onto her bedroom in October.
After six months in the European Hospital in Gaza, Um Qusai finally secured a medical transfer for Noor, making their entry to Egypt free. But because they did not have passports, she had to wait with Noor and her two other children for 12 hours at the Rafah border crossing, while Noor was in agonizing pain, before border authorities let them in.
Once they arrive in Egypt, many Palestinians who received free medical transfers are not allowed to leave the hospital. A number of those patients, along with family members accompanying them, told Foreign Policy that they felt trapped inside hospitals and would only be permitted to leave if they returned to Gaza.
Egyptian volunteers have arranged trips to bring Palestinian patients food, medication, and clothing. However, some volunteers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said they had to undergo lengthy bureaucratic procedures to obtain authorization from Egyptian officials to visit the patients due to strict hospital security measures.
For now, many Palestinians in Egypt must rely on the support of local charities and grassroots initiatives to get by.
In November, Sherif Mohyeldeen, an Egyptian researcher and nonresident fellow at the Carnegie Middle East Center, launched For the People, a grassroots group with about 60 members, to support injured Palestinians and their families in Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt. So far, he said, the initiative has collected donations to support more than 1,200 Palestinians with food and cash assistance for rent.
“People have come here with only their clothes,” Mohyeldeen said. “There is a huge amount of psychological and physical suffering.” The Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research has reported that more than 60 percent of people in Gaza have lost family members since Israel’s war—which has killed more than 40,000 people in the territory, according to the Gaza Health Ministry—began in October.
Sherif added that his group has yet to find solutions for families who need prosthetic limbs or chemotherapy, both of which are extremely expensive, as well as Palestinian students whose annual university tuition in Egypt exceeds $4,000.
Abdullah Abu al-Aoun, a 26-year-old man from a wealthy family in Gaza, is also trying to help others who have fled. His family owned many buildings and two restaurants in Gaza’s Remal district, all of which were bombed by the Israeli army. After fleeing Gaza with 22 members of his family in February, he opened a Shawarma restaurant in Cairo. His mother’s Egyptian passport and the family’s savings of more than $100,000 helped him establish the business.
Aoun has hired three young men from Gaza in his new restaurant and has been helping other Palestinian families in Cairo with cash assistance. “Although there is still war in Gaza, some aid is getting in,” he said on May 25 while sitting in the restaurant, where four men from Gaza were dining. “Here, the families who left for Egypt are not getting any support.”
But individuals and small charities can only make so much of a difference compared with international organizations—and many Palestinians, including Aoun’s family, know that they may have to stay in Egypt for years to come due to the scale of destruction in Gaza. According to the Palestinian Embassy official, many more Palestinians are expected to arrive in the coming months. With no humanitarian relief on the horizon and Cairo so far refusing to provide residency permits, they sink deeper into uncertainty with each passing day.
“What really scares me is the unknown future,” Naghan said. “When will the crossing open again? If we return, will we live in a tent or on the rubble of our house?”
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drdemonprince · 1 year ago
Any recommended reading for a newbie to anarchism?
David Graeber truly is the best entry point into the pipeline i feel. Reading his work doesn't feel like "reading theory", it feels like learning more about a specific aspect of the world from an engaging, open-minded author who makes history and anthropology accessible, and then simply realizing somewhere along the line that you've become a lot more radical than you realized you'd always been.
Bullshit Jobs is his easiest and most approachable read -- start with this if you're not a big reader of dense books, or if my book Laziness Does Not Exist particularly spoke to you. It's about how the majority of reasonably well-paying jobs today are completely meaningless, and why important, fulfilling jobs that are actually necessary to run society are so often thankless and poorly paid.
If you have student loan or credit card debt out the ass or you grew up hearing the myth that the earliest human societies relied on trading and bartering, pick up Debt: The First 5000 Years. This one is a bit of a tougher read than Bullshit Jobs, but still approachable, talking about the history of human commerce, debt forgiveness, enslavement, and where that history has left us today. You'll learn a lot about history but Graeber will also always lead you back to the present.
If you were a follower of the Occupy Wallstreet movement and wonder why it failed (or whether it failed), pick up The Democracy Project. This is a slimmer, faster read! And it focuses a lot more on the practical tactics and bylaws of Occupy organizing. In it, Graeber illustrates how human groups can be run without hierarchy and just how well that can work! It's perhaps the most explicitly anarchist book of his in that sense at least, yet it's also very conversational and easy to follow, with lots of lessons learned and specific examples from real-life organizing meetings.
If you hate rules and bureaucracy, pick up Utopia of Rules. What Debt is for bursting basic, widespread myths about economics, Utopia of Rules is for challenging mainstream knowledge about the role of the state. This one is actually an essay collection, and that makes it a quicker, easier read than many of the others -- in each chapter, Graeber tackles one specific aspect of irritating modern-day bureaucracy, and its full of relatable gripes about going to the DMV or applying for unemployment, but then it zooms out to make a larger point about how societies now function (and fail to function).
If you're interested in Indigenous cultures and how various human societies have approached governance, start with Dawn of Everything, which he co-wrote with David Wengrow. Now this is a MUCH denser book that I recommend taking chapter by chapter, pausing to savor all the new information and paradigm-busting that they've just showered you with. A chapter before bed each night and then some time laying down and simply reflecting about the diversity of human social potential is a great way to slowly work your way through it.
If you read any of these, you'll be left with a lot of ideas as to where to look next -- Graeber was widely read in a great many fields himself, so he'll leave you a trail of breadcrumbs to follow.
The Anarchist Library online is also a great place to find shorter, more explicitly anarchist theory work, once you're ready to delve in. The r/debateanarchism subreddit is also something you should subscribe to and thumb through every once in a while!
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sluggoonthestreet · 11 months ago
I have a new online store! After a couple of years of struggling with post-Brexit shipping regulations and other e-commerce headaches, I'm happy to report that I can now ship my books, prints, and postcards virtually anywhere in the world. Check it out!
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feetpiclovers · 4 months ago
Looking to dive into the world of buying and selling feet pics? This 2024 guide covers everything you need to know about Feet Finder, the top feet marketplace for secure and engaging feet commerce. Whether you're interested in selling feet pics online or you're a buyer on the hunt for high-quality feet photography, this video walks you through setting up your Feet Finder account, tips for creating a standout seller profile, and secrets to finding unique feet pics in categories like BDSM, fishnet, and more. Discover Feet Finder's privacy settings, trusted payment options like Paxum, and proven tips for sellers to keep buyers coming back with exclusive content and offers. Don’t miss out on this guide to maximize sales and satisfaction on the Feet Finder platform
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dreamdolldiary · 11 months ago
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130 books: my to be read list
will be updating if i find any more interesting finds
my most anticipated reads:
man's search for meaning
outwitting the devil
say yes to life
deep work
a mind for numbers
limitless mind
so good they can't ignore you
destined for more: a broken girl’s journey of chasing dreams and killing giants 
genius foods
burn the boats
fluent in 3 months
fluency forever
the book of five rings
the science of living + live your best life
the art of choosing
quitter: closing the gap between your day job and your dream job
the how of happiness
the high five method
the power of now
the power of one more
essentialism: the disciplined pursuit
getting things done
four thousand weeks
make time
how not to die
seth speaks
life skills: creativity, problem solving, mindfulness, empathy, teamwork
you have more time than you think
the one thing: the surprisingly simple
the 4 hour work week
essay by the minimalists
start with why
the journey of a girl with lots of dreams
how are you, really?
do the hard things first
willpower doesn't work
better than before
secrets of manifesting - wayne dyer
monk mode
parent power: bringing up responsible children and teenagers
29 rules for smart parenting: how to raise children without being a tyrant
the 7 best things smart teens do
the emotional lives of teenages
talk to your boys (coming out in 2025?)
getting things done for teens
the 7 habits of highly effective teens
lifeskills for adult children
the 6 most important decisions you'll ever make
smart parenting for safer kids
smart parenting for smart kids
the 12 week year
the lazy genius way
the surrender experiment
no excuses!
the art and business of online writing
the luck factor
the 2 alarms
the go giver
what we owe the future
someday is today
the 1 rule: how to fall in love with the process and achieve your wildest dreams
seven principles of making marriage work
leadership: six studies in world strategy
drive: the surprising truth about what motivates us
the 80/20 principle
the joy of missing out
the courage to be disliked
the blank slate
the life-changing magic of tidying up
range: why generalists triumph
manage your day to day
adulting made easy: things someone should have told you about getting your grown-up act together
design your life: how to hold a well lived, joyful life
the crossroads of should and must
the happiness advantage
do over: rescue monday, reinvent your work, and never get stuck
the self care prescription
pathless path
how to be a person: 65 hugely useful, super important skills
the brain's way of healing
the driving book: everything new drivers need to know but don't know how to ask
the denial of death
educated (by tara westover)
the one thing
do hard things
take the steps
daring greatly
mindset: the psychology of success
grit: the power of passion and perseverance
willpower doesn't work
goodbye to shy
quiet mind, epic life
finance and business
the intelligent investor
secrets of six figure women: surprising strategies to up your earnings and change your life
wealthing like rabbits
i will teach you to be rich
how not to move back in with your parents
overcoming underearning: a five step plan to a richer life
the infographic guide to personal finance: a visual reference for everything you need to know
passive income: the smart passive income guide: how to successfully create passive income streams with a growth mindset
stop sabotaging your career: 8 proven strategies to succeed in spite of yourself
you are a badass at making money
the million-dollar, one-person business
e-commerce business: 3 books in 1: the ultimate guide to making money online from home and reach financial freedom
side hustle: from idea to income in 27 days
make bank (when you think like one)
making money on blogging: 2020 Edition - how to start your blogging blueprint and make profit online with your blog - how do people make money
starting a successful blog when you have NO CLUE!: 7 steps to wordpress bliss.... (beginner internet marketing series book 1)
youtube secrets: the ultimate guide to growing your following and making money as a video influencer
mere christianity
surprised by joy
the case of christ
the historical figure of jesus
the bible unearthed
catholics: a very short introduction
random, mostly just for fun
forever chic
ooh la la
secret model beauty
get rich, lucky bitch
french women don't get fat
skinny bitch
bonjour happiness!
miss manners
the social climber's bible
city chic
the modern girl's guide to life
fat, broke, and lonely
women have all the power
soft is the new power
how to marry the rich
and reminder: it doesn't matter how tall your book stack is.
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mpchev · 9 months ago
You like reading fanfics? How about reading about fanfics? 😏
Here’s what I've read so far (or am currently getting through) for my dissertation on fanfiction bookbinding! I'll be updating it as I go until the end of July. If you have any recs to add to the towering pile or any questions/opinions about something on there, I’m all ears!
on fan studies & ficbinding ✔
Alexander, Julia, ‘Making fanfiction beautiful enough for a bookshelf’, The Verge, 9 March 2021 <https://www.theverge.com/22311788/fanfiction-bookbinding-tiktok-diy-star-wars-harry-potter-twitter-fandom> [accessed 12 June 2024]
Buchsbaum, Shira Belén, ‘Binding fan fiction and reexamining book production models’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 37 (2022)
Dym, Brianna, and Casey Fiesler, ‘Ethical and privacy considerations for research using online fandom data’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 33 (2020)
Jenkins, Henry, Textual Pochers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture (New York: Routeledge, 1992)
Jenkins, Henry, ‘Transmedia Storytelling 101’, Pop Junctions, 21 March 2007 <http://henryjenkins.org/2007/03/transmedia_storytelling_101.html#sthash.gSETwxQX.dpuf> [accessed 12 June 2024]
Hellekson, Karen, ‘Making Use Of: The Gift, Commerce, and Fans’, Cinema Journal, 54, no. 3 (2015), 125–131
Kennedy, Kimberly, ‘Fan binding as a method of fan work preservation’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 37 (2022)
Minkel, Elizabeth, ‘Before “Fans,” There Were “Kranks,” “Longhairs,” and “Lions”: How Do Fandom Gain Their Names?’, Atlas Obscura, 30 May 2024 <https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/fandom-names> [accessed 12 June 2024]
Penley, Constance, Nasa / Trek: Popular Science and Sex in America (London: Verso, 1997)
Price, Ludi, ‘Fanfiction, Self-Publishing, and the Materiality of the Book: A Fan Writer’s Autoethnography’, Humanities, 11, no. 100 (2022), 1–20
Schiller, Melanie, ‘Transmedia Storytelling: New Practices and Audiences’, in Stories: Screen Narrative in the Digital Era, ed. by Ian Christie and Annie van den Oever (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018), 99–107
on folklore, the internet, other background reading ✔
Barthes, Roland, ‘La mort de l’auteur’ in Le Bruissement de la langue: Essais critiques IV (Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1984)
Blank, Trevor J., Folklore and the Internet: Vernacular Expression in a Digital World (Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press, 2009)
Mauss, Marcel, ‘Essai sur le don. Forme et raison de l’échange dans les sociétés archaïques.’, L’année sociologique, 1923–1924; digital edition by Jean-Marie Tremblay, Les classiques des sciences sociales, 17 February 2002, <http://classiques.uqac.ca/classiques/mauss_marcel/socio_et_anthropo/2_essai_sur_le_don/essai_sur_le_don.html> [accessed 10 June 2024]
McCulloch, Gretchen, Because Internet: Understanding How Language is Changing (Random House, 2019)
Niles, John D., Homo Narrans: The Poetics and Anthropology of Oral Literature (University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia, 1999)
hopefully coming up next (haven't started yet)
A Companion to Media Fandom and Fan Studies, ed. by Paul Booth (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2018)
A Fan Studies Primer: Method, Research, Ethics, ed. by Paul Booth and Rebecca Williams (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2021)
Dietz, Laura, ‘Showing the scars: A short case study of de-enhancement of hypertext works for circulation via fan binding or Kindle Direct Publishing’, 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT ‘23), September 4–8, 2023, Rome Italy (ACM: New York, 2023)
Fathallah, Judith May, Fanfiction and the Author: How Fanfic Changes Popular Cultural Texts (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017)
Finn, Kavita Mudan, and Jessica McCall, ‘Exit, pursued by a fan: Shakespeare, Fandom, and the Lure of the Alternate Universe’, Critical Survey, 28, no. 2 (2016), 27–38
Hjorth, Larissa et al., eds. The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography (New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017)
Jacobs, Naomi, and JSA Lowe, ‘The Design of Printed Fanfiction: A Case Study of Down to Agincourt Fanbinding’, Proceedings from the Document Academy, 9, issue 1, article 5
Jenkins, Henry, Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide (New York: New York University Press, 2006)
Jenkins, Henry, Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning In A Networked Culture (New York: New York University Press, 2013)
Kennedy, Kimberly, and Shira Buchsbaum, ‘Reframing Monetization: Compensatory Practices and Generating a Hybrid Economy in Fanbinding Commissions’, Humanities, 11, no. 67 (2022), 1–18
Kirby, Abby, ‘Examining Collaborative Fanfiction: New Practices in Hyperdiegesis and Poaching’, Humanities, 11, no. 87 (2002), 1–9
Kustritz, Anne, Identity, Community, and Sexuality in Slash Fan Fiction (New Work: Routeledge, 2024)
Lamerichs, Nicolle, Productive Fandom: Intermediality and Affecive Reception in Fan Cultures, (Amsterdam: Amsterdam Universtiy Press, 2018)
Popova, Milena, ‘Follow the trope: A digital (auto)ethnography for fan studies’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 33 (2020)
Rosenblatt, Betsy, and Rebecca Tushnet, ‘Transformative Works: Young Women’s Voices on Fandom and Fair Use’, in eGirls, eCitizens: Putting Technology, Theory and Policy into Dialogue with Girls’ and Young Women’s Voices, ed. by Jane Bailey and Valerie Steeves
Soller, Bettina, ‘Filing off the Serial Numbers: Fanfiction and its Adaptation to the Book Market’, in Adaptation in the Age of Media Convergence, ed. by Johannes Fehrle, Werner Schäfke-Zell (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019), 58–85
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dovveri · 4 months ago
sorry guys im posting sm now that im back online i love to yap
now i hate HATE simu liu hes ltr the representative of everything wrong w first world country asian men i can elaborate but thats a whole other post LOL + shang chi was mid asf idc michelle yeoh and tony leung were the only good parts and it only gets good ratings bcs hollywood wants to look inclusive LMAOOO
but the bobBa extra b pitch BAHAHSHSHHAAB pls im laughing in anger “boba is no longer ethnic” boi what the fuck kinda boba u drinking how do u remove the ethnicity from something ethnic 😭 bro rly colonised boba and everyone else on the board being like this is such a great idea! this would do so well!! how innovative!! pls popping pearls have been around for so long and so has canned / packaged boba 😭 which is normally shit btw i cant wait for their business to FLOP and thankyou simu for speaking on it even tho i still despise him wish he was more aggressive like everyone being so okay w sth that was offensive and plain racist lol i was screaming blabla boba so popular now blabla big market blabla also bye the dude called taiwan china im crying girl if ur gonna sell an ASIAN DRINK (still ethnic!!) at least do some research instead of trying to whitewash boba and idk get some asian rep on the team or sth or just dont do it i wouldnt do it idk how people can feel so entitled as to understand an entire culture before creating a business that capitalises off culture it must be why all the business boys have such massive egos (i have no respect for commerce/business students sorry lol and i can say this bcs my second major is marketing HAHAHHA) all they do is slap on fancy words to simple concepts and make themselves sound smart its all an ego game and i can rant more but another post BYEE
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leviathan-supersystem · 8 months ago
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@traveling-spartan @priveetru
gonna be responding to this in a separate post because i've already left two comments on the post this was in reply to and i suspect that the OP already would consider that two too many.
at any rate:
Government regulation causes monopolies more often than it combats them.
It's why big corps like Disney lobby for said regulation in the first place, it crushes all their smaller competitors for them.
for what it's worth the data doesn't seem to be backing this up. if both these claims were true, you'd expect to see a multitude of pieces of regulation that disney supported, and few if any pieces of regulation that disney opposed, but this quick overview of some of disney world's political spending on florida trend [x] doesn't show that. now admittedly this is just the partial info for the disney world division in florida specifically, and not a general overview of all their political spending, so if anyone has more complete data i'd be interested to hear it. that said, i think it's a decent slice of data to start with.
in fairness, here we can find one notable example of disney lobbying for regulation- namely when they funded efforts to support Amendment 3, which would have prevented any more large casino chains from opening in florida, so that disney world could avoid competing with major casino chains like Genting and Las Vegas Sands. and, to be fair, as noted in the article this was a pretty major driver of campaign spending.
however, A: this was primarily aimed at combating rival megacorps, not combating small businesses, (and naturally the casino megacorps disney was fighting were spending their lobbying money to combat said regulation) and B: this was the only time in the article we see disney fighting for regulation rather than against. examples in the article of disney lobbying against regulation include:
By virtue of its size and economic importance, Disney has always been an influential voice in state politics. But the company had found itself on the losing end in a series of lobbying battles — among them, a fight with the National Rifle Association about whether employees could bring guns to work.
this is an important example of how regulation of private enterprise is sometimes necessary to preserve our fundamental rights- if disney can say employees can't bring guns to work even if they keep them in their parked car, what's to stop landlords from saying tenets can't bring guns in their apartment? if you value the right to bear arms, you should understand why sometimes the power of private enterprise over employees and customers must sometimes be curbed.
Disney also battled with personal-injury attorneys about whether parents could sign away the liability rights of their children and with counties and hotel chains about how online travel companies should be taxed.
Disney’s 2018 spending included $1 million on Amendment 2, which keeps a tax cap in place that limits increases in the taxable value of commercial and other non-homestead property from rising more than 10% per year. Records show Disney was by far the largest donor to a Florida Chamber of Commerce-backed political committee used to promote the amendment. The cap saved Disney more than $6 million last year alone through reduced property tax payments to Orange County and the South Florida Water Management District.
As prominent as Disney has made itself on the campaign trail, lawmakers who have worked with the company say it still tries hard to maintain a low profile while lobbying — to avoid having its brand linked with potentially controversial public policies. Disney, for example, has exerted “significant influence” on the Legislature to not pass a law requiring employers to use the e-Verify system to ensure they aren’t employing undocumented workers, says former Senate President Don Gaetz, a Republican from Okaloosa County.
Cloaked or not, the company enjoyed a number of successes in the 2019 legislative session. Late in the session, as lawmakers finalized a broad tax package, Disney — working through the Florida Retail Federation — persuaded lawmakers to add an extra sales-tax break that will help big retailers who order too much inventory and wind up not selling it all. Retailers generally don’t have to pay sales tax when they order inventory because they are planning to resell it to consumers. The sale to consumers is the transaction that’s supposed to be taxed. But retailers must pay the tax on whatever they don’t sell, since they have become the end user of the product. Disney has for years donated its leftover inventory to charities. So the company persuaded the Legislature to create a sales tax exemption for the leftover inventory that goes to charity. Economists expect the new tax break will save retailers about $5 million a year. Disney won’t say how much it expects to save itself. Disney also worked quietly to reshape a bill, which it objected to in 2018, that would have exposed hotel operators to civil lawsuits if they failed to do enough to prevent human trafficking.
i'll leave it for the reader to consider why disney would want to combat regulation which might cause them to be held accountable for facilitating human trafficking.
Disney even won some changes in state rules for how tourist venues manage all the stuff — from hats to strollers to phones — that visitors lose or leave behind. Generally, businesses are supposed to alert law enforcement and must hold on to lost property for 90 days before they can dispose of it. But that has become cumbersome for Disney — and for Universal Orlando, Central Florida’s other big theme-park resort — which must devote lots of warehouse space simply to holding lost-and-found items. Disney helped write a bill establishing new rules for theme parks, hotels and some other commercial venues that requires them to hold the property for just 30 days and then donate it directly to charity.
looking outside the article to other examples of disney's political lobbying, we find them lobbying against minimum wage laws [x]
Five years ago, on Nov. 6, 2018, the city’s voters approved Measure L, which mandated that “area resort workers” — Disneyland employees, basically — must be paid a living wage if the parent company receives city subsidies. The Walt Disney Company, which at the time was paying some of its workers the state-mandated $11 an hour minimum, fought the measure bitterly, and the ordinance spent most of the next five years kicking around the state court system as a class-action lawsuit sought to force the company to comply. Only in late October, when the California Supreme Court declined to hear Disney’s final appeal, did Measure L become settled city law.
we can also find disney lobbying against heat safety regulations (and against raises to the minimum wage at the same time, a twofer) [x]
House Bill 433 prohibits local governments from passing legislation that protects workers from extreme heat and laws requiring companies to raise the minimum wage beyond the state’s current $12 an hour. But now, we’re learning more about how this bill was passed and the role that Disney World played in helping to remove basic protections from outdoor workers, including cast members. According to Jason Garcia of Seeking Rents, the Florida Chamber of Commerce and Associated Industries of Florida donated more than $2 million to mostly Republican legislatures and another $1 million to the Florida Republican Party. The two lobbying groups expected House Bill 433 to become law for those donations.
Local government officials in South Florida were considering passing heat protections after the death of migrant farm workers of heat stroke. These laws would have prohibited work in extreme Florida heat and mandatory water breaks for workers. The possibility of these laws stopping work became dangerous to businesses in Florida, which would have had to shut down in extreme heat. Thus, donations to politicians were made to get this bill passed.
The law was wildly unpopular, with hundreds of civic groups opposing it. That outrage nearly killed the bill. However, according to Garcia, with just one day left in the legislative session, lobbyists sent texts to lawmakers to ensure the bill’s passage.
so what can we see from all this? first, that there are more pieces of regulation that large businesses lobby against than regulations that they lobby for, so the claim that businesses are the primary force behind pushing regulation is patently false and B: when businesses do support regulation in order to pursue their financial interests, this is mainly in order to combat rival large corporations, not small businesses. because fundamentally large businesses don't have to worry that much about competition from small businesses, because fundamentally small businesses can't compete. a small business would have had to expand to the point of being a large corporation long before it would be something disney would have to worry about "competing" with instead of just buying out or ignoring entirely. you think that a megacorp like disney is worried about competition from a little mom and pop shop? get real.
Fines for breaking the rules, for example, always disproportionately affect small businesses where large corporations either have enough money to pay those fines and be unaffected by them, or have the legal teams to get around them.
a few responses to this. the first is, so what? laws against murder, rape, assault, etc are all easier for the rich to dodge, and yet we don't decide murder should be legal. the solution to that imbalance is to be more serious about holding rich people accountable for these crimes, or for fine-related punishment to scale the fine to income, not to get rid of the laws altogether. if a regulation outlaws genuinely abusive or harmful behavior from a company, the way that small companies can avoid that fine is by simply not engaging in abusive or harmful behavior.
secondly, plenty of regulations nonetheless have specific exemptions for small businesses anyway. for example
In general, if your business is under $50 million in annual sales and your fuel or additive has traditional chemistry, then you are exempt from the health effects testing requirements. If you have non-traditional chemistry and are under $10 million in annual sales, you are exempt from some of the testing. EPA staff can discuss testing requirements.
or for another example:
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act requires packaged foods and dietary supplements to bear nutrition labeling unless they qualify for an exemption (A complete description of the requirements). One exemption, for low-volume products, applies if the person claiming the exemption employs fewer than an average of 100 full-time equivalent employees and fewer than 100,000 units of that product are sold in the United States in a 12-month period. To qualify for this exemption the person must file a notice annually with FDA. Note that low volume products that bear nutrition claims do not qualify for an exemption of this type. Another type of exemption applies to retailers with annual gross sales of not more than $500,000, or with annual gross sales of foods or dietary supplements to consumers of not more than $50,000. For these exemptions, a notice does not need to be filed with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). On May 7, 2007, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched a new web-based submission process for small businesses to file an annual notice of exemption from the nutrition labeling requirements. The new process will make it easier for businesses to update their information. In addition, firms eligible for the exemption will receive an electronic reminder when it is time to resubmit their nutrition labeling small business exemption notice.
or yet another:
Manufacturers of consumer products covered by the Department of Energy (DOE) standards with annual gross revenues not exceeding $8 million from all its operations, including the manufacture and sale of covered products, for the 12-month period preceding the date of application, may apply for a temporary exemption from all or part of an energy or water conservation standard. (42 U.S.C. 6295 (t))
so, no, regulations are not a sinister trick of large corporations to crush small business, because if they were they wouldn't specifically exempt small businesses.
does this mean that @priveetru was right? are regulations an important part of maintaining ideal market conditions and thus creating Real Capitalism, which is Good?
also no.
first, it's all "real capitalism". more regulated, less regulated, it's still Real Capitalism. and as demonstrated by the things going on around us, right now, real capitalism is Bad.
as @traveling-spartan pointed out, large corporations can simply afford to pay or dodge any fees for breaking regulation (though overall they would prefer not to have to, hence why they usually fight against regulation) and small businesses are often exempt from regulations in the first place. so who do regulations actually prevent from economic malfeasance?
nobody. not a soul. they're a completely ineffective bandaid on a bazooka wound which accomplishes nothing.
regulated or unregulated, all market economies tend towards consolidation. on a long enough timeline, all small businesses either are successful enough to become large businesses, are unsuccessful enough to go out of business, or are average enough to get bought out. it's an inevitable part of capitalism as it actually exists, and no matter what fantasy you chase after of a hypothetical, imaginary, impossible "real" capitalism, whether this fantasy is laissez-faire or tightly regulated, you will never escape that reality.
if you want to solve the problem, you can't keep chasing after an imaginary "real capitalism". instead you need to move past capitalism altogether. if you want to address the fact that bill gates and other billionaires are monopolizing farmland and therefore gaining control over our very subsistence, the solution to that isn't to sit around praying to the invisible hand of the free market to save us, and it's also not begging and pleading the existing bourgeoisie state to Le Heckin Tax The Billionaires. the real solution is for regular working class people like us to rise up and take back what is rightfully ours, and create a new state that actually serves the needs of the working people and not just the owning class.
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